Motions Motion No. 93-33 93-34 94-01 94-02 94-03 94-04 94-05 94-06 94-07 94-08 94-09 94-10 94-11 94-12 94-13 94-14 94-15 Yelm Planning Commission Motions 1993 12/20/93 Motion to approve the Nettleton Site-Plan (SPR8094). Motion to not recommend approval of the variance based on the findings. Yelm Planning Commission Motions 1994 1/18/94 Motion to recommend approval of the rezone to the City Council based upon the findings in staff. Motion to have a work session on the new ordinance. Motion to approve the 12/20/93 minutes. 2/7/94 Motion to approve Planning Commission minutes,I/18/94 2/22/94 Motion to recommend approval of variance and wave 15 ft. height restriction. Motion to recommend approval of the rezone request along Burnett Rd. Motion to approve the 72 unit apartment complex. Motion to recommend approval of Master Plan Review Ordinance to city council. Motion to allow the Building Dept. to authorize signs in the larger scale developments. 3/7/94 Motion to approve 2/22/94 minutes changing no. 94-09 Motion to recommend approval to City Council of setback variance based on finding in staff report. Motion to approve the Time Square site-plan with conditions set forth. Motion to adjourn. 4/4/94 Motion No. 93-24 93-25 93-24 A 93-25 A 93-26 93-27 93-28 93-29 93-30 93-31 93-32 Yelm Planning Commission Motions 1993 6/21/93 Motion to recommend approval of the amended plat to the City Council. Motion to recommend approval of the C-3 zone to City Council. 8/2/93 Motion requesting City Council to reverse decision requiring paving of roads with in Al Johnstods mini-storage facility. 8/16/93 Motion to approve the fire station site plan with the staff recommended conditions. 9/20/93 Motion to approve the staff recommended alternative " 2 " . 11/1/93 Motion to extend the Nettleton Warehouse Site- Plan public hearing until next meeting . 11/15/93 Motion to continue the Nettleton site-plan public hearing until 12/6/93. Motion to recommend to City Council that the out- side storage and sale of landscape materials be permitted as an accessory use. 12/6/93 12/20/93 Motion to approve the Minutes from 12-6-93 with changes correcting names. Motion No. 93-14 93-15 93-16 93-17 93-18 93-19 93-20 93-21 93-21 A 93-22 93-23 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MOTIONS 1993 2/22/93 Motion recommending council approval of the Southwest Yelm Annexation draft environmental impact statement contingent upon satisfactorily addressing issues raised and identified at the February I, 1993 planning commission meeting. 3/1/93 Motion changing the date of the next regularly scheduled planning commission meeting to March 22. Motion approving the February 22 minutes as corrected. Motion approving the Johnston Mini-warehouse site plan (SPR 8083) as proposed with sidewalks and paving to be made within two years of occupancy. 3/22/93 Motion approving the March 1 minutes. Motion to recommend annexation to city council with legal findings in support of the Southwest - Annexation. 4/5/93 Motion to recommend approval on the Longmire St./ Gore rezone. 5/3/93 Motion to recommend approval of the Prairie Heights/ Vancil Rd. subdivision (sub8086). 6/7/93 Motion to approve AprilS, 1993 as amended. Motion to approve May 3, 1993 minutes as ammended. Motion to recommend C-3 zone to City Council with amended changes to types of uses. Motion No. 93-01 93-02 93-03 93-04 93-05 93-06 93-07 93-08 93-09 93-10 93-11 93-12 93-13 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MOTIONS 1993 1/25/93 Motion approving December 15, 1992 and January 4, 1993 minutes. Motion to approve the proceedings on the McDonalds site plan as long as there is not a left hand turn lane at this time. Motion recommending to the city council that a variance be granted from the access limitation, that it permits a second access in that block. Motion to resolve the Tranquility Lane situation before approving the East 507 annexation. Motion recommending to the city council the approval to annex everything South of Middle Rd. and Railway, but not North of Middle Rd. with the Wood property to be 5 acres and to approve the proposed zoning. Motion to table the Nisqually Plaza proposal for 30 days so that all parties can meet and work out the obvious problems that have been raised. Motion recommending to the city council to disapprove the request for rezone. Motion recommending council approval on the proposed prairie Creek Subdivision. 2/22/93 Motion approving the January 25 minutes. Motion recommending approval of the submitted site plan conditional upon resolution of the McAlexander and Gramor joint driveway issue and that absolutely nothing be done on the property prior to resolving the issue. Motion to table the issue until the March 1, 1993 meeting when info. as to the legality of questions raised can be clarified by city staff. Vacant. Motion approving minutes of February 1, 1993 as corrected. CORRECTION: Issues to be resolved conditional to recommendation of approval of the Southwest Yelm Annexation: Waste water, Transpor- tation, Concurrency, Rainier School Dist., Wetlands, Ground water supply. Issues needing to be addressed at some point, but not included as conditions to be met for approval recommendation: Population estimates, Storm water, Wildlife, Commercial element, Rural use buffers, Planning mitigation, Lifestyle impacts, Power lines, Historic Structures, etc..