Agendas and Minutes o q' Town of Yel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 MfI ;It g 11 IVY ,.tl'u \t ~tr. MINlJrES '.l'CMN OF YELM PLANNIN; <XM1ITl'EE MEZ!'I)'I; Tuesday, December 20, 1988, 4:00 PM, Yelm City Hall Council Chambers Kathy Wolf called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM. Members in attendance were as follows: Tim Schlosser, Kim Spivey, Kathy Wolf, Addie Thacker, George Knight, James Brown, Gene Borges, Tom Goman, Roberta Longmire and John Kinnee. Visitors: LDn Miller. A correction to the November 15, 1988 Planning COmmlttee Meeting minutes, In the members present section, Tom Goman will be added as present at the meeting. Tom Goman rroved to approve the November 15, 1988 minutes as corrected, second by George Knight, rrotion carried. o Gene Borges, staff, gave an update on new business locations and activity that will be underway in early 1989. Site plans will be presented to the Planning Corrmittee as they are submitted to the Yelm Building Depart- ment . Yelm Prairie Christian Center - Letter of Request: A letter of request was received from Yelm Prairie Christian Center to request a delay regarding on-site irrprovements for their new church construction at 501 103 Ave. NE. They will be building the facility in stages and would like to expedite the occupancy. After discussion, the Planning Corrmittee decided that Gene should work with Pastor Schaefer to set up a time-frame and rrore detailed proposal for on-site improvements and bring this back to the Plannlng Corrmittee for their recommendation to the Yelm City Council. Home Occupation Permit Request: A letter was received regarding a Horne Occupation Permit for a duplex located at 312 Mosrran Ave. SEe The duplex would be occupied as a residence with the front section of the duplex converted to office space for a law office. No increased volumes in traffic are foreseen and all home occupation ordinance standards would be followed (signs, etc.). The Planning Corrmittee had no problem with the request and recommended to proceed with the application and Public Notice processes. c Yelm/Thurston County Joint Planning Corrmittee meeting: Tom Goman reported on the first meeting of the corrmittee held on Monday, December 19, 1988 at Yelm City Hall. He explained the rrakeup of the corrmittee and that the first task will be to set up the study area that the corrmittee can jointly plan for, this will be researched and started at the January 9, 1989 meeting from 5: 00-8: 00 PM. There will be a Public Workshop on February 6, 1989 for the public I s input on the j oint planning area. Gene Borges stressed the irrportance of setting a date of June 1, 1989 for the Joint Planning Corrmittee to have the boundaries of the growth/study area set and to establish the new irrmedlate incorporated city limits of Yelm to ald In the sewer grant process. The rreetJ..ng ad]uurned at 5: 00 PM. Next Planning Corrmittee meeting will be on Tuesday, January 17, 1989 at 4:00 PM. ~ tJ.._ i. ~- JruLUv C:?J-c4tr Shelly B(dger () Yelm City Clerk o o o .~ Town of Yel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA YELM PLANNIN; <XM<<Tl'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, December 20, 1988, 4:00 PM, Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of November 15, 1988 Planning Corrmittee Minutes 4 . New buslness locations 5. Home Occupation Permit Application 6. Yelm Prairie Christian Center request 7. Platting Ordinance 8 . Other o 9 . Other 10. Adjourn HAPPY IDLlDAYS! c c ~ Town of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 :v"o\ jtb MCH \'1 \v' \\" MINUTES YELM PLANNIN; CXM1ITl'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, November 15, 1988, 4:00 PM, Yelm City Hall Council Chambers Chair Kathy Wolf called the meeting to order at 4: 07 PM. Members present: Kim Spivey, Kathy Wolf, Gene Borges, Tim Schlosser, Jim Keyes, Jim Brown, Tom Cundy, Addie Thacker, Roberta Longmire and Martha Parsons. Vlsltors: Patty Lally, John Huddleston and LDnMiller. Tim Schlosser rroved to approve the minutes of October 11, 1988, second by Jim Keyes. Motion carried. c YELM/THURSTON COUNTY JOINT PLANNING SUBCOMMITTEE: The final selection has been rrade of the three comnunity representatives to serve on the corrmittee, they will be Joe Huddleston, Judy Nettleton and Dick Molter. Thurston County chose Vernon Stack to serve as the alternate. Letters will be sent to all those that applied to the Town of Yelm notifying them of the decision. Eleanor Brand - Member of the Thurston County Planning Corrmission will serve as the chairperson of the corrmittee. No objection from the corrmittee. FFA NATIONAL CONVENTION - KIM SPIVEY: Kim reported on the FFA National Convention in Kansas City where she participated. Jay Wilson took first place in the nation in "dairy production" and Gary Kidd took first in "floralculture", they will travel to Europe in June. AUCTION REQUEST by T .H. Clum: The Planning Corrmittee directed town staff to follow existing codes and ordinances in regards to the placement of auction yards and businesses. Gene reported on possible new businesses that may be coming to the area. The rest of the meeting was spent going over the Platting Ordinance, the corrmittee reviewed to page #32. Gene & Jim Keyes will work on the street standards in the 1985 Corrprehensive Plan and bring them before the Council for an amendment to the Corrp. Plan. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM. c Next Planning Corrmittee meeting will be December 20, 1988. ~gp~fy;~ sec~~~ar~ Yelm Planning Corrmittee c Town of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA YELM PLANNIN; CCMrrTI'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, November 15, 1988, 4: 00 PM, Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of minutes of October 11, 1988 Planning Corrmittee Meeting 4. Joint Planning Subcorrmittee update 5. Platting Ordinance Review (please bring ordinance) 6. Auction request 7 . Other c 8. Other 9 . Other 10. Adjourn o c) 1 Town of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 MINUTES '.l'CMN OF YELM P.LANNIN:; <XM<<TI'EE MEZ!'I)'I; Tuesday, October 11, 1988, 4: 00 PM, Yelm City Hall Council Chairoers The rreeting was called to order by Chair Kathy Wolf at 4: 05 PM. J:v1embers present: Gene Borges, Roberta Longmire, Kathy Wolf, Addie Thacker, James Brown, Jim Keyes, George Knight, John Kinnee, Tim Schlosser, Tom Clmci.y nnd Martha Parsons. John Kinnee has been appointed as the newest rrember of the corrmittee representing the Yelm School District. Roberta Longmire rroved to approve the minutes of September 20, 1988, second by Jim Brown. Motion carried. CI. Todd Stamn, Thurston Regional Planning Council, was present to hear the Yelm Planning Corrmittee I s recorrnrendation of the three (3) comnunity representatives for the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Planning Subcorrmittee. After discussion, it was rroved by Tim Schlosser and seconded by Jim Keyes to recommend to the Yelm City Council the following individuals: Judy Nettleto n (business and property owner in east portion of Yelm and adjoining unincorporated Thurston County), Richard F. Molter (property owner north of the city limits of Yelm, Le., Nisqually Pines, View Acres) and LDnald W. Anderson (property owner west of Yelm city limits). All three are within Yelm's sphere of influence and represent different areas of the COITrnunlty. The recorrrnendation of the Planning Corrmittee will be forwarded on to the Thurston County Corrmissioners for their input. Upon selection of the final rrembers that will serve, letters will be written to all applicants notifying them of the decision. Time was spent discussing various developrrent, problems, etc. within Yelm. Off-premise real-estate signs, the relocation of Mr. LDug's fire hydrant, Farmer Funk's Junk, the Nisqually Plaza turn-lane, Time Oil Co./Jackpot Food Mart and non-conforming residences (building and health safety) were arrong the issues discussed. The remainder of the meeting was spent rraking the final changes to the "standards section" of the Yelm Zoning Ordinance. The changes wlII be rrade and a final, signed copy of the ordinance will be forwarded to the Plannlng Corrmittee members for their records. c Meetlng adjourned at 6:00 PM. SlLLW .;8oct./-,/' Shel10 Badger () _ Secretary, Yelm Planning Corrmittee Town of Tel_ (\ ~ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA YELM PLANNIN; a:M1ITl'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, October 11, 1988, 4:00 PM, Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approve minutes of September 20, 1988 PC Meeting 4. Review applicants for Joint Planning Subcorrmittee 5. Standards - Yelm Zoning Ordinance 6. Other 7. Other C 8. Other 9. Adjourn c -~t~ C I I i ~ ~ ~ ~ I' k !ll ~ r: 1! M i: ~, [l ~ Ii ~ ~ I d a fi Ii I' 1 I' II ~. t I; ~ [ It r ~ 'I ~ f $ II Ii t! .1' <' f ~ i' ~: u ~ ~ l \\ ~ o i ! ! I i r. ,----- '.-... I ~." ~;: t 'i ~ li1 J'~ '~ "" 4k ttl' \:~ ~\~i <i~ ,~~ '~~ :S:l "1 I) l! '{1 I~ ~ ~i j I tl ~,1 ~: fr ~ ~ t .~ i I j i i ~~('~;~--~~ _.~ ~~:::~~~~!'~- Il.~.- ~. 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OF WASHINGTON t ss CNlntl' of Thurston \ D R Miller heJllg first duly <',H'rn on oath deposes and says that he is the _____JJrint~____ "f the i\isqu~lIy Valley News, a weekly newspaper That said newspaper IS ~ kgal newsp~pl~r and has been approved as a kgal newspaper hy n,der of the superior Lourt in the county in which it is published and it i:, now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the ruhltcations herein;lflGr referred to published in the English language cuntullIally as a weeklv newspaper in Thurston County Washington, Jnd it is now and dUring all of said t.ime was printed in an office m;nntained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper I h;l! the annexed is a true COPy of ----.lie_etj.ng_i:;hallge ___fQJ:_lelm p lClDIL1n9_C_Omr.n i t.te.e_______ -t; if I\as published In regular Issues (and not in supplement form) of NOTICE The Yelm Planning Committee Meeting has been changed from Tues- day, October 18, 1988 (regular meet- ing date}to Tuesday, October 11, 1988 at 4'00 p.m. iit Yelm City HaIl. The Planning Committee will be reviewing the applicants for the Thurston County! Yelm Join Planning Subcommittee at this time. Published in Nisqually Valley News, Thursday, October 6, 13, 1988. aid newspaper once a IVeek for a period of _tw_o I)n~ecutlve weeks Lommencing on t.he ___6 day of ____O'cto_b_er.-_______, 19 _88_____, and ending on the 13 October , 19 88 day of both dates inclusive and that such newspaper was regularly distributed ,(' it, subscribers during all of said period That the full alllount of the fee ch:Hged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ wrlich amount has been paid in full 9.00 r. f Subscribed and sworn to before me this ---'27 day of ---------OG-tober----- I q -67-- _f._ residing at __________1 elm Washington ~,-::;~::7:.::;~::::::=_.=::7.:~....=~::._;==::=::::.==__~==.::....._=:::.::~;;=':::::=;.~.::=_==::=;;-.::;-:.=-..:=:~:::::-.:::-:::::::==..:::=::-=-~ This form officialh sancl ioned by the Washinglon Newspaper Publishers Association ;y .1\ ~ \., ,fiu: J , \r-Jo; C \-1.-;1' 00 Q, ~) \ \ " (0' UJ "'/ \1\ ('J NOTICE The Yelm Planning Corrmittee J:v1eeting has been changed from Tuesday, October 18, 1988 (regular meeting date) to Tuesday, October 11, 1988 at 4:00 PM at Yelm City Hall. The Planning Corrrnittee will be reviewing the applicants for the Thurston County/Yelm Joint Planning Subcorrrnittee at this time. I~ o c (\ \J o Town of Telm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 MINUTES 'lUm OF YELM PLANNIN; a:M1ITI'EE MEZ!'ING Tuesday, September 20, 1988, 4:00 PM, Yelm City Hall Council Chambers Chairman, Kathy Wolf called the rreeting to order at 4: 05 PM. Members present: Kathy Wolf, Gene Borges, Addie Thacker, Jim Brown, Jim Keyes, Tim Schlosser, Tom Goman, Martha Parsons, Tom Cundy and Roberta Longmire. Guest included Toni French & Adeline Miller (Yelm Chamber of Corrrnerce Design Corrmittee), Geoffrey Lieberman (Yelm resident, CFS Continental) and Patricia Lally (local resident, CPA). Gene Borges introduced Todd Stamn, an Associate Planner with Thurston Regional Planning Council. Todd will serve as Thurston County's representative for the Thurston County /Yelm jOlnt planning process. Neil Aaland will continue as Yelm's representative with Thurston Regional Planning Council. (\ o Todd gave his background in planning to the Corrrnittee. The Corrmittee went over the "Joint Planning Drafting and Adoption Process. The only concern was the paragraph on page 1 regarding the explanation of the subcommlttee. This paragraph does not represent the feelings of the Yelm Planning Corrrnittee on comnunity members, as the Corrrnittee has and contlnues to stress comnunity participation on the joint planning subcorrmittee. The subcorrmittee will be corrprised of 9 members, 3 Planning Corrmittee rrembers from Yelm, 3 from Thurston County's Planning Corrmission and 3 Yelm comnunity residents. The tentative YelmPC representatives will be Tom Gorman, Jim Brown and Kathy Wolf. An ad will be put in the NVN requesting interested citizens residing within Yelm's "sphere of influence" (set by the 1985 Yelm Corrprehensive Plan) to submit their narres to serve as the community representatives by October 6, 1988. The Planning Corrmittee will review the narres submitted on October 11, 1988 so as they rray recorrrnend individuals to the Council on October 12, 1988. On a rrotion by Martha Parsons, the minutes of August 16, 1988 were approved, second by Jim Brown. Motion carried. c LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: Tom Goman rroved to recorrmend to the Yelm City Council to direct the Planning Departrrent to be the department to research (during the site-review process for new developrrent) to rrake sure the type of landscaping planned by the developer is corrpatible with the Town's existing landscaping or future landscaping plans, second by Addie Thacker. Motion carried. Toni French & Adeline Miller will take the recommendation back to the Design Corrmittee to update them on the process. Updates were given by Gene Borges, staff!. on the rroving of the Karrpfer house, Yelm Creek project and the Nisqually Plaza turnlane, Farmer Funk's 0 Junk request to use city sidewalk. Tom Gorman informed the Planning Committee that by tile end of the month, there will be a Chamber sponsored meeting to be held on downtown parking to see what type of interest exists arrong the downtown merchants. The Planning Corrrnittee voted to change the regular rreeting in October from Tuesday, October 18, 1988 to Tuesday, October 11 at 4:00 PM so as to allow the corrmittee the chance to review the applicants for the Joint Planning Subcommittee before the October 12, 1988 Council Meeting. ~eting adjourned at 5:26 PM. SfuLL<-r bdCJf Shelly Bcbflger U Secretary, Yelm Planning COmmlttee o o i c Town of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA '.l'CMN OF YELM PLANNIN; <XHrrTl'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, September 20, 1988, 4:00 PM, Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of minutes of August 16, 1988 Planning Corrmittee Meeting 4. Joint Plarming - Thurston County 5 . Landscape requirerrents 6. Yelm Zoning Standards c 7 . Other 8. Other 9 . Other 10. Adjourn c Town of Tel_ c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 '\1 &~ "\(\,"" ,<P' IN \\. ~ VO ' ~ Ct \0 () c, c~ ~ I....J .... '1.-- -,'~ j MINUTES '.l'CMN OF YELM PLANNIN; CXH1ITI'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, August 16, 1988, 4:00 PM, Yelm City Hall Council Chambers The rreeting was called to order by Chairperson Pro-Tern Tom Gorrran at 4:13 PM. Members present: Tom Gorrran, Kim Spivey, Roberta Longmire, Tim Schlosser, Martha Parsons, Jim Brown and Gene Borges. Guests: Rick Patrick and Ralph Wyman. On a rrotion by Tim Schlosser, the minutes of June 21, 1988 were approved, second by Roberta Longmire. Motion carried. c Thurston Regional Council update - Gene Borges Gene reported that the plans forthe new rail depot to be built off Yelm Highway. Yelm has participated financially (based on caplta) in the planning studies that are now corrplete, next step is the environrrental irrpact statement. Thurston Regional Planning Council has and continues to support Yelm to study and research the transportation problems in south Thurston County. The State Department of Transportation has agreed to work with and take a look at Yelm's transportation problems. Sewer Report - Gene Borges Gene stated that the Town of Yelm has been awarded a grant from the Department of Ecology for $152,000 ($76,000 grant, $76,000 Town of Yelm matching portion) for conducting a "Sewer Facllities Plan". As the final contract will take 2-3 months to be completed, the town will request "prior authorization" to begin incurring costs so that sumrrer testing can be done now. The final facilities plan will provide the town with information on the type of system that will best service Yelmphysically & econ- omically and how it will be paid for. 704 Yelm Ave. W. - Car lot No action at this time - table. c Off-premise real estate sign The concensus of the Planning Corrmittee is that Yelm Slgn Ordlnance #324 does not allow for off-premise real estate signs. Letter of Interest for Planning Coomittee Mambership Received from John Huddleston was a letter of interest to be considered as a Yelm Planning Corrrnittee Member. After research, it was found that Planning Corrmittee Members must reside or represent areas within Yelm's "sphere of influence'.', as designated by the Yelm Corrprehensive Plan. Since the Lawrence Lake/Bald Hills area is such an irrportant and large part of the Yelm Comnunity (this is the area Mr. Huddleston wished to represent), but not in the Town of Yelm' s "sphere of influence", it was decided that a representative from that area should serve on the Planning Corrmitteei at this time, Tim Schlosser fills that position. It was reported that installation and planting of the pedestrian lights and trees has begun. Yelm Zoning Ordinance Planning Corrmittee Members had questions regarding the standards and setbacks set up in the final draft. Shelly will take the conments back to Gene Borges and possibly rreet with a sub-corrmittee of the Planning Corrmittee to discuss the differences so the Ordinance can be in final form for the Special r-r.teeting and Public Hearlng on August 22, 1988. Next Planning Corrmittee Meeting will be September 20, 1988, 4: 00 PM, Yelm City Hall. ~~Lf1t~&r Assista~Clerk/Treasurer o o o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 ,~ 206-458-3244 ,rj flU-- I\(), ~ ~Z f w l} 1/cCD l' \ str Town of Tel_ c AGENDA TGVN OF YELM PLANNIN; cx:M1ITI'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, August 16, 1988, 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall 1. Call to Order 2 . Roll call 3. Approval of minutes of June 21, 1988 Planning Corrmittee Meeting 4 . Thurston Regional Council update - Gene Borges 5 . Sewer update 6. Car Lot - 704 Yelm Ave. W. c 7. Real estate sign - Yelm Avenue and Railroad St. 8. Planning Corrmittee Members 9 . Other 10. Other 11. Adjourn o TowD of Tel_ c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 r v- cD \\,\\.9\ \/ ';(<{; l~ 1/ I \1/1 0 <,(b--- y l'Ul'ICE OF ~ION '.l'CMN OF YELM P.LANNIN:; <X>MMITI'EE MEZ!'IN; The Planning Committee Meeting of Tuesday, July 19, 1988 has been cancelled. The final draft of the Yelm Zoning Ordinance will be rrailed to all rrembers before the Public Hearing at the August 10, 1988 Regular Council Meeting for your review and corrrnents. If you have any questions, please call rre at 458-3244. Shelly ~)r c NEXl' PLANNIN; C(M{[TI'EE MEZ!'IN; WILL BE AUGUST 16. 1988. c Town of Tel_ c 105 Yelm A ven ue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 10 <J1eJ I 'If V AAGL (If OV J2; <t !J IV' ~( 'J,~) W9Y MINUTES '.l'CMN OF YELM P.LANNIN:; <XJMMITI'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, June 21, 1988, 4:15 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers The rreeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Tim Schlosser. Members present: Gene Borges, Kim Spivey, Tim Schlosser, Lyle Sundsmo, George Knight, Tom Gorrran f Roberta Longmire and James Brown. Visitors: Neil Aaland, Thurston Regional Planning Council, Karen Bell, Yelm Timberland Library Board and two representatives from the Yelm Friends of the Library. c NEIL MLAND - THURSTON REGIONAL PLANNIN; <XXJl'I::IL: Discussed were the recommendations to the Yelm Zoning Ordinance regarding hazardous waste, prepared by Neil. In 1985, the State Legislature amended the State Hazardous Waste Management Act. The arrendment says that no city or county can discriminate against any industry or business concerning hazardous waste. The proposed revisions were approved by the Yelm Planning Corrmittee, will go to a Public Hearing on July 13, 1988, and will be incorporated into the new Yelm Zoning Ordinance. Included in the revisions will be: 1. To add onsite treatrrent and storage facilities for hazardous wastes as an accessory use, subject to the state siting criteria adopted pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 70.105 RCW. 2. To add offsite treatment and storage facilities as a conditional use, only if the hazardous waste is generated within the Town of Yelm, subject to the state siting criteria adopted pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 70.105 RCW. 3. Definitions of onsite treatment and storage facility, offsite treatrrent and storage facility, hazardous waste, dangerous waste, and extrerrel y hazardous waste will be added to the Yelm Zoning Ordinance. 4. The revisions also include a provision for regulating "special incinerator ash", a residue from solid waste incinerators -that is often corrposed of hazardous materials. The provision would locally regulate it as a hazardous waste as long as the ash originated within the Town of Yelm. c SIDRELINE MASTER P:ooGRAM FOR THE THURSTON REGION: Revisions will go to the Yelm City Council for their approval after a Public Hearing on July 13, 1988. Gene Borges inforrred the Planning Corrmittee that he would be meeting 0 with Harold Robertson, Kathleen Burgess and George Godley ( all from Thurston County) on vJednesday, June 22, 1988 to discuss transportation issues in the Town of Yelm as they relate to arterials both in Yelm and Thurston County. KAREN BELL - YELM TIMBERLAND LIBRARY OOARD: Karen inforrred the Planning Corrmittee that the Board would like any guidance, input, etc. from the group in regards to a new and larger library facility. Statistics were given from Timberland on the growth by the year 2,000 in the Yelm/Rainier / McKenna areas, with projections for Yelm to become a regional library. The feelings of K are n Bel I (Library Board) and the Friends of the Library members present were that they would support the Town if we find a 2,000-3,000 square foot facility to house the library in until a larger regional library is feasible. Roberta Longmire rroved for staff to write a letter to the Nisqually Pines Board re-appointing Addie Thacker to the Planning Corrmittee as a property owner in the Pines (she no longer sel."Ves as a -member of the Nisqually Pines Board), second by Tom Goman. Motion carried. YELM ZONIN; ORDINAOCE: The following requests were made by staff regarding the Yelm Zoning Ordinance: 1. To reinstate the Central Business District within the ordinance as it was originally drafted. 2. In order to corrplete the Ordinance in a timely 0 fashion, staff would like rrembers of the Planning Corrmittee to make any changes, additions, deletions, etc. to the draft by July 5, 1988, so as it can be put into final draft form, brought before the Planning Corrmittee on July 19, 1988 for their recommendation of approval to the Yelm City Council. At that point, the Public Hearings would be held and the Ordinance could be in place in August 1988. Tom Gorman moved to accept the above recorrrnendations by staff, make any changes on working copy of Zoning Ordinance and return to staff by July 5, 1988, second by Tim Schlosser. Motion carried. TIME OIL CCMPANY: Yelm Planning Department has received the revised plans from Time Oil Co. for the Jackpot Food Mart as per the Planning Committee's and City Council's recommendations. YELM PRAIRIE CHRISTIAN CENI'ER: Plans have been received by the Building Department for the new church facility to be bUllt on 103rd. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 P.M. 5d~.: l)J~dfi~ Shelly dger ;' Secret ,Yelm' anning Corrmittee o o Town of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 t {\ (' cJ :y\U l 1 ,-<?2) ~ 'l ~ b AGENDA '.l'CMN OF YELM PLANNIN; aM1ITI'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, June 21, 1988, 4:15 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers **Note-The rreeting will start at 4: IS P.M. due to a prior rreeting in the Council CharrDers 1. Call to Order 2 . Roll Call 3. Neil Aaland, Thurston Regional Planning Council, Reconmendations on Revisions to Zoning Ordinance Regarding Hazardous Waste 4. Yelm Zoning Ordinance 0 5. Yelm Timber land Library Board 6. Other 7. Other 8. Other 9. Adjourn o c TowD of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 \A1 )( v h I t ' r II) {' (I \'" ' (\tV i\V~ C \11 C :l \f\r\\ ' ~ 1 I V" f f I)'" 411' MINUTES '.l'CMN OF YELM PLANNIN; <XM1ITI'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, May 17, 1988, 4: 00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers The rreeting was called to order by Chairman Kathy Wolf at 4: 10 P.M. Members in attendance: Kathy Wolf, Jim Keyes, Roberta Longmire, Martha Parsons, Jim Brown, George Knight, Addie Thacker, Kim Spivey and Gene Borges. Julie Horst was present as next year's student representative replacing Kim Spivey. Mayor Lawton, Councilman Cooper and Rick Patrick (Clerk/Treasurer) were also present. Roberta Longmire moved to approve the minutes of April 19, 1988, second by Kim Spivey. Motion carried. o Melanie Snapp was present to explain the proposal brought to the Planning Corrmittee by herself and husband, Dan Snapp. They would like to purchase the lot east of their current property and erect a Brookdale Homes Gambrel Garage (24 I X 40 I, with future plans for a 30' carport) in the northwest corner of the lot. Discussed by the corrmittee were setbacks in relationship to type of occupancy of the building. Gene will work with Dan & J:v1elanie Snapp and come back to the Planning Corrmittee due to the fact that the proposed use is a carpenter shop and residence upstairs. Codes, set- backs, etc. will be discussed. The Yelm Library Board would like to meet with the Planning Corrmittee at the June 21, 1988 meeting to discuss the future of Timberland Library in regards to a larger facility, also to discuss purpose, goals, etc. with the Planning Corrmittee. Councilman Mike Cooper was present to ask the following in regards to the Mobile Horne Ordinance (which was rejected by Yelm City Council at the May 11, 1988 and sent back to the Planning Corrmittee for further review) : 1. Questioned why Mobile Horre Subdivisions have 24' foot wide minimum mobile horres, why discriminating against single wide rrobiles? 2. Question regarding setbacks? 3. Would llke definition of "Mobile Home" changed. o The following statements were made to answer the above questions: 1. The intent on only allowing double-wide rrobile homes within the subdivisions is to create a residential home settlng. Single-wide mobile homes are allowed within mobile home parks in the ordinance. 2. Setbacks - Have used existing zoning standards as minimums which cannot be changed for this ordinance. 3. The definition of rrobile home is set by the State of Washington 0 and HUD. PLANNING COMMITTEE I RECOMMENDATION: To send back the mobile horre ordinance to the Yelm City Council as is. The corrrnittee thanked Councilman Cooper for his input and interest. TIME OIL C<H>ANY: Regarding the proposal to construct a Jackpot Food Mart at 217 Yelm Ave. E. D8partment of Transportation inforrred Yelm Public Works that when entrances and exits are involved on the State Highway (located within Yelm Clty jurisdiction) and do not involve a turnlane or traffic signal, the Town of Yelm rrakes the decisions. PLANNIN; <XM<<Tl'EE' s REXXM1ENDATION in accordance with state standards, subject to acceptance by Tine Oil Co. and approval by Yelm City Council: 1. To make a single entrance 40' wide on Yelm Avenue as far westerly as possible. 2. Angle gas pumps to fit traffic flow from the single entrance. 3. Exiting to Yelm Avenue - No Left Turn. Entering from Yelm Avenue east to west - No Left Turn. NISQUALLY PLAZA TURNLANE UPDATE: Contract has been signed between UCO Oil and D8partment of Transportation. Have go ahead to begin construction, 0 but due to the length of time that has been involved, original prices have changed. A surety bond or cash is required of UCO Oil for construction to begin. GaRroN KAMPFER HOUSE - City Clerk advised that the matter has been turned over to Town Attorney I Randall Walker I for action as the 90 days elapsed as of May 10, 1988. The meeting adjourned at 5:35 P.M. Shelly Badger Assistant Clerk/Treasurer o o Town of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA led /110 I 4-, ~ Il ' ~ ~ j L If)-. ty~. '.l'CMN OF YELM PLANNIN; <XM<<TI'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, May 17, 1988, 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2 . Roll Call 3. Approval of minutes of April 19, 1988 Planning Committee Meeting 4. New Business: a. Dan & Melanie Snapp - Carpenter Shop b. c c. d. 5. K>RK SESSION - ZONIN; ORDINAOCE **Note: I will be mailing a draft of the Yelm Platting Ordinance to you by May 20, 1988, so you will have a chance to review the draft before the June 21, 1988 Planning Committee Meeting.~ o c Town of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 \ ~ . / ~tU ~ l/ft q \~i\IO\'\ 1\1 ") ~ tJ ~~~ 'V 1- ~JV V1- / u V, 4v'f i: t MINUTES '.l'CMN OF YELM PLANNIN; CXHrrTI'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, April 19, 1988, 4:00 PM, Yelm City Hall Council Chambers The Ireeting was called to order by Chairwoman Kathy Wolf at 4: 05 PM. M:;mbers in attendance: Gene Borges, Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, Jim Keyes, Roberta Longmire and Kathy Wolf. Lyle Sundsrro was present and introduced as the newest Planning Corrmittee member representing the industrial area. Either he or George Knight (both of Hytec, Inc.) will attend the monthly meetings. Roberta Longrrrire rroved to approve the minutes of March 15, 1988, second by Jim Brown. Motion carried. o John D. Jost, Time Oil Company, was present to discuss the proposed plans for a Jackpot Food Mart at Yelm Ave. E. and Thud Street. Plans were submitted to the Committee, at this point, Time Oil Corrpany will need to work wlth Thurston County Environrrental Health and with the D3partrrent of Transportation (regarding entrances, exits, etc.). The Building ~partrnent will submit the plans to the State for their review. The maln concern of the Planning Committee was traffic flow? Roberta Longmire remained neutral and did not comment. Yelm Professional Building - 718 Yelrn Ave. W.: D3veloper request is to t~ve a period of time to install sldewalks and to use the bikepath that is currently in place as terrporary walks. The concensus of the Planning Committee is that we have required sidewalks to be installed for all other new development before occupying and that there are no mitigating measures to warrant a variance in the present ordinance (due to the fact that it is permanent development). c Prairie Security Bank - 201 Yelm Ave. W.: Gene updated the group on Prairie Security Bank I s plans to locate terrporarily at the above address. Plans are to install a drive-up window on the lot directly behind the buildlng. RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMITI'EE: To allow up to a two (2) year period to !Teet the onsite standards (walks, onsite drainage, etc.) due to the fact that 201 Yelm Ave. is a terrporary location. Jim Keyes turned in the draft Platting Ordinance to Shelly for entrance into the word processor, to be presented at the May meeting. The Planning Corrrnittee continued their work on the Zoning Ordinance. **NOTE: The Planning Corrmittee strongly urges the City Council to explore all possibilities for locating/funding a parking area for the downtown as parking is essential in the establishment of businesses in Yelm' s downtown. Tlffi Schlosser rroved to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 P.M., second by Jim Keyes. ~eting adjourned. A'ITEST: ~ ( S/vl&r t:adevv She {I y V[~adger J Assistant Clerk/Treasurer o o o c Town of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 (\ ~J <~ ~~\ \l\' 6 \k CS4) AGENDA '.l'CMN OF YELM P.LANNIN:; <XM<<TI'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, April 19, 1988, 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of minutes of March 15, 1988 Planning Committee Meeting 4. Industrial area member replace~nt 5. Office Building - 718 Yelm Ave. W c 6. Tirre Oil Corrpany submittal, Yelm Ave. E. & Third Street 7 . Other 8. Other 9. Zoning Ordinance 10. Adjourn o c Town of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 I <) cJ \ ,,,<6 (Y'n.) \r( ; fl,;..,'" \U V'J\t>-- i 0< rJ 0 0 ~[) eg/ 3"\ 1? MINUTES TCIm OF YELM PLANNIN; CCM<<TI'EE MEETIN; Tuesday, March 15, 1988, 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers The meeting was called to order at 4:00 P.M. Members present: Kathy Wolf, Kim Spivey, Addie Thacker, Tim Schlosser, Jim Keyes, Roberta Longmire, Martha Parsons, Jim Brown, Gene Borges & T. Goman. Kathy Wolf rroved to approve the January 19, 1988 Planning Corrmittee, January 26, 1988 Special Planning Corrmittee Meeting and the February 16, 1988 Planning Corrmittee Meeting" second by Jim Brown. Motion carried. Jim Keyes - Platting Ordinance: Jim reported that the platting ordinance draft is over one-half corrplete and will try to have it available for members at the April 19, 1988 meeting. c The Planning Corrmittee had no objection to the naming of the street that leads into the "Sprague Subdivision" as "Sprague Street". Gene updated all on the dental clinic that will be built on Yelm Ave., west of the New Image. Currently, engineering is being done by Pac Tec for onsite drainage and Thurston County Environmental Health is reviewing the septic plans. James Brown requested that the Town Public Works Department, research the cost, responslbility, etc. of rroving the fire hydrant located at Mr. LDug' s Eatery. Nisqually Plaza Turnlane - Revisions were made to plans by Godat (engineer for U.C.O.) and delivered back to the Department of Transportation on February 3, 1988. No response from D.O.T. as of yet. New Planning Corrmittee Member - Bill Cobler, Planning Corrmittee Member representing the Industrial Area, will no longer be on the Corrmittee due to non-attendance. The corrmittee discussed potential new members to represent the Industrial Area. Names will be submitted to Mayor Lawton as possible appointees. Gene mentioned that he had met with Prairie Security Bank officials to discuss the drive-up window situation. c The remaining time was spent reviewing the Yelm Zoning Ordinance, the committee will continue their review on April 19, 1988. ATTEST: ~ . f~ i2 ^ ~!A-/ Meeting adjourned 5:35 P.M. Shelly Badger~- V 6J10?f NEXT PLANNIN; <XM<<TI'EE MEZ!'IN;, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1988, 4:00 PM. c Town of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 ~.q) ~ih;-k~ ~~~ (" \ V ^ ^ ~,1" I q Y.i) AGENDA I n; VU' \'--..'. 0 'lUm OF YELM PLANNIN; <XM<<Tl'EE MEZ!'IN; V ' ,?:Y'" \ Tuesday, March 15, 1988 4 :00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2 . Roll Call 3. Approval of minutes of February 16, 1988, January 19, 1988 Regular Planning Committee Meetings and January 26, 1988 Special Planning Committee Meeting 4. Platting Ordinance Update - Jim Keyes c 5. Zoning Ordinance Review (preparation for final copy) 6. Sprague Subdivision - Naming of entrance street 7. New corrrnercial building 8. New Planning Committee Member 9 . Other 10. Adjourn c (\ ~ Town of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 February 16, 1988 DEAR PLANNIN; CCMrrTI'EE MEMBER: Enclosed is the latest draft of the Yelm Zoning Code, please review, make corrrnents and/or changes and bring with you to the March 15, 1988 Planning Corrmittee where we will be discussing your corrrnents and changes. It will then be put into final draft and presented to the Yelm City Council and Attorney. NOTE: Definitions begin on Page 7 Zones by type including permitted uses begin on Page 21 c Standards by zone (setbacks, etc.) begin on Page 48 Please call myself or Gene if you have any questions before the next meeting. ***Reminder. . . . Begln watching your mailboxes for the invitation letter for the Economic Development Forum (put on by Puget Power) on March 29, 1988, from 9: 00 AM to 3:30 PM at Arnold's Country Inl. All Planning Corrmittee Members will be invited and the day proves to be very beneficial to the Yelm Cormmmity. Please try to clear your calendars for the 29th, we hope to see a good turnout of Yelm's valuable Planning Corrmittee rne~be::s. Sincerely: ~~~ Shelly B4:~ ~ I c Town of 'i~ I.dIJ~rA o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 \ (' U' WOY (LGL . ~ /0 0\ ~'6 ') r \ \ TCl'JN OF YELM PLANNIN; a:M-{[TTEE MEET:rns MINUTES Tuesday, February 16, 1988 4:00 PM, Yelm City Hall Councll Chambers Members in attendance: Kathy Wolf, Roberta Longmire, Jarres Brown and Tom Cundy. Visitors: Fred T. Allen As there was not a quorum of Planning Corrmittee Members present, the group on hand held an unofficial gathering and discussed the following: o 1. The approval of -minutes will be postponed until the March 15, 1988 meeting. 2. Shelly Badger presented those present with the latest draft of the Yelm Zoning Ordinance. They were asked to review, correct, change or add to the docurrent before the March 15, 1988 rreeting. Copies will be delivered to those rrembers not present so as they rray review the zoning draft. 3. Jim Keyes will be delivering the Platting Ordinance Draft to Shelly to begin putting onto the word processor. When complete, the draft wlII be II1ailed to all Committee Members for their review. 4. Members were reminded of the March 29, 1988 Economic Developrrent Forum to be held from 9: 00 AM - 3: 30 PM at Arnold's Country Inn and asked to clear their calendars, if possible. Kathy reminded the group of the Special Meeting of the Town Council on February 24, 1988 at 7:00 PM for the sewer update. Also, the Public Hearing for the proposed rezone will be the same night at 7:30 PM. NEXT PLANNIK; C(Mo{[TI'EE MEZ!'IN;, MAIOI 15 I 1988. o ~er endj Assistant Clerk/Treasurer TO'ii'm of Yelm o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 Town of Tel_ AGENDA ~ OF YELM PLANNIN; aMnTI'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, February 16, 1988 4 : 00 P. M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call )v4;b ~\J> ~ n '\ r;(tJ ':' /' ~ 3. Approval of minutes of January 19, 1988 Planning Committee Meeting & January 26, 1988 Special Meeting. 4 . Economic Surmd.t - Tom Gorman c 5. Platting Ordinance update - Jim Keyes 6. Zoning Ord mance update - Gene Borg"~s 7 . Theatres & book stores 8 . Other 9 . Other 10. Adjourn c ~} eL) v Gi c c Town of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 X0 -, t~ J ,4- W~ l'P f^!'b" f ,\0 MINUTES '.l'CMN OF YELM SPOCIAL PLANNIN; <XM<<TI'EE MEZ!'I)'I; Tuesday, January 26, 1988 4: 00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers Meeting called to order at 4:05 P.M. Members present: Tim Schlosser, Roberta Longmire, Kathy Wolf, Gene Borges, Tom Cundy, Kim Spivey, Addie Thacker and Gene Sharratt. Visitors: Pat Miller and Rod Nilsson. Rod Nllsson explained to the Planning Committee his proposed plans for construction of approximately 20 multi-family units east of and adjacent to the new Cochrane Park. Included in his comments on the units: Single-level units 2 bedroom units (875-900 square feet), rental range - $375.00 3 bedroom units (1050-1075 square feet), rental range - $400.00 Beveled Siding Energy Efficient Covered, enclosed garages The first phase consisting of 4-plexes would be off of 3rd Street, Mr. Nilsson informed the Committee that the complete blueprint layout would be complete in 3-4 weeks. Following Mr. Nilsson's cornrrents, their was much discussion of the Planning Corrmittee on the rezone of the property from its exising single-family zone to a multi-family zone. The concensus of the Planning Corrmittee: To recorrrnend to the Yelm City Council to proceed with the rezone proceedings (Public Hearings, notices to adjacent property owners, etc.). Mr. Nilsson will be notified of the Council's decision and of all Public Hearings. ATl'EST, ./J ~gerT o Town of Tel_ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 rurIFICATION OF SPOCIAL MEZ!'IN; '.l'CMN OF YELM PLANNI)'I; CCH1ITI'EE Tuesday, January 26, 1988 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers PURPOSE: To discuss the rezone request by Nilsson Construction Company. Mr. Nilsson will be present at the Special Meeting to give the Corrrnittee additional details concerning the rezone request and to answer any questions. This is an irrportant rreeting and we appreciate your input. c Thank you.... c 5 /{l \. ,,0 ,??' ~~u \ 0 ~\\ r\..~ Llj cJ 7 ~ ~ ,,~~ \ f ) 1 ~ ~ ~vl :\ Ie- '0 r \- , MINUTES c' '.l'CMN OF YELM PLANNI)'I; <XM<<TI'EE MEZ!'I)'I; Tuesday, January 19, 1988 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers The meeting was called to order at 4:08 P.M. by Chairwoman Kathy Wolf. Members present: Gene Borges, Kathy Wolf, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire, Kim Spivey, Jim Keyes and Jim Brown. Guests: Marie Camberon, Neil Aaland and Rick Kolilis. The Corrmittee expressed they would like to see Martha Parsons continue her membership on the committee representing the res- idential section of Yelm. Tom Gorman moved to approve the minutes of December 15, 1987, second by Roberta LongIDlre. Motion carried. Marie Cameron, Thurston County Planning Department, was present to discuss the upcoming Joint Planning between Yelm and Thurston County. Marie went over a preliminary work plan that included a tirre-frame, the process agreerrent, probable approach and scope of work for the joint planning process that will begin in July 1988. The Yelm Planning Committee will be discussing the tentative plan between now and July. c ANNEXATION STUDY UPDATE: Neil Aaland presented the updated "Immediate Annexation" map showing new lines set by the Planning Corrrnittee at the December meeting. Thurston County has no concerns with the boundaries set. The Planning Corrmittee went over and drafted a set of "Annexation Pollcies" for the Town of Yelm, they will be presented to the Yelm City Council (as interim guidelines) for their adoption, with any public input to be heard at the February 16, 1988 Planning Corrmittee Meeting. NILSSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, REZONE REQUEST: A discussion on the rezone of the property east of and adjacent to the new Cochrane Park from single- family residential to multi-family residential for the construction of 18-24 single story multi-family units. Concensus of Planning Committee: A final decision on the rezone request cannot be made without additional information from Mr. Nilsson (site plan, type and quality of housing details, etc.) regarding what type of development is proposed. Gene will contact Mr. Nilsson to infonn him of what is requested by the Planning Corrrnittee and set up a time for a Special Meeting of the Planning Committee. Kathy Wolf informed the Corrmittee that public input will be received at the January 27, 1988 Regular Council Meeting regarding the request by Wood Fabricators to borrow $50,000 (U.D.A.G. funds) to rrake site irrprovernents to keep the cut-up line in Yelm. Meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M. ATTEST: f' V si~ &cr Assistant Clerk/Treasurer Town of Tel_ J c, c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 ~V'_V \\~ ~~ 1j J' ~V \, W(} (b1 ~\\}\ \' \~ AGENDA '.l'CMN OF YELM PLANNIl'l3 <XM<<TI'EE MEZ!'IN; Tuesday, January 19, 1988 4 :00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of minutes of December 15, 1987 Planning Corrrnittee Meeting 4. Neil Aaland and Marie Carreron - Thurston Regional Planning and Thurston County Planning Department - Annexation study update o 5. Rod Nilsson request 6. Update on Zoning, Subdivision and Parking Ordinances 7 . Other 8. Other 9 . Other 10. Adjourn c