Agendas and Minutes / (\ , ~ c .~ ~ ./ City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 NJI'ICE OF MEETIN; CAOCELLATION CITY OF YEIM PLANNING <XH1ISSION MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1994, 4:00 - 6:00 PM ***NJI'ICE*** The Regular Meeting of the Yelm Planning Corrmission scheduled for Monday, December 19, 1994 has been cancelled due to lack of business. Please contact Sr~lly Badger at 458-8405 if you have any questions or would like to discuss a future agenda item. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT REGULAR MEETING DATE: TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1995, 4:00 - 6:00 PM YEIM CITY HALL caJNCIL OIAMBERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISHIN; YOU AND YOURS A VERY MERRY anuS'lMAS AND A HAPPY NE.W YEAR! * Recyckdpaper c MINU'IES SPECIAL WORKSESSION OF '!HE YEIM PLANNING <XM1ISSION YEIM a:MPREHENSIVE PLAN AND JOINT PLAN WI'IH 'lHURS'ION caJNTY AND DRAFl' ENVIRON1ENI'AL IMPACT STATEMENI' MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1994, 4:00 PM, YEIM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The worksession of the Yelm Planning Commission was opened by Vice-Chair Joe Huddleston at 4:05 PM. The worksession purpose was to discuss the December 7, 1994 Public Hearing testimony and written comments on the Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County and accompanying Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Planning Commission members present: Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Pat Fetterly, Glenn Blando, Buffie Clark, Ed pitts and Tom Cundy. E.J. Curry, representing the Thurston County Planning Commission, Jackie Kettman, Thurston County Advance Planning Staff, Shelly Badger, Gene Borges and Ken Garmann, City Staff were also on hand for the meeting. Rodney Orosko, Nisqually Valley News, sat in for a portion of the worksession. City staff explained to the Commission that they were to discuss each public comment (both written and verbal testimony) and make a recommendation to the Thurston County Planning Commission sub-committee on any proposed changes to the Plan. Follows is a list of both verbal and written testimony and any proposed changes suggested by the Yelm Planning Commission: c Tim Abbey, verbal testimony: Land use designations along Bridge Road, requested change from R-6/R-4 to R-1 and on the north side of West Road from R-6 single-family to multi-family. After discussion regarding Growth Management Hearings decisions against 1-acre zoning in urban growth areas and the fact that city sewer lines are sized for single-family along West Road, not multi-family, the CCMMISSION RECCM'1ENDED NO CHANGES. Eric Anderson, written testimony: Requested multi-family zoning designation on the north side of West Road. See above. Friends of the Yelm Library (written testimony), Timberland Regional Library (written testimony), Yelm Library Board (written testimony) and Dean Hooper (verbal testimony): All testimony asked that library expansion needs and co-location with future city facilities be mentioned in the Capital Facilities Plan. Planning Commission recommended that the CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN (PUBLIC FACILITIES PAGE) BE REVISED to include a statement supporting library facilities and that they may be considered in the purchase of land for a municipal complex. c John Huddleston/Yelm Chamber of Corrmerce/South Thurston County Chamber of Commerce: Verbal testimony regarding absorption rates in the plan (that they are optimistic from historical trends) and that land capacity may exceed market demand, sufficiency of land area designated for commercial uses, residentlal densities and the need for public facility planning beyond the 20-year plan. c c c Planning Commission RECCMMENDED NO CHANGES TO THE PLAN IN CCMMERCIAL LAND USE DESIGNATIONS AND NO CHANGES TO THE ABSORPTION RA'IES IN THE PLAN. Gail Cane: Verbal and written testimony regarding questions on the wastewater reuse pilot project. Staff (Gene Borges and Shelly Badger) explained that they have met with Ms. Cane and provided her with copies of the Sewer Comprehensive Plan and Scope of Work for the wastewater reuse pilot project. Also that the Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Draft EIS provide the planning framework for further environmental technical studies. Planning Commission RECOMMENDED NO CHANGES IN THE PLAN. Jackie Miller: Verbal testimony supporting the Nisqually Pines I exclusion from the Urban Growth Boundary. Also asked that wildlife habitat protection be expanded in the open space ordinance and policies. Shelly Badger explained that wildlife habitats are identified in the open space ordinance as possible open space. Planning Commission RECCMMENDED NO CHANGES IN THE PLAN. Puget Power: Written testimony requesting changes Development and Siting Essential Facilities chapters. Puget Power's request for changes was discussed and PLANNIN::; CG1MISSION RECOMMENDED CHANGES AS PER DECEMBER 6, 1994 FRCM LARRY KARR, PUGET POWER. in the Economic deemed appropriate. THE LETTER DA'IED Schorno Agri-Business: Written testimony (October 10, 1994) requesting that property east of the Centralia Power Canal along the Nisqually River be included in the Urban Growth Boundary. Planning Commission agreed that the area should remain outside of the Urban Growth Boundary along with the Nisqually Pines. However, if the Pines were to become part of the Urban Growth Boundary, this area should be included. NO CHANGES WERE RECCMMENDED IN THE PLAN AND COMMISSION MEMBERS RE-AFFIRMED THEIR STATEMENT THAT THE NORTH SUB-AREA SHOULD BE EXCLUDED FRCM THE URBAN GRcwrn BOUNDARY. United Citizens Betterment Organization: Written testimony regarding the Housing Chapter and designation of land use along Railway and Canal. Planning Commission RECCMMENDED A CHANGE 'ill INCLUDE LANGUAGE REGARDING MEETING THE NEEDS FOR HOMELESS PERSONS AND VACAN::-Y RA'IES FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING. HavEVER, DID NOT RECCMMEND A CHANGE IN THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR THE PROPERTY AT RAILWAY AND CANAL FRCM INDUSTRIAL 'ill SINGLE-FAMILY. Nancy Weidinger: Verbal testimony on the location of the Y-2 corridor and its environmental impacts. Strongly opposed it on her property. Staff explained that the Y-2 Corridor Study slated for 1995 would address the specific location and all environmental impacts. The Comprehensive Plan provides the framework for the technical study. NO RECOMMENDED CHANGES TO THE PLAN. Freda Willoughby: Written testimony regarding affordable housing for senior citizens within the downtown core. NO RECOMMENDED CHANGES TO THE PLAN. c c c Yelm Parks Advisory Committee: Written testimony requesting adjustments to the Capital Facilites Plan for parks development. PLANNING CCMMISSION RECCMMENDED THAT THE CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN BE AMENDED AS PER THE PARKS ADVISORY CCMMITTEE' REQUEST. Commission members were infonned that the regular meeting scheduled for Monday, December 19, 1994 has been cancelled due to a lack of business. With no further worksession discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 5 :40 PM. A'ITEST: . flnU A fu&t:: S~~l~adger City Administrator/Pltning Department Tom Gorman Chair, Yelm Planning Commission c c c City of Yelm Planning Commission! Thurston County Planning Commission loint Public Hearing Wednesday, December 7, 1994 - 7 00 p m U C B 0 Bmldmg 624 Crystal Spnngs Street Yelm, Washington 98597 FEB 2 4 ')5 -"I ..................................... ............................................ ;,;,;,:,;,:,;,;,;,;,:,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,:.,.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:. ;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.: ............ - 1. Call to Order/Introductions The meetmg was called to order at 7.00 p m by City of Yelm Planmng CommIsSIOn ChaIr Joe Huddleston. Members of the Planning Commissions and staff mtroduced themselves City of Yelm Planning Commissioners present: Glenn Blando, Buffie Clark, Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire, Ed PIttS and Adam RIvas Thurston County Planning Commissioners present: Dorn Barr (7 15 pm), Bob Bower, Tom Cole, E J Curry, Carolyn Dobbs, Bob James, Pat Schoelkopf, and Frank SWlnkey (7 10 pm) Thurston County Planning Commissioner absent: Charles Sadler City of Yelm Staff present: Sandy Maclae Doreen Milward Shelly Badger Gene Borges Thurston County Staff present: J aclae Kettman Connne Tobeck ChaIr Huddleston briefed the audience concerning the purposes of the Growth Management Act, and noted that, like all other jurisdictIOns in Washington state, the City of Yelm must comply with its requirements Growth Management is of particular importance to the CIty of Yelm because its populatIOn IS expected to grow by 400 % over the next 20 years 2. Summary of Plan and Environmental Documents Sandy Maclae, Consultant to the City of Yelm, has assisted III developmg the CIty'S Draft ComprehensIve Plan He welcomed this opportunity for the publIc to share theIr comments and concerns related to the Draft Joint Plan. After those comments have been receIved, the Planmng CommIssions will particIpate in joint discussions of the Draft Plan, consIder both the oral and wntten testimony that has been received, and hopefully will reach agreement on the recommendatIOns wIthin the Draft ComprehensIve Plan c c c loint Public Hearing Wednesday, December 7, 1994 Page Z Mr Mackie advIsed that, folloWIng action by the Planning Commissions, the Draft Plan wIll move forward soon to the next phase in Its adoptIon process, that being a JOInt Hearing before the Yelm City CouncIl and Board of Thurston County CommissIOners The City is responsible for adoptIng those portIons of the Comprehensive Plan which address the areas Inside the City Thurston County has authonty over areas outsIde the CIty, but wltlun the County City of Yelm Planning Commission/ Thurston County Planning Commission He provided a brief overview of the components of the ComprehensIve Plan and higWighted the areas wluch are of partIcular concern to the resIdents of Yelm The CapItal FacIlItIes Plan serves as a means of determimng whether or not Yelm can afford to pay for the City It wants to become The community or Yelm has identified the aquifer as its pnmary concern, and has Implemented strong policies to protect the aquifer and environmentally sensItive areas A recommendation to remove the Yelm Creek from the Shorelines Register will be made to the Department of Ecology It is very important for the CIty to put in place development regulatIOns wluch will ensure that Yelm remaInS a quality city 3. Public Hearing ChaIr Huddleston opened the Hearing to public testimony at 7.23 P m John Huddleston, POBox 1206, Yelm (South District), Washington, has been a resident of Yelm for 18 years, currently serves as President of the South Thurston County Chamber of Commerce and Treasurer of the Yelm Chamber of Commerce, and has been involved in construction and residentIal development within the Yelm area Speaking on behalf of the Thurston County Southwest Chamber and Yelm Chamber, he gave overall support to the ComprehensIve Plan, felt that it was well thought out, and that a great deal of tIme, effort and commumty Input had gone into the document. Mr Huddleston's concerns 1 AbsorptIon rates and development issues for land use have been stated ill excess of what IS expected In Yelm's future [for example, a 400% increase in populatIon] Yelm's capacity does not translate to this market demand. Capacity does not necessanly mean that the antIcIpated demand will be met as outlined in the Plan 2 Properties that are currently zoned Residential may be converted to CommercIal uses In future Additional CommercIal property IS needed along the State hIghway 3 R-5 and R-4 zoning is becoming mIsnomer WIth increased requIrements for open space, road WIdth, etc It is difficult to aclueve 3-1/4 or 3-1/2 denSItIes Backyards are beIng replaced by stormwater ponds. Planmng for infrastructure should look at a longer horIZon [30 years] -- allows for lower costs and better deSIgned system Mr Huddleston supports the current proposed Y-3 corndor as an alternatIve transportatIOn route, because It serves ReSIdentIal and larger Commercial areas willIe proVIdIng for more reasonable routes In/out of Yelm c City of Yelm Planning Commission! Thurston County Planning Commission Joint Public Hearing Wednesday, December 7, 1994 Page 1 Mr MackIe advIsed that wntten comments wIll be accepted by the Planmng CommIssIon concerrnng the ComprehensIve Plan through tlus evernng's Hearing, and wntten comments concerrnng the EIS will be accepted through December 22, 1994. Nancy WeIdmger, POBox 1384, 11025 Vancil Road Southeast, Yelm (South DIstrict), Waslnngton, stated that the Y -2 will take one-half of her property at the bottom of the ridge, which she does not want to lose She asked whether the arterial around Yelm is supposed to be 4 lanes wide. Mr Mackie advIsed that the property would be acqUIred by emment domain proceedmgs The potentIal for Y-2 wIll bnng the lughway all the way to Y-3. The chOices are bemg made through the RegIOnal Transportation Plan (RTP) A 2-lane highway cna be accomplished wIth a 60 foot nght-of-way, while a 4-lane hIghway requires 80 feet. Accordmg to the RTP, a 60 to 80 foot nght-of-way is most likely. Ms WeIdinger stated that her property IS on a plateau winch is very drastIcally sloped, and her property lies 50 feet below the top of the hill Naturally, all surface waters flow toward the bottom of the ridge At one time, the wetlands along the ridge of Henderson Hill were called Oak RIdge She was concerned about environmental issues relatIng to her property and wondered how oil, antIfreeze, etc , in the runoff could be justified Wells are 50-58 feet deep Senous consIderatIOn must be given to pollution and water qualIty in tins area If Y -2 will be Implemented. o Ms WeIdinger IS pleased with what has been accomplished, and has a letter from the County statmg no more than 2 urnts/acre will be allowed m the area due to the soils Her greatest concern as the possibility of losmg her property. Dean Hooper, 18946 Cook Road, Yelm, Washington, has attended most of the planning seSSIOns He complImented the CIty staff for the data received Mr Hooper's concerns 1 People come to commurntIes for access to work and schools Recently, bonds and levIes for schools have faIled twice 2 The Timberlme Library needs to grow to meet the community's needs Users of the library must not be excluded When lookIng forward over the next few years, we recognize that Yelm IS competing wIth other commurnties and that people do have a chOice of where to go The well-documented Plan should not lose site of the big questions [How to get more people mvolved, Need to look at sewers/roads to determine whether the cultural level (schools, libranes, etc.) are funded]. If Yelm does not people's needs, they will choose to locate elsewhere c Gall Cane, 11538 Snowcap Lane, Rainier (Southwest Section), Washington, was concerned about the method of sewage dIsposal and asked why it has not been addressed WIth a specIfic plan She mentIOned a pilot program and asked why It had never been defined She wondered c c c Joint Public Hearing Wednesday, December 7, 1994 Page 1: City of Yelm Planning Commission! Thurston County Planning Commission m what ways It dIffered from other sewage programs. She felt that it dId not make sense for the commumty to comment on, much less support, a Plan when nothing specific was known U ntll the financIal! environmental costs of dIsposing sewage through ground apphcahon are made known, the EIS is incomplete and should not be approved. Ms Cane referred to her attached WrItten statement dated November 22, 1994, and requested that her comments and questIOns, and their responses be included in the EIS. Jackie Miller, P. 0 Box 1169, Yelm (North Section), Washington, is a 10-year resident, and appreciates the work done on the Plan, by Yelm staff and Planning CommIssIOners She appreciates the fact that the North Area has been deleted from the Planning Area Nisqually Pines reSIdents can maintain their own viabilIty and are Willlllg to work wIthin the Cnhcal Areas Ordinance as required The Comprehensive Plan does not adequately meet the reqUIrements for wildlIfe protection and open space habitat. The Plan encourages developers to spend addItional dollars to add more houses rather than preserve greenery around the lots Adequate corndors for the preservation of wildlife must be maintained Suggest addmg to the Plan a category, Wildlife Habitat, as well as an environmentallllterpretahon which expands upon that definition. Tim Abby, 9434 Bridge Road, Yelm (East Section), Yelm, Washington, commented about the zomng along Bndge Road at the south end of the canal The vast maJonty of that area (to McKenna) has been zoned as I-acre lots. The future use of this area has been desIgnated as R-4 and/or R-6. Suggest transIhonal zoning of 1/1 would be more III the best interests of everyone than current zone, 1/5 Without a large voter turnout, it seems unlikely that sewers would be lllstalled in the area The north side of West Road near the Yelm Motel has been deSIgnated a Residential zone, while the southwest end of the road has been deSIgnated CommercIal wIth a StrIp of 6 parcels designated Multi-Family Tlus area would lend Itself well to Mulh-Family ChaIrman Huddleston suggested that Mr Abby consider submithng a request for rezone There belllg no further comment, Chair Huddleston closed the Hearmg to publIc testimony at 7 56 p m [The Joint Commissions recessed from 7:56 to 8:05 p.m.] 5. .Toint W orksession Members of both Planning Commissions shared their observahons and concerns about the Draft Jomt Plan ChaIr Huddleston commended Mr Maclae and the Yelm staff for the hours dedIcated to the development of the Plan He thanked the speakers for their input. Mr RIvas thanked Mr Hooper (the only person who had attended all of the public meetings) for lus attendance and participation. .. ~ c c c City of Yelm Planning Commission! Thurston County Planning Commission Joint Public Hearing Wednesday, December 7, 1994 Page 5. Staff was dIrected to add to the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) the Library ExpansIOn and to reVIsIt the Nisqually Pines area Ms Kettman advIsed that, at its next Worksession, the Thurston County Planning CommIssIon will address the Issue of the dIscrepancy in acreage. The EIS pilot project has yet to be completed She dtstributed copies of written testimony which was recently received. 6. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION THURSTON COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION u~~~~~ Chair Chair ! .;(. YelIn and' Thurston County Planning Commission Joint Public Hearing December 7, 1994 r I 1 11 , j d Ii j The following table lists both verbal and wntten testimony by tOpIC, and qIstinguishes City-only topics from Clty-and-County-UGA tOpICS to aid Thurston COU1~ty Planning Commission review of the testimony. . ( ~;~)~~~~;j~~~~~~~@l~;~~~~~~0~~i~]~!~; ~~~!<fJ'~~~:~~~~~~:;f:~;~~~~~1~j~~;~i~~~~i6:~:::;~:,::~:~::.<'~.::.:...,:;;::"'.'.. ..}~~~~:;~~;;;:~~:. ~:~'6ity.ii;~~~lihq~i~ :~;~~@~~~r.Q~~~l~1~ Abbey J Tim Land use designations . (verbal testimony) . Along Bridge Road X . Along West Road ? X Anderson I Eric Land use designation along West Road X Friends of the Yelm Library expansion in the CapItal X .-!-ibrary Facilties Plan ) including -Aooper J Dean Y elm's Cultural faciltties, the X (verbal testimony) library ; public involvement Huddleston, . Absorbtion rates; land capacity JohnJYelm Chamber may exceed market demand X of Commerce/South . SuffiCIency of land area Thurston County designated for (X)mmerclal uses X Chamber of . Residential densities X Commerce (verbal . Public facllity planning X testimony) Kain, Gail . Questions about sewerage X (verbal testImony) planning/pilot project and the EIS MiJJer, JackIe . Nisqual1y Pines X (verbal testimony) . Wildl1fe habitat protectIon provisions X Puget Power . Yelm's need tor power facilities X ""\ . Energy facilities as essential ~ public facilities X ( 1 Schomo Agn- Urban Growth Area west of the X , Business Ccntralia Power Canal Timberland Regional Library expansion needs and co- X Library location WIth other CIty facilities Umtcd CitIzens ,. Housing needs of the homeless X Betterment . Land use designatlOn at Railway Organization Road at Canal Road X . DIscussion of vacancy rates III the Housmg Chapter X Weidinger, Nancy Y -2 Corridor, mcluding its location X (verbal testimony) and environmental Impacts Willoughby, Freda Affordable housmg for semor citizens X within the downtown core Ye]m LIbrary Board Library facility needs in thc CapItal X Facihtles Plan () Yelm Parks Advisory Adjustments to CapItal Faclltlcs Plan X COlmnittee for parks development o '. 2 i f I' I~ I;~. . ._-,_-:..~.....~.:~.....__...__..l;....:....;;...-,-,,-~,,:......,::,;,,-:~~',,'~-. ~-;;::-~~.2.:;~:..l:::S'::.'.-'::'~~...__,::~.'.'k....:~,_ ..."_,~_'",,,:.:!:.;'.~E'!,:'::-,:,,;,:,~.:.:::..;.Li.;;: !;~.,_.7"';'~:~.~h.~":"':"':''':u.~i':':~~'~i''::;-'~'''''''':!'''''-;''J.:;.;,;..:.~";:J""'ti."~~~-:?;,W~ c c c PUBLIC NOTICE SPECIAL WORK SESSION YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Yelm Planning Commission has scheduled a work session for Monday, December 12, at 4:00 in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall. The work session topic is to discuss public hearing comments and testimony on the Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County. All interested individuals are invited to attend. Please contact Shelly Badger (206) 458-8405 with questions concerning this work session. ATTEST: /JR1u ;J ~ ;./rlt(~ Agn~'colOmbO, City Clerk Published in Nisqually Valley News, Thursday, December 1, 1994. C .....~-ft. _~~~ A Home-Owned Legal Newspaper in Thurston County YELM, WASHINGTON 98597 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Thurston FIona Reeves , being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she/he is the general manager of the Nisqually Valley News, a weekly newspaper That said newspa- per is a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publications hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Thurston County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper Public Notice Special That the annexed is a true copy of Work Session Yelm Plarming Corrm. Meeting as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplement form) of said Cdwspaper once a week for a period of 1 1 day consecutive weeks, commencing on the of December 94 , and ending on the 19 1 day of December , 19 94 both dates inclusive and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ 15.00 which amount has been paid in full. ~ ,--- /' . --...... " 2 day of Subscribed and sworn to before me this ./1 December ," IliO/'/ Ii II i ,'-;~ 'I. /' / ! I ) , '''' / J , ..'j/: I .~6iary Public in and for the State of Washington, "'''., . ) , ' I I , ) \ I '. \ ,,': I ., -I . ',J . 'Jj ). Tpi$ forryi" officially sanctioned by the ) Wasfir~9ton...Newspaper Publishers' Association J, J / .j \ -- ,\)' ') JfllJldJ1ll\\\\ 19 94 C'l'" residing at Yelm, Washington. "tit: PUBLIC NOTICE SPECIAL WORK SESSION YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Yelm Plaming Commission i. has scheduled a work session for , Monday December 12, at 4'00 . p.m. in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall. The wor\( session topic is to discuss public hearing comments and testimony on 1I1e Yelm Compre- hensive Plan and Joint Plant with Thurston County All interested in- dividuals are invited to attend. Please coniact Shelly Badger (206) 458.8405 with questions concerning this work session. Attest: Agnes Colombo. City Clerk Published in Nisqually Valley News. Thursday December 1 1994 c o o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 City of Yelm NJI'ICE OF MEETING CAOCELLATION CITY OF YEIM PLANNING CCMtlISSION MEETIN; MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1994, 4:00 - 6:00 PM ***NOTICE*** The Regular Meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission scheduled for Monday, December 5, 1994 has been cancelled due to lack of business. Please contact Shelly Badger at 458-8405 if you have any questions or would like to discuss a future agenda item. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------~-------------------- NEXT REGUIAR MEETING DATE: MaIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1994, 4:00 - 6:00 PM YEIM CITY HALL CQlJOCIL OIAMBERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEIM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN STATUS Copies of the Draft Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County and Draft Environmental Impact Statement are available at Yelm City Hall. The Joint Public Hearing of the Yelm and Thurston County Planning Commissions will be held on Wednesday, December 7, 1994, beginning at 7: 00 PM at the UCBO Building, 624 Crystal Springs St. NW. * Recyckd paper c o c Agenda Item/ Motion No 94-62 94-63 94-64 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 The meetmg was called to order at 4 04 P m by chair Tom Gorman 2 Members present Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Buffie Clark, and Ed Pitts Members not in attendance George Knight, Glenn Blando, Pat Fetterly and Adam Rivas Guests Tom Skillings, Skillings - Connelly, and Martha Parsons Staff Shelly Badger and Ken Garmann Approval of the minutes MOTION BY BUFFIE CLARK, SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR NOVEMBER 7, 1994 WITH CORRECTIONS AND CHANGES AS NOTED. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED BY BUFFIE CLARK TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR NOVEMBER J 17, 1994 WITH ADDITIONS AS PROVIDED. MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing Proposed Setback Variance For Expansion To Commercial Building At 412 Yelm Avenue E., AKA Village Rental. The decision to approve or disapprove the proposed setback variance request had been postponed from the November 17, 1994 meeting until a legal opinion could be obtained from the city attorney Tom Cundy excused himself from the room during the hearing process , MOTION BY BUFFIE CLARK, SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON TO DENY THE REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED SETBACK VARIANCE FOR EXPANSION TO COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT 412 YELM AVENUE E., AKA VILLAGE RENTAL. MOTION CARRIED. c o o 3 Update by Shelly Badger, reminding everyone of upcoming meetings December 7, 1994, 7 00 P m at the UCBO, with a work session following, December 12, 1994, 4 00 p m to 6 00 pm, Special Meeting December 14, 1994, Thurston County Planning Commission meeting 4 Work Session Yelm Development Standards Tom Skillings, discussed alternate road sections, altercate road side swales and storm drainage manual with the planning commission members Planning commission members are reminded that there will be another work session at 4 00 p m on Wednesday, December 28, 1994 6 The work session ended at 6 01 p m and meeting was adjourned Respectfully submitted, Kris Taylor Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairman Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission November 21, 1 994 2 c City of Yelm " r G (\ ~ 10$ Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm! 'Washington 985.97 \ (206) 458-3244 .~ , , . . ---~------~---~------------~------------------------------------------~-~~- Copies of the DrFlft Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County ate available at YelmCity Hall~Joint Public Hearing of the Y~lm and Thurston County Planning Commissions will be Wednesday, December 7, 1994, UCBO Building, 624 Crystal Springs St. NW. . . . . - ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . . '. . 'AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PLANNING CCM1ISSION MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 199~, 4:00 - '6:00 'PM YEIM CITY HALL ~IL OfAMBERS, 105 YEIM ,AVE. W 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes: November 7, 1994 & October 1,7, 1994 (last two paragraphs only). 2. Village Rental variance request decision (postponed from November 7, 1994 meeting pending legal opinion). 3. Update on Yelm Comprehensive PlanjThurstonGounty Joint Plan progress. *Yelm Planning Commission'>member to attend December .14 Thurs'ton County Planning Commission worksession?? 4. WORKSE$SION: Yelm Development Standards - (PLEASE BRING NOTEBOOK) 5 . Other 6. AdjoUrn' ENC;:LOSURES ARE AVAILABLE TO NON-CCMMISSION'MEMBERS UPON REQUEST The City of Yelm is an EEO Employer and complies with the ADA in all progEams., service:::; and activities , , IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS 'IO ATrEND OR PARTICIPATE :J;N THIS' MEET+NG, PLEASECON'!ACT AGNES COLCMBO; CITY CLERK, AT 458-8404. NEXT REGULAR MEETING DATE: MCl'IDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1994, 4: 00 -'- 6: 00 PM YEIM CITY HALL caJNCIL OIAMBERS ,. NJl'E: SPECIAL MEETING QF '!HE YEIM PI..ANN:rK; (XM\{[SSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1994, 4:00 - 6:00, PM (X)NI'INUED WORKSESSION ON DEVEIDPMENTSTANDARDs ' HAPPY THANKSGIVING Recyckd paper / c c c Agenda Item! Motion No 94-59 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 00 p m by chair Tom Gorman 2 Members present. Tom Cundy, Joe Huddleston, Adam Rivas, Robert Longmire, Glenn Blando, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Pat Fetterly, and Buffie Clark Members not in C!ttendance Ed Pitts and George Knight Guests Douglas Kaukl, attorney for J Z Knight, and Martha Parsons Staff Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann and Ty Peterson Approval of the minutes MOTION BY , SECONDED BY E.J. CURRY, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 17, 1994 WITH CORRECTIONS AND CHANGES SUBJECT TO THE ADDITION TO THE MINUTES ON THE UPDATE ON THE YELM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AND UPDATE ON THE SOUTHWEST YELM CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN DECISION. MOTION CARRIED. Tv Petersen stated that under item 6 , he had an announcement he'd like to make at the end of the meeting Chair Tom Gorman closed the regular session and opened the hearing at 4 05 p m Public Hearina. Proposed Setback Variance For Expansion To Commercial Buildina At 412 Yelm Avenue E.. AKA Village Rental. Tv Petersen gave the staff report, stating that the City received an application for a variance from the Commercial C-1 side yard setback requirements The proposal to construct a 2,640 sq ft addition to the existing building located at 412 Yelm Avenue, known as Village Rental In this particular zone C-1 Commercial Zone, the Yelm zoning ordinance requires a 10 foot side yard setback The existing bUilding is located 5 feet from the west side property line The variance may have been granted for some reason in the past, however he was c unable to locate records of this The property has an existing access off Yelm Avenue and is flat in topography Ty went on to say that he was informed by Mr Gene Borges that he believes that the original building was constructed prior to the eXisting ordinance so may not have even been required to have a variance at that time and the city has no record of a variance on file Ty wanted to point out that, as defined by the City of Yelm in accordance with state law, the variance is for the modification of size, dimension, or design requirements in situations where unusual physical conditions of the property, such as shape or topography, make it impossible or unduly difficult to meet requirements of the zoning district or other city standards The power to give the variance is limited to the minimum change necessary to overcome the Inequality Inherent to the property Variances may be granted only when the following specific circumstances exist 1 The change must not constitute a rezone It must not be for a use not permitted in the zone (The request meets this requirement It is not requesting a use that IS not permitted) c 2 Special physical conditions must exist on the property which makes ordinary standards or requirements impossible to meet, or which would cause an undue hardship (The request does not meet this requirement There are no physical limitations due to the general character of the property itself) 3 The special conditions peculiar to the property must not result from actions of the applicant (No peculiar conditions or limItations are apparent on the property) 4 The variance must not confer a special privilege that is denied to other property owners in the same zone (Ty believes that a variance in this case would do this Other properties in this zone must meet the required 10 foot setback requirement) Based on these findings, the City Planning Department recommends that the planning commission not recommend approval of the variance request to the City Council c Tom Cundv, a planning commission member, who is also the representative for the applicant, Village Rental, pointed out to the commissIon that as far as No 2 regarding "undue hardship," the building exists now as it did when it was constructed in approximately 1980, he wonders if a "grandfather" type situation exists here The same conditions existed when the first addition was added to the o o o building in 1990 or 1991 Referring to No 3, Mr Cundy restated that "special conditions peculiar to the property must not result from actions of the applicant" He stated at the time the additions were made, he worked closely with Gene Borges, so wonders If the "special conditions" of the property are the result of his action or the city's action in allowing them to make the additions In the first place and how the grandfather clause would enter into this As far as "special privilege", he feels that he's requesting a variance to conform the building to what has been done in the past twice Tom Gorman asked if the commission had any questions for Mr Cundy The public heanng was closed at 4 17 p m Mr. Cundy excused himself from the meeting at this time Pat Fetterly stated she felt that since the city has allowed him to do it in the past, it shouldn't stop him now Joe Huddleston wondered if there might not be a violation of the law if a variance is granted Ty Petersen replied that a variance cannot benefit a property owner or a proposal It can only correct an existing deficiency in the land that makes the general requirements impossible Shelly Badqer added that a variance is typically meant for land that has unique topography, i e, a slope, making it impossible to add to the bUilding, that would be a condition of the land that made this addition impossible E.J. Curry stated that Thurston County got a definition that property included building, not just the physical land and in that case, in order to make design requirements, the variance is legal Tom Gorman commented that this is a quasi-judicial process and thiS process would become meaningless if exceptions are made He added that he feels it would be appropriate to get an opinion from Sandy Mackey regarding the options Yelm Planning Commission November 7, 1994 3 o o o Roberta Lonamire asked if the last time the city approved the addition it was violating the state law Shellv Badger stated that may have occurred unknowingly It is not known what the setback requirements were at that time Shelly also stated that cities that grant a lot of variances also are involved in a lot of litigation, but from all she has heard, If variances are granted, It should only be because of the condition of the land Tom Gorman stated that the commission has to be able to support the commission's recommendation to the city council He went on to say that this is not a question of merit, but are there findings of fact that support this if it is ever contested He cautioned that care should be taken as to not set a precedent Tv Petersen commented that if the commission does not want to enforce It, the ordinance should be changed regarding this matter Glenn Blando asked if Randy Paigen wasn't granted a variance on the west side of his building Tv Petersen responded that a variance was granted because of the narrowness of the lot If it had not been granted, you couldn't put any kind of economically feasible building there 94-60 MOTION TO POSTPONE THE DECISION TO APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE THE VARIANCE TO ALLOW THE COMMISSION TO GET A LEGAL OPINION WAS MADE BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO. THREE ABSTENTIONS. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF APPROVAL. 94-61 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY TO APPROVE THE VARIANCE. FOUR IN FAVOR OF APPROVAL FOUR IN FAVOR, THREE AGAINST. MOTION DEFEATED. 94-62 MOTION BY E.J CURRY, SECONDED BY TOM HUDDLESTON TO POSTPONE THE DECISION FOR PROPOSED SETBACK VARIANCE FOR EXPANSION TO COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT 412 YELM AVENUE E., AKA VILLAGE RENTAL UNTIL SUCH TIME AS A LEGAL OPINION IS RECEIVED ON LEGALITY OF GRANTING A VARIANCE AND THE DEFINITION OF "PROPERTY, I.E., DOES IT INCLUDE THE BUILDING." SIX IN FAVOR, TWO ABSTENTIONS. MOTION CARRIED. Yelm Planning Commission November 7, 1 994 4 c c c Tom Cundy rejoined the meeting, and was advised that the decision regarding his proposal has been postponed until the next meeting of the planning commission E.J. Curry excused herself from the meeting at 4 40 p m 3 Briefing on the Comprehensive Plan. Chanqes after Thurston County staff review, and set hearinq and work session dates Shelly Badger distributed copies of the complete updated version of the Comprehensive Plan Since the draft was made available City of Yelm staff and Thurston County staff have been meeting to go over the plan The county had some concerns about the plan, the main one being that they felt that the Urban Growth Boundary was too big There has been a Yelm City staff recommendation to remove the north sub-area If the City of Yelm includes all that area in the Urban Growth Boundary, the city will be subject to developing a shoreline program for those areas along the Nisqually River The county already has a shoreline program in place for those areas along the Nisqually River, they have all the controls in place, they have been working with the agencies, the tribe, etc and at this point she stated she felt it should be kept this way The Environmental Impact Statement that will come out in draft form this week shows the advantages of taking it out and what the city needs to do if it is left in There is still some concern by county staff that this boundary is too big Tom Gorman asked if the county was concerned about the area Shelly responded that it was mostly concern from the tribe The city received a long letter from the tribe during the comment period on the Environmental Impact Statement They were concerned that would be In the future city limits of Yelm which concerned them that there would be dense development because the Urban Growth Boundary is supposed to be more dense Shelly Badger went on to add that there is still concern that the southern boundary may be too far south and that the area north of 93rd may be too far out Tom Gorman asked if the concern was just because it was too big an area or IS it specific geographies or that it contains too many acres Yelm Planning Commission November 7, 1 994 5 o o o Shelly Badger responded that part of the concern is due to recent decisions of the Growth Management Hearings Board for the State of Washington Tom Gorman asked who makes the final decision, the county or city Shelly responded that it is a joint decision The way the calendar is structured the city adopts it first, then county adoption If the city adopts the plan and county does not, we can request that the State (Dept of Community Development) step in and try to help resolve the differences If It cannot be resolved at that level, then it goes to the Growth Management Hearings Board, which is composed of three people from the southwest regional hearings board Shelly Badger went on to add that a public hearing IS set for this matter on December 7, 1 994 Tom Gorman asked if the county zoning of 1 per 5 would remain for the north sub-area if removed from the urban growth boundary Shelly responded that the existing platted property would be buildable but for new divisions of land, the county would have to determine the zone for this Robert Lonamire asked if the county indicated that they would like to have straighter lines for the boundary Ty stated that there has been recent finding by the Supreme Court and it was brought up at the Boundary Review Board Hearing that said that there is no particular reason why cities or counties should require straight lines, there is no justification for why a straight line is better than a non-straight line and that the logical boundary could constitute anything Shelly added that in some cases the boundary line follows property lines, the canal, a ridge line, etc She also stated that by dropping this area from the Urban Growth Boundary it would only decrease the estimated population growth by approximately 50 people and they would be allocated to other sub-areas within the Urban Growth Boundary Planning Commission members stressed the importance of moving the plan ahead up to the boundary as revised (removing the north sub- area to the hearing on December 7 Shelly Badaer advised that there will be a public hearing on December 7, 1994 at the UCBO in their new multi-purpose room The hearing will begin at 7 00 p m Yelm Planning CommiSSion November 7, 1 994 6 c On December 12, 1994 at 4 00 p m there will be a Yelm Planning Commission work session to discuss public hearing testimony and to review any proposed changes to the draft plan The Yelm Planning Commission cannot take action until at least January 10, 1995 because the final Environmental Impact Statement is issued January 3, 1995 and you can't take action until seven days after that Shellev Badger wanted to advise the commission regarding an article which appeared in the Olvmpian, regarding the Yelm Comprehensive Plan and what transpired before the article was wntten was that she wrote a letter to the Thurston County Commission chair because the Yelm Commission's schedule was falling behind and based on the meetings of staff it appeared it was becoming more behind We requested that the county work a schedule that our comprehensive plan be adopted by the end of February which would allow us to apply for grants for our Wastewater Reuse Project The county advised that if the request was granted, it would delay the work on the plans for Rainier, Tumwater and Thurston County's own plan The way it was reported was unfortunate because it looked like It was Y elm's intent to delay the other planning processes Shelly has made calls to advise that it was not Y elm's intent c Douglas Kaukl, attorney for J Z Knight asked if this was a publiC heanng or just a briefing on the comprehensive plan He had a question regarding the recommendation to remove areas from the north and the west and perhaps south from the growth management boundaries Shelly responded that Thurston County staff has recommended from their prospective that would be one area that could be removed from the boufldary He then asked when that proposal was coming before the commission Shelly responded that a public hearing would be held on December 7, 1994 Mr Kaukl then asked what was going to be done by the staff between now and December 7th to reassess the impact on the already approved transportation plan by the modified boundaries of the Growth Management Plan Shelly responded that it is part of the Environmental Impact Statement that is being drafted currently, but the Environmental Impact Statement only addresses removing the north area from the plan and considers its impact to transportation, sewer, etc Shelly said J Z Knight is on the mailing list for the Environmental Impact Statement so she should be receiving one directly That is proposed to be issued on November 18, 1994 o Yelm Planning Commission November 7, 1 994 7 o o o 4 Development Standard Work session dates November 21, 1994 4 00 p m and November 28, 1994 4 00 P m 5 Other Tv Petersen regretted to announce that he has resIgned his position with the city as City Planner because he feels he needs to pursue some other job opportl:lnities Ty said it has been a pleasure working with the members of the planning commission and he would be prrvlleged to be able to work in another community where he thought there were as many people dedicated to the city as a whole and not just individual interests His last day with the city is November 11, 1994 Shellv Badger advised the commiSSion that a replacement for the posItion will be filled after the first of the year The city has approved through the end of the year, the hiring of a temporary person to assist her with the clerical duties and assistant type work Tom Gorman thanked Ty for the job he has done for the cIty and wished him the best of luck 6 The meeting was adjourned at 5 15 p m Respectfully submitted, K~-dg&u Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairman Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission November 7, 1994 8 --~- .", (/\ ~ ,~' ~o\~tJ~;U \\~, ~~' \'~ 'O~_O\ AGENDA ~0, ' ' (D \ CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ~, November 7, 1994, 4.00 P m - 6 00 p m _~\(~\ ~ YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELl;;" AVE W ~'~ '\ ~ /11 (l{J);<}fd u-' fiq ( \ul- ti.-/ / ~[~~I 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, APpr, oval/o~ minutes . ~- Minutes from October 1~ 19,94 el),e~losed ~//\l/I J.{ifldiJ1c0 / LMtJ ~ 2 Publ ic Hearing: Variance re~uest - Vi llage Rental ./ ) if1 OIY/1i?1l, Staff report and site-plan are enclosed t r't 3 Briefing on Comprehensive Plan: Changes after Thurston County staff reVlew worksession dates for Comprehensive Plan City of Yelm SHELLY ,\ I , ~. T"'r-~r' r"'T-1....~ No Worksess7on Set hearing and 4 Set Development Standards Worksession dates 5 0 the r -r:j (It Vi Y1!JUry tAIVlUJ / 6 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request The City Yelm is an EEO Employer and Complies with the ADA in all programs, services and activities If you need speclal arrangements to attend or participate in thls meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 Next regularly scheduled Planning Commission Meeting, November 21, 1994, 4:00 pm, City Hall (\ ~ * Rec)'ckd paper o o o Agenda Item! Motion No 94-53 94-54 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1994, 4:00 PM. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 04 p m by vice-chair Joe Huddleston 2 Members present Tom Cundy, Joe Huddleston, Adam Rivas, Roberta Longmire, E J Curry, Ed Pitts, George Knight, Pat Fetterly and Buffie Clark Members not in attendance Glenn Blando and Tom Gorman Guests John Thomson Staff Ken Garmann, Shelly Badger, and Ty Peterson Due to a lack of quorum at the meeting on October 3, 1994, the minutes for September 19, 1994 planning commission were not approved MOTION MADE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 19, 1994, ABSTAINED BY BUFFIE CLARK AND E.J. CURRY, MOTION CARRIED. MOTION MADE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 3, 1994, SECONDED BY E.J. CURRY, MOTION CARRIED Shellv Badger asked if she cou~d make an addition to the agenda under Other Report back to the planning commission on the Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan decision of the city council Martha Parsons will be in attendance after public hearings She is the liaison from the city council Vice-chair Joe Huddleston closed the regular sessIon and opened the hearings at 4 06 p m No members from the public are present Public Hearing. Proposed Building in Central Business District 2, 2,100 Sa. Ft. Greenhouse/Retail Outlet for Gordens Garden Center, NW Corner of 4th & Yelm Ave. E. No members of the public bemg present, the public hearing was closed at 4'06-1/2 p m c Ty Petersen gave the staff report, stating that the City had received a proposal from Gordens nursery to construct a 2,100 sq ft greenhouse type building for his nursery on the N W corner of 4th and Yelm Avenue The structure would be a greenhouse style with pole frame, clear plastic structure It would be used as a retail outlet for dry goods, etc Parking would be provided In the eXisting lot across 4th Street Gordens is located in the central business district There are no side or rear yard setback requIred in this zone, however, the ordinance does state a 10 foot front yard setback, but It also states that this setback can be amended as far as the site-plan process The proposal currently shows a 4 foot setback along Yelm Ave and a 6 'foot setback along 4th Street The 4 foot setback along Yelm Avenue would represent approximately 1-1/2 feet insIde the existing fence The planning department recommended approval of the site-plan based on the following findings 1 The proposal does not create an adverse effect on the surrounding area, 2 While the proposal does not meet the minimum front yard setbacks it is within the power of the commission to grant a lesser setback requirement The planning department has no objections, the building would not Interfere with sight distance at the intersection, c 3 A signed and recorded waiver of protest for the construction of Sidewalks and frontage along 4th Street would be adequate Gorden has indicated that the site may redevelop in the future and we wouldn't want to have to remove sidewalks and that sidewalks would not sustain a large benefit to the area, 4 The proposal meets all other requirements of the municipal code Roberta Longmire asked if there weren't sidewalks along there now Ty responded that there are sidewalks along Yelm Avenue, but not along 4th Street Buffie Clark asked what the difference was between this structure and other greenhouse structures Ty responded that there is no difference, this structure would just be larger c Yelm Planning Commission October 17, 1995 2 c Joe Huddleston added that the structure will have a concrete floor and more permanent Ty concurred that It was more permanent but still removable The public hearing was closed at 4 14 p m 94-55 MOTION BY E.J. CURRY AND SECONDED BY BUFFIE CLARK TO APPROVE, WITH THE CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, FOR THE BUILDING OF A 2,100 sa FT. GREENHOUSE/RET AIL OUTLET FOR GORDENS GARDEN CENTER, NW CORNER OF 4TH & YELM AVE E. LOCATED IN CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 2. MOTION CARRIED. 3 Public Hearing Determination of Similar Use and Site-Plan Proposal for a Skateboard Park in the Central Business District The public hearing was opened at 4 16 p m by Vice-chair Joe Huddleston There were no members of the public present c Tv Petersen gave the staff report, explaining that there was a proposal to construct a two-phase skateboard park along 2nd Street between the existing police station and the park vehicle access to the north The proposal must receive a similar use designation and a site-plan be approved prior to the construction The project is approximately 100' X 100' and the skateboard area is constructed from concrete and landscaping around the perimeter The proposed site is located within the central business district and parking would be accommodated at the city park parking lot This is a two part plan The planning department recommends approval of the determination of similar use This is something that the planning commission approved earlier but with the alternate site at the water tower property in mind This property would be adjacent to the existing city park Any approval of the site-plan tonight would have to be conditioned on the city council's approval for determination of similar use The planning department recommends approval of "Determination of Similar Use" because the proposed use would not conflict with surrounding uses, the site is located adjacent to the city park and the police station, and the use would provide a public benefit, especially to the youth of the community Further, the building department recommends approval of the site-plan based upon the determination of similar by the City Council, any approval the site-plan by the o Yelm Planning Commission October 17, 1995 3 c c c planning commission must be conditioned by this The proposal does conform with the site-plan and zoning ordinances, the City Public Works Department felt that the drainage would work, but that the engineering system would have to be approved prior to construction The City would be responsible and feels confident that It can negotiate sidewalks into the first phase If they can't, they could be a condition of the second phase or the City would construct when we bring the park into compliance with the ADA (American Disabilities Act), and during the second phase construction the City will look at a fence or wall along the park sIde of the project (this was a recommendation from the park board) Joe Huddleston asked If on the east side of the existing entrance to the park, have there been consideration of fencing there to help buffer sound Ty responded that has not been looked at. Currently there is the row of Hawthome trees which will act as a buffer The adjacent property owners were advised of this proposal and the City did not receive any comment from them Shellv Badger added that fencing was considered on the back side of the park for safety purposes because of the drop-off Tom Cundv asked if there were plans for lights at the site Shelly stated that there was no planned lighting Buffie Clark asked what happens where Phase 2 is in the meanwhile Ken Garmann stated that Phase 1 would be constructed, Phase 2 will be left rough graded except that we're contemplating completing all the landscaping so we have a complete finished prod~ct when we're done with phase 1 The remaining thing to be done in Phase 2 will be to excavate that area where the slalom run will be and do the concrete work, but Ilandscaping will have already been done The public hearing was closed at 4 1 8 p m 94-56 MOTION WAS MADE BY BUFFIE CLARK AND SECONDED BY ED PITTS TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL "DETERMINATION OF SIMILAR USE" OF THE PROPOSAL FOR A SKATEBOARD PARK IN THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT MOTION CARRIED. Yelm Planning Commission October 17, 1995 4 c c c 94-57 MOTION BY E.J. CURRY AND SECONDED BY ED PITTS ,FOR APPROVAL OF THE SITE-PLAN PROPOSAL FOR A SKATEBOARD PARK IN THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. MOTION CARRIED 4 Discussion. Planning Commission Bv-Laws and Rules of Procedure Shellv Badger briefed the planning commission on what was discussed at the last meeting (1) Regarding Election of Officers, change "shall" to "may", (2) regarding "special meetings" add that the official record of special meetings will normally consist of written notes, as well as "taping," on page 3, under" Absence of Members," "the member's record may be forwarded to the "mayor" for consideration The mayor is normally the one who appoints and dismisses members from the planning commission Change "may" be forwarded to "shall" be forwarded 94-58 MOTION BY E.J. CURRY AND SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION BY- LAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE AS SPECIFIED. MOTION CARRIED. 5 Set special meeting date on work session for Development Standards After much group discussion concerning the planning commission member's availability to meet for special work sessions it was decided that Shelly would report back to the planning commission at the next meeting TAPING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES ENDS HERE Shellv Badaer introduced Martha Parsons, city council liaison who explained the deciSion of the Yelm City Council regarding the Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan approval of October 12, 1994 She went over the changes to the Commission's recommendation of August 15, 1995 and stressed the reason for the changes was that the planned phasing of commercial development opposed by Thurston Highland would delay an agreement being reached with them on the wastewater reuse project which would jeopardize funding for the project (A copy of the changes is attached and included as part of these minutes) Yelm Planning Commission October 17, 1995 5 c o o 6 Update on the Yelm Comprehensive Plan Shelly Badger updated the commission on the schedule of meetings with Thurston County staff The meeting was adjourned at 5 25 p m Respectfully submitted, Kk"o&-J Tom Gorman, Chairman Date Planning Commission Yelm Planning Commission October 17, 1995 6 c (\ v c ~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF YELM SOUTHWEST YELM CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN October 12, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO Mayor and City Council Members, City of Yelm FROM Staff, City of Yelm RE Conceptual Master Plan, Southwest Yelm DATE. October 12, 1994 Based on the record before the Planning Commission, the findings and conclusions of the Planning Commission, the testimony and record before the City Council, and the environmental review, the staff recommends adoption of the COl'Jceptual Master Plan for Southwest Yelm as provided in the Planning Commission's Findings and Conclusions, with the following modifications 1 The following paragraph shall be inserted as paragraph 4 C 4, page 7 of the Conclusions If, after the complete build-out in any particular area within the Master Plan area, the City determines that the net density in that particular area is below the maximum net density allowed for that area, any remaining unused density may be transferred in the form of dwelling units to another property owner within the Master Plan area, subject to approval by the City Nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to allow development in excess of the overall maximum of 5,000 dwelling units in the Master Plan area. 2. Paragraph 4 D 1 of the Conclusions, page 7, shall be modified to read as follows This conceptual Master Plan approval requires the establishment of two Essential Utility and Transportation Corridors. The Y-1 Corridor will serve the park site and school site on the northern boundary and the commercial property throughout the remainder of the Corridor The second essential -.-- -.. ... '."~-_._.._-____-..- ._~. ._.._.~.._. ~-_____ _ __._,,~__.___U'_.O _.._ _.__.. _., o____u corridor is the main loop road that connects to State Highway 507, loops through the Thurston Highlands Associates parcel, intersects the Y-1 Corridor, follows Berry Valley Road and connects to State Highway 510 at Killion Road The main loop road corridor will be constructed as a "Boulevard" under the Minimum Street Design Standards proposed for adoption in the City's proposed Development Standards o 3 Paragraph 4 D 3 of the Conclusions, page 7, shall be modified to read as follows The City is considering the options available for financing the construction of the Essential Utility and Transportation Corridors The projects will each be constructed as complete water, sewer and street projects Those options include a latecomer agreement, a Local Improvement District or a combination of both In order to ~eep all optiorls available, approval of the conceptual Master Plan is conditioned upon two requirements First, the City and the two major property owners in the Master Plan Area, Thurston Highlands Associates and the owner of Rainier Estates property, as well as the Rainier Estates developer, must enter into an agreement to waive any and all protests to any future latecomer ordinance/agreement and Local Improvement District. Second, Thurston Highlands Associates must initiate and circulate an L.I D petition for financing the construction of the main loop road corridor within 30 days of Conceptual Master Plan approval by the City Council If for any reason the L.I D fails or is determined by the city to be impractical, the Corridors shall be constructed on the basis of a latecomer agreement/ordinance. If the Corridors are constructed pursuant to a latecomer agreement, the City intends that the main loop road corridor will be constructed and financed in phases concurrent with development. Any such phasing will, however, provide that any portion of the main loop road that is not fully constructed to City development standards will, until such time as it is so constructed, be constructed to sub-grade elevation with a maintenance coarse surface for the entire remaining length of the right-of-way o 4 Paragraph 4 D 4 of the conclusions, page 8, shall be modified to read as follows The dedication of the Y-1 Corridor will be a sixty (60) foot right-of-way to the City In order to allow the potential future improvement to a State Highway, the City will Impose a fifty-five (55) foot setback from each side of the dedicated right-of-way This will ensure that structures are not constructed in the area that could potentially serve as the State Highway In the event that the City determines that there is no reasonable likelihood that the Y-1 Corridor will be constructed as a State Highway, the setback will be reduced to the standard setbacks required by the City's zoning ordinance for the particular zoning designation 5 Paragraph 4 D 7 of the Conclusions, page 8, shall be modified to read as follows o 2 .~--_.'_. ..q . '.._~.._- . ' ._,____, _,__- '-'-_'''._.u.. ,,..~i':-; '..~_...~-~j';:!:iI:~~E~r..if~~:._~--c.~,.t~ .",,;,:..'-f;~J;jr;.,:~~:.. ---~ .-......_--.,_..... -- ~._.- .... '.r.'-~ '''-'''-~:'--.l:o.:.''~''~'~~"';;'.1.';f'''':-."".::-:~:,=e~~"''-f,:':-- ~; t' J1-- I" c Thurston Highlands Associates 'and Rainier Estates (or the owner of the Rainier Estates property) shall enter into an agreement amending the Southwest Yelm Annexation Agreement to provide for a Budget Distribution and Payment Schedule for the financial contributions to the Wastewater Reuse Program required by such Agreement. Such agreement shall also establish that such financial contributions shall be paid from a letter of credit from each party, and establish a Wastewater Reuse Budget Committee, with the sole task of advising the City and the Department of Ecology as to the distribution of funds for the Wastewater Reuse Study Such agreement shall be signed and executed by October 17, 1994 and such letters of credit, or a cashier's check for the full amount of each party's obligation under such agreement, shall be delivered to the City by the close of business on October 19, 1994 6 Paragraph 4 0 8 of the Conclusions, page 8, shall be deleted and replaced with the language Thurston Highlands Associates shall, as a condition of approval, enter into an agreement with the City to grant easements, a lease or a license to the City, or a combination thereof, to make use of its property for land application and storage of wastewater, in a manner recommended by the Wastewater Reuse Study C7 Paragraph 4 E.1 of the Conclusions, page 9, shall be modified to read as follows Commercial development in the 30-acre commercial tract along the Y-1 Corridor of the Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan area shall be limited to a total of 330,000 square feet of commercial floor space to be phased with development as follows a. Fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of commercial floor space will be allowed initially upon final Master Plan approval b. The remaining 315,000 square feet of commercial floor space will be allowed after the construction of 1,250 dwelling units (25% of the total dwelling units allowed) in the entire Master Plan area, OR, 5 years from the date of final Master Plan approval, whichever is earlier 8 Paragraph 4 E.3 of the Conclusions, page 9, shall be modified to read as follows o Commercial development within the five (5) acre commercial designation near the clubhouse in the Thurston Highlands Associates ownership shall be developed according to the City's commercial zoning code. Commercial development in this area will be modeled on a neighborhood vii/age concept. 3 -~----_._.._....~_---:...__..:...-~--;-~_._._----:_~.;.;..:.~:.~~~~.:.:.-~_~_..........~..:"""';':'~~;---'::"::~':'~L_~:" _~~~_.~::..~~~.-"--.;,;~...~.,~.:~__:.......~__~j ~;'':::'''.;:'._~_.~.-f:,.;J~~:;:~'-I~~~~''..J.nt.l,,_. 9 Exhibit C attached to the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation of the 0 Planning Commission shall be modified by inserting in Phase 17 the following in place of IICommercial (165,000 sf buildings)1I IICommercial (330,000 sf, see Paragraph 4 E.1 as modified by the City Council)" The acreage for Phase 17 shall be increased from 15 acres to 30 acres. 10 Paragraph 4 0 2 of the Conclusions, page 8, shall be amended by adding the following at the end Such reciprocal easement shall be signed and executed by all parties by October 29, 1994 o o C:\WP51 \51 \JHB\ST -REC.MP 4 c City of Yelm 105 Yelm . PO Yelm, Wm (206) SHELL Y ,_ I_ I I I J ..PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC WORK SESSION ON DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, OCTOBER 17, 2:00 P.M , CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS.. AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 17, 1994 4:00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of minutes Minutes from October 3, 1994 enclosed 2 Public Hearing: Gordens Nursery Site-Plan Staff report and site-plan are enclosed (\ \J 3 Public Hearing: Determination of Similiar Use and Site-Plan Proposal, Skateboard park along 2nd Ave, next to police station Staff report and site-plan enclosed 4 Discussion: Planning Commission By-Laws and Rules of Procedure 5 Update on Yelm Comprehensive Plan - new drafts wlll be distributed at the meeting 6 Set special meeting date on worksession for Development standards Othe<0W ~~ Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request The City Yelm is an EEO Employer and Complies with the ADA in all programs, services and activities If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 (\ ~ Next regularly scheduled Planning Commission Meeting, November 7, 1994, 4:00 p m., City Hall * ~cycled pap~r c c o I' f YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 10 p m by chaIrman Tom Gorman Members present Joe Huddleston, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Buffie Clark, Glenn Blando (Roberta Longmire, and Pat Fetterly arrived after the meeting began) Members not in attendance Tom Cundy, Adam Rivas, Ed Pitts and George Knight Guests Martha Parsons, City Council Liaison, Jim Blundell, CDM, Tom Skillings, Skillings - Connelly, and Dennis Su, KCM Staff Ken Garmann, Shelly Badger, and Ty Peterson Due to a lack of a quorum, the approval of the minutes for the September 19, 1994 planning commission meeting was deferred until the next meeting of the commission 2 Discussion. Planning Commission By-Laws/Rules of Procedure Shelly Badger Shelly had a questIon about the wording in the Rules of Procedure Item III-C, Election of Officers, change "shall" in second sentence to "may" Item VII Record of Meeting, change last sentence to read "Minutes for committees, if taken, shall be signed by the chairperson of the committee " E.J. Curry added that she would like to see special meeting minutes recorded as well as written Tom Gorman asked in regard to Item X Absence of Members, who determines If the "excuse" is valid. Shelly Badaer stated that it could be determined by either not showing up for the meeting and/or not calling to advise the other commission members of an expected absence E.J. Curry asked if the minutes were forwarded to the city council. Shelly Badaer adyised that they are given to the city council, and that the mayor officially appoints the members of the planning ., , commission, and that generally the council do not give recommendations to the mayor Recommendations can come directly 0 from the commission Buffie Clark asked, regarding the absences of members, If the members could be informed that if they are unable to attend the meeting, they should call someone as a courtesy Chairman Tom Gorman carned over further discussion of the by-laws until the next meeting of the planmng commission Commission Members Roberta Longmire and Pat Fetterly joined the meeting in progress 3 City of Yelm Development Standards Chairman Tom Gorman introduced Tom Skillings, of Skillings - Connolly, Engineers to give an overview of the work session Tom Skillinqs, reported that the City of Yelm adopted, as an interim measure, the city of Lacey's development guidelines to use as a tool to guide the development of the City of Yelm The documents were modified and appropriate codes were inserted to conform with the Yelm Municipal Code Most of the focus has been on those areas that 0 relate directly to the development in the city and that have the most impact of the development of the community, Ie, should there be curbs, gutters and sidewalks The following sections were discussed 4(2)(g) Local access, residential or private roadway Change was made to allow for private roads for certain circumstances but had to be designed to the city standards. The roadway section was set at 28 feet wide plus a curb section that is shown on section 4( 14)(b) which is a wedge concrete curb and gutter section, or what is referred to as a rolled concrete curb 4(14(a) is the standard cement concrete curb and gutter, used on arterial and commercial access roads 4(2)(g) Residential - is sidewalk on one side It is 14 feet travel area, (each lane) can park a car, but discourages speeding traffic because It is a relatively narrow street Tom Gorman asked about removal of the swales Tom Skillinqs said that some discussion was done concerning the removal of biofiltration YELM PLANNING COMMISSION October 3, 1994 2 o c o o swales from behind the sidewalks and from behind the curb because they are not long-term solutions" It is his recommendation to the plannrng commission that regional or local retention feeder facilities be utilized in lieu of swales along the back of the curbs because easy to maintain the Integnty of the system The elimination of the blofiltration swales as part of the roadway section was another major change from the City of Lacey guidelines Tom reported that several weeks have been spent with respect to the transportation element of the development standards, discussing the functional classifications of the streets within the current city limits but within the planned urban boundaries The map is continually being modified after each meeting of the comprehensive planning workshop to reflect the most recent changes 4(2)(c) Urban Arterial- provides for curbs, gutters and sidewalks, turn lane, bicycle paths on both sides It is designated to start where the connection would intersect with SR 510 where it intersects with Y-3 and then would switch back to the minor arterial section In addition to that designated street, Edwards Street from SR 510 to the new Y-4 which is Stevens Street connecting back to 103rd and then 1 03rd out to the intersection with Creek Street. It appears that SR 507 from the intersection of SR 510 gOing south probably should be designated something other than minor arterial, part of It should probably be urban arterial, at least through portions of the city as you head south E.J. Curry asked how Mill Road IS designated Mr Skillings advised that Mill Road is designated as a neighborhood collector, with 18 foot lanes, curbs, gutters and sidewalk with parking strips on both sides See 4(2)(f) E.J. Currv voiced her concern regarding the width of the roadway as to the ability of fire equipment to get around school buses in this area E J also asked how limited would access be on Mill Road. Mr Skillings advised that access would be limited to one per parcel Mr Skillings advised that they are recommending that each of the major streets between SR 510 and the new Y -3 connection be designated as a neighborhood collector, providing for another access to relieve some of the congestion on SR 510 Tom Gorman asked what the speed limit was going to be on these streets Mr Skillings advised that typically the speed limit would be YELM PLANNING COMMISSION October 3, 1994 3 25 mph The Boulevard is classified as a neighborhood collector and the speed limit would most likely be 35 mph 0 Shelly Badqer asked if there had been discussion regarding swales or pipe drainage Mr Skillings advised that they have been looking at other alternatives and will be able to discuss other options at a later date 4(2)(e) - Local Access Commercial/Commercial Collector These roadways do the same thing as the neighborhood collectors do but the commercial collectors go from arterial to arterial and are 4 feet wider overall, providing for better parking, truck access Ty Peterson relayed concerns from some of the local development community that the width of the commercial collector and local access commercial sidewalks, using SIX feet instead of five feet Their request IS that this commercial collector reflect a five foot standard sidewalk as opposed to SIX foot After some discussion regarding the width of sidewalks, the commiSSion opted for five foot sidewalks Shelly Badqer remarked that a trend has been started by installing swales on 103rd She asked if the city wanted to have a uniform plan or jump back and forth The next main street (Creek Street) is classified as a commercial collector and will look different than Yelm 0 Avenue and 1 03rd E.J. Curry asked who was going to maintain the swales Shelly advised that the city would maintain them, which need to be cut once a year, usually after the area has gone to seed In late Fall Ty Peterson added that the wildflowers in the swales are considered low maintenance E J Curry excused herself from the meeting at 5 05 p m Tom Gorman stated that It sounds like we don't know how the swales will work out over the next couple of years Ken Garmann remarked that the swales acts for drainage and it may be that the swale is a more effective way to deal with run-off. Shelly Badger stated that you would have to have pockets, additional land area, where this the pipe drainage would go for treatment So instead of swales you would have pockets of drainage areas that would have to be set aside So you would have to have more YELM PLANNING COMMISSION October 3, 1994 4 o c c c } ,.:' disposal areas on private properN than you do now Roberta Longmire asked if you could plant grass in the swale areas instead of wildflowers The response was yes. Buffie Clark stated that there should be an option to use grass or the wildflowers Tom Skillings went on to say that the street design for Boulevard has been revised The original section provided for two lanes in each direction 4(2)(a) the Boulevard section from Berry Valley Road through SW Yelm and back to SR 507 This provides for one-way traffic in both directions, still provides enough room for emergency vehicles to get through It allows for illumination and swale in the center This section allows for expansion without a lot of cost Mr Skillings wanted to add that it is very important that everyone understands the street plans because this is what the community will be using Shelly Badqer added that there are a lot more issues to go over and suggested that a special meeting be scheduled on a non-planning commission meeting day Ty Peterson agreed to call everyone to find a mutually convenient time for everyone 3 Discussion. Staff Recommended Revisions to the City Council, City of Yelm, Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan Shelly Badqer reported that after the planning commission put together the findings on the master plan, those findings went to the city council, they held public hearings, had some public comments and written comments and at the staff level we put together some recommended changes to the planning commission Shelly advised that Jim Blundell would go over the changes with them and solicit the commission member's input Jim Blundell reported the following changes' 1 (Paragraph 4 C.4, page 7 of the Conclusions) It was requested that we allow for the trading of density within the master plan area 2 (Paragraph 4 D 1 of the Conclusions, page 7) The loop road corridor will be constructed as a "Boulevard" under the design and road standards that are being reviewed YELM PLANNING COMMISSION October 3, 1994 5 3 (Paragraph 4 D 3 of the Conclusions, page 7) The two transportation corridors, Loop Road and the Y -1 Corridor were to be built as one Since the time that the city council and the planning commission reviewed it last the city staff researched the L.I D formation and at this time the staff thinks its best to leave the options of financing open, either through an LID or through a latecomer agreement This language would give the city both options The city's preference, at this time, IS to go with an LID for the main loop road corridor This language would require Thurston Highlands to initiate an L.I D petition within 30 days and also to waive any protest to latecomer and LID formation o Roberta Lonqmire asked if an L.I D would only assessed to the people adjacent to the road and would that apply to existing homes Jim Blundell responded that there are a number of ways to calculate benefit area The benefit area would be determined for each of the improvements (water, sewer and road), and there might be areas where the benefit would be different A trip generation method might be used It is estimated how many trips each property is going to generate on the road and then the property owner would pay according to that method Shellv Badqer also responded that the city has been looking into the 0 ability to leave out the existing home owner who owns 5 acres or has a farm as an assessment property until such time as they would develop the property This would defer the assessment until such time as the property is developed It appears that this can be done through the formation of the LID 4 (Paragraph 4.D 4 of the Conclusions, page 8) This clarifies that If the Y-1 Corridor isn't constructed as a state highway the city would default to the standard the City of Yelm setbacks from the street. As it is, the city requires a 60 foot right-of-way and a 50 foot setback is needed on either side so that if Y -1 is constructed as a state highway there wouldn't be any structures that would have to be demolished 5 (Paragraph 4 D 7 of the Conclusions, page 8) This clarifies the need for an agreement between the city and the new property owners on the private contributions on the Wastewater Reuse Program and this paragraph requires a little bit more detail 7 (Paragraph 4 E 1 of the Conclusions, page 9) The city received YELM PLANNING COMMISSION October 3, 1994 o 6 ~. .j' '" l. c comments from Thurston, County expressing their concern regarding commercial acreage and phasing. From a staff position, the impact to existing commercial within the city could be considerable if it were to occur in a speedy fashion and that the phasing at the very least should stay intact Shellv Badger added that the phasing plan is intact except for a minor change in the square footage It changed sub-paragraph b 50,000 square feet at 25% to 60,000 square feet making it more realistic for an actual grocery store to be built Not many companies will build a store less than 60,000 feet in today's market 10,00G feet was moved to phase 3 so you still have the same net of 165,000 square feet In sub-paragraph c the timing of the third phase to not be tied to the construction of the Y -1 COrridor and tIe it to a 50% build-out for the last phase of 90,000 square feet c A paragraph was added concerning a 5-year review The way it IS written, the area would remain residentially zoned, it would not be zoned commercial Shelly added that she had done some research concerning city to commercial ratios, the nationwide average being 10% commercial, 7% industrial, City of Lacey 12% commercIal, 4% industrial, City of Olympia 15% commercial, 2% industrial, Tumwater 5 5 % commercial and 30% industrial (because of the alrdustrial park) The ratio Shelly calculated for the City of Yelm, with the 35 acres, in the SW Yelm area as requested by the applicant included, would be 6 5% commercial and 4 2% industrial and based on that information the staff feels the 35 acres is substantiated in the Southwest Yelm area However, there is still some concern about phasing so that it doesn't get built out too quickly before the population allows for more commercial without detracting from Y elm's existing commercial Buffie Clark asked what happens to the multi-family if the commercial is expanded to 35 acres. Jim Blundell referred to 9 (Exhibit C attached to the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation of the Planning Commission) which adds back in 36 acres so that there is no change in the total acreage Roberta Longmire asked if this will shrink the multi-family zoning Jim Blundell responded that it would not. Joe Huddleston commented that he agreed with what is stated in the plan with the exception that the way it is worded the 15,000 square feet IS part of the 35 acres at the intersection c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION October 3, 1994 7 (Robert Longmire excused herself from the meeting at 5 45 pm) Lacking a quorum, l vote was not taken 0 I Tom Gorman asked what the next step in the process would be Shelly Badger advi~ed that the planning commission's concurrence with these changesl will be presented to the city council on October 12th as a staff recommendation Shelly also urged that anyone who I testified or provided written comment on this Issue be advised of the change and could bJ in attendance at the October 12th meeting, even though it will not b~ a public heanng Jim Blundell also stlted that since 15 acres has been doubled to 30 acres in the Y-1 arJa (total of 35 acres in SW Yelm area, 30 at Y-1 and 5 at Clubhousel area), that a cap also be provided to reflect that total so it would go to a total of 330,000 square feet at commercial bUlldout Shellv Badqer added that with the phasing intact that's already In the staff recommendatibns, there is a limit of 165,000 square feet until 50% buildout. Jim Blundell suggested that the limit in the first sentence be "limited to a total of 165,00P square feet of floor space until the first five-year 0 review of this master plan" Then on the next page "At the first five- year review of this tnaster plan, as required by the ordinance, the city shall specifically adopt a phasing plan for an additional 165,000 square feet of comrhercial space along the Y -1 Corridor" "In adopting such a phasing Plat, the city shall apply the following criteria" There was group discussion regarding commercial retail floor space I versus office space I I I Tom Gorman voice~ concern that retail businesses downtown could become empty because all retail activity has moved somewhere else. Would like to maintain the downtown core district Jim Blundell said hj was concerned of the narrow distinction between commercial/retail I I I Buffie Clark asked if it could be cut up into smaller pieces, ie, 165,000 square feet of commercial/retail and the other 165,000 can be commercial/retail or commercial/office space YELM PLANNING COMMISSION October 3, 1994 8 o c c c Shelly Badqer suggested that It say "shall specifically adopt a phasing plan for the additional acreage " Jim Blundell stated that the concern is limited to just the future phasing of the future 165,000 If there is a limit on commercial it should be a limit on commercial/retail Dennis Su added that he felt that the bottom line was to have as little restriction as possible on the commercial Pat Fetterly asked what was meant by "retail" Dennis Su replied that anythmg found inside a shopping mall would be considered retail It was determined that there should be more discussion on the issue of commercial/retail Jim Blundell suggested that a public hearing on the amendments to the application be held The commission chose to amend the staff recommendation to read that the phasing plan only applied to retaIl floor space Pat Fetterly asked if the wording would stay the same until after the council meeting Jim Blundell said that was correct and as long as there was not a quorum, it is not appropriate to call for motions to make those recommendations to the city council It's more appropriate to take action on a public hearing on amendment to the application Tom Gorman proposed that smce there has been some modification of recommendations, proposals should be mailed to absent planning commission members The meeting was adjourned at 6 05 p m Respectfully submitted, ~ Kris Taylor Tom Gorman, Chairman Planning Commission Date YELM PLANNING COMMISSION October 3, 1994 9 .0 ,r '----./ .f\ U c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 City of Yelm *## NO WORK SESSION ### AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1994, 4:00-6:00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of minutes September 19, minutes enclosed 2 Discussion: Planning Commission By-Laws/Rules of Procedure Copies were enclosed with last meetings packets 3 Discussion: Staff Recommended Revisions to the Planning CommissionFindings and Conclusions on the Southwest Master Plan 4 Discussion: City of Yelm Development Standards We are near completion and need to begin final revisions More information will be distributed at the meeting Any members who do not have a copy of the Draft Development Standards. please let me know (458-8408). 5 Other: 6 Adjourn: Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request The City Yelm is an EEO Employer and Complies with the ADA in all programs, services and activities If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 Next regularly scheduled Planning Commission Meeting, October 17, 1994, 4:00-6.00 pm, City Hall Council Chambers * Recyckd paper o o o Agenda Item! Motion No. 94-51 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 00 P m by vice-chair Joe Huddleston 2 Members present. Joe Huddleston, Pat Fetterly, E J Curry, Roberta Longmire, Buffie Clark, Glenn Blando, Adam Rivas and George Knight Members not in attendance Tom Cundy, Tom Gorman and Ed Pitts Guests Skip and Paula Andringa, Geraldine J Taylor, Mark Carpenter, Paul Thompson, Marsuel Prems and Ray Abbott Staff Ken Garmann, Ty Peterson Vice-chair Joe Huddleston closed the regular session and opened the hearing at 4 03 p m Public Hearing. Rezone property from R-1 Single-Family to C-1 Commercial located 300 ft southwest of Yelm Ave in the SW1/2 of SW1/4 of the NW1/4 of Sec 24, T17, R1E W M Also comment on an ordinance requiring the dedication and construction of a roadway extending Killion Rd Vice-chair Joe Huddleston advised that item 2 on the agenda will not be heard tonight as the proponent is reworking the proposal extensively and the proposal will be presented and advertised again at a later date Tv Peterson added that the proposal is changing and therefore, the city is just going to re-publish and hold an entirely new public hearing on the matter The agenda was approved Aooroval of the minutes E J Curry commented that the minutes only reflect her up until the time she left MOTION BY E.J. CURRY, SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE THAT THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 6, 1994, BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. c Vice-chair Joe Huddleston closed the regular session and opened the hearing at 4 04 p m 3 Public hearing. Berrv Vallev Estates. 19 lot duplex subdivision Ty Peterson, City Planner, gave the staff report, stating that the city originally receIved application for preliminary plat last March, negotiations went back and forth until the proponents approached the planning commission with a proposal last August At that meeting the planning commission directed the applicant to come back with a proposal to see what the proposal would look like with a through street between Berry Valley Road and Longmire Street In the interim the planning commission and the city council had passed a new open space ordinance so the city gave the applicant the option of designing the plat using the new open space ordinance, thus they were able to increase their proposal from a 17 lot proposal to a 19 lot proposal and still construct the through roadway There was an issue concerning the turning radius of the roadways The public works department and the engineers seem to think that that is an appropriate turning radius and it will maintain traffic flow, however, the city will want the lighting to be situated in such a way as to remain safe c The zoning is multi-family, comprehensive plan designation is multi- family The total acreage is approximately 4 95 acres, the average lot size about 7300-7400 sq ft The area land use is surrounding residential with multi-family to the east and lower density residential to the west. There is a designated underlying critical aquifer and they will be designing this under the Thurston County Drainage and Erosion Control Manual There does exist on site one house listed in the Yelm Historic Inventory, however it is not on the register Typical soil, approximately 3 5% slope with no more than 10ft in elevation from the SW corner to the NE corner of the property. Parking will be accommodated on site with two stalls per unit If duplexes are built, there will be a total of four stalls per lot Water and sewer will be provided by the City of Yelm A connecting water line between Longmire Street and Berry Valley Road must be constructed The stormwater engineer for the city has determined that treatment can be provided in this amount of space and 15,000 square feet has been set aside for stormwater treatment and retention As far as the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPAL a determination of Nonsignificance is expected, however, a determination has not been made as yet There was a couple of final revisions and it is awaiting the mayor's signature at this time The plan complies with both the Comprehensive Plan and the Yelm MUnicipal Code The proposal is in o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 19, 1994 2 o c c compliance with the working developments standards and the applicant has taken advantage of the City'S new Open Space Ordinance which translates into a total fee of $11,362 50, which must be paid to the city prior to the final plat approval The City of Yelm Planning Department finds that the proposal IS in compliance with the applicable codes and regulations and based on the above findings, the planning department recommends approval with the following conditions 1) that the SEPA determination be made and a comment period expire, if in fact there is a comment period, 2) that the water line connection be made between Longmire Street and Berry Valley Road, 3) sidewalks be constructed along one side of the new street, and 4) the applicant must make the drainage plan work with the 15,000 sq feet designated for that use Public Comments Proponent, Susan Gore was present. Buffie Clark said it appears to be a 58 foot right-of-way Ty Peterson explained that plat is designed with the 54 foot standard, with a four foot sidewalk Pat Fetterlv asked what was being done with the historical building Susan Gore explained that the house will remain on the property but the plan is to tear down the old garage The residence will remain a single-family dwelling Ty Peterson added that through negotiations, the connector street, the city would allow the existing accesses from the house and the existing duplex to remain on Longmire Street It was not feasible to construct another cul-du-sac type roadway that would serve those lots and still be practical Lots 2, 3, and 5 will be accessed from a private driveway Rav Abbott from Bracey & Thomas, who represent the proponent wanted to emphasize that between the August hearing and today's hearing, the proponent has met on several occasions with staff and have made every attempt to modify the proposal so that It meets the new Yelm standards The public hearing was closed at 4 14 p m 94-52 MOTION BY E.J. CURRY AND SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY TO YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 19, 1994 3 c RECOMMEND APPROVAL, WITH THE CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, THE BERRY VALLEY ESTATES, A 19-LOT DUPLEX SUBDIVISION (SUB-8112) BETWEEN LONGMIRE STREET AND BERRY ROAD. MOTION CARRIED. Vice-chair Tom Huddleston opened the public hearing at 4 16 p m Public hearinq: Prairie Vista, 63 lot manufactured housinq subdivision, located on the east side of Burnett Road 4 c Ty Peterson gave the staff report, stating that the original application for a 56 lot subdivision was received by the city in February of 1993 The city and the applicant negotiated development opportunities for the property A rezone of the property took place and last June the applicant submitted a 70 lot manufactured home subdivision to the city At that time the planning commission directed the proponent to r complete the application requirements, conform to the City Codes and reduce the density in the area The applicant has resubmitted a completed application for a 63 lot subdivision proposal, a 10% decrease in total overall density The 63 lot subdivision would be located on approximately 14 5 acres, located on the east side of Burnett Road, approximately 1000 feet north of Yelm Avenue (SR 510). This are is not addressed in the Comprehensive Plan, however, it is zoned R-1 Single-Family Residential The areas to the north, east and west are mostly rural residential property and the property to the south is zoned residential but is vacant. There is a Designated Critical Aquaifer on site There is typical Span away Gravelly Loam soils, it has a rolling topography with no steep slopes Parking would be accommodated with two on-site stalls per household The traffic study has been completed and accepted by the City Engineer and the City Planning Department. It will be part of the SEPA The water supply connection to the City of Yelm Water system is required. Currently the required fire flows do not exist in the water lines in the vicinity of the proposal An area wide upgrade is necessary and the city is currently working on a plan for it. Stormwater will be contained, treated and disposed of on site although final approval of the drainage system will be with the construction drawings There is a mitigation agreement in place between the applicant and the Yelm School District This proposal does meet all applicable state laws The state law does require approval of adequate water prior to the issuance of a building permit A SEPA determination has not been made at this time, however, a c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 19, 1994 4 c "Mitigated Determination" is expected The proposal complies with the policies and goals of the Comprehensive Plan and complies with the Yelm Municipal Code The applicant's proposal shows sidewalks on both sides of the street The current local access roadway standard does not require sidewalks on both sides, standards only require one side. The proposal complies with the prior Open Space Ordinance, and the city felt that we would still honor this because the applicant had been submitting dunng that time and expended quite a few funds designing this plat in accordance with that ordinance c The City Planning Commission recommends approval of the 63-lot manufactured housing subdivision with the following conditions 1 ) that SEPA determination be issued and the comment period expire, 2) that an agreement be in place for the necessary upgrade to the water system to meet minimum fire flow requirements throughout the project site (this agreement would be in place prior to construction), 3) the lot numbering sequence needs to be corrected, lot #4 has been eliminated to accommodate drainage so the numbering will have to be corrected, 4) that, if possible, open space be more usable by locating the wet ponds closer to the property lines and the infiltration basins could have flatter slopes and shallower depths, 5) if the applicant chooses, he may wish to use the latest street profile because less sidewalk IS required, 6) fire hydrant location and spacing must be reviewed and approved by the Fire Marshall (this can be done on the construction drawings), 7) a sewer hydro test be performed to determine adequate line sizing to ensure that the existing line that would hook into the future sewer system is large enough to accommodate the increase of 63 lots; 8) that final approval of the drainage plan be conditioned on the construction drawings George Kniqht asked -what would happen if it was determined the system wasn't large enough Ty Peterson explained that if the city wanted to pursue the proposal then the city would require an upgrade to the size of the line The he was asked if it would be paid by the contractor Mark Carpenter, proponent, thinks that there would be a recapture agreement or when anyone else is tied onto the system, they would pay their fair share o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 19, 1994 5 o o o Tv Peterson stated that if there needs to be a line SIZing Increase and the developer paid for that increase in the line size, there could be a late comer's agreement associated with that Mark Carpenter asked if there was 4" line there presently Ken Garmann responded that that was correct. Mr Carpenter wanted to emphasize that there has been a 10% reduction, going from 70 lots to 63 lots, as per the planning commission's suggestion That changed the density from 4 8 units per acre to 4 4, so the average lot size went from 6400 sq ft to 6900 sq ft. Lots were changed from 50 foot frontage to 60 foot lot fronts Even though the density of the lots, the open space increased due to the loss of lot 4 Buffie Clark stated that she felt, because of the density, that sidewalks on both sides would be nice and wondered if it has been decided to put sidewalks on both sides Buffie Clark asked what would happen if the applicant started building and the water system was determined to be inadequate. Ty Peterson explained that the state law will not permit them to construct any homes until the fire flow is adequate There is a potential there would be a phased development that they increase enough of the water system to enable ten lots to be developed and as the system is improved, more lots would be available for building Public Comments None 94-53 MOTION BY EJ CURRY WITH THE EIGHT CONDITIONS, SECONDED BY GEORGE KNIGHT TO RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL, THE PRAIRIE VISTA PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR A 57-LOT MANUFACTURED HOUSING SUBDIVISION LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF BURNETT ROAD MOTION CARRIED The public hearing was closed at 4 25 p m [Shelly - a female member of the public made a comment after the hearing was closed regarding the fact that she and her neighbors opposed the development of a mobile home park being placed in their backyard and she wanted to know what she needs to do Joe Huddleston explained that at this point the meeting was closed and she had not spoken prior to the motion so she would need to appear at the City Council Meeting on Wednesday, September 28th at 7 30 p m or she could submit something In writing to the planning department that would be put into the official record] I'm YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 19, 1994 6 o o o afraid nobody got her name???? 5 Public HearinQ. Site-Plan for Car Wash and binding site-pian for a potential three more buildinqs (SPR-8123) The hearing was opened at 4-31 p m Tv Peterson gave the staff report, explaining the city received a site- plan application in August Currently this proposal would not be allowed under the Central Business District zoning that is in place, however, the city approved a rezone, recommended by the planning commission on their September 14, 1994 meeting This rezone does not officially take effect until September 28, so any approval would have to be conditioned upon the effective date of that rezone The proposal consists of a 2,560 sq ft building with parking on one of the pads and two other pads for future use Access to the car wash and the primary access will be from Yelm Avenue Proposal is for only one access for the entire lot from Yelm Avenue There would be an additional access constructed from Longmire Street when the other pads develop These proposed accesses meet the Access Control Standards for the state highway Right-of-way dedication to both Yelm Avenue and Longmire Street are sufficient and plans indicate sidewalks will be constructed along Yelm Avenue Frontage improvements along Longmire Street could be negotiated when proposals for those pads are submitted Traffic will be mitigated through the SEPA process with "peak hour" volumes A SEPA determination has not been made However, a mitigated determination of nonsignificance is expected and any approval would be conditioned upon this and the comment period The planning department recommends approval of the site-plan Shirlev Rvder, proponent explained that she and her husband Ron own the Shur-Kleen Car Washes located in Olympia and Lacey and they are proposing to bring one to the Yelm area Ms Ryder's brother and his wife will manage the car wash in Yelm. The facility is environmentally conscience Joe Huddleston asked if Ms Ryder could give a description of what the facility would look like Ms Ryder explained that it is what is YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 19, 1994 7 c described as an exterior tunnel car wash, the building is 100 feet long, constructed of cement block and brick' The customer stays inside their vehicles as the car is being pulled through the car wash The area will be landscaped There will be vending machines and COin operated vacuums on site The facility is attendant operated, possibly 4-5 employees on site Photos of similar facilities were shown to the commission members Tv Peterson asked how much waste water would be disposed Ms Ryder explained that statistics compiled from the Olympia and Lacey sites showed an average replacement of five to seven gallons per car, depending on volume These statistics are from an old design The facility In Yelm will have a double recycle system instead of the single recycle system in the older design Public Comments Paul Thompson, asked If the employees hired for the facility would come from the High School Mr Andringa , who will be the manager for the car wash stated that initially five or six employees would be hired, which will include high school students for part-time and possibly a couple of full-time people c Tv Peterson wanted to know If the facility would be big enough for trucks He was told it could take up to a full-size van Buffie Clark asked what the operating hours would be Shirley Ryder explained that presently their car washes are open Monday through Saturday, 8 00 a m to 7 00 p m and Sunday 1000 a m to 5 00 pm Roberta Lonqmire asked if the depth of the lot was 250 feet and how are they going to get an exit off of Longmire when the state won't allow them to have it that close to the highway Ty Peterson responded by explaining that it is not an entrance onto the state highway The access control standards only effects accesses onto the state highway system The access to Longmire Street be 125 feet from the intersection Joe Huddleston asked if there are any other proposals out there Shirley Ryder responded that the property has not been purchased yet, but there is a possibility that additional automobile oriented business would be added later c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 19, 1994 8 o o o Adam Rivas asked if by changing site to C-1 zoning would allow the site to be more automobile oriented Ty Peterson stated that would be correct, It would be an allowed use Roberta Longmire asked who would have access to that future building site? It was explained by Mr Ryder that access would be from out of the car wash Mrs Ryder explained that any additional business would be connected to the car wash, ie, a full service detail shop Public hearing closed at 4 47 p m 94-54 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY BUFFIE CLARK TO APPROVE THE SITE-PLAN FOR A CAR WASH AND BINDING SITE- PLAN FOR A POTENTIAL THREE MORE BUILDINGS (SPR-8123 MOTION CARRIED. 6 EJ Curry stated that she feels that item 6 on the agenda would like to postpone the discussion on the Planning Commission By-Laws until such time as everyone is present She also felt that Jim Blundell should be present In case there are any questions The meeting was adjourned at 4 55 p m Respectfully submitted, Kris Taylor YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 19, 1994 9 c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 :K:f(PLANNING COMMISS.ION PUBLIC WORK SESSION ON DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, SEPTEMBER 19 2:00 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL. CHAMBERS** AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994~ 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHA~BERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of minutes August 1 and August 15 minutes enclosed 1\ \.J 3. 4 5 6 7 8 2 Public Hearing: Continued from September 6, 1994, Rezone property from R-1 Single-Family to C-1 Commercial located 300ft southwest of Yelm Ave in the SW1/2 of SW1/4 of the NW1/4 of Sec 24, T17, R1E W M Also comment on an ordinance requiring the dedication and contruction of a roadway extending Killion Rd Public Hearing: Berry Vally Estates 19 lot duplex subdivision, staff report enclosed Public Hearing: Prairie Vista, 63 lot manufactured housing subdivision, staff ~eport enclosed Public Hearing: Site-Plan ror Car Wash and additional pads staff report enclosed Discussion: Planning Commission By-Laws, copies sent cut at last mailing. Other: Note: Comprehensive and Joint Plan special worksessions will contlnue every Thursday through the month of September in the City Council Chambers from 3:30 to 5:30 p m. 9 Adjourr, Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request o The City Yelm is an EEO Employer and Complies with the ADA in all programs, services and activities If you need special arrangemen~to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Agne~lombo, City C1erk, at 458-8404 Next regularly scheduled Pla~~~~derCommission Meeting, October 3, 1994, 4:00 pm, City Hall c o c Agenda Item/ Motion No 94-47 94-48 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 00 p m by chair Tom Gorman Members present E J Curry, Roberta Longmire, Tom Gorman, Buffy Clark, Glenn Blando, Adam Rivas, Joe Huddleston and Ed Pitts Members not in attendance Tom Cundy, George Knight and Pat Fetterly Guests Dean Hooper, Ruth Jacobsen, Bonme Orten, Jim Blundell, John Huddleston, Molly Hendrickson, Dutch Close, Sue Baker, Tom Skillings, Staff Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann and Ty Peterson Approval of the minutes MOTION BY EJ CURRY, SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE THAT THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 1, 1994 BE APPROVED AS PROVIDED. MOTION BY EJ CURRY, SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE THAT THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 15, 1994 BE APPROVED AS PROVIDED Actmg chair Tom Gorman closed the regular session and opened the hearing at 4 04 P m 2 Public Hearing - Rezone R-1 City water tower property to CBD and determination of "similar use" for a skateboard park Ty Peterson, City Planner, gave the staff report on the proposal that would rezone the property located along 2nd Avenue between McKenzie and Washington Streets (city water tower property) from R- 1 Smgle Family to Central Business District (CBD) and a determination whether the zonmg would allow for a "skateboard park" and unassociated parking area Ty stated the police department came to him and asked whether or not this would be an appropriate site for the proposed "skateboard park" The current zoning ordinance does not address skateboard parks per se Ty commented that he started lookmg at the feasibility c of using a similar use as well as a proposed parking area that the public works department is Interested in, non-related to the skateboard park Neither of these uses are permitted outright in the R-1 zone A skateboard park is not permitted anywhere by default, because it is not mentioned It appears It would be more appropnate to zone it CBD The planning department recommended approval of the rezone "determination of similar use' based on the findings that the recommendation would not have an adverse effect on adjacent properties, vehicular circulation, or the environment, the uses allowed In the proposal would be compatible with the surrounding uses, the project would promote the Idea of a central business district becoming more pedestrian oriented, and the rezone and the determination of similar use would not effect city water or sewer systems This would also provide for the opportunity to accommodate some much needed and benefits to the City as far as for use as recreation and parking to the central business district Staff analysis Ken Garmann, Public Works Department commented that there is a potential for need for additional ground c Shelly Badger commented that the city is currently doing a study of the water system and It is unknown what, If any, equipment or underground storage tanks of any type might be needed that might be located at the site of the proposed skateboard park Chief Glenn Dunnam IS looking at alternate site on First Avenue going out toward the industrial area on the west side of the road where the city owns a piece of old abandoned right-of-way Glenn is currently assessing the feasibility of that piece of property and so it is asked that the planning commission consider the rezone but postpone the decision on the skateboard park until more information can be obtained EJ Curry asked if part of the land wasn't promised to the library for their new building site Shelly Badger stated that the back half of the property has been designated for future library and the city has been discussing the proposed skateboard park and parking lot with them Roberta Lonqmire asked if this land would be contiguous with the present district Ty Peterson responded that It was c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 6, 1994 c c o Buffv Clark asked if there was an architect's rendering of the skateboard park and said she would like to see It, to see If the design would be appropriate for the site for the skateboard park because of its appearance Ty Peterson stated he would check into to see what they've got now Public Comments Dean Hooper, Friends of the Library, commented that If the design would allow the skateboard park to be moveable, ie, bUilt in wood sections, that it would make it possible, if more land was needed for the water system later, the skateboard park could be relocated Ruth Jacobsen, Friends of the Library, stated that her concern was not only for a library in the future, but also parking, and the future water system It appears that there are several proposals for the same piece of property The public hearing was closed at 4 14 p m 94-49 MOTION BY EJ CURRY, SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE TO APPROVE THE REZONE AND DETERMINATION OF SIMILAR USE FOR THE SKATEBOARD PARK AND PARKING LOT LOCATED ALONG 2ND AVENUE BETWEEN MCKENZIE AND WASHINGTON STREETS, (CITY WATER TOWER PROPERTY) . MOTION CARRIED. 3 Public Hearina - Reduction of CBD Zone, chanae to C-1 Commercial Ty Peterson, City Planner, gave the staff report, stating that last spring the planning commission directed the staff to research and make a proposal for reducing the Central Business District (CBD) on the west end of town This was brought on by a car wash proposal that would not be allowed to locate there at that time The city felt that area was a commercial zone in nature as it is auto onented The planning department has concluded that reducing the central bUSiness district zone along both sides of Yelm Avenue from Cullens Road to Solberg Street is in the best interest of the city The zone proposed to be rezoned is already in character for the C-1 zoning because is already auto oriented and consists of large lots The area from Solberg St towards the city center has potential still to be quality central business district, there's redevelopment potential there for a pedestrian oriented area and it contains smaller lots characteristic of the central business district Also the CBD zOning in that particular YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 6, 1994 o o o area would be more conducive to the middle school being located there in regard to pedestrian influence Public Comments Bonnie Horton, McKenzie Court, Yelm, asked how the change would effect McKenzie Court and how would it change the environment of the area Ty Peterson explained that It wouldn't effect McKenzie Court Ty further explained that the character of the existing area presently Includes the deli mart, the strip mall effect and is already characteristic of the zone that we're proposing it be changed to The CBO is more of the downtown area, smaller lots, etc Joe Huddleston, asked If this particular site could not be developed as densely Ty Peterson stated that with the rezone it would have to accommodate parking on site of any development that occurs in the area as opposed to the central business district There are also setback requirements associated With C-1 zoning that don't exist in the central business district in the types of uses Shellv Badger asked for examples of types of businesses that are allowed In C-1 that are not allowed in the central business district Ty Peterson stated that businesses that would be allowed in C-1 would be retail stores, service type industry, shopping centers, hardware stores The central business district is geared for more of the small service industry such as restaurants, specialty shops, profeSSional offices Bonnie Horton asked if under the C-1 versus the CBO does the planmng commission or the city stili have control over what type of business would be allowed in the area Ty Peterson stated that city would stili have approval The public hearing was closed at 4 27 p m 94-50 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE AND SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN CBD TO C-1 I') COMMERCIAL AT THE NORTHWEST END OF THE CBD ZONEfum Lul~~ W 'in:So /~'5 a- MOTION CARRIED. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 6, 1994 o o o 4 Public Hearinq - Rezone property from R-1 single-family to C-1 Commercial located 300 feet southwest of Yelm Avenue in the SW1/2 of SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec. 24, T17 R1E W.M. Also hearinq comment on an ordinance requiring the dedication and construction of a roadway extending Killion Road The hearing was opened at 4 29 p m Jim Blundell, city attorney, Owens, Davies & Mackie gave an overview of the proposal He stated that In planning for the Southwest Yelm area, it became apparent that this area needed to be connected back up to Highway 510 Where that connection would be located at that time was uncertain It also became apparent there was mutual interest of some property owners In this area to have that arterial run through their property and we are negotiating with them and all the meetings and discussions have been highly cooperative and amicable and we continue to discuss all of the options In exchange for the dedication of this strip for the road, staff entered into negotiation with the landowner to rezone this property commercial This would include the 40 foot panhandle that connects to SR 510 The owners on either side of that would be dedicating 20 feet, respectively, and wouldn't need to do a rezone In exchange the city has offered to look at some refinancing and reimbursement tools One of those would be a latecomer agreement Another would be an LID or some other type of mechanism The one the city has been focused on is the latecomer's agreement Because this corridor will serve the entire southwest Yelm area any future later-comer agreement has to somehow reimburse on the basis of benefit We also recognize the fact that an entire 80 foot wide arterial isn't necessary at this point to serve development on any of the three parcels affected by the agreement and proposed ordinance Once southwest Yelm starts developing out then it makes sense to bUild it out to a full 80 foot arterial At this time 60 feet would be all that is necessary for development of any of the three parcels Jim explained the reason for drafting the ordinance requiring the dedication, design and construction of the Berry Valley Road The Court of Appeals in a recent case said that if you're going to doa latecomer agreement for road/street construction you've got to give people notice that you're gOing to require them to reimburse the people who paid for those improvements By notice, they meant you YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 6, 1994 c o o have to have an ordinance on the books requiring that they make certain improvements Other options were noted by Mr Blundell and there have been discussions with the property owners Tom Gorman asked If Mr Blundell wanted to close the public hearing process and continue it to the next meeting The city is the applicant in this case Public Comments John Huddleston, stated that originally it was the understanding that latecomers would be required to reimburse for construction but also the value of the land That's now an issue that needs to be resolved Mr Huddleston voiced the opinion that those people involved with southwest Yelm annexation may have some responsibility to step up now versus at some future point in terms of facilitating this process, either through land value reimbursement and/or through some portion or phase of construction Mr Huddleston is one owner who would be asked to dedicate a 20 feet piece and is concerned about when the actual use of that property comes into play He also stated that the 20 foot dedication would only be agreed to subject his ability to acquire additional property to the east, because anything less than 80 feet would make It physically impossible to do any type of commercial development based on setbacks and parking space requirements, etc It may be premature to pass an ordinance requiring the dedication of the 20 feet unless he has the ability to enlarge the piece so that he isn't left with 60 feet, or left with a piece of property which can not be developed Mr Huddleston said he would request that there be a condition of that dedication, subject to the ability to acquire additional property Mollv Hendrickson, asked why the traffic from this new annexation can't go out through SR 507 Dutch Close, stated he believed that this road does go exit out to 507 Jim Blundell went on to explain that the planned route will intersect with a potential future state highway Shellv Badqer, commented that when the southwest Yelm annexation was approved it was required that entire area have a local route back YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 6, 1994 c into town for shopping, etc Dutch Close stated it was his understanding that this proposal was initiated by the city and not by the landowners Sue Baker asked what would be done with the part that extends down Berry Valley Road Jim Blundell responded that it is proposed that the new road would come in at a curve to the present Berry Valley Road John Huddleston, asked if LID funds could be used to reimburse for the cost of the dedication or the land involved versus the latecomers agreement which you cannot be reimbursed for Jim Blundell stated he believes that is correct o Tom Skillings of Skillings - Connolly, Engineers stated that the city has to consider where that eXit pOint for the loop road will be on 510 because as development occurs, whether it be a commercial developer or a residential developer you need to identify a transportation corndor for the future loop road so as to get the structure, right-of-way, or utilities In the right spot The decision has to be made where that location will be The only major conflict is the intersection with 510 at Killion J The total proposal IS going to require that Killion Road be realigned at 510 in order to make a 4-way intersection, and any addition development on the north side of 510 IS going to require consideration of realignment of the intersection for that purpose He stated he doesn't see any other major impact Buffv Clark asked if the actual dedication of the property was for 60 feet or 80 feet It was explained that it would be full dedication of 80 feet but only a construction of 60 feet at this point Roberta Longmire stated that it appeared that this proposal was not ready to bring before the planning commission It was explained by Jim Blundell that because of the Court of Appeals decision, you have to have an ordinance in place up front Shellv Badger stated that the reimbursement for the value of the land was a major concern to the property owners and that's why the proposal was being brought before the planning commission, to bring the commission up-to-date then continue the hearings so we can sit back down with the property owners and talk about it more There IS no formula yet, because the law requires that an ordinance be in o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 6, 1994 c c o place first then we start negotiating Sue Baker asked why 93rd couldn't be used as the main access to the proposed development Ken Garmann stated that In the future the city has planned for a north-south connector to an eventual state highway that would by-pass the entire downtown corridor Shellv Badqer stated that the Initial studies that were done and the environmental Impact statement before we annexed showed that the ultimate buildout of the site warranted an east-west connector and a north-south connector and that's what we're trying to achieve because of the number of people planned in that area Tom Gorman then continued the hearing on this matter to the next regularly scheduled meeting on September 19, 1994 at 4 00 p m He also reminded everyone that there was a public hearing tonight at Tenino High School gym regarding the county comprehensive plan Tv Peterson wanted to remind everyone that the special work session on the City Comprehensive Plan will be every Thursday through the month of September in the council chambers from 3 30 p m to 5 30 pm Shellv Badger stated that one of the purposes of these meetings is to put together a Justification for boundaries regarding urban growth to the Thurston County Urban Growth Management Committee which is the committee of elected officials that recommends boundaries to the Thurston County Board of Commissioners They are going to look at our boundaries and consider it on September 19th Yelm Planning Commission rules and by-laws will be an Item for discussion on the September 19 meeting The meeting was adjourned at 5 15 p m Respectfully submitted, ~~ "'OLo-J Kris Taylor YELM PLANNING COMMISSION September 6, 1994 c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 **PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC WORK SESSION ON DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. SEPTEMBER 6, 2: 00 P M C_rTY HAL.L COUNCIL CHAMBERS** AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1994, 4:00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of minutes August 1 and August 15 minutes enclosed 2 Public Hearing: Rezone R-1 City water tower property to CBO and determination of 'similar use' for a skateboard park, staff report enclosed (\ \..J 3 Public Hearing: Reduction of ceo Zone change to C-1 Commercial, staff report enclosed 4 Public Hearing: Rezone property from R-1 single-family to C~ 1 Commercial located 300 ft southwest of Yelm Ave in the SW1/2 of SW1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec 24, T17 R1E W M Also he3r comment on an ordinance requiring the dedication and construction of a roadway extending Killion Rd 5 Other: 6 Note: Comprehensive and Joint Plan special worksessions will continue every Thursday through the month of Septembet in the City Council Chambers from 3:30 to 5:30 p m 7 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request The City Yelm is an EEO Employer and Complies with the ADA in all programs, services and activities -"" C If you need special arrangements to attend or partlcipate in this meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 * Rec)'ckd paper c c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS This meeting was a continuation of the August 15, 1994 regular planning commission meeting. Members present: Roberta Longmire, Pat Fetterly, Glenn Blando, Buffie Clark and Joe Huddleston. Members not in attendance: EJ Curry, Tom Gorman, George Knight and Tom Cundy. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ty Peterson and Ken Garmann. Guests: Jim Blundell, Sandy Mackie, Doreen Milward and Jackie Kettman. Please note that this meeting was taped and the informa- tion provided in these minutes are a brief outline of the issues discussed. 1. 2. 3 . 4. 5. 6. Introduction Land Use Housing Utilities Transportation Capital Facilities 1. Introduction A. Policies 1. GMA 2. Countywide 3. City Statement of Purpose B. Population & Demographics 1. OFM/County UGM Committee 2. Yelm Utility - Sewer/Water C. Urban 1. Growth Boundary GMA Requirements a. Permit urban growth to occur b. Shall include open space c. Characterized by urban growth d. Areas outside the city 1. Characterized by urban growth 2. Adjacent to territory charac- terized by urban growth 3. Area to be served by public facilities. D. Existing UGM Area YELM PLANNING COMMISSION August 15, 1994 c ("'\ v c 2. Land Use A. UGMA Boundary B. Sub-areas 1. North 2. East 3. South 4. Southwest 5. Northwest c. Land Use/Zoning D. Critical Areas E. Population Allocation Please note that beginning Sept. 1, 1994, special meetings for the purpose of worksessions on the Yelm Comprehensive Plan will be on Thursdays from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, Yelm City Hall. This planning commission meeting will be continued to August 25, 1994 at 3:30pm, Yelm City Hall. Respectfully submitted, ~~ YELM PLANNING COMMISSION August 15, 1994 c c c ----,r YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00pm by acting chair Torn Gorman. Members present: EJ Curry, Roberta Longmire, Joe Hud- dleston, Torn Gorman, Pat Fetterly, Buffie Clark, Glenn Blando and Torn Cundy. Members not in attendance: George Knight Guests: Jim Blundell, Torn Skillings, Adam & Gail Rivas, Rodney Orosco, John Thomson, Craig Sears, Dennis Su, Stephen & Isabel Lamborn, Bev Malan, Anthony Bontrager, Martha Parsons, Mr. & Mrs. Grover, M.J. Mitzner, Sandy Mackie, Elaine Horsak and Craig Steepy. Staff: Shelly Badger, Lynn Haigh, Ken Garmann and Ty Peterson. Approval of minutes: Torn Gorman approved the minutes with noted changes: Ej Curry approved the minutes of the Aug. 1, 1994 meeting to the point of excusing her- self from the Conceptual Master Plan hearing. Ty Pet- erson will be researching emergency services feelings on cul-de-sacs versus through streets for access avail- ability. 2. parkview - Final Plat Approval Recommendation Ken Garmann gave the staff report as follows: After staff review of the final plat application for Parkview, we recommend that the City Council condit- ionally approve the final plat, based upon a favor- able recommendation from the Planning Commission. Re- view of the plat has been completed by Skillings-Con- nolly (Hank Borden, Professional Land Surveyor) and Ken Garmann as Public Works Director/Health Officer. Because the plat is 100% served by the Yelm sewer system and the treatment plant is fully operational, there is no need for Thurston County Health Depart- ment signatures and certifications, as in the past. c c G A "Warranty Agreement" (which will be required on all final plats), that warrants the dedicated streets, public utilities and other improvements for a period of 1 year from the date of final plat approval has been signed. Bills of sale (for water and sewer) have been submitted. Street dedications and as-built engineering drawings are being reviewed and approved for this plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommend that the Planning Com- mission recommend Final Plat approval to the Yelm City Council and that the City Council grant final plat appro- val for Parkview with the following conditions to be met prior to signature by Mayor Wolf and final recording by the County Auditor's Office: I. Signatures by the County Assessor, County Treas- urer and Public Works Director as required. The County Assessor is reviewing the final plat. Upon signature by Mayor Wolf, the final plat, plat certi- ficate, warranty agreement and bills of sale will be re- corded with the Thurston County Auditor's Office. As per Yelm Municipal Code Section 16.04.150, we recom- mend that one building permit be issued for the plat, due to the conditional final plat approval, until such time as the plat is signed by Mayor Wolf and recorded. 94-41 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE AND SECONDED BY EJ CURRY TO RECOMMEND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF PARKVIEW TO CITY COUNC- IL. MOTION CARRIED. 2A. Public Hearing - Proposed Site Plan- caD - Rice St. & Yelm Ave. W. Acting chair Tom Gorman closed the regular session and opened the public hearing at 4:10pm. Ty Peterson gave the staff report as follows: The City received a request for a change use and remodel of a building located at 313 Yelm Ave. W., southeast cor- ner of Yelm Ave. W. and Rice St. The building previously has been used as a residential unit. The proposal is to accommodate office space for Northwest Aire. A deferral for paving on the entire site, except the handicap park- ing area, is being requested. The letter of intent sub- mitted additionally, outlines the intended scope of the project. RECOMMENDATION: The City Planning Department recommends approval with the following conditions: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION August 15, 1994 c I. A signed, recorded, "waiver of protest" for the Yelm Ave. frontage improvements be submitted to the City prior to occupancy. 2. That a 24 ft. wide access and 20 ft. driving lane be constructed to the parking area. 3. That at a minimum, the access from Yelm Ave. to the office entrance, be paved, and that a one year deferral be granted for the remaining por- tion of the driveway and parking area. This condi tion would become void if the city approved a site-plan for re-development of the property. There are no objections to this proposal from the Build- ing Official. The project complies with all applicable zoning requirements. Buffie Clark asked if there were any drainage issues that needed to be taken into consideration. Ty Peterson stat- ed there were no concerns at this time regarding drain- age. with no further questions or comments from the proponent or public, this hearing was closed at 4:12pm. 94-42 MOTION BY BUFFIE CLARK AND SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY THAT THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN FOR THE EXISTING RESIDENTIAL UNIT AT THE CORNER OF RICE ST. AND YELM AVE. W., CHANGED TO OFFICE SPACE, BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. c 3. Proposed Site Plan - CBD - 105 Yelm Ave. E. Acting chair Tom Gorman closed the regular session and opened the public hearing at 4:14pm. Ty Peterson gave the staff report as follows: The City received a request for a change use and remodel of a building located at 105 Yelm Ave. E. This building was formerly known as Rosano's Electric. Currently the building is being used for storage. The proposal is to remodel the interior to accommodate a kitchen that would prepare bakery/deli food for catering. Food would not be served or consumed on-site. RECOMMENDATION: The City Planning Department recommends approval of this change in use and remodel after finding that this is an allowed use, the proposal should not im- pact traffic, and it complies with all applicable requir- ements of the zoning code. There are no objections to this proposal from the Building Official. r ~ YELM PLANNING COMMISSION August 15, 1994 r~ o Proponent commented that in the future, this site could possibly become retail, for take-out food only. Joe Huddleston asked about the traffic impact. Ty Peter- son stated that there would be no for the current propo- sal and there was adequate parking in the rear of the building to suffice a catering business. Roberta Longmire questioned if the proponent was asking to be permitted for both catering and retail. Shelly Badger stated that it was for catering only and Ty Peter- son mentioned a proposal for minor change of use would not have to go before the planning commission if in the future it is desired, however, any impacts of the change would be mitigated (ie. traffic impacts from a catering business to retail). With no questions or comments from the public, this hear- ing was closed at 4:19pm. 94-43 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE AND SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON THAT THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN FOR 105 YELM AVE. E. BE AP- PROVED FOR A CATERING BUSINESS. MOTION CARRIED. 4 . Public Hearing - Canal Rd. Annexation Acting chair Tom Gorman closed the regular session and opened the public hearing at 4:20pm. (\ o Ty Peterson gave the staff report as follows: The City first received petition for annexation in this area over one year ago. A resolution was passed and the Commission/Council directed the applicant to pursue an- nexation of the entire area between the city limits and the canal, northeast of the railroad tracks. Since then the applicant has been pursuing the necessary signatures to do this. In June, the applicant resubmitted the annexation request for the proposed area. The city met with the applicant to discuss the boundary and future zoning. At that time, the applicant presented information and evidence support- ing that they had exhausted all reasonable efforts to contact the property owners and convince them to join the annexation. The applicant is requesting that the prop- erty adjacent to the city and on the east side of Canal Rd. be zoned Industrial. The remaining property be zoned R-1 Single-Family. RECOMMENDATION: The issue regarding" irregular" or "ill- ogical" boundaries is upon us once again. The Planning Department recognlzes the potential hazards of creating boundaries that are not easlly identified, (police prot- c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION August 15, 1994 "...... -~~ c ection, road crews, etc.) and the goal is to "square up" boundaries when possible. However, in light of the Growth Management Act (GMA) and the Urban Growth Bound- ary (UGB), this proposal could be construed as a step in filling the already established future boundary of the city corporate limits. After finding that the applicant did indeed make a thor- ough attempt to obtain signatures from the other proper- ty owners to annex, the current proposal is contiguous to the existing city limits, the petition represents 100% of property owners in the proposed area, and the estab- lished Interim Urban Growth Boundary, the Planning Dep- artment recommends approval of the annexation. Furthermore, the Planning Department recommends Indust- rial zoning to property between Canal Rd. and city lim- its. The remaining area is not included in the city's sewer service boundary, therefore, should retain a Res- idential Agricultural 1-5 zoning, at least until the City's Comprehensive Plan is adopted and sewer boundary extended. Shelly Badger stated that the city had contacted some adjacent property owners with no interest in signing a petition to be annexed. c Craig Steepy, S. Chamberlain & Assoc., representing the Proponent explained the original proposal to the City of Yelm consisted of 120 acres, with the city requesting an additional 13 acres for a total of 133 acres to be included in the annexation. Over the past 16 months, the applicants have been in contact with several of the large property owners and S. Chamberlain has also made attempts to acquire signatures on the petition to annex. to no avail. As a result of this, the proposed scale and size of the annexation was made in order to meet the minimum requirements. There are five properties involv- ed with three owners for a total of 63 acres included in the proposal. It also represents 100% of the land value within the annexation. M.J. Mitzner had several concerns with this proposal. She questioned how many units would be built on the prop- erty, what the cost impacts would be to the city, what the traffic flows would be as it is congested in this area now. Opposed to this annexation for fear it will put pressure on neighboring property owners to be forced to annex. Susan Glover commented that she was notified of this pro- posal but wasn't sure that everyone in concern was. She stated her concern for the process to be done completely and thoroughly. c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION August 15, 1994 (\ o Craig Steepy answered questions regarding number of units proposed, how many per acre, etc. Ty Peterson reminded everyone that this proposal was for annexation at this time and not for development. Sandy Mackie, Owens Davies Mackie stated that the approv- ing bodies for annexation need to keep in mind if the proposed area creates any odd or irregular boundaries or if it cuts an existing neighborhood in half. The city must ask the question if this is an area planned to be served by city water and sewer and is this an area plan- ned for further development. If the answers are yes to these questions and if the proposed area meets the city's criteria, then it is appropriate to annex. Buffie Clark asked where the current water and sewer lines were in connection with this property. Ty Peterson illustrated on the map. Shelly Badger stated this area would be included in the Phase II project of the expans- ion of the WWTP regarding re-use, which ultimately will included the entire Urban Growth Boundary. This area is already served by city water. This hearing was closed at 4:44pm. c Sandy Mackie stated that the city is currently in the process of up-dating their comprehensive water plan and in particular the city's ability to provide adequate wat- er services. The city is asking of developers and prop- osed annexations, that a condition of being served by city water, or a condition of the annexation, when the time to connect to city water occurs, that any water rights owned by the developers/land owner would be tran- sferred to the city, in exchange for city water service and asked that the planning commission make this a spec- ific recommendation for approving this annexation. 94-44 MOTION BY EJ CURRY AND SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON THAT THE ANNEXATION BE RECOMMENDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS OF THE ZONING TO BE RA,1-5 AND INDUSTRIAL AND THAT WATER RIGHTS BE AVAILABLE TO THE CITY UPON DEVELOPMENT. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Open Space Ordinance Jim Blundell gave an up-date and overview of discussions at prior meetings and changes made to the ordinance were clarified. (\ V There was discussion on the "in fee of lieu of" for open space and a possible addition to the ordinance regarding periodlc reVlew of the ordinance on the dollar amount of $5,000.00, and that in January of each year, the city YELM PLANNING COMMISSION August 15, 1994 c (\ ~ c shall make an appropriate adjustment to the ordinance based on the market value conditions at the time. Tom Gorman asked about the off-site open space require- ment. Jim Blundell clarified that this would allow the developer to dedicate equally as qualified open space to be off-site, not necessarily at the city's discretion. Roberta Longmire expressed her concern on how the amount of $5,000.00 came about and if this price is fair to the city. Also, she was concerned with the return of monles if not used by the city to the current homeowner in the development rather than the developer who paid it. Sandy Mackie explained that the amount of $5,000.00 is based on raw land value based on density and the return of money to the current homeowner would be the case, due to the fact they would have benefited from the open space in the development. Roberta then asked why 100% of the open space would not be accessible to the general public or to all residents of the associated development. Jim Blundell explained that 75% of open space used for recreational uses as opposed to parks would fulfill the city require- ment. 94-45 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE AND SECONDED BY BUFFIE CLARK TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL TO ACCEPT THE OPEN SPACE ORDINANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS THAT COUNCIL REVIEW ANNU- ALLY TO ADJUST THE FEE IN LIEU OF AND TO INCLUDE RECREA- TIONAL LAND UNDER SECTION 16.14.050/A. MOTION CARRIED. 6 . Chair Position/Next Meeting Date/Meetinq Time Due to the resignation of Chair John Kinnee, Tom Gorman was appointed chair, with Joe Huddleston chosen as vice-chair. Regular meeting time will be from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on scheduled meeting dates. Next regular meeting will be scheduled for Sept. 6, 1994 at 4:00 pm, with a 2:00 pm meeting scheduled for Develop- ment Standards. The next worksession on the status of the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan is scheduled for Aug. 18, 1994 at 4:00 pm. 7. Discussion & Possible Decision - Proposed 1985 City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan Amendment & SW Yelm Conce?tual Master Plan. EJ Curry, also a Thurston County Planning Commission member, excused herself from this discussion. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION August 15, 1994 c Sandy Mackie, Owens Davies Mackie gave an up-date and overview of the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendat- ions regarding the Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan. FINDINGS: Thurston Highlands Associates is the lead applicant requesting approval of the Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan. The Master Plan area encomp- asses 1,860 acres and is located northwest of St. Hwy. 507, southwest of the downtown core of the City of Yelm, and southeast of the boundary of the Fort Lewis reservation. The Master Plan area consists of 37 ownership/parcels planned together as a single plan- ning unit. The application follows the City of Yelm's Master Plan Ordinance requirements. The Master Plan area is currently zoned as RA-5A under Section 17.40. 020(c) of the Yelm Municipal Code, which allows one unit per 5 acres. Upon conceptual approval by the City Council, the proposed Master Plan boundaries, proposed use districts, transportation routes and case file number shall be identified upon the offic- ial zoning map. These districts and routes shall on- ly be effective upon approval of a Master Plan meeting the requirements of Conceptual Approval of this Ord- inance. c CONCLUSIONS: The Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan is consistent with the Master Plan Review Ordinance of the City of Yelm, except to the extent necessary to modify the Plan as provided. Particular project spec- ific impacts and mitigation will be identified at the time of development review and approval. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission of the City of Yelm recommends approval by the City Council of the City of Yelm of the Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan and Conceptual Zoning Plan, subject to modifications and con- ditions as follows: (\ ~ 1. The siting of all school sites within the Master Plan area shall fully comply with the standards imposed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the sit- ing of school sites. In the event that any of the school sites reserved pursuant to this Conceptual Master Plan are determin- ed by the School District or the City of Yelm to be unacceptable for the development of a schools site, the School District may elect to waive the reserva- tion and accept a voluntary agreement in lieu of such school site under the terms of RCW 82.02.020. The school sites reserved pursuant to this Conceptual Master Plan are not intended to serve as full compli- ance with any requirement that the City or the devel- oper make adequate provisions for schools (ie, impact YELM PLANNING COMMISSION August 15, 1994 c fees, voluntary agreements, dedications, etc.). The reservations are intended to be minimum provisions that form the starting place for ensuring that the impacts of any development in the Master plan area are adequately mitigated. Exhibit C, Phase 17, commercial changed to 165,000 sf 15 acres. 2. Provided that the overall requirements of the Conceptual Master Plan approval are satisfied, each of the major planning areas (Thurston Highlands Assoc., Rainier Estat- es, and Other Parcels), may proceed independently with final Master Plan Approval. The action taken on the Conceptual Master Plan would give the final zoning, final density parameters, open space parameters public facility parameters particularly the need for public schools and this would go into the comp- rehensive plan. Sandy stated that the two areas of concern for the plan- ning commission prior to making a recommendation for app- oval to city council, are if the zoning is appropriate and are there any additional conditions the planning com- mission would require. o Roberta Longmire questioned the safety of trails through- out the proposed golf course area. Sandy commented that this was only an option given for an open space require- ment and that it would have to meet all criteria and be approved by the planning commission as part of the Final Master Plan approval. Torn Gorman asked if the number of acres for wetlands was an accurate amount. Sandy stated that this was only a preliminary figure and field analysis would verify the actual amount. Total maximum square foot of commercial at build-out is 165,000 sf on 15 acres and the map will be adjusted to reflect this change. Reduced commercial areas will be changed to residential. The decision of latecomer agreement vs. L.I.D. has not been foreclosed. 94-46 ON A MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF YELM RECOMMENDS APPROVAL OF THE SOUTHWEST YELM CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM AS MODIFIED AND WITH THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RECOMMENDED IN THE FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS WITH THE FOLLOWING MODI- c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION August 15, 1994 c o o FICATIONS: 1. THE SITING OF ALL SCHOOL SITES WITHIN THE MASTER PLAN AREA SHALL FULLY COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS IMPOSED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION FOR THE SITING OF SCHOOL SITES. IN THE EVENT THAT ANY OF THE SCHOOL SITES RESERVED PURSUANT TO THIS CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN ARE DETERMINED BY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OR THE CITY OF YELM TO BE UNACCEPTABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SCHOOL SITE, THE SCHOOL DISTRICT MAY ELECT TO WAIVE THE RESERVA- TION AND ACCEPT A VOLUNTARY AGREEMENT IN LIEU OF SUCH SCHOOL SITE UNDER THE TERMS OF RCW 82.02.020. THE SCHOOL SITES RESERVED PURSUANT TO THIS CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN ARE NOT INTENDED TO SERVE AS FULL COMPLIANCE WITH ANY RE- QUIREMENT THAT THE CITY OR THE DEVELOPER MAKE ADEQUATE PROVISIONS FOR SCHOOLS (IE, IMPACT FEES, VOLUNTARY AGREE- MENTS, DEDICATIONS, ETC.). THE RESERVATIONS ARE INTENDED TO BE MINIMUM PROVISIONS THAT FORM THE STARTING PLACE FOR ENSURING THAT THE IMPACTS OF ANY DEVELOPMENT IN THE MAS- TER PLAN AREA ARE ADEQUATELY MITIGATED. 2. EXHIBIT C, PHASE 17, CHANGE COMMERCIAL TO 165,00 SF, 15 ACRES. THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDS ADOPTION OF THE CON- CEPTUAL MASTER PLAN AS AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1985 COMPRE- HENSIVE PLAN FOR THE CITY OF YELM AND THE ADOPTION OF THE CONCEPTUAL ZONING PLAN AS AN AMENDMENT TOT HE CITY'S EX- ISTING ZONING MAP. ACCORDING TO THE MASTER PLAN REVIEW ORDINANCE, SUCH AMENDMENTS WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE UNTIL FINAL MASTER PLAN APPROVAL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUS. ***** NOTE: A COpy OF THE REVISED FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RE- COMMENDATIONS IS ATTACHED AS APPENDIX 1 TO THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 15, 1994 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES. 8. This planning commission meeting will be continued on August 18, 1994 at 4:00 pm, Yelm City Hall for the pur- pose of conducting a worksession and briefing on the draft Yelm Comprehensive Plano ~l#Z' YELM PLANNING COMMISSION August 15, 1994 \ \ \ // -'- C c c A P PEN D I X 1 FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOl\1l\1ENDATION SOUTHWEST YELM CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN PLANNING COMl\1ISSION CITY OF YELM CASE NUMBER: MP-l PROJECT: SOUTHWEST YELM CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN APPLICANT. THURSTON IDGHLANDS ASSOCIATES SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION: The Planning ComnnsslOn of the City of Yelm recommends approval by the City Council of the City of Yelm of the Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan and Conceptual Zoning Plan, subject to modificatl.ons and conditl.ons. PUBLIC HEARING: After revIewmg the apphcation, sIte plan and envrronmental checklist submitted by the apphcant, the Planmng Commission held a public heanng on July 18, 1994. TIns public heanng was extended to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meetmg on August 1, 1994. The Planmng Comrmssion held a public work session on August 4, 1994 at a specIal meeting of the Planmng Comnussion. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In February of 1993, the City of Yelm published an Environmental Impact Statement for the annexation and development of the Southwest Yelm area. That EIS conSIdered the Impacts asSOCiated WIth annexation as well as vanous conceptual developments scenarios. With this extensive environmental review in place, the City determined that an addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Statement would satisfy the need to reVIew additional information and analysis for this conceptual master plan review. On July 11, 1994, the City of Yelm issued an Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Southwest Yelm Annexatl.on. Based upon the eVIdence sub nutted , the testimony gIven, and the analYSIS of staff, the Planning Commission makes the following: FINDINGS: 1. Thurston Highlands Associates is the lead applicant requesting approval of the Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan. The Master Plan area encompasses 1,860 acres and is located northwest of State Highway 507, southwest of the downtown core of the City of Yelm, and southeast of the boundary of the Fort 2. LeWIS reservation. The Master Plan area consists of 37 ownership/parcels planned together as a single planning urnt. The Master Plan subnuttal mcludes text, maps and an envIronmental checklIst. The Master Plan map shows proposed land use designatIons, major transportatIon cIrculatIon routes, major phYSICal characteristics on the property, proposed phases, and property ownership boundanes. The applIcatIon follows the City of Y elm's Master Plan Ordinance requIrements. o 3 The Master Plan area was annexed to the City of Yelm on November 23, 1993. Pnor to annexatIon, the area was zoned under the County's Rural Resource ResIdential 1/5 zoning desIgnatIon. The Master Plan area IS currently zoned as RA-5A under Section 17.40020(c) of the Yelm MUffiCIpal Code, whIch also allows one unit per 5 acres. 4. Conceptual Master Plan approval is the first step m the Master Plan process. The purpose of conceptual reVIew and approval IS "to establish general land use policIes to gmde detailed planning for and development of the Master Plan area. The Conceptual Master Plan shall IdentIfy the generalized land uses, transportation and circulatIon routes, and services proposed for the SIte. n SectIon 5(A), Yelm Master Plan ReVIew Ordmance. ReVIew of the Conceptual Master Plan is performed first by the Planmng Commission and then by the City Council. Review is as follows: o The Planning Commission shall reVIew the application for completeness and, If It determines that the proposed Master Plan is conSIstent with the Comprehensive Plan and the City's other plans and policies, recommend approval by the City Council. If the Planning Comrmssion determmes that the proposed Master Plan IS not so conSIstent, it may either demand for modifications specifically Identified or recommend denial by the City Council. Conceptual approval by the City Council, upon a recommendatIon by the Planning Comnussion, shall consist of an amendment to the ComprehenSIve Plan and an amendment to the official zoning map. Section 5(B). 5. The effect of Conceptual Master Plan approval is as follows: Upon conceptual approval by the City Council, the proposed Master Plan boundanes, proposed use districts, transportation o FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF YELM - Page 2 c o 'f';'~ routes and case file number shall be identified upon the official zoning map. These distncts and routes shall only be effective upon approval of a Master Plan meeting the requrrements of Conceptual Approval and thIS Ordinance Section 5(D). 6. The Planning CommIssion held public heanngs to consider the Conceptual Master Plan on July 18, 1994 and August 1, 1994. Wntten comments were receIved through August 15, 1994. 7 The origmal Conceptual Master Plan submittal shows a planning area m excess of 200 acres in a smgle ownership. The Plan also proposes a mIXture of uses including single family residential, multl-family resIdentlal, general commercIal, neighborhood commercIal, and public facilitIes mcludmg schools, parks and water system facilitles. The apphcant proposes to serve the entrre Master Plan area with public services including transportatlon, water, sewage, storm dralnage, other utilitles and open space The subnuttal mcludes two proposed eIghteen hole golf courses and an eXIstlng public golf course, all mtended to be maintaIned as qualified open space. The submittal also includes two school sites, totalling 23 acres, and a five (5) acre park site. The subnuttal mcludes an area proposed for community servIce and commercial, for the purpose of siting fire, police, or other governmental services, If needed. The subIIll.ttal does not include any proposed industrial uses. 8. The Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan subnuttal proposes the accommodation of 5,000 dwelling umts, the number also used for considenng Impacts in the EIS. The Master Plan currently conSISts of 108 acres of multl- family and 948 of smgle family. 9. The City intends to analyze densities on the basIS of dwelling units per net developable acre. "Net developable acres II are the number of acres remaining after subtracting from gross area all land that is unbuildable because It is environmentally senSItive, park site, open space, transportation or utility comdor, or for any other reason IS Incapable of supporting development. 10. The applicant has proposed two areas for commercial uses. The first is an area near the intersection of the proposed Y -1 Comdor and the Internal maln loop road within the Plan area. The applicant currently proposes the designation of 51 acres as General Commercial in this area. The Planning Comrmssion receIved testimony expressing concern over the scale of commercial development in the Southwest Yelm area as a potential threat to existing commercial busmesses witlun the o current City of Yelm. A phasing plan for the buildout of commercial development FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF YELM - Page 3 in the Master Plan area was suggested in conjunction with this testimony. The Planning CommissIon heard testimony from the applicant that a severe limit on the scale of commercial structures would preclude any reasonable market for the 0 commercIal property. The applicant proposed a limit of 400,000 square feet of commercIal space In the Y-1 Comdor area and a cap of 40,000 square feet for one commercIal structure. The applicant would be agreeable to a phasing plan for the build out of commercial space In the Y -1 Comdor area. The Master Plan subnuttal also proposed the deSIgnatIon of five (5) acres near the clubhouse as CommercIal Service. The Staff Report has recommended that commercIal development In the commercial district near the clubhouse be limited. The applicant has acqmesced to an overall hmIt of 12,000 square feet of commercial space WIth a linnt of 3,000 square feet per commerCial structure In the clubhouse area. The Master Plan map has shown the deSIgnatIon of a 16 acre parcel on the property owned by Bosequette as General CommercIal. Staff has recommended the replacement of tIns designation WIth multI-family on the grounds that the additional commerCIal area is not necessary to serve the Southwest Yelm area and would unreasonably compete with and draw market share from the eXIsting busmess core of the City of Yelm. 11. The City is In the process of amending its Open Space and Park Ordinance to provide for the dedication of open space m the amount of five percent (5 %) of net built area m smgle family designations and ten percent (10 %) of net built area In muln-family designations. ApplYing the proposed amendment to the Open Space 0 Ordinance, the followmg apprmumate dedicatIons of open space will be requITed: Thurston Highlands ASSOCiates - 56 Acres Rainier Estates - 11 Acres Other Parcels - 16 Acres Some concerns among Planmng Commission members were raised that the pnvate golf course on the Thurston Highlands Associates parcel should not be included in the open space calculations because the golf course will be a pnvate golf course. ~ 12. The Master Plan submittal proposes that the Plan area be served entirely by public and private utilities, including sewer, water, electncity, telephone, and cable TV. 13. The applicant has shown the possible location for a future State Highway known as the Y -1 Corridor. The applicant has shown the route for an internal main loop road through the Plan area. The applicant has shown the dedication of nght-of- way access onto the Fort LeWIS military reservation in the locations shown on the Master Plan map. o FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF YELM - Page 4 c o o 14. In conjunction WIth the Annexation of the Southwest Yelm area, the applicant signed an agreement obligaung It to pay the costs of the City's Wastewater Reuse Program to the extent attributable to the annexed area. The City has obtained a Centennial Clean Water Act grant that reqUIres a local matching share. Staff has deternnned that the applicant's share IS forty percent (40 % ). Staff has noufied the applicant that fifty percent (50 %) of Its share is due by August 15, 1994. Staff recommends that, as a condiuon of Conceptual Master Plan approval, this payment first be made. The Wastewater Reuse Program will requITe areas of open land for lITigation. The proposed golf course m the Thurston Highlands AssocIates ownershIp is well-suited for such applicauon. Staff recommends that the Installation of water and sewer hnes necessary to serve the Plan area, as well as all the pertlnent faciliues, be constructed in phases concurrent with development. As such, staff also recommends that, pnor to final Master Plan approval, the City adopt an ordinance requinng installauon of sewer and water lines in phases as well as a latecomer agreement provIding for the reImbursement of the costs of such installation, also in phases. 15 The Planmng Commission received teshmony from the Yelm Commumty Schools that the proposed populations m the Plan area would require the construction of approximately seven new schools. The applicant has proposed two new school sites. CONCLUSIONS. 1. The Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan is consistent with the Master Plan Review Ordinance, Ordinance No. 495 of the City of Yelm, except to the extent necessary to modify the Plan as provided herem. 2. The environmental reVIew and documentation prepared by the City of Yelm for the Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan adequately describes the project, the impacts and potential mitigation. The Addendum to the Final EnvlTonmental Impact Statement for the Southwest Yelm Annexation, Issued on July 11, 1994, satisfies the State Environmental Policy Act and rules promulgated pursuant thereto. Parucular project specific impacts and nutigation will be idenhfied at the tIme of development review and approval. 3. The Staff Report accurately describes the proJect, background mformation, applicable regulatory requrrements, and analysis of staff concerns WIth the revisions noted herein. The Staff Report is attached as Exhibit A, and incorporated herein by reference. 4. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan by the City Council of the City of Yelm subject to the FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF YELM - Page 5 following conditions. These conditIons are Imposed to mitigate impacts identified by staff during Master Plan Review and EnvIronmental RevIew. The recommended conditIons are as follows: 0 A. Zomng. (1) Zoning In the Southwest Yelm Master Plan area shall be as designated in the attached ExhibIt B, Southwest Yelm Conceptual Zomng Plan. (2) The Conceptual Zomng Plan reflects the followmg changes from the last version of the applicant's Master Plan map: a. Conversion of approximately 13 acres north of Berry Valley Road from smgle family to multi-family. b. ConverSIOn of 16 acres owned by Bosequette from commerCIal to multI-family No other recommended changes to the last verSIOn of the applicant's Master Plan map were determined to be of ment based on planrung cnteria. B. Phasing l (1) The Southwest Yelm Master Plan area will be developed in phases as generally outlined in the attached ExhibIts C, D and E. o C. DensitieslDwelling Umts (1) The total number of dwelling units allowed in the Southwest Yelm Master Plan area shall not exceed 5,000 dwelling units. TIns overall maximum IS further allocated to each ownership WIthin the Master Plan area according to the attached Exhibits C, D and E. (2) The mimmum number of dwelling units in the Master Plan area shall be computed on the basis of 3.5 dwelling umts per net developable acre. Net developable acres IS the land measurement remaimng after subtracting open space, environmentally sensitive areas, parks, transportation and utility corridors, and any other unbuildable area. The minimum denSIty shall be applIed and enforced according to the minimum dwelling umts allowed by the attached Exhibits C, D and E. o FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF YELM - Page 6 c (3) Accordingly, therefore, development in the Southwest Yelm Master Plan shall be between 3,946 dwellmg umts and 5,000 dwelling units. D. TransportatIon and UtilitIes (1) TIns conceptual Master Plan approval requires the establishment of two Essenllal Utility and Transportallon Comdors. The Y-l Corridor will serve the park Site and school Site on the northern boundary and the commercIal property throughout the remamder of the Corridor. The second essentlal comdor is the main loop road that connects to State Highway 507, loops through the Thurston Highlands ASSOCIates parcel, intersects the Y-l Comdor, follows Berry Valley Road and connects to State Highway 510 at Killion Road. o (2) The Planning CommissIOn recommends the following mecharusm for dedicating the Essenllal Utility and Transportatlon Comdors. All property owners whose property will be burdened by the Corridors will execute a recIprocal easement for the Comdors that will gIVe each property owner the nght to use the Comdor on every other property. The easement will be executed pnor to City Council approval of the Conceptual Master Plan. The easement will give each property owner the right to dedicate the entIre stretch of the Comdor to the City in conjunction With Final Master Plan approval. Dedication will be requITed as a conditlon of final Master Plan approval. In addItion to the easement, the Planning CommissIOn requires a Concomitant Agreement, wherein Conceptual Master Plan approval by the City Council will be conditioned on executIon of the reciprocal easement. For purposes of the reciprocal easement, the Corridors will be described generally as shown on the Conceptual Zoning Plan. For purposes of final Master Plan approval, the Corridors will be fixed by the mechamsm described in the reciprocal easement. o (3) The main loop road runrung from the southwest to the northeast m the Master Plan area shall be constructed according to an ordinance, adopted prior to final Master Plan approval, requIring that the road be developed m phases assocIated with development. In those areas where the road is not yet constructed in full to serve development, the road will be constructed to sub-grade elevauon With a maIntenance coarse surface for the entire remaining length of the nght-of-way. The City shall also negotiate and adopt a latecomer agreement for the construction of tlns road in a manner that prOVides FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF YELM - Page 7 reimbursement according to the phases of construction. The applicant shall, as a conditlon of this approval, agree to Walve any and all protests to any such ordinance and latecomer agreement. 0 (4) The dedication of the Y-l Comdor will be a SIXty (60) foot right-of- way to the City In order to allow the potentlal future improvement to a State Highway, the City will Impose a fifty-five (55) foot setback from each sIde of the dedicated nght-of-way. This will ensure that structures are not constructed in the area that could potentlally serve as the State Highway. (5) Pnor to final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall provIde the dedication of the access pomts shown on the attached Exhibit B, Conceptual Zomng Plan. (6) All development wIth1n the Master Plan area will be served by the City of Yelm's sewer and water systems. All costs of such servIce extenSIOn and construcuon shall be borne by the applicant. All such utility servIce installations shall be deSIgned and constructed In accordance WIth the requirements of the City of Yelm, the Department of Ecology, the Department of Health, the applicable Fire Distnct and any other agency WIth jurisdictlon over such utilities. o (7) The applicant shall pay fifty percent (50 %) of its share of the local matching funds for the Centenmal Clean Water Act grant pnor to City Council approval of the Conceptual Master Plan. Thurston Highlands Associates shall agree to enter into agreements with the City to provide land acres for wastewater reuse applicatlons, under the tenns of the Wastewater Reuse Program. (8) Prior to final Master Plan approval, the City shall adopt an ordinance requinng the installauon of water and sewer lines necessary to serve the Southwest Yelm Master Plan area at the tlme of the first initial development within the area. The City will also negotiate and adopt a latecomer agreement for the reimbursement of the costs of installing such utility lines. The applicant shall, as a conditJ.on of this approval, agree to waive any and all protests to any such ordinance and latecomer agreement regarding the extenSIOn of sewer and water (9) The City will allow development of the Clubhouse and Restaurant in the Thurston Highlands AssocIates ownership on an approved septic o FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF YELM - Page 8 c c c system that is compatible WIth future hook-up to the sewer system, to the extent allowable by the Thurston County Health Code. E. CommercIal Development (1) Commercial development along the Y-1 Comdor of the Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan area shall be limited to a total of 165,000 square feet of floor space WIth no more than 40,000 square feet of commercial floor space attributable to anyone commercIal structure. The total of 165,000 square feet along the Y-1 Comdor shall be phased With development according to the followmg phasing plan: a. Fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of commercIal floor space will be allowed until the construction of 1,250 dwelling umts m the entIre Master Plan area IS complete. b. An additlonal fifty thousand (50,000) square feet of commerCial floor space will be allowed after the construction of 1,250 dwelling umts m the entrre Master Plan area, but before the constructlon of the Y -1 State Highway. ~ c. An addItlonal one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet of commercIal floor space will be allowed after the constructlon of the Y -1 State Highway. (2) Access to such commercial development from the main loop road shall be limited to no less than 300 feet from the intersection of such road With the Y-1 State Highway. No access to such commercIal development will be allowed from the Y -1 State Highway. (3) Commercial development witlnn the five (5) acre commercial designation near the clubhouse in the Thurston Highlands AssocIates ownerslnp shall be linnted to a total of 12,000 square feet of commercial floor space With no more than 3,000 square feet of commercial floor space attributable to anyone single commercial structure. CommercIal development in tlns area will be modeled on a neighborhood village concept. F. Open Space and Parks (1) Development wItlnn the Master Plan area shall comply with the City of Yelm Open Space Ordinance, as amended. Currently proposed FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF YELM - Page 9 amendments to the Open Space Ordinance require the dedication of five percent (5 %) of net built area in smgle family desIgnatIons and ten percent (10%) of net built area m multi-family designations. 0 (2) Thurston Highlands ASSOcIates shall dedicate the currently shown 10 acres of park In two 5 acre parcels concurrent WIth development accordmg to the City's level of servIce standards. See Exhibit C (3) In order to qualify the pnvate golf course In the Thurston Highlands AssocIates ownershIp as open space, the applicant must establish that mamtaimng It as a pnvate open space satIsfies all of the cnteria of the Open Space Ordinance, other than dedicatIon, and that It serves the purposes of the ordinance. A pnvate open space must be accessible to either the general public or the residents of the partIcular development. The Planning ComnnsslOn recommends that Thurston Highlands AssocIates select among the followmg requITed alternatIves. a. open the golf course membership to the general public or reSIdents of Thurston Highlands ASsocIates; b. create a system of trails throughout the golf course and dedicate such trail to the City for public use; or o c. dedicate an additional fifteen acres of park to the City under the terms of the Open Space Ordinance, as amended. (4) Although actual dedication will occur at the time of development, the Conceptual Zoning Plan and Conceptual Master Plan Map shall show the reservatIon of an additional eleven (11) acre park on the RaImer Estates property. Parks dedicated m the remaining parcels shall be in the amounts calculated pursuant to the Open Space Ordinance, as amended. (5) The applicant shall obtain from Thurston County all necessary permits for crossmg the trail recently acquired by Thurston County from Burlington Northern. G. Schools (1) The Conceptual Master Plan map and Conceptual Zoning Plan should show the reservation of a total of three school sites for future dedicatIon or purchase. The applicant has shown one fifteen (15) o FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF YELM - Page 10 c o c ~ ,..... acre school site and one eight (8) acre school site, both on Thurston Highlands Associates property. The maps should show a thrrd school site of at least eight (8) acres on Ralnier Estates property (2) The slung of all school SItes wlthm the Master Plan area shall fully comply with the standards Imposed by the Supenntendent of Public Instruction for the siung of school SItes. (3) In the event that any of the school sites reserved pursuant to tlns Conceptual Master Plan are determined by the School DIStnct or the City of Yelm to be unacceptable for the development of a school SIte, the School DIStrict may elect to Walve the reservauon and accept a voluntary agreement III lieu of such school SIte under the terms of RCW 82.02.020. (4) The school Sites reserved pursuant to tlns Conceptual Master Plan are not intended to serve as full compliance With any requrrement that the City or the developer make adequate provislOns for schools (i.e., impact fees, voluntary agreements, dedicauons, etc.). The reservations are intended to be minimum provislOns that form the starting place for ensunng that the impacts of any development in the Master Plan area are adequately mitigated. H. EnVIronmental Review (1) The mitigating measures Identified in the Final Environment Impact Statement shall be satisfied in the development of the Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan. Those mitigating measures are adopted herein by tlus reference and made a part hereof. 1. Procedural Issues (1) This Conceptual Master Plan approval does not include or imply approval of specific development proposals such as subdiVISIons, plats, SIte plans, or planned resldenual developments. Such specific development proposals shall be subject to the laws and regulations otherwise applicable, with the addiuonal requirement that they also shall satisfy all conditions of this Conceptual Master Plan that apply. (2) The Southwest Yelm Master Plan shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission every five years after the effecuve date of the City Council's acuon on the final Master Plan. The purpose of the review is to determine whether substantial completion of FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION., CITY OF YELM - Page 11 development is proceeding according to the Phasing Plan and whether such development is satisfying all conditIons of Master Plan approval. If development is not proceeding as planned or the 0 conditIons are not bemg met, the Planmng CommIssIOn may eIther extend the review penod or terrmnate the Master Plan approval according to the terms of the Master Plan ReView Ordinance. (3) Any major modIficatlon to the Master Plan will require Planning ComrmssIOn approval in accordance With the Master Plan Review Ordinance. (4) Each of the major planmng areas (Thurston Highlands ASsocIates, Ralmer Estates, and Other Parcels) may proceed mdependently with final Master Plan approval, provided that the overall requirements of tlns Conceptual Master Plan approval are satisfied. (5) Tlus Conceptual Master Plan approval shall take effect upon the executIon and recording of a Concormtant Agreement pursuant to conclUSIOn 4.D. herein. RECOMMENDA nON: The Planmng Commission of the City of Yelm recommends approval of the Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan by the City Council of the City of Yelm as modified and With the conditions of approval recommended herein. The PlannIng Comrmssion recommends adoption of the Conceptual Master Plan as an amendment to the 1985 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Yelm and the adoption of the Conceptual Zoning Plan as an amendment to the City's eXIstIng zoning map. According 0 the Master Plan Review Ordinance, such amendments will not be effectIve until final Master Plan approval. o PASSED AND APPROVED tlns 15thdayof August , 1994. 11><1 ~~~H= Tom Gorman Chmnnan (Acting) City of Yelm Planmng CommiSSIOn o FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF YELM - Page 12 c o o SOUTHWEST YELM CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN Summary of Thurston Highlands AssocIates OwnershIp Total Area: Wetlands: Golf Course:! Park:2 Schools: Water Tanks: Mam Loop Road: Reuse/recycle storage:3 Net Developable Acres: Required Open Space:4 1,240 62 370 10 23 2 30 30 713 557 Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Exhibit C Minimum DensIty: MinImum Dwelling Umts: Maxunum Density: Maximum Dwelling Units: 3.5 U nits/N et Developable Acre 2,500 Dwelling Umts 4.44 Umts/Net Developable Acre 3,166 Dwelling Units Population EstImate: Minimum - 6,250 MaXImum - 7,923 Phases: PHASE DESCRIPTION ACRES Phase 1 4,000 sf golf restaurant; - 150 seats Phase 2 Single Family 71 Phase 3 Single Family 34 Phase 4 Single Family 43 Phase 5 Single Family 31 Phase 6 Single Family 52 Phase 7 Single Family 35 Phase 8 Single Family 55 Phase 9 CommmercIal (12,000 sf 5 buildings) Single Family 15 Phase 10 Single Family 17 Phase 11 Single Family 42 Phase 12 Single Family 60 Phase 13 Smgle Family 48 Phase 14 Single Family 54 Phase 15 Multi-Family 32 Phase 16 Smgle Family 68 Phase 17 CommercIal (165,000 sf 15 buildings) TOTALS- 713 On-Site Improvements: A. Roads 1. Main Loop Road a. Execute reciprocal easement and conconntant agreement, for eventual dedication, prior to Conceptual Master Plan approval. b. Construct paved roadway to grade according to City of Yelm road specIfications to the clubhouse in phase 1 concurrent WIth development of phase 1. c. Construct paved roadway according to City of Yelm road specIfications for each phase adjacent to the roadway concurrent With such phase. d. Construct unpaved roadway to sub-grade elevation with a mamtenance coarse surface, according to City of Yelm road specIfications for remainder of roadway not serving Development. 2. Y-l Corndor a. Dedicate 60 foot nght-oi-way with 55 foot setbacks. b. Construct sixty foot roadway according to City of Yelm specifications concurrent with adjacent development. The entire roadway shall be o o o c c o B. constructed concurrent with development on the proposed school site, unless already constructed. Sewer and Water 1. Develop clubhouse/restaurant In phase 1 on approved septic drainfield and STEP tank deSIgned for future hookup to City of Yelm sewer system. All other development shall be directly served by the City of Yelm sewer and water systems. 2. Install sewer collection and water main lines along entrre route of Main Loop Road on-sIte when easement is dedicated and sewer and water capacIty are available. 3. Thurston Highlands Associates (THA) has assIgned water rights application. THA, and Its successors and assigns, shall bear all the costs of testing, drilling, monitonng, processmg the application and any other cost of successfully obtalmng water nghts on the basIs of the existing application. 1 See Conclusion 4.F.3 in text regarding choices on open space dedication 2. Dedicated in 5 acre parcels concurrent with development of first 6 places See Conclusion 4.F.2 3 Dedicated to the City concurrent with development as shown in Final Master Plan approval. 4. Calculated pursuant to Open Space Ordinance, as amended by current proposal SOUTHWEST YELM CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN Summary of Raimer Estates OwnershIp Total Area: Wetlands: Main Loop Road: School: Park: 1 Net Developable Acres: 262 50 8 8 11 185 Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Minimum Density: 3.5 Umts/Net Developable Acre Minimum Dwelling Units: 648 Dwelling Umts MaxImum DensIty" 4.44 Units/Net Developable Acre MaXImum Dwelling Umts: 822 Dwelling Units PopulatIon EstImate: Mimmum - 1,620 MaxImum - 2,055 Phases: PHASE DESCRIPTION ACRES Phase 1 Single Family 25 Phase 2 Single Family 14 Phase 3 Single Family 20 Phase 4 Single Family 16 Phase 5 Multi-Family 15 Phase 6 Single Family 43 Phase 7 Single Family 13 Phase 8 MultI-Family 13 Phase 9 Single Family 26 TOTALS: 185 1 Calculated pursuant to Open Space Ordinance, as amended by current proposal. ExhibIt D o o o o o c On-Site Improvement: A. Roads - MaIn Loop Road 1. Execute reciprocal easement and concormtant agreement, for eventual dedIcat.I.on, prior to Conceptual Master Plan approval. 2. Dedicate 120 foot right-of-way. 3. Construct paved roadway according to CIty of Yelm road specIfications for each phase adjacent to the roadway concurrent with such phase. 4. Construct unpaved roadway to grade accordmg to City of Yelm road specIficat.I.ons for remaInder of roadway not servmg development. B. Sewer and Water Install sewer collection and water maIn lines along entire route of Main Loop Road on-sIte when easement IS dedicated and sewer and water capacIty are available. ExhibIt E o SOUTHWEST YELM CONCEPTUAL l\1ASTER PLAN Summary of Other Parcels Total Area: Wetlands: Golf Course: Park: 1 Net Developable Acres: 358 29 86 16 228 Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Minimum Density: Minimum Dwelling Umts: MaxImum DensIty: Maximum Dwelling Umts: 3.5 Umts/Net Developable Acre 789 Dwelling Units 444 Umts/Net Developable Acre 1,012 Dwelling Umts Population Estimate: Development program Minimum - 1,973 MaxImum 2,530 10 - 20 years OWNER DESCRIPTION ACRES Steadman Single Family 15 Property Doyle Single Family 38 Property Multi-Family 22 Bosequett Single Family 19 Property Multi-Family 14 All Other Single Family 94 Parcels Multi-Family 26 TOTALS. 228 o (\ ~ 1 Calculated pursuant to Open Space Ordinance, as amended by current proposal. c c c On-Site Improvements: A. Roads - Mam Loop Road Construct paved roadway according to CIty of Yelm road speCIfications for each phase adjacent to the roadway concurrent WIth such phase B. Sewer and Water Install sewer collection and water main hnes along entIre route of M3.1n Loop Road on-sIte when easement IS dedicated and sewer and water capacity are available --~- -~- - --" -- - -~--- ~---~-- -~ - ~~---- --- ~ ~ City of Yelm ~ r'......-/ ~ ---~ ]05 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 )/()f(PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC WOFl<SESSl"ON ON DEVELOPil,!ENT STANDARDS JUL Y 18TH, 2.00 P M. cl"'rY HALL COUNCIL CI-IANBERSJIC* AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1994, 4:00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of minutes A~usi.; I, 1994 minutes not avai lable at the t~me of ms.! 1 ing V""" 1> (J. ("-' \) r-t-V::J Public Heating: Proposed Site-Plan for chango of use and upgr'ade in Central Business District Evistlng residential house at the corner of Rice St and Yelm Ave \., changed to of f ice space Sta'f f raper t enc 1 ceed ") #~ 3 Public Hearing: Proposed Site Plan fer change cf use and remodel within the Central Business District Formerly known as Rosano's Electric, change to b~kery/deli Staff report enclosed 4 ( ~, Annexation re~ue~t if' t, Public Hearing: Canal Rd Staff report enclosed @) Discussion and possible actio~: Proposed 1985 City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan Jim Blundell from Owens, Davies, Mackle will be on hand to present the staff report and answer questions 6 Op~n Space Ordinance: potential action 8/1/94, V' I\~ w.. '-\ ~ :>', \.t) ~.t-~ Public hearing was closed 7 Discuss Ch~ir P()sition--~ meeting time and next Planning Commission meet ing dat-e, due tc.--SeRt., 5..-- ~~ hO. 1 iday (/ W'\I\)~) c:: Note: Next Vis i on Workshop '- ~y'g.us-t-- 13, ;3: 30am - noon, Cafeteria YHS 8 9 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon reouest If you need special arrangemen~t.o attend 0,.. \.Jart-jcipate in this Ineet1ng, please contact Agne~lombo, City Clerk. at 458-8404 Recyckd paper (\ ~ -,- ~ _~ -----;---.-"""7 -.----------\.-:- --:- .,.---~,---:"0'7',-" City of Yelm c c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 ~~PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC WORK SESSION ON DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, AUGUST 1, 2: 00 P M J CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS~~ AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Au.~.1 MONDAY, JblL'( 1&, 1994, 4:00 P M Y~LM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS~ 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of minutes July 18, 1994 enclosed in packet (Minutes of Apri 1 4, 1994 enclosed) 2 Public Hearing: Berry Valley Estates preliminary plat Staff report enclosed 3 Public Hearing: Open Space Ordinance amendment. Enclosed in packet 4 Final Plat Approval Recommendation: Crystal Springs Estates Ken Garmann will be available at the meeting to give a staff report 5. Public Hearing continued from 7-18-94: Proposed 1985 City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan review and approval Jim Blundell from Owens., Davies, Mackie will be on hand to present the staff report and answer questions 6 Other 7 Note: Next Vision Workshop - August 13, 8:30am - noon, YHS Cafeteria. 8. Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, August 15, 1994, 4:00 PM * !?eC)'ekd paper Agenda tteml \'\ot"\o~ t-lo. t.'ng ,,'a' ,.".d " ,rder ., , O'p' bY ."i'" ,!:he mee:l- ~ chair ,!:om Gorman Robert.a Longmire, Joe flud- ,.rober, pre'e~' 5J c~;',e"erlY .,d Su,'le cl.r' dlest.on, ,!:om ~orman, a ~~hn Rinnee, ,!:om cundY and ~embers not. in at.t.endance George Rnight. and Jess floffman, Jim parKer,_ GUe'" S,h "", G.yle.. e" "ed "reid, ,.ul S,e.d ,.ryC'U Cle."" Jane' s1"""de'" cr.i" se.r' , J,hn "', ". ,.""n"" J" .iller, G'Y ,e'hY' G"Y T>,her" '!:homson, Denn:l-s,Su, DOn and Jim LOger~U:l-st. . h Ren Garmann, Gene St.aff ShellY Badger, Lynn fla:l-g , Borges and '!:y pet.erson . nS were not.ed on , 'V" ~ c,rre'e'~99' "eein" , 9.-3', eJ ~de ~ ;;'.;, ~":",'_3S eJ """" 01" 00< ..- cutUt'L p.aS'!:A:tllEil .....il ... ' V:r.!o'll '!:1\!o '!:APES !oil B'L ltOBE?'!:A 1.ONG1o\:r.1l$ <r~'!: ,.0<100 s< eJ """", ,.~~" ... ..,,,",,,,, .,<" CI"''"'C- <r1\!. 1o\:tN1l'!:!oS OF JUl.'! 18, 't:tONS NO'!:E'O . _ se' V.l e e,e.ee' prel. . · publ c flea :l-n m\lar session and . ~,~ mo~ Gorman closed t.he re~- p,ct.l-ng cva~" " ... opened t.he hearing at. 4 Q1pm . .ve ehe ,e." re""re ,n eh' T< ,eeere,n, c,eY "an~e'\ " ,UbdiVl'i,n ",.eed " ehe pr""" '" . 11-1,e ~"~e ."r"",,e"Y 3 bl"" Mrch,e,e "de "co",.,t c.~, ""e ,.,.iv.d .FP""- soueh"".t " ,e1ft ~ve . he , ,h of '" Aft<< ,..,e- ei" ,or chi' ,,,,,,,tv,.,>,n m.~Ciey ,eeeivad · r,vi,,'d at.ions wit.h t.he app~:l-cant.' f ~4' second applicat.ion :l-n ~aY 0 "nin" i' .ul'i-,,,"l' vieh ehe .,e' ,..d u,e v.,..e plat.. . . e' ehe ".e, ,p.,,,,eoe hoild- CO coe notCh, ,m",e "",;11 ,..",ilY ",an' CO ehe .ouch ing' " ehe .,oehe..e .no , ~, ehe g,l' c,o"e and ~e5t. wit.h t.he e~cep~:l-on . , . ...," he """"odaeed ..ied 2 ,coil' ,ee on" par\<.:l-ng ~~...... ~ r are available, wit.h the CiCY 0' ,elm .e~e' ,nd ~"ed di""ed" ,n ,ice st.orm~ater ~o be t.reat.e an s ace reauirementS wit.h on- "he pr'pO'" meee' ,he ,~~,"iOO.,c'miCig'ei'n "oin" ne",e""'" ,or · .' . . . . . . nifi"nee (""y need e' he m'C'- . Deceum,n.e"n oC .,n.,g < ,d.ee<miO.c,on h" n'C gat.ed) is e~pected, howeve-, been made . ." ,elm "auoiog ue,.rtmenc SCO" AU~ <he C,tY i eta che "quiranent' ,ot ~'e vhi,e ehe ,ropO" ",. eot'Ogh ,cceet ,com devel"mene, eh' c,o,eUU,c"ns~reee vaold be,e ,etve ehe .e,tY v.lleY RO.d en c..'l"i~~, ~,oid ,c"ide the CitY au cie, in ,h" "eo.e"n e "n,ero,eed " eh,e ,e d,e: ",o,ut.oe "n,.,nd "oid h,'i' ,.,eeY pc'bleo' ,he" .,e ,ce.ce ce.,de.e'" c,a oe ,ee.in,ng , neighb,rh,'d ,ii"n' ,eel' .e,onglY '~h eO de,el" ehe ,r"erey ~,eh 'h...,eer end d,e' ooe ~, h ,eceee i' noe 'bca,o~Pie . chr,o"h ,ereee " , 'hUO~;,M' eo "torn eM _o,,"h- ,r ehe 'i.nnin" co"""e,onh ".nning De,.ecoene ,eel' horh"d ,M'''c'' ' eh" ~~:, .iteunaei,e eM DeO..",ent t.'"at. t.his n:COposal :l-S t.he ag~eement. on flowever, " e" , va ,ome en an . . - and the l'.ppl:l-c:an~ "a d d't.ioni.ng anY approval t.o :l-n the Cit.Y would reco!l'lllen con:l- ,'Ude .de " ehe ."eee .nd .,c", 1 Sidewa~kS on one s:l- ire St. ehe 'r,oe."e ,n CO~~,'i" A,e (s"') ."rov.' 2. St.at.e ~nv:l-ronment.a ~"'ent. period if one is nec- and subject. to t.he Co"." e.,atY. d.t"n' " ."r"" ,r,m , ",,,,,,,enda".oo' 0.' c';':.';';re "o,erein" chi' ,r'- t.he Cit.Y ~ng:l-neer:l-ng ". ".al . e' ,onne,e " e<i,eio" li.e 4 \'lat.er line e~t.ens:l-on ,. Se,e, VaileY ".d .ved ,rom EellY E.,ci', T1 "mmeoead on ehe ,eon,e ~~';~lm co,",ehen.ive .,aU" S'i"in",/coun"lY ,he i9. Ciey" ,elm re,O"n"e, oore..i" Fl~ ,toe" e~a"e~~coOghoUe coe cieY not onlY ehae i"""mg ,oune"'" . ut .1" iO'''.... ehe "n" redu,e' era"i' "n"e',"" ;he,e"re ehe cieY ,ill i"- " u.ieY " ,he ,0""uo,tY d d-eod ~,re.e" 10'" a.d it ,he u" " ,ul'on'''''' eO lhe ciCY vill ...' " ot.her designS t.hat. to~ll\ bga~r:::;fi.C upon resident.ial ne:l-- ,ioi-'" """re 0' e. roU eo" "tv'" ,.dir'" gnon,h"d' hY e,,'Oy,ng ~rc'~ ,;r ,he'cieY .ill eo'ouc- a"e,' ,ooe" and ~eh" dea~~ : "n.e,ei,n' eh.t ,c,vida age t.he use of t.ra:l-ls an 0 e o o .~ ?_~~~NG co~~SS~ON 1o\~NU~ES ~E~" ~... 994 4 00 ? ~ 1o\ONPl\.'L, l\.UGUS't l, 1 r C..~.n>.ERS ~Et.1o\ C~,!:'L ~ couNC:t!.W"-- i. 94.-38 2. ~'EUI ~V.flfllllU COl'l~l~~lOfl ,uqu" ~ ~9'1. o ehe .ew de,iq> ,f ehe videning " ".d', nid.w.'k' w,uld be required for bot.h sides of t.he road ~ ".ced ".e deVel'P""" ,,,.datd' "gatding . ",al a,ne" ,ereen f" ine.rn.l ".dw.ya ,nlY r.qui,e sidewalks on one side of the st.reet. ~ que,eion.d i' . ,hrOu"h aere.e w., pue in, w,uld ,hia nh.."e 'ha ,equir.wen,a ,,' aid'V"'" meaning one on each side of the street. ~ ae.,.d ehia .,uld .oe ,h.ng. 'de ,equ"..en' aa ie wouid ,eill he "n,ide,ed ",.1 ."eaa ..d eh" ehe" v,old n" b' en'Ugh ,c.,'i' on ie eo ".,ai'Y it .a a collect.or ~ ,.1' ,h.e on" p",le ",uld une ehe "rough ,ereee ., . heeeer v'Y " gee co eh' ..in high"Y e' .v- oid t.he t.raffic problem on Longmire ~ elatified eM "quire..n" " intat"nn.et- ing ,<,,,,, in oM citY " ,elm C,,,pcehen,CVe "ana,""- ,i,n ".n e' allevi.ee ehe er."'o ,. ,elm RighV'Y .nd eh.e ,he ,W ,elm "ne<.ei,n h" ,r,,,,ed ""e,e,r ".d e' "n.e,e " ,errY vall'Y Rd .nd 'hr,ugb '0 ehe ,elm aighway ~ ,ue GO,e, "",n.ne fO' eh' auPdiwi,i,n, ,e.e.d 'd.t ehe "i"in.' d.,iq> "r ehe ,rojeet ahOved aidaw.,ka ,n b,'h aidea " ,ha ,er..e .nd h.d noe ".nued "r · "nue,e" ,ereee throO"h ,he ,updiviaion " " ,ee, the ""oiet ,.,- identi., "..unitY" .e.,,,,here Ai'" ,he toe" a eul- ,00 .,uld he ,a,er f,r ,hildr.n Rra GOre ,....noed ,n ehe p,'hl'" Olympia and C.,.y .,e haviog vieh eh"Ugh streetS in subdivisions ~ .,ked vhether eh' ,ie, h.d ,.<"ired .nY ,'h.r auPdiwi,i,n ",,,n.ne e' in,e." ,ideV.,ka ,n h,eh aidea ,f ehe ,t,e.e ,nell, B.d"er ,e.eed eh.e ,h' ,iCY h.d one required ,ideV.,l<a on bOeh ,ide> " 'M ,ereet, ,ine' u,e ,f eh' neV dI.'e d.vel,p.ent ,eand.rd', 'r" ..y ,eh- ., .,pli,ane of . ,updivi'i,n ,f Chi' aire, hue, ,ere.in- lY v,uld n,e di",urage 'he ,r,pn..ne i' eh'Y ,h"aa e' do so ~ <".atiO.ed ,h' ",aibiliey of cwo .n- er.n,ea " ,he p,o,ere' .nd i' .. ene"n,e "uld g' thr,u"h Tr.,r B TY ,ee.r," illueeraeed ,. ehe dr''- i.9 ,h.t a lOOP ,o.d "uld p',aihiY be hoile vieh <0' S.illin"a .,.l.ining ehe ide' 0' . "ad 'hr.ugh "r.,e . v,uld n,e he .",ved .a ie v,old he eo' ,l,ae e' ehe McKenzie st entrance on to Longmire o e.a. ,f travel heev.e. oeighh"h,'d' .nd ,o.munie, ,e.- t.ers !n deeetOi.in" vhere ie i' "a,ei,al CO "n.e,e neV aeraeea vieh .<iaei'" ,nee, ehe Ci'Y vill deeermine wheeh.r ehe .eri" ,ueveigh ,he deoeri" of ehe vh,le pa,..g. .nd .heehe, ehe ,onn.,ei,n "uld he in ehe heae ine.reee ,f hoeh ehe CueY a' ,.rge .nd 'he neighbOrhOOd The cie, "n,ider. ehe ,oll,vin" i"O" vhen dee,tOinin' a new st.reet. connect.ion 1 AdeqU'" ."e" ..d ,ir,ula'i,n f" ,ubli' ,er- vice vehicles 2 width of roadwaY 3 '!:opOgraphY and environment.al const.raint.S 4 Sight. dist.ance , Cik,'ih"d of dive,ein' .igni'i,.ne ,r"'-"wn arterial t.raffic ontO local neighbOrhOod st.r- eet.s sever.l "ine, indieae' ie i. de,i,.ole e' h'V' ,everal ,oo.e,ei,.a '0 come "", ,r.'fi' d,e' n,e h'V' e' u,e are,ri" .e"ee' e' ,ir,ul.ee vithi. ehe neighbOrhoOd Thi' i' ehe ,.,e if the nei'hh,rh'odV""" ."ea' anY ,uture ,ommer'i" devel".e.e .e Be'ry v.ll.Y ROod a.d yelm Avenue "'0 S,il in ' _ Skillin ,C,nn' .,.e.d 'h.e ehe va,er line e<tenai" i' ,a,e 0' 'he Ciey ,! ,e" com,,'he.,iVe ..eer plan ,eeo_nd.ei,ea '" vaear tloV ",,,vawen" on a cit.Y wide basis ~ ..,ed " "er' v.. . vaear line on ",n"- ,",e S' ., pe,er"n ,e.eed ,haC y" ,here V" · v.eer line ,n c,ngnire St , hut v.,n'e ,ore h'V f.r d'vn ehe street. it. waS ~. "...need eh.e ehe eai,ein" v.ee' line ,n congnire vould ,rohaPlY have eo he up-ai,ed eo handle che flOWS ~ ~ ,raced he va' verY "nooreed .inh eM eraffi' in ehe .re. n'V ..d eh,e thi' ,ubdivi.i,n v,uld .u,elY iU'- ore"e the e,e"i' "he,e a" ...y 'hildr.n i. Chi' .te. and ,he in,re"ed er,ffi' ,.y p',e , ,.,.ty ,rohlan H' "....ted ehae he doe,n'e believe LOn,",,' ser.ee "uld hand,e ehe i..,,,,ed ,raf'i' ..0 au",,,, ehe ide' ,f an interConnecting st.reet ~ ae.eed ,h.e ehere i' ,n' duple< e<i,ein" ,n eh' ,ie' .'v vieh John "",.,n ,..eioniU" there i' .", one hOUse on t.he site ~ "..eneed th.e he ,"der,e"d chat vieh YEUI PVl'NIHli COKKISSloN i\uqu,s.t ", 1994 YEUI PLANNING C(ll\I\lSSloN ~ugust 1, ~994 o e'" ,l.oe ,n green helt' and ehe eV' purF',e' vere ehe ae,eheei' v.,ue a"und ehe ,u..unieY and to ..,e re"eae- ii,n" ..d ,lay .,ea' .iehi. ehe ,Uhdivi,i" "e ehe ,hild,en .nd ,eei' chi' "din.n,e ",e' a" "n,e,e, of t.hese discUssLons Shell" B'~ ,taeed eh.t ehe ,u,rent ,pen.,pa,e o,di- ~o,e in the he,t intere,e " the "ey a' ,e "aatau pri"aC< ".n ""au ehat vouid not he n.mearned A' v,icean no., vieh ehe "en "a,e.al1,.ed t' be.u,ad fo' dr.in.ge, (UP t' 15')' ee' ,e e' n,e ae,ehet".'lY appealLng sin Blunde11 ,o..eneed ,h.e if tha ,iCY ,.qui,a' in ea- ~ar' , ie v,uld me,e ,en,e f" eoe ,iCY e' ea,e ove' chi' ana,e and ..ine.in ie Ie vould ,u,b eh' u,e- lessness of thiS ground Shell' .adQO< menei,oed eh.e ie i' .t ehe ,ity' , di"re- ~the' ."e,e ,pen "a,e .nd p.r" en deo,ei' populared are" or "lla'" ene ,eecin-llau ,f, and if the Cie, a"enead the ,pen ".,e v,th,n ehe ,laC et .,uld have e' .eee the ,rieeri' required oy the "tY J,' Blundell ,tatad thi' .,uld ail'V eha ,iCY t, pl" ,oe che ".oe' ,.. ....."G """,,19"'" -... _ues"" , ... .....' "'" VI"" ,..,... D19CUSS "'" ,,... ..".."AL ,c"OO " _ VO" OF , ..~_"... '" -" 'UGU" 15 MEE't:tNG o AS curr< menei,ned eh.e ,he under,eOOd eh.e · oul-de- ~..r' ",ferred hy tha e.erge.'Y ,erv"e' and lav en"r,anene ."an,iea ., .ete",n e<pl.,ned ,har ie va' a,euallY ehe "pO,iee ,he emergen'y ,etv"e, ,eel a eh"u"h ,e,aee ,r,vide, eh" .,eh .n alta,n.e,ve access BU' ia Cl.r' "..e.eed ,. the ,l.nning ",mei"i,n' ,," ~e ehr'U"h .e,eae' p"vided m ,ub_dev"e,n' t.o alleviat.e the t.raffiC on yelm ~ve '!:he public hearing waS closed at 4 33pro ,.0<100 s< _.." "",G'"'' "D S,",O""" " ,,, FA"-' """ _ nEC19"'" 00 ",19 ......"G .. "'s"'..... "",," , .... .""" 19 "",,,,,,,, .., - .-0"" .. "'" -",,,,. ".... eJ """.. v",eD 0'" '" ",,,,,,.. "'" D.C19100 ~o,!:!.ON C1JUl!.:Etl "tin" ,hai' ". GO...n ""ed the ra,",.r ,e"i,n and opened the hear Lng at. 4 36pm Jio . undell oveno D.Via' .a,kie e<Pl.ined thAt ehio ",cu_.t ,_ u, duri.g ,ca" vor' ch.e v.. hem" d'no o. ehe ,onorehe,'ive ,la. i. 'el.ei~n t, ~ar'o and "en ,pa,e Thi' ,rdin.n,e v,uld ...,...,.,y v,eh o,en op.ee and ,arK' .ieh eh'O ,n .,.d, stO ,a.d ehe 'h~n"e' ..de eo a.,h ,acei,n of tni' "di...,e Qua,trona and ,on,etn' vere .noWered hy Jim "U.del" ShallY ..~ger and 'Y peeer,on 'he,e ",n,ern' regarded ehe ,pe"no of ehe devel,per e' dedi,.ea the o,an.".ce, b'V'u" "a,a e' he dedi,aeed and ehe ,aa ,n "eU " dedecae"n 'Y paeer"n requa,eed ,one .ddieion" deleti,no .nd ,1.,- ificat.ionS t.o t.he draft. ord:l-nance ~ S' ,.dd'..... ougpnrt' ehe ,rdin."a and ., · ,elm ~ory committaa ...nar feal' ,e would g,ve eha ,at" de,aremene an ,,,,,,unitY to """..cut i.,roV""ene, idaneified in ehe ,ueu,a ,a,ieal f.,el,e,ao ,la. C ai se.r' ,. yel ne'. ,...eneed ,n hi' ".,erna .ieh eha 5' linie.ei..a on "",ermeabla ,urf',a, Re feel' Chi' "Y ha lidiei.. e' .11OV 'or eeun""oreo, h.,'eepall "ure', eee .nd .o.ed vn.e ebe l""e.e,,no .,old ha ,n ena g'" "or,a ,r",aed "r ,beer ,r"eut Jim .,unde" oe.eed ch.e eha ,,'f "o"a e' n.e "o.,d- ered ., ,aut " the re"Ui,ad ,pen ".,e o,"Ul.e,.n ~ "..eneed ,n ehe ,a.t diocu,ai,n, eh.e UQ\iC ~earin- - one ent.. 94-39 4 c~~ ~ Ken G....n. "ave eh' oe.ff ,eO'ut ., ,,'l'V' ,teer et." "vieW " tno tinai ,laC .""eatine, .. r"- ,...nd ehae eh' Cie, C,un,il ".diei'O"lY ."r,ve ehe fin" plae, pa,ed opOn . fav"ahla ,,,,..e.dae,,n ,,0' eha ,'annin" co..i,'i'n ,.viev" ehe ,l.e h'o haen "noteeed b1 S'illin"' I c,an"lY (..an' .oedCU, ..,'a" ,0'- al ".d survey") .ed ,.n G...... a' pohlee .,r'o D"e'- e,rIRa.,th Offi,er Ba,.u,e eha ,i.e " "" oerved hy tha yel< ,eVa' ,y,ea. a.d the ere...ene pl.ne i' fullY "eraei,n." ehe,a i' n' .aed '0, 'hur,e,n c,~neY Re.,eh pep.",mene .i"".eur" and eertrfreatr'''' a' m ebe ,,,e , '.arraney ,,,,...ene' (vhi" vil' he required ne all 'i'" ,1aeO), eh.e v.rr.ne' eha dedi,aeed ,ereee', ,ub- li' utilieie' .nd ocher ",orovemeneo ,,' a ~e",d." 1 ya.. ,ro. ene d... " ,,,,., ol.t approval urll he ","ad .illo " ,.,e ("r .aeer and ,eWer) h.ve bee. ,womieead sereee dedi,.ei,no and a,-huile a."ine,ring dr.vin"' are 3 ~.\J'\ pv.~~ltlG col'>l'<ISSIO~ ~UlluS< 1 1994 ~.\J'\ pv.NNl~G CO~~lSSlO~ A.U9ust ,\, '\994 o 94-40 being reviewed and approved for this plat STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Recommend that the Planning Com- mission recommend Final Plat Approval to the Yelm City Council and that the City Council grant final plat appro- val for Crystal Springs Estates with the fOllowing cond- itions to be met prior to signature by Mayor Wolf and fi- nal recording by the County Auditor's Office 1 Signatures by the County Assessor, County Treas- urer and Public Works Director as required The County Assessor is reviewing the final plat upon signature by Mayor Wolf, the final plat, plat cert- ificate, warranty agreement and bills of sale will be re- corded with the Thurston County Auditor's Office As per Yelm Municipal Code Section 16 04 150, it was rec- ommended that one building permit be issued for the plat, due to the conditional final plat approval, until such time as the plat if signed by Mayor Wolf and recorded MOTION BY EJ CURRY AND SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE TO RECOMMEND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF CRYSTAL SPRINGS ESTATES TO CITY COUNCIL MOTION CARRIED 5 Public Hearincr - Proposed 1985 Citv of Yelm Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan Review and Approval continued from the Julv 18. 1994 meetincr. At 5 30pm the public hearing continued Jim Blundell. Owens Davies Mackie gave a short overview of the intent of this public hearing and explained the proposed project in the SWYelm Annex area Shellv Badcrer reminded everyone that this hearing was to solicit public comments and that this hearing would be closed today with a continuation of the planning commis- sion regular meeting and/or workshop to August 4, 1994, 3 30 pm EJ Curry, also a Thurston County Planning Commission member, excused herself from this hearing Public Comment Section John Huddleston commented on behalf of the Board of Dir- ectors, Yelm Chamber of Commerce, regarding the commerc- ial development within the proposed plan He stated that he understood that commercial growth would be limit- ed along the alternate route and asked that the integri- ty of the existing commercial corridor within the city be maintained He understood that the alternate route YEUl PLANNING COMKISSION August 1, 1994 o o would be limited access roadway and that it was origin- ally planned for only a neighborhood convenience com- mercial area Also that Thurston Highlands is propos- ing 40,000 sf initially for a single tenant rather than the 25,000 sf initial city staff request The Chamber of Commerce recommends a phasing of commercial as res- idential units develop Phasing of commercial leaves options open for the developer and the city, so the area does not become a point of destination and detract from existing commerciai Gavle Hoffman asked whether the zoning had been decided upon for their property Shelly Badger illustrated on the map the proposed zoning and requests made by prop- erty owners and states that the entire annexation area is considered when the zoning decision is made Tom Gorman commented that it must be understood that not all property owners will be accommodated with their re- quest for zoning, but that all requests will be taken into consideration John Thomson. Yelm School District responded to questions asked at previous meetings regarding the projected number of schools needed and children to be served for the next 20 years per the Yelm School District Capital Facilities Plan The student population will grow by approximately 6,000 students during the next 20 years within the dist- ricts boundaries The largest growth will occur within the urban growth boundaries of the City of Yelm, 4,000 students The remaining student distribution will be 1,300 students in Thurston County and 700 in pierce Co This growth will require the construction of six new ele- mentary schools, three intermediate schools, two middle schools and one high school 3 elementary schools and a set aside of 15 acres for a possible future middle school were initially planned (EIS) for the annexation area The school district feels not enough land has been set aside currently and stresses the need to ded- icate sites now instead of having to acquire at a fut- ure time Mr Thomson illustrated on the map the loc- ation of the Yelm/Rainier school district boundaries, but clarified that the statistics provided are for the entire 1853 acres of the SW Yelm Annex Gav Newbv asked if Berry Valley Estates was within the SW Yelm Annex, area Shelly Badger illustrated on the map that it was not in this area Craicr Sears. representative for Thurston Hicrhlands & Associates, reported on several issues being solved with- in the proposed area The Y-l route as currently propos- ed is in the best location possible Other potential routes will encounter significant wetlands, and the YEU. PLANNING COH"ISSION August 1, 1994 o crossings will make it difficult to obtain permits and funding They are currently working with staff to re- solve density allocation issues outside the Thurston Highlands ownership They have proposed to construct full improvements to the loop road fronting each phase as it develops, and to grade the remainder to approach- ing final subgrade for access Whatever utilities are installed are designed for ultimate development for the area and he asked for flexibility in utility phasing in order to obtain the financing necessary to build the project All commercial would be consolidated around the Y-l corridor, exceot for the small node area near the golf course club-h~use and they do not object to the phasing of commercial development Mr Sears commented on the tax base structure regarding the commercial area to make sure it will support the number of residential users They will be working with the school districts on boundaries and other issues Thurston Highlands has provided 2 sites on their property for schools, one on 8 acres and one on 15 acres There will be three, five year breakdowns, for construction of the project The first five years would consist of 1504 units with 1538 ERU's, the second five years at 2060 units, 2202 ERU's, and the third five years with 2319 units and 2288 ERU's with hope of the first five year phase to begin August of 1995 Jim Blundell reminded everyone that the planning commis- sion had not seen these figures and the staff had yet to review this information He also clarified the (5,000) maximum and minimum number of units John Huddleston commented that the Chamber of Commerce recognizes the tax base issues and are concerned where the tax base is created and when it will occur 6 The public hearing was closed at 6 25pm Next Vision Workshop will be August 13, 1994, 8 30am to 12 00 noon at the YHS Cafeteria This planning commission meeting will be continued on August 4, 1994 at 3 30pm, Yelm City Hall Respectfully submitted, 0~#~ YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1994, 3:30 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS YELIl PLANNING COKKISSION August 1, 1994 o o This meeting was a continuation of the August 1, 1994 regular planning commission meeting Members present Roberta Longmire, Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston and Buffie Clark Members not in attendance EJ Curry, Pat Fetterly, John Kinnee, Tom Cundy, George Knight and Glenn Blando Staff Shelly Badger, Lynn Haigh, Gene Borges, Ken Gar- mann and Ty Peterson Guests Sandy Mackie, Jim Blundell, Tom Skillings, Craig Sears, John Huddleston and Dennis Su DUE TO THE LACK OF QUORUM, THIS MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 3 40 PM AND A WORKSESSION BEGAN Please note that this worksession was taped and the in- formation provided in these minutes are a brief outline of the issues discussed 1 Land Use a minimax densities b proposed zones c commercial sf build-out 15,000 first phase 50,000 at 50% 100,000 at Y-1 completion 2 Public a b c Facili ties schools/open space utilities-sewer/water roads-loop/internal Site plats and zoning have to respond to planning commis- sion criteria, iej lot sizes, open space, etc All services must be available for each phase of project Amenities come along with densities Low densities would require septic with high densities to allow for affordable sewer Higher density is needed to make the sewer profitable and is required for residential development in this area Adequate services must be available in order to develop plats (concurrency) Need to structure development standards and plan the phasing of the commercial build-out within the annexa- tion YELH PLANNING COI1MISSION August 1 1994 (\ ~ (\ v c Agenda Item/ Motion No 1. 94-32 94-33 94-34 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JULY 18, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The Meeting was called to order at 4:06 pm by chairman John Kinnee. Members present: Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire, Pat Fetterly, Glenn Blando, EJ Curry, George Knight, John Kinnee and Tom Cundy. Members not in attendance: Buffie Clark, Joe Huddleston. Guests: John Thomson, LeeAnne Campbell, Erling Birkland, Jim Blundell, Sandy Mackie, Tom Skillings, Dennis Su, John Huddleston, Craig Sears, Rich Arnold, Pat Purvis, Mr. & Mrs. Parker, Mr, Hendrickson, Marylou Clemens, Grace Yuan, Anthony Bontrager, Robert Eggert and Gail Hoffman. Staff: Shelly Badger, Lynn Haigh, Ken Garmann and Gene Borges. Approval of minutes: EJ Curry questioned the status of the minutes for the April 4, 1994 meeting. Shelly Bad- ger stated they were still pending, but being worked on by Ty Peterson, Planner. Sandy Mackie, attorney for the city, stated that the July 7, 1994 meeting was to be considered a workshop rat- her than a meeting due to lack of quorum and no business could be attended to. He clarified that hearings could be held, but no action could be taken until a meeting where a quorum was present. He stated that members not in attendance at the hearing, must have reviewed the re- cord of the hearing to vote on the proposal. MOTION BY GEORGE KNIGHT, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN THAT THE MINUTES OF JUNE 6, 1994 BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY EJ CURRY, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN THAT THE MIN- UTES OF JUNE 20, 1994 BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY GEORGE KNIGHT, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN THAT THE MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP, JULY 7, 1994 BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Decision on Yelm Builders Supply Site Plan Glenn Blando, Planning Commission member, left the room for the vote on his proposal. f\ G f\ o c 94-35 94-36 94-37 MOTION BY EJ CURRY, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY THAT THE YELM BUILDERS SUPPLY SITE PLAN BE APPROVED. MOTION CAR- RIED. TOM CUNDY ABSTAINED. 3. Decision of Yelm Dental site Plan Remodel Absent members, John Kinnee, Ej Curry and Tom Cundy, of the July 7, 1994 workshop, stated they had review- ed the written minutes and tape. MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY GEORGE KNIGHT THAT THE YELM DENTAL SITE PLAN REMODEL BE APPROVED. MO- TION CARRIED. EJ CURRY AND TOM CUNDY ABSTAINED. 4. Decision on 13-1ot Preliminary Plat of prairie Heights, Division 3 Absent members, John Kinne and Tom Cundy, of the July 7, 1994 workshop, stated they had reviewed the written minutes and tape. Commission member, Ej Curry, project proponent, left the room for the decision. MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO THAT THE 13-LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT OF PRAIRIE HEIGHTS, DIV.3 BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. TOM CUNDY ABSTAINED. 5. Public Hearing: Proposed 1985 City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan Review and Approval. Chair John Kinnee closed the regular session and opened the hearing at 4:18pm. EJ Curry, Thurston County Planning Commission member, ex- cused herself from this hearing. Sandy Mackie, Owens Davies Mackie, attorney for the City of Yelm, explained that the current Comprehensive Plan needs to be amended to include the SW Yelm Annexa- tion Master Plan for the entire area and reminded those in attendance that this master plan is conceptual only and is consistent with the final EIS and can be changed prior to the Final Master Plan. This public hearing is to ask whether or not this conceptual plan should be a part of the 1985 comprehensive plan and to hear public testimony to accept, reject or modify with changes. This hearing will be continued on August 1, 1994 and no action will be taken on any issues discussed prior to the closing of this hearing on August 1, 1994. Public Comment Section: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JuLy 18, 1994 ~ ~ Pat Fetterly asked whether the proposed school sites within the annexed area were Yelm or Rainier school dis- tricts. Sandy Mackie stated that the SW Yelm area is within both the Yelm and Rainier school districts and that there are on-going discussions between the two jur- isdictions and that a decision is not required at this time. Craig Sears, Thurston Highlands Assoc. explained that the main loop road proposed for the SW Yelm area would be built in conjunction with the development project, in phases, with the remainder of the loop roads to be built to sub-grade within the right of ways with utili- ties instlled. (Water, sewer, wastewater re-use). Thurston Highlands understands the concerns the city has regarding the limit of 25,000 SF per commercial struc- ture, but disagrees and will discuss and propose to the city 40,000 SF for an "anchor tenant" with remaining commercial to agree with city limitations. Concurs with city of service node near the proposed culbhouse. The proponents show the dedication of two school sites, one mid-size and one small. John Kinnee asked if 8 acres is large enough for a school site. Sandy Mackie stated the issue of size and district boundary is decided prior to final master plan, not dur- ing the conceptual planning stage. (\ ~ John Thomson inquired if there was any other school sites proposed. Craig Sears said not on Thurston Highlands property. Sandy Mackie requested the school district provide a projection of need for another school in this area at the August 1, 1994 meeting. Pat Purvis questioned the location of the grocery store. Craig Sears stated one is proposed approximately in the center of the property along the Y-1 limited access cor- ridor and a small convenience store near the clubhouse. Robert Eggert asked how many residential units were plan- ned to be built. Dennis Su commented that there are 5000 units proposed for the entire annexation area with 3500 on the Thurston Highlands property. John Kinnee inquired if the loop road would be completed prior to the completion of Y-1 and if it would have traffic lighting where the loop crosses Y-1. Craig Sears stated that the loop would be complete and if a traffic count warranted lighting it would be installed. c John Huddleston was explained the phases of the construc- tion of the loop road and that construction would hope to begin within the next three years. Sandy Mackie said no construction would begin until the comprehensive plans YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JuLy 18, 1994 for sewer and water are approved. c John Thomson introduced Grace Yuan, Attorney for the Yelm School District. She commented on the environmental planning and mitigation issues. To date, with two poten- tial school sites proposed for the area, the school dis- trict will show their capital facilities plan for future needs. She explained the ratio between single family and multi-family units, if 5000 units are proposed, 4000 pos- sible single and 1000 multi would equal 2800 students, ID those students, 1400 elementary age, which would show a need for three (3) elementary schools or two (2) elemen- tary and one intermediate school. Based upon student generation rates, there is one (1) school site not shown. This calculation does not address middle and high school needs. Ms. Yuan asked that the Planning Commission in- clude in their decision, a requirement for the school district to work with the developers to establish a pro- cess on the selection of school sites. She explained that the schools current requirement for mitigation is $650.00 for single family and %500.00 for multi-family to equal $3.1 million, which she stated is very low and would not be complete mitigation for impact on the school district and stressed the need to ensure adequate public facilities for schools. Sandy Mackie responded that the suitability of sites is part of the final master plan and the conceptual master plan is to identify the type of land uses, utility and transportation corridors and the number of school sites, parks, public center, etc. The issue of impact fees vs. mitigation fees vs. fees in lieu of option will be addressed as part of the final master plan. ~ ~ John Huddleston questioned the size of the commercial area proposed as his understanding was that the com- mercial development would serve the residents in the area. (Neighborhood). Would the 40,000 SF still meet the criteria of the city. Craig Sears and Dennis Su clarified that the 40,000 SF is a request from the de- velopers for one (1) building of this size and the re- maining would stay at 25,000 SF or less. Dennis Su stated that the confusion stems from previous plans without the knowledge of the location of Y-l or Y-2. Now, because of the location of the connectors, and the loop road, there is proposed local commercial for the neighborhood area. Mr. & Mrs. Parker and Gail Hoffman inquired how their properties were zoned and could they be changed. Sandy Mackie noted their request on the map for further dis- cussion. John Kinnee asked how the zoning of the properties were determined. Sandy Mackie stated that it would c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JuLy 18, 1994 ~ ( be based on criteria set by the planning commission at a future meeting on how to relate zoning to the ad- jacent properties, traffic flows, etc. ~ John Thomson was concerned with the layout and plan- ning for the Rainier Estates property. Sandy Mackie mentioned that the annexation is one whole project, not separate and that a single master plan application is to be reviewed and considered for approval. Robert Eggert requested clarification on the Y-1 alt- ernate route as it would affect his property. r-\ ~ Anthony Bontrager, Venture Partners, Rainier Estates reported that the City has asked proponent (Thurston Highland Assoc.) to propose a second, alternative location for the Y-1 corridor along a route to the west of the wetland and eventually exiting the plan- ning area to the north along the mid-point line of section 23. The alternate route was asked to be west of Thompson Creek, through the Rainier Estates development. Bontrager stated they feel this route is unacceptable and Venture Partners does not agree to any proposed location of the Y-1 corridor through its project. The impacts to the proposed Rainier Estates development would be many and substantial and make it virtually impossible and impractical for the developers to continue with the project. Also, the city asked that the entire main-loop road con- necting the Rainier Estates project to the Thurston Highlands project be constructed up-front as a cond- ition of the earliest proposed development. It is the intention of Rainier Estates to develop the loop road in phases as the overall development plan warrants. Rainier Estates does not agree to any ordinance requir- ing the construction of the entire loop road. If the loop road is used as part of the overall development plan for Rainier Estates, then Rainier Estates will look to the formation of a LID to cover the costs of construc- tion of their portion of the loop road. Grace Yuan asked how many units were proposed for Rainier Estates and what the anticipated impact on the school district would be. Anthony Bontrager stated that 1000 units were planned and that at this time, there were no school sites proposed, but, they are still assessing the impacts. Ms. Yuan requested a breakdown of single/multi family units planned for the school district to determine the amount of the pot- ential mitigation fees. c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JuLy 18, 1994 c Gene Borges inquired if information regarding phasing of the Rainier Estates would be available at the Aug- ust 1 meeting. Anthony Bontrager stated that Charlie Wittenberg, planner for the development, would try to provide this information for the August 1 meeting. John Kinnee asked how much of the property was owned by Rainier Estates. Mr. Bontrager illustrated on the map. MaryLou Clemens questioned the traffic impacts on Long- mire and Berry Valley Rd., what improvements are plan- ned and how are these improvements to be paid for. Also, that the draft plan submittal shows Longmire and Berry Valley Rd. as access routes. Anthony Bontrager stated that Longmire and Berry Valley Rd. were only included as secondary roadway accesses and that the primary road is the loop road that is planned. Sandy Mackie mention- ed the time to answer these questions would be at the final master plan stage after all traffic impacts had been analysed. Sid Willuweit commented on his concern with heavy traffic on Berry Valley Rd. now. Sandy Mackie illustrated on the map the proposed new access to line up at Killion (with a light), Longmire and Berry Valley Rd. are not proposed as main accessess to town. ~ ~ John Kinnee requested an overview of the process to reach final master plan approval. (\ ~ Sandy Mackie, Owens Davies Mackie The purpose of the conceptual review and approval is to establish general land use policies to guide detailed planning for and development of the master plan area. The conceptual plan shall identify the generalized land uses, transportation circulation routes, and services proposed for the site. Prior to site development, a master plan shall be approved consistent with the poli- cies and conditions of conceptual approval. Review of a conceptual master plan shall be performed initially by the planning commission. The planning commission shall review the application for completeness and, if it deter- mines that the proposed master plan is consistent with the comprehensive plan and the city's other plans and policies, recommend approval by the city council. If the planning commission determines that the proposed master plan is not so consistent, it may either demand for mod- ifications specifically identified or recommend denial by the city council. Conceptual approval by the city council, upon a recommendation by the planning commis- sion, shall consist of an amendment to the comprehen- sive plan and an amendment to the official zoning map. Upon conceptual approval by the City Council, the pro- YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JuLy 18, 1994 c c c posed master plan boundaries, proposed use districts, transportation routes and case file number shall be id- entified upon the official zoning map. These districts and routes shall only be effective upon approval of a master plan meeting the requirements of conceptual appr- oval. MaryLou Clemens asked if there was a community services area within the SW Yelm Annexation area. Shelly Badger stated that yes, there was an area set aside for this, ie; fire station, etc. Grace Yuan inquired about the time line for the adoption of the city overall comprehensive plan under the Growth Management Act. Sandy Mackie commented that the city's goal is by December 30, 1994. Any construction within the SW Yelm area would be in conjunction with the timing of the adoption of the sewer and wastewater plans. with no further comments, THE HEARING WAS CONTINUED TO RESUME ON AUGUST 1, 1994, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUN- CIL CHAMBERS. 6. Note: Next Vision Workshop - August 13, 1994, 8:30 to 12:00 noon at the Yelm High School Cafeteria. 7 . The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pm. ~:;f~i:;u YELM PLANNING COMMISSION July 18, 1994 o c SOUTHWEST YELM PLANNING PROCESS SUBSTANTIVE PROCESS ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SW YELM ANNEXATION FINAL EIS J, J, MASTER PLAN ORDINANCE ~ J, ~ SW YELM MASTER PLAN SUBMITTAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST J, J, PUBLIC HEARING J, J, ~ ADOPTION OF COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT ADDENDUM TO FINAL EIS FOR ANNEXATION J, APPROVAL OF SW YELM CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN & AMENDMENT TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN J, o APPROVAL OF FINAL MASTER PLAN I~ o City of Yelm c' -c 105 Yelin ~venUfWest , POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 o :<<xcPLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC WORI<SESSION ON DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, AUGUST 1, 2: 00 PM! CITY HALL COUNCI~ CI-IAMBERS:<<::<< AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, JULY 18, t994~ 4:00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of miJnutes July 18, 1'994 enclosed in packet (Minut~s of April 4, 1994 enclosed) 2 ~~blic He~ring: Berry Valley Estates preliminary plat Staff r~port enclosed 3 Public Hearing:' Ope~ Space Ordinance amendment Enclosed in p~cket 4 Final Plat'Apprdval Recommendation: Crystal Springs Estates Ken -Garmannwill be available at the meeting to give a staff , r~port r 5. Pub'lic Heari'ng cont;,Lnu~d from 7-18'""94: Proposed 1985 City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan review and .~pproval Jim Blundell from Owens., Dav i es ,Mack i~ will be on hand to present the staff r~port and answer questions 6 Q,ther 7 Note: Next Vision Wor~shop - August 13, 8:30am - noon, YHS Cafeteria. 8 Adjourn Enclosures are avaiiSble to non-Commissio~ members upon request If you need special arrangements to attend or p~rticipate in this m~etingj pl~ase contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, Aug~sE 15, 1a94, 4:00 ~M ~~c)''cled paper (\ \...J ,. City of Yelm o 0- 105 Yelm A venue West PO Box 479 Yelm, WashifJ,gton 98597 (206) 458-3244 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , **PLANNlNi CCMUSSIrn PUBLIC WORKSESSION rn DEVEIOH1ENr STANDARDS 'lHURSDAY. JULY 7. 1994. 2:00 1M. YEIM CITY HALL COONCIL QI1\MBERS** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- . '., . , AGENDA CITY OFYEIM P:r.ANNlNi CCH1ISSION MEETlNi . 'lliURSDlW, JULY 7. 1994. 4: 00 1M, YEIM CITY HALL q:xJNCIL QI1\MBERS. 105 YEIM AVE. W 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes: June 6 & June 20, 1994 (minutep of April 4, 1994 still pending). 2. Decision on Yelm Builders Supply Site Plan. (tabled from June 20 meeting). ' 3. Public H~aring - proposed site plan within the Central Business District for a 1,185 SF remodel of the existtng building ~ocated at 202 First Street S. for use and occupancy by Yelm Prairie Dental (Lee Ann r Campbell, D.D.S.). 4. Public Hearing - Proposed 13-10t; (chang~d from 14) Preliminary Plat of Prairie Heights, D~vision 3. r 5. Set Pub~ic Hearing date for July 18, 1994^on proposed 1985 City of Yelm Cdmprehensive Plan amen~nt and SQuthwest YelmConceptual-Master Plan , review and approval .:... Note: Sandy Mackie and Jim Blundell from OWens,- Davies, Mackie will be on hand to discuss and brief the'Corrmission on ~he July 18 -Public 'Hearing. 6. l]pdate on Yelm Comprehensive Plan (Growth Management) prog~ess. 7. -July 9, 1994 Vision Day Workshop 8 . Other 9. Adjourn ENCIDSURES l\RE AVAILABLE ill No1l-CCMMISSION MEMBERS UPON REQUEST :(F YOU NEED SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS 'TO ATTEND OR PARTICIPATE IN THIS ~TING, PLEASE CONTACT AGNES COLOMBO, CITY ClERK, AT 458-8404 NEXT REGUU\RMEETlNi DATE: Ma'IDAY. JULY 18. 1994. 4:00 1M YEIM eITY fIALL CCXJNCIL QI1\MBERS r ,. Recycled paper o c c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458~3244 PUBLIC NO.TICE CHANqE IN REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE FOR JULY 4, 1994 Due to the j;ndependemce Day Holiday, the Yelm Planning Commission regular meeting scheduled for MondaY', July 4, 1994, has been rescheduled to: Thursday, July 7,1994, 4:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, 105 Yel~Avenue West, Yelm, WA 98597. All interested citizens are invited to att~nd ptiblit me~tings. For more 'iriformation or reasonable a.ccQmmodations., please call Agnes Colombo at 458-8404. " Recyclrd paper c c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 . The Meeting was called to order at 4:00 by Chairman John Kinnee. Members present: John Kinnee, Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire, Ej Curry, Tom Gorman, and Glenn Blando. Members not in attendance: Pat Fetterly, Buffie Clark, George Knight and Tom Cundy. Guests: John Thomson, Gay Newby, Glenn Wells, Estelle Blando, Martha Parsons, and Dennis SUo Staff: Shelly Badger and Ken Garmann. 2. Next meeting of the Planning Commission will be held Thursday, July 7, 1994 due to the Fourth of July Holiday Weekend. 3. prairie Creek Final Plat Recommendation. 94-31 MOTION BY E.J. CURRY, SUBJECT TO RECOMMENDATION, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN THAT THE PRAIRIE CREEK FINAL PLAT BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Public Hearing-Yelm Builders Supply Expansion Site Plan (SPR 8111). Chair John Kinnee closed the regular session and opened the hearing at 4:10 pm. Shelly Badger stated that this hearing could be held with no action to be taken, due to lack of quorum and the absent commission members would review the written minutes and tape of this hearing in order to take action at the next meeting. Staff Report - Site plan approval for a new 8,200 SF re- tail store, change existing 4,400 SF building to storage (3,100 SF of existing retail). The zoning is C-3 Large Lot Commercial which allows out-right, the proposed project. There are 41 on-site parking stalls included in the pro- posal, which meets Yelm's on-site parking requirements. Mitigation through SEPA for traffic impacts for the Five Corners intersection/Y-2 Alternate Route: 15 evening peak hour trips at $300.00 per trip = $4,500.00 mitiga- tion. The septic system will be approved by Thurston County to be compatible to the Yelm STEP requirements; at such c c c time as sewer is available to the site, the site will be hooked to the City sewer system. City of Yelm water supply. The fire flow at the site, has mandated additional structural requirements as auth- orized by the Uniform Fire Code. ie; Increased fire con- struction of the building, limited sprinkler system, etc. Applicant will be required to participate (pro-rata share) in the future watermain extension on Yelm Ave. E. Line is currently just east of Plaza Drive. Stormwater must meet the requirements of the Drainage and Erosion Control Manual for the City of Yelm. After re- view of the preliminary drainage report (by Bob Connolly, Skillings-Connolly), it has been determined that it meets drainage requirements and the plan and report have been accepted by the City of Yelm. 10,450 SF of landscaping is proposed which conforms with present requirements. Staff Recommendation: The City of Yelm Planning Depart- ment recommends approval; conditioned on the environmen- tal checklist and SEPA comment period on the MDNS ending July 8, 1994, and hook-up to the City of Yelm Sewer sys- tem when it becomes available (septic design must be com- patible with the Yelm STEP system and approved by the Yelm Public Works Department.) Recommend that Site Plan approval also be conditioned on a requirement that the property owner pay their fair share of the future watermain extension of the water line currently ending just east of Plaza Drive on Yelm Ave. E. Also, that the Site-Plan approval include the Five Corners/Y-2 Alternate Route mitigation from the MDNS. Owner agrees to sign a waiver of protest for future im- provements on Grove Rd. and Yelm Ave. Glenn Wells, Architect for Proponent Confirmed the additional structural requirements auth- orized by the Uniform Fire Code. Commented on the justification of the sidewalks not to be utilized until a later date, therefore, it would seem inappropriate for them to be installed at this time. The entrance off of highway 507 will be re-located to the east to better facilitate the traffic at Grove Rd. and Hwy. 507. The proponent contacted WDOT and they saw no problem with re-locating the entrance. The public hearing was closed at 4:20 pm. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 20 1994 (\ ~ Roberta Longmire asked what the object of the comment period was if the commission was to make a decision prior to the end of this period. Shelly Badger explained that a conditional decision would be made at the next meeting based on the SEPA period ending date of July 8, 1994, and could become null and void if comments were received that requir- ed further environmental review and consideration by the commission. If no comments are received, the de- cision would stand and go on record. Jim Blundell, attny. for the City, recommended absent members review the written minutes and tape of this meeting and stated that members must vote in session and cannot give an absentee vote. DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM, THIS ITEM WAS TABLED UNTIL NEXT MEETING WITH NO ACTION TAKEN AT THIS TIME. 5. Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan Briefing Shelly Badger explained this is a draft and is currently under staff review and comment. Jim Blundell stressed that the Planning Commission and City Council work- sessions are a good opportunity for members to ask and express concerns. c Dennis Su representing Thurston Highlands and Rainier Estates (Venture Partners), gave an overview of the con- ceptual master plan. He explained the proposed re- routing of the Y-l alternate route due to the potential wet land interference and explained the proposed dens- itites and phasing of the Thurston Highlands and Rain- ier Estates developments andd the main arterials through the annexation including those at SR 507 and routes back into Yelm. Shelly Badger stated it is unknown where Y-l is to con- nect to the north and stressed that until wetland and other studies are complete, the accurate location of the Y-l is not known. John Kinnee asked how many acres have been set aside for a school site. Dennis Su stated there would be a minimum of 15 acres for a school location. John Thomson, Yelm Community Schools, explained the student/acre ratio. The commercial area is proposed to be moved from Rainier Estates to Thurston Highlands property adjacent to Y-l. Roberta Longmire questioned the commercial along the Y-l route. Jim Blundell explained the purpose of the com- mercial along the Y-l route would be to serve the immed- iate area and not attract from the downtown Yelm area. The ingress and egress to Y-l at the intersectlon of the c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 20 1994 traffic light only, including the commercial access. o Roberta Longmire asked why the U.S. Government was not on the mailing list as an adjacent property owner. Dennis Su stated they would be added as the list was up- dated. Gay Newby asked the width of the arterial roads leading back to current Yelm (not Y-1). Craig Sears, Thurston Highlands stated they were 80' which is a boulevard standard, not a City standard. Shelly Badger explained the standards on boulevards and collectors and the uses of. When the Conceptual Master Plan is approved, it will be the comprehensive plan for this area. Final master plan approval is next. Development approvals after or con- current with final master plan approval. It will be approximately 2 to 2 1/2 years for the add- itional sewer capacity required which will help deter- mine phasing plans for development. Roberta Longmire asked if other public parks were plan- ned in addition to the golf courses and asked proponents to consider additional parks. c Jim Blundell questioned the status of the wetland del- ineation with regards to Y-1. Dennis Su stated off- site wetland studies were underway to help with more accurate placement of Y-1 through the annexed area. Jim Blundell and Shelly Badger stated that the draft conceptual master plan is still under review and that the workshop comments of the planning commission and city council will be considered when developing review comments to proponents. No public hearings on the plan have been scheduled at this time until further meetings have been held with proponents to discuss changes to the plan. Torn Gorman asked if there would be an EIS at this lev- el. Jim Blundell commented that an environmental check- list has been prepared for the conceptual master plan and submitted for review. This is still a non-project ac- tion and Yelm's environmental determination will be bas- ed only on the differences between the annexation EIS and the conceptual master plan application. The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm. o Respectfully submitted, ~#a4J YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 20 1994 c\ c (~ \J City, of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West pO Box 479 Yelm; Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 < '. ' ',.'. . . - , " - " --------------------------------------------------------------------------- **PI.A,NNlK; CCMUSSIrn PUBLIC WORKsESSION rn DEVEIDIMENT STANDARDS M(N)AY,. JUNE 20, 1994, .2:00 IM, YE!14CITY HALL COONCIL OIAMBERS** . . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,". . "\ " . , ." . AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PLANNIKi CCM1ISSIrn .MEETIKi Ma'IDAY, JUNE 20, 1994, 4: 00 IM YEIM .CITY HALL COONCIL OIAMBERS, 105 YEIM AVE. W 1. Ca.ll. to Order, Rol;L Call, Approval of Minutes ( not available franJune 6, 1994 meeting) 2. Public Hearing - Proposed Site Plan for a 8,200 SF building at Yelm Builder'$ Supply (staff ,report not available for mailing, will be distributed at the ,2:00 worksession on development standargs) ~ 3. Prairie Creek Final Plat recorrtrendation(staff report enclosed) 4. Southwest Yelm Conceptual Master Plan briefing (dr:aft application enclo$ed for PC members that did not receive previously) 5. NextPlanni~g Corrmission date - Proposed for Thursday ,july 7 due to Fourth of July holiday weekend 6. Other 7. Adjourn ENCLOSURES ARE AVAILABLE 'TO NON-CCMMIS$ION MEMBERS UPON .REQUEST IF YOU 'NEED SPEC:J;AL ,ARRANGEMENTS 'ill ATIEND OR PARTICIPA'IE IN 'THIS MEETING, PLEASE CONTACT AGNESCOLCMBO, CITY CLERK, AT 458-8404 PiEASE IDlE: PROPOSED NEXT REGUlAR MEETING DA':I'E 'THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1994, 4: 00 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS. I ReCycled paper --1 - ..-"---"~-_... c c c Agenda Item/ Motion No 94-28 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. New member Glenn Blando was introduced. Chairman John Kinnee called the meeting to order at 4:00. Members present: Buffie Clark, Joe Huddleston, John Kinnee, Pat Fetterly, E.J. Curry, Glenn Blando, Roberta Longmire, Tom Gorman and George Knight. Staff present: Ty Peterson, Ken Garmann and Jerry Prock. Guests: Mark Carpenter, Deborah McAlexander, Randy Walker, Eric Anderson, Barry Russell, Great Things & Stuff, John Huddleston, LeAnn Campbell and Peggy Wolf, Yelm Chamber of Commerce. It was noted that the correct spelling 1S Buffie not Buffy. MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN THAT THE MINUTES OF MAY 5, 1994 BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Members discussed the value of holding meetings without a quorum and of approving minutes in such instances. Ty Peterson explained that public comment could still be received and that he would research the matter. Agenda additions: Sign Ordinance as #5 and #6 from John Kinnee concerning requests to write letters as Commission Chairman. 2. Public Hearing - prairie Vista Preliminary Plat. Located on Burnett Rd., would subdivide 14.6 acres into 70 combined single-family/manufacture home lots. Chairman Kinnee closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing at 4: 05 p.m. Staff report Ty Peterson: original application 2/93; consistent with zoning; sewer could be available when capacity is available; two lots considered unusable by planning/building; SEPA determination close to being made; hydraulics indicate shortfall in meeting fire flow requirements. Staff recommendation - Ty Peterson: approval be given subject to meeting conditions in staff report. Roberta Longmire inquired if all requirements for mobile home park are to met. It was explained that the proposal is not for a mobile home park. The intent is to sell lots to individuals for locating either manufactured or frame built homes. Screening requirements were discussed. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 6, 1994 Page 1 c When questioned concerning the fire flow situation, Ty Peterson responded that adequate water and storage was available but that the mechanism to distribute that water was not. An agreement must be in place for the needed upgrade to allow the necessary system improvements. Shelly Badger is negotiating the matter. John Kinnee questioned why approval would be recommended when faced with unbuildable lots and fire flow problems. Peterson responded that he recommended approval with the condition that items listed be satisfied prior to approval of construction plans. When asked if steps were being taken to insure that the entire area in one school district, Peterson responded that he believed that to be true. Conditions identified by John Kinnee were: 1) Screening to be added to the site plan 2) Water pressure for required fire flow 3) SEPA determination made 4) Conformance with all zoning and subdivision ordinance requirements. 5) Meet City Engineer's recommendations as per letter of 6/1/94. 6) School District Agreement c Mark Carpenter - explained that due to a fire at Eric Andersons' home on Christmas Eve and replacement with a smaller home, additional land was available to add to the unbuildable lots. He has been discussing the fire flow issue with Shelly Badger and felt it advantageous to the City to have an approved plat so the developer would be prepared to commit funds towards the fire flow upgrade. Patty Shite - expressed concern about the potential number of people being added to the area and the impact on traffic/road conditions. Ron Hambline - questioned the amount of open planned for the development; is it adequate to space for the number of children anticipated development of this size; are there play areas? space allow in a Russell Grandsor - questioned water and sewer service availability to others on the road and the classification of Burnett Road. Commission members discussed adequacy of lot size, road width, parking, sidewalks requirements for one side only, and the potential for in excess of 200 people residing in the subdivision. Members acknowledge the need for housing for first time buyers and expressed a desire to provide a quality environment for those who would reside c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 6, 1994 Page 2 (\ ~ 94-28 94-29 o c 1n the subdivision. Ty Peterson explained information concerning the street status had not determined. It is not known if the road would neighborhood collector or minor arterial. that been be a The public hearing was closed at 4:50 pm. MOTION BY GEORGE KNIGHT, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY TO RESCHEDULE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO ALLOW TIME FOR SOLUTIONS TO SOME OF THE ISSUES RAISED. CARRIED. Mark Carpenter - expressed his frustration at the amount of time being spent seeking approval of this proj ect. He indicated that the items being requested could have been provided prior to the meeting had staff been more timely in returning his phone calls. 3. Huntington Greene Final Plat Approval. MOTION BY E.J. CURRY, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN THAT THE HUNTINGTON GREENE FINAL PLAT BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. 4 . SW Yelm Conceptual Master Plan - Ty Peterson briefed members on intent and announced a workshop planned for June 13, at 2:00. 5. Yelm Chamber Presentation - John Thompson introduced members of the Vision Project Steering Committee. Members spoke briefly concerning funding, process and intent and assured Commission members that their goal would be to provide a document that could be given to project proponents to set standards that protect the proponent's investment while moving towards Yelm's community of choice not chance. Commission members input was solicited. 5.A. Sign Permit - Jerry Prock, Building Official explained that the Commission's interpretation on permitted signage area was being sought. Randy Walker explained the unfortunate circumstances leading to the destruction of the existing sign on the McAlexander property at Nisqually Plaza. He pointed out that while the sign had been a non-conforming sign and due to be replaced with a conforming sign, proper notification had never been given. The Building Departments interpretation of YMC 15.24.110, item J.t was that the property would construct a 100 square foot sign. Area was based on the one square ft. sign area for each lineal foot of street frontage up to 100 square ft. The cutoff in this interpretation would allow no 1ncrease in sign size for any portion of frontage that 1S less than 100 lineal feet. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 6, 1994 Page 3 c In the staff report of 6/6/94, the staff recommendation was that the Planning Commission allow the 151 square foot sign being requested. This figure is based on the actual frontage distance, including frontage in increments of less than 100 lineal feet. The height of the sign would be approximately 25 feet. It was pointed out that there is a significant difference between the size of the McAlexander property and the Plaza. Randy Walker requested that the 151 sq. ft. sign be approved due to the events leading up to the replacement, and pointed out that the replacement at 151 sq. ft. is less than half the size of the sign taken down. Randy Walker stated that this would be the only free standing sign on the site. 94-30 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY E . J . APPROVING THE MCALEXANDER SIGN AT 151 SQUARE CARRIED. BUFFIE CLARK ABSTAINED. CURRY FEET. When information was requested about the Make Yelm Attractive Committee Buffie Clark explained that the Make Yelm Attractive Committee is the Chamber's Pretty City Committee which is working with staff in the process of rewriting Yelm's Sign Ordinance. c Barry Russell from Great Things and Stuff introduced himself and explained that his business is located in the Central Business Zone. He questioned why the ordinance was not being evenly enforced. JayHawks was used as an example of this inequity. Ty Peterson explained that if Mr. Russell had a specific request he should submit a written request to appear on the agenda to the Planning Department. It was explained that JayHawks had submitted a written request and been scheduled to appear on the agenda. S.B. John Kinnee asked if in responding to requests to write as Chair of the Planning Commission, members would like him to first obtain Commission approval. Members indicated that was not necessary. The meeting was adjourned at 5:48 p.m. Submitted, {/y~w yJ G0mJJ c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 6, 1994 Page 4 c City of Yelm ,., c ~ -0 105 Yelm Aveilue West P!O Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 ,1[ ~'~PL 4NNING COMM.ISSION PUBLIC WORK SESSION ON DEVfL OPMENT SIANDARDS 2:00 PM . C.ITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS*~ AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, June 6, 1994, 4iOO P M 'EL~ CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 , cc..n'to Order. Roll Call, Approval of minutes ~nclosed in packet -. .;:. Public-Hearing - Prairie Vista Pr'eliminary Plat, "Burnett Rd S....,af f' repot" t enc losed 3- Hun ingtcn Gr'eene F i na 1 P 1a t Approva i 4 ~~uthwest Yelm Conceptual Ma~ter Plan Brlsf1ng distribute appli6atibn, workshoD on Ju~e 13 1394 r ;:> Presentation - Yelm Chamber Representativ~ Commun it)' genera te.d des i,gn e 1 ernent and gu i de llnes 5. Gt.her 6 Ad,iourn, Ene"' osut'es are ava i 1 ae!e to non"-Comm i ss i on member ~ 'upon i~eaues t "If you need specla~ arrangements tcr;,lttend ,or participate .n th~s meet,ng, please contact Agh~s Cq~om6o, City Clerk at 458-840d NEXT REGULAR ~~EET:tNG , MONDAY June 20, 1994, 4: 00 P!vI Recycled paper c Agenda Iteml Motion No 1. c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, MAY 16, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The Meeting was called to order at 4:00 by Chairman John Kinnee. Members present: Buffy Clark, Joe Huddleston, Ken Garmann and John Kinnee. Guests: Steve Craig, Tom Westbrook, Doug Cameron, Sr., and Martha Parsons. Yelm Chamber of Commerce Members: Francis Andrews, Glen Blando, Margaret Clapp, John Huddleston, LeAnn Campbell and Bob Wolf. Staff present: Shelly Badger and Jerry Prock. Due to lack of a quorum the minutes of May 5, 1994, were not approved. 2. Public Hearing - Crystal Springs Annexation Request (ANX8116). Chair John Kinnee closed the regular seSSlon and opened the public hearing at 4:03 p.m. Shelly Badger explained that the annexation would include approximately 9.7 acres located at the northeast corner of Crystal Spring Road, currently zoned RIA 1-5. Development of the property would be subject to water and sewer availability. Planning Department Findings/Recommendation: Recommend City Council approval of the annexation at current zoning, with an area wide rezone to include properties to the east and the south at a later date subject to availability of a Draft Comprehensive Plan. Commission members stressed that ownership of the portion of Crystal Springs Rd. passing in front of the proposed annexation be established. Staff indicated that the road would be included in the legal description. The public hearing was closed and regular seSSlon reopened at 4:20 p.m. Chairman Kinnee explained that a motion could not be made due to lack of a quorum, but that an informal recommendation could be made for Council's consideration. AN INFORMAL RECOMMENDATION WAS MADE BY BUFFY CLARK AND SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON THAT CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE ANNEXATION REQUEST. 3. Public Hearing - Cameron Variance Request (VAR8115). Chair John Kinnee closed the regular session and opened the publlC hearing at 4:23 p.m. Shelly Badger explalned that the varlance was from side and rear yard Zoning Code YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 16, 1994 c set-back for property in a RA 1-5 zone. The property 1S located along the south side of 104th. The proponent 1S requesting that the set-back requirements be reduced to those required in an R-l zone to allow construction of a carport garage and recreational vehicle covered storage area. Planning Department Fin~ings/Recommendations: recommend approval of the var1ance request with a height restriction of 15' for the carport and 20' for the r.v. garage to retain a residential atmosphere and that use of the structures be allowed for personal home-owner/renter use only. Commission members questioned and were assured that the structures would not be used commercially. The public hearing was closed and regular seSS10n reopened at 4:30 p.m. AN INFORMAL RECOMMENDATION WAS MADE BY JOE HUDDLESTON AND SECONDED BY BUFFY CLARK THAT COUNCIL APPROVE THE VARIANCE REQUEST WITH HEIGHT AND USE RESTRICTIONS. City Council representative Martha Parsons joined the meet1ng. c 4. Yelm Chamber of Commerce - Community generated des1gn element and guidelines. Frances Andrews explained that the Chamber had been working on this for two years. Chamber members are enthusiastic about the visioning process and the potential results. The committee believes that the consistency provided by such a plan would encourage quality development and that the plan would make good business sense. Landowners contacted indicated their support of the project and believe it will benefit all. The Chamber would like to do this for the City and is trying to raise the $30,000 needed for the process. The Chamber has viewed the plans prepared through this process for other cities. The Planning Dept. memo on this subject strongly recommended acceptance of this process; that the first phase be the creation of a Design Element for the Comprehensive Plan; and that following adoption of the Comprehensive Plan with the Design Element design guidelines/ordinances be developed. Shelly Badger expanded on potential benefits to the City from such an undertaking. c The process proposed would include 3-4 months of research w1th all elements of the community. The Chamber would like to beg1n the project as soon as poss1ble. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 16, 1994 c c c When asked for their feel.ings Commission Members expressed support for the proJect, the need for caution was expressed. Concern was also expressed that the results not be too restrictive but that the plan have enough teeth to make it work. Chamber members will attend the June 6, receive endorsement/participation from Commission members not in attendance today. meeting to Planning 5. Other Councilmember Martha Parsons invited Yelm Planning Commission members to make recommendations to Mayor Wolf of individuals to fill Planning Commission vacancies. 6. Sign Ordinance Interpretation - Shelly Badger explained that the City has not yet adopted a sign ordinance that deals with multi-tenant buildings. Jerry Prock reported that a multi-tenant sign was being requested to replace a sign that had been erroneously removed during the Yelm Avenue improvement project. Staff received a request to allow a replacement sign of 171 square feet. The building has 151 feet of street frontage and is permitted a 100 square ft. sign according to the current sign ordinance. Sign size would not increase until 200 feet of frontage was reached. The proponent requested that the side of building, which allows ingress to Nisqually Plaza, be included in determining property frontage. Staff indicated to the proponent that they would take this request to the Planning Commission. Members questioned if the old sign was still standing and was to be remodeled, would the remodeled sign have to be brought into compliance with the sign ordinance? Staff responded that it would have to be brought lnto compliance. Following discussion, directions from the Planning Commission were that the provisions of the currently adopted sign ordinance be enforced. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. Submitted, YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 16, 1994 \... \ " \J VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET o MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL AGENDA ITEM ( S ) #2 PUBLIC HEARINGS #3 PUBLIC HEARINGS DATE: MAY 16, 1994 (ANX8116) Crystal Sprinqs Annx (var8115) Cameron Variance Request Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive-future mailings. o SELECTION(S) Name c!9f~ Cct~ I~I w=ffi I Address Idf'lc2Z) t/ i' l1uQ S~ R~?" I I I I I I I I I I I I Clt g ~ ~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ : PLEASE PRINT SEEZ'KER MailinG fl.ddress Name~ \A)Q,@fCJ6L Address T {) tox I MailinG Address L-'rltl..utocJL . Wi?\ , Name Address MailinG Address Name Address MailinG Address Name Address MailinG Address Name Address MailinG Address wp5l\forms\signin o > ../' UcW/l bvt ~ s 1;- Ct'u:hi"dCWt ~e. (Ta4l U~ finWA ~ ( S P 7 ) b(~VI DtU1do 0 ~t [laff q~v-P rr~clc1 [Q.~ ~Vl l1u0p GGt,L ./) /1 f ,0 D6bVJO i---r ~~,- ~ VV\fu1\ CJ-- PM ) QY\ s, - j)t-~ L{ 0/ (c; Dl\ ~ 0 fI (. C~dh fr, City of Yelm c 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 . . Yelm, Washington 98597 ~(206) 458-3244 **PLANNING COMl'1ISSION PUBLIC WORK SESSION ON DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 2 :00 P M CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERSJK* AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNtNG COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, May 16, 1994, 4:00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W c Cali to Order, Roll Call, Apprqval of minutes J Enclosed in 'pabket 2 Pub-lie Heari~g - Crystal Springs Annexation Request (ANX8116) Staff report enclosed 3 Public Hearing - Oou~ Cameron Varianc~ Request (VAR 8115) Staff report enclosed 4 Pre~entation - Yelm Chamber Representative Community generatecj design e"ement and guidelines 5 Other- 6 AdjQurn Enclosures are avaiiable to non-Commission mem~'ers upon request If you need special arrangements,to attend or participate in this meetine, please contact Agn~s Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, Jun~ 6! 1994~ 4:00 PM ~ L ReCycled paper c f" \.J f'" G MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, MAY 5, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 94-24 94-25 1 The meeting was called to order by City Administrator, Shelly Badger, at 4:05 p m Members present: Johm Kinnee, E J Curry, Roberta Longmire, Ken Garmann, Joe Huddleston, Buffy Clark, Pat Fetterly, Tom Gorman Staff present: Shelly Badger, Ty Peterson Shelly announced that Tim Schlosser has resigned from the Planning Commission and that the Commission had to appoint another chair, for at least today E J Curry nominated John Kinnee as the new Planning Commission Chair, Roberta Longmire seconded Motion carried 2 Minutes: E J Curry stated that she would like to see the minutes done in more detail and felt that this would protect the Commission in the future Staff indicated that starting in June the minutes would be done in more detail, that staff persons and time wouldn't be available until then Mot i OD by E J Curry tp approve _the minutes from Apr--i 1 18_,_1994-,_ seconded by Tom Gorman Mot i on car r i ed 3 Kingsview 2 Preliminary Plat and Rezone: John Kinnee opened the continued public hearing Ty Peterson began by presenting the letter received by the owner of the adjacent industrial site Ty stated that, after speaking with the gentleman who wrote the letter discovered that the owner was unaware of the State Growth Management Act and the other locally zoned residential properties Ruth Lucas, an adjacent property owner to the west of the proposal, referenced her letter commenting that she did not object to the development, but that she wished an agreement for buffering along the adjacent property could be reached Dave Prutzman, the applicant, stated that he would construct a mutually agreed upon fence, along the westerly property line of the proposed development Mr Prutzman then made reference to the letter submitted to the Planning Department c c 94-26 c 94-27 Ty Peterson stated that the Planning Department recommended approval of the rezone and subdivision This recommendation was based upon findings that sewer and water were available, it met the intent of the GMA to intensify and increase density, the proposal met the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance, there were no adverse environmental impacts, the proposal had limited impact to nearby residential areas, and that a precedent had been set with approvals of other residential developments in the vicinity Shelly Badger presented the letter from Jim Blundell, City Attorney, explaining that in probability the City would not be held liable for the off-site environmental or health risks of the industrial site to the south of the proposal Bob Hauth, acting as legal advice for the City, stated that as long as the City is acting in good faith and taking into consideration as many aspects as reasonable, there shouldn't be a problem with liability The public hearing was closed Roberta Longmire stated she had remembered that the Planning Commission had made a decision in the past not decrease the Industrial Zone any further E J Curry responded by saying that the property is already zoned residential it is just a matter of density Ty_stated that the industrial use of the adjacent property is already influenced by noise restrictions because of the residential uses in the vicinity Roberta stated that it is not just noise levels associated with industrial uses, but truck traffic, dust, and odors have influence on adjacent properties Motion to recommend approval of the rezone and proposed subdivision based upon staff findings by E J. Curry, seconded by Ken Garmann Motion carried with a 4-2 vote, one person abstained 4 Bob Hauth, representing the City Legal Staff, was available for questions City staff and Commission members asked questions about procedure for hearings and meetings and various situational problems Commission directed staff to research Rules and Procedures for the Land Use Decision Maker, and try to obtain more pamphlets Motion to adjourn by Ken Garmann, seconded by Roberta Longmire Motion carried Adjourned at 4:50 p m /\ ) \ \ '-/ (\ v (\ "'-~ MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1994, 4:00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 This meeting was called to order at 4:00 p m by Planning Commission Chair Tim Schlosser Members present: E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Tim Schlosser, John Kinnee, Ken Garmann, Joe ~uddleston, George Knight, Roberta Longmire, Buff~~Clark and Pat Fetterly Staff present: Ty Peterson, Shelly Badger Minutes from the 4-4-94 meeting had not been prepared yet and no action was taken 2 Kingsview 2 Preliminary Plat and Rezone: The public hearing was opened Ty Peterson gave a staff report, explaining the surrounding uses, the availability of water and sewer to the site, and the proposed 30 ft buffer on the south side of the plat adjacent to the industrial zoned area The proposal was for a rezone of the property and a 20 lot single-family subdivision Staff recommendation was to approve the rezone and sub- division based on the findings that; appropriate buffering was provided, properties to the north and west have already been developed residential, sewer capacity has already been allocated and water is available, the proposal is in compliance with existing subdivision and development ordinances ~uestions were raised by the Planning Commission on what the effect would be on the industrial property to the south Staff i~dicated that in all probability it would somewhat limit the kinds of uses that could take place on that industrial site Some adjacent property owners noted the concern for increased traffic levels, set-back and buffer areas to the north and west Dave Prutzman, proponent for the development stated that when he took a good look at the property he felt that because the trend had already been set in the area for single-family development he felt that was the best use of the property, and would have the least impact to surrounding areas He mentioned that the property is already zoned residential, this would just increase the density (""" ,~~ 94-20 c c More discussion took place about the whether or not it is in the City's interest to limit the use of the industrial site adjacent to the project site Staff mentioned that the industrial site is on the E P A Superfund List, and currently is unsuitable for any development Staff also mentioned that the burden would fall on the industrial developer to also provide buffering for the type of use proposed John Kinnee raised the question of City liability of locating an increase in residential use next to the E P A Superfund Site, and well being of those residences Motion by John Kinnee to continue the public hearing to May 2, 1994, and instruct staff to research the question of liability Seconded by Roberta Longmire Motion carried 3 Prairie Plaza Site-Plan: The public hearing was opened Ty Peterson began with a staff report and explanation of the development A 71,000 square ft commercial development with a 4,000 sq ft pad Ty stated that the development would consist of five buildings and the pad Staff recommended approval with the conditions listed in the engineering letter, and final SEPA approval Ty mentioned that the site-plan did not indicate a sidewalk along Algiers Dr and that would be added to site-plan E J questioned whether or not sidewalks were required for Nettleton's project Staff indicated that sidewalks were not required, because of anticipation of this development Roberta Longmire brought up the issue of private roads Staff stated that at this time Plaza Dr and Algiers Dr would remain private roads, but that the City would look at taking over those roads at a later date and once they are brought up to City standards Bob Connolly, representing the City Engineering, mentioned that the only real difference between the City and private roadway standards were the requirements for sidewalks being on one side only Craig Steepy, representing the proponent, commented on the types of businesses that would be located in the development being typical retail commercial, general merchandise, no particular anchor store, and potential small office spaces ~-,--- -------- -------..----------- ( ----...... ~/ c (\ ~ 94-21 94-22 94-23 Ty stated that a detailed mitigation strategy for monitoring traffic will be implemented through SEPA, and the proponents have agreed to participate in the five-corners scenario Shelly mentioned that the proponent is already participating in the Yelm Ave improvement The public hearing was closed Motion to approve the Site-Plan with findings and conditions made in the Engineering letter dated 4- 14-94, and final SEPA approval, by E J. Curry Seconded by John Kinnee, motion carried Roberta Longmire opposed 4 Prairie Heights Final Plat Approval: Shelly Badger informed the Commission that the applicant has complied with the requirements for approval, and that a bond agreement will be reached for the remaining few things that need to be done Shelly explained that this is an unusual process for final plat, but that she needed an action of recommendation per the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance Motion to recommend approval the final plat by Roberta Longmire, seconded by George Knight Motion carried 5 JayHawks- Outside storage: Staff referenced the letter received from JayHawks concerning outside storage Shelly mentioned the reasoning behind the way the ordinance was written to prevent obstructions along the sidewalk in the CBO but that maybe we should reconsider some parameters be set for allowing outside storage under certain circumstances Motion to permit the outside storage at JayHawks and to instruct staff to look into amending the ordinance to set some parameters or additional permitting, by Pat Fetterly Seconded by Buffy Clark Motion carried Ty Peterson mentioned the learning session for land-use decision makers Adjourned 5:40 p m Submitted; (\ o City of Yelm. 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 A<SBND'A -0ET~Y"'" ,0F YiEIfM' ~I!:'A,NN~NG 00t':1MiIi~;S~I:0N' .~.8[f1f;?-I,NG M(!)N0~Y, Ap"r;;,illl 1\8, 1~994, 4':~00 ,Pf1M YtEi1!M Gm.-T1Y 1;l;A.11!'~ GG>l1f\1eJI:L Ot:-l~MBER:S, .1.0'$ 'UE~M ,A.VrF. tW" **PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC WORKSESSION ON DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, 2:00 PM, CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS** 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of minutes minutes are not completed yet C 2 Kingsview 2 Peliminary Plat and Rezone (Staff report not ava 1 i ab 1 e yet) CC~(,^""", V \\. t> Jr'( C,<~ ~S~s.J~/[, f:; 3 Prairie Plaza Site-Plan (Staff report not avalaible yet) Of'(Cf~ C\O~. rJ: ~\-.. v\ . (jk)~,~ 4 Prairie Heights Final Plat Approval ~~,.- , ~ GeOa~ enclosed) 5 JayHawks - Outdoor tor age ee letter ~wJ ().l- ~J~ tI'~ ~ 6 Other 7 Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1994, 4:00 PM ~ o [5v ../ VLo~v1q ~ 11711/\ G .~ -rIM V ~,>~"'- Kv' q; A'I &e~JL.V-- ~c9. ~~ Ur> ~tI1l \,\u ~ VVJJ;j0) ~ON\ Y \C\C\~ -- ~r-n 0'--1(\ '0- \ ~ - - -- - /" . '-7 - Gr0 --- /- c () {Y\Y'I\ \s.S' d,^,- ;r- ;Ji/i/C;Y \ [~~cnffi= !S17Z'CtAA1V !?f~~ 1J/~ /~/6 5' ~1lJ - ~.\~:t(3~U lrrzt. g~ q \ 1;JJ(lt: MIS ~ 10\ ~+Y (yec.c.!,L1J \ C \ c ~ -"-f~-"-- - c City of Yelmi 105 Yelm (1venue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington .98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDA CI~Y OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY April 4, 1994, 4:00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 105 YELM AVE W ," 1 IGall ~o Order, Roll Ca.ll" ~p~r?val of mi'nlJtes March 21 1994 minutes 2 3ro~n!Loutzenhiser a~nexation request ~ Similiar Use Determination in te~tral Business Oistfict .~ Other c ''\ Other , ^, c Oe'le) ODmen t Standards discussion/workse~sion , 7 Ad,j Our~) , Enclosures are available ~c non-Commls~lon me~Der~ ~pon relue~t ,[f yeu need ,,-,peclal' arrai1gement;s to atteqc or oartic~P6::e'i'i1 this meet.ing' pi,ease contact Agnes Colombo, Cit,l Chn'~ at'i58,-e4D4 NEXT BEGULAR MEETING, MONDAY April 18 9SK+ 1 .4..: GC PM. , ,I c @ R!,C}.cled paper ,City () f Yelm c 105 Yelm A venue West . . ,p 0 Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDJl, CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1994, 4:60 P k Y~LM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELK AVE W- 1 Cal'l to Order, Roll Call, Approval of ,minutes t-;1arch '7, 1994 m,j,nutes 2 Public HearinQ - Carpenter anns~ation. SR 507 , . 3 Public Hearing - Ronald Smithannex~ttbn. Railway Rd 4 Pub 1 i c Hear ing 8rown/Lout~enh i ser annexe,t ion, Mi -(1 Rd ~nd 10Sth aye c 5 staff U~d'te - Visioning process 6 other 7 I Adj'ourn cpclosures a,re ~vai,lable to non-Commission r:,etTlbers Lq::,Or. request If you ne~d speci'al arr'angements to attend Of" par'ticipate in i-i"11~1 meet~ng, ple~se contact Agnes Colcmbo, City Clerk. at 458~8404 NEXT RE~ULAR MEETING, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1994 4"00 PM c @ Recycled paper c (\ ~ c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1994, 4:00 P.M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 94-10 9Q-11 9~12 1 This meeting was called to order at 4:00 p m by Planning Commission Chair Tim Schlosser Members present: Tim Schlosser, Ken Garmann, ~ ~.rcy, Joe Huddleston, Tom Gorman, John Kinnee, Tom Cundy, Roberta Longmire, George Knight Staff present: Ty Peterson, Shelly Badger, Jerry Prock Motion by John Kinnee to approve the February 22, 1994 minutes changing Motion No ~09 to read that the Planning Commission was authofizing the Building Dept to issue nonconforming sign permits for the Nisqually Plaza project only. Seconded by Roberta Longmire Motion carried 2 Public Hearing - Time Square office building site-plan and variance request Tim Schlosser opened the public hearing, and Ty Peterson proceeded with the staff report Ty went through the Planning staff report first and proceeded with the engineering recommendation and letter of requirements dated 2-17-94 Staff recommended approval based upon the conditions of the staff reports Discussion with regard to frontage improvements (item #25 in the engineering letter dated 2-17-94) continued The Planning Commission felt that the addition of a second lane from centerline and the bike lane, virtually serving no purpose or going anywhere, could be confusing to the driver, costly to the developer and potentially be a hazard Further discussion took place about various options the City could pursue for frontage improvements for the proposed site-plan Motion by Tom Gorman to recommend approval to the City Council of the setback variance based on the finding in the staff report Seconded by Joe Huddleston. Motion carried Motion by John Kinnee to approve the Time Square site- plan with conditions set forth in the planning and engineering recommendations with deferral of the frontage improvements by waiver of protest (item 25 in the engineering letter 2-17-94), except that the n o c 9a-13 c construction a five foot wide sidewalk be required from northern property line to main access of the site seconded by George Knight Motion carried 3 Affordable housing: Shelly Badger explained how the report was going to affect Yelm and the importance of getting credit for existing stock of affordable/lower income housing Shelly went on to explain how affordable is defined based upon income levels Ty Peterson talked about how Yelm would pursue affordable housing in the Comprehensive Plan through policy and goal statements, but that more aggressive techniques would not be necessary at this time, and to let the market take care of it 4 Other: Ty Peterson mentioned that some of the Planning Commission members terms had expired and that the City Council had approved an amendment allowing two more positions on the Planning Commission One position is reserved for the Chair of the 'Make Yelm Attractive" committee and the other position held by a Yelm resident The Mayor is currently accepting letters of interest for the one position Tim Schlosser mentioned that he wished that the Planning Commission had been better informed of the intent to add more members 5 Jerry Prock presented what the Nisqually Plaza was proposing for signage Some discussion took place as to the number and size of signs for that entire project, including the pads and the smaller shops Motion to adjourn by John Kinnee, seconded by Tom Cundy, motion carried Adjourned at 5:10 p m Submitted; J/ ~/,-- ~,...-. ~ ----c---- c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 9859'1 (206) 458"3244 AGENDA ~tTY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISStON MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 7~ 1994, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approvar of minutes Febru~ry 7, 1994 minute~ 2, PL,lbl ic Hearing ~ Time Squa,re Office Buildi.ng 'Site-Plan Proposal and R~quest for Variance 3 Af.fordab 1 e Housing Memo '-, 4 Other 0 5 Adjourn Eric losure,s are ava;' 1 ab 1 e to non-Comm i ssi on members Upon request If you need special arrangement's to attend or participate in this me~ting. please Oontact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk at 458-8404 . . j NEXT REGUL-ARMEETING, MONDAY ,MARCH 21, 1994, 4 :00 PM o ~ W " ljecyck:-d paper c c ~ ~ MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1994 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 This meeting was called to order at 4:00 p m by Planning Commission Chair Tim Schlosser Members present: Ken Garmann, Tom Cundy, Roberta Longmire, Tim Schlosser, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, George Knight Staff present: Ty Peterson, Mark Cook, Jim Blundell, Shelly Badger, Jerry Prock Minutes were approved unanimously 2 Variance request: (Tom Gorman left the room and abstained from vote) The pubic hearing was opened Ty Peterson presented the information in the staff report (var8108) and did not recommend a variance based upon the strict interpretation of the ordinance Ty also stated that the Planning Dept would not object to the variance based on the findings that it would not jeopardize the best interest of the City or deprive any adjacent properties John Anderson, the applicant, explained his proposal in more detail and discussion took place regarding the height restrictions associated with approval of the variance 94-05 Motion by E J Curry to recommend approval of the variance and waive the 15 ft height restriction Seconded by Tom Cundy Motion carried 3 Zone Change request: The public hearing was opened Ty Peterson presented the staff report for a proposed zone change along Burnett Rd Ty stated that he felt that the rezone was correcting a mistake that had been previously made in the legal description of a prior zone change This would be correcting an existing spot zone and appeared to only be a formality Staff recommendation was to recommend approval of the rezone to the City Council 94-06 Motion to recommend approval of the rezone request along Burnett Rd. by George Knight. Seconded by E J Curry. Motion carried 4 Site-Plan for proposed apartment complex: The public hearing was opened Ty Peterson began with introducing the staff report (spr8092) and explaining the characteristics of the site and the proposal The \ c c 94-07 c Planning Dept recommended approval based upon the conditions of approval suggested in the staff report (excluding condition #4 and replacing it with the condition recommended by the City Attorney regarding impact mitigation for the School District) and the Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance. Mark Cook addressed concerns of the Engineering Dept and also recommended approval based upon the conditions outlined in Engineering Report and conditions of approval Mark recommended that the engineering for frontage improvements be required prior to final engineering approval, and that construction of the improvements be deferred per the conditions of the staff report The proponents requested that the engineering be deferred as well and that a waiver of protest for a Local Improvements District would be more appropriate Jim Blundell explained the recommendation from the City Attorney, to replace item #4 of the Planning Dept conditions of approval in the Staff Report The School Dist recommended that the Planning Commission not approve the Site-Plan until an agreement is reached on impact mitigation for the impact on schools created by the development John Thompson submitted a letter making this request and explained his interpretation of the process for collecting impact fees A letter was received by the Planning Dept and an adjacent property owner stated that there was concern about children playing in the Creek and the increased liability caused by the additional children on the adjacent properties Jim Blundell stated that the liability on private property is not an issue that the City needs to be overly concerned with, it is a private property issue Motion by Roberta Longmire to approve the 72 unit apartment complex with the conditions stated in the Planning and Engineering Departments recommendation, replacing item #4 of the Planning Departments recommendation with the City Attorney's condition of approval concerning impact mitigation for the School District Seconded by E J. Curry. Motion carried 5 Master Plan Review Ordinance: Ty Peterson explained that the issues and concerns of the Planning Commission and City Council had been addressed in the revised final draft c 94-08 6 94-09 o-'-j ~,~ .x\o-"'-. (/... ~j" o ~ ' '0 ~<,.O: C~' 7 c Motion to recommend approval of the Master Plan Review Ordinance to the City Council by Roberta Longmire Seconded by George Knight Motion carried Sign Ordinance/staff update and discussion: Shelly Badger began by explaining that an update to the ordinance would take more additional staff time, but the City should not hold up the developers based on update taking more time Shelly requested that the Planning Commission authorize the Building Dept to use discretion in administering the sign ordinance and allow for larger signs in the larger scale developments like Nisqually Plaza, until the City can make the appropriate revisions to the ordinance Motion to allow the Building Dept. to authorize signs in the larger scale developments until the City can make to appropriate changes to the ordinance, as long as they still meet the intent of the ordinance, by Tom Gorman. Seconded by Roberta Longmire Motion carried. ?f Ken Garmann talked about how the sewer project was coming along Tim Schlosser expressed his concern for how dirty the roads appeared and that construction seems to be messy Adjourned at 5:50 p m Submitted; \L\{\ 0u ~ ~\[) ~~. V) q ~ c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1994 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 94-04 c c 1 This meeting was called to order at 4:05 p m by Planning Commission Chair Tim Schlosser Members present: Joe Huddleston, George Knight, Tom Cundy, Tom Gorman, John Kinnee, Tim Schlosser, E J Curry, Roberta Longmire, Ken Garmann Staff present: Mark Cook, Shelly Badger, Ty Peterson, Jim Blundell, Jerry Prock Council member Martha Parsons was present Motion to approve Planning Commission minutes from 1-18-94, by Joe Huddleston Seconded by Tom Gorman Motion carried. Ty Peterson requested that commercial building permits be discussed and added to the agenda 2 Jim Forrester/Zoning inquiry: Ty Peterson began by explaining Mr and Mrs Forrester approached him with questions surrounding rezoning their property. Their intentions tonight were to find out if the Planning Commission would look at the possibility of recommending approval of a rezone Jim Forrester explained that the property would be good commercial property with access to SR507 and that he felt that commercial activities should be encouraged in that direction of town so that not everyone has to drive through town to get to services Tim Schlosser stated that it is much easier to respond to specific proposals and he thought the Y-2 alternate route might play role in decision Ty Peterson stated that the City would not prevent development based upon the proposed Y-2 until the Y-2 study was completed and a corridor identified Ty Peterson stated the City currently does not have services provided to the area that would support commercial development Jim Forrester mentioned that he understood that and they are currently on the list for sewer capacity if additional capacity should become available in the system some time in the future. Shelly Badger mentioned that the new Comprehensive Plan would designate potential land uses Tim Schlosser stated that they couldn't really give any indication as to what their recommendation would be, but that if the property were rezoned, any development would be conditioned upon the availability of services, specifically sewer c (\ ~ c 3 Sign Ordinance: Shelly Badger started by identifying the problem with the ordinance Currently, businesses are requesting that instead of displaying numerous smaller signs that met the requirements of the ordinance, they would prefer to display one large sign that equalled the totaled square footage of the allowable signs More discussion between Jerry Prock and the Planning Commission followed It was recognized that while it was the intent of the ordinance to prevent a clutter of unnecessary signs it also intended not to provide for large bill board style signs It was noted that development of the sign ordinance, may not have foreseen large scale commercial developments the City is now faced with Planning Commission gave direction to staff to propose an amendment that seemed reasonable and would be imposed equally throughout town 4 Master Plan Review Ordinance: Ty Peterson began by presenting the new ordinance and Jim Blundell explained why and how it came about and some of the reasons why we need this particular ordinance There was discussion as to how it differed from the existing Planned Development District zone in the current Zoning Ordinance Jim Blundell and Ty Peterson mentioned that this would give the City more control, it outlined the planning process better and was able to look at larger developments in the whole scheme of things Some Planning Commission members expressed concern specifically regarding language in the ordinance that reflected the intent to provide for employment centers and possible large scale commercial It was mentioned that it had always been the intent of the City to maintain it's existing commercial zone and Business District as the primary commercial service area Jim also pointed out that whatever land uses or zoning that is proposed must still meet and be in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan Staff agreed they would change the wording for that section to address the Planning Commission concerns More discussion took place about the ordinance and the procedural processes for timing and compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Jim Blundell stated that the new ordinance gave more control to the City to guide the development and provide for ways to make services available as development occurs The Commission made the point that they wanted to make sure they wouldn't be putting themselves in position where they would have to approve a proposal under this ordinance prior to the Growth Management Act Comprehensive Plan being finalized and adopted by the City o Jamie Havery, representing Intercity Transit, presented a letter outlining suggestions to the ordinance pertaining to Transportation elements Shelly Badger stated that the City's Transportation Plan did address multi-modal issues Jim Blundell stated some of the changes he would make pertaining to procedural process so that the ordinance would meet Yelm's process for deciding land use proposals. Planning Commission and staff agreed they would look at the ordinance again and continue the public hearing at the next meeting on February 22, 1994 5 Engineering Update: Mark Cook gave a report from the Engineering Dept on the various items and projects in town He referenced the weekly report dated 2-3-94 6 "Make Yelm Attractive Committee": Shelly Badger mentioned that the Committee is still active and thought it in the best interest of the City to maintain communication between the two entities 7 Commercial Building Permits: Mark Cook presented the issue of deferring frontage improvements on small commercial developments that don't fall under SEPA review or within the Central Business District. Mark stated that the Lacey Development Standards, adopted by Yelm, required improvements for any commercial building permit Staff recommended that deferrals would be made available for projects that requested it. Deferrals would be bonded and granted for one year with a possible one year extension Commission directed staff to make a policy statement o Adjourned 5:45 P M ~~ (\ ~ c , , 105 Ye'lm A venue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washingtoll 98597 (206) 458-3244 City of Yelm "C c AGENDA CITY OF Y;EIM pI.J.\NNIKi C(}IJMISSION MEETll'G MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YEIM' CITY HALL ~IL, aIAMBERS, 105 YEIM AVE. W. 1. C?ll ~o OrdeJ:', Roll call, Approval of Minutes January 18., '1994 minutes 2. Jim Forrester - Zorling inquiry 3.' Sign Onli.naI1ee discussion/clarification ~ Jerry Proc;k 4 . Work Session - Planned Crnmunity Review Ordinance (Enclosed for P;t.annin,g Comnif;sioners) 5 . 'Engin~r;ing Update 6'. Staff report on "Make Yelm Attractive" Coomittee rreetingl? and .status 7. Other , 8. Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Co)11llission members upo,n request. If you need special arrangements to attend or pa;rticipate in this meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City C~erk, at 458-8404 NEXT REGULAR MEETI}IiG, ,TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1994., 4:00 1M * Reeyc/ed paper c MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1994 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No c ~ o 1 This meeting was called to order at 4:05 p m by Planning Commission Chair Tim Schlosser Members present: Joe Huddleston, Ken Garmann, George Knight, Tim Schlosser, Tom Cundy arrived late Staff present: Ty Peterson, Mark Cook, Shelly Badger and City Attorney Jim Blundell Because of lack of quorum at the beginning of the meeting the agenda was shifted so that action items would occur later in the meeting 2 Engineering update: Mark Cook went through the weekly engineering project status report dated 1-26-94 for the various projects underway in the City 3 Public Hearing / Vancil Rd Zone Change: Tim Schlosser opened the public hearing, and Ty Peterson proceeded with the staff report from the Planning Dept. dated 1- 18-93 After the report was completed, Tim asked for comments from the audience, no opposition was noted Tim read a letter from an adjacent property owner that requested buffering between the commercial zoning and the proposed multi-family zoning Ty Peterson responded by saying that buffering requirements would have to meet prior to any new development associated with either property Concern was raised by a County resident that lived at the south end of Vancil Rd The issues of concern were whether or not the City is really taking into consideration the affects of all the development on Vancil Rd It was pointed out that increased development along a dead-end road could cause traffic flow problems, and that it didn't appear that the City realized or considered the effects upon the County residents living at the end of the street The concern was noted and staff commented on the improvements that were going to done to the road and that the new traffic signal should help mitigate traffic delays Some discussion about the Y-2 corridor took place and it was explained that the proposed corridor had not been established or identified yet Mark Cook said that after construction of the improved road some signs would be put into place that would identify the road as a dead-end The public hearing was closed by Tim Schlosser c c c 94-01 94-02 94-03 Motion to recommend approval of the rezone to the City Council based upon the findings in the staff analysis by George Knight Seconded by Tom Cundy Motion carried 4 Public Hearing for Planned Community Review Ordinance: Jim Blundell began by giving a brief explanation of why the City needed the ordinance and how this came about Ty Peterson stated that staff was not particularly looking for an action but that we needed to begin looking at the ordinance Jim Blundell gave an overview of what the ordinance contained Mark Cook stated that these type of documents are used to benefit both the developer and the City by providing a guide and preventing poor development Tim Schlosser stated that he felt that this was something that should have been submitted for a work session so that it could be discussed in detail Some more discussion took place between the Commission and staff as to the reason for the ordinance Staff and the Commission agreed that a work session for February 7, 1994 would be scheduled There was one question from the public about the use of a Master Plan for the entire City City staff explained that the Comprehensive Plan for Growth Management would accomplish this, when it was completed Craig Sears, representing Thurston Highlands, commented on the proposed ordinance and stated that he felt is was very thorough, well written, clear, and suitable for the types of development it is meant to serve John Thompson, from the public, mentioned the need for schools in large developments He additionally brought up the situation in the SW Yelm Annexation overlapping two School Districts Motion to have a work session on the new ordinance on February 7, 1993, and to extend the public hearing by George Knight Seconded by Joe Huddleston. Motion carried. Motion to approve the December 20, 1993 minutes by Joe Huddleston Seconded by George Knight Motion carried 5 Report from City Council regarding Affordable Housing: Shelly Badger informed the Commission that the City Council wants new development standards to look at ways to provide for affordable housing. 6 "Make Yelm Attractive" Committee update: Ty Peterson informed the Commission that the "Make Yelm Attractive" Committee was working toward some recommendations for design guidelines Shelly Badger mentioned that these guidelines would be something that could be incorporated into the development standards that are underway c Shelly Badger informed the Commission of the public meeting on Monday, January 24, 1994, to discuss locating a state prison in the Yelm area Adjourned at 5:35 p m Submitted; ("\ \~ (\ V c' c c City of Yelm , 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, U'ashington 98597 (206) 458-3244 , \ AGENDA ~ITY OF YEIM PI:.ANNlH; C<M1ISSION MEETIK;, TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1994, 4:00 P.M. YEIM CITY HALL ~IL OIAMBERS', 105 YEIM AVE. W. , , 1. Call to Order, Roll <;:all, ApproVal of Minutes December ~O, 1993 minute$ 2 . Public Heating -' Prairie Heights II Rezone proposal (PUblic Hearing Notice enclosed) 3. Public Hearing - PlannedCoomunity Review Onlinahce (Enclosed for~Planning CCXllflissionerS ). 4. Engineering Update 5. Staff Update: Report frail YelmCi ty CounGil regaroing Affoi:dcible Housing and Developrent S1;cindards 6. Staff report on "Make Yelm Attractive" Carmittee rreetings and status 7. Other 8. AdjomTl> Enclosure~ are available to non-Commission membersppon request. If you need special arrangements tOe attend or participat~ in this meetlng, .please contact Agn~s Colombo, City Cierk, at 458-8404 NEXT 'REGlJ!AR MEE~, ~AY, FEBRUARY -7, 1994, 4 :00 PM * Recvcled paper c City of Yelm :'" c c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 \ r , PUBLIC NOTICE The Cjty ~f Yelm Planhing Commission me~ting scheduled for Ja'nuary 3, 1994 will be cance 11 ed due to 1 ack of bus i ness The regulatly sched~led meeting fof Januafy 17, 1994 will also be. cancelled and rescheduled for >January 18, "1994, at"'4..00 p m 1 n the City .Ha i 1 Counc i 1 Ch~mber s Th i s reschedul e is because of the January 17, 1994 'Mar tin Lut her King Ho 1 i day If there are any questions concerning these changes pl~ase contac~_Ty Peterson.at Yelm City HalJ, or by 9alling (~06)45a~ 8408 Thank 'you /J1Vt Ik.c/t ,-p-S kv1 C~~~~ cL L~('o~ ! 2 -..2K' r 95 )Q -'- .2g--q ~ , Recycled 'paper