812 Amend Yelm Sign CodeCITY OF YELM
Code, Chapter 15.24 YMC
WHEREAS, A goal of the City Council is to update the Yelm Sign Code, which was
initially adopted in 1996 and has not be reviewed since that time; and
WHEREAS, An Ad Hoc Committee comprised of local business owners, a
representative of the Chamber of Commerce, and members of the Planning Commission
was established to review the Sign Code; and
WHEREAS, The Committee suggested a number of changes to the Planning
Commission, which held an open house and a duly advertised public hearing on
proposed changes; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed all public comments and referred them
to a subcommittee of the Commission for futher analysis; and
WHEREAS, The subcommittee and Planning Commission recommended changes to the
Sign Code to the City Council;
Section 1. Adoption:
In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 37.70A Revised Code of
Washington, the Yelm City Council does hereby adopt amendments to the Yelm
Sign Code, Chapter 15.24 Yelm Municipal Code.
Section 2. Section 15.24.020 YMC (Definitions and abbreviations) is hereby amended to
add the following definitions:
"Administrator" means the Building Official for the Citv of Yelm or his/her
" tructural Alteration" means anv action that changes the height. size. or shape
of the sian or anv action that affects the base or suooort(s) of the sian.
Section 3. Section 15.24.050 YMC (Applications) is hereby amended as follows:
All sians regulated by this chapter shall reauire issuance of a sian oermi
by the Administrator. provided that real estate sians. political sians. and
garage sale sians which meet the provisions of this chapter do not reauire
issuance of a sign ep rmit.
B Applications for permits shall contain the name and address of the owner
and user of the sign, the name and address of the owner of the property
on which the sign is to be located, the location of the sign structure,
drawings or photographs showing the design and dimensions of the sign
Ordinance 812 Page 1 of 13
and details of its proposed placement and such other pertinent
information as the administrator e#-#~-is-s ede-may require~~e-ire
C Sian H ermit s shall be issued no later than tw o weeks from the date of a
l t li ti ~
mo e a
e oo
ca on. ,
rcn„ir emcn4 fnr f„r Fher 4irr,e „ nrlcr CGQ A._
Section 4. Section 15.24.060 YMC (Fee schedule) is hereby amended as follows:
Fees for sign permits shall be established by resolution of the City Council.tfie
Section 5. Section 15.24.050 YMC (Exemptions) is hereby amended as follows:
The following signs do not require a sign permit less-nett, nor shall the area
and number of such signs be included in the area and number of signs permitted
for any site or use. This shall not be construed as relieving the owner of the sign
from the responsibility of its erection and maintenance and its compliance with
the provisions of this chapter or any other law or ordinance
A. The flag, emblem or insignia of a nation or other governmental unit or
nonprofit organization subject to the guidelines concerning their use set
forth by the government or organization which they represent. €~ag-pales
B. Memorial signs or tablets, names of building, stained glass windows and
dates of erection when cut into the surface or the facade of the building or
when projecting not more than two inches.
C. Traffic or other municipal signs, signs required by law or emergency,
railroad crossing signs, legal notices, and any temporary, or
nonadvertising signs as may be authorized by the city council.
D. Signs of public utility companies indicating danger or which serve as an
aid to public safety or which show the location of underground facilities or
of public telephones
E. Flush-mounted wall signs, used to identify the name and address of the
occupant for each dwelling provided the sign does not exceed two square
feet in sign area
F. Signs located in the interior of any building or within an enclosed lobby or
court of any building or group of buildings, which signs are designed and
located to be viewed exclusively by patrons of such use or uses
G. One bulletin board not over 50 square feet in sign area for each public,
charitable or religious institution where the same are located on the
premises of said institution.
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H. Decorations. Such signs in the nature of decoration, clearly incidental and
customary and commonly associated with any national, local or religious
I. Painting, repainting or cleaning of an advertising structure or the changing
of the advertising copy of message thereon shall not be considered an
erection or alteration which requires a sign permit unless a structural
change is made
J. Sculptures, fountains, mosaics and design features which do not
incorporate advertising or identification
K. "No trespassing," "no dumping," "no parking," "private," signs identifying
essential public needs such as ''~restrooms, entrance, exit, ~.
telephone~3 and other informational warning signs, which s#~all-knot
exceed two square feet in surface area
L. Directional signs erected by the city on public streets directing the public
to emergency, public, civic or nonprofit facilities. Such sign may have an
arrow and the type of service available. Such sign shall not exceed two
square feet.
Section 6. Section 15.24.090 YMC (Temporary signs) is hereby amended as follows:
The following signs are classified as temporary (nonpermanent). Temporary
signs are permitted subject to the applicable limitations:
A. Construction Signs. A-oign--peFr~i+r-i~-re~a~red. Such signs may be
displayed only after a building permit is obtained and during the period of
construction on the construction site. Only one such sign is permitted per
construction project for each public street upon which the project fronts.
The applicable limits are as follows:
1. In all zones other than single-family residential zones, no
construction sign shall exceed 32 square feet in sign area (printed
copy on one side only) or 10 feet in height, nor be located closer
than 10 feet from the property line or closer than 30 feet from the
property line from the abutting owner.
2. In single-family residential zones, no construction sign shall
exceed 32 square feet in sign area (printed copy on one side only)
or 10 feet in height, nor be located closer than 10 feet from the
property line of the abutting owner.
B. Grand Opening Displays. Such
temporary signs, posters, banners strings of lights, clusters of flags,
balloons or other air- or gas-filled figures, and searchlights are permitted
on premises only and for a period of 14 days only to announce the
opening of a completely new enterprise or the opening of an enterprise
under new management. Square footage of allowable temporary sign
area is provided in YMC 15.24.290. Sandwich board signs are permitted
provided each side does not exceed two and one half feet by four feet. All
such materials shall be removed immediately upon the expiration of 14
days. Search lights may be permitted by any business or enterprise
Ordinance 812 Page 3 of 13
provided the beam of light does not flash against any building or does not
sweep an arc of more than 45 degrees from vertical.
C. Special Event Signs for Businesses and Organizations. ° -„o-f°~~n
ncrmi4 i~+ ren~ ~i~~Such temporary signs may be placed on premises only
hand shall not be larger than 20 square feet. Sandwich board signs are
permitted provided each side does not exceed two and one-half feet by
four feet. Said signs shall not be posted or attached to telephone poles,
power poles or other public utility facilities. Such signs may be permitted
on premises only and for a period of 14 days only. Special events are
limited to four per year. The event committee for which the sign is
displayed shall be responsible for its removal and subject to the penalties
as provided in this code. Search lights may be permitted by any business
or enterprise provided the beam of light does not flash against any
building or does not sweep an arch of more than 45 degrees from vertical.
D. Real Estate Signs. .All exterior real estate
signs must be of wood or plastic or other durable material. The permitted
signs, with applicable limits, are as follows:
1. Residential "for sale," "open house" and "sold" signs: such signs
shall be limited to one sign per street frontage not to exceed five
square feet in sign area, placed wholly on the property for sale,
and not to exceed a height of seven feet.
2. Residential directional "open house" signs advertising residential
evelooments within the Citv of Yelm shall be permitted during
daylight hours on weekends only and must be placed out of the
way of pedestrian traffic.
3. Undeveloped commercial and industrial property "for sale or rent"
signs: one sign per street frontage advertising undeveloped
commercial and industrial property for sale or rent. The sign shall
not exceed 32 square feet in sign area and 10 feet to top of sign.
4. Developed commercial and industrial property "for sale or rent"
signs: one sign per street frontage advertising a commercial or
industrial building for rent or sale is permitted while the building is
actually for rent or sale. If one face of the building is less than 10
feet from the property line, the sign shall be placed on the building
or in a window. The sign shall not exceed 10 feet to top of sign, if
freestanding, shall be located more than 15 feet from any abutting
property line and a public right-of-way line. Said sign shall not
exceed 32 square feet in sign area.
5. Undeveloped residential property "for sale" signs: one on-
premises sign per street frontage advertising undeveloped
residential property for sale is permitted not exceeding 32 square
feet in sign area. Said sign must be placed more than 30 feet from
the abutting owner's property line and may not exceed a height of
10 feet to top of sign.
E. Political Signs. .Political signs or posters may
shall not be larger than 10
square feet of sign area and shall not be posted or attached to telephone
Ordinance 812 Page 4 of 13
poles, power polest or other public utility facilities. Such signs m,,,~-pe
must be removed seven
days after the election in which the candidate or issue advertised on a
sign has been determined.
,.,;+h.., ~e.,e., .~~..~ sae. +he oio~+,,.~. The candidate or committee for
which the sign is displayed shall be responsible for its removal and
subject to the penalties as provided in this code.
F. Garage Sale (Yard Sales, Moving Sales, Patio Sales). Ale-sig~er~it--is
-Such sign shall be limited to one sign on the premises. No such
sign shall exceed four square feet in the sign area. The sign may be
displayed only during the sale and must be removed the day the sale
ends. The person or persons for which the sign is displayed shall be
responsible for its removal and subject to the penalties as provided in this
code. No individual shall be permitted to have more than two garage
sales per calendar year and shall not exceed ~ i~
combined days.
Sandwich Board Signs . Busines ses that cater to pedestrians such as:
restaurants, retail busi nesses th at sell clothing . gifts. accessories. small
markets. or other simila r uses as determined by be
the Administrator shall
allowed to have san dwich boa rd sians. S _
uch sians shall only be
pedestrian orient ed in nature a nd businesse s will only be allowed a
maximum of one s andw ich board sian. Sandwi ch board sians are subiec
to the following co
1. Proof of li nditio
ability ns:
shall be furni
shed with the sian permit
in the mini
Yelm is na mum
med aggregate
as an addi sum of $500.
tional insured 000.00 and that the Citv of
on such policy.,,
2 The area of the sandwich board shall n ot exceed six square feet
-~er side in size and shall not be wider th an two feet.
3 Sandwich boar ds shall b e constructed out of materials able to
withstand t voica l northwe st weather suc h as metal. finished wood.
chalkboard . wh iteboard. or elastic. S andwich boards shall be
4. Sandwich in a
board legible an
s may onl d intact manne
y be displayed r.
during business hours. If
usiness h ours continue east davliaht hours. precautions should
e taken t o pla ce the sia n in a location where it is readly_visible
after dark. San dwich boa rds shall not be wired for lighting_
5. Sandwich boar ds adverti sing business es with buildings directly
adj~c~nt t o a public sid ewalk may be located in front of the
building in
6. Sandwich whic
boar h the busin
ds adverti ess is located.
sing business
es in multiole occuoancv
buildings may be locate d no further t han twelve feet from the
entrance o f the business and must be located on a ~Pdegtria~]
Ordinance 812 Page 5 of 13
7 Sandwich boards shall not be placed in a location which is within
the vision triangle or any location which will impede vehicular
raffic. Further. such sians shall not be placed in a manner which
will block or otherwise obstruct the safe use of sidewalks. building
trances or stairs by pedestrians. including pedestrians who are
visually impaired or otherwise handicapped.
H. Temporary Community Event Sians. Sians that promote a community
v by resolution of the Citv Council and sponsored by a
community oriented non-profit organization are allowed subject to the
following conditions:
1 Each sign is no greater than 2 sauare feet in area.
2 The name telephone number and point of contact of the
sponsoring organization is displayed on the sign in at least 3/4 inch
letters on the face of the sign.
The sians are located entirely on private property outside the
public right-of-way.
4 The sians may be placed no earlier than 2 weeks (14 calendar
Sys) before the event.
All sians must be removed no later than 2 days after the event
Section 7. Section 15.24.100 YMC (Structural requirements) is hereby amended as
The structure and erection of signs or flag poles within the city shall be governed
by the urrently adopted building code. ,
Section 8. Section 15.24.170 YMC (Buildings facing on two parallel streets or corner) is
hereby amended as follows:
A~_Single- ormultiple-occupancy buildings whose premises extend through a
block to face onto parallel streets with customer entrances on each street
are permitted signs per street frontage as per YMC 15.24.190; provided,
however, that each sign is located on different street frontages and are
separated more than 100 feet measured in a straight line between the
Single- or multiple-occupancy buildings in the Central Business Distric
which extend through a block to face onto an alley with a customer
ntrance are permitted 120 percent of the allowed sign area. per YMC
5.24.280. with a maximum 30 percent of area on the alley and
maximum 100 percent of area on the street frontage.
C. Signage for buildings located on corner streets shall be permitted 150
percent of the allowed sign area, per YMC 15.24.280, with a maximum
100 percent of area on one street frontage.
Section 8. Section 15.24.190 YMC (District regulations) is hereby amended as follows:
Ordinance 812 Page 6 of 13
~A. Size and Type.
1. Home Occupations. Home occupation signs relate to "home
occupation" as defined in the zea+~ ni er~+ea+aseS~O~~. The
sign shall be wall-mounted and shall not exceed four square feet
in area, and cannot be internally illuminated, but may be indirectly
2. ~i~agle-Ra~+i~Residential Subdivisions. Two signs identifying a
subdivision may be permitted per entrance from an access street,
provided said signs do not exceed 18 square feet in sign area
each and five feet in height. Such signs can be monument,
freestanding or fence mounted.
3. Multifamily Complex. Each multifamily complex is permitted two
signs per entrance from an access street identifying the complex,
provided said signs do not exceed 18 square feet in sign area
each and five feet in height.
4. Commercial, Industrial and
B+st~istsPublic Uses.
a. Each single-occupancy building not in amultiple-building
complex is permitted one monument or freestanding sign,
per YMC 15.24.280 and one of any of the following signs:
awning, marquee or wall, per YMC 15.24.280.
b. Each multiple-occupancy building not in amultiple-buildina
complex is permitted one monument or freestanding sign
ff~g, plus one wall sign for primary exterior
entrances as provided in YMC 15.24.280.
c. Each building withip a multiple-building complex is
permitted one monument or freestanding sign per building,
plus one wall sign for primary exterior entrances as
provided in YMC 15.24.280.
Each multiple-buildina complex is permitted two monumen
or freestandina sions per entrance oer YMC 15.24.280.
~~ ~4rnnne ,,.,e ,.,,u ~,,..,~er~eg~ , Yivl~ 1a.24.2~9:
C. Location. Freestanding signs may be permitted anywhere on the
premises except for within the sight triangle established by the Yelm
building official. Monument signs can be located adjacent to property lines
but not within the sight triangle established by the Yelm building official.
Directory- type signs not to exceed six square feet in height are permitted
only within multiple-building complexes such as business parks and
governmental centers as an aid in client orientation.
D. Wall Signs. The surface area of any building- mounted sign or canopy-
mounted sign shall not exceed the figures derived from YMC 15.24.280.
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E. Illumination. Illumination, if used, shall be what is known as a white or
yellow bulb and shall not be blinking, fluctuating or moving. Light rays
shall shine only upon the sign or upon the property within the premises
and shall not spill over the property lines, in any direction, except by
indirect reflection.
F. Corner Signs. Corner signs shall be permitted, subject to the following
1. If corner parcel with two street frontages and entrances on both
streets and multibuilding complex, a monument sign placed at the
corner of the property can be a two- or three-faced sign; or
2. If corner parcel with two street frontages and entrances on both
streets and multibuilding complex, regular monument signs are
permitted at each entrance.
Section 9. Section 15.24.195 YMC (Off-site banners) is hereby amended as follows:
A. Banner installations shall be allowed at #e~-designated public
areas as approved by the si~y~.
B. Written requests for the use of the banner locations shall be
submitted to the Community
Development Department, using the form provided by the city.
The request shall include pertinent information such as the nature
of the event being advertised, the length of time the banner is to
be hung, a description of the banner, who will install the banner, a
contact person responsible for the banner and phone number of
that person in case of emergency~ts.
C. Banners shall be used to advertise community interest events,
and not for the advertising of the organization or its products. No
requests shall be approved for banners advertising the following
type of events:
1. Religious events;
2. Political events;
3. Commercial product sales or events.
D. Installation of banners shall be
scheduled on a first-come, first-served,-=basis. Applicants are
limited to four events per year. Requests must be received three
weeks prior to the date the banners will be installed. ale-ba~ef
fanners shall be
" Ilml #er-a maximum time of two weeks. T"° +;.,,° ~;.,.,;+
salt-~egi+~ in in on a Monday
Ordinance 812 Page 8 of 13
~lis-~nredFS ommunity Develonmen staff will schedule the
banner for the requested time providing there has not been prior
written application for the same date.
Installation and removal of the banners shall be the sole
responsibility of the applicant. Arrangements by the applicant must
be made for the installation and removal of the banner ~
'n alley approved by the Citv.
a • Di inch Cn~ ~nrl Cncrnv•
-{2~f IS1 A 1~
G. 'installation and
removal of ffiei~banner~ shall be coordinated with #•t~at-of other
applicants:, .
H. Banners shall ~e-~4~eno greater than 30 feet in width {~a~i
ci~e 4n foe+~ and no greater than three and one-half feet in height
the approved message ~h~!!
~ ~r on both sides of the banner. L~
greater than ~&~.percent of the sign area, per side, may include
advertisement of the sign sponsor(s).
I. Ba
eq nn
~ ers
~e shall be d
s oreoared
minims im e~lgned
by the
nrnmmcGT and
~ o insta
eh~ll lled in
he nnc_ accord
h~lf inn ance with
h /ir~cirl
M,~. the applicant shall repair or remove
their banner at-a+~+r~e-when notified by the Administrator that
the banner may pose a danger to public safety due to banner
Ordinance 812 Page 9 of 13
deterioration, If the applicant fails to
move the banner within five days,
staff shall remove the banner or cause it to be removed, and will
bill the i n for the cost of removal.
Section 10. Section 15.24.197 YMC (Community Signs) is hereby added as follows:
A single. joint sian listing Yelm civic oraanizations may be installed on
property owned by a civic oraanization or the Citv of Yelm by the
Chamber of Commerce. The sian shall be limited to 10 sauare feet if a
freestanding sian less than 8 feet in height and 20 sauare feet if a
monument sign.
B. Community Events within the Citv of Yelm sponsored by the Citv of Yelm
r a civic oraanization may be allowed on property owned by a civic
oraanization or the Citv of Yelm. provided that the sian is less than 20
~gu~re feet in area is erected no earlier than three weeks prior to the
advertised event and is removed within two days of the end of the event
C Signs located on the outfield fences of baseball fields owned and
operated by civic oraanizations are allowed. provided that such signs are
rig marily oriented towards the ballfield and are not intended to advertise
Section 11. Section 15.24.200 YMC (Variances) is hereby amended as follows:
Variances from provisions of this chapter may be granted by the #ea~+r~
°~~,;,;~Hearing Examiner in accordance with Chapter 17.96 YMC.
Section 12. Section 15.24.210 YMC (Legal nonconforming signs) is hereby amended as
A. Legal nonconforming signs are those signs which were lawful prior to the
date of adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter. but which would
prohibited. regulated; or restricted under the terms of this chapter.
1. No such sign shall be changed in any manner that increases the
noncompliance of such sign with the provisions of ~e
this chapter
2. The burden of establishing a sign to be legally nonconforming
under this section rests upon the person or persons, firm or
corporation claiming IegaMonconformina status for a sign;
3. „ „
.sign tb~t_is structurally altered; it
Ordinance 812 Page 10 of 13
must conform with
provisions of this chapter;
4. When a business or activity containing a legal nonconforming sign
is enlarged or remodeled to a value of 60 percent or more of
existing value of real property improvements, then such sign must
be brought in conformity with all provisions of this chapter;
5. When a business or activity containing a legal nonconforming sign
changes the t~ i n or name of the business, then such
sign must be brought into conformance with all plovisions of this
B. ~-Violation of the Chapter. Any violation of this chapter shall terminate
the right to maintain a I ~Lnonconforming sign.
No persons shall maintain or permit to be maintained on any premises
owned or controlled by him/her any Sian which has been abandoned.
D. The right to maintain anv legal nonconforming sian shall terminate and
shall cease to exist whenever the sign is:
_ Dam aged or de strov ed b
__ evo nd 50 perc ent The
__ dete rmi nat ion
whet her a sia n i s dam age d o r de stroved bevond 50 perc en t s h
rest with the bui lding offici al and shall be based u pon t he act ual
cost of re placi ng said sian: an d/o r
2. Stru ctural ly s ubs tand ard u nd er anv appl icable ord inanc e of the
qty a exte nt that t he si an bec omes a hazard or dange r.
Section 13. Section 15.24.122 YMC (Termination of signs) is hereby repealed:
~uhcne~icr 4he jinn ie.•
Section 14. Section 15.24.230 YMC (Administrator - Appointment) is hereby amended
as follows:
Ordinance 812 Page 11 of 13
The administrator is authorized I-to enforce and carry out all
provisions of this se~echaot. r, ' ' , '
ir+nL ~~° ~h°ir ~~ ~~hnri~°rl r°r+r°c~°nf~~i~i°
Section 15. Section 15.24.240 YMC (Administrator -Inspection authority) is hereby
amended as follows:
The administrator is empowered to enter or inspect any building, structure of premises in
the city, upon which or in connection with which a sign, as defined by this code, is
located, for the purpose of inspection of the sign, its structural and electrical connections
and to insure compliance with the provisions of this code. Such inspections shall be
carried out during business hours unless an emergency exists.
Section 16. Section 15.24.270 YMC (Removal of unlawful signs) is hereby amended as
A. Any unlawful ~ e-sign which has not been removed within 30
days after notice of
vi I i n, may be removed by the city and the costs charged to the
violator. If removal costs have not been paid and the sign reclaimed
within 30 days of its removal by the city, the city may sell or otherwise
dispose of the sign and apply the proceeds toward costs of removal. Any
proceeds in excess of costs of removal shall be paid to the owner of the
B. Unlawful Signs public streets,
sidewalks, rights-of-way. power poles. telephone soles. street sians. or
other public property or which wheresoever located present an immediate
and serious danger to the public because of their unsafe condition may
be immediately removed by the administrator without prior notice.
C. Any unlawful temporary or portable-type sign located on private property
which has not been removed after-wi hin 24 hours
after notice of violation may be removed by the city. The sign may be
reclaimed by the owner after a civil penalty of $100.00 has been paid. If
the sign has not been reclaimed within 30 days of its removal by the city,
the city may sell or otherwise dispose of the sign and apply the proceeds
toward costs of the removal. Any proceeds in excess of costs of the
removal shall be paid to the owner of the sign.
D. "'"'°~~The city ~~any of its agents shall I~be liable for any
damage to tie-sign when removed under this section.
Section 17. Section 15.24.280 YMC (Sign area -Square footage maximums) is hereby
amended as follows:
Ordinance 812 Page 12 of 13
A. Flush-mounted wall signs: one square foot for each lineal foot of store
(occupant) frontage (main point of entry). One identifier sign for
businesses with a separate delivery access will be allowed, not to exceed
two square feet.
B. Marquee sign: one square foot for each lineal foot of the front of the
marquee or 30 percent coverage of the face of the marquee, whichever is
C. Awning: one square foot for each lineal foot of the front of the marquee or
30 percent coverage of the face of the marquee, whichever is less.
D. Bonus Sian Area. Monument sians may be increased as follows:
1. Twenty percent (20%1 when the sian for amultiple-occupancy
uildina or multiple-buildina complex utilizes uniform coloring.
material. and lettering for all establishments in the buildina or
2. Ten percent (10%1 when the sian is installed in a landscaped
planter having an area four times the area of the sian:
PASSED aryC~ signed in authentication on this 11th day of August, 2004
Adar,~ Rivas, Mayor ,~
Authenticated: '
Agne . Bennick, City Clerk
Effective: August 25, 2004
Published: August 20, 2004
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