08-25-04 MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25,2004 1. Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Pat Fetterly and Ron Harding. 3. Agenda Approval 04-73 MOTION BY BOB 150M, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE AGENDA. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations- None scheduled. 5. Public Comment. Mayor Rivas asked if anyone wished to speak to the Council at the meeting. Bonnie Rossa presented photos showing the condition of Longmire Road indicating the decay began with the construction of the development on Longmire. She has spoken to the excavator and Public Works but feels her tax dollars are not working for her. Mayor Rivas requested her phone number to review and get back to her. Carla Lowery and Jean McManus of Thurston County express concern about the prospect of NASCAR speedway in Yelm and the planned bypass so close to their address being a critical issue for their family and neighbors just outside the city Ii m its. Keith Parker returned to council regarding access to alley at VanTrump Ave NE. Mayor Rivas responded that he met with departments just this morning and Mr. Parker would receive information from that meeting. Debra Moss, Thurston County. Opposed to NASCAR and it's location in relation to Thompson Creek and the repeat flooding. Concerned that her vote outside the city limits would not be heard. Mayor Rivas explained that the public comment process is open to all not limited to the voting population in the city limits. James Zukowski, Thurston County bordering city limits. Opposed to NASCAR stating it would not be best for environment and our natural life. Displeased with Mayor's comments in the newspaper last week. Mr. Zukowski and Debra Moss express displeasure with the reference to the Ramtha School being the opposition. Mayor Rivas responded that those comments were taken out of context and he was misquoted. He stated he has requested a meeting with J. Z. Knight. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2004/08/25/04 page 1 of3 6. Consent Agenda a. Council Minutes - August 11, 2004 Regular Meeting b. Payables: Checks 23275-23338, totaling $147,924.99 1) Manual Checks: 23275-23290 totaling $1,710.00 2) Claims Checks: 23291-23338 totaling $146,214.99 c. Preliminary Payroll August, 2004 d. Park Use Requests: CMP, Steffen Birthday Party, 09-11-04, 11am - 2 pm, #30 04-74 MOTION BY BOB 150M, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearings - Utility Assessment Reimbursement Contract (Latecomer's Agreement) for Parcels located on Middle Road. Mayor Rivas opened the Public Hearing at 7:50 pm stating the time, location and purpose of the Public Hearing. Tami Merriman reviewed the staff report on the Assessment Reimbursement Contract for water improvements along Middle Road frontage. Yelm Property Development has installed water and sewer lines as a condition of Willow Glen Phase I and II development. Grant Beck added that 3 of the 5 parcels affected are owned be Yelm Property Development, the remaining two parcels are another owner who is in the early stages of development. Grant reported that late this afternoon he was contacted by an attorney on behalf of the second owner who objected to the hearing process being combined into one hearing. Grant Beck reviewed it with the city attorney, Brent Dille, who responded that it was within the city code requirement. Councilman Miller asked if the second party was being forced to make payment. Grant responded that it would distribute the costs at the time they chose to come in to the service area. Councilman Harding asked about the property past this development being on the water service line. Tami Merriman responded that Prairie Creek is connected from the opposite direction. Mayor Rivas closed the Public Hearing at 8:02 pm. 4-75 MOTION BY BOB 150M, SECONDED BY RON HARDING TO TABLE ITEM 7 ,ORDINANCE 814 AND 815 UTILITY ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACT UNTIL SEPTEMBER 11, 2004 MEETING. CARRIED. Mayor Rivas directed staff to obtain a written response from Brent Dille for Study Session 08-26-04. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2004/08/25/04 page 2 of3 8. New Business. Yelm Planning Commission Appointment. Tami Merriman reviewed the advertising and selection procedure for filling a vacancy in the Planning Commission. She received 4 applications to submit back to Mayor Rivas for his recommendation. Mayor Rivas recommended John Graver. 04-76 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY FOR MAYOR RIVAS TO APPROVE JOHN GRAVER TO YELM PLANNING COMMISSION POSITION. CARRIED. 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business Councilmember Miller attended Fire Commission Meeting that included commissioners from other jurisdictions discussing the forming of a Citizens Advisory Board. Councilmember Harding attended Intercity Transit meeting. Invited members to ride transit bus on Patriots Day, 09-11-04. He will be unable to. Councilmember Fetterly attended NRCC meeting and attended negotiations with the Fire Department with Shelly Badger. Mayor Rivas reported with a response letter written to Mr. Jackson regarding his concerns at the construction site on and around 10Sth Street. 11 . Executive Session- None 12. Correspondence was available. 13. Adj~ur,'. Meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m. / J. .-:-./ ~ . ~,.. Adank R. Rivas, Mayor ,., Attest: tÍ1/Ju.¡ 0vhAt.-t- f . Agn~ "BenniCk, City ClerkfTreasurer Minutes: Janina A. Schnepf Yelm City Council Minutes ab/c c/2 0 04/0 8/25/04 page 3 of3