Agendas and Minutes c The December 18, 1990 Yelm Planning Commission Meeting has been cancelled due to lack of business. The City of Yelm elected officials and staff thank you for your participation on the Plannlng Commission and wish a safe and happy hollday season to you and your family. c\ c c PUBLIC NOTICE The December 18, City of Yelm Plannlng Commission Meeting has been cancelled due to lack of business. The next Planning Commission Meeting will be held on January 15, 1991 at 4:00 p.m. in council chambers at Yelm City Hall. G c c MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1990 Regular 4: 06 P. M. meeting of the Yelm by Chair Tim Schlosser. Planning Commission opened at Members present: Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, Joe Huddleston, Tom Cundy, Jim Keyes and Tom Gorman. Absent: George Knight, John Kinnee and Roberta Longmire, Staff present: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger and Agnes Colombo. Guests present: Dennis Su, KCN and Don Miller, Nisqually Valley News. Minutes o~ the October 16, continuation were approved seconded Brown. Carried. 1990 regular meeting and as corrected on motion October. 23 by l~eyes Correction to 10/16/90 Motion by Kinnee: paragraph change last sentence o~ FROM: TO: adopt County Comprehensive Plan adopt zone table ~rom County Comprehensive Plen c Borges told members he had requested and received council approval to send all annexation requests to attorney ~or review prior to Planning Commission review ~or approval/disapproval recommendation to Council. Also that no recommendation need be made on Asher annexation (West Rd.) request as Environmental Checklist and legal description needs to be corrected be~ore being sent to attorney ~or review. Recommended terms o~ o~~ice ~or Commission members beginning January 1, 1991 are as ~ollows: TWO YEAR TERM ONE YEAR TERM Tim Schlosser Tom Gorman Roberta Longmire George }{night Jim Brown Jim )\eyeE: ~loe Huddleston .J ohn }{innee Tom Cundy All Commission appointments to be made by mayor, with council approval. Appointments would be made to fill vacancy due to resignation. Number of terms served as per RGW. c Members received copy of proposed anne):ation ordinance in regards to zoning designation upon annexation. Once in place annexations will fit into one of three available categories. Motion Huddleston, seconded Brown that Commission recommend Council approval of zoning ordinance amendment. Carried. 11/20/90 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 o Borges told members that Pac-Tech and the city are pulling minutes from meetings involving Comprehensive Plan. Have documentation in which county agreed to Yelm sphere of influence and immediate boundary line annexations within the sphere of influence. At this time no date has been set ~or meeting between City Council and Thurston Co. Commissioners to discuss Joint Plan. Sewer update by Borges. EPA grant o~ 2.9 million approved. Sta~~ meeting with Centralia to arrive at conditions ~or agreement to use Centralia power canal ~or e~~luent discharge. Sta~~ has requested appearance be~ore Centralia City Council to present in~ormation. Waiting ~or response. I~ approval not ~orthcoming by 12/15/90 change in discharge site will have to be pursued. Sta~~ is working with FmHA ~or grant money. Less money available ~or grants than originally expected. Meeting has been set up to request allocation o~ additional ~unding to be used ~or this project. Borges also brought members up to date on local industry/business expansions/additions. C Meeting adjourned 5:15 P.M. ATTEST, {JAltJ x/ C0,,76'-tJ c 11/20/90 Planning Commission Minutes Page ...... "" o (\ VISITOR SIG~ ~N SHEET o TYPE OF MEETING CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE OF MEETING NOVEMBER 20, 1990 MEETING LOCATION COUNCIL CHAMBERS, YELM CITY HALL NAME ADDRESS REPRESENTING .--., ,~) krlYl V--)E A/NJS "" l ;;l) tJ /lJ /)) I I/e ( /U;)A) :=) Town of Yelm 1. 2. 3 . 4 . 0 5 . 6 . 7 . c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1990, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes: October 16, 1990 and continuation October 23, 1990 meeting Agenda Additions/Deletions Asher Annexation Planning Commission Appointments and terms of office Annexation update, reVlew ordinance scheduled for November 28, 1990 public hearing. 8 . "Draft" Platting and Subdivision Ordinance review 9 . Senior Citizen representative 10. Other 11. Other \ , Adj:ourn' 12. NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1990, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS o Town of Tel. 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 oorICE OF CCNl'INUED PLANNIKi a>>UTIEE MEETIKi CCNl'INUED 'ID WESDAY, OC'ltEER 23, 1990, 4:00 1M YEIM CITY HALL CCXJNCIL rnAMBERS Due to the lack of time at the Planning Corrmittee Meeting of Tuesday, October 16, 1990, the meeting had to be continued to Tuesday, October 23, 1990 at 4 :00 fM to cover the following agenda items: a. Asher request for access from Mosman to lots located between Third & Fourth Streets. b. Frontier Village parking revision request c. Proposed construction on Railroad Ave. - Fred Tharp o d. Fisk annexation request e. Other f. Other g. Adjourn NEXT REGULAR MEETIt<<; OF '!HE YEIM PLANNIl\l; CC>>UTIEE TUESDAY, IDVEMBER 20, 1990, 4:00 1M, YEIM CITY HALL o / ,/ i~,<;;:tf'd~~r, !:";'1~{!1~Nd~'; Town of 'Yelm )0 105 Yeim Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 GENE BORGES tUl'ICE OF aNl'INUEIl PI..ANNlN:i <XHfiTlEE MEE'l'IN; aNl'INUED'IOTUESJ)AY, 0C'lU3ER 23, 1990, 4:00 1M YEIM CITY" HALL CCXJr<<::IL QIAMBERS Due to the lack of time at the Planning Carmittee Meeting of Tuesday, October 16, 1990, the meeting had to be continued to Tuesday, October 23, 1990 at 4 :00 EM to cover the following agenda items: ~ ~ a. Asher request for access fran Mosman to lots located between Third & Fourth Streets. fDctv lfl'MJv 'a1tW b. Frontier Village parking revision request%:;t ~ ~ t:J tb~~ c. Proposed construction on Railroad Ave. - Fred Tharp "ItjlCj~~~.~ d. Fisk annexation request .fJt.-- 3 ~ ' e. Other f. Other g. Adjourn r NEXT REGULAR MEE'l'IKi OF '!HE YEIM PI..ANNl]II; <XHfiTlEE TUESDAY, lIpJEH3ER 2,Q, 1990, 4:00 1M, YEIM CITY HALL /\ ~~ ';fi ~r)o t~e p)arlrl1f'J1 c) i i j ,'" \..1.. t:~ \. Iii ~ .I /..,.... \ :1 t. ~ ~ I. .L ; j \.., ~ i..:e ) ,,~' ...... ...~;. .-'.'. .,,).~' '...~.".; . '':t\. .1. >. ., . ..,......'" ",,;,.; "...0.1 "" . Covn (yl l- ~ ~ .h ~... ... , \..! .1\, I. l J t I ;\1 \ l _. IlDt qc, I if L.UC":l"1 I r ...J:'II il .0 " I ! " hi :Int. tu I ,,,.1 v', i' t.. \::\ \,., \... l' I i L. .1. V. I i r i.. I l.} I.. \.::.1 r.'. t L'. i \ \:,':,1 I. C)\" ,0. \ ,(. c\ ," ':,.\\:.1 '.\ 1 Col.','..) \"h dl '. I t '.1 I ; I,.,t ~ ,; l',-.; lj , fii .:11 I \.:1 I.. l..i ,..1 I'" t Ii i i \;:~~ I"'; r LJ("1 r I I ... r :l r E,; ; '-j C-:':' "-..lion, c:;~ t:. i i .1.. l. Ili(':':':'.. I' J LI"ii...I...:,'''r''l t. \.. i j .l1..lt:. 10\ .i. C \ i.:~ r 11 D~~ .t.) :\" ,j. d j'j n:':::.I(' d~ ~ i ~f' !; '. :' 4 ' . ;" ;'I' .1;:,",:' ," ~;; ..,-_.;"...: --......... - ...--:-.....~,.....,.- ----- \ O"~ I ~ ) ~ -'--'----- :J , .:> :f' ;l).; / // / ,- , ., .', '........ " "- " "- " " )0 t ~ ~ ~ :=J \' ~ ~ ~, C) t ~ '{ ?1 ( 14-1~ ,( ~ ~ Ul l;l '" f' ~ I 'f\ \'\ '"' - I '"' - J . - I . - , - , I - / . - -. - \ 1 - 1 - - I , , , , -_..__._-- .- ---~ ,-- -. ~;J I . I ~ ~-jjl ~l ~bt/17//\ 2/ ;;'1.)./1 ~!Jj ----.--- fh o ~ Ul o '" o a:; '" Lj-? / {r~n-/V1"1- @l \ \ \ \ \ \ \J l' (; / /' / - /7 / / / / / //7 ~\~- --------r - 1 ! '-.. ~ C --> --";.;; -~rY/t7.-" ~r )0 (f\ -I ~ " J: - . f- ob s ~ ~j r c .,. tr C) ~ 'l~.u ~ L/ /.//A //////j ~ - ~ ~.... 9"~I'l" o :=J o Velm Planning Committee VelmJ Washington 98597 FRED O. THARP P.O. BOX 503 YELMJ WASHI NGTON 98597 458-4141 October 15J 1990 Re Proposed construction on Rallroad Ave. Dear Committee Members, Attached is a copy of a Traffic Impact Statement regarding the effects of the proposed construction of a new w~rehouse on Rallroad Ave N.W. along with a site plar depicting the project. As with all projects, I hope our plans for expansion and development in the Velm area will meet with your QUiCK decisive approval and enhance the Quality of life as intended by the Committee. '.. o :) o ~~.it ,of',"'." The proposed project of constructing a new 5000 square foot structure on Railroad Ave N.W will have llttle or no impact on traffic conditions in the immediate area. The new structure will be constructed to house Fred's Wholesale Foods, presently located Just to the north of the proposed site, and the existing structure will be utllized as a distribution warehouse f a(;i1 ity. The impact in traffic due to the change in use of the existing structure will be positive. Currently the corner of Stevens is subjected to daily truck moyements of 11 per day and Yfilhicular traffic of 149 cars per day The change in use would reduce the vehicular traffic to approximately 62 cars per day and the truck traffic would increase to 12 units per day, with the additional unit accessing the area at 4.30 a.m.. Monday thru Saturday. The change in location of Fred's Wholesale will also enhance the traffic flow in the area. The 94 cars per day currently generated would be discharged at a point between Stevens and Longmire on Railroad, allowing the traffic to be evenly distributed and a more efficient flow Currently the discharge of traffic is concentrated at the intersection of Steyens and Railroad, eyen though it isn't a problem at present, 1t would possibly add some degree of congestion w,ith the completion of a thru Steyens St. in the near future. The traffic flow pattern of the proposed new location would remove the concentration of traffic at the intersection and disperse it along Railroad AYe. where it would be distributed into the surrounding arterials in a self equalizing manor. As 0 net result, the relocotion would collectively result in 0 more effi ci ent traffi c di stri butt on and fl ow pattern under present conditions With the future completion of -0 thru Stevens St., troffic patterns generated will encourage further development in a planned and orderly fashion. .".1 Jf/fr{}v- ; ~ oM-~ ~lli >to <t V---.1l.yrrW 9Traer i'm~, {flJJw/l1-- ~ (.0 elM .wr ~r f(~ ' t~ 5('~04' IAJ/Mark-!r.k> 11fM" /p ....~: .~ o :=J ~ <\/,; ,:',~ ;j !o1.i,l'. CURRENT PATTERN Trafflc entering Velm Ave from: Rallroad Edwards v1a Stevens Trafflc exitlng onto Crystal Spr1ngs TOTAL PATTERN WITH PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Traff1c enter1ng Velm Ave from: Ral1 road Edwards vla Longmlre Trafftc ex1t1ng onto Crystal Spr1ngs TOTAL PATTERN WITH PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF STEVENS ST. Trafflc entering Velm Ave from: Rall road Edwards v1a Longm1re Traff1c enter1ng F1rst St. v1a Stevens Traff1c entering Crystal Sprlngs v1a Stevens 71 10 13 94 56 23 13 94 22 10 57 14 TOTAL -------------------------------------------------------- 103 ____Note. The 1ncreased total accounts for typ1cal growth exper1enceddue to the t1me necessary to complete the Stevens St. project. / / /" /' /' '\. /' ~ss ... .....t~ :\~./\ ~\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ --I \ - \-~ .....~ \ ' \ .......-/, \ \ '/', , \~/:).. w \ '\ \ ~,/ /. e'5 g\ \ ~ //: ~G ...' \ \ \ n.. /: n.. ::> '\ \ P /: go: \ W ,.. ....r- i \ \i :'--j,\ I \ \ Cl. ~ ,Q\O \ \ t5 .... <1e '. z. 0: : Z. '4w \ w O:'i i ~ AS .\ A ~~ <t: VI \.01 \ ~ wP'l ' -l ~ "'0 . '2 ~t""" \ 0: .... \ \ " LJ -1 4- (/) LJ -1 a :r=. :> (/) - (::J. LJ Ci- U- Ci- a U- ~ LJ Ci- :), r- u :J Ci- r- (/) (::J. w (/) CJ 0- o Ci- 0- \ I \ \ ", \ \ I \. \ J. \.:> Z. ~ ~/ Cl. I\.:> , Z \.... :t) \~ w Co 1l" l}~ \.:> '5 \ ~r- '\ rt.) VI ::> . ~~ i w VI \ i \ " ... ....... .... " ... -.- --- -- 0' ~ )- /( " ACCEPTANCE NORTHWEST REAL ESTATE DIVISION P.O Box 9()O Tucomu, \\'A 9H4-OJ (206) 5H2-:,W02 To: Yelm City Council 105 Yelm Ave. West Yelm Wa. 98597 Date: October 13, 1990 From: Acceptance Northwest P.O. Box 960 Tacoma Wa. 98401 Subject: Annexation Proposal We request the City Of Yelm consider annexation of the twenty acres located at the corner of Canal Road and Crystal Springs Road. The area of concern has been highlighted on the attached map. Any questions regarding this matter can be directed to Stan Fisk at the above address or by phone at 594-7838. Stanly p;:2 ~~ VP Aceptance NW. ,. . ........\. o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~;" NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS DATE: TO: The Yelm City Council of the City of Yelm Yelm City Hall 105 Yelm Avenue West P.O. Sox 479 'felm, WA 98597 Gentlemen: The undersignej, who are the owners of not less than ten percent in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property for which annexation is sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Yelm that it is the desire of the undersigned residents of the fOllowing area to commence annexation proceedings: The property herein referred to is described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and is depicted on exhibit MSM further attached hereto. It is requested that the City Council of the City of Yelm set a date not later than sixty days after the filing of this request for a meeting with the under- signed to determine: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation; (2) Whether the City Council will require the adoption of zoning for the proposed area in substantial compliance with the 1985 Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Development Guide as adopted by the Yelm City Council in July of 1985; and (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing city indebt- edness by the area to be annexed. This page is one of a group of pages containing identical text material and is intended by the signers of this Notice of Intention to be presented and con- sidered as one Notice of Intention and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures which cumulatively may be considered as a single Notice of Intention. .OWNERS SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME (Husband and Wife) ADDRESS DESCRIPTION LEGAL DATE SIGNED 8508 Canal Rd. Oct. 14. 1990 Stanly W. Fisk Pagf> 1 of "2- ~ E: I / ..~.'7;; ~~'-fll~:' ~~ .r .. H :n ... t ... n I ... I. ... c OR 0"'. ~ a- '0 CD ,. n M , I I I I~ "7 .... ... Z. O""VE IZ .01 ll.' .. "S. !. ~:J' ZO ( / 1-- I I L .1 _.~._. .7 - '" .- ..... "'.01 . j ~. 4' 04 .~ .-. f + A SI-OS 42.04 L .UI ---. ---" n.c;(l. 4J.0l zz 'Ci Sl.OI a '1.0101 11- n.ol : J :) n.oz '~04 c . )- . .. .... ... ----- -~ - ------...-.... ..-- .-. .. ....... -. ~ -------- '" o MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1990 Regular 4:10 P.M. meeting of the Yelm by Chair Tim Schlosser. Planning Committee opened at Members present: Tim Schlosser, John Kinnee, Roberta Longmire, Jim Brown, Joe Huddleston, Tom Cundy and Tom Gorman. Absent: George Knight and Jim Keyes, Staff present: Sandy Mackie, Gene Borges, Shelly Badger and Agnes Colombo. Guests present: Mark Schwindt, Nisqually Valley News. Minutes of the September 18, 1990 regular meeting were approved on motion by Longmire seconded Kinnee. Carried. Additions to agenda: Item #5 Sandy Mackie, annexation procedures. Deletions: Item #5. Zoning Ordinance Standards Section Item #6. .Dra~tft Yelm Platting Ordinance review will be presented at a later date to allow time ~or ~urther' sta~~ research. o Moved to end o~ meeting: 8 a. Asher request ~or access ~rom Mosman to lots located between Third and Fourth Streets. New business moved to end Of meeting: Frontier Village parking revision Tharp construction proposal Fisk annexation request Sta~~ received the name o~ one individual to citizen representative to the committee. Nisqually Pines Board. Sta~~ requested to Pines Board again. consider as senior No response ~rom contact Nisqually Borges informed members that the Association of Washington Cities has taken a stand against Initiative 547. The City Council will ~ollow suit and endorse a resolution against Initiative 547. o Borges introduced Sandy Mackie, Owens, Davies, Mackie, who will be the city attorney for Yelm. Prosecuting duties will continue to be per~ormed by Randy Walker. Mr. Mackie will be available to advise the Yelm's Planning Committee and City Council. Mackie informed committee members that annexation is one o~ the ~ew land issues still allowing alternatives. Possible annexation procedures include: 10/16/90 Planning Committee Minutes 10/23/90 Continuation Page 1 c o d lDl (J~~ )q"D III'~(; o 1. Pre-annexation zoning, where the city accepts a 10Y. letter. Petitioning party then works with city to establish a zone prior to annexation. 2. City agrees to take property at present county would require city adoption o~ county zoning comprehensive plan. Petitioning party would work a~ter annexation to ~it it into Yelm's Zoning Comprehensive Plan. 3. Come in unzoned - unacceptable zoning, this ordinance and with the city Ordinance and #2 is the pre~erred procedure. This is the process recommended for the Thurston Highlands annexation. Also recommended that Yelm adopt provision to accept parcel with county zoning and then work to integrate with comprehensive plan. This process requires ~aith on the part o~ the developer. \ Also possible is a "~loating zone" which could provide a agricultural zone inside the city limits. This would provide a measure of protection ~or the landowner to remain as currently zoned. It would still be possible to change later. Yelm would need to make amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to allow this. Another possibility is to write a set o~ ordinances allowing annexation at current (county) zoning. This would be another option available ~or the city to use. It would not be mandatory ~or the city to always use the same/existing zoning. Motion Kinnee that recommendation to Yelm City Council, based on the ~act that the above options would give Yelm ~urther ~lexibility on annexations, that city adopt language in its code allowing (1) annexation at the lowest abutting zone ~or those exempt ~rom BRB and (2) i~ annexation goes to the BRB it come in at the current county zone and within guidelines o~ the current county comprehensive plan. It was noted that in the amendment it be stated that the matter be identi~ied as SEPA exempt as the amendment is policy related, without speci~ic annexation application. Further recommend that the city adopt theAcounty comprehensive plan. Seconded Brown. Carried. Z6f.JC TA13L-c -(.: ~m ftL c... Property owners can hold back zoning i~ no agreement is preannexation zoning. petition reached until satis~ied with the process goes to Borges requested guidance ~rom committee re appointment on October 23 with Katherine Burgess dealing with "minor changes to be made in the joint plan." 10/16/90 Planning Committee Minutes 10/23/90 Continuation Page 2 c=) Members stated that the "draft- urban growth boundaries in the Yelm/Thurston Co. Joint Plan are totally unacceptable as they allow growth for a 5-10 year period only. Also, that the city needs to plan for growth-before it gets here, following the 20 year forecast specified in SHB2929. One committee member who also served on the Joint Planning Committee stressed the county staff tried to lead the committee to suit its own desires. Kackie informed members that the Joint Plan can be added as an agenda item and that the planning committee members make recommendations and suggestions to the council. Discussion of committee vs. commission status of group. Responsibilities remain the same for both. Recommended by Mackie that Yelm City Council revert committee to commission mode as advisory body. He also stated an appeal process needs to be dealt with and terms of office need to be set. Members would be insured as they vent .about business of the city.. Group felt 9 members would be sufficient to accomplish work. It was established that if needed there could be an advisory committee to the Planning Commission. Motion by Kinnee at $:43 p.m. that committee meeting be continued to 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 23, 1990, seconded. Carried. o October 23, 1990 Continued ~rom October 16, 1990 Meeting called to order at 4:15 by chair Schlosser. Members present: Tim Schlosser, John Kinnee, Roberta Longmire, Jim Brown, Joe Huddleston, Tom Cundy and Tom Gorman. Absent: George Knight and Jim Keyes, Sta~~ present: Shelly Badger and Agnes Colombo. Guests present: David Asher. Members reviewed Asher request ~or the city to provide access to his lots located between Third and Fourth Streets on what would be Mosman St...i~ extended. Committee explained that it was up to the developer to put in streets and that requirements would be determined by the type o~ development intended. When Mr. Asher decides what type o~ development he desires he can come to the city with a plot plan ~or review. Committee also suggested that Mr. Asher could purchase necessary right-01-way and deed it to city, developer completed street would then become a city street and be maintained by city. c 10/16/90 Planning Committee Minutes 10/23/90 Continuation Page 3 o o o Kembers reviewed diagrams of Frontier Village. Committee felt encroaches on city right of way. proposed redesigned parking at the plan was unacceptable as it No action taken. Committee reviewed request from Fred Tharp to construct a 5000 sq. ft. commercial building on Railroad Avenue NW. The building would be located between his current Fred's Foods building and Yelm Lawnmower and Saw Shop. Committee made no recommendation to council at this time. Suggested a site plan be submitted and that approval be subject to current requirements i.e. curbs, setbacks etc. Members reviewed a request received 1rom Mr. Fisk requesting annexation o~ his property located at the end o~ Crystal Springs Street across the canal. Motion by Kinnee that committee recommendation to council be to deny request due to lack o~ access to the property and because it would work against objective o~ trying to square city limits, seconded Brown. Carried. Motion Kinnee, 4:50 P.M. seconded Huddleston that meeting be adjourned at ATTEST: q~u /J Cj~~ 10/16/90 Planning Committee Minutes 10/23/90 Continuation Page 4 Town of o Yelm POBox 479 Yelm, WA 98597 ........y";.:".,.::::::, -::. :---r.-,; ;....~;"";;.....- :,...~,.,.--.J'" ~~_'_"""-_~-"";;"''''''-'''''''~'''''''''''__':'"'~"...,~ ~~t';i;: ,~.",,#:-',":~'i-'~..r ._J~ ~'.."::>:....~ ~ Town Hall Phone 458-3244 Yelm Municipal Court Phone 458.3242 Police Department Phone 458.5701 Date: OcLobpr 24, 1990 To: SANDY MACKIE OWENS, DAVIES, MACKIE p_tJ_ ROX lR7 OLYHPIt\., WA 985w7 Mr. Mackip: Attachpd uLP m~nutps from thp Oct. 16, Yelm Planning CommitL0e mepting. Due to the complexity of the information 1;;;e would like you to review the minutes, particularly the motion by John Kinny on the bottom half of page Ouo. Pleasp let me know if the information is in- ccuratp or needs to be reworded. Thank you for your aSslstance. /2}J/j };ts Colombo Deputy City Clerk /l7/Jtj[ 6( j fA. I)..; -r;;-t;- AJuJ OCTOBER 23, 1990- CONTINUED FROM 10/16/90 .~AU / U A- s !-/ el( ------ (\ I TYPE OF MEETING DATE OF MEETING MEETING LOCATION NAME o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 16, 1990 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS ADDRESS REPRESENTING u v (\ J o o Town of YellR 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1990, 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to order /f/O!JIY/ 2. Roll call 3. Approval of minutes: September 18, 1990 Regular Meeting 4. Agenda Additions/Deletions 5 . Zonin'g Ordinance Standards Section reVi-e~ Jitl"'1-.Al-1j /;; ),ui.iMJv "Draft" Yelm Platting Ordinance reVlew ~ 6. ?f. 5 Sandy Mackie, Annexation procedures 8. Correspondence: a. b. c. d. 9. Other 10. Other II. Adjourn Asher request for access from Mosman to lots located between Third and Fourth Streets. C,oll)/;A1I/FO b 41hvJ 4s/u;,,( to /J-lIrNj) I })/2t:'"S6-/jje Planning Committee Senior Citizen Representative Thurston Highlands Letter Association of Washington Cities Growth Manage- ment Information riCO NI-l C /'2 V, 114(. /:- 'P!::J1t Ii ~f C IV f-, i.J II crt) Cv t / N~trD ;0/20 ,() os IJ/ 71il":J/ejJ 1-; s i ~ t/3 /)<lAJEltF:j Y-, iAJ - Gu t;"i/Vt.I/:f"1:J NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1990, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS c MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 Regular 4: 10 P. M. meeting of the Yelm by Chair Tim Schlosser. Planning Committee opened at Members present: Tim Schlosser, George Knight, John Kinnee, Roberta Longmire, Jim Brown and Joe Huddleston. Absent: Jim Keyes, Tom Cundy and Tom Gorman. Staff present: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger and Agnes Colombo. Guests present: Paul Steadman, Dennis Su, KCM, Dana Mower, Barghausen Engineers and Mark Schwindt, Nisqually Valley News. Minutes of the August 21, 1990 regular meeting and the September 11 special meeting were approved on motion by Kinnee, seconded Brown. Carr ied. Additions to agenda: #4 a. #4 b. #4 c. Bleacher extension request Steadman annexation request Geometrix/Venture Partners C Ed Bleacher, Country Corner.s Produce, requested committee approval to continue operation o~ his produce stand through December 31p 1990. Business was originally approved to run through September 1990. Members ~elt that as long as he continued to operate within the guidelines o~ original approval ..as a produce stand...he could continue to operate. Sale o~ wreathsp pumpkins and other ~ood/produce items would be acceptable. Request ~rom Paul Steadman to annex his property to the City. Parcel is bounded on the north by the gol~ course and on the south/east by the railroad. Committee members ~eel that this annexation would be in the best interests o~ all concerned and that annexation o~ this propertyp in conjunction with Thurston Highlands and Venture Partners annexation, would be in agreement with new Growth Management Bill. Motion Longmirep seconded Kinnee that committee recommend council approvalp subject to boundaries and subject to others being approved. Carried. Sta~~ suggested Venture Partners/Dragt and Thurston Highlands meet to discuss joint annexation as Thurston Highlands annexation would include property in Venture Partners area. o ~ 9/18/90 Planning Committee Minutes Page 1 c o (\ u Received letter of intent from Geometrix, representing Dragt/Venture Partners prope~ty owners. After much discussion, motion by Knight, seconded Schlosser that committee recommend to council that Thurston Highlands, Venture Partners/Dragt and Steadman join together as one annexation. Discussion on motion: Longmire asked how it would be possible to plan for the infrastructure of area, i.e. how to plan for roads, water lines, sewer etc. if annexations proceed separately...... roads put in for one would be inadequate to handle shared use by second annexation, same is true for other services. Committee members agreed the only logical way to proceed is to have all come in together. Motion carried. Motion Huddleston, seconded specialized legal council be meeting to advise City Council matter. Carried. Kinnee that committee recommend available at the 9-26-90 council in making a ~inal decision in this Schlosser added that no matter what Thurston Regional Planning says the Growth Management Bill dictates what should be done. Stated by Schlosser and agreed upon by committee members that committee wants council to be aware o~ the ~act that they have the support o~ the planning committee. Motion Kinnee, seconded Brown that committee recommend council approval o~ Binding Site Plan Ordinance, with noted corrections. Carried. Corrections: (Section it subsection 2t change 4 to 3; Section 2, subsection 5, change ~rom 200 to 300t Page 3, change all occurrences committee to department; Page 4t paragraph 1 change ~irst occurrence o~ committee to department. ) Badger shared with the committee some insights gained in a workshop she attended where Growth Management Bill ESHB2929 was compared to Initiative 547. lnitative 547 is really a no growth action. The Association o~ Washington Cities, along with the Washington State Association o~ Counties and the Washington Association o~ Elected O~~icials are strongly opposed to the initiative and believe the initiative will have an extremely detrimental e~~ect on the planning e~~orts o~ all Washington's citiest and will ~urther delay implementation o~ existing growth management :policies. Schlosser questioned i~ Yelm had been too conservative in drawing urban growth boundaries in the Joint Plan. 9/18/90 Planning committee Minutes Page 2 c o (\ \J Motion Schlosser, seconded Kinnee that position of support, to worK within the Management Bill ESHB2929. Carried. the committee take a boundaries of Growth Staff requested to follow up on the non-conforming sign at Yelm Avenue and Railroad. Staff will contact owner and remove sign if owner doesn't comply. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM on motion by John Kinnee. ATTEST: q{)iJ 0 (;~mdo ~ . . NEXT MEETING . · · OCTOBER 16, 1990, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 9/18/90 Planning Committee Minutes Page 3 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET TYPE OF MEETING YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE OF MEETING SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 \ MEETING LOCATION COUNCIL CHAMBERS, YELM CITY HALL REPRESENTING -fqul Sf- e:.-O JJIr\a l-'\ /80'\ LU _ 067 ~IC{~ -70.- f.. D Y'Y"\. .e OteNtl\~ -r~ \ 0) \ l ~\'0,'T ~ qy;jS(\\ te. vJA C)f!5(DI KC~ v \ T ~;Jf) /121Jwcl<- ////);:1 &hUlllv7'/t NU;J v /..-..... - ~ ADDRESS NAME u u ( ) C) 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5. 0 6 . 7. 8. 9 . 10. 11. o Town of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1990, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes: August 21 Regular Meeting September 11 Speclal Meeting c/ 13/t:fJ('/;o:-e ;(Ef I:/t-:sr 6 cjJt.?/iZl9k 7Ae~ Addi t ions/De let ions to agenda b Sf<='/1 T) ,)un.) 'HIl-''''U "/}7/0") C r;;D;/J1~ Ie, ~ / }/~lL.dt'KIi )JJ:1,ei.l1-b-/(S Final Binding Site Plan Ordinance Review E..,,, of Ob'C Zonlng Ordlnance Standards Section Review "Draft" Yelm Platting Ordinance Review Growth Management Act, Association of Washington Cities Other Other Adjourn NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1990, 4:00 P.M. c /\ ~ o MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1990 Regular meeting o~ the Yelm Planning Committee opened at 4:10 P.M. by Tom Gorman in absence of Chair Schlosser. Members present: Jim Brown, Tom Gorman, Kinnee, Lyle Sundsmo, Joe Huddleston and Schlosser, Tom Cundy and Rick Kolilis. Borges and Agnes Colombo. Roberta Longmire, Jim Keyes. Absent: Staff present: John Tim Gene Minutes o~ the June 19, 1990 regular meeting, meeting and the July 17 regular meeting were by Sundsmo, seconded Huddleston. Carried. the July 10 special approved on motion Additions to agenda #10. #11. #12. #13. included: Cuyler/Northwind Woodworks Venture Partners/Draght Farm Klapp request Noncon~orming sign Borges brought members up to date on status o~ group which was originally created by ordinance as commission. Members discussed the merits o~ commission vs committee and agreed that committee designation would be more desirable. Discussed was the ~act that the mayor may not vote to break a tied council vote in land use regulations and that any council member present at planning committee meeting would also not be allowed to vote. This creates potential ~or a tied vote by council with no one to cast a tie breaking vote. Borges explained that the commission would have to be abolished by ordinance and the committee created by ordinance. Members discussed need to ~ill vacancies and replace members who are unable to attend meetings regularly. John Kinnee will look ~or a Yelm High School student to serve on committee. Sta~~ will contact Oliver Stevens at the senior citizen's center ~or names o~ individuals interested in serving as senior representative. Sta~~ will also contact Nisqually Pines Homeowners Association to provide the names o~ three nominees to ~ill a slot to represent the area across the canal. Agenda Item 5. Motion by Kinnee, seconded Gorman that committee recommend council approval o~ Hulbert short plat as requested but not guarantee lot 1 to be buildable. Carried. Agenda Item 6. Motion by Longmire, seconded Brown that committee recommend council approval o~ Cammon short plat as presented, including 40' wide easement on parcel two. Carried. 8/21/90 Planning Committee Minutes Page 1 ,f\ "-J Agenda Item 9. Borges said everything appeared to be Highlands Annexation. Yelm boundary lines but would not time. he met with county 3 weeks ego and favorable in regards to Thurston would need to adjust the growth be dealing with development at this Next meeting requested by Borges and attended by Borges and Badger was with Robertson, Knoppson, Stamm and water quality representative. At this time county sta~~ said they were against the Thurston Highlands property being annexed to Yelm. When questioned by Borges response was, yes, they would allow the property to be developed at 1/5, and possibly even smaller parcel requirements; and yes they would allow a gol~ course and yes, they would also allow neighborhood or service commercial..... ~ollowing this pattern would result in two cities. Borges requested input ~rom county sta~~ present at meeting... no response. Borges asked county sta~~ what their recommendation to the Thurston Co. Commissioners will be?....county sta~~ replied they would recommend commissioners deny annexation. Borges asked what county would do i~ Yelm and Thurston Highlands proceeded with annexation?..... (H. Robertson responded) does the city (Yelm) and developer want to spend two years and the dollars to be denied two years down the road? c Borges met with Thurston Co. Commissioners and asked their views, one no comment, one would deny request, one responded it was time to stop stringing them (Yelm) along. Borges response was that i~ Yelm couldn't operate as a good economic business he (Borges) had some ideas o~ how the county could contribute to the support o~ Yelm. Borges said the county expressed that they would look upon this more ~avorably i~ they were the lead agency. The developer is committed to the project and was told the development would be allowable inside a city. The Thurston proceed but Co. Boundary Review Board may say annexation may require their approval o~ development. Agenda Item #9. Yelm/Thurston Co. Joint Plan. Result o~ 1/5 is against urban growth in this instance. Yelm will not approve Joint Plan until a procedure exists to allow amendments and a readjustment o~ the growth boundary line is made. c Agenda Item #11. Venture Partners/Dragt. Proposal ~or separate annexation o~ Dragt ~arm property. Would be allowable only i~ Brown property also included in petition. Borges in contact with developer at this time as once all petitions are turned in they can't pullout and attempt annexation on their own. This in~ormation is ~or committee in~ormation only, no action needs to be taken at this time. 8/21/90 Planning Committee Minutes Page 2 c Agenda Item #10. Nu~thwind Wuudwu~ks/Cuyle~. Lette~ from Bo~ges in~orming them that they ere not in compliance at this time and requiring immediate cleenup OI outside areas. Response Irom NW/Cuyler apologizing for mess/inconvenience. Members reviewed original veriance request. Motion Longmire, seconded Kinnee that recommendation to stafI and council be to limit activities to those described in 12/19/89 request. ["We plan to put a retail operation in the Iront, selling hand tools and our ~urniture, and do furniture assembly in back".] Carried. Agenda Item #12. Klapp request. Letter ~rom requesting approval to set up series o~ tents to sellers/buyers at Flea Market. John Klapp accommodate Motion Kinnee, seconded Sundsmo that committee recommend council not give approval unless compliance with all regulations/requirements o~ new business are met. Agenda Item #13. him that i~ he building at the would remove it. Tharp. Signs. Borges met with Fred Tharp and in~ormed did not remove the sign in question, on the corner o~ Yelm Ave. W. and Railroad, the city Borges also explained allowable size o~ sign to c Agenda Item #7. Binding Site Plan. Due to lack o~ time at regular meetings sta~~ requested a special meeting to work on site plan. Members agreed to hold a special meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 1990 to work on the Binding Site Plan. Sta~~ requested to send noti~ication o~ meeting to members not in attendance and contact all members prior to special meeting. Motion by 5:15 p.m. Huddleston, seconded Longmire that meeting adjourn at Carried. ATTEST:a ,/)// /J A ~/IJ{J X/ un", ;;L<<' NEXT REGULAR MEETING.......TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1990 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL c . . . . SPECIAL MEETING . . . BINDING SITE ORDINANCE REVIEW TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1990, 4:00 P.M. 8/21/90 Planning Committee Minutes Page 3 o o o ll. I~ / f ;M:: /s TowD .)f Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206.-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1990, 4:00 ?M, YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of minutes: June 19 Regular Meeting July 10 Speclal Meeting July 17 Regular Meeting 4. Addltions/Deletions to agenda 5. Short Plat #8026 - Hulbert Et Al 6. Short Plat #8029 - Cammon 7. "Draft" Binding Site Plan Ordinance review 8. "Draft" Yelm Plattlng Ordinance review 9. Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan 10. Other C.o I /6 P.. I N61Gi!: W, ,Ji;> (jJ();ci/ (J..IOJe..t.S Other o the/(. Adjourn Of1nK.. )}EA.d{.;J::t7' Pn.elttJl:f(, /7JR../J(;(:. k//JjJiJ ).-191{ f~i Sib "-' I ./L-'IJ If.) C' ~ /lJ I (JUn I I'd NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1990, 4:00 PM o IHNUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 17~ 1990 Regular meeting of the Yelm Planning Committee opened at 4:20 P.M. by Tom Gorman in absence of Chair Schlosser. Members present: Jim Brown, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire, and Jim Keyes. Tim Schlosser and Tom Cundy were unable to attend. Staff present: Gene Borges~ Shelly Badger and Agnes Colombo. Minutes of the June 19, 1990 regular meeting and the July 10 special meeting were not approved due to absence of sufficient members to form quorum. Agenda Item 8. Variance request, Fred's Foods. Members read and discussed request. In~ormal poll o~ those present indicated lack o~ approval ~or request. Agenda Item 6. Cammon Short Plat. Rescheduled ~or next meeting as delay will not create undue hardship. o Agenda Item 5. Hulbert Short Plat. Members present ~elt short plat allowable. Would like to reschedule ~or next regular meeting. I~ lack o~ committee recommendation creates hardship Borges instructed to make recommendation to council on behal~ o~ committee members in ~avor o~ short plat only. Agenda Item 7. Lewis Rezone Request. Discussion by members. Polled and agreed best solution is to recommend berm be built and planted with cedar, pine or other ~ast growing greenery at back o~ lot #4 to create a bu~~er. Borges stated he would pass recommendation on to council. Agenda Item 9. Building Site Plan Ordinance. changes suggested. Reviewed, some Agenda Item 10. Dra~t o~ Yelm Platt~ng Ordinance needs to be worked on at next meeting. Members should be reminded prior to meeting. Members acknowledged approval o~ Bowling Alley addition and produce stand operation by planning committee poll on 7/10/90 ~ollowing close o~ special meeting. Question by Gorman as to group's status. Committee or commission? Sta~~ will check minutes and ordinances. Members discussed need to add "landscaping" to the Building Site Plan Ordinance and standards section o~ Yelm Zoning Ordinance. Meeting adjourned 5:25 P.M. /1;AJld ;J C~N~a ~ing Committee Minutes Page 1 c ATTEST: 7/17/90 Town of Yel. c; 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PI.ANNIN:i CCMUTIEE MEETn<<3 TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1990, 4: 00 EM, YEIM CITY HALL 1. Call to order 2 . Roll Call 3. Approval of minutes of June 19, 1990 Regular Planning Corrmittee Meeting and July 10, 1990 Special Meeting 4. Additions/Deletions to agenda 5. Short Plat #8026 - Hulbert Et Al 6. Short Plat #8029 - Carrmon 7. Lewis Rezone reques t o 8. Variance reques t - Fred's Wholesale Foods 9. "Draft" Binding Site Plan Ordinance review 10. "Draft" Yelm Platting Ordinance review 11. Other 12. Other 13. Adjourn NEXT REGULAR MEETn<<3 OF '!HE YEIM PI.ANNIN:i <XMUTIEE WILL BE TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1990, 4:00 EM, YEIM CITY HALL o c c ~ v MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1990 Regular meeting of the Yelm Planning Committee was called to order at 4:10 P.M. by Chair Schlosser. Members present: Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, Joe Huddleston, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire, John Kinnee and Tom Cundy. Staff present: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger and Agnes Colombo. Minutes o~ the May 15, 1990 meeting were approved as presented on motion by Longmire, seconded Brown. Carried. Agenda changes: Additions: Item 9 - Illegal signs. Chenges: Item 4 - Discussion of the Joint Plan Public Hearing and Item 5 - Thurston Co. Rural & Long-term Growth Area Zoning Proposal were moved the end of meeting. Borges told committee that Prairie Security Bank plans to build its new ~acility at 103rd and Yelm Avenue East. Texaco has plans to improve its property at that same intersection and the state has in~ormed the city that it wants the intersection improved. Borges requested committee approval to put the intersection improvements on hold until both parties are ready to proceed with their individual projects and can work jointly on the intersection improvements. Committee members agreed. Committee recommended Asher annexation petition o~ property on West Rd. be denied. Sta~~ directed to in~orm Mr. Asher o~ recommendation and advise that i~ he still wishes annexation he should contact other parties on West Road and bring in as a single annexation. Rikson Development Corporation annexation request o~ property consisting o~ a 30 ~oot wide strip o~ property, contiguous with city limits and adjacent to both Mosman/Solberg and the Nisqually Valley Gol~ Course. Motion by Huddleston that committee recommend council approval o~ the annexation request, seconded Kinnee. Motion carried. Schlosser abstained ~rom vote. Thurston Highlands and Associates annexation request. Map received by ~ax during meeting. Motion by Kinnee that sta~~ contact and request additional in~ormation to enable committee to proceed, seconded Huddleston. Carried 6/19/90 Planning Committee Minutes Page 1 c c C~ Lewis rezone requesting change one percel o~ property located Kingsview Ct. to the North and South. Motion by Gorman that deny request, seconded Kinnee. from industrial to residential of on Crystal Springs St. NW, with three single ~amily homes to the committee recommend City Council Carried. Recommendation by Longmire involved re illegal sign on and Railroed. that staff send letters to parties building at corner of Yelm Avenue W. Sta~~ member Borges and Thurston Co. Planner Stamm will be available to answer questions about proposed zoning ~rom noon to 7 pm tomorrow at the Yelm High School Ca~eteria. The Public Hearing will take place tomorrow evening at 7 pm in the Yelm High School Little Theater. Members were given a copy o~ the Yelm/Thurston Co. Joint Plan dated 5/2/90. goal, "To ensure that the City expands economical manner in accordance with the in~luence" as expressed on page 31. latest dra~t o~ the Borges emphasized the in a consistent and community's sphere o~ Sta~~ was directed to contact Todd Stamm about the Dra~t Proposed New Thurston County Zoning District dated 6/11/90 and dealing with the "holding zone". As presented in this dra~t the "holding zone" is not what the committee agreed to. Sta~~ should also discuss the Memorandum ~rom Stamm dated 6/5/90 on Rural and Long-term Growth Area Zoning Proposals. The committee ~elt they were clear on their desires and were not in agreement with the memorandum. Motion by Longmire that meeting adjourn, Carried. Adjourned 5:30 P.M. seconded Kinnee. Next meeting July 24, 1990. ATTEST: /)/V/lI;.' X) C~. /~.-M!b() CkYC8 .'1/, 6/19/90 Plenning Committee Minutes Page 2 o Town of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm , Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1990, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of minutes of May 15, 1990 meeting 4. Discussion on YelmjThurston County Joint Plan Public Hearing on June 20, 1990 '\ o 5. Thurston County Rural & Long-term Growth Area zoning proposal (information enclosed): *PLEASE NOTE - The Thurston County Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on this issue on June 25, 1990, 7:00 PM, at East Olympia Elementary School (rural and South County areas). June 26, 1990, 7:00 PM, North Thurston High School will be the hearing on the urban areas (Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater). 6. Annexation requests: a. Asher - West Road b. Rikson Development Corp. c. Thurston Highland & Associates 7. Other 8. Other 9. Adjourn *Next meeting of the Yelm Planning Committee will be Tuesday, July 17, 1990. o ~ ~ MINUTES YEIM PLANNIl'I; CXHUT'IEE MEETIl'I; TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1990, 4:00 IM, YEIM CITY HALL The meeting was called to order by Chair Schlosser at 4 :05 HVl. Members present: Jim Brown, John Kinnee, Jim Keyes, Tim Schlosser, Joe Huddles ton, Rick Kolilis (Council Liaison) and Roberta Longmire. Tom Gorman was out of town. Staff: Gene Borges and Shelly Badger. Visi tors: Mark Schwindt. The minutes of the April 17, 1990 Planning Committee Meeting and the May 8, 1990 Special Meeting of the Planning Corrmittee were approved on a motion by Jim Keyes, second by Joe Huddleston. Motion carried. *Item #6 - Yelm Ave. West zoning issue was deleted from the agenda *Discussion on the YelmjThurston County Joint Plan was added to the agenda Rick Kolilis left the meeting at 4:15 HVl to avoid discussion on the Joint Plan. The Corrmittee had the following recorrmendations on the YelmjThurston County Joint Plan for staff to forward on to Todd Stamm - Thurston County Planning: (\ o *page 26 - Street and Frontage Improvement Standards: Would like verbiage changed to read, "To ensure that new development on the periphery incorporates road and frontage improvements compatible with those of Yelm, the County will apply standards that are equal to Yelm's development standards. *page 31 - Jurisdictional Relations: Corrmittee supported the annexation policies - no recommended changes. It was noted that the current "urban growth area" map is not accurate and needs to be changed prior to its presentation to the Thurston County Corrmissioners and Yelm City Council. Rick Kolilis re-entered the meeting at 4:25 HVl. Annexation request: A request to annex to Yelm was received from Glen Nutter for his property on Clark Road. Jim Brown moved to recomnend approval of intent to begin annexation proceedings, subject to the property to the north of Nutter's and east of Clark Road being petitioned to annex at the same time, so as to not create an island of maintenance. Motion was seconded by Jim Keyes. Motion carried. The Corrmi ttee was briefed on the proposed land development and informed that a presentation would be made to the Yelm City Council on May 23, 1990 where more information would be presented. (\ o The Planning Corrmittee was presented wlth a sample "binding slte plan ordinance" which allows cities to approve a conceptual site plan for cornnercial and industrial areas. The site plan allows flexibility in the general layout and allows the boundaries to be adjusted administratively c c c as tenants develop on the property. The Planning Conmittee recomnended to the Yelm City Council on a motion by Jim Brown, second by John Kinnee, that staff draw up a draft "binding site plan ordinance" to present back to the Comnittee. Motion carried. Gene Borges updated the Planning Comnittee on the Comprehensive Street Plan. Meeting adjourned at 5:35 FM. AT'IEST: ~ A ~~ckj/G Shelly A. Badger J City Clerk o TowD of Telm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1990, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Approve minutes of April 17, 1990 regular Planning Committee Meeting and May 8, 1990 Special Planning Committee Meeting 4. Additions/Deletions to agenda 5. Annexation request - Clark Rd. (enclosed) 6. Yelm Avenue West zoning issue 7. Proposed land development c=) 8. Binding site plan ordinance 9. Other 10. Adjourn NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE WILL BE TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1990, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL 8 c MINU'IES CITY OF YEIM PLANNING ~ITIEE MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1990, 4: 00 IM, YEIM CITY HALL The meeting was called to order by Chair Schlosser at 4 :05 EM. Members present: Tim Schlosser, Lyle Sundsmo, Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire, Jim Brown, Rick Kolilis and Jim Keyes. Staff: Gene Borges , Shelly Badger and Todd Starrrn, Thurston County Planning Department. Visitors: Dennis T. Su, KCM, Inc., Robert and Edna Loper and Larry Hanson. Lyle Sundsmo moved to approve the minutes of the March 13, 1990 regular meeting and the March 27, 1990 special meeting of the Planning Corrmittee, second by Roberta Longmire. Motion carried. NOTE: Councilman Kolilis has not been in attendance at the February and March meetings, because the Joint Plan was discussed. Since Councilwoman Wolf was involved in the development of the Joint Plan, she will be unable to vote when the matter comes before the Yelm City Council, however, due to his absence during the process, Mr. Kolilis will be eligible to vote as a councilmember. Steve Craig presented a video showing various methods for controlled growth of the corrmuni ty using proper zoning bylaws, landscaping/greenery and preservation of open space. He stressed that there are new tools available as mentioned above to create new and improved patterns of growth. c He shared a slide presentation with the Planning Corrmittee of Yelm showing areas of needed improvement and areas where landscaping and open space have been used creating an attractive development (benefiting both the business owner and the corrmunity). He stressed the need for proper zoning bylaws, sign ordinances and to prepare for and anticipate the growth, rather than react to it. A request was received from Gloria Moreno and Courtney Brock asking for a waiver in zoning regulations to allow them to locate a 19 foot concession trailer on the lot at the corner of Yelm Ave. E and Clark Rd. They would like to operate a Mexican restaurant out of the trailer for a period of one year allowing them time to establish a permanent location. Roberta Longmire moved to decline to make a recorrmendation and forward the request onto the Yelm City Council (due to the prior mobile home replacement variance granted by the Council), second by Jim Brown. Motion was denied, with all others in attendance voting against the motion. Rick Kolilis moved to recmmend to the Yelm City Council to deny the request to locate a 19 foot concession trailer, for the purpose of operating a Mexican food stand, at the corner of Yelm Ave. E and Clark Rd. as existing ordinances do not allow such a use, second by Lyle Sundsmo. Motion carried with Roberta Longmire voting no. c A request fran John M. Klapp to operate a swap meet, flea market, farmer's market, garage sale, etc. on the 4 vacant lots on his property ~ \.J between Jefferson NE and Van Trunp Ave. NE. Roberta Longmire moved to recorrmend to the Yelm City Council to approve the request, subject to Mr. Klapp's ability to meet all local, county and state requirements and the granting of a conditional use permit by the Yelm City Council, second by Jim Keyes. Motion carried. Rick Kolilis left the meeting at 5: 05 FM due to the discussion on the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan. Todd Starrm updated the corrmittee on the compromise reached between the Thurston County Planning Corrmission and those Yelm Planning Corrmittee members in attendance (Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire and Jim Keyes) at the April 4, 1990 Thurston County meeting. The Thurston County Planning Corrmission agreed to the expanded "corrmunity growth area" around Yelm with the stipulation that those newly added areas (along with View Acres and other "across the canal" lands) be put into a "holding-zone" (new zoning classification). This zone will state that the areas be zoned in the rural category (1 house per 5 acres) until such tirre as services become available, at that time the urban zoning densities would apply. Within the holding zone, land uses that would become non-conforming upon urban zoning designation, would be limited. Also agreed to was the addition of a "transitional zone" to be used in the Planning Area. The transitional zone is a permanent and/or geographic feature used as a buffer between the urban and rural zones (usually one-acre lots). c Jim Keyes moved to accept the compromise (as described above) agreed upon at the April 4, 1990 meeting of the Thurston County Planning Commission, second by Lyle Sundsmo. Motion carried. Todd Starrm informed the Yelm Planning Committee that they will receive a newly revised draft plan soon. At 5:30 FM, Jim Keyes moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Jim Brown. Meeting adjourned. AT'IEST: .\-'W.lt 11 J3a(l.,,~ ~;:~lY A~ ~adger 5 City Clerk ~ <____J (\ o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET tlC01n Iqq MEErltll WJ\TlOO t1drn [~_,-Ha4.~ I Q~ L(~ ~ U), DATE OF MEETI~ TYPE OF MEETI~ VISITORS PRFSENl': ~Nf7 T ~~,' k::~ " lrAIL, ~~ \ ~-~-~S:S7 r~ W~ '!f,C;-7? V~... Wo.-S ~_. r RSY7 ;(6 ber -C G- ,Ie> Pe-v-- , I ;: d/f/4 ?.i.p pip h. (ftR:-j lb/rJSiJl~ c c o TowD of Telm 105 Yelm A yen ue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA YEIM PLANNIr<<; a:M1ITlEE MEETIN:i TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1990, 4: 00 IM, YEIM CITY HALL 1. Call to order 2 . Roll Call 3. Additions/Deletions to agenda 4. Approval of minutes of March 13, 1990 regular meeting and March 27, 1990 special meeting 5. Public requests 6. Presentation by Steve Craig, Nisqually River Council - Corrmunity sidewalk and landscape development 7. Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan - Todd Starrm, Thurston County Planning Department o 8. Other 9 . Other 10. Adjourn NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF '!HE YEIM PLANNIr<<; CCMMI'l"IEE WILL BE TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1990, 4:00 IM, YEIM CITY HALL o c MINU'IES OF '!HE YEIM PLANNn<<; CXMUTIEE MEETn<<; TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1990, 4: 30 FM, YEIM CITY HALL Meeting was called to order at 4: 05 FM by Chair Tim Schlosser. Members present: Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, John Kinnee, Joe Huddleston, Jim Keyes and Roberta Longmire. Members Tom Gonnan and Tom Cundy were excused. Staff: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger and Todd Starrm (Thurston County Planning Department). Visitors: Patsy McCoshum-Gudgell and Larry Hanson. The evening's agenda was approved as distributed. The minutes of the February 20, 1990 meeting of the Planning Committee were approved. Patsy McCoshum-Gudgell was present to comment on her property (14 acres) located in the far southwest corner of the YelmjThurston County Joint Planning Area. Proposed zoning is 1 house per 5 acres, she requested that the Yelm Planning Committee support her request to Thurston County that the property be zoned 1 house per 2 acres. The Committee agreed to support Ms. McCoshum-Gudgell's request. An annexation request was received for property situated on the corner of Yelm Ave. E and Vancil Road. John Kinnee moved to recommend to the Yelm City Council that annexation proceedings begin, second by Joe Huddleston. Motion carried. Much discussion on the YelmjThurston County Joint Plan followed. The Yelm Committee discussed two items: c Item #7: Proposal to identify possible by-pass locations in the plan. Committee felt that specific identification of the by-pass is not possible given the limited infonnation available at this time. Language in support of the by-pass will be included in the plan asking for further study. Item #'s 15, 44, 45: Proposal to apply a residential zone which does not regulate housing density. After much discussion regarding this concept, the Yelm Planning Committee unanimously voted on a motion by Jim Keyes, second by Roberta Longmire, that Thurston County urban zoning standards (SR - suburban residential zone) be applied as the only zoning density designation (within the single-family detached housing zone) in the Thurston County "urban growth area" outside the City of Yelm. The Committee had no recommendation on the residential zone density issue in the "joint plan area" outside the "urban growth area" boundary. The Yelm Planning Committee agreed that the distinction between single-family and multi-family zoning remain. At a Special Meeting of the Yelm Planning Committee to be held on Tuesday, March 27, 1990 at 4: 00 PM, Yelm City Hall, the group will further discuss the location of the "urban growth area" boundary, along with other unresolved issues regarding the YelmjThurston County Joint Plan. c A quorum of the Yelm Planning Committee will try to attend the regular meeting of the Thurston County Planning Commission on Wednesday, April 4, 1990 at 7:30 FM at the Thurston County Courthouse, 2000 Lakeridge Dr. SW, Olympia to discuss the YelmjThurston County Joint Plan. Meeting adjourned 5:50 PM, -~t ') q {. . /l /1 I ! Shelly A. Badger, City Clerk <d\t D <1 j-I cao~ ATTEST: c' Town of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 NO'lE OIANGE OF MEETIK; DA'lE AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PLANNIK; C<MHT'IEE AGENDA TUESDAY, MAROI 13, 1990, 4:00 1M, Yelm City Hall 1. Call to order 2. Roll Call 3. Additions /Deletions to agenda Approval of agenda 4. Approval of minutes of February 20, 1990 Planning Committee Meeting 5. Annexation reques t - Vancil/Yelm Ave. E o 6. Discussion on Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan - Todd Starrm, guest 7 . Other 8. Other 9. Adjourn NEXT MEETIK: OF THE YEIM pIJ\NNDli CCMMI'I"I'EE WILL BE APRIL 17, 1990, 4:00 1M, YEIM CITY HALL o o o o Town of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 PUBLIC l'Vl'ICE The regular meeting of the Yelm Planning Corrmittee has been changed from Tuesday, March 20, 1990 to TUESDAY, MAROI 13, 1990 at 4:00 PM. ~Y!/fJ. B~{;;rJ1F - City Clerk Published in the Nisqually Valley News - March 8, 1990 (\ o MINU'IES YEIM PLANNIKi CCMUT'IEE MEETIKi TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1990, 4:00 1M, YEIM CITY HALL The meeting was called to order by Tim Schlosser, Chair at 4 :00 fM. Members present: Tim Schlosser, Rick Kolilis, John Kinnee, Jim Brown, Jim Keyes, George Knight, Joe Huddles ton, Roberta Longmire and Tom Cundy. Tom Gonnan was out of town. Visitors: Phillip LaPorte, John R. Brown and Mathew Schubbart. Staff: Shelly Badger, Gene Borges, Todd Starrm ( Thurs ton County Planning Department). LaPorte Millwork's request was added to the agenda, the agenda was approved as amended. Roberta Longmire moved to approve the minutes of the January 16, 1990 Planning Corrmittee meeting, second by George Knight. Motion carried. Joe Huddleston was introduced as the newest Planning Corrmittee member replacing Martha Parsons. Rick Kolilis left the meeting at 4:08 fM. c Todd Stamm - Staff report on proposed reVlSlons to the YelmjThurston County Joint Plan: Todd explained that the staff report outlined the County Planning staff's suggested responses to various proposed changes in the YelmjThurston County Joint Plan. The changes have been proposed by the public, staff of Yelm or Thurston County, or by members of the two planning corrmissions now reviewing the document. The Thurston County Planning Corrmission has reviewed the proposed changes and highlighted which items need further discussion. The Yelm Planning Corrmittee proceeded to discuss the 45 iteITS detennining them as "consensus" items, or items which require more discussion. Todd stated that once a tentative action has been taken on each "discussion" proposal by both planning corrmissions, a new draft of the joint plan with revised text and maps will be prepared for their review. The Yelm Planning Corrmi ttee will change their March meeting to March 13, 1990 (from March 20, 1990), so as they may further discuss the particular changes not yet agreed upon by both corrmissions. This will allow their comments to be passed on to the Thurston County Planning Corrmission prior to their March 21, 1990 meeting. All 150 letters have been individually responded to as requested at the December 20, 1989 Public Hearing. Annexation inquiry - Crystal Springs & Canal Road: The Planning Corrmittee recommended that staff and city officials begin discussion meetings with Acceptance North West to evaluate the feasibility of annexation into Yelm a 40-acre track of land at the corner of Crystal Springs & Canal Road (as requested in January 16, 1990 letter from Acceptance North West). o Jefferson Street property request: The Plannlng Committee ~greed that the property at McKenzie #2, Lot 9 & 10, Block 12 remaln 50 I lots as originally platted and allowed the Yelm Building Department to deal with structure setbacks. The Thurston County Assessor's Office may issue a tax c parcel number for lot #10 as currently platted. Rick Kolilis re-entered the meeting at 5:05 PM. John R. Brown request: A request was received to place an additional mobile home (10' X 50') on the property off Yelm Ave. (Parcel #13-0302), to initially store on the lot and move into in the future. The property currently has one mobile home situated on it that Mr. Brown resides in. Roberta Longmire moved that the request for a variance to place the mobile home on parcel #13-0302 for storage and future residence be forwarded on to the Yelm City Council, second by Jim Keyes. Motion carried. Planning Committee also requested that the Yelm City Council redefine the mobile home ordinance in regards to replacement of existing mobile homes. LaPorte Millworks request: A letter was received from Phillip LaPorte to build a sawmillingjremanufacturing business on Rhoton Road across from Select Wood Products (parcel #64300800300). Since the use is not permitted outright in the industrial zone, the Planning Committee and City Council must give approval. The Planning Committee recommended to the Yelm City Council to approve of the use of said property subject to approval by all other regulatory agencies. c At 5:25 PM, Rick Kolilis left the meeting so as the YelmjThurston County Joint Plan could be discussed further. The Yelm Planning Committee requested that Todd insert into the draft joint plan language that reconsiders new densities for properties if and when services become available and states that current densities are based on non-availability of services at the present. Rick Kolilis re-entered the meeting at 5:53 PM. Rick Kolilis, Councilman informed the Planning Committee that the Yelm City Council would like the committee to review the applicable sections of the zoning ordinance in regards to the requirement of sidewalks, curbs and gutters in residential areas. The Committee will discuss this in detail at a later meeting and come up with a recommendation for the Council's review. The Council also requested that the Planning Committee give their opinion on replacement of mobile homes. The next meeting of the Yelm Planning Committee will be Tuesday, March 13, 1990 instead of the regularly scheduled meeting date of March 20, 1990, so as the Committee may further work on the joint plan prior to the Thurston County Planning Commission meeting of March 21., 1990. Meeting adjourned at 6: 05 PM. o ATTEST: ~~~~~/~:~k ~ u VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET .- (}tJt11mi ~ dO J C) q () TYPE OF MEETIl'I:; DATE OF MEETIl'I:; MEETIl'I:; J:AX:ATION J7ur W7 "-- o c Town of Yelm :J 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm , Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PLANNII'<<i <XMU'l"IEE MEETII'<<i TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1990, 4: 00 EM, YEIM CITY HALL 1. Call to Order 2 . Roll Call 3. Addi tions jDeletions to agenda 4. Approval of minutes of January 16, 1990 Planning Comnittee Meeting 5. Introduction of new Planning Comnittee member Joe Huddleston 6. Todd Starrm - YelmjThurston County Joint Plan report 7. Annexation request - Crystal Springs & Canal Road 8. Jefferson Street Boundary Line Adjustment request - Century 21 o 9. John R. Brown reques t 10. Share of Infonnation 11. Other K l de (D 1111 > 12. Other ICer-Yh we. \ I - 13. Adjourn NEXT MEETING OF 'mE YEIM PLANNING CCMMI'l"IEE WILL BE TUESDAY, MARDI 20, 1990, 4:00 EM, YEIM CITY HALL o (\ ~ c ~ ~ YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 16, 1990 YELM CITY HALL The Yelm Planning Committee meeting was called to order by Chair Kathy Wolf at 4:12 PM. Members Present: Kathy Wol~, Martha Parsons, Roberta Longmire, James Brown, Tim Schlosser and Tom Cundy, sta~~ members Gene Borges, Agnes Colombo and Todd Stamm and guests Ute Allen, George Swartz, and Matthew Schubart and Sandy Mackie representing J.Z. Knight/Messiah Arabian Stud, Inc. Martha council Sanders. Parsons will be leaving the committee due to her position. A replacement will be appointed by I~ you have any recommendations please call him. new Mayor Chair Kathy Wol~ is also leaving the committee and will be replaced on the committee by Rick Kolilis. Kathy said she enjoyed serving on the committee and appreciated the time and e~~ort o~ the committee members. Tim Schlosser was appointed new chair o~ the Yelm Planning Committee. December 19, 1989 Minutes: Roberta Longmire ~elt the ~ollowing portion o~ the minutes needed to be deleted; "A mobile/trailer would not be allowed to serve as the o~~ice" (~or Mr. Attwood's auto sales business). Roberta Longmire moved that minutes be accepted as corrected, seconded Tom Cundy. Motion approved. The Attwood Boundary Line Adjustment request, meets all standards and the committee has no objections. Recommended it be sent to the council ~or action. The regular meeting was closed at 4:07 P.M. Hearing was opened. and the Public Sta~~ Borges and Stamm met a~ter the last public hearing and reviewed all verbal and written objections presented. Stamm explained that tonights hearing was necessary because the notice requirements ~or a town and a code city di~~er. This also allows additional opportunity to hear public comments. The County Planning Commission met January 3 and reviewed requests ~or changes in proposed zoning. The sta~~ put together a package recommendation. The committee will look at the new presentation tomorrow night. c c c Yelm Planning Committee 1/16/90 Page 2 Many objections thru Burnett to between Cullens Burnett to SR510 increased traffic were received to proposed roads linking Cullens SR510. Also to the commercial area by canal and Killion. Eliminating the road linking would be a possible solution to concerns about in this area. Most of the objections received from south o~ town are due to the belief that the proposed zoning would permit too many units per acre. Stibers objected to smaller plots in their area. Objections were also received concerning the area across ~rom Hytec being changed to industrial, light industrial might be better. Near the new elementary school in the vicinity o~ 100th and Grove Road responses were varied; everyone wanted something di~~erent. Stamm explained that expectations are ~or 100 houses per year during the next 10-20 years. 1/3 would be in Yelm, the rest in the surrounding area. Demand in rural areas is not really known as without a sewer system the lots must remain larger. S. Mackie representing J.Z. Knight/Messiah Arabian objected to the plan as it separates the house (SR 4/1) ~rom the arena and other ~acilities (RR 1/2). The house is in the urban growth area and the arena and stables are outside the urban growth boundary. He suggested the boundary be moved to the west, while the property would still be divided it would be more satis~actory. Joe Huddleston expressed concern that Thurston County has allowed a mobile and 2 travel trailers to locate across ~rom each other on 93rd Avenue. These properties are located within the ~lood plane and he ~elt the county should not issue permits ~or them. It was explained that the ~irst step in plenning was ~or Yelm to square up the city and identi~y areas that the city would allow to annex i~ petitioned to do so. Matthew Schubart showed the committee where Thompson Creek splits and where it rejoins on the Knight property. Public Hearing adjourned and regular committee meeting resumed at 4:40 P.M. Rick Kolilis le~t the meeting, as required to preserve his voting rights as councilmember. c Yelm Planning Committee 1/16/90 Page 3 The Yelm Planning Committee expressed concern with the quality ox development that has been approved in the pest in the Thurston County unmapped use aree, the County only looks at the proposed development, not at road accesses, services/utilities available, etc. The Planning Committe expressed the need xor changes in policy so that all elements ox proposed development are reviewed prior to approval. Stamm in~ormed committee that the Yelm/Thurston Co. Joint Planning Committee will not meet again until requested to do so. No decisions on the proposed zoning need to be made at this time. This gives committee the opportunity to take a look at the proposed changes and consider the letters and comments ~rom local residents. Stamm will make recommendations and put together the next phase. Committee requested that the minutes o~ the December 20th meeting be sent to them. c Roberta Longmire expressed her belie~ that the Joint Planning Committee should back up and remove all density requirements ~rom proposed zoning changes. Schlosser agreed and ~elt the plan went too ~ar too ~ast. Stamm explained that all county zoning is density speci~ic. Stamm distributed packets o~ letters received ~rom community members. He said they pretty much ~ell into two categories, those that 1) object to any planning at all and 2) those who object to zoning but not planning. Stamm inIormed the committee that unmapped use changes when the comprehensive plan changes. Exceptions, near/in vicinity o~ already developed areas then the developed area would be used to set similar requirements. He also stressed the need to know how land surrounding town will be developed in order to plan ~or sewer, water, transportation and other services. Rick Kolilis rejoined the meeting at 5:03 P.M. Borges told committee that he had been in~ormed by the county that plans have been submitted to add 59 lots in Andrew's Fi~th Addition o~~ o~ Ordway Drive. Discussion ~ollowed on the lack o~ access available to provide emergency services to this area in the event o~ a problem. At this time only one road provides access and it requires crossing the bridge over the canal. e Borges requested and was granted approval by the committee to poll council by phone to obtain their approval o~ the Attwood boundary line adjustment request. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P. M. /} . /7 /)1 ~ / Cdp'<JIJ V L~f/~~v VISI'IDR SIGN IN SHEET (\ o TYPE OF MEETI~ YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE OF MEETI~ JANUARY 16, 1990 MEETI~ l..(XA.TION YELM CITY HALL VISI'IDRS PRESENT: (eli' k (;~~fZtt/01, ~ de 0 V""1<L ~ f., ~.~ l ""'d,.V / ~ I?&V?~<?: t:'; (...(:j . II () c.. v ",4 /1 '/..r;7 / c c o o o Town of Yel- 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PI.ANNI:N:i C(MotIT'.lEE MEETIN; 'lUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1990, 4:00 :EM, YEIM CITY HALL 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Introduction of new Yelm City Council Liaison - Rick Kolilis 4. Additions/Deletions to agenda 5. Approval of minutes of December 19, 1989 meeting 6. Attwood Boundary Line Adjustment request 7. Close meeting to open Public Hearing on Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan 8. Questions/Comments regarding Joint Plan 9. Close Public Hearing and reopen Planning Meeting 10. Further discussion and plan of action - Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan 11. Preliminary Plat - Andrew's Addition 12. Other 13. Other 14. Adjourn NEXT MEETING OF THE YEIM PLANNING CCMMTTIEE WILL BE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1990, 4: 00 EM, YEIM CITY HALL