Agendas and Minutes c CJ' G MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1991 Meeting opened by Chair Tim Schlosser at 4 03 P.M. Members Present: Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, John Kinnee, Jim Keyes, Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Tom Cundy, Roberta Longmire, Lyle Sundsmo and Tim Schlosser. Staff present: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger, attorney Sandy Mackie and Agnes Colombo. Guests' Dick Yunker, Stephnay Ray, Larry Karr, Gordon Kampfer, Mike Edwards, Bev Kolilis, Mark Ziebell, Julie McCloud, Elizabeth Hunter, Lawrence Mellema, Jeanette Mellema, Dick Flannigan and Robert Person Minutes of October 15, 1991 meet ing were approved as corrected on motion by Sundsmo, seconded Jim Brown. Corrections' deleted words in bold type, new text underlined' 1. Mellema explained that he felt it vital that minutes reflect that John Huddleston when questioned near the end of 10/15/91 public hearing stated that he did not want to rezone unless plat was assured of being approved. John Huddleston explained that when Questioned he expressed his feelin~s that not knowin~ if plat would be approved he probably wouldn't do it (rezone) as he understood that this was a special classification allowin~ people in the city to have animals on their property. He wasn't ~oin~ to ~ive UP people's ri~ht to have animals on their property if the plat wasn't approved. L Mellema explained that his wife understood from what was said that he (Huddleston) wanted to hold on to that classification (R/A). Mellema added that minutes misstated what his wife actually said (page 3, para 2) and requested that the statement be clarified. Jeanette Mellema, 1209 Crystal Springs St NW: When annexation of their property to Ye lm occurred, it was her understand ing that the property area would remain residential/agricultural (RA). Minutes of October 22, 1991 meet ing approved on mot ion by Kinnee, seconded Sundsmo Motion carried. Agenda changes' Rezone request . . . . . . . . City right-of-way vacate requests Public Hearing, Plat request from #5 from #6 .from #7 to #7 to #5 to #6 CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 11/19/91 PAGE 1 o o o Agenda additions' #8 Birkland annexation #9 Stephie's Stuff parking diagram and tent #10 Flannigan/Person land use L. Mellema questioned movement of the rezone request from item #5 to #7 and if it was legally possible to have rezone contingent upon replat. Schlosser explained that the commission is an advisory body, they have no I ega I author i ty and do not change zoning or approve plats. The commission's function is to review and make recommendations to the council. The council has the option of ignoring a commission recommendation Motion Kinnee, seconded Motion carried. Sundsmo that agenda be approved as changed. Agenda Item #5 Borges explained that the city had established the fact that the alley behind Emanuel Lutheran Church, for which vacate action is being sought, is a legal alley Gordon Kampfer is also requesting the city vacate 145 foot of alley between the garden center and his property Borges explained that the attorney advised that the commission could chose to recommend approval to vacate portion of the alley that Kampfer was requesting subject to easement being reserved for fire/utilities He (attorney) used the same wording for church request Schlosser expressed reservations about allowing city right-of-way vacate as it would establish precedent Motion Longmire, seconded Brown that commission recommend council allow both vacate requests, that the city reserve right of easement for fire and utilities and that no above or below ground structures be erected at any time. Motion carried Commission meeting closed and Public Hearing opened at 4:25 P M Chair Schlosser explained that all speakers would be allowed 3 minutes to be heard After all who wanted to speak had the oppoptuni ty speakers could have the floor for a second time Jim Keyes requested that his abstention from voting on this issue be reflected in the minutes He also stated for the record that he would not comment on adequacy of plat, he would answer questions John Huddleston gave an overview of the preliminary plat He explained that the approval given allowed no more than 43 lots. He met wi th the Environmental Heal th Dept , the engineer and Gene Borges Di scussed was us ing a communi ty drainf i e I d for 25 homes, subject to design approval, until such time as sewer hookup occurred. A sandmound/sand type fil ter system which is an advanced septic type treatment system is planned. This would be required to build the first 25 homes CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 11/19/91 PAGE 2 o o o Access would be from Crystal Springs Street across from Crystal Court Existing buildings except house, which will be remodeled, and possibly pumphouse would be removed. Privacy fence planned along north boundary and front. Hedge and ground /cover already exists on south. Price range of homes to be $100,000-160,000 depending on lot and size of home Twelve to twenty homes would probably be build during the first two years The rest after completion of sewer As much existing tree cover as possible will left John Huddleston in agreement with Dept of Ecology requirement that one lot be removed to allow access to Yelm Creek. Yelm wi II require a Shorel ine Permi t, as per DOE requirements All structures to be a minimum of 100 feet away from the creek area. Public Comments: Julie McCloud 1013 Crystal Sprin~s Street NW. Felt that a fence was needed between McCloud property and plat. McClouds hold ceremonies and dances on their property and have experienced problems with complaints in the past. She expressed concern about seepage from drainfield into their well and garden. A letter from Janet McCloud, who could not attend due to illness, was given to the commission. When asked for information about where the proceeding went next, McCloud was told to the council and that meetings were public. McCloud was provided with the time and dates of counc i I meet ings and phone number for any questions Huddleston explained that there was no threat to McClouds from the septic and that he would be willing to discuss a mutual arrangement for putting up a fence Mark Ziebell 1307 Crystal Sprin~s Street NW' Questioned Environmental Impact Statement indication that wells would be closed off. It was explained that existing wells on the proposed plat site would be closed Ziebell questioned how surrounding wells would be protected from runoff from the 25 houses, and if safeguards wou I d be put in place to protect existing wells. Ziebell also questioned the effect the homes would have on taxes on surrounding property Schlosser explained that taxes for land and structures were assessed separately Possibly there would be some impact on value of ground. House value set on attributes of house only Borges explained that Ann CI if ton, Thurston Co. Assessor' had explained that zoning was a determining factor, that R/A would not be affected by change in R-l. Commission further explained that rezone of his property would not happen without his request to do so. Borges also explained that the Health Dept has strict requirements for the septic system that must be met by the builder and that there would be no detriment to wells or groundwater CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 11/19/91 PAGE 3 o o o Dick Younker. Skillin~s and Chamberlain en~ineer, Hudd I eston on meet ing Hea I th Dept. requ i rements for explained that old septic systems just made wastes systems treat pathogens and pollutants before disposal wi II require that adequate treatment wi II be done to health. working with sept ic system disappear j new Health Dept. protect publ ic Larry Mellema. 1209 Crystal Sprin~s Street NW. Expressed bel ief that the Dept. of Ecology would limit what the developer could do. Mellema considered a portion of the area a wetlands (by definition), any place fowl inhabi t. Mellema asked if Huddleston had plans to fill in any portion of the area Huddleston explained that the only area on the property designated as wetlands is the creek area and that he plans grading but that fill in is not needed. Mike Edwards. Prairie Security Bank: Stated he was attending as an observer to see the commission in action and that it has been demonstrated by the community that Yelm is looking for some controlled and managed growth. He also stated that growth always results in concern from surrounding property owners. He hopes the commission feels that they are getting good guidance from staff, health dept. and community and said that the banking field will be looking to see how they can contribute to goals of community. Borges questioned Mackie as to how this action fits explained that 2929 required that the following determine if the plat was allowable: 2929. criteria Mackie would 1. Is it in agreement with Yelm's Comprehensive Plan? 2 Are streets/facilities adequate? 3. Is there evidence of wetlands? Mackie stated that the plat was in agreement with both Yelm's Comprehensive Plan and the Thurston County/Yelm Joint Plan as both encourage infilling (building on available land within the city) to avoid potential sprawl. \ J. Mellema. 1209 Crystal Sprin~s Street NW: questioned the adequacy roads and stated that she has waited for 5 to 10 minutes to enter traffic on SR510/Yelm Avenue Borges explained that Skillings & Chamberlain has been selected to perform a traffic study for Yelm and DOT that should be completed by the end of February. Areas addressed will be SR507, SR510 and all arterials and feeder streets. The whole comprehensive traffic plan will be looked at due to SR507/510 being Interstate 5 alternate under Emergency Management Plan. Mackie added that this is a state planned activity (traffic study) that will lead to improvements and that the intersections being questioned were being operated at a "B" level of service at this time, which indicates a higher level of congestion but not an emergency situation. A "D" level of service would indicate that improvements need to be made. CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 11/19/91 PAGE 4 o o o M. Ziebell. 1307 Crystal Sprin~s st. NW requested a copy of the existing traffic study. Borges said that the material, which shows hourly level of traffic activity, can be view at city hall Borges suggested Ziebell call first so he would could arrange time to go over them wi th him Keyes added that in real ity Lacey and Olympia roads developed because of growth .that growth pushed improvements. Tom Cundy requested date for the sewer on Crystal Borges explained that scope of work for Phase 1 beginning 1/1/92 and valve turning in December of '93 Spr ings Street. shows engineers Huddleston indicated that construction in Huntington Greens would start next summer at the earliest and that the maximum number of homes allowed on the plat, without the sewer, would be 25 Cundy asked if his estimation that 18 homes would probably be build and use the sand/mound septic during an 18 month period. Huddleston acknowledged that Cundy's estimation was correct. Staff added that building permits could not be issued without septic approval from the county If the sewer was not operational permits could not be issued which would bring construction to a halt. J. Mellema. 1209 Crystal Sprin~s st. NW: asked if the sewer was assured. Staff explained that funding was in place, most paperwork completed but notice to proceed is not in hand and that anything could happen. If the sewer system did not come about the development could still be allowed but the final number of lots allowed to be developed would be reduced. M. Ziebell. 1307 Crystal Sprin~s St. NW: questioned the need for rezone if Huddleston plans to develop to maximum legal allowable development at this t,ime. Borges explained that he requires developer to provide improvements, streets, utilities, dr~ainage, etc. allowing for the maximum potential of the property. Public Hearing Closed and Planning Commission opened at 5'15 P M Commissioner Joe Huddleston asked about the annexation of the property on Crystal Springs Street Schlosser explained that staff had researched and provided copies of the Ordinance (160) and counci I minutes and that no evidence was found to indicate counci I intent that the property should be zoned R/A for all time. L Mellema stated that he doubted very much that you would find it in the minutes, just I ike the i terns he pointed out from the minutes of the last meeting and that because it doesn't appear in the minutes doesn't mean it wasn't said Mackie explained that commission could make a single motion to deal with the preliminary plat and rezone They must however consider them separately. Borges suggested that they look at rezone first then plat. CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 11/19/91 PAGE 5 o o o Schlosser summarized that 1) the property is in the Urban Growth Management Area and is consistent with by Yelm's Comprehensive Plan, 2) that any reservations raised by the EIS could be addressed and 3) that this level of development would be better at Residential rather than Residential/Agricultural zoning and that 4) as all required criteria has been met recommendation of approval is the only option Motion Gorman, seconded Cundy approval of Huddl eston request carried. Keyes abstained. that commission recommend to rezoned from R/ A to R1. counc i I Motion Borges explained that preliminary plat approval could be made subject to meeting requirements of jurisdictional agencies. Mackie explained that criteria for plat is: 1) is it consistent with Yelm's Comprehensive Plan, 2) is it consistent for the recommended zone, 3) does it serve the pub Ii c interest and 4) are adequate fac i lit i es available to serve the plat Motion Sundsmo, seconded Kinnee that commission recommend approval of pre! iminary plat subject to meeting, requirements of jurisdictional agencies and that all publ ic faci I it ies be to ci ty standards and consistent with Yelm's zoning and Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried. Keyes abstained. Item #9 Members given map and letter from Stephany Ray of Stephie's Stuff, 911 Yelm Avenue East. Borges explained that the map showing parking was not before the commission but that the letter requesting commission approval to erect a tent structure was. Members explained that the issue of allowing tents for commercial use had been discussed in the past. Further explained was that the tent would not be allowed as it could not meet Unif ied Bui lding Code standards for commercial structures. Ray then asked if it would be possible to install a roof/overhang type sturcture. Borges invited her to meet with him to discuss this Ray thanked the commission for their consideration of her request. Item #10 Robert Person discussed the possible uses for his property located on Rhoton Road. The parcel is currently zoned R/A and has Rl on one side of the parcel and IZ on the other Following discussion Mackie invi ted Person to meet wi th Borges and himse I f and work on proposal to bring back to commission Item #11 Members reviewed Birkland annexation petitiori. Motion Kinnee, seconded Brown that commission recommend approval of Birkland annexation. Motion carried. Executive Session from 6:05-6'10 to discuss commission policy Adjourned 6:10 P.M ATTEST.t1r;I,v ' 17 /J, 11) f;} '1-: , CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 11/19/91 (JJJ!711 ~O PAGE 6 o PLANNING COMlHSSION MEETING & PUBLIC HEARING' HUNTINGTON GREEN pLAT REQUEST --=====- ~c~ DATE OF MEETING NOVEMBER 19, 1991 TYPE OF MEETING MEETING LOCATION YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CH~BERS ADDRESS ~ i \ \ K9~ .\ ---- - ~ .:9:::;<' ~cg 5fS. po f?ocx. ~'7 -> ?,~ s- /1 S PI-!. H\r, '" r(' /?-(j t./4/li .s,,~3<j{; ri2 ~I) %,313 ~ ~ '6el1.:C- WnSPS- /ti{Ol-SS /1Q8 e C 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 1 2. 3. 4 5. 0 6 7 8 9 10. o AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1991 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL Call to order Ho I I ca I I Approval of Minutes: October 15, 1991 October 22, 1991 Agenda additions/deletions Rezone request Huntington Greens Emanual Lutheran Church & Kampfer request for city right-or-way vacate. Public Hearing: ijuntington Green Other Other Adjourn NEXT MEETING DECEMBER 17, 1991, 4:00 PM. YELM CITY HALL o o o MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1991 Special meetin~ of the Yelm Planning Commission to complete agenda items scheduled for 10/15/91 regular meeting as commission did not wish to delay review of original items Special meeting necessary due to length of time spent on public hearing. Meeting opened by Chair, Tim Schlosser, at 4.05 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Brown, Tim Schlosser, Tom Gorman, Lyle Sundsmo Jim Keyes, Joe Huddleston, and Roberta Longmire, Tom Cundy. Absent. John Kinney. Staff present Gene Borges and Agnes Co I ombo. Guests: Gordon Kampfer. Agenda approved. Carried. Agenda Item #3 Letter from Emanuel Lutheran Church requesting Yelm vacate approximately 171.31' of city alley running south of and parallel to Yelm Ave. E. between 3rd and 4th Streets. Due to differences on available maps Keyes recommended that staff request a plat certificate for the three parcels involved prior to further discussion. Emanuel Lutheran Church can obtain from any title company Agenda Item #4. Let ter from Gordon Kampfer request ing Ye lm vacate approximately 145' of city alley with existing 10' right-of-way running north of and parallel to Yelm Ave. E. between 3rd and 4th Streets. City would object to vacate because plans for sewer include lines being placed in alley. Also questioned were legal aspects as per giving city property for private use Discussed was the possibility of vacating with the city taking back an easement or lease. Staff will contact attorney for input in this matter. Huddleston noted that the commission consider the importance of setting a precedent in these matters. Kampfer suggested poss i b I e foot for foot trade for property on the east side of 4th Street which could benefit the city as a 4" water main runs down 4th Street. Motion Longmire, seconded Keyes that staff confer with attorney and report findings to commission prior to any negotiations taking place and subsequent to any recommendation being made to council This pertains to both Emanuel Lutheran and Kampfer request as well as any additional requests Carried. Agenda Item #5 Yelm Community Schools Annexation request. Borges informed members that the annexation had been squared up as per request of Thurston County and that county will not object to annexation as it is within Yelm's Urban Growth Boundary CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 10/22/91 PAGE 1 o o c' Motion Keyes, seconded Huddleston that commission recommend council approval of letter of intent subject to meeting petition and legal requirements. Carried. Agenda Item 5A Persco, Inc. Was not present to address commission. Commission members requested staff to take steps necessary to get area around Woif Haven cleaned up Borges informed commission that he had met with Mr. Schrno re removal of all illegal signs on the lots across from Hutnicks City will contact churches and businesses about removal of signs. Commissioners noted that a problem also exists at 301 Jefferson N.E Borges has been in contact with the owner and steps are being taken to correct the problem. Borges gave a brief update on the Thurston Highlands Development and annexation He explained that all i terns to be addressed in the Environmental Assessment wi II be given to Thurston Highlands representatives at the scoping meeting. Borges told commission that an agreement between Centralia and Yelm staff and council has been reached and will be presented to Central ia' s City Counci 1 in two weeks Not ice of approval would be called to Cecil Carroll, Environmental Protection Agency. Keyes told commission that the 4 plex project, which has existing septic approval, needs to short plat to meet to meet financial requirements. The project meets septic, size and zoning requirements. Members felt they had no legal objections. Motion Sundsmo, seconded Gorman that short plat be allowed Carried. Abstaining' Tim Schlosser and Jim Keyes Motion to adjourn at 5'00 by Gorman. ATTEST qAlM iJ {1J~~ NEXT MEETING NOVEMBER 19, 1991, 4:00 P M COUNCIL CHAMBERS, YELM CITY HALL CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 10/22/91 PAGE 2 City of ellft o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1991 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL ** Due to the length of the Public Hearing on the J.C.H. Develop- ment rezone request, a Special Meeting of the Planning Commission has been called. The items lised below will be discussed and a recommendation may be forwarded to the City Council on October 23, 1991. The Public Hearing on the J.C.H. Development prelimin- ary plat request will be held at the next Regular Planning Commis- sion meeting on November 19, 1991. Please contact Lynn at Yelm City Hall to inform her of your attendance at the October 22, 1991 meeting so as we are guaranteed a quorum. Information on items #3 & #5 were sent with last packet. Item #4 is enclosed. 0 l. Call to order 2. Roll Call 3. Emanuel Lutheran of city alley Church request for partial vacation 4. Gordon Kampfer - Use of alley behind garden center 5. Jf1. ""lm,com. munity s,C~O.OIS Annexation request ~ -1fi-~'DUhC '-~b !ti,G'$tJl---; 6. Adjourn NEXT MEETING NOVEMBER 19, 1991, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL o ,--m~ /a-;2::2-9/ o NOTICE A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF J.C.H. DEVELOP- MENT CO. WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1991 AT 4:00 PM AT YELM CITY HALL. AN ACTION WILL BE TAKEN ON THE REZONE. o o o MINU'IES YEIM PLANNIl"(; CXM1ISSIOO MEETI~ TUESDAY, cx:'IffiER 15, 1991, 4:00 EM, YEIM CITY HALL caJl'X:::IL OIAMBERS The meeting was called to order by Chair Tim Schlosser at 4:03 PM. Planning Commissioners present: Tim Schlosser, Lyle Sundsmo, Roberta Longmire, Joe Huddleston, James Brown and John Kinnee. Staff: Gene Borges and Shelly Badger. Visitors: Bonnie Barricklow, Thekla Cameron, Vic Trier, Jeanette Mellema, Lawrence Mellema, G.M. Sweeney, Janet McCloud, John Huddleston, Beatrice Scott, Mark Ziebell, Robert Person, Dick Flannigan and Julie Van Every. The minutes of the September 17, 1991 Planning Commission meeting were approved. Motion carried. Item #7 - request for putt-putt golf course was discussed. vic Trier presented the Planning Commission with a letter requesting use of commercial property as a putt-putt golf course. Since this use is not permitted "outright" within the zoning ordinance, Planning Corrmission action is required. John Kinnee moved to recommend to the City Council to allow the use of a putt-putt golf course in a commercially zoned area, subject to all regulations being met, second by Lyle Sundsmo. Motion carried. o At 4:10 PM, the Public Hearing on the J.C.H. Development rezone request to rezone 12.5 acres west of Crystal Springs St. NW between Crystal and Queensview Ct. NW from current zoning of residential/agricultural (RA) to single-family residential (R-1) was opened by Chair Schlosser. Mr. Schlosser gave a brief explanation of the rezone request stating that following the Hearing on the rezone, a Hearing on the preliminary plat proposal to divide the 12.5 acres into 43 lots will be held. Staff, Gene Borges, stated that due to the fact that the area is within Yelm's Urban Growth Area, municipal water is available to the site and a sewer main will be constructed along Crystal Springs St. to provide sewer service to the site, the area is appropriate for a rezone to single-family resident ial. The following comments were heard from the citizens in attendance: Mark Ziebel, 1307 Crystal Springs St. NW: Concern that increased development in the area will have a detrimental effect on the existing private wells in the vicinity. If rezoned and development is allowed, what will the impact be on the Yelm School District of the increased student population? Stated that he protested the rezone request to single-family residential and requested copies of the environmental checklists that have been prepared for the rezone and preliminary plat. o Janet McCloud, 1013 Crystal Springs St. NW: Expressed concern that the rezone, which would allow for more dense development, would have a significant effect on the wildlife and Yelm Creek. She asked the Planning Commission to consider her feelings regarding the sacred land and that they take the environmental impact into consideration when making their decision. Stated that she protested the rezone of the property to single-family residential and dense development of the property. -1- o Julie Van Every, 1013 Crystal Springs St. NW: Asked what increased development of the property would do to land values in the vicinity. She expressed concern regarding financial impact to adjacent properties if values increased due to development. Felt that rezone and development would decrease the current wildlife and have a detrimental effect on Yelm Creek. If development occurred, how would septic tanks and drainfields be installed? Would there be one for each home? She also stated opposition to the rezone. Larry Mellema, 1209 Crystal Springs St. NW: Read his letter dated October 8, 1991 to Planning Commission members which states: "The proposed rezone is in the middle of the buffer that was left for protection of Yelm Creek and would destroy its integrity. A viable compromise might be short platting which could be accomplished under existing zoning. Naturally, those properties along the creek would need to be larger for environmental reasons." "This brings us to the primary objection we have to the development itself. Besides the well shown on the plat, there are at least three other active private wells surrounding the proposed development. The introduction of the sewage potential right in the middle of these poses an extreme environmental hazard." o "Another environmental impact has to do with native and migratory fowl that inhabit and stop on the subject property. It would seem imperative that a complete environmental impact statement be filed and approved." He submitted photographs to the Planning Commission of the drainage problems at his residence claiming that additional water has been created from the Crystal Springs St. construction project. Expressed a concern that development would raise the subject property causing drainage problems for adjacent property owners. Stated that he felt the rezone and/or plat of the property would create traffic problems. He requested information from J.C.H. Development on the proximity to the creek of homes if rezoned and developed. Borges stated that Department of Ecology would establish the mandatory setbacks when they review the project through the environmental review process. Mr. Mellema suggested that the surveys in the area may not be correct including the subject property. Thought that surveys in the past have been started from different section corners. Chair Schlosser stated that a boundary line dispute was not the business of the Planning Commission, but a civil matter. o Gene Borges asked Mr. Mellema if his letter had been mailed to the Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section and stated that the environmental checklist and declaration of non-significance had been sent to the DOE Environmental Review Section by the City: comments are due back by October 18, 1991 from the regulatory agencies. Glorla Sweeney, 1212 Crystal Ct. NW: Expressed concern with access to and from her property. Stated that when Wood Fabricators burned, she was -2- o landlocked. Mr. Borges informed Mrs. Sweeney, that in the past, Wood Fabricators did not have to build to the same fire/safety standards that are currently mandated. Jeanette Mellema, 1209 Crystal Springs St. NW: When annexation of their property to Yelm occurred, it was her understanding that the property WJuld remain residential/agricultural (RA). Vic Trier, 8547 Thuja Ave. SE: Thought that Mr. Huddleston should be made aware of the concerns of adjacent property owners. John Huddleston, representing J.C.H. Development Co. gave a brief overview of the proposed rezone. Prior to the fonnal submittal of the request to rezone, Mr. Huddleston met with the City of Yelm, Department of Ecology and Thurston County Health Department to learn of the regulations that WJuld have to be followed. He stated that he is very concerned with Yelm Creek and the impact of development on water quality. In his meetings with Thurston County, it was suggested that, if rezoned and developed, the plat WJuld require that septic tanks be installed that will meet the specifications of Yelm's S'IEP sewer system. No individual drainfields would be allowed, lines WJuld be brought to a community drainfield where treatment WJuld occur until Yelm's sewer system was activated. He stated that the corrmunity drainfield WJuld be at least 600' from Yelm Creek and that many present fields are closer than that. He stated that soil studies have been done and an environmental checklist prepared for the rezone. o Gene Borges stated that the environmental checklist and DNS have been forwarded to the Department of Ecology and Thurston County for review and comment. Comments due back October 18, 1991. If rezoned and development occurred, initially 25 lots WJuld be allowed until Yelm's sewer system was on-line, at that point the remaining 18 lots could be developed (all pending approval of preliminary plat). Chair Schlosser informed the public of the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Planning process and the approval of the Urban Growth Management Boundary. Stating that the area proposed for rezone is within the urban growth area of Yelm and that the plan allows urban development when services are available. The State House Bill 2929 (Growth Management Act) passed in 1990 requires that cities designate urban areas and allow for development within those (when services are available). Public Hearing was closed at 5:25 PM. Chair Schlosser informed the Commission of their options regarding action on the rezone request: 1. Take action on the rezone in the form of a recommendation to City Council. 2. Take action with conditions or "subject to". 3. Table action until further infonnation can be obtained. o The Commission asked that staff research the annexation of the west side of Crystal Springs St. and the residential/agricultural zone of the property. Were there restrictlons placed on property regarding future rezones as believed by property owners? Roberta Longmire stated that it was her -3- o o o understanding that the property owners (at the time of annexation and zone to RA) were concerned that they be able to keep their agricultural animals if annexed. If a rezone to R-1 on the proposed 12.5 acres occurred, property owners 'iNOuld still be within the RA zone and able to keep their animals. John Kinnee moved to table action on the J.C.H. Development Co. rezone request until staff can research past minutes regarding the annexation of the west side of Crystal Springs St. and the zoning of it to residential/agricultural and until COITn'ents are received from the Department of Ecology on the environmental checklist. Motion was seconded by Jim Brown. Motion carried. Action on the rezone will be taken at the November 19, 1991 Planning Commission Meeting and the Public Hearing on the preliminary plat will be held. A Special Meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on October 22, 1991 at 4:00 PM to discuss the items on the agenda not covered. Meeting adjourned 5:30 PM. ATTEST: jl~~ ;1.Jx1d1!J- Shelly d. Badger 0 City Clerk -4- ~~ ~YPE OF MEETING Ye~m F~anning commission Meeting o b ~5 ~99~, 4,00 pM DATE OF MEETING ~~ --- ~ETING LOCATION ye~m city Ha~~ counci~ Chambeus ADDRESS N1IJ'\L ~~30l /!~ (It S/; 1/ \ FEPRf.SENTI~G ;vv-~-;j;){ ~ M~P -::r c.,1.l. ~,,~ L w~ 28L ') IS P / r;; o o o City of el 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15 1991 4.00 PM, YELM CITY HALL 1 Call to order 2 . Ro II ca 11 3 Approval of Minutes September 17, 1991 4 Agenda additions/deletions 5 Public Hearings a b J C H J C H Development rezone request Development preliminary plat request 6 Emanuel Lutheran Church request for partial vacation of city all ey . 7 Putt-Putt Golf Course proposal 8 Gordon Kampfer - Use of alley behind garden center 9. Yelm Community Schools Annexation request 10 Correspondence a KeM letter re Railroad Right-of-Way 11 Other 12 Other 13 Adjourn NEXT ~1EETING NOVEMBER 19 1991, 4'00 PM, YELM CITY HALL o o o MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1991 Regular meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission opened at 5'05 by Chair Tim Schlosser. Members present: Jim Keyes, Tom Cundy, ~im Schlosser, George Knight, John Kinnee, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire and Joe Huddleston Absent Jim Brown. Staff present: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger, Agnes Colombo Guests: John Huddleston and George Chance Minutes: Motion Longmire, seconded Huddleston that minutes of August 20, 1991 meeting be approved as printed. Motion carried Agenda additions/deletions' additions' 6a 11 Fetterly Boundary Line Adjustment Harry Lewis Short plat Borges gave an overview of the Huntington Greens development project and introduced developer John Huddleston Proposed is a 43 lot developmenC, 25 lots to be build as the first stage, the rest after sewer service is available The 12 5 acre parcel located on Crystal Springs St N.W. would be divided into lots the smallest being 7,200 sq. ft. with average lot size at 10,400 sq ft. During meeting with Thurston Co., Environmental Health and the developer Borges was told that the county will allow development contingent upon sewer system Environmental Health will allow developer to put in septic tanks su i tab I e for hookup to proposed sewer system and us ing a communi ty drain field until sewer availability Commission directed staff to meet with standards expected of developer, keeping in would probably eventuall'y be developed as drains/standards etc. should fit the long After meeting with developer staff should proposed standards. developer to determine mind that the entire area residential. Roads/storm term goal s for the area return to Commission wi th Motion Longmire, seconded Gorman that approval be given subject to rezone and standards approval. Motion carried. Commission reviewed the George Chance Boundary Line Adjustment. Currently 3 1/2 lots on WaShington Street SW, between Rice and Edwards BLA would change to 3 lots, each approximately 7,200 sq ft Motion Gorman, seconded Keyes that George Chance BLA be approved Roberta Longmire abstained 'from voting Motion carried 9/1~/91 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES PAGE 1 o o o Commission reviewed the Fetterly Boundary Line Adjustment. Currently 3 lots on Washington Street SW, between Rai I road Ave and Edwards. BLA would reduce the size of the lot on the corner of Washington and 'Railroad to 8,715 sq. ft. Intend use is as a parking lot Motion Huddleston, seconded Knight that BLA be approved. Jim Keyes and Tim Schlosser abstained from voting Motion carried Borges read a letter received from Yelm Community Schools requesting an extension of the date for installation of required sidewalks at the Yelm Community School's Childcare Center Gorman questioned the practice of issuing occupancy permits prior to all requirements and/or improvements being met. Borges explained that this courtesy has been extended to the school only and that hardship should not be considered a reason for allowing someone to not meet standards Motion Longmire, seconded Knight that Yelm allow 90 days from completion of transportation study to submit plans for sidewalks improvements Motion carried After review of her submitted plan for replacement mobile home Borges indicated he would meet Jean Dobiash. Borges explained difference in mobile/manufactured vs modular/factory built homes Clarification on this issue was provided by Municipal Research Staff met with the owner of property, zoned RA, which lies between the industrial and residential zones on Rhoton Road. Owner is considering development on this property, possibly a mix of residential and multi-family. Concern was expressed at the possible effect on the industrial zone of having residences closer than they are currently What kind of problems would arise when new industry locates in the industrial? Longmire felt that binding covenants were needed to protect the industrial area. Motion Keyes, seconded Knight that Commiss ion recommend meet ing between staff and part ies conceq!ed to come up wi th compromise and present a couple of concepts to the Commission. Motion carried. Harry Lewis Short plat request reviewed. Property lies between Crystal Springs and Rhoton Road. Request is to divide one parcel into 4 parcels ranging in size from 1/2 acre to 9+ acres. Motion Huddleston, seconded Kinnee that request be approved Motion carried. Motion Kinnee, seconded Keyes that meeting adjourn at 5:25 PM. Motion carried. ATTEST' q{}u ';fJ {>jfYYI ia 9/1~/91 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES PAGE 2 L) ,;"~ "'J , ellD 2 ') 4- '), 0 fi ,~ I g 9 10 o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Y elm, Washington 98597 206-458"3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING lOM~ISSION MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1991 4.00 PM. YELM CITY HALl ('11 I I to ordel' no I] call .\pproval of Minutes. August 20. 1991 Agenda additions/deletions John Huddleston Preliminary Plat and Rezone George Chanc8 Boundarv Lin~ Adjustm~nt Yelm Community School request Jean Dobiash mobile home replacement request Manufactured Home Ordinance Uses for land on Rhoton Road bordered by industrial and re3idential znning 1 1 t ") .I.J 13. Ad j01Jrn NEXT HEETING OCTCJHEH 15 1~3Ul 4 00 PH Y[fM CITYHAU. o o o c::. ('I Q ~ MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1991 Regular meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission opened at 4'15 by Tom Gorman for Chair Tim Schlosse~ who was on vacation Members present. Tom Gorman, Ly Ie Sundsmo I Roberta Longmi re, Jim Brown and Joe Huddleston. Absent. Tim Schlosser, Jim Keyes, John Kinnee and Tom Cundy Staff present. Gene Borges, She II y Badger, Sandy Mackie and Agnes Colombo Guests: Claire and David Doyle, Cindy Cecil, James Talley, Esther Webb, Rosemary Demich, Dennis Su and Ann Paisley Minutes: Motion by Longmire, seconded Brown that minutes of July 23, 1991 be approved as presented Carried Motion by Longmire, seconded Huddleston that minutes of August 13, 1991 special meeting be approved as presented Carried. Agenda additions/deletions: Added item 4 (a) UCBO request. Gorman explained that no action could be taken at the 8/13/91 special meeting on the UCBO request to locate their community service center in the industrial area on Rhoton Road Borges explained that a Conditional Use Permit would be required for this activity. Motion by Longmire, seconded Huddleston that the Planning Commission recommend Counci I approval of UCBO request to locate communi ty service center within the industrial area with the understanding that the UCBO would not interfere with the location of any business to the industrial area in the future Carried Borges introduced Sandy Mackie, attorney, to the Planning Commission members Borges told Commission members that the Thurston County Commissioners had approved adoption of the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Planning Commission recommendations. Public Hearing to consider amendment to Yelm's 1985 Comprehensive Plan adopting the Yelm/Thurston Co. Joint Plan (as an extraterritorial comprehensive plan) and zoning map was opened by Gorman at 4'22 p m Background' Yelm and Thurston, Co came to an impasse on Joint Plan when written plan was presented to Yelm Yelm felt the plan presented did not recognize Yelm's Sphere of Influence as adopted in Yelm's Comprehensive Plan in 1985 Yelm also felt that the plan presented by the County did not follow through on the recommendations of the Yelm/Thurston Co Joint Planning Committee / To move past the impasse a public meeting bringing together Yelm's City Council and Thurston Co Board of Commissioners was held CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 8/20/91 PAGE 1 o o o Unanimous decision of parties attending that the Yelm/Thurston Co. Joint Planning Committee be reconvened to clarify recommendations made and to determine if they had taken into consideration Yelm Sphere of Influence as presented in Yelm's Comprehensive Plan When reconvened the Yelm/Thurston Co Joint Planning Committee would report back directly to the Thurston County Commissioners and Yelm City Council. Yelm City Council sent written request to Commissioners to take action Minutes of Yelm/Thurston Co Joint Planning Committee Meeting, reconvened at the request of the Thurston Co. Board of Commissioners and Yelm City Council on 4/18/91, showed the following. MOTION: Joe Huddleston moved to recommend adoption of the "Yelm Area Proposed County Zon ing" boundary of Apr i I 18, 1991 to inc 1 ude the above changes and the properties southwest of Yelm, which includes the Forrester, Thurston Highlands & Associates and Venture Partners proposed annexation properties Seconded by Tom Gorman Motion carried, unanimous MOTION: Tom Gorman moved to recommend that the properties adjacent to the Yelm city limits currently in the SR zone, be changed to "transition residential zone", with the exclusion of the property east of city limits to Canal Road. Motion was seconded by Kathy Wolf Motion carried, unanimous. MOTION' Joe Huddleston moved adopt all zoning changes as outlined above, seconded by Judy Nettleton Motion carried, unanimous. MOTION. Tom Gorman moved to recommend to the Thurston Co. Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners that they approve the zoning designations and interim urban growth boundary depicted on the map entitled Yelm Area Proposed County Zoning, dated April 18, 1991 SecQnded by Kathy Wolf Motion carried, unanimous MOTION After discussion, Joe Huddleston moved to recommend to the Yelm City Council and Thurston County Board of Commissioners that they consider the expanded sphere of influence (expands west to Fort Lewis) line depicted on the map dated April 18, 1991 when determining the Yelm Urban Growth Boundary in compliance with SHB 2929 Second by Ute Allen Motion carried, unanimous. MOTION. After a review of the draft of the Transition Residential Zone, Tom Gorman moved to recommend to tD-e Thurston Co. Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners that they approve the proposed Transition Residential Zoning District (as amended). Seconded by Joe Huddleston Motion carried, unanimous When County Commissioners adopted recommendation of the Yelm/Thurston Co Joint Planning Committee they accepted the boundaries as shown on CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 8/20/91 PAGE 2 o o o Map 1. Borges and John Sonnen, Thurston Co Mapping, representing County Commissioners, both checked to make sure I ines on map were drawn correct 1 y Map 1 . Dated and rece i ved from Thurston Co. on 8/20/91. showin~ (a) Yelm City Limits. (b) Area desi~nated for immediate annexations (c) Joint Plan Interim Boundary and (d) Sphere of Influence as recommended by the YelmlThurston Co. Joint Plannin~ Commission and approved by the Thurston County Commissioners. Attorney, Mackie explained that purpose of Public Hearing was to make recommendations to Yelm City Council for: (a) Adoption of amendments to the Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance which would provide for an Extraterritorial Element to the Comprehensive Plan. This Extraterritorial Element would allow planning for areas outside the current City limits but inside the Sphere of Influence (b) Adoption of Joint Plan consistent with the motions listed above from the 4/18/91 Joint Planning Committee Meeting (c) Adoption of Map 1 to be substituted for the Urban Growth Area In the Joint Plan (d) Adoption of Map 2 as Extraterritorial map to establish zoning in areas located outside the CHy limits but inside the Sphere of Inf I uence To Inc 1 ude be ing amended to match Map 1 boundary areas/lines and to reflect that all property outside the immediate annexation area be zoned 1/5, including Nisqually Pines and Four Corners. Map 2: Dated 8/20/91 defines zonin~ for areas within Yelm's Sphere of Influence. Wordin~ "Holdin~ Zone" to be chan~ed to "Transition Zone". (e) Recommend that property within the immediate annexation boundary and to the east of Mi II Road be allowed to annex using zoning definitions on Map 2, as they were part of the Environmental Assessment performed by the County as part of the Joint Planning process Property to the west of Mill Road would be required to go through pre-annexation zoning and an environmental assessment Borges stated for the record that the County has acknowledged that it has no objection to annexations within the immediate annexation boundary or to the east of Mill Road. Motion Huddleston, seconded Sundsmo that the Planning Commission recommend approval of items (a)-(e)_ to the Yelm City Council. Public Hearing adjourned: 5'00 p m CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 8/20/91 PAGE 3 o o o Gorman updated the Commission on the progress of the Railroad Right-of-Way Committee. The committee is interested in preserving RR lines facing abandonment for future use as RR/transportation corridors or for recreational purposes Abandonment notice of 30 days is required at this time. Borges has been advised that Burlington Northern has stated it would notify the City of Yelm, in writing, of any plans to abandon RR I ines running north of Yelm Ave towards Tacoma. Commission was informed that the Port of Olympia was willing to take on lead agency status on abandonments which will extend time to 90-100 days and allow for possible acquisition and/or planning time Borges exp I a ined changes to be made to Reso I ut ion 226, wh i ch will replace Resolutions 126 and 177 Reasoning is that the is no point in bringing commercial/industrial facility applications before the Commission if the use is permitted outright The resolution does specify that the Commission be advised of such activity Discussion followed on possible uses for property on Rhoton Road between Rhoton Ct and old Wood Fabricators It was recognized that the need exists to protect both the industrial area and residential area on each side of the property Some suggestions were light industrial/warehouse/mini storage/retail/apartments. Commission requested staff to research and provide list with possibilities Members discussed manufactured housing and its ability to provide affordable housing Some ways of controlling quality are through standards for roof pitch and requiring foundations Possible to have Roy Clark give presentation to members. Staff will bring an ordinance before members at next meeting Meeting adjourned at 5 30 p.m ATTEST' aiM yJ a~DJ CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 8/20/91 PAGE 4 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET '{EIM pLANNING CO'1"IISSIoN MEETING TYPE Of Mf,E'lING AUGUS'I 20, 1991 DA'lt. OF Mf,E'llNG YBIM CITY HALL. CO'JNCIL ~R5 ~ETING LOCATION ADDRESS N1\l'\E /~ V$- LiD L/ S- fo I ( J( II .:2-1 3 ~ rh~ ;/ {(/ .>'11 o REPRESENTING \[jCfcAfWf ~ ---- lGW { ( Q~I ..W0. C_) City of elm. o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Y elm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1991, 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL 11 Call to order 2 . Roll call 3. Approval of Minutes: July 23, 1991 o 5 . Agenda additions/deletions a Ij(..~o 'R~~U6'st Public Hearing 4. 6. Railroad right-of-way update 7. Resolution 177 8. R-l adjacent to industrial zone 9. Manufactured Homes - discussion 10. Other 11. Other 12. Adjourn * * * Next meeting September 17, 1991 * * * o o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 419 Yehq, Washington 98591 206.458.3244 PlBLIC WI'ICE OOl'ICE OF PlBLIC IIEARIN:; The Yelm Planning Coomission will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 20, 1991, at 4:00 FM, Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, 105 Yelm Ave. W., Yelrn, WA 98597. The purpose of the Hearing is to consider an amendment to Yelm's 1985 Comprehensive Plan adopting the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan as an extraterritorial comprehensive plan and zoning nap. Purpose of such a plan is to identify such planning and zoning that will take effect upon annexation to the City of Yelrn. o All interested persons are invited to attend. ATIEST: SIu/ii>J-,A-lJa C~VL Shelly Af/ Badger (J Yelm City Clerk Published in the Nisqually Valley News: Thursday, August 8, 1991 o o o o ~ o o c::::;- MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1991 Special meetin~ of the Yelm Planning Commission to discuss possible location of UCBO Community Service Center in Yelm Industrial Park was called to order at 4.03 p.m by Chair Schlosser MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Brown, Tim Schlosser, John Kinnee, Tom Gorman, Lyle Sundsmo, Jim Keyes, Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire, Tom Cundy Staff present. Gene Borges and Agnes Colombo Guests. Cindy Cecil, Esther Webb, Rosemary Demich, Ruby Donaldson, Bonnie Anderson, Jim Talley, Lorraine Lilly and Police Chief Glen Dunnam Cecil thanked Commission members for agreeing to special meeting which was necessary to meet the UCBO's tentative time line requiring budget to be turned in by August 31 Cec i I exp I a ined that goa I s in seek ing property to I ocate Communi ty Service Center included that the site be within Yelm's city limits and that it be in the sewer service area. Cecil felt that the site that most closely met their needs is the old "Herter's Factory" on Rhoton Road N.W. Most recent occupants in the building were Northwest Fabricators and Select Wood Products A 6,000 sq ft. building stands on the property at this time and would be a good rehab project The current bui lding meets var ious UCBO needs including being one level and having loading docks and large garage doors. Loading docks and oversize garage doors are desirable for the movement of large shipments of food items for the Yelm area as well as other service areas located in and out of Thurston County Cecil also feels access to the railroad spur would benefit the UCBO and community. Headstart, whose programs would also be located at this site has given 100% support to the selection of this location The 4 acre parcel would provide adequate space for playgrounds, play fields and park like areas Borges stated his belief that the center would be a good buffer along Yelm Creek and would not create a pollution factor Schlosser questioned Cecil about the traffic impact the center would have in location. Chief Dunnam answered that he felt it would actually improve the situation as off street parking would be adequate for UCBO clients and due to the fact that there are a greater number of roads available to accommodate traffic to and from this site CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 8/13/91 PAGE 1 o o o Gorman quest ioned need for pedestr ian wa 1 kways to the site. Borges explained that the City would require sidewalks/pedestrian paths. Existing sidewalks/walkways come within a short distance (approximately 300 ft ) of this site as they were part of the recently completed First Street Project A crosswalk would be needed Longmire questioned process to allow this use in industrial zone, as it is not a permitted or accessory use. Staff will need to see how it fits ordinance, may have to apply for a Conditional Use Permit Borges explained that the UCBO would be required to provide a written statement to the City stating that they would not object to the location of any industry meeting state and/or local requirements in the Industrial Park Cecil spoke of future plans for UCBO which included location of a home on site to be used as a shelter for one family for periods of 3 to 31 days She also stated that she would like to see the UCBO purchase properties in the downtown area to renovate and use as "satell i te" shelters The UCBO would be required, as part of their grant, to remain at this location for a period of ten years and they have made plans to expand their programs as allowed by the improved site Some additions planned for the area include a "Nature Trail" along Yelm Creek and a kitchen to be used for UCBO and community programs, and a ball field. Many of the projects wi II be joint efforts between the UCBO and other agencies Further discussion pointed out that this location would allow good access for public transportation, when it becomes available Being located off the main street will also allow anonymity for clients who are uncomfortable using UCBO services Sch 1 osser summed up the meet ing and ques t i oned Cec i I to be cer ta in that she understood that approval could be given only with the accompanying provision that the Yelm Planning Commission could not refuse the location of any industry, meeting all state and/or local requirements, within the industrial area Motion Gorman, seconded Sundsmo that meeting adjourn at 4 55 p m ATTEST: /~ II {-y/ L4fJ';Jt;J)U "IIYtl);f6u CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 8/13/91 PAGE 2 ('1 v MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1991 Regular meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission opened at 4.10 pm Members present. Tim Schlosser, John Kinnee, Jim Keyes, Roberta Longmire, Jim Brown, Tom Cundy and George Knight Absent: Tom Gorman and Joe Huddleston. Staff present. Gene Borges and Agnes Colombo. Minutes: Motion by Knight, seconded Kinnee that June 18, 1991 minutes be approved as corrected. Addition of George Knight to Members present and motion by Knight Carried. Item Number 9, Railroad right-of-way update was tabled and Item 11, R-1 adjacent to industrial area was added. Borges informed members that the Snapp driveway on Yelm Avenue East would be changed to meet current requirements. Request received from Snapps to move a mobile home onto their property adjacent to bike shop on Yelm Ave. E while they make needed repairs to mobile. They plan to sell the mobile Commission felt 45 days would be sufficient time to perform repairs The mobile would have to be moved off the property after that time. Members also felt a for sale sign on the mobile would be acceptable. c Larry Attwood contacted staff to clarify the application of the "grandfather clause" at his property on Yelm Ave W Roy Buck, former owner, had been granted a Conditional Use Permit for a non conforming use, Buck wou I d I ike to continue opera t i on of hi s bus iness on the property. Staff advised to write to both Attwood and Buck informing them that non conforming use is not transferable and that the "grandfather" rights ended with property sale Members were given copies of Resolution 126 changes to made at the next meeting Staff wi II propose Members were provided with copies of Yelm's 6 Year Transportation Program Borges explained that first priority was to have DOT study completed before the end of the year City can provide a 10% match from 1991 Streets budget Possible uses of property located on Rhoton Road, between old Wood Fab site and Rhoton Court, was discussed. Property couldn't go R-l, possible mini-storage? Members will consider possibilities. Borges told members he had been advised that SEPA process is now required for Conditional Use Permits and that John Klapp, Farmer's Flea Market, would follow the same process for either rezone or conditional use. o Motion Keyes, seconded Longmire ~~~~~~~. aJ . - /) /) /i 1QlUU YJ L/H"nnM PLANNING CO~MISSION MINUTES 23, 1991 that meeting adjourn at 4 45 YELM JULY ---- -~~.-.~~----------"'------'I o l. 2 . 3 . 4. 5. 0 6. 7 . 8. 9 . 10. II. 12. o City of YellD 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1991, 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL Call to order Roll call Approval of Minutes: June 18, 1991 Agenda additions/deletions Snapp driveway Attwood Commercial Building Review Resolution 177 1992-97 Rural 6 Year Transportation Program Railroad Right-of Way Update Th.6Jo:> uvi J JJ/c1-0 Ordinance 405, Mobile Home Replacement Other /(- I ;::; (),,/19 c eN i Co / Iv 7) U .5 t 12 i,q / Adjourn o o o MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1991 Regular meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission opened at 4'10 pm QEo7?Cl.c kil)i6.A f Members present Tim Schlosser,^ John Kinnee, Jim Keyes, Longmire, Jim Brown and Tom Cundy. Absent: Tom Gorman Huddleston. Staff present: Shelly Badger and Agnes Colombo. John Klapp and Koreen Pearl. Roberta and Joe Guests: Minutes: Motion by Longmire, minutes be approved as printed seconded Carried. 1991 Kinnee that May 21, The agenda was approved as written. John Klapp and Koreen Pearl addressed the Commission and spoke of their plans for the Farmers Flea Market. Klapp and Pearl hoped that the venture, patterned after an ancient marketplace, would provide a service to the entire community and serve as an outlet for assorted vendors. KI app hopes to see the market expand to inc 1 ude entertainment and food He believes that the potential exists for the market to draw peop I e to the area as it wou I d be unique; the on 1 y ancient marketplace in the northwest Klapp further explained that he has invested in excess of $11,000 in improvements to date. He is not willing to invest additional amounts of money to erect permanent structures as this type of business has many unknown elements that affect its success/failure. He also feels that permanent structures would detract from the overall ancient marketplace theme Klapp stated that he is sensitive to neighbors problems and has erected temporary fencing using blue tarps He is also aware of objections to the tarps serving as fencing and as a cover over the stage area. He would replace these with permanent structures down the road. Neighbors objections to recent rock band comprised of young local musicians were acknowledged. The Conditional Use Permit extension granted by the Yelm City Council to allow time for Klapp to address the Yelm Park Board and this Commission expires June 26, 1991 Klapp has requested endorsement of the Park Board to hold the market in Yelm City Park on Saturdays and Sundays evolving into a fund raising activity for the City with proceeds go ing to Park funds. Whi I e the Park Board was in favor of the project they felt the ecology of Yelm City Park is too fragile to support heavy year-round weekend use The Park could not sustain large crowds on a continual basis without damage to the grounds. Schlosser addressed the history of the project The original Condi t ional Use Permi t was granted June 1, 1990 as no permanent use was intended at that time. The next contact was when Timothy Persons appeared before the Commission (as representative of the Street of YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 18, 1991 1 o Cheesemakers) in January '91 Klapp told the Commission that Person's appearance was made without his prior approval. Schlosser pointed out that every permanent, ongoing business has to meet the requirements and/or codes requ i red of a II other bus inesses. Keyes added that a II commercial ventures must erect permanent structures which meet all health/safety codes etc Tents are no longer acceptable by codes. Keyes further explained the Commission was being asked to allow something that went against standing ordinance/laws. He suggested the possibility of an operation similar to the Olympia Farmer's Market. Klapp and Pearl advised how it had taken 7 years to get the Olympia Market off the ground and that Olympia had played a role in the development of their market Pearl stated that she would like to see Yelm do the same. Pearl told the Commission that any food vendors wanting to sell at the Farmers/Flea Market were referred to the health department immediately to avoid any possible problems. o Klapp stated that the venture had not been a money maker to this point. He had originally intended to charge vendors for space but had decided against this due to many rained out/slow weekends. Advertising would benefit the market. Pearl asked if it would be possible to continue the market for a couple additional months, until the end of summer; then meet ing aga in to reassess the s i tua t ion to determine if additional investment was warranted Pearl also pointed out that Yelm is a growing community and that in the past residents have done a lot of purchasing out of town. She hopes the market will help keep shoppers in Yelm and bring additional business to Yelm as well. Keyes restated that all codes must be met. the City. It is a liability issue to Longmire suggested that the ancient marketplace motif be accomplished through decoration rather than through building material. She suggested meeting with a decorator/designer to get some ideas. Kinnee stated that the market is a commercial venture operating in an area zoned for multi-family residential. It is not an acceptable practice to spot zone. More acceptable would be for the whole area to become commercial. Pearl asked what the procedure would be for this to take place. She was told that a rezone application would have to be made to the City, the request would be reviewed by the Planning Commission and a determination would have to be made to see if the change would be permitted under the Yelm Comprehensive Plan If all conditions were met the request would be placed before the City Council and a public hearing would be held. It was pointed out that the same criteria for the farmers/flea market would apply in either zone. o The Commission had no recommendation to make to the City Council as no plans providing for structures or meeting codes had been presented. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 18, 1 991 2 ----~---------------~.~._-- o Commission members reviewed the Pickle and Birkland petitions Both annexations were contiguous to current and fit in with long term growth plans. Commission Council approval of both petitions annexation city limits recommended Badger presented Texaco's plans for moving gasoline storage tanks and the movement of one of the Yelm Avenue entryways approximately 30 feet to the east of its present location. Commission members noted that the change would place the new entryway across from the entrance to Arnold's Country Inn. Staff informed Commissioners that construction on the new Texaco Food Mart and Car Wash is planned for late 1992 f) /U 1(; /) t- Motion Kinnee, seconded ~SIDe to allow the immediate movement of gasoline storage tanks, subject to approval by DOE and Thurston County, and to allow relocation of the eastern most entry on SR507 thirty additional feet to the east, subject to DOT approval Commission will recommend to DOT that by 10/1/92 a center turnlane be constructed on SR507 prior to final review of construction plans and that the entry/exit on 103rd be moved to the north for safety. Site improvements on the property, to include sidewalks, landscaping, and intersection improvements to SR507 and 103rd to be completed by 10/1/92 or sooner if construction begins on the new facility. Carried o Resolution 223 establishing Commission members terms of office distributed. Document will be corrected to include Jim Brown Motion made and seconded that meeting adjourn at 5:15 pm. ATTEST' O;AJM yJ CtI ~~ o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 18, 1991 3 c\ City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1991, 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of Minutes: May 21, 1991 4. Agenda additions/deletions 5 . John Klapp/Flea Market o 6. pickle Annexation 7. Birkland Annexation 8. Texaco entryway and site improvements 9. Other 10. Adjourn NEXT MEETING OF THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1991, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS o o MINU'lES YEIM PI.ANNJN.; C'CM-tISSlOO MEE'I'lJ'oI:; Tl..lESDAY. ~ 21. 1991. 4:00 1M. YEIM ern HALL CCXJOCIL OU\MBERS The rreeting was called to order by Chair Tim Schlosser at 4 :00 FM. Comniss ion members present: Tim Schlosser, Roberta Longmire, Jim Brown, George Knight, Jim Keyes & Joe Huddleston. Tom Gonnan & John Kinnee were not able to attend. Visitors: Dennis Su, KCM. Staff: Gene Borges & Shelly Badger. The minutes of the April 16, 1991 Planning Commission Meeting were approved on a rrotion by Roberta Longmire, second by Joe Huddleston. Motion carried. Comnission members were asked to serve on the Thurston County Task Force to review v.ork on Resource Lands & Critical Areas for South County Cities & Towns. Members suggested names of potential candidates, staff asked that any Commission members interested, contact Shelly Badger. o Staff distributed copies of the April 18, 1991 meeting of the YelmjThurston County Joint Planning Commisslon showing the recomnendations of the Committee in regards to the joint plan and urban growth boundary. At the May 1, 1991 meeting of the Thurston County Planning Comnission, County Planning staff briefed the Corrmission on the work on the jOlnt plan, neglecting to inform the Commission of the Joint Committee's recommendations. The Thurston County Planning Commission asked that Yelm and Thurston County staff attempt to resolve their boundary differences prior to Yelm's presentation to the Commission on May 29, 1991 at 7:00 FM, Thurston County Courthouse, Room 152. Gene Borges presented the Yelm Planning Comnission with a draft letter of agreement that Thurston County and Yelm staff are currently negotiating to detail the process to follow to meet HB2929 requirements and establish the urban growth boundary. The Yelm Planning Commisslon expressed concern that the recorrrnendations of the Joint Comnittee did not go directly to the elected officials and felt that the letter of agreement was a way to stall any decisions on the urban growth boundary. After much discussion, the Yelm Planning Commission expressed support of the negotiations, hoping that the letter of agreement would resolve the issues more expeditiously than wlthout one. With no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 5:24 FM on a motion by Roberta Longmire, second by Joe Huddleston. ATI'EST: ~~ -A,8ad/~ Shelly A 1 Badger -j-- City Clerk o o City of elJlR 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1991, 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL l. Call to order 2 . Roll call 3. Approval of minutes: April 16, 1991 4 . Agenda additions/deletions 0 5 . Joint Planning Committee update 6. Draft Planning Process to meet 2929 7 . Urban Growth Boundary Update 8 . Other 9 . Other 10. Adjourn o NEXT MEETING OF THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1991, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS c MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1991 Regular meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission opened at 4:05. Members present: Tim Schlosser, John Kinnee, Jim Keyes, Longmire, Joe Huddleston and Tom Gorman. Absent: Tom George Knight and Jim Brown. Staff present: Gene Borges, Badger and Agnes Colombo. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Snapp and Clements. Roberta Cundy, Shelly Janice Minutes: Motion by Longmire, seconded Kinnee that March 19, 1991 minutes be approved as printed. Carried. Agenda additions: Item 10 Request ~rom Jean Dobiash to replace an existing mobile home with another mobile on Fourth Avenue SE. Item 11 Request to hold a ~lea market on Culinary Chameleon property at Yelm Ave. W. and Cullens Rd. c Forrester letter o~ intent to commence annexation proceedings ~or' property with ~rontage on SR 507. Motion Kinnee, seconded Huddleston that sta~~ meet with petitioner and recommend possible ways to square up area proposed ~or annexation prior to submission o~ request to City Council. Mr. & Mrs. Snapp proposed locating, on parcel o~ land between the bike shop and Bon Jon's, parking and two drive ways ~ronting Yelm Ave. E. ~ a double wide mobile home in the center area o~ the lot to provide living quarters ~or Mrs. Snapp's mother; 7 storage units/garages at the back o~ the property. Borges explained that the state would probably not allow two entrances onto SR507. Addressing the mobile placement issue, members explained that the purpose oz having zoning is dezeated when variances are granted. Yelm's Zoning Ordinance allows placement o~ mobiles only in mobile home parks and/or subdivisions. Borges added that the law states that variances be issued only ~or bene~it o~ land and surrounding land, benefit to individuals should not be a consideration. Commission ~elt they should ~ollow guidelines as set in Ordinance. They did advise Snapps that they still have the option to take the issue to the City Council. The storage and parking as proposed are permitted by zoning. c Commission members were given a map showing Central Reddi-Mix property which runs from Rhoton Rd. NW to Crystal Springs St. NW. Proposed is a large lot division o~ the property into two 5 acre parcels. Motion Longmire that approval be recommended to Council, seconded Kinnee, abstaining Keyes. Carried. 4/16/91 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 c c c Members were given a packet of information to review containing correspondence from Stericycle and the Mitigation from the City to Stericycle outlining Yelm's requirements. A packet of printed material on growth and the resulting winners/losers was given to members for review. Yelm/Thurston Co. Joint Planning Committee met on 4/11/91. Committee was in agreement with Yelm's Comprehensive Plan. County staff was directed to prepare a new map for the next meeting. A request to replace an existing mobile home on Fourth with a new mobile was received from Jean Dobiash. Commission felt their position on this issue is clear. Commission has denied similar requests in the past. Commission wants an Ordinance in place to guide them in these matters. Sta~~ has been directed by Council to prepare, along with attorney, an amendment to deal with replacement o~ mobiles. Request received ~rom Janice Clements to operate a ~lea market at Culinary Chameleon. Clements explained that they want to attract legitimate cra~t vendors. Proposed parking would be on lot o~~ Cullens Road. Vendor booths to be placed under trees on restaurant property. Commission members oppose this type o~ temporary business. It is not bene~icial to the community. Other businesses must develop ~acilities and make improvements, the same should be required in this instance. Commission said they would encourage this only as a permanent, long term business meeting all requirements. Borges indicated a possible problem with intended parking site as it may include area that serves as drain~ield ~or restaurant septic system. Clements will meet with Borges at 1:30 tomorrow. Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. ATTEST: Uyvu IJ {'J);mM 4/16/91 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 o TYPE OF MEETING DATE OF MEETING MEETING LOCATION NAME I-- VISITOR SI~IN SHEET PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 16, 1991 YELM CITY HALL OCUNCIL CHAMBERS ADDRESS REPRESENTING o o City of ellD 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458"3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1991, 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL 1. <:all to order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of minutes: March 19, 1991 4. Agenda additions/deletions 5. Snapp variance request o 6. Forrester annexation request 7. Central Reddi-mix large lot division 8. Stericycle 9. April 11, 1991 Joint Planning Committee meeting report 10. Other . \,J t:::/~)}.j ~JJo a i /:]$ I) ///IJR.tL-t fJl {~, Ii/v 11 r;j {A;://JI e It" I) IJ 11. Other /-71,;/7 12. Adjourn NEXT MEETING OF THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1991, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS o o o o MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1991 Regular meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission opened at 4:07. Members present: Jim Brown, Roberta Longmire, Tim Schlosser, John Kinnee, Tom Cundy, George Knight and Jim Keyes. Absent: Joe Huddleston and Tom Gorman. Staff present: Shelly Badger and Agnes Colombo. Minutes: January 15 and February 18~ 1991. Motion by Longmire~ seconded Cundy that minutes be approved as printed. Carried. Agenda changes: Nisqually Plaza Parking Lot channelization added to agenda. Council requested recommendation from Planning Commission on best procedure for submitting Asher and Jenness annexation requests. Asher has completed required paperwork ~or annexation o~ ~our lots on West Road. His request will create an "island" o~ county road sandwiched between portions o~ city roadway. The annexation request may be denied by the county because o~ this "island". Jenness is working to annex land in the same general area. A combined request would probably present a stronger position ~or. approval o~ the annexation. Members ~elt that since Asher has completed his portion o~ the process he should not be delayed. Motion Kinnee that commission recommend council approval o~ Asher annexation request~ seconded Knight. Carried. Schlosser stressed that sta~~ needs to receive veri~ication ~rom county that annexations not be a~~ected by county view o~ growth boundary. Members discussed Klapp property Marketplace/St. o~ Cheesemakers. Possibilities discussed: (a) conditional use permit ~or temporary operation, (b) conditional use permit ~or permanent use that meets all applicable city requirements, (c) rezone. Commission doesn't want to see another temporary operation; permanent structures should be required. 3/19/91 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 c c ..----t lJ \,~ :"j ;r:;:; ~::: Members also reviewed flyer adverti~ing marketplace opening scheduled for April 6 and 7. Commission recommended staff send letter stating marketplace is not to open until conditional use and/or rezone application is made to and approved by the city. Tentative date of April 11, has been set for Yelm/Thurston Co. Joint Planning Committee Meeting. They will work towards an interim growth boundary. Annexation could occur within this interim area while final Urban Growth Boundary is decided upon. Yelm remains adamant that the 20 year and Urban Growth Boundary be the same using Yelm's 1985 nSphere of Influencen as a starting point. Three commission members will serve on Yelm/Thurston .Joint Committee. Badger told members that Thurston Highlands submit final petition for annexation to the council approval it will be sent to the approval. was preparing to city. Following county for their Members were given copies Ordinance No. 387 showing recommended revisions, and corresponding sections showing original wording. Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the revisions as presented. Final business was reviewing a drawing of Nisqually Plaza channelization and parking. Commission felt double lines were not adequate to control traffic and that extruded curb should be used where double line was shown. Commission further recommended that extruded curb be placed. until planters shown on diagram are installed. Motion Cundy, Carried. seconded Brown that meeting adjourn at 5:20. ATTEST: qAJU :fJ{J4i>lcio 3/19/91 Planning Commission Minutes Page .,. .:.. o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 . 0 6. 7 . 8. 9. 10. 11. o el City of 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Y elm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1991, 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes: January 15, 1991 February 18, 1991 Agenda additions/deletions Asher/Jenness Annexation Klapp request Update - Thurston Co./Yelm Joint Plan Committee Meeting Site Plan Ordinance changes Other Other Adjourn NEXT MEETING OF THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1991, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS c c f'\ G KINUTES CITY OF YELK PLANNING COKKISSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1991 Regular meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission opened at 4:20. Members present: Jim Brown, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire, and Joe Huddleston. Tim Schlosser, John Kinnee and Tom Cundy unable to attend Staff present: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger and Agnes Colombo. No quorum present. Items discussed: Last year, John Klapp requested approval to use his property on Railroad Ave. and Je11erson 10r a 1lea market. Klapp was told that i1 he graded his lot and did some cleanup he could use area 10r 1lea market. This commission voted on 4/17/90 to recommend council approval 01 conditional use permit, subject to Klapp's ability to meet all local, county and state requirements. Conditional use granted and business license issued to Steve Hill to operate "Farmer's Flea Market". The conditional use to be reevaluated in June 01 1991. Klapp 1urther requested approval to set up a series 01 tents to accommodate sellers/buyers at Flea Market. Commission recommended council not approve unless compliance with all regulations/requirements 01 new business are met. In January 01 1991 Timothy Persons representing The Street 01 Cheesemakers presented plan to commisson to erect stage and shelters and operate a year round market on same Klapp property. Sta11 suggested property owner meet with Borges to discuss use 01 proper"ty. During meeting between Klapp and Borges Klapp was told that ordinance did not allow business license trans1ers and that the property in question was zoned R-2 and would there10re require a rezone or conditional use permit 10r operation 01 the market. Borges told commission members that he would discourage a zone change that would leave a portion 01 the property zoned R-2 and change the rest to commercial. Sta11 will meet again with Klapp 10r 1urther discussion. Borges also told members he had received word 1rom the state showing plans 10r (a) realigning the curve at Andersons Dairy/Mud Run road, (b) the addition 01 a le1t turn lane at Southworth, and (c) changing the Y on 510 to a T con1iguration as well as the addition 01 lighting. Borges also mentioned a study by the state to determine highway needs~ continuing the highway through the city vs. a bypass around the city. ATTEST ~ /1 /7 L4fIlJIJ 0 ~M1e1 2/19/91 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 City of elmm o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1991, 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of minutes: January 15, 1991 4. Agenda additions/deletions 0 5 . Update - Thurston Co./Yelm Joint Plan 6 . Site Plan Ordinance changes 7 . Other 8. Other 9 . Other 10. Adjourn o NEXT MEETING OF THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1991, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS o MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY. JANUARY 15. 1991 Regular <1: 00 P. M. meeting of the Yelm by Chair Tim Schlosser. Planning Commission opened at Doris Omat. potential commission member representing area senior citizens was introduced to commission members. Members present: Tim Schlosser. Jim Brown. Joe Huddleston, Tom Cundy. John Kinnee. Roberta Longmire. and Lyle Sundsmo. Absent: Jim Keyes and Tom Gorman. Staff present: Gene Borges. Shelly Badger and Agnes Colombo. Guests present: Doris Dmat. Timothy Persons. Street of Cheesemakers and Dennis Su. KeM. Minutes of the November 20. 1990. Revised copies were distributed to members showing date correction. Motion by Kinnee that minutes be approved as presented. seconded Sundsmo. Carried. Agenda additions/deletions. Agenda item 6. request moved up on the agenda. Timothy Persons o Timothy Persons. Director of Marketing for the Street of the Cheesemakers had requested permission to place banners at both entrance ways to the market in a letter dated 12/17/90. He repeated that request in his letter of 1/10/91. The January letter also requested approval of the market master plan to allow opening on the weekend of February 9 and 10. A drawing of the proposed marketplace was submitted immediately prior to the beginning of the meeting. Copies were made and distributed to members. The marketplace would be located behind the church building (formerly Yelm Prairie Christian Center) at Railroad and Jefferson. This area is zoned R-2/Multifamily. The lot was the former location of Farmer's Flea Market. The Flea Market was being allowed to operate on a conditional use permit until June '91. Farmer's Flea Market was not granted renewal of their business license for 1991 due to nonpayment/nonfiling of 2 or more quarterly tax reports. The plan as submitted by Persons included one long awning covered "barter" area. Additional canvas covered shelters interspersed with "reed huts" were shown aligning the perimeter of the property. In the center a 30'x20' covered stage surrounded by ftnatural shelters" on three sides and benches on one side would be used for plays/music. An area set aside for food service is also located in the center of the lot. Food would be prepared ~ and se:c"ved out of portable/R. V. units. o 1/15/91 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 c Persons explained that this would be a year round market, patterned after the marketplaces in Jerusalem~ transactions would be accepted as trade~ barter or coin. The marketplace would operate on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Persons stated that he had received permission to use the middle school lot for parking. Borges explained that the commission could make recommendations only. The entire plan must still go before council as a request for a conditional use permit to operate a commercial center in an R-2 zone. Staff would have to review the plans which were received for the first time immediately prior to this meeting. Some fire code problems were anticipated due to the reed huts/natural shelters. Also to be considered by the property owner would be a possible rezone from multifamily to commercial. Borges suggested the property owner come into the office to meet with him. Persons said he would have the owner contact Borges. c Borges updated the commission on the recently held meeting with Thurston Co. Commissioners~ their planning staff and Yelm's council~ attorney, and staff concerning the current standing of the Yelm/Thurston Co. Joint Plan. Yelm was able to present the commissioners with information, documentation and time frames showing when and how the urban growth boundary that Yelm officials believe should be accepted was developed. A work session for commissioners and county staff will follow the meeting, the issue will probably go back before the joint committee after the work session for a recomendation to elected officials. Borges also stated that the meeting was well attended by local businessmen. Their support in this matter was appreciated by staff and council. Kinnee asked if there was anything commission members could do to help. Borges suggested calls directly to the commissioners supporting their willingness to explore the situation. Kinnee expressed the difficulty of trying to plan for future needs of local schools when the growth boundary issue has not been settled. Members were in agreement on the importance of resolving issue and maintaining compliance with SHB 2929, which will allow amendments to growth boundary. This means the growth would probably remain stationary for a 10 year period. the not area Motion by Kinnee that meeting be adjourned, seconded Huddleston. Carried. ATTEST: c q~~ ~~~ 1/15/91 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 o VISITOR SIGNC-;l SHEET o TYPE OF MEETING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1991 MEETING LOCATION COUNCIL CHAMBERS, YLEM CITY HALL NAME ADDRESS REPRESENTING 0c-, ,~ ~ o City of ellD 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1991, 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL 1- Call to order. 2 . Roll call 0 3. Approval of minutes: November 20, 1990 4 . Agenda additions/deletions 5. Update - Thurston Co./Yelm Joint Plan 6. Timothy Persons request. 7. Other 8. Other 9 . Other 10. Other II. Adjourn c NEXT MEETING OF THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1991, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS