Special Meetings n o c c MINUTES CITY OF YELM SPECIAL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1990 Special meeting of the Yelm Planning Committee opened at 4:06 P.M. by Chair Tim Schlosser. Members present: Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, Roberta Longmire, John Kinnee, George Knight, Joe Huddleston and Jim Keyes. Absent: Tom Gorman, Tom Cundy and Rick Kolilis. Staff present: Gene Borges and Agnes Colombo. Borges brought committee up to date and answered questions about the Venture Partners/Dragt and Thurston Highlands annexation requests. Borges explained need for both parties to ensure that individual property owners sign only one annexation petition. Also, that if a property owner decided to drop out after formal petition for annexation, that individual would not be allowed to resubmit an annexation request for one year. Committee reviewed Standards, Section 7 of Yelm Zoning Ordinance and found it inadequate. Motion Keys, seconded Kinney that as Zoning Ordinance "Standards" section is not comprehensive enough as now written members should review and discuss changes needed at the next regular meeting on September 18, 1990. Carried. Keys remarked that a lot of cities have major/minor streets with major requiring sidewalks on one side, minor would not have to meet this requirement. Staff will provide copies to committee members and additional information. School computer system, information from Municipal of Comprehensive Six-Year Street Plan will contact Municipal Research for Kinnee offered the use of Yelm High if needed, for fast receipt of Research. The rest of the meeting was spent reviewing and making changes to the Site Plan Ordinance. Borges asked committee if change in meeting time 4:30/5:00 P.M. would be more or less convenient for Members felt change would not be desirable. to 3:00- members. Meeting adjourned at 5:26 P.M. on motion by Keyes. * * * NEXT MEETING * * * SEPTEMBER 18, 1990, 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Planning Committee Minutes Page 1 'Jill ;1" ,., ,;f. ';':;' .) ~ r\. ., " ~ C':: 'l:. i' >~ ~ ''<. i " t~( \\ 1-}1. '.t' .~ 1\,- '\. ,,,II y."f :\; '~f ~ .( ::j '. 'j.f ~ ,:I t' ., 'f' '):-f f ~i . '!oj: rl, " ,f ~f .,....~ ~ .f "1" .\. " ., .j. , <t'-'..~ .;" .; " ~, .,. ~. ;. ~, '" ~~ ':'-' t" ~ .f ,~ J't i. + ~L ~\., ~ ). .~~ ,t i.~ . ~'<;. > i". J ,i~ t: '..;. ~ f,}. '!/i t .,. ~~ " :J: 'n,: .{< '!, ~- h ~' ... :'> .;,1"1 ~~ ( 'j,' 'r .. .-. 'I t, ~ .~. .. . .; .f ....v. '1 T~is 'forrn'OffiCla!IY~Saoct!onecfby';~~e"" .t!i~~~" !~.~}~~\ WaShi~gton ~9WSP~~~....,',: ~.,..,~...~...I:.~.~.~~;:~".~~~:it~~:~:tjf~~~ :::' ,:/,7 ,", :J:, >\. _ '" t' '.. -, >l:';--:;f. .,. ., ~:.~r ~~~ :\.;. " " '~. o o () TowD of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE The Yelm Planning Commi ttee has called a Special Meeting to be held on Tuesday, September 11, 1990 at 4:00 P.M. at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Avenue West to discuss the Bindlng Site Plan. ATTEST: 11& yJ C/mio ~P. Colombo Deputy City Clerk PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News, Thursday, August 30, 1990 o o o MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1990 Special Thurston 4:00 P. M. meeting of the Yelm Highlands annexation by Chair Schlosser. Planning Committee to review the petition was called to order at Members present: Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire, John Kinnee, Rick Kolilis, Jim Keyes, George Knight and Tom Cundy. Staff present: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger, Agnes Colombo and Thurston County Planner Todd Stamm. Guests: Dennis Su, KCM, Inc., Gary Lee, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc., Mark Schwindt and Don Miller, Nisqually Valley News, and area residents Mac Woods and Marv Wagner. Members presented with packet including original proposed (by Thurston Highland & Associates) annexation area, marked in yellow and map of new proposed (by staff) annexation area, marked in blue. New annexation area boundary runs south from 93rd following the Yelm High School boundary then west and south along the borders of the Purvis property; then encompasses the Thurston Highland parcel and then heads east and back to the city limits following the southern boundary of the Dragt and Brown property. Borges explained that he had spoken with Mr. Dragt who zelt it would be to his advantage to be included in the annexation. Mr. Brown would also benefit from the annexation. Question by Longmire about the possibility of the boundary line returning to the city limits being located farther south and following the same section line as the Thurston Highlands property and then out to SR 507. Discussion followed about the disadvantages o~ such a move ie providing services and building and maintaining roads. When asked, Highlands representatives present at meeting had no comment on this question. Longmire also asked if the owners of small parcels in the new annexation petition area had been contacted. City staff has not contacted them however, Thurston Highlands and Assoc. has stated an intent to meet with and ask all inside boundary to sign the annexation petition, in any event larger parcels will have enough value (at least 75%) to annex entire proposed area. Schlosser questioned the county reaction to the property - would it be squared up enough to meet their approval. City staff will be meeting with the county soon. 7/10/90 Planning Committee Minutes Page 1 o o o Borges explained that the city has asked for 1 specific access, between SR 510 and the Thurston Highland Parcel. Concern about the location of others is premature as we are concerned only with an annexation at this time. If and when annexation is approved by all jurisdictions development requirements can be discussed and negotiated. Keyes questioned possible "conditional" annexation. Stamm explained the "conditional" annexation procedure and that it is usually initiated by the land owner. Gorman requested explanation of annexation criteria. Borges explained that annexation is based on the desires of the majority of the landowners and/or dollar value with the owners of the highest land value having priority. For City Council approval the minimum requirements would be to meet the 75X valuation of property involved and approval of all jurisdictional agencies (Thurston Co. Boundary Review Board.) Motion by Longmire that Yelm Planning Committee recommend to City Council approval of the new Thurston Highland annexation boundaries (marked in blue) and give approval for Thurston Highland and Assoc. to proceed with necessary paperwork, seconded Gorman. Motion carried. Schlosser entertained motion for adjournment. So moved John JUnnee. Meeting adjourned 4:45 P.M. ATTEST. qAJEJ xJ C//>116-; 7/10/90 Planning Committee Minutes Page 2 c c c CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1990, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL Meeting was called to order at 4:12 P.M. by Chair Schlosser. Members present: Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, Joe Huddleston, Tom Gorman, Jim Keyes, and Roberta Longmire. Staff present: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger, Agnes Colombo and Todd Stamm, Thurston County Planning Department. Borges explained that the purpose of this special meeting is for final adoption of the Joint Plan so it can be passed on to the Thurston County Commissioners and the Yelm City Council. Members were given copies of the plan and a new map and noted some changes needing to be made. Changes were: Removing the listing Robert Sanders as a the heading. under the City Council of Yelm (update) of councilmember, and eliminating (update) from Page 10, Public Education - changing Yelm School District No. 2-J to Yelm Community Schools. Longmire questioned Stamm about Page 24 Industrial Area Reservation. She zelt that failure to zone the area industrial at this time would allow development of houses, at the 1 per 5 acre level, and would eliminate the possibility of extending the industrial area at a future time. It was noted that the map showing the Urban Growth Area needs to be updated. Members discussed the new "holding zone" shown on the Proposed County Zoning Map (last page). Stamm explained that this zone is not defined at this point. It would most likely limit development to 1/5 until such time as city services become available. Agreement on this new zone must include not only Yelm, but also Lacey, Olympia and Tumwater. It was suggested by Stamm that the Joint Plan be accepted and forwarded to the City Council for review with the stipulation that the council not give final approval without first getting back to the Yelm Planning Committee and that any changes the council proposed be sent to committee for their input. Chair Schlosser entertained a motion to approve the Joint Plan, subject to each committee member being given opportunity for zurther review of the plan, and reserving the right to make changes at the next regular meeting of the Yelm Planning c c c Committee, on Tuesday, May subject to committee approval has yet to be determined. Gorman. Motion carried. 15, 1990. Such approval is also of "holding zone" definition which So moved by Huddleston, seconded Moved by Keyes to adjourn at 4:35. Copies of the Regional Planning Profile were supplied by Stamm to committee members. ~~ij xJ C~do o o o Town of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458..3244 REMINDER TO: YEIM PLANNING CCMMITTEE FRCM: SHELLY BADGER, CITY CLERK RE: SPECIAL MEETING OF THE YEIM PLANNING CCMMITIEE This notice is a reminder of the special meeting of the Yelm Planning Corrmittee scheduled jointly with the Thurston County Planning Commission. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 4, at 7:30 p.m. at the Thurston County Courthouse, 2000 Lakeridge Dr. SW, Bldg. 1, Room 152. The purpose of the meeting is to dis- cuss the recent changes to the YelmjThurston County Joint Planning including the location of the "corrmunity growth area" boundary and any unresolved zoning issues. It is very important that a quorum of the Yelm Corrmittee be present, therefore, please contact Lynn at Yelm City Hall, 458-3244 to tell her if you are able to attenc1. The Joint Plan discussion will begin at approximately 8:00 p.m. c MINillES SPECIAL MEETIl'Ii OF '!HE YEIM p~ CCMUTIEE TUESDAY, HARm 27, 1990, 4:00 I'M, YEIM CITY HALL The meeting was called to order by Chair Tim Schlosser at 4:15 PM. Members present: Tim Sclosser, Tom Gorman, Tom Cundy, Jim Keyes, Roberta Longmire, John Kinnee and Jim Brown. Staff: Shelly Badger, Todd Starrm (Thurston County Planning Department). Visitors: Mark Schwindt, Nisqually Valley News and Doreen Milward, Owens Davies Mackie. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to make a recommendation on the boundaries of the "community growth area" and to discuss any other unresolved issues regarding the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan. After much discussion on the boundaries of the "growth area", the following recommendations will be forwarded onto the Thurston County Planning Commission for their review: Jim Keyes moved to extend the "community growth area" boundary east of the present line to the Centralia Power & Light Canal, south to SR 507, then west along SR 507 to meet the current boundary line. The motion was seconded by JOM Kinnee. Motion carried. c Motion by Jim Brown to extend the present "community growth area" boundary east along 110th Ave. to Bald Hills Rd., then southeast bordering Bald Hills Rd., encompassing the present "satellite community growth area" at Four Corners, northwest along the Centralia Power & Light Canal to SR 507. Second by Roberta Longmire. Tim Schlosser voted yes, Tom Gorman voted no, Tom Cundy voted yes, Jim Keyes abstained and JOM Kinnee voted yes. Motion carried. The Committee made the following recommendations on other unresolved issues: Item #26: Motion by Roberta Longmire to leave MDR 4-8/1 (multi-family residential) zone on Vancil Road as originally shown in joint plan, second by Jim Keyes. Motion carried. Item #32: Request to extend SR 4/1 zone at J.Z. Knight property residence west to Thompson Creek. Yelm Planning Corrmittee agreed with staff recorrmendation to extend the zone west 528 feet to correspond to zone to the north. This retains the buffer between Thompson Creek and urban zone; 528 feet would encompass meeting hall and office, but would leave parking area in RR 1/2 zone. Item #36: Request for comnercial and multi-family zoning on Middle Road between new elementary school and proposed multi-family zone at Railroad Ave. Corrmittee agree with staff recommendation to leave the zones as originally proposed allowing the existing recycling center to continue as a non-conforming use; expanded multi-family area was specifically rejected by joint planning committee. c Todd Stamm reminded the Yelm Planning Committee of the joint meeting between the Yelm and Thurston County committees on Wednesday, April 4, 1990, 7:30 PM, Thurston County Courthouse. Discussion on the Joint Plan c c c will begin at approximately 8:00 PM. Jim Keyes and Roberta Longmire stated they would be attending. Yelm staff will mail a reminder to all Committee memebers. Jim Keyes moved to adjourn the Special Planning Committee meeting at 5:40 PM. Meeting adjourned. A'ITEST: JheLl-Lj 1\ ~QC'~ Shelly A. Badger J City Clerk -------- \T1.S1'l'O"RS pRE5~: S ~ 00 7rY) ut uJ. 'l"iPB Of ~~ DATE OF ~~ ~l ~1t-G I.,CCATloN -..... /~ /~ , -..... G c o o Town of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 oorICE OF SPECIAL MEETINGS CITY OF YEIM PI.ANNlN; aHlIITTEE The Yefln Planning Committee has called a Special Meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 27, 1990 at 4: 00 H'1 at Yefln City Hall, 105 Yefln Ave. W. to discuss proposed revisions to the YeflnjThurston County Joint Plan. A Special Meeting of the Yefln Planning Committee will also be held jointly with the Thurston County Planning Commission on Wednesday, April 4, 1990 at 7:30 H'1 at the Thurston County Courthouse, 2000 Lakeridge Dr. SW, Olympia. Purpose is to discuss the YelmjThurston County Joint Plan. ATTEST: 5iu.CL.01_A, &d~ Shelly \A) Badger f) Yefln City Clerk Published in the Nisqually Valley News - Thursday, March 22, 1990