09-23-04 SS MINUTES
1. Call to Order: Mayor Rivas called the meeting t~ order at 5:00
2. Roll Call: Present: Councilmembers Miller, Fetterly and Harding.
Excused: Councilmembers Isom and Baker. Staff: Shelly Badger,
Maryam Olson, Grant Beck, Todd Stancil, and Agnes Bennick.
3. Agenda Approval- at staff's request the Model Ordinance was
presented ahead of the budget presentation.
4. Presentations
a. Shelly Badger provided an update on 2004 Revenue which is on
target, and provided a preview of the process being planned.
Budget Work Sessions are scheduled for every Tuesday in
October from 4- 7 p.m. A list of operation efficiencies developed
by department heads in preparation for 1-864 was provided along
with a prioritized listing of identified 2005 staffing/equipment and
program needs. Department Heads presented a review of each of
the items on the prioritized list providing details and answering
Council's questions. The items will be reviewed again and
considered for funding at a Budget Work Session at the end of
October as part of the budget process.
Tabbed Budget Work Session binders, prepared by Janine, were
presented to council and department heads. The binders included
the information packet for the October 5, work session, which will
focus primarily on 2005 revenue sources, options for. consideration
for 2005, a listing of funds, mostly debt service or trust types, that
aren't planned for individual review and a few individual
5. Mayor/Council Initiatives included discussion about forming a
Economic Development sub-committee to discuss past, present
and future economic development. Councilmember Harding will
be part of the committee.
Additional discussion concerned banner poles, entry sign
landscaping, the Chamber contract and Nisqually River
Educational component.
Yelm City Council Minutes
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The absence of Mayor Rivas and Councilmember Harding (pro-
tem) at the 2nd meeting in November was discussed. As long as the
remaining four Councilmembers are in attendance, a temporary
pro-tern can be voted in to conduct that meeting leaving a quorum,
three members, to take any necessary action and conduct the
preliminary budget public hearing.
6. New Business - None Scheduled
7. Old Business
Staff provided an overview of the 'Model Orciinance' noting the
similarities and differences with the existing code. The new
ordinances must be adopted and in place for January 1, 2005. It is
anticipated that the most noticeable change to businesses will be in
the reporting form.
Adjo~: 8:~olp.m.
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AcLwn RivaS, Mayor
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lJanine Schnepf, Deputy <{JtY Clerk
Yelm City Council Minutes
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