838 Fire ConcurrencyL . 3 t AGE ATI E YEL E ~' E, C l' `15.40 YEI... t1 IGIAL G E, AC?!~! C~ A FI E F' C~TEGTI ERVIGE l F~AGT FEE Pl1R~l1A T TC) EG~'It~ 02.02.050 G E ,the City of Seim contracts for fire protection services with the elm Fire isrict, operating as l"hurston FirefE e and the Caro h anagement Act and sections 82.02,050 through 090 RG authorize the collection of impact fees in order for new development to provide its share of revenue for financing public facilities, and ,the istrict's i pact fee stu y i entifies a ethodology for calculating fire 6 pact flees that provides for syste improvements, benefits new develapment, and is based on new development's proportionate share of costs; and A. enever a rvie ing authority is asked to consider the approval of a division of land or sale or lease or the approval of a site plan, the reviewing cafFicial shall rxaae a written tteterinatian of concurrency in connection with facilities proposed or available for the project. ordinance 838 page 1 of iia respect ca each ~~ t ~°°aiic faoilitie identified above, onourrer~cy Khali e establi a any c - :::.pined as folowv: 1. ever. 7'ranspc~rkation. rdir~ance Page 2 cif 3 l f the ca~aita! faclBitls Mara ada~atd by the Y~Irra Fire (~'sfifir':rt t~F hursto r/E l nd end~rd b~ esaiution of the Yelm lt~ T'h! rdsr~ance Thal! take effect cue br 1, 2005, lay ie lty uraci! cf Yelm this 12th ay cf caber, 2405. r m `luas~, aycar AIJT E TIA?'Ei~. „~ `; gr`1~ ~.=~ar~®:,k, Katy clerk. l'l9 LlS E®. !squally Valley utr, ctcber 21, 2005 F~ETIVE DATE: cvebr 1, 2005 C3rdiraance Page of