Agendas and Minutes c o c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1992, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 by Tim Schlosser. Members present: Roberta Longmire, John Kinnee, Tom Cundy, Jim Keyes, Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston and George Knight. Guests: Michael Van Gelder of Intercity Transit, Margaret Clapp of Yelm Chamber of Commerce and Randy Radock and patricia Tisdale of McDonald's Corporation. Jim Forrester, Councilman Arnold Drogseth, Bib Isom and Dane Mounts. Kim Gorder, Cherie Reeves, James Legendre and John Graver. Staff members present: Gene Borges, Steve Gilbert of parametrix, Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo. 92-50 MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED GEORGE KNIGHT TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 17, 1992, AND DECEMBER 1, 1992, MINUTES AS PRINTED. MOTION CARRIED. No additions or deletions were~ade to the agenda. 2. Cameron Variance (VAR8070). Public Hearing on request from Doug Cameron for a variance from 5-acre lot size and 20 foot side-yard and 30 foot rear-yard setback requirements to permit new lot lines 9 feet from an existing garage and approximately 15 feet from existing shop, and approximately 15 feet from each existing residence. The lot to the east would be about 14,400 square feet; the western lot about 31,000 square feet. Jim Keyes left the room. Public Hearing Opened at 4:05 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was expressed. No audience objections to any Planning Commission members participation was voiced. No members had received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Todd Stamm gave an overview of his staff report pointing out that all setbacks meet with building codes but that the Commission may wish to recommend a minor modification so that the lots would meet single-family zoning standards. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 15, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 1 c c o Agenda Item/ Motion No. Mr. Cameron - stated that the rear line set back was between 10 and 11 feet. Public Hearing closed at 4:05 92-51 MOTION BY TOM GORMAN, SECONDED TOM CUNDY TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CAMERON VARIANCE (VAR8070) AS SUBMITTED. MOTION CARRIED. Jim Keyes returned. 3. McDonald's Restaurant Site plan (SPR8074). Public Hearing regarding site plan of proposed McDonald's Restaurant at the western corner of the Yelm Ave. and Solberg St. intersection. Public Hearing Opened at 4:10 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was expressed. No audience objections to any Planning Commission members participation was voiced. No members had received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Stamm gave a brief overview of the project stating that zoning permits the location of this or a similar type of operation at this location and pointed out a few problems with the submitted site plan including: a. pedestrian and handicapped access crossing the drive through lane. b. Drive through access from Solberg, turn is too sharp c. No frontage improvements on Washington St. d. If Washington St. is extended the Solberg Street entrance will be very close to the Washington/Solberg intersection. e. No landscaping plan submitted yet. f. Increase in number of left turns at Solberg/Yelm Ave. intersection and at Yelm Ave. entrance. Stamm stated that standards limit arterial entrances to one per 500 feet eliminating the possibility of future Yelm Ave. entrances to the unused portions of that block. He advised the Commission that they could require: a. architectural style approval b. relocation of handicapped parking YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 15, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 2 o o o Agenda Item/ Motion No. c. relocation of Solberg St. entrance/exit d. shared Yelm Avenue access e. street lighting f. landscaping plan g. signage plan h. developer participation in intersection improvements Todd Stamm distributed copies of a letter received from Mrs. Wiggins stating that she was not in favor of McDonald's locating at that site. She believed that the additional traffic would pose a threat to numerous small children in the area. She also felt that the noise would be an intrusion, existing business will be hurt economically and that additional light from the building will be a problem. Correspondence from Washington State Dept. of Transportation requested that the two lots be limited to a single Yelm Ave. access due to potential conflicting turning movements into both Longmire and Solberg streets. Also addressed was surface water runoff, channelization, noise and signs. Randy Radock, McDonald's Corp. - stated that some of the recommendations asked for were agreeable. He felt that McDonald's plan responded to everything brought up at the meeting between McDonald's and Yelm's Building, Planning and Engineering Departments. Mr. Radock requested a continuance to provide an opportunity to respond to new issues. Todd Stamm stated that Yelm generally has a more public process to avoid the possible perception of a "done deal. " He pointed out that the Planning Commission's decision on site plans is final. Tim Schlosser suggested that the Public Hearing proceed to allow Mr. Radock to hear all public comment and give him a better idea of what types of problems might need to be addressed. Bob Isom - expressed concern about the additional traffic volume on both Yelm Avenue and Solberg St., and traffic impact on the senior housing apartments. He questioned plans to widen and add a turn lane and signal to Yelm Ave. and asked what plans Yelm had for Washington St. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 15, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 3 o o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. Todd Stamm replied that the Transportation Plan includes a turn lane but not a signal and that all improvements were dependent of funding. Gene Borges stated that he had recently met with DOT/TIB and applied for Yelm Ave. design funding. He believes that the City has a good chance of receiving the requested funding and that a design and right-of-way purchase process would take approximately one year with possible construction during the 2nd and 3rd year. Dane Mounts - expressed his concern at the location of the Solberg entrance and his feelings that the location, being so close to residential property, is not suitable. He suggested a location in or by Nisqually Plaza. Tim Schlosser explained that the property is zoned commercial and has been for over 14 years and that McDonalds or a similar business is permitted to locate there. Approval could not be denied, but the Commission could consider and recommend plan changes to help traffic flows, etc. James Legendre - expressed similar concerns about the current traffic situation and the impact McDonalds would have on traffic, the view from his home, kids vs traffic, and trash. He noted that the submitted plan did not include fencing. He also stated that he would be willing to maintain Washington Street right-of-way. Bob Isom - questioned ingress/egress limits for the block. Margaret Clapp - stated that she hoped the aesthetics of the planned building would be suitable for Yelm. She indicated that the Chamber of Commerce will be sending a letter welcoming McDonalds to the community. She also would like to see better access. Members discussed the possibility of opening Washington St. including right-of-way and maintenance. Gene Borges suggested that an engineering review could address some of the questions being raised. Randy Radock - acknowledged that opening Washington St. would allow some changes including dual access. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 15, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 4 c o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. Tim Schlosser pointed out that while he was a proponent of opening Washington St., a means of funding the change would have to be found. He pointed out that Washington St. could provide a rear entrance to the McDonald's site, which could benefit deliveries etc. He also mentioned that it would not be an access for the Cove apartments. John Kinnee stated that he did not believe that it was reasonable to assume that egress/ingress to Yelm Ave. could be limited to one access. He also pointed out that ingress/egress was available from almost everywhere on the opposite side of the street. Gene Borges stated that Yelm Ave. is an arterial at this time, it would change to a major/minor collector when it becomes a city street. As a collector Yelm could impose lesser restrictions. Jim Keyes stated that he was supportive of the overall project. He suggested that as the adjacent property couldn't be developed until sewer was available both properties could share access until additional development is proposed. A reevaluation could take place at that time. He also felt that changes in access across the street were needed. Randy Radock - reminded members that the project has a budget. To allow an opportunity to review and modify the original site plan addressing concerns raised at this meeting the proponent and the Commission agreed to continue the Public Hearing to January 25, 1992, at 4:00 p.m. Public Hearing closed at 5:15 p.m. 4. Washington Ct (Jones St.) Vacation (VCT8075). Review of proposal to reduce the width of right-of-way for Washington Ct. from 60 to 40 feet and to reduce the size of cul-de-sac right-of-way from a 50 to a 40 ft. radius. Todd Stamm gave an overview of his staff report and pointed out that Yelm doesn't have existing cul-de-sac standards and that the fire department had not yet been contacted to determine their needs. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 15, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 5 o o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. 92-52 MOTION BY GEORGE KNIGHT, SECONDED JIM KEYES RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION OF WASHINGTON CT. (VCT8075) WITH THE CITY MAINTAINING RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR UTILITY SERVICES AND LIMITING THE CUL-DE-SAC REDUCTION TO MEET FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. MOTION CARRIED. Jim Keyes left. 5. Yelm Sewer System Shoreline Development Permit (SDP8071) Public Hearing on shoreline permits for sewer system collection lines crossing Yelm Creek and near Centralia power canal. Includes installation of below grade 10- inch sewer collector lines crossing Yelm Creek at First Street and about 600 feet upstream from Crystal Springs Road, and a six-inch line along the south side of Canal Road east of Crystal Springs Rd. Public Hearing Opened at 5:30 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was expressed. No audience objections to any Planning Commission members participation was voiced. No members had received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Stamm gave a brief overVlew of the project. Public Hearing closed at 5:35 p.m. 92 - 5{ I MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED TOM GORMAN RECOMMENDING COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE YELM SEWER SYSTEM SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (SDP8071). MOTION CARRIED. 6 . Commute Trip Reduction Plan. Public hearing regarding proposed amendment of Yelm Comprehensive Plan to require employer programs to reduce the number of employee trips to and from work for major employers. Public Hearing Opened at 5:36 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was expressed. No audience objections to any Planning Commission members participation was voiced. No members had received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 15, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 6 o o ('\ v Agenda Item/ Motion No. 1 92-55 , Michael Van Gelder, Senior Transit Planner for Intercity Transit, briefed the Commission on the background leading to Commute Trip Reduction Plan. He stated that the purpose of the plan is to reduce the vehicle miles per employee and increase occupancy per vehicle. Mr. Van Gelder stressed that no penalties would be placed on employers if a good faith effort was made to meet goals. MOTION BY JOHN KINNEE, SECONDED JOE HUDDLESTON RECOMMENDING COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO INCLUDE THE COMMUTE TRIP REDUCTION PLAN. MOTION CARRIED. Roberta Longmire voted against the recommendation. 7. East SR507 Annexation. Discussion of proposed annexation east of Yelm and north of SR507. Petitioners have requested meeting with the Commission to discuss land use and zoning options. Following discussion Commission members stated that they felt the proponent should propose zoning and they were not opposed to a C-2 type zoning proposal. 8 . Commission 1993 Meeting Dates. Members attending the December work session had proposed moving meetings to the first and third Monday of each month. 5 92-5j{ MOTION JIM BROWN, SECONDED ROBERTA LONGMIRE TO CHANGE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS TO THE FIRST AND THIRD MONDAY OF EACH MONTH AND TO MOVE MEETINGS ONE WEEK TO LATER ACCOMMODATE ANY MONDAY HOLIDAYS OCCURRING THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned 6:15 p.m. Submitted, at /izu IJ {l#md~ YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 15, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 7 o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA ITEM ( S ) ____________ PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~AGENDA_ITEM 2 AGENDA ITEM 3 ~AGENDA ITEM 5 DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1992 -CAMMERON VARIANCE (VAR8070) 1: - MCDONALDS SITE PLAN (SPR8074) - SEWER SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT) PERMIT (SDP8071:) ~GENDA ITEM 8 - COMMUTE TRIP REDUCTION PLA~ Please sign in if yOli1wisn-to De a speaker at the meeting or r-f you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) lGN}?I. MZillJNJ3 SEE.ZKER I'ID1 # Name 3 .>< X Name /k. 0 Address S:W Mailin Address f rJ .--3 ~ Name 'Pl1tJ€ 3 Address ~" t Mailin Address Name Address )' Mailina Address Name Address (S0':;~ I~~Z 02. SG' Mailln Name Address 0 o o c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA ITEM( S) PUBLIC HEARINGS: DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1992 \. AGENDA ITEM 2 AGENDA ITEM 3 IAGENDA ITEM 5 - uCAMMERON - VARIANCE ( VAR8(f10r--?l - MCDONALDS SITE PLAN ( SPR8(r7~n - SEWER SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT) (PERMIT (SDP8071 )J ~~ENDA ITEM 8. - COMMUTE~TRI_P~llliJ2QC_T.H)~LA~ Please sign in if you wisn-to De a speaker at the meeting or rf you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) lGN}?I. MZm.J:N::E SEE.ZKER I'ID1 # ~-~ Name 1'\11 t: -...:> Address fb & 4 ~ (;C)1J WE c:::zz; 3 . ' /fL.~' 3 ~ Name Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address wp51\forms\signin c c c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA ITEM ( S ) PUBLIC HEARINGS: DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1992 - CAM:MERON_ _VARIANCE -OTAR8070) - MCDONALDS SITE PLAN (SPR8074) - SEWER SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (SDPRO 71) J \A0ENDA ITEM 8 - C:OMMUTK TRIP REDUCTION - PL~N.::::.:Q Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meetl~if you would like to receive future mailings. LAGENDA-TTEM 2 AGENDA ITEM 3 AGENDA ITEM 5 PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) - lGN}?I. MZm.J:N::E SEE.ZKER Name 174rtC/G/f1- I/SbA-L&- I'ID1 # Address /{)2Zo N~ ;J61'1U r$ bR.#--= ~" ~ Mailino Address J: / fZ je L A-N f"., IliA. yt'Os< 3 Name Address Mailino Address Name Address Mailino Address I Name Address Mailino Address Name Address Mailino Address Name Address Mailino Address wp51\forms\slgnin c c c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION DECEMBER 1, 1992 Members present: Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, Joe Huddleston, John Kinnee, Roberta Longmire, Lyle Sundsmo and Jim Keyes. Absent: Tom Gorman and Tom Cundy. Staff present: Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo. Meeting opened at 4:00 p.m. by Tim Schlosser. Agenda Item #3 Michael Van Gelder, Senior Transit Planner for Intercity Transit, briefed the Commission on the Yelm Commute Trip Reduction Plan. The Commission will hold a public hearing on the plan at its 12/15/92 meeting. Mr. Van Gelder explained that the legislature had passed the CTR in 1990 as part of the Clean Air and Growth Management Acts to reduce air pollution and traffic and to conserve energy. Major employers, those with 100 or more employees at a single site, who start work between 6-9 am and work 30 or more hours per week for 12 continuous months, are required to develop a plan to reduce the vehicle miles per employee and increase occupancy per vehicle. Any city government with an employer meeting the above requirements must establish a plan for city employees. IT's role as administrator is to provide alternatives and develop a consistent Commute Trip Reduction Plan throughout the region. To develop the plan a steering committee of local employers and governments put together a draft plan. The draft plan will be submitted to local governments for review/public hearings. Local governments will also need to adopt an ordinance setting forth requirements. Agenda Item #2 Members discussed attendance and reappointment to the Commission. After discussion members decided they would change the meeting day. Beginning in January meetings will be held on the first and third Monday of each month. This will require a vote at the next meeting. Todd Stamm told members he would be requesting Council to appoint members to three year terms, with three seats expiring each year. Members requested individual attendance reports. Agenda Item #3 Todd Stamm invited members to attend a meeting at 7:00 tonight on the Yelm Comprehensive Plan Environmental Impact Statement. Some time was spent reviewing possible land uses. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 1, 1992 WORK SESSION PAGE 1 o o c Agenda Item #5 Step Forward Task Force, Stamm explained that results of the "Vision" discussions indicate that the preference is to retain Yelm's small town atmosphere and friendliness and promotion of a viable downtown commercial district. Stamm also advised members of a change in meeting dates for the "Look of Yelm" meeting from December 14, 1992 to January 11, 1993 at the Yelm High School Theater. Agenda Item #6. Stamm pointed out that the "vision" could help address the problem of residential lot sizes. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Submitted ( {Lj/iifJ xJ (j/,md7! I 1993 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK January 4 February 1 March 1 April 5 May 3 June 7 SESSIONS July _ August 2 September October 4 November 1 December 6 REGULAR January February- March 15 April 19 May 17 June 21 MEETINGS July 19 August 16 September 20 October 18 November 15 December 20 Due to holidays, alternate dates need to be set for the July and September work sessions and the January and February regular meetings. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 1, 1992 WORK SESSION PAGE 2 o o o 105 Yelm A venue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 City of YellD WORK SESSION AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1992 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, 2 Planning Commission Membership - Discussion of reappointment issues 3 Yelm "Commute Trip Reduction Plan - Staff briefing regarding proposal content and review process 4 Yelm Comprehensive Plan Environmental Impact Statement - Commission comments regarding scope of EIS 5 Step Forward Task Force - Staff briefing regarding task force "vision " 6 Residential Lot Sizes - Continued Discussion enclosed with November agenda) (Staff report Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Shelly Badger, City Clerk, at 458-3244 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS December 1, 1992 REGULAR MEETINGS December 15, 1992 o o c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1992, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 by Tim Schlosser. Members present: Roberta Longmire, John Kinnee, Tom Cundy, Jim Keyes, Tim Schlosser and Jim Brown. Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, I and George Knight were unable to attend. Guests: Desmo~d Iverson, Henry Meyer, Mr. & Mrs. Myron Hall, John Huddleston, David Frick and David I Asher. Staff members present: Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo. As a quorum was not present members began the meeting with the scheduled public hearing. 5. Iverson Rezone (ZON8072). Public Hearing on proposal to rezone approximately two un zoned acres, at the intersection of West Road and 103rd Ave., R-2 for multi- family uses. Public Hearing Opened at 4:05 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was expressed. No audience objections to any Planning Commission members participation was voiced. No members had received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Todd Stamm gave an overview of his staff report explaining that the property had been unzoned since its annexation in 1987. Multi-family is permitted on a arterial or as a transition between C-l and R-1. The site is within Yelm's water service area and Phase II of the sewer system with service expected during 1993. Issues to be considered include: at what point the developer should be required to do traffic studies to determine impact on the 103rd/Yelm Ave. intersection, what improvements are needed, and who pays for them? Could the improvements be tied to traffic improvements at a later date? Recent request for similar use on West Rd. resulted in a Commission recommendation to Council to not approve; any recommendation on this request must make a clear distinction for Council. 1 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 17, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 1 c c G Agenda Item/ Motion No. Roberta Longmire questioned the possibility of sharing transportation improvement costs. Stamm explained that the property owner could choose to wait out the improvements. A latecomers agreement is also possible. Jim Keyes arrived at 4:12 p.m. completing a quorum. Henry Meyer - asked what Mr. Iverson's intentions were for the property. Desmond Iverson - responded that he believed it to be in his best interests to go through this process at this time and that sewer availability played a part. He also stated that he believed the maximum capacity of the site would be 20 not 30 units, and that while he had no immediate plans for building he was considering, due to the location, senior/handicapped housing. Henry Meyer - expressed his displeasure about not being notified by Mr. Iverson of his intent and stated that he became aware of the Public Hearing when someone mentioned the notice in the paper. Dorothy Hall - stated that the line fence separating their property was off by approximately 18-24 inches and needed to be fixed before anything else takes place. She also addressed the increase in traffic that development of this type would create. Desmond Iverson - said that the fence issue could be resolved between them. He also indicated that the day care located on the property creates more traffic than senior /handicapped housing would and that public transportation would decrease traffic. Dorothy Hall asked what effects this density of development would have on their water supply (private well). Tim Schlosser explained that city water and sewer would be required for multi-family development to take place. Roberta Longmire asked what zoning currently existed along West Road to the Iverson site. Todd Stamm explained that part of the NE side of West Road was in the county, upon entering the City it becomes residential to Tom, Dick & Harry's. The SW side is all commercial. The Iverson's property, along with the school and church is unzoned. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 17, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 2 o o o Agenda Item/ Motion No. David Asher - commented on multi-family servlng as a buffer between commercial and residential. Public Hearing closed at 4:22 p.m. Tim Schlosser asked if 103rd could handle the potential traffic load? Stamm stated that it was already overloaded and lacked full width and shoulders and that the intersection, 103rd/YelmAve., was at capacity. Stamm stated that it was not possible to determine, without costly traffic studies, if 20 units would exceed capacity. Jim Keyes stated that he was sympathetic to Mr. Iverson's position, but that it was difficult to determine the effects without a site plan. Stamm pointed out that the Commission would reVlew the site plan when development was proposed. John Kinnee arrived at 4:30 p.m. Schlosser summarized, with no immediate plans and traffic loads to consider and the comprehensive plan being in the process of revision the inclination is to recommend that Council not approve at this time. Desmond Iverson - explained that lack of proper zonlng puts him in a difficult situation when trying to obtain funding for the project and that his next step was to contact an architect. Members discussed possible ways to limit access and traffic on West Road. David Asher - asked if the Commission knew when West Road would be upgraded. Stamm replied that it was subject to state funding. 92-47 MOTION BY TOM CUNDY, SECONDED ROBERTA LONGMIRE TO RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE IVERSON ZONING REQUEST (ZON8072) SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATE ROAD UPGRADE COST-SHARE WHEN IMPROVEMENTS ARE MADE. AYES-2, ABSTAINING-3, NAYS-O. MOTION CARRIED. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 17, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 3 o o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. 92-48 MOTION JIM KEYES, SECONDED JOHN KINNEE THAT SEPTEMBER 15 AND OCTOBER 20, 1992, REGULAR MEETING AND SEPTEMBER 29, 1992, WORK SESSION MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PRINTED. MOTION CARRIED. Jim Keyes left the room. MOTION 92-45 OF OCTOBER 20, 1992, WAS APPROVED ON A MOTION BY TOM CUNDY, SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE. MOTION CARRIED. 92-45 MOTION JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED TOM CUNDY TO RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE CRYSTAL SPRINGS ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT (SUB8065) DISALLOWING WAIVER Of THE 60 FOOT BUFFER REQUIREMENT AND SUBJECT TO ALL STREET ISSUES AND SAFETY CONCERNS BEING ADDRESSED AND THE UCBO LOCATING ON THE ADJACENT SITE AND THE REZONE OF THE PROPERTIES TO THE NORTH. UNANIMOUS. Jim Keyes returned. 3. PARKSIDE PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT (SUB8065). A forty-four lot subdivision on ten acres located east of Cochrane Park proposed by David Frick. Stamm gave an overview of his staff report: rezone from multi-family is pending, Commission recommended that plat be approved subject to open space standards. The site is within the city water service area and Phase I of the sewer system. Applicant proposes privately owned streets. Noted for the Record: Commissioner Roberta Longmire owns property on two sides of the proposed subdivision. Mr. Frick was questioned about costs of road maintenance and repairs. Mr. Frick indicated that a homeowner's association would assess a $25 per year fee, as proposed in a clause in covenants. Mr. Frick stated that the reason he was looking at private streets was to try and recover some of his costs when adjacent properties are developed. Tim Schlosser pointed out that road upkeep through homeowner association fees was a poor way to try and fund road repairs, that it was difficult to collect such fees. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 17, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 4 c o o Agenda Item/ Motion No. Longmire questioned emergency vehicle access and turn around, length of stubbed streets and temporary cul-de- sacs. Jim Keyes stated that the amount of roadway required was not excessive and that this was a normal expense of development. An easement for city services would be required and that this arrangement would not be beneficial to all parties involved. It was also pointed out that this proposed private roadway would hinder creation of a functional road system. David Frick - stated that open space standards would result in loss of 6 lots, and that might cut profits too deeply to make the development feasible at this time. John Huddleston - stated that the development could still be profitable by building homes in the $125,000 price range, which are very marketable in this area. 92-49 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED TOM CUNDY TO RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE PLAT WITH CITY STREETS, GREENBELTS TO COMPLY WITH OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS AND TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SACS. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Step Forward - members were asked to participate on Step Forward groups. Groups will meet in November, December and January. Tom Cundy indicated he would try to attend Capital Facilities group meetings, Roberta Longmire signed up for Land Use, John Kinnee Transportation and Jim Keyes Utilities, Tim Schlosser - Coordinators. Items to be addressed at the next meeting include the (Jones St. ) washington Court vacation request, Commission attendance and terms, and site plan for fast-food franchise. John Huddleston - expressed an interest in servlng on the Commission if that was possible. Worksession set for December 1. 1992 Meeting adjoUrJed at 5:40 p.m. I Submitted, 44/1,tJ 0 C~~b MEETING SCHEDU!E: WORK SESSION: DECEMBER 1, REGULAR MEETING: DECEMBER 1992 15, 1992 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 17, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 5 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET o ~ a ' \ . 1;jJ Iit/ 7t$U J/v . ,~ V DATE: 1/ /17,/CJ::t; Tt. Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT - Name , Address Mailin Name Address Address 0 Name ~ W~ Address IO'")VD . !(, \M, lV~. Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address Name Address Mailin . Address Name Address Mailin Address wp51\forms\signin 0 SELECTION(S) lGN}\ Will.IN3S stFl>KER TIEM # -- !:J o (\ u c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1992, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 by Tim Schlosser. Members present: Joe Huddleston, John Kinnee, Tom Cundy, Jlm Keyes and Tim Schlosser. Jim Brown, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire and George Knight were unable to attend. Guests: Tim & Janet Leggott, Jack Peugh, Ken Garmann, Frank Jones, Jeff Creeclius and Tom Shaut. Dick Wilson, Tom Parkinson, Pat Wheeler, Rick Kolilis, Fred Tharp, Don & Charlotte Miller, Warren Simmons, and Harry Lewis. Staff members present: Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo. As a quorum was not present, the September 15, 1992, regular meeting and September 29, 1992 work session minutes were not approved at thlS time and the meetlng proceeded to PubllC Hearings. Tim Schlosser explained that no action could be taken until a quorum was present. 3 . Amended Cullens Road Annexation and Zoning (ANX8064). Request to expand pending twenty-acre annexation to a total of 120 acres. Orlginal annexation initiated by Robert Henderson to annex five acres along Cullens Road has been expanded once to include Clifford McFall's property. Mr. & Mrs. Guzzetti are requesting inclusion of thelr 100 acres with Residentlal/Agricultural zoning which is very similar to the current county zoning of 1 dwelling per five acres. Public Hearing Opened at 4:10 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was expressed. No audlence objections to any Plannlng Commisslon members participation was voiced. No members had received informatlon, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Stamm gave an overview of the staff report. Analysls indicates that: a) the proposed annexatlon and zonlng appears to be consistent wlth Yelm's Comprehenslve Plan, b) zoning for development should await completion of the new comprehensive plan, c) the request creates "slice" of county property between Yelm Creek and Cullens Road which would reduce ownership approval needed from 60% to 50% for annexation purposes, d) street could be left in YELM PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 1 o c c Agenda Item/ Motion No. county or brought into the City, both jurisdictions would have comments regardlng this, and e) a City Councll Public Hearlng is scheduled for October 28, 1992. Public Comment invited. None forthcoming. Tim Schlosser acknowledged receipt of a letter, which had been distributed to Commission members, stating opposition of several local residents to the project. Additional correspondence was a letter from DOT stating that the proJect had been identified as having an adverse impact on the state route that needed to be fully identified and mitigated and requesting the opportunlty to review and comment upon any development of these properties prior to the issuance of any buildlng permits. Rick Kolilis - pointed out that the annexation and development are two separate issues. Todd Stamm explained that the City Council is requlred by law to inform the petitioner if a land use plan is required. Tim Schlosser inqulred about the current condition of the roads. Stamm replied that the roads were not up to City standards. Joe Huddleston clarlfied that the area falls outside the Clty'S utility service area. Members acknowledged that the request is consistent with the Yelm Comprehensive Plan. Public Hearing Closed at 4:20 p.m. 92-42 MOTION BY JIM KEYES, SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON TO RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE AMENDED CULLENS ROAD (GUZZETTI) ANNEXATION AND ZONING (ANX8064). UNANIMOUS, must be confirmed due to lack of quorum. 3 & 4 VANCIL ROAD/YELM AVENUE COMMERCIAL REZONE (ZON8064) AND VANCIL ROAD MULTI-FAMILY REZONE (ZON8068) PUBLIC HEARING. Vancil Rd/Yelm Ave Commercial - requesting rezone of sixteen acres fronting on the south side of Yelm Ave between Vancil and Morris Roads from Residential- Agrlcultural to Commercial. Vancil Road Multi-Famlly - YELM PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 2 o Agenda Item/ Motion No. requesting rezone of eight acres along Vancil Road to Multi-Family. Public Hearing Opened at 4:23 p.m. All speakers were requested to identlfy themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was expressed. No audience objections to any Planning Commission members participation was voiced. No members had received information, other than staff reports, prior to the publlC hearing. John Kinnee arrived at 4:24 completlng a quorum. Stamm reviewed his staff report. Analysis of the commercial rezone request indicates: a) only significant issue is boundaries of zone, b) whether to include parcels where the owner has expressed no preference, c) that the southern boundary should not extend further than the final alignment of the planned east-west arterial (Y- 2 - from SR 507 east to MorrlS Road along 10Sth Street), and d) property owners must understand that direct access to this new arterial will not be available from commercial developments. o Jack Peugh - questioned location of "duplex". Four-plex to hlS north sits right on the dlvision line and location of the proposed (Y-2) road. He indicated that he had over the years been in contact with both the county and ci ty on this property and his desire for commercial zoning. Stamm explained that when a proponent makes a proposal we must respond in 90 days. Jim Keyes stated that zoning doesn't always follow property lines and that perhaps Mr. Peugh could work with Erllng Birkland (to his west) and bring a proposed alignment to the City. Tlm Schlosser stated that lf the road goes north of the 4-plex there would be no access to commercial and also suggested that Mr. Peugh work with Erling Birkland to arrive at a solution. Jack Peugh - stated that he would contact Erling Blrkland to discuss the matter. c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 3 c o o Agenda Item/ Motlon No. Stamm reviewed his staff report on the multi-family rezone. Staff analysis indicates that: a) the City's comprehensive plan is indefinlte regarding standards for siting multi-family, b) prlncipal lssue is whether this area should constitute a transitional area between commercial and residential, c) road allgnment also affects this request. Other issues mentioned were increased trafflC changing road designation and how to pay for right-of-way for road, possibllity of a Local Improvement District was mentioned. One parcel contains a small wetland area that has not be categorized. Scotch broom covers the area suggesting that thlS is not really a wetland. No audience comments were made. Jim Keyes felt this was a good area for multi-family considering the problems with road condltions allgnment that need to be addressed and suggested parcel (s) lying between the proposed commercial multi-family be included as multi-family. even and that and Joe Huddleston commented that this would posslbly force multi-family on two parcels, depending on the road. Ethel Jo Curry - said that she was sure the parcel owner wouldn't have a problem with a change from R/A to Multi- Family. Tlm Schlosser stated that a change to multi-family zoning would result in an increase in the property owner's tax rate. Tim Schlosser recapped the proceedlng. A portion of the Commercial rezone would be tabled untll Mr. Peugh and Mr. Birkland work out a proposal on the location of the by pass road. Correspondence received: a letter from DOT stating that both the Peugh/Lefebvre and Curry/Birkland Rezone Projects had been identified as having an adverse impact on the state route that needed to be fully identified and mitigated and requesting the opportunlty to review and comment upon any development of these propertles prior to the issuance of any building permlts. MOTION BY JIM KEYES, SECONDED JOE HUDDLESTON TO RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF REZONE TO COMMERCIAL (C-l) OF I YELM PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 1992 REGULAR MEETING 92-43 PAGE 4 o o o Agenda Item/ Motion No. THE PROPERTY LYING NORTH OF THE LOCATION OF THE Y-2 ROAD. MOTION CARRIED. UNANIMOUS. Stamm stressed the loglcal use of the ditch as a boundary between multi-family and residential and when questioned by Tim Schlosser indicated that open space requirements would apply to the site. Issues of concern to members will be addressed in the land use plan when completed. 92-44 MOTION JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED TOM CUNDY THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE REQUESTED REZONE (ZON8068) AS SHOWN ON THE MAP TO MULTI- FAMILY. MOTION CARRIED. Rick Kolilis - questioned road conditlons and lf they should be brought up to standards. Tim Schlosser replied that was a condition of development. PubllC Hearing closed at 4:55 p.m. * MOTION 93-42 REVIEWED AND CARRIED. 6. Asher Rezone (ZON8059). Proposal to rezone six acres north of West Road along Yelm Creek from Single-Family Residential to Multi-Family Resldentlal. Public Hearing Opened at 5:00 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prlor to speaking. No confllct of interest was expressed. No audlence objectlons to any Planning Commission members participation was voiced. No members had received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Jim Keyes stated that he had worked on the original plat but that the contract had been completed some time ago and that no confllct existed. Correspondence received: Schlosser acknowledged a packet of letters, flve from individuals/families and one from SlX indlvlduals/families. Also a letter from DOT stating that the proposed Asher Rezone had been identifled as having an adverse impact on the state route that needed to be fully identified and mitlgated and requesting the opportunity to review and comment upon any development of these propertles prlor to the issuance of any bUlldlng permits. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 5 c o o Agenda Item/ Motion No. Tom Shaut - expressed his objections to the proposed rezone and the negative effects it would have on trafflc, Yelm Creek and what is basically a single-family residential area except for his business which was grandfathered when annexatlon to the Clty occurred. He also questioned access to the property and indicated that he had been allowing access by use of driveways on either slde of his business, Tom, Dick and Harry's Meat Market, but he had in a letter dated October 19, 1992 denied continued use of the driveways to Mr. Asher. A copy of the letter was presented to the Commission. Stamm reviewed his staff report. Staff analysis of the multi-family rezone request indicates that: a) the City's comprehensive plan is indefinite regarding standards for siting multl-family, b) prlncipal issue of whether this area should constitute a transitional area between commercial and residential, c) lmpacts on Yelm Creek and the wetlands assoclated with the creek, WhlCh could require setbacks of from 50-150 feet and d) road capacity. Stamm stated that whatever decision was made a clear statement of reasons would be requlred. Commisslon members questioned the road and proposed changes the Yelm Transportation Plan. Stamm replied that the fundlng requests were still before DOT making funding uncertain. Schlosser noted that the proponent was not in attendance. Janet Leggott - spoke and expressed her concern about the proposed change and the effects on the neighborhood and also its impact on the wildlife in the Yelm Creek area. She also felt that multi-family close to the creek was a hazard to small children whose families would be drawn to this type of housing and felt that the possible 50 or more apartments, as mentioned in the DNS, exceeded the capacity of the area. She questioned the capacity of the sewer system to handle the development and the impact of development of this magnitude on the animals on the other side of the creek. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 6 c o c Agenda Item/ Motlon No. Ken Garmann - stated that if approved the auto traffic on all surrounding streets would increase dramatically and was not in favor of the rezone. Tom Shaut - addressed issues including existing homes on the property, access problems, rental property belonging to the proponent, the situation with increased traffic from such a proJect, the water llne problems created by Mr. Asher in the past and the fact that Mr. Asher built two houses on one parcel in the past as well as Mr. Asher's general disregard for compliance with appllcable rules. He also stated that problems exist with flooding from Yelm Creek. Todd Stamm reminded the audience and Commission that this action is for zonlng only; anything else would be part of the development process. Pat Wheeler - stated that she had worked on the Yelm Creek restoratlon and was concerned about the effects of multi-family on the area. She said that she had spoken wlth Gordon White, who headed the restoration project, and he expressed his concern about the negatlve impact thlS type of development would have on the creek. She also indicated that Mr. Asher's current rental units were not well cared for. Warren Simmons - stated that the wetlands on the property would reduce available land from SlX to about four acres WhlCh would not be sufficient for such high density development. Jim Keyes advised that Mr. Asher would stlll have to comply with all Health Dept. requirements etc. Tim Schlosser added that the only issue being addressed to day is the appropriateness of the zoning request. Tim Leggott - stated that he didn't understand how an access road would be possible in the amount of space available. Tlm Schlosser emphasized that thlS was not the lssue belng addressed today; that Mr Asher could, if he so deslred, tear down hlS house to allow access. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 7 c o c Agenda Item/ Motion No Warren Simmons - stated that until West Road is improved nothing should be allowed that would result in increased traffic. Tim Leggott agreed with Mr. Simmons assessment of the sltuation. Tom Shaut - commented that due to the heavy volume of traffic on Yelm Avenue people are already using West Road as a bypass and that it was too narrow for existing traffic. He felt that no additional traffic should be allowed until the long range lmprovements have been made. Pat Wheeler - questioned the long range plans for the area. She was told that the Comprehensive Plan is being worked on now. Public Hearing was closed at 5:35 p.m. Schlosser recapped the situatlon including the general lack of facilities and road conditions, that the Comprehensive Plan was being worked on at thlS time and the views of the neighbors. 92-44-A MOTION JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED JOHN KINNEE THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL BE TO DISAPPROVE THE ASHER REZONE REQUEST (ZON8059) AT THIS TIME AS THE REQUEST WAS NOT TIMELY, THAT FACILITIES TO SUPPORT THE PROPOSAL WERE LACKING AND ALSO DUE TO THE LACK OF ADEQUATE ROADS TO SUPPORT SUCH DEVELOPMENT AND TO THE STRONG OPPOSITION OF AREA PROPERTY OWNERS. MOTION CARRIED. When questioned Stamm lndicated that letters could be sent to the City Council concerning the Vlews of residents. Jim Keyes stated that the Planning Commission and City Council need to develop standards for density along the Creek. Harry Lewls - agreed that the creek needed protection but hoped that development wouldn't be totally ellminated. Pat Wheeler - told of problems wlth young people Slnce the little pocket park was put in on First Street by the creek. Jim Keyes interest. left at 5:45 p.m. due to a A quorum was no longer present. conflict of YELM PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 8 o o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. 7. Crystal Springs Estates Preliminary Plat (SUB8065). A proposal for a 20 lot subdiv1sion east of Crystal Springs Road. The Planning CommlSS1on had recommend that the Council not approve the rezone request for this property. Counc1l approved the request subject to rezon1ng of two parcels to the north from Industrlal to Res1dential and the siting of the UCBO on the parcel to the south. Harry Lewis - stated that he had been working on the project since June and that neighbors don't want an 1ndustry located there. He also said that the C1ty Council felt that the buffers would be created by the UCBO, Jones' property and the rezone (to the north) and that a 40 foot roadway between his and the UCBO site added additional bufferlng. Stamm reviewed the staff report. Staff analysis p01nted out eleven items to be considered including: intersection location, access to Crystal Spr1ngs Road, connection to City utilities, sidewalk improvements, road standards, lot entrance size, street lighting, f1re hydrant placement and conformance with Fire D1strict needs. Add1tionally any industrial developer must provide a 60 foot buffer. Members discussed the Special Use Permit recommendation for the UCBO and that it was not 1ntended to influence zon1ng changes in the area. They expressed concern at the continued erosion of the Industrial Zone. John K1nnee pointed out that land available for Industrial/light industrial 1S being lost and can't easily be replaced. He also questioned how they can protect the future home purchasers from the chance that an industry could be located next to them at a later date. Tim Schlosser pointed out that the plat would note th1S fact and the purchaser would have to accept that possib1lity or not purchase a home there. Members felt they had no choice but to recommend approval. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 9 c o o .---- Agenda Item/ Motion No. 92-45 MOTION JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED TOM CUNDY TO RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE CRYSTAL SPRINGS ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT (SUB8065) DISALLOWING WAIVER Of THE 60 FOOT BUFFER REQUIREMENT AND SUBJECT TO ALL STREET ISSUES AND SAFETY CONCERNS BEING ADDRESSED AND THE UCBO LOCATING ON THE ADJACENT SITE AND THE REZONE OF THE PROPERTIES TO THE NORTH. UNANIMOUS, must be confirmed at the next regular meeting due to lack of quorum. 92-46 MOTION JOHN HUDDLESTON, SECONDED TOM CUNDY TO TABLE THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS: #2. STEP FORWARD TASK FORCE ASSIGNMENTS, #3. PARKSIDE PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT AND #9. RESIDENTIAL LOT SIZES. UNANIMOUS. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 P.M. SUBMITTED {/y/PtJ 0 Cfl~do 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE December 1, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 15, 1992 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 10 c o c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITH HALL DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1992 AGENDA ITEM( S) L#2 STEP FORWARD TASK FORCEJ#3 AMENDED) '{:ULLENS RD AI)lNX/-cZ,QN'~NC;;J-#4-VANCTL~ RDjYELM AVE COMMERCIAL REZONE \ #5 VANC~L_ RQAD ~MULT-I---F-AM.J:-LY_REZ.ONE/ \ #6 ASHER REZONE.\1 Please slgn in If you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) JGN:}\! M/llI.J}G) I :rID1# I , I ! I SFE1NR Name J13/1/tF Address P~Ff7 I 71 yl IT, I i Address Name v-I~ vi I Address .r..tJ. ~ }2 "/2- Mailing Address y~ (A)~~ /^ ~ / ;:J ~ Ao/t 4 9 L.7 t Name Address Mailin Address Name TO\{l\ Address 4- Name Address ~)'-\~0 e Mailin Address wp51\forms\signin o j;.J "' I \J "'""I\'" .~ ;' VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITH HALL DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1992 AGENDA ITEM( S) l.,#2 STEP-FORWARQ_TAS.K_F_ORC.E/ '#3 AMENDED'-) .~ULLENS RDANNXiZONING'I #4 VANCIL RD/YELM .8.Y.:E .COMMERCIAL REZONE \#5 VANCIL ROAD MULJ-J.-FAMILY REZONE 1\.#.6 ASHER REZONE-:--j Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meet1ng or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) ~ MZill..JID3 SFFAKER I'IEM Name <Z ~AN r....J # Address 50S v'^^-f Mailin Address Name y o Mailin Address Name ~ ~2\ ~~"C"T o Address leU \ \0 W~\ KD h~ Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address wp51\forms\signin c o c AMENDED CULLENS ROAD (GUIZZETTI) ANNEXATION (ANX-8064) STAFF REPORT OCTOBER 11, 1992 Background Request from Joe Guizzetti to expand pending twenty-acre annexation to a total of 120 acres This annexation was initiated by Robert Henderson to annex five acres along Cullens Road and has already been expanded once at the request of Clifford McFall Basic Facts Proponent: Joe Guizzetti Proposal: Annexation with RA-5 zoning Public Notice: Posted, published and mailed to agencies and neighboring property owners Location: All land between Cullens and Killion Road not already in city Comprehensive Plan: Residential Agriculture; within proposed urban growth boundary Zoning: RA-5 proposed for all Guizzetti property; ten acres of McFall and Henderson would be annexed as single-family residential pursuant to earlier hearings Area Land Use: Mixed pasture and rural residential Soils and Geology: Spanaway gravelly sandy silt loam; rolling or small moraines with slopes generally below 5% Parking & Traffic: Both Cullens and Killion Roads are designated as local streets; a minor arterial is planned to connect these streets at north end Wastewater/sewer: This area is outside Yelm's service area Water Supply: Southern one-third of the area is within service area Fire and Police Protection: Southern limit of annexation is about one-half mile from stations, northern limit over one-mile from stations STAFF REPORT - no Oar - 1 ._._-_._,~.~---~----~-.------~~_._._---------~ _~_~.--------..r- ~__~"'__~__~________~__.~__~_~~_____________~_~_ c o c Applicable Standards and Policies State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA): DNS issued Comprehensive Plan: Residential Ag policy #1 - The [City] of Yel should designate appropriate parcels of land RA to ensure the continuity of zoning with the property's present use Yelm Municipal Code: RA zone purpose and use defined by Chapter 17 20 Staff Analysis Proposed annexation and zoning appear to be consistent with Yelm Comprehensive Plan Zoning for development should await new comprehensive plan Principal issue is county "slice" that would remain between Yelm Creek and Cullens Road The proposed annexation would result in over 80% enclosure of that area reducing necessary ownership approval for annexation of the "slice" from ordinary 60% to only 50% p STAFF REPORT - no go'? - 2 ----------~~--~'----~-~--~-~._~- ~-~~---- c o (\ G YELM AVENUE - VANCIL ROAD COMMERCIAL REZONE (ZON-S06S) STAFF REPORT OCTOBER 11, 1992 BackQround A request from Jack Peugh, Leo Lefebvre and others to change the zoning of a total of sixteen acres south of Yelm Avenue and east of Vancil Road from Residential-Agriculture Five-acre to Commercial (C-1) zoning Area of proposal has been expanded by the city staff to include partially enclosed properties Basic Facts Proponents: Jack Peugh, Jean D Knight, Orrin Peugh and Leo Lefebvre Proposal: Zone change from RA-5 to C-1 Public Notice: Published and mailed to agencies and neighboring property owners Location: Tax parcel numbers 11-03, -04, -0401, -0402 and 14-03 in Section 30 of Township 17 North, Range 2 East W M Comprehensive Plan: Commercial, except most southerly five acres along Vancil is residential-ag designation Zoning: Residential-Agriculature - 5; C-1 proposed Area Land Use: Residential including mobile home park with commercial to the west and to the north across Yelm Avenue Traffic: Yelm Avenue is designated as a principal arterial, left-turn lane extends in front of some of these parcels; Vancil Road is designated as "local" street (unless selected to replace Morris Road as principal south bound route in Five-Corners reconstruction) Inadequate right-of-way exists in some sections New east-west arterial is expected to be located through some of this property Water Supply: Within service area, distribution system extends along Yelm Avenue Wastewater: Within Phase II service area, new sewage system lS expected to include collection trunk lines along Yelm Avenue Fire and Police Protection: Site is about one mile from stations STAFF REPORT - no S06S - 1 c c c --~'------~~----------~.-----~~"'---'"-~--~---_.- Applicable Standards and Policies State Law: RCW 35 63 120 provides for rezone hearing by Commission State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA): DNS issued Comprehensive Plan: Commercial Policy #1 - Commercial developmen should occur in locations with major arterial access Yelm Municipal Code: Chapter 17 40 defines C-1 zone purpose and uses Staff Analysis The only significant issue seems to be the boundaries of this zone and whether to include parcels where the owner has expr no preference The southern boundary should extend no further than final alignment of the planned east-west arterial (Y-2) It should be clearly understood by property owners that direct access to this new arterial will not be available from commercial developments {5 STAFF REPORT - no 8068 - 2 ---------~~~------------_...---- ~~-- -. - c o ~ o VANCIL ROAD MULTI-FAMILY REZONE (ZON-8067) STAFF REPORT OCTOBER 9, 1992 BackQround A request from Ethel Jo Curry and Erling Birkland to change the zoning of a total of eight acres on both sides of Vancil Road from Residential-Agriculture Five-acre to Multi-Family Residential zoning Basic Facts Proponent: Ethel Jo Curry and Erling Birkland Proposal: Zone change from RA-5 to R-2 Public Notice: Published and mailed to agencies and neighboring property owners Location: Tax parcel numbers 14-0501, 14-0600 and 13-06 in Section 30 of Township 17 North, Range 2 East W M ; SE 400 Block of Vancil Road Comprehensive Plan: Residential Ag designation Zoning: Residential-Agriculature - 5 acre; R-2 proposed Area Land Use: Rural residential with commercial to the north along Yelm Avenue Critical Areas: Parcel west of Vancil may include wetlands Soils and Geology: Spanaway gravelly and stony sandy loam with slopes up to 15% along old Yelm irrigation ditch on south Topography: Slight slope to south with steep rise along southern boundary to Yelm irrigation ditch Traffic: Vancil Road is designated as "local" street (unless selected to replace Morris Road as principal south bound route in Five-Corners reconstruction) Inadequate right-of- way exists in some sections New east-west principal arterial is expected to be located north of this property Water Supply: South of service area, distribution system extends along Yelm Avenue Wastewater: New sewage system is expected to include collection trunk lines along Yelm Avenue Service availability to this STAFF REPORT - no CO'z - 1 -~.~~ ~~~-'-~---------------~~,--~.~-----.-----------~~~-~_.- ~- c o ~ c' area undetermined Fire and Police Protection: Site is about one mile from stations Applicable Standards and Policies State Law: RCW 35 63 120 provides for rezone hearing by Commission State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA): Threshold determination pending Comprehensive Plan: Residential Policy #7 - "Multi-family development should occur along arterial streets and where they can act as a transitonal use between single family and commercial/industrial areas Yelm Municipal Code: Compare chapters 17 22 and 17 24 (R-1 and 2) zone purposes Staff Analysis Once again the City is confronted with a request for multi-famil zoning where the City's comprehensive plan is indefinite regarding the standards for siting such uses The principal issue appears to be whether this area should constitute a transitional area between the Yelm Avenue commercial area and future lower residential densities to the south A decision is made more difficult by the undetermined alignment of future arterials and collectors in the area f ST AFF REPORT - no !D67 - 2 c o c ASHER MULTI-FAMILY REZONE (ZON-8069) STAFF REPORT OCTOBER 11, 1992 Back~round A request from David Asher to change the zoning of a total of six acres north of West Road from Single-family Residential to Multi- Family Residential zoning Basic Facts Proponent: David Asher Proposal: Zone change from R-1 to R-2 Public Notice: Published and mailed to agencies and neighboring property owners Location: Lots 2 and 3 of short plat 1948 in Lot 15 of Block 36 of McKenna Irrigated Tracts in Section 19 of Township 17 North, Range 2 East W M Comprehensive Plan: Designated single-Family residential following correction of annexation action Zoning: Single-family residential (R-1); R-2 proposed Area Land Use: Single-family area with some commercial to the south of West Road Critical Areas: Wetlands along Yelm Creek (north edge of parcel) with development subject to review within 300 feet; development within 200 feet of Yelm Creek is also subject to shorelines regulations Soils and Geology: Spanaway gravelly and stony sandy loam with slight slope, well-suited to homesites; McKenna gravelly silt loam along creek, severe development limitations due to ponding Topography: Gentle slope toward creek Traffic: West Road designated as minor arterial; future connection west to Stephens Street is planned Water Supply: Within service area, distribution system extends to the site Wastewater: Within Phase II" service area New sewage system STAFF REPORT - no ~h? - 1 C~ o ~ o is expected to include collection trunk lines along West Road Fire and Police Protection: Site is about one-half mile from stations Applicable Standards and Policies State Law: RCW 35 63 120 provides for rezone hearing by Commission State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA): DNS issued Comprehensive Plan: Residential Policy #7 - "Multi-family development should occur along arterial streets and where they can act as a transitonal use between single family and commercial/industrial areas Yelm Municipal Code: Compare chapters 17 22 and 17 24 (R-1 and R- 2) zone purposes Staff Analysis Once again the City is confronted with a request for multi-family zoning where the City's comprehensive plan is indefinite regarding the standards for siting such uses The principal issues appears to be whether this area should constitute a transitional area between the Yelm Avenue commercial area and future lower residential densities to the north, and what environmental damage would result to Yelm Creek f STAFF REPORT - no 8~6t - 2 ~.._-----~....----._.--------~_._,._.- -----~~......---..----_._,..----,~~~-_.- -- o o c City of YellD 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 419 Yelm, Washington 98591 206-458-3244 AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1992 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes (September 15, 1992, regular meeting and September 29, work session minutes enclosed ) 2 "Step Forward Task Force" Assignments - Selection 3 Amended Cullens Road Annexation and Zoning PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council enclosed) (ANX-8064) - (Staff report 4 Vancil Road / Yelm Avenue Commercial Rezone - (ZON-8068) - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council (Staff report enclosed ) 5 Vancil Road / Multi-Family Rezone - (ZON-8067) - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council (Staff report enclosed ) 6 Asher Rezone - (ZON-8069) - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council (Staff report enclosed) 7 Crystal Springs Estates Preliminary Plat (SUB-8065) - Review and recommendation to Council (Staff report enclosed) 8 Parkside Preliminary Subdivision Plat (SUB-8065) - Review and recommendation to Council (Staff report enclosed) 9 Residential Lot Sizes - Continued Discussion enclosed) (Staff report Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Shelly Badger, City Clerk, at 458-3244 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 REGULAR MEETINGS November 17, 1992 December 15, 1992 c c c ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA SUMMARY OCTOBER 20, 1992 DESCRIPTION Call to order and review of minutes of prior meetings Selection by Commission members of Step Forward Task Force group assignment Public hearing regarding land use and zoning of 120 acres proposed for annexation between Cullens and Killion Roads Public hearing regarding zoning of sixteen acres fronting on south side of Yelm Avenue between Vancil Road and Morris Road Public hearing regarding propos for eight acres of multi-family zoning along Vancil Road Public hearing regarding proposal for multi-family zoning of six acres north of West Road along Yelm Creek Review of proposed 20 lot subdivision east of Crystal Springs Road Review of proposed 44 lot subdivision east of Cochrane Park Continued discussion of appropriate lot sizes and residential densities in new single-family and multi- family development. o o o MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 29, 1992 Members present: Tim Schlosser, Jim Huddleston, George Knight, Torn Cundy, Longmire and Jim Keyes. Staff present: Colombo. Brown, Torn Gorman, Joe John Kinnee, Roberta Todd Stamm and Agnes Meeting opened at 4:00 p.m. by Tim Schlosser. Stamm gave members an update from the 9/23/92 City Council meeting. Stamm informed members that the Council had passed the Open Space Ordinance with a sunset clause that would expire on 12/6/92. Stamm also told members that the Council had approved the Lewis rezone request subject to the UCBO locating on adjacent property and to application for the rezone of the two parcels to the north of Lewis' property. Stamm gave an overV1ew of staff report on resident1al zone lot sizes. Roberta Longmire suggested the R-1 9,000 12,000 following sizes: R-2 sq. ft. 7,200 sq. ft. 10,000 Houses Duplexes Members agreed that the area had adequate amounts of low income housing and that their goal was to encourage an environment for all to enjoy by creating a balanced, diversified community. Discussion continued on ways to encourage building to attract middle/upper middle income families. Areas mentioned to ach1eve this goal included lot size requirements, placing quotas on lot sizes, impact fees and amenities. Members requested that Stamm gather information from similar size cities to determine how they managed this problem. Knight suggested that all members put together their own ideas on the matter for the next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. S4J.ritt~.d/) // /J V)2f!) P LAf!/ />>1'-0 { WORK SESSIONS 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE REGULAR MEETINGS November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 21, 1992 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 29, 1992 WORK SESSION PAGE 1 c City of YellD 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 MEMORANDUM September 24, 1992 To Yelm Plannin9 Commission From: Todd Stamm, City Planner Re Residential Lot Sizes This memorandum summarizes the record and issues surrounding the minimum lot sizes and residential density standards of Yelm History o In 1971 Yelm adopted its first 'comprehensive zoning ordinance This ordinance included two residential -zones; R-1 (Family Residential) and R-2 (Multiple Family Residential Zone) Single-family and duplex resldences were permitted in the R-1 zone With public water the minimum lot size in R-1 was 6,000 square feet subject to Thurston County and Washington State Health Department Regulations and Approval Without public water the minimum lot size was 9,600 square feet, also subject to health approval The R-2 zone permitted multi-family residences on 9,600 square feet plus 500 square feet per dwelling unit (or 10,000 sqaure feet plus 700 square feet per dwelling unit if without public water), also subject to health approval In 1973 Yelm added a Residential-Agriculture (RIA) zone which permitted single family dwellings on 7,200 square feet and duplexes on 10,000 square foot lots During 1988 Yelm conducted an extensive revision of its zoning ordinance During the spring the Planning Commission minutes reflect continual work on this project In August the City Council held a public hearing on the proposal and approved the ordinance except for the standards section, which Gene Borges had indicated needed more work Notes and minutes of work session during this period do not clearly indicate the progress of working toward the final product o Page 1 of 3 --~--- -~-- -'- - -~----~---------------- c Unnumbered Drafts are in the record with a 9,600 square foot minimum for a RE-9 6 zone and deleting six other single- family zones with larger lot sizes A section for R-2 zoning would have required 7,200 square feet for a single- family home or the first dwelling of a multiple family dwelling plus 3,600 square feet for each additional dwelling According to the October 11 minutes the Commisssion made final changes to the standards section Unfortunately there is no other record of what occurred at that meeting The general concensus of those participating seems to be that large lot sizes were discussed but that the 6,000 square foot minimum was retained to ensure that existing small lots could be developed In December and without holding another public hearing the Council again passed the new zoning ordinance, this time including standards These standards establish a minimum lot area of 6,000 square feet in the R-1 zone (abbreviated as RE-6 0 in the standards section); and 7,200 square feet for single-family homes, duplexes and the "first dwelling of a multiple-family dwelling" plus 2800 sqare feet "for each additional unit over two) in the R-2 (Multifamily residnenial zone) THE ISSUES ('\ \.J' (1) The ordinance is ambiguous regarding the minimum lot size for duplexes in the R-1 zone I interpret it as requiring 12,000 square feet since duplexes on 6,000 square feet would seem to be inconsistent with the "low density" purpose statement of the zone. No number other than 6,000 is mentioned in the R-1 standards (2) What lot size is required for a tri-plex, four-plex, etc , in the R-2 zone? One section of the ordinance state that 7,200 is required for the "first dwell ing" and another adds 2,800 square feet for each unit "over two .. (3) Should the minimum lot size in the R-1 zone be increased? (And complementarily, should the minimum single-family lot size in the R-2 zone be decreased?) Apparently the lot size for R-1 was established under a mistaken impression that it was necessary to protect the rights of owners of existing small lots. A more direct option is available which is to "grandfather" nonconforming lots of record (State law permits their use in any case if construction begins within five years of platting) c Page 2 of 3 c c c BACKGROUND The state's growth managment housing policy is to "encourage the availability of affordable housing to all economic segments of the population of this state, promote a variety of residential densities and housing types, and encourage preservation of existing housing stock" The trend in many communities is to reduce minimum lot sizes to reduce the public and private costs of housing The "Uniform Zoning Code" issued by the International Conference of Building Officials includes minimum lot sizes ranging from 6,000 to 35,000 square feet. Thurston County's "Suburban Residential" zone requires 7,200 square feet per lot The county's recently repealed "unmapped use district" had no specific minimum lot size, but single family development in the Yelm area was usually limited to three or four homes per acre by health standards (a limitation not applicable where sewers are available) PITFALLS There are two purposes for enlarging lot sizes which are subject to statutory and constitutional challenges A large lot size requirement solely to increase the cost of housing, with no exceptions or alternatives, would be inconsistent with State policy A large lot size requirement to exclude certain types of people would constitute unconstitutional exclusionary zoning However, city's are permitted to require large lots if a variety of options are available, if the space ("'light and air") is deemed necessary for public health and welfare, or if density limitations are imposed because of a lack of adequate public services or facilities, such as water supply or sewage treatment capacity <6 Page 3 of 3 o o c MEETING: YELM LOCATION: C:T'T'Y AGENDA ITEM( S) VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET PLANNING COMMISSION HALL C:OUNCn, C:HAMBF.RS DATE: SEPT. 29. 1992 ITEM #2 RRSJDF.NTIAL LOT SIZES ITRM #1 STRP FORWARD TASK FORCR ASSIGNMENTS Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) JG:N)\ MMLJN:E stEli<ER TIEM Name # Address MailinG Address Name Address Mailina Address - Name Address Mailino Address Name Address MailinG Address Name Address Mailina Address . Name Address Mailino Address wp51\forms\signin City of YellD c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 SPECIAL WORK SESSION AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1992 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL NOTICE DATE 1 Call to Order and Roll Call. 2 Residential Lot Sizes - Review of mlnlmum lot size and residential density standards (Staff memo enclosed) 3 "Step Forward Task Force" Assignments - Selection Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request (0 If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Shelly Badger, City Clerk, at 458-3244 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 REGULAR MEETI_NGS October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 15, 1992 WORK SESSIONS Q YELM, WASHINGTON 98597 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Thurston D R Miller , being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she/he is the edi tor of the Nisqually Valley News, a weekly newspaper That said newspa- per is a fegal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publications hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Thurston County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper That the annexed is a true copy of Public Notice Change of Yelm Planning Commission Meet Date Cs it was published in regular issues (and not in supplement form) of said newspaper once a week for a period of 1 consecutive weeks, commencing on the 24 day of September , and ending on the 92 , 19 24 day of September, 19 92 both dates inclusive and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ 12.00 which amount has been paid in full. ~ rf>~ S#~V- , Subscribed and sworn to before me this September 28 day of 19 92 (\ V ~ , \ \ ,1! \ 1 J II J J ! 1 \ \-\ \!, 1 tary Public in andfO~:lhe' ~t e ,o~~ashington, I _~ \1 ) 1; residing at Yelm, Washington. " ) ') ~I This form offi~ially sanctioned by:the Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association "f., J PUBLIC NOTICE CHANGE OF YElM rRLANNINGI (COMMISSIO~MEETING DATE The-Yelm Planning Commission regular worksession has been rescheduled from October 6, 1992, to Tuesday, September 29, 1992, at 4:00 p.m. All interested citizens are invited to attend Please contact Todd Stamm, Planning Department, at 458-8408 if you have any questions. ATTEST Shelly A. Badger Yelm City Clerk Published in the Nisqually Valley News Thursday, September 24, 1992. o o o City of Yelm 105 Ye1m Avenue West POBox 479 Y elm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 PUBLIC OOI'ICE ~ OF YEIM PI..ANNJN:; CCMrrSSION MEET:0iK3 DA'lE The Yelm Planning Cornnission regular worksession has been reschedu~.ed fran October 6, 1992 to Tuesday, Septentler 29, 1992 at 4:00 IM. All interested citizens are invited to attend. Please contact Todd Starrm, Planning Depart- ment, at 458-8408 if you have any questions. ATI'EST: ~~iI;t~~;rfrL Yelm City Clerk Published in the Nisquall y Va2.1~y News: Thursday, September 24, 1992 o o o MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1992, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 by Tim Schlosser. Members present: Jim Brown, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire, George Knight, Jim Keyes and Tim Schlosser. Joe Huddleston, John Kinnee, and Tom Cundy were unable to attend. Guests: Ben Cook, Randy Henderson, Henrietta Morey-Allen and Richard Allen. Staff members present: Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo. 92-38 MOTION BY TOM GORMAN, SECONDED GEORGE KNIGHT APPROVING AUGUST 18, REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS PRINTED AND THE SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 WORK SESSION MINUTES AS CORRECTED. MOTION CARRIED. Agenda addition: Residential (R-1) size for standards #7 Item zone. Lot 2. Parks ide Rezone (ZON8066). Request to rezone approximately ten acres immediately east of Cochrane Park from Multi-Family Residential to Single-Family Residential. The plat is vested and not subject to the Open Space and Greenbelt standards unless the Commission makes that a condition of the zone change. Public Hearing Opened at 4:05 p.m. Speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was expressed. No audience objections to any Planning Commission members participation was voiced. Commission member Roberta Longmire does have property adjacent to the site. No member received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Stamm gave an overview of the staff report and stated that this project was not subject to conditions of the Open Space and Greenbelt Ordinance. When asked Ben Cook, project manager, stated that R-l zoning was preferred and would also be most advantageous to the city. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 1 o o o Agenda Item/ Motion No. Randy Henderson: stated that he was the pastor of and speaking in the interest of the Yelm United Methodist Church. He expressed concern about the possibility of people cutting across church property due to lack of fencing/buffers between this project and the church/parsonage property and said that he would miss the wildlife that will be forced out by the development of the property. Ben Cook: said he expected the primary purchasers of the planned homes would be between the ages of 25-48 and have small children and that buffering plans/possibilities were unknown at this point in the project. Tim Schlosser stated that this discussion was more appropriate to the plat review. Randy Henderson: said that he was 1n support of the rezone at this point. Public Hearing closed at 4:16 p.m. Members discussed the history of the property involved and circumstances leading to a zone change to multi- family two years ago. 92-39 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE REZONE SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN SPACE AND GREENBELT ORDINANCE WHEN IT IS ADOPTED. Stamm explained he was not sure but that he believed that approval could be granted subject to meeting the stated conditions. He intends to meet with the rezone proponents and Ben Cook to determine if they intend to challenge the condition set forth in the motion. The Council would have to be more specific in determining what the actual conditions would be. Research could reveal that this is not a possibility. Jim Keyes requested that the record show that as the preliminary plat/rezone were submitted in good faith of existing ordinance conditions he believed it would be unfair to require compliance with new ordinances. Roberta Longmire stated that she did not want an amendment to her motion. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 2 o o o Agenda Item/ Motion No. * MOTION 93-39 CARRIED. 3. Parks ide Preliminary Subdivision Plat (SUB8065). Stamm gave an overview of the staff report and explained that this is the first review by the Commission for a proposed 44 lot subdivision. The proposed plat is still being reviewed by staff. Roberta Longmire left the meeting expecting to return shortly. Members reviewed the plat map and noted the improvements needed at the 3rd/Mosman intersection. Also discussed was a possible pedestrian path from the plat to the Yelm City Park area. Lot size as drawn is between 6,300- 6,400 sq. ft. The intent is to provide single family homes for young families with small children. Homes would be 1-1 1/2 stories with double car garages. Approximately 35,000 sq. ft. would be required to meet Open Space and Greenbelt Ordinance requirements. Ben Cook questioned the possibility of reversing the rezone request and retaining the current multi-family zoning. Members stated that it was their intent that the 6,000 square ft. minimum lot size was to allow use of existing plats; not to establish a minimum lot size for future plats. 4. Amended Burnett Road Annexation and Rezone (ANX8053). Stamm gave a brief overview of his memorandum of 9/10/92 explaining that owners of three properties totaling ten acres have requested that they be included in the Burnett Road Annexation. The Commission will be review the request and make a recommendation on appropriate zoning. Some of the property owners have requested R-1 zoning. Public Hearing Opened at 4:45 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was expressed. Jim Keyes left the room as he has an involvement in the project. No one in the audience voiced an objection to participation by any Planning Commission member. No member received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. With both Longmire and Keyes absent from the meeting a quorum requirement was not met. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 3 o o o Agenda Item/ Motion No. Members reviewed a letter from Juan Rodriguez requesting inclusion in this Amended annexation. Members felt that this was Council's decision as to whether or not additions should be allowed. Henrietta Morley-Allen: one of the owners of parcels involved in the amendment to ANX8053 clarified that she actually owns 2 - 1 1/2 acre and 1 two acre parcels and that she had requested annexation of her property to the City several years ago with R-1 zoning. The annexation request was not possible at that time due to the property not being contiguous. She questioned the suitability of 1/5 zoning as housing density already exceeded that level. The applicant felt that it would be a waste of time to have to go through the rezone process at a later date. Commission members emphasized that their intent was not to obtain additional fees but that members were dealing with conflicting lot sizes and that the issue needed to be settled prior to addressing additional zoning requests. Public Hearing closed at 5:00 P.M. 92-40 MOTION BY GEORGE KNIGHT, SECONDED BY TOM GORMAN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE AMENDED ANNEXATION WITH 1 DWELLING PER 5 ACRE ZONING. 5. Open Space and Greenbelt Ordinance. Public Hearing Opened at 5:10 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was presented. No one in the audience voiced an objection to participation by any Planning Commission member. No member received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Stamm reviewed the Commission recommended changes made to Draft 2. Tom Gorman requested that tables be used to present in the future. Stamm explained that creates problems when having ordinances codified but that he would try to have the material available as a table in the future. Stamm explained that he had not yet determined the indexing method for calculating dollar amounts to be used in exchange of opens space (16.12.070) but that it would most likely be the assessor's valuation. Stamm recommended approval with this one issue to be decided at a later date. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 4 o o o Agenda Item/ Motion No. Roberta Longmire returned to the meeting at 5:13 p.m. * Motion taken. 92-40 was repeated for the record and a vote MOTION 92-40 PASSED. Jim Keyes left the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Discussion continued on visual vs. useable open space, 50% access, dollar exchange fees, and maintenance. Public Hearing closed at 5:45 p.m. 92-41 MOTION BY TOM GORMAN, SECONDED BY GEORGE KNIGHT THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL BE TO APPROVE THE OPEN SPACE AND GREENBELT ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Step Forward Task Force. Stamm explained the task force would be advisory to the staff and would be making recommendations on the comprehensive plan only. The task force will allow the Planning Commission to discontinue regular monthly work sessions. 7 . Lot Size Standards for R-1 Zone. Members reviewed a handout of zoning standards from the Yelm Municipal Code. All agreed that the issue should be addressed in a work seSS1on. Work session was scheduled for Tuesday, September 29, 1992 at 4:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 6:18 p.m. Submitted OJ/YlU iJ {f/kd) SPECIAL WORK SESSION - SEPTEMBER 29, 1992 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE: October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 15, 1992 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 5 J I I~-' I I o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: COUNCIL CHAMBERS. CITY HALL DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 AGENDA ITEM(S) PUBLIC HEARINGS: #2 PARKSIDE REZONE. #3 AMENDED BURNETT ROAD ANNEXATION AND ZONING. #4 OPEN SPACE AND GREENBELT ORDINANCE Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) ~ MAII.JKS SEEZ'KER TIEM #= Address Name Name #-1 0 Name ~ ~ Address Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address 0 wp51\forms\signin o o c City of YellD 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDf' '( ELH P~. A.NNHK~ C01-1t'-II SSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 1892 4 00 PM, YELM CITY HALL Call to Order Roll Call, Approval of Mlnutes (August 18 1992 regular meetlng and Sectember seSSlon minutes enclosed l \-Jork 2 Parkside Rezone (ZON-8066) - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council (Staff report enclosed 3 Parkslde Prelimlnary Subdivislon Plat reVlew (SUB-8065) - . - - .lnl-:-:ai 4 Amended Burnett Road Annexation and Zoning - (ANX-8053) - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Councll (Staff report enclosed) ~ Open Space and Greenbelt Ordinance - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendatlon to Councl1 6 Step Forward Task Force Assignments - D1Scusslon Enclosures are available to non-Commlsslon members upon request If you need speclal arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Shelly Badger, Clty Clerk at 458-3244 1982 MEETING SCHEDULE WORt" SESSIONS Oc tober 6 1992 November 3 1992 December 1 1992 REGULAR MEETINGS October 20 1992 November 17 1982 December 15 1992 o o o MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 Members present: Tim Schlosser, Jim Brown, Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, George Knight and Tom Cundy. Absent: John Kinnee, Roberta Longmire and Jim Keyes. Staff present: Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo. Meeting opened at 4:00 p.m. by Tim Schlosser. No changes to the August 18, 1992 minutes were recommended. Stamm explained the process for determining net built area: total amount of land minus all public pieces (streets etc.) divided by the number of housing units = net built area. Stamm also stated that wetlands/critical areas are counted as open space and not factored in for net built area. Stamm gave examples of open space requirements for lot sizes ranging from 3600 sq. ft. to 1 acre. Members felt additional divisions were needed. Stamm will prepare new table. Stamm explained that developer suggested open space could be rejected for cause. Members discussed a $2 per sq. ft. fee that could be paid instead of providing open space. Members felt that the fee should be tied to the real estate index/assessor's value or some other instrument to keep the rate current without requiring reevaluation by the Commission. All agreed that they believed it important to provide accessible space for children to play and that the Commission establish and stick by specific ways to meet this goal. Stamm will research and revise the draft ordinance. Members felt it would be beneficial to send the draft ordinance to consultants, including Skillings & Chamberlain and Ed True, for input prior to the 9/15/92 Public Hearing. Members discussed various ways of recording Commission votes in the minutes including voice vote, showing approval without a specific count; show-of-hands, giving a count of the number of votes for or against; and roll call vote, recording who specifically votes for or against. Members were comfortable with continuing the current practice of taking a voice vote. It was suggested that anyone desiring to show a specific vote request during the meeting that the record show the vote/their specific vote or that a roll call vote be taken. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 4, 1992 WORK SESSION PAGE , , , i 1 ' I I I I 1--- o o c Members discussed the legality of alternate positions and that a proxy could attend but would not be able to vote or be counted towards realizing a quorum. The "Step Forward" briefing was tabled for restructuring. Joe Huddleston questioned the Councils position on growth. Stamm stated that although no Council position for or against growth had been stated the Council recognized that growth was inevitable and that the City should prepare for it. Meeting adjourned 5:10 p.m. Submitted, 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS REGULAR MEETINGS October 6, 1992 November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 September 15, 1992 October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 21, 1992 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 4, 1992 WORK SESSION PAGE 2 o Members discussed the legality of alternate positions and that a proxy could attend but would not be able to vote or be counted towards realizing a quorum. ~J.- The II Step Forward II briefing was tabled for restructuring. ana H~/;;- . Huddleston questioned the Councils position on growth. Stamm ~stated that although no Council position for or against growth had been stated the Council recognized that growth was inevitable and that the City should prepare for it. Meeting adjourned 5:10 p.m. Submitted, {JpI/iU 0 C:lrn4;; o 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS REGULAR MEETINGS October 6, 1992 November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 September 15, 1992 October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 21, 1992 o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 4, 1992 WORK SESSION PAGE 2 o o o City of YellD 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION AGENDA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Open Space and Greenbelt Standards (draft enclosed) Discussion and Review of Examples 3 . Voting Records - Discussion of Procedures 4 . "Step Forward" Identification Program comprehensive Plan Issues Enclosures available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Shelly Badger, City Clerk. (458-3244) NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 15, 1992 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS REGULAR MEETINGS October 6, 1992 November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 September 15, 1992 October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 15, 1992 c c o u ITEM 1 2 3 4 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 DESCRIPTION Ca 11 to order Coninuing review and discussion of proposed open space and greenbelt requirements for residential development Discussion will focus on examples from within the Yelm area Discussion to determine preferred procedure for recording individual votes of members of the Commission A kick-off meeting for the Step Forward program is planned for late September to begin drafting Yelm's growth management plan In preparation for that meeting, Commission members will begin identifying major issues to be addressed in the plan o \..j o c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1992, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No. 92-30 92-31 MOTION JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED LYLE SUNDSMO SELECTING TOM GORMAN AS ACTING CHAIR IN TIM SCHLOSSERS ABSENCE. MOTION CARRIED 1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 by Tom Gorman. Members present: Joe Huddleston, Jim Brown, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire, John Kinnee, Lyle Sundsmo and Tom Cundy. George Knight, Jim Keyes and Tim Schlosser, were unable to attend. Guests: Cindy Cecil, Floyd Cummings, Jim Kitchen, Robert Frankhauser, John Stephenson, Marisuel Thompson, Clyde Tate, Henrietta Morey-Allen and John Huddleston. E.L. & Mollie Hendrickson, Kathy Scheiot, Mary Lou Kaffel, Kathleen & William Remski and Clifford McFall. Staff members present: Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo. CONSENSUS MOTION APPROVING JULY 21, REGULAR MEETING AND JULY 7 AND AUGUST 4, 1992 WORK SESSION MINUTES AS PRINTED. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Mountain View Road Zoning and Annexation (ANX8053). Request to annex approximately 100 acres along Mountain View Road into the city and to zone at least 20 acres for mul ti -family development and 5 acres for commercial development. Public Hearing Opened at 4:02 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was expressed. No audience objections to any Planning Commission members participation was voiced. No members had received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Stamm gave an overview of the staff report and identified those areas with specific zoning requests. The area is not within the boundaries of Phase II of the sewer service area. Stamm explained that the Planning Commission would not be addressing the annexation issue. A recommendation on the proposed zoning for the annexation area would be made by the Planning Commission YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 18, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 1 c Agenda Item/ Motion No. to the City Council. The C-1 segment was consistent with Yelm's Comprehensive Plan. Stamm stated that one of the options available 1S to table the multi-family request until the appropriate sizes and sites for multi- family are defined, sometime within the next year, in the Comprehensive Plan. Joe Huddleston questioned the island surrounded by the proposed multi-family zoning. Stamm replied that all unidentified property was R/A zoning with 1/5 density. John Kinnee questioned the use of Burnett Road as an alternative route in the Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Stamm stated that Burnett Road was identified in the plan as an alternative route but that during the design study Mountain View Rd. would also be looked at as a possible alternate. When questioned Stamm stated that the transportation plan called for 2 lanes short term and 4 lanes long term and for right-of-way purposes. c John Huddleston identified himself as one of the annexation proponents and stated that he and Eric Anderson had received good indications that property owners wanted to be part of the annexation. He also stated that the request for C-1 zoning was adjacent to existing City zoned C-l property and was not out of the ordinary. He had no exact plans for the property at this time and is aware that as C-1 the property could be used for multi-family by zoning definition. Joe Huddleston questioned if all the property owners wi thin the annexation area block had agreed to the annexation. John Huddleston stated that not all but well over the required amount were in favor of the annexation. Stamm informed Commission members that all property owners within 300 feet of the proposed annexation area had been notified of today's Public Hearing. c Mrs. Remski stated that she lives on the west side of Killion Road and was under the impression that Killion Road was going to be discussed. She was concerned with the possible use of property adjacent to her home. She had moved here from Long Island, NY because of uncontrolled growth and feels she is seeing it start to happen here. She felt that the schools, roads, environmental issues and police force were not prepared YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 18, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 2 __------.J .__---/~~ - c Agenda Item/ Motion No. to accommodate growth made possible by this annexation/zoning issue. She wanted to know how many apartment buildings/units would be permitted in the entire proposed annexation area. She indicated a irreversible precedent would be set by allowing this request. Mr. Remski questioned why multi-family would even be considered for the area when it was not included in the sewer service area. Stamm answered that the sewer does extend to the vicinity (Yelm High School) and that the City is not proposing multi-family zoning; the property owner is proposing that zoning for his/her land. The Planning Commission's function is to make a recommendation to the City Council as to whether they find that request acceptable. c Tom Gorman asked Stamm to identify procedures from land being zoned to actual use of the land under the designation. Stamm replied that if land were zoned R-2 two opportunities for utilization exist. 1) Use with a septic system - apartments have practically not been done on septics and that approval has generally been limited to two units per acre. 2) A request has been made to include the area in the sewer service area, the request has not been resolved at this time. Once the zone is established multi-family becomes a permitted use on the propoerty. At this time there is no public review for apartments. Mrs. Remski questioned intended use for the annexation area on Killion Road. Stamm responded that the Hutchinson property would remain at 1/5, the other proponents had requested that they be included in the annexation but had not requested a specific zoning designation. You would have to ask the property owner what he/she intended long term. Stamm pointed out that the City does not intend to extend sewer service outside the City limits so that was one benefit of annexing and that the City in general does not annex portions of parcels. c Henrietta Morey-Allen stated that she owned property located one parcel north of the Burnett Rd. annexation and that she would like to be included in the annexation. Stamm explained that would be at the discretion of the City Council and that if they did allow inclusion it would require another round of public hearings. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 18, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE j, I 31 I I I I i I I ---L _ . .' - --.-- ~ --<-----.-- ~ ------- c c c Agenda Item/ Motion No. Kathy Scheidt, owner of the parcel lying between the annexation request area and Henrietta Morey-Allen's parcel stated that she also might be interested in annexation. She would like to know more about the benefits/drawbacks of annexing to the City. Gorman responded that this was not the best setting for this information. Due to a heavy agenda it was recommended that they both contact City staff for answers to their questions. Stamm suggested that if they wanted to be included in the annexation the issue and decision would be made next week by the City Council. Stamm pointed out to the audience that when they state that they just became aware of the annexation or other issue that this is the first public step in the process. Gorman asked what zoning they would be requesting, both indicated residential. Robert Frankhauser expressed concern that added septic systems could be a threat to the water. He suggested a study be done prior to allowing 100 additional homes/families to use the system. Staff explained that they would be on City water. Gorman pointed out that all health considerations were a matter for the Thurston Co. Health Dept. and not solely within of the Planning Commission's decision making scope. John Huddleston questioned if the annexation exceeds the Interim Growth Boundary. Stamm replied yes and explained that while the County has stated they would not object to annexations within the Interim Growth Boundary all other annexations would be considered on a case by case basis. Public Hearing closed 4:33 p.m. The audience was reminded that the City Council would review the request at the 8/26/92 meeting and that anyone who so desired could request to be receive mailings by indicating on the sign-in sheet their desire to be included on mailing lists. Gorman clarified that the Commission was to make a recommendation on proposed zoning of the properties if the annexation was approved. Stamm recapped the zoning being requested. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 18, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 4 o o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. MOTION HUDDLESTON, SECONDED CUNDY THAT COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING FOR 10 ACRES/5 ACRES (ANX8053) AND THAT UPON SEWER AND WATER SERVICE BECOMING AVAILABLE COMMISSION RECOMMENDS COUNCIL APPROVAL BE GRANTED FOR THE REQUESTED TWENTY ACRES OF MULTI-FAMILY. Roberta Longmire expressed concern about one parcel being surrounded by R-2 creating an island. Joe Huddleston questioned the possibility of putting 1n multi-family on the proposed C-1 parcels which would be permitted. John Huddleston replied that the reality of the situation was why would he want to waste 10 acres of prime commercial at an intersection on multi-family housing? Also that the county would not allow development over 1/5 in that area until sewer and water was available. He stated further that you couldn't currently do a duplex on less than five acres. Sundsmo questioned if annexation could be dealt with separate from zoning. Stamm replied yes. Gorman called for show of hands: Motion failed. Ayes-2 Opposed-4. 92-32 MOTION JOHN KINNEE, SECONDED LYLE SUNDSMO THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL OF 10 ACRES OF COMMERCIAL AS REQUESTED WITH NO RECOMMENDATION FOR THE ADDITIONAL PROPERTY (ANX8053). Roberta Longmire requested an amendment to the motion stating that the balance of the annexation be zoned 1/5. Kinnee responded that he would rather that was not added to his motion. Gorman called for a show of hands: Ayes-5 Opposed-1 Tom Gorman recapped the motion for the audience. Kathleen Remski questioned how many mUlti-family units are allowed per acre and how many families would be allowed in the annexation area? Stamm explained that the City formula for apartments allows 2 on the first 7,200 square feet and for a 4-plex 11,100 square feet (1/4 acre). Larger than 4-plex 1,200-1,600 square feet per unit. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 18, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 5 ~-.:::::---- i I I I I I I I ______t ~ I c Agenda Item/ Motion No. 3. UCBO SPECIAL USE PERMIT (SUP8063). Request to permit land uses allowing specific programs to be held at the proposed Community Center. Some of the intended uses are not allowed outright in many of the City's zones. A Special Use Permit would allow unique land uses not addressed in Yelm's Zoning Ordinance. The permit would be active for one year and if not used in that period would no longer be valid. o Public Hearing Opened at 4:45 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was expressed. No one in the audience voiced an objection to participation by any Planning Commission member. No member received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Stamm reviewed the staff report and explained that the Commission had recommended approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the UCBO to use a site located in the Industrial area ~t Rhoton Rd. and NP Road. Due to complications a hew site was needed for the Community Center. Two sites were proposed. #1 located on Berry Valley Road and #2 located on Crystal Springs St. (A Planning Commission recommendation to City Council to deny a rezone in the Crystal Springs St area will be heard at the Council's 8/26 meeting.) Cindy Cecil explained that the UCBO was having difficulty finding an appropriate site for the center. They need a site to house administrative offices, licensing, client services and Head Start classes, a multi-purpose room for community use, space for a baseball diamond and the shelter. The thrift shop would remain at its current location. They need a closing by 1 October or they will lose one of their grants. She asked John Stephenson to address the site on Berry Valley Road. Gorman requested public comment. c Mollie Hendrickson stated an objection to use of the Berry Valley Road site by the UCBO. She felt the road was not adequate for the increased vehicle load and that the noise in the area would increase due to the proposed recreational objectives. She also felt they would lose their view of Mt. Rainier and that their property value would be lowered. Hendrickson told members that her property taxes had doubled for 1993 and asked for a YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 18, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 6 c o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. description of the type of shelter planned for the property. Cindy Cecil stated that as a property owner directly across the road from the proposed Crystal Springs St. site she had to struggle with the same thoughts and feelings Mrs. Hendrickson had expressed. Cecil stated that she believed the proposed facility and baseball diamond would not obstruct the Hendrickson's view. The shelter is a 28'x37' house which will be rehabilitated. The shelter will provide 3 bedrooms in addition to a studio apartment that will be occupied by a case management provider. The UCBO currently sends anyone in need of shelter to a motel. This has created some difficulty in sChool/job attendance for the clients. Cecil estimated that the shelter would be used 1-2 times per month for 2-3 days duration, it would not be in use most of the time. Domestic violence victims and those with drug/alcohol related problems would also not be housed there. Most clients would be women and children. Hendrickson felt that "intent" was not always what happened and that the Crystal Springs St. site offered better vehicular access. John Stephenson stated that it was also possible to use Durant as a way to access Yelm Avenue from Berry Valley Road. Stephenson stated that he was the president of and represented the legal property owner Estate Realty and that they were requesting a portion of the site (1 1/2 acres) to be used for mUlti-family and 1/3 of an acre commercial to be used for an automotive repair shop. Gorman requested clarification of the situation. Is the Commission dealing with the UCBO SUP only or are they also addressing the zoning? Stamm stated that only the Special Use Permit is on the agenda. A favorable recommendation on the Berry Valley Rd. site would result in trying to separate the parcel from the SW Yelm annexation, otherwise annexation could take more than six month. Stamm distributed a letter from Jackie and Frank Jones objecting to the Crystal Sp. site and identifying the Head Start program as well as other proposed uses to be inconsistent with the general land use zoning (industrial). YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 18, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE I ; I: .1 i I 7 II~ G o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. Floyd Cummings stated that he lives directly south of the proposed Crystal Springs site and was not opposed to the UCBO being located there. He felt it was preferable to houses. Cindy Cecil was disappointed that the Jones' weren't in attendance. She was aware of their letter objecting to use of the Crystal Springs location. Cecil stated that she did not want to speak on the Jones' behalf but she felt that after a conversation between Mrs. Jones and herself concerning Cecil's vision for the center Mrs. Jones still had concerns but might view the situation in a more favorable light. Cecil again stated that she did not want to speak for Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Gorman asked for Commission comments/questions. Sundsmo asked if a favorable recommendation could be made for both of the sites? Longmire pointed out that Berry Valley Road is all residential and that the use would better fit Crystal Springs. Brown would be in favor of the Crystal Springs and asked if Industrial zoning would be retained? Stamm replied that Industrial zoning would be retained. Cundy asked if the UCBO would have to agree to not object to any future industrial use of surrounding properties. This had been required previously. Jim Tally compared the UCBO Center to a school which could be located in a residential area. John Huddleston asked if he understood correctly that the Planning Commission recommendation to deny the Crystal Sp. St. rezone remained an open issue until the City Council made its decision? Joe Huddleston replied that was essentially correct. John Huddleston then asked if the City Council could still choose to rezone the entire Crystal Springs area residential on both sides? I Stamm explained that the rezone did not have a proponent; , it had been a Planning Commission initiated item and that i the only possible rezone would be Harry Lewis' as he was appealing the Planning Commission's recommendation. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 18, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 8 ...../'~ c c c Agenda Item/ Motion No. 92-33 92-34 Bill Remski stated that he felt that Crystal Springs was a more appropriate site than Berry Valley. Cindy Cecil said that she would really like to see the Commission give approval for both sites as one approval limits available options. She believes that the UCBO could prove to be a very good neighbor. Sundsmo requested clarification - he understood that a recommendation was not being made on the zoning issue - the Commission was making a recommendation on the Special Use Permit for the two sites. Public Hearing closed at 5:16 p.m. MOTION ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED JIM BROWN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE SPECIAL USE PERMIT (SUP8063) REQUEST FOR THE CRYSTAL SPRINGS ST. SITE. Gorman called for a show of hands: Ayes-unanimous MOTION BY JOHN KINNEE, SECONDED LYLE SUNDSMO THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT (SUP8063) APPLYING EQUAL STATUS TO CONSIDERATION OF THE BERRY VALLEY ROAD SITE. Gorman called for a show of hands: Ayes-5 Opposed-l Stamm pointed out that anyone in the audience objecting could request a hearing before the City Council. He stressed that a hearing was not automatically scheduled that it must be requested. 4. Amended Henderson Zoning & Annexation (ANXS052). Public Hearing Opened at 5:20 p.m. All speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking. No conflict of interest was presented. No one in the audience voiced an objection to participation by any Planning Commission member. No member received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Stamm reviewed the staff report. Mr. Henderson requested annexation of his 5 acre parcel on Cullens into the City with R-1 zoning. Clifford McFall, who was present at the meeting, is requesting annexation of his adjoining YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 18, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 9 ~ "'--J c c Agenda Item/ Motion No. parcel, also with R-1 zoning. To even the boundary the owner of the adjoining parcel on Killion was asked if would want to include his 10 acre parcel in the annexation. He indicated that he was also interested in annexing his entire 135 acres. He has submitted a Notice of Intent to Annex. The Commission is being asked at this time to recommend annexation zoning for the 20 acre request onl; 10 acres (two 5 acre parcels) of R-1 and 10 acres of 1/5. The annexation falls outside the sewer service area. Mrs. Remski expressed her concern at the possibility of an additional 135 acres being annexed to the City. Stamm explained that if the property owner followed through and gathered the needed signatures, and if the City Council gave its approval to proceed then a public hearing would be scheduled. Mrs. Remski again expressed the same concerns she raised earlier, police/schools/traffic about the impact of this possible annexation. Gorman asked Stamm to clarify the Planning Commission vs. City Council concerns in the issue. Stamm explained that Mrs. Remski was raising budget issues and gave a brief overview of impact fees and concurrency (funding of necessary facilities). The Yelm Planning Commission's focus is primarily on the Comprehensive Plan which will have to include a concurrency element as of July 1993. In response to Mrs. Remski's questioning Stamm gave a brief overview of the Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plans identification of proposed road/traffic changes for the area. Mrs. Remski again expressed her concerns about school overcrowding and the effects of the possible 135 acre annexation. Gorman thanked Mrs. Remski for her comments and stated that he didn't believe that those issues could be resol ved today and would like to stay focused on the hearing. Tom Cundy left at 5:37 p.m. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 18, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 10 (\ ~ Agenda Item/ Motion No. 92-35 o 92-36 92-29 o Gorman asked for additional comments from the public and stated that the commission was concerned with the 20 acre annexation area only. Clifford McFall stated that the 135 acre possible annexation was news to him. He commended Yelm on being the first city in the state to adopt a Growth Management required Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Public Hearing closed at 5:42 p.m. MOTION JOHN KINNEE, SECONDED LYLE SUNDSMO THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO THE COUNCIL BE TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSED ZONING REQUEST FOR THE AMENDED HENDERSON ANNEXATION (ANX8052). Gorman called for a show of hands: Ayes-Unanimous Gorman reminded audience that they could sign up to receive notification of the decision or request a hearing before the City Council. 5. McKenzie Right-of-Way Vacation (VCT8058) Stamm gave a brief overview of the request to vacate the McKenzie right-of way where it dead-ends into Burlington Northern Railroad and that the city could request 50% of the true value of the land for compensation. Total land area about 65 'x100'. Members felt they should always maintain a utility easement in these cases. MOTION JOHN KINNEE, SECONDED JOE HUDDLESTON THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE MCKENZIE RIGHT-OF- WAY VACATION (VCT8058) REQUEST INCLUDING AN EASEMENT FOR THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. Gorman called for a show of hands: Ayes-Unanimous 6. Yelm Creek Pedestrian Bridge Shoreline Development Permit (SDP8060). Confirmation of a prior non-quorum action recommending approval of shoreline development permit for a foot-bridge across Yelm Creek at Fort Stevens Elementary School. MOTION JOHN KINNEE, SECONDED LYLE SUNDSMO THAT MOTION 92- 29 (SPD8060) RECOMMENDATION BE CONFIRMED. Gorman called for a show of hands: Ayes-Unanimous YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 18, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 11 ::...-_ ~._____________ _-----------.r~ _ ~~ ___ i c (\ ~ c Agenda Item/ Motion No. 7 . Urban Growth Area Proposal. Final review and recommendation to the City Council of Yelm urban growth area to be proposed to Board of County Commissioners. If approved this will probably be the boundary for at least the next 10 years. Discussion reviewed various aspects of the proposed boundary and reasons for including/not including certain specific areas. 92-37 MOTION BY LYLE SUNDSMO, SECONDED JOHN KINNEE THAT COMMISSION RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE URBAN GROWTH AREA PROPOSAL AS DISCUSSED AT THE 8/4/92 WORK SESSION. Gorman called for a show of hands: Ayes-Unanimous Meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m. Submitted // /l ~(ntJ yJ L jfprl~ NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION - SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 NEXT REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS September 1, 1992 October 6, 1992 November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 REGULAR MEETINGS September 15, 1992 October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 15, 1992 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 18, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 12 '~I-~~ /.Q C/t~ CouJ'.Ic/1 (1/2/ /U)}tI) 'S'/dc,/ 7J1J};V C tJ/?l '? / O? t /kL O~ ~/ST ~/2t ( L o o (\ o c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: AUGUST 18, 1992 AGENDA ITEM(S) #2 MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD ZONING & ANNEXATION #3 UCBO SPECIAL USE ZONING #4 AMENDED HENDERSON ZONING & ANNEXATION Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. q50~ Mailin Address wp51\forms\signin I, II II c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING: YELM LOCATION: C-TTY AGENDA ITEM( S) PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS HALT. C-OlJNC-TL CHAMBERS DATE: AUGUST 18, 1992 #1 MOlJNTA TN VTEW ROAD 7.0NTNG IV ANNEXATTON #3 UC-RO SPEC-TAT. USE 7.0NTNG #4 AMENDED HENDERSON 7.0NTNG IV ANNEXATTON Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) lG:N}\ ML\II.JN33 I'ID1 SEElKER Name Address C Mailin Address Name Address If Mailin Address ,Name j{ q -I-.IJ I t" ~ /) -r tU /I,v/Yl ;?~ rn.5 '-< Address 9~,)s /0') I, "n Po Q c! SC Mailin Address ~ I rn W LL Address Mailin Address Name Address Mailin Address C wp51\forms\signin x -3 ,X ^ o o o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 City of YellD AGENDA YELM PLANNING CO~1~lISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1992 4:00 PM, YELM ClfY HALL 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes (July 21, 1992, regular meeting and July 7 and August 4. 1992, work session minutes enclosed) 2 Mountain View Road Zoning and Annexation (ANX-8053) - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council (Staff report enclosed) 3 United Citizens Betterment Organization Special Use Zoning (SUP-8063) - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council (Staff report enclosed ) 4 Amended Henderson Zoning and Annexation (ANX-8052) - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council (Staff report enclosed) 5 McKenzie Right-of-Way Vacation (VCT-8058) - Recommendation to Council (Staff report enclosed) 6 Yelm Creek Pedestrian Bridge Shoreline Development Permit (SOP-8060) - Confirmation of non-quorum action 7 Urban Growth Area Proposal - Recommendation to Councll Enclosures are available to non-Commlsslon members upon request If you need special arrangements to attend or participate ln this meeting, please contact Shelly Badger at 458-3244 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE YLQRK ~J;~SIQt'!~ September 1, 1992 October 6, 1992 November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 f3 E CJ U L_~KJ~J; EX IJ'~ ~.s. September 15, '992 October 20, 1992 November' 17, i 992 December 15, 1992 c c (~ ~ ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA SUMMARY AUGUST 18, 1992 DESCRIPTION Call to order and review of minutes of prior meetings Public hearing on request from David Frick of Wauna to change the zoning of approximately ten acres immediately east of Cochrane Park from Multi-Family Residential to Single-Family Residential zoning to permit single-fami ly homes on small lots First review by the Commission of proposed 44 lot subdivision proposed for the area described above Proposed plat is still being reviewed by the staff Public hearing regarding zoning of ten acres proposed to be added to the pending Burnett - Mountain View Road annexation Public hearing regarding Commission proposal to adopt open space and greenbelt standards for residential developments Discussion regarding Commission members roles in Step Forward Task Force preparation of new Yelm Comprehensive Plan c ~ o (~ o ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA SUMMARY AUGUST 18, 1992 DESCRIPTION Call to order and review of minutes of prior meetings Request from Eric Anderson, John Huddleston and others to annex about 100 acres lying east and west of Mountain View Road and to zone twenty acres for multi- family development and five acres for commercial development Request from UCBO for special use zoning to permit administrative offices, licensing services, a Headstart pre-school, recreational fields, and a residential shelter at one of two alternative sites on Berry Valley or Crystal Springs Roads Request from Clifford McFall to expand the Henderson Annexation west of Cullens Road and to increase the single-family zoned area from 5 to 10 acres Request from James Harding of Harding Greens Co to vacate the McKenzie right-of-way where it dead-ends into Burlington Northern Railroad Confirmation of prior non-quorum action recommending approval of shoreline development permit for a foot- bridge across Yelm Creek at Fort Stephens Elementary School Final review and recommendation to the City Council of Yelm urban growth area to be proposed to Board of County Commissioners c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION AUGUST 4, 1992 Members present: Roberta Longmire, Tim Schlosser, Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Lyle Sundsmo and Tom Cundy. Kinnee, George Knight, Jim Keyes. Staff present: Agnes Colombo. Members reviewed the July 7, 1992 work session and July 21, regular minutes. Jim Brown, Tom Absent: John Todd Stamm and c Members viewed and commented on a staff prepared map of the Urban Growth Area showing suggested land use designations and expected density for each area, which should identify a reasonable area to serve yet still be large enough to accommodate projected population increases from the current 5-6,000 up to 29,000. Stamm explained that this proposed boundary showing possible densities would be submitted to Thurston County for approval. The next step in the process once the boundary is final will be the real land use plan. The final plan bQundary wo~ld be firm. Some flexibility in how the land is used would be permitted. The city and county will reconsider the plan every ten years. Members suggested that: Property east of wilkensen and south of the Canal be designated as commercial to allow flexibility; that the commercial area downtown be 2-3 blocks deep; that commercial areas be estimated at 1 home/acre; that no Ft. Lewis property be in the reserve growth areas; and that the Thompson Creek rural density cutoff be located at the first sixteen quarter section line south of 93rd Avenue. Members reviewed and discussed each item of Stamm's staff memorandum on Greenbelt and Open Space Issues. 1. Members felt that some type of open space should be required. That it should be a condition of a subdivision, site plan, SEPA review or other development approval; Skip in numbering in memorandum. That the option of setting aside other land outside the project area be at the discretion of the city. That the option of having developers pay a specified sum into an open space fund instead of setting aside open space be at the discret10n of the city. 2 . 3. 4. 5. c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 4, 1992 WORK SESSION PAGE , , i 1 ' In cases, such as where the open space would be unusable or inefficient the City should be able to require a substitute fee. That landscaping instead of open space be required for commercial and/or industrial developments. That open space size be determined by the number of households. That the base open space amount be 1,000 sq. ft. per household and that the smaller the lot size the larger the amount of open space area be the required. Acceptable uses of open space should include: recreation, trails and bike paths, education, wetland and stream buffers, land use buffers, landscaped areas (the amount above normal standards), underground power line and other utility easements and wellhead protection areas. Additionally wildlife habitat and environmentally sensitive areas (wetlands, open water) may comprise up to 50% of the requirement. 11. That the open space be 95% free of buildings and that impermeable surfaces be 5% or less. 12. Open space area could be: Privately owned, but limited in use by covenants or other agreements, Private, but in common ownership of a neighborhood or other group, or public land. In any of these instances 50% of the area must be accessible. 13. That an offer to dedicate open space to the City would be accepted at the City's discretion. C 6. 7 . 8 . 9 . 10. c Stamm will prepare a draft ordinance for Commission and Council review and approval based on ideas and suggestions from today's meeting. Submitted Meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. q/iti4 p tY;m~ 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE September 1, 1992 October 6, 1992 November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 REGULAR MEETINGS August 18, 1992 September 15, 1992 October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 21, 1992 WORK SESSIONS c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 4, 1992 WORK SESSION , , PAGE 2! c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 City of Yelm. MEMORANDUM July 28, 1992 To: Yelm Planning Commission From Todd Stamm, City Planner Re: Greenbe 1 t - Open Space Issues Consideration of an open space requirement presents a number of policy and regulatory issues This memo summarizes some basic questions that should be discussed by the Commission (\ \..../ Should open space in the form of greenbelts, common areas, park land, environmentally sensitive areas, floodways or other undeveloped areas be required as a condition of new development? 2 If so, should it be a conditlon of: annexation; subdivision, site plan; building permit, S E P A review and/or other development approval? 4 Should developers be provlded the option of setting aside other land outside the project area? 5 Should develpers have the option of paying a specified sum into an open space fund instead of setting aside open space? 6 In certain cases, such as where the open space would be unusuable or inefficient, should the substitute fee be required? (\ V , , , I I I I I I I I I I-~ c 7 Should open space be required for commercial and/or industrial development? 8 Should the size of the open space be based upon: Total acreage of the development; Number of lots in the development; or Number of households, residents, or employees 9 How much open space per household/resident/employee should be required? (Should it depend on the type of open space proposed?) 10 What uses of the open space would be permitted? c Recreation Trails and bike paths Education Stormwater ponds Environmentally sensitive areas (wetlands, open water) Wetland and stream buffers Wildlife habitat Agriculture and/or forestry Land use buffers Landscaped areas (road frontage, gardens, etc ) Overflow parking Power line and other utility easements Wellhead protection areas 11 To qualify as open space must the site be 100% free of buildings? 12 To qualify as open space may the area be: Privately owned, but limited in use by covenants or other agreements? Private, but in common ownership of a neighborhood or other group? Public land? o \...../ 13 Would an offer to dedicate such open space to the City always be acceptable? o AGENDA ITEM # 00 o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: AUGUST 4, 1992 SUBJECT (S) : C2]:._tlRB.AN'-:'G.Ro.W_T.H_AR~ .3) GREENBELTS/OPEN SPACEJ Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT CHECK APPROPRIATE SELECTION(S) MailinG Sneaker o Name Address MailinG Address o Name Address o MailinG Address Name Address MailinG Address Name Address Mailincr Address Name Address MailinC1 Address Name Address MailinG Address o c City of YellR 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458"3244: AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1992 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Review of Minutes. (July 7, 1992, work session and July 21, 1992 regular meeting minutes enclosed.) ! Urban Growth Area - Review of proposal to Thurston County Commissioners. (Draft to be distributed at meeting.) I Greenbelts and Open Space - Discussion of Issues. (Staff memo enclosed. ) 2. 3 . Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. c If you need special arrangements to attend or participate ill this meeting, please contact Shelly Badger at 458-3244. 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE September 1, 1992 October 6, 1992 November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 REGULAR I~IEETINGS August 18, 1992 September 15, 1992 October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 15, 1992 WORK SESSIONS ,~:lIi:I' SAFE HAVENS vv" ..AGCD~DIN6-"O 1"tUG,'n4E~ ~111' IN 'f'OIJR HOMe^ts:;~ :l!1.GJt . '".t... :&t':,., ~~ ~ .:... tT'~BASet> ON 1He '" c c o o MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1992,4:00 PM, YELM'CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 4: 00 by Chair Tim Schlosser. Members present: Joe Huddleston, Jim Brown, Tim Schlosser, Roberta Longmire, and Tom Cundy. Tom Gorman, George Knight, Jim Keyes and John Kinnee were unable to attend. Guests: Floyd Cummings, Eddie Windsor, Jim Kitchen, Don Miller and Harry Lewis. Jackie and Frank Jones, Fred Tharp, Chauncy Lufkin and Clifford McFall. Staff members present: Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo. 92-22 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED JOE HUDDLESTON THAT JUNE 16, 1992 MINUTES BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 92-23 MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED TOM CUNDY THAT ITEM #10, GREENBELT REQUIREMENTS FOR DEVELOPMENTS/SUBDIVISIONS BE ADDED TO THE AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Crystal Springs Road Area Rezone Public Hearing. Public Hearing Opened at 4:05 p.m. Schlosser explained that the goal of the Commission was not to reduce the amount of industrial property but to take a logical approach to dealing with the area as it has been moving toward residential in a piecemeal fashion. Schlosser requested that all speakers identify themselves for the record. Jackie and Frank Jones - questioned why their property was divided on the map. Stamm explained that the map was copied from a dated assessor's map and that it did not reflect any recent changes, and that the line dividing the property between Rhoton Road and Crystal Springs Street was an arbitrary division. The Jones' currently raise horses and operate a business out of their home and would not want their property divided in a manner where part of the parcel would be zoned Residential and part of it Industrial. Schlosser reassured the Jones' that there was no intent to divide their property. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 21, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 1 c o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. Eddie Windsor - was representing Mark Carpenter and stated that they would like to be able to continue on the development they have planned and to be able to sell the two homes they have already built. Chauncy Lufkin - (Amtech) expressed his belief that the proposed rezone puts a damper on trying to attract additional industries to the area. He stated that current owners have to stop and think about possible additions or expansions to current plants as neighbors might complain. He further stated that he would not be comfortable with expected expansion if this change took place. Schlosser expressed that these points were well taken and stated that the Commission did not desire to push out industrial but that the Commission was dealing with an industrial island and had received three recent requests to change property in the area to R-l. Joe Huddleston added that he feels that industrial area should not be reduced but that strong restrictions would have to put in a motion to the City Council to control traffic in the school vicinity. Floyd Cummings - stated that there was housing no matter which way you went. Tom Cundy questioned which posed the greatest threat - auto traffic generated from 150 homes or truck traffic from possible industries. Cummings - stated that the street was a speed track now and that additional development would add to the problem. Harry Lewis - explained that he was trying to figure what to do with property that he has held for 20 years and that when surveyed by him neighbors had indicated a preference for housing over industrial. He asked if approval would be given to putting an industrial plant like Amtech on Crystal Springs Road and if that would be fair to the existing home owners? He also encouraged the Planning Commission to pursue the issue of buffering. Lufkin - stated that Lewis' comments were well taken. He then referred to a City Council *Resolution stating that nothing would be done to adversely effect industrial areas. He feels the rezone would discourage new YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 21, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 2 c c c Agenda Item/ Motion No. industries from coming into the area. * January 27, 1986 Special Council Meeting, Paragraph 4, Item 4., Motion by Michael Cooper, seconded Rick Kolilis. There will be no rezoning that will detract or devalue or cause economic hardship on existing industrial zoned area. Unanimous as councilmembers not present had given prior approval to the motion. Lewis - asked Lufkin if he would really build a plant next to Floyd Cummings? Lufkin said he would not as they are designated heavy industrial. Lewis stated that he had tried unsuccessfully to utilize his property as industrial. Schlosser stated that the Planning Commission's intention is "not" to do anything. They are against the piecemeal erosion of the area and that is the reason for the examination of the issue. Jackie Jones - stated that she was not against the rezone and that she felt the area did not need to be dealt with as a whole because of three requests. Don Miller - questioned what is existing on the property at this time. Bob Cecil questioned the effect on surrounding property. He stated his concern about the adjacent Kitchen property that has recently been developed and the fact that the noise from the animals he keeps might create problems for new residents. Schlosser explained that his property is grandfathered and would only be changed from RIA at the request of the property owner. Cummings - agreed with Cecil. Schlosser asked Cummings if he envisions his property as industrial at some point in time or if he was trying to keep neighbors out? Cummings replied that he was trying to keep neighbors away. Miller - suggested rezoning a portion of the property North to South. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 21, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 3 c o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. Stamm explained that once the Growth Management Plan was adopted changes could be made only once per year as part of an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Public Hearing closed at 4:43 p.m. Schlosser summarized that property owners present were against the change from Industrial to Residential and that he believed that if a change to all was not desired that none should be changed. Miller - asked why? Schlosser asked how could we approve a rezone for 40 houses? It would effect the everything else in the area. Stamm added that the City has the authority to limit industrial traffic on Crystal Springs due to weight- loads/stopping distances. Industrial traffic can be limited to Rhoton Road and First Street. Also mentioned were aspects of community planning including: the creation of a light industrial designation, the length of the perimeter where industrial abuts housing and possible changes to be compatible, environmental issues, buffering and traffic, and if it was possible to create a light industrial designation and industrial suited property that is not currently within the city limits. All agreed that there currently is a market for residential property not industrial. Lewis - stated that he planned 20 lots, it would be fewer with a buffer. He also stated he could not visualize the possibility of putting an industry in the area. Miller - stated that the zone designated didn't matter to him. Schlosser requested a motion. 92-24 MOTION ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED JOE HUDDLESTON THAT A RECOMMENDATION OF NO ACTION BE MADE TO THE CITY COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 21, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 4 c c c Agenda Item/ Motion No. 3. CRYSTAL SPRINGS ESTATES REZONE Public Hearing opened at 4:58 p.m. Huddleston remarked that this project would require a good buffer. Lufkin - stated that he opposes changes to R/A zoning. Cummings - has no position. Lewis - expressed his appreciation of the opportunity to be heard. Cundy questioned the zoning designation when the property was purchased. Miller - explained that the entire annexation and zoning process was fairly casual. McFall - questioned the length of the buffer and stated that he felt a buffer running along the dividing line would effectively buffer residential property from industrial. Lewis - stated that the horse farm would serve as a buffer between the proposed residential and industrial. Cundy questioned that if the Lewis property was rezoned what if any changes were planned for the Jones' property and if it would be appropriate to view the site. Schlosser explained that the project had been carried over from last month meeting and could not be delayed. Longmire expressed her opposition to the taking of any industrial and stated that if it was allowed now it would have to be permitted when requested the next time. 92-25 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED JOE HUDDLESTON THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL BE TO DENY THE LEWIS CRYSTAL SPRINGS ESTATES REZONE. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Crystal Springs Estates Preliminary Plat. Stamm explained that Lewis would have to request the City Council to grant a Public Hearing on his request. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 21, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 5 c c c Agenda Item/ Motion No. 92-26 92-27 5. Mountaineer Court Preliminary Plat. Stamm reviewed the staff report. Members discussed lot sizes, density and if the 40' road would provide enough buffering. With the exception of the buffering, to the south, there was no reason to do anything but approve the request. MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED JIM BROWN THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE PLAT REQUEST WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS ITEMS IN THE STAFF REPORT AND THAT BUFFERING ON THE ROAD TO THE SOUTH BE PROVIDED. 6 . Kitchen Rezone Continued Public Hearing. Stamm explained that the request was to change zoning from R/A to R-1 and that a 50' setback from Yelm Creek was required. Two - four homes could be built on the property. Kitchen Rezone Public Hearing opened at 5:30 p.m. McFall - asked what the zoning on the other side of the creek was. As that property is in the county the zoning is 1/5. Jim Kitchen - stated that he owned the property directly west and had 8 building sites on the property. Public Hearing closed at 5:32 p.m. MOTION BY LONGMIRE, SECONDED HUDDLESTON THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL BASED ON PRIOR ACTIONS AND ON COMPLIANCE WITH ALL OTHER "SHORELINE" REQUIREMENTS. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Henderson Annexation Request. Public Hearing opened at 5:35 p.m. Bob Henderson - stated that he had single family zoning in mind for the property and that with city services he could develop the property to provide income. Longmire questioned whether he intended to develop all or just a part of the property. Henderson responded all. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 21, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 6 c o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. 92-28 * 92-29 McFall - questioned reason for single-family residential and criteria for that zoning. Stamm explained that the minimum lot size is 6,000 sq. ft. Schlosser pointed out that particular size was a concession made to allow use of existing platted lots and was not intended to be used as a reference for future lots. Public Hearing closed at 5:40 p.m. MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED ROBERTA LONGMIRE THAT COMMISSION RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE HENDERSON ANNEXATION AS IT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE GROWTH PLAN AND IS WITHIN THE URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY AND THAT THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BE AMENDED TO INCLUDE THIS PROPERTY AS SINGLE-FAMILY (R-1) ZONING. MOTION CARRIED. TOM CUNDY DEPARTED LEAVING THE COMMISSION SHORT OF A QUORUM. 8. Yelm Creek Pedestrian Bridge Shoreline Development Permit Public Hearing. Stamm explained that the City was the proponent in this project. The bridge would be built by the Corps of Engineers as a training project. It would measure 36' long, 10' wide and would have handicapped access ramps. This project would improve access to children walking to and from Fort Stevens. Public Hearing opened 5:45 p.m. Closed at 5:46 p.m. MOTION HUDDLESTON, SECONDED BROWN THAT COMMISSION RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE YELM CREEK PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION OF A QUORUM. 9 . Subdivision Ordinance. Members discussed the need for Planning Commission review on a final plat. Members felt that until standards were developed final plats should be returned to the Commission for review. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 21, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 7 c c c Agenda Item/ Motion No. 10. Green Belts. green be 1 t follows: Longmire distributed ratios for suggested areas for developments/subdivisions as 5-10 lots...12,OOO sq. ft. 11-15 lot. ..24,000 sq. ft. 16-20 lots.. .36,000 sq. ft. 21-25 lots.. .48,000 sq. ft. plus an additional 12,000 sq. ft. for each additional 5 lots or portion thereof. Members agreed that this was a priority issue and could be a vehicle to encourage larger lot sizes. They also agreed that the buffering issue needed to be addressed and that they could expect continued pressure to change industrial to residential. Members felt that developers will continue to try to gain approval for 6,000 sq. ft. lots due to the expected increase of military buildup at Ft. Lewis and that additional multi-family units are needed. Meeting adjourned 6:10 p.m. Submitted q/Wu IJ &tmCJ NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION - AUGUST 4, 1992 NEXT REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - AUGUST 18, 1992 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 21, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 8 o o o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING: YEIM PLANNING CCMlVJ.ISSION & PUBLIC HEARINGS LOCATION: YEIM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: JULY 21, 1992 AGENDA ITEM(S)(al) CRYSTAL SPRINGS ROAD AREA REZONE Continued Public Hearinqs: C~) Crystal Sp. Estates Rezone (CI) Crystal Sp. Estates Preliminary Plat Cd)) Kitchen Rezone Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) lGID\ MIill.JN}3 SfEli<ER Cl'IEM"J Name Address MailinG Address Name Address MailinG Address Name Address Mailinc Address Name Address MailinG Address Name Address - MailinCT Address Name Address MailinG Address wp51\forms\slgnin I I --~-~~~,-_-_=,-_z"'_-~ ---'-~~~-~----""'-""'" - ~3, ~"""''''-''--'_='''C=='~,_,-=,,,,=,~~~='~,,''' '1 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET o MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: JULY 21, 1992 AGENDA ITEM(S) PUBLIC HEARINGS: ce~ Henderson Annexation Zoninq CfJ Yelm Creek Pedestrian Bridqe Shoreline Development Permit Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) I-I~I SfE.ZKER Name o Address MailinG Address Name Address MailinG Address Name Address MailinG Address Name Address MailinG Address Name Address Mailina Address . Name Address MailinG Address ;; wp51\forms\signin 3. 1 j s. I :t t! ~ ~ ~ f ~ 1- o - ._..~ .. .. -<~._---~....,~. .""",~;...,;...:;.<..~.':l"Y'~1lt:~t,.<,.",_....~ .""__:";""-...,."."._...,.._,:-,..,.__,..:,.-,,,,,,--~..,,,,,_......_....... __, .._.-,.. .~_~=--~ '~'_'~ c' City of Yelm. 2 3 4 0 5 ~- u 7 8 (". U 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 NJENDA YELM F;LANNING COt1t1JSSION rUESl)", y' , JULY 21, 1992 4:00 P M YELM Ct.ry HALL 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes (June 16 1992, regu 1 ar meet i ng and Ju 1 y 7, 1992, worksess i on minutes enclosed ) Crystal Springs Road Area Rezone (ZON-8061) - PUBLIC HEARING Recomnedation to Council (Staff report enclosed) Crystal Springs Estates Rezone (ZON-80SS) - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council Crystal Springs Estates Preliminary Plat (SUB-8056) - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - Recbmmendation to Council Mountaineer Court 'Preliminary Plat (SUB-80541 - Recommendation to Council Kitchen Rezone (ZON-8047) - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council Henderson Annexation Zoning (ANX -8052) - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council (Staff report enclosed) Yelm Cree~ Pedestrian Bridge Shoreline Development Permit - PUBLIC liEARING - Recommendation to Council (Staff report enclosed ) ~ Subdivision Of'dinance .- Counei I communication regarding finai plat review \Staff briefing ,) EnclosUl-es are available to nOi,-Comrnission members upon request If IOU need special arrangements to attend or participate in this ITl-3'etifl9, please contact Shelly Badger at 458-3244 1992 MEETING sr~EDUL~ WQRI\_~_E_:i.S I OJi~ Au 9 u s t ,1 1 1 992 September I , 1992 Octob~i" 6 1992 November 3, 1992 Oecember 1, 1 992 KE_CiVLAR MEETIJiG.~ August 18, 1992 SGptember 15, 199L Octubel' 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 De:::;ernber 15, 1992 c c c ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA SUMMARY JULY 21, 1992 DESCRIPTION Call to order and review of minutes of prior meetings Proposal by City of Yelm to amend Yelm Comprehensive Plan map and zoning map to change designation of about twenty-five acres east of Crystal Springs Road from Industrial to Single-Family Residential Request from Harry Lewis to change zoning of five-acre parcel east of Crystal Springs Road from Industrial to Single-Family Residential zoning Request from Harry Lewis to subdivide the "item 5' parce 1 into twenty lots Request from Edward Windsor to subdivide one and one- half acre parcel east of Crystal Springs Road into six lots Request from Jim Kitchen to change the zoning of a one and one-half acre parcel west of Crystal Springs Road along Yelm Creek from Residential-Agriculture 5-Acre t Single-Family Residential Request from Robert Henderson for annexation and residential zoning for five-acres west of Cullens Road Request from City of Yelm for a substantial shoreline development permit to build a 10-foot wide, 36-foot long pedestrian bridge across Yelm Creek from Fort Stephens Elementary School to Prairie Christian Church Inquiry from City Council regarding Planning Commissi interest in continuing to hold public hearings on final subdivision plats o c c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION JULY 7, 1992 Members present: Roberta Longmire, Tim Schlosser and Tom Cundy. Absent: John Kinnee, Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, George Knight, Jim Keyes and James Brown. Staff present: Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo. Members discussed the illegal sign at the corner of Edwards and Yelm Ave. W. A staff member will send a letter and copy of sign ordinance to the realtor. Schlosser asked if any response had been received following notice of the Crystal Springs rezone public hearing. None reported. Members present discussed buffering which could be used as means of keeping children out of an area or it could be a green belt. Stamm explained that you buffer from what you "permit" not from what exists. Schlosser questioned if a 100' buffer would be viable, Stamm replied that it would be by using both adjoining properties. Meeting called to order at 4:20 p.m. Those present reviewed the County-Wide Planning policies draft. Stamm felt that the staff was satisfied with the document and believed that the county had made many compromises to reach this point. The city staff position is to not accept the attached vision statement. Stamm gave an annexation briefing. In the works at this time are: 1. A 10% petition on Mt. view Road - working on 60% 2. Vancil/Morris Road - will be returned by Boundary Review Board within 1-2 weeks. 3. McNaughton Triangle - 10% petition - working on 60% 4. Forrester - completed 5. Yelm Creek/Middle Road - 10% petition - working on 60% 6. Slopak - Boundary Review Board waiver requested 7. SW Yelm Annexation - 10% petition, staff review EIS submitted last Thursday, should be nearing completion on it within 6 months. 8. Henderson/Cullens Road - 60% petition received 9. 105th/Baker - 10% submitted not before City Council yet The function of the Boundary Review Board was discussed. Once the Urban Growth Boundary is accepted their basic function no longer be needed. Stamm has a would have proposal before Council called "Step Forward" that them create and appoint a task force of 50-100: , PAGE 1! I I YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 7, 1992 WORK SESSION c c o individuals to serve on subcommittees to aid and advise the City in developing the new growth management plan. The elements they would work on are: land, housing, capital facilities, utilities, transportation, economy and design and possibly parks/recreation/open space. Each group would include a council member, planning commission member and interested individuals. If implemented, it's possible that the monthly Planning Commission work session could be skipped. The Park Board could be the subcommittee on the parks/recreation/open space element. When asked, Stamm set the start date for the sewer in the fall of this year with completion sometime toward the end of '93. Members discussed minimum lot sizes and community ownership of greenbelt areas vs. donation of such areas to the City. Community ownership can result in better cared for, more attractive areas. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Submitted q/ntJ fJ CI rm d;) 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS REGULAR MEETINGS August 4, 1992 September 1, 1992 October 6, 1992 November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 August 18, 1992 September 15, 1992 October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 15, 1992 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 7, 1992 WORK SESSION PAGE 2 o o o 4GN12S itv :It IllllBa 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION AGENDA TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1992 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL Call to Order and Roll Call 2 County-Wide Planning Policies - Review and Comment (Draft of June 5, 1992, enc 1 osed) 3 Annexations in Progress - Staff Report 4 Crystal Springs Road Rezone (Industrial to Single Family Residential) - Preparation for Public Hearing on July 21 5 Street Design - Cross-Sections OiScusslon Enclosures available to non-Commisslon members upon request If you need special arrangements to attend or participate ln this meeting, please contact Shelly Badger, City Clerk (458-3244) NEXT MEETING Tuesday, Ju 1 y 21. 1992 C A L V I N & H o 8 B E S THIS l1:)WN JIJST A.\l-l.t BIG ENOJGI{ Ft. R T1-\E BOI'r\ or \JS I 1 , ~ ; ~ 1 '.; l' YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA SUMMARY JULY 7 1992 ITEM DESCRIPTION Ca 11 to order 2 Review of County-wise Planning Policies proposed for ratification by the City Council and adoption by the Thurston County Commissioners These polices would be applied in preparing Yelm's Growth Management Plan A public hearing is scheduled before the City Council on Wednesday, July 8 3 The staff will summarize the status of annexation pending before the City, including those on Mi 11, Vancil, Cullens, Longmire and Mountain View Roads 4 Discussion of proposal to change zoning east of Crystal Springs Road from Industrlal to Single-Family Residential Directions to the staff regarding information needed at the public hearing 5 Discussion of street 'cross-section issues such as pavement widths, sidewalks utility locations. and right-of-way widths both for immediate subdivision and long-range planning purposes o o o c o o MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1992, 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 4: 05 by Chair Tim Schlosser. Members present: Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Jim Brown, George Knight, Tim Schlosser, Roberta Longmire, Tom Cundy and John Kinnee. Jim Keyes was unable to attend. Guests: Ted & Audrey Foreid, Rosemary Demich, Joe Zelazny, Margaret Clapp, Roy Gibson, Jim & Faye Myers, Leo Lefebvre, Floyd Cummings and Mark Carpenter. Erling Birkland, Colin Young, Jim Kitchen, John Huddleston, Don Miller, Milt Johnson, Wayne McDonald and Dennis Suo Perry Shea and Bob Hazlett, Skillings and Chamberlain and staff members Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo. 92-15 MOTION BY JOHN KINNEE, SECONDED JOE HUDDLESTON THAT MAY 19, 1992 REGULAR MEETING AND JUNE 2, 1992 WORK SESSION MINUTES BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 92-16 MOTION BY GEORGE KNIGHT, SECONDED JOE HUDDLESTON THAT AGENDA ITEM #9, YELM GROWTH MANAGEMENT TRANSPORTATION PLAN BE CHANGED TO #4 AND ALL OTHER ITEMS DROPPED ONE POSITION AND THAT #2 BE MOVED TO THE END OF THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 3 . Emanuel Lutheran Church Alley Vacation request. 92-17 MOTION BY JOHN KINNEE, SECONDED JIM BROWN THAT COMMISSION RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE EMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH ALLEY VACATION REQUEST WITH PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT BEING RETAINED BY THE CITY. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Yelm Growth Management Transportation Plan and Public Hearing. Todd Stamm informed those present that the Yelm Planning Commission would be making a recommendation on the Yelm Growth Management Transportation Plan to the City Council. He also stated that the final decision would be the Council's and that they would hold a public hearing, during evening hours, at a later date and that the upcoming public hearing will be advertised. Notification would be sent to those signing up on sign-in sheet provided at today's meeting. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 16, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 1 o Agenda Item/ Motion No. Bob Hazlett, Skil.lings and Chamberlain, presented the Yelm Growth Management Transportation Plan. Overhead projection transparencies were displayed and copies distributed to Commission members and the audience. A transparency set will be supplied to the City. Tim Schlosser requested that comments during the Transportation Plan Public Hearing be restricted to no more than 5 minutes and that all speakers identify themselves for the record. o Yelm Comprehensivl~ Transportation Plan Public Hearing was opened at 5:10 p.m. Erling Birkland - asked if the Y-2 property had been defined or was still a general area? Hazlett answered that it had not yet been defined. Birkland also inquired as to the expected Y-2 time frame. Hazlett replied that 7-8 years would probably be needed to construction because of the lengthy environmental process. The next step would be design studies which would allow opportunities for public comment. Design Study results could even result in a recommendation to not build the road. When questioned about the time frame for right-of- way Hazlett felt that two years was likely. Stamm added that this could be much delayed by state funding. Stamm also stated that the developer could negotiate with the City and choose to do this project instead of another developer required project. Leo Lefebvre - stated that tentative routes involve his home and business and that road designs for a proposed project in the five corners area a couple years ago were not adequate. He also stated that sometimes engineers cause needless delays and expressed his belief that county response is too slow and that maybe the state would be better. Margaret Clapp - questioned plans made, if any, to preserve the existing railroad and if the intent was to encourage commercial development to take place in the current commercial zones. Bob Hazlett responded that a rail preservation policy exists in the plan. He replied that as much as possible would be done to maintain the railroad and that the RR right-of-way would be preserved. If she was interested in lobbying for rail transit Commuter Rail Service in Tacoma could be contacted to try and get service to Olympia. He also stated that o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 16, 1992 REGULAR MEE,]~ING PAGE 2 c o o Agenda Item/ Motion No. commercial development in the city center is encouraged in the plan. Development along the alternate routes would not be encouraged.. Although it is directly addressed in the Transportation Plan it is up to the Planning Commission and Cit~y Council to make sure that this intent is included in the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Roy Gibson - questioned the Y-7 connector. He stated that he repeatedly heard that Berry Valley Road would not be affected, that~ the road would go up Longmire or on Henry Dragt' s property. He stated that he had apparently been left off mailing lists and was informed by his neighbors of plans for Berry Valley Road. The proposed road would take part of his front yard and destroy the character of the Berry Valley Road community. Gibson identified himself as the initiator of a petition from Berry Valley Road residents opposed to the planned Y-7 connector and stated that all but 1 or 2 Berry Valley Road residents were opposed to the plan. He suggested that the Y-7 connector follow Longmire and not be allowed to destroy the Berry Valley Road community. He felt those that will benefit from the road should pay for it and have it go through their neighborhoods. He advised that the Berry Valley Road residents will do all they can to stop the road. Faye Myers - ask.ed if a left turn lane on Yelm Avenue would run all the way through Yelm, and if so how room would be found for this turn lane? Hazlett replied that it would run from 93rd to Five Corners, and that signals would be added at Edwards, Third Street and at the Jayhawks Shopping Center. He stated that some trees would be removed along Yelm Avenue but that there was adequate room from 93rd to Five Corners within the existing right-of-way. Margaret Clapp - asked if improvements would be included. Hazlett replied that the plan recommended that it be upgraded, the design report will determine how. Don Miller - sta'ted that the improvements would take two years to do as a state project. Hazlett expanded and said that it was not funded the state 93-95 budget. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 16, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 3 o o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. Rosemary Demich - asked if it was possible for the bypass to include green zone areas. Hazlett responded that the public could recommend a lot of things, but that the introduction of greenery etc. adds to the overall cost of the project. Stamm informed Commission members of recommended changes to the Transportation Plan in his memo which was included in their packets. Stamm informed audience that the City Council would hold a Hearing at 7:30 p.m. on June 24th on TIP funding to address what funds will be requested in this years proposal. The City will try to be consistent with the goals of the Transportation Plan. Tim Schlosser asked if adoption of the Transportation Plan would lock in the priority of funding and disallow alternatives? Stamm explained that reasonable funding sources are required but that alternatives may be selected. State dictates that we must permit growth as per the Office of Financial Management. Yelm must accept and plan for 10,000 additional people, if money isn't available traffic targets will have to be set lower. The City is planning for 14,000. Roy Gibson - stated that everyone hated slow traffic and that it will get even slower. He questioned if 4 miles per hour was worth $40 million. Is it worth the detriment of the community as a whole? q:J.J .M-18 Those in the audience were thanked by Schlosser for their participation and comments. Public Hearing closed at 5:30 p.m. MOTION TOM GORMAN, SECONDED JOHN KINNEE THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THIS DOCUMENT AS THE COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN INCLUDING THE RECOMMENDED CHANGES INDICATED IN STAMM'S STAFF MEMO OF 6/15/92, AND THAT ALL PUBLIC COMMENTS BE FORWARDED TO COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Mountaineer Court Preliminary Plat. A request to subdivide 1.59 acres east of Crystal Springs Road into 6 lots in single-family zoning. Site was platted into three lots (plus lot to the east) by short subdivision 8030. The site had originally been approved for four lots. Staff report summarized by Stamm. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 16, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 4 c o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. Leo Lefebvre - questioned the effect on the value of existing industrial property if rezones from industrial to residential in the area continue. Schlosser noted that the agenda included two rezones and a subdivision request in the same area and recommended looking at the area as a whole instead of trying to deal with it in a piece-by-piece fashion. Stamm suggested a public hearing notice for all Crystal Springs Street. He also stated that buffering to the east should be addressed at the same time and that he would need to know if the Commission wanted the public hearing for next month's meeting so notices could be sent out. If not scheduled for the next regular meeting there could be a problem with the City Council being able to responding to the applicants in the required 90 days. Commission members stated that they wanted to deal with the issue at the next regular meeting, July 21, 1992. Mark Carpenter - stated that he was anything that was not already allowed. unfair to be held back for an issue that zoning on his property. not asking for He felt it was won't change the Schlosser stated that it was not the intent of the Commission to inconvenience him or delay his project, however, his request to increase the housing density does directly impact the surrounding industrial zone and as the additional homes could not be built until the sewer was in place the Commission could best deal with all of the Crystal Springs issues together. 92-19 MOTION JOHN KINNEE, SECONDED GEORGE KNIGHT THAT ALL PRELIMINARY PLATS AND ZONE CHANGE REQUESTS IN THE CRYSTAL SPRINGS STREET AREA BE PLACED ON HOLD UNTIL THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DETERMINES THE DIRECTION CRYSTAL SPRINGS ST. ZONING SHOULD GO, THIS INCLUDES THE MOUNTAINEER COURT PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUEST. MOTION CARRIED. 6. & 7. Crystal Springs Estates Preliminary Plat and Rezone. Request to change zoning from industrial to residential on approximately 5 acres on Crystal Springs St. and subdivide into 20 lots. Staff report summarized by Stamm. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 16, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 5 o o o Agenda Item/ Motion No. Chair requested all speakers Public Hearing Opened 6:05 PM. identify themselves. Harry Lewis - stated that he had tried for 20 years to sell the property as industrial and had not been successful. Lewis said he had at an earlier time questioned neighbors in the area and they strongly preferred the area to be zoned residential. Lewis stated that he would like to be able to utilize his property. Longmire questioned the use of Lewis' former home as a buffer and questioned the road running through the proposed subdivision to that site. Lewis replied that the surveyor had recommended the access but that it could be closed. Knight noted that the size and number of lots would have to be reduced to accommodate a buffer and to increase panhandle lot access to the required 20'. Harry Lewis explained that the size and number of lots was an attempt to keep the cost of the lots affordable. Leo Lefebvre - questioned what a possible rezone would do to Rhoton Road and Central Reddi-Mix. Schlosser explained that members want to try and protect the industrial area as it exists but that probably 75% of Crystal Springs is now residential creating an industrial island on Crystal Springs Street. Logic says that all of Crystal Springs will eventually become residential. The Rhoton Road Industrial area needs to be protected from development. Buffers to the east of Crystal Springs St will be needed for industrial area protection. Leo Lefebvre stated that increased residential development will result in complaints about the noise. Schlosser acknowledged and said that if the Industrial on Rhoton Road was protected home buyers would be made aware of the situation and would have to accept it. Leo Lefebvre - stated that he believed that residents would still complain about the noise. Margaret Clapp - stated that some areas are writing into legal documents that these special circumstances exist. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 16, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 6 c c c Agenda Item/ Motion No. Public Hearing closed at 6:18 p.m. Schlosser stated that he believed that the Commission should consider the rezone of Crystal Springs from Coates/Stevens to the end of the Crystal Springs St. industrial area. He felt that no more piece-meal activity should be done. Stamm informed members that piece-meal changes would be allowed under the current laws. However, under Growth Management the zoning would have to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Plan could be changed only once per year. 92-20 MOTION BY JOHN KINNEE, SECONDED GEORGE KNIGHT THAT ALL CRYSTAL SPRINGS STREET AREA PLAT AND REZONE REQUESTS BE TABLED UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING WHICH WILL INCLUDE A PUBLIC HEARING ON CRYSTAL SPRINGS STREET ZONING AND THAT NOTICE OF THE JULY 21, 1992 PUBLIC HEARING BE PUBLISHED. MOTION CARRIED. The July work session will include an examination of this subject. John Kinnee, Roberta Longmire and Tom Gorman left the meeting. 8. prairie Park RV Park Special Use Zoning. The City has received one letter in support of this project and one, from a neighbor expressing concerns about the project. The Commission must determine if this use is appropriate and if so set standards. Permit would expire in 1 year if not used. Staff report summarized by Stamm. Public Hearing opened at 6:30 p.m. Margaret Clapp stated that she wanted to build a 19 unit motel and office building. She has also planned to provide space for Recreational Vehicles with hookups for power, water and possibly cable TV. Stays would be short term. She would not want this considered as a alternative place to live and would probably charge a per night fee as well as using other tools to help eliminate long stays. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 16, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 71 I I j I I I I I I I I c o c Agenda Item/ Motion No. Joe Huddleston questioned amount of land planned for the above stated uses and total amount available. Clapp replied that a land area of 3 +/- acres was being used for the project and that she had a total of 16 acres available but didn't have firm plans for the remainder of the property. Faye Myers - said she objected to the positioning of the RV's directly behind her home. She feels that the whole way of life for her family would be impacted by this and suggested that the drainfield and RV area be switched. Tim Schlosser questioned the use of screening, fencing and landscaping and asked where the Myers would like to see these items. Faye Myers felt that the screening, fencing and landscaping would be helpful for the RV' s but that people in RV's didn't think about the effect they have on local residents in areas they visited and that the noise from semi-trucks would still be a problem. Margaret Clapp - said that the layout was determined by soil surveys and because sewer hook-up access is believed to be along 103rd. Also it was a level area. Commission pointed out possible problem with semi-trucks driving through the site between the motel and office building to reach the parking site and questioned the possibility of reversing the drainfield and RV area. Jim Myers - questioned the amount of increased traffic volume and maneuverability of semi-trucks and RVs. Public Hearing closed at 6:45 p.m. Schlosser questioned the length of stays allowed for RV guests. Clapp stated that she felt comfortable limiting stays to two weeks. She would however like to have the leeway to allow longer stays for special circumstances. Schlosser indicated that he would like Clapp and Myers to discuss the situation directly, as there had not yet been any discussion between the two parties. Clapp stated that she was willing to forgo the semi- trucks and discuss the matter with the Myers. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 16, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 8 c o o Agenda Item/ Motion No. 92-21 MOTION BY JIM BROWN, SECONDED JOE HUDDLESTON THAT COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL WITH PROPER SCREENING AND THE ELIMINATION OF SEMI-TRUCK PARKING AND WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION RETAINING APPROVAL OF FINAL SCREENING. MOTION CARRIED. All remaining agenda items postponed until the next regular meeting. Meeting adjourned 6:55 p.m. Submitted q/J/!/ yJ {f~/mJJ NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION - JULY 7, 1992 NEXT REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - JULY 21, 1992 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 16, 1992 REGULAR MEETING PAGE 9 o 0 Name COLIN Lutl. Address J/ L// S Nc /2 ~ft-t J+ o c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION & PUBLIC HEARING LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: JUNE 16, 1992 SUBJECT( S) : PUBLIC HEARINGS: r PRAIRIE RV PARK---SPECIAL -USE7 ~9J and LYE1r1-GR9WTH_ I'-LANAGEMENT- -TRANSPO_RT,AT:.r:QJ'l=pJ.JANI Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the rneetlng or if you would like to receive future rnaillngs. PLEASE PRINT CHECK APPROPRIATE SELECTION(S) Mailing I Speaker I ~ o Name NL-.r-x;C;- 4 /'~kc.~D Address I7/Z~ /ZF--'s /??.wr- Mailin Address P.& o Name ,.,c-.L. ~ [) fA) Cv~m JJlC-:. Address P. ~ 8 0.'1{. ~ Mailina Address u... () 9~ 1(}r~lar\d W q'c50Y-! X Mailin o Name Maili o Name Addre Mailin Address o Name C 7/ ~~ Address Mailin Address o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET {;)~l (;)/11 0 MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION & PUBLIC HEARING LOCATION. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: JUNE 16, 1992 SUBJECT( S) . PUBLIC HEARINGS: (PRAIRIE-RVPARK SPECIAL-USE '\] C~Qr\fING] and lXELM_GROW,TH _MANAGEMENT---~rrRANSP~FT~J)g_N-=.?_~-~NJ Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT CHECK APPROPRIATE SELECTION(S) Mailina S eaker o Name /1'6D i Address 1t/~"2-- -oiZ.f: ( D ~..E" Y gAD - ,'"UV) 00 Mailin~Address ;5g",. o Name . BSent:r-y /)".{NI,4 ) i;:' / Address . lt8. _5' ~-e. Mailin Address -Jf~K ~?< N arne fOlCi V'q Ci ~r e. + Q tCl\P fO Address \~'3~q COOle' VtJ 5'8 s~ \( p J \0'\ q<;< '> cr7 x. tr<<'f"ot x o Name Mailin Address o Name Maili Address o Name Address Mailin Address o c c c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION & PUBLIC HEARING LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: JUNE 16, 1992 SUBJECT(S): PUBLIC HEARINGS: (PRAIRIE ~RV PARK-SPECIAL~l.rSE J [Z-ONIJ'tG) and CX~LM:_G}3Q~'I'}j -MAN!(GJfI,rENT - T-RANSBORTATJ::Qti Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT CHECK APPROPRIATE SELECTION(S) Mailing I Speaker /-lYr.buJtvn U--- X I i/Jo'I1I'YlL fnC/v)fTr1{d-iA- ~ t/rtL'U Address fJ 0 6 ;)1e Mailin Address (JZ S1 7- ! o Name o Name - F.>S JZ 0(./ Address 99/0 o u.;/r9/V / ~ T )/ YE/fil Mailino Address o Name o Address Mailincr Address ~ - Name Address Mailina Address I Name Address Mailinq Address o Name Address Mailing Address c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION & PUBLIC HEARING LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: JUNE 16, 1992 SUBJECT(S): PUBLIC HEARINGS: CRYSTAL SPRINGS ESTATES REZONE~ CRYSTAL SPRINGS ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLA~, and KITCHEN REZONE.; Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would llke to receive future mailings. PLEASE PRINT CHECK APPROPRIATE SELECTION(S) Mailin S eaker o Name w.. Address '=> 13 C>. '>I.... .:l.... Mailin Address 0 Name AI C( Address Mailin Address Co Name Address Mailin Address 0 Name Address Maili Address o Name Address Mailincr Address o Name Address Mailing Address C ~ 4. 5. 0 6. 7 . 8. 9 . AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1992 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes. (May 19, 1992, regular meeting and June 2, 1992, worksession minutes enclosed. ) 2. Subdivision Ordinance - Council communication regarding final plat review. (Staff briefing.) 3. Emanuel Lutheran Church Recommendation to Council. Alley Vacation (VCT-8057) (Staff report enclosed.) Mountaineer Court Preliminary Plat (SUB-8054) - Recommendation to Council. (Staff report enclosed.) Crystal Springs Estates Rezone (ZON-8055) - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council. (Staff report enclosed.) Crystal Springs Estates Preliminary Plat (SUB-8056) - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council. (Staff report enclosed.) Kitchen Rezone (ZON-8047) - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council. (Staff report enclosed.) Prairie R.V. Park Special Use Zoning (SUP-8043) - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council. (Staff report enclosed. ) Yelm Growth Management Transportation Plan - PUBLIC HEARING - Recommendation to Council. )Transportation Advisory Committee recommended draft enclosed.} Enclosures available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Shelly Badger at 458-4244. o 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS August 4, 1992 September 1, 1992 October 6, 1992 November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 REGULAR MEETINGS August 18, 1992 September 15, 1992 October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 15, 1992 c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION JUNE 2, 1992 The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Chair Tim Schlosser. Members Present: Roberta Longmire, Tim Schlosser, Tom Cundy, Joe Huddleston and George Knight. John Kinnee and Tom Gorman were unable to attend. Absent: Jim Brown. Guests: Lyle Burstad and Bob Hazlett, Yelm Transportation Committee, Fred Tharp, Martha Parsons and staff members Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo. Stamm explained the need for an addition concerning open space and park standards and model home provisions to the adopted Yelm Subdivision Ordinance. Urban Growth Area Proposal - continued discussion. o Stamm pointed out four reserve areas on the UGA map. a) Four corners (cutoff at the railroad tracks); b) Canal to River (east of city limits) which is waterfront property; and c) Canal to River (north). These areas are recommended as reserve but would probably be part of the city someday. Thompson Creek Valley and the north slope of Hammersmith Hill would form the periphery of the UGA and would be best be left as low I density zoning. Stamm suggested that consideration of the sale of development rights for this area be considered. Discussion on the sale of development rights resulted in the members feeling uncomfortable with the concept and wanting time to consider the long and short term effects of such action. Copies of the first draft of the transportation plan were distributed. Bob Hazlett explained that four goals Coordination, Standards and Capacity, Land Use and Transportation Planning and Priorities and Finance had been identified and were the foundation for the plan. He then reviewed the 34 Policies designed to meet these goals. Draft #2 should be available on Monday. Stamm advised that the next regular meeting on June 16, 1992, will include several land-use related public hearings in addition to the Transportation Plan Public Hearing. Notices have been sent to 200 people. The staff will clear the room as much as possible to make room for those attending. If a large number of people attend and wish to speak a time limit would have to apply to speakers. Lyle Burstad explained that the Transportation Committee will meet prior to the public hearing and members should feel free to call with questions. c Mee~ing adjourned 6:00 p.m. / ) /7C)/" ~j~/)/I;j 'P . f;~i)lJ IMJ YE~M PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 2, 1992 WORK SESSION PAGE 1 Town of Tel.. c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 ,0, !:E ~I [1 t, YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION TIJESDA'( JurJE 2 1992 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL Urban Growth Area Proposal - Ccn~inued Discusslon 2 Proposed TransportatlDn Plan IcoDies available upon request) _ Staff Briefinc - Preoarati()n tor Pub!~c Hearina on .June 16 c If you need special arrangements to attend or partlcipate in this meetlng olease contact Shell Badaer CltJ rler~ (458-3244) NEAT MEETING Tuesday June 16 1992 .. 1 -: ~.. ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ MINU'lES YEIM pI..ANNJ]'oI; CCMUSSION TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1992, 4:00 1M, YEIM CITY HALL CCXJNCIL Q-lAMBERS c Agenda Item! Motion No. 1. The rreeting was called to order at 4: 05 by Chair Tim Schlosser. Members present: Tim Schlosser, Roberta Longmire, Tom Cundy, George Knight, Jim Keyes and Jim Brown. Absent: John Kinnee. Joe Huddleston and Tom Gorman were not able to attend the rreeting as they were out of town. Guests: Diane Upton, Brad Barrett, Brad Barrett Construction, Margaret Clapp, Ye~ Prairie Developrrent Company, Andy Haapala, Frontier Village and staff members Todd Starrm and Shelly Badger. Minutes of the April 21, 1992 regular meeting and May 5, 1992 (Agenda Item #1, Section 3(b) amended to state "Members were in favor of re- quiring speakers wishing to give testimony to identify their name and address in writing on the sign-in sheet) worksession were approved as amended. Agenda was approved with a change in format. o 4. UP'ION HOME OCCUPATION. Starrm stated that Ye~ Municipal Code re- quires the Planning Commission to advise the City Clerk on issuance of Horre Occupation Permits. Request submitted by Diane Upton to op- erate a Beauty Salon out of her home at 406 Edwards Street. After staff review of request, recommendation is to advise approval to City Clerk of the request to operate a Beauty Salon at 406 Edwards Street, which is zoned Industrial. 92-12 BECAUSE THE REQUEST CONFORMS 'IO CHAP'IER 5.44 OF THE YEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, INCLUDING PARKING REQUIREMENTS, ROBERTA IDNGMIRE MOVED 'IO AD- VISE THE CITY CLERK 'IO ISSUE A HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT 'IO DIANE UP'ION 'IO OPERA'IE A BEAUTY SALON AT 406 EDWARDS ST. NW, SECOND BY JIM BRCJtJN. CARRIED. 5. BARRE'IT VARIANCE PUBLIC HEARING. Hearing opened at 4: 10 PM. Commit- tee Members were presented with a staff report from Todd Starrm re- garding the request from Brad Barrett Construction Company, in an- ticipation of annexation, for a variance to permit construction of a commercial building with zero-setback from the Burlington Northern railroad right-of-way along SR 507 instead of standard 30-foot rear yard. Staff informed the Commission that variances may only be granted upon finding that strict application of ordinary standard would deprive a property owner of rights enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and in an identical zone classification. Variance to approximately five feet has been granted for similarly situated property across Mosman Street. Staff recommends that if zero-setback is granted, written confirmation of no objection from Burlington Northern be ob- tained prior to approval of variance by Clty Council. c c Brad Barrett stated he made contact with Burlington Northern on May 19, 1992 and they had no objection to the variance request. BN will send a letter to Yelm stating their approval. PH closed 4 :22 fM. 92-13 MOrrON BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE 'TO RECCMMEND APPROVAL 'TO THE YELM CITY COUNCIL TI-IAT WHEN ANNEXED, A VARIANCE BE GRANTED 'TO BRAD BARRE 'IT CON- STRUCTION CO. 'TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A CCMMERCIAL BUILDING WI'IH A ZERO SE'IBACK FRCM THE RAILROAD RIQ-lT-OF-WAY FDR PROPERTY LOCATED SW OF MOSMAN STREET BE'IWEEN SR 507 AND BN RAILROAD, SUBJECT TO, ALLOWING BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD THE OPPORTUNITY 'ID COMMENT, IN WRITING, BY JUNE 10, 1992. SECOND BY JIM KEYES. CARRIED. 6. PRAIRIE RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK/SPECIAL USE PERMIT - DESIGN CON- TENT. Staff informed the Corrmission that Margaret Clapp has re- quested a "conditional" use permit for a recreational vehicle park to be developed and operated in conjunction with a new motel and office building at 103rd and West Road. Under the City's code this use is a "special" use in the Comnercial (C-1) zone. This use is subject to a public hearing before the Commission. Stamm advised the Commission that their task is to describe what information will be needed for the Commission to prepare a recommendation. He reminded the Commis- sion that this is not a public hearing and that they should not dis- cuss the pros and cons of the development or permit the applicant to advocate approval. The Commission asked that Ms. Clapp add to her design content the following items: c 1. Options on screening design between prairie Security Bank and the site 2. RV stay time limitations 3. Exact location of sites 2. ZONING HEARIN:; PROCESS PUBLIC HEARING. Opened at 4:45 PM. Stamm stated that the current Zoning Ordinance calls for a public hearing on zoning issues before both the Planning Commission and City Coun- cil. State statute requires a hearing only of the Planning Commis- sion, with a 'hearing before the City Council optional. Public Hear- ing closed at 4: 52 fM. Planning Commission had no objection to an amendment to the Yelm Zoning Ordinance to comply with state statute as described above. 3. HEARING PROCEDURES RESOLUTION. Stamm stated that the revised draft reflects changes made by the Commission at the May 5, 1992 worksession. The Corrmission added to Section 3, B(4), "Require every person wishing to testify at the hearing to be identified for the re- cord by written name and address". 92-14 ROBERTA LONGMIRE MOVED 'TO ADOPT THE "YELM PLANNING CCMMISSION rAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT HEARING PROCEDURES", SECOND BY 'RM CUNDY. CAR- RIED. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM. ATTEST : Shelly A. Badger S~Ur-;4 jy;~ c o VISITO~IGN IN SHEET o TYPE OF MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEEITING & PUBLIC HEARING: Zoning Hearing Process Barrett Variance DATE OF MEETING MAY 19, 1992 MEETING LOCATION COUNCIL CHAMBERS, YELM CITY HALL NAME LOCATION ADDRESS & MAILING ADDRESS LjOlp FclwQ.v S P 0 Boi I L./ 8 E' m , g 65 '\>0 ~ '\L-C{ '-t8-JVL (6'30q CO~tJ-a{ S1; .$' . {J q,,;.O REPRESENTING DIOlJO U fo(l ~~A.'t:::, ~~\i2.:bl\ 6~iJ G ~oD 'f~r\i,^ ~I{Ct~n.e' O.evtf IiLI1 Y1l~ o c c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 Citv of Yelaa ,-' ~-_.- AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1992 4:00 PM, YELM CITY HALL 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes: Apr i 1 21 > 1992 regu 1 ar meet i ng and May 5, 1992 worksess ion 2 Zoning Hearing Process - Public Hearing - Recommendation to Counc i 1 3 Hearing Procedures - Resolution (Draft Enclosed) 4 Upton Home Occupation (Request Enclosed) 5 Barrett Variance - Public Hearing - Recommendation to Council (Staff Report Enclosed) 6 Prairie Recreational Vehicle Park/Special Use Permit - Design content - Recommendation to Applicant Enclosures available to non-Commission members upon request 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS REGULAR MEETINGS June 2, 1992 July 7, 1992 August 4, 1992 September 1, 1992 October 6, 1992 November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 May 19, 1992 June 16, 1992 July 21, 1992 August 18, 1992 September 15, 1992 October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 15, 1992 i I I I I I I I I I- I c G ~ o AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1992 4.00 PM, YELM CITY HALL 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes: Apri 1 21, 1992 regular meeting and May 5, 1992 wor~sesslon 2 Zoning Hearing Process - Public Hearing - Recommendation to Counc i 1 3 Hearing Procedures - Resolution (Draft Enclosed) 4 Upton Home Occupation (Request Enclosed) 5 Barrett Variance - Public Hearing - Recommendation to Council (Staff Report Enclosed) 6 Prairie Recreational Vehicle Park/Special Use Permit - Design content - Recommendation to Applicant Enclosures available to non-Commission members upon request 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS REGULAR MEETINGS June 2, 1992 July 7, 1992 August 4, 1992 September 1, 1992 October 6, 1992 November 3, 1992 December 1, 1992 May 19, 1992 June 16, 1992 July 21 1992 Augus t 18, 1992 September 15, 1992 October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 15, 1992 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------~.I- -~.- I I I c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSESSION TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1992 Members Present: Tim Schlosser, Roberta Longmire, Joe Huddleston, Tom Gorman, Jim Brown, John K i nnee , Jim Keyes and Tom Cundy Absent. George Knight Staff. Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo Meeting opened 4:05 p m Joe Huddleston and Tom Gorman informed members that they would be unable to attend the May 19 meeting Agenda Item #1 Stamm briefed members on the reasons for establishing a Hearing Procedures Resolution Members reviewed a sample Hearing Procedures Resolution page by page Section 3 A Members agreed that when no objections are anticipated, allowing Commission recommendation to the Council with less than a quorum would allow the petitioner's request to be processed in a timely manner Action would not be final until a formal motion on the recommendation was made B Members discussed and decided against the use of sign-in sheets unless they clearly indicated that signing was ,~ voluntary and/or that it was for adding names of interested *' ~ parties to related mailing lists Members were in favor of~~~ requiring speakers wishing to give testimony to identifYCc-e-e",ct-e-o themselves and S"S-s.t..e their address/A) a);(l//,?, t1~ a-.,jit.J-A'd"h..e'=. IiJ.JVuU:'$ Section 4 D Stamm explained that the staff could provide the Chair with a 'script' outlining the proposal and purpose of the hearing Section 8 Alternates would be permitted only in the event of disqualification due to an appearance of unfairness Section 9 Members felt Chair Tim Schlosser should be authorized to sign for the Commission Section 10 Member s discussed appearance of fa i rness and/ or 'undue influence In such circumstances the individual member must leave the room If information is needed from the individual a staff member could carry information between the two If there is any reason for people to think you might not be able to judge the issue fairly you should disqualify yourself c PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSESSION PAGE 1 c c ~ , , "-----/ Members discussed and agreed that notification of the need for a site view on the upcoming meetings agenda would allow members the opportunity to visit the site in question prior to the meeting Agenda Item #2 stamm discussed upcoming deadlines for an agreement with Thurston County and for the Env i ronmenta 1 Assessment for the UGA, wh i ch covers 11-12 square miles, and is due in June Also discussed were proposed transferrable development areas, wipeout" and 'windfall avoidance which would allow the purchase by property owners inside the UGA, from property owners on the fringe of the UGA boundary of rights to develop at a higher density Some areas of special consideration identified in 4 Corners, and the area across the canal which allow possible annexation if the City was forced service to the area due to water contamination the UGA lnclude is included to to supply sewer The pond on Mill Rd was identified as potential park property and the use of light industrial as a buffer for the residential areas on Crystal Sprlngs st was discussed Stamm asked for suggestions for possible uses for the property at Wilkensen/Canal and the RR tracks/Canal It is located on the edge of industrial but not really suitable for industrial Potential purchasers are looking at town houses/multi-family for that area Should restrictions be developed and apply to commercial areas? Do we want to force bUilding up to avoid sprawl? Worksession adjourned at 5 45 p m 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS COMMISSION MEETINGS June 2 1992 July 7, 1992 August 4, 1992 September 1, 1992 October 6, 1992 November 3 1992 December 1, 1992 May 19, 1992 June 16, 1992 July 21, 1992 August 18, 1992 September 15, 1992 October 20, 1992 November 17, 1992 December 15, 1992 PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSESSION plan\wksn5-92 PAGE 2 ---~-----_._~._--_._______ l ___~.____ c City f I 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 Ail r~ND '\ YELH PLANNIi\i~l ('uH~lJ,):-:'I('>N \~'Onl\ SESSION TUESDAY, MAY 5, 19<)2 4 no PM, Yl'.l.M CI T'V HAT L lIearinf{ Procedures HesolutjoTl - Ulsru..,slon (Saml/le LIlt JO:ied) .2 Proposed Urba.n Growth Area - jij-;fUSSJOn fUGA rlap Ene-losed) "" ~ ] ,.,; TRA5H c ~ = o "" Fnclosures <ivai lahll-' to nOn-CClfI111l1s.S!On Int'rnI.H~J's up()n rf~qllcst Itl92 NE[~:IJNG ~Cllf',/)!Ii E W 0 Tn. S C S ~ ION S c mJ Jvl] :.; S ION it L F TIN r; S o MAY 5, .JU N E 2 1992 1 D~12 HAY IB, JIHL If:; 1 :j'42 ] 8 H L~ p I ann j ng \a.genda dOt; c c c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 21, 1992 Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 The meeting was called to order at 4.05 p m by Chair Tim Schlosser Members Present. Tim Schlosser Tom Gorman, Jim Brown Joe Huddleston Jim Keyes joined the meeting at 4.55 Absent Tom Cundy Rober ta Longm ire, John K i nnee and George Kn i ght Sta f f Present: Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo Guests. David Asher and Counci lmen Arnold Drogseth and Don Miller As a quorum was not present the meeting moved ahead to the scheduled Public Hearings 2 Public Hearing on the proposed West Road Zoning Correction was opened at 4:06 p m Stamm summarized his staff report by stating records/conversations indicate that an error in mapping had occurred; the area in question should have been zoned residential not commercial Additionally, an annexation in the same area had occurred bringing in property under 5 acre county zoning and needed to be addressed Records indicated that the intent had been for residential zoning but the Ordinance did not state this fact The Commission would determine intent and recommend City Counc i 1 act i on to change zon i ng maps and the Comprehensive Plan if appropriate 3 The Chair opened the floor for public comment As no comment was made, Joe Huddleston requested an opinion of those present Don Mi ller and Arnold Drogseth were agreeable to either zone David Asher stated that he was in favor of a change to res i dent i a 1 zon i ng since the chnge is needed for a pending short plat Stamm explained that multi-family zoning is not supported by the record Public Hearing Closed at 4.15 p m Arnold Drogseth and Don Miller left the meeting 4 Public Hearing on the Slopak Annexation and C-1 Zoning (No 8041) was opened at 4:17 p m CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: APRIL 21, 1992 wp\plan\4-92min PAGE 1 , , , --~-------~--~~_._--"------- - , c c c Agenda Item/ Motion No Stamm recommended that the petition be expanded to include the three lots adjacent to the marked parcel, one of which includes Mosman Street from the railroad to the highway, as well as the triangular shaped property to the southwest along SR 507 Public Hearing closed at 4 25 p m 4 Publ ic Hearing on the Yelm Comprehensive Subdivision Ordinance was opened at 4.25 p m Stamm informed members that Draft #2 had been sent to 6 or 8 eng i neer s for the i r input No response had been received but comments could still be made at the City Council's Public Hearing Stamm recommended a change from 'de novo' appeal, in the General Provisions Section of Chapter 1, to appeal under appellate rules (based on the record) Members agreed wi th the recommended change Stamm wi 11 change for Council draft Arnold Drogseth rejoined the meeting Cha i r reques ted pub 1 i c comment Dav i dAsher i nqu ired about the makeup of the City Council which is comprised of elected officials and of the Planning Commission whose members are appointed to their positions Public Hearing closed at 4:30 p m 5 Stamm advised that Jim Kitchen would be submitting a request to amend the comprehens i ve plan, zon i ng and shore 1 i ne des i gna t i on of proper ty 1 oca ted on Crysta 1 Springs St NW The request would be for a change to R-1 zoning and a suburban shorel ine which would allow a 5 000 sq ft lot or a lot size as determined by zoning, whichever is more restrictive This issue will be before the Commission in the near future 6 stamm advised members that Margaret Clapp had submitted plans for a motel and a 20 site RV park in the vicinity of West Rd and 103rd The latter issue wi 11 also be before the Commission in the near future Members questioned determination and enforcement of occupancy time 1 imits for the RV park Stamm will look into the matter CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: APRIL 21, 1992 wp\plan\4-92min PAGE 2 I I , -_..- I c c c Agenda Item/ Motion No 7 Stamm advised that a Development Project Site View would be on the 5/5/92 Worksession Agenda Members would need to decide if site inspection should be done by the entire Commission or by a sub-committee 8 Members discussed possibility of a Commission liaison, preferably not the Commission Chair, to attend and give input at City Council meetings 9 Members discussed the recent Transportation Public Hearing The general feeling was that those attending concurred with the need for additional and improved routes to move traffic While not all were happy with the effects the proposed alternatives could have on their neighborhoods those in attendance seemed to be willing to accept the possible changes Jim Keyes joined the meeting at 4:55 pm, quorum requirements were met Keyes was briefed on the Public Hearings 92-8 MOTION TOM GORMAN SECONDED JOE HUDDLESTON THAT COMMISSION RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE WEST ROAD ZONING CORRECTION AND THAT THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BE AMENDED TO REFLECT THE CHANGE CARRIED 92-9 MOTION JIM KEYES, SECONDED TOM GORMAN THAT RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL ON SLOPAK ANNEXATION BE TO ALLOW THE ANNEXATION TO PROCEED AND THAT THE ADJOINING 3 LOTS BE INCLUDED AS WELL AS TRIANGULAR LOT ALONG SR 507, IF THAT PROPERTY OWNER AGREES MOTION CARRIED 92-10 MOTION JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED TOM GORMAN THAT COMMISSION RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL OF DRAFT #3 OF THE COMPREHENSIVE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, INCLUDING WORKSESSION AND APPEAL PROCESS CHANGES MOTION CARRIED 92-11 MOTION JOE HUDDLESTON SECONDED JIM BROWN TO APPROVE MARCH 17, 1992 MINUTES INCLUDING A CORRECTION TO MOTION 92-6 AND 92-7 BY CHANGING JOHN TO JOE IN BOTH MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned 5:15 /In AA /) /i-. /J L4!frl/J ;U LN/7Yl~ CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES. APRIL 21, 1992 wp\plan\4-92min p m ATTEST. PAGE 3 ' I 1 , , 1 I , , 1 1 , __I 1 , ('\ o WEST ROAD ZONING CORRECTION (ZON8048) STAFF REPORT Apri 1 14, 1992 BackQround The City of Yelm proposes to correct the zoning of approximately eleven acres along West Road Basic Facts Proponent: City of Yelm C Proposal~ Change zoning of Asher short plat from residential agriculture (5 acre) to single family residential; and change zoning of residential lots south of West Road from Asher short plat from Commercial C-1 to single family residential zoning Public Notice: Hearing advertised in Nisqually Valley News and notice mailed to owners of record within 300 feet Location. Asher short subdivision and tax parcels 37-00201, 02,04 and 05 all located along West Road Comprehensive Plan Designation: North of road - residential agriculture; south of road - potential commercial Land Use: Site is single-family residential, commercial to south, residential to west, and rural residential to north and east Shoreline: 200' along Yelm Creek designated as "urban .. Critical Areas: Extremely sensitive aquifer, site includes wetlands along Yelm Creek ~ Parking & Traffic: Site has access only from West Road I , , , ,--- --- , , , , f"\ ~ Water Supply: Nearest city line is located at intersection of Van Trump and Fourth Applicable Standards and Policies State Law: Zoning must be consistent with comprehensive plan - RCW 36 70A 120 Comprehensive Plan: Areas zoned RA should be rezoned to a residential classification as subdivision occurs" (p 20) Commercial development should occur in locations with major arterial access (p 22) c Yelm Municipal Code. Purpose of single family zone is to be a low density residential area protected as to its residential quality, values and amenities so as to conform to the system of services available and to provide for such community facilities as will enhance the residential quality of the area Staff Analysis This proposal is presented by the City for two reason: failure to zone the Asher short plat upon annexation, and failure of recent zoning map update to correct alleged error in prior official" map The content of the annexation ordinance of the Asher short plat reflects and intent to place this property in single-family zoning The city administrator recalls discussions consistent with this intent However, no hearings were held nor did the ordinance actually implement this intent The comprehensive plan still designates this area as Residential Agriculture, although the yet-to-be-adopted joint plan includes a single-family designation If the site is to rezoned, the comprehensive plan should be amended accordingly The properties south of West Road were outside of the commercial ~ zone as originally described in Yelm's zoning ordinance The ~ I I "__~____._~_ l__ I c c (\ ~ _.~_._-~~-~-----~~-~--~~~. ~--~- ordinance annexing this property reflected no change in intent However, possibly due to comprehensive plan designation as "potential commercial" these lots were shown as "commercial' on the Official Zoning Map The recently adopted update carried over this designation The Commission must decide which is the intended and appropriate zoning of each set of properties I I I I I I I I I I I I_~_ __n City of el c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1992 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes: March 17, 1992 regular meeting and April 7, 1992 work session 2. West Road Zoning Correction - Public Hearing and Recommendation to Council. Staff Report Enclosed 3 Slopak Annexation (Annex. No. 8041) and Zoning - Public Hearing and Recommendation to Council. Staff Report Enclosed 4 Yelm Comprehensive Subdivision Ordinance - Public Hearing and Recommendation to Council. 5 Kitchen Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change (Zon. No. 8047) Staff Briefing C6 Prairie Park - RV Park (Cup No. 8043). Staff Briefing. 7 Development Project Site View - Discussion of Procedure. 8. City Council Liaison - Discussion. 9 Other Projects and Permits - Staff Briefing. Enclosures available to non-Commission members upon request 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS COMMISSION MEETINGS APRIL 21, 1992 MAY 5, 1992 JUNE 2, 1992 JULY 7, 1992 AUGUST 4, 1992 SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 OCTOBER 6, 1992 NOVEMBER 3, 1992 DECEMBER 1, 1992 MA Y 1 9, 1 992 JUNE 16, 1992 JULY 21, 1992 AUGUST 18, 1992 SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 OCTOBER 20, 1992 NOVEMBER 17, 1992 DECEMBER 15, 1992 c planning\agenda doc c c c ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA APRIL 21, 1992 SUMMARY Call to order and review of minutes of prlor meeting Public hearing and recommendation to City Council regarding City initiated change in zoning of two sets of property totalling about ten acres along West Road Asher short plat erroneously annexed as Residential Agriculture - 5 acre; and residential lots south of West Road erroneously zoned Commercial Both areas proposed for single-family residential zoning Public hearing and recommendation to Council regarding annexation and commercial (C-1) zoning proposed by Jim Slopak for about 3/4 acre north of Highway 507 between highway and railroad Public hearing and recommendation to the Council regarding proposed Comprehensive Subdivision Ordinance" for the City Briefing by the staff regarding residential zone change and shoreline amendment proposed by James Kitchen for about two acres west of Crystal Springs Road and north of Yelm Creek Briefing by the staff regarding 20-space recreational vehicle park proposed by Yelm Prairie Development Company (Margaret Clapp) in conjunction with planned motel and offices Discussion of Commission process for viewing proposed development sites Discussion of City Council request that Commission select one or more liaisons to attend Council meetings Briefing by the staff regarding other projects being reviewed or permits issued by the City c c c City of YellD 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1992 4.00 P.M , YELM CITY HALL 1 Subdivision Ordinance - Review of Draft #2 (Enclosed) 2 Yelm Transportation Plan - Review of Future Land Use Projections (Staff Presentation) Enclosures available to non-Commission members upon request 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS COMMISSION MEETINGS APRIL 7, 1992 MA Y 5 l 1 992 JUNE 2, 1992 JU L Y 7, 1 992 AUGUST 4, 1992 SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 OCTOBER 6, 1992 NOVEMBER 3, 1992 APRIL 21, 1992 MA Y 1 9, 1 992 JUNE 16, 1992 JU L Y 2 1, 1 992 AUGUST 18. 1992 SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 OCTOBER 20, lS92 NOVEMBER i7 1992 planning\agenda doc ("'\ G c o \J -~------- !- I I ! YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1992 WORK SESSION: 1 2 Proposed Subdivision Ordinance - Draft #2 Yelm Transportation Plan Members Present: Tim Schlosser, George Knight, Tom Gorman, Jim Keyes and Jim Brown Absent: Tom Cundy, Joe Huddleston and Roberta Longmire Staff Present: Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo Members reviewed the Proposed Subdivision Ordinance-Draft #2 Marked paragraphs on Pages 9, 12, 18, 20, 21, 24, 29 and 32 were discussed Commission recommended changes included: Pg 9, marked paragraph, A grading plan for any cuts and/or fills collectively exceeding fifty (50) one hundred (100) cubic yards, exclusive of cuts and fills solely for streets or utilities Such plan shall include the extent and nature of proposed cuts and fills and information on the character of the soil and underlying geology Pg 22, Dead-End Streets to be added to definition section Public Hearing on the Proposed Subdivision Ordinance will be held at April 21 meeting Stamm explained that Skillings and Chamberlain is working on two point approach transportation model based on existing employers/housing The model will include a plan to deal with immediate needs as well as a long term plan based on 20 year projections Stamm reminded everyone that the proposed transportation plan would be presented at a public workshop on Tuesday, April 14 from 6:30-9.00 p m at the Yelm High School Little Theater Transportation Area Zone (TAZ) figures, based on 1990 Census figures were reviewed Of the 19 areas reviewed the count for areas #1, 2, and 14 needed to be checked for accuracy Work session Adjourned 5:40 pm I I I I I I I , I I I I I l______________-_ __ __ , r--n c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 17, 1992 Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 Meeting opened at 4'07 by Chair Tim Schlosser Members Present: Jim Keyes, Tim Schlosser, Lyle Sundsmo, John Kinnee, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire a~d Joe Huddleston. Absent. James Brown and Tom Cundy. Staff Present Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo The agenda lineup was changed as follows: # 3 Slopak Annexation # 4 Lewis Boundary Line Adjustment # 5 Asher Short Plat # 6 Milton correspondence/request # 7 Calendar of upcoming meetings # 8 Proposed Subdivision Ordinance # 9 Proposed Development Fee Schedule #10 Proposed Zoning Map o 2 92-5 ! MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE TO APPROVE FEBRUARY 18, 1992 MINUTES AS PRESENTED, SECONDED JOE HUDDLESTON MOTI0N CARRIED. ! I I 3 Stamm adv i sed members that Jim S 1 opak had subm it t$d annexation paperwork for property running parallel to SR507 and contiguous to current city limits. i I I 4 Keyes introduced map showing boundary 1 ine adjustment being proposed for Harry Lewis' property on Crystal Spr i ngs St NW Proposa 1 wou Id reduce the size of existing parcel from 1 acre to 1/2 acre. A home is situated on the property. Stamm will contact Thurst6n County Health Department re operational permit. Members noted no issues other than heal th departme~t approval ! I ! 5 Keyes introduced David Asher's short plat proposal for i West Road property Intent is to divide a 3 acre parcel, with Yelm Creek running across property, intol3 lot s . Hea 1 th Dept has approved parce 1 for 3 1 ot~ Two lots have homes on them at this time, the third 10t would be added at the back of the property. Tom Gorman quest ioned standards for access easements Sta~m , I , , I ~[Y OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 17, 1992 PAGE 1 I I I I I 1___- I planning\min3-92.doc c Agenda Item/ Motion # 6 7. o 9. explained that no city standards exist at this time. Fire Code minimum requirements must be met. Members express~d belief that minimum requirements would be adequate fbr one dwelling; changes would be needed for more than obe dwelling. I Letter received from Daniel Milton requesting approv~l to locate a converted trai ler as a fast fobd I establishment at 106 Yelm Ave. W. Wholesome foods I prepared in a licensed/certified kitchen would be I offered. Members commented that they have uniformly denied this type of request in the past and witl probably continue to do so. i I Calendar announcements. upcoming meetings of interest to members include I i 3/18 - Informal meeting of city planners from I ,Dupont, Black Diamond, Orting and Yelm i County-wide policies : City Council, 7:30 pm Will be discussihg role of Planning Commission under GMA : Transportation Advisory Committee will present transportation options, 2:00 Yeim City Hall : Transportation Adv Committee to unveil proposed transportation plan 7'00 YHS Little Theater 3/23 - 3/25 - 3/26 - 4/14 - i I Review of Proposed Subdivision Ordinance. MembeFs reviewed the proposed ordinance page by page. When questioned, Stamm explained that specific standards a~e traditionally not included in a subdivision ordinance Standards as in the Comprehensive Plan etc. will J?e referred to in appropriate areas of the ordinanc$. Other standards will be addressed in the future This ordinance deals with land itself, not the structures. Stamm advised that stormwater standards are beiAg developed at this time : ! In addi t ion to typographical errors to be corrected, the following changes were noted: ! Pg 3, para 5 - discussion of ("de novo") review i Pg 8, para 1 - discussion fixed number of lots ~s 4 or fewer; would el iminate requirement for a publIc hearing would allow a one step procedure. ! Pg 10, para 10 - eliminate one inch = 1200 feet ~s option for scale of plat, discussed possibility ~f qualifying 400 ft scale for large lot only. Pg 11, para 4 - would provide recorded locations Of Cry OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MARCH 17, 1992 planning\min3-92.doc PA:GE 2 I , , , (\ ~ Agenda Item/ Motion # 10 92-6 11 (\ o 92-7 ATTEST street lights, para 10 would be based on the sight/vision distance at set speed limit, para 14 LI needs standards set at later date Pg 13, para 2 - 30 days set as time for Environmental Review Officer to inform applicant as tb I whether or not an EIS will be required I Pg 14, para 1 - "may" require, to be allowed fot I present and reevaluated and changed as/if necessary I Pg 16, para 5 - acreage not used on lot s of less than one acre, should be submitted as attachment. I Pg 17, para 9 - eliminate 1200 feet : Pg 21, para 5 - Stamm will rewrite paragraph I Pg 23, para 1 - delete I Pg 31, para 14 - Landscape location/types I I Development Fee Schedule, recommended changes include.1 a expand Binding Si te Plan, Commercial to $50/1000 sq ft of add ".stross floor area" I b delete "or exceptional economic hardship" c. delete "and variance" I MOTION BY Jq~ HUDDLESTON THAT COMMISSION RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL OF YELM DEVELOPMENT FEE SCHEDULE AS CORRECTED IN A-C ABOVE SECONDED LYLE SUNDSMO MOTION CARRIED I I revised zoning map at Commission work I I I I MOTION JIM KEYES THAT COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL oy UPDATED ZONING MAP TO CITY COUNCIL. SECONDED J~ HUDDLESTON. MOTION CARRIED. Zoning Map Stamm presented the including corrections recommended session. Meeting adjourned 5 55 p.m. UPCOMING MEETINGS WORK SESSION: APRIL 7, 1992 REGULAR MEETING APRIL 21, 1992 4.00 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS, YELM CITY HALL CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION ~UTES. MARCH 17, 1992 planning\min3-92 doc PAG:E 3 I I , , I I I I , I I I I , , I I I I -~_._- --- I c~ I~ ! Citv of YellD c c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1992 4.00 PM., YELM CITY HALL 1 Call to Order, Roll Call and Agenda Confirmation 2 Approval of Minutes. February 18, 1992 (Draft enclosed). 3 Proposed Subdivision Ordinance' Discussion (Draft enclosed) 4. Proposed Official Zoning Map Counc i 1 Review and Recommendation to 5 Development Fee Schedule' Reivew and Recommendation to Council (Draft enclosed) 6. Correspondence a) D Milton - fast food sales out of mobile unit 7 Adjourn. Enclosures available to non-Commission members upon request. 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS COMMISSION MEETINGS APRIL 7, 1992 MA Y 5, 1 992 JUNE 2, 1992 JULY 7, 1992 AUGUST 4, 1992 SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 OCTOBER 6, 1992 NOVEMBER 3, 1992 DECEMBER 1, 1992 MARCH 17, 1992 APRIL 21, 1992 MA Y 1 9, 1 992 JUNE 16, 1992 ,JU L Y 2 1, 1 992 AUGUST 18, 1992 SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 OCTOBER 20, 1992 NOVEMBER 17, 1992 DECEMBER 15, 1992 planning\agenda doc o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1992 WORK SESSION. Proposed 1 Official Zoning Map 2. Subdivision Ordinance John IKeyes I Meeting Opened at 4 00 p m. I Stamm explained that the draft Platting and Subdivision Ordinance tha~ had been worked on in the past was structured for counties and was not adapted to a small city. Stamm will rewrite this draft to produce a more re~dable document while incorporating state statutes and UGM requirements Present: Tim Schlosser, Roberta Longmire, George Knight, James Brown and Joe Hudd I eston Absent. Tom Gorman and Jim Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo Members Kinnee, Staff A staff report distributed to members identified the types of subdivi1sions that might be realized through procedures set forth in the completed ordinance Members agreed that the final document should' 5. I I Allow staff consideration/approval of a) short/minor, 2-4Ilot, subdivisions, b) large-lot subdivisions consisting of 4 or Ilfewer lots each of 5 acres or more; c) boundary line adjustments Members were in favor of staff responsibility for items 3a-c above but felt safeguards needed to be built in includirig a I straightforward, readily accessible appeal process, with: time requirements for response by staff The Commission would expebt to I be advised of ongoing situations, other than those that rely on well I defined standards. i Full/major subdivisions, 5 or more lots, at the preliminary :stage should require automatic public hearings. ! That preliminary plat extensions, initiated by the applicant, be possible and be limited to one-1 year extension ! That presubmission conferences be an option available to developers I upon request. : The Ci ty be protected by ensuring costs of required improvem:ents, when provided by bond or financial guarantee, be set at aj rate sufficient to cover inflation, error and administrative costs. i I examined a draft of the proposed zoning map which wi 11 be adopt!ed as Yelm's Zoning Ordinance. Members identified several changes I' that be made Stamm will relay these comments to the mapmaker. I i I I 1 2 03. Regulate large-lot subdivisions Formalize Yelm's binding site plan 4. 6 7 Members part of need to Work session adjourned 5:20 p.m. o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSESSION 3/3/92 planning\wkssn ./ )~\ '~ .~ o ,,---- I ~ ) AGENDA YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1992 4:00 PM., YELM CITY HALL 1 Proposed Official Zoning Map. Copy available for review at Yel C i t y Ha 1 1 2 Proposed Subdivision Ordinance Staff Report enclosed Enclosures available to non-Commission members upon request 1992 MEETING SCHEDULE WORK SESSIONS COMMISSION MEETINGS MARCH 3, 1992 APRIL 7, 1992 MA Y 5, 1 992 JUNE 2, 1992 JULY 7, 1992 AUGUST 4, 1992 SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 MARCH 17, 1992 APRIL 21, 1992 MA Y 1 9, 1 992 JUNE 16, 1992 JULY 21, 1992 AUGUST 18, 1992 SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 planning\agenda doc ,--- I (\ ~ STAFF REPORT PROPOSED YELM SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE February 24, 1992 This report summarizes the scope and general content of the proposed new subdivision ordinance for Yelm You should already be in possession of a copy of the most recent 40-page draft of the ordinarce which has lain dormant for over one year If not and you wish to review a copy please contact Agnes at Ci ty Hall The staff is currently revising this draft and will distribute copies of the pew draft as soon as they are avai lable To assist the staff in preparjing this new draft, the Planning Commission will be asked to discuss land provide directions regarding the issues outlined on page 2 of tlhiS report Ordinance Back~round The state statutes regarding the platting of land authorize citiesl to enact local standards and procedures for review of subdivisions These local regulations may apply to "full" or "major" subdivisions with five or more lots, o ';short" or "minor" subdivisions of two to four lots, "large-lot" subdivisions with lots of five acres or more, "boundary line adjustments" (changes in former divisions), I I and: ! "binding si te plans" (an option for commercial, industrial. i or . I mobile home parks) i I , The state statutes outl ine procedures for obtaining approval Ifor , subdivisions but do not provide specific development standards iFew' procedures or standards are establ ished by the state for other t~pes of subdivisions. : I , The Yelm Municipal Code now appl ies only to short subdivisions land boundary line adjustments. In addition, Yelm's "site plan revi~ew" process is similar to the optional "binding site plan" process Ot!her land divisions are now reviewed under the limited authority of Ithe II state statutes The proposed ordinance would apply to all types' of subdivisions and redivisions of land However, as now drafted, the ordinance would not specifically provide for binding site plans" G Staff Rpt. 2/25/92 subdrpt c=; Issues to be addressed by the Commission (1) Should Yelm regulate large-lot subdivisions? c and larger may be exempted firom would ensure layouts that are I I i (2) Should Yelm have a binding site plan option? I Yelm's site plan review now provides for similar review FormaliZling these as "binding site plans" would permit developers of certain types of projects such as mobile home parks or shopping centers to for~go "subdividing" i I (3) Which of the types of subdivisions proposals should be decided! by the staff? Which by the Planning Commission? Any by a new Bobrd of Adjustment? Which by the City Council? ! I Of the various types of subdivisions, all but full plats may! be administratively (staff) approved The preliminary design of flull subdivisions may also be staff-approved The Planning Commission olr a Board of Adjustment may also be authorized to perform these duties.i I (4) For which types of subdivisions and before what bodies sho!uld public hearings be held? I I I pub:l i c (un lie s s Al though notice to neighboring hearings are not required specifically requested) proper ty owners is for subdivision required approval These divisions of five-acre lots local regulation, however review compatible with future urbanization (5) Should extraordinary preliminary plat approval extensions be available? Preliminary subdivision approval expIres in three years unless a one-year extension IS requested and granted based upon good fa!i th efforts to timely file the final plat The City may provide Ifor additional extensions Grant of an extension permits the subdivi~er I to avoid the effect of changes in standards subsequent to the original application (6) Should "presubmission conferences" with the City staff be mandatory? Presubmission conferences are intended to smooth the bureaucratic qoad by explaining rules and standards to a potential appl icant S!ome c i ties and count i es requ i re these conferences to ensure that :the I initial proposal is complete and addresses City conce~ns Incidentally, this requirement may also prevent a "rush to vest" when a change in zoning is proposed G Staff Rpt. 2/25/92 subdrpt o I I (7) What proportion of the estimated cost of construction shouldl be required when the subdivider opts to provide financial guarant:ees I instead of actual installation of improvements? : I I To obtain final plat approval, a subdivider may ei ther inst:all required improvements, such as roads, or may provide a bond or otlher financial guarantee which the Ci ty may ut i 1 ize to bui ld !the improvements upon a defaul t by the subdivider A higher proportl'ion than 100% is intended to ensure no out-of-pocket costs to the Ci ty Other jurisdictions commonly require 110% to 200%, but in any base the proportion should be stated in the ordinance. The Commission's guidance will be much appreciated Respectfully submitted, Todd Stamm City Planner o o Staff Rpt. 2/25/92 subdrpt '--------~-----------~--.....---- - l -~-- - I ! c; MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AND PUBIC HEARING Yelm Resource Lands and Critical Areas Draft Ordinance FEBRUARY 18, 1992 Agenda Item/ Motion No. 1 I Meeting opened at 4.05 by Chair Tim Schlosser. IThe agenda was approved not ing date change to January 21, 1992 for minutes to be approved. Members Present Jim Keyes, Tom Cundy, Tim Schlosser, Lyle Sundsmo, John Kinnee, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire, James Brown and Joe Huddleston Staff Present. Colombo. Gene Borges, Todd Stamm and Agnes o Guests Glen Christianson, Councilwoman Parsons, Bill Jolly, consultant and Sandy Heartworks Design Studio. Ma rlt ha Newman, 2 92-3 3 MOTION BY JOHN KINNEY TO APPROVE JANUARY 21, 1~92 MINUTES, SECONDED LYLE SUNDSMO MOTION CARRIED. I February 11, 1992 work sess ion minutes corrected I to read' ADJOURNED 6 00. i , Continued Public Hearing on Proposed Yelm Resou~ce Lands and Critical Areas Ordinance opened at 4'07 p p1 , Publ ic comment on proposed ordinance requested No public comment made. Public Hearing closed at 4 08 p m Todd Stamm reviewed the issues and comments discus,sed at the February 11, 1992 Commission work session on fhe proposed ordinance The Critical Areas Ordinance Motion was presented and discussed i I , , , ~~ITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES' FEBRUARY 18, 1992 , I I i , , ~AGE 1 planning\min2-92 doc c: Agenda Item/ Motion No 92-4 4. o Consensus Motion Old business , MOTION TO RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE STAFF ALTERNATIVE INTERIM YELM CRITICAL AREAS RESOURCE LANDS , ORDINANCE AS PER CRITICAL AREAS ORDINANCE MOTION , (ATTACHMENT A) - AND TO INCLUDE THE ADDITION OF THE WORD INTERIM TO THE LAST LINE OF PARAGRAPH 1, WHICH NOW , READS PROPOSED INTERIM ORDINANCE. ALSO ADDED WAS RECOMMENDED TO THE THIRD LINE OF THE LAST PARAGRAPH, , WHICH NOT READS PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE SECONDED TOM GORMAN MOTION CARRIED I Members reviewed the Yelm Planning Department Wprk Program for January 1992 - July 1994 Stamm explaihed that time estimates for the period, in order I to complete GMA requirements, call for 675 staff days fnd 68 Planning Commission meetings Stamm suggested ione additional monthly meeting in the form of a wfrk session Also possible are Saturday training sessions I I Stamm explained that GMA planning must include all/: of the urban growth area and that items addressed on the basis of a 20 year outlook would include utilities, transportation, critical areas, open space, pu~lic land/facility sites, pUblic awareness, joint J;:llan completion, annexation pOlicy Also needed would ~e a 6 year plan for capital facility elements of the ~elm Comprehensive Plan including water, sewer, storm water I and transportation Other issues would include Pa.rks and recreation, SEPA, and urban design i I information be givenl to of meet ings Stamm to 1 d I that staff would provide agendas, etc I' to 1 week prior to meetings , I agreed that meetings would be scheduled: for and 3rd Tuesdays of each month and that the: 1st each month would be a work session The f~rst under the new schedu Ie will be on Marcn 3, , , , , , J , Members asked what progress had been made in removal and replacement of signs across from Wolf Ha~en. Borges told members that property owner also wa~ in favor of removal Intent was to have new/repaiired signs displayed with Chamber signs Process: is currently stalled while awaiting decision on whe:ther Chamber will allow placement of the signs. Commission requested that members further in advance members members Members the 1st meeting meeting 1992 GITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 18, 1992 planning\min2-92 doc PAGE 2 I I I I , : I I , I ---...-- - - I I I , I c Also questioned was of Mt. View Rd and Yelm Police Dept signs. the "For Sale" sign at the cOrI~er Yelm Ave. W Borges advised t~at will begin watching for ille~al Discussed was the revocable license issued to of the all ey behind Gordon's Garden Center explained that the agreement allowed access \ etc and could be revoked, at anytime , I , allow hse I Borges for fire, I I Sandy Newman addressed the Commission She i is proposing a complete remodelling of the old Barnhrd building at Yelm Ave and Railroad Members hadl no object ion to the project. No act ion was taken as [the building had previously been condemned necessitatling administrative review and City Council consideratjion and approva I . New business 5. Meeting Adjourned at 5.30 P M ATTEST ,) L4AtJ yJ {}J)",IM o UPCOMING MEETINGS WORK SESSION REGULAR MEETING. MARCH 3, 1992 MARCH 18, 1992 4 00 P M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS, YELM CITY HALL C=:CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES' FEBRUARY 18, 1992 : PAGE 3 , , planning\min2-92 doc ...., I I I I I I Having concluded the public hearing and consid~red the comments of tJe public and the city staff, and finding that the City of Yelm ils required by the Growth Management Act to designate and protect natur~l resource lands and critical areas, I move that the Planning Commissidn recommend to the City Council that the Council adopt the Sta~f Alternative version of the proposed ordinance with the following changes I (j ) T~.;J~g_\ner;ec ~ ~ o~he2 a~r ~~~ I t~~:~ I :~::e~~/;~ i t i~~ added follow T (2) That wherever occurring in the ordinance the area 10,000 squa~e feet" be replaced by the area one-naIf acre to provide that wetlands and pond habitats of less than one-half acre will not be designated or regulated I : the definition of wetlands" be amended by or unintentionally between" intentionallY. "' i I (4) That Section 4 4 Wetlands be amended by inserting' the phrase "determining whether the site is within 300 feet of a wetland is defined herein and if a wetland IS found speclf\-ing the cateQotv and ~ [" I i (5) That Section 3 1 deslgnating resource lands be amended to read I I Any lands lying within the Incorporated area and urban groh'th area of the City of Yelm which have those characteristics s~t forth in the definition of mineral lands area hereby designated as mineral resource lands No agricultural or forest lands ate designated by the City I i , Further, that section 4 3 setting forth analysis and developmertt standards for mineral resource lands be amended to read I I Whene\er designated mineral resource land is located within 300 feet of any proposed development, notice of such condition sha~l be provided to subsequent owners of the development site by means of notices upon plats of record .and inclusion of notice in a!ll real estate purchase and sale agreements, contracts of sale, ahd real estate deeds i J I ! I i ! I The following site analysis requirements and developme!nt standards shall apply to any de\elopment which pursuant to the previous section is found to lie withln 300 feet of a designat~d natural resource land or critical area Consistent lodth tihe ">> Intent of this ordinance, the City Planner is authoflzed to determine the appropriate scope and detail of any required si;te analysis - , 92-4 Attachm~nt A MOTION NO. Critical Areas Ordinance Motion o ( 3 ) That in Section 2 1 inserting the term and created c " ' ( 6 ) That a new section 4 0 be added as follows II l APPLICATION OF ANALYSIS AND DEVELOP~ENT STANDARDS c CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: 2/18/92 , I , , i I i-~ , c c c (7) That Section 4 7(D)(2) Seismic Hazard insert ing the words " and improvement s" "structures" and the words or other following the word "Code Areas be following applicable I I ,(() J J.II ,'. f I I I I i I I I I I I amended QY the worid standards I I I i I ! 1 The City Planner and other responsible officials shall administJr this ordinance in accordance with the intent of the State Grow~h Management Act and the policies of the City of Yelm I I I Further, that the city staff is directed to mahe the above amendment!s to the "staff alternative" and to retitle the proposal as th1e "Planning Commission Alternative, to edit the proposed ordinance t!o correct spelling and grammatical errors, and to renumber sections an~ subsections in accordance with the above recommendation .~ I J ~ ., L (8 ) Tl)1j. t' a new s e c t ion 7 0 be add e d as f 0 1 low s \ ' I' ,," ------- " --- ---------- i ." ~ j' " ~ U ~ .~ 'Z ~ ~ n~S 4.) <J::~ .' 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D .i 1.11 1 1.1 III U! I,.,! r::: 1.11 1:.1 L flj 1:1 ~a -1-1 CO L _.' C! UI I... 1.1'1 tli IIi U I]} U L -J...1 IT! l~' 1;::1 ni ''''"j ;~.~.:,' 1- C -I o LJ 11 c:: !,.. 1...1 i Ii: c: CI'J ., 1.11 II' 1.:::1 rri 1.... +..1 r:: In i.J I.J .:I r I .1...1 .i I::: rli Cl frj r.: I.. lli ~.. 1.11 u~ L. n.l !.... I.J lLi :~~ I"" .: ~-:i I"" 0' t... 1"( J. ;:j:i n ,n .r~ L:J t] '-1 li E::: L '1:, C i'\ j E: !.II ~I_ 1.11 C f[j D I... ...., c: In .l..I m .p 1,11 UJ o " -) o ~ Citv of Yelaa 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED "INTERIM" ORDINANCE ON RESOURCE LANDS AND CRITICAL AREAS. The Yelm Planning Commission will hold the continued Public Hearing on the "interim" Resource Lands and Critical Areas Ordinance, on Tuesday, February 18, 1992, 4:00 P.M., at the Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, 105 Yelm Avenue West. All interested parties are invited to attend. For information please call 458-3244. O ATIEST: S~elly A. Badger ( f: i (j,., ;:). fy,l/ t.rr. ,'" Clty Clerk ~ vV ~f I I "" tL- G l-- l ! ~ Published: Nisqually Valley News, February '13, 1992 o o c o TYPE OF MEETING DATE OF MEETING MEETING LOCATION NAME ') 1=. U-:) VISITOR CGN IN SHEET 0 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING & PUBLIC HEARING: Critical Lands & Resource Areas Ordinance February 18, 1992 Council Chambers, Yelm City Hall ADDRESS REPRESENTING .3 go~ w II '>l'Rtf V -f. j '<---' e,'I- Ai0 }Itf? r G-r~ {~?~ /1,/, tv:-ol.-/~/f. ~O S .S~.H~W'-\'SID~ < T~ "'r~/ ?/~ c:7'. ~/~/7 ,.;-~, r?- c .? '~316D Sru c: c c Citv of 111I 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 AGENDA YELH PLANNINC COMMISSION TUFSDAY FEBRUARY 18. 1992 4 00 PM, YELM CITY HALL 2 Call to Order, RollCall and Agenda Confirmation V/J/L:ll/JlLfr ~ I J / C/ q.:L NrYi-e-m-j:je-r }.g-, -1991 (Draft enclosed) 1 Approval of Minutes :3 I I , I :Pu b 1 i c I I , i Pre s en taft ion Proposed Yelm Resource Lands and Critical Areas Ordinance Hearing and RecommendatIon to Council 4 1992 Planning Department Work Program Discussion by Todd Stamm - Discussion 5 Adjourn NEXT r1EETING planning\agenda doc 4.00 P M Tuesday, March 17 1992 CouncIl Chambers Yelm Cit~ Hall c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1992 WORK SESSION , , , I , , Members Present. Tim Schlosser, Roberta Longmire, Tom Gorman and Jim Keyes Staff Todd Stamm and Agnes Colombo Neil Aaland, Yelm's representati+e to "South Towns Task Force" assigned to prepared the Proposed Commission Draft Ordinance and Bill Jolly, consultant to Thurston County. Guests' Nancy Weidinger j Staff distributed Summary of Rationale for the Categories, explaining the wetlands identification rating system used in the ordinance, to those I present : i February 7, 1991, identifying issues and mhking I regard to the Commission Draft Ordinance I were I Proposed Ordinance Interim Yelm Critical Areas Resource ~ands Staff Report dated recommendations with distributed. Information Work session began at 4 10 p m staff alternative of this ordinance and the Report. , The Commission focused on the issues outlined in the iStaff o Stamm distributed the Summary of Rationale for the wetland categorie~s and indicated that most Yelm wetland falls into category III and IV of Table l' Summary of Criteria by Category and Data Sources Rating System. i I , Typo omitting commercial from 2 1 Definitions, Agricultural Land identified. Should be the commercial production Correction to be made was Discussion included the treatment of inadvertently "created" wetlands,: such as pasture lands Keyes felt that a broader less restrictive interpretation of wetlands should apply within urban areas. Staff explained rationale of preserving such areas are that they serve a place in the ecological ~ystem and also replaced destroyed wetlands i Issue #2 Page 7. Wetlands definition, changing size from 10,000 square feet to 1/2 acre Last paragraph could be changed to "intentionalily or unintentionally created" , I Staff requested the addition of a clause to relieve the city of the purden of determination whether a wetland is natural or "created" - making j.t the. applicants responsibility to prove if wetland or not Issue #4. The type of deve I opmen t to be subj ect to spec ia 1 Staff requested administrative di~cretion during the interim standards are prepared. App I i cants not agree ing wi th staff recourse, they can take the issue to the City Council ! site ana:l ys i s while specific decisionS have I , The members present reviewed the remaining recommendations of report. i I the i staff I o ~ 05 / Work session ended/5:05 p.m. planning\2/11/92 f---~ o VISITOR SI~:-J I SHEET ....... .--, () -\ Yelm Resource Lands and Critical Areas Draft Oroinance TYPE OF MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING & PUBLIC HEARING: DATE OF MEETING FEBRUARY 11. 1992 MEETING LOCATION YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS \_~( IltJfJl YJ) 0 J lL .u/? ~ Po A~/ 13~? -~ fJ fl.LU UJ~ 9?5C?'1 . a G u L . - - -. - --- -------- ---- ----- ----.-----------.---------- -- - -------- ---- - ---- ---- - . - - -. . -- - - NAME REPRESENTING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS I' ~ c c City of , - , 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 PUBLIC ruTICE Nal'ICE OF SPECIAL MEETIlIIi OF '!HE YEIM PI..ANNJ]\I; CCMIJTSSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1992, 4:00 m YEIM CITY HALL caJNCIL OIAMBERS, 105 YEIM AVE. W The YeJm Planning Corrmission will hold a Special Meeting to conduct a worksession on the proposed "interim" ordinance on critical areas and natural resource lands. Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 11, 1992 at 4: 00 PM in the Yel.m City Hall Council Chambers, 105 Yelm Ave. W. All interested persons are invited to attend. Questions, please call 458- 3244. ATI'EST: $;li-l/q-II &d:1/& Shelly A. Badger ;J City Clerk Published in the Nisqually Valley News: February 6, 1992 Thursday, January 30, 1992 & , I , , I I I I , I_- I c MINUTES YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING' Yelm Resource Lands and Critical Areas Draft Ordinance TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1992 q:A-t Minutes of November 19, seconded Knight. Carried I I Members Present. James Brown, Tom Cundy, Joe Huddleston, Jim Keyes, John Kinnee, George Knight, Roberta Longmire and Tim Schlosse~. I Absent Tom Gorman. Staff Present Todd Stamm, Gene Borges and Agnes Co I ombo Gues t s Margaret Clapp, Chamber of Commerce, Cindy Cecil, United Citizens Betterment Organization, Bill Jolly, consultant I and Nancy Weidinger, local resident I i 1991 were approved on motion by Longmire, I I I , I Off premise sign for Business I r i . I and FIrs t ! i I ! Item 5 Margaret Clapp, Chair, Chamber of Commerce Pretty Ci~y Committee, addressed the Commission and explained the long standing I Chamber history of involvement in revitalization and beautificatiion projects The Pretty City Committee compiled a broad assortment fof documentation suggesting guidelines for the committee to oper~te under. Copies of documentation were provided to Planning Commissiion members for their review and comment prior to preparation of a final document to be prepared by the Pretty Ci ty Commi ttee wi th Chaml:)er endorsement. Final stage in the process would be City Counqil approval of the document ' Agenda add it ions' Resource Center added as item 9 Meeting opened at 4'05 p.m by Chair Tim Schlosser Staff was requested to check into sign placed at Yelm Ave St on the weekends c Item 6. movement Road for , Borges requested that Commission members review and return copies and comments at the next meeting then that staff be allowed ~he opportunity to review suggestions and comments Stamm explained that at this point no collective action was required of the Commission i i Cindy Cecil requested a Conditional Use Permit to allow of a bui lding to Communi ty Services Center site on Rhoion use as a she Iter. Past minutes did not ref I ect act ion! on I this specific issue when approval was given for use of the Rhoton Road site. The Commission advised that this was part of the original intent of the approval given at the prior meeting There being :no I objections from Commission members for placement of the house on the UCBO property no further action was necessary (ciTY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 21, 1992 MINUTES , , I I I PAGE 1 I I , I I , P/1 D ~ '~ c Todd Stamm, Planning Commission staff representative and was introduced and briefed members on his background in law. , i i Yelm Planner planning arid , I I i Item 7 Public Hearing on Yelm Resource Lands and Critical Areas Draft Ordinance opened at 4'15 p m. I I Stamm explained that the draft ordinance is generic It was mandated I by the state as part of the Growth Management Act, and must be enact~d in some form to meet the extended state deadline of February 27, 199~. Public Hearing process to begin at this meeting and be continued to the February 18 regular meeting Staff will recommend a number of changes to this draft to make it Yelm's ordinance If needed a work session can be scheduled. i Borges explained that more publ ic exposure would be given for t~e continued Public Hearing scheduled for February 18 A more complete document that members are familiar with would be available at th~t time i I , I Bill Jolly was introduced and explained how this ordinance was developed. Through Thurston County, Yelm, Rainier, Tenino and Bucoda contracted with him to develop a generic/model ordinance designed ~o meet state mandated Growth Management Act requirements The ordinanpe would adopt development regulations to ensure the conservation bf resource lands and protection of Critical Areas A task for~e consisting of representatives of the four municipalities and a coun~y representative gave input into developing this ordinance Neil Aal~nd represented Yelm on the task force. As presented the ordinance is t~e third draft and is intended to meet minimum state requirements on: a interim basis until such time as permanent changes to t:he comprehensive plan addressing these issues as well as housing, transportation, public facilities etc. are made (required by JUly I 1993) Regulations to implement comprehensive plan must be in place :by July 1994 i i The draft ordinance defines forest, agricultural and mineral resounce lands, all are treated as nonexistent within the incorporated lim~ts of Yelm. Critical areas to be addressed include: wetlands, aquii1er recharge areas, frequently flooded areas, geologically hazardous ar~as and fish and wildlife habitats. Intent is to rely on and work f170m existing data bases/maps and to update as reI iable data bases/maps become available Sources include State Dept of Wildlife, S6il Conservation Service and Thurston County Additional maps Jnd information will be forthcoming and include erosion and land sllde area identification i I I I , ~ITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 21, 1992 MINUTES PI 1. D , , , , , , PAGE 2 I c When adopted, the ordinance will require applicants consideration to resource lands and critical areas during process Requests would be site specific I I I I i I I : I I I I I I I to giv;e permitting c I I I I I Longmire questioned what would happen if adoption of this ordinanqe within Yelm occurs while the Thurston County adopts somethirig different, and how future annexations would be affected by this difference Stamm answered that this ordinance should be considerJd as applying to all property within the Yelm's Growth Management ArJa I and that upon annexation our regulations begin to apply and County regulations cease to apply. All rules of existing non-conforming us~s I etc. would still apply, you don't automatically change them due to annexation. Changes required as a condition of annexation would be possible. I I I Stamm offered to walk members through a list of issues identified py Neil Aaland, Borges and Stamm Schlosser requested a written outline i i What is a qualified professional? ! Share of professionals work to be done by city staff? - recovery of expenses, or do it for them and charge, or do it for thbm I free? I Which projects/developments will be subject to this, individu~l house, conditional use? i I Which can be deleted because they don't apply? (recommend I simplification) I Delineating aquifer recharge areas (map assumed to be correct)! Wetlands, a whole list of issues, size to protect, definitio;n, rating system to use, how to define important/sensitive? I Buffers - setbacks, distance to be used, uses allowed within, Who can reduce, minimum, maximum I Level of public notice, how much to spend on getting the word out Agency notice - neighboring jurisdiction. county, fort etc. ; Helpful if City/County definitions match - consistency would ibe beneficial to all I I Continue hearing? I I I I Keyes addressed advantages of working with current staff and suggested work session due to complexity of issues. Session to be held 4:00 p m., February 11 Requested that staff send reminder notice ito Commision members J I i Huddleston requested that copies of Todd's comments be available prior to work session ) I When questioned by Longmire, Stamm stated that this ordinance wo~ld not address "historic" properties and that for the present the SEPA I process would continue to be used to identify such properties : , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10. 11 ~ITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 21, 1992 MINUTES fAGE 3 P/l D I I I -~~~-~.-------.-----f -~-- , I I I I I I [ i I I I Public comment by Nancy Weidinger included questioning as to the definition of resource land and in the event of one resourde I overlapping another, for example an aquifer overlapped by mineral resource land, which would take precedence? Jolly responded that overlapping had been considered and that for resource lands long te~m commercial significance as socially desirable ends to themselves had been validated by the legislature. Jolly explained further th~t individual aspects would be considered i.e process used etc. I I Weidinger also expressed her belief that the plateau area toward tfue bottom of Hammersmith Hill should be zoned 1/5 to protect the aquifbr running under that area. She also expressed an interest in attendihg future meetings dealing with the Urban Growth Boundary and Plannihg Commission related meetings Borges requested that she be added to the mailing lists. I I Schlosser recommended that reasonable coverage be given to notice bf the continued Public Hearing It was suggested that notice be giv~n in addition to the required legal notice I i I Motion made by Longmire, seconded Keyes to continue the Publ ic Heariing q;;;J-- to February 18, 1992, the next regular Planning Commission meeting Carried. I i Item 9 Chamber request for off premise sign for Economic Developm~nt Council Resource Center. Center will be housed at Yelm High School ion a temporary basis. Kinnee explained that the resource center would!be using a conference room in the library to offer assistance in putting together and deal ing wi th the problems encountered by smell I businesses Sign ordinance does not allow for this Kinnee told members that sign kiosk was being considered for YHS grounds that will meet needs of both the school and center. i c c I I Members were informed that the Council will be holding a special information meeting on impact fees at 4.30 on Wednesday, January 29/ if members would like to attend Planning Commission Meeting adjourned 5 50. ATTEST q~f4 yJ {lJ/!;mdD C:;TY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 21, 1992 MINUTES Pl1 D :PAGE 4 I I (\ 0' c c STAFF REPORT PROPOSED INTERIM RESOURCE LANDS AND CRITICAL AREAS ORDINANCE February 19, 1992 Designation and protective regulations for "natural resource lands" and "critical areas" were mandated by the State in the 1990 Growth Management Act This report outlines and analyzes the substantive and procedural issues identified by the city staff with regard to the proposed resource lands and critical areas ordinance for Yelm The Department of Community Development CDCD) granted Yelm a 180-day extension to February 28, 1992, from the September 1, 1991, deadline imposed by the Act No further extensions are available Failure to timely adopt such regulations could subject the City to citizen lawsuits or revenue sanctions by the State However, DCD officials have indicated that no sanctions will be proposed so long as a "good faith" effort is made to comply with the Act The proposed ordinance has been prepared by the "South County Towns Task Force" with the assistance of Bill Jolly, a consultant to Thurston County. A "staff alternative" to the proposed ordinance has also been prepared This alternative verSIon incorporates the recommendations included in this staff report, as well as editorial changes This report is organized in the order that the issues are raised in the text of the proposed ordinance Issue #1 Whether to adopt an ordinance designating and imposing regulations to protect natural resource lands and critical areas Staff Analysis. This type of ordinance is mandated by state law A decision to entirely reject such an ordinance could result in sanctions from the State by withholding revenue .......__ and to lawsuits by private parties for faLlure to protect these "publ ic" resou.r-ces The state law does provide a great deal of local discretion in defining such lands and in the standards of protection The proposed ordinance parallels advisory guidelines adopted by DCD, but does vary in places to meet local conditions and staff limitations Staff Recommendation form Do adopt such an ordinance in some Issue #2 Are the various types of natural resource lands and critical areas appropriately defined? , I , I I : I , I , I !-~ c c c Staff Analysis The definitions of "agricultural lands," "forest lands," "mineral lands," and "critical aquifer recharge areas, "fish and wildlife habitat conservations areas," geologically hazardous areas" and "wetlands" are very similar to those recommended by DCD In particular, the wetland definition is largely taken from the federal Fish and Wildlife Service The City has a great deal of discretion with regard to the minimum size of wetland or other critical area which is to be protected Staff Recommendation' Adopt the revised definitions of the "staff alternative" with ponds and wetlands of 1/2 acre to 20 acres in size being protected These do not differ substantially from the generic proposal Issue #3' What type of development should be subject to this ordinance? Staff Analysis Small scale and special types of development could be exempt As proposed only existing uses and certain uti I ities are exempt. Staff Recommendation No substantive change Issue #4 What type of development should be subject to special site analysis? Staff Analysis Although all development is subject to these standards, the City need not require a special analysis for every size and type of development Staff Recommendation' Provide the City Planner with the discretion to vary the analysis required depending upon the size and type of development and the relative sensitivity of the critical area in the vicinity Issue #5' What is a "qualified professional" for purposes of analysis of critical areas? Staff Analysis Each person proposing development within ........- the vicinity of a critical area or resourc.e lands is required to provide a report from a "qualified professional" Because of the wide variety of possible development and the many types of protected areas it is difficult to define the required qualifications of the person preparing the report Staff Recommendation Permit any appropriately licensed person to prepare the report and provide the City Planner with the discretion to approve any person based upon the standards set forth in the definition of a "qualified professional" in the "Commission Recommended" draft. Critical Areas Staff Report - 2/19/92 - Page 2 Issue #6 Who should bear the cost of the report required by the ordinance? Staff Analysis: The City or the applicant could prepare such reports, the expense could be divided, or a distinction made based upon the size or type of development It has been the City's prac'tice to require that environmental assessments be done by development proponents at their expense The City is without qualified professionals on staff to prepare these reports and would need to retain outside consultants. c Staff Recommendation Require that all such report be paid for and presented by the applicant but continue to provide the customary high level of staff assistance especially to less experience applicants Monitor the costs of this ordinance to applicants and make changes accordingly at a later date Issue #7 What is the "weight" to be given to the maps, are they to be official and final or merely used for guidance? Staff Analysis The accuracy of the resource lands and critical areas maps is quite variable The proposed ordinance would presume that the maps are accurate but provide the applicant an administrative means of challenging the City Planner's interpretation of the maps In addition, the maps would be updated as more more accurate information becomes available o Staff Recommendation Provide interpretation discretion to the City Planner and authorize the City Planner to require critical area site analysis even if the area is not mapped if the request is based on a reasonable possibility of a critical area in the vicinity Issue #8' How close does a proposed development need to be to a mapped critical area before a report is required~ Staff Analysis The generic draft seems to require a report .........~_ only if the proposed development site incLudes a critical area State law and recommended buffers extend consideration of resource lands and critical areas to a distance of 300 feet from the development Staff Recommendation Incorporate staff-alternative provisions which require a report if within 300 feet of a cr i t ica 1 area.- Issue #9 Is the critical areas report required to submIt a "complete" application for development? Staff Analysis This is an,issue for purposes of "vesting," ie , the point at which an applicant has a right to develop o Critical Areas Staff Report - 2/19/92 - Page 3 (\ ~ c c under existing regulations The proposed generic draft would require the report before an application vests In some cases preparation of this report may take a relatively long time (30 days to one year) Staff Recommendation: Do not require the report for a "complete" application, but do require it before a decision can be rendered by the City Issue #10' What wetland manual should be used by the analyst? Staff Analysis. There are three principal manuals used to analyze wetlands These are commonly known as the 1987, 1989, and 1991 federal manuals 1989 is the most restrictive while 1991 is the least restrictive Thurston County and the State require use of the 1989 manual Staff Recommendation. Require use of the 1989 manual to ensure that all wetlands of value to the public are protected, but adjust development standards accordingly to ensure that the City does not "over protect" wetlands Issue #11 Should any agricultural, forest, or mineral lands be designated within Yelm? Staff Analysis The state law requires a provision for compensation if agricultural or forest lands are designated within an urban growth boundary. In any case, no lands meeting natural resource land definitions are known to exist within Yelm's urban growth boundary Staff Recommendation Provide that any sites "discovered" which meet the mineral lands definition are so classified. Inventory and map all natural resource lands during later joint or extraterritorial planning Issue #12 wetlands? What should be the width of the "buffer" around ......._ Staf f Ana I ys i s The Department of Eco logy, is research ing this issue to provide better information The generic draft includes Ecology's recommended ranges of buffer width Staff Recommendation Adopt "average" buffer widths for category I and II wetlands, which generally contain protected plants and animals; and adopt minimal buffer widths for more ordinary wetlands. Provide the City P1anner with the discretion to reduce any required wetland buffer down to a minimum of 25 feet so long as th& wetland is protected Issue #13 What uses of the buffer area should be permitted? Critical Areas Staff Report - 2/19/92 - Page 4 Staff Analysis The proposal would permit outdoor recreation, existing agriculture other uses, plus maintenance of existing facilities and structures One we~land and buffer use-subject to particular controversy in other jurisdictions has been stormwater ponds and treatment. ( "- Staff Recommendation Permit use of buffers for right-angle crossing of wetlands by roads and utilities. Prohibit filling or substantial disturbance of wetlands except for enhancement of wetland values or if not harm is reasonably foreseeable. Limit outdoor recreation that substantially disturbs existing vegetation, such as basketball courts. Discuss and list other permitted uses, such as residential lawns subject to best management practices Issue 14# Since nearly the entire incorporated area of Yelm is within an area designated as an critical aquifer recharge area of "extreme" sensitivity, which development in the City should be required to conduct an sensitive aquifer study? Staff Analysis Area-wi~e studies are in progress will recommend best management practices for protecting the Yelm Prairie aquifer However, co~pletion dates are unknown Staff Recommendation. In the meantime, provide the staff with discretion to require a site analysis and apply aqUifer protection standards when warranted based upon the type and size of the proposed project Issue #15 -Should Ye1m provide an option f6r replacement of wetlands to be eliminated by development? o Staff Analysis The viability of mitigation of wetland impacts by replacement is a very controversial issue subject to continuing research Staff Recommendation Defer this issue by not prOViding such an option. If necessary, a project proponent could later propose amendment of the ordinance ..-._ Issue #16' Should a landowner be given cr.edit for critical areas toward the gross density of housing or other development permitted on the site? Staff Analysis' A protected critical area mayor may not count toward calculating the overall density permitted by zoning Some jurisdictions exclude the critical area as "nondevelopable land" but permit any buffer area to be considered As drafted neither version of Yelm's ordinance not exclude critical areas from the land included to determine the nu~ber of housing units permitted on a site This approach could result in higher densities in the vicinity of critical areas than in other parts of Yelm. o Critical Areas Staff Report - 2/19/92 - Page 5 ~ , However, minimum lots sizes combined with a developer's reluctance to cluster housing may control overall density o Staff Recommendation Give credit for critica.l afeas toward gross density of development to encourage a more intensively developed urban area Issue #17 Should stormwater ponds be permitted within wetland buffer areas? Staff Analy~is As drafted stormwater ponds would not be permitted in buffer areas. This exclusion applies even though these low areas are usually the most practical, least cost, site Staff Recommendation No change (for now), but reconsider this issue when stormwater standards are proposed Issue #18 Should provisions be made for road crossing~ of wetlands? Staff Analysis As proposed, the Cbmmis~ion Recommended version would permit buffer areas to be Used for new roads which are to cross wetlands lesB than 25 feet wide This approach would still require that the wetland itself to bridged, not filled To permit filling of wetlands for crossings would require development of replacement standards o Staff Recommendation Adopt Commission recommendation but be prepared to modify if specifi~ proposals for othe~ types of crossings are presented by landowners. Respectfully submitted, UI~ Todd Stamm City Planner .::.. ! ---- C1 Critical Areas Staff Report - 2/19/92 - Page 6 . () I 0\ TYPE OF VISITOR Sl'U v' I SHEET Qc ~ MEETING Yelm Resourc~ Lands and Critical PLANNING COMM I SSION MEETING & PUBLIC HEARING: .Areas Dra ft c)lrd i nance JANUARY 21, 1992,,' DATE OF MEETING MEETING LOCATION YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS NA;U(:!.l/ WtE/j/~o€-re Po 130)( 13i'sf '16/ 1-1 WA c;; "(,.).97' I (j -.I . - - - . ,. ~ - '> .- - c . - - - _. .------------ ----------- --- ------ ------- -- -- -------------- ------------- ---- ------ -- - NAME REPRESENTING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS '",- .', -':':.- o Cit of 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 CITY AGENDA OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1992 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of Minutes: November 19, 1991 4. Agenda additions/deletions 5. Pretty City Committee sample ordinance 6. UCBO request to move building to Community Services Center site. o 7. Public Hearing: Yelm Resource Lands and Critical Areas Ordinance Draft 8. Staff Report 9. Other 10. Other II. Adjourn NEXT MEETING: 4:00 P.M., Tuesday, February 18, 1992 Council Chambers, Yelm City Hall c (', Lil ;0 o AGENDA SUMMARY JANUARY 21, 1992 1 Meeting opening - 4:00 p m. 2 Review of minutes of previous meeting. 3 Publ ic Hearing continued from the last meeting regarding the Poposed "Interim Resources Lands and Critical Areas Ordinanee." . I The Ordinance would regulate development to protect wet la11ds, floodplains, aquifers, geologically hazardous areas, and fish and wi ldl ife habi tat. An ordinance of this type is required by the State Growth Management Act Two versions - generic and staff al ternative wi II be presented to the Commission I for consideration and recommendation to the CouQcil 4 The Commission will review and help to establish priorities for the Community Development Department 1992 work program --'--"_........~- planning\agenda sum