Agendas and Minutes ~ ~ (\ ~ c MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1993, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 This meeting was called to order at 4:05 p m by Planning Commission Chair Tim Schlosser 93-32 Members present: Joe Huddleston, Tom Gorman, Tim Schlosser, Tom Cundy, Roberta Longmire, E J Curry, George Knight Members absent: Ken Garmann, John Kinnee Staff present: Ty Peterson, Mark Cook, Shelly Badger Motion by E.J Curry to approve the Minutes from 12-6-93 with changes correcting the names with regard to attendance. Seconded by Roberta Longmire Motion carried 2 Nettleton War.housLSite Pl~n: Tim opened the public hearing and staff preceded with a staff report of the proposal Ty Peterson began by presenting the Planning Departments findings and SEPA mitigation strategy for traffic The Planning Dept recommended approval conditioned upon the SEPA, septic design approval from the City Sewer Dept and Engineering Dept requirements Mark Cook went on describe some of key points required by the Engineering Dept Mark touched on issues surrounding access (proof of access would be required), sidewalks (deferral would be supported), drainage (variance supported for storage requirements), and street lighting Discussion took place about the proposed adjacent development Howard Nettleton explained what easements he had regarding access Mark explained that the existing development on Mr Nettletons property would not be affected by this proposal There was no public comments Motion to approve the Nettleton Site-Plan (SPR8094), based upon staff recommendations dated 12-15-93 and Engineering requirements dated 12-15-93, by E J. Curry Seconded by George Knight. Motion carried. 93-33 3 Request for variance from the Sign Ordinance: Tim Schlosser opened the public hearing Ty Peterson explained that the proposal was for a variance from the size requirements for a off-premise sign The Planning Dept found that the requirements for granting a variance were not met and therefore does not support recommendation for approval to the City Council There was no public comment c c c 93-34 Motion to not recommend approval of the variance based on the findings made by the Planning Dept by Tom Gorman Seconded by E J. Curry. Motion carried. Jerry Prock, City Building Official, explained that the City is aware of the existing non-conformtng signs and has begun a procedure to start eliminating them, and that some signs have been granted permit on a temporary basis 4 Development Standards update: Mark Cook informed the Commission that nothing more had been done Tim Schlosser elaborated on the kind of information that he felt the Commission would like to see, some sort of visual explanation of what the various standards mean 5 Affordable Housing: Ty Peterson informed the Commission that the regional study on affordable housing had not been completed and that the information was not available at this time 6 "Make Yelm Attractive" Committee Ty Peterson informed the Commission that this committed was active and enthusiastic about doing something. The Planning Dept was recommending that the committee move in the direction of preliminary design guidelines to be approved by the City, instead of the formation of another approving body Tom Gorman stated his concern that some standard be set for the community but at the same time not create a burden on property rights Ty stated that things are still very preliminary in nature and he will keep the Commission informed 7 Other: Tim Schlosser asked about the situation regarding the changed access location to the Nisqually Plaza Mark responded that things are still under negotiation, and that the City did not want to jeopardize the Yelm Avenue Improvement Design Adjourned at 5:05 p m Submitted; ~~ 'C; ~, u ',,~ 1'" ---,-/ City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YEIM -PLANNIN:; CCMUSSION'MEETIN:; MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1993, 4:00 P.M. YEIM: CITY HALL axJNCU.. aIAMBERS, 105 YEIM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes December 6, 1993Jminutes 2. Coptinued Public Hearing (Continued fran ~r 6, 1993) - Nettleton Warehouse S.j.te Plan 3 ~ Public Hearing ~ ReqUest for VarianCe fran' Sign Ordinance 4. Engineeriqg Update 5. Developrent Standanl Update 6 . ~fordable Housmg infonnation (requested December 6, mfonnation will be distributed at ~ting) 9. Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this rreeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 NEXT 'REGOLAR MEETlK.j, MQlIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1994, 4: 00 1M **HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!** * Recycled paper o VlJJ 1/lJJ+ xS ( Co (qq3 Q~I / ~ ~/ City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West , POBox 479 Yelm, fVashingtim 98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PLANNnx; ;~ISSION' MEETIN:; MQillAY, DECEM3ER 6, 1993, 4:00 P.M., YE;IM CITY HALL COONCIL ~RS', 105 'tEIM AVE. ,We 1. Call to Order; Roll Call, APProval of ~utes November 15, 1993 minutes 2. CoIltinued Public Hearing (Continued frart November 15, 1993) - Nettleton WarehouSe Site Plan 3. Affordable Housing briefing o 4 . SW Yelm Annexa:tipn update 5. Correspondence: a. Yelin Planning updq:te p., Resolution No. 302 c. 6. other 7 . AdjOl.lI1l Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you peed special arrangeIrents to 'attend or participate in this, rreeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 NEXT ~ MEETIN:;, MONDAY~ DECEMBER 2Q, ,1993, 4:00 1M c * Recl'cled JXlper -- ~'--_~___~ ":_-'--_J_~,.~,-~~___,__~ l~' "/ c; o G MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1993, 4:00 P M YELM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 This meeting was called to order at 4:00 p m by Planning Commission Chair Tim Schlosser Members present: Tim Schlosser, John Kinnee, Joe Huddleston, George Knight, Roberta Longmire, E J Curry, Ken Garmen, Tom Cundy Staff present: Ty Peterson, Mark Cook, Shelly Badger City Council person Martha Parsons was present (excluding the public hearings) Approval of minutes from November 1, 1993 was accepted 2 Continued Public Hearing for Nettleton Warehouse Site- Plan: Ty Peterson informed the Planning Commission that Mr Nettleton had not submitted the drainage plan and staff had not been able to complete a staff report Ty Peterson requested that the Planning Commission continue the public hearing once again to avoid the costs and time associated with re-publication of the hearing at a later date 93-28 Motion by E J Curry to continue the Nettleton site- plan public hearing until December 6, 1993 George Knight seconded, motion carried 3 Public Hearing - Determination of Similar Use in Commercial C-1 zone: Ty Peterson explained how the issue surrounding the storage of landscape material came about and that the zoning ordinance did not specifically allow this use Ty requested that the Planning Commission make a recommendation to City Council and that it is understood that this determination is not project specific and would affect zoning city wide Discussion took place as to the amount of material that could be stored, types of material, storage requirements, and requirements from the City of Olympia Staff clarified that the issue is whether or not to allow the outside storage of material such as; soil, bark, gravel, other fill material, landscape timbers, small trees and potted plants, rocks, etc c o c 93-29 Motion by Roberta Longmire to recommond to City Council that the outside storage and sale of landscape materials be permitted as an accessory use to a nursery or garden center Material such as top soils, bark, gravel and dirt, shall be contained with appropriate bunkering, remain retail in nature, and have some size limitations Seconded by George Knight, Motion carried 4 SW Yelm Annexation Update: Shelly Badger informed the Planning Commission that an acceptable annexation agreement looked likely and that a public hearing would be held for the final adoption and approval of the annexation with the agreement at the November 23 City Council Meeting Some Planning Commission members informed staff that they no longer received the City Council mailings Staff said they would look into it 5 November 23, 1993 a f for dab 1 e hous i ng s 1 ide presentation/discussion: Ty Peterson requested on behalf of PACTECH Engineering that Planning Commission members attempt to attend the presentation Discussion took place about the Chamber of Commerce DeSign Committee and that there is a proposal from Burger King at the Nisqually Plaza siteCPad #3) Staff explained what the presentation on affordable housing would be about and it's importance in the realm of development standards Shelly Badger discussed findings made by the fair-share housing committee 6 Other. Roberta Longmire asked about Intercity Transit, and where they stand on the new service Staff informed the Commission that all indications from IT was that service was currently better than they had anticipated Discussion took place about the Commute Trip Reduction Law, with LASCO's and the City's involvement 7 Adjourned at 4:45 p m s~ c City ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West - POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206)' 4- 58~3 244 *REVISED AGENDA - SEEEt(:I.DSED PUBLI~ HEARIKi IDrICE* AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PLANNIN:;a:HnSSION MEETIK; MONDAY, K>VEM3ER 15, 1993, 4:00 P.M. YE:Q14 CITY HALL COUOCILCW\MBERS, 105 YEIM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order ,Roll Call, Approval of Mihut~s November 1, 1993 minut~s f- 2. ContiIiued Public Hearing (Continued fran November 1, 1,993) -- Nettleton Warehouse Site- ,Plan , 3. Public Hearing - Det~nnination of SiInilar Use in C<XIIlercial C-l Zone C 4. SW Yelm AnnexatiQnupdate " 5.t<<:>vent>er 23, 1993 affordable housing slide presentation discussion f ~ . other 7 . ~journ Enclosures ~e available to non-Commission members upon request. - If you need special arrangefTents to attend or P?ITticipate in this fTeeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 NEXT REGUIJ'\RMEETIKi, K)NDAY, DECEMBER 6; 1993, 4:00 1M c * Recycled,pdper _ _____ -J.-.____ r~ ~ o c MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1G~3! 4100 P M YELM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 This meeting was called to order 4:05 p m by Planning Commission Chair Tim Schlosser , Members present: T0m Schlosser, Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, George Knight, Roberta Longmire, Ken Garmann arrived late Staff present: Ty Peterson, Mark Cook, Shelly Badger Council person Martha Parsons was present(excluding the public hearing) Approval of minutes from Oct Approval of minutes from Oct 4, 1993 was accepted 18, 1993 was accepted Ty Peterson requested that discussion on the Zoning Ordinance and commercial short-platting be added to the agenda 2 Public Hearing - Nettleton Warehouse Site Plan: Tim Schlosser opened the public hearing and asked if there was a staff presentation Shelly Badger explained that staff had not been able to review the proposal in its entirety because not everything had been submitted yet Shelly recommended to extend the public hearing to the next meeting 93-27 Motion by George Knight to Warehouse Site-Plan public meeting on Nov 15, 1993 Longmire, motion carried extend the Nettleton hearing until the next Seconded by Roberta 3 SW Yelm Annexation update: Ty Peterson and Shelly Badger informed the Commission that the annexation received preliminary approval from Council and final approval was pending completion of the annexation agreement and then accepted by Council as part of the annexation ordinance 4 Zoning Ordinance: Ty Peterson stated that he currently has begun with an update to the zoning ordinance and would encourage the Planning Commission members to go through the ordinance and make any comments they feel would be appropriate c o c 5 Commercial Short-Platting: Ty Peterson said that he needs some direction as to how to handle commercial short-platting Ty stated that currently short- platting is left entirely at the discretion of the Planning Department Commission members asked why would it be necessary to do improvements at the time of short-platting instead of at the site-plan process Staff suggested amending the ordinance so that the engineering/construction drawings be required at the time of short-platting and then actual building of the improvements be required at some other time Mark Cook said that it was important for engineering drawing to be done so that staff is able to decide whether the City is capable of providing services Some discussion took place as to what other cities do concerning commercial short-plats, and what those requirements and procedures are Discussion also took place about the role of bonding The Planning Commission stressed that whatever the solution is, they must be consistent The Planning Commission gave staff the direction to look towards requiring the engineering/construction drawings at the time of short-platting, improvements begin construction at the conveyance of the first lot and be completed prior to any occupancy Staff indicated that they would draft an amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance Tim Schlosser stated that in the development standards something should be determined as a threshold Tim Schlosser asked about all the signs in town that appeared to be non-conforming Staff said that they would look into it 6 Adjourned at 5:20 p m SU~ ~- ~ "-,-- ,City of Yelm 105 Yeln.z A veiiue. West POBox 479 Yelm, Wasl!ington 98597 (20Q) 458-3244 YELM WASHINGTON AGENDA CITY OF 'tEIM PI.ANN1H; aMUSSI~ MEETIN:3 ,MONDAY, ~ER 1, 1993, 4 :00 P.M. YEIM CITY HALl. axJNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YEIM AvE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll' Call, Approval of Minutes Octob~r 4 & 18, 1993 ~inutes 2,. Public Hearing - Nettleton Warehouse Site Plan \ - , 3. ,bW Yelm Annexa,tiOIl .update A . otper C 5. Other r, o '6. Adjourn Enc10sures aJ:"eavailable to ~on-Commission members upon request. If you need s~cia~ arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk,. at 458-8404 NEXT. REGULAR MEETIN:;, KN)AY, tOlEMBER 15, 1993, 4:00 1M * Recycled fXlper c MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1993, 4:00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No (\ V c 1 This meeting was called to order at 4:05 p m by Acting Planning Commission Chair Roberta Longmire Members present: Roberta Longmire, John Kinnee, E J Curry, Ken Garmann, Joe Huddleston Staff present: Ty Peterson, Mark Cook, Shelly Badger Council person Martha Parsons was present Minutes from September 20, 1993 were approved following these corrections: Add E J Curry to the list of members present, add the word' not between the words "should' and "get" in the 5th line of the 3rd paragraph of item #2, and mention the vote in motion no 93-26 approving the access alternative 2 Yelm Zoning Ordinance revision discussion: Ty Peterson distributed copies of the zoning ordinance for Planning Commission review Ty explained how Title 17 of the Municipal Code needed to be updated and revised He encouraged the Planning Commission to go through the entire ordinance and make comments Mark Cook stated that this was an appropriate time to do this because of the work with the development standards Ty mentioned that at some point in the future he is going to request a "work session Ty mentioned that at the next meeting he would provide copies of the C-3 zone 3 Shelly stated that it was the staff's intent to brief the Planning Commission on a Five-Corners impact mitigation strategies Shelly continued by explaining that the current Level Of Service(LOS) at that inter- section is below what the standard has been set This means that the City cannot allow any more development until a process has been established to correct the problem Mark indicated that the reason the Planning Commission has not seen some of the projects is because of this situation, but that the City is now comfortable with an approximate dollar figure However, the implementation tool for this correction has not been determined yet Ken Garmann mentioned he thought it is important to connect the Five-Corners strategy with the Y-2 alternate route Mark said that would certainly be the intent Some questions regarding impact fees were discussed Staff indicated that they didn't feel the City was prepared for impact fees yet, and that using SEPA to collect fees for adverse impacts was adequate c c c Shelly said that staff would bring the proposed mechanism to the Planning Commission when it was decided and prepared 4 Status of current project: Mark Cook and Ty Peterson gave brief updates of the following developments within the City: Nisqually Plaza, McDonalds, Prairie Heights, Huntington Green, Crystal Springs, Prairie Creek, Parkside, Yelm Creek Apartments, Fire District #2 Shelly gave an update on the UCBO 5 SW Yelm Annexation update: Ty Peterson told the Planning Commission that Thurston County Boundary Review Board had not received any inquiries and approved the SW Yelm annexation to be annexed to the City of Yelm Discussion took place as to the timing and extent of the future developments Staff indicated that development requests and procedures still needed to be worked through 6 Adjourned at 5:05 P M Submitted; /7~ () o c City of Yelan 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yalm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PLANNIN:; CCMUSSIOO' MEETIN:; MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1993, 4:00 P.M. YEIM CITY HALL CCXJlII::IL aIAMBERS, 105 YEIM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes September 20, 1993 meeting 2. Yelm Zoning Ordinance revision discussion 3. Discussion on pmposed Five-COI1lers inpact mitigation strategies 4. Status of current pmjects: a. Nisqually Plaza b. McDonald IS c. Prairie Heights Preliminary Plat d. Huntington Green Preliminary Plat e. Crystal Springs Estates Preliminary Plat f. Prairie Creek Preliminary Plat g. parkside Preliminary Plat h. Yelm Creek Aparbrents 1. UCBO Cc:mnunity Center j. Fire District #2 5. SW Yelm Annexation update 6. other 7. Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 NEXT REGULAR MEETIK;, MJNDAY, KNEMBER 1, 1993, 4:00 1M o c ;-\ ~ MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 4,1993, 4:00 P M YELM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 This meeting was called to order at 4:00 p m by Planning Commission Chair Tim Schlosser Members present: Tim Schlosser, Roberta Longmire, E J Curry, Joe Huddleston, George Knight, Tom Cundy and Ken Garmann arrived late Staff present: Ty Peterson, Mark Cook, Gene Borges Council person Martha Parsons was present Approval of September 14, 1993 Minutes after correction of some typos 2 Yelm Sewer Service Briefing: Gene Borges started by explaining the history of how the City arrived at the current Sewer Service Boundary He explained that originally the City was looking at a treatment facility that would accommodate 500 thousand gallons a day However funding was not available for that so the City decided that they would phase in the sewer More explanation took place as to the issue of discharge into the Nisqually River, and how much the permits would allow for Gene stated that Dept of Ecology and Dept of Health have agreed to help Yelm in obtaining status of a pilot program for the new land application standards This may lead to an expansion of the sewer service area Gene mentioned that he has determined the sewer service area based on Equivalent Residential Unit(ERU) in connection with land use He stated that this is important because the calculations have been based on current zoning or probable zoning after annexation These calculations were done very conservatively and in reality more ERU's may be available This means that a zone change may have some significant impacts to the sewer Gene went on to say that he was currently working on revising the Sewer Service Boundary The new boundary will promote infill in current City limits and adjust in the direction of development Gene also mentioned that the issue of trading ERU's had come up, and he was looking into it. CI C (\ ~ More discussion took place as to the timing of the project Gene indicated that they plan on testing the facility in mid to late December of 1993 Tim Schlosser asked what would be done with the existing septic tanks Gene responded asking Ken Garmen to verify, that the tanks would be crushed in and then filled with native type soils Tim Schlosser and Roberta Longmire asked about street restoration, Ken Garmen responded by saying that roads will be restored to like condition 3 Road Standards discussion: Mark Cook asked the Planning Commission if at some time he could get some direction as to road standards, specifically private or public Tim Schlosser stated that he didn't think that Lacey standards were necessarily applicable to Yelm Mark mentioned that a private road standard could be less of a burden on developers Tim stated that as a group they have discouraged private roads, because they did not want substandard roads with poor maintenance in the City Mark mentioned the reasons for the wide road standards in Lacey Mark proceeded by mentioning and discussing some of the issues surrounding roads, swales, sidewalks, curbs, etc The Planning Commission requested that Mark come forward with some proposals of cross-sections that includes costs, durability, advantages and disadvantages Mark agreed that this is how he will proceed but not to include cross-sections for private roads Mark recommended that all drainage swales stay out of the public right-of-way 4 Adjourned 5:05 p m SUbmi:>~ ;:1~ ~ c c c City of Yelm 105 Yelm AVenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Was.htngton98597 (206) 458-3244 YELM, WASHINGTON AGENDA CITY OF YEIM P!.ANNThG CCMUSSION' MEETIN:3 M:N)Ay, ,OC'IffiER 4, 1993, 4:00 P.M. YEIM CITY HALL COONCIL CHJ.\MBERS, :l05YEIM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, RollCall, Approval of Mj.nutes September 14, and 20,' ~993 meeting 2. Yelm Sewer ServiCe Boundal:y briefing ...,. Gene Borges' 3.- Road Standards discussioIJ. - Public ~rsus private 4 . Other 5. ADj~ Enclosures are available to non-Commission ~mbers upon r~quest. If you 'need special arrangements to attend or~par.ticipate in this meeting, pleqse contact Agnes Colombo, City 'Clerk, at 458...,.8404 NEXT REGULAR MEETIK;, ~AY, OClOOER 18, 1993, 4:00 1M * ReCl'cled fXlper c c c MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1993, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No. 1 This meeting was called to order at 4:00 p m by Planning Commission Chair Tim Schlosser Members present: Tim Schlosser, Roberta Longmire, Tom Cundy, John Kinnee, George Knight, Joe Huddleston, E.J Curry, Ken Garmen arrived late Staff present: Ty Peterson, Mark Cook, Jim Blundell 2 Nisqually Plaza Gramor/McAlexander joint driveway issue: Mark Cook started things by recapping the final events of the previous meeting He mentioned that before the last meeting adjourn~d he had indicated to the Planning Commission that he felt it would be beneficial to get a opinion from the City Attorney Jim Blundell introduced himself as the City Attorney Jim stated that the condition put upon the Site Plan was within the City's authority and in the event that they cannot reach an agreement it would be in the City's authority to locate an access Jim stated that the issue of private easements, once the access is established, is solely a private property issue and that City should not get involved in that issue Jim went on to present three alternatives; One, to grant the McAlexander proposed access 'A" Two, would be to grant access alternative "1 or "2" proposed by the City Three, would be to approve both locations in their alternative, depending upon the outcome of negotiations between the two parties Jim stated that it would be very important for the Commission to state clearly what it's decision is Mr Walker, representing McAlexander, brought up the issue that if access was granted entirely on the Gramor property, Gramor would probably not grant an easement to McAlexander unless directed to do so Mr Blundell restated that the city should not get involved in the private property issues Tim Schlosser mentioned that the issue is to arrive at a solution that is not burdening any single property owner unfairly He said that while the City's proposal is not the ideal solution it is an equitable one It provides a shared access that may not be the safest but is more safe than the current situation. (\ G 93-26 (\ u c McAlexander said that herself and her representatives have tried to negotiate with Gramor but that Gramor was unwilling to speak with them More discussion took place surrounding the issue of easements Mr Blundell stated that the city was not using the McAlexander property and the City should not negotiate easements between private property owners Mark Cook said that the Planning Commission can make a decision today on the location of the access and that any issues regarding easements can be solved by another level at another time Tim Schlosser stated that he would entertain a motion approving alternative "2" or access A Motion by George knight to approve the staff recommended alternative "2", seconded by Joe Huddleston. Motion carried with a 4 - 2 vote 3 Adjourned at 4:35 p m SU~ --- c 105 Yelm A venue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 9[$597 (2iJ6) 45$-3244 ) , City ofYelm YELM WASHINGTON r AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PLANNIN:; CCMHSSION'MEETIN:; MCNDAY, SEPl'EMBER 20, 1993, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL axJNCIL a-rnMBERS, 105 YEIM AVE. W. 1. Call to O):der, Roll call, Approval of Minl,ltes September 14, 1993 meeting 2. Nisqually Plaza~r/McAlexander joint 'driveway iSsue 3 . 6t:her 4. ADJOURN C'" Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need swcial arrarlgements to attend' or participate in this meeting, please contact Agne$' Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 , , ' c NEXT REGUI.AR ~'rIN:;, MCNDAY, OC'ItJBER 4, 1993, 4:00 1M {j' Recfcled fXlper L)~ \ ~~l \C\C\) c City of Yelm j05 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 **l'UlE: Pleas~ note change .of regl,1lar neeting date to Tuesday, Sept~r 14 AGENDA CITY OF $IM~ PLANNnt; C<M1ISSION' MEETIN:; TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1993, 4:00 P.M. Y.ElM CITY HALL axJNCIL OIllMBERS, 105 YEIM AVE. W. 1.. Call to Orner, RollCall, Approval of Minutes August 16, 1993 Regular Meeting 2. Developrent Standards update 3. Nisqually Plaza GrarrDr/McAlexander joint driveWay issue ( alternate proposal from McAlexander not available to forward to Corrmission at tirre of mailing) C 4. Sewer Project update 5. Southwes"t Yelm Annexation update 6. Interim Urban Growth Boundary status 7. ADJaJRN Enclosures are available to non-Commission memgers upon request. If you need speci,al arrangementi? to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 - , NEXT REGul.AR MEETIN:;, ,MONDAY, 5EPIEmER 20, 1993, 4:00 1M Note: Change ofregl,1lar neeting, date 'of September 6 due to Labor Day c {j Recycled J!<'per "v'! ('. v MrJ MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, AUGUST 16 1993 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No. (\ "'. /' \1 , A 1\ I tJ 1 The Meeting was called to order at 4:12 p.m by Acting Planning Commission Chair Roberta Longmire Members present: Roberta Longmire, Tom Cundy, John Kinnee, Joe Huddleston, E J Curry Staff present: Ty Peterson, Shelly Badger, Mark Cook City Council member Martha Parsons was present Approval of August 2, 1993 minutes was unanimous 2 Development Standards Update: Mark Cook introduced himself to some of the Planning Commission members he had not met yet Mark proceeded with explaining his role with the development standards Mark provided the Table of Contents for the Standard Specifications This is a document containing the standard specifications for road, bridge, and municipal construction Mark indicated that he felt these were a good starting point Mark recommended the set of Standard Plans, which are tied to the Standard Specification, also should be incorporated into the development standards and would give the city the ability to standardize requirements Mark finalized things by making note that he would be available Monday through Wednesday to answer questions 3 Public Hearing for Fire District #2 Site Plan for new fire station: (Note: Martha Parsons left the room for the duration of this agenda item) Roberta Longmire opened the issue for public hearing, and asked if anyone from the audience would like to comment Kurt Heinold, from Howard Godat and Assoc, presented the fire station site plan on behalf of Fire District #2 He addressed issues and concerns surrounding paving, drainage, parking, access; traffic, street improvements, design, timing and phasing of the project Kurt mentioned that the Fire District is asking that a one year waiver be granted for the sidewalk and a two year waiver be granted for completing the paving of the parking lot Concern about emergency vehicles not being able to access the roadway' or maneuver around school buses during certain times of the day was noted The option of opening 104th was discussed to alleviate some of these problems, city staff indicated that option would be looked at in the future Staff gave their report, Mark Cook commented (\ L o V (\ o 93-25 on some of the engineering issues surrounding drainage, paving, and bonding He recommended that dust mitigation be maintained, bonding be allowed for one year and all drainage be handled on site, including additional runoff created from the street improvements along Mill Rd Ty Peterson presented his staff report and noted the Planning Dept recommended conditions of approval E J Curry mentioned her disapproval of requiring "piece meal" sidewalks at this time Staff responded by suggesting that by doing it this way, it takes the burden off the city of building the sidewalks, and the school down the street created a public safety issue. Motion to approve the fire station site plan with the staff recommended conditions one through three; 1 S E P A approval, comment period will expire on 8-19-93 2 Runoff from street improvements along Mill Rd be treated and disposed on site, this should be designed and constructed by the proponent 3 Bonding for the sidewalk shall be at 1.5 times the construction estimate and not exceed one year Bonding for the paving of the remaining parking area not exceed two years by John Kinnee, Tom Cundy seconded, motion carried E J Curry opposed the motion with regard to item number three in the conditions only 4 Gramor/McAlexander joint driveway issue (Nisqually Plaza): Shelly Badger commented on the issue, she stated that the access portion of the issue is the portion the city is involved in Until the issue is resolved, the city and other business owners can't proceed with the Yelm Avenue Improvements Plan Shelly stated that this issue is one of the reasons that has already kept the project from starting on time Perry Shea, a traffic engineer representing the city and property owners involved in the improvement project, presented the two options the city felt would be safe and provide adequate vehicular movement Perry went on to answer questions and explain the difference between the two options and their effects on the improvement plan for this portion of Yelm Avenue, the affect of the new traffic signal, how the options improve the existing safety problems, and the traffic studies done to arrive at these options Roberta Longmire asked if McAlexander had come up with any options and if so to present them now Randall Walker, representing McAlexander, responded by stating that they have not been able to arrive at any other options, and that is because they did not receive information needed to do so until today Mr Walker explained how the options presented created a burden to McAlexander's c property and that neither option was suitable to them Mr Walker expressed that the proposed options could decrease the value of the property and create an undesirable situation for the patrons using the services on the property He went on to point out that Gramors engineering consultant represents the same firm as the City's consultant and that this may cause a conflict of interest Mr Walker said that they would propose an option if allowed some time to do so or would agree to Gramor locating the entire access on their property, but felt adverse impacts associated with that should fall on the burden of Gramor Mr Walker pointed out to the Commission that a building permit had been issued for the plaza even though the Commission had stated that nothing be done until this issue was resolved Shelly Badger responded by saying that she had authorized the permit, but that occupancy would not be allowed until the issue resolved Shelly stated that she felt the issue needed to be resolved and that issuing the building permit would press the issue Perry stated that the traffic plan is trying to improve an existing condition, and that the approach is a common type use in similar scenarios (\, U It was determined by the Commission to have McAlexander present an alternative at the next Planning Commission meeting and recommended that the two parties get together and try to resolve this issue Shelly went on to explain the cities relationship with the consulting firm and Perry said that he was representing several property owners along Yelm Avenue 5 The meeting adjourned 6:22 p m Submitted; ~~ (; U (; o C\ City of Yelm 105 Yeim Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PLANNIN:; CCMHSSION MEETIN:; MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1993, 4:00 ~.M. YEIM CITY HAu.. COONCIL aIAMBERS, 105YEIM AVE. W. . "\- ~ 1. call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes August 2, 1993 rreetiIlg 2. oeveloprent; Standanls update 3. Public Hearing: Thurston County Fire Protection District #2 Site Plan (staff report ehclosed) 4. ,Grannr/McAlexander joint driveway issue .(Nisqually Plaza) discussion (staff rremo and correspondence enclosed) 5. Sewer Project update 6. Other 7. ADjOURN Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this rreeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 4.58-8404 NEXT REGULAR MEETIR;, MONDAY, SEPIEM3ER 13, 1993, 4:00 1M Note: Change of regular rreeting date of Septeniler 6 due to Labor Day '- {j R~C)'ded fXlper ("\ G c c "- ./ MINUTES CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1993 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p m by Planning Commission Chair Tim Schlosser Members present: Tim Schlosser, George Knight, Tom Cundy, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire, John Kinnee, E J Curry, Joe Huddleston, Ken Garmann Staff present: Ty Peterson, Shelly Badger Approval of June 21, 1993 minutes correcting item 7 to read" that all development be treated equally" was unanimous 2 Introduction of new Planning Commission member City staff introduced Ken Garmann to the Planning Commission as the new member filling the position previously held by Jim Keyes Ken is working for Parametrix and lives in the City of Yelm 3 Roberta Longmire requested an addition to the agenda to express concern regarding the required paving for the Johnston mini-storage Motj.o.o. by Roberta Longmire, " I would like 1.0 move t,he p 1 ann i ng_Comm i.ss-i.on go Q.D_r:..e.c,o.r:..d_a.s_ba~d.n9-aske.d_t.b.e~ ~Uy_Coun,cj_l_to.__ c~:ty.~r..s.e- t.bej.c.de,cj.s_i.on-tb~t...L~q~i.r ed, ~_Joh As-to n~..t 0_.. R~Y..~_~ 1:'.!.....r:.Q.a d s,. w i ~ h to... hi s. mj.nj.=.s.t.o.r..age faGjJJ.ty This request is being made because after our ~ecomm;ndation we learned that two other mini-storage projects, reviewed by staff, were not required to pave .i.e Arnolds, on Yelm Ave and L & W, on First st The Planning Commission's position has always been that all business owners be treated in a fair and equal manner, and we definitely feel this was not done in this case" seconded by Tom Gorman, motion carried 93-24 Shelly Badger stated that it was not the intent of the staff to be unfair and that the differences between these projects initiated different procedures and requirements 4 Development Standards update: Staff presented an outline for the development standards, expressing that they want input from the Planning Commission The Commission felt they needed more info before making comments Tim Schlosser did mention that he would like o o o ) to know more details and definitions to some of the terms Staff indicated that they are trying to allocate time so that this can get done as quickly as possible 5 Manufactured Home ordinance review update: Staff presented definitions for manufactured/mobile home, designated manufactured home, and modular home Ty Peterson indicated to the Commission that state law required that our ordinance address the term 'designated manufactured home' and that modular homes really should be defined as single family dwelling units, thus being allowed similarly The Commission gave staff direction to proceed with amending the ordinance to treat 'designated manufactured homes' in the same manner as a manufactured/mobile homes and to treat modular homes as permanent single family residences 6 Draft Sewer Resolution: Staff and the Commission discussed the resolution Commission members expressed that the resolution was difficult to understand, staff agreed and indicated that wording was still being worked on Another concern dealt with the time frames outlined in the resolution Both the commission and staff felt that the time limitations for maintaining reserved sewer capacity may be unreasonably difficult for developers to comply with Staff indicated that the City attorney is working on some alternative time frames and wording that could be more easily understood It was explained that an up- dated count of total capacity and available capacity would be maintained Staff expressed that they felt it was necessary to provide some means for addressing the issue so that the city does not obligate more capacity than it can provide, at the same time not restricting development unnessarily Staff indicated that the time limitations were also driven by a funding issue to fulfill grant requirements 7 Future Agenda Items: Staff informed the Commission that the proposed fire station at the corner of 103rd and Mill Rd would be up for public hearing and approval on August 16th 8 Update On Approved Projects. Staff gave updates and answered questions on the following on-going projects; Prairie Heights Plat, McDonalds, Nisqually Plaza, Huntington Green Plat, Yelm Sewer Project, Prairie Creek Plat, Hwy 507 zoning (c-3) The Commission asked about updated Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Maps Staff said they were currently working on getting those updated and in circulation 9 Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p m ~ c City ofYelm o c 105 Yelm Avenue West, POBox 479 Yelfn, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PLANNING. ~ISSIrn MEETING MCl'IDAY, AUGUST 2, 1993, 4':00 P.M. YEIM CITY HALLCOONCI:L ffillMBERS, 105 YErM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of 'Minutes June 21" 1993 minutes. No quorum at July 12, 1993 meeting. No rreeting , July 19, 1993. 2. IntroquctioQ of ne~ P.larlQing Caimission rrenber Ken Gamiann 3.~ Developrent Standards discussion ,( copY' of outline enclosed) 4. Manufactured Hare o~ce revi~ update 5. ~t Sewer.Resolution(continued discussion and request for recoITmendation to city Council) 6-. Future Meeting Agenda items: a. Thurston County Fire Protection District #2 site plan 7. Update on approved Projects: a. Prairie Heights Preliminary Plat (Vancil Road) b. McDonald IS, c. Nisqually Plaza d. Huntington GreeD. Plat ( Crystal Springs St..) e. YeJm Sewer project f. Prairie Creek Preliminary Plat (Middle Road) g. Hwy. 507 zoning' proposal (including C-3 Zone) 8. ADJOORN Enclbsure~are available to' non-Commission members upon re~est. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this rrBeting, please contact Agnes Colombor City, CIE!rk, at 458-8404 NJ;:XT REGtJIARMEETIN:3 , MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 199~, 4: 00 PM * Re'(>'cled paper ,i' "'-a U ~t~- of Yelm ~ o/lttJ/q I City o c 105 Yelm" PO j Yelm H~1Sh (206) ., SHELLY AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PI..ANNIN3 CCMUSSIOO MEETIN:; MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1993. 4:00 P.M. YEIM CITY HALL caJNCIL OIAMBERS, 105 YEIM AVE. W. 1. Call to Onier, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes June 21, 1993 minutes. No quorum at July 12, 1993 meeting. No rreeting July 19, 1993. 2. dCt 3. Introduction of new Planning Carmission rraIDer Ken Ganrenn C I ~ f:h -C u 1- i ~ ~>5 rAe --- L\ C C -le+ \ilrI-c+rUh -- n.~~~.n~~~ ~l~Of~tl~fP'~;:V\c\f d1; Manufactured Hare o~ upda\:e ~ C 4. 5. Draft Sewer Resolution (continued discussion and request for recommendation to City Council) 6. Future Meeting Agenda items: ~O till VV' ~ a. Thurston County Fire protect1~ri 'b'rstrict (32 site ~~oJ plan /t)-1:tw\t 7. Update on approved Projects: a. Prairie Heights Preliminary Plat (Vancil Road) b. McDonald I 5 c. Nisqually Plaza, 14- d. Huntington Green Plat (Crystal Springs St.) ~[cl~ p~ vVll " e. Yelm Sewer project u! f. Prairie Creek Preliminary Plat (Middle Road) g. Hwy. 507 zoning pro~ (inCludin~One) r m::osures k~!ilj~o~i;:.?t!:o~rs _nrequest. ~""-""""'~"...... 8. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 NEXT REGUIAR MEETIN:;, M]\IDAY, AUGUST 16, 1993, 4:00 1M * ReC\'C/ed fXlper I'> ~~ c (' \.,.,d 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, )VqshingtQn 98597 (206) 458-3244 City of Yelm PUBLIC NOTICE CHANGE IN REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSIONMEET1NG DATE JULY 19, 1993 Due to an anticipated lack of quorum and incomplete status of projects for review, the Yelm Plan~ing Commission regular meeting scheduled for Monday, July 19, 1993, has been cancelled. The next ~cheduled meeting is: Monday, August 2, 1993, 4:00 p.m., Yelm Cit'y Hall Council Cha~be~s, 105 Yelm Avenue' West, Yelm, WA 98597. Ali interested ci.tizens are invited to attend public meetings., For mO;Le information or reasonable accommodations, pleas~ ca-ll Agnes Coiombo at 458-8404. ' , ATTEST: Agnes P. Colombo City Clerk * Recycled fXlper '1'---'" L,', c c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 City of Yelm AGENDA CI'l'Y OF YEIM PLANNn<<; CCMUSSION' MEETn<<; MoNDAY, JULY 12, 1993, 4:00 P.M. YEIM CITY HALL caJNCIL OfAMBERS, 105 YEIM' AVE. 'We 1. Call to Order, ',Roll Call, Approval of Minutes June 21, 1993 minutes. 2. Introduction of Assistant City Enginee~ Mark C06~ 3; SelEr Capacity Resolution ,( draft enclosed) 4 . Staff Update - Stub Road 'Reseatch 5. other 6. other 7 . ExecUtive Session Discuss qualifications of Planning, Commission applicants 8. ADJOURN Enclosures ~re aV9ilable to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404 NEXT REGULAR MEETIN:;, M(lIIDAY, JULY J.9, 1993, 4:00IM 0 * Recl'cled:fXlper ~ 0 iJ(\' ~~ ~ \. r ' City of Yelm c 105 Yebh Avenue Wl,'st POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458.,3244 'PUBLIC NOTICE CHANGE IN ~EGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING'DATE JULY 1993 Due tp the Indepengenc~ Day Holiday, th~ Yelm Planning Commission regular meeting scheduled for Monday, July 5, 1993 has peen changed to: - , Monday, July 12, 1993-, 4.:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, 105 Yelm Avenue West, Yelm, .WA 98597. All interested citizens are invit~d to attend public meetings. For more information or r:easohableaccommodatiohs, please call Agnes Colombo at 458-8404. C ATTEST.: Agnes P. Colombo, City Clerk published: Nisqually Valley News, July 1, 1993 , c/'\ ~ * Re0:Cled fXlper ~. .J o o MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JUNE 21,1993 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 93-24 93-25 1 The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p m by Planning Commission Chair Tim Schlosser Members present: E J Curry, Roberta Schlosser, George Knight, Tom Cundy Huddleston, Tom Gorman, John Kinnee Ty Peterson, Shelly Badger Council Parsons was present as well Longmire, Tim Absent: Joe Staff Present: member Martha Unanimous vote to approve the Minutes for June 7, 1993 2 Crystal Springs Estates Preliminary Plat Amendment (Note: Council person Martha Parsons left the room for public hearing) Staff presented the proposal that amended a 19 lot subdivision to a 20 lot subdivision Staff indicated to the Commission that the amended plat met all the subdivision requirements, including open space and buffering Roberta Longmire indicated she didn't think there were any "stub road" requirements and directed staff to look into the matter Further discussion took place about the buffering and Harry Lewis answered questions about the surrounding residential uses Tim Schlosser opened the hearing for public comment, no comment followed Harry Lewis stated that he felt the proposal was an improvement to the plat Roberta Longmire inquired about the lot sizes and indicated she felt the stub road was unnecessary Motion to recommend approval of the amended plat to the City Council by George Knight, seconded by E J Curry, motion carried. 3 Revised C-3 Zone. staff wanted the Commission to overlook and give approval of the changes to the zone that were agreed upon at the previous meeting Motion to recommend approval of the C-3 zone to City Council by Roberta Longmire, seconded by George Knight, motion carried 4 SR507 Annexation Zoning Designation: Staff presented the proposed zoning for the recently annexed area Staff indicated to the Commission they felt comfortable proceeding with the original zoning requested by the proponents of the annexation Some public comment o o o expressed concern surrounding the zoning boundary along Yelm Creek Staff indicated that the zoning would follow property lines in the vicinity of the creek, not the creek itself 5 The Planning Commission recognized that July 5, 1993, would be a holiday and concluded that the next meeting take place on July 12, 1993 6 Jim Keyes Resignation: Staff informed the Commission that Jim Keyes had resigned from the Planning Commission and to begin consideration of the new applicants, understanding that the Mayor does the final appointment 7 Report on paving requirements for commercial site plans: Staff informed the Commission that the planning and buildlng departments would be working together on commercial buildings, including those under 4,000 sq ft The Commission made it clear that they wanted the issue resolved as soon as possible and that all development be treated equally Staff indicated that they hoped to resolve this issue with new Devlopment Standards that were currently being worked on 8 Update on Urban Growth Boundary: Staff informed the Commission that the City would be approaching the County and the Urban Growth Managment Committee with the revised city adopted Urban Growth Boundary for their approval Meeting adjouned at 5:05 p m Submitted; -I). " VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET c MEETING: LOCATION: CITY AGENDA ITEM ( S ) YELM PLANNING COMTI1ISSION HALL COUNC I L CHAMBE RS DATE: ,1TTNp' 21. 1993 #2 PUBLIC HEARING C"RVS'l'AT. SPRINGS ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT AMRNOMENT #3 C-] ZONE Please sign In If you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive-future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) 1~1~n=I=- I I I I I I I I Name (/40&1<::: &=,kk-J ~o .:; o x Addres s Po Maillng Address Name !-.. f It;: Me Address Mallina .Ziddress Name W~Ne t~'( l~terJ(,etJ Addres s () 1-0 <) .~ Cveet sf Mailina Address I- Address ~I Name ~ v Mellinq ,'\.ddres s P D _= )) (" 'i! Name ;-fa M-:J R. ;g!~ Address SOr9-s- ,<Vu/t/)JXJo rzV;~ ~. y o Mailing Address C) ~) (1) (,( WPJ~\forms~s~~in . :~ 7), 7~ Pff r3 IN! f}/7 /{1 !f5hJo ~ /)JjV, 7'65'9? c;5SS0d , ^ x c City of Yelm c :C 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box'479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458~3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING CO~ISSION MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1993, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order, RollCall, Approval of Minutes. June 7, l~93 ~inutes. , 2. Public Heari.'ng - Crystal Springs Estates Preliminary Plat Amendment (enclosed). 3 . Review revised C-3 Zone. (enclosed) Discuss Remainder 9f SR507 Annexation Zoning Proposal 4. Disc.ussion on July 5, 1993, Planning; Commission Meeting Date. 5. Jim ,Keyes Resignation from Planqing Commission. 6. 7. Adjourn , Enclosures are ava,ilable to non-commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo., City Clerk, at 458-8404. .* Recycled fXlper o o MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1993 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No. 1 The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p m by Planning Commission Chair Tim Schlosser Members present: E J Curry, Roberta Longmire, Tim Schlosser, Joe Huddleston, George Knight, Jim Keyes. Absent: Tom Gorman, Tom Cundy, John Kinnee Staff present: Ty Peterson Note: Jim Keyes was late 93-21 II lliotion to approve Apri 1 5, 1993 minutes as amend;-~ to read the third of May, instead of the fifth of May, by E J Curry, seconded by George Knight, motion carried 93-22 L~otion to approve May 3, 1993 minutes as amend~~to read that E.J. Curry left the meeting and did not part- icipate in Prairie Heights Preliminary plat proceedings, by George Knight, seconded by E J Curry, Motion carried. (\ ~ (\ V 2 Wayne Erickson Construction Co Request Erickson wrote the city a letter requesting that the city vacate 25 ft easement to allow a private access roadway so that he may develop 5 lots between third and fourth streets Staff indicated the problems private roadways create surrounding access, utilities, maintenance, ownership, etc The current ordinance requires that if the city makes a decision to vacate any land to benefit an individual property owner it does so for one half the assessed value of the property Erickson indicated that even though the roadway would be private by record it would be a public access roadway Jim Keyes stated that a Boundary Line Adjustment may be a way to accommodate the required street right-of- way and easements He went on to explain that you can't grant a private piece of property to public use without deeding it to the ruling public entity and the city won't take sub standard streets The commission told Erickson that he is going to have to get the appropriate right-of-way and directed staff to research a previous similar request 3 C-3 Zone: Staff presented the C-3 zone with some recommended changes Discussion took place as to some additional changes regarding definitions of allowed uses The Commission held that access control can be achieved at the site plan review and mitigation stage c c ~ o 93-23 [Motion to recommend C-3 zone to~_City Council with amended changes to types of uses( by George Knight seconded by Joe Huddleston Motton carried 4 Development Standards Update: Staff told the Commission that developing standards were going to be delayed until early July, at which time the new engineer would be on staff 5 Manufactured/mobile homes update: Staff informed the Commission that work is currently being done and information gathered concerning the issue of manufactured housing Commission indicated they wanted some definitions pertaining to the issue. 6 Miniature Golf Course Proposal: Staff asked the Commission whether they would consider this use allowable in the Central Business District Commission stated they would like to see a more detailed proposal or site plan before making a decision 7 The Commission expressed their concern that the staff be equal in requiring paving for new commercial development and not continue to allow additions to existing commercial structures without imposing the same requirements Meeting adjourned 4:50 p m Submitted; VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET o MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA ITEM ( S ) DATE: JUNE 7, 1993 Please sign lD If you wlsh to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive 'future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) I~I MmlNl31 X , SEVKER ---- Name !~/;:!! Y/(/ E LIZ I ClL5CJM Address / ) Cf if ,Y E~/l1j /J ~/l, MailinG Address 5/J-z?1E. Name Address o MailinG Address Name Address MailinG Address Name Address Mailina Address Name Address Mailing Address Name Address c Mailing Address wp51\forms\signln c City ofYelm' c c 105 Yelm Avenue West" p' Q Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YEIM PLANNn<<; ~ISSIOO MEETIN:3 MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1993, 4:00 EM YEIM CITY HAIJ.. axJNCIL aIAMI;lliRS' 1. Qlll to Order, Roll ~all, Approval of Minutes. April 5 and May "3, 199~ 2. Wayne E;rickson Cqnstruction Co. request 3. C-3 Zone ~iscussion (draft enclosed for Commission rrembers) 4 . Developrrel)t Standards update 5. Mobile/Manufactured Home Ordinance review and update 6. Miniature golfcouL~e ~se in Central Business District 7. Correspondence: a. ShQrt Course on Local Planning literature (enclosed) 8 . Other 9. Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request If you need specialamangements to attend or participate in this meeting: please contact Agnes ColomQo, City Clerk, at 458-8404. * Recycled 'fXlper c DRAFT - PROPOSED YELM MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 17 31 C-3 LOW-TRAFFIC COMMERCIAL Sections: 17 31 010 17 31 020 17 31 030 17 31 040 17 31 050 17 31 060 Purpose General requirements Permitted uses Conditional uses Special uses and planned development districts Standards 17.31.010 Purpose The Low-Traffic Commercial (C-3) zone is intended to provide for commercial land uses which generate relatively low levels of automobile traffic, which are not oriented toward pedestrian activities, and which may require large areas of land or convenient arterial access 17.31.020 General requirements. c Only the following uses are permitted and allowed in this zone These uses are subject to off-street parking requirements of Chapter 17 38 and the general provisions and exceptions set forth in this title 17.31.030 Permitted uses. Uses permitted outright are: All uses permitted in the Residential Agriculture zone, except residential, subject to any more restrictive or permissive provisions of this zone Automobile repair and service shops including auto body repair and tire sales, but excluding sale of fuel Appliance sales and service, limited to large applicances not readily transportable by pedestrians Churches and cemeteries Construction material sales buildings and yards, provided that such sales shall be limited to sales to licensed contractors Furniture sales for households and offices. c Golf driving ranges C-3 ZONE - DRAFT - 1/25/93 - PAGE 1 c Hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities for wastes generated on site, subject to state siting criteria Horticultural nurseries Livestock sales Lumber yards and sales, provided that hardware sales areas shall be limited to 1000 square feet Mobile home and manufacured housing sales and storage yards Parking lots; including park-and-ride lots. Public services buildings Recreational vehicle parks, storage and sales Residences, single-family only, each on lots of one acre or more Truck, bus and other transportation terminals Utility facilities, excluding offices (\ V Vehicle, trailer, boat, motorcycle, snowmobile and similar sales, rental and storage areas Warehouses, including mini-warehouses, but excluding manufacturing and production facilities Similar uses as determined by the City Council Accessory uses to those listed above 17.31.040 Conditional uses. Uses permitted subject to the granting of a conditional use permit by the city council are: Outdoor and drive-in theaters 17.31.050 Special use/combining and planned devloDment districts. Special use/combining and planned development districts in the C-3 zone shall be in compliance with standards set forth in Chapters 17 34 and 17 36 ~ o C-3 ZONE - DRAFT - 1/25/93 - PAGE 2 r ~ 17.31.060 Standards Those standards set forth at Chapter 17 40 applicable to the C-1 zone shall be applicable to the C-3 zone Except the minimum lot size, where, in the C-3 zone shall be one acre ('\ o ,~ ~ C-3 ZONE - DRAFT - 1/25/93 - PAGE 3 c City of Yelm 'C c 105 Ye{m Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, fVashillgtoll 98597 (206) 458-3244 \ YELM. WASHINGTON ** /**. NOTICE ** ** The May 17, 1993 Regular PlanningConunission. meeting has been CANCELLED due to lack of staff availability. There were no land use public heqrings planned for the agenda. Regular Planning l conunission businessrela'ting to the proposed C-3 zone and developmenb standards will be discussed at the next regular meeting on Monday June 7, 1993 at 4 pm. >, (j;/)[V ;J(~lv Agn~ P. Colombq: City Clerk D,istribution: May 13, 199:3 Planning Conunission mailinglisti~ . Posted at Yelm City Hall, Court and Yelm Libr~ry.b:u1 ,@ Recycled fXlper " (\ o c o ~ MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1993, 4:00 PM YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 93-21 1 The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p m by Planning Commission Chairman Tim Schlosser. Members present: E J Curry, Roberta Longmire, Tim Schlosser, Tom Gorman, Tom Cundy, Jim Keyes, George Knight, Joe Huddleston, John Kinnee Staff present: Ty Peterson and Shelly Badger The April 5, 1993 Minutes were not available for approval Shelly Badger announced that the planning position had been filled permanently and the city intended to hire a part-time engineer 2 Prairie Heights/Vancil Rd Preliminary plat (sub8086) Staff presented material in written form and indicated to the Commission that the environmental review had been finalized Staff recommended approval to the Planning Commission There was no comment from the public, so the Commission proceeded with concerns of their own Some members of the Commission expressed concern for the "usability" and access of the designated open space The proponents addressed questions and concern regarding frontage, and street improvements on Vancil Rd Further discussion took place on issues surrounding the types of structures (duplex/townhouse), the phasing in process and sanitary sewer/septic intentions Motion by John Kinnee to recommend approval of the Prairie Heights/Vancil Rd subdivision (sub8086) Seconded by Tom Gorman Motion carried 3 C-3 Zoning: Staff indicated to the Commission that the draft C-3 Zone would be amended to accommodate the zones intent and that the issue of access would be a primary concern when reviewing development proposals. Staff also agreed to provide a comparison of C-1, C-2 and the proposed new zone 4 Development Standards: Staff indicated that progression is being made. Some issues are taking time to resolve and are being researched Additionally the engineering drawings have been on hold because the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ engineer has been on vacation Commission and staff discussed sidewalk requirements and appropriate conditions under which they should be required Staff did make the Commission aware of new laws considering pedestrian/handicap travel access 5 Some Commission members expressed their concern regarding parking lot standards and the issue of paving Staff indicated that the city has to look into a policy addressing expansion of non-conforming uses, and what will be required The Planning Commission stated that they want every applicant to be treated the same and the standards imposed apply to everyone equally 6 Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p m Submitted; ~ c~ City of Yelm c c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING C6MMISS~ON MEETING MONDAY, MAY 3, 1993, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS e 1. Call to Order, Roli Call, Approval of Minutes. Apri 1 5, 1993' 2. prairie Height.s preliminary plat .public Hearing 3. C~3 Zone .Discussion. 4. Development I Standards Discussion. 5. Other .6 . Corr:espondence. a. Planning Short Course 7 . Adjourn Enclosures are avai'lable to non-Commission memrlers upon, :J;-equest.. If you need spetial arrang~ment8 to attend or partlclpate In th~& meeting, please contact Agnes COI01Ubo,CityClerk; at .158-8~04. r " {j R7C)'ckd fXlper c c c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Ave,~ue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDA , CITY OF YELMPLANNING COMMISSION MEETING l, MONDAY, APRIL 19, 19931. 4:00 P.M. YELM ~ITY HALL COUNCIL 'CHAMBERS 1. Call to O:t::'der, RollCall, Approval 'of Minutes. Aflrii 5, 1993 2 ~ Development Standards' 3. C~ty Council Report from Aprll"14, 1993 Meeting 4 . Upcoming a. MobilejHanufactur,ed Home b. Central Business D~scr~ct 5. Otl1er 6. Adjourn Enclosures areavai.lable to non-Commission members u.l?on request. , If you, need special arrangements to a~tend o~ PQr~iClpate ~n this meeting, please contact Agnes Colr)mbo, City Clerk, at 458.,...8404. \\\) . Divf- ~ > ,@ Recycled paper ~ ~ ~ ~ c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1993, 4:00 PM YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 00 pm by Planning Commission Chairman Tim Schlosser Members present E J Curry, Roberta Longmire, Tim Schlosser, Tom Gorman, Tom Cundy Absent Jim Keyes, George Knight, Joe Huddleston, John Kinnee Staff present: Ty Peterson and Shelly Badger Approval of the March 22, 1993 minutes by acclamation 2 Longmire St /Gore Rezone (zon8087) Staff presented the proposal to the Commission The proposal requested a zone change from single family residential to multi-family residential for a portion of a 4 9 acre site Discussion took place as to what effects the zone change could have and the compatibility with surrounding uses Staff recommended the zone change and felt that it created no significant adverse impacts 93-20 Motion by Tom Gorman to recommend approval on the Longmire St /Gore rezone Seconded by Tom Cundy Motion carried 3 C-3 Zone: Staff presented a draft ordinance for a low traffic commercial zone Discussion took place as to whether or not the new zone best accommodated the situation Commission members voiced their concerns regarding minimum lot size, allowed uses, location of the new zone, and some potential problems it could create Commission recognized the need to prevent strip development and urban sprawl but determined that the new zone did not best accommodate this Further discussion about locations of large commercial developments in the future was addressed Commission indicated to staff to do some additional research and to continue to look at options that would best accommodate this area 4 Development standards: Staff updated the Commission as to how far the standards are coming along Staff lndlcated that they are in the process of drawing the specifications and scenarios to be used with the standards ~ ~ 5 Shelly Badger explained to the Commission the new procedure the city is using when processing development applications, this was the reason for the slow down at the Commission meetings Staff indicated to the Commission to expect some large plat proposals by the fifth of May Meeting adjourned at 5'05 pm Submitted ~ ~ (\ ~ c c (,~,., o City 'ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West , PO Box 479 ' Yelm; Washington 98597 (206) ;/58-3244 AGENDA ' CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1993, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of M~nutes. March 22, 1993 2. Public Hearing Longmire St'./Gore Rezone (ZON8081) 3. Continued discussion:' zoning ordinance amendment 4~ Developfu~nt Standa~d update 5. Developer applic~tion process briefing 6. Scheduled agenda items for 4(19/93: a. prairie Heights preliminary Plat Public Hearing (Vancti Road) , b. Prairie Vista Plat &, Rezone Public Hearing (Burnett Road) 7. Other 8,. Adjourn ,c. Enclos~res are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, at 458-8404. } {j , ReCl'cled fXlper' o c c '\ MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 22. -jge3, 4:00 ~M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item; Motion No The meeting was called to order at 4 00 01 Planning Commission Chairman Tim Schlosser Members present. Tom Cunoy Joe riuddel2ton Tom Gorman George Kn1ght T1m Schlosser John Klnnee E J Curry Roberta Longmire Absent Jim Keyes Staff Present IY Peterson and Gene Borges 93-18 MOTION BY JOHN KINNEE APPROVING THE MARCH 1, 1993 MINUTES SECONDED BY GEORGE KNIGHT MOTION CARRIED Agenda additions/alterations Agnes Colombo informed members that the representatives for the Southwest Annevation would be delayed Decision to alter agenda to proceed was made bv the Comm1sslon 2 C-3 Zone. D,Scusslon took place over the need for a new zone Ty Peterson expresseo tne need for some additlonal tlme to research the Idea 3 Development Standards Staff ind1cated some pr09ress1on in proposing a draft ordinance but further research and analYSIS 1S required D,SCUSSion between staff and the Commission too~ olace as to what types of standards time frame and concerns regardlng the adopt1on of development standards 4 Staff 1nd1cated the concern for further amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regardlng the need to accommodate some additional uses 5 Southwest Yelm Annexation and Final Environmental Impact Statement Discussion comments auest10ns and answers began witn sewer l~ene InOl2atea to t~e commlSSlon that at thls time ootlons for sewer treatment had not been addressed and would be dur1ng a Development Environmental Impact Statement School dlstrlct requlrements open soace and parks were all discussed Further concerns about Impact fees and transportatlon were d1scussed It was lndlcated that many ,ssues Will be more thoroughly addressed in addlt,onal documents prior to development DiSCUSSion closed with staff reassuring the Commission that \. c c c 93-19 vacat1ng the annexed area lS possible 1n the event that no development occurs MOTION BY GEORGE KNIGHT TO RECOMMEND ANNEXATION TO CITY COUNCIL WITH LEGAL FINDINGS IN SUPPORT OF THE SOUTHWEST ANNEXATION SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN MOTION CARRIED Olscussion took place concern1ng the Commlss1ons role In the future w1th the S W ~nneYat1on 6 Some members felt that the comm1S~10n meet1ngs and agenda could be run better by preoar1ng informat1on for the Comm1ss;on in a manner so as not to waste t1me Meet1ng Adjourned at 5 00 p m ~~ c: City of Yelm c .r---- ~ 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox ,479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MO~DAY, MARCH 22, 1993, 4:00 P,M. YELMCITY ~L COUNCIL CHAMBE~S 1. Call to Order" Roll Call ,Approval of Minutes. March 1, 199J 2. SW Yelm Annexation Final EIS Copy enclosed 3.:' C-3 Zoning - Staff memo and discussion 4. Development Standards Update 5. 6. Adjourn Enclosu~es are available to non-Commisslon members upon request" If you need speciai arrangements to attendbr participate in this meeting, please contact Ci~y Hall at 458-3144. * Recycled fXlper . ' -------- -~ -----..--- --~_. - I, 1 \ ../ . (, '~'r1\' ~yal~!~~ ~Ji YELM, WASHINGTON 98597 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Thurston D R. Miller , being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she/he is the edi tor of the Nisqually Valley News, a weekly newspaper That said newspa- per is a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publications hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Thurston County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper Public Notice Change That the annexed is a true copy of in Regular Plarming Corrmission Meeting Date, March O as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplement form) of said newspaper once a week for a period of 1 consecutive weeks, commencing on the March 93 of 19 11 day , and ending on the 11 day of March , 19 93 both dates inclusive and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the 15.00 fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ which amount has been paid in full. S> r !7,0u_tY.f2..,V"-- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12 day of March 19 93. CI ,~\''',',~~~~~ . J); Notary Public in and or the State of Washington, residing at Yelm, Washington. '\ This form officially sanctioned by the Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association 13 l/( t 13,L"n_dJ2--'l. PUBLIC NOTICE CHANGE IN REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE FOR MARCH 1993 The Yelm Planning Commission regular meeting scheduled for Monday, March 15, 1993, has been changed to: Monday, March 22, 1993, 4:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall Council Chamber, 105 Yelm Avenue West, Yelm, WA 98597 All interested citizens are invited to at- tend public meetings. For more informa- tion or reasonable accommodations, please call Agnes Colombo at 458-8404 Attest: Agnes P Colombo, City Clerk Published in the Nisqually Valley News Thursday, March 11, 1993. MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1993, 4:00 PM YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS c Agenda Iteml Motion No 1. The Meeting was called to order at 4: 00 by Planning Commission Chairman Tim Schlosser. Members present: Roberta Longmire, E . J . Curry, John Kinnee, Tim Schlosser, Joe Huddleston, Tom Cundy, Tom Gorman and George Knight. Absent: Jim Keyes. Guests: Al Johnston. Staff present: Shelly Badger, Jerry Prock, Tim Peterson and Agnes Colombo, Agenda additions/deletions: Agenda Item #5 - C-3 Commercial zonlng discussion was added to the agenda. Shelly Badger informed members that the final SWY annexation EIS would be ready for review by March 15, and that Council would begin the public hearing process at the March 24 meeting and continue the hearing from meeting to meeting until satisfied that all their questions had been addressed. 93-15 MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN CHANGING THE DATE OF THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO MARCH 22, 1993. MOTION CARRIED. o Changes to the February 22, 1993 minutes include: 1) Page 1, para. 1: Some [addition] Commission members stated their opposition to granting access directly onto Middle Road from any of the lots. 2) Motion 93-10: MOTION BY JIM KEYES, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN RECOMMENDING COUNCIL [deletion] APPROVAL OF THE SUBMITTED SITE PLAN CONDITIONAL UPON RESOLUTION OF THE MCALEXANDER AND GRAMOR JOINT DRIVEWAY ISSUE AND THAT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BE DONE ON THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO RESOLVING THE ISSUE. 3) Motion 94-14: MOTION BY GEORGE KNIGHT, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN RECOMMENDING PRELIMINARY [addition] COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE SOUTHWEST YELM ANNEXATION DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT CONTINGENT UPON SATISFACTORILY ADDRESSING ISSUES RAISED AND IDENTIFIED AT THE FEBRUARY 1, 1993 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING (SEE MOTION 93-12). 93-16 MOTION BY TOM GORMAN, SECONDED BY TOM CUNDY APPROVING THE FEBRUARY 22, 1993 MINUTES AS CORRECTED. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Johnston Mini-Warehouse Site Plan (SPRSOS3) Puhlic Hearing continued from February 22, 1993. Tim Schlosser opened the public hearing at 4:10 p.m. Shelly Badger briefed Commission members on the results of her recent conversation with Yelm's attorney. The attorney c YEut PlANNING COMISSION flAReH 1, 1993 PAGE 1 c indicated that in light of other activity going on within the City immediate compliance in meeting site improvements should not be required. He recommended a two-year deferral on paving and sidewalk installation. He also pointed out that the City has a legal right to set new requirements upon expiration of a permit. Shelly Badger informed members that commercial and plat ordinances needed to be brought up to date and that the City should make a determination as to the future development of Second Street prior to requiring site improvements. Discussion followed as to the situation{s) leading up to the questioning of improvements being required. Badger explained that the City doesn't have an ordinance in place requiring site improvements when/if expansion occurs. Existing ordinances require review of site plans only if they exceeded the arbitrary size of 4,000 square feet. Tom Gorman and Tim Schlosser agreed that all projects should be subject to the same review and requirements. Shelly Badger explained that in the past the City had made decisions on an individual basis at staff level and that the expected level of activity was used to guide improvement requirements. c Tom Gorman expressed his feelings that every business should recognize that expansion means bringing property up to standards. Badger explained that improvements had been required for buildings but that it had not been the practice to do the same for site improvements. Roberta Longmire felt very strongly that an ordinance was needed to insure that the Planning Commission and Building Dept. recommendations would not be overturned or changed. Shelly Badger said that staff would try to expedite passage of commercial and subdivision ordinances. Roberta Longmire told members that past policy had been to use Lacey's ordinances when the City did not have one of their own in place. 93-17 MOTION BY TOM GORMAN, SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON APPROVING THE JOHNSTON MINI-WAREHOUSE SITE PLAN (SPR8083) AS PROPOSED WITH SIDEWALKS AND PAVING TO BE MADE WITHIN TWO YEARS OF OCCUPANCY. MOTION CARRIED. AYES - 4, NAYS - 2 Shelly Badger pointed out the importance of applying these same standards evenly across the board until ordinances are in place. * It was requested that the record show that Commission members felt a definite need for an ordinance addressing the issue of standards and that the standards, both interim and final, be applied evenly across the board. c YE~ PLANNING COftftISSION MRCH 1, 1993 PAGE 2 o o c 3 . Brown Annexation Boundary - Discussion. Shelly Badger passed along Council's request for input and guidance on this 10% annexation petition. She explained that what had been happening is that Council has been approving annexation areas as part of a petitioner's 10% initial annexation petition. When the proponent had completed gathering required signatures the annexation went to the Planning Commission where recommendations have recently been made to change boundaries. Council, not wishing to delay applicants or have them lose their 60% approval by the additional burden of gathering signatures to square up boundaries, had not acted on Commission recommendations. Following discussion members felt that the annexation area outlined in red (on the map) formed a reasonable boundary. Some members expressed feeling a need for Council direction pertaining to the application of established policies requiring squared boundaries. Members felt that if Council's position had changed, approving any annexation that falls within the Urban Growth Boundary, that Council should advise the Planning Commission of that change. 4. Councilmembers noted receipt of a letter from Ken Garmann expressing interest in serving on the Planning Commission. No vacancies exist at this time. 5 . Members reviewed the proposed C-3 zone. Discussion showed several flaws including limiting hardware sales at lumber yards to 1000 square feet and questioned wrrat would be accomplished by adoption of this new zone. Staff was asked to prepare a comparison table of uses permitted in existing and proposed commercial zones. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Submitted, qAJU /J {I~~ YEut PLANNING CO'UUSSION MARCH 1, 1993 PAGE 3 r \.--'" c c )0 City of Yelm 105 Yelm A venue West P 0 BO;K 479' Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1993, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY ~L COU~CIL CHAMBERS I. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutos Feb~uary 22J 19~~ 2. Johnston Mini....Warehouse Site Pla~ (~PR8083) - Cont,irl\ued l?\.1blic Hearing. Continu~d frpm 2/2a/93 ~ Decision. 3 . Brown Annexation Boundary - Discussion Mill Rd. and 105th 4. Ken Garmann letter. 5 . 6,. Enclosures are available to non-Cormuiss.ion member-s 11pon r~que9t. If yoU need special arrangements to attend ot participate in this meeting; pleasec::on,tact Agnes Colotnpo, City Clerk, at 458.-8404. {j ReCl'cled fXlper c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1993, 4:00 PM YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1. The Meeting was called to order at 4:00 by Chairman Tim Schlosser. Members present: Roberta Longmire, E. J. Curry, John Kinnee, Tim Schlosser, Jim Keyes, Torn Cundy, Torn Gorman and George Knight. Joe Huddleston left due to illness. Guests: Margaret Clapp, Yelm Chamber of Cormnerce i Dennis Su, KCMi Robert Thorpe, Thorpe & Associates, Bob Beaupre, Gramor Development. Deborah McAlexander, Al Johnston and Ted Foreid. Staff present: Shelly Badger, Jerry Prock, Tim Peterson and Agnes Colombo, Agenda additions/deletions: Agenda Item #5 Rainier View Shopping Center was withdrawn by the proponent. c 93-09 Clarification of 1/25/93 Motion No. 93-02 indicated that the Planning Cormnission's intent through the motion was that no left into the McDonald's site be permitted from Yelm Avenue until a 3rd/turn lane is added and that the city engineer's recormnendations be followed. The Cormnission stated its preference would be to also not permit left turns out of the site onto Yelm Avenue. MOTION BY JOHN KINNEE, SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE THAT THE JANUARY 25, 1993 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED. 2. The East "507" Zoning (ANX8042 tabled from the January regular meeting) was tabled to the next regular meeting on March 15, 1993. 5'CCt=. 1'i\'fIVL. '2..''-,I'I'l'1 Mlvyut-"'':. The Cormnission would like clarification from City Council on squaring of annexation issues. Questioned is whether squaring up of boundaries for individual annexations should still be considered or if this policy should no longer be considered by the Cormnission as annexations now fall within Yelm's Urban Growth Boundary. Cormnission members felt the proposed C-3 Low Traffic Cormnercial Zone being requested for a portion of the "507" annexation should be formally adopted through an Ordinance of City Council prior to being recormnended for use by the Planning Cormnission. 3 . prairie Creek Subdivision (SUB8079) Preliminary Plat. The Planning Cormnission had recormnended approval of the plat wlth conditions applying to stub roads and meeting city engineer's requirements. Members were given and reviewed a copy of a letter to the developer (Leo Deathrage) which addressed City requirements for the c YEUK PLANNING C~"ISSION FEBRUARY 22, 1993 PAGE 1 Agenda Item/ Motion No c development. Commission members stated their opposition to granting access directly onto Middle Road from any of the lots. Members felt that access to all lots, including existing lots, should be through the development access only. 4. Nisqually Plaza Site Plan (SPR8074) Continued Public Hearing. The public hearing was opened at 4:20 p.m. by Tim Schlosser. Shelly Badger explained that improvements for the north side of the road will run from Clark Rd. to Plaza Dr. Improvements being made were through the combined efforts of all the property owners. Frontage improvements will include a light at the existing exit that will control traffic into and out of the Plaza and from vancil Rd. (similar to the light at Sixth and Sleater-Kinney in Lacey) as well as the highway. Also planned is channelization and a bike path along the route. o Bob Beaupre, - Gramor Development, stated that Gramor and Key Bank had reached an agreement about blending their properties and Gramor's concept. He also stated that he didn't believe that the Plaza should have to provide space for a bus stop, which could result in the loss of approximately 20 parking spaces. Discussion on the matter with InterCity Transit is continuing at this point. When questioned Beaupre said that at this time it didn't look like Jayhawks would continue in the Plaza that unresolved issues for both parties exist. Deborah Mcalexander - submitted a letter requesting that approval of the site plan include a requirement that the roadway issue be resolved. Bob Beaupre stated that he was working with and would continue to work with the McAlexanders to resolve differences and improve access to their property. Shelly Badger pointed out that the Planning Commission would be giving final approval of the site plan, it would not go before the City Council. Any restrictions or conditions imposed by the Commission would be enforced by the Yelm Building Department. John Kinnee questioned access from what are proposed fast food pads. Bob Beaupre replied that while the conceptual plans indicated this use, users had not been tied down for the sites and that businesses other than fast food could go onto the sites. c Jim Keyes stated that he had no problems with the site plan and that he did not favor attaching conditions. He also felt the City's suggested requirement for improvements on 103rd to the end of the Texaco property was not objectionable. YEUK PLANNING C~"ISSION FEBRUARY 22, 1993 PAGE 2 o c c Agenda Item/ Motion No 93-10 93-11 Public Hearing was closed at 4:40 p.m. MOTION BY JIM KEYES, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE SUBMITTED SITE PLAN CONDITIONAL UPON RESOLUTION OF THE MCALEXANDER AND GRAMOR JOINT DRIVEWAY ISSUE AND THAT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BE DONE ON THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO RESOLVING THE ISSUE. 6. Johnston mini-warehouse Site Plan (SPR8083) Public Hearino. The Public Hearing was opened at 4:45 by Tim Schlosser. Shelly Badger explained that the original, scaled down version of this project, had been submitted to the City in 1989. The project is before the Commission now because it has increased in size. Torn Gorman questioned using gravel instead of paving the driveway. Discussion on the driveway indicated that an existing mini-storage, within the city, has been allowed to build additional units without being required to pave. Members wanted staff to check the legality of: a) requiring paving on this project considering that the project was originally submitted in 1989 and, b) requiring paving when an existing business is operating without paving. Members discussed frontage improvements and the possible deferment of the requirement. Keyes stated that while the City had deferred improvements in the past this should be based solely on the needs of the City, not the developer. When questioned Jerry Prock, Yelm Building Inspector, stated that he had seen it done both ways. Schlosser emphasized that it should be for the benefit of the City. Al Johnston, project developer, felt that sidewalks could wa~t due to the upcoming sewer project. Shelly Badger explained that the sewer lines had a very small diameter and should not be an issue. Tim Schlosser explained that unless the City indicates to the Commission that they want improvements deferred the Commission is inclined to not allow deferments. Al Johnston expressed his desire to begin the project as soon as possible. Public Hearing closed at 5:00. MOTION BY TOM CUNDY, SECONDED BY JOHN KINNEE TO TABLE THE ISSUE UNTIL THE MARCH 1, 1993 MEETING WHEN INFORMATION AS TO THE LEGALITY OF QUESTIONS RAISED CAN BE CLARIFIED BY CITY STAFF. MOTION CARRIED. YELJI PlAHNING COMISSION FEBRUARY 22, 1993 PAGE 3 Agenda Iteml Motion No c 7. Mini-Warehouse in Conunercial Zone Public Hearing. Public Hearing opened and closed. Commission members reemphasized their concern about permitting the location of mini-warehouse facilities in commercial zones. C-1 was intended more with pedestrian traffic in mind, not for traffic oriented businesses. 8. Southwest Yelm Annexation - Members discussed the minutes from the February 1, 1993 Planning Commission Meting. 93-13 c c MOTION BY TOM GORMAN, SECONDED BY GEORGE KNIGHT THAT MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 1993 BE APPROVED AS CORRECTED. MOTION CARRIED. CORRECTION: ISSUES TO BE RESOLVED CONDITIONAL TO RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL OF THE SOUTHWEST YELM ANNEXATION: Waste water Rainier School District Transportation Ground water supply Concurrency Wetlands PopulatioB estimates PlaBBiBg mitigatioB ISSUES NEEDING TO BE ADDRESSED AT SOME POINT, BUT NOT INCLUDED AS CONDITIONS TO BE MET FOR APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION: Population estimates Storm water wildlife Conunercial element Rural use buffers Planning mitigation Lifestyle impacts Power lines Rural use buffers Historic structures, etc. Tim Schlosser asked for the feelings of the group. Tom Gorman asked if the goal/intent/objectives addressed in the Draft EIS were adequate? Shelly Badger explained that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement was for the annexation only. Issues raised would be addressed by the City Council in the final EIS, some issues wouldn't be known until the actual platting phase of the project. Dennis Su, KCM, and Robert Thorpe, Thorpe & Associates, explained that the final EIS for Annexation would go to the City Council for approval. If approved it then goes to the Thurston Co. Boundary Review Board for approval. Approval would be for annexation with the current 1 dwelling per 5 acre zoning. (This process would be repeated at each stage of the development, i.e. zoning, platting. ) Roberta Longmire questioned the Rainier School District lssue. Dennis Su pointed out that they (KCM) could choose to do nothing, some cities are in more than one school district, Lacey for example. It is also possible that YELIt PlJINHING COMISSION FEBRUARY 22, 1993 PAGE 4 c c c Agenda Item/ Motion No 93-14 when developed residents could submit a petition to be in the Yelm School District or, some land could be exchanged/switched. KCM has been in contact with the Rainier Superintendent and will be meeting with the School Board. The goal is not to have the School District invoke jurisdiction. John Kinnee explained the funding issues raised when children attend schools outside their district. Petitioning is allowed by law, however, the district that gains students doesn't get full funding benefit. Taxes would continue to go to the district that the home is physically located in. Robert Thorpe, Thorpe & Associates, stated that in his conversations with Rainier School District they have made their position very clear, they will not give up any land. George Knight pointed out that there didn't appear to be a way to be more objective at this point. Tim Schlosser questioned if the Commission should indicate a preference of one of the scenarios offered in the Ers. MOTION BY G~ORGE KNIGHT, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN RECOMMENDING COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE SOUTHWEST YELM ANNEXATION DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT CONTINGENT UPON SATISFACTORILY ADDRESSING ISSUES RAISED AND IDENTIFIED AT THE FEBRUARY 1, 1993 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING (SEE MOTION 93-12). MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Submitted, -- ) I) /;" UfflJ t:J 'P U;P/'Yf Iv YELJt PLANNING COMISSION FEBRUARY 22, 1993 PAGE 5 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET c MEETING: YEIM PLANNING CCMMISSION LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: 2/22/93 AGENDA ITEM{ S) #2 East 507 ZoninG (ANX8042) #3 Prai rie Creek Sub- division-Preliminary Plat (SUB8079) #4 NisCJJ1ally Plaza Site Plan (SPR8074)- Continued Public Hearing #6 JOHNSTON MINI-WAREHOTJSE ST'T'F. PLAN (SPR8081) PUBLIC HEAIRNG #7 MINI_-=-WAERHOUSES IN CCMMERCTAL ZONF:S- PTlRT.TX HF.ARTNG #8 SOUTHWEST YELM ANNEXATION - Decision Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. SELECTION(S) lG}.I}\ ~ StEl-KER TIEM # a 6 v ? " Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address C wp51\forms\signin City of Yelm .~ LJ 2 3 A ... 5 0 6 7 8 c 105 Yelm A venue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1993 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes (January 25 1993, regular meeting and Februa~y work session minutes enclosed) 1993 East 507 Zoning (ANX-8042) (Draft C-3 zone enclosed ) Tabled from Januarj meetlng Prairie Creek Subdivision - Preliminary Plat (SUB-8079) - Additional reVlew as instructed by Councll Nisqual'y Plaza Site Plan (SPR-8074) - Continued Public Hearing - Declslon Rainier View Shopping Center (Forrester) Rezone (ZON-8077) Continued Public Hearing - Revlew and recommendasion to Counc i 1 Johnston Mini-warehouse Site Plan (SPR-8083) - Public Hearing DeC1Slon (Site drawlng enclosed) Mini-Warehouses in Commercial Zones - Public Hearing Revlew and recommendation to Council Southwest Yelm Annexation - Decislon Enclosures are available to non-Commlss1on members upon request If you need special arrangements to attend or partlcrpate in thlS meeting, please contact Agnes Colombo City Clerk at 458-3244 @ Rt!C')'ckd fXlpt!r .-- ilII c c ~ o MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1993, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS ANNUAL REPORT - The Commission declined to prepare or submit an annual report as called for by YMC 2.36.050(G). Apparently no such reports have been submitted in the past. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS - The Commission unofficially decided that residential lot by lot sidewalk construction should be accompanied by a developer's two-year bond to ensure completion of the sidewalk network. (With one year extension at city's option.) Frontage improvements are to include all streets abutting the project whether front or back of a lot. Commercial sidewalks and other frontage improvements are to be made (or guaranteed) as each lot is developed or improved - "frontage" to be determined based on the lot description, thus Nisqually Plaza would include l03rd Avenue unless short platted or divided by binding site plan. MINI-WAREHOUSES - The Commission instructed that a zoning text amendment hearing be scheduled. However, the Commission leans toward permitted mini-warehouses in the C-2 zone and prohibited in C-l. They were informed that this would be inconsistent with the Council's intent. SOUTHWEST YELM ANNEXATION were identified. (See forwarded to Thorpe and meeting. - Major issues of concern to Commission attached list.) This list has been Associates. Dennis Su attended the SOUTHWEST YELM ANNEXATION: LIST OF ISSUES *ISSUES THAT NEED TO BE RESOLVED BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION IS READY TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL: *Wastewater *Rainier School District *Ground water supply *Transportation *Concurrency *Wetlands *Population estimates *Planning mitigation *ISSUES DETERMINED TO BE IRRELEVANT TO ANNEXATION REQUEST AT THIS TIME: *Storm water *Lifestyle impacts *Historic structures, etc. *Wildlife *Power lines *Commercial element *Rural use buffers *Mark Carpenter o o o l..-~ ,-l, /" (J c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING: PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP LOCATION: COUNCIL CHAMBERS-CITY HALL DATE: FEBRUARY 1. 1993 AGENDA ITEM(S) AGENDA ITEM #2: ANNUAL REPORT AGENDA ITEM #3: FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENT POLICIES AGENDA ITEM #4: MINI WAREHOUSE ZONING AGENDA ITEM #5: SOUTHWEST YELM ANNEXATION Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) 1GN}\ WIILJN:E StFJlKER ~.f\\~ Su TIEM Name # Address Mailina Address ~ ~) .- \-;~ \ Name /' ~ l ovr oll:Or Address Mailina Address Name Address Mailina Address Name Address Mailina Address Name Address Mailina Address Name Address ~ Mailina Address ~ wpSl\forms\signin o City of Yelaa 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WOR~ SESSION AGENDA MONDAY FEBRUARY 1, 1993 400 P M YELM CITY HA,LL Call to Order and Roll Call 2 Annual Report 3 Frontage Improvement Policies 4 Mlnl-warehouse Zonlng o s SouthWest Yelm Annexation ~nclosures availabie to non-Commission members uoon reques~ If you need special arrangements to attend or partlcloate In thlS meeting please contact Shelly Badger Clty Clerk (458-3244) ~y NEXT MEETUiG Monday Februrar v Y 1993 (:J YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA SUMMARY c FEBRURARY 1. 1993 ITEM DESCRIPTION ~~---_._--------~_._....- Ca 11 to order 2 Staff report regarding planning activities during 1992 3 Continued discUSSlon of frontage improvement POllCY issues 4 Discussion of zoning ordinance amendment to make minl- warehouses a conditional use ln C-1 and C-2 zones 5 Discussion of environmental Annexatlon issues raised at public hearing and ln lmpact statment regarding Southwest Yelm v:~ ~ "r\ ~ c c c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1993, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 by Tim Schlosser. Members present: Roberta Longmire, John Kinnee, Tom Cundy, Jim Keyes, Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, Joe Huddleston and George Knight. Guests: Stefan Fabian- Moules of Intercity Transit, Margaret Clapp of Yelm Chamber of Commerce and Randy Radock of McDonald's Corporation. Bob Beaupre', Richard Embry and David Kehle of Gramor. Fred Tharp of the Department of Transportation, Terri Lucero and Gary Vallandingham of Jayhawks and Doug Cameron of Mr. Doug's Eatery. Jerry Morrissette and Bill Childress of JW Morrissette & Associates and Ed Hales of PSG. Roger McKown of Jolly Roger's, Cindy Schorno and John DiLuzio of Schorno Real Estate. Jim Forrester, Art Justman, Ed Flood, and Michael Working. Julia Winegard, Sherrill McNaughton, and Robin Bryant. Deborah McAlexander, Glen McCarten, and Frank witt. Staff members present: Shelly Badger, Todd Stamm, Tim Peterson, Jon Yanasak, Agnes Colombo and Dana Morgan. 93-01 MOTION BY GEORGE KNIGHT, SECONDED ROBERTA LONGMIRE TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 15, 1992, AND JANUARY 4, 1993, MINUTES AS PRINTED. MOTION CARRIED No additions or deletions were made to the agenda. 2. McDonald's Restaurant Site Plan (SPR-8074) - Continuation of the Public Hearing regarding the McDonald's Restaurant proposed Site Plan. Public Hearing opened at 4:10 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was expressed. No audience objections to any Planning Commission members participation was voiced. Tim Schlosser stated that the proponent attended the last meeting, and there were some questions about the site plan, in addition to those questions he was allowed to hear public comment from people who were here at that c time, ln order to help him address the situation. Tim asked if there was anyone else here that would care to comment on the McDonald's proposal at this time. Fred Tharp representing the Department of Transportation D.G.T.), stated that they had the chance to review the preliminary drawings and proposed furniture improvements on the McDonald's project but had not had the chance to comment on the final set. He requested that the records remain open until they could review the final, revised set of plans. Todd Stamm informed Fred Tharp that he would supply copies of the final drawings to him. Tim Schlosser asked if there were any more comments from the public. c Mr. Radock stated that after the last hearing that was held, he met with Gene Borges and Mr. Cochran and they went over everything included in the plans. They then went through and changed the plans and sent a letter to the city of Yelm which stated that he would agree to change their access onto the sight from Solberg St. to Washington Street if and when Washington St. is ever opened. Mr. Radock claimed that they would do this change at the expense of McDonald's Corp. He also said that anything the state of Washington or the city of Yelm wanted, they would be willing to go along with. The design that has been done has not been presented to the state because they wanted to wait until the site plan was first approved. Mr. Radock stated that they have gone through and made a number of changes, including moving the handicap parking to the building and increasing the landscaping area. Mr. Radock feels that they have done just about 99.9% of everything that the city of Yelm wanted, and asks for an approval so they can go ahead with the process. Tim asked Todd if he had any comments to add. Todd stated that he agreed with Mr. Radock, and believed that the only other remaining issue is the Dept. of Transportations approval and a couple of off site improvements. It is Todds understanding that the off site improvements is a matter that will be worked out under the environmental review. The short plat for the property needs to also be reviewed and approved. Todd stated that he did not feel it necessary to have the D.O.T~ comments for the planning commission to make their c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 2 o c c decision. Roberta Longmire stated that she had the letter that Mr. Radock wrote to the city on January 8, 1993, which stated that the ingress/egress along Yelm Ave., has also remained as originally shown. She asked if Mr. Radocks position on this matter remained the same. Mr. Radock stated that the letter was in response to the meeting that he had with Mr. Borges and Mr. Cochran, and they agreed that is where the ingress/egress should be. Todd commented, to take notice of the addition on the letter which states that there is an agreement or at least an understanding to revise the access that comes off of Solberg if and when Washington St. is opened. Roberta Longmire asked Mr. Tharp if the position of the Dept. of Transportation was to still have only one access on the entire piece on Yelm Avenue? Mr. Tharp stated that yes that would be the states preference. Roberta stated that "preference" and "position" are two different things. She asked Mr. Tharp again, "is the state going to require only one access on the entire property, or would they just rather it be that way?" Mr. Tharp clarified the reason for saying preference rather than demanding being limited to only one access is because D.O.T. has a situation of multi-jurisdictions here. The state having jurisdiction only to the curb line, where the city ultimately has its own jurisdictions on granting accesses. Roberta asked if the city then could allow another access? Mr. Tharp stated that yes the city could allow another access. Todd addressed the Planning Commissioners and advised them that they may at this time want to make a recommendation to council, to approve the McDonald's site plan without a decision on the access problem at this time. Roberta thought that if the planning commission didn't solve this matter now though, that something else would YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 3 c c c be done later about the access. Tim stated that if something else did come up about the access at a later date, then they would be addressed at that time. Tim brought up the issue of the Left turn from Yelm Ave. into the establishment. He stated that the City Engineer opposes this as does he. Tim asked Mr. Radock if the city of Yelm goes ahead with an approval to proceed, can they make this a conditioned approval? Mr. Radock stated there wouldn't be a problem with this, and if the city or the state wants to come down at a later date and put a "C" turn or something like it in, and wants the McDonald's Corp. to do it, then they will be willing to work something out. Tim asked if there were any more questions. No further questions were asked. Tim then asked someone to entertain a motion. 93-02 MOTION BY GEORGE KNIGHT, SECONDED JOHN KINNEE TO APPROVE THE PROCEEDINGS ON THE MCDONALD'S SITE PLAN AS LONG AS THERE IN NOT A LEFT HAND TURN LANE AT THIS TIME. MOTION CARRIED. 93-03 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED JIM BROWN TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT A VARIANCE BE GRANTED FROM THE ACCESS LIMITATION, THAT IT PERMITS A SECOND ACCESS IN THAT BLOCK. MOTION CARRIED. 3. East "507" Annexation, Plan Amendment and Zoning - (ANX-8042) Public hearing regarding proposal to annex area east of City and north of Highway 507 to 103rd Avenue, with new "low traffic" commercial zone along highway, commercial (C-l) zoning west of Yelm Creek and one-acre residential-agriculture zoning along 103rd. Tim Schlosser opened the public hearing. Tim asked the audience if there were any objections to any of the members on the Planning Commission. There were none. Todd Stamm stated that the annexation is proposed by the owners at 60% of the value. He wanted to clear up the misunderstanding that the annexation is proposed by the city, it is not. It takes the property owners of 60% by accessors value to propose an annexation. That number has been proposed for this particular annexation. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 4 o o c Todd explained the areas that would be included in the East 507 annexation in detail. Todd stated that a question for the planning commission is, "how do we sit down and refine where the C-3 zone is, if it is even appropriate?" Todd continued- More than 900 ft back, in other words, the northern half of the property, is proposed that area would be zoned one acre residential. That may not be the permanent zoning, but the one acre residential is the city's most dense zone that you can really use with out sewer. At the present time there is not an immediate proposal for sewer in this area. Todd said that the city council will ultimately make the decision whether or not to annex the area or to annex only a part of the area. The city does not have to annex the whole area. If the city annexes, they have to annex what the state law calls "lots with logical boundaries." Todd pointed out on the map where C-1 and C-2 (heavy commercial) are. John Kinnee asked Todd if the proposed northern by-pass route is going to intersect this proposal? Todd stated that it does. The northerly route is not so much a by-pass as a linkage of roads that accesses the industrial area. It is a two lane road, not a heavy traffic road, but it is to get some through route to the north. It includes Grove Rd., and the proposal is to extend Grove Rd maybe with realignment of it, across the highway on down to Bald Hills and to move Bald Hills over that intersection out of Five Corners. John Kinnee asked if Five Corners is still the proposed intersection for the southerly route. Todd said that the vicinity of Five Corners lS. John asked if there is a possibility that a collector could be there. Todd said yes. Tim Schlosser invited comments from the public. Art Justman identified himself, and stated that he owns 10 acres on Hwy 507, and does not wish to be in the city at this tlme. One reason is because Bonneville lines and YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 5 c c c Bell Telephone already go across this property, which takes a good chunk out of the property that is to be annexed. Mr. Justman asked about the C-3. He then asked if one would be limited to selling small acreages on Grove Rd., or does one have to sell them in 5 acre plots? Or can one make them 5 different parcels on the Grove Rd for commercial? Mr. Justman stated that he did not feel it was a good idea to put in these new commercial places when supposedly Yelm is trying to cut down the traffic. He then claimed that his property was used for agricultural purposes, he asked if he would still be able to have his livestock if he is annexed into the city. He asked if a city ordinance would be passed afterwards that states that he can not have his livestock in the city limits? Tim and Todd reassured Mr. Justman that his property would be "Grandfathered," and Jim Brown stated that the City can not close Mr. Justman out from raising his livestock. Mr. Justman asked about the separate lots for business on Grove Rd.. Todd stated that the proposed C-3 zone lot size would be 7200 sq. feet. The lot size for residential would be 1 acre. Jim Keyes addressed Mr. Justman and stated that a lot is 7200 feet and that 1/6th of an acre could be commercial, if the lots are to be residential then you would be limited to a one acre lot. Jim Keyes stated that in this proposed zoning one can have "residential single family" each on lots of one acre or larger. Todd Stamm talked about the taxes on landowners properties. He stated that the general policy, and it is not true 100% of the time, but it is to let landowners choose to keep their 5 acre zoning. Mr. Justman showed his concern on the proposed annexation and claimed that he did not want to be brought into the city at this time. Todd Stamm clarified that if the proposed annexation passes with the 60% needed on the petition, then Mr. Justman could be forced into the city. Jim Keyes made clear to Mr. Justman that he would not YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 6 c o o have to be re-zoned into the C-3, that he could keep the current zoning that he has now, which is one unit per five acres, until such time that he wants to petition for his particular piece of land to be re-zoned. Tim Schlosser asked if there were any other questions or comments. Michael Working identified himself and showed where his land is located on the map. Mr. Working showed concern for his piece of property that has 3 zonings proposed to run through it. Jim Keyes stated that he did not think it was necessary to run a line through someones piece of property. Todd confirmed this and stated that the bottom line would be that Mr. Working would have to tell the city his preference. Mr. Working stated that he would like his property to be upgraded as much as possible. He also said that he wants commercial. Roger McKown identified himself and told his story of how this proposed annexation started. He went to the city and asked why they were not in the city limits when they had city water etc.. The city told him he would have to get a petition signed by 60%, so he went to all the neighbors including the Floods, the Lumber Yard and all together he has 73% on the petition. Mr. McKown then addressed Mr. Justman and stated that the proposed annexation and the C-3 would benefit them. Roger felt that this annexation is strongly needed and would be of advantage to many people. Roger told Mr. Justman that he sympathized with him but thought that Mr. Justman was still in a good position. Mr. Justman asked Mr. McKown if he would guarantee him that his taxes would not go up. After some laughter from the commission and the audience, Mr. McKown stated that he had read many pamphlets and to him it looked like the taxes for businesses or commercial uses would most likely go up but not usually residential or farm areas. Mr. Justman asked Mr. McKown if he was one of the city founders? Mr. McKown said no. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 7 o c c Mr. McKown stated that he has a lot of time invested in this city also. He grew up here, he is ready for development as are other landowners, he feels that C-3 would benefit many. Mr. Justman asked about Tranquility Lane. He wondered why it was left out when it is right in the center of the city? Jim Keyes stated that this was also a question of his. He then asked Mr. McKown if he had approached the people on Tranquility Lane? Mr. McKown stated that he had not asked the people on Tranquility Ln., partly because most of the landowners on Tranq. Ln. live out of state and the main goal for the development was to move rapidly. Roger said that they are already 4 months into this project, and if they were to contact everyone in that Tranq. Ln. subdivision it could tack on another 6-8 months. Mr. McKown is not saying that the Tranq. Ln. owners should not be included. Jim Keyes commented on the whole Tranquility Lane issue and stated that it is something to think about. Jim also stated that he was not trying to throw a monkey wrench into the annexation plans, but thinks that before anyone goes ahead with roads and sewer the Tranq. Ln. issue should first be cleared up. Roberta Longmire pointed out that the configuration for the proposed annexation does not really comply with the city's policy for "squaring up annexation's." Roberta feels that by leaving this Tranq. Ln. portion out it looks as though the city is making a little island. Tim Schlosser asked if there were any more comments from the public. Ed Flood identified himself. Mr. Flood's concern is for the fact that he owns less than 9 acres and according to the county he can not build a house on less than 5 acres. He would like it to get to where they can build a house to an acre. Fred Tharp of D.O.T. asked if through this annexation process, could the commission or the council in this case, look at limiting all accesses off of the state highway to one per parcel or to keep the existing access? Roger McKown feels that all parcels have one access YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 8 already existing. o Mr. Justman thought that everyone has dollar signs in their eyes, and feels that if he has to be included in this annexation then Tranquility Lane should have to be also. Tim Schlosser closed the public hearing. Tim then asked the commission if they had any questions or comments. Roberta asked Todd about part of Mr. Justman's land being open space and if it is zoned C-3 would the county allow it to remain open space? Todd stated that he has been trying to get an answer to that question, and has not succeeded so far. Todd said that the county uses a scoring system for each parcel to see if it qualifies, and it is possible that the county would have to re-score Mr. Justmans property. Tim asked if there were any other comments from the commission. c George Knight agreed that the "island" (Tranquility Lane) could not be left there. Tim stated that it was his understanding from George's comment that the commission's recommendation to the council should be that in order for this annexation to proceed, the Tranq. Ln. situation should be resolved. 93-04 MOTION BY GEORGE KNIGHT, SECONDED ROBERTA LONGMIRE TO RESOLVE THE TRANQUILITY LANE SITUATION BEFORE APPROVING THE EAST 507 ANNEXATION. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Yelm Creek/Middle Road Annexation, Plan amendment and Zoning (ANX-a073)- Public hearing regarding proposal to annex about fifty acres lying on either side of Middle Road and along Yelm Creek. Tim Schlosser opened the public hearing and asked the audience if there were any objections to anyone on the planning commission. There were none. Todd briefly discussed and explained the proposed annexation, using a map on the wall. Tim asked if any of the proponents were represented and did they have any comments? o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 9 c c c Jerry Morrissette with JW Morrissette & Associates identified himself and stated that Bill Childress and himself were there to represent the proponents of the annexation and would be available if anyone had any questions. Tim asked if there were any comments from the audience. Julia Winegard identified herself and stated that they absolutely did not want single family zoning. She felt that the zoning would hurt them financially since the farm is their financial livelihood. She stated that they would like to keep it agricultural with the grandfather rights on it. Tim asked if there were public. There were none. hearing. any more comments from the Tim then closed the public Roberta Longmire asked Todd to show her on the map where the city limits were and where this proposed annexation would be. Todd explained in detail the proposed annexation using the hanging map as a guideline. Roberta Longmire asked Todd about a certain area on the map. She asked if the space between the proposed annexation area and the Ft. Stevens school was county. Todd said yes, the area Roberta was referring to is county. He then went on to tell about a certain rule that applies. If the city goes ahead with the proposed annexation, and there is 80% or more enclosed by the city, then it only takes 50% of the ownership to sign a petition for that to be approved by the city. Joe Huddleston asked if there have been any efforts to contact the landowners on this issue. Jerry Morrissette stated that there was a difference between this issue and the situation discussed earlier on the agenda. Joe clarified that the landowners have been contacted and specifically requested to be included, and they indicated that they do not wish to be included at this time. Tim Schlosser asked Jerry Morrissette if these landowners were included, then would the 60% go away? Mr. Morrissette stated that was their understanding. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 10 c c o Jim Keyes informed the commission and the audience that he would not be voting on this issue, although he didn't have a conflict or problem with this matter he had talked with the developer about a year before and felt it would be an uncomfortable situation for him. John Kinnee stated that if our logic in the last situation (last item discussed on the agenda) was to look for continuous lines, then this matter looks like a far greater dilemma. Roberta Longmire thought that this situation would not be such a problem if the portion of property north of Middle Rd. was not on there. Roberta went on to talk of a little bit of history. She stated that whenever there was an annexation presented to the city, it made no difference what the configuration was, they would just go in and out of who wanted to be in and who didn't. That is how we got the boundaries that we have. That is why we have now put the policy in to try to square up the lines. Shelly Badger asked a question about the urban growth boundary. Todd Stamm stated that the urban growth boundary is an absolute limit that you can not go beyond whether they are logical boundary lines or not. Tim Schlosser mentioned that the city will again have a little stretch of road that is county owned and controlled and all the rest lS city. Todd clarified that the rule of taking the road is not an absolute rule. It is a matter of two things; a negotiation with the county public works department and the city councils preference that if we annex someone that we maintain their streets for them. John Kinnee asked if the part that is ln the city by Railroad right now is heavy industrial? Todd and George Knight confirmed that across on N.P. road is heavy industrial. John K. then asked about the buffer, and if it was still a concern to maintain a buffer between industrial and residential? Todd affirmed. Roberta L. stated that she did not see anything wrong YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 11 c c o with this annexation south of Middle Rd., but she does have a problem with north of Middle Road. 93-05 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED GEORGE KNIGHT TO RECOMMEND TO THE COUNCIL THE APPROVAL TO ANNEX EVERYTHING SOUTH OF MIDDLE RD AND RAILWAY BUT NOT NORTH OF MIDDLE RD WITH THE WOOD PROPERTY TO BE 5 ACRES AND TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED ZONING. MOTION CARRIED. Todd Stamm reminded the planning commission that the council can cut down an annexation, but when they cut it down the remainder still has to be the 60% rule. In the end it still has to be tested against that again. 5. prairie Creek Subdivision - Preliminary Plat (SUB-8079) Review of proposed 64-10t residential subdivision south of intersection of Middle and Railway Roads. Tim Schlosser asked if it was appropriate to go on with this item before we know if the council is going to accept our recommendation on limiting the size of this annexation? Todd had two comments. He thought it would be appropriate to go forward because this subdivision is within the part that the commission has recommended for annexation, but given the amount of people that are present tonight, and this is not a public hearing issue, then it is up to the planning commission if they want to move this item around on the agenda. Tim informed everyone that they would move agenda item #5 down until the remaining public hearings were taken care of. Tim asked Jerry Morrissette if this would be ok. Jerry agreed and said "if the city is happy, then he is happy. " 6. Nisqually Plaza Site Plan (SPR-S074) - Public hearing regarding proposal to remodel Nisqually Plaza, construct new 49,000 ft. food market, and provide three "fast food" pads. Tim opened the public hearing and asked if there were any objections to anyone on the planning commission. There were none. Todd Stamm explained in detail what the Nisqually Plaza proposed site plan would entail. He then brought up what some of the key lssues were: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 12 c c c *Removal of Jayhawks/replaced with 49,000 ft food market. *Proposed drug store at the existing Thriftway sight. *The addition of three fast food pads. *Remodel and remark parking lot. *Off sight highway improvements. *Traffic light at main entrance, new proposed intersection at Vancil Road and new access entrance at other end. *Back entrance access on 103rd. Some other issues Todd brought up: *Intercity Transit bus service to Yelm in September. *Bike Lane. *Participation at Five Corners. *Requirement of frontage improvements along highway? Including the improvement of building fronts and property fronts on 103rd? John Kinnee asked if 103rd is an issue? Todd said yes, and the agreements are in place-(Todd showed area being referred to on the hanging map.) Shelly Badger stated that the city has not met with all the players but there has been some discussion with D.O.T. about bringing the improvement packages together and doing it all at one time. Todd stated that the improvements Shelly was speaking of were the intersection improvements. Todd said that he had received some written comments. There were comments from Intercity Transit and also Key Bank. The bottom line on Key Bank is that they are requesting 30 days continuation of the hearing, so that they can continue to review and meet with the Gramor people. Todd stated that a written comment from the McAlexander's was also received, showing concern about shared access designs. The McAlexander's have basically outlined the problems they have been having with the existing structure and the proposal really does not seem to solve anything. Tim asked if the proponents were present. Bob Beaupre', President of Gramor Development Northwest Inc., introduced himself as well as Richard Embry, Project Manager and David Kehle, Architect. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 13 o Richard Embry then proceeded to give a presentation using picture boards with colored blue print drawings to explain in detail the positive aspects of their proposed plans for the Nisqually Plaza. Mr. Embry stated that they are against the Intercity Transit bus service coming into the shopping center parking lot to pick up people. They feel that typically the parking lot to the shopping center would soon become nothing but a "park and ride" where people would not make good use out of the Nisqually Plaza shopping center but would simply ride the bus to Olympia to do their shopping. Mr. Embry stated that they feel it would be better to have a bus service pick up people somewhere outside of the shopping center, like off of 103rd. Mr. Embry basically covered all of the issues that Todd brought up in his opening statement, including the issue of Key Bank's current accesses and Gramor's proposal to change the access problem, so that there are two entrances and two exits for the bank's drive through area. Tim Schlosser asked Mr. Embry how far the double left hand turn lane would extend? c Mr. Embry confirmed that the turn lane would extend the full length of the shopping center. Roberta Longmire asked Mr. Embry about the most westerly entrance. She asked if they moved that road off of the McAlexander property? Mr. Embry stated that they did not and that the road is split half and half, the way it is located now (pointing to the map Mr. Embry showed where it represents its current location.) Mr. Embry spoke of how it is their intent to keep things the same as much as possible. Roberta asked Mr. Embry if the barriers on the map are what is separating McAlexanders property at this time? Mr. Embry affirmed. Roberta Longmire asked about the problem of backing out from McAlexanders into oncoming traffic. David Kehle, Architect, stated that there is still the required amount of back up room as long as people are c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 14 c parking at the 90 degree angle to the building. Frank witt spoke of the original traffic problem, which was when people were shot-gunning across the whole parking lot because there were not any designated lines or markings. The city then made arrangements to have the barriers put in front of the McAlexanders property to separate them from the shopping center parking lot. Deborah McAlexander identified herself and stated that their survey did not agree with the city's. She told the measurements of the space that they have in front of their building. She stated that they never felt crowded before. Her husband and her carne out in a good size station wagon, she parked it as far up to the curbing as she could. When she backed out she had 17 feet 6 inches, and that put her directly on the center line of the two lane road. She felt that this was not a comfortable way to back out, her tenants are not happy, and feels that there will be a terrible accident if something is not done. Roberta Longmire asked Mrs. McAlexander if she granted an easement for this roadway? c Mrs. McAlexander said no and stated that everything with the barriers and the roadway was done without their knowledge. Mrs. McAlexander stated that she felt the solution would be to have her own driveway but the city will not let that happen. There was further discussion on the McAlexander property with Mrs. McAlexander, Mr. Embry and Mr. Kehle. They decided they would meet and go over the plans, to work something out. Tim Schlosser asked if anyone had any more comments? Stefan Fabian-Moules from Intercity Transit identified himself. He then went on to state the positive aspects of having the bus service go into the shopping center. Mr. F. Moules stated that it most likely would be a transit van (approx. 18-20 feet) rather than a bus. He said that since most of the people using the service would be citizens without vehicles or ones that have disabilities, and these people should not have to walk a far distance, therefor Intercity Transit feels that a good place to pick up the citizens would be in the c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 15 c shopping center. Mr. F.Moules stated that he wants the chance to work with everyone including Gramor and the community of Yelm . Joe Huddleston asked if Mr. F.Moules is referring to a bus stop area similar to the one that is behind the South Sound Shopping Center in Lacey? Mr. F.Moules said yes, but not as large. It would be big enough to have shelters and hold one to three transit vehicles (i.e. one bus and a van, or two vans...) He said that they are looking at about 18-100 feet, and yes it would take up some parking spaces. But out of the 635 parking spaces proposed, the bus service area would take only about 9-10 spaces. Mr. Embry addressed Mr. Fabian-Moules and stated that Gramor had not had a chance to meet with Intercity Transit. Mr. Embry then went on to discuss the safety concerns that Gramor has with a bus service site being in the shopping center. Mr. Fabian-Moules addressed Gramor' s concerns, and stated that Intercity Transit and Gramor really should meet on this matter and work it out, rather than do it at this meeting. c John DiLuzio of Schorno Real Estate stated his feelings on the Intercity Transit bus service going into the shopping center. He feels that Gramor has made every effort to comply and meet the Yelm communities needs. He feels that the bus service area in the shopping center parking lot would not be beneficial to the community as well as the potential plan to turn it into a Park & Ride. Mr. Fabian-Moules disagreed with Mr. DiLuzio and stated that he thought a Park & Ride would provide a good source of revenue for the shopping center and would be an asset to the community. He feels that with all of the growth that is happening the traffic situation is going to increase and the problems will get worse whether they are in Lacey, Olympia or Yelm. He stated that the bus service is a good solution to the future problems. Terri Lucero, CEO Jayhawks, stated that she too had not seen any plans or heard anything on the proposal until 3 days before this meeting. She went on to state her concerns and feelings on the issue of the removal of the Jayhawks store. Ms. Lucero stated that she did not want to take up the planning commissions time, but since there seemed to be a lack of communication between herself and c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 16 o o c the developers, she would have Jayhawks' attorney get in touch with Gramor. She said that they loved the Yelm community always hoped that they would be a part of it in all future plans, but apparently this was not looking possible. Jim Brown asked Ms. Lucero why the Jayhawks store couldn't be located in one of the proposed shop areas? Ms. Lucero stated that she wished she knew the answer to that question. She said that she has gone over this matter with Gramor, and feels that actually it would seem to make more sense to tell Gramor that she will close for 6 months (January-June) because in retail reality, sales are not very good during those months anyway. But then they have 30+ employees to deal with, there are storms that corne up without notification, the community, schools and the D.A.R.E. Bear program are very, very important to Jayhawks. Ms. Lucero thanked Tim Schlosser and the rest of the commission members for their time and all of their help in the past. She stated that they would greatly miss serving the Yelm Community. Tim personally recognized the fact that Jayhawks is and has been for a very long time a very important part of the Yelm community. He would hate to see the store leave, but this is probably not an issue that the planning commission can address. It is a situation that the landlords and tenants need to work out. Mr. Embry addressed Ms. Lucero's concerns and comments, stating that they had met and discussed this issue. Ms. Lucero then commented and stated that yes they did meet with Mr. Embry and Gramor. It was a positive meeting and the last she heard was that if Gramor decided to proceed on this project that Jayhawks would be contacted at the end of October 92', and to this date she had never received such phone call. Tim Schlosser stated that as a private citizen, he would encourage Jayhawks and Gramor to work out the details, because again the community would hate to see Jayhawks leave. Cindy Schorno from Schorno Real Estate went over some details on the map. She talked of the concern that her father, Larry Schorno, had about their property and the road known as Plaza Drive being a private road. A YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 17 o o o concern they have about that road is the upgrading of it and what the cost would be. There was detailed discussion about the private road, Plaza Drive, with comments from Frank witt. Roberta Longmire asked Mr. Witt if he was saying he would deed Plaza Drive to the city? Mr. Witt stated that he did not even know if the city would want that street, but either the street would be deeded to the city or a mutual agreement would be made with the parties to make the street open to the public, even though it has never been restricted to public use in the past. Richard Embry addressed the Plaza Drive issue. Roberta L. asked Mr. Embry if the configuration of Plaza Drive would be changed? Mr. Embry stated that it would not be, except that part of it would become a small portion of parking lot. There was continued discussion throughout the room about the Plaza Drive issue. Doug Cameron, owner of Mr. Doug's Eatery, asked Mr. Embry if they planned to put in any curbs or barricades in front of his establishment? Mr. Embry stated that he would like to meet with the McAlexanders to measure the parking and clear up the concerns there. He told Mr. Cameron that they did not have any plans to close off any of the parking at Mr. Doug's. Fred Tharp stated that the Dept. of Transportation has not had sufficient time to review the proposed plans for the Nisqually Plaza, felt that there are obvious communication problems, and requested that this issue continue for 30 days. Mr. Tharp felt that there are just too many issues that still need to be addressed, before any decisions are made. Two issues for example: *The Vancil Rd. alignment. *The continuation onto the Schorno/Witt property and then off to Creek Street. Julia Winegard addressed the Intercity Transit representative, stating that there are other large pieces YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 18 o o c 93-06 of land that the city already owns that could possibly be used for a bus service area. Tim Schlosser asked if there were anymore comments from the public. There were none. He then closed the public hearing. Todd reminded Tim of Key Banks 30 day request. Tim had question about the two way left hand turn lane. Fred Tharp stated that the dept. of transportation is still working on that with the city of Yelm. MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED JIM BROWN TO TABLE THE NISQUALLY PLAZA PROPOSAL FOR 30 DAYS SO THAT ALL PARTIES CAN MEET AND WORK OUT THE OBVIOUS PROBLEMS THAT HAVE BEEN RAISED. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Rainier View Shopping Center Rezone (ZON-8077) - Public hearing regarding proposed twenty-acre "C-l" commercial zone southeast of Highway 507 on "Forrester" property. There were no objections to anyone on the commission. Tim stated that he knew of a certain transaction pertaining to this issue and disqualified himself. Tim left the room. Jim Keyes filled ln for Tim Schlosser. Todd Stamm explained briefly the memo that was sent to the planning commission. Jim Keyes opened the public hearing. Ed Hales of PSG, explained briefly what his anticipations were. He then stated that PSG is the firm that would like to build the shopping center in the area southeast of Hwy 507, and they are applying to rezone this area. He brought up some positive aspects of the project. Some key points brought up by Ed Hales were: *City is growing, need more than two grocery stores now. *The proposed shopping center area is out of the downtown area. *Less traffic. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 19 c Todd pointed out some details on the proposed Rainier View shopping center on the map. Sherrill McNaughton stated that she owns the property on the other side of Hwy 507, a 55 acre piece with a pond. She feels her place is an asset to the community and she is strongly opposed to the proposed shopping center. Ms. McNaughton stated that it is not in the interest of the community to spot zone the highway in the interest of a personal landowner. She is not opposed to commercial development, but feels this is not an appropriate area for a shopping center. Ms. McNaughton stated that the 50mph speed limit is a concern of hers as is the fact that the new middle school will be very close to the shopping center. Todd Stamm briefly went over a letter that was received from the Yelm school district with some questions. Ed Hales addressed these questions and answered "no" to all three questions. Robin Bryant, who lives on Sherrill McNaughton's property feels that this area has high wetlands, is beautiful country that should not be spoiled by commercial development. c Jim Keyes closed the public hearing and asked if there were any questions from the commission? Roberta Longmire stated that this proposal does not comply with the city's overall zoning plan. Todd addressed Roberta's concern. George Knight asked Fred Tharp what D.G.T.'s involvement would be? Fred Tharp stated realignment of what potential by-pass. that is there is known as the "Y-2" issue which of is the the Jim Forrester stated that D.G.T. has already been authorized with an entrance, and the speed limit would be lowered. Fred Tharp requested that everything be studied more thoroughly. Joe Huddleston feels that they are violating their own principles about where commercial should be. He is c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 20 c uncomfortable with putting a shopping center next to a school and is personally against it. John Kinnee asked Ed Hales if there lS a schematic of the proposed 250,000 sq. foot complex? Ed Hales stated that there was not one at this time. Mr. Kinnee asked Mr. Hales if it was correct currently that property doesn't tie into any roadway other than the state highway? that other Mr. Hales stated that is correct. Mr. Kinnee asked Fred Tharp if D.O.T. was requesting a 30 day extension on this hearing? Mr. Tharp affirmed, and stated that they would like the matter to be studied further through the EIS process. Jim Forrester stated that this project will not have any impact on the school traffic since the school is down Mill Road. c 93-07 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED JOE HUDDLESTON TO RECOMMEND TO THE COUNCIL TO DISAPPROVE THE REQUEST FOR REZONE. MOTION NOT CARRIED. Jim Keyes suggested that the proponent get together with D.O.T. and find out exactly what they want as far as traffic concerns and what the impact would be on the highway and let them decide if they want to proceed. George Knight asked if they could also request a site plan on some buffers for the school area? Jim Keyes feels that the proponent needs to provide some more information that addresses the traffic and school issues. The Rainier View Proposal was postponed for 30 days. Tim Schlosser re-entered the room. 5. prairie Creek Subdivision - Preliminary Plat (SUB-8079) Review of proposed 64-lot residential subdivision south of intersection of Middle and Railway Roads. Jim Keyes left the room. Todd Stamm presented lssues for the prairie Creek subdivision. c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 21 c c c Todd stated that it just occurred to him that possibly a pond permit might have to be acquired. Tim Schlosser asked how big the lot sizes are? Todd stated that the lot sizes are 6000 sq. ft. and up. Jerry Morrissette, the principle Engineer of Morrissette and Associates identified himself and introduced Ed Wilson, the Storm/Water person, and one of the proponents Bill Childress. Jerry then answered Tim's question stating that the smallest lots are lot #'s 16 & 17 and they are 6000 sq feet, and all other lots are larger and average 8690 sq feet. Jerry Morrissette is specifically requesting that the commission approve the preliminary plat of prairie Creek as submitted or with conditions. Mr. Morrissette then went on with a detailed discussion over the eight issues listed on correspondence to the planning commission. Bill Childress clarified some lssues. John Kinnee asked where the 100 year flood plain line is? Todd Stamm stated that Yelm Creek has the 100 year flood plain, however it does not have a detailed defined flood plain. Ed Wilson thought that there is not a flood hazard situation in this area. Shelly Badger asked Jerry M. if he had talked to Gene about this project in reference to the sewer project? Mr. Morrissette stated that he had not talked to Gene specifically, but knew about the details involved. Jerry M., Todd S. and Shelly B. discussed the city water ordinance. Jim Brown asked if the project is closer to the school? (Ft. Stevens) Jerry M. affirmed. Roberta Longmire asked Todd about the 6000 sq meeting the city's standard for the building lot. feet She YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 22 c o o then asked him what the width of the paved roadway would be? Todd said they would be 24 feet. Roberta asked subdivisions? if curbs will be required Todd said they will not. ln all Roberta then asked what the price range would be on the homes in the prairie Creek subdivision? Bill Childress stated that it was his expectations that they would be building houses in the $100-120,000 price range. Tim Schlosser asked if Middle Rd will handle the traffic generated by this subdivision? Todd stated that it should. Todd and Tim discussed briefly whether the roadway should be widened and if the road would be able to handle the amount of traffic generated by the proposed subdivision. John Kinnee asked if sidewalks would be built all the way to school from the subdivision? His assumption was that kids will have to walk the roads to school, he feels that this certainly does not fall within the states guidelines of transport. Mr. Morrissette's assumption was that the school district will bus the children to school. But he anticipates that if there are any kids walking to school that they would be using the shoulder of the existing road. Todd went on to discuss the sidewalk issue. Mr. Morrissette further discussed the stub road into the subdivision. Tim, and Roberta had comments about stub roads. John Kinnee asked about the turn-around areas, if they meet the fire dept. standards? Mr. Morrissette stated that they intend to do whatever the Yelm fire dept. requests. Mr. Morrissette and Ed Wilson explained the Bio- filtration process that would be used in the subdivision. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 23 c c c Fred Tharp asked who will maintain all the maintenance for this bio-filtration etc...? Mr. Morrissette stated that all maintenance will tie into a home owners group. Tim S. asked if they are proposing turning the roadways over to the city? Mr. Morrissette affirmed. Roberta Longmire asked if the development would be done in phases, (i.e. building a section of maybe 3-4 houses at a time, so that the sidewalks will be continuous for each section.) Mr. Childress stated that from past experiences this has not been a problem, workers usually tend to work from site to site, and the sidewalk is done in a continuous matter. Fred Tharp asked if any provisions are being made to mitigate the congestion of traffic? Mr. Morrissette stated that issue has not been addressed yet. The traffic lssue was discussed further. Roberta Longmire asked about the property to the north of the subdivision being industrial, and she wondered about buffering this? Todd stated that the city's standards require the buffering be taken care of by the industrial party. Discussion on the issue of the stub roads continued. Julia Winegard expressed her concerns about the stub roads. She does not want any obligations to this development. Tim S. stated that he agreed with the developer on the issue of the timing of sidewalk construction. Others also agreed. Joe Huddleston thought that it should be required to have sidewalk outside of development, from property line to property line on Middle Road. Tim agreed with Joe and felt it should be required. Tim then also talked of requiring a restricted access. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 24 G o o 93-08 This was discussed further. The commission cleared up further questions pertaining to the remaining issues at hand. MOTION BY JIM BROWN, SECONDED ROBERTA LONGMIRE RECOMMENDING COUNCIL APPROVAL ON THE PROPOSED PRAIRIE CREEK SUBDIVISION. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned 8:00 p.m. ~ubmitted, Pc~1- YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1993 25 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET c _.. MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: ,1ANTTARY,?',,) 1 qq 1 . . J AGENDA ITEM(S)\AGENDA ITEM 2 - McDonald's RP.stFlllr:F1nt Sit.=> PlAn (SPR-8074) :~8~FE~~Hi~j= -~~~~ ~~~~;/m1i~~~~g'l(k~~:8g~i~) -;; ~ AGENDA ITEM 6 - NISQUALLY PLAZA,_.CSER:::-_8D7AJ_ . .;' t7 AGENDA ITEWT-o'-Ri\CINIER'VIEW SHOPPING CTR (ZON-BOn) P lease sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if yg.u {I\ ~ would like -to receive future mailings. ... p~~;' 1'.}J0 PLEASE PRINT SELECTION ( S) I\...~ '\.KG I - } I ~ I@illffi I = 01 ~ # / \). '\i j 2- ' A- W4. .x Name Address t~ 61~ burr tb 1P f.- ~ , C Mailing Address / ~ Name Bo~ 6 E:..A (A pee K Address "\l4 s:.~ ~ w. :;li: \ 07 \\~3- \(,.,4- Mailln Address L~N..o t..o 0 0 ~ WA q8o~~ '------ N ame Address Mailin Address _, Name \0~\2-D ~ h )c. )0 Address \3~ <{~ "SW .~\ Mallin L-'i N-N.wGOD 4'€>Ci~7 Address __,_Name }t-)J9 ~ M Address ~o 41440 Mallin Address OL fA '1f/Sd G wp51\formS\Slgnln VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET o MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMTSSION LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: ,1ANtTARV)') lqql AGENDA ITEM(S) AGENDA ITEM 2 - McDonald's Rpsti'lllrFlnt Sitp'Pl;::1n (SPR-8074) AGENDA ITEM 3 - EAST "')07" ANNP.XA'T'TON (ANX-8042) J f AGEND}\ITEM 4" -"YELM CREEl\/MIIJI>LE ~R'IY""TA:NX'Z:-8'-O:7 3) / I AGENDA~+TEM 6,,- NISQUAL,LY PLAZA (-SPR::..8_034), " / AGENDA ITEM'-7 -='--RAINIER VIEW SHOPPING CTR (ZON-8077) Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like'to receive future mailings. __ Name ~J a ItA- SELECTION(S) I ~ MmG3 SfEli<ER PLEASE PRINT Address o Mailin I / L l.I e-€, K.-O - 'jC:. C> O$.e v l::. I "[ ....v w~ Mallin Address .-.----- . __ Name I e. ~ fl, I Address 7 Z- b '---- Name Address /5~C)/' ---- Name 3, Address \0'50 Z. ~ -~ Name q5? I Address Address o Mailin Address wpSl\forms\signin VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET c MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: ,IANTTARY)') 19<n AGENDA ITEM(S) AGENDA ITEM 2 - McDonald IS RRstF'l1lrAnt Si tR 'P,lAn (SPR-S074) AGENDA ITEM 3 - EAST "')07" ANNF.XA'T'TON (ANX-S042) 7 / .'~AGENDA ITEM 4 - YELMCREEK/MII5D'I:'E'RD (ANX-::8073) ~':;.~DA ITEM 6' - NISQ{jALLY PLAZA (SPR-SQ74J. AGENDA ITEM-T~ RAINIER VIEW SHOPPING CTR (ZON-8077) Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like"to receive future mailings. -..--- Name SELECTION(S) JGII[A MZU1TI'ffi SFFlKER TIEM # PLEASE PRINT c Mailin . 0 - -z,. CAO PG'rZ- f""-r: ~v- (0 I- Y IV\. F~ {AJ uJA. - cq 3 '1--. x Address Mailin Name 'f x Address ~Name b I~ Address - Name w Address d. C(~L _ 985'11 Mailln Address Name Address Mailln Address Name Address c Mailin Address wp51\forms\signin o o c CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION SW YELM ANNEXATION DRAFT EIS PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 4, 199J, 7:0.0. P.M., CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tim Schlosser, Planning Commission Chair, opened the meeting at 7:0.0. p.m. Members Present: Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, Jim Keyes, George Knight, John Kinnee, Roberta Longmire, Joe Huddleston, Tom Cundy and Tom Gorman. Guests: Paul Steadman, Jon & Mary Lou Clemens, Ken Hofferber, Elene Newby, Bob Golphenee of the Rainier School District, Ed Kenney, Ronald Laughlin, Michael Citrak, Mark Carpenter, John Graver, John Tokarezyk, Kat Ravter, Charles Brown, Fred Enslon, Michael Jimenez, Brad Barrett and Genevieve Glassy. Patsy Purvis, David Purvis, Jess & Gayle Hoffman, Rhonda Eilers, Pepper Iverson, Peter Paulson, LeRoy Bendien, Tom Cline Amy Healy and Bev Kolilis. Dennis Su of Kramer Chin and Mayo, Bob Hazlett of S. Chamberlain and Associates, Robert Thorpe of R.W. Thorpe and Associates. Staff present: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger, Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo. By lot, the following staggered new terms were selected for Commission members (all terms will be three years following this current term: 1 Year Term Jim Keyes Tom Cundy Joe Huddleston 2 Year Term Jim Brown Tim Schlosser Roberta Longmire 3 Year Term Tom Gorman George Knight John Kenney SW Yelm Annexation EIS Public Hearing was opened at 7:0.5 p.m. Chair Tim Schlosser explained the purpose of the Public Hearing. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking and to add their names to the sign-in sheet if they wished to speak or be included on the mailing list for future mailings of Public Hearings concerning the annexation. Commissioner Joe Huddleston identified himself as a neighbor of the proposed annexation and asked if anyone present objected to his participation. No objection was voiced. No audience objections to any Planning Commission members participation was voiced. No members had received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Todd Stamm, Yelm Planning Department, gave a brief overview of the Public Hearing. He explained that the annexation would include approximately 2,0.0.0. acres belonging to 38 property owners. Stamm indicated that the property could be developed outside the City, possibly at 1 dwelling per 5 acres. Options available to the Commission are recommending annexation of all, part or none of the property. The Commission may also recommend conditions to be attached to the annexation. The closing date for written comments is January 15, 1993. Comment will also be accepted when the matter goes before the City Councll. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 1/4/93 SWYA DRAFT EIS PUBLIC HEARING PAGE 1 Additional copies of the Draft EIS were available at the meeting. Stamm distributed Ordinance No. 414 to Commission members defining City objectives and policies for annexations. o Stamm pointed out corrections to the Draft EIS. On page 16 the SEPA Process Chart should go from Preliminary Decision to Boundary Review Board. On page 114, paragraph 3, discharge to the Centralia Power canal is authorized by a contract with the City of Centralia. The NPDES permit has not been issued. Stamm also pointed out that the permits requested for Yelm's Sewer System do not accommodate the annexation or development of the property. Stamm advised the Commission that they would be dealing with annexation questions only, any development issues would be resolved at a later date. Based on available information the Commission must determine and make a recommendation to the city Council to either approve or deny the annexation request. If the Commission feels it doesn't have adequate information to make a recommendation the Commission has the option of requesting additional information from the proponents. Dennis Su, representing the proponents, explained that he was at the meeting to clarify any questions the Commission or audience might have. He introduced Bob Hazlett of S. Chamberlain & Associates and Robert Thorp and a staff member of R.W. Thorpe and Associates. Mr. Thorpe indicated that he was there to respond to any questions the audience or Commission might have and that any written comments received would be given the same consideration as comments made at the meeting. o The floor was opened to public comment. Mark Carpenter - stated that he owned property adjacent to the annexation and requested the inclusion of his property in the annexation. Tim Schlosser indicated that it was logically possible to include the property and questioned the legality of adding Mr. Carpenter's property. Stamm replied that he would like a day or two to examine the issue and stated that if included as part of the annexation it would also have to be included in the final EIS. Dennis Su - proponent representative indicated that he would take the matter under consideration. Peter Paulson - asked if Manke Road was included in the annexation. Tim Schlosser replied that Manke Rd was not included. Bob Golphnee - Rainier School District Superintendent, read a letter to the Commission expressing concerns about the impact of the proposed SW Yelm Annexation on the Rainier School District. He stated that a portion of the annexation is located within Rainier School District boundaries and indicated that statute mandates each incorporated city or town to be comprlsed in a single school district. Exceptions may require invoking the jurisdiction of the State Board of Education as per RCW 28A.315. o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 1/4/93 SWYA DRAFT EIS PUBLIC HEARING PAGE 2 Mr. Golphnee requested that Yelm declare if their intent is to change the property in question to the Yelm School District. He requested that the interests of the Rainier School District be considered and that the district be kept fully informed of all progress related to the annexation. c Jim Keyes requested that Mr. Golphnee indicate on the map which property was within the Rainier School District. Mr. Golphnee indicated "Section 27". Tom Gorman asked the percentage of total assessed value for the district from the parcels falling within the proposed annexation. Mr. Golphnee replied that he did not have that information. Dennis Su indicated that the Rainier School District portion was an isolated sector within the SW Yelm Annexation boundaries and that no residences exist on the property. He added that when the state drew school district boundaries for some reason Section 27 as well as part of Ft. Lewis was placed in the Rainier School District. Gene Borges added that the issue of school district boundaries had been discussed one to two years ago. The annexation proponents were aware of the issue and had been in contact with the Yelm School District. o Ed Kenney - Commented on the Wastewater Facility Section, in both the Draft EIS and Appendices. Mr. Kenney indicated that it was his belief that sewer was not feasible as presented on page 114 (EIS) much less with the projected five-fold increase. He stated that the NPDES Permit was still being sought and that regulatory agencies considered Yelm's plan to be marginally acceptable for Yelm's current population. He stated that the proposed lagoon would treat just 65% of the sewage and that most individuals, fishing groups, citizen's groups, agencies have a problem with that level of treatment. He stated that Yelm would have a lot of problems trying to increase the amount of discharge going into the canal. He suggested that the entire section be reworked and stated that a lot of the figures didn't add up. Robert Thorpe, R. W. Thorpe and Associates, requested that Mr. Kenney slow his presentation so notes could be taken of his comments. Mr. Kenney then addressed the concurrency portion of the document, Table 18 (pg. 125) in the back of the EIS, he stated that it was very brief, and that he (Mr. Kenney) didn't think it was very well figured out. He questioned the figure of 5,50.0. units @ $1800/unit = $9,90.0.,0.0.0. and stated that he didn't believe it was fair to laymen to not identify what a unit actually is. He asked if a unit was an onsite step system that goes to the main plant? He thought there would be a lot more detailed information in the documents. Tim Schlosser asked if there were any additional comments from the audience or Commissioners. c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 1/4/93 SWYA DRAFT EIS PUBLIC HEARING PAGE 3 c c o Ed Kenney - asked if anyone wanted to respond to his questions. Robert Thorpe stated that Dana Mower was not able to attend this evening. Thorpe thought that he understood Mr. Kenney's questions and that a graphic showing systems may be necessary. He will provide a draft to Mr. Kenney to see if he is headed in the right direction. Tom Gorman inquired about stormwater drainage (page 119). He had been on the property and asked which of the alternatives appealed to the proponent as a lot of surface water doesn't run-off into Thompson Creek; it accumulates in depressions where it eventually evaporates or runs-off. Dennis Su stated that he did not have an immediate answer as the final layout for the site had not been determined. It would depend on wetlands use of open space etc. and probably would be combination of all. Tim Schlosser questioned the percentage of responsibility for increased traffic and road improvements. Bob Hazlett stated that the amount of traffic reflected in the document was that expected to be on the road if the development scenario took place. Responsibility was addressed in the Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:50. P.M. The audience was reminded of the 11 day period for written comment. The Planning Commission will follow up on this issue at their February 1, 1993 work session at 4:0.0. p.m., in the Yelm City Hall Council Chambers. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M. Submitted, qmu yJ {!j)/7rJ~ YELM PLANNING COMMISSION 1/4/93 SWYA DRAFT EIS PUBLIC HEARING PAGE 4 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET o MEETING: SW YELM ANNEXATION EIS PUBLIC HEARING LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: ' 1/4/93 AGENDA ITEM ( S ) SW YELM ANNEXATION EIS PUBLIC HEARING Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) CO -tk'-Q/ ~Ct JGII[A !"NLIN3S SFFlKER lAvr TIEM Name # Address 1&0 tAL (J -res I ani -race UJet C}'6.LJu.. X )( Name \ Address Name o Address I I ~ Mailin NameAa'r: '(\m o Mailin Address wp51\forms\signin c o o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING: SW YELM ANNEXATION EIS PUBLIC HEARING LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: 1/4/93 AGENDA ITEM( S) SW YELM ANNEXATION EIS PUBLIC HEARING Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT Name /(Y) SELECTION(S) /G1'm ~ SEFlKER TIEM # Mailin Address wp51\forms\signin JJ~ k, (Q. Vl <2- AJ.~~s,?> \ 5 \ 05 \-\. t0ewb~ kb......,3'"" -. {"Il.. ~ S G. y~ '- t'\ ._------'-------,--_. v Address Mailin Address Name fh/l-IZL/s- s Address / Go I oJ. ?5;edW J l ftUJ ;e;; ~"'c.: /(: V71.., Mailin Mailin Name Address :;:1\/ C/ I '" f'-J > U "'^' .... -e K D /2.. 5 c "'i"i50 Mailin Name Address Name Address VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET c MEETING: SW YELM ANNEXATION EIS PUBLIC HEARING LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: 1/4/93 AGENDA ITEM ( S ) SW YELM ANNEXATION EIS PUBLIC HEARING Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future maillngs. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) JCEl'.J)\ !"NLIN3S SFFlKER ,. TIEM Name # Address Mail in Address Name VI r cJ ~, Address It-kuu L.f n I) J' ..R. 0 Mailin Address I.J 1<j-S?r') If't JI4e,s 'I ess ~ Name Address ?/() / v... ~ l'f t'V T T S/~ Mailin Address I ~I- WI- Lu}} 9 ~S-7 Name Q{4-0,v DA E(L~e5 Address '1l \ s!Z- 702 'r\K> Mailin RO'( VJA <amO Name Address Mailin Name Address TSE Mailin Address tJAY :S-/3 v C wp51\forms\signin VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET G MEETING: SW YELM ANNEXATION EIS PUBLIC HEARING LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: 1/4/93 AGENDA ITEM ( S) SW YELM ANNEXATION EIS PUBLIC HEARING please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. Name SELECTION(S) ~ WillJN33 stFllKER 116- ~;JiI1 rr ~ .~ PLEASE PRINT Name , IV / t.f<. ~ \)- Z 0' q f' /J , } 1(} /I/; ElL Address l\.A-trJ/z,yZ, wt4 917[;-710 (; - , 1<olld\d La~ ~ l \ V) Mailin c Address \ S I ~ 2. Lo'^- 1M.~v-e 3+ S i; Mailin Address '{el~", U-JA: Cj2>S<1i :::es~;~S ~~LAi~ Malling Address ~T ( ~ C;fQ I [) \ 'J... , \ \ I VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET /\ ~ MEETING: SW YELM ANNEXATION EIS PUBLIC HEARING LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: 1/4/93 AGENDA ITEM( S) SW YELM ANNEXATION EIS PUBLIC HEARING Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. Name , SELECTION(S) JGII[A !"NLIN3S SFFlKER TIEM # PLEASE PRINT Mailin Address Name --Ot'\ C- Li c. t/ /a- Address Address 01 <2 T ..-.. , 'f Address o Mailin Name 1\ ~\.. Address () /(01; /(0 x Address Mailin Address Name Address Mailln Address Name Address o Mailin Address wp51\forms\signin