697 Amend Ord 138 and 141. "~ CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 697 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Yelm amending City of Yelm Ordinances No. 13 8 and 141 (12/72) and the Yelm Municipal Code by repealing Chapter 3.12, and amending Chapter 3.16 and establishing an effective date. WHEREAS, the need exists to update the Yelm Municipal Code to meet current City of Yelm needs; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM DO ORDA[N AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. City of Yelm Ordinance No. 138, YMC Chapter 3.12, establishing a "Cumulative Reserve Fund for Fire Protection Purposes" is repealed in its entirety. Section 2. City of Yelm Ordinance 141, YMC Chapter 3.16, "Cumulative Reserve Fund for General Municipal Pwposes" is amended as shown: 3.16.010 Established. There is established for the 3 C~ a ECumulative tReseive and Urban Development#Fund. ~°~~~~~°~°a ~~~''^''°'~~^•~ ~, ~~ 3.16.030 Expenditure limitations. The expenditure of moneys from such fund shall be as determined from time to time by action of the C~ eCouncil ef-~e ~e~w3. Provided, however, that moneys designated for specitic uses in the fund shall be expended for_ e~e~si~ely A. capital improvements, construction, alteration or repair of any public building or work, or the purchase of supplies, material and equipment in support of general municipal functions. B. urban renewal projects. Section 3. Effective Date: This ordinance shall be in full force five days after the date of publication according to state law. ADOPTED this l 2`" day of April, 2000. ~~~ Kathryn M. W If, Mayor ~~~ Authe ticated: p ~/ , u CCU Ag s P. Bennick, City Clerk PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News, April 21, 2000 EFFECTIVE: Apri126, 2000