Agendas and Minutes ~T'" ~.... c ~ ;G -~-~-;~~.- 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yebn, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Cil1y @f Yelm YELM . WASHINGTON , , AGENDA , CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, DECEMBER 4':c~:995 4.00 P~M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,105 YE~M AVE. W, 1 Call to Ord~r, Roll Call, Approval of ' Minutes ... November 20, 1995 minutes '\ 2 Public Hearing - SPR-8111 Amendment Applicant: Glen Blafldo, Yelm Builders Suppty Proposal Proposal is to amendment the original -site plan approval for the project site The amendments include a revised landscaping plan and a reduction of two parking;,~talls,Staff I~pbrt enclosed Location The project site is located on Grove Street, north of HWY 507 3 Other - Both regularly scheduled January ,neetings occur on Holidays Cancel and/or Resched,ule eaGh meeting \ \ 4 Adjourn - '.,/' Enclosures are avqilable to non-Commission members' upon request. , If you need spe~ial arrangements to attend or participate in/this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 - NEXT REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 18, 1995, 4.00 PM @ Recycled paper -~ -~~~- ~-~ --------'-----~._-----........~~ _~-.~ _ __ _~__ __ _,,----........._~~~~~-..l_ ~ c c c YELM PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT SPR-8111 AMENDMENT TO APPROVED SITE PLAN DATE OF STAFF REPORT November 28, 1995 DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING December 4, 1995 BackQround On July 18, 1994 the Planning Commission approved the site plan for Yelm Builders Supply located at Grove Street and Highway 507 The applicant is close to completion of the project and is proposing to modify the original approval Basic Facts Proponent. Glenn Blando Yelm Builders Supply POBox 596 Yelm, WA 98597 Proposal To amend the original site plan approval by reducing the number of parking stalls from 40 to 38 and to reduce the landscape area from 10,450 square feet to approximately 3,000 square feet. Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on November 23, 1995 and posted in public areas on November 21, 1995 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners on November 21, 1995 Notice was mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list on November 29, 1995 Location Grove Road and Highway 507 Existing Land Use Commercial - Building Supply Store Zoning Large Lot Commercial, C-3 Yelm MuniCipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 17.28 STAFF ANALYSIS Parking At the time of project approval, Chapter 17 38, Off- Street Parking and Loading was the applicable parking code which was used to determine the required parking The project approval required 40 parking stalls (1 stall per 200 sq ft. of gross floor area) which includes handicapped parking per ADA standards The parking area for the site has been constructed to City standards and can accommodate the required 40 stalls, however as indicated on the attached map, the location of stalls 23 and 24 and their interface with traffic entering and exiting the site may create potential safety c c c , r--- ! I I I I I problems Landscaping The original site plan did not contain a conceptual landscape plan but indicated on the face of the sitel plan drawing that the total landscaped area would be 10,450 sq ft. This implied and public testimony! at the original hearing implied the 10,450 sq ft. would be in shrubs, trees and ground covers ! (landscaped) However if appears that the original figure, 10,450 sq ft., included the grass lined stormwater swales which represents approximately 6,300 sq ft leaving 4,150 sq ft. available for shrubs, trees and ground covers The landscape plan/area submitted for the proposed amendment covers approximately 3,000 sq ft. In the proposed landscape plan the applicant has provided landscaping in all available area's which are visible from the streets The four variety of shrubs on the planting list are low growing varieties I with one plant for ever 42 sq ft. No trees or ground covers are proposed on the submitted plan : Landscaping requirements, at the time of original approval, where located in Chapter 17 38, Off-Streett Parking and Loading Minimum requirements include I I I 1 A landscaped area not less than three feet in width be provided continuously along any i front, rear or side boundary property line abutting a public or private road i I I 2 Landscaping shall consist of a variety of hardy evergreen planted material consisting of i trees, low-profile and high-profile shrubs together with suitable ground cover such as i native i I I I STAFF RECOMMENDATION Parking The City of Yelm Planning Department recommends approval of a two parking stall reduction Landscaping The City of Yelm Planning Department recommends approval of the reduction in landscaping area to those area's identified on the conceptual landscaping plan (approximately 3,000 sq ft.), however the plantings due not meet minimum standards and spacing/volume appears inadequate The applicant shall submit a revised landscaping plan to included at a minimum one deciduous tree which creates a canopy cover for each of the four landscape islands located on the perimeter of the parking area, high profile evergreen shrubs be incorporated with the low-profile evergreens, and high profile shrubs be incorporated into the landscape plan Submitted by, ~oi/uA~C~ Catherine Carlson City Planner /Z ."" () Date dU ~() /11 S-- i _J __~_'_ I -~ u o o .....< 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 .;:' City of Yelm NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (SPR 8111) Yelm Builders Supply Proposal to Amend Original Site Plan Approval Retail Building Supply Store The City of Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a proposed amendment to site-plan (SPR-8111) The proposed amendment includes a revised , landscaping plan and a reduction in parking stalls (2 stalls) The project site is located on Grove St north of Y elm Avenue The public. hearing will be held on Monday, December 4, 1995, at 400 pm in Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, located at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Avenue W, Yelm, WA. All interested parties are invited to attend. Written comments should be directed to the Yelm Planning Commission and may be mailed to PO Box479,Yelm, WA 98597 or delivered to City Hall. Written comments must be received prior to the hearing to be considered by the Planning Commission. Additional information may be obtained by contacting Cathie Carlson, City Planner, at Yelm City Hall, (360) 458-8408 4:: /J ~JI",l; Agnes Colombo City Cferk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published Nisqually Valley News, Thursday, November 23, 1995 _ Posted in public areas. November 21, 1995 Mailed to property owners within 300 feet: November 21, 1995 . * ReC).cled paper I ..l ~'Ci~,~ , I j..... ----~ I 'i \" \' c:. \ v \ \\ \ , c;;.. \) . \ \-;i,\ \._\\ \ \U , \ ' \ \~\ \ \\ ,. ,', 1\ \\ ,\ \\ -\,' ----~\ ~ ~ ~ 0\\ 0\ lj\ 0\ J\ N N N i\\, . \\ ~\ - -,I ~ ~ \\ \11' \ I' . I It --h'::~ \\", ' ':.~ i Ii ',- ,.. \ \e ~e,\ (;y:" \ \"J . ',~ fI'\ \ '-':"i-- \ _~_SrJ ---tr;(;.~-- ~<.~~- _----6~~ --...",- _-,-fl--- ----((\)/ __ ~~1r.-.---- --;tt,,-----~...,f' -- , 1&.;-;' "," q;~~ --- /7"- '>. . if. ,-,:!}, u aU.- - _--:;..-- _-.- 0.'" ".' --- --- -::s: --- - - -.(?} .--'"- ----..., / I". ~" . 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OR REMOVE EX FENCE AT OWNER'S DISCRETION EXISTING FENCE CANNOT ENCROACH ON NEW PARKING STALLS \ \ \ ---------" / ./' EQGE OF PAVING --~ -r::G~mNG 0::" u..1 VII ~I o c-:I \ ~ o ~~ \ \~ \~ PAVING \ , \ \ ABANDON EX DWy--1 REMOVE ASPHAL T TO LIMITS SHOWN ~ !: \ \ \ o "'-.) ,,_r~jJ; / $.) C" If \f'\ II' I SEE SUMP DET AIL ~ f ~ '~ GNSTAL~------- I C8-7. TYPE 1 I SOL I D COVER SEE ROOF DRAIN 1 DETAIL. THIS SHT \ j~~: 00 I III \ 1+531'1. 9' LT INS TALL CB-3. TYPE RIM 351 Ou FL 349 15 ~ 'I S 70RAGE. BLOG / ,I I! " I P~7.:.: i~ e~aG F= ~53 50 5.820 SF ROOF "PPROXIM"-= LeY Or EX DR "1I'iFIEL, \ I"~ " :----\------1- F \10.' [I PEMO"E 'GFeH . I' J~~ oO::I:L- .:- - - - - - 0 ~, :\ - , '-., JS; o ,-1J 'I <.el i -"'" I I~EDGE OF ~ PAVING ',: ;2')=~ 'l C7' / / / " _"1' 0+19 5N. 40' INSTALL CB-2. TyPE , SOLtD COVER RIM 353 05 FL 349 90 , , , ~l"~~V~.\ Ix-- ~~2 9S " STOP ANY CURl AT RIll LINE uol ,..., '" J ,,-,oo ;;- --5'1 "- _ ~~ "- -' '- ~ - - C'I S'_ ]L1rI'G~T~'" " V -?", (()= - 50 LF 12" 11 ' I lL.1 n :~ 1l :J V j CONC CUL V (! 0 00 FL 352 85 ~\ 0+19 5N. 130' IT INSTALL CB-1. TYPE RIM 352 30 FL 350 35 I , \' !~ .'5''f.rt.:;c.~1'' c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1995,4:00 P M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 05 P m by Chair Tom Gorman Members present: Tom Gorman, E J Curry, Ed Pitts, Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire, Tom Cundy, Lyle Sundsmo, Adam Rivas and Glenn Blando Members not in attendance Guests Wayne Keifer, 15733 - 95th Ct. N E , Donald Gray, 802 Mt. Aire Lane N W , Dick Larman, Greg and Melissa Hartung, lot 13, Crystal Spnngs, Vicki Workman, and Frank Jones Staff" Shelly Badger, Cathy Carlson and Ken Garmann Approval of Minutes 95-37 u." ..., MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY LYLE SUNDSMO TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 2, 1995. E.J. CURRY ABSTAINED MOTION CARRIED. 95-38 MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED BY E.J. CURRY TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 6, 1995. TOM GORMAN ABSTAINED. MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing opened at 4 07 P m 2 Public Hearinq - ZON-8161 - Rezone and Comprehensive Plan Amendment of Proposed area from Industrial (I) to Moderate Density Residential (R-6), located on Crystal Sprinqs Road, between the UBCO and Mt. Aire Lane N Staff Report: Report given by Cathy Carlson Cathy showed the commission and the public in attendance where the four pieces of property are located Cathy advised that the property is surrounded by residential development. The current access to one piece of property is 40' which is narrower than the minimum standard of 54 feet for residential access roads The other access available would be through Crystal Springs development. Letters were (\ Yelm Planning Commission U November 20,1995 1 c c c submitted by Ruth Lucas, Wayne Keifer and Greg and Melissa Hartung, in response to the proposal Two were in favor of the proposal, one property owner was concerned about eroding away the industrial designated land The area involved in this rezone is approximately 0002% of the total designated industrial area in the City limits and the UGA. The planning department recommends approval of the proposal Tom Gorman wanted to clarify that the 0002% of the total area zoned industrial, referred to by Cathie, includes industrial zoned property outside the city limits, but inside the Urban Growth Boundary, that the commission designated in the master plan and had been zoned industrial and the city is in effect the applicant. Comments from the Public Wayne Keifer, 15733 - 95th Ct. N E , stated his house is directly adjacent to the access to the property in question He has a very minimal setback from the access It would impact his home and family if there was heavy traffic through the area He would not like to see industrial, ie, heavy equipment going back and forth through the area Donald Gray, 802 Mountain Aire Lane, asked what the definition of moderate density residential Cathy Carlson responded that it would allow a maximum of 6 residential units per acre, with a minimum of 4 units per acre Mr. Gray then asked what the minimum lot size would be Cathy responded that there isn't a minimum lot size, but you could expect a lot size in that area of approximately 6,000 sq feet. Mr Gray wanted to clarify that this was "single-family residential," not "multiple-family residential" Cathy stated that duplexes could go on the property, but it couldn't exceed the maximum density of six units One duplex structure would be counted as two units Mr. Gray went on to ask where the access to the property would be Ms. Carlson stated that since there was no proposal at the present time, logically there would probably be one or two driveways off Mountain Aire Some property could be accessed off Crystal Springs Dick Larman, stated his property is surrounded by rezone He appeared at today's meeting to support the rezone His major concern is the larger rezone, with access to the property through the cul-de-sac He would like to see a buffer between the industrial area and the residential area Joe Huddleston asked Mr. Gray if he is in favor or against the rezone proposal Mr. Gray said he hadn't formed an opinion yet. If it means constructing Yelm Planning Commission November 20, 1995 2 c c c I apartments in the area, he would be against it, but he approves of single-family residents, and is undecided on duplexes Unidentified female asked if there was a possibility multi-family dwellings (apartments) could be built on the property Cathy said that theoretically someone could put up one building with 6 units but that type of construction on a one acre parcel would not be profitable to the property owner Vicki Workman, stated she has lived there for 12 years Has a buyer who is interested in buying their back lot and he says he has no intention to build multi- family dwellings Toni Gay, a neighbor of Ms Workman, stated that the piece that they will be selling is approximately 220 ft. x 9 ft. behind their existing homes Frank Jones, owner of the larger piece of property on the east side of Crystal Springs Estates wanted to go on record as stating that he favors the rezone, however, he wanted to make it clear that he has no intention of moving horses for at least five years Wondered if the 40 foot strip through Crystal Springs is sufficient access to his property? Cathy Carlson responded that the local access streets is 54 feet of right-of-way, but that's not to say that it can't be used for one-way access and even if the city made some adjustment or variance from the standard, that's to small of a road to support five acres if that were the only access Mr. Jones said he didn't want the city to say he could no longer get to his house along that strip Questions from the Planninq Commission Roberta LonQmire asked if the present zoning on Crystal Springs Estate and Mountain Aire Court was R-6 Cathy Carlson responded that it was ~Sundsmo said it didn't make any sense to zone it industrial Tom Gorman asked if and when this property is looked at for residential development, could they anticipate if the staff recommendation requirements might include a buffer in the back of the property It probably wouldn't De unrealistic that might be a requirement? Cathy Carlson stated that when industrial properties are adjacent to residential property the Industrial Chapter of the zoning code requires a 25 foot setback but she wasn't sure if that same requirement is in the residential zoning chapters Public Hearing closed at 4 40 P m Yelm Planning Commission November 20, 1995 3 c o c i 95-39 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY EJ CURRY, FOR APPROV~L I OF STAFF'S PROPOSAL TO REZONE THE SUBJECT AREA AND AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (Zon-8161). SECONDED BY E.J. CURRY. MOTION CARRIED 3 Woodfield Final Plat Staff report. Ken Garmann reported that essentially the project has been completed The staff recommends Final Plat approval to the city council and that the City Council grant final plat approval 95-41 MOTION BY E.J. CURRY, SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON TO APPROVE THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE WOODFIELD FINAL PLAT 4 Election of 1996 Planninq Commission Officers (done out of sequence) Nominations were opened for Chairperson and Vice Chairperson Tom Gorman was nominated for Chairperson and Joe Huddleston was nominated for Vice- Chairperson 95-40 E.J. CURRY MOVED FOR APPROVAL OF THE NOMINATIONS. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY LYLE SUNDSMO. MOTION CARRIED. 5 Other - Cathy Carlson asked for volunteers for the signing sub-committee dl!Je to Buffy Clark's resignation from the planning commission Glenn Blando, Roberta Longmire and Adam Rivas are presently serving on the committee If anyone is interested please let Cathy know The next Signing committee will meet on Monday, November 27th at 2 00 pm Cathy also gave a review of HB 1724 (re coordinating the permit process) 6 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4 50 P m The next planning commission meeting will be held on Monday, December 4, 1995 at 4 00 P m Respectfully submitted, Kris Taylor Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairperson Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission November 20, 1995 4 0' o o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue ,West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1995 4:00P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,105 YELM AVE. W. 1 ~all to Order, RolI,Call, Approval of Minutes - October 2, 1995, October 16, 1995 and November 6, 1995 minutes 2 Public Hearing - Zon.;.8161 Applicant:, City of Yelm Proposal Rezone and Comprehensive 'Plan Amendment of proposal area ,from Industrial (I) to Moderate Density Residential (R-6) Staff report enclosed ~ Location The project site is located on Crystal Springs Ro~d, between the 'USCO and Mt. Aire Lane N 3 Woodfield Final Plat - Ken Garmann 4 Election of 1996 Planning Commission Officers' 5 Other- 6 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you ri~ed speCial arrangements to attend or participa~e in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 468-3244 " NEXT REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 4, 1995, 4:00 PM * ReC}'cled paper ~00 I c c c YELM PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT ZON-8161 and COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT DATE OF STAFF REPORT November 14, 1995 DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING November 20, 1995 DATE OF CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING November 21, 1995 BackQround The City initiated an application for a Rezone and a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the properties indicated on the attached map The rezone would redesignate those properties from Industrial (I) to Moderate Density Residential (R-6) Therefore, the land use map in the Comprehensive Plan would need to amended I Basic Facts Proponent: City of Yelm POBox 479 Yelm, WA Proposal Rezone and Comprehensive Plan Amendment to redesignate those properties identified from Industrial (I), Chapter 1740, to Moderate Density Residential (R- 6) Chapter 17 15 Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on November 9, 1995 and posted in public areas on November 7, 1995 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners on November 7, 1995 Notice was mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list on November 15, 1995 Location Crystal Springs Road, between the UBCO and Mt. Aire Lane N Existing Land Use Single family residential Zoning Industrial Yelm Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 1740 Area Land Use North - Single family residential South - Institutional (UBCO), single family residential and industrial East - Single family residential and vacant West - Single family residential and vacant Critical Areas Sensitive Aquifer Fire Protection Thurston County Fire District #2 o o c Police Protection City of Yelm Solid Waste LeMay Garbage Service Wastewater' City of Yelm STEP sewer system Water Supply' City of Yelm APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND POLICIES State Law' The proposal has conformed to all applicable State laws State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) A Determination of Non-Significance was issued on November 1, 1995 comment period expired on November 15, 1995 The I I I The Comprehensive Plan designation for the site is Industrial ThiS propdsal I will change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Moderate Density Residential (R-6 ) I I I I I I I Comprehensive Plan STAFF ANALYSIS Currently the industrial zoning of the proposed area would allow industrial uses which are incompatible to the existing residential neighborhood During the last couple of years substantial residential development has occurred in the vicinity (Crystal Springs Estates, Huntington Greens, Kingsview II ) The three smaller parcels (northwest area of proposal sites) have existing homes Development of th~se parcels, as industrial, is highly unlikely because of the severe constrains due to size, location ~nd surrounding uses The fourth parcel could support a variety of industrial uses because of its size, however primary access to the site, when its developed, will likely occur from Woodland Ct. (see cul-de- sac on map) This would result in industrial traffic (trucks) accessing the site through a quite residential neighborhood Property zoned as industrial use is a valuable asset to the community for future economic development. The area proposed to be rezoned represents approximately 0002 percent of all the Industrial Zoned parcels in the City and the Urban Growth Area STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City of Yelm Planning Department recommends approval of the rezone and comprehensive pilan amendment as proposed by the City Submitted by, /1 ' /714 li)jf~Lr/~ GL- ~ Catherine Carlson City Planner Date 1/- /4 -1-S- r--~-~ , SCALE 1 "=300' o 150 300 I 600 NW 1/4, SEC.19, T17N, R2E, W.M. @-02 BAKERS CjJ @-0102 @-01 @-0103 c @-04 @-03 ~16 "" @ C]J @ @ @ @-02 ~~ Z-orte- tlr~ 8 @-0404 CD (2) ~010l ~ r&-01 : @-0203 l{3J-02 ~0201 , ~-0202 @-03 ~----- --- -- - - fuyv /3, /9 CJ~ \ oG-Af 0/ ~J ()JfM' q .f~ .... .. . \ - - . J.~ ~~.-tf-J~ ~ f-uY~ 1-:. ~ ;tr-' ..~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .~~ /6 t7 .' {!j-, ..75- - ---- //~ ' LV CL .'lftfiY] - - - ~.- -- - --------- c~ .J J _______________" ______ "__,___________ ______ ___ _ '. __,__ __ _ _ -- /I/, / _e:1J,. /9":;;: - ~-_1f_L_--~-~~~--.--~ - -- &.L<-. ~,~~ .~~<L1-~-1- p~-~~ . -:hJ~rL=-f!- -1. ("2Q~-8.L':j).-L~-~t/-dl.~..-;-,:} -- ~d -Yu ~~--1- ~_~~--~-~J~--- . Wf 1.{.'4L~4(J~~L--U~H~.~~~~ ----- ~(LJ_;;:<) j~~u-~-~- ---:.' - .'--'<iL;__. -~-,-(f----1;-~&dL- ~ ~ .~'-~~dJ--~4-~~~~j '9 --~--- -~L~~--fU.~~'-L--,.~~~~~JUO-~=--f~ .~-- ______,___ ,~--)-i1-~--!-C~~ ~_4...~--~--IU~.-(~-<"-- ~_~__ --- ' , .k):~-.. - .---------- .'--- ___ . _ _._.Jj__~..-~~-/to _~~~___,fi~_~~-9-!~{)--- --1''' r--,~_____. :pa,!.~-cf6-:-~~'--<iL,-~~~d _~n-J!d!_~_~ "./ +~'-LfI.__r_~-C4JL~-../~~~~.---- ~ti2u~~-~U" ~L..~-c&...;~j~-- -iJ--~~~-J!..~-"-~-~-~,-~-----.- fQ:f._~ _~___~~ki.~--~-k~ __ P4._-ta.L-'-~~-~-dwH~-~- ~-~--j~~~-~-~-- ~ ~~ ~__~_~A&' _ ~__ - --:-~ ___W~ J:r.~~"1i;O-J~:_ -~ ,. ':'If- _.~~~~_~ ~_~rh~ __ _~~~~ v~-~--- ~L ' ) /~-~--'. ---ID~--FQ~4,~ ~.~~=f:~~~~:;-~ ~ - ~-~--~ ----~-~-~-~---,-~ ~"--- J- J, ':" __ \)".()-~-~-c..tn...g,,,: J _ _ e~~__:!..-----,-, . _'-_ ~?--/\>-.~~~o~~ . , '\' \ \ \. . . \ " \. . \ I \\ \ \.\ \ , \ I f~J ,. I, \ \, \ \ \' '\ \ \ \ \ \ ,\ \ ~ \ cr ~\ \. \ I \ ' \ \ ,~, \ ~\ I \ ,\ \ '\' \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ qJ ~ \ . \ \ \ \ ~,\' \ \ \ . \ \ ~ \ I \" \ ' ~ ~ ~\ I \ \ \ ' ' \ \ ,I :~, \ ' , ,\ \ '" ' \ \, \' ,\ , \ \ \ '\ \ ' \ \ \: \ \ - , ' \ ' . \ \ . \0 , \ \' \ ,_ 1,1 \ \ ~ ~ \ t \ \' \ I \ r'" !->' 1 ~ \ \, \ \~ , ' \ \ I \ \ · u > \~, \ ,\ I I \ \' \ \ \ \ \ \ \, \ \ \, \ \t\t- ~\ \~, I. \ 'I · = i :\ \ t' · '; \ \ ''. \ \ t r~u,: IU\ y 1..0 \ \ ' I. '( \: r \\ \ ' .." 0\ \ '\ ('c- '," I \ \J\G> \ \ 1 \ \\ \ \ \, ' "',, ,\ \' \ \ \~ '~\ ,'\ ,", ~ \ , c c c Greg and Melissa Hartung 15735 95th CT SE Ctystal Springs Estates~ Lot 13 Yelm~ WashIngton 98597 November 20,1995 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION P 0 BOX479 YELM~ WASHINGTON 98597 RE: (ZON-8161) REZONE AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMEND:MENT Bemg new to the area~ I have some eXlstmg concerns about the ZOllUlg of Yelm. I see mdustnal~ govemmental~ agncultural~ and family dwellings scattered about me. My major concern 1S organizing zones with like sumoundings and not leaving a city all chopped up and cluttered. Furthennore~ houses or dwellings should be done m the same manner Apartments~ mobile homes~ duplexes~ and framed houses should be separated from each other The swrounding area east of Ctystal Spnngs Road 1S a framed housmg development and should mamtam that continmty In additlOn~ access to the rezone area 1S questlonable. At the present tune there 1S a smgle lane road behInd Ctystal Spnngs Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 for traffic. WidellUlg and the potentlal use of the road would not only bring more traffic thus creating a safety issue but would devalue our propertIes. A possible solution 1S to sunply close otTthe road and use a different route. The ground should then be sold to the adjacent Crystal Spnngs property owners or to the UBCO Careful cons1deratlon of the above would be greatly apprec1ated. ~ Melissa Hartung .,. _ l:l c c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1995, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No. 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 08 p m by Co-chair Joe Huddleston Members present E J Curry, Ed Pitts, Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire, Tom Cundy and Lyle Sundsmo Members not in attendance Glenn Blando, Tom Gorman, Adam Rivas and Buffy Clark (Buffy has recently submitted her re~ignation from the planning commission) Guests Tom Skillings, Amos Lawton and Staff Cathy Carlson and Ken Garmann Due to a lack of quorum at the beginning of the meeting, comments on the minutes from the meetings of October 2, 1995 and October 16, 1995 were noted but a vote to approve the minutes continued until a quorum is present 2 Public Hearing on Woodfield Final Plat was scratched from the agenda Lyle Sundsmo arrived at 4 10 p m 3 Nomination Committee for 1996 Planning Commission Officers Cathv Carlson asked the commission members how they felt about appointing a nominating committee Co-Chair Joe Huddleston asked the other commission members if there was any sentiment among the commission members for a nominating committee There being none, it was decided to hold elections at the next planning commission meeting on November 20, 1995 Cathv also mentioned that Buffy Clark had recently resigned her position on the planning commission due to other commitments That brings the total number of planning commission members down to nine It is on the city council agenda to rescind the total number of members on the planning commission from 11 to nine. Yelm Planning Commission November 6, 1995 1 \? c Joe Huddleston mentioned the intent to keep a mix of people on the planning commission and asked what faction Suffy represented E.J. Currv stated she thought Suffy represented the Vision committee/chamber aspect and Adam Rivas is the Yelm City resident It was felt the mix was good as the Vision Plan is done and Yelm City residents are represented so the balance is still maintained Cathv also advised that three terms will be expiring this year Those are Tom Gorman, Adam Rivas and Lyle Sundsmo. All of these members have been contacted to ascertain their interest in continuing to serve on the commission. 4 Other - Update on the Council action for Preliminarv Plats for Nisauallv Estates I and \I c Cathv Carlson reported that the City Council accepted the planning commissions recommendations with a couple of changes Those changes were recommended by staff After the public hearing which was held on October 16, 1995, the applicant and Mr Welter from Thurston County Parks & Recreation agreed to pave a 10 foot section along their property frontage on the trail corridor. That would be done prior to final plat approval and then the city would in turn waive the future improvements of the sidewalk and the bike path 5 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4 18 p m The next planning commission meeting will be held on Monday, November 20, 1995 at 4 00 p m Respectfully submitted, ~d.~ Kris Taylor if Secretary Joe Huddleston, Co-Chairperson Date Planning Commission c Yelm Planning Commission November 6. 1995 2 (\ '\J City of Yelm WASHINGTON 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1995 4:00 P M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE W 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - October 16, 1995 minutes (not available at time of malling.) 2. Woodfield Final Plat - Ken Garmann, Public Works 3. Nomination Committee for 1996 Planning Commission Officers 4 . Other: Update on Council Action on the Prellminary Plat for Nisqually Estates I & II. c 5. Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Cornmisslon members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in thlS meetlng, please contact Yelm Clty Hall, at 458-3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 20, 1995, 4:00 PM c I * Recycled paper ( c RULES OF PROCEDURE I I , I I WE, THE MEMBERS of the Planning Commission of the City of Yelm, State bf I Washington, created by Ordinance No 119 (1969), of the City of Yelm, pursuant to Chapter 44, Laws of 1935 (RCW 35 63) do hereby adopt, publish and declare the following rules of procedure CI1Y OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION I NAME The official name shall be ''The City of Yelm Planning Commission II II MEETINGS A. Regular meetings shall be held as per the schedule adopted by the Planning Commission and posted at the Planning Department office, and all meetings of the Planning Commission are subject to the Open Meetings Act. o B Special meetings shall be at the call of the chairperson or by consensus of the members at a regular meeting C Except as modified by these rules of procedure, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of public hearings and the chairperson shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to a vote of the Planning Commission III ELECTION OF OFFICERS A. The officers of the Planning Commission shall consist of a chairperson and a vice chairperson elected from the appointed members of the Planning Commission and such other offices as the Planning Commission may, by the majority vote, approve and appoint. B The election of officers shall take place once each year on the occasion of the last meeting in November of each calendar year The term of each officer shall run from January 1 until December 31 of the following year C A Nominating Committee may be appointed no later than October of each year If appointed, this Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of nominations for the Planning Commission to consider at the next regularly scheduled meeting .'1 D In the event of the vacancy of the chair, the chairperson would be replaced \(; by the vice chairperson, and the vice chairperson would be replaced by vote of the '------/ members of the Planning Commission. ' c o c ] IV. CHAIRPERSON A. The chairperson shall preside over the meetings of the Planning Commission and may exercise all the powers usually incident to the office, retaining, however, to himself or herself as a member of the Planning Commission, the full right t6 have his or her own vote recorded in all deliberations of the Planning Commission I B The chairperson shall have full power to create committees of one or more members Standing or temporary committees may be charged with such dutie~, examination, investigations and inquiries relative to one or more subjects of interest tb the Planning Commission No committee shall have the power to commit the Plannin9 Commission to the endorsement of any project, plan or program without the approval of the Planning Commission C The chairperson shall perform the duties laid out in the attached Conduct of Business regarding the foflowing and other matters committees of the whole, handling of meeting Items and discussion, conflict of interest, suspension of meetings, timing for discussion of issues, clarification of issues and questions, etc. V CHAIRPERSON'S ABSENCE The vice chairperson shall, in the absence of the chairperson, perform all the duties incumbent upon the chairperson. The chairperson and vice chairperson, both being absent, the members present may elect from amqng themselves a temporary chairperson who shall have the full powers of the chairperson during the absence of the chairperson and the vice chairperson VI SECRETARY The Planning Staff shall perform the usual and necessary secretarial functions VII RECORD OF MEETING All Planning Commission meetings shall be recorded electronically and official minutes prepared Official minutes shall contain the date, time, place and nature of the meeting (regular or special), the names of the members present; all motions except those withdrawn and the names of their maker and seconder; an objective abstract of all business discussed, actions taken and the results of such actions Special meetings will also be recorded electronically and minutes prepared The official minutes of special meetings will normally consist of written notes. All Planning Commission minutes shall be signed by the chairperson of the Planning Commission Minutes for committees, if taken, shall be signed by the chairperson of the committee VIII. QUORUM A simple majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business The Planning Commission can conduct business whenever a quorum is present. No action of the Planning Commission, however, may be taken without the c c c concurrence of a majority of the current membership of the Commission. A public hearing may be held by the Planning Commission on any matters before the Planning Commission without a quorum, provided that the applicant and any interested party waive any objections and that, when action on the matter is taken, a quorum is presert and those members that were not present for the public hearing state for the record prior to voting that they have reviewed the taped recording of the public hearing and any written document submitted for the record on the matter IX. VOTING Each Planning Commission member present shall vote for, against, or abstain from voting on all questions put to the Planning Commission Unless a member of the Planning Commission states that he or she is not voting, his or her silence shall be recorded as voting with the majority Any member may demand a roll call vote any time before or after any question is put and before a vote is taken The demand needs no second and the chairperson must ask for a roll call vote on demand The motion is not debatable and may be applied to any questions X. ABSENCE OF MEMBERS If a member is absent for two (2) consecutive regular meetings without excuse, or for thirty-five percent (35%) of all meetings (including committee meetings) in any six (6) month period, the member's record shall be forwarded by staff to the Mayor for consideration XI CONFLICT OF INTEREST A conflict of interest shall be handled as described in the attached Conduct of Business (Item 6) XII AGENDA An agenda shall be prepared by the Planning Staff for each meeting No item on the agenda may be added, deleted or moved without the approval of a majority of the Planning Commission Items of business shall include 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Call to order Roll Call Acceptance of Agenda Minutes Old Business New Business Other Business Communications from City Council Adjournment -" ((\ v o if\ o " XIII. AMENDMENT These Rules of Procedure may be amended at any regular or called meeting of the Planning Commission by a majority vote of the entire membership if the proposed amendment is presented in writing at a preceding regular or called meeting . . c c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1995, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item! Motion No. 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 00 p m by chair Tom Gorman Members present: Glenn Blando, E J Curry, Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire, Tom Gorman, Ed Pitts and Lyle Sundsmo Members not in attendance Adam Rivas, Buffy Clark and Tom Cundy Guests Mark Carpenter, Paul Steadman, Michael Welter, Thurston County Parks and Recreation, John Thompson, Yelm Schools, and Jamie Haveri, Intercity Transit Staff Shelly Badger and Ken Garmann Due to a family emergency, Kris Taylor, Secretary is not present with the minutes from September 18, 1995 They will be presented at the next meeting 2 SUB-8149 - Preliminarv Plat approval for a 60 lot single familv residential subdivision. (Nisauallv Estates. Division I) Public Hearing opened by Chair Tom Gorman at 4 05 p m Staff Report given by Shellv BadQer due to Cathy Carlson's absence due to Cathy attending a planning conference in Bellevue The applicant is presenting two public hearings tonight which IS required by the land use law It was agreed with the applicant that they would submit their applications for their plats at the same time so they could be viewed as to the cumulative impact of both projects together However, there are separate applications, they are separate ownership, so there will be separate recommendations and approval Nisauallv Estates - Division I - ownership Mark Carpenter. Preliminary plat for a 60 lot single family subdivision There is a wetland located in the western portion of the site The preliminary plat proposes an internal loop road system connecting Nisqually Div I & II. Does meet Yelm Planning Commission October 16. 1995 1 . . c c c the development guidelines for a 54 foot roadway Analysis estimates that 31 % of the traffic from the project is expected to go through the "five-corners" intersection representing 39 vehicles in the p m peak hour Contribution would be $5,850 00 It is being recommended that site frontage improvements be deferred until other adjacent properties develop, so a single project can be implemented to avoid piece-meal construction E.J. Currv stated she thought the 19 5 trips seemed high Shellv advised the applicant would be required to construct a right- turn lane for the north entrance and a right-turn taper, per Yelm Development Guidelines Roberta Lonamire asked what the difference was between a "taper" vs the turn lane Ken Garmann advised that the tape was a transition zone to get from the shoulder onto driving surface Goes from full lane width and tapers down to tie into the existing roadway Shellv also reported there is a request from Intercity Transit to have a transit stop at this development Staff feels that the request for the transmit stop should be deferred until it can be reviewed at a later date Open space of 1 14 satisfies the open space requirement of 5% (0 48%) of net buildable acreage Tracts A-D would be dedicated to the Homeowners Association who would be responsible for the maintenance of stormwater facilities Tract E, includes the Burlington Northern railroad corridor which is a link in the Thurston County Yelm- Tenino Trails, therefore it is proposed that the long term use and maintenance of Tract E be dedicated to Thurston County Parks Department Michael Welter representing Thurston County Parks and Recreation said that they want assure that there are adequate design access points along the corridor that allow for the public to get there so that the public will have access without trespassing on private property Joe Huddleston inquired about the elevation of the trail Paul Steadman stated that it varied Staff recommends approval of the plat with the conditions as contained in the attached staff report, nos 1 through 21 with the following change to the last paragraph of 5. as follows. "remains in, a separate tract (Tract F) and In the ownership of Ms Sherrili Yelm Planning Commission October 16, 1995 2 o c c MacNaughton as per the agreement dated October 13, 1995 between MacNaughton and Mark Carpenter" Comments bv Applicant Mark Carpenter stated he thought this was a very positive project. Would like to suggest a change in the staff recommendation No 11 to reflect the agreement between Ms MacNaughton and himself regarding the property when it is sold Also, in Paragraph 3 of No 5, to change minimum solid wood fence to 6 ft instead of 8 ft and then it would be left to the agreement between Carpenter and MacNaughton as to the 8 ft. fence Also, regarding the utilities coming down from Mill Road John Huddleston owns most of the property down there and they have been working with him on this issue Shellv Badoer advised she had no problem with changing No 11 Comments from the Public Jamie Haveri, Intercity Transit stated they were very pleased and supportive of the project Roberta Lonomire asked about the transit stops How can they put in improvements when they don't know where the transit stops will be? Shellv Badger responded that all frontage improvements are deferred It would commence at the City's request, when adjoining property's development and an overall plan can be done Roberta voiced concern over future improvement costs to property owners and that the buyer understands the future possible liability Public hearing closed at 4 54 p m 95-33 MOTION BY E.J. CURRY TO RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL, SUB-8149 - PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR A 60 LOT SINGLE ,FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION (NISQUALL Y ESTATES, DIVISION I) WITH AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS AS SUGGESTED ABOVE. SECONDED BY ED PITTS. TWO OPPOSED (TOM GORMAND AND ROBERTA LONGMIRE). MOTION CARRIED. 3 Public hearing opened at 4 58 p m Public Hearino - SUB/MPD-8150 - Preliminarv Plat approval and Master Plan Development approval for a 60 lot sinole familv residential subdivision. (Nisauallv Estates. Division II) Yelm Planning Commission October 16, 1995 3 c c c Staff Reoort given by Shellv Badaer There are two actions from the proponent for this project. The first action is for approval of the Master Plan, the second action is for approval of the preliminary plat application In the essence of time, the master plan and the preliminary plat l;)re being run to together Referring to the staff report, page 2, the traffic issue is the same, page 3, deferral remains the same as Division I, page 3 and 4 referring to right turn lane and right turn taper remain the same as Division I Open space in this project totals 1 49 acres of open spaces as opposed to the requirement of 0 5 acres Tracts J and K would be dedicated to the Thurston County Parks Department Tract K includes wetlands Reoort from the Aoolicant Paul Steadman stated he thought this will be a nice addition to the city It is bordered by the golf course and the wetlands They tried to set aside open space Jamie Haveri, Intercity Transit stated they were very supportive of this project as well at Division I She also commented on Roberta Longmire's earlier question regarding transit stops It isn't necessary to have sidewalks in place to have bus stops It's nice to have a shelter for waiting passengers, but it isn't necessary Michael Welter asked if the 50 foot wetland buffer in Tract K actually encompasses a major portion of the trail corridor? How will that play out? Shellv Badaer responded that the buffer does not spill over onto the trail Public hearing closed at 5 16 p m 95-34 MOTION BY LYLE SUNDSMO TO RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL, SUB/MPD-8150 - MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL FOR A 60 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION. (NISQUALL Y ESTATES, DIVISION II). SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE. 95-35 MOTION BY LYLE SUNDSMO TO RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL, SUB/MPD-8150 - MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL FOR A 60 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION (NISQUALL Y ESTATES, DIVISION 11), WITH THE CONDITIONS LISTED. SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO. TWO OPPOSED (TOM GORMAN AND ROBERTA LONGMIRE). MOTION CARRIED. 4 Other - Yelm Planning Commission October 16. 1995 4 c c c 5 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5 20 p m The next planning commission meeting will be held on Monday, November 6, 1995 at 4 00 p m Respectfully submitted, ~du~ Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairperson Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission October 16, 1995 5 c c c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244' City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 16,19954,:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,105 YELM AVE. W. 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - October 2, 1995 minutes 2 Public Hearing - SUB'-8149 Applicant Mark Carpenter Proposal Preliminary Plat approval for a 60 lot single family residential subdivision Staff report enclosed Location The project site is north of SR 507 and south of Mill Road 3 Public Hearing - SUB/MPD-8150 Applicant. Paul Steadman Proposal Preliminary Plat approval and Master Plan Development approval fQr a 60 lot single family residential subdivision Staff report endosed' , Location The project site is north of SR 507 and south of Mill Road 4 Other- 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact YelmCity Hall! at 458-3244 I NEXT REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 6, 1995, 4:0Q PM * .Recycle4 paper " , -- ~~.'--~._~-> ~".._.. -"'-~'-"---------_ ~__u_~_ ,___'--_ ~~, ----'-------~'--------~-~---~--~-~_.- --~ c c c YELM PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT NISQUALLY ESTATES DIV I (SUB-8149) DATE OF STAFF REPORT October 11,1995 DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING October 16, 1995 BackQround The City received an application for Preliminary Plat for a 60 lot single family subdivision on July 17, 1995 Since that time, the City has been working with the proponent on the application Basic Facts Proponent. Mark Carpenter Landmark 2205 116th St. S Tacoma, WA 98444 Proposal Preliminary Plat for a 60 lot single family subdivision Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on October 5, 1995 and posted in public areas including the project site on October 3, 1995 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners on October 3, 1995 Notice was mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list on October 11, 1995 Tax Parcel 21725111300 Location The northwest side of SR 507, just south of Mill Road Size 15+ acres Existing Land Use Single family residential Zoning Low Density Residential District (R-4), Yelm Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 17 12 Area Land Use North - Golf Course/Open Space South - Single family residential and vacant. East - Single family residential and vacant. West - Single family residential Critical Areas Sensitive Aquifer and Wetland A wetland area has been identified on the subject property and has been delineated by a professional wetland biologist using the Federal Manual for IdentifvinQ and DelineatinQ Jurisdictional Wetlands (1989) The wetland has been classified using the Washington State c .0 o c Department of Ecology Wetland RatinQ Svstem for Western WashinQton (1993 ) The wetland boundaries and classification have been confirmed in the field by City of Yelm staff The wetland boundaries have been surveyed by a licensed surveyor in the State of Washington i The western area of the site contains approximately 5,000 square feet of an I eight acre wetland on the adjacent property to the west. The wetland has been rated as a Category II wetland Pursuant to City of Yelm Ordinance 426, Interim Yelm Critical Areas Resource Lands, the buffer for a Category II wetland can be reduced to a minimum 25 feet from the standard 150 feet. A reduction to a 50 foot wetland boundary is allowed provided the wetland buffer remains in a separate tract and in the ownership of the applicant, that the buffer be protected from human and domestic animal encroachment with a minimum eight foot solid wood fence and the buffer vegetation is undisturbed Soils and Geology' Spanaway gravelly sandy loam, Everett very gravelly sandy loam and Mukilteo muck. Topography Rolling with an approximate slope of 15% along the westerly property line Air Quality The proposed project should not substantially affect the air quality Traffic. The Preliminary Plat drawing proposes an internal loop road system connecting Nisqually Estates Division I & II, with one ingress/egress location for each division The current interior street standard applicable for this proposal is residential local access which requires a 54" right-of-way (cross section attached) A Traffic Generation and Trip Distribution Analysis was prepared by Heath and Associates Because of the possible cumulative traffic impacts from Nlsqually Estates Division I and Division II, the study analyzed the proposed projects as being built concurrently Based on the ITE manual it is estimated that the proposed projects will add 127 new vehicle trips during the p m peak hour Of these 127 trips, approximately 83 trips will enter and 45 will exit the project site during the p m peak hour The analysis estimated that 31 % of the traffic from the project is expected to go through the "five-corners" intersection, representing 39 vehicles trips in the pm peak hour The analysis identified the following mitigation necessary to reduce the threshold of the traffic Impacts 1 The applicant shall contribute financially to the Five-Corners intersection improvement and/or the Y-2 Alternate Route as specified in the 1992 Yelm 2 o Comprehensive Transportation Plan Contribution is based on the number of automobile trips generated by this site during the PM peak hour Total PM Peak hour trips proposed, for Nisqually Estates Div I, to travel through the Five- Corners intersection are 19 5 trips at $300 00 per trip = $5,850 00 The 19 5 trips reflect one-half of the cumulative impact from Nisqually Estates Divisions!1 and II to the 5-corners intersection. The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID or Latecomer's Agreement.) 2 The applicant shall be responsible for site frontage improvements to SR 507 conforming to an urban arterial standard The site frontage improvements may include a transit stop and shelter The location of the transit stop will be determined at the time of improvements and will consider other applicable developments in the area. These improvements shall be deferred until other adjacent properties develop, so a single project can be implemented to avoid piece-meal construction The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID or Latecomer's Agreement.) 3 The applicant shall construct a right-turn lane, per Yelm Development Guidelines, for the north entrance 4 The applicant shall construct a right-turn taper, per Yelm Development Guidelines, for the south entrance o Open Space Pursuant to Title 16 14 of the Yelm Municipal Code open space requirements for a single family residential subdivision shall be equal to or greater than five percent (5%) of the net built area The net buildable area of the proposed project is 9 5 acres, therefore requiring a minimum 0 48 acres of minimum open space The project proponent has proposed a total of 1 14 acres of open space in addition to the Tracts dedicated for stormwater use The stormwater/open space tracts are comprised of" Tract A * - Stormwater/open space Tract B* - Stormwater/open space Tract C* - Stormwater/open space Tract D* - Stormwater/open space Tract E** - Open Space/Trail * Possible combination of stormwater and open space Will be determined by the final drainage and erosion control plan ** 1 14 acres, which satisfies the open space requirement of 5% (048 acres) of the net buildable acreage Tracts A - D are proposed to be dedicated to the Homeowners aSSOCiation who shall be responsible for the maintenance of the stormwater facilities Tract E encompasses the Burlington Northern railroad corridor which is a link in the Thurston County, Yelm-Tenino Rail-Trai,ls corridor Therefore, for the long term c 3 c G c Solid Waste Wastewater' Water Supply Stormwater' Power and Energy' Noise Disaster Risks Fire Protection Police Protection use and maintenance of Tract E, it is proposed that this tract be dedicated to Thurston County Parks Department. LeMay Garbage Service City of Yelm STEP sewer system The project applicant will need to design and extend the current line from Mill Road The developer may enter into a latecomer's agreement for future connections into the line installed for the Nisqually Estates Div I project. The City has committed 30 ERU's to the applicant for Phase I of the project and will commit the remaining 30 ERU's upon completion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade scheduled to be completed in 1997 City of Yelm The project applicant will need to design and extend the current line from Mill Road The developer may enter into a latecomer's agreement for future connections into the line installed for the Nisqually Estates Div I project In compliance with the Yelm standards, A Preliminary Drainage and Erosion Control Plan has been submitted to the City Final design shall be comply with the Yelm Drainage and Erosion Control Manual Puget Power During daytime hours noise is expected to be average for residential area. During nighttime hours noise is expected to be low Low Thurston County Fire District #2 City of Yelm APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND POLICIES State Law' The proposal has conformed to all applicable State laws State Environmental A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was issued on September 19, Policy Act (SEPA) 1995 The comment period expired on October 3, 1995 There were no objections to the proposal or mitigation in the comments received Comprehensive Plan Yelm Municipal Code Development and Design Standards The Comprehensive Plan designation for the site is Low Density Residential, (R- 4) This proposal conforms with the R-4 District intent and requirements This Project shall conform to the City's Municipal Code and Development Standards The proposal is in compliance with the City of Yelm Development Guidelines 4 c c o STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City of Yelm Planning Department recommends approval of the preliminary plat application for ! Nisqually Estates Division I with the following conditions 1 The applicant shall contribute financially to the Five-Corners intersection Improvement and/or the Y -2 Alternate Route as specified in the 1992 Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan Contribution is based on the number of automobile trips generated by this site during the PM peak hour Total PM Peak hour trips proposed to travel through the Five-Corners intersection are 19 5 trips at $300 00 per trip = $5,850 00 The 19 5 trips reflect one-half of the cumulative impact from Nisqually Estates Divisions I and II to the 5-corners intersection The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID or Latecomer's Agreement.) 2 The applicant shall be responsible for site frontage improvements to SR 507 conforming to an urban arterial standard The site frontage improvements may include a transit stop and shelter The location of the transit stop will be determined at the time of improvements and will consider other applicable developments in the area These improvements shall be deferred until other adjacent properties develop, so a single project can be implemented to avoid piece- meal construction The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID or Latecomer's Agreement.) 3 The applicant shall construct a right-turn lane, per Yelm Development Guidelines, for the north entrance Prior to design and construction of a right-turn lane the applicant is required to execute a "Developers Agreement" with the Washington State Department of Transportation 4 The applicant shall construct a right-turn taper, per Yelm Development Guidelines, for the south entrance Prior to design and construction of a right-turn taper the applicant is required to execute a "Developers Agreement" with the Washington State Department of Transportation 5 A wetland area has been identified on the subject property and has been delineated by a professional wetland biologist using the Federal Manual for IdentifvinQ and DelineatinQ Jurisdictional Wetlands (1989) The wetland has been classified using the Washington State Department of Ecology Wetland RatinQ System for Western WashinQton (1993) The wetland boundaries and classification have been confirmed in the field by City of Yelm staff The wetland boundaries have been surveyed by a licensed surveyor in the State of Washington The western area of the site contains approximately 5,000 square feet of an eight acre wetland on the adjacent property to the west. The wetland has been rated as a Category II wetland Pursuant to City of Yelm Ordinance 426, Interim Yelm Critical Areas Resource Lands, the buffer for a Category II wetland can be reduced to a minimum 25 feet from the standard 150 feet. A reduction to a 50 foot wetland boundary is allowed provided the wetland buffer remains in a separate tract (Tract F) and in the ownership of the applicant, that the buffer be 5 c o c protected from human and domestic animal encroachment with a minimum eight foot solid wood fence and the buffer vegetation is undisturbed 6 The developer agrees to mitigate impacts to the Yelm School District pursuant to Mitigation Agreement, file #9508210126 recorded in Volume 2443, Page 615 The developer has agreed to pay the School District $650 00 for each single family dwelling unit. 7 The applicant shall submit a Homeowners Agreement for the approval by the City The Agreement, at a minimum shall contain provisions for the homeowners joint ownership of Tracts A through D and L and authorize the homeowners association to assess and collect I fees for the maintenance of the stormwater facilities and pedestrian easements The Homeowners agreement shall be referenced on the face of the plat and recorded with the final plat. 8 Open Space, Tract E, shall be dedicated to Thurston County Parks Department. 9 A pedestrian easement between lots 1 and 2 and shown as Tract L on the face of the plat shall be held in common by the Homeowners Association The pedestrian easement shall be six feet wide, signed, graveled and fenced along lot 1 and 2's property line The fence shall be six feet in height, of solid material and setback twenty feet from the public right-of-way The homeowners association shall be responsible for the maintenance of the easement. 10 Prior to final plat approval the applicant will execute a Boundary Line Adjustment with the adjacent property owner of Nisqually Estates Div II, parcel #21725111301, to reflect the property lines as shown on the preliminary plat drawing 11 The applicant and the adjacent property owner to the west, Sherril MacNaughton, have a mutual agreement to fence the western property line up to Tract F and the eastern property line of Tract F Tract F shall be deeded to Ms MacNaughton upon final plat. The applicant shall comply with the agreement prior to final plat approval 12 The applicant shall secure a Highway Access Permit from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) prior to final plat approval 13 WSDOT will only accept surface water runoff equal in quality and quantity to that of the predeveloped site Any additional surface water runoff generated, impacting State property, will require appropriate stormwater mitigation in accordance with the Department of Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual I 14 Final drainage report, calculations and design must meet the standards of the Y elm Drainag~ and Erosion Control Plan ! 15 I The applicant shall secure from Thurston County, a Basic Trail Permit for ingress, egress anq utilities across the Thurston County Yelm-Tenino Rail-Trail prior to final plat approval ' 16 The existing on-site sewage systems located on-site shall be abandoned per Article IV, Rules and Regulations of the Thurston County Board of Health Governing Disposal of 6 c 20 sewage 17 The existing wells on-site shall be abandoned per Department of Ecology standards and documentation submitted to the Thurston County Health Department for review 18 Water rights for the abandoned wells shall be dedicated to the City of Yelm 19 Thurston County Health Department fees shall be paid prior to final plat approval 21 The project applicant shall design, per Yelm Development Guidelines, and extend the currenl Step Sewer line from Mill Road The developer may enter into a latecomer's agreement for I future connections into the line installed for the Nisqually Estates Div I project. The City has committed 30 ERU's to the applicant for the proposed project. The final plat map shall showl the sewerage phasing plan ! I , I The project applicant shall design, per Yelm Development Guidelines, and extend the current water line from Mill Road The developer may enter into a latecomer's agreement for future I connections into the line installed for the Nisqually Estates Div I project. I I I Submitted by, \ GfitWJL G/vr-- o Catherine Carlson Date (je:f II 1'115 City Planner c Attachment 7 o c o YELM PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT NISQUALL Y ESTATES DIV II (SUB/MPD-8150) DATE OF STAFF REPORT October 11,1995 DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING. October 16, 1995 BackQround The City received an application for Preliminary Plat for a 60 lot single family subdivision and Master Plan I Development on July 17, 1995 Since that time, the City has been working with the proponent on the application Basic Facts Proponent: Paul Steadman POBox 64345 Tacoma, WA 98466 Proposal Preliminary Plat for a 60 lot single family subdivision Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on October 5, 1995 and posted in public areas including the proposed project site on October 3, 1995 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners on , October 3, 1995 Notice was mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list 9n October 11, 1995 : Tax Parcel 21725111301 Location The northwest side of SR 507, just south of Mill Road Size 15+ acres Existing Land Use Single family residential Zoning Master Plan Community, Yelm Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 1762 Area Land Use North - Golf Course/Open Space South - Single family residential and vacant. East - Single family residential and vacant. West - Single family residential Critical Areas Sensitive Aquifer and Wetland A wetland area has been identified on the , subject property and has been delineated by a professional wetland biologist using the Federal Manual for IdentifyinQ and DelineatinQ Jurisdictional Wetlands (1989) The wetland has been classified using the Washington State Department of Ecology Wetland RatinQ Svstem for Western WashinQton (1993 ) o c o Soils and Geology Topography Air Quality' Traffic: The wetland boundaries and classification have been confirmed in the field by City of Yelm staff The wetland boundaries have been surveyed by a licensed: surveyor in the State of Washington The wetland in the nor,theast area of the site has been rated as a Category III ; wetland Pursuant to City of Yelm Ordinance 426, Interim Yelm Critical Areas I Resource Lands, the buffer for a Category III wetland shall be 50 feet. Spanaway gravelly sandy loam, Everett very gravelly sandy loam and Mukilteo muck. I Rolling to flat. I The proposed project should not substantially affect the air quality The Preliminary Plat drawing proposes an internal loop road system connecting Nisqually Estates Division I & II, with one ingress/egress location for each division The current interior street standard applicable for this proposal is residential local access which requires a 54" right-of-way (cross section attached) A Traffic Generation and Trip Distribution Analysis was prepared by Heath and Associates Because of the possible cumulative traffic impacts from Nisqually' Estates Division I and Division II, the study analyzed the proposed projects as, being built concurrently Based on the ITE manual it is estimated that the proposed projects will add 127 new vehicle trips during the pm peak hour df these 127 trips, approximately 83 trips will enter and 45 will exit the project site during the p m peak hour The analysis estimated that 31 % of the traffic from the project is expected to go through the "five-corners" intersection, representing 39 vehicles trips in the p m peak hour The analysis identified the following mitigation necessary to reduce the threshold of the traffic impacts 1 The applicant shall contribute financially to the Five-Corners intersection improvement and/or the Y-2 Alternate Route as specified in the 1992 Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan Contribution is based on the number of automobile trips generated by this site during the PM peak hour Total PM Peak hour trips proposed, for Nisqually Estates Div I, to travel through the Five- Corners intersection are 19 5 trips at $300 00 per trip = $5,850 00 The 19 5 trips reflect on-half of the cumulative impact from Nisqually Estates Divisions II and II to the 5-corners intersection The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have to protest the formation 'of a Local Improvement District (LID or Latecomer's Agreement) ., c c c Open Space Solid Waste Wastewater" 2 The applicant shall be responsible for site frontage improvements to SR 507 conforming to an urban arterial standard The site frontage improvements may include a transit stop and shelter The location of the transit stop will be determined at the time of improvements and will consider other applicable developments in the area. These improvements shall be deferred until other adjacent properties develop, so a single project can be implemented to avoid piece-meal construction The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID or Latecomer's Agreement.) 3 The applicant shall construct a right-turn lane, per Yelm Development Guidelines, for the north entrance 4 The applicant shall construct a right-turn taper, per Yelm Development Guidelines, for the south entrance Pursuant to Title 16 14 of the Yelm Municipal Code open space requirements I for a single family residential subdivision shall be equal to or greater than five I percent (5%) of the net built area The net buildable area of the proposed project is 9 9 acres, therefore requiring a minimum 0 5 acres of minimum opell space The project proponent has proposed a total of 1 49 acres of open space The open space is comprised of' Tract G* - Stormwater/open space/wetland/wetland buffer Tract H* - Stormwater/open space Tract 1* - Stormwater/open space Tract J** - Open Space/Trail Tract K** - Open Space/Trail/wetland/wetland buffer * Possible combination of stormwater and open space Will be determined by the final drainage and erosion control plan ** 1 49 acres, which satisfies the open space requirement of 5% ( 05 acres) of the net buildable acreage Tracts G - I are proposed to be dedicated to the Homeowners association whq shall be responsible for the maintenance of the stormwater facilities Tract J , and K encompasses the Burlington Northern railroad corridor which is a link in the Thurston County, Yelm-Tenino Rail-Trails corridor Therefore, for the long term use and maintenance of Tract J and K, it is proposed these tracts be dedicated to Thurston County Parks Department. LeMay Garbage Service City of Yelm STEP sewer system The project applicant will need to design and extend the current line from Mill Road The developer may enter into a latecomer's agreement for future connections into the line installed for the Nisqually Estates Div II project. The City has committed 30 ERU's to the applicant for Phase I of the project and will commit the remaining 30 ERU's c c c Water Supply Stormwater. Power and Energy Noise Disaster Risks Fire Protection Police Protection upon completion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade scheduled to be I completed in 1997 I City of Yelm The project applicant will need to design and extend the current I line from Mill Road The developer may enter into a latecomer's agreement for future connections into the line installed for the Nisqually Estates Div II project. I I In compliance with the Yelm standards, A Preliminary Drainage and Erosion ! Control Plan has been submitted to the City Final design shall be comply with the Yelm Drainage and Erosion Control Manual Puget Power During daytime hours noise is expected to be average for residential area During nighttime hours noise is expected to be low Low Thurston County Fire District #2 City of Yelm APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND POLICIES State Law. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Comprehensive Plan Yelm Municipal Code Development and Design Standards The proposal has conformed to all applicable State laws A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was issued on September 19, 1995 The comment period expired on October 3, 1995 There were no objections to the proposal or mitigation in the comments received The Comprehensive Plan designation for the site is Master Plan Community This Project shall conform to the City's Municipal Code and Development Standards The proposal is in compliance with the City of Yelm Development Guidelines , o o o STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City of Yelm Planning Department recommends the Planning Commission take two actions on I the proposed project. The first action recommended is approval of the preliminary plat application for Nisqually Estates Division II with the following conditions I , The second action recommended is approval of the Master Plan Development with the following conditions 1 The applicant shall contribute financially to the Five-Corners intersection improvement and/ori the Y-2 Alternate Route as specified in the 1992 Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan I Contribution is based on the number of automobile trips generated by this site during the PM, peak hour Total PM Peak hour trips proposed to travel through the Five-Corners intersection are 19 5 trips at $300 00 per trip = $5,850 00 The 19 5 trips reflect one-half of the cumulative impact from Nisqually Estates Divisions I and II to the 5-corners intersection The applicant I shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have 'to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID or Latecomer's Agreement.) I The applicant shall be responsible for site frontage improvements to SR 507 conforming to an urban arterial standard The site frontage improvements may include a transit stop and I shelter The location of the transit stop will be determined at the time of improvements and will consider other applicable developments in the area. These improvements shall be ' deferred until other adjacent properties develop, so a single project can be implemented to , avoid piece-meal construction The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving an'y right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID o~ Latecomer's Agreement.) ! , 2 3 The applicant shall construct a right-turn lane, per Yelm Development Guidelines, for the north entrance Prior to design and construction of a right-turn lane the applicant is required to execute a "Developers Agreement" with the Washington State Department of Transportation 4 The applicant shall construct a right-turn taper, per Yelm Development Guidelines, for the south entrance Prior to design and construction of a right-turn taper the applicant is required to execute a "Developers Agreement" with the Washington State Department of Transportation 5 A wetland area has been identified on the subject property and has been delineated by a professional wetland biologist using the Federal Manual for IdentifyinQ and DelineatinQ Jurisdictional Wetlands (1989) The wetland has been classified using the Washington State, Department of Ecology Wetland RatinQ System for Western WashinQton (1993) The wetlana boundaries and classification have been confirmed in the field by City of Yelm staff The I wetland boundaries have been surveyed by a licensed surveyor in the State of Washington The wetland in the northeast area of the site has been rated as a Category III wetland Pursuant to City of Yelm Ordinance 426, Interim Yelm Critical Areas Resource Lands, the buffer for a Category III wetland shall be 50 feet. 6 The developer agrees to mitigate impacts to the Yelm School District pursuant to Mitigation c c c Agreement, file #95082210116 recorded in Volume 2419, Page 38 The developer has agreed to pay the School District $650 00 for each single family dwelling unit. 7 The applicant shall submit a Homeowners Agreement for the approval by the City The Agreement, at a minimum shall contain provisions for the homeowners joint ownership of Tracts G through I and Tract N and authorize the homeowners association to assess and collect fees for the maintenance of the stormwater facilities and pedestrian easements The Homeowners agreement shall be referenced on the face of the plat and recorded with the final plat. ' 8 Open Space, Tracts J and K, shall be dedicated to Thurston County Parks Department. 9 I I I A pedestrian easement shall be dedicated between lots 111 and 112 and lots 93 and 94 and! shown as Tract N on the face of the plat. The pedestrian easement shall be six feet wide, signed, graveled and fenced along lot 1 and 2's property line The fence shall be six feet in height, of solid material and setback twenty feet from the public right-of-way The homeowners association shall be responsible for the maintenance of the pedestrian easements 10 Prior to final plat approval the applicant will execute a Boundary Line Adjustment with the adjacent property owner of Nisqually Estates Div I, parcel #21725111300, to reflect the property lines as shown on the preliminary plat drawing 11 The applicant shall secure a Highway Access Permit from the Washington State Department, of Transportation (WSDOT) prior to final plat approval i I I I 12 WSDOT will only accept surface water runoff equal in quality and quantity to that of the predeveloped site Any additional surface water runoff generated, impacting State property, will require appropriate stormwater mitigation in accordance with the Department of Ecology'~ Stormwater Management Manual 13 Final drainage report, calculations and design must meet the standards of the Yelm Drainage and Erosion Control Plan 14 The applicant shall secure from Thurston County, a Basic Trail Permit for ingress, egress and utilities across the Thurston County Yelm-Tenino Rail-Trail prior to final plat approval 15 The existing on-site sewage systems located on-site shall be abandoned per Article IV, Rules and Regulations of the Thurston County Board of Health Governing Disposal of sewage 16 The existing wells on-site shall be abandoned per Department of Ecology standards and documentation submitted to the Thurston County Health Department for review 17 Water rights for the abandoned wells shall be dedicated to the City of Yelm 18 Thurston County Health Department fees shall be paid prior to final plat approval c c c 19 The project applicant shall design, per Yelm Development Guidelines, and extend the current Step Sewer line from Mill Road The developer may enter into a latecomer's agreement for future connections into the line installed for the Nisqually Estates Div II project. The City has committed 30 ERU's to the applicant for the proposed project. The final plat map shall shoVl{ the sewerage phasing plan 20 The project applicant shall design, per Yelm Development Guidelines, and extend the current' water line from Mill Road The developer may enter into a latecomer's agreement for future i connections into the line installed for the Nisqually Estates Div 1\ project. Submitted by, &~ {Jf0r-- Catherine Carlson Date City Planner (Jf )- / ( /1'C1C; Attachment n '---.-/ o c 105 YelmAvenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (SUB-8149) NISQUALLY ESTATI;S A Preliminary Plat proposal forGO residential lots I The City of Yelm Planning Commission will hold a' public hearing to receive comments on a: Preliminary Plat proposal (SUB-8149) for 60 residential lots located on.the northwest side of SR 507 and south of Mill Road The public hearing will be held on Monday, October 16, 1995, at I 4'00 pm ih Y~lm City Hem Council Chambers; located at 105 Yelm Ave W, Yelm,WA All interested parties are invited to attend Written comments must be received prior to the hearing to be considered by the Planning Commission, and should be directed to the Yelm Planning, Commissiot"1. PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597, or delivered to City Hall The Yelm City Council will hold a public hearing to receive comments on the Preliminary Plat proposal (SUB-8149 -) The public hearing will be held on Wednesday, October 25, 1995, at 730 pm in Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, located at 105 Yelm Ave, W , Yelm WA. AI(-jnterested parties are invited to at~end Writtencommer)ts must be received prior to the hearing to be considered by the City Council, and should be directed to the Yelm City Council, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597, or: delivered to City Hall Additional information maybe obtained by contacting Cathie Carlson, City Planner, at Yelm City Hall, (360) 458-8408 ATTEST a'YL~1 ~ ,CUnL U Ag~s Colombo, City Clerk --------------------------------------------- , , DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW' 'JiHIS LINE Published, Nisqually Valley News Thursday, October ~ 1995. Mailed to adjacent property owners'October ~ 1995. , Posted in public areas October' ~ 1995. * Recycled paper It 'I: l!i t:.:Jo ~a ,. ~ 1'1"" ~!~ ~I'Y ~~ :;~ (DG( OF II( lWl() ~S (OG<([O 6r SWNf RtSOVIICLS nUl 11(11 11/l./I.~. "ircrosro SO' ll(1W/O DUn1JI~ _ TRACT E' fill! PARcrL TO DE: 0111I1:0 OY TIlE: Olil1:UJPER AND BOVNDARY UHE Y ADJUSTED TO 1/IE ADJOINlNO P ARC EL I TO mE: IIT.5T Al/eR PU T IS RfXORDI:D. o DIVISION ,.. '" 1"~.~hfVcf I '11/',1.1 All /)I_i./.{ ~ I II XI' () I' NJSqUALLY JlJ'S"/,/\'C)J' })IV/S'/CJN 1 &: ::! IN NII'I/1 Uf' NE'V'1 SI'X.:rION 25 '/(JII'NSlIll' 17 NU/lnl, I7JING/:; 1 EAST IV ^, 1 \uB7~j.. "Ill" "I''';'eo.. 61~162!l'03!11 o4~1 o5~1 60!!! 67!11 oem 09~170!l 00 "~l"'" ,,,, I 'O\f',rint <63!'i1 ~;I -lid <6S~I,lJT ~I <6o!l1 ~e~1 50~. tll " .. : ,,~I ~ ", "'27 50 ., rut ;; I IJI I l:l 1:1: " ~ : 1 :;. 1:1 (.t P ~~j P ~~ j " :, -, 'r --- I J frj ~, 2f} ~ E-. ~:ro ~ ~ :n ~r' N .. 31 >0 3'0 t; '0 ~ 13 eo " , "-U!.I" I " I " I " I " I " I !LL.. I 40 III J; ,.. 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Il'A. 90558 1-360-458-8222 /JI VISION 2 1',\111. 51 f.A1JMAN /IlOI IY, 1M r ISI,ANIl TACOMA, irA 90106 1-=-206.=.565_- 71,1(1 /JIYIJ, Ii,' 'f'/( lJ E' &. i\SSOC L,INU ,)ll/ll'r~YJNG J' U UOX 900 I H,I(, 1r,IS/lINGrUN DD5D7 o o c R/W 10' I'l :I> C (j) -j I'l - s: C I'l -j Z -< -j 11' 16' 4 1 ...1 .' 1 i ct I R/W u , :I> Z -j I'l :::D (j) -j :::D U -j :::D :I> 'I 'I o 54' 10' , :I> Z I'l 16' I'l :I> C ~ ::j I 6 I 5' s: C I'l -j Z -< ~ 61-j :I> I'l ~ ~ VARIES Sj ~I (j) -j :::D U o :I> -j o I U Q z -j VARIES o :I> -j o I u Q z -j --0 -I :::D :I> 'I 'I o , :I> Z I'l 4' CITY OF YELM I DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS STREETS OUTSIDE C B.D LOCAL ACCESS; RESIDENTIAL I APPROVED DW~ NO 4-+-SA I DATE 11/217/94 I I L CEMENT CONC ROLLED CURB AND GUTTER GENERAL NOTES 1 "ON STREET" PARKING PERMITTED 2 REFER TO RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON STORM DRAINAGE, STREET UGH TING, P A VEMEN T STRUCTURE, ECT DG4-BA.DWG PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DES OWN S-C S-C DATE CKD S-C (\ ~ o c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 , Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-,3244 YELM WASHINGTON j NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (SUB/MPD-8150) NISQUALL Y ESTATES A Preliminary Plat and Master Plan Development proposal for 60 residential lots The City of Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a Preliminary Plat proposal (SUB/MPD-8150) f9r 60 residential lots located on the northwest side of SR 507 and south 6f Mill Road The public hearing will be held on Monday, October 16, 1995. at 400 pm in Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, located at 105 YelmAve W, Yelm, WA All interested PCirties are invited to attend Written qomments must b~ received prior to the hearing to be considered by the Planning Commission, and should be directed to the Yelm Planning Commission, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597, Or delivered to City Hall The Yelm City Council will ,hold a public hearing to receive comments on the Preliminary Plat ProP9sal (SUB/MPD-8150) The public hearing will be held on Wednesday, October 25, 1995, at 730 pm in Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, located at 105 Yelm Ave W, Yelm WA All inter~stedpartie~ are invited to attend Written comments must be received prior to the hearing to be considered, by the City Council, and should be directed to the Yelm City Council, Pp Box A79, Yelm WA 98597, or delivered to City Hall Additional information rrtay be obtainecl by contacting Cathie Carlson, City Planner, at Yelm City Hall, (360) 458-8408 ATTEST a~ it 'IJ (;~/ f),t~ to Agf?es Colombo, City Clerk , . --------------------------------------------- DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS ~INE Published, Nisqually Valley News Thursday, October ~ 1995. Mailed to adjacent property owners October ~ 1995,' Posted in public areas October ~ 1995. * Recycled paper ~--~~ - - ~....~-- ~--"-- -- -- '- ~ ..... It a: il: .', g~i ,..1.. !~~ m c.: oJ fI :r- : II i:j :i lll<:t ()F II{/WIO AS lOCAIlO Br SWNt IIUOU,",CU ffllI 11(0 . IJ/14/1.~ fRwostO 50' MIUIG 1lOrT"'~ TRACT i' filLS PARCEL TO DE OJrnt/l /lY TIlE: /lEn:/.OI'E:n MID BOUNDARY UN!: ~ ADJllntD TO 7IIE AOJOI/ilNO PARCEL TO 11/1: mT AlTER rur lS 1 I RECORDtD. o U' COllUOt 'CClSS (A$(JJ(H' . I r I I I 24 ~~:J -63~ DIVISION 'A .., "rSJ.. -; Nlsq U 1\ LL Y 1/,'.')"/,/\ rl~'S ])1 \lIS1CJ N j &. :-:! IN NlrI/.t Uf' NE'I/.t SI':CIWN;:5 H) Il'NS II tl , 17 NO/If/I, {(,INCl'; 1 1~'ASr IV AI. 1 87:':' ,.,,. ,.. 1Jtf' "'~-01J'- ......f(J ';'/'/ f";.: ,.":,; j' " j' '0 .0 o , 1",(' t:Ci. l;a: ':' / ,"""asto so' II( 1\.4"" BlJHt~ --- -'=---1-~._- --'~to-- al3 -I.. !/r . 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I . 1 R/W <t I 10' 54' f'l > C rJ) -j f'l ~ s: c:: f'l -j z -< -j 11' 16' 16' -j ;0 )> "TJ "TJ o -j ;0 :J> "TJ ::'J o u ,- :J> Z -j fTl ;0 rJ) -j ;0 u c ,- :J> Z fTl ,- :J> Z fTl I VARIES o )> -j o I U o Z -j ----0 2%_ L CEMENT CONC ROLLED CURB AND GUTTER c GENERAL NOTES 1 "ON STREET" PARKING PERMITTED 2 REFER TO RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA TION ON STORM DRAINAGE, STREET LIGHTING, PAVEMENT STRUCTURE, ECT APPROVED R/W 10 fTl > C ~ :::i I 6 15' ~ S z -< ~ 61-j :J> fTl ~ :2: VARIES ~ ~I rJ) -j ;0 u o )> -j o I U o Z ---, CI TY OF YELM OEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS STREETS OUTSIDE C B.D LOCAL ACCES~ RESIDENTIAL T , DW9 NO , DATE 4-.L SA PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DES DWN S-C S-C DG4-8A,DWG CKD S-C DATE i I 11/~7/94 I' c c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 1994,4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Iteml Motion No 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 06 p m by chair Tom Gorman Members present: Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Ed Pitts, Glenn I Blando and Roberta Longmire I Members not in attendance Adam Rivas, Lyle Sundsmo I E J Curry, Tom Cundy, Buffie Clark, : I Guests Don Miller, Yelm City Council Staff Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson and Ken Garmann Because a quorum was not present, the Public Hearing was moved to the end of the agenda, to allow for a late arriving planning commission member 2 V AR-81 58 - Staff Reoort In the absence of a quorum Cathv Carlson gave the staff report advising that the applicant (UCBO) initially had been told that they needed to go through the county to get their permit It was later learned that the project itself was in the city The I building plans were okay, but they wanted to reduce the setback requirement to allow for building a playground cover Construction has been halted in order to get proper approval It is not considered an accessory The commission discussed the alternatives available to them in dealing with this application since there a quorum is not present Shellv BadQer advised that voting by proxy was not allowed. On one occasion the city council used telephone conferencing to allow them to conduct business and voting without being present Roberta LonQmire said that in the past, the planning commission has bypassed making a decision and just sent it onto the city council for approval Yelm Planning Commission October 2, 1995 1 i I I I I, i c c c I 3 a 1996 Work Program - General Discussion Shellev Badger asked the commission about upcoming plans for 1996, what the commission would like to do, training requests, in additional to development projects Staff would like the commission to give some thought to the fee schedule that is being used presently They wondered if the commission would be interested in looking at the fees before they are adopt new ones Tom Gorman asked if the city was trying to recoup their costs He asked if the fees cover the costs associated with the work? Shellv Badoer responded that 90% of the time on the larger projects the fee does not cover the cost, however on the smaller projects the fees more than cover the cost. Roberta Longmire asked if there were per lot fees. Cathy Carlson responded that there is a base fee for the preliminary plat and then $50 00 per each lot Joe Huddleston wondered if a comparison could be done between other entities and what fees are being proposed Roberta Lonamire suggested that the comparison be done of towns equal to Y elm's size b Cathv Carlson reported on updates to the zoning code Upon using the newly revised code staff has come across some errors in print do not reflect the intent of the planning commission Cathy is keeping a list of items that will need to be addressed to bring the cOdel up to date from errors that are being found c The commission needs to think about doing a Transportationl Comprehensive Plan amendment in conjunction with the Comp Plan amendment Tom Gorman asked where the state was in terms of the Transportation Plan Was there money budgeted for study? Ken Garmann r~ported that on the Y -2 study there is approximately $185,000 in committed money from Thurston Mutual Planning (federal money), 7,000 committed from the Dept of Transportation,: $7,000 committed from the City of Yelm The balance was promised : , , Yelm Planning Commission October 2. 1995 2 c c c ,- by the TIS in June and then inadvertently, the funding sources were exhausted and they ran out of money, just before they got to the Y's in the alphabet so the city is going back to the TIS this month to request that they fund additional projects and fund the Yelm project as well The plan was to commence work in January 1996 Shellv Sadaer added that the study (Y-2 and Y-3), will recommend different alternative and meet with property owners, conduct public meetings That might be the time to revive a community group, during that plan process Ken Garmann went on to say that there is approximately $230,000 ! available to do the study Roberta Longmire asked how the projects for Y-1 and Y-3 got reversed Shellv advised that Y -1 was always ahead priority wise of Y-3 At present Y-1 and Y-3 are at the same priority level There is no funding available at present for Y-3 d Cathv Carlson discussed areas of training which could be addressed during the upcoming year 1 Training sessions on legal issues and processes and responsibilities, 2 Outside training, 3 Field trips, ie, areas of commercial and residential development. 4 Other - Roberta Longmire asked if there was anything in rules regarding attendance of commission members at the planning commission meetings Is anyone keeping attendance? Public hearing was opened at 4.41 p m. (with the arrival of Planning commission member Lyle Sundsmo) 95-33 i i I MOTION BY ED PITTS, SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON Tol' APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 18, 1995, WITH CORRECTIONS Public Hearing - V AR-81 58 Cathv Carlson gave a review of thel application for planning commission member Lvle Sundsmo (see above) No public comments Public hearing closed at 4 45 p m Yelm Planning Commission October 2, 1995 3 c c ,~ v ~ 95-32 MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED IN V AR-8158. SECONDED BY LYLE SUNDSMO. MOTION APPROVED. Tom Gorman asked if there was any additional business before closing the meeting Cathv Carlson advised that there are two public hearings for the Nisqually Estates residential sub-division 5 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4 47 p m The next planning commission meeting will be held on Monday, November 6, 1995 at 4 00 p m. Respectfully submitted, ~'~ Kris~ Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairperson Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission October 2, 1995 4 c YELM PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT UCBO- VAR-8158 DATE OF STAFF REPORT September 27, 1995 DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING October 2, 1995 BackQround The City received an application for a Variance to reduce the side yard setback from 15' to 10' (33% reduction) The zoning code, Chapter 17 96, authorizes staff to grant administrative approval for yard setback reductions up to 15% Reductions in excess of 15% are processed through the Planning Commission and the City Council Basic Facts Proponent. Representative Kilburg Construction POBox 6292 Olympia, WA UCBO 624 Crystal Springs Rd Yelm, WA Proposal Variance to reduce the side yard setback from 15' to 10' The variance is requested so that a playground cover can be constructed over an existing playground C Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on September 21, 1995 and posted in public areas on September 19, 1995 The notice was mailed to adjacent property owners and the applicant on Septemb r 18, 1995 Notice was mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list on September 27, 1995 Location 624 Crystal Springs Road Existing Land Use UCBO - Institutional Zoning Open Spacellnstitutional Distnct. Yelm MUnicipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 1748 Area Land Use North - Residential and Industrial South - Industrial East - Residential West - Vacant and Industrial Critical Areas Sensitive Aquifer Noise During daytime hours nOise is expected to be average for an institutional u e During nighttime hours nOise is expected to be low c c c Fire Protection Thurston County Fire District #2 , I I by t !e Police Protection City of Yelm APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND POLICIES Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan designation for the site is Open Space! Institution Yelm Municipal Code STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City of Yelm Planning Department recommends approval of the variance as requested applicant. Submitted by, ~,'Y-J C~~ Catherine Carlson City Planner Date 5v/}-G1Lhr J fife; S- f (\ V ~~ 1\ \ ~ :,\"1\\ j'JJ J,.'J-) 7 _ _ _ ~ I \ I_I'. \ \] \~ :i~' o ~;~_ ~ntl\\) ,\ ht.. \, t Ij Pcr \ ~!I'" ,--'" ---~-' 'i;Irt... .J--;)V ~o o 1_ Q q .,.-,~ /' '\_ ,d .... / ,v'f"I..f (- \ \ \ ~ , , \ I , \ \ \ , \ \' \ ' i \ \~) i -1 1-""'- '" I' '\. \ "' , \ \ \ .J.J \ \ \ ~ J . f\ ~\ Ie \ \ " \ '\ I~'\W \ ~ \ \ . \v;, \\ \ I..') \' J ,7 \ \ \......-. \ , I \ ' \ "~\ ' \ \ \ ~' \ \ ',';j \ ~ t '~ \ . I t. \r - \ \, \ <,' ~- \ \ \ V \, " \~\ ~ ; \J \ \ \ \ \ \' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \, ~, \ "- " "- ........ " "- ........ \ /15' \--- cr..A\,. ~JjUEIIOj\ 1<~~ _' .II ~r LOT ~,;epfVllO"" lilT I or ~ CITl/lP'1~ 11 'l!Vrro~'s i1L' 11;"';0 ~" ~ ~ ~l. . 0' l.AI"!~ lP~fO~ ~\ or "n11\llfON ,"O~ ._~. "".. ~~; ~ ~i~":" I!.IV . "..- o ~ ~.c"'E ' ._ _ . t<fO( lP': .11:;' rr . o"c' V\SIJl'.l su~r.(f L~~"Jf;"-; s""'" H~~S 'olI'l ~tl!\VJ;V u"u$J'L"'''-~' lJIC'1Y1\ p.11'f ""'". 'ifJ'E' I'DC~1'lV t1lO11 r,~~''kr[' A rJ1CA rr r~IQF TO ~ ,,"otRCI'<'IJlIl1 ~~tJ"!... ' cor<":"'llUCT\ll~ --- (\ ~ c o 105 Yelm Avenue West j> 0 Box 47.9 Yelm, Washington 98597. (360) 458-3244 I City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF ~ELMPLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1995 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,105 YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes ~ September 5 and 18, 1995 minutes. 2. Public Hearing- VAR-8158 Applicant proposes to reduce the side yard setback from 15' to 10' so that a playground cover can be constructed. Staff report enclosed. 3. 1996 Work Program - General Discussion' 4. Other- 4. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non~Commission memb~rs upon request. If you neeq special arrangements to attend or partiqipate in this meeting, please contact Yelin City Hall, a,t 458-3244. NEXT ~EGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 16, 1995, 4:00 PM * Recycled paper '0 o o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 9859,7 (360)' 458-3244 City of Yt:lm NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (VAR 8158) UCBO Side Yard Setback Reduction Proposal to reduce the side yard set back fro'm 15' to 10' for the construction of a 'playground cover The City of Yelm Planning CommiSSion will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a . ..~. variance, proposal (V AR-8158) to reduce the side yard set back from 15' to 10' The set bacl< ~ reduction IS proposed so a playground cover can be constructed' over an existing playground The proposal site is located. at 624 Crystal Springs Road"" The public hearing will beheld on Monday, October 2, 1995" at 4 00 pm ih Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, located' at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Avenue W , Yelm, WA. 'AII.interested' parties are invited to attend Written comments should be directed, to the Yelm Planning Commission and may be mailed' to PO Box479,Yelm, WA 98597 or delivered to City Hall Written comments must be received prior to the hearing to be considered by the Planning Commission Additional Information may be obtained by contacting Cathie Carlson, City P!anner, at Yelm City Hall, (360) 458~8408 Attest. 20~~/~ A <, t'UCki ( Shelly Ba~g:r, f) City Administrator DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published Nisqually Valley News, Thursday, September 21, 1995 Posted in public areas September 19, 1995 Mailed to property owners within 300 feet: September 18, 1995 \~ * Recyi:led,pal!"r , -- ~------~-~ ~ o o o YElM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 1994, 4:00 P.M. YElM CITY HAll COUNCil CHAMBERS Agenda Item! Motion No 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 06 p m by chair Tom Gorman Members present: Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, E J Curry, Tom Cundy, Buffie Clark, Adam Rivas, Ed Pitts, Glenn Blando Members not in attendance. Roberta Longmire, Lyle Sundsmo. Guests John Huddleston, of Creative Homes Staff. Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson and Ken Garmann 2 Continuation of Public Hearing - Off-street ParkinQ and Stormwater Manual Public meeting opened at 4 07 p m Staff Report. Cathy Carlson went over the Matrix that was made up for use by the planning commission Cathy also reported receiving written comments by Debbie Draper, Windermere Real Estate A copy was provided to planning commission members Public Comments John Huddleston, commented about reducing parking stalls Urged the commission to look at the number realistically, gearing areas more to pedestrian use E.J. Curry commented that there appeared to be too many stalls allotted for the library Shelly Badger advised that the number of parking stalls is either tied to total occupants or square footage of the building Tom Gorman suggested a separate category for churches, libraries, etc Yelm Planning Commission September 18. 1995 1 o c c Cathv Carlson noted that in the current code its one for each four seats, based on occupancy Libraries would be based on maximum occupancy and it is one for each three occupants Shellv Badqer stated that the City of Lacey code is one stall per 21 occupants for a 2,500 sq ft. church E.J. Curry left the meeting at 4 40 P m \ Shellv Badger left the meeting at 95-30 MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED BY TOM CUNDY TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING RATIOS OF PARKING: 1. Banks, saving and loan associations - 1 per every 300 sq. ft. 2. Retail establishments, including grocery stores - 1 per 250 sq. ft. 3. Establishments for the sale and consumption of food and beverages, including fraternal and social clubs - 1 per 200 sq. ft. 4. Boarding, lodging and rooming houses - 1-1/2 per each sleeping room 5. Institutions, sanitariums, long-term care facilities - 1 for each 2 beds plus 1 for each employee based on greatest number on the shift. 6. Churches, mortuaries and funeral homes - 1 per 6 seats 7. Dance halls eliminated. 8. Hospitals - 1 per each bed plus 1 for employee. 9. Libraries/Museums - 1 for each 8 occupancy based on maximum occupant load. 10. Medical and dental clinics - 1-1/2 per patient treatment room area plus one space per employee 11. Motels/Hotels - 1 per each unit plus 1 for each employee 12. Motor vehicle or machinery sales - 1 for each 400 sq. ft. Yelm Planning Commission September 18, 1995 2 o o c I 13. Schools: High School - 1 per each classroom and office, plus one for each four students of legal driving age. Middle School - 1 stall per 10 students. 14. Skating rinks (would be under places of assembly) - 1 for each 10 occupants based on the maximum occupancy load. 15 Theaters - 1 for each 6 seats 16. Retail establishments - minimum of 8 parking stalls. Incentives will be for use of buildings of 5,000 sq. ft. or higher. MOTION CARRIED. Minor Text Changes to the Development Guidelines - Cathy Carlson reported on housecleaning changes to the Development Guidelines 1) the city did not have the ability to grant or recommend variances, such as in the O'Rear Industrial Plat. The four criteria were added to give the city some guidelines when giving variances, 2) clarification of the street system, and, 3) page numbering errors Ken Garmann reported that pertaining to the City of Yelm Sanitary Sewer System, Contract 3, Phase I, On-Site STEP Systems, it states that all 1,500 gallon tanks and larger will be two compartment tanks, divided by a baffle It didn't describe how the fluids were supposed to transfer between the two compartments The following language has been added. "install three each 4-inch diameter holes uniformly spaced across width of tank 29 Inches above floor of tank In each baffle Install three each 4-inch diameter holes uniformly spaced across width of tank 8 inches below the top lid of the tank in each baffle " 95-31 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECOND BY GLENN BLANDO TO ACCEPT THE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 3 Other - Cathy Carlson wanted to remind everyone that there would be public hearing at both of the October meetings of the planning commission. Yelm Planning Commission September 18, 1995 3 c c; c 4 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p m The next planning commission meeting will be held on Monday, October 2, 1995 at 4:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kris Taylor Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairperson Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission September 18, 1995 4 Date. September12, 1995 To: Planning Commission From: Cathie Carlson Re: Parking matrix TABLE I Examples in Table I are based on a building of 2,500 square feet. USE OCCUPANCY CURRENT CODE 1 STALLl3 OCCUPANTS 1 STALLl4 OCCUPANTS CITY OF LACEY Places of assembly 357 119 119 89 119 without fixed seats, stalls stalls stalls stalls e g stadiums, auditoriums, churches Places of assembly, less- 167 42 56 42 17 concentrated use or fixed stalls stalls stalls (churches seating, conference e g onlyl) rooms, gymnasiums, libraries Theaters(would fall under 1,000 307 333 250 333 places of assembly, less- stalls stalls stalls stalls concentrated use) *See Table IV for John Huddleston's example o o o TABLE II RESTAURANTS Sa FT. CURRENT CODE 1 ST ALLl1 00 sa FT 1 STALLl150 sa. FT. CITY OF LACEY Inside seating 2,500 13 25 17 42 & Drive through stalls stalls stalls stalls Drive through 500 3 5 3 only stalls stalls stalls Inside dining 5,500 28 55 37 55 Only (Arnolds) stalls stalls stalls stalls TABLE III GROCERY STORE Sa. FT CURRENT CODE 1 ST ALLl250 sa. FT. 1 STALLl300 sa. FT. CITY OF LACEY Under 3,500 sq ft 2,500 13 10 8 25 stalls stalls stalls stalls Over 3,500 sq ft. 35,000 175 140 117 233 stalls stalls stalls stalls Page 2 o o o Below is my estimate on required parking for a theater which seats 1,000 people, using the formula John Huddleston presented on how theaters calculate their parking needs Following is the formula used to determine what theaters consider adequate parking 1 Maximum occupancy minus 30% 2 Minus 35% credit for drop-off 3 Apply parking ratio, e g # of stalls per # of occupants based on revised occupancy 4 Equals revised parking requirements TABLE IV OCCUPANCY 70% 35% REVISED 1 STALLl3 OCCUPANTS 1 STALLl4 OCCUPANTS CURRENT CODE CREDIT TOTAL 1,000 700 -245 455 152 stalls 114 stalls 307 stalls Occupants Occupants Occupants Page 3 o o o a.a? ~ 1)7"(1 :J-J.-;)- -.1.-.1.-. (\....-..-..v v-v.v-.-v-.-..- 08/28/95 14 42 1::160 7SJ 8087 OLYMPIA CPD ..... E~PS ARCHITECTS ~OOl~.::~_l_ / pi ---r-f'. I r ( .~ -I/<..e f) a.-<.. h c.....i ~ J, C<-. c...J F,- f-!. ~ . ~ c- a- / fA (J?. - I l/l ( v \ / ~ h-s<- c.: G-.a- c... ( l r;-f--<-.: p c;~ :5- O( t.; V'-';if C. If u.fJ;4-€c. v:; '?.Je-<-<.Lc-<d ~.... <;; ~c> I hrkin2: aud u,adin.: Barrier Free ParkiD~ R~uir~en~/18.38.1!lO · W - SqIOQI.S: ~ High School One (1) spau per classroom and omc.e, plus one (1) space {or each tour (4) students that an normally enrolled and a~ or wgal driviug age. Public uwmbly areas, such as auditoriums, stad.1u.ms, etc., that are pri:mary u&eS, shall be considered a separate use ill detef'lT'fning _ __ parkiai. ---. ~-- ~dd1e and I Elementary School o 0- c CD E ~ ~ "'- ... "," VI ~ _OJ ., OCl ~ ,,!l! ~ '--:7 ';S- ~ .... ~ \~ .. ~ E Q .. OJ a <i 0 ci ~ c It u €. \0- - I'- ~ <l:l '" .:; Cll i <3 z ~ )( (1:1 ll. ~~ I '7 .. OJ "Iii ~ <: .. 0 >< 0 ~ '=' ~ ~ ~ U a. "---- ~ One (1) stall per ten (10) students of design apadty. 18.38.120 ./ ~/ BARRIER FREE PARKING REQUIREMENTS Handicapped parking requirements shall be provided is establlshed by the 1991 Wasbington State Buildiog Code. The parkiDe sumdards contained within this Se<:tion represent those est.ablisbed by the 1991 Washington State Building Code. Any cl1.anie La the Stau's handicapped parking requirements shall preempt the affected requirements of thi5 Settian. 1. A~ble Pa.rkiDi Requi.red Refer to tile table below and W AC !1.~o-3107, Parking Facilities, for ~uired accessible parking spaces. Refer to Chapter 5 of the U:ai!orm Buildmg Code tor buildin~ OiCtupanc:y deClnitioas. NUM,elt OF Aee~S$I8t..E PAlUCING SPACES Tvl., P'~I\; SPICU Wlnlrnum Req\llr.d r- I~ lor fI' O.nlo. N~mb4r Qt Acl:...~bl. Sp.~." , .25 , 20'~ ~ 51.7S :J 7G. 10:: " 10' . '1$0 5 1S' · 2C:O G 20' .~ 7 ~1 - 400 e 401 . SOO , SO, - \000 2.,. 01 '04~ apll:lll Onr 1= 20 ,p.~' 5Il\Ie , 'PtCa fot every '00 IPI"'':- Of fraClion \hereof, ~f1t ,0Qg IV - 38 · 18 (\ u o c ~,."',"',,, ,'~ ..r.,',<,1 ... \O~/ - REVISED AUGUST 30, 1995 Chapter 17 72 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING Sections. 1772010 1772020 1772030 1772040 1772050 1772060 1772075 1772080 1772090 Intent General requirements Minimum requirements Unit of measurement Mixed occupancies Off-street loading Landscaping Development guidelines Incentives for reducing the number of parking stalls 17 72 010 Intent. It is the intent of this chapter to A. Assure that space is provided for the parking, loading and unloading of motor vehicles on the site of premises or uses which attract said motor vehicles, B Provide minimum standards of space and parking arrangements, and for the movement of motor vehicles into and out of such spaces, C Avoid or reduce traffic congestion on public streets by 1 Keeping the need for on-street parking to a minimum, and 2 Controlling access to sites, D Enhance safety for pedestrians and motor vehicle operators, and E Encourage the creation of an aesthetically pleasing and functionally adequate system of off-street parking and loading facilities 17 72 020 General requirements A Off-street parking spaces and driveways shall not be used at any time for purposes other than their intended use, ie, the temporary storage of motor vehicles used by persons visiting or having business to conduct on the premises for which the parking is provided B Minimum parking space required and intended for use by occupants or users of specific premises shall not be leased or rented to others, nor shall such space be made unavailable through other means to the users for whom the parking spaces are intended This, however, does not preclude shared parking arrangements o c c C Whenever a building or a piece of land is put to a use different from the immediately preceding use, or when a building is remodeled, reconstructed or expanded, adequate off- street parking shall be provided consistent with the new use, reconstruction or expansion of the premises D Consideration from the site ~review committee, planning committee commission and the city council should be given as to the requirements/standards for off-street parking as they pertain to the central business district. E Off-street parking facilities shall be located as hereinafter specified, where a distance is specified, such distance shall be the walking distance measured from the nearest point of the parking facilities to the nearest point of the building that such facility is required to serve F F or a single-family dwelling or multi-family dwellings, the parking facilities shall be located on the same lot or building site as the building they are required to serve G For churches located in any zones, parking facilities shall be located on the site, consideration may be given to parking facilities located not farther than one hundred fifty feet from the building H For hospitals, sanitariums, homes for the aged, asylums, orphanages, rooming houses, lodging houses, nursing and convalescent homes, community clubs, and club rooms, parking facilities shall be located not farther than one hundred fifty feet from the facility For uses other than those specified, parking facilities shall be located not farther than three hundred feet from the facility Consideration from the site ~review committee, planning committee commission and the city council should be given as to the requirements/standards for off-street parking as they pertain to the central business district. J Exceptions or modifications to the provisions of this chapter shall be processed as a variance application 1772030 Minimum requirements A The requirements for off-street parking and loading facilities and their design shall be regarded as the minimum, however, the owner, developer or operator of the premises for which the parking facilities are intended shall be responsible for providing adequate amounts and arrangement of space for the particular premises even though such space or its arrangement is in excess of the minimum set forth in this chapter B For special uses, as identified and described in Chapter 17 66 of this title, the parking requirement shall be as provided in that chapter or as determined by the approval authority/site plan review committee C Residential Uses 0 Number of Spaces Per DwellinQ Unit Single-family homes 2 Duplexes 2 Multi-family dwellings 21 D Commercial Uses 1 In the several commercial districts, off-street parking requirements shall be as shown herein, provided that all of the property is controlled by a single person or corporation, or written agreements for shared parking, acceptable to the city, are filed with the approval authority Shared parking agreements are acceptable only if the physical relationship between the premises makes such sharing possible and results in superior design in terms of layout, access, reduced curb cuts and the like 2. In tfle--following Hst,tfle--parking requirements ef-specific uses-Hste€I-sRaU-be--GAe parking staU-pef-200-squ3re feet-ef-gross-floof-area: o 8aAks Saving aA€l-leafI-3ssoci3tions Business aA€l-profession31 offices Establishments fGf-tAe-sate-aREl-consumption oo---tAe-premises ef-feeG-aOO beverages, including fraternal aA€l-sOCi31 clubs, reta#-stores, except as-otherwise specified herein. 3g Specific Uses In the followinQ list, the parkinQ requirements for specific uses listed shall be determined throuQh a formula of one stall ~number of Qross floor area (GFA) or as specified. Banks, saving and loan associations, Business and professional offices One per 200-300 sq ft. of GFA Retail Establishments One per 2-00 250 sq ft. of GFA c 1 Housing intended for exclusive use of, and occupied by, senior citizens shall provide one space for every three dwelling units plus two-tenths space per dwelling unit in buildings containing five or more dwelling units Housing in which the dwelling units are characterized by one room enclosing all activities (sometimes referred to as "bachelor" or "efficiency" units) shall provide one and one-half parking spaces for each dwelling unit, plus two-tenths space per dwelling unit in buildings containing five or more dwelling units 3 o Establishments for the sale and consumption of food and beverages, including fraternal and social clubs Boarding, lodging or rooming houses Children's Institutions fe5t- homes, sanitariums, and 10nQ-term care facilities Churches, mortuaries ef- funeral homes Dancehalls Hospitals o Libraries and museums Medical or dental clinics Motels, hotels Motor vehicle or machinery sales, wholesale stores, furniture stores S::mitariums Schools High schools Elementary and junior high schools c One per 200 sq ft. of GFA One-and-one-half for each sleeping room One for each two beds,_~ one per employee based on the Qreatest number of emplovees on a sinQle shift One fGF-eaGt=l-fEwf-seats-ffi--tfIe principal f*aGe-ef-assembly ef- 'lIorship, including balconies aAG GReif-teft One per fifteen square feet of dancing area,plus-related occupancy factors +we One for each bed, ~one per emplovee based on the Qreatest number of employees on a sinQle shift One for each three occupants, based on maximum occupants per the Unified BuildinQ Code One-and-one-half per patient treatment room/area, flli:!Lone space ~emplovee based on the Qreatest number of employees on a sinQle shift One for each unit, plus one per employee based on the Qreatest number of employees on a sinQle shift One for each 400 sq ft. of GFA GRe-fGF-eaGt=l-geG Gfle-feF-each feuf-students ~ooe fGF-eaGt=l-faculty member GRe-fGF-eaGt=l-etgAt-students pH.Is- ooe-fGF-eaGt=l-faculty member 4 c c c Sk::lting rinks One feF-eveFy-fefty-squ::lre feet-plus ~rel::lted occupancy f::lctors Places of assemble without fixed seats. ~stadiums, auditoriums. and churches One for each three occupants. based on the maximum occupant load ~the Unified BuildinQ Code Assembly ares, less-concentrated use. ~conference rooms and Qvmnasiums One for each four occupants. based on the maximum occupant load per the Unified BuildinQ Code Theaters One for each three seats up to eight hundred seats, plus one for each five seats over eight hundred seats E Industrial Uses 1 General a. One space per employee based on the greatest number of employees on a single shift, plus, b One square foot parking per square foot of display or retail area, plus, c. One space for each vehicle owned, leased or operated by the company 2 Specific Uses IYmLof Use Minimum Parking Requirements Warehouses 1 space/1000 sq ft. GFA plus 1 space/400 sq ft. of GFA used for offices or display F In the case of a use not specifically mentioned in Section 1772030, the requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be determined by the approval authority Such determination shall be based upon the requirements for the most comparable use specified in Section 17 72 030 17.72.Q40 Unit of Measurement. In st::ldiums, sports, ::lren::lS, churches aAd-etAef-pl::lces at ::lssemb,ly in which p::ltrons or spectators occupy benches, pe',,:s, ::lnd other simil::1r se::lting f::lcilities, each eighteen inches of width or eighty squ::lre feet of open ::lre::l of such sooting f::lcilities should be counted as one se::lt for the purpose of determining requirements for off street parking f::lcilities URdef-tfHs-tille:- 17 72 050 Mixed occupancies In the case of two or more uses in the same building, the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the several 5 o o r~ \...J uses computed separately Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other use, except as hereafter specified in Incentives for reducing the number of parking stalls, Section 17 72 090,fef-jetA-t-use 17 72 060 Off-street loading A. Off-street loading shall be required for all commercial establishments which are engaged in the retailing or wholesaling of merchandise requiring regular delivery such as food retailers, lumber yards, hardware stores, department stores and the like Total Gross Floor Area of BuildinQ(s) Space Required Less than 5,000 sq ft. 1 5,000 sq ft. to 25,000 sq ft. 2 25,000 sq ft. to 50,000 sq ft. 3 Each additional 50,000 sq ft. or fraction thereof in excess of 25,000 sq ft. 1 additional All off-street loading and unloading spaces shall be of adequate size and with adequate access thereto to accommodate a vehicle forty-five feet in length, twelve feet in width and fourteen feet in height. Each loading space shall be surfaced with an asphalt, concrete or similar pavement so as to provide a surface that is durable and dust-free and shall be so graded and drained as to properly dispose of all surface water, and shall, moreover, comply with Yelm Development Guidelines B Any floor area provided by additions to or structural alterations to a building shall be provided with loading space or spaces as set forth herein whether or not loading spaces have been provided for the original floor space C Consideration from the site 12illn-review committee. planning committee commission and city council should be given as to the requirements/standards for off-street parking and required loading areas as they pertain to the central business district. 17 72 075 Landscaping A Landscaping shall be provided according to Chapter 17 80 and the provisions of this Section 17 72 075 are supplemental thereto B All parking areas located adjacent to any private street or public street right-of-way shall prOVide a minimum five-foot planted buffer stnp between the parking area and the private street or public right-of-way 6 o o c C Refuse 1 Refuse container screening shall be required and be of a material and design compatible with the overall architectural theme of the associated structure, shall be at least as high as the refuse container, and shall in no case be less than six feet high 2 No refuse container shall be permitted between a street and the front of a building 3 Refuse collection areas shall be designed to contain all refuse generated on site and deposited between collections Deposited refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure 17 72 080 Development guidelines A. Parking area design shall include 1 Ingress and Egress The location of all points of ingress and egress to parking areas shall be subject to the review and approval of the city engineer 2 Backing Out Prohibited In all commercial and industrial developments and in all residential buildings containing five or more c!welling units, parking areas shall be so arranged as to make it unnecessary for a vehicle to back out into any street or public right-of-way 3 Parking Spaces-Access and Dimensions Adequate provision shall be made for individual ingress and egress by vehicles to all parking stalls at all times by means of unobstructed maneuvering aisles Maneuvering aisles, parking stall dimensions and requirements shall be as shown in drawings 4-21, 4-22, 4-23, 4-24 and 4-25 of the Development Guidelines 4 Small Car Parking Spaces In all parking facilities containing twenty-five or more parking spaces, a maximum of twenty-five percent of the required parking spaces may be reduced in size for the use of small cars, provided these spaces shall be clearly identified with a sign permanently affixed immediately in front of each space containing the notation, "Compacts Only" Spaces designed for small cars may be reduced in size to a minimum of seven and one-half feet in width and fifteen feet in length Where feasible, all small car spaces shall be located in one or more contiguous areas and/or adjacent to ingress/egress points within parking facilities Location of compact car parking spaces shall not create traffic congestion or impede traffic flows 5 Setback of Buildings from Public Right-of-way a When parking is not to be provided between the building and the right-of- way line, the building setback shall be (1) Forty-five feet from the centerline of the right-of-way, or 7 c c c (2) Half the right-of-way width plus fifteen feet, whichever is greater b When parking is to be provided between the building and the right-of-way line, the building setback shall be (1) Forty-five feet (five feet is for planted buffer strip along right-of-way line) from the centerline of the right-of-way, or (2) Half the right-of-way width plus five feet (five feet is for planted buffer strip along right-of-way line), whichever is greater; plus (3) The distance needed for appropriate parking and internal circulation as shown in the design standards of Section 17 72 050 6 Surfacing All parking areas for more than four vehicles shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete or similar pavement so as to provide a surface that is durable and dust free and shall be so graded and drained as to properly dispose of all surface water 7 Lighting Any lighting used to illuminate any required off-street parking area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining premises in a R zone 8 Signs Must meet requirements as set forth in Chapter 15.24 of this code B Stormwater Runoff All stormwater runoff shall be retained, treated and disposed of on site or disposed of in a system designed for such runoff and which does not flood or damage adjacent properties Systems designed for runoff retention and control shall comply with specifications provided by the city and shall be subject to its review and approval, and shall, moreover, comply with Chapter 5 of the Yelm Development Guidelines, Drainage Design and Erosion Control Standards for the City of Yelm 17 72 090 Incentives for reducing the number of parking stalls The City may allow the overall parking ratio (stalls/floor area, people or employees) to be reduced if, through a quantified parking demand analysis, it can be demonstrated that the uses on parcels '....Ith sh3red p3rking 3re a reduction in the number of stalls required is consistent with the requirements intent of Chapter 17 72 Reductions in parkinQ areas mav included any combination of incentives, provided that the overall reduction does not exceed twentv-five percent (25%) of the base required area. Reductions in parking requirements may occur, but are not limited !Q.. URGer the following guidelines 1 A reduction-ef-teA-percent fW%1 of the required parking is possible with coordinated design and shared access to consolidated parking areas linked by pedestrian walkways 2 Multiple parcels, under separate ownership, be treated as a single development site if all owners agree 8 3 Primary night-time uses such as theaters and bowling alleys may receive up to a fifty percent (50%) reduction in providing the required number of parking stalls if" c a A lease for the equivalent parking stall reduction is obtained from a primary daytime user such as a bank, office or retail store b Leased parking is within three hundred (300) feet of the associated use, as long as a pedestrian walkway exists or is provided between parking area and use 4 Off-site leasing of parking areas may be utilized to meet the required ratio of parking for the proposed use provided that the leased parking is within three hundred (300) feet of the proposed use, as long as a pedestrian walkway exists or is provided between parking area and use 5 Alternative programs that may be considered by the approval authority and/or site plan review committee under this section include, but are not limited to the following a Private vanpool operation, b TransiUvanpool fare subsidy; c. Imposition and maintenance of a charge for parking, c d Provision of subscription bus services, e Flexible work hour schedule, f Capital improvements for transit services, g Preferential parking for carpools/vanpools, h Participation in the ride-matching program, Reduction of parking fees for carpools and van pools, Establishment of a transportation coordinator position to implement carpool, van pool and transit programs, k. Bicycle parking facilities c 9 ,f"\ \.J ~ u /\ \J 105 Yelm Avenue West , PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 9EJ597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY" SEPTEMBER .l.8, 1995 4: 00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,105 YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Cal~, Approval of Min~tes - September 5, 1995 minutes not ~vailable until the regularly sche~uled meeting on October 2; 1995. 2. Continuation o~ Public Hearing - Off-Street Parking' & Minor Text Changes to the Development Guidelines Parking: Parking Matrix and Aug.30,1995 draft chapter 17.72, Off~Stre~t Parking and toa~ing enclQsed. Development Guidelines: Minor changes. 3. Other'- 4. Adjourn- ~nclosures are avaiiable to non~Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or pa~ticipate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 2, 1995, 4:00 PM * 'Recycled paper ,~ o o o Planning Commission Staff Report. August 29, 1995 1U Prepared by Cathie Carlson r;.~ Chapter 17 72 Off-Street Parking and Loading ParkinQ Examples for Food Establishments McDonalds 2,700 sq ft. Current Code of 1.200 = 14 stalls Lacey's Code (attached table) of 1'60 = 45 stalls Actual on-site parking provided - 42 stalls On Tuesday, August 29, 1995 I visited McDonalds from approximately 12 15 to 1225 pm I counted and average of 20 parked cars, during the 10 minutes I was there the parking total ranged from 19 - 21 Also, during that time there were a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 cars in the drive through I spoke with the Manager at McDonalds in regards to their peak time and parking needs Typical peak times are from 12 00 - 2 00 pm and 4 30 - 6 30 pm during these times the approximately 1/2 - 3/4 (20 - 32) of the parking stalls are in use Puerto Vallarta Unable to connect with owner/manager City of Lacey ParkinQ Requirements (table attached) Grocery stores less than 5,000 2 sq ft. per sq ft. of GFA (comparable to approx. 1 stall per 150 sq ft.) 1 sq ft. per sq ft. of GFA (comparable to approx. 1 stall per 200 sq ft. ) more than 5,000 Fast Food/Restaurants 1 space per 60 sq ft. of GFA Recommendation Retain the City's current ratio of 1.200 for Grocery Stores and create a new category for restaurants and fast food establishments at a ration of 1 100 c c c ParkinQ Based on Occupancy Attached is a page from the Unified Building Code for determining occupancy based on square footage of a building Example #1 Using the table, #3 - a place of assembly, without fixed seats, a 2,500 sq ft. building would have a maximum occupancy of 357 people Parking Scenarios 1 Parking formula of 1 stall per 3 occupants would require 119 parking stalls 2 Parking formula of 1 stall per 4 occupants would require 89 parking stalls 3 Parking ratio of 1 stall per 200 sq ft. would require 13 stalls Example #2 Using the table, #4 - Assembly areas, less concentrated use a 2,500 sq ft. building would have a maximum occupancy of 167 people Parking Scenarios 1 Parking formula of 1 stall per 3 occupants would require 56 parking stalls 2 Parking formula of 1 stall per 4 occupants would require 42 parking stalls 3 Parking ratio of 1 stall per 200 sq ft. would require 13 stalls Recommendation Utilize parking scenario #1 in example #1 and parking scenario #2 in example #2 Quantified ParkinQ Demand Analysis I discussed with Perry Shea, from S Chamberlain and Associates, the benefits and costs associated with a quantified parking demand analysis The study is strictly an analysis used to identified overlapping parking needs, at peak times, for specific uses The methods/guidelines that are listed as incentives for reducing the number of parking stalls, Section 17 72 090, can not be quantified through a parking demand analysis The cost associated with a quantified parking demand analysis for a complex of 100,000 sq ft. or less in conjunction with a traffic impact study and analysis would be between $600 - $800 The same analysis independent of a traffic impact study and analysis would between $1,000 ~ C $1,500 Recommendation Rewrite the first paragraph of Section 17 72 090 to The City may allow the overall parking ration (stalls/floor area, people or employees) to be reduced, provided such reductions are consistent with the intent of Chapter 17 72 Reduction in parking areas may included any combination of incentives, provided that the overall reduction does not exceed twenty-five (25%) of the based required are Reductions in parking requirements may occur, but are not limited to, the following guidelines Add as another guideline In a mixed use development a reduction of the required parking is possible if, through a quantified parking demand analysis, it can be demonstrated that parking requirements for the highest and best uses occur at off-setting peak times c o ;.." ":0 l/\ U Fax # - 3bD) t?S8. 43Lf~ Fax II MINIMJJM:.PAltKING TYPE OF USE On. DISTRICT ~QYIlm.J\m1'ffS (Note:GFAtIleans' gross tloorarea) Core Commercial DistrIct 5 5 spaces/I ,000 sq ft of GFA General Commercial District 2 sq. ft.lsq. ft. of GFA LImIted Busmess District 1 space/300 sq ft of GFA Office Commercial 1 space/400 sq. ft of GFA Neighborhood Commercial DIstrict 1 space/5OG sq. ft. of OF A ," . ' spe~n~tj~eu , .. ...". .... ,>; a Banks 1 space/300 sq ft. of GFA b Billiard Halls 2 spaces/table c Bowhng Alleys 5 spaces/alley d Busmess and professional offices . WIth on-site customer services 1 space/400 sq ft of GF A . Without on-site customer services 1 space/BOO sq. ft. of GFA e Churches . With fixed seats 1 space/3 seats or 6 ft of bench . Without fixed seats 1 space/150 sq. ft. of OFA f Day care, preschools, nursery 1 space/teacher, plus a drop-off schools loading area for every 7 children g Food and Drug stores . Less than 5,000 sq. ft. 2 sq. ft./sq ft. of GFA . 5,000 sq. ft. or more I sq. ft /sq ft. of GFA h. Hospitals 1 space for each bed 1 Libranes 1 space/2oo sq. ft of GFA j Medical and dental offices 1 space/200 sq. ft. of GFA k. MortUaries 5 spaces plus 1 per 2S sQ ft. of assembly room area 1. Motel and hotels 1 space/guest room m Nursing homes, convalescent centers 1 space/guest room n. RegIonal shopping centers 4 spaces per 1,000 sq ft. of GFA \..--- U ,,~. G Table 16T-15 1 Lacey 06/94 II~~ __Ir:: u..l 1'7r1v1 FU! o 0 Restaurants . Which servIce auto-borne customers, both within and oUtsIde the buildmg 1 space/60 sq ft of GFA . Which servIce- auto-borne customers outsIde the bUIlding 1 space/IS sq ft of GFA p Restaurants and taverns which 1 space/loo sq ft of GFA service customers within the building q. Schools, elementary and junior high 1 5 spaces/classroom and office Schools, senior high 1.5 spaces/classroom and office plus 1 ,- space for each 5 students of designated " capacity r. Service stations 1 space/employee plus 1 per service bay s Stadiums. auditoriums, gymnasiums 1 space/3 of the permitted assembly occupants School parking spaces may be used provided the facilities are on the same or contiguous parcels c o Table 16T~ 15.2 Lacey 06/94 11=- --1::1'- u4 17fl./I [11_ ~,.,;,~,".~.~J:"Y~~~~:i~~~~:I~~~,~""".;":"1',,,,~,;,,,.:,:~',,',;~\.1 ~\,.,'...;' :.: ,',' ''''I'''~''''''l> ,...., ~; ~-______II.:.:::.::;:..:;.;;:: ;;:~.=::";::;~-. "'J:"',i.-~...i.~,~,._~,;;~~ij,\,~?j~,:" ,,-) ..._._~ () 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE J~", mo. E,," "r, d;,p",,' ,= ,',," ",,' , mh,;m'm or two If more than 6,000 persons are to be accommodated within a dispersal area, ;hall be a minimum of three exits and for more than 9,000 persons there shall east four exits. The aggregate clear width of exits from a safe dispersal area Ie determined Oil the basis of IIotless (hall one exit unit of 22 inches for each ~rsons to be accommodated, and no exit shall be less lhan44 inches ill width. l'wo exits required, Two exits shall be provided from every facility which 1lI1Odates more than 300 persons. 'hree exits required. Three exits shall be required when a facility or section If accommodates more lhall ) ,000 persons. ~our exits required. Four exits shall be required when a facility or section )f accommodates more than 3,000 persons. )etermination of exit width, The total width of exits in feet shall not be less he total occupant load served divided by 150 when exiting by stairs and di- by 200 when exiting by ramps, corridors, tunnels or vomitories. \1inirnum exit width. No exit shall be less than 42 inches in width. TABLE NO. 33-A-MINIMUM EGRESS REQUIREMENTS1 MINIMUM OF TWO EXITS OTHER THAN ELEVATORS ARE REOUIRED WHERE NUMBER OF OCCUPANT lOAD OCCUPANTS IS AT FACTOR' USE' lEAST (sq. h,) I Aircraft hangars (no repair) 10 500 2, Auction rooms 30 7 3 Assembly areas, concentrated use (withoul fixed seals) 50 7 Auditoriums Churches and chapels Dance Ooors Lobby accessory to assembly occupancy Lodge rooms Reviewing stands Stadiums Waiting Area 50 3 4 Assembly areas, less-concentrated use 50 15 Conference rooms Dining rooms Drinking eslahlishmenls Exhihil rooms Gymnasiums Lounges Stages 5 Bowling alley (assume no occupanlload for bowling lanes) 50 4 6, Children s homes and homes for lhe aged 6 80 7 Classrooms 50 20 8, Congregate residences (aecommodaling 10 or less persons and having an area of 3,O(J0 square fed or less) III 300 Congregate residences (accommodating more lhan 10 persons or having an area of more lhan 3,llO() square feel) 10 200 9 Courtrooms 50 40 10, Dormitories 10 50 II Dwclliitgs 10 300 12, Exercising rooms 50 50 (Coli/ill Ill''') o r'~ .' i ~"':' '/ '{.:_, ,~ , ;'1 " ~ '1j. ,< 'I.. /, , '4: \! Ii. :/ FY {j '.\ m: :~f: f.\~i f :! :::: .;.: ;:~ mj :.~ .:.; :fi f; :;:; ,\ ':t .;.; H , :::: [' ;.;. :!i; :.~ .:.; i I .... 1;0 !i!i .... il iiii 1 i .. '! ::=1 .:.: }* ;::: a,f ;~~ ~'f } 1/ '" ~, :.:. ;( ;::! ir j;;~ ~t~ if :::; iiJ :::: :.;. i\ .. Ii ( I ; ~ : 659 c o o (f" DL'I ,O:rrA>; ![J 1-1' .-7[/ { . f;{ ~' . i -- . ' . ., '.J Chapter 17 72 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING Sections 1772010 1772020 1772030 17.72.040 1772050 1772060 17 72 075 1772080 1772090 Intent General requirements Minimum requirements Unit ef-me:Jsurement Mixed occupancies Off-street loading Landscaping Development guidelines Incentives for reducing the number of parking stalls 17 72 010 Intent. It is the intent of this chapter to A Assure that space is provided for the parking, loading and unloading of motor vehicles on the site of premises or uses which attract said motor vehicles, B Provide minimum standards of space and parking arrangements, and for the movement of motor vehicles into and out of such spaces, C Avoid or reduce traffic congestion on public streets by' 1 Keeping the need for on-street parking to a minimum, and 2 Controlling access to sites, D Enhance safety for pedestrians and motor vehicle operators, and E Encourage the creation of an aesthetically pleasing and functionally adequate system of off-street parking and loading facilities 17 72 020 General requirements A. Off-street parking spaces and driveways shall not be used at any time for purposes other than their intended use, ie, the temporary storage of motor vehicles used by persons visiting or having business to conduct on the premises for which the parking is provided B Minimum parking space required and intended for use by occupants or users of specific premises shall not be leased or rented to others, nor shall such space be made unavailable through other means to the users for whom the parking spaces are intended This, however, does not preclude shared parking arrangements C Whenever a building or a piece of land is put to a use different from the immediately preceding use, or when a building is remodeled, reconstructed or expanded, adequate off- street parking shall be provided consistent with the new use, reconstruction or expansion o c o rDO' A -7 ,.. ' II f Vi',.... '\ r, c~ j/ /IJ llril ' . of the premises D Consideration from the site Q.@:Lreview committee, planning committee commission and the city council should be given as to the requirements/standards for off-street parking as they pertain to the central business district. E Off-street parking facilities shall be located as hereinafter specified, where a distance is specified, such distance shall be the walking distance measured from the nearest point of the parking facilities to the nearest point of the building that such facility is required to serve F F or a single-family dwelling or multi-family dwellings, the parking facilities shall be located on the same lot or building site as the building they are required to serve G For churches located in any zones, parking facilities shall be located on the site, consideration may be given to parking facilities located not farther than one hundred fifty feet from the building H For hospitals, sanitariums, homes for the aged, asylums, orphanages, rooming houses, lodging houses, nursing and convalescent homes, community clubs, and club rooms, parking facilities shall be located not farther than one hundred fifty feet from the facility For uses other than those specified, parking facilities shall be located not farther than three hundred feet from the facility Consideration from the site Q.@:Lreview committee, planning committee commission and the city council should be given as to the requirements/standards for off-street parking as they pertain to the central business district. J Exceptions or modifications to the provisions of this chapter shall be processed as a variance application 17 72 030 Minimum requirements A The requirements for off-street parking and loading facilities and their design shall be regarded as the minimum, however, the owner, developer or operator of the premises for which the parking facilities are intended shall be responsible for providing adequate amounts and arrangement of space for the particular premises even though such space or its arrangement is in excess of the minimum set forth in this chapter B For special uses, as identified and described in Chapter 1766 of this title, the parking requirement shall be as provided in that chapter or as determined by the approval authority/site plan review committee 2 rD~4 -7 ;- !'~J ,/\ /' '~~ IJ Ji~']r J~ . ... .. C Residential Uses C Single-family homes Duplexes Multi-family dwellings D Commercial Uses Number of Spaces Per Dwelling Unit 2 2 21 1 In the several commercial districts, off-street parking requirements shall be as shown herein, provided that all of the property is controlled by a single person or corporation, or written agreements for shared parking, acceptable to the city, are filed with the approval authority Shared parking agreements are acceptable only if the physical relationship between the premises makes such sharing possible and results in superior design in terms of layout, access, reduced curb cuts and the like 2 In tRe-following Hst,tRe-parking requirements af-specific uses-Hste4-sAal+-be-Gfle parking staU-pef-2OQ- sq uare feet--af-~fI.oof-area- c 8aRk-s Saving aml-teaA-associations Business aflG-professional offices Establishments feF-tAe-sal&-aA4-consumption oo-tAe-premises ef-fGeG--aOO beverages, including fratornal aflG-seGial-clubs, fetatl-stores, except as-otherv.'ise specified herein 3~ Specific Uses In the followinQ list. the parkinQ requirements for specific uses listed shall be determined throuQh a formula of one stall QgLnumber of Qross floor area (GFA) or as specified. Banks, saving and loan associations, Business and professional offices One per 200-300 sq ft. of GFA Retail Establishments One per 200 250 sq ft. of GFA o 1 Housing intended for exclusive use of, and occupied by, senior citizens shall provide one space for every three dwelling units plus two-tenths space per dwelling unit in buildings containing five or more dwelling units Housing in which the dwelling units are characterized by one room enclosing all activities (sometimes referred to as "bachelor" or "efficiency" units) shall provide one and one-half parking spaces for each dwelling unit, plus two-tenths space per dwelling unit in buildings containing five or more dwelling units 3 c Establishments for the sale and consumption of food and beverages, including fraternal and social clubs Boarding, lodging or rooming houses Children's Institutions rest- homes,sanitariums, and 10nQ-term care facilities Churches, mortuaries Gf- funeral homes Dancehalls Hospitals o Libraries and museums Medical or dental clinics Motels, hotels Motor vehicle or machinery sales, wholesale stores, furniture stores Sanitariums Schools High schools Elementary and junior high schools c rD' " D 1\\ j~-7.' . -j 'k~tJM tI' . One per 200 sq ft. of G FA One-and-one-half for each sleeping room One for each two beds,J;lli:!~_one per employee based on the greatest number of emplovees on a single shift One fGF-eaGA-few-seats-ffi-tRe principal pJaee-ef-assembly Gf- 'J.'orship, including balconies aAG GAGif-tGft One per fifteen square feet of dancing area,-i*us-related occupancy factors +we One for each bed, ~one per employee based on the Qreatest number of emplovees on a sinQle shift One for each three occupants, based on maximum occupants per the Unified BuildinQ Code One-and-one-half per patient treatment room/area. ~one space ~employee based on the Qreatest number of emplovees on a sinQle shift One for each unit, plus one per employee based on the Qreatest number of employees on a sinQle shift One for each four hundred square feet of gross floor area GAe-fGF-eaGA-geG Gfle-fef-each ~students ~GAe fGF-eaGA-faculty member GAe-fGF-eaGA-etg.At-students i*us- ooe-fGF-eaGA- faculty member 4 o c c .. ( r I"Q~".T !i'\.r' '-"""7 . 'ii/ I, ""'~ , ,," lit d ,i ,. .. Skating rinks One fef-evefy-fefty-square feet-pIus ~related occupancy factors Places of assemble without fixed seats, ~stadiums, auditoriums. and churches One for each three occupants, based on the maximum occupant load QM.the Unified BuildinQ Code 0- Assemblv are's, less-concentrated use, ~conference rooms and Qvmnasiums One for each four occupants, based on the maximum occupant load per the Unified BuildinQ Code Theaters One for each three seats up to eight hundred seats, plus one for each five seats over eight hundred seats E Industrial Uses 1 General a. One space per employee based on the greatest number of employees on a single shift, plus, b One square foot parking per square foot of display or retail area, plus, c. One space for each vehicle owned, leased or operated by the company 2 Specific Uses ~QiUse Minimum Parking Requirements Warehouses 1 space/1000 sq ft.GFA plus 1 space/400 sq ft. of GFA used for offices or display F In the case of a use not specifically mentioned in Section 1772030, the requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be determined by the approval authority Such determination shall be based upon the requirements for the most comparable use specified in Section 17 72 030 17.72.040 Unit of Measurement. In stadiums, sports, arenas, churches afiG-etflef-places ef assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews, and other similar seating facilities, each eighteen inches of width or eighty square feet of open area of such seating facilities should be counted os one seat for the purpose of determining requirements for off street parking facilities tffiGef-tAis-tttle- 17 72 050 Mixed occupancies In the case of two or more uses in the same building, the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the several 5 c c c f), ,~ "'-':")- \i! ..., ..........- -<01-. l L'~~J-l'- ~ --41 uses computed separately Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other use, except as hereafter specified in Incentives for reducing the number of parking stalls, Section 17 72 090, for joint use 17 72 060 Off-street loading A Off-street loading shall be required for all commercial establishments which are engaged in the retailing or wholesaling of merchandise requiring regular delivery such as food retailers, lumber yards, hardware stores, department stores and the like Total Gross Floor Area of BuildinQ(s) Space Required Less than 5,000 sq ft. 1 5,000 sq ft. to 25,000 sq ft. 2 25,000 sq ft. to 50,000 sq ft. 3 Each additional 50,000 sq ft. or fraction thereof in excess of 25,000 sq ft. 1 additional All off-street loading and unloading spaces shall be of adequate size and with adequate access thereto to accommodate a vehicle forty-five feet in length, twelve feet in width and fourteen feet in height. Each loading space shall be surfaced with an asphalt, concrete or similar pavement so as to provide a surface that is durable and dust-free and shall be so graded and drained as to properly dispose of all surface water, and shall, moreover, comply with Yelm Development Guidelines B Any floor area provided by additions to or structural alterations to a building shall be provided with loading space or spaces as set forth herein whether or not loading spaces have been provided for the original floor space C Consideration from the site ~review committee, planning committee commission and city council should be given as to the requirements/standards for off-street parking and required loading areas as they pertain to the central business district. 17 72 075 Landscaping A Landscaping shall be provided according to Chapter 17 80 and the provisions of this Section 17 72 075 are supplemental thereto B All parking areas located adjacent to any private street or public street right-of-way shall provide a minimum five-foot planted buffer strip between the parking area and the private street or public right-of-way 6 o o c C Refuse 'V,., ~~., , '.-7 I , ,; r~;1 ~/1 I I ~ ,i /iJ ') J I -, ;. ,,' .. .A 1 Refuse container screening shall be required and be of a material and design compatible with the overall architectural theme of the associated structure, shall be at least as high as the refuse container, and shall in no case be less than six feet high 2 No refuse container shall be permitted between a street and the front of a building 3 Refuse collection areas shall be designed to contain all refuse generated on site and deposited between collections Deposited refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure 17 72 080 Development guidelines A Parking area design shall include 1 Ingress and Egress The location of all points of ingress and egress to parking areas shall be subject to the review and approval of the city engineer 2 Backing Out Prohibited In all commercial and industrial developments and in all residential buildings containing five or more dwelling units, parking areas shall be so arranged as to make it unnecessary for a vehicle to back out into any street or public right-of-way 3 Parking Spaces-Access and Dimensions Adequate provision shall be made for individual ingress and egress by vehicles to all parking stalls at all times by means of unobstructed maneuvering aisles Maneuvering aisles, parking stall dimensions and requirements shall be as shown in drawings 4-21, 4-22, 4-23, 4-24 and 4-25 of the Development Guidelines 4 Small Car Parking Spaces In all parking facilities containing twenty-five or more parking spaces, a maximum of twenty-five percent of the required parking spaces may be reduced in size for the use of small cars, provided these spaces shall be clearly identified with a sign permanently affixed immediately in front of each space containing the notation, "Compacts Only" Spaces designed for small cars may be reduced in size to a minimum of seven and one-half feet in width and fifteen feet in length Where feasible, all small car spaces shall be located in one or more contiguous areas and/or adjacent to ingress/egress points within parking facilities Location of compact car parking spaces shall not create traffic congestion or impede traffic flows 5 Setback of Buildings from Public Right-of-way a. When parking is not to be provided between the building and the right-of- way line, the building setback shall be (1) Forty-five feet from the centerline of the right-of-way, or 7 o c c tr' r-'!!i\. J' t ~.:J.~. lit ~/I. ..1'1-7' . I .~ ~:Lln"~ ,', .i (2) Half the right-of-way width plus fifteen feet, whichever is greater b When parking is to be provided between the building and the right-of-way line, the building setback shall be (1) Forty-five feet (five feet is for planted buffer strip along right-of-way line) from the centerline of the right-of-way, or (2) Half the right-of-way width plus five feet (five feet is for planted buffer strip along right-of-way line), whichever is greater; plus (3) The distance needed for appropriate parking and internal circulation as shown in the design standards of Section 17 72 050 6 Surfacing All parking areas for more than four vehicles shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete or similar pavement so as to provide a surface that is durable and dust free and shall be so graded and drained as to properly dispose of all surface water 7 Lighting Any lighting used to illuminate any required off-street parking area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining premises in a R zone 8 Signs Must meet requirements as set forth in Chapter 15 24 of this code B Stormwater Runoff All stormwater runoff shall be retained, treated and disposed of on site or disposed of in a system designed for such runoff and which does not flood or damage adjacent properties Systems designed for runoff retention and control shall comply with specifications provided by the city and shall be subject to its review and approval, and shall, moreover, comply with Chapter 5 of the Yelm Development Guidelines, Drainage Design and Erosion Control Standards for the City of Yelm 8 o c c ~D.''''' CJJ 'l. . ,a=. i' . ..-<'. /1 I ' ~ --! t,i i~!~ ]~f>> 7. , ,.. iIi unw' 17 72 090 Incentives for reducing the number of parking stalls The City may allow the overall parking ratio (stalls/floor area, people or employees) to be reduced if, through a quantified parking demand analysis, it can be demonstrated that the uses on parcels with sh~red p~rking are a reduction in the number of stalls required is consistent with the requirements intent of Chapter 17 72 Reductions in parkin!:! areas mav included anv combination of incentives, provided that the overall reduction does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the base required area. Reductions in parking requirements may occur, but are not limited !Q.. ooGef the following guidelines 1 A reduction-ef-teA-percent fiG%t of the required parking is possible with coordinated design and shared access to consolidated parking areas linked by pedestrian walkways 2 Multiple parcels, under separate ownership, be treated as a single development site if all owners agree 3 Primary night-time uses such as theaters and bowling alleys may receive up to a fifty percent (50%) reduction in providing the required number of parking stalls if" a A lease for the equivalent parking stall reduction is obtained from a primary daytime user such as a bank, office or retail store b Leased parking is within three hundred (300) feet of the associated use, as long as a pedestrian walkway exists or is provided between parking area and use 4 Off-site leasing of parking areas may be utilized to meet the required ratio of parking for the proposed use provided that the leased parking is within three hundred (300) feet of the proposed use, as long as a pedestrian walkway exists or is provided between parking area and use 5 Alternative programs that may be considered by the approval authority and/or site plan review committee under this section include, but are not limited to the following a Private vanpool operation, b TransiUvanpool fare subsidy; c. Imposition and maintenance of a charge for parking, d Provision of subscription bus services, e Flexible work hour schedule, f Capital improvements for transit services, g Preferential parking for carpools/vanpools, 9 h Participation in the ride-matching program, rf)'C""./""""I!A.~ ! . t_)} .,' '.~ I V ! 'iJ' <'.' .v.l. .I.~ "7[-.'..'.. . ~,' ."1 I, ".". . I '~' d' II . '-.i c Reduction of parking fees for carpools and vanpools, Establishment of a transportation coordinator position to implement carpool, van pool and transit programs, k. Bicycle parking facilities c c 10 TRANSPORTA nON (C CHAPTER 4 4.000 TRANSPORTATION 4A GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 4A.01O General The overall goal of this chapter is to encourage the uniform development of an integrated, fully accessible public transportation system that will facilitate present and future travel demand with mimmal environmental lffipact to the community as a whole ThIS chapter provides minimum development standards supplementing the applicable standards as set forth in SectIon 3 010 4B STREETS 4B 010 General c Street design must provide for the maximum loading conditions anticipated. The width and grade of the pavement must conform to specific standards set forth herein for safety and uniformIty 4B 020 Design Standards The design of streets and roads shall depend upon their type and usage The design elements of City streets shall conform to City standards as set forth herein and current design practice as set forth in Section 3 010 Standard design structures are shown on drawing numbers 4-1 through 4-8 at the end of this cha ter Alternate structures may be used based on the criteria as outlined ill Chapter 4B 160 '1 If/Of [/)4] to ,;vI} /J.o1i1...ufB mILl) b0 :/,,-nte.L b'J -lAc Ai5ctL o~ fk ~rlO"-'1 f1j (UI+t(i/J...-: ~diJ.jl ~ of (! a(. 'I "'j 7!"1J4I-h.) it j d l({1C/)j!r .dee 6 ~ iL 1(/1- ff, c f -tiLt;.d J fled ~ 11<11,(.- A t/ <t1 'f" S; 2. {,UhUJ tl.lfulla:nv.u meltlods o! ~rm.~ t.{)I1l1b/ rzrd- frt.4/fle/ft(o/1!u {Aan StvtJ~~ We., fJfofJ()~L ad., t Il r!.Jt.yJI"-t IJMtc..<- (LJ (HL ~ ~ flt^-W4 e(' M~~' J 4-1 c 7/95 c i 1 c 3 ' fu-k~/6 e ~ pan s/ ~ v / e.. x f-en"5! on S 0/ -(he- p{opiJsettL road cutl-J a,rL- I tV\. pro Da-bJ dtL~ -10 p!l15 I &-1 (JJ1l s fr'Lt /l f>; tll1 tJ__ -4 fI1.e.-<.F:> .~ tti-kn r of fhe.... lIa/1spcrkJ-J,""'- 5.idi 01- 1- I CO 0 . ~ ~ (c , 4B 030 Functional Classification ~ I rt j "Jf' \ ~'1 " ('L' \. r' City streets are divIded into boulevards, major arterials, mmor arterials, commercial and neighborhood collectors, local access commercial and residential streets and alleys in accordance with regional transportation needs, the functional use each serves and Transportation Policy No 11 Function is the controlling element for classification and shall govern Right- of-Way, road WIdth and road geometries The followmg list is provIded to assist the developer in determining the classification of a particular street. Streets not listed are classified as residential local access streets New streets will be classified by the City The intersection commonly known as "Five Corners" is described as Y elm Avenue (SR 507)/Bald Hill Road SE/Morris Road SEINE Creek StreetlSR 507 '. ' - , I I; -, r'j' --1..-(,(/ I";,,~ U. ii-1;tr i,': '.2 __ i fc ! (de \i ,'Vi I U;:., f'-" [i ~f}t i) {;-lt~ d f ~- Lir"(':1'l J I'" L MajorArtenals ,,' .i ' . r ~ ~{:: ;i~f' ((l~:';}~Hl.,:.-:(t(.-;-.I'1 CL(~CV I vy elm )aVMUlC " // , _ ........First Street (from Y-l/Y-2 intersectIon to Yelm Avenue) " ~ : '" i,.o>'y 1 (SR 510) \.. - " I ,,-/' -. - ,I',....,~,. ;-./",-.1 l,~'- /. ~ '- - ~'( ~ - ,-' '- ~ ri' ( ",t-~' i", ~ L i ~ {j (2:2.,"7"' ~ ~~ 'C Y-2 (SR-507) -, L.{.lj.Vl.+, In;'- N \1 LL i ~ i..:. "<,.., u c:. :: -"~'~ :crc I LC~, T Mimll: Arterials First Street (north of Yelm Avenue) NP Road Canal Road (Y-3 improvements) Grove Road (Y-3 improvements) Stevens-Coates Connector (Y -4 unprovements) Edwards Street (from Y elm Avenue to Stevens-Coates Connector) Bald Hills Road (Y-9 improvements) " ~,~ 1\" i........ -, ~ ~ "'~)L ~v _~, / . ..\~rL Collectors . , "" .'\ ., t'.' Crystal Springs Road (including Y -6 improvements) upon opening of Y-3 west) Ordway Dnve Wilkensen Road Southwest Access (Y -7 improvements) Cullens Road (from Yelm Avenue to Coates Road) ,- Coates -.Roan ;.-- ~(" ,.",\' u .'~ :'~;:. l03rd lweml0-{from-~~Rd/Y-3)-- Morris Road ./""= ,. i.. ,_ " !'\:...' , I ~ -r->' ~IL. c J c '- L' .1. i,,'j .-'\; ~\..-.,. ~ ,H"i. J- <"" "~\I' .;1'\ l \ I '-' ..... \, i...- I \/~- r., \' '\\,. \ '(' .--- \ .'. OJ '- \... ~~.~ tw\ \ \ ~ f"l \ \ I \... '" of'; ~\'J\l.\ \.. ! (~ '. 'I" \ ., , ! \ ,,'\'l- _ v \:\" "," \..\y ,)(~", 1'1iI. /\ v l. ,lJ ! . \ ~ I ~~ AH-remaining roadway~ within theY 1"1"., DCA 4-4 7/95 c c c /' CommercIal Collectors Creek Street SE Edwards Street N'W (from Yelm Avenue to Coates Street SE) First Street NE (north o[Yelm Avenue) Moms Road SE N.P Road N'W Rhoton Road NW (from NE First Street to N'W Rhoton Court) Stevens Avenue N'W West Road SE ~03rd Street NE (fro~ Yelm Avenue to NE Creek Street) ,,- . r ~- / -,' _';f i'~C f'lLt.. _I ~:_(._"~:'(~_4 _; NeIghborhood Collectors '- \ Burnett Road SE Clark Road SE Coates Street SE ~ I " ! LJ 2" t (e e e v , -c\J, z}J ~\ .,'~ ,\). \\).L \ ~v .,' , .....' . "'.~ : ~/ ~\ I I I I ,,'-' l) "- f ~ ,~ ~j\ (J~~' ~-' \,.,' , \; ~ Crystal Springs Road Cullens Road Flume Road SE Fourth Street SE Killion Road NW Longmire Street SW (to Jones Street) Middle Road SE Mill Road SE Mosman Avenue SE Mos~man Avenue SW Mountain View Road NW Ordway Dnve SE Railway Road SE Railway Street SE Rhoton Road NW (from NW Rhoton Court to Canal Rd SE) Vancil Road SE Wilkensen Road SE 93rd Avenue SE 100th Way SE 103rd Street NE (from NE Creek Street to Canal Road SE) Y../fli" --r, -, '""I-,tO' ('/.fl,''" ~ ...l-' ! Lv.....4... {~r\':LU~I\'!.\ rLi..\L !.i..- '-\..i, l,- \! !>>~ Local Access Commercial , Edwards Street SW (from Yelm Avenue to Mosman Avenue) J efferson Avenue NE Jefferson Avenue NW Jones Street SE Longmrre Street SW (from Jones Street SE to NW Jefferson Avenue) Mckenzie Avenue SE (from SR 507 to Second Street) Railroad Street NW Rice Street SW (from Jones Street SE to NW Jefferson Avenue) Second Street SE Solberg Street SW (from Jones Street SE to NW Jefferson Avenue) Third Street SE (from Jones Street SE to NE Jefferson :\venue) ~~/) ~.., ~ 7/95 \ \ -f: €- -1 -... \0 VI o n MINIMUM STREET DeSIGN STANDARDS . . PRIVATE I I ROADWAY MAJOR URBAN MINOR COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY LOCAL FEATURES BOULEVARD ARTERIAL ARTERIAL ARTERIAL COLLECTOR COLLECTOR LOCAL ACCESS ACCESS COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ADT 500 MIN 15000 MIN 6000-15000 6000-15000 2000-6000 500-6000 500 MAX 2000 MAX No superelevation No superelevation No superelevation No superelevation DESIGN Access and intersections should No on street LIMITATIONS be limited. No on-street parking parking MINIMAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 4" AC 3"AC 2" AC 4" AC STRUCTURAL DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN 2" CST C 2" CST C 2" CST C. 2" C S.T C. DESIGN 8" BALLAST 8"BALLAST 8" BALLAST 8" BALLAST MINIMUM 90' 115' WS 90'WS 80'WS 84' 80'WS 54' 84' RIGHT-OF-WAY 100' WIOS 80' WIOS 60' WIOS 65' Inside C.B.D PARKING None allowed Both sides Both sides None allowed None allowed Both sides LANE MINIMUM 0.5%-8.0% 0.5%-8.0% o 5%-8 0% o 5%-8 0% 05%-100% 0.5%-12.0% 0.5%-150% 05%-15.0% MAXIMUM PRO-FILE GRADE Rolled CURB Curb Curb & Guller Curb & Gutter N/A Curb & Guller Curb & Guller Curb & Gutler Curb & Guller SIDEWALKS Two sides 5' both sides. None Two sides Two sides nOne side One side 5' or 5' 5' 5' 5' 10' with zero lot setback CUL-DE-SAC NIA N/A N/A NlA N/A N/A 38' (or 47' with 50' RADIUS landscaped (PAVEMENT island WIDTH) radius of 17') INTERSECTION 35' 35' 35' 35' 35' 35' 25' 35' CURB RADIUS DESIGN 40 40 40 40 30 30 25 30 SPEED (MPH) MINIMUM per AASHTO 150' 150' 100' 150' CENTERLINE RADIUS .If less than 2 unitslacre or less and slreet frontage of the lot exceeds 150 feet no sidewalk required WS = with swales WIGS = without swales o Ie e e the fInancing of such improvement. Such payment shall be refunded in full, plus interest to the successor in interest in the property should the City not install the required frontage improvements within fIve (5) years form the date such payment is made 4B 090 Cul-de-sac Streets designed to have one end permanently closed shall be no longer than 600 feet. At the closed end, there shall be a widened "bulb" having a minimum paved traveled radms as shown in the Minimum Street Design Standards Table, (a "Y" or "T" which allows for comparable ease III turnmg for emergency vehicles may be allowed only when properly executed and accepted by the City) 4B 100 Temporary Dead Ends Where a street is temporarily dead ended, turn around provisIOns must be provided where the road serves more than one lot. The turn around may be a hammerhead with a minimum distance on both SIdes at the centerline intersection of 60 feet to facilitate emergency vehicle turn-around. 4B 110 Half Street The construction of a half street is not permitted by the City 4B 120 Medians A medIan shall be in addition to, not part of, the specifIed roadway WIdth except on a road classed as a boulevard. Medians shall be designed so as not to limit turnmg radius or sight distance at intersections. Pedestrian Access, landscaping and irrigation shall be installed when directed by the City 4B 130 Intersections A. Traffic control will be as speCIfIed in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) or as modified by the City as a result of i'l appropriate traffic engineering studies ". . I /1/, / I/"/C/ ! B Street intersections shall be laId out-so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right awles (witl1i11"5 degrees) When this cannot be practically done, a ~maybe granted by the City after showing just cause and that e esign m~ets AASHTO (American ASSOCIation of State Highway and Transportation Officials) standards. Sharp angled intersections shall be avoided. For reasons of traffic safety, a "T" intersection (three-legged) is preferable to the crossroad 4 - 12 7/95 (e '" '" '" '" ... '" ... ... ... '" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... '" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... R/W 10' c rt1 J> C ~:=! ~ C 5' rt1~ Z -< ~ I~ z Ig Ul ~ :;0 "'0 '- - ~~~~y ~ VI? 17' -Y -.i- -..; ~ SJl ......, . ~~ .,.... - ... '- ~ VARIES (") J> ~ (") I "'0 Q z ~ <t I 84' 8' 12' Ul"'O ~ IJ> :;0 0< J> Crt1 "T1 rO :;J 0 (") rt1 :;0 r J> Z rt1 12' ~ :;0 J> "T1 :;J (") Ul"'O IJ> 0< Crt1 rO o rt1 :;0 r :l> Z rt1 ~ 2%_ l CEMENT CONC. BARRIER CURB AND GUTTER '" '" '" ... '" ,. I '" ... ... ... , '" '" 'I ... ... , '" "" .... '" ... ... "" '" ... . , '" '" '" ... ' I ~ '" '" , '.I '" ... ... '" , ... ... "" R/W 10' 8' rt1 J>c ~=:! 5' ~ C rt1~ Z -< 61~ rt1 ::E ~I (") J> ~ (") I "'0 Q z ~ 17' ... \.. .... r ...J ( ,<". ~..,... /-1 :: j- '::" -- VARIES ..., - . ~ ~ ..,.... ~ - ..... ,..., ,..... , ,~( : ~\- ~../" . CI TY OF YELM DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS STREETS OUTSIDE C.B.D. LOCAL ACCESS COMMERCIAL GENERAL NOTES o 1 "ON STREET" PARKING PERMITTED i 2 REFER TO RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON STORM DRAINAGE, STREET LIGHTING, PAVEMENT STRUCTURE, ECT OG4-7A.OWG APPROVED DWG. NO. DATE 4-7A PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DES. OWN S-C S-C CKD S-C DATE 11/27/94 e o e ~I-,-\.RY HANKA MURPHY 7350 Alonzo Aycnue X\Y · Seattle, \VA 98117 · (2q6:Fi;~4,.!13_~______.__ , \-' i ;:-, (r__. "" ---..--., I ' AUG _ 4 1995 August 3, 1995 , !-".~~--, ....; Shelly Badger City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 RE Supporting Documents and Suggested Changes Parking and Drainage Title 17 Dear Shelly Pursuant to Mike Edward's request, I have researched national and local studies concerning the provision of adequate parking stall ratios for commercial use and Best Management Practices for water quality biofiltration systems Available reports dnJ recommendations were conducted by the by the Institute of Traffic Engineers for off-street parking and Washington State Department of Ecology, in conjunction with King County/METRO and local engineering departments for water quality It is my understanding that the Yelm Planning Commission is scheduled for a public hearing to discuss these matters on August 7th at 4 00 PM Please consider this letter d formal request to give testimony at the above stated hearing For your reference I have enclused an essay of explanation and supporting documents Please distribute copies to the Commission members for their review If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to give me a call at (206) 784-1133 I look forward to seeing you OIl Monday Sincerely, Mary Hanna Murphy Land Use Consultant cc Mike Edwards, Owner Gary Tusberg, Developer :NIARY HANNA :NIURPHY 7350 Alonzo Avenue X\Y · Seattle, \VA 98117 · (206) 784-1133 c I PARKING Goals 1 Communicate the State Legislatures intent to reduce the number of single occupied vehicles A reduction in available parking is an integral component to solving this traffic problem 2 Explain that mixed use developments have unique parking demand characteristics 3 The Institute of Traffic Engineers (a document the Citv uses to calculate trip generation) has conducted several surveys showing a reduced parking demand for retail centers 4 The City's current language in the code for parking promotes increased area of asphalt which impacts economic and aesthetic feasibility e Automotive traffic in Washington's metropolitan areas is a major source of congestion pollution emissions and consumption of energy In the attempt to reduce single occupied vehicles and commute trips, the state has established a Transportation Demand Management Program [RCW 70 94 521J for those counties experiencing the greatest automobile related problems Although Thurston County does not have the same problems King County has, it is important to preempt, as much as possible, future transportation difficulties that may occur in the Yelm area More specific to parking, the legislation finds that increased parking availability promotes greater numbers of single occupied vehicles RCW 70 94 527 (4)(e) states that "a review of local parking policies and ordinances as they relate to employers and major work sites and any revisions necessary to comply with commute trip reduction goals and guidelines" should be made Statement We believe that by adopting a parking ratio of 1 150 (6 67 1,000), which will require more stalls then the old code, the City will be implementing a policy that directly conflicts with the State's effort to reduce tl~affic e The City has incorporated many of the suggested alternative parking reduction programs into it's new parking regulations [17 24 140(B)(3)], but failed to consider applicability of these incentives toward differing uses e e e Page 2 Retail centers for instance usually contain a variety of uses It is characteristic of mixed use developments for a consumer to drive to a center and utilize more then one use For example, a consumer will plan a visit to the center intending on conducting banking business. to eat a meal and go grocery shopping The consumer only needs one parking space throughout the duration of the visit 17 24 140 (B) attempts to address this characteristic but does not specifically state that a credit will be given to mixed use developments that is under single ownership Statement We feel that mixed use developments should automatically be given a parking credit of 15% This type of parking credit is commonly used throughout the Pl1get Sound area The Institute of Transportation Engineers is recognized as the comprehensive traffic experts by the majority of jurisdictions throughout the nation Including the City of Yelm, many jurisdictions use their models and formulas to evaluate a range uf information as it relates to traffic This includes parking characteristics for different uses and their respective parking demands Please note on the attachment that the ITE conducted 141 weekday and 178 Saturday parking surveys for shopping centers The surveys indicate that weekday parking demand for shopping centers is 3 23 per 1,000 and weekend is 3 97 per 1,000 The City is proposing to require over so~ more parking stalls then is proven to be necessary Statement Supporting documents indicate that a parking ratio of 3 5 1,000 square feet is appropriate It is obvious to say at this puint, that increased parking ratios will increase the amount of parking stalls required for a commercial project which will in turn impact the visual design of the development let alune the eLonomic viability Statement It is our believe the City does not intend to impact the aesthetiL design of development by replacing landscaping and viable taxable entities with parking lots II Drainage Goals 1 Provide documented information on the effectiveness of pollutant removal in biofiltration swales c e e Page 3 2 Outline recommendations In the last twenty years, uncontrolled storm runoff that accompanies development has posed a substantial and pervasive threat to the quality of the nation's lakes, rivers, and streams In order to reduce the impacts of the relatively dilute pollutant loads carried by urban runoff COST EFFECTIVELY, stormwater managers have advocated the use of passive, technically simply, and relatively flexible methods for treating urban runoff These systems are termed best management practices (BMP's) Wet detention ponds, infiltration basins, constructed wetlands, as well as biofiltration devices such as filter strips and grassy swales are some of the BMP's that have been suggested or required for stormwater quality management, both locally and nationally A multi-agency comprehensive study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of pollutant removal in biofiltratiun swales The report was published in ]992 Agencies involved with the study in~luded WA Department of Ecology University of Washington, Metro, King County, City of Redmond, City of Seattle, City of Bellevue and City of Mountlake Terrace The study sought to measure effectiveness of two swale configurations differing in length and water residence time The two configurations are referred to as the 200 foot and 100 foot configuration The 200 foot configuration was found tu have 3 hydraulic residence time of approximately 9 minutes ,vhi Ie the 100 foot conf igUl~at ion was 4 6 minutes Findings from the study show that a hydraulic residence time of about 9 minutes (at the 200 foot length configur'ation) resulted in excellent removal of particulate pollutants, oil and grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons (approximately 80%) The study shows that pollutant removal happens exponentially in the first 125 feet and decreases to next to nothing after 200 feet Based on the collective e:...perif::lnce of the BiofiltratioIl Project team recommendations were made in the area~ of I andscap i ng, des i gn par'ame t(~rs, ins ta 11 at ion, ma i n tenance , and enforcement (please see attachment) The Project team recommended BMP is to construct a biofiltration swale 200 feet long 7 tu 8 feet wide with slopes between 2 to 4 percent e c e Page 4 Statement While the intent of the Thurston County Surface Drainage Manual is to control stormwater runoff and water quality, they do not follow DOE guidelines and their requirements for biofiltration are excessive, inefficient and costly Current studies prove that pollutant removal occurs primarily in the first 125 feet of the swale and minimal, if any, removal occurs after 200 feet State standards will recommend a removal rate of approximately 80~ Further, if the designed detention system is infiltration, additional pollutants will be removed as water leaches to the aquifer This study has prompted current revisions to the various stormwater manllals such as WA Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual, King County Sllrface Water Design Manual, Water Quality Best Management Practices Manual and Water Quality Design Manual We suggest that the City of Yelm, take the opportunity to research recent findings and follow the DOE guidelines and BMP's, not Thurston County's :1 ;1 I: I' (,e ," I, ~ ; ':1 .p 'I ~ ,Ii 11 II I, :1 i I 'I \ \1 :1 ::1 .1 i i i II 'I !, I i i e c 07/25/95 15 17 Z 360 493 2476 S CHAMBERLAIN P 02 SHOPPING CENTER (820-828) Peak Parking Spaces Occupied vs. 1,000 GROSS SQUARE FEET lEASABLE AREA On a: WEEKDAV PARKING GENERATION RATES Average Rate 3.23 Range of Rates 1 02-6.17 Standard Deviation 1 20 Number of Studies 141 Average 1,000 Square Feet GLA 635 DATA PLOT AND EQUATION , 0,000 9,000 0 0 w 0: 8,000 ::> C,,) (.) 7,000 ~ 0 CJ) p 00 tJ [J w oooao u 6,000 ~ o 0 C/'J 5,000 0 ~ tic " n Z ~ - ~ 4,000 cc ~ x:: 3,000 0 ~ 0 a.. 2,000 0 lJ II c.. 1,000 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 ',400 ',600 ',800 X = 1000 GROSS SQUARE FEET LEASABLE .AREA 0 ACTUAL DATA POINTS FITTED CURVE Fitted Curve Equation Ln(P) = 1 173 Ln(X) + 0.064 R2 "" 0.939 Psrking Gonerstlon, August 19S7/lnstltule of Transpor1ation Engineers 126 = ~~ 1llIII!f' u ::D := == ::3 ::a e != ~:a = ::; :ae := 1:3 07/25/95 15 17 ~ 360 493 2476 S CHi=lMBERLi=lIN P 03 ~ .~--~.,".... SHOPPING CENTER (820-828) Peak Parking Spaces Occupied vs: 1,000 GROSS SQUARE FEET LEASABLE AREA On a: SATURDAY PARKING GENERATION RATES Average Rate 3.97 10,000 0 9,000 UJ 0.. 8,000 :;l (.) g 7,000 en w u 6,000 ct (/') 5,000 (!) z 2 4,000 a: ~ ~ 3,000 U5 0.. 2,000 1/ 0- 1,000 0 0 Range of Rates 1 11-6 06 Standard Deviation 1,13 Number of Studies 178 Average 1,000 Square Feet GUt 838 DATA PLOT AND EQUATION o c I [] 0 o ~o DO 0 0 8 I Cl [J 8 0 o ~DI ~ 0 o o o o o 200 400 600 800 1 ,000 1,200 1,400 1.600 1 ,800 o x ~ 1000 GROSS SQUARE FEET LEASABLE AREA ACTUAL DATA POINTS FITTED CURVE Fitted Curve Equation Ln(P} = 1.261 Ln(X) ~ 0 365 R2 := 0 948 P~'klnQ Generation, August' 087/1nst/tute of Transportation Engineers 1~'7 e o o Biofiltration Swale Performance, Recommendations, and Design Considerations 11_____ ~: \~:: ~.:= ~ '.'v . - ... .. ~ ~~'ifE : 0_ Funded in part by the Washington Department of Ecology's Centennial Clean Water fund la1.,I",1 Slall DI,al'.II' ., E ( 0 LOG Y Publication 65 7 October 5, 1992 e BIOFILTRATlON SWALE PERFORMANCE, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS e Funded in part by the Washington Department of Ecology's Centennial Oean Water Fund Grant Tax No. 89-136 \ J Munidpality of Metropolitan Seattle Water Pollution Control Department 821 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104-1598 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS e The Biofiltration Project was carried out cooperatively by the Cities of Mountlake Terrace, Redmond, Bellevue and Seattle, as well as King County and the Munidpality of Metropolitan Seattle (Metro). Funding for the Project was provided by a Centennial Cleanwater Grant from the Department of Ecology, and by the local partidpants. Specific tasks for this study were carried out by the cooperating agendes, with outside assistance for key elements provided as needed. Authors Zahid Khan, City of Mountlake Terrace Cindy Thrush, City of Seattle Phil Cohen, City of Redmond Louise Kulzer, Metro Robert Franklin, City of Redmond Del Field, City of Mountlake Terrace John Koon, King County Surface Water Management Richard Homer, University of Washington r\ ,-__.)Ieet team \ Bill Eckel, King County Surface Water Management j Robert Franklin, Phil Cohen, City of Redmond 1 ~ Rich Homer, University of Washington . .~ Zahid Khan, City of Mountlake Terrace t .< ; Louise Kulzer, Metro i Dave Renstrom, City of Bellevue 1 Cindy Thrush, City of Seattle echnical reviewers Bill Eckel, Tom Hubbard and Jeff Stem, King County Surface Water Management Jennie Goldberg, Cheryl Nakata, and Chris Woeffel, Seattle Drainage and Wastewater Utility Richard Homer, University of Washington Gary Minton, Resource Planning Associates \ ;!--..-J iii e e e ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (continued) Key functions were provided by the following people. Flow monitoring and instrument setup John Koon, King County Stormwater sampling and flow monitoring Del Field and lahid Khan, City of Mountlake Terrace Flow splitter design Phil Cohen, City of Redmond Water quality data analysis lahid Khan, City of Mountlake Terrace Louise Kulzer, Metro Manning/s n analysis Phil Cohen, City of Redmond Louise Kulzer, Metro Statistical advice Loveday Conquest, University of Washington Center for Quantitative Studies Nian She, Metro Technical advisor Richard Homer, University of Washington, Department of Civil Engineering Project manager Louise Kulzer, Metro Project management assistance Anne Holt George Edwards Grant project officer Janie Civille, Washington State Department of Ecology Bill Hashim, Washington State Department of Ecology Laboratory analysis was done by AMTest Analytical Laboratories, Redmond, Washington. Metro Environmental Laboratories provided analysis of split samples. . - iv ----- CONTENTS e ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. SECTIONS ill .. 1 REPORT HIGHLIGHTS 1-1 Results . . . . 1-1 Recommendations 1-3 2 INTRODUCTION . . . . . 2-1 3 PROJECf GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 3-1 4 BACKGROUND, PREVIOUS STUDIES, AND RESEARCH . 4-1 Background . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Phase I Biofiltration Study (Homer, 1988) 4-2 Other Uterature . . . . . . . 4-4 Other Design Methods . . . . . 4-4 <!d Studies Related to M~s n Value. 4-6 'i 5 POLLUTANT REMOVAL STIJDY 5-1 Background. . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Experimental Setup and Sampling Methods . . . 5-3 0 Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . 5-41 Condusions . . . . . . . . 5-50 6 MANNING'S n VALUE AND VELOCITY MEASUREMENTS . . . . 6-1 Experimental Design . . . . . . 6-1 . . Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . 6-11 Conclusions and Recommendations . . . 6-18 . 7 RECOMMENDATIONS . . 7-1 . ... . . . . . . . . Planning Considerations . . . . . . . 7-1 Design and Installation . . . . . 7-6 Operation and Maintenance 7-15 Areas for Further Study 7-20 " . . . . . t., \ J L..... v - ; ~..~. e o o - "",..~.J." '_~' ~,~,. ".-<',.:;,.';"'~",if,."~":"C't~,....-'.;':.;.j.j,;j,Q';i~~r~.it~""-'=-"'-=~"-~_",~_~ CONTENTS (continued) APPENDIXES G BIOFILTRATION APPLICATION GUIDE (REVISED) . REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . TABLES 4-1 4-2 4-3 A B C D E F 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 COMPARISON OF DESIGN METHODS DESIGN DETAILS FOR H-FLUME AND FLOW SPUTTER.. . . . . INSTRUMENTATION. A-I B-1 C-l . D-1 vi STORM EVENTcHYDROGRAPHS QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION AND SAMPUNG PLAN . . . MANNING'S n INVESTIGATION E-l . F-1 G-1 R-l Studies of Biofiltration Effectiveness . . . . Research Groups Investigating Mannin~s n Value Mannin~s n Values Required by Puget Sound Area (Washington) Government Agendes . . . Hydrologic Data for the Biofiltration Swale . . . . Water Quality Data for 200-Foot Swale Configuration. Water Quality Data for 100-Foot Swale Configuration . Biofiltration Dissolved Metal Removals for 200- and 100-Foot Swales . . . . . Comparison with 1989 Area Runoff Calculated Resident TIme for 200- and 100-Foot Bioswale Configurations . . . . . 5-47 Differences in Pollutant Removal for 200- and 100-Foot Swale Configurations. . . . Schematic Layout of Hubs Showing Local Distances, Elevations, and Slopes for Upper and Lower Swales . Range of Data for MOWltlake Terrace Biofiltration Swale. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11 Calculated Mannin~s n Values for Mowed Swale Observations, Using Method 1, October 21, 1991 . . . 6-12 Manning's n Averages, Variances, and t-t51 Results for Mowed Swale Observations . . . . . . 6-13 Depth and Velocity Measurements. . . . . . . . 6-14 4-4 4-7 4-7 . 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 . 5-42 5-48 6-9 . , . 0,- ,~:..{ . ..".S I". ;- s~~, . · #.. ...~.t~~..' '" .~:~:.' . :: '1: . . ,~ T '.. i. . 'ol ~. .. t. .;. . t. ~ .. I. .'. '. . . ...... . . ..,; 4. ..'. .. . . , .'~ '...." . . ,. .. .\ .' . . . ... . .......- C1LES 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 7-1 CONTENTS (continued) Manning's n Values Using Method 2 for Mowed Swale Conditions . . . . Calculated Manning's n Values for Unmowed Swale Observations Using Method 1 . . . Manning's n Averages, Standard Deviations, and t-test Results for Unmowed Swale Observations Average Mannings's n Values of Mowed and Unmowed Swale Observations Using Different Methods of Calculation . . . . Soil Disposal Criteria in Seattle and King County, Washington, for Selected Contaminants 6-15 6-17 6-18 . 6-19 7-18 ILLUSTRA nONS 1-1 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 C;-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 6-1a 6-1b 6-2 "'--'\.1 J Pollutant Removal of a 200-Foot Swale (9-minute Average Hydraulic Residence Time) 1-2 Vidnity Map . . . . . . . .. 5-2 200-foot Swale Configuration . . . . 5-5 100-foot Swale Configuration . 5-6 H-flume and Sampling Setup 5-7 TSS Data, 200-Foot Length .. ... . 5-16 TSS Data, 100-Foot Length . . . . . 5-17 Turbidity Data, 200-Foot Length . . . 5-19 Turbidity Data, 100-Foot Length . . . . 5-20 Oil and Grease Data, 200- and 100-Foot Lengths .. 5-21 Total Zinc Data, 200-Foot Length . . . . . 5-23 Total Zinc Data, 100-Foot Length . . . .. . 5-24 Total Copper Data, 200- and 100-Foot Lengths .. 5-26 Total Lead Data, 200- and 100-Foot Lengths . .. 5-27 Total Iron Data, 200-Foot Length . . . . . 5-29 Total Iron Data, 100-Foot Length . . . . 5-30 Total Aluminum Data, 200-Foot Length . . 5-32 Total Aluminum Data, 100-Foot Length . 5-33 Total Phosphorus Data, 200-Foot Length. . 5-34 Total Phosphorus Data, 100-Foot Length. 5-35 Ortho-Phosphate Data, 200-Foot Length . ... 5-37 Ortho-Phosphate Data, 100-Foot Length. . . 5-38 BAP Data, 200-Foot Length . . . . . .. . 5-39 BAP Data, 100-Foot Length . . . . . . . 5-40 Hydraulic Residence Tune Versus Metals Removal . 5-49 Experimental Setup for Velocity Measurement 6-3 Experimental Setup for Velocity Measurement . . . . 6-4 King County Velocity Meter Calibration Curve 6-6 Underdrain Detail for Biofiltration Swales . 7-13 vii 'e SECTION 1 REPORT HIGHLIGHTS Recently, biofiltration swales have been increasingly used to manage the quality of stormwater runoff from roads and other impervious surfaces associated with urban development. This study was conducted to determine the pollutant removal effectiveness of a grassy swale designed spedfically for its water treatment benefits In addition, the study sought to measure effectiveness of two swale configurations differing in length and water residence time The two configurations are referred to as the 200-foot and lOa-foot configurations The ZOO-foot configuration was found to have a hydraulic residence time of approximately 9 minutes; the lOa-foot configuration, 4 6 minutes. In addition, the Manning's roughness coeffident, referred to as Manning's n, was also measured in the 200-foot configuration. RESULTS Major findings of the study are summarized below Pollutant Removal Performance n The biofiltration swale studied (which was designed according to criteria gIVen in Horner, 1988) was seen to consistently remove particulate pollutants such as total suspended solids (83 percent removal), turbidity (65 percent) and metals of largely particulate character, such as lead, zinc, iron and aluminum (63 percent to 72 percent). Materials which adhere to the grass surfaces, such as oil and grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were also effectively removed (about 74 percent). 1 Metals of less particulate character, such as copper; and dissolved metals were generally less consistently removed. Dissolved zinc removal averaged 30 percent for the 200-foot configuration. Dissolved copper, iron, and aluminum removals were negative on average, although for some events positive removals were seen. Dissolved lead was always below the detection level, so conclusions about removal could only be inferred from the behavior of other similar metals. Nutrients were removed to varying degrees, with best removals seen for bio- available phosphorus (40 percent), followed by total phosphorus (29 percent) Poor r negative removals were seen, on average, for dissolved nutrients, such as ortho hosphorus (ortho-P) and nitrate+nitrite-nitrogen (nitrate+nitrite-N). , -, The removal of fecal coliform bacteria was highly variable. Some of the data showed good removals, while other data showed elevated concentrations in the outflow These increased loadings were probably caused by external sources (such as pet wastes) and bacterial multiplication on the swale bottom and on the wooden flume bottom. Figure 1-1 summarizes the pollutant removals associated with the 200-foot swale configuration ranked in order of treatment effectiveness. The figure represents the average of removals seen for each of six events. e 90 83 80 70 60 "ii ~ 50 E '" a: #- .w 30 0 20 10 0 TSS Ohncl Fe Pb T urbiclity T-Zn/T-AI T-Cu 8AP 11' Dissolved Ci~H In Figure 1-1. Pollutant Removal of a 200-Foot Swale (9-minute Average Hydraulic Residence Time) Hydraulic Residence Time A hydraulic residence time of about 9 minutes (at the 200-foot length configuration) resulted in good removal of particulate pollutants, oil and grease, and TPH. This residence time is recommended as a basis for design for most biofiltration swale applications. Longer residence times are recommended if solids removal in excess of about 80 percent is desired. c 1.2 ( " t \'. 11 n o I, m m m of de gr; de Me ill( -ec tEi ~N ece - .-fIB I ~ When the hydraulic residence time was reduced to an average of 4.6 minutes fi the 1 GO-foot length configuration) visual observations and performance data for "zJhc and iron indicated that pollutant removal performance was poorer than for the 9-minute, 200-foot configuration. Because of a high variance in average removal for the 100-foot configuration, data for parameters other than zinc and iron could not be shown to be significantly different from those observed for the longer detention time configuration. However, it is suggested that a residence time of 4 to 5 minutes is not adequate to assure consistently good pollutant removals, particularly for storms with significant rainfall peaks. More work is needed before a residence time of less than 9 minutes can be recommended with confidence as adequate for biofiltration swale design. Manning's n Value This study has shown that Manning's n did not vary significantly with changes in slope between 3 and 4 percent, but did vary with flow rate Variation was also seen with grass height (6 inches vs 12 inches) For a grass height of 6 inches and a flow rate of 0.51 feet per second, the Manning's n values observed were between 0.192 to 0 198 (dimensionless). Considering uncertainties involved In this study, and erring on the conservative side, a Manning's n of 0.20 is recommended for swale design for stormwater treatment applications. n In applying this information, the user should be aware that the Manning's n 0./0.20 was measured for grass having blade densities averaging from 600 to 1,600 blades/ft2. The swale had infrequent maintenance (mowing and other lawn maintenance activities such as aeration and fertilization). For regularly mowed and mamtained swales, grass is likely to be denser, and hence the Manning's n value may be higher than 0.20. Therefore, it is recommended that the Manning's n value of 0.20 found in this study be adopted as the minimum value for biofiltration swale design. More work should be done to investigate Manning's n for regularly mowed grass. Before mowing, when grass was about 12 inches, the Manning's n determined for the same swale was 0.24. It is reasonable to apply this higher Manning's n value in situations where swales can only be infrequently maintained, such as for rural roads. However, in general, regular mowing of swales is recommended. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PLANNING DESIGN INSTALLATION " , o MAINTENANCE Based on the collective experience of the Biofiltration Project team, cjmmendations were made in the areas of landscaping, design parameters, 1-3 c installation, maintenance, and enforcement. These recommendations supplement the primary data on pollutant removal effectiveness and Manning's n values collected during the project. Highlights are summarized: e Landscaping can be integrated into water quality swales, but precautions are needed to prevent shading and leaf drop, which can kill the grass, and transport of soil from the planting beds into the swale. · Uniform spreading of flow at the head of the swale is important for effective pollutant removal. · Maximum design velodty should not exceed 0.9 feet per second to prevent exceedance of the treatment capability of the swale. · A hydraulic residence time of 9 minutes is recommended for pollutant removals of about 80 percent of total suspended solids. If higher levels of performance are desired, longer residence times are recommended. · Swale width should be limited to about 7 to 8 feet (the width of a typical backhoe loader) unless special measures are provided to assure an even level of the swale bottom, uniform flow spreading, and management of flows to prevent formation of low-flow channels. C · No specific swale length is recommended, but the recommended hydraulic residence time and width will result in a minimum length for a particular set of geometric and vegetation characteristics. In the case of the 200-foot swale studied, application of these residence time and width criteria would result in a minimum length of 125 feet. · Swale slopes should be between 2 and 4 percent. Underdrains should be installed if slopes are less than 2 percent. If standing water is likely for prolonged periods (for example, several weeks) due to low gradients or interception of the water table or base flow, wetland vegetation should be used rather than grass. · Water depth should be limited to no greater than one half the height of the grass up to a maximum of 3 inches of water depth. For taller grass, water depth should be less than or equal to one third the grass height. · Regular mowing is strongly recommended. Not only does regular mowing encourage thicker, healthier grass, but leaves, litter, and e ,~ ....-.~~, ~ ..;. ....._.. 0#40 .~--"~..'. .-AIB c .\.~ \/0 e other obstructions to good flow spreading are removed in the process of mowing. . Regular maintenance of swales is key to assuring good water quality performance. Spedfying mowing frequencies, regular inspection and repair on site plans is recommended. Establishing performance bonds retained through the first year of operation has also been effective in assuring early problems are addressed. '.5 [-\ .'-../ -0 o 105 felin Avenue West PO Box 479 felm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244; City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 19954:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,105 YELM ,AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval 'of Minutes June 19, August 7, & August 21, 1~95 ~inutes. 2 ; Cpntinuation of Public Hearing - Off~Street Parking & Stormwater Manual Stormwat~r: Staff report not available at time of mailing. Parking: Staff report and revised draft Chapter 17.72, Off~ Street Parking and Loading enclosed. Design Guidelines: Minor changes. Written public comments, to date, included. 3. Correspondence APA-Fall Conference Rules of Procedure - City of Yelm Planning Department 4. Set meeting .for besign Review sub-committee 5. Other- 6. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special-arrangements to attend or participate in this m~eting, please contact Yelm City Hall, a~ 458-3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, SEPTE~ER 18, 1995, 4:00PM * ReC)'C/ed paper -~---'-- _ ~--------'-'-- ~._ --'______.L~__ YELM, WASHINGTON 98597 AFFIDA vir OF PUBLICA rlON STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Thurston Fiona Reeves , being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she/he is the Bpnpf>::ll m::ln::lepf> of the Nisqually Valley News, a weekly newspaper That said newspa- per is a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publications hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Thurston County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper That the annexed is a true copy of Public Notice - City of Yelm Planning Corrmission Oit was published in regular issues (and not in supplement form) of said 1 newspaper once a week for a period of consecutive weeks, commencing on the j1 day of ,l\llgJ 1St 19 q5 , and ending on the 31 day of August ,19 qS both dates inclusive and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ 9 00 which amount has been pai~~ ~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 day of 19 95 September \ " \ i j !\ \ ~ \ \, ('; ij\"\ \". ../ I.') ~ l I ~ .~ )~'. ' ---c'~r-j ", residing at Yelm, Washington. '1'1')11 \ ",> This form officially sanctioned by the Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association PUBUC NOT1CE-----r The CI1y '" Yelm Planning Comrrisslon: ~Ing scheduled for Monday, Septemberl 4, 1995, MU be canceled and reschedule<l! for 1IIeacIay, Sepliember 5, 1995, at 4:00 i pm. h the CI1y Hal Council Charrt>ers. This i resct1edule Is because '" the September 4th i Labor Day Holiday. : n there "'" 8r'I questions concerning this i change, please contact Cathie Carlson, : City Planner, at Yelm City Half, or by calling' (360) 458-8408. Published In Nlsqually Valley News, I Thursday, August 31, 1995. e c ,r\ V PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Yelm Planning Commission meeting scheduled for Monday, September 4, 1995, will be cancelled and rescheduled for Tuesday, September 5, 1995, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. This reschedule is because of the September 4th Labor Day Holiday. If there are any questions concerning this change, please contact Cathie Carlson, City Planner, at Yelm City Hall, or by calling (360) 458-8408. Thank you. Published in the Nisqually Valley News, Thursday, August 31, 1995. ~ - ____ ____ ____~ ___.....__ --__.1 .0 'City of Yelm YELM WASHINGTDN , 105 Yelm Avenue West PO BoxA79 , Yelm, Washington 98597 ,(360) 458-3244 ** ** NOTICE ** ** The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a worksession on Chapter 17.72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, of the Yelm Zoning Code. The worksession is scheduled f~r August 28, 1995 at 4:00 pm. The meeting will be held in th~ Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, 105 Yelm Avenue West. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate 1n this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 4~8-j244~ o {~{dlli;(~ (7, (j~ Catherine car~ 1- City planner Distri~ution: August ~2, ~995 Planning Commission mailing list; Posted at~ Yelm Ci~y ~all, Court and Yelm,Library. '0 $ Recycled paper o o f\ \_/ ~--~ City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING .COMMISSION MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1995 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,105 YELM AVE. W. - 1. Call to Order, Roll Ca~l, Approval of Minutes - JUne 19, & August 7, 1995 minutes. 2. Con~inuation of Public Hearing - Off-Street Parking & StormwaterManual St0rmwater: Staff report enclosed. Presentation by Departm~nt of Ecology. Parking: ' Staff report and draft Chapter 17.72, Off-Street Parking and Loading enclosed. Design Guidelines: $taff report on minor changes. 3. Reschedule or Cancel Next Scheduled Meeting 4. Correspondence Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic bevelopment 5. Set meeting for Design Review sub-committee 6. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If .you -need special arrangements try attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1995, 4.:00 PM @ Recycled paper " .' --~---~- -~-- ---- --~._-- -~~~-~~_._--~-- - e e c SIGN IN SHEET FOR SPEAKERS MEETING: PIO--(}() I Gmmr '55 f d ( / s - C{ ~ I DATE: HUj usf 2/; I Cf1s f<<hl, (. ~(af' /1 j - j lor IYI a,alif lna/l-:uJ, i) r r: klTi-d- (JCLr leI /13 c/- In Nld( enaIlr 1-0 1)t2Ct~ (;;irdUt'rJ-e5 LOCATION: AGENDA ITEM( S) Please sign in if you wish to speak at the meeting. PLEASE PRINT Name ~ A~ Addres s . -:f3f50' ~[rm~ ' 1w. f..l IV) Mailing Address ~ brc,^~f lv(~)\AlJL~ / p,~0~ A ~ 1, J (jj~ 4'15ll7-. Name Address Mailing Address Name Address Mailing Address Name Address Mailing Address Name Address Mailing Address TRANSPORTATION (C CHAPTER 4 4.000 TRANSPORTATION 4A GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 4A.010 General The overall goal of this chapter is to encourage the uniform development of an integrated, fully accessible publIc transportation system that will facilitate present and future travel demand with minimal environmental impact to the community as a whole ThIS chapter provides minimum development standards supplementing the applicable standards as set forth III Section 3 010 4B STREETS 4B 010 General c Street design must provide for the maximum loading conditions anticipated. The width and grade of the pavement must conform to specific standards set forth herem for safety and uniformIty 4B 020 Design Standards The design of streets and roads shall depend upon their type and usage The design elements of City streets shall conform to City standards as set forth herein and current design practice as set forth in Section 3 010 Standard design structures are shown on drawing numbers 4-1 through 4-8 at the end of thIs cha ter Alternate structures may be used based on the criteria as outlined in Chapter 4B 160 ~l if/O( tlh] t. iVl}IJ,J+I)'-U1~ fl(tL<j be- !l<-{lfe,L OJ -tAe &<5ctl o~ fk ~ 1100..,1 fIj (Lf I +C(if-..-: FY-cllk17 ';: 01 (! a( "I "'j (!o-p41 h) it j d eff1O/U fr "dec v~ iL f(u-ff,c fiiL(hf ,Jlwlq iJ'-11.L Afl,uij/S; Z. LtJ/1U1 a../WlltdiVV meillods 01 ;hflrt~';;'" tof1l1bj rJ,;v;L frt.4-/Ile/lt/v-/1Ju fttal'J ..5a.>~~~ CU'e.., fJ/'()f'()~L ad.., t Il {!.J1fl..{J1'Y IJMtc-<.., fA.; {ftA- ~ "5.:fbf;y\-U),4"' e(' 1Vta.V\~' J 4-1 e 7/9:5 c c 3, ~k(J0 e. 'L parl S/ dV--- 6 / e.. x l-en-s I 011 S 0/ -!11.C- fJ{opiJsecJ.- road cutlj a,re- I tv\- ? ro ba.b J d f.Le- -10 plz'l s / ~ I OJIl S frti.t /l ~; a/1 t.L -4 fY/.e..e-Ps k i Ii -kn r 0 f fh L 11 a/I ':'''fJO( izJ) ,'>---- 5.i?.d/01-- 1, to 0 . e (e ~ 4B 030 Functional Classification \. rt / / : 1> , - City streets are divided into boulevards, major artenals, minor arterials, commercial and neighborhood collectors, local access commercial and resIdential streets and alleys in accordance with regional transportation needs, the functional use each serves and Transportation Policy No 11 Function is the controlling element for classification and shall govern Right- of-Way, road wIdth and road geometrics The following list is provided to aSSIst the developer ill determining the classification of a particular street. Streets not listed are classifIed as residentIal local access streets New streets will be classified by the City The intersection commonly known as "Five Comers" is described as Y elm Avenue (SR 507)/Bald Hill Road SElMorris Rs>ad SEINE Creek StreetlSR 507 '., . I." 't. ':-, f' .. ~I I,. - i '"" , -)' -, ! <'"' r II-I--~", ...l..--f,,\r-r -,".I;ltL1)!il-tt t...:../rn_ !!"jl{\l I ~ -I / D"[r'rr~L.l z~,t\qc~c:_.L..l ~::'\.--'(~L"Jj 'L ...c. . . , ., ....',' . '/''- ., .- , , , -, I, -', '_ _. :'\ Maj.QI:Artenals ,I ~;)i.i... 'i......((r11)/idl..:;([CT-_"""1 Cll'~'C'-....J lVYelm h:GlIDe ,-1 r \ e , ;~ """'-First Street (from Y-1/Y-2 intersection to YeJ.m Avenue) ~ ~ , ':' ' , .....Y-1(SR-51O) \~ ". ,,-/1_-. -r,..,...,-'.;'-.->:. -.~ ,~~~- .....; t<{J , ,.............,. 1 ..... I.'" f..) ,,/' '1' --. ...-.. ,,' I_'_'J_ ~\,,_..f~-\ ___'_"-'",\ 1 ~- Y-2 (SR-507) 'I . I . , ','. " " , ' - .' . :- ,"'.'. '-;-- '.JI~' I ! I '_ L~.LJ.;~/\"'" ilT ~ N Ll L~ I '-" t.~- ., /-- .... ~ ~ ; 't..l t- _- - ,-,v t.' v\.,..._.....! Minor Arterials First Street (north of Y elm Avenue) NP Road Canal Road (Y-3 improvements) Grove Road (Y-3 Improvements) Stevens-Coates Connector (Y -4 Improvements) Edwards Street (from Y elm Avenue to Stevens-Coates Connector) Bald Hills Road (Y-9 improvements) '. ~ ,J I "," \ ........ .... -;"' ~~ : ) ~ v' , .I'\...-v' i_ - ~... I" I - I . , u"~~-r;:; // /, . d,~' 1 Collectors . '" . ,.", \". Crystal SprIllgs Road (Illcludmg Y-6 Improvements) upon openmg of Y-3 west) Ordway Drive Wilkensen Road Southwest Access (Y-7 improvements) Cullens Road (fro!!? y elm Avenue to Coates Road) C t R rl ;.- ~ I' ,. - . i .,.. ~ n ,- oaes_oa . _; ,_, \"C.' -~'.' 103rd AVemIe-ffrom-Yelm Avenue to GIUVt:: Rd./Y-3)- Morris Road- c ,,{.f.. '-.. . . vL l -it \ r 1 f~lij~ '".._ ,'", \ I ' -r\ L \ I l' . ""! (,_ Vf''' \\. \.... 1\\.,\1 j 'l' .-......, \.... \... ,,~l. t",{t \ t '\ \ I "" .1 \ ' ,. \ \., \ \ \ "J.I '- , ~.... 11\< :'" \ ,.,:::, ~ \ \, r.,,\;L \,; ~;\:\\. ~\[4 .~ v \ I ~~ Ml-remaming roadways wlthin theYt>l,.,., UCA 4-4 7/95 c ~ e I ./ CommercIal Collectors Creek Street SE Edwards Street NW (from Yelm Avenue to Coates Street SE) First Street NE (north of Yelm Avenue) Moms Road SE N P Road NW Rhoton Road NW (from NE First Street to NW Rhoton Court) Stevens Avenue NW West Road SE 103rd Street NE (fro~ Yelm Avenue to NE Creek Street) .t -,;, i'~ C r-...Lt.} ;;::;;--b:'/' - . _~ 0 , ,- ! LJ 2 . NeIghborhood Collectors ~ \- Burnett Road SE Clark Road SE Coates Street SE e . (e e e v .\) [, . -\j, c:;; ~\ ",,\, .,) iJ "u" \ ~ .v ;\ , \:\ '\ , ~'~'v ./(1 i ' J / v . , ....-'"' i i \... '\ j { ~ ,~:j\ ~ ~.~. "- o Iv "-y oJ\.; ~ Crystal Springs Road Cullens Road Flume Road SE Fourth Street SE Killion Road NW Longmire Street SW (to Jones Street) Middle Road SE Mill Road SE Mosman Avenue SE Mos~man Avenue SW Mountain View Road NW Ordway Drive SE Railway Road SE Railway Street SE Rhoton Road NW (from NW Rhoton Court to Canal Rd SE) Vancil Road SE Wilkens en Road SE 93rd Avenue SE 100th Way SE 103rd Street NE (from NE Creek Street to Canal Road SE) Y.:"Ii'.-t'I\" ~-.\ (,t',I,:" ...l~' I I- \-~.\.. , l(., .:c \.l \ ,l, \, L c \L !. ~, 'L L \ ",'-'. Local Access Commercial .J _. Edwards Street SW (from Yelm Avenue to Mosman Avenue) Jefferson Avenue NE Jefferson Avenue NW Jones Street SE Longmire Street SW (from Jones Street SE to NW Jefferson Avenue) Mckenzie Avenue SE (from SR 507 to Second Street) Railroad Street NW RIce Street SW (from Jones Street SE to NW Jefferson Avenue) Second Street SE Solberg Street SW (from Jones Street SE to NW Jefferson Avenue) Third Street SE (from Jones Street SE to NE Jefferson :\venue) ~~/) 7195 \ \ -f: s- o () MINIMUM STREET DeSIGN STANDARDS o . . PRIVATE I I ROADWA Y MAJOR URBAN MINOR COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY LOCAL FEATURES BOULEVARD ARTERIAL ARTERIAL ARTERIAL COLLECTOR COLLECTOR LOCAL ACCESS ACCESS COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ADT 500 M1N 15000 MIN 6000-15000 6000-15000 2000-6000 500-6000 500 MAX 2000 MAX No superelevation No superelevation No superelevation No superelevation DESIGN Access and intersections should No on street LIMITATIONS be limited. No on-street parking. parking MINIMAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 4" AC 3"AC 2. AC 4" AC STRUCTURAL DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN 2" CST C 2" CST C 2" CST C 2" CST C DESIGN 8"BALLAST 8" BALLAST 8. BALLAST 8" BALLAST MINIMUM 90' 115' WS 90'WS 80'WS 84' 80'WS 54' 84' RIGHT-Of-WAY 100' W/OS 80' W/OS 60' W/OS 65' Inside C.B.D PARKING None allowed Both sides Both sides None allowed None allowed Both sides LANE MINIMUM o 5%-8 0% 0.5%-8.0% 0.5%-8 0% o 5%-8.0% 05%-100% 0.5%-12.0% 0.5%-150% 0.5%-150% MAXIMUM PRO-FILE GRADE Rolled CURB Curb Curb & Guller Curb & Guller N/A Curb & Gutter Curb & Gutter Curb & Gutter Curb & Gutter SIDEWALKS Two sides 5' both sides. None Two sides Two sides 'One side One side 5' or 5' 5' 5' 5' 10' with zero lot setback CUL-DE-SAC N/A N/A N/A NlA N/A N/A 38' (or 47' with 50' RADIUS landscaped (pAVEMENT island WIDTH) radius of 17') INTERSECTION 35' 35' 35' 35' 35' 35' 25' 35' CURB RADIUS DESIGN 40 40 40 40 30 30 25 30 SPEED (MPH) MINIMUM per AASIHO 150' 150' 100' 150' CENTERLINE RADIUS -1 -... \0 VI .If less than 2 units/acre or less and slreet fronlage of the lot exceeds 150 feel no sidewalk required WS = with swales WIOS = without swales Ie e e the fIllancing of such Improvement. Such payment shall be refunded in full, plus interest to the successor in interest in the property should the City not install the required frontage improvements within five (5) years form the date such payment is made 4B 090 Cul-de-sac Streets designed to have one end permanently closed shall be no longer than 600 feet. At the closed end, there shall be a widened "bulb" having a minImum paved traveled radius as shown in the MinImum Street Design Standards Table, (a "Y" or "T" which allows for comparable ease in turnmg for emergency vehIcles may be allowed only when properly executed and accepted by the City) 4B 100 Temporary Dead Ends Where a street is temporarily dead ended, turn around provisions must be provided where the road serves more than one lot. The turn around may be a hammerhead with a minimum distance on both sides at the centerline intersection of 60 feet to facilitate emergency vehicle turn-around. 4B 110 Half Street The construction of a half street is not permitted by the City 4B 120 Medians A median shall be in addition to, not part of, the specifIed roadway width except on a road classed as a boulevard. Medians shall be designed so as not to limit turning radius or sight distance at intersections Pedestrian Access, landscaping and irrigation shall be installed when directed by the City 4B 130 Intersections A. Traffic control will be as speCIfied in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) or as modifIed by the City as a result of appropnate traffic engineering studies ,,/ I. ". . (j{/[ / B Street intersections shall be laid out-so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right aw1es-iwttl1i11"5 degrees) When this cannot be practically done, a ~maybe granted by the City after showing just cause and that e esign m~ets AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation OffiCIals) standards. Sharp angled intersections shall be avoided. For reasons of traffic safety, a "T" intersection (three-legged) is preferable to the crossroad 4 - 12 7/95 /0 ... '" '" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... R/W 10' o rt1 J>c ~ :=! 5: C 5' rt1 ~ Z -< ~ I~ z Ig rJl ~ :;0 "'0 '- - -~...,; '- i- ~ ,\/'1 ,......... '~ I? 17', -Y ~ -..; ~ C/l '--' . -- ..." - ;:-: v ARIES (") J> ~ (") I "'0 Q z ~ <t I 84' 8' 12' Ul"'O -.; IJ> :;0 0< J> Crt1 "T1 rO :;J 0 (") rt1 :;0 r J> Z rt1 12' ... '" '" ... '" .. ... ... I ... ... . ... ... . I ... '" '" ... d. '" '" ... '" '" '" d . ... '" ... '" . I ~ ... ... . ".I ... '" ... '" . ... ... ... R/W 10' 8' 17' rt1 J>C ~::i 5' ~ C rr1~ Z -< ~I~ rt1 :E VARIES ~I (") J> ~ (") I "'0 o Z ~ ~ :;0 J> "T1 2} (") '" rJl 1) ...... I :l> ..., 2?~ ('0 r 0 '- o .~ ~ g + ;~ r J> Z rt1 ~ 2%_ l CEMENT CONC. BARRIER CURB AND GU TTER '" ..- .~ ~ ~ - ~ - ..- '" ,.... , ,?~( : ""1"-\ ~../"' . CITY OF YELM DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS STREETS OUTSIDE C.B.D. LOCAL ACCESS COMMERCIAL GENERAL NOTES \ 1 "ON STREET" PARKING PERMITTED i U 2. REFER TO RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA TION ON STORM DRAINAGE, STREET LIGHTING, PAVEMENT STRUCTURE, ECT DG4-7A.DWC APPROVED DWG. NO DATE CKD $-C 4-7A PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DES. OWN S-C S-C DATE 11/27/94 I~ o MEMO TO: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: KEN GARMANN RE: STORM WATER DRAINAGE e DATE: 8-16-95 1. THE CITY OF YELM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUPPORTS THE ADOPTION OF CHAPTER 5 STORM DRAINAGE AS SUBMITTED IN THE CITY OF YELM "DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES" JULY 1995 EDITION 2 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY WILL BE AT THE AUGUST 21, 1995 COMMISSION MEETING TO NARRATE A SLIDE PRESENTATION OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT. 3 A COpy OF MEMO FROM BOB CONNOLLY OF SKILLINGS / CONNOLLY INC. IS ATTACHED e COM6 SkilliNGs" CONNolly INC. CON5(JhiNG ENGiNEERS I U MEMORANDUM 'l,on..J: .'~oe" '., .', :ircflr.r.n I "C ;lr,.I,-:;. ,. 'h,n.'w 1\<111.,' I jllW. M - il;j1: - SUBJECT Yelm Development Guidellnes/Stormwater -il II ~ If .! ! DATE. August 15, 1995 Mir.l;,'I(l: ,'p.I auf:: L .. TO Id!)lJ Ken Garmann, Public Works Director Yelm Public Works Robert G Connolly, PE ~~--.,b~J20 Skillings.Connolly, Inc. \J~~ /<1' { This memorandum has been prepared at the City of Yelm's reque~ to summarize what has transpired over the past week as it relates to stormwater and the City of Yelm. ,il! .. FROM e last Monday at the Yelm Planning Commission meeting, testimony concerning grass swales was heard from Mary Murphy. a planner/land use consultant hired by Mike Edwards who IS presently developing a commercial site in Yelm Her testimony basically came down to asking the City to use the DOE Stormwater Manual for grass biofiltraUon swales instead of using the Thurston Regional Manual for the sizing of grass swales Developers typically like to spend tl1e least amount of dollars on the development of a site and therefore would like to use the DOE method of swale design. The swale will be smaller, and therefore less expensiva to build. SLlbsequent to this Planning Commission meeting, I set out to look Into the biofiltration ISSlIO and also to decide what is In the best interest of the City of Yelm as it relates to ground water I drinking water quality. My experience and expertise on the subject of stormwater and groundwater has been gaIned as a practicing engineer for over 20 years I graduated from Clarkson University in 1975 after studying Civil and Environmental Engineering I served as a member of the Honderson Inlet Watershed Management Committee several years ago and have been recently select~d to serve on the DOE Quantity and Quality Control Subcommittee for the update of the DOE Stormwater Manual Dunng the past 11 years I have prepared numerous drainage plans and reports using different city and county stormwater manuals including those for King County Pierce County, City of Seattle, CIty of Tacoma, City of Bonny Lake, Thurston COl.lnty, Tumwater, Lacey and Olympia. Tile City of Yelm is in a unique pOSition The City is growing at a time when solutions exist to control stormwater and to protect its groundwater source Much of the Puget Sound didn't have this opportunity and most communities have been striving to fix what uncontrolled development has done to overall water quality o Of the two stormwater manuals, the best suited for Yelm's very porous soils is the Thurston Regional Stonnwater Manual This is based on the fact that its authors steered the manual In a direction that would maximize infiltration It also is much more conservative when It comes to CIYll . H~ANSPOrnAlION . fNvmONMENTAl ~016 tAllY 1.I0.,("AIl.1., l PO BOX ~OIlO L\. l\ W4\lIiI'/Gw", 9115(H } hO I .] '" I ,n 9 'i 14)1 01? 1 HI ~ I J~ !5-.9~ ne _OFM Fn_ Ken Garmann August 15. 1995 Page two II'; o o o the sizing of grass swales. During the past few days I have spoken with stormwater experts that represent the City of Olympia. Lacey and Tumwater as well as for Thurston County and the DOE Water Quality Program. The consensus is that the grass swales constructed dunng the last few years, in genera', do not work. as de~igned and that the agencies will de- emphasize the use ot swales In the future. The DOE Manual may also have changes in this regard In an article sent to me by Loretta Swanson with Thurston County titled K Performance and Condition of 8iofilters in the Pacific Northwest" (see attached) it was found that only 500/0 of the biofilter swales sUlveyed had been maintained In 1988 Mr. Hornor, (the author of the study referenced by Ms Murphy) and his colleagues surveyed the condition of 44 biofiltcr$ They found that 40% of the biofilters did not have the dense grass cover necessary to achieve effective filtration. The City of Olympia has recently changed its stormwater policy to only allow grass swales as a last resort. Thurston County will be starting soon on a program to inventory existing stormwater facilities, finding out which ones work and which ones don't. A large arl10Llnt of money will need to be spent to retrofit these facilitIes and to provide the badly needed maintenance Thurston County IS also looking into a regional comprehensive stormwater plan for the Grand Mound area in order to protect the groundwater resource that will be so important for the proper development of that area This plan will focus on regional stormwater facllitios, maintained by the County The ground conditions for the Grand Mound area are very porous, Just like Yelm's, and their main objective is to protect the groundwater Skillings..Connolly. Inco's recommendation is for Yelm to adapt the most recent versIon of the Thurston Regional $tormwater Manual It may not be perfect, but it is best suited for Ye:lm, to encourage total onsite infiltration The manual can be updated by Yelm in the future to further incorporate effective water quality measures based on Yelm's condItions and how stormwater devices and methods work over time Yelm may want to look into lessening the grass swale requirement on a caserby.case basis The Thurston County Manual allows for a variance process Higher inspection effort, a longer maintenance bond period may be suitable and possibly an agreement should be drafted that would allow the City to prOVIde maintenance when the system is not property maintained by H10 owner and most importantly to allow for the City to bill the owner Grass swales are quickly dropping to the bottom of the preferred method of storrnwater troatment and it may be to the City of Yelm's overall benefit to encourage the use of altt1rnate stormwater treatment methods at this time I! -: 1;:- ::: _I C, _ II:: 1'/1 ~ ) ---+-- 10 3.3 TC WATER & WASTE f'lGtlT P 17 3t~0 ';'S4 '~6!32 _." ,...'.......Ull..,'l.... ....~-.....l../f--t'.......t.....H...j&.~"7...~......"...._a.....11..,-r. . ~rformance and Condition of Biofilters In the Pacific Northwest Byt Erik Reeves, Ctntu for W~<<rshed Protection, Sih'er Spring, MD W h:u exactly 1$ a biofilter? Some would say It IS a gt3.'Ssed $wale wilh cJas~. More techmcally, It J swale tti~l IS explicllly desIgned tQ treat SlA,,,>nnwato( r;llher lhanjust con vl}ying j It along. In the la.~t few years, our kMwkdge about I b1Onll~rs lk'lS increased ~ a result of research from th~ P:l.clfii: Nolthw~:>t. Lo..:rd govcnlment~ In the Puget Sound region of WllSnlOilon have (lJtned to biQt1lters as CO~t-effecuve m~thods to Ueat ulbart :storm water runoff. They are passive, te'htticaHy simple.. artd flexible IMthods of tre30ng ruMff in dev~loplOg arE!aJ. Biofiltmlion IS a. process whereby stl)rrnW<lt~r IS treated by COll(W;t with veg~tI;ti()n and slid surfac(s along a long- and broad ! grass IwaIe A cooper.1tiv~ tearn of researchers from (..--...,yernl Cities and universmes has investigated the 1'- Jformaflce of biotitlers over the last kw vear~, In , . . additIQn. tfJ" researchers have g;nh~red n,,!d dat<l to detinc SOme otttle mostcnllcal vari~bks torthede.,:agn of biotllters. The I:HOfilter deslifl process rehes on an adoption of M:Vlllmg' S (oanula of Open channel flow (or the :>1": month, Z4.hout d~sjgn St.Offil. uSIng an Iter;\tive peo- cess cOI1$tl'ained by 3 s,,~dJ'Ied maximum velo~i(y and slope MQnlllng'$ fQnnula for open ch:1nneJ flow e:<.. presses the relationship among all of the pr1n(:lpal biolilterdesie,11 variabk.s, with the excepdon ofhioriltu length. It lS fre'1uently expressed 03, Q :- (1 4911l} · A III R067 .. 3~J. where , I I i I I i I I \ I C) ! Q "" the volumt'!tric flow tate, {{J/s rl ~~ Manning's coefficIent. ;1C>,jountJng for bOlJl'ld~ friction A .. C{Oss-s.;.cdonal Mea, ftz R ... hydra\.lll~ f"Jdhas. the ratio Qf cross. sectional area to wetted perimeter. ft . .... chal'lltcl slope (ft vc:rticallft hOrlZolital) Bl)mer e( 1\1. (1988) have developed nit tterativioS blofi/(e( de.sigtl procedure based 00 me capllcity ot the blofllter dming the water quality design eVent and the stability (erOSIOn potential) ofth= blOfilterdunng more ut.remc cvcnl$. Kcy dc:slgn vanables in Hortlet's procedure in~ludctl1o Manninfsn valu<$. swale.$h:l.{X'. maximum flow v~lodry for {h~ d~:iii:n SIOt-ro. and reSidence Urn., 10 the biof1\tcr (Soaftk Mctm, 1992) Todetemune the p..,lIutantrernovaI per(c,nnan<;eof a typical biotilter. the City of MO\lntJa.\(<} TeCt'ilce (Wll..!>h.mgton) COl1stru.,;tcd;J test 200. foot tong bIOfilt'~f The gtometry of the ttl.\pu.oldal biofi/(er Wo\'s as fjjl- lows: 4% average slope, 5 foot bottom wtoth, atld 3 1 (h:v) sld~slop~$, Aver- J:.TF.i"~:~1J',lI\'i',1.!x'atN~n1Hgu:;:,\,G age resIdence tlme for runoff within the bjofi!ter was compu{ed to be just under ten rrunutes. The blot'iIter WlU about two years old, and wa... mowed twice Q ye:lt Th() biofilrer served (\ comparati vcly r~lt~C 1.5.5 acre water. :i.:J"'~"'~'1tn.~J~~.U' r~tl"lr.. 'r"',;'''J i,'1Z.'~',;:\' '::!\ shed, cCll'llllsnng of Single family and multi-family residential homes, parks. and a m3JO( o1!tcnal rtlstl. TotallcopervlOusncss In the contnbllting watershed was tlpprox.im\\tely 41% OUtill~ the second phase of the study, the upper 100 feet of the (tS( blOrilter was piped, thet(;by effectlvely reducing Its I~ngth by half. This moditic~tjon enClbled the. rC$carchcrS (0 [cst the pcrfonnance of bLOfiHeu designed for a shorter lMgth and corresponding NS\- dence times (about 5 miol,.ltes). Runoff Inflow and ouulow (rom the zoo-roO( COil- figuraoon was monitored duringsyx storm evenls In the Summer and Fall of 1991. An additional six flow. welghred compo:ntc samples were collected ftum the shorter loo.foot blofilter m me Fall and Wimer of [992. Removal rates were computed based on the change in pollutant conceOa'lltIon occurring bet\l{~n Ihe mflow and outflOw from the biofiHcr. COnse- quently, the .~ampljng method did n~[ mCMllre the po~siQle reduction In pollutant loads due to runoff infiltration within the blotlIter itself. Infiltr<ltion, how- ever, was vtry mInot 1"be swale was on a glad.ll tilt not far below the surface, and the upper soil layer wa, ob~rved to ~~turnte rl.lpldly (-< 1 hour) lifter th$ Ollset of a ~form_ High r3res of removal were reported for sediment, hydrocarbol1$, and P;,;111.1cvI3te trace metals. but f1IJtrient removal w~s very mO..J8St. The 200 foot lonIJ blOfilter was found (0 be rC.I.$Qn- ably e,ffecUv~ in rt.movmg m:my pollu!.mt.s cont"med il'lurban stormwatet(Table 30,1)_ In general. high rates of t~moval were reported for sedim~t\t, hydrocarbons, and partlcu/;I.te trace metali, but nlJt.til!nt removal WLl~ very modest. Le5~ than 3lh'b of the rotal phosphof1Jll --'~-"Y~~='i~r'lill}.t~~.M_ I] - - ~ '= ::I \) Ci t. "- 1_ r F I I 4 --~ c e HJ.34 T" l,)(HER ~ WASTE I'lGl'lT 360 7'34 .:16:32 p 1.2 .__ 'G"iitiIriffl,~r.1~'1z,]~q:[Jl.'l4lM~Jwr..[-.mz.=m.:lM~U1~ .". . I / r-"~'" I"I'l .....-_........._....-............_..-...'1"............ .---... \0._- () Table 30.1.: Pullutant removal performance of :1.00 and 2~O (oot blof1ltcf'$, N:z;6 (adapted from Mf:TRO Seattle, .199~) ) j 200 toot biotifter (%) Pollutant :1.00 foot blotift~r (%) SU$~t'\ded Sediment 60 8~ Total PhosPhorus 45 29 Nitrat~.N n egattve negativ~ enteril'\~ the biofilter was removed. and the biotilter :u;:tually was a n~t exporter of OIt1~te. MCir~ eMourag- iog removal r~ies were observed for blOIOgicaHy avail. able phosphQrus forms_ Surpnsingly. thebiofiltertended to iOCretkSfl the level offeclll coliform bacttna as runoff passed through It ThI.1 mcrcase was t.houghr to be due to pet dropping.s and pO:isibt., b:lcrerial multlphc:ltlon within the biorl1t~r lc.seU: As might be expected, the 1000foot long blotl1rer did not perform as well the longer "'~rslon although cl~ar statistical clffecr:nces were only nOt~d (Of IwO pollutants Removal rates for the shoner bioftttet were also more mconSlstelH (hljher s~ndard d~Yialjon). The OM eltcepcion to Ihzs patt~m was the moderate to high removal observed for various {onns o(pnospho. lilS. This rC$ult, however. may be a sarnplJng :mlfact. as the gr!3ter removal tlltes occurred during SlOnns that produced very low phosphorus concentrations at the inflow point. B3Sed Oil th~ monHonng stUdy, the reseMCh team conclud.:d that ;l 5 to 10 mu1UtC rt:5ldence time It\ 3- minImum 100 fo!)t long blOfilt~r wouldcfi.sUCC reliable pollutant removal. particularly (or stOrms WIth sIgmfi. cane rainfllll pe<1k,. The prOject Slt~ also allowed U1~ rese<\Nhers to compute detalled meas~rcements of aclUal Manning's It values under tYPIcal biofilter eonditions. Three inde- pendent meth\.>ds were used tQ measure velocity of now, and a ranee of n '1oslues w~r~ computed for the biotiltcr{from 0 192 to 0.198. when ltMd been mowed 10 a heliht of ~IX lnchc;)}. Generally !he valut of n did ! om vary with ~mall ctungc5 in slope. but did vary with _. ....- ~ .~ Table 30.2: A$ld $urvey of tM conditIon of blotUteN, N=44 (adapted from Homer, 1.988) CharactetfstJo~ Pt3t<:ent ot MofililHS sampled ~~tftatJ!!.type Natuf31 grass 27 Gress seed mix 41 Emergent wetlands 30 '-( V~1f~tat1-r.!.~C!X!:..~ f'ull 59 Some bare spOtS 30 Poor 11 ~~not! DI'/ 36 Standing w3t~r 38 RunnIng water 11 In/~t Tyi!~ Curo cut 18 CuIvert pip') 6.1 Unchannelfed j,8 Soil infiltration nata l'\ig1'l 18 200 feet or longer 66 SloPt' less man 2~ SG Had co~k dGms 6 $~yes Qentlo 30 $teep 70 Had been re-glJlarly mowed 41 Had baen m31ntahioo ~o ~!11'f';.{19MI-~lt~i'. Tfsptloidal 33 Parabolic !SO """~--'" ~-... ......-.. ~.""". -..;,..... I I 1 ! I I J flow rate. The: research te3hl recot'woended a st<ind:ud MMlrung's 11 value of a.t 'e~st 0.20 for SlOflnW1l.1C.- bioliltcr desig1\_ Unmowed. tl1l1er gHI$,'1es were com puted to have h,gher Manning's n va"j~.! d1uinlJ rug; flOw <:v<:nlS (approxitlllltely 0.24). One of the fr~quenllydted con(oi!ms about blOtilur 1$ how w~lt tiley are con5trucCtd 31,d ma.mtair.tdllllfsi Iield, Hom~r and hi" colleague.$. (1983) tiurn:.ytd In. condition of 44 bioliheu in the f1t'Jd. 1'h,~ study mdl c3ted that there cl~a.rly was pl~ntY of room 10 impN'i. 11'\ both tl(ilas (T~ble 30,2). for examp!o. about four I um bioftllc:rs did not have the dp.f\se 2ras, coYel'n~ce~ " IIJ1~"..,.\...r.I....,...~~).lIw.:l,_ ~ff.i~. ..\~. .~T~!t~:U.I~" - 118 1", '"5 06 '=OFM FO" 360 '7'::4 ~16~2 PI? '1\- I ~ TC WHTER & \,JRSTE t'tGl'lT J"l'."""","'~.-''''' oil 10 :..:$ - ~ . 1 to i~hievce(fcctl...e filo-ation Similarly, only 40% ...11 biQ[ilters were dry dlJrin~ (h~ summer montlls-- r jmajnder had standing or runmng water A hb)h p'ropot1ion or the biotilten could be referred to as . "blOcan)'QnS," 3' they had :Sldesl0pes In excc:s:; of3 1 i (h;v). NeMly alllh~ biofJittrs that received runoff from i curb cuts had slgnifkanl sediment deposiuon at the !' edge. of the bi0flJter that could impede I.h~ e.nny of l'\Inoff into the s)'slcm. Most $igniflcandy, less than I halt o( a.ll biotiHf!tS had ever been maintained a ((lenhey were c0I11tl1JctOO. Periodic grass mowing was the rn:)inteoar\c~ Ol~tivit)' perfomlcd most often (41 O/C). Ba.<;ed on both the momtoring and ti~ld experience, tht research tea.rn hn $uggest(d ('~tlned design cote-na to improve tho pert'ocrna.ncc of blOfilters. which a~ 5utnJJ1mzed in iable 30.3 Th~ biot1ltec does appear to be a plOITllSIOg technique to treal the quality of urban i Table 30.3: SQme key bJofUter desIgn criteria " Otw)!Mtry Preferred g~m~try mfrtlmizes ~I'larp COmef$ OI1d has gentle ,lopes. paraQollc ortrapelo!. dal sMD~$. witl'll'iideslopo, no gre~er than 3:1 {h:v) () . tonsttudl~1 slolM ShOUld be In the range of 2 to 4%. Ch~ckdams sowld be ln~tal!ed If &lope~ exceed 4% and underdr<\[ns lnstall~d If slope.s ate les.! th~n 2%. . SwaJoo width Should be limited to no more tIlan 8 feet. unless $ttuctvr~l meailJres ar& used to f(t$lJr~ uniform $preed of flow c . Maximum re.s~9tt<Xl tfm. if'! tQ achieve a nytJraullo rasldenca time for the ~ rnon1h N hour storm of about 9 or 10 mlnutl!!S. . MaxfMUm fUttoff \'eldcity No more Ulan 0.9 fps for 6 month, 24 MUf $tQrM, l)fld no more than 1.5 fp, for 2 year $tOl'l'rt eve-nt. . /Wan",ttgs n vtlue RecorJ'lfMOO the use of a 0.20 value ill de'$lg,' .; II M<*lllg ROIJUn€l Jl10Wing is u~ed to ke~p grass In aaNe growth phase. and to rnaint3(n CSln-i8 cover. . ()rt\1$$ Mfc1tt Normal grasS' he1iht shO\Jld be at least two i.,ches aoove ueslgn flow <l~Cth. 1 ~-~. ..... n .......~-l!lIt...t:f...;-...r:... "'" " s{Orrnwalcr. bul will req\lir~ future improven;cl1~ in duign, maimenanc~ and landscapmg One par1iclJltU' design lmproycment..would he to place more biotlttecs off-line. In tlm event, .they would only !real nmof{ from lhe wattt quaHlY deSign ~lonn, but would bypass larger storm c...enls that produce greater runoff depths. iUt more erosive ~l1d could possibly mobi1i(:c {Xlllut ants trapped 111 blofjlter soils Ref&rences Horner, R. et al. 1988 Bloti!uauon Systems fot Stonn Runoff Watu QualIty Control. W::l,st'ul1gron DepL of ecoI,,:D' M pp Seattle Metro and Wa$hwgton Ecology 1992 BiQt1\tr'J.llon S wale Ptrformanc~: Rel:~mrnend~- lions, and Desiin ConsldecatJora. PubIic:~tioo No. 657 WashingtOn Dtp!. of Ecology. 220 PI' . Blofltt.f Soll'$ A sandy loam topsoil layer, with an organic matter eontent of 10 to 20%. and no mere U1<.lfl 20% ~ay If $oll test lndicatl3s that the current soil OOOS l'Iot meet th~se erttena, a surfac6 l~yer topsoil amendment may be us~d, . Water table. Designer $nould "heel< to detennine tr113 lavel of thlt seasonally hlih waw tahle. If it 1$ within a foot of me bOttom 01 the blolllter, it may be otMsable to ~erect wetland species. . Plant selection Select grass species that ~ceg, 3 IJniform cover of fine-flllrdy vegetation that C8fI with$timd the prevalllng motstura condition. Wetland aaapted s~cles such as JurtClJ$ and Scitpus may be utlllzed if draiMae is poor. . LwId.scOJpng 0t)lE1f' plant mat~lial can be {Ilte~ed Into a b!Q1ilter: but care shOUld be t~en to ~ent shading Qr leaffatllntO swale . e.onsttuctSon Usa of manure mulching or I'llf,h fertilizer hydrosttedlng t~ ~$tabIl5h JJ.rOl.tCid cover sl'lould be avoided during COM$UUCtlon. as ltlese C<X\ result 10 nlrtllent aJpolt. Jr= ~uFl','1 r: It I e e e Planning Commission Staff Report: August 16, 199~;/ Prepared by: Cathie Carlso~ Off-Street Parking and Loading Following the public hearing on August 7, 1995, in regards to off-street parking and loading, staff drafted a new chapter which addresses most of the issues and concerns which have been identified to date. The new chapter is titled, Chapter 17.72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, and is a combination of the existing Chapter 17.38, the originally proposed Chapter 17.72 as presented to the City Council in June and elements from the proposed Design Guidelines. Enclosed is a copy of Chapter 17.38 which indicates the text not incorporated into the new chapter (strike through text). The remaining text in Chapter 17.38 is incorporated into the new draft chapter. Enclosed is a copy of the original Chapter 17.72 which indicates the text not incorporated into the new chapter (strike through text). The remaining text in the original chapter 17.72 is incorporated into the new draft chapter. The remaining text of the draft chapter incorporates elements of the proposed draft design guidelines prepared through the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce e e e D~-l. r--- ., ti .;JJV\ ~ ,. j: l~) It ~!.".'"i f~ j ~~~"'. ~; /I. .'''~~~.~.... "<'~.,., . .~~::'.~ , ". ., Chapter 17.72 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING Sections: 17.72.010 17.72.020 17.72.030 17.72.040 17.72.050 17.72.060 17.72.070 17.72.075 17.72.080 17.72.090 Intent General requirements Minimum requirements unit of measurement Expansions or enlargements Mixed occupancies Off-street loading Landscaping Development guidelines Incentives for reducing the number of parking stalls 17.72.010 Intent. It is the intent of this chapter to: A. Assure that space is provided for the parking, loading and unloading of motor vehicles on the site of premises or uses which attract said motor vehicles; B. Provide minimum standards of space and parking arrangements, and for the movement of motor vehicles into and out of such spaces; C. Avoid or reduce traffic congestion on public streets by: 1. Keeping the need for on-street parking to a minimum, and 2. Controlling access to sites; D. Enhance safety for pedestrians and motor vehicle operators; E. Encourage the creation of an aesthetically pleasing and functionally adequate system of off-street parking and loading facilities. 17.72.020 General requirements. A. Off-street parking spaces and driveways shall not be used at any time for purposes other than their intended use, i.e., the temporary storage of motor vehicles used by persons visiting or having business to conduct on the premises for which the parking is provided. B. Minimum parking space required and intended for use by occupants or users of specific premises shall not be leased or rented to others, nor shall such space be made unavailable through other means to the users for whom the parking spaces are intended. This, however, does not preclude shared parking arrangements. o o e C. Whenever a building or a piece of land is put to a use different from the immediately preceding use, or when a building is remodeled, reconstructed or expanded, adequate off-street parking shall be provided consistent with the new use, reconstruction or expansion of the premises. D. Consideration from the planning committee and city council should be given as to the requirements/standards for off- street parking as they pertain to the central business district. E. Off-street parking facilities shall be located as hereinafter specified; where a distance is specified, such distance shall be the walking distance measured from the nearest point of the parking facilities to the nearest point of the building that such facility is required to serve. F. For a single-family dwelling or multi-family dwellings, the parking facilities shall be located on the same lot or building site as the building they are required to serve. G. For churches located in any zones, parking facilities shall be located on the site; consideration may be given to parking facilities located not farther than one hundred fifty feet from the building. H. For hospitals, sanitariums, homes for the aged, asylums, orphanages, rooming houses, lodging houses, nurslng and convalescent homes, community clubs, and club rooms, parking facilities shall be located not farther than one hundred fifty feet from the facility. I. For uses other than those specified, parking facilities shall be located not farther than three hundred feet from the facility. Consideration from the planning committee and the city council should be given as to the requirements/standards for off-street parking as they pertain to the central business district. J. Exceptions or modifications to the provisions of this chapter shall be processed as a variance application. 17.72.030 Minimum requirements. A. The requirements for off-street parking and loading facilities and their design shall be regarded as the minimum; however, the owner, developer or operator of the premises for which the parking facilities are intended shall be responsible for providing adequate amounts and arrangement of space for the particular premises even though such space or its arrangement is ln excess of the mlnlmum set forth ln thlS chapter. e e c B. For special uses, as identified and described in Chapter 17.66 of this title, the parking requirement shall be as provided in that chapter or as determined by the site plan review committee. C. Residential Uses. Single-family homes Number of Spaces Per Dwelling Unit 2 Duplexes 2 Multi-family dwellings 21 D. Commercial Uses. 1. In the several commercial districts,off-street parking requirements shall be as shown herein, provided that all of the property is controlled by a single person or corporation, or written agreements for shared parking, acceptable to the city, are filed with the approval authority. Shared parking agreements are acceptable only if the physical relationship between the premises makes such sharing possible and results in superior design in terms of layout, access, reduced curb cuts and the like. 2. In the following list, the parking requirements of specific uses listed shall be one parking stall per 200 square feet of gross floor area: Banks Saving and loan associations Business and professional offices. and consumption on the including fraternal and except as otherwise Establishments for the sale premises of food and beverages, social clubs, retail stores, specified herein. 1 Housing intended for excl usi ve use of, and occupied by, senior citizens shall provide one space for every three dwelling units plus two-tenths space per dwelling unit in buildings containing five or more dwelling units. Housing in which the dwelling units are characterized by one room enclosing all activities (sometimes referred to as "bachelor" or "efficiency" units) shall provide one and one-half parking spaces for each dwelling unit, plus two-tenths space per dwelling unit in buildings containing five or more dwelling units. e e e -r-------.- 3. Specific Uses: Hospitals Libraries and museums Medical or dental clinics Motels, hotels Motor vehicle or machinery Sales, wholesale stores Furniture stores Sanitariums Schools: High schools Elementary Junior high schools Skating rinks Stadiums, auditoriums, community clubs, community centers and other places of assembly Theaters. E. Industrial Uses. 1. General. Housing intended for exclusive use of, and occupied by, senior citizens shall provide one space for every three dwelling units plus two-tenths space per dwelling unit in buildings containing five or more dwelling units. Housing in which the dwelling units are characterized by one room enclosing all activities (sometimes referred to as "bachelor" or "efficiency" units) shall provide one and one-half parking spaces for each dwelling unit, plus two-tenths space per dwelling unit in buildings containing five or more dwelling units. a. One space per employee based on the greatest number of employees on a single shift, plus: b. One square foot parking per square foot of display or retail area, plus; c. One space for each vehicle owned, leased or operated by the company. 2. Specific Uses. Type of Use Minimum Parking Requirements Warehouses 1 space/lOOO sq. ft. GFA plus 1 space/400 sq. ft. of GFA used for offices or display. e o e F. In the case of a use not specifically mentioned in Section 17.72.030, the requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be determined by the approval authority. Such determination shall be based upon the requirements for the most comparable use specified in Section 17.72.030. 17.72.040 Unit of Measurement. In stadiums, sports, arenas, churches and other places of assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews, and other similar seating facilities, each eighteen inches of width or eighty square feet of open area of such seating facilities should be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining requirements for off-street parking facilities under this title. 17.72.050 Expansions or enlargements. Where any structure is enlarged or expanded, then off-street parking spaces shall be provided for said expansion or enlargement in accordance with the General requirements, Section 17.72.020. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require off-street parking spaces for the portion of said building or structure existing at the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter. A change in use in an existing structure shall require additional off-street parking spaces as set forth in Minimum requirements, Section 17.72.030. 17.72.060 Mixed occupancies. In the case of two or more uses ln the same building, the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the several uses computed separately. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other use, except as hereafter specified in Minimum requirements, Section 17.72.030, for joint use. 17.72.070 Off-street loading. A. Off-street loading shall be required for all commercial establishments which are engaged in the retailing or wholesaling of merchandise requiring regular delivery such as food retailers, lumber yards, hardware stores, department stores and the like. Total Gross Floor Area of Building(s) Space Required Less than 5,000 sq. ft. 1 5,000 sq. ft. to 25,000 sq. ft. 2 25,000 sq. ft. to 50,000 sq. ft. 3 Each additional 50,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof in excess of 25,000 sq. ft. 1 additional e e e All off-street loading and unloading spaces shall be of adequate size and with adequate access thereto to accommodate a vehicle forty-five feet in length, twelve feet in width and fourteen feet in height. Each loading space shall be surfaced with an asphalt, concrete or similar pavement so as to provide a surface that is durable and dust-free and shall be so graded and drained as to properly dispose of all surface water. B. Any floor area provided by additions to or structural alterations to a building shall be provided with loading space or spaces as set forth herein whether or not loading spaces have been provided for the original floor space. C. Consideration from the planning committee and city council should be given as to the requirements/standards for off- street parking required loading areas as they pertain to the central business district. 17.72.075 Landscaping. A. Landscaping shall be provided according to Chapter 17.80 and the provisions of this Section 17.72.045 are supplemental thereto. All parking areas located adjacent to any private street or public street right-of-way shall provide a minimum five-foot planted buffer strip between the parking area and the private street or public right-of-way. C. Refuse. B. 1. Refuse container screening shall be required and be of a material and design compatible with the overall architectural theme of the associated structure, shall be at least as high as the refuse container, and shall in no case be less than six feet high. 2. No refuse container shall be permitted between a street and the front of a building. 3. Refuse collection areas shall be designed to contain all refuse generated on site and deposited between collections. Deposited refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure. 17.72.080 Development guidelines. A. Parking area design shall include: 1. Ingress and Egress. The location of all points of ingress and egress to parking areas shall be subject to the review and approval of the city engineer. 2. Backing Out Prohibited. In all commercial and e industrial developments and in all residential buildings containing five or more dwelling units, parking areas shall be so arranged as to make it unnecessary for a vehicle to back out into any street or public right-of- way. 3. Parking Spaces--Access and Dimensions. Adequate provision shall be made for individual ingress and egress by vehicles to all parking stalls at all times by means of unobstructed maneuvering aisles. Maneuvering aisles, parking stall dimensions and requirements shall be as shown in drawings 4-21, 4-22, 4-23, 4-24 and 4-25 of the Development Guidelines. o 4. Small Car Parking Spaces. In all parking facilities containing twenty-five or more parking spaces, a maximum of twenty-five percent of the required parking spaces may be reduced in size for the use of small cars, provided these spaces shall be clearly identified with a sign permanently affixed immediately in front of each space containing the notation, II Compacts Only. II Spaces designed for small cars may be reduced in size to a minimum of seven and one-half feet in width and fifteen feet in length. Where feasible, all small car spaces shall be located in one or more contiguous areas and/or adjacent to ingress/egress points within parking facilities. Location of compact car parking spaces shall not create traffic congestion or impede traffic flows. 5. Setback of Buildings from Public Right-of-way. a. When parking is not to be provided between the building and the right-of-way line, the building setback shall be: (1) Forty-five feet from the centerline of the right-of-way; or (2) Half the right-of-way width plus fifteen feet, whichever is greater. b. When parklng is to be provided between the building and the right-of-way line, the building setback shall be: (1) Forty-five feet (five feet buffer strip along right-of-way centerline of the right-of-way; or is for line) planted from the o (2) Half the right-of-way width plus five feet (five feet is for planted buffer strip along right- of-way line), whichever is greater; plus e o e (3) The distance needed for appropriate parking and internal circulation as shown in the design standards of Section 17.72.050. 6. Surfacing. All parking areas for more than four vehicles shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete or similar pavement so as to provide a surface that is durable and dust free and shall be so graded and drained as to properly dispose of all surface water. 7. Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate any required off-street parking area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining premises in a R zone. 8. Signs. Must meet requirements as set forth in Chapter 15.24 of this code. B. Stormwater Runoff. All stormwater runoff shall be retained, treated and disposed of on site or disposed of in a system designed for such runoff and which does not flood or damage adjacent properties. Systems designed for runoff retention and control shall comply with specifications provided by the city and shall be subject to its review and approval, and shall, moreover, comply with Chapter 5 of the Yelm Development Regulations, Drainage Design and Erosion Control Standards for the City of Yelm. 17.72.090 Incentives for reducing the number of parking stalls. The City may allow the overall parking ratio (stalls/floor area, people or employees) to be reduced if, through a quantified parking demand analysis, it can be demonstrated that the uses on parcels with shared parking are consistent with the requirements of Chapter 17.72. Reductions in parking requirements may occur under the following guidelines: 1. A reduction of ten percent (15%) of the required parking is possible with coordinated design and shared access to consolidated parking areas are linked by pedestrian walkways. 2. Mul tiple parcels, under separate ownership, be treated as a single development site if all owners agree. 3. Primary night--time uses such as theaters and bowling alleys may receive up to a fifty percent (50%) reduction in the required number of parking stalls if: a. A lease for the equivalent parking stall reduction is obtained from a primary daytime user such as a bank, office or retail store. b. c " Leased parking is within five hundred (500) feet of the associated use, as long as a pedestrian walkway exists or is provided between parking area and use. 4 Off-site leasing of parking areas may be utilized to achieve the required ratio of parking for the proposed use provided that the leased parking is within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed use, as long as a pedestrian walkway exists or is provided between parking area and use. Alternative programs that may approval authority and/or site under this section include, but following: 5. a. b. c. d. e. f. 0 g. h. 1. ] . c be considered by the plan review committee are not limited to the Private vanpool operation; Transit/vanpool fare subsidy; Imposition and maintenance of a charge for parking; provision of subscription bus services; Flexible work hour schedule; Capital improvements for transit serV1ces; Preferential parking for carpools/vanpools; Participation in the ride-matching program; Reduction of parking fees for carpools and vanpools; Establishment of a transportation coordinator position to implement carpool, vanpool and transit programs; k. Bicycle parking facilities. o o o Chapter 17.72 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING Sections: 17 72 010 1772020 17 72 030 17 72 040 17 72 045 1772 050 Intent General reqUIrements Mimmum reqUIrements Off-street loading Buffer StrIpS Development gUIdelines 17.72.010 Intent. It IS the mtent of thIS chapter to A. Assure that space IS provIded for the parkmg, loadmg and unloadmg of motor vehIcles on the SIte of prermses or uses which attract saId motor vehIcles, B Provide rmmmum standards of space and parkmg arrangements, and for the movement of motor vehIcles into and out of such spaces, C Avoid or reduce traffic congestIOn on public streets by 1 Keepmg the need for on-street parkmg to a nnrnmum, and 2 Controlling access to sItes, D Enhance safety for pedestrIans and motor vehIcle operatOrs, E Encourage the creanon of an aesthetIcally pleasmg and functIonally adequate system of off-street parkmg and loading facllmes 17 72.020 General requirements. A. Off-street parkmg spaces and dnveways shall not be used at any tIme for purposes other than theIr intended use, l.e , the temporary stOrage of motor vehicles used by persons vISItmg or havmg busmess to conduct on the prermses for WhICh the parkmg is prOVIded. B Mimmum parkmg space reqUIred and mtended for use by occupants or users of speCIfic premIses shall nOt be leased or rented to others, nor shall such space be made unavaIlable through mher means to the users for whom the parkmg spaces are mtended ThIS, however does not preclude shared parkmg arrangements C EAcep! where speCIfically perrmtte~g-dtSf:r-tets-tJi'f-sr-reet-park:ing-spaces-shaH-not- ee-usea-fer-Ieaa-I-flg-er-un1:eae.tflg-ef-eemmel'ela.l-vehleles-lfrrger-t:flan-these-veflIc1es-fer-which-cl1e' paT.lcing-spaces-a-re-Intended:- D Whenever a buildmg or a pIece of land IS put to a use different from the immediately preceding use or when a bUIlding IS remodeled, reconstructed or expanded, adequate off-street parkmg shall be prOVIded conSIstent With the new use, reconstrucnan or expanSIOn of the premIses 1772.030 Minimum requirements. A. The reqUIrementS for off-street parking and loadmg facilitIes and theIr desIgn shall be regarded as the mImmum, however, the owner, developer or operator of the prerruses for WhICh the parkmg facilities are mtended shall be responsible for prOVIding adequate amounts and arrangement of space for the particular premIses even though such space or itS arrangement IS III excess of the mmllTIum set fonh in thIS chapter B The require-meFlt:s-f-eF-aftY-1fse-Flet-!tsteEi-l:1el'eifl-shaH-ee-rnese-ef-rne-I'lsred-tlse-most-sl.rniiar-to~tl1e U1'l11s-tecl-tIse:-Whefl-Strn1-la1'i:tY4S-oot-ftt>f>a-r-eflt-;-rfle-approval-atltl1ofIty-andi'or-the-slte-plan-revl ew- semmuree shatkiere~e-fFllfHfIi':H'Fl-f'0r-fh.e-t:lflhstecl-use~ 1772- 1 c For special uses, as identified and described III Chapter 17 66 of thIs title, the parking requirement shall be as provIded in that chapter or as determined by the site plan review committee. Residential Uses (e D Smgle-family homes Duplexes Multi-family dwellings Number of Spaces Per DwellIllg Umt ."""f- 2 21 Plus two-tcnths-spaee-~--clweH..i'Ilg-1:lfli-t-i-Fl-b\:l:tle.i.Flgs-eeFlHHaJ:Flg-fj,.ve--er-meFe-E1.weHlflg-1:lm.ts. .-E. M-e13ile Hames Number of Spaccs rcr D~dlmt! Bmt -1ft mobile heme-s-ubew'lS1i3flS 1- ~e heme parlffi 1- Iln mgbr1~ home parn t,be parlGng spac"s m excess of one per mobIl.e...hGme-may be gr~-m- .. shared parking areas. F CommerCIal Uses 1 e In the several commerCIal distrIcts, off-street parkmg requirements shall be as shown herem, provIded that all of the property IS controlled by a smgle person or corporatIon. or wrItten agreements for shared parkmg, acceptable to the cuy, are filed WIth the approval authOrIty Shared parking agreements are acceptable only If the physIcal relationshIp berween the prermses makes such sharmg possible and results m supenor deSIgn m terms of layout, access, reduced curb cuts and the like 2 In the followmg list, the parkmg requirements of specrfic uses listed shall be adher.ed...to., -!haTed agrc::ments or sIllgle owncrshlp control notwlthstandmg. Some 17frl'kmg rcqUlrcmcfifS :lr8 8xpress€d m terms of a ratio of paddng area m relatIon to gross H0er-area-EGFA-)-m-me buiWmg. Therefor~, t\~TO square feet per square foot of GfA ~at-a-i~N;@-the1:lsaREI. "'quare foot bUllding would have to provIde ten thousand s!'!1:IttFe-feet-ef-park:-ffig-area-:- The rmrumum number of parkinb spaces IS then d€lnmruneG by dlVIQmg the sf!.J:la.F€-foofa~f the-pm-icing area-by-tflrce hundred. In Ii ten rhousand square feet area, thmy three spaces would be-reElUlred. . The three hufidrcd st:tUarc fom pcr car allows for access drIves, aisles-ancl--l.-at1EI.:sea'f)i-Flg-aF@a5;--' S''l"nee-rhe-climens-r0flS-ef-eaeh-s'paee-J:s-appF0*,l:FFlatelY-Fll:Fle-ey-t.weFlFy-er-efle-h1.:lflEl..FeEl.-eIghcy-sE!uaFe- ~~oo.F-G-f..s.fJaGgs-ma'Y-alS0-Ge-InGFeased.-In-e*eess-0f-me-mH.:HfFl.1:lm-FeE!l:HFeEl.,aepeflamg on-s-lze-and-shape-ef-s.:n:e-anEl.-the-3:FFaflgemeflt-ef-sfJaeeS-IH-r:l:le-aFea: G Industnal Uses 1 General o I Housmg Illtended for exclusIve use of, and occupied by, senior citIzens shall proVIde one space for every three dwellIllg urnts plus two-tenths space per dwelling urnt in buildings comaining five or more dwelling urnts HOUSIllg in which the dwelling unIts are charactenzed by one room enclosmg all activities (sometImes referred to as "bachelor" or "efficiency" units) shall provide one and one-half parkmg spaces for each dwelling UnIt, plus two-tenths space per dwellIllg urnt in buildings containing fIve or more dwelling units 1772-2 Ie a. One space per employee based on the greatest number of employees on a single ShIft, plus, b One square foot parkIng per square foot of display or retail area, plus, c One space for each vehicle owned, leased or operated by the company 2 SpecIfic Uses Type of Use Minimum ParkIng ReqUIrements Warehouses 1 space/lOOO sq ft. GFA plus 1 space/400 sq ft. of GFA used for offices or dIsplay 17.72.040 Off-street loading. Off-street loading shall be reqUIred for all commercIal establishments WhICh are engaged in the retailing or wholesaling of merchandise requIrIng regular delIvery such as food retailers, lumber yards, hardware stores, depanment stores and the like Total Gross Floor Area of BuildinlZ(s) Soace ReaUIred e Less than 5,000 sq ft. 1 5,000 sq ft. to 25,000 sq ft. 2 25,000 sq ft. to 50,000 sq ft. 3 Each addItional 50,000 sq ft or fracnon thereof in excess of 25,000 sq ft. 1 addItional All off-street loadmg and unloadIllg spaces shall be of adequate SIze and WIth adequate access thereto to accommodate a vehIcle fony-five feet in length, .~ feet m WIdth and fourteen feet m heIghL Each loadmg space shall be surfaced WIth an asphalt, concrete or sImilar pavement so as to prOVIde a surface that IS durable and dust-free and shall be so graded and dramed as to properly dispose of all surface water o 17 72.045 Buffer strips. All parkmg areas located adjacent to any pnvate street or publIC street nght-of-way shall prOVIde a mirumum five-foot planted buffer StrIp between the parkmg area and the pnvate street or publIc nght-of-way 17.72.050 Development guidelines. A Parkmg area deSIgn shall mclude. 1 Ingress and Egress The locatIon of all pOIllts of mgress and egress to parkmg areas shall be subject to the reVIew and approval of the CIty engmeer 2 BackIllg Out ProhibIted. In all commercIal and mdustrIal developments and m all resIdentIal bUIldmgs contaIning five or more dwellmg urutS, parkmg areas shall be so arranged as to make it unnecessary for a vehicle to back out mto any street or public nght-of-way .) ParkIllg Spaces--Access and DimensIons Adequate provISIOn shall be made for mdIvIdual Ingress and egress by vehIcles to all parkmg stalls at all tImes by means of unobstructed maneuvering aisles ManeuverIllg aisles and parkmg stall dImensIOns shall be as shown In ,Tables 17-2, 17-3 and 17-4 Small Car Parkmg Spaces In all parkIng facilities comaming twenty-five or more parking spaces, a maxIIllum of twenty-five percent of the reqUIred parkIng spaces may be reduced In SIze for the use of small cars, provided these spaces shall be clearly identified with a SIgn permanently affixed illlffiediately III front of each space contammg the notation, "Compacts Only " Spaces deSIgned for small cars may be reduced In SIze to a mmnnum of seven and 4 17 72 - 3 o e o B one-half feet in width and fifteen feet m length. Where feasible, all small car spaces shall be located in one or more contIguous areas and/or adjacent to ingresslegress points within parkmg facilities Location of compact car parking spaces shall not create traffic congestIOn or impede traffic flows 5 Setback of BUIldings from PublIc RIght-of-way a. When parking IS not to be prOVIded between the building and the nght-of-way line, the buildmg setback shall be (1) Forty-five feet from the centerline of the nght-of-way, or (2) Half the nght-of-way WIdth plus fifteen feet, whichever IS greater b When parkmg is to be prOVIded between the building and the nght-of-way lme, the buildmg setback shall be (1) Forty-five feet (five feet IS for planted buffer stnp along nght-of-way lme) from the centerline of the nght-of-way, or (2) Half the nght-of-way width plus five feet (five feet IS for planted buffer stnp along right-of-way lIne), whichever IS greater; plus (3) The distance needed for appropnate parkmg and mternal CIrculatIOn as shown m the deSIgn standards of SectIon 17 72 050 6 Surfacmg All parkmg areas for more than four vehIcles shall be surfaced WIth asphalt, concrete or SImIlar pavement so as to prOVIde a surface that IS durable and dust free and shall be so graded and draIlled as to properly dispose of all surface water Stormwater Runoff All srormwater runoff shall be retamed, treated and dIsposed of on sIte or dIsposed of ill a system deSIgned for such runoff and WhICh does not flood or damage adjacent propertIes Systems deSIgned for runoff retentIon and control shall comply WIth speCIficatIons prOVIded by the Clty and shall be subject to its reVIew and approval, and shall moreover, comply wlth Chapter 5 of the Yelm Development RegulatIons Dramage DeSIgn and ErosIOn Control Standards for the CIty of Yelm. 1772 - 4 e e e Ch~pter 17.38 OFF STREET I'ARKINC Sections: 17.38.010 Automobile p~rking opnceo required. 17.38.020 Size ~nd ~cceoo. 17.38.030 Loc~tion. (Moved to General Requirements) 17.38.040 Unit of measurement 17.38.050 Expansions or enlargements. 17.38.060 Mixed occupancies. 17.38.070 Uoeo not opecified. (Moved to Minimum Requirements) 17.38. 080 I'~rking opnceo required for p~rticulnr uoeo. (MinReq) 17.38.090 8peci~1 requiremento. 17.38.110 Condition~l ~cceooory pnrking ~re~o in R zonoo. 17 . 38.110 Required lo~ding ~re~o. (See new off-street loading) 17.38.120 Exeeptiono ~nd modific~tiono. (See Gen. Req. "E") 17.38.130 8peci~1 zone exeeptiono. (See 17.72.030 "C") 17.38.010 Automobile p~rking op~ceo required. A. Off otreet p~rking op~ceo oh~ll be provided ~o ~n ~cceooory uoe in nccord~nce ~iith the requiremento of thio ch~pter ~t the time ~ny building or otructure io erected, enl~rged or exp~nded. B. Conoider~tion from the pl~nning committee ~nd city council ohould be given no to the requirement%tnnd~rdo for off otreet p~rking ~o they pert~in to the centr~l buoineoo diotrict. (Ord. 344 SI, 1988). (Moved to General Requirements "D".) 17.38.020 Size ~nd ~cceoo. E~ch off otreet p~r}cing op~ce oh~ll h~TvTe ~n ~re~ of not leoo th~n one hundred oixty oqu~re feet excluoive of ~cceoo driveo or ~ioleo ~nd ~idth of not 1000 th~n eight feet. There oh~ll be ndequ~te provioion for ingreoo ~nd egreoo from e~ch pnrking op~ce. (Ord. 344 S2, 1988). (Provided for in Development Guidelines Section 17.72.050.) 17.38.030 Loc~tion. Off otreet p~rking facilitiec chal1 be located ~G herein~fter opecified; T.ihere ~ diGt~nce io opecified, ouch diot~nce cha11 bo the T.:~lking diotance menourod from the nearect point of the p~rking f~cilitieo to the ne~reot point of the building th~t ouch f~cility io roquired to oorvo. n.. For n oingle f~mily dTv:elling or mul tif~IRily dTviellingo, the p~rking f~cilitieo Dh~ll be loc~ted on the D~me lot or building oito ~o the building they ~re required to Derve. B. For churcheo loc~ted in ~ny zoneD, p~rking f~cili tieD oh~ll be loc~ted on the oite; conoider~tion m~y be given to p~rking f~cilitieo loc~ted not f~rther th~n one hundred fifty feet from the building. C. For hoopit~lo, o~nit~riumD, homeD for the ~ged, ~oylumo, orphan~geD, rooming houoeo, lodging houoeo, nuroing nnd conTJ~leocent homeo, cOHlfflunity clubo, ~nd club roomo, p~rking facilitieo ohall be loc~ted not farther than one hundred fifty fcet e e e from the f~cility. D. For uoeo other th~n thooe opecified, p~rking f~cilitieo oh~ll be located not farther than three hundred feet from the facility. Conoideration from the planning committee and the city council ohould be given ao to the requirement%tandardo for off otreet parking ao they pertain to the central buoineoo diotrict. (Ord. 344 ~3, 1~88). (Moved to General Requirements.) 17.38.040 Unit of measurement. In stadiums, sports arenas, churches and other places of assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews, and other similar seating facilities, each eighteen inches of width or eighty square feet of open area of such seating facilities should be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining requirements for off-street parking facilities under this title. (Ord. 344 ~4, 1988). 17.38.050 Expansions or enlargements. Where any structure is enlarged or expanded, then off-street parking spaces shall be provided for said expansion or enlargement in accordance with the requirements of Section 17.38.090. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require off-street parking spaces for the portion of said building or structure existing at the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter. A change in use in an existing structure shall require additional off-street parking spaces as set forth in Section 17.38.080. (Ord. 344 ~5, 1988). 17.38.060 Mixed occupancies. In the case of two or more uses in the same building, the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the several uses computed separately. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other use, except as hereafter specified in Section 17.38.080 for joint use. (Ord. 344 ~6, 1988). 17.38.070 Uoeo not opecified. In the caoe of a uoe not opecifically mentioned in Section 17.38.080, the requiremento for off otreet parking facilitieo ohall be determined by the planning committee approval authority. Such determination ohall be baoed upon the requirernento for the moot comparable uoe opecified in Section 17.38.080. (Ord. 344 S7, 1988). (Moved to Minimum Requirements "F".) 17.38.080 parking opaceo required for particular uoeo. The min1.mum number of off otreet parking opaceo required ohall be ao oet forth in the following: (Following formulas provided for l.n Section 17.72.030.) "h oale for t..e Dotabliohme~tl'~n on the I:l sump-c ~ and con + food anu . es Or . f=J promlo ineludln" lubo, beveragoo, nd soelal Cather fraternal a oxeept ao each bed retail oto~~~d horein Two ~o~ each throend ..ioo opoel One 0 oaoh a · itals CURlS h One for Hosp 'co and muo researo nloyeeo Librarl '~n uoeo, , om~ :E e~urlu~ =l::SrlCO, Ilanu~asting labo;<;';';'ootab , dentiot and ~e, bott,ln" ~~erlOO. , aft or erleo, . s eann . nkvolei 's~ees cream. lmkeno -, shopo . eaen ~n" I\iD emp, " liohm,:mto, d engravi'.'g, Six or oaeh unit p. dred oquare intlng an al ellnleo One for h foar hun pr. 1 or dent 0 for cae .loor area 110dlea hotelo hinory On t of grooo 110telo, . Ie or mae foe Hotor v~~~~eoale otoreo, for each bod IUD Daleo, w otoreo One students p member furniture aeh four - ulty . S nitariums One for e each fae d unloadlng a for ding an Gehools:. sehoolo one ,. oivo of loa lllga (oxe.u areao) e Uoe Single familrlu d~;ellingo . le faFfll .z Hultlp 'le laundry l\.utomobl e Dancehallo e Required rarking Spaceo .~ . f=J unl-c "h ~nellln~ .~ eac.. ~.. . unl... :for 1"'0 for h ffi.elllng opaeeo, T~o for oae two otor~gehing bay, or lIinimum o~. ual car "~o the total Neh indr. ~d n four tlmeo dated on a t leoo t a 'tv accommo no. capacl .z vehlcle oyotem oonveyer d square "h ~qo hundre r eacn -c.. area, 0 io Ono for 00 floor "hiehevor feet of grooccupancy, ~aoed on related 1::) pl uo g:-eaterer each alley, F1VO p . faetoro eh sleeping occupancy half for ea One and one room ach two bedo One for e in tho r oeato '~l~ for oaeh fou aooem.-" and Ono f'.'r 1 place of baloonieo prine~pa including of T 'orohlp, e feet · . I ft Auar Ius ChOH ' 0 fifteen, 0.. area. p One per danclng . f=J or :f ctoro okatln~ cupaney a d oquare related oe . two hundre or :f r eacn area, . One o. grooo flo~r ..hiohever 10 feet 0 ccupancy,. baoed on 0 greater e e o Element~ry ~nd junior high oehoolo Slc~ting rinlco One for o~ch eight otudento pluo one for o~ch faculty member One per e'Jery forty oquare foet, pluo rel~tod occup~ncy f~ctoro n~oed on occupancy uoe St~diumo, ~uditoriumo, community clubo, community contero ~nd other pl~ceo of ~ooembly Theatero One for e~ch three oe~to up to eight hundred oe~to, pluo one for c~ch five oe~to over eight hundred oo~to W~rehouoeo ~nd otor~ge buildingo ( Ord. 344 ~ 8, 1988). B~oed on occup~ncy or p~rlcing requiremento for th~t occup~nt. 17.38.090 Speci~l requiromento. In ~ny zone, ~ p~rking ~ro~ for five or more vehicleo oh~ll be developed in ~ccord~nce ~ith the follouing requiremento: (Not incorporated in Chapter.) ~. L~ndoc~ping. A l~ndoc~ped are~ not 1000 th~n three feet in 'v;idth oh~ll be provided continuouoly (except for ~uthorized curb cuto) ~long ~ny front, re~r or oide bound~ry property line ~butting ~ public or priv~to ro~d. L~ndoc~ping oh~ll conoiot of ~ v~riety of h~rdy evergreen pl~nted m~teri~l conoioting of treeD, ImJ profile ~nd high profile ohrubo together \v'ith ouit~ble ground cO'v'er ouch ~o n~tive gr~ooeo, b~rk, rockerieo or ~ combin~tion thereof, ~nd oh~ll be deoigned ~nd m~int~ined in ouch ~ m~nner ~o not to impair vehicle vioibility at corner intoroectiono or ~dj~cent to pointo of ingreoo or egreoo. (Provided for in Section 17.72.045.) B. Screening. A vertic~l oight obocuring ocreen not leoo th~n four feet in height oh~ll be provided continuouoly (except for ~uthorized curb cuto) ~long ~ny oide of ~n off otreet p~rlcing ~re~ th~t io noxt to ~ otreet or ~lley ~hich ~buto ~ reoidenti~l zone. The required ocreen oh~ll be deoigned ~nd pl~ced ~dj~cent to corner otreet interoectiono ~nd ingreoo egreoo pointo 00 ~o not to conotitute ~ tr~ffic h~z~rd. (Provided for in Section 17.80.050 - "B 1".) C. Border n~rric~deo. A curb, r~il, fence or w~ll or other oimil~r type b~rrier oufficient to cont~in vehicleo completely \l7ithin the property ~nd outoide of l~ndoc~ped ~re~o oh~ll be provided ~nd m~int~ined in ~ good ~nd ~ttr~ctive condition. (Provided for in Development Guidelines Section 17.72.050.) D. Entr~nceo ~nd Exito. The loc~tion and deoign of ~ll entr~nceo ~nd exito ohall be oubject to the ~pprov~l of the pl~nning ~nd public worko dep~rtmento, provided th~t no entr~nce or exito oh~ll be clooer th~n fifteen feet to ~ny ~djoining lot loc~ted in ~n R zone. (Provided for in Development Guidelines Section 17.72.050.) E. Surf~ce of parking Area. Off otreet parlcing ~rea ohall be ourf~ced ~nd m~int~ined with a durable. and duotleoo ourface conoioting of oiled ~nd cruohed gravel, ~ophalt, or concrete, ~nd oh~ll be gr~dod ~nd drained aD to diopooe of ~ll ourf~co water on olte. Surfacing ~nd drainage ohall be oubject to ~pproval by the pl~nning ~nd public worko dep~rtmento. (Provided for in ------- Guidelines section Development Guidelines section l1.12.050 " 7" . ) (~oved to Development . Guidelines section l1.12.050 , "8".) o e o e e upon ~n ~lley, ouch lo~ding op~ce or op~ceo oh~ll be off ~lley. If the lo~ding op~ce io incorpor~ted within ~ building then, ~o to locution, the requiremento of thio oection oh~ll not ~pply. B. Any floor area provided by additions to or structural alterations to a building shall be provided with loading space or spaces as set forth herein whether or not loading spaces have been provided for the original floor space. C. Consideration from the planning committee and city council should be given as to the requirements/standards for off-street parking required loading areas as they pertain to the central business district. (Ord. 344 ~11, 1988). 17.38.120 Exceptiono ~nd modific~tiono. Exceptiono or modific~tiono to the provioiono of thio ch~pter oh~ll be proceoood ~o ~ v~ri~nco ~pplic~tion. (Ord. 344 ~12, 1988). (Moved to General Requirements "J".) 17.38.130 8peci~1 zono excoptiono. The provioiono of thio ch~pter oh~ll not be ~pplic~ble for ~ny opeci~l zone diotrict or uncluooified uoe which requireD ~pprov~l of ~ opocific oite pl~n by the ox~miner. In reviewing ~ oite pl~n for ~ny ouch oitu~tion, the eJ(~miner oh~ll be governed by thio ch~pter in determining the requiremento for off otreet p~rking ~nd lo~ding. (Ord. 344 ~13, 1988). (Provided for in 17.72.030 "C".) 420 Carlyon Ave ~ Olympia, WA 985 /\ o Civil and Structural Engineering 360) 352-2477 August 15, 1995 John Huddleston JCl-l Development Co Box 1206 Yelm, W A98597 (160)458-7312 Rc Yelm Development Slamlards as they pertalll to stollll\valer managemenl Dear John, Aller attendlllg the Planlllllg ('Oil III 11 <;SfOil meel1l1g Oil Augusl 71h I have Ihe followlIlg comments regalds slormwater nlallagelllcnl for Yelrll Uasluflh I think Yelm would have a workable ordlllance uSIng I he I hurslon Counl y 1\'1 a IIllal WIt h I \YO <;Iglll ligant exceptions (\ V 1- SectIon 7 4 I, bulll'lllo 2 reqlIlH.'S Illlnllllllllllllo'"lralloll qurf1lce areas per IIl1pervlous acre I agree mlh 1\\'Iary I I<lIIna f\.lurphy that tlll<; requirement ought be walvecllll favor of the more ratlon,d appruach developed by DOE and published III theIr publrcallollllo 657 2- Secllon 4 I 2, paragraph one and table 'I I I eqllll(' nlllllllllllll Irve slorage capacllles for "dlslurhed pervlouq" ground (wlmll IS haslcally all that area not "nnpervlOus") In Yelm, tillS rcqullemcnt 1<'; lllappropllate a<.; rall1l111llllfiltrates so readily In deslglllllg storlllwaler SYSIClllS I prefer 10 use till' W\\)() I I Iydraulrcs 1\lallual as my number olle rckrencc I filld Ihl<'; Il1anual caslcr to lI';C a<.; Ihe l()nU~pts ,He more 11111111lar 10 me and the documcntls \Hlllen III a much nlorc readahle u<.;cahlc 111<.;11I0n I al<.;o have a 11Igh level ofeollfidellce nllhc doclllllenl as WSI)O' IS undouhtedly, by far the single largest developer III the cnUre "tate Illtcrcsllllgly, tlll<" 1l1ilIlU(]IIIlCludcs as an appendIX volume 1, the M1I1111lUlll "echlllcal ReqUlrelllents of the DOI~ "., cchnlcall'vlanual" for the Puget Sound BaSIn. Please call If I can help Il.lIlhcr Very truly yours, LJisc. C File: WIN/C on/.flll I Joe cllJ,1 -----.- f\ V ;//7/f6 " lVIARY HANNA MURPHY 7350 Alonzo Avenue N\V · Seattle, 'VA 98117 · (206) 784-1133 e August 16, 1995 Shelly Badger City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 RE Off-street Parking and Water Quality Treatment Standards Dear Shelly, , c In response to our meeting with the City of Yelm Planning Commission on August 7, 1995, I am providing you with additional information that reflect research efforts regarding parking ratios and water quality standards implemented throughout the State of Washington I hope these findings will assist you in determining which Best Management Practices are appropriate for the City I look forward to meeting with you and the Commission on August 21st to discuss the below information in detail DRAINAGE With respect to storm runoff we commend the City's prugressive efforts to maintain water quality, as much as possible given today's technology Our intent here is not to remove environmental protections necessary to keep the City's aquifer clean On the contrary, we are in agreement concerning this matter Rather, our efforts are to provide you with information that will assist you in determining the best, most effective means inwhich to protect water quality while promoting economic growth within the Yelm community c Below you will find a table that compares local bio- filtration standards Calculations are based on the same amount of new impervious surface Please note that the lineal feet required for grass swales by Thurston County far exceed any other jurisdiction, including DOE e Shelly Badger August 16, 1995 Page 2 STORM WATER QUALITY STANDARDS Thurston DOE Area 9,500 sf 1,600 sf Lineal Ft 2 035 1 f 200 Time NA 9 min Velocity 1 5 ft/sec 9 Depth 2 in J Hemo\al Unl, nown RrI"" ,_ ,-, 0 Pierce 1,900 sf 200 9 min 1 5 J SOw7 e The rno:::=.t recent c1"ai lable t'E's(-'at cll on \'latc-::c qual i tv treatment submitted to you Oil AllgUSt 7th indicates tha.t the majol~i ty of pollutant t-emoval OCLllt'S wi thin the first 12~) feet of the s,-.'a1e Additional pollutants can be removed after 200 ft However it is e~timdted that it would take several hundt-ed more feet to n~'mov(::; even 2~ of the remainin'::s pollutants To further evaludte appropriate drainage policies, I contacted several other similar local jurisdictions, as well as the State MuniLipal Research nUl' findings clearly indic.ate that the Thurston Count" Storm Draina.gr::: Nanual wa~ developed without basis or researc.h tu justify the amount of biofiltration required (see below) Jurisdiction ---------- Pol icy~ Wanatchee None Yakima Own po 1 i c. Y Ellensbel'g Infiltration/no Wastewater DOE Moses Lake None Ar.lingtun DOE e Black Diamond DOE North Bend DOE Mount Vernon DOE Shelley Badger August 16, 1995 Page 3 e As you can see, the majority of cities in the state use the DOE Manual to protect water quality Further, all of the jurisdictions contacted have aquifers below the city limits STATEMENT It is assumed that policy efforts made by the City of Yelm is guided by the protection of the environment while promoting economic health for the community By adopting the Thurston County Drainage Manual, which is excessive and has no basis for it's biofiltration standard. the City will not meet it's goal The cost/benefit ratio under the Thurston County Manual is out of balance when considering pollutant removal efficienc.ies, loss of tax revenue, luss of floor area and maintenance costs e With these considerations in mind we recommend that the City \)f Yelm adfJpt all elements uf the Thur'stnn County Drainage Manual excludin-s th(~ watet' qual i ty element l,ve further recommend that the Cit'J adupt onlv that portion of the DO~ Manual a~ it relates to water quality treatment thresholds and 3tandards PARYINC A3din, we commend the City u[ Yelm's efforts to cre8te incentives for non-\ehicular. travel in the new zoning code Further opportunity for non-vehicular travel is found in the Transportation Plan by incorporating bicycle lanes into the road improvement design/standard This clearly implies that the intent of the City is tl1 t~eclllce Single occupied vehicles (SOV) and promote other mediums of travel Ouestion l,>Jhy is the Cit) 's intent to rf-~duce SOV's only in some elements of it's planning efforts and not all? By allowing excessive parking in commercial aeeas the City is promoting SOY rather then discourdging thereby creating a counter. effect In dddition, the City hd~ accepted and regularly uses traffic generation models created by the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Further. all traffic studies required by the City uses the ITE model to determine new trips generated by a development e Shelley Badger August 16, 1995 Page 4 e Q]lestion If the City itself uses the ITE and accepts required traffic studies also using the ITE model, why is the City not accepting proof positive data (319 nationwide parking surveys) conducted by the ITE showing actual on the ground parking demand for shopping centers of 3 23 1000 (weekday) and 3 97 1000 (weekend)? To further determine parking ratio codes found in other similar jurisdictions for retail use I contacted the below listed communities and found the following Jlll~ i sd i c t ion Policy. McC 1 ec.1TY ') 33 1000 -' Snoqualmie 2 .50 1000 Langlev 1. 67 1000 Yakima .3 33 1000 ( under 25 00 sf) -, 00 1000 ( i)Vr:~r' "c:. 000 sf) e --' -'-J [vlo~es Lake 3 ,...,,..., 1000 JJ Al'l in-ston -, 33 1000 -' "2 00 1000 (fast foud) Black Diamund ] 3'.3 1000 North BE'nd ~) 50 1000 Mount Vecnon -, 3.3 1000 Wdnatchee .5 00 1000 Ellensberg 5 00 1000 ( UF \ ) ;l_T ^_TEMENT e While the City of Yelm is attempting to promote alternative methods of transportation, it is not recognizing that increased parking availability Lounters this effort Further, the data collected by others and myself show a clear parking demand uf less then .5 stalls per 1000 square feet of bui lding area which the Ci ty pn.:lposes tn use Data gathered in local rural areas show an average of 3 33 stalls required for every 1000 square feet of building area . ' Shelly Badger August 16, 1995 Page 5 e Based on the findings, we recommend that the City either reconsider it's effort to reduce SOY's or attempt to reduce traffic on a comprehensive level In addition, we recommend that the City recognize available data which clearly identifies actual parking demand for retail centers Thank you for giving us the upportunity to present our thoughts and findings We sincerely hope that the City will seriously consider this information If you should have additional questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call me at (206) 784-1133 Sincerely, Mary Hanna Murphy Land Use Consultant c cc Mike Edwards Gary Tusberg 1\ \..J ,~~ & PEl/SA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o American Planning Association Washington State Chapter August 4, 1995 I yo em Mr Lyle Sundsmo Planning CommISSIOn ChaIr PO Box 479 Yelm, W A 98597 Re: Fall 1995 American Planning Association Conference - Bellevue Dear CommIssIoner On behalf of the Washmgton Chapter of the Amencan Planmng ASSOCIatIOn (APA), we would like to mVlte you to attend our upcommg Fall 1995 Planmng Conference, Prospects and Perspectives, thIS October 16-18 m Bellevue The conference WIll be a three-day event whIch will feature more than fifty program sessIons and mobIle workshops. ThIS event WIll be of partIcular mterest to elected offiCIals and planmng commISSIoners facmg debates over property nghts, land use plannmg, envIronmental management, and regulatory reform and who wIsh to work more effectIvely m the plannmg arena. Conference tracts WIll focus on Important and tImely Issues, provldmg access to the plannmg commumty and planmng tools. Tracks WIll mclude e - Redevelopment and Infill, - Development Process, - CommumtIys from NeIghborhood to Watershed, - Growth Management and CapItal FacIlItIes, - LegIslatIve/Legal Issues, - Resource Management; - Computer ApplicatIOns, and - Plannmg CommISSIOn Issues Because the conference WIll be held m the heart of the Puget Sound regIOn mobIle workshops will be espeCIally dIverse and mformatIve. The conference WIll also feature a hands-on computer lab and a receptIOn/scholarshIp auctIOn and fund-raIser at Bellevue's new Meydenbauer Center Our annual conference IS a popular event whIch draws strong attendance from Washmgton, Oregon, BntIsh ColumbIa, and elsewhere Nearly 1,100 attended our Jomt conference m Portland, Oregon last year We suggest that you plan early to attend the 1995 conference The conference WIll be held at the Red LIOn Inn in downtown Bellevue Special rates WIll be avaIlable at the Red Lion and surrounding hotels. We hope to see you at thIS year's planmng conference For more mformatIOn or to request a conference program, please call LIsa Verner, AICP, Program Co-ChaIr at (206) 448-5654 or Conference ChaIr Roger Wagoner, AlA, AICP, at (206) 467-9417 Smcerely, AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION, WASHINGTON STATE CHAPTER ~~/ ~d~~ Susan Bradbury I PreSIdent, Washmgton Chapter AP A o Lloyd Building, Suite 610 . 603 Stewart Street. Seattle, Washington 98101 . Tel (206) 682-7436 . Fax. (206) 626-0392 ( CD LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL DATE: AUGUST 7, 1995 SIGN IN SHEET FOR SPEAKERS MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM(S) Please slgn In if you wish to speak at the meeting. PLEASE PRINT Address /V\t4 ~ '-r -:t3VjJ +-kw~ --.A { 0 1J/1 () A,{UEPI-t'F . ( ) ~ ]'-L.~~ ~/:Tlkl W4 CWIH cul \ Name Mailing Address ~~ 13 ~S C ()~ /'- Address 4'-0 C":Ak:L- % Aile::, (~ Mailing Address ()L-,(H'r'~4- q'iJS-OL ,,0 J Name ~o~~'""" \'7 \ tY ~ Address ")"Z..l!- l~" b1 t.eL- i A\U Mail inadddres s ,~tt:-~ vJ~ rvQ)\ \ Name _J. UrJhf7 ~d- ~ . I 111 f (L--~_ ~o(?D~W Y fh 5:YoO Name Address COMBS HOME r-~I\,~d"W I'\VID M C ..c~ - . OMBS. J\IA. ARCHITECT Member Am . of H encan Society ome Inspectors INSPECTIONS I I ,. I COMBS & ASS I P.O Box 262 . OcrATES INC. "." '''"' ;g''''''',> WA "," Or 754-750 J (") ~ City of Yelm YELM WASHINGTON 105 Yelm Avenue West' pO Box 479 Yelm; Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 .AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1995, 4:00 PM YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 -YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roil Call, Approval of Minutes - June 19, & July 17, 1995 minutes. 2. Publlc Hearing - A. Off-Street Parking & Stormwater Manual- Staff Report included. B. Design Guidelines - minor changes 3. Work program for Design Guidelines & Sign Code- 4. Other- 5. Adjourn- o Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you Ileedspecial arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelin City Hall, 458-3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 21, 1995, 4:00 PM o * Recycled papa e o c NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: TIME: PLACE: PURPOSE: AUGUST 7, 1995 4:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 105 YELM AVE W., YELM WA. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROVISIONS OF THE CITY OF YELM DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS RELATED TO OFF-STREET PARKING. The Yelm Planning Commlssion will hold a public hearing to receive additional public testimony on provisions of the City of Yelm Development Regulations related to off-street parking (Chapter 17.72) and on Chapter 5 of the Development Guidelines related to stormwater. Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the provisions received by the close of the public hearing on August 7, 1995. Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm Planning Commission, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm WA. After the public hearing, the Yelm Planning Commission may hold one or more worksessions, at which the provisions of the Development Regulations, and testimony received will be reviewed and discussed. The hearing is being held in response to the July 12th, 1995 City Council adoption of the Development Regulatlons pursuant to the Growth Management Act with the exceptlon of provisions related to off-street parking and Chapter 5 of the Development Guidelines (stormwater.) Yelm City Council referred these provisions to the Planning Commisslon for further reVlew and conslderation. Copies of the Development Regulations are available at Yelm City Hall and at Timberland Regional Library, Yelm branch, located at 105 Yelm Avenue West, Yelm, Washington. For more information, contact Shelly Badger with the City of Yelm at 458-8405. ATTEST: City of Yelm ~"'W jJ ~ ;),,>< '-i Agnes olombo, City Clerk The City of Yel. provides reasonable ac~tions to persons with disabi l ities. If you need special accoaaodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes COlaabo, at (360) 458-8404 at least 7.2 hours before the ~ting. DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News July 20, 1995 Posted in Public Areas July 19, 1995 -;c< 'v:,---~_..~_._-.----...,....., ~,- ,""",'" ...~;, tI' ~'r: ,\0~.;lJ , .., . :i 1\ /,\ i!inUaI~ley... eJi, ~~ ' :'"' ~~~,":;.~~~!~''''.......:-l:' , ~- , " YELM, WASHINGTON 98597 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Thurston Fiona Reeves , being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that shelhe is the general manager of the Nisqually Valley News, a weekly newspaper That said newspa- per is a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publications hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Thurston County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper That the annexed is a true copy of Notice of Public Hearing - Yelm Planning Cormnission (~S it was published in regular issues (and not in supplement form) of said '\ ' . . ,d~spaper once a week for a period of 1 consecutive weeks, commencing on the 20 day of .1111y q5 , and ending on the 19 20 day of July ,19 95 both dates inclusive and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ which amount has been paid in full. 4'(- 42.00 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24dayof July 95 19 /\ <?' ,---.J residing at Yelm, Washington. , i i I , ',,,This form officially sanctioned by the ~ ) J ~/\J WaShington Newspaper Publishers' Association '. '" <.t l,l ,~~ "~--.-;--~-"I'7 "':' . ,,' '.:1, PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION Date: August 7. 1995 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave. W., Yelm, WA Purpose: Public Hearing on Provisions of the City of Yelm Development Regulations related to off.street parking The Yelm Planning Com- mission will hold a public hearing to receive additional rub lie testi-. mony on provisions 0 the City of Yelm Development Regulations related to off.street parking (Chapter 1772) and on Chapter 5 of the Development Guidelines related to storm water Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any writ- ten comments on the provi- sions received by the close of the public hearing on August 7, . 1995. Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm Planning Commission, P.O. Box 479, Yelm, WA 98597. 105 Yelm Ave. W., Yelm, WA. After the public hearing, the Yelm Planning Commission may hold one or more work sessions, at which the provisions of the Development Regulations, and testimony received will be reviewed and discussed. The hearing. is being held in! response to the July 12, 1995 City I Council adoption of the Dev- eiopment Regulations pursuant to the Growth Management Act with the exception of provisions related to off-street parking and Chapter 5 of the Development Guidelines (storm water). Yelm City Council referred these provisions to the Planning Commission for further review and consideration.. Copies of the Development Regulations are available at Yelm City Hall and at Timberland Regional Library, Yelm branch, located at 105 Yelm Avenue West, Yelm, Washington. For more infor- mation contact Shelly Badger with the City of Yelm at 458-8405. Attest: CityofYelm Agnes Colombo, City Clerk The City of Yelm provides rea- sonable accommodations to per- sons with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Colombo, at (360) 458- 8404, at least 72 hours before the meeting. . Published in Nisqually Valley News, Thursday July 20, 1995, !e e e Planning Commission Staff Report: July 31, 199~.tJ Prepared by: Cathie Carlso~ Off-Street Parking and Stormwater Manual On July 12, 1995, the City Council adopted the new Zoning Code and Development Guidelines with two exceptions. The exceptions are Chapter 17.72, Off-Parking and Loading and Chapter 5, Stormwater, in the Design Guidelines. Public comment at the July 12, Council meeting prompted the Council to requested the Planning Commlssion to further study these two issues and make a recommendation back to the Council. Chapter 17.38, Off-Street Parking of the old zoning code and the 1992 Stormwater Manual will remain in effect until the Planning Commission reviews these issues, makes a recommendation to the Council and the City Council takes an official action on each item. The Planning Commission has the following options: 1. Recommend to the Council that the existing code, Chapter 17.38, Off-Street Parking and/or the 1992 Stormwater Manual be retained as written. 2 . Recommend to the Council that the existing Off-Street Chapter and/or Stormwater Manual be modified per the Planning Commission recommendation. 3. Recommend to the Council that the proposed Chapter 17.72, Off-Street Parking and Loading, of the new zoning code and/or the 1994 Stormwater Manual be retained as written. 4. Recommend to the Councll that the proposed Chapter 17.72, Off-Street parking and Loading of the new zoning code and/or the 1994 Stormwater Manual be modified per the Planning Commission recommendation. On the following page is a summary comparison of the existing code, Chapter 17.38; the new code, Chapter 17.72, as originally proposed by the Planning Commission; and a variety of incentives that could be used to modify either of the above chapters. CURRENT CODE, CHAPTER 17.38 PROPOSED CODE, CHAPTER 17.72 Parking: Commercial - 1 space/200 sq ft Manufacturing - 1 space per 1 1/2 employees/shift Medical Clinics - 6 spaces/per Dr. Loading: 1 space per 12,000 sq ft < 24,000 sq ft - 1 space per 24,000 sq ft. Exceptions: CBD - Planning Commission and/or Council can reduce parking requirements. Buffers: All areas located adjacent to private or public street - 3' planted buffer. o INCENTIVES FOR PARKING REDUCTIONS - LOCATED WITHIN COMMERCIAL ZONES OF NEW CODE Parking: Commercial - 1 space/150 sq ft(per formula) Industrial - 1 space/per employees on a shift, 1 sq ft. per sq ft of display space and 1 space per vehicle owned by company. Special Uses - determined by SPRC Loading: > 5,000 sq ft - 1 space 5,000 - 25,000 sq ft - 2 spaces 25,000 - 50,000 - 3 spaces Reductions are granted by the SPRC - no minimum or maximum percentage of reduction 1S stated. Two or more uses share a parking area which operate during different hours. Alternative Programs which would qualify for a reduction: Transit/vanpool fare subsidy Private vanpool operation Fee parking Flex work hours provision of subscription bus services Capital improvements for transit services Preferential parking for carpools/vanpools Bicycle parking facilities Exceptions: None Buffers: All areas located adjacent to private or public street - 5' planted buffer. o o e o e Sections: 17.38.010 17.38.020 17.38.030 17.38.040 17.38.050 17.38.060 17.38.070 17.38.080 17.38.090 17.38.100 17.38.110 17.38.120 17.38.130 17.38.010 -Ii ~~~ "' ;!h. . 17.38.010--17.38.020 fit ~;l,~ Chapter 17.38 OFF-STREET PA~~ING Automobile parkins spaces required. Size and access. Location. Unit of measurement. Expans~ons or enlargements. Mixed occupancies. Uses not specified. Parking spaces required f~r particular uses. Special requ~rements. Conditional accessory par~ins areas l~ ~ zones. Required 10adlng areas. Exceptions and modlficatlons. Special zone exce~tlons. AutomoDlle oar~lnc spaces requlred. 0_- ~ , - . . "C.:1e street parkins spaces shall be provlced as an accessory In accordance wlth the requirements of this chapter -- tlme any bUlldinS or structure lS erected, enlarsed or panded. B. Consideration from the planning ccrnrnlttee and Clty ccuncll should be Slven as to the requirements/standar~s for off-street parklng as they pertalTI t~ the central DUSl~ess district. (Ord. 344 51, 1988) 17.38.020 use ex- Size and access. Eac~ off-street ?a=~~ng space shall have an area of not less t~an ene hundred Sl~ty square feet exclusive of access drlves or aisles and a width of not less than eisht feet. There shall be adequate pro- vision for ingress and egress from each parking space. (Ord. 344 52, 1988). 159-20 (Yelm 2/89) (' , \ 17.38.070--17.38.080 prOVlQl.ng required parking facilities fer any other use, ex- 0 cept as hereafter specified in Section 17.38.080 for joint use. (Ord. 344 ~6, 1988). 17.38.070 Uses not sneclfied. In ~ne case of a use not specifically mentioned in Section 17.38.080, the requirements for off-street par~ing facillties shall be determlned by the planning commlttee. Such determinatlon shall be based upon the requirements for the most comparable use sneclf.::..ed in Section 17.38.080. (Ord. 344 ~7, 1988). 17 38 080 Par~lna snaces recuired for partlc~lar uses The minimum number of off-stree~ par~ing spaces required shall be as set forth in the following Use Slnsle-family ~ul~l.ple-faml.ly dwell.::..ngs Automcblle laundry Banxs, savlngs and loan assac~at~ons, bus~~ess or crofess.::..cnal off.::..ces BOvil.::..ng alleys Soard.::..ng, lodglng or rccm- l.ng houses C~~ld=en's ~~s~~t~~_~ns, res~ hemes Churches, fficrtJaries or funeral homes Dancehalls 2stablishments ~cr ~ne sa~e and consumpt.::..on or ~he prem- l.ses of f~od and =everages, l.ncIudlng fra~ernal and social clubs, retall stores, except as otherWlse snecifi- fied here.::..n Hosp.::..tals Ll.braries and museums ?ar~l.nG Scaces Reauired ~wo for each dwell.::..ng unit ~wo for each dweIllTIg un.::..t '\1i.nlmum 0 f t-'iO storage spaces - .......... , :or eacn ~nClV~GUa~ car ~asn~ng bay, or not less tnan four tlmes c~e to~al veTI.::..cle capacltj accommodated on a conveyer system One f~r eac~ t~o hun~~ed sauare feet of gross floor area, or based 0,.., oc~""-'-nc" ,';.,' ~"e'le"" ~ <::: c~-_.....~.,.,O l.. --t:""c... _ I 1'.J~.i."':"I.-...l. _ ~_ .~ _:::::~~:::_! ?~Je ~er e~c~ alley, ?~US =2- lated oc~~panc! fac~o~s CGe-~nd-cne-na_f :~r 2~C~ sle~~- ::.. -~c; r'ocm C-= l _ -~r e~cn ~wc ~e~s One for e~c~ f~ur se~~s ~~ ~~e ~r::..nc.::..pal place of assemoly for ~cr'shl.p, lnclucl.~g oalccnl.es anc c~oir lof~ O -. -. - . - ne ger :~r~ee~ squa~e ~ee~ 0= sKctl.ng or danclng area, plus =elated occupancy :ac~ors One for eac~ ~~o hLncred scuare :2et of ==8SS :loc~ a~e~, or ~ased on occucanc~, ~hlc~ever --~':=''''':=:.r "'::.....__1.-__ Two for each bed One for eac~ three occupants o 161 (Yelm 7/88) '0 Manufacturing uses, research and testing laboratories, creameries, bottling estab- llshments, bakeries, can- neries, prlnting and en- graving shops Medical or dental clinlcs Motels, hotels Motor vehicle or machinery sales, wholesale stores, furniture stores Sanltarlums Schools High schools Elementary and Junlor high schools SK.ating rinks G Stadlums, auditorlums, communlcy clubs, community centers and other 91aces of assembly Theaters Warehouses and storage bUlldings (Ord. 344 Si8, 1988) 17.38.090 One for each one-and-one-half employees on a maximum shift SiA for each physician or dentlst One for each unit plus employees One for each four hundred square feet of gross floor area One for each bed One for each four students 9lus one for each facu1~y member (exclusive of loadlng and un- loadlng areas) - One for each eiaht students 9lus one for ea~h facultv mem- ber - One ger every forty square feet, plus related occupancy factors Based on occupancy use One ror each three seats up to elgnc hundred seats, plus one for each five seacs over elgnt huncred seats Based on occupancy or par~lhg requlrements for chat occupant. 17.38.090 Soeclal requiremen~s. In any zone, a parking area for five or more vehicles shall be developed in accord- ance with the following requlrements A. Landscaplng A landscaped area not less than three teet In wldth shall be provided c8ntlnuously (e(cept for au~horlzed curb cuts) along any front, rear or slde boundary property llne abuttlng a public or private road. Landscap- Lng shall consist of a variety of hardy evergreen plan~ed materlal conslsting of trees, low-profile and hlgh-profile shrubs together wlth sUltable ground cover such as natlve grasses, bark, rockerles or a combination thereof, and shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as not to lmpair vehicle vlsibl1ity at corner intersections or adjacent to points of lngress or egress. 8. Screenlng. A vertical sight-obscurlng screen not less than four feet in helght shall be provided continuously (except for authorized curb cuts) along any s~cte of an e 161-1 ( Ye 1m 7/8 8 ) 17.38.100 ( - off-street parking area that is which abuts a residential zone. be designed and placed adjacent t~ons and ingress-egress po~nts traff~c hazard. C. Border Barricades. A curb, rail, fence or wall or other similar type barrier sufficient to contain vehicles completely within the property and outside of landscaped areas shall be provided and maintained In a good and attrac- tive condition. D. Entrances and Exits. The location and deslgn of all entrances and exits shall be subJect to the approval of the plannlng and public works departments, provided that no entrance or exist shall be closer than fifteen feet to any adJolning lot located in an R zone. E. Surface of Parking Area. Off-street parking area shall be surfaced and malntained with a durable and dustless surface conslstlng of olled and crushed gravel, asphalt, or concrete, and shall be graded and dralned as to dlspose of all surface water on slte. Surfacing and dralnage shall be subject to approval by the plannlng and public wor~s depart- ments. F Llghtlng. Any lightlng used to llluminate anv re- quired off-street parklng area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoinlng prem~ses In a R zone G Signs Must meet requlrements as set forth in Chapter 15.24 of th~s code. (Ora. 344 ~9, 1988) next to a street or alley The required screen shall to corner street intersec- so as not to constitute a o o 17.38.100 Conditlonal accessory parkinc a~eas l~ ? zones. In any R zone, off-Street parking areas for f~ve or 80re venlcles may be permitted for any use f~rst ~er~Lt~ed by the ~1H zone or for any use first per~ltted by a C or I zone upon the granting of a conditlonal use permit by t~e examiner and subject to the followlng A. Such park~ng areas shall abut upon or be directlv across a street from an RMH, C, or I zone, 8. Such parking area shall be used solely for the oark- lng of prlvate passenger vehicles; C. Such parking areas shall be subject to a1: the re- qUlrements of Section 17.38.090, o Approval of access and drainage by the olannlDc and publlc works denartments, E The issuance of a buildlng permlt, F. Any perm~t lssued by the bUlldlng department 8ay be revoked any time that the aforementloned requlrements are not complied wlth, and any permlttee who uses or perml~s ~he use of premises to which said permit related In VlO- lation or any of the condit~ons specified by thls SeCtlOn or lDcluded in such permit, shall be deemed In vlolatlon of this t~tle and shall be subject to penalty (Ord. 344 ~10, 1988) . o 161-2 (Yelm 7/88) 17.38.110--17.38.130 e 17.38.110 Reauired loadinqareas. A. In any C or I zone, and for any institutional use in whatever zone it may be located, every building or po~tion of building hereafter erected or structurally altered to provide additional floor space shall be provided w~th a minimum of one off-street or off-alley loading space for each twelve thousand square feet of floor space or fraction thereof within the buildinq, which floor space is intended to be used for or is used for mer- chandising, manufactur~ng, warehousing or process~ng purposes. If the building contains more than twenty-four thousand square feet of floor space so used, then there shall be one add~tional twenty-four thousand square feet or floor space. In no case shall less than one loading space be prov~ded Each loading space shall measure not less than th~rty feet by twelve feet, and shall have an unobstructed he~gnt of fourteen feet, and shall be made permanently available for such purpose and shall be surfaced, improved and mainta~ned as requ~red by subsections A, 8 and C of Section 17.38.090. Such fac~lltles shall be so located that trucks us~ng same shall no~ encroach upon or ~nterfere w~th areas reserved for off-stree~ parking nor projec~ lnto any publlc rlght-of-way and shall be adJacent to the bUlldlng to be served thereby If the Sl~e upon whlch such loadlng space or spaces lS to be located anuts upon an alley, such loadlng space or spaces shall be off-allev. If the loadina space lS lncorporated ,vl~hln a bUllding-then, as to location, the requlrements of thls sectlon shall not apply 3 Any floor area provlded by addlt~ons to or str~c~ural altera~lons to a building shall oe ~rov~ded with loadlng space or spaces as set forth herein whether or not loading spaces have been provlded for the orlglnal floor space. C. Cons~dera~~on from t~e p1annlng commlttee and cl~l councll should be glven as to the requlrements/standards for off-street park~ng requ~red loading areas as they pertaln to the central bus~ness d~s~rlct. (Ord. 344 511, 1988) e 17.38 120 Excentions and modificatlons. Exceptlons or modifications to the provisions or this chap~er shall be processed as a varlance application (Ord. 344 ~12, 1988) 17 38 130 Speclal ~one s<ceptlons The provislorts of tnls chap~er shall not be appl~cable for any speclal zone dlstrlc~ or unclasslfied use whlcn requlres approval 0: a speclf~c slte plan by the examiner. In revlew~nq a s~~e plan for any such sltuation, the exam~ner shall be governed by tnls chapter In determlnlng the requiremen~s for off-street parklng and loading. (Ord. 344 5l3, 1988) e l61-] (Ye1m 7/88) Chapter 17.72 OFF-STREET PARKING AL"ID LOADING Sections: 17 72 010 Intent 17 72 020 General requIrements 17 72 030 Mimmum reqUIrements 17 72 040 Off-street loading 17 72 045 Buffer StrIpS 17 72 050 Development gUIdelmes 17.72.010 Intent. It IS the mtent of this chapter to A. Assure that space IS provIded for the parking, loadmg and unloadmg of motor vehIcles on the SIte of prermses or uses whIch attract saId motor vehIcles B ProvIde mimmum standards of space and parkmg arrangements, and for the movement of motor vehicles into and out of such spaces, C AVOId or reduce traffic congestIon on publIC streets by 1 Keepmg the need for on-street parking to a ffilllImum. and 2 Controllmg access to SItes, D Enhance safety for pedestnans and motor vehIcle operators, E Encourage the creation of an aesthetIcally pleasmg and functIonally adequate system of off-street parking and loadmg facIlmes 1772.020 General requirements. A. Off-street parkmg spaces and dnveways shall not be used at any tune for purposes other than theIr 0 mtended use, 1 e , the temporary storage of motor vehIcles used by persons VISIting or havmg bus mess to conduct on the prermses for WhICh the parkmg IS prOVIded. o B Minimum parkmg space reqUIred and mtended for use by occupants or users of speCIfic premIses shall not be leased or rented to others, nor shall such space be made unavaIlable through other means to the users for whom the parkmg spaces are Intended ThIS however does not preclude shared parkmg arrangements C Except where speCIfically permmed III certam zOllIng dIStrICtS, off-street parkmg spaces shall not be used for loading or unloadmg of commerCIal vehIcles larger than those vehicles for which the parkmg spaces are Illtended. D Whenever a buildmg or a piece of land IS put to a use different from the Immediately precedmg use, or when a buildmg IS remodeled, reconstructed or expanded, adequate off-street parkmg shall be proVIded conSIstent wlth the new use, reconstructIon or expansIOn of the premIses 17.72.030 Minimum requirements. B The reqUIrements for off-street parkmg and loadmg facilmes and theIr deSIgn shall be regarded as the mInImUm, however, the owner, developer or operator of the premIses for WhICh the parking facIlmes are mtended shall be responsible for prOVIding adequate amounts and arrangement of space for the particular premIses even though such space or ItS arrangement IS m excess of the mIlllInum set forth m thIS chapter The reqUIrements for any use not lIsted herem shall be those of the lIsted use most surular to the unlisted use When sImilarIty IS not apparent, the approval authOrIty and/or the SIte plan reVIew commIttee shall deternune the ITllnmlum for the unlisted use o A 1772- 1 C For special uses, as identifIed and described in- Ghapter 17 66 of this title, the parking requirement shall be as provIded m that chapter or as detennined by the site plan review committee ResidentIal Uses o D Number of Spaces Per DwellIllg Unit Smgle-family homes Duplexes Multi-family dwellmgs 1 2 21 Plus two-tenths space per dwellmg urut m buildings contammg five or more dwellmg uruts E Mobile Homes Number of Spaces Per Dwelling UnIt In mobile home subdivISIOns 1 In mobile home parks 1 In mobIle home parks the parkIng spaces m excess of one per mobile home may be grouped m shared parkIng areas F CommerCIal Uses e In the several commercial distrIcts, off-street parkmg reqUIrements shall be as shown herem, provIded that all of the property IS controlled by a smgle person or corporatIon. or wrItten agreements for shared parking, acceptable to the CIty, are filed WIth the approval authOrIty Shared parkmg agreements are acceptable only If the phYSICal relatIonship between the prenuses makes such sharmg possible and results m superIor deSIgn m terms of layout, access, reduced curb cuts and the like 2 In the followmg list, the parking requirements of specIfic uses lIsted shall be adhered to, shared agreements or smgle ownershIp control notwIthstandmg Some parkmg reqUIrements are expressed m terms of a ratio of parkmg area in relatIon to gross floor area (GFA) m the buildmg Therefore, two square feet per square foot of GF A means that a five thousand square foot buildmg would have to provIde ten thousand square feet of parking area. 1 The nummum number of parkmg spaces IS then determmed by divIdmg the square footage of the parking area by three hundred In a ten thousand square foot area, thIrty-three spaces would be reqUIred. The three hundred square foot per car allows for access drIves, aisles and landscapmg areas, smce the dImensIOns of each space IS approxImately rune by twenty or one hundred eIghty square feet. The number of spaces may also be mcreased In excess of the mIrumum required, dependmg on SIze and shape of SIte and the arrangement of spaces III the area. G IndustrIal Uses 1 General e I Housmg Intended for exclusive use of, and occupIed by, seruer CItlzens shall proVIde one space for every three dwelling UnIts plus two-tenths space per dwelling unit m buildings comaIllmg fIve or more dwelling units Housmg In WhICh the dwelling UnIts are characterized by one room enclOSIng all activities (sometimes referred to as "bachelor" or "efficiency" umts) shall prOVIde one and one-half parking spaces for each dwellIllg urut, plus two-tenths space per dwelling unit in buildings contaInmg fIve or more dwelling units 1772-2 a. One space per employee based on the greatest number of employees on a single ShIft, plus, b One square foot parking per square foot of display or retail area, plus, c One space for each vehicle owned, leased or operated by the company 2 Specific Uses o Type of Use Mimmum Parkmg ReqUIrements 1 space/lOOO sq ft. GFA plus 1 space/400 sq ft. of GFA used for offices or display 17.72.040 Off-street loading. Off-street loadmg shall be reqUIred for all commercIal establishments whIch are engaged in the retailing or wholesaling of merchandise requmng regular delIvery such as food retailers, lumber yards, hardware stores, department stores and the like Warehouses Total Gross Floor Area of Buildmg(s) Soace ReaUIred Less than 5,000 sq ft. 1 5,000 sq ft_ to 25,000 sq ft. 2 25,000 sq ft. to 50,000 sq ft. 3 Each addItIonal 50,000 sq ft. or fractIon thereof m excess of 25,000 sq ft. 1 addItIonal All off-street loadmg and unloading spaces shall be of adequate SIze and WIth adequate access thereto to accommodate a vehIcle fony-five feet m length, eIght feet m WIdth and fourteen feet m heIght. Each 0 loadmg space shall be surfaced WIth an asphalt, concrete or slIIlllar pavement so as to prOVIde a surface that IS durable and dust-free and shall be so graded and dramed as to properly dIspose of all surface water 17.72.045 Buffer strips. All parkIllg areas located adjacent to any pnvate street or publIc street nght-of-way shall prOVIde a minImum five-foot planted buffer srnp between the parkmg area. and the pnvate street or publIc right-of-way 17.72.050 Development guidelines. A Parkmg area deSIgn shall mclude. 1 Ingress and Egress The locatIon of all pOIlltS of mgress and egress to parking areas shall be subject to the review and approval of the CIty engmeer 2 Backmg Out ProhibIted. In all commercial and mdusrnal developments and m all reSIdentIal buildings contaimng five or more dwelling urutS parkmg areas shall be so arranged as to make It unnecessary for a vehIcle to back out mto any street or public right-of-way 3 Parking Spaces--Access and DimensIOns Adequate prOVISIon shall be made for IlldlVldual mgress and egress by vehIcles to all parkmg stalls at all trmes by means of unobstructed maneuvering aIsles Maneuvenng aIsles and parkmg stall dimensIOns shall be as shown III Tables 17-2, 17-3 and 17-4 4 Small Car Parking Spaces In all parking facilitIes contammg twenty-five or more parkIllg spaces, a maxrmum of twenty-five percent of the reqUIred parking spaces may be reduced III SIze for the use of small cars, provided these spaces shall be clearly Identified WIth a SIgn 0 permanently affIxed immediately III front of each space contaming the notation, "Compacts Only " Spaces deSIgned for small cars may be reduced III size to a minimum of seven and 17 72 - 3 ---~ ---~~ ~..-.".------ -- -- ~ e one-half feet in wIdth and fifteen feet in length. Where feasible, all small car spaces shall be located in one or more contiguous areas and/or adjacent to ingress/egress points within parking facilities Location of compact car parkmg spaces shall not create traffic congestIOn or impede traffic flows Setback of Buildings from PublIc RIght-of-way a. When parla.ng is not to be prOVIded between the building and the right-of-way lme, the building setback shall be (1) Forty-five feet from the centerline of the nght-of-way, or (2) Half the nght-of-way wIdth plus fifteen feet, whIchever IS greater b When parking is to be prOVIded between the buildmg and the nght-of-way lme, the building setback shall be (1) Forty-fIve feet (five feet IS for planted buffer stnp along nght-of-way line) from the centerline of the nght-of-way, or (2) Half the nght-of-way WIdth plus five feet (five feet is for planted buffer stnp along right-of-way line), whIchever IS greater; plus (3) The dIstance needed for approprIate parkIllg and mternal CIrculatIOn as shown III the design standards of Section 17 72 050 6 Surfacmg All parla.ng areas for more than four vehIcles shall be surfaced WIth asphalt, concrete or SImIlar pavement so as to prOVIde a surface that IS durable and dust free and shall be so graded and dramed as to properly dIspose of all surface water 5 B Stormwater Runoff All stormwater runoff shall be retamed, treated and dIsposed of on site or disposed of in a system deSIgned for such runoff and WhICh does not flood or damage adjacent propertIes Systems designed for runoff retentIon and control shall comply WIth speCIficatIons prOVIded by the CIty and shall be subject to ItS reVIew and approval, and shalL moreover, comply WIth Chapter 5 of the Yelm Development RegulatIons, Dramage DeSIgn and ErOSIOn Control Standards for the City of Yelm. o o 1772-4 Storm Manual Requirement Comparison: Drall1ago Design and Erosion Control Manual for Thurston County (DDECM) and Stormwater Management Manual for tho Puget Sound Basin (SMMPSB) o The various requIrements of the two subject manuals should be compared for Impact on the developer/bUIlder The jurisdiction's plans and storm water analysis reviewer and tile project engineer who wIll pass the cost of time consuming efforts onto the developer The impact on the environment should be essentially tile same In either case as the SMMPSB IS Intended to be a model or gUideline by whicll each jurisdIction In the Puget Sound BasIn 1$ to develop its own manual The DDECM is similar In most respects to the SMMPSB and frequently references it for additional design information Of primary concern to developers IS the overall area required for detention/retention The DDECM sets mtnln1Um storage volumes per acre based on sIte infiltration rates The SMMPSB does not set minimums Volume is based on allowable release rates for the individual site plus a correction factor to prOVIde additional volume to account for the difference In Puget Sound rainfall for vanous areas and the 24-hr design event. Storage volume is effected by maximum allowable release rates The DDECM sets maxImum release rates per disturbed acre which arc reduced by tile site's ability to 0 mfiltrate runoff The SMMPSB sets maximum release rates based on existing indIvidual sIte conditions The DDECM requires the maximum possible infiltration of runoff and requires soils testing to determine what amount of runoff will be infiltrated and/or released The SMMPSB encourages maximum infiltratIon, which can possibly reduce volume requirements The DDECM has a more stnngent infiltration reqUirement but allows for more liberal infiltration rates Drainage designs with the typical soils in the Yelm area, Spanaway sandy loam and Nisqually loamy sand would benefit from the DDECM's infiltration design criteria The SMMPSB allows a maximum of 10 incheS per hour after apply a safety factor where the DDECM will allow a design based on a rate of 20 Inches por hour Also of concern to the developer/builder is the water qualIty enhancement requirement. Both manuals proVIde for essentially the same features The most comrnon features currently used are biofiltration and wet ponds The SMMPSB requires that the features are designed based on the 6-month design storm event and other miscellaneous cnteria The DDECM sets speCific area reqUirements based on the developed ImperviOUS area that requires treatment Neither method proves to be more stringent on a consistent basis, rather, either may prOVide a !"nore stringent design on a cflse-by- o o e o case basIs Ooth manuals call for essentially the same accouterments such as hydroseeding, impervious liners or topsoil, etc. As to detention volume reqLllrements, either one or the other manual could allow fl}r ;! less restrictive design on 8 C8se-by-case evaluation Tile thIrd item of concern to a developerlbullder is whether or not engineered plans (or report) IS required The DDECM provIdes for abbreviated plans for certain prOjects falling under the thresholds for exemption from full design The SMMPSB has "5m311 parcel" mlllJnillm requirements In essence, these two sets of requirements are the same as the jurisdictions administrator can set equivalent conditions or reqUirements If"') both Tho net effect on developers over a range of projects would be the same under the gUIdelines of either manual The effect on the jurisdiction may be somewhat different In that the DDECM is more clear-cut on storm management design options A lot of the design Variability, sllbJectlvlty has been elIminated, whIch simplifies both application and revlow of design It is much simpler to determine if a storm plan/design meets ttlO reqUIrements of the DDECM than the SMMPSB STORM DRAINAGE CHAPTER 5 o 5.000 STORM DRAINAGE 5 010 General The standards established by thIS chapter are intended to represent the mllllmUffi standards for the design and constructIon of storm draIllage facilities The enclosed document "Dramage Design and Erosion Control Manual for Thurston Region, Washington" is consIdered a part of this chapter and the Public Works Standards This Drainage Manual sets forth the mmunum drainage and erosion control requirements as supplemented herein. 5 020 DeSIgn Standards The design of storm draIllage andlor retentIon/detention system shall depend on theIr type and local sIte conditions The deSIgn elements of storm drainage systems shall conform to City standards as set forth herein and follow current deSIgn practIce as set forth III SectIon 3 010 The folloWIllg design consideratIons shall apply' A. No retention/detention facility shall be located in an area that IS used to satisfy an open space requIrement unless it enhances a recreatIonal amenity o Use of deSIgnated open space areas for stormwater detention/retentIon and for mfIltration shall satisfy all COndItiOns of the City of Yelm for usability and landscape conformity In determining usability of open space where drainage concepts are Illvolved, staff will apply two main tests onentation of design and overall aesthetic Impression. Because the primary purpose of consolidated open space IS to provide usable area for recreanon acnvIties, buffer zones, and green belt areas, the open space must be designed for this mtent. Any use of this area for stormwater detentIon/retentIOn must clearly be subordmate to and not detract from open space uses. Because active recreatIOn requires primarily flat topography, the usable open space will be predominantly flat. In no event shall slopes exceed 4 1 where dramage facilities are present and a minImum of 50 percent of the IIllear slope length shall not exceed 7 1 Design of the combmed facility, as well as ease of o 7/95 5 - 1 ....~ f =_. ~-~. ('\ o access Into and out of the facilIty, will be consIdered by the City in review of the design of such facilIties ,yO Open space also serves an aesthetIc fun&iioJt, 1::>Y providing areas of green space that are attractIve iind an amenity\lo~the project SIte The second test applied to open space will be that of the general Impression the open space provides The open space must be desIgned to give the impression of an attractIve open space area available for park uses The City shall make the sole determmation whether the proposed stormwater facilitIes are compatible with open space and satisfy the intent of the City for open space ameruties B The use of commercial parking lots for detention of storm water will be reviewed by the Director of Public Works and approved or denied based on the desIgn. The detention area shall be situated away from areas of pedestrian movement unless means for rapid closing of the areas IS Illcorporated III the design, the maximum depth of water III parking lot storage shall be limIted to 12 inches C MaXImum catch basIll spacIllg shall be 300 feet on arterials and collectors and 500 feet on all other street claSSIficatIons No surface water shall cross any roadway e The General Notes on the followIllg page shall be Illcluded on any plans dealing WIth storm systems o 5-2 7/95 STORM DRAINAGE ( GENERAL NOTES (STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION) o See Drainage DesIgn and Erosion Comol Manual for Yelm Appendix S o o 7/95 5-3 ~ ~ ------ e 5 025 Conveyance e o o Pipe Storm dram pIpe within a public Right-of-Way or easement shall be SIZed to carry the maximum antIcipated runoff from the possible contributing area. The minimum main size shall be 8 inches diameter Lateral lines may be 6 Inches diameter Nothing shall preclude the City from reqUIring the installation of a larger sIzed main if the City determines a larger SIze is needed to serve adjacent areas or for future service All pipe for storm mains shall comply with one of the following types Polyvinyl Chloride PVC pipe per chapter 7B 070 PlaIll Concrete Plain concrete pIpe per WSDOT I APW A Standard SpecIfications as set forth in Section 7-04 Reinforced Concrete Reinforced concrete pipe per WSDOT I APW A Standard Specifications as set forth III SectIOn 7-04 Ductile Iron. Ductile Iron pIpe per chapter 6 030 Polyethylene. PE smooth wall pipe per Advanced Dramage Systems (ADS) N-12 constructed per WSDOT I APW A Standard SpeCIfications 7-04 Channels The City encourages the use of open vegetated channels to convey stormwater runoff when possible Any open channels proposed to be located within public RIght-of-Way shall require speCIal approval from the DIrector of Public Works 5-4 7/95 17.38.030--17.38.060 17.38.030 Location. Off-street parking facilities shall be located as hereinafter specified, where a distance is specified, such distance shall be the wal~ing distance mea- sured from the nearest point of the parking facilities to the nearest point of the bu~ld~ng that such facility is re- qu~red to serve. A. For a single-fam~ly dwell~ng or mult~family dwell- ings, the parking fac~lities shall be located on the same lot or building s~te as the bu~ld~ng they are ~equired to serve. B. For churches located ~n any zones, parx~ng facilities shall be located on the s~te; conslderation m~y be g~ven to parx~ng facllltles located not farther than one hundred fiftv feet from the bUllding c. ?or hosp~tals, san~tariums, nomes for the aged, asylums, or?hanages, room~ng houses, lodging houses, nurs~ng and convalescent homes, cO~uunity clubs, and c~ub reoms, par~lng facllities shall be located not farther than one hUhdred flfty fee~ from tne facility. D. For uses otner than those specified, ~ar~lng ~a- cllltles shall be located not far~ner ~han tnree hundred feet fr8m the facil_~y. Conslce~~~~on rrcm the ~la~n~nq committee and the Clty council should ce Clven as to the o re~u~r2~ents/stancar~s for off-s~=2et ?ar~~~g ~s they per- t~ln t8 tne ce~t=al ~us~ness Cl5~=~C~ i,O::-:::.. 344 53, :;"988) 17 38 040 Uni~ of ~easuremen~. In stadlums, SDorts arer:as, churches anc. c-cher piaces c: assem.oly _:1 ',.;hl.c:1 '!"'"'\-~- c: r -:=- r............ ~- -,,...... 1 ,.., -,c.c:: ...... i~C:: -1""\;:' .;...r--,......- --"-"'~--r ;:-c:.,-..;..on~ ~- ":,:-~_'-':::'L.o_;:: CC~:.1~y. oe..c..~~,. :-e...._:.. C'''-:- o'-_.C':" ;::..;.....__.:::.- 0 seatlng :ac~ll~~es, eac~ elgntee~ ~nc~es c= ~l=t~ or e~;~~! s~uare fee~ of oge~ a~2a of s~c~ se~t~~q f~ci:~~~es shcul~ be C8untec as one se~~ :0= t~e ~u=?cse of cete~~i~l~~ =2~~~=2- :Ee~ 1: S c==-st.:-eet ;:ar'-(.:..ng - . 7"":::"- ~;c.c:: ------...--- ur:c:e= ..:... '"""I "": :::: -_.:._- . '. ... - - - I .- ~..:..........:...-:: (Orc.. 344 ~4, 1988) 17 38.050 E..:?c..~slons or e~l=-=~e!"ne~ts ~~er2 ani s~=~c- t~re is enlar~ed or 2.r?anded, the~ Gff-s~=2et ~a=~~ng s~ac2s shall be proviced fc~ said ex?ans~cn c= enlarge~e~t ~n ac=~rc- ance with the requirements of SeC~lon 17 38 090. ~otni:1g i~ th~s chapter shall be c8nstrued to ::-equire off-street parz~ns spaces fer the 8ort~cn of said bUlldinq or str~ct~re eXls~lng at t:1e effec~ive date of t:1e ordinance codifled ~:1 thls C~a?t2~. ~ c~an~e ~~ use In an e(lst~~~ st~uc~~r2 sha:l ~2- ~Ul~2 a~Cl~lonal Cf:-5~=eet pa=~~~c s~aC2S as =et Sec~lcn 1.7 38.080. ;Or:::.. 344 5S, 1988) 17.38 060 Mi~ed occucanCles In the case of two or more uses in the same building, ~ne total reCUl::-ements :0::- orf-street par~lnq :acilit~es shall be the sum of the req~ire- ments fer the several uses compu-cec separately Off-street par~lng facllltles for one use shall not be considered as o 160 ( Ye 1m 7/8 8 ) e e e ~ -',< ~--,~-;'"~ ~-,w lVI...-\.RY HANKA lVIURPHY 7350 Alonzo ..1xcnue X"y · SeattJ:e, \VA 98117 · (206:l~B~4-P.3.3._...____ l - \ \ .;:. (,r-:'. _.~ t'"\ _~_H-:__ -__ " Aue 4 rcc5 - ;V.,/. August 3, 1995 .........._~. She 11 y Badgel~ Ci ty of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 RE Supporting Documents and Suggested Changes Parking and Drainage Title 17 Dear Shelly Pursuant to Mike Edward's request, I have researched national and local studies concerning the provision of adequate parking stall ratios for commercial use and Best Management Practices for water quality biofiltration systems Available reports dnd recommendations were conducted by the by the Institute of Tr3ffic Engineers for off-street parking and Washington State Department of Ecology, in conjunction with King County/METRO and local engineering departments for water quality It is my understanding that the Yelm Planning Commission is scheduled for a public hearing to discuss these matters on August 7th at 4 00 PM Please consider this letter d formal r"equest to give testimony at the above stated hearing For vour reference I ha~e encllJsed an es~av of e~planation and supporting ducuments Please distribute copies to the Commission members for their revieh If you should have any questions r-egar-ding this matter please feel free to :?;i>7e me a call at (206) 784-1133 I look forward to see i ng y 01.1 on ~1onday Sincerely ~ary Hanna Murphy Land Use Consultant cc Mike Edwards, Owner Gary Tusberg, Developer e e e ~IARY HANNA ~IURPHY 7350 Alonzo Avenue X\\'" · Seattle, \VA 98117 · (206) 784-1133 I PARKING Goals 1 Communicate the State Legislatures intent to reduce the number of single occupied vehicles A reduction in available parking is an integral component to solving this traffic problem 2 Explain that mixed use developments have unique parking -demand characteristics 3 The Institute of Traffic Engineers (a document the Cit~ uses to calculate trip generation) has conducted se\eral s11rveys showing a reduced parking demand for retail centers 4 The City's current language in the code for parking promotes increased area of asphalt which impacts economiL and aesthetic feasibility Automotive traffic in Washington's metropolitan areas is a major source of congestion pollution emissions and consumption of energy In the attempt to reduce single occupied vehicles and commute trips, the state has established a Transportation Demand Management Program [RCW 70 94 521J for those counties experiencing the greatest automobile related pt'oblems Al though Thurston Coun ty does not have the same problems King County has it is important to preempt as much as possible, future transportation difficulties that mav occur in the Yelm area More specific to parking the legislation finds that increased parking availability promotes greater numbers of single occupied vehicles RCW 70 94 527 (4)(e) states that "a review of local parking policies and ordinances as the:.- relate to employers and majur work sites and any re, isions necessary to comp 1 y \\'1 t h commu t e t rip reduc t ion goa 1 sand guidelines" should be made Statement 1 150 (6 old code directly traffic We believe that by adopting a parking ratio 67 1,000) which will require more stalls then the City will be implementing a poliCY that conflicts with the State's effort to reduce of the The City has incorporated many of the suggested alternative parking reduction programs into it's new parking regulations [17 24 140(B)(3)], but failed to consider applicability of these incentives toward differing uses e e e Page 2 Retail centers for instance usually contain a variety of uses It is characteristic of mixed use developments for a consumer to drive to a center and utilize more then one use For e'<:ample, a consumer <;vill plan a visit to the center intending on conducting banking business, to eat a meal and go grocery shopping The consumer only needs one parking space throughout the duration of the visit 17 24 140 (B) attempts tu address this characteristic but does not specifically state that a credit will be given to mixed use developments that is under single ownership -Statement We feel that mi'<:ed use developments should automaticallv be given a parking credit of 15% This type of pal-k i n'~ cred i tis common 1 y used t hroughou t the Puge t Sound area The Institute of Tl-ansportation En'sineers is recognized as the comprehensive traffic e'perts by the majority of jurisdictions throughout the nation Including the City of Yelm. many jurisdictions use their models and formulas to evaluate a range of information as it relates to traffic This includes parking characteristics for- different uses and their respective par-king demands Please note on the attachment that the ITE conducted 141 weekday and 175 Saturday parking sur-vevs for- shopping centers The sur\eys indicate that weekday parking demand for- shopping centers is 3 23 per 1 000 and \veekend is J 97 per 1 000 The Ci t" is Pl-oposing to n3ql.lil-e over SO= more pad.,ing stalls then is proven to be necessar-y Statement Supporting documents indicate that a parking ratio of 3 5 1,000 ~quare feet is appropriate It is obvious to say at this point that increased parking ratios will increase the amount of parking stalls required for a commercial project which will in turn impact the visual design of the development let alune the 8Loncmic viabilit) Statement It is 01lr' belieue the City does not intend to impact the aesthetiL design of de"elopment bv r-eplacing landscaping and viable t1xable entities with parking lots II Drainage Goals 1 Provide documented information on the effectiveness of pollutant removal in biofiltration swales 'e e e Page 3 2 Outline recommendations In the last twenty years, uncontrolled storm runoff that accompanies development has posed a substantial and pervasive threat to the quality of the nation's lakes, rivers, and streams In order to reduce the impacts of the relatively dilute pollutant loads carried by urban runoff COST EFFECTIVELY, stormwater managers have advocated the use of passive, technically simply, and relatively fle~ible methods for treating urban runoff These systems are termed best management practices (BMP's) Wet detention ponds, infiltration basins, constructed wetlands, as well as -biofiltration devices such as filter strips and grassy swales are some of the BMP's that have been suggested or required for stormwater qualit~ management, both locally and nationally A multi-agency comprehensive studv ~as conducted to determine the effecti\eness of pullutant removal in biofiltratiun s,vales The report \vas published in J992 ~gencies invol\ed with the stud~l included WA Department of Ecology University of \vashington ~letro, King Count" lit,' of Redmond, City of Seattle Cit: of Bellevue and Cit~ of ~ountlake Terrace The stud~ sought to measure effectiveness of two swale configurations differing in length and water residence time The two configuration~ are referred to as the 200 foot and 100 foot confi'Suration The 200 foot configuration was found tu ha\8 3 hydrauliC residence time of appruximately 9 minutes \.;hile tlle 100 foot confi'::;llration was.:;. \) minut,:::s Findings from the stud~ shO\~ that a hydraulic residence time of about 9 minutes (at the 200 foot length configuration) resulted in e~cellent removal of particulate pollutants, oil and grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons (approximatel) 80~) The study sho~s that pollutant removal happens e'{ponentiallu in the first 12~ f<:;e1: and deer-eases to next tn nothing after 200 feet Based cm the cullE'.:cti'e e\.per'ir:;ll<_e of the Biofiltr'atioll Pru j ec t teanl recommenda t ions .vere made i 11 the area::o 0 f landsc.aping design pal'dmeter's installat ion maintellance and enforcement (please see attachment) The Project tedffi recommended BMP is to construct a biofiltration swale 200 feet long 7 to 3 feet wide with slopes between 2 to 4 percent e e e Page 4 Statement While the intent of the Thurston County Surface Drainage Manual is to control stormwater runoff and water quality, they do not follow DOE guidelines and their requirements for biofiltration are excessive, inefficient and costly Current studies prove that pollutant removal occurs primarily in the first 125 feet of the swale and minimal, if any, removal occurs after 200 feet State standards will recommend a removal rate of approximately 80~ Further, if the designed detention system is infiltration, additional pollutants will be removed as water leaches to the aquifer This study has prompted current revisions to the various stormwater manuals such as \\lA Department of Ec.ology StOrITIlV'ater Manual King County S\ll~face \vater De:::,ign ~lanu21, Water Quality Best Management Practices Manual and Water Quality Design ~anual We suggest that the City of Yelm. take the opportunity t.o research re.=ent findings and follo\" the DOE guidelines and BMF's not Thurston County's :'e SHOPPING CENTER (820-828) Peak Parking Spaces Occupied vs. 1,000 GROSS SQUARE FEET LEASABLE AREA On a: WEEKDAY PARKING GENERATION RATES Average Rate 3.23 Range of Rates 1 02-617 Standard Deviation '.20 Number of Studies 141 Average 1,000 Square Feet GLA 635 DATA PLOT AND EQUATION , 0,000 9,000 0 Cl UJ 0: 8,000 :::l (,) t) 7,000 0 0 0 (f) 0 00 0 D W C,) 6,000 Do CBD ct o 0 V) 5,000 0 ~ ~D e " n Z 13 ~ 4,000 a: ~ ClJ ~ 3,000 0 Lfi 0 0 c.. 2,000 0 CJ II ~ ',000 Cl 0 0 200 400 600 800 ',000 ',200 1 ,400 1,600 1,800 X = 1000 GROSS SQUARE FEET LEASABLE AREA 0 ACTUAL DATA POINTS FITTED CURVE Fitted Curve Equation Ln(P) '= 1 173 Ln(X) + 0.064 R2 "" 0.939 e P8rking Ganl1retlon, August 19S711nslllulo of Tl'ansponation Engineers 126 = ..,. -e ~ = = :a = e ~ 12 ~ ; ae a g ~--~ ....... SHOPPING CENTER (820-828) Peak Parking Spaces Occupied vs: 1,000 GROSS SQUARE FEET LEASABLE AREA On a: SATURDAY PARKING GENERATION RATES Average Rate 3,97 10,000 0 9,000 lJ.J 0: 8,000 ::> () g 7,000 (fJ w l) 6.000 0: (f) 5,000 C!' z ~ 4,000 0: ~ ~ 3,000 U5 0- 2,000 II 0- ',000 o j 0 Range of Rates 1 1 1 -6 06 Standard Deviation 1,13 Average 1,000 Square Feet GLA 838 Number of Studies 178 DATA PLOT AND EQUATION Cl c CJ Cl tJ D [j D& 1:1 Cl DO 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1 ,800 o x = 1000 GROSS SQUARE FEET LEASABLE AREA ACTUAL DATA POINTS FITTED CURVE Fitted Curve Equation Ln(P) = 1.261 Ln(X) - 0 365 R2 := 0 948 Pafklnr; Generation, August' 987/lnstltute of Transportation Engineers 1~'1 e e Biofiltration Swale Performance, Recommendations, and Design Considerations - - :.."'.'.. .. " ~ . -.p. .' . ,~. ~ - -....II o ~~,~' ."..'li1" IIA11 II'A111111 II E ( 0 LOG Y Funded in part by the Washington Department of Ecologys Centennial Clean Water Fund Publication 65 7 October S, 1992 (0 BIOFJlTRATlON SWALE PERFORMANCE, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS o Funded in part by the Washington Department of Ecology's Centennial Oean Water Fund Grant Tax No. 89-136 Munidpality of Metropolitan Seattle Water Pollution Control Department 821 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104-1598 .(\ J ACKNOWLEDGMENTS o The Biofiltration Project was carried out cooperatively by the Cities of Mountla.ke Terrace, Redmond, Bellevue and Seattle, as well as King County and the Munidpality of Metropolitan Seattle (Metro). Funding for the Project was provided by a Centennial Cleanwater Grant from the Department of Ecology, and by the local participants. Specific tasks for this study were carried out by the cooperating agendes, with outside assistance for key elements provided as needed. Authors Zahid Khan, City of Mountlake Terrace Ondy Thrush, City of Seattle Phil Cohen, City of Redmond Louise Kulzer, Metro Robert Franklin, City of Redmond Del Field, City of Mountla.ke Terrace John Koon, King County Surface Water Management Richard Homer, University of Washington 1 . 1 -t . dect team Bill Eckel, King County Surface Water Management Robert Franklin, Phil Cohen, City of Redmond Rich Homer, University of Washington Zahid Khan, City of Mountlake Terrace Louise Kulzer, Metro Dave Renstrom, City of Bellevue Cindy Thrush, City of Seattle echnical reviewers Bill Eckel, Tom Hubbard and Jeff Stem, King County Surface Water Management Jennie Goldberg, Cheryl Nakata, and Chris Woeffel, Seattle Drainage and Wastewater Utility Richard Homer, University of Washington Gary Minton, Resource Planning Associates ;'(\ o iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (continued) o Key functions were provided by the following people: Flow monitoring and instrument setup John Koon, King County Stormwater sampling and flow monitoring Del Field and Zahid Khan, City of Mountlake Terrace Flow splitter design Phil Cohen, City of Redmond Water quality data analysis Zahid Khan, City of Mountlake Terrace Louise Kulzer, Metro Manning's n analysis Phil Cohen, City of Redmond Louise Kulzer, Metro Statistical advice Loveday Conquest, University of Washington Center for Quantitative Studies Nian She, Metro o Technical advisor Richard Homer, University of Washington, Department of Civil Engineering Project manager Louise Kulzer, Metro Project management assistance Anne Holt George Edwards Grant project officer Janie Civille, Washington State Department of Ecology Bill Hashim, Washington State Department of Ecology Laboratory analysis was done by AMTest Analytical Laboratories, Redmond, Washington. Metro Environmental Laboratories provided analysis of split samples. c IV - -- CONTENTS n r.~KNOWLEDGMENTS. SECTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 o 6 7 o ill REPORT HIGHLIGHTS Results . . . . Recommendations 1-1 1-1 1-3 2-1 3-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-4 4-4 4-6 INTRODUCTION . PROJECf GOALS AND OBJECTIVES BACKGROUND, PREVIOUS STUDIES, AND RESEARCH Background. . . . . . . . . . Phase I Biofiltration Study (Homer, 1988) Other Uterature . . . . . . . Other Design Methods . . . . . Studies Related to M~s n Value . POllUTANT REMOVAL STUDY Background. . . . . .. . Experimental Setup and Sampling Methods Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . Discussion . . . . . . Condusions . . . . . . 5-1 S-l . 5-3 5-10 . 5-41 5-50 MANNING'S n VALUE AND VELOCITY MEASUREMENTS Experimental Design. . . . Materials and Methods . . Results and Discussion .. Condusions and Recommendations 6-1 . 6-1 6-2 . 6-11 6-18 7-1 . 7-1 7-6 7-15 7-20 . . . . . RECOMMENDATIONS Planning Considerations. . Design and Installation . . Operation and Maintenance Areas for Further Study . . v o i 1 I \ ii o '0 APPENDIXES A B C D E F CONTENTS (continued) COMPARISON OF DESIGN METHODS DESIGN DETAILS FOR H-FLUME AND FLOW SPUTIER... ... INSTRUMENTATION . STORM EVENT HIDROGRAPHS QUAUTY ASSURANCE INFORMATION AND SAMPUNG PLAN . . MANNING'S n INVESTIGATION G BIOFILTRATION APPUCATION GUIDE (REVISED) . REFERENCES . . . . . . . TABLES 4-1 4-2 4-3 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 6-1 6-Z 6-3 6-4 6-5 Studies of Biofiltration Effectiveness . . . . Research Groups Investigating Mannin~s n Value . Mannin~s n Values Required by Puget Sound Area (Washington) Government Agendes Hydrologic Data for the Biofiltration Swale . . . Water Quality Data for ZOO-Foot Swale Configuration Water Quality Data for 100-Foot Swale Configuration . Biofiltration Dissolved Metal Removals for 200- and 100-Foot Swales . . . . . . . . . Comparison with 1989 Area Runoff Calculated Resident TIme for 200- and lOO-Foot Bioswale Configurations . . . . . 5-47 Differences in Pollutant Removal for 200- and lOO-Foot Swale Configurations. . . . . Schematic Layout of Hubs Showing Local Distances, Elevations, and Slopes for Upper and Lower Swales . Range of Data for Mountlake Terrace Biofiltration Swale. . . . . . . . . . Calculated Mannin~s n Values for Mowed Swale Observations, Using Method 1, October Zl, 1991 . . . 6-12 Manning's n Averages, Variances, and t-test Results for Mowed Swale Observations . Depth and Velodty Measurements. . . . . . A-I B-1 C-l D-l E-l . F-l G-l R-l 4-4 4-7 4-7 5-11 5-12 . 5-13 5-14 5-42 5-48 6-9 6-11 6-13 6-14 - . .:.. . .-.'f r. ,I;. ... ,,- i. . .... ...; . . . 1 . . .. . . .. .. .\ .' . vi fC'LES 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 7-1 CONTENTS (continued) Manning's n Values Using Method Z for Mowed Swale Conditions . Calculated Manning's n Values for Unmowed Swale Observations Using Method 1 . . . Manning's n Averages, Standard Deviations, and t-test Results for Unmowed Swale Observations Average Mannings's n Values of Mowed and Unmowed Swale Observations Using Different Methods of Calculation . . Soil Disposal Criteria in Seattle and King County, Washington, for Selected Contaminants ILLUSTRATIONS 1-1 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 ("5 )6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 6-1a 6-1b 6-2 d Pollutant Removal of a ZOO-Foot Swale (9-minute Average Hydraulic Residence Time) Vicinity Map . . . . . ZOO-foot Swale Configuration lOO-foot Swale Configuration H-flume and Sampling Setup TSS Data, 200-Foot Length . TSS Data, l00-Foot Length . . Turbidity Data, ZOO-Foot Length Turbidity Data, lOO-Foot Length . . . . Oil and Grease Data, ZOO- and 100- Foot Lengths Total Zinc Data, 200-Foot Length . . . . Total Zinc Data, 100-Foot Length . Total Copper Data, 200- and lOO-Foot Lengths Total Lead Data, 200- and 100-Foot Lengths . Total Iron Data, 200-Foot Length . . . Total Iron Data, lOO-Foot Length . . . . . Total Aluminum Data, 200-Foot Length . Total Aluminum Data, lOO-Foot Length . . Total Phosphorus Data, ZOO-Foot Length. . Total Phosphorus Data, lOO-Foot Length . Ortho-Phosphate Data, ZOO-Foot Length Ortho-Phosphate Data, 100-Foot Length BAP Data, 200-Foot Length . . . . . . . BAP Data, 100-Foot Length . . . . . . . . Hydraulic Residence Tune Versus Metals Removal Experimental Setup for Velocity Measurement . Experimental Setup for Velocity Measurement King County Velodty Meter Calibration Curve Underdrain Detail for Biofiltration Swales . 6-15 6-17 6-18 6-19 7-18 . 1-2 5-2 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-16 S-17 S-19 5-20 5-21 S-23 5-24 5-26 5-27 5-29 5-30 . S-32 5-33 S-34 5-35 5-37 S-38 5-39 . . S-40 . 5-49 . . 6-3 6-4 6-6 7-13 vii 10 SECTION 1 REPORT HIGHLIGHTS Recently, biofiltration swales have been increasingly used to manage the quality of stormwater runoff from roads and other impervious surfaces associated with urban development. This study was conducted to determine the pollutant removal effectiveness of a grassy swale designed spedfically for its water treatment benefits. In addition, the study sought to measure effectiveness of two swale configurations differing in length and water residence time. The two configurations are referred to as the 200-foot and lOa-foot configurations. The ZOO-foot configuration was found to have a hydraulic residence time of approximately 9 minutes; the laO-foot configuration, 4.6 minutes In addition, the \;fanning's roughness coeffident, referred to as Mannints n, was also measured in the 200-foot configuration. RESULTS Major findings of the study are summarized below Pollutant Removal Performance The biofiltration swale studied (which was designed according to criteria en in Homer, 1988) was seen to consistently remove particulate pollutants such as total suspended solids (83 percent removal), turbidity (65 percent) and metals of largely particulate character, such as lead, zinc, iron and aluminum (63 percent to n percent). Materials which adhere to the grass surfaces, such as oil and grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were also effectively removed (about 74 percent). Metals of less particulate character, such as copper; and dissolved metals were generally less consistently removed. Dissolved zinc removal averaged 30 percent for the 200-foot configuration. Dissolved copper, iron, and aluminum removals were negative on average, although for some events positive removals were seen. Dissolved lead was always below the detection level, so conclusions t about removal could only be inferred from the behavior of other similar metals. ~ i Nutrients were removed to varying degrees, with best removals seen for bio. available phosphorus (40 percent), followed by total phosphorus (29 percent) Poor r negative removals were seen, on average, for dissolved nutrients, such as ortho hosphorus (ortho-P) and nitrate+nitrite-nitrogen (nitrate+nitrite-N). , -, , o The removal of fecal coliform bacteria was highly variable. Some of the data showed good removals, while other data showed elevated concentrations in the outflow. These increased loadings were probably caused by external sources (such as pet wastes) and bacterial multiplication on the swale bottom and on the wooden flume bottom. Figure 1-1 summarizes the pollutant removals associated with the ZOO-foot swale configuration ranked in order of treatment effectiveness. The figure represents the average of removals seen for each of six events. 90 83 80 70 60 .. ~ 50 E .. a:: #- ~ 30 0 20 10 0 m Oil .1d Fe Pb Turbidity T-Zn/T-AI T-Cu SAP TP Dissolved G~H Zn Figure ,-,. Pollutant Removal of a 200-Foot Swale (9-minute Average Hydraulic Residence Time) Hydraulic Residence Time A hydraulic residence time of about 9 minutes (at the ZOO-foot length configuration) resulted in good removal of particulate pollutants, oil and grease, and TPH. This residence time is recommended as a basis for design for most biofiltration swale applications. Longer residence times are recommended if solids removal In excess of about 80 percent is desired. o '-2 ( \ t 'or L r o I, IT n: IT: at de gr de M, ill 'ec ~E ~N ec -- When the hydraulic residence time was reduced to an average of 4.6 minutes the l00-foot length configuration) visual observations and performance data for ~f'.. and iron indicated that pollutant removal performance was poorer than for tfil9-minute: 200-foot configuration. Because of a high variance in average removal for the 100-foot configuration, data for parameters other than zinc and iron could not be shown to be significantly different from those observed for the longer detention time configuration. However, it is suggested that a residence time of 4 to 5 minutes is not adequate to assure consistently good pollutant removals, partIcularly for storms with significant rainfall peaks. More work is needed before a residence time of less than 9 minutes can be recommended with confidence as adequate for biofiltration swale design. Manning's n Value This study has shown that Manning's n did not vary significantly with changes in slope between 3 and 4 percent, but did vary with flow rate. Variation was also seen with grass height (6 inches vs. 12 inches) For a grass height of 6 lIlches and a flow rate of 0.51 feet per second, the Manning's n values observed were betvveen 0.192 to 0 198 (dimensionless). Considering uncertainties involved in this study, and erring on the conservative side, a Manning's n of 0.20 is recommended for swale design for stormwateI treatment applications. In applying this information, the user should be aware that the Manning's n 0020 was measured for grass having blade densities averaging from 600 to 1,600 blades/ft2. The swale had infrequent maintenance (mowing and other lawn mamtenance activities such as aeration and fertilization). For regularly mowed and mamtained swales, grass is likely to be denser, and hence the Manning's n value may be higher than 0.20. Therefore, it is recommended that the Manning's n value of 0.20 found in this study be adopted as the minimum value for biofiltration swale desIgn. More work should be done to investigate Manning's n for regularly mowed grass. [ Before mowing, when grass was about 12 inches, the Manning's n t determined for the same swale was 0.24. It is reasonable to apply this higher Manning's n value in situations where swales can only be infrequently maintained, such as for rural roads. However, in general, regular mowing of swales is recommended. RECOMMENDAT10NS FOR PLANNING, DESIGN, INSTALLATION, o MAINTENANCE Based on the collective experience of the Biofiltration Project team, commendations were made in the areas of landscaping, design parameters, o 1.3 - installation, maintenance, and enforcement. These recommendations supplement the primary data on pollutant removal effectiveness and Mannin~s n values collected during the project. Highlights are summarized: \ 0 . Landscaping can be integrated into water quality swales, but precautions are needed to prevent shading and leaf drop, which can kill the grass, and transport of soil from the planting beds into the swale. . Uniform spreading of flow at the head of the swale is important for effective pollutant removal. . Maximum design velodty should not exceed 0.9 feet per second to prevent exceedance of the treatment capability of the swale. . A hydraulic residence time of 9 minutes is recommended for pollutant removals of about 80 percent of total suspended solids. If higher levels of performance are desired, longer residence times are recommended. . Swale width should be limited to about 7 to 8 feet (the width of a typical backhoe loader) unless special measures are provided to assure an even level of the swale bottom, uniform flow spreading, and management of flows to prevent formation of low-flow channels. o c . No specific swale length is recommended, but the recommended hydraulic residence time and width will result in a minimum length for a particular set of geometric and vegetation characteristics. In the case of the 200-foot swale studied, application of these residence time and width criteria would result in a minimum length of 125 feet. . Swale slopes should be between 2 and 4 percent. Under drains should be installed if slopes are less than 2 percent. If standing water is likely for prolonged periods (for example, several weeks) due to low gradients or interception of the water table or base flow, wetland vegetation should be used rather than grass. . Water depth should be limited to no greater than one half the height of the grass up to a maximum of 3 inches of water depth. For taller grass, water depth should be less than or equal to one third the grass height. . Regular mowing is strongly recommended. Not only does regular mowing encourage thicker, healthier grass, but leaves, litter, and ,..... .. .... - ~ _ _""T"- ". .:- c other obstructions to good flow spreading are removed in the process of mowing. .' Regular maintenance of swales is key to assuring good water quality performance. Spedfying mowing frequencies, regular inspection and repair on site plans is recommended. Establishing performance bonds retained through the first year of operation has also been effective in assuring early problems are addressed. i \ I \ c c '.5 o o o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, AUGUST 7,1994,4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No. 1 The meeting was called to order at 4.00 p m. by chair Tom Gorman Members present. Lyle Sundsmo, Glenn Blando, E.J Curry, Roberta LongmIre, Joe Huddleston, Buffy Clark, Adam Rivas, Tom Cundy and Tom Gorman Members not in attendance. Ed Pitts Guests' Mary Hanna Murphy, Ben Cook, John Huddleston, Tom Skillings, Bob Connelly Staff Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson and Ken Garmann. Approval of the minutes MotIon to approve the minutes of June 19, 1995 tabled until next meeting due a quorum issue to be clanfied 95-26 MOTION BY LYLE SUNDSMO, SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY' 7, '995 WITH CORRECTIONS. Public Hearing opened the hearing at 4 04 p m by Chair Tom Gorman 2 Public Hearing - A. Off-street Parking and Stormwater Manual - Staff Report Staff report given by Cathie Carlson. Cathie reported that on July 12, 1995 the city council voted to adopt the new zoning code and development guidelines with the recommendations that the planning commission had forwarded to them with a few minor amendments At that meeting, there was a public comment that expressed concerns about the requirements for parking (Increased ratio and the stormwater guidelines regarding the size of the retention pond area. CounCIl asked that the planning commiSSion look at those two issues and make recommendations before final adoption. In the Yelm Planning Commission August 7, 1995 1 meantime, the city has retained the existing parking codes and have gone back to the 1992 Stormwater Manual. Options 1) retain off-street parking and retam the 1992 Stormwater Manual as written; 2) retain the bodies of those, with minor changes; 3) retain the proposed chapter of the zoning code, off-street parking which was in the onginal one forwarded to the council, 4) keep the 1994 manual which the city has been using for a year or make minor changes; 5) write all new codes o The existing code is 1 parking stall per 200 sq ft of commerciallretarl space. The new code is a formula that breaks down to 1 per 150 Public Comments John Huddleston, voiced concern that under the proposed guidelines, It would turn the City of Yelm into a vast parking lot with vast stormwater retention ponds Marv Hanna Murphy, representing Mike Edwards, property owner on a proposal submitted to the city called (for now) the "Yelm Retail Center" Ms Murphy reported that she has researched national and local studies concerning adequate parking and management practices for water systems, and is presenting her findings to the planning commissIon along with some alternative gUidelines and to provide documentation that Justifies her suggestions 0 Roberta Longmire asked if studies were taken In rural areas as opposed to urban Mary Murphy said she didn't know but she knew that the ITE tries to give accurate guidelines that will reflect all situations E.J. Curry said she would like to see the comments that were made at the city council meeting before the planning commission makes a decision regarding this subject Adam Rivas asked if by reducing parking requirements will discourage development Cathie Carlson responded that if you reduce sIgnificantly the amount of parking, you may be encouraging development right now In the long run, as uses change and sites develop there may not be a site suitably available to development. Joe Huddleston mentioned that another consideration is the percentage of business that are on a bus route. Yelm Planning Commission August 7, 1995 2 o c c c ---~Ti ,-~ .r-"-'--'-.-;;,,--~. -;- -:-~ John Huddleston stated that there is poor pedestrian access at the Nisqually Plaza. There is a need for more pedestrian access, not parking spaces Tom Gorman asked If the planning commission wanted to continue the hearing to have more time to review the material and comments made to the city council. It was decided to continue this matter until the planning commission meeting on August 21, 1995 Bob Connolly, 5616 Lacey Blvd , Lacey, W A gave an overview of the Design Manual for Pierce and Thurston counties and the Department of Ecology. He recommends the use of the Thurston County Regional Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual Shelly Badger wanted to add as clarification that the City of Yelm has been using the 1992 Manual and they have been giving variances from that manual to reduce the volume to get closer to the new 1994 manual The proposal is to adopt the 1 994 manual which takes some of those reductions Into account. Tom Gorman asked if there was public comment on this issue Shelly responded that there had been public comment at the July 12 meeting there was concern that the King County Drainage Manual was more restrictive than the state or some of our adjoining counties. Ben Cook, IS working with John Huddleston re development of 10 acres He used the DOE Technical manual and the Thurston County manual tables and took the ratios to determine the amount of pond area required USing those two tables he came up With a pond capacity of approx. 16,000 cu ft. That consumes approx 2-3 lots In a 10 acre development. Mary Murphy reported that she researched studies regarding current standards for use swales and the amount of area required. John Huddleston commented that he felt the requirements were excessive Tom Skillinqs, Skillings & Connolly pointed out that things to be considered would be 1) Issue of how well they work with regard to maintenance, 2) design flaw in the swale in that water sometimes doesn't make it to the pond, 3) issue regarding water quality and protection of the aquifer, 4) consistent use of treatment used in and Yelm Planning Commission August 7, 1995 3 around Thurston County area Mr Skillings says all local entities are using the same requirements. Tom Gorman - decision on this matter was tabled until August 21 0 meeting. B. Design Guidelines - minor changes Shelly Badoer reported that there will be changes to the Development Guidelines due to office error on the Transportation section There also will be language added to the street standards 3 Cathy Carlson asked how the planning commission wanted to handle a work program for the Design GUidelines and Sign Code Adam Rivas, Glenn Blando, Roberta Lonqmire and Buffy Clark volunteered to work on the sub-committee 4 Other - No other busmess 5 There being no further business, the meetmg was adjourned at 5.52 p m The next planning commission meeting will be held of Monday, August 21, 1995 at 4 00 p m Respectfully submitted, o Kris Taylor Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairperson Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission August 7, 1995 4 o c c c (]) SIGN IN SHEET FOR SPEAKERS MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING LOCATION: YELM CITY HALL DATE: AUGUST 7, 1995 AGENDA ITEM( S) Please slgn in if you wish to speak at the meeting. PLEASE PRINT Name lv\t\~\.r Address ~3~ 4-ktt\h MDe~I-t'r , -.-AI 0 NJ1D '..Ave }^'-i I~ ~ rTlh, lMA CW l }:7 Mailing Address ~ 13 6'-f C_OO IC LI' (' If Address ? '-0 /AILLrOJ\J ~V~ , Mailing Address 0 e-YMr" II- lJ;{)- q't~O ( 1Z-o~-~~ \'7 Address "\"'t. It....::;:.. P:::l1l.eL Mailing Address i.."'l - J LAJ~ Name Name Name Address Mailing Address Name Address Mailing Address '~:, ~I , . ',.:~~~~~:;~;;,:,:;!,~J~~~i~i~:~'fi~r(:~~~~~~::f~~i(l4' .. " ~_~t~~,~I>~ ,C't;;;,~i~~;~J~:'G';~'m:\~\f17JX:( ~., ;\:;:if'!;:t?:i'::;"',Ui"';?/I)~;'~1~:~J;~\H::\> !:mY" "'" ~"""'-'-''4!5:'1 ,"'0' "!I:.:et:ffl ""<< :' ,;' T' (J . ..r;;;~"\, \{;':/"'.":;~:'."-'.'''',,: u~:~~j\ !;;; , '~:':~';1~~; 0: <::-r ~t00';";';)W~;:P;: ,,~:;. !.\'. ;1 I~~; c -105 Yeilm Ayenue West oj, ~; pO Bcw4?9 i Yebl'l, Washington 98597 (360) 458~3244 -,. July 17, 1995 Mr. Robert Fankhouser 9129 Killion Road SE Yelm, WA 98597-9704 Dear Mr. Fankhouser: The Planning Commission received your letter and would like to thank-you for your comments. c In 1992, the City and its citizens developed a Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Many hours of discussion and debate regarding the downtown traffic congestion and possible short and/or long term solutions occurred during the transportation planning process. As a result, it was recommended and adopted that the by-pass 'corridors be pursued and that: Yelm Avenue remain a 3 lane street. The Comprehensive Transportation Plan is available for $25.'00 at- City Hall. The City of Yelm contracts with the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority (OAPCA) to review and an'alyze applications from Industrial and Commercial users who propose an activity which omits pollutants. OAPCA staff performs an extensive analysis of the proposed pollutants and determines if their impact is ,below or above the Acceptable Source Impact Level (ASIL) as prescribed in the Washington Air Toxics Regulation. OPACA recently analyzed an application from AMTEC to increase their styrene emissions. OPACA's analysis found the proposed level of emissions to be below the ASIL. In accordance with the washington Air toxics regulations, this outcome means that emissions are, II sufficiently low to protect human health and safety from potential carcinogenic and/or other toxic effectsll (WAC 173-460-070.) c The Planning Commission relies on citizen input and comments to aid in the decision making process. Again, thank you for taking the time to provide your input on how the City of Yelm can continue to strive for improving our quality of life. Sincerely, ~WJ~ Catherine Carlson City Planner @. Rec>,ckd paper . ' . .-.------- ._. ~-"+ c c ('. ~ YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JULY 17, 1995, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item! Motion No. 1 The meeting was called to order at 4'03 p.m. by Chair Tom Gorman. Members present: Roberta Longmire, E.J Curry, Joe Huddleston, Ed Pitts Tom Gorman, Glenn Blando, Adam Rivas and Buffie Clark Members not in attendance: Tom Cundy -and-GeeFge-JIrllight 6L,V\(,{ dJLf I~ .S'L.U/(J~ lV1CJ , Guests. Dennis Cochran, Mike O'Rear, Dean Hooper, John Owen, John Huddleston, Shirley Ledgewood, Randy Orth, Margaret Clapp, Frances Andrews, John Thompson, Steve Craig. Amos Lawton, City CouncIl liaison was also present. Staff: Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann, Shelly Badger MINUTES FOR JUNE 5, 1995 WERE TABLED UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING ON AUGUST 7TH IN ORDER TO GET A CLARIFICATION OF THE RULES REGARDING QUORUM AND NUMBER OF MEMBERS NEEDED TO VOTE. 2 Public Hearine:: O'Rear Industrial Park (SUB-8l42) The public hearing was opened at 4'06 p.m. by Chair Tom Gorman. Staff Report: The staff report was given by Cathie Carlson. The city received an application for Preliminary Plat for a l2-one acre lot industnal park. The apphcant is Michael O'Rear The applicant is also being represented by Dennis Cochran and Randy Orth, consultants. The location of the property IS the east side of Rhoton Road SE, between N.P Road NE and Canal Road SE. Currently zoned IZ, Industrial Zone. Area land use to the north, residential, south, industrial, east, industrial and west, reSIdential. The applicant has proposed an internal loop road with a 40 ft. right-of-way, however, the current street standard for this proposal requires a CommercIal Collector of 84 ft. right-of-way Staff worked with the applicant and has suggested a 57 ft. right-of-way, consisting of two 12 ft. traffic lanes, two 8 ft. paved shoulders, and two 6 ft. planter strips and one 5 ft. sidewalk. The Traffic Generation and Trip Distribution Analysis was prepared by S Chamberlain & ASSOCIates. Based on the ITE manual it is estimated that the site will add 126 new vehIcle trIpS during the p.m. peak hour.k Of these 126 trips, approx. 100 trips will enter and 26 will exit the project site during the p.m. peak hour The effect that has on Five Comers is approx. 17% based on the calculations. Chamberlain also looked at the intersection of First Avenue and Yelm Avenue intersections. Buffie Clark arrived at1-<13 p.m. A Mitigated Determination of Non-SIgmficance was issued on June 27, 1995 The comment Yelm Planning Commission July 17, 1995 1 c period expired on July 13, 1995 There were no objections to the proposal in the comments received. It meets all critena of the Yelm Comprehensive Plan. The proposed internal road system does not meet the current design standards for a commercial collector Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat applicatIon with the follow conditions. c (I) The applicant shall contribute financially to the Five-Corners intersection improvement and/or the Y-2 Alternate Route as specified in the 1992 Yelm Comprehensive Plan, (2) the applicant and the City will work with WSDOT on signal tIming modifications to traffic control system to help improve traffic operations until other major roadway facilities are implemented around the city center; (3) Burning of large piles of debris on the site will require the applicant to secure any necessary approval and penn its from the Dept. of Natural Resources; (4) frontage improvements to Rhoton Road are required as per City Development Standards. The applicant may request a deferral of improvements and enter into an agreement waiving any right to protest the fonnation of a LID or Latercomer's Agreement; (5) the proposed drainage plan IS to service only the project roadway system and frontage improvements on Rhoton Road. The FlOal Drainage Plan shall meet the requirements of the City's Erosion and Drainage Control Manual. (6) the extension of utilities and system upgrades (if required) to the site and installation of utIlities on-site will be at the developers' expense; (7) The City of Yelm can provide water and sewer to the site. However, lOdustrial uses and their utility needs vary greatly, therefore capacity and infrastructure needs will be reviewed for each lot during the individual site plan review process; (8) the Public Works Department suggested the follow modificatIOn to the Commercial Collector standard. I) the 17 ft. stonnwater treatment swale required on each side of the centerline be eliminated If the site stonnwater is tightlined to the detention pond. Tightlined stonnwater must meet the requirements of the Yelm Erosion and Drainage Control Manual, 2) two 12 ft. traffic lanes, 3) two 8 ft. paved shoulders 4) two 6 ft. planter strips and 5) one 5 ft. sidewalk. The modified commercial collector will reqUIre a 57 ft. right-of-way plus the 10ft. utilIty easement on both sides of the street. Applicant: Mike O'Rear stated that origlOally talking about 66 ft. right-of-way He stated he would like to get rid of the 8 ft. paved shoulders. Mr O'Rear added that they would like to eliminate the 8 ft. shoulders. Cathie Carlson stated that the staff discussed the different types of industrial that could potentially use the site and since the is a WIde variety of vehicles that could use the site, and staff felt the width of the shoulders should be retained. Dennis Cochran. civil engineer asked If staff was considerIng the two 12 ft. lanes with paved shoulders as drIving surface, not as shoulders. Cathie Carlson stated that the staff viewed them as a backup to potentially large vehicles in the site. Mr Cochran said that the comment that came back at the time of the meeting with staff was that they could have utilized a pair of cul- de-sacs with a fire lane between them. From an engineering standpoint he stated he didn't see the need to have two 12 ft. lanes and two 8 ft. shoulders. What the applicant would like to see is the automation of the 8 ft. shoulder, elImination of the parking strips because they serve no purpose-curb and walk on one side and even that is questionable because they would like to discourage pedestrian traffic through the site. Would like to place the landscaplOg behind the sidewalk and behind the curb where it could be utilized as a portion of the landscaplOg for the individual lots. They believe that would cut down the amount of impervious area. Mr Cochran Said If the intention of the 8 ft. shoulder is to give more maneuvering room, let's not call It a o Yelm Planning Commission July 17, 1995 2 c o c shoulder, let's call it a driving surface and it can be dealt with that way Tom Gonnan asked for clarification of what they are proposing. Mr. Cochran explained that they would prefer two 12 ft. lanes, curbing gutter on both sides and integrated sidewalks. Shirley Ledgewood. read a letter submItted by Cathy O'Neal of the Chamber of Commerce, encouraging the City to assist Mr O'Rear in this project. Public Comments. John Huddleston asked what the reqUIrements were for bufferIng between the residential areas and the industrial areas. Cathy Carlson responded by saying that the application meets current zoning. Landscaping also meets the current code. John went on to ask If new reqUIrements have been added to the code since the time of this application? Cathy advised that the City Council adopted at the last meeting does not go In effect until July 25, 1995 Ouestions from Staff or the ApplIcant: Buffie Clark stated that she recalled that the reason they chose to put an 8 ft. paved surface on the road was for bicycle use. Shelly Badger explained that street sections that have a bike lane are designated as such and they are striped as a bike lane. The required pavement markings are not being required on this section. Buffie Clark asked what types of businesses would be located In the park. Mike O'Rear stated small businesses, warehouse space, candle factoI)', etc. Shelly Badger added that an 8 ft. shoulder allows for on-street parking. Dennis Cochran asked if the 8 ft. shoulder IS considered part of the parkIng requirement does that reduce the amount of parking required on sIte? Tom Gonnan went on to asked what and how the parkIng ratio on site would be decided. Cathy Carlson explained that the code makes some distinction between uses, I.e., retail use is higher than industrial. Shelly Badger explained that it could be different dependIng on the use and building. Mike O'Rear asked if the site required three parking stalls could they use the on-street parking to count those spaces. Cathy Carlson responded no, as on-site parking would be required. Tom Gonnan asked If Ken Gannann could offer any comments on discussion about wide turning vehicles. The planning department has encouraged the planning commission to go to a template driving surface WIth minimum right-of-way so that all development that took place would allow for on-street parking. The feeling was that it needs to be carried through with private roads, meeting the same standards as the city roads and that was the basis for that. Also, the fact that pedestrians will use the street surface if sidewalks are not available for their use. When the project starts to get built out, there is always a need for addItional parking. Mr. Gannann also added that parking surface will be controlled by the line of sight and entI)' into the pads. The Public Works Department would like to see a 57 ft. minimum. The public hearing was closed at 4.38 p.m. Yelm Planning Commission July 17, 1995 3 c c c 95-25 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE TO RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITH THE CONDITIONS AS STATED IN THE STAFF REPORT DATED JULY 11, 1995. SECONDED BY BUFFIE CLARK. MOTION CARRIED. 3 YELM VISION PLAN - Presentation by John Owen, MAKERS of the Draft Design Guidelines. Frances Andrews, VISION Plan Committee Introduced John Thompson who gave an overvIew of what the committee's goals and objectives were in preparIng the Draft Design Guidelines. Shelly Badger added that the Planmng CommIssion has already adopted the Vision Plan as part of the overall Comprehensive Plan. The next step was to reVIew and adopt Design Guidelines. John Owens of MAKERS Architecture and Urban DeSIgn narrated a slIde presentation of the gUIdelines. Adam Rivas left the meeting at 5 15 p.m. 4 There being no further busIness, the meetIng was adjourned at 5.30 p.m. The next plannIng commIssion meeting will be held of Monday, August 7, 1995 at 4 00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kris Taylor Secretary Tom Gorman, ChaIrperson Planning CommissIOn Date Yelm Planning Commission July 17, 1995 4 c c c SIGN IN SHEET FOR SPEAKERS MEETING: 7lutf/v:;c, Ci;;f76 S: LOCATION: (!OU 11 CtWtJ ,[5 - c.. !/ai( DATE: ~d7 / 1, / '1'1--:) AGENDA ITEM(S) () 'tPiLr T/ldu.sfnJ lar/:- P/(../fI7/lIcify fJtd- Please sign in if you wish to speak at the meeting. :::~:,\ C1:1~ c;c.J J'f\ Address '2..CoL(f) \L--1J../-- C1 Mailing Address Ol,..'€ M. (7 d\ NameHA C~ . Address 1f6'7F rOX 77flA/L.- p~ Mailing Address ;:~~~ Name ~ 9PI~cJC - JC%. OC-y P-8S-/~ Address Maili~SS .\ ~f~ Na~ . ~ 4 Address l ~ql{ h ~ L j~C\ Mailing Address Name ~///q Address /r~o tl Mailing Address le07erUJoc9 cI. c5z;/b~r - y Sa..f'V1e. ? r~cr7 o YELM PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT O'REAR INDUSTRIAL PARK (SUB-8142) DATE OF STAFF REPORT July 11,1995 DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING July 17, 1995 Backqround The City received an application for Preliminary Plat on April 24, 1995 Since that time, the City has been working with the proponent on the application Basic Facts Mike O'Rear 3105 Marvin Rd NE Olympia, WA 98506 Representative Randy Orth 2626 12th Ct SW Olympia, WA 98502 Proponent: Proposal Preliminary Plat for a 12-one acre lot Industrial Park. Public Notice Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on July 6, 1995 and posted in public areas on July 5, 1995 Thenotice was mailed to adjacent property owners and the applicant on July 5, 1995 Notice was mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list on July 12, 1995 c Location The east side of Rhoton Road SE, between N P Road NE and Canal Road SE. Size 12 acres Existing Land Use Vacant. Zoning IZ, Industrial Zone Yelm Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 17 32 Area Land Use North - Residential South - Industrial East - Industrial - Sewage Treatment Plant West - Residential Critical Areas Sensitive Aquifer Soils and Geology Spanaway Gravelly Sandy Loam Topography Approximate slope of the site is 12% Air Quality The proposed project should not substantially affect the air quality c Traffic: o C Solid Waste Wastewater' Water Supply Stormwater. Power and Energy' Noise Disaster Risks Fire Protection Police Protection c The Preliminary Plat drawing proposes an internal loop road systems with two ingress/egress locations The current street standard applicable for this proposal is a Commercial Collector which requires an 84' right-of-way As shown, the internal road system is for a private street with a 40' right-of-way and does not meet current standards Staff worked with the applicant and has suggested a 57' right- of-way, consisting of two-12' traffic lanes, two-8' paved shoulders, two-6' planter strips and one-5' sidewalk. A Traffic Generation and Trip Distribution Analysis was prepared by S Chamberlain & Associates Based on the ITE manual it is estimated that the proposed 12-acre industrial site will add 126 new vehicle trips during the p m peak hour Of these 126 trips, approximately 100 trips will enter and 26 will exit the project site during the p m peak hour The analysis estimated that 17% of the traffic from the project is expected to go through the "five-corners" intersection, representing 22 vehicles trips in the p m peak hour Approximately 90% of the traffic traveling to and from the industrial park will use the First Street/Yelm Avenue intersection In the p m peak hour this is approximately 113 vehicles It is expected that traffic operations at this intersection will degrade from a LOS D condition to LOS E as a result of project traffic. The City of Yelm has adopted a LOS E for this intersection LeMay Garbage Service City of Yelm STEP sewer system City of Yelm A Preliminary Drainage and Erosion Control Plan has been submitted to the City It is understood that the proposed drainage plan is to service only the project roadway system and frontage improvements on Rhoton Road Individual Lot drainage will be installed as required, at time of site specific applications, and treatment will take place on each lot. Puget Power and Washington Natural Gas During daytime hours noise is expected to be average for an industrial area During nighttime hours noise is expected to be low Low, however as applications are submitted to the City for the development on individual lots the disaster risks will be evaluated on a project by project basis Thurston County Fire District #2 City of Yelm APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND POLICIES o State Law' The proposal has conformed to all applicable State laws 01 o State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was issued on June 27, 1995 The comment period expired on July 13, 1995 There were no objections to the proposal in the comments received Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan designation for the site is Industrial This proposal conforms with the Industrial Zone intent and requirements. Yelm Municipal Code This Project shall conform to the City's Municipal Code and Development Standards Development and Design Standards The proposed internal road system does not meet the current design standards for a commercial collector The remainder of the proposal is in compliance with the City of Yelm Development and Design Standards STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City of Yelm Planning Department recommends approval of the preliminary plat application for the O'Rear Industrial Park with the following conditions The applicant shall contribute financially to the Five-Corners intersection improvement and/or the Y -2 Alternate Route as specified in the 1992 Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan Contribution is based on the number of automobile trips generated by this site during the p m peak hour Total p m peak hour trips estimated to travel through the Five-Corners intersection are twenty-two trips at $30000 per trip = $6,60000 The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID or Latecomer's Agreement.) 2 Most of the site traffic will travel through the First Street/Yelm Avenue intersection It is expected that traffic operations at this intersection will degrade from a LOS D to LOS E as a result of this project. The applicant and the City will work with WSDOT on signal timing modifications to the traffic control system to help improve traffic operations until other major roadway facilities are implemented around the city center 3 Burning of the large piles of debris on the site will require the applicant to secure any necessary approval and permits from the Department of Natural Resources 5 Frontage improvements to Rhoton Road are required as per City Development Standards The applicant may request a deferral of improvements and enter into an agreement waiving any right to protest the formation of a LID or Latecomer's Agreement. 6 The proposed drainage plan is to service only the project roadway system and frontage improvements on Rhoton Road The Final Drainage Plan shall met the requirements of the City's Erosion and Drainage Control Manual The plans shall be submitted to the Public Works o Department and approved by the City Individual lot drainage will be installed as required, at the time of application for site specific uses, and treatment will take place on each lot. 7 The extension of utilities and system upgrades (if required) to the site and installation of utilities on-site will be at the developer's expense 8 The City of Yelm can provide water and sewer to the proposed project site However, industrial uses and their utility needs vary greatly, therefore capacity and infrastructure needs will be reviewed for each lot during the individual site plan review process 9 The Public Works Department suggested the following modification to the Commercial Collector standard 1) the 17' stormwater treatment swale required on each side of the centerline be eliminated if the site stormwater is tightlined to the detention pond Tightlined stormwater must meet the requirements of the Yelm Erosion and Drainage Control Manual, 2) two - 12' traffic lanes are required, 3) two - 8' paved shoulders are required, 4) two- 6' planter strips are required and 5) one - 5' sidewalk is required The modified commercial collector will require a 57' right-of-way plus the 10' utility easement on both sides of the street. Submitted by, I) / ~ 12 L/~~ Date l(V!fU.A,/ J.-<.-/ o Catherine Carlson City Planner c (l(Vf ) // I /11:) Attachment ~ l) o 14J XX% LEGEND PIERCE COUNTY o ~ ~ N C>R ,J-i NOT TO SCALE TOTAL ENTERING TRAFFIC PERCENT SITE TRAFFIC o a r:r z :::. m ~ ri 93RD AYE f- III "" 0 w ~ W Q: o ~ - 3 10% t YELM a Q: III cr .j>. g ~ ~ ::J r' '" j u FIVE CORNERS NTS 109TH FIVE CORNERS FIRST STREET / YELM AVENUE NTS 4% 119TH 123RD WE'fERw.EUSfR C@)" INDUSTRIAL PARK.. 12 ACRE SITE ON RHOTON ROAD CD ~/~ I. ow.tA<lllAIH ",\SSO(]/>T!I, IHl: DIRECTiOf'iAL DISTRiBUTION FROM '(ELM TRANSPORT A TION MODEL ZONE #503 :~j.c dio/7 -=I=- q '" ... (C ., '" '1 '" '" ... ,. '" '" l . ' '" '" ... ~ I '" '" '" . I ~, '" '" ... '" ~ I '" ... . '" ... ... '" r. ."" ~ 1 '" '" -," . '" '" ... ... '" ... C' . ~ '" '" '" I . ~.I '" '" ,"" '" '" ... '" I , . '...1 '" '" .- '" ... '" ," ... : .; '" '" ... '" <l I ~571 8' 12' 12' 8' (/)." ~ :a (/)." I)> ;U I)> 0< )> :> 0< Cf'T'1 "'T1 "'T1 Cf'T'1 ,0 ~ ~ ,0 0 (') (') 0 f'T'1 f'T'1 ;:0 , , ;U )> :l> Z Z f'T'1 f'T'1 R/W 10' C, f'T'1 >C (/)..... f'T'1..... s:: c: 5' f'T'1'" z-< .., I~ f'T'1 :E I~ VARIES (') :l> .., (') :c ." Q z .., l CEMENT CONC. BARRIER CURB AND GUTTER _ 2% 27._ CI GENERAL NOTES 1 "ON STREET" PARKING PERMITTED 2. REFER TO RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA TION ON STORM DRAINAGE. STREET LIGHTING, PAVEMENT STRUCTURE, ECT OG4-5A.OWG R/W 10' f'T'1 >c ~~ s::C f'T'1 ~ z-< I~ I VARIES (') :l> .., (') I ." Q z .., CI TY OF YELM DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS STREETS OUTSIDE C.B.D. COMMERCIAL COLLECTOR APPROVED OWG. NO CITY ENGINEER DES. D~ SIT SIT 4-5A DATE CKD. DATE 11/27/94 D DO Ie July 17, 1995 Yelm Plannmg CommIssIOn City ofYelm Yelm, WA I have revIewed the staff report dated July 11, 1995, regardmg Mike O'Rear's applIcatIOn for the development of an mdustnal park adjacent to Yelm's Sewage Treatment Plant on Rhoton Rd. (\ V ThIS IS the type of mdustnal development the busmess commumty of Yelm can enthusIastIcally support. Mr O'Rear IS concerned that the staff recommendatIOns call for unreasonable reqUIrements for a develpment of thIS type, and I agree The alternatIve road deSIgn Mr O'Rear has dIscussed WIth me appears to be more appropnate to the nature of the development, reduces the development costs, and actually Improves the vIsual Impact from the street. I would encourage Mr O'Rear and the CIty to contmue workmg together to create a much needed and desirable commercial development. A strong local economIC base depends on our abIlIty to be flexible and creatIve WIth developers. Mr O'Rear demonstrates a desIre and commItment to make a valuable contributIOn to Yelm's economy Ifwe take thIS opportumty to encourage and aSSIst hIm, everyone benefits. ~.~ PresIdent o Yelm Area Chl;Ul1ber of Commez:ce POBox 444 Yelm, Washington 98597 360458-6608 ~ ~ [J A~._----,_________ c c c City ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West ,P 0 Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 '(360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JULY 17, 1995 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, IP5 YELM AVE. W. 1 ~ Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - June 5, 1995 minutes (not available at t,ime of mal.lj..ng. ) ~ . Public,Hearing - O'Rear Industrial 'Park (SUB-f3142) , Preliminary Plat Proposal for a 12 ~ one acre lot plat. Staff report enclosed. 3. John Owen - MAKERS architecture and urban design Presentation on the Draft Design Guidelines Adjourn - 4. Enclosures, are available to non-Commission. me~ers upon request. If you need special ar~angements to attend or participate in this meeting, ,please contact Yelm City Hall, at' 458':"'3244. NEXT REGULAR MEET~NG, AUGUST 7, 1995, 4:00 PM ,(i Recycled paper c CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1995, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 2 . 95-118 3. 95-119 4. 95-120 c 5. 95-121 c CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1995 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, Martha Parsons and Don Miller. Absent: Bob Gallagher. Visitors: Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News; Torn Skillings, Skillings Connolly, Perry Shea, Chamberlain & Associates; and Dennis Su, KCM. Margie Rodriquez, Larry Schrno, Mike Edwards and John Huddleston. Staff: Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam, Ken Garmann, Agnes Colombo. Agenda additions/deletions. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes of June 28, 1995. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING MINUTES OF JUNE 28, 1995 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Approval of Payroll MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE PAYROLL FOR JULY 1995. CARRIED. Approval of Vouchers. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS #183560-18465, TOTALLING $206,583.55. CARRIED. 6 . ~ublic Hearing - Six-Year Transportation Program. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 7:33 pm. Ken Garmann introduced Perry Shea, who explained that the program is prepared yearly and has been condensed from 40 to 14 projects that are prioritized by need. Projects 1 (Stevens Ave.) & 2 (Edwards St.) - did not received Transportation Improvement Board funding due to the limited availability of funds. Projects are generally very competitive and need a substantial dollar match. We will attempt to increase the City's match to earn extra points. Project 3 (Y-2 Connector) - Grant awarded in 1993. Hope to begin study by the end of the year. Project 4 (Yelm Ave./Bald Hills Rd. Traffic Signal) - Funding is being accumulated through impact fees calculated on the number of vehlcle trlps generated. PAGE 1 Project 5 (Yelm Ave. Improvements) - For road improvements to the south side of the roadway. Project 6 (Mosman St/) - Realignment of intersection at 1st c=) St. Project 7 (Second St.) - from Yelm Ave. to Mosman repalr shoulders, pave, drainage, walks and lighting. Project 8 (Creek St.) - the developers are working with the City to discuss the process and funding. Hope to have work done the end of next year. Probably 100% of the funding will come from private sources. Project 9 - 14 are scheduled for improvements during the 3rd to 6th year of the program. Mayor Wolf requested public comment on the program. John Huddleston - asked how to get a project added to the program. It was suggested that the first contact be with City staff. However, projects are part of a regional plan with yearly updating permitted. Being no additional comment, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 7:51 pm. a. Resolution No. 332. 95-122 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ACCEPTING RESOLUTION 332 APPROVING THE 1996-2001 SIX-YEAR STREET PROGRAM. CARRIED. ~PUbliC Comment/Questions John Huddleston - Asked if comments would be accepted during discussion of 9 b. Mayor Wolf responded that comment had been received during two public hearings and open work sessions. Shelly Badger added that accepting comment on the agenda item would in essence open an unadvertised publlc hearing. c=) Mr. Huddleston commented that he felt the commercial development parking requirements, which he had believed were being written to allow a trade off for mixed use and benefits were actually going to be made more restrictive than current regulations with 1 parking stall required per 150 sq. ft. of development. Mr. Huddleston belleves this conflicts with the vision's plan intent and will increase development costs. Shelly Badger commented that the Planning Commission recommendation does increase gross parking requirements by 25% (pg. 17.26.5). Staff recommended that the ordinance be adopted as is and that the parking lssue then be referred to the Planning Commission. 8 CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1995 PAGE 2 c Mike Edwards - suggested a wording change from ownership to tenants to the parking requirements found in 17.24.140 B-2 which addresses adjoining parking facilities developed and designed as one parking facility and permits a reduction of up to 15% of the total combined required parking spaces in such situations. Mr. Edwards expressed concern that a mixed use provision lS not included in the ordinance for businesses that don't require much parking; that section 17.24.140 B-3, alternative programs considered for site plan review, does not include specific amounts of parking reductions for such programs, and that the criteria does not have a corrunercial/retail use application; and that creating additional parking spaces conflicts with the Public Transportation Policy's goal to increase public transit. Also questioned were drainage standards. Yelm has matched Thurston County's, which are more restrictive than the standards established by the Department of Ecology. Mr. Edwards felt that many opportunities could be lost by these issues that present the corrununity as not being open to managed growth and being overly restrlctive. Larry Schorno - questioned why the City would change from the current 1 parking space per 200 sq. ft. of developed space to a more restrictive parking requirement? c There were no additional corrunents/questions. 8 . New Business: a. Resolution 331 Agnes Colombo explained that this resolution will permit purchases of up to $15,000 without formal bid procedures. The resolution has specific guidelines on the number of vendors to be contacted and basic information to be obtained. Funds in excess of $1,500 must be approved by the CAO/Mayor. The policy should result in reduced advertising costs and staff time. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ACCEPTING RESOLUTION 331 SETTING PROCEDURES FOR PROCUREMENTS COSTING LESS THAN $15,000. CARRIED. 95-123 9. Old Business: a. Animal Custody scheduled for 8/9/95. b. Ordinance 555 - Zoning Ordinance and Map and Development Regulations. Changes made to the ordinance as the result of discussion at public hearlngs included: 17.06-5 17.12-1 Major/minor auto sales definitions Permittlng mobile/manufactured housing in all residential zones on slngle lots. c CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1995 PAGE 3 17.20.050-B. Establishing a minimum 20 ft. driveway approach and 15' setback on local streets. Auto sales, minor as a permitted use in C-l Requiring foundations for mobile homes Stormwater retention/detention area vegetation. C) 17.26.030-A. 17.63.050-A. 17.80.050-F.2. Comments from the state were received late today and will be given to the Planning Commission for consideration along with any changes to be incorporated into the ordinance. Shelly Badger suggested that Council could adopt the ordinance without the drainage chapter allowing additional study time or adopt exclusive of sections. Tom Skillings - commented that Thurston County had adopted drainage criteria that is more restrictive than DOE's because aquifer protection is critical due to porous soils and a sensitive aquifer. As the same conditions apply to Yelm, Yelm has used Thurston County's Drainage Manual for several years. 95-124 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ADOPTING ORDINANCE 555 LESS THE PARKING AND STORMWATER DRAINAGE SECTIONS AND REFERRING THESE SECTIONS ALONG WITH THE STATE RESPONSE TO THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATION AND THEIR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Yelm's existing parking and stormwater drainage regulations will remain in place. 95-125 c. Resolution 333 - Civil Service Rules & Regulations MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON ACCEPTING RESOLUTION 333 THE CIVIL SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. C) d. Executive Session. Mayor Wolf closed the meeting at 3: 35 pm and announced that Council would be going into executive session for approximately 15 minutes to discuss litigation and a real estate transaction consideration. Mayor Wolf reopened the regular meeting at 8:56 pm. 95-126 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO ENTER INTO A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT FOR $500 IN THE STAFFORD VS. CITY OF YELM CASE PENDING BEFORE THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION, UNDER THE GENERAL TERMS AGREED UPON. ANY SUBSTANTIAL DEVIATIONS FROM THE CURRENTLY NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT MUST BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. CARRIED. 10. Reports: a. Planning - Vision Plan consultant Makers will do a presentation at 4:00 on the 7/17 Planning Commission meeting. b. Parks - Mayor Wolf thanked Kristina Lord for the nice playground article ln the Nisqually Valley News. C) CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1995 PAGE 4 ------,--_r --,-._' ,-;-.__n.._._.___ _._ .___ c Councilmernber Parsons noted recent contributions. Shelly Badger requested that anyone available attend the Canal Park Closing at 10 am tomorrow. Council was asked to consider increasing the park kitchen deposit from $25 to $40 with $20 refundable if the kitchen is left in order. This would help offset costs associated with use of the kitchen. Council consensus was that the increase would be fair. Also requested was Council's view on either hiring an independent landscape architect or entering into an interlocal agreement. Council consensus supported entering into an interlocal agreement. Park use requests. Council recommended that the Lion's Club be contacted prior to notification of approval of the 7/24 request to avoid any possible conflict. 95-127 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING SIX PARK USE REQUESTS. CARRIED. c. Police - Chief Dunnam's report: computer failure, an officer leaving and going to work for Thurston County, activity report to be carried in the Olympian, and request for asked about an IT sponsored DARE bus. d. Public Works - Ken Garmann reported that 2 bids had been received in response to an advertisement for meter reading equipment, minor sewer leaks being repaired, parking lot progress, drainage during Sunday's downpour, and chip sealing. c e. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported on activities and workshops she had attended at the AWC Convention. Issues presented included Initiative 164, street improvements, Waste Water Treatment Plants, park/playground equipment lssues, and operating with limited resources. Mayor Wolf noted that a lot of the problems other jurisdictions are facing, Yelm has already addressed. Observations also reinforced the benefits Yelm's Water Reuse Project will have on other communities. Items/information received by mail and available include HUD's state community ranking for CDBG, Building Industry Association's '95 Legal Victories, Office of Financial Management's '95 Official Population (2,095), and CAPCOM's newsletter and annual report. Mayor Wolf indicated that she had negotiated with Gene Borges and he will continue with Yelm through '95 working 4 days per week; two work days and two vacation days. His goal is to get all funding pieces for the design phase of the Water Reuse project in place before he leaves. Councll and staff were asked to consider riding in the Prairie Day's Parade. Informational flyers were distributed. c Council - Councilmernber Curry attended Thurston Regional Planning Council and Councilmernber Miller attended an IT CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1995 PAGE 5 meeting where they adopted a bus shelter placement and high capacity transit program. Councilmember Miller questioned the South Thurston Mobility c=) Program Award to UCBO for the purchase of two vans and insurance difficulties being encountered. Shelly Badger reported that a meeting has been scheduled with DOT, IT, UCBO and the City concerning the insurance issue. g. The Treasurer's Quarterly Report was distributed. h. Court activity for June '95 showed 122 tickets received; 55 criminal citations and 67 infractions. Agnes Colombo reported that the end of the garbage service trial period is approaching. The last newsletter contained a form requesting comments from residents. Up to this point fewer than five complaints have been received. 11. Correspondence was reviewed. 12. Meeting adjourned at 9:52 pm. Kathryn M. Wolf, Mayor Attest: o Agnes P. Colombo, City Clerk c=) CITY COUNCIL JULY 12, 1995 PAGE 6 c c c SUMMARY CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 555 AN eRDINANCE OF THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON RELATING TO THE ADOPTION OF DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT TO INCLUDE REVISIONS, ADDITIONS TO AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OF THE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE: .... , Section I-Amending Section 14.04.030 of the Yelm Municipal Code CYMC) relating to the responslble official for SEPA. Section 2-Amending Chapter 14.04 of the YMC relating to the threshold criterla for exempt actions under SEPA and adopting SEPA policies. Section 3-Amending the YMC to insert a new Chapter 14.08 relating to "Crltical Areas Resource Lands." Section 4-P..mending Chapter 16.14 of the YMC relating to "Open Space and Parks" and moving it to a new Chapter 14.12. Section 5-Adding Chapter 15.40 to the YMC on Concurrence Management. Sectlon 6-Adding Chapter 15.44 to the YMC relating to vesting on Development Rights. Section 7-Adding Chapter 15.48 to the YMC which adop~s the "Development Guidelines, City of Yelrn, Final January 1995," except for Chapter 5 related to Storm Drainage. Sectlon 8-Amending Sectlon 16.08.010 of the YMC relatlng to the definition of "Short Subdivislon." Section 9-Repealing Chapter 16 10 of the YMC relating to Master Plan Revlew, (has been moved to Chapter 17 wlthin the Zoning Code.) Section lO-.lW1ending Chapter 16.12 170 of the YMC relating to Findings and Concluslons for approval of subdivislons. Section 11-Amending 16 12 330 of the YMC relating to the vesting period of final plat for hook-up to water and sewer Section 12-Repealing Section 16.32.050 of the YMC regarding public hearing notice and postlng, (has been moved to Chapter 17 wlthin the Zoning Code.) Section 13-Arnending Chapter 16.32 of the YMC relating to Findlngs and Conclusions for Blnding Site Plan approval. I ( Section 14-Deleting the current Chapter 17 (zoning code) from the YMC and inserting the new with the following exceptions related to the off-street parking: *Sections 17.24.140, 17.26.110, 17.27.100, 17.28.080 and Chapter 17.72. During the pendency of additionalc=) Planning Commission review of the above sections and of Chapter 17 .72, II off-street Parking and Loading, II the former off-street parking provisions shall remain in effect, and shall be inserted in their entirety as Chapter 17.72. Section IS-Adopting the new official Zoning Map of the City of Yelm. Sectlon 16-severability clause. Section 17-Establishing an effective date. Ordinance No. 555 shall be in full force and effect following passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Completed copies of this Ordinance may be obtalned at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave. W., or by calling 458-3244. Submitted: Agnes Colombo, City Clerk Passed and approved. 4;r~ 11q:!J".,L1 Published: Nisqually valley News, July 20, 1995 Effectlve Date: July 25, 1995 o o c c c YElM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1995, 4:00 P.M. YElM CITY HAll COUNCil CHAMBERS Agenda Item! Motion No. 1 The meeting was called to order at 4'05 p.m. by Chair Tom Gorman. Members present: Roberta Long.mire, E.J Curry, Joe Huddleston, Lyle Sundsmo Tom Gorman and Ed Pitts. ..f'MI"t'1 QLU"Ltcr Members not in attendance: George Knight, Adam Rivas, Glenn Blando--and-Iom_ Gundy Guests. Amos Lawton, City Council liaison Staff: Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann, Shelly Badger 95-17 Approval of the Minutes. MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR JUNE 5, 1995. SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON. E.J. CURRY ABSTAINED. MOTION CARRIED. 2 Development Guidelines Cathv Carlson presented a review of the requirements for manufactured homes and in which zone they are allowed. She outlined the requirements in the City of Lacey and the City of Tumwater Shelly Badger added that they are presently allowed on an individual lot, in every zone except the R-4 zone, and in a sub-division or park. Chapter 17 63 requires porches, foundations, etc. Lyle Sundsmo commented on "site-built" homes vs. manufactured homes, statmg that manufactured homes were almost the same as "site-built" homes. She'lly Badger reported on the work session. The result was that they felt that mobile/manufactured homes should be allowed in all reSidential zones versus excluding them. Yelm Planning Commission June 19, 1995 1 c c c Roberta Longmire and E.J. CUrry voiced concern that people are looking for affordable housmg. E.J. added that she felt manufactured homes should be allowed in R-4 because it is discriminatory to exclude them. The County figures show that Yelm is low on affordable housing. Roberta Longmire stated that there is a lot of affordable housing in the downtown district. Ed PItts stated that he was concerned about affordable housing, he does not belief there is an excess of affordable housing available. He feels manufactured homes should allowed in R-4 as long as they meet comparable standards of construction. Cathy Carlson asked Lyle Sundsmo if he could explain the differences between HUD, UBC AND L&I codes. He stated that the upscale factory built house when it is placed on the foundatIon you would be hard pressed to tell that it was built off- site. They come in all designs with porches, garages, decks, etc. HUD deals with material standards. The issue would be whether or not to allow a properly constructed factory-built, not site-built home in R-4 Manufactured homes are not mobile homes by that definition, however, they are built off-site. They are built with the same construction materials as a site-built home. It meets the Uniform Building Code. Tom Gorman asked what the price range was for manufactured homes. Lyle responded anywhere up to $125,000 Roberta Longmire asked If a requirement to meet UBC code could be added. Shelly Badger went on to add that if a home meets UBC it is allowed everywhere. If it IS a HUD home and meets the defimtion of the mobile/manufactured home it is not allowed in the R-4 but is allowed in the R-6 and R-I0 E.J. CUrry stated she would like to see HUD approved housing m the R-4 zone. Shelly Badger stated that what needed to be done today was for the planning commission to make any recommendations, changes, etc. to the (1) zoning code, (2) the zoning map and (3) the development gUIdelines, before it is forwarded to the CIty council. Cathy Carlson reviewed the Mr and Mrs. Reeder's request to moye a mobile home onto their property, whIch is located in an R-4 zone, bordering the R-6 zone, Cathy Carlson gave a brief comparison of the setbacks in neighborIng citIes. The recommendation for the City of Yelm is to require a 20 ft. setback to prevent vehicles from hanging out over the sidewalk. Tom Gorman reVIewed the tOpICS that needed to be addressed and voted on tonight. Yelm Planning Commission 2 c c c 95-18 95-19 95-20 95-21 95-22 95-23 95-24 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE THAT HUD MANUFACTURED HOMES BE ALLOWED IN R-6 AND R-I0 ZONES BUT NOT IN R-4 ZONES. SECONDED BY LYLE SUNDSMO. E.J. CURRY OPPOSED. TOM GORMAN ABSTAINED. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF MAJORITY. MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON TO KEEP 15 FOOT SETBACK WITH LANGUAGE MAKING IT CLEAR THAT DRIVEWAYS MUST BE 20 FOOT SETBACK IN' RESIDENTIAL ZONES. SECONDED BY ROBERT A LONGMIRE. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION REGARDING LOT SIZE LIMITATIONS DIED. ZONING CODE LEFT AS WRITTEN. MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE TO ALLOW CONVERSION OF THE REEDER PROPERTY TO R-6. SECONDED BY E.J. CURRY MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY E.J. CURRY TO ADOPT THE ZONING MAP AS RECOMMENDED. SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY LYLE SUNDSMO TO APPROVE TITLES 14, 15, 16 AND 17 WAS RECOMMENDED BY THE SUB-COMMITTEE. SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE. MOTION CARRIED. 3 Discussion. Should meetmg date (July 3, 1995) be rescheduled, cancelled, etc.? MOTION BY TO CANCEL THE MEETING OF JULY 3, 1995. SECONDED BY E.J. CURRY. MOTION CARRIED. Roberta Longmire left the meeting at 5.25 o,n, 5 There being no further business, the meetmg was adjourned at 5.30 p.m. The next planning commission meeting will be held of Monday, June 17, 1995 at 4'00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kris Taylor Secretary Tom Gorman, ChaIrperson Plannmg CommIssIon Date Yelm Planning Commission 3 (\ ~ c r V City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 YELM 'NASHINGTON June 13, 1995 Thurston County Advance Planning and Historic Preservation Lynn Dosheery, Senior Planner 2404 Heritage Court SW, #B Olympia, WA 98502 RE: Supplemental information to letter dated May 24, 1994 regarding Thurston County Rezone proposal in the Yelm area Dear Ms. Dosheery: In response to our telephone conversation of June 8, 1995, I would like to clarify the purpose of my letter to Thurston County Planning Corrmission Chair Darn dated May 24, 1995 regarding the Thurston County Rezone proposal in the Yelm area. I understand that the Planning Corrmission had additional questions regarding the letter and via this letter, I hope to give them a better understanding of the intent. The goal of the letter (not an official action of the Yelm Planning Carmission or City Council), was to ask the Planning Corrrnission to re- evaluate the zoning designation of the Four Corner's area based on the past efforts of both the Yelm and Thurston County Planning Corrrnissions during the Yelm Joint Plan process in 1988-1990. I was specifically addressing the grouping of smaller parcels irrmediately adjacent to Four Co:r:ners at the intersection of Vail and Bald Hills Roads. It may be consistent with current County rural policies for these parcels to be at a higher density than the 1/5 zone as proposed. The letter did not intend to include any parcels shown as 1/5 on the 5-2-90 Joint Plan map (which was attached to the May 24, 1995 letter) or parcels to the north of Cook Road and west of Weste:r:n Airpark that do not meet County criteria. I hope this clarifies my original letter, please know that the intent was merely for re-evaluation of this specific area based on prior efforts and the 1993 Thurston County rural policies and criteria. Please contact me if you have any further questions at 458-8405. Sincerely: St~'! ;4 bju;/ Shelly . Badger - J ~ City A 'nistrator cc: Mayor Kathy Wolf Yelm Planning Carmission membe~ /Cathie Carlson, Yelm City Plan~ Rec\'cled paper -') ~' . ~-~~-~~..~ City of Yelm ~ c r U 105 YelmAvenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington '98597 (360) 458-3244 YELM, WASHINGTON' AGE~DA CITY OF Y~LM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1995 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS" 105 YELM AVE " W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approyal of Minutes - June 5, 1995 minutes (not available at time of mailing.) 2.' Development Guidelines, Zoning Code and Amendment-- Revised staff report, enclosed. Work session/action item. 3. Correspondence Supplemental information for TC Plannlng Commission regarding Cou~ty zoning in the area of 4-cotners. 4. July 3, 1995 Regular Plan~ingCommission Meeting Hold at regular ti~e, reschedule or canc~l? 5. Upcoming Agenda Items -( D~sign Guidelihes presentation by John Maker, July 17, 1995 Public Hearing ,on O'Rear Industrial Park, July 17, 1995 6. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-'Cornrnission members upon request. If you need special arrangemehtsto attend or ,participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm ~ity H~ll, at 458-3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, JULY 17, 1995, 4:00 PM * Rec)'clRod 'Paper ~-,-_------,-~___.----,:-l..;__ c c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1995, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item! Motion No. 1 The meeting was called to order at 4'08 p.m. (in spite of a lack of quorum) by Vice- Chair Joe Huddleston. Members present: Joe Huddleston, Ed Pitts, Tom Cundy, Adam Rivas, Lyle Sundsmo, Buffy Clark, Roberta Longmire and Tom Gorman (who arrive at 4.25 p.m.) Members not in attendance: E.J Curry, George Knight, Glenn Blando and Guests. Jim Blandon, Ken Bastion, Ray Carlson Staff: Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann, Shelly Badger DUE TO A LACK OF QUORUM AT PREVIOUS MEETINGS, THE MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 6, 1995, FEBRUARY 21, 1995, MARCH 6, 1995, MAY 1,1995 AND MAY 15,1995 ARE NOW APPROVED AS WRITTEN. 2. Public Hearing: Prairie Lumber & Hardware (SPR-8137) (hearlOg continued from planning commission meeting of May 15, 1995 due to a lack of quorum). Cathie Carlson gave a brief synopsis of the proposal (see minutes to May 15 meeting. Roberta LOngmIre questioned the formula used to assess the amount of money paid by an applicant to the Five-Comers intersection Improvement and/or the Y-2 Alternate Route. Cathv Carlson explained that the city is us 109 a formula, that is used nation-wide, from the Institute of Traffic Engineers Manual. The same formula is used for all applicants. Cathie Carlson went on to add that patterns of traffic is studied, and what kinds of pattern it shows, I.e., who turned left, who turned right, etc. Shellv Badger advised that the planmng department would be reviewing all the transportation issues and this issue will be discussed at that time. Tom Gorman arrived at 4.25 p.m. Joe Huddleston asked the commissIOn members if anyone had additIOnal comments concerning the Yelm Creek issue. Buffie Clark asked how high the Yelm Creek flood plan goes. Tom Gorman asked if it was a 100 year flood plan. Response: Yes. Yelm Planning Commission June 5, 1995 1 c c c The public hearing was closed at 4.36 p.m. 95-15 MOTION BY BUFFY CLARK THAT THE CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE SITE PLAN FOR PRAIRIE LUMBER & HARDWARE (SPR-8137) WITH THE CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. LYLE SUNDSMO SECONDED. ROBERTA LONGMIRE OPPOSED. MOTION CARRIED. 3 Public Hearing: Arnold Ball Mini Mall (SPR-8140) - Hearing opened at 4.37 p.m. by Vice-Chair Joe Huddleston. Cathie Carlson gave the staff report. An application was received by Arnold Ball for a site plan review for new construction of a 10,000 sq ft. retail building, which would be diVIded into ten separate retail store with 1,000 sq. ft. in each. The building will be located at 715 Y elm Ave. E. with the same ingress/egress as Arnold's Country Inn. Adjacent land use to the north, east and west of the site is commercial. Adjacent land use to the south is residential. The proposal includes 60 new parking stalls in addition to the existing parking lot. City parking standards reqUIre a mmimum 50 stalls. According to the Institute of Traffic Engineer's Manual the proposed use would generate approximately 63 PM peak hour trips. It is estimated that of those trips, 35% (22 trIpS) would be captured from existing traffic and 65% (41 trips) would be new traffic generated by the proposal. Therefore, the new impact to the street system would be 41 PM peak trips. The PM peak hour traffic generated by the existing use (Arnold's Country Inn) occurs between 6'00 p.m. and 7'00 p.m. Therefore, PM peak hour trips from the two uses would not occur simultaneously The preliminary drainage plan was submitted by review A Final Drainage Plan and construction drawings will be prepared after site plan approval and prior to construction approval. The proposed conceptual landscaping meets current landscaping/buffer requirements. The City of Yelm Planning Department recommends approval with the following conditions. 1 The applicant shall contribute financially to the FIve-Comers mtersectlOn improvement and/or the Y-2 Alternate Route as speCIfied in the 1992 Ye1m Comprehensive Transportation Plan, 2. The applicant shall agree to submIt an agreement to the future dedication of 15 feet for public right-of-way along the property frontage on Yelm Avenue; 3 The applIcant shall submit an agreement waiving any TIght to protest the formation of a LID or Latecomer's Agreement; Yelm Planning Commission June 5, 1995 2 c c c 4 The final ErosIOn and Drainage Control Plan will conform with the 1994 CIty of Yelm Erosion and Drainage Control Manual, 5 A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted and approved prior to construction approval, 6 Two lanes, one "right turn only" and one "left turn only", for egress shall be provided; and 7 The SEP A comment period will expIre on June 8. The planning commission asks that the comment period be allowed to expire without the need for modification. Comments. Joe Huddleston asked If the entIre area was going to be paved. Shelly Badger advised that it was not being proposed at the present time to pave the existing parking are at, just the new area of construction. Buffie Clark asked what kind of swales were going to be used at the back side of the building. Ken Garmann advised that it is a grass swale. Ray Carlson. engineer for Arnold Ball was introduced. Roberta Longmire asked what kind of set-back there is. Cathy Carlson advised that the side yard is 10 feet, can include the swale area, but the structure cannot be within I 0 feet. Comments from the Public: Ken Bastion. Yelm Travel. 711 Yelm Ave. E., is concerned about the rock wall that will be used for the drainage system, and how would it will affect the drainage system, as his property adjoms the new construction site. Mr. Carlson explained through drawings on the blackboard the type of drainage system that was going to be used. That Mr Bastion's property will not be affected. Mr. BastIon also stated that he had an "agreement" with Mr Ball regardmg access between his property and the Ball property Ray Carlson responded that a certain amount of the property is dedicated to the drainage system. Tom Gorman voiced his concern about future growth and design of buildings. Shelly Badger advised that the design guidelines that are coming to the planning commission next, after the zoning guidelines, if approved by the planning commission implement a few more requirements regarding design. Roberta Longmire asked if any consideration was given to set the building back further? Ray Carlson explained that they wanted to keep the two businesses as two separate entIties and separate parcels of land. Roberta also asked if the property was going to be subdivided. Mr. Carlson stated that it has been surveyed in that manner, Yelm Planning Commission June 5, 1995 3 c c c for that purpose. Shellv Badger went on to add that in the future the land may be subdivided equally and this would allow for that to occur Public Hearing closed at 5 15 p.m. AUDIO TAPE GOES BLANK HERE 95-16 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS THAT THE CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE SITE PLAN FOR ARNOLD'S MINI MALL (SPR-8140) WITH THE CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. TOM GORMAN SECONDED. ROBERTA LONGMIRE OPPOSED. MOTION CARRIED. 4 Development Guideli?f~ and ZO~Y.gfOd - A report CCdhrL ~(1,()60n f<Sk~ ~ Tom Cundv and Roberta Longmire left the eetmg at 5.28 p.m. given by was Tom Gorman left the meeting at 5 45 p.m. Shellv Badger left the meeting at 5 50 p.m. 5 Correspondence - Cathie Carlson gave a report on the letter from Robert Fankhouser regarding the AMTEC proposal. Ken Garmann reported on the public meeting held concerning the AMTEC application. The mailings did not arrive at the agency and the proponent did not show up due to not receiving mailing. Another meeting will be held on June 14, 1995 More testimony will be taken from the proponent and the public. 6 Other - None Respectfully submitted, Kris Taylor Secretary Joe Huddleston, Vice-chaIrperson Date Planning Commission Yelm Planning Commission June 5, 1995 4 ~ \.. / c c """~""~'c,'.o..~,",,_._~_,-~~c-:-:-:-.~ .,.,--...-;"~. ,"'u . - ".-"'-;" ~.------....~~ ~...-. - '-'-"'''='--~''~=-~~''''''''~'''~~''-''~'''~''';.'.'' City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY Of YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1995 4:00 P;M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL C~ERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. L Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of .Minutes February!?, 1995, February 21, 1995, March 6, 1995, May i, 1995, and May 15, 1995 minutes. Continuation - prairie Lumber & Hardware(SPR-S137) .;.. propos~l to construct a 8,500 ~quare foot Btiilding ,Supply Store and associated lumber/storage yard located on Creek Street, south the the Creek Street Apartments. Public Hearing held and closed, at May 15, 1995, meeting. Staff report enclosed. Action item~ 3. Public Hearing - Arnold's MiniMall (SPR-S140) Proposal to construct a 10,000 sqaure foot mini-mall consisting of 10 individual ret~il shops. The proposal site ~s located at 715 Yelm Ave. E. Staff report enclosed. 2. 4. Development Guidelines ~nd Zoning Code.;.. Staff report enclosed. Work session, adoption schedule and possible action item. 5. Correspondence- Thurston County Zoning Amendments to Yelm UGA - Public Hearing Corrunents from the City of Yelm. 6. ,Other- 7. Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-,Cominission members upon request. If ydu need sp~cial a~rangements to attend or participate in th~s meeting, pl~ase contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244. . NEXT REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 19, 1995, 4:00 PM @ Recycled paper (---.. ~/ City of Yelm '" "---j / " \...../' 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 YELM WASHINGTON * * A T TEN T ION * * 9 PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS 9 At the May 15th Planning Commission meeting, a public hearing occurred, on SPR-8137 (Prairie Lumber & Hardware,) however action was not taken due to LACK OF QUORUM. Please review the enclosed minutes from the public hearing and the staff report. If you have any questions on the issues/concerns, call Cathie. It is extremely important that there is quorum for the next meeting, on June 5, 1995. If you are unable to attend, PLEASE call Cathie Carlson - 458-8408, or Dana Spivey - 458-8816, ASAP! ! Thank you. @ Recl'cled paper ."" () "-,. J 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City ofYelm - c c YELM WASHINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (SPR 8140) Arnold's Mini Mall Proposal to construct a 10,000 square foot building consisting of 10 individual retail stores. The City of Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a site-plan proposal (SPR-8140) to construct a new retail building located at 715 Yelm Avenue W. The public hearing will be held on Monday, June 5, 1995, at 4:00 pm in Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, located at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Avenue W., Yelm, WA. All interested parties are invited to attend. Written comments should be directed to the Yelm Planning Commission and may be mailed to P.O. Box 479, Yelm, WA 98597 or delivered to City Hall. Written comments must be received prior to the hearing to be considered by the Planning Commission. Additional information may be obtained by contacting Cathie Carlson, City Planner, at Yelm Clty Hall, (360) 458-8408. Attest: DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published: Nisqually valley News, Thursday, May 25, 1995. Posted in public areas: May 24, 1995. Mailed to property owners within 300 feet: May 24, 1995. * ~~-up.pg _S.i~.':- It 1'1'~AY. ~"'~J.THr cY WfJltJ'rl"~'/""" ....-.-. 3 f),vA)UA( ..,..13t~~ ......;~ - .. .. < : ':>c.ALF: I'" 2' ."'C. :}' .. <f.;. j.t'~ GO;; ,-0 "'-. .J~ &-j..r., ~I.( ,:\0, '<I' J. '" ~ ".;. , v'.:! 's- ~ r !:;(IST. s.IoJE~ COUll ~~ / I I ,,1' / ./t .- IS )..~~(~)I ~\ ~+ I ... +" I'Uf Pvc p.v;, NortS I I\OCKJ;:v SHALL l'E 11~S;;..J.P I."'TII A SM~C;H 1':,-, Z, LelJ' bIMPJ~'CIJ or ~O'l: 5~AU. 11;70 .~R'H TJ I'~OV'i:~ ,""U'I'IUYI 5i/l6IlJ'N " o ! ~ ~ J Fr.;;L'-17.-~-::~.; seA \...E. I '. < ':: ~ . 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FIRE ~'iDP.^~T POWER POW: "'T~CIlED ROCK WALL R~fl~ ~~ ~,~ 1.~. Cf~'HT CONCRETE CURB DETAIL SCALE I"~I' -...- -5- ~"- ... ~ Ii' c ';5; ; ;,", ~I { ", ,,) 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm. Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City ofYelm -..- c c YELM WASHINGTCN MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Description of Proposal: To construct a 10,000 square foot building consisting of 10 individual retail stores. Proponent: Arnold Ball Location of the Proposal: 715 Yelm Avenue W. Lead agency: City of Yelm The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that when subjected to the mitigation conditions set forth below this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checkllst and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. The following condition imposed pursuant to WAC 197-11-340, -350 lS: 1. The applicant shall contribute financially to the Five-Corners intersection improvement and/or the Y-2 Alternate Route as specified in the 1992 Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Contribution is based on the number of automobile trips generated by this site during the PM peak hour. Total PM Peak hour trips proposed to travel through the Five-Corners intersection are fourteen trips at $300.00 per trip = $4,200.00. The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any" right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID or Latecomer's Agreement.) This Mitigated Determination of Significance is issued pursuant to Washington Administrative Code 197-11-340(2). The City of Yelm will not act on this proposal prior to 5:00 p.m., Thursday, June 8, 1995. Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, City Planner, at the address below by 5:00 p.m., June 8, 1995. * D.._~...l..A~__ \ Responsible Official: Kathy Wolf Position/title: Mayor Phone: (360) 458-3244 Address: P.O. Box 479, 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm, WA 98597 Date: May 22, 1995 Signature: ~~ ~~~ You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council, at above address, by submitting a written appeal no later than 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 14, 1995. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Agnes Colombo, City Clerk, to learn more about the procedures for SEPA appeals. This MDNS is not a permit and does not by itself constitute project approval. DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published: Nisqually Valley News, May 25, 1995 Posted in public areas, May 23, 1995 Mailed to adjacent property owners, May 23, 1995 ," , .. o o o c YELM PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT ARNOLD BALL MINI-MALL (SPR-S140) DATE OF STAFF REPORT: DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING: Background The City received an application for SITE PLAN REVIEW on February 10, 1995. Since that time, the City has been working with the proponent on the application. Basic Facts Proponent: Arnold Ball 2329 Log Cabin Rd. Olympia, WA 98501 Owner's Representative: S. Ray Cason, PE 7926 Lorna Drive SE Olympia, WA 98503 Proposal: Site plan proposal for the new construction of 10,000 square feet of retail space. The retail space will be divided into ten retail stores. Access will be provided through the existing ingress/egress location for the site. GUblic Notice: Notlce of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on May 25, 1995, posted in public areas on May 24, 1995, and mailed to adjacent property owners on May 31, 1995. Notice was mailed to the Planning Commission mailing list and the applicant on May 31, 1995. Location: 715 Yelm Ave. E. (Arnold's Country Inn.) Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designation for the site is commercial. Zoning: C-1 Commercial Zone. Yelm Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 17.28. Area Land Use: Adjacent land use to the north, east and west of the site is commercial. Adjacent land use to the south of the site is residential. Shoreline: Not applicable. Critical Areas: Sensitive Aquifer. Resource Lands: Not applicable. C Historic Structures: Soils and Geology: Topography: Air Quality: Parking & Traffic: Solid Waste: Wastewater: Water Supply: Stormwater: Landscaplng: Power and Energy: Noise: .- None. o Spanaway gravelly sandy loam. Approximate slope of the site lS 3%. The proposed project should not substantially affect the air quality. The proposal includes 60 new parking stalls in addition to the existing parking lot. City parking standards require a minimum 50 parking stalls. According to the Institute of Traffic Engineer's Manual the proposed use would generate approximately 63 PM peak hour trips. It is estimated that of those 63 trips, 35% (22) trips would be captured from eXlsting traffic and 65% (41) trips would be new traffic generated by the proposal. Therefore the new impact to the street system would be 41 PM peak trips. - 1;';"2::0 . ~ : aO The PM peak hour traffic generated by the existing use (Arnold's Country Inn) occurs between 6:00 PM and 0 7:00 PM. Therefore, PM peak hour trips from the two uses would not occur slmultaneously. LeMay Garbage Service. City of Yelm STEP system. City of Yelm. The Preliminary Drainage Plan was submitted for review. A Final Drainage Report and construction drawings for the parking areas and impervious surfaces will be prepared after site plan approval and prior to construction approval. The proposed conceptual landscaping meets current landscaping/buffer requirements, Chapter 17.38.00. puget Power and Washington Natural Gas. During daytime hours noise is expected to be average for a commercial area. During nighttime hours noise is expected to be low. o li 2. C The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement to the future dedication of 15' feet for public right-of-way along the property frontage on Yelm Avenue. The City of Yelm, at its discretion, will determine when such right-of-way dedication will occur. 3. The applicant shall submit an agreement waiving any right to protest the formation of a LID or Latecomer's Agreement. 4 . The final Erosion and Drainage Control Plan will conform with the 1994 City of Yelm Erosion and Drainage Control Manual. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted and approved prior to construction approval. 5. 6. Two lanes, one right-turn only and one left-turn only, for egress shall be provided. (j) :5 EM (1tr) IYiwf tJd I od.- Q)(f I 'r C->r fj..) IMcvJ -/:he- *" vLIJ- - . Submltted by, , ll7{)dJ~u.-i-t'J/C.....J -10 -th~-- CdlcLr--nJt;L.:J ~u~ Ca4r!f- Catherine Carlson City Planner Date: 1f1t4r1 3/ / r t :;- , I ' c c , Disaster Risks: Low. o Fire Protection: Thurston County Fire District #2. Police Protection: City of Yelm. APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND POLICIES State Law: The proposal has conformed to all applicable State laws. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA): A MDNS was issued on May 23, 1995. Mitigation included: Five-Corners/Y-2 mitigatlon of $300.00 per each new PM peak hour trip generated by the site through Five Corners, Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designation for the site is commercial. This proposal conforms with the C-1 Commercial Zone requirements/intent and the proposed use is permitted outright. This project shall conform to the City's Municipal Code and Development Guidelines. Yelm Municipal Code: Development and Design Standards: The proposed site plan meets the City of Yelm site plan requirements. Detailed construction and landscape drawings will be required prior to construction approval. o STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City of Yelm Planning Department recommends approval of the site plan application of Arnold Ball's Mini-Mall for 10,000 square feet of retail space with the following conditions: 1. As stated in the Mitigation of Non-Significance, the applicant shall contribute financially to the Five-Corners intersectlon improvement and/or the Y-2 Alternate Route as specified in the 1992 Yelrn Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Contribution is based on 35% (14) of 41 new automobile trips generated by this site during the PM peak hour. Total PM Peak hour trips proposed to travel through the Five-Corners intersection are 14 trips at $300.00 per trip = $4,200. The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID) or Latecomer's Agreement. o eu n e 3, 1995 City of Yelm, Plann~ng Commission P O. Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597-0479 Two items have been evident recently concerning the Yelm area. First there is the new paving and second is the request for more pollution by HiTech Co. I fail to understand how that with all the money it cost to do the re- paving, which really wasn't too necessary, there was not any more professional skill from the Commission to see what the priorlties are with the Yelm problems. First and foremost there is the constant traffic congestion that is not getting any better. The obvious solu- tion to getting rid of most of that is to have solid three lane throughout the entire Yelm strip. Then there would not be the constant delay waiting for someone to make a left turn. With moving the power poles back a ways and some other minor changes, including no parking on Yelm Avenue, thlS could have been done at reasonable cost before the re-paving was done It appears that the so called Yelm bypass is so for into the future that most of us will never see it done. It would help a llttle ~f the Pollce department would allow cars to pass O~o the rlght, after stopping, when there ~s a car stopped to make a \eft turn, but no, that will give you a tlcket, EXCEPT the police can do it even though they are not on a prlorlty case. I saw this happen at the post office several weeks ago That is beside the point, howev- er. The point is that there are cost effectlve ways to get the conges- tion considerable reduced or eliminated and that the Planning Commis- Slon does not have the "smarts" to get that done. The second point I read recently about the health and other problems with people living down wind from Hi-Tech and I also notice that the Commission is apparently willing for Hl Tech to raise the pollution level even more. Air, water, and noise pollution are things that are definitely not deslrable and it is a shame that this city values more Jobs for a very-very few over the health and welfare of the vast majority. I hope that some of you wake up soon before this area turns lnto another one of those cities like Tacoma which long ago aquired the title of "the Armpit of Seattle" Sincerely, GW~ Robert Fankhauser 9129 Kllllon RD SE Yelm, WA 98597-9704 ("\ V 458-7718 ... " C YELM PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT ZONING CODE AND DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES DATE OF STAFF REPORT: MAY 30, 1995 A subcommittee was formed in February 1995, to review and revise the proposed City Zoning and Development Guidelines. The committee members are: Roberta Longmire, Buffy Clark, Adam Rivas, Glen Blando, Shelly Badger, Jerry Prock, Ken Garmann and Cathie Carlson. The C~ty Attorney's (Sandie Mackie and Jim Blundell) also provided assistance and legal clarification on many issues. Public Hearing: The Planning Commission held a public hearing at the regular commission meetings on March 6 and 20, 1995. The City Council will hold a public hearing upon the receipt of the Planning Commission's recommendation. Following is a brief description of the intent for each zoning code chapter, its highlights and significant changes from current zoning. If there was a particular lssue or concern which generated significant discussions, it will be summarized in the applicable chapter. CChapter 17.12 - Low Density Residential (R-4) Low-Density residential is intended to provide areas throughout the city for single family homes that can be served by public utilities. Allowed uses: Single family homes, duplex's, Planned Residential Developments (PRD's), Townhouse Developments, Residential care facilities and mixed use development. Other uses: Home occupation, secondary dwelling within the primary dwelling and family daycare. Density: 4 units per gross acre !~' / Minimum lot size: None. Existing Code - 6,000 sq. ft. L-(a~,o!C-~ Setbacks: Front yard - 15' on local streets 25' on collectors 35' on arterials Existing Code - 25' on all streets Side yard - minimum 5' total 12'. Existing Code - 20' each side. Rear yard - 25'. Existing Code - 25' Main Issue/Concern The main issue in the low-density district was if mobile/manufactured homes should be allowed on single family lots. The committee recommends that mobiles not be allowed on slngle family lots, but are allowed in this dlstrict within mobile home subdivisions. C Chapter 17.15 - Moderate Density Residential (R-6) Moderate-Density residential is intended to provide are~s throug~out the city for a greater variety of housing types ~md afforc;i9-bili~y " ~ o than the low density district, and that can be served by public otilities. Allowed uses: Single family homes, mobile/manufactured homes (individual lots or subdivisions), duplex's or other multi- family structures (4-Plex, etc.), Planned Residential Developments (PRO's), Townhouse Developments, Residential care facilities and mixed use development. Other uses: Home occupation, secondary dwelling within the primary dwelling and family daycare. Density: 6 units per gross acre /~,/ J_ Minimum lot size: None. Existing Code - 7,200 sq. ft.t~~~K:- Setbacks: Front yard - 15' on local streets 25' on collectors 35' on arterials Existing Code - 25' on all streets Side yard - minimum 5' total 12'. Existing Code - 7' each side. Rear yard - 25'. Existing Code - 20' Chapter 17.18 - High Density Residential (R-10) High-Density residential is intended to provide areas throughout the city for a greater variety of housing types and affordability, than the low or moderate density district's, and that can be served by public utilities. C=:.llowed uses: Single family homes, mobile/man~factured homes (individual lots or parks and subdivisions), duplex's or other multi-family structures (4-Plex, etc.), Planned Residential Developments (PRO's), Townhouse DevelopmentB~ Residential care facilities and mixed use development. Other uses: Home occupation, secondary dwelling within the primary dwelling and family daycare. Density: 10 units per gross acre Minimum lot size: None. Existing Code - 7,200 sq. ft. Setbacks: Front yard - 15' on local streets 25' on collectors 35' on arterials Existing Code - 25' on all streets. Side yard - minimum 5' total 12'. Existing Code - 7' each side. Rear yard - 25'. Existing Code - 20' Max. Building Height - within 100' of lower density residential, 25'. All other mUlti-family residential buildings - 35' Chapter 17.24 - Central Business District (CBD) The CBD 1S 1ntended as the financial and business hub of the Ccomm~nitY. Development must enhance people orientation and provide [or the needs, activities and interest of people. Allowed Uses: Same as current uses. Minimum Lots Size: 5,000'. Existing Code - None Max~m~ auilding Size: 20,000' per single.,. st9ry~. Existing Cqde "'""none Maximum Building Height: 40'. Existing.. Code '-60' 4'51 f{)A Udt/~~~f rZ. ~ Jd:>k~ Setbacks: Front yard -" . Existing Code - 10' Side yard - 1~ Existing Code - none, 10' to residential. Rear yard - 20'. Existing Code - none, 20' to residential. Adjacent Areas: Parcels/lots which share common boundary with residential or open space/institutional district will provide additional landscaped setback of 10'. vJ.-1 ~ ,/w · ~ fjro"./X' ~ , ..Le/ 1&/ cruMi when adjacent 0 when adjacent an Main Issue/Concern This chapter, in its original form, provided a lot of emphasis on pedestrian circulation, parking and circulation design and public transportation and pedestrian requirements. The committee recommends the deletion of all text dealing with these issues. The recently developed deslgn guidelines, spearheaded by the Chamber of Commerce, lS much more concise and understandable. One of the next task for the Planning Commission is to review and revise the design guideline and make a recommendation to the City Council. Once the design guidellnes are adopted pedestrian circulation and requirements in the CBD will be addressed. Chapter 17.26 - Commercial Zone (C-1) Intended to provide for the location of community convenience and services that are not permitted in the CBD Allowed Uses: Multi-family (R-IO), Mobile Home Parks and Subdivisions, retail and commerclal establishments, drive-in 0 restaurants I car washes and service stations (minor). Minimum Lot Size: 5,000'. Existing Code - 7,200' Maximum Building Height: 40' Existing Code - 60' Setbacks: Front yard -4>'~~/~xrsting Code - 25' based on 60' r-o-w Side yard - l~ Existing Code - 10, Rear yard - 20'. Existing Code - 20' or 30' when adjacent to residential. Adjacent Areas: Parcels/lots which share common boundary wlth residential or open space/instltutional district will provide an additional landscaped setback of 10/. Chapter 17.27 - Heavy Commercial Zone (C-2) Intended to provide for the location of commercial uses which rely on convenient vehicular access rather than p~destrian. Allowed Uses: Mobile Home Parks and Subdivisions, retail and commercial establlshrnents, drive-in restaurants, sales and servicing of automobiles, boats and marine equipment campers and recycling centers. Minimum Lot Size: 5,000'. Existing Code - 7,200' Maximum Building Height: 40'. Existing Code - 60' Setbacks: Front yard - ____. Existing Code - 25' based on 60' r-o-w Side yard - 10'. Existing Code - 10, Rear yard - 20'. Existing Code - 20'or 301 when adjacent 0 to residential. Adjacent Areas: Parcels/lots which share common boundary with residential or open space/institutional district will provide an additional landscaped setback of 10'. i Chapter 17.28 - Large Lot Commercial Zone (C-3) C~he intent of this chapter is to provide an area for large parcel \velopment which is dependant upon vehicular access. Allowed uses: Uses from all commercial zones Minimum lot size: 5 acres. Maximum building height: 50' [1/ fL, /., /I. Setbacks: Front yard - 151. r~1 CV1~~ of Side yard - 10'. Rear yard - 20'. Adjacent areas: Parcels/lots which share common boundary with residential or open space/institutional district will provide an additional landscaped setback of 10/. (2- ~ ~~ f 10 I Chapter 17.36 - Neighborhood Commercial Zone (NC) Intended to provide small scale retail/services which can be economically supported by the adjacent residential neighborhoods. Allowed uses: Convenience stores. Gasoline in connection with the convenience store, beauty and barber shops and child day care centers. Minimum lot size: 1 acre Maximum gross floor area: 3,000 sq. ft. for single use, 6,000 sq. ft. for combination of uses. Maximum height: 35' CSetbackS: Front yard - 20'. , Side yard - 20'. Rear yard - 30'. Adjacent Areas: Parcels/lots which share cornmon boundary with residential or open space/institutional district will provide an additional landscaped setback of 10'. Chapter 17.39 - Industrial/Warehouse District (I/W) Intended as a less intense use than the Industrial District. The I/W 1S intended to serve as a transition/buffer between the heavier uses in the Industrial District and other adjacent uses. There are no areas currently zoned I/W, however the text is proposed to be adopted so at the yearly comprehensive plan amendment time, land areas can be designated I/W. Allowed uses: Fully enclosed uses to ensure noise protection to adjacent uses. Prohibited uses: Animal slaughtering, care and sale of livestock. Minimum lot area: 10,000 sq. ft. Maximum height: 40' Setbacks: Front yard - Side yard - 15' or 25' if adjacent to residential. Rear yard - 15' or 25' is adjacent to residential. C;hapter 17.40 - Industrial D~strict. (~) , Intended as an area for heav1er, n01S1er industrial uses. Allowed uses: All uses in the W/I district, manufacturing, assembly, repair, and servicing of goods or products. v Prohibited'.,uses: Animal slaughtering, care and sale of livestock. " Minimum lot area: 1 Acre. Existing Code - 1 Acre Maximum height: 40'. Existing Code - none Setbacks: Front yard - 20'. Existing Code - 40' Side yard - 15'. Existing Code - 20' Rear yard - 25'. Existing Code - 40' o Chapter 17.45 - Mixed Use Planned Development District The intent of the mixed use planned development is to encourage imaginative design in an effort to create more open space, encourage a variety of housing types while providing an efficient layout of streets and utilities. Where permitted: Moderate-density residential, high-density residential, CBD, Commercial and Heavy Commercial. Allowed uses: Residential developments of all types and commercial uses consistent with the neighborhood commercial district. Density: The basic density is determined by the underlying zone. The Planning Commission may recommend to the Council a density not less than 75% nor more than 125% greater than permitted in the underlying zone. Chapter 17.48 - Open Space/Institutional District The intent of this chapter is to provide and protect open space for civlc cultural, education and slmilar facilities while enhancing the identity and image of our community. Allowed uses: Parks, greenbelts, golfcourse, institutional buildings such as city hall, fire stations, schools and other public or cultural buildings. Maximum site area: none Building height: 40' Setbacks: Front yard - 25' on mlnor 35' on arterials Side yard - 15' or 25' if adjacent to residential Rear yard - 15' or 25' if adjacent to residential o Chapter 17.57 - Environmental Performance Standards This chapter is intended to provide for the protection of public health and general welfare with minimum standards for the control of environmental pollution. This chapter allows for the city to enforce minimum noise and emission control standards. Chapter 17.60 - Planned Residential Development The intent of this chapter is to encourage imaginative and innovative residential design. Where permitted: Low, moderate and high density residential ~ districts. ~ Allowed uses: Those allowed in the underlying zone and neighborhood commercial. Deli or cafe, laundromat and home occupations. <I Density: 15% increase in the low-density district. 20% increase in the moderate density district. ~ 25% increase in the high density district. To receive a density increase the developer must provide a minimum of three amenities such as: 1) significant recreational areas with swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. 2) Substantial retention of natural vegetation, 3) Landscape the on-site stormwater facility, 4) Provide substantial and exceptional landscaping. Minimum site area: 2 acres or 5 acres if it includes commercial uses. Setbacks: waived, however must be comparable to or compatible with the underlying zone and adjacent uses. Chapter 17.61 - Townhouse Development Townhouse development is intended to encourage infilling of skipped- over parcels in developed area. Where permitted: Low, moderate and high density residential districts. Density: 15% increase in the low-density district. 20% increase in the moderate density district. 25% increase in the high density district. To receive a density increase the developer must provide a minimum of three amenities such as: 1) signlficant recreational areas with swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. 2) Substantial retention of natural vegetation, 3) Landscape the on-site stormwater facility, 4) Provide substantial and exceptional landscaping. ~tnimum lot size: 1 acre .Iaximum lot size: 2 acres in R-4 and 5 acres R-6. Setbacks: consistent with the underlying zone. Chapter 17.62 - Master Plan Development The intent of a master plan development is to encourage innovative design while ensure efficient use of land and infrastructure. By coordination of commercial and industrial designs compatibility to residential units and adjacent properties is pursued. Minimum site area: 200 acres in single ownership. Development standards: combination of the applicable zoning chapters and the comprehensive plan. Chapter 17.63 - Mobile/Manufactured Homes The intent of this chapter is to make the distinction between mobile home parks and mobile home subdivisions and appropriate development standards. Mobile home park - the park is typically in single ownership with individual spaces rented on a month to month or lease basis for the location of a mobile home. Moblle home subdivision - an area of land platted into lots according co the subdivision regulations. Ownership of each platted lot is intended to be fee simple. Where permitted: mobile homes on single lot - R-6 & R-IO mobile home parks - R-6 & R~lO mobile home subdivisions - R:-4, R-6& R-10 .. Development guidelines: ~\~ Mobile home age - maximum of five years at time of installation % ~~obile home width - minimum 24' ~~~ .~All mobile homes are required to have: ~ :~ ~" foundations and tie downs ~ ~ porches - front 4' x 8' and rear 3' x 4' Main Issue/Concern A through discussion occurred on which zoning districts are appropriate to allow mobile homes on single lots. It is the recommendation of the subcommittee that single mobile homes on individual lots be allowed in the R-6 and R-10 zones with the condition of permanent foundations and tie downs. o Chapter 17.65 - Day Care Facilities The purpose of this chapter is to provide distinction between and definitions for child day care, child care facility, family day care home and child day care center. REMAINING CHAPTER SUMMARIES WILL BE PROVIDED AT THE JUNE 5 MEETING. Chapter 17.66 - Special Uses, Conditional Use and Special Use Permits Chapter 17.69 - Horne Occupations o Chapter 17..72 - Off- Street Parking and Loading Chapter 17.80 - Landscaping Requirements Chapter 17.81 - Administration and Enforcement Chapter 17.84 - Site Plan Review Chapter 17.90 - Variances Chapter 17.93 - Nonconforming Uses Chapter 17.96 - Amendments and Rezones Chapter 17.99 - Fees c Chapter 17.102 - Violations .. . v o City of Yelm 105 Yelm A venue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 May 24, 1995 Thurston County Planning Commission Darn Barr, Chair 2404 Heritage Court SW #B Olympia, WA 98502 RE: Corrments regarding Public Hearing on the Thurston County Rezone Proposal in the Yelm Area Dear Chair Barr: The City of Yelm has reviewed the Thurston County rezone proposal in the Yelm area and offers the following corrments: *The rezone of industrial/corrmercial lands inside the Urban Growth Area is O supported and 'Was suggested in the recently adopted Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County. I have discussed comparable County zones with County staff and Thurston County's Light Industrial and Arterial Comrercial zones work well with Yelm's zoning code. Preservation of this area for future industrial and commercial use is extremely important to the City for the much needed expansion of our economic base. *The rezone of residential lands inside the Urban Growth Area from the 1990 Rural Residential 1 Unit/5 Acres zone to Thurston County's 1993 Rural Residential/Resource 1 Unit/5 Acres zone is merely a clean-up amendment for consistency. *We would ask that you re-evaluate the zoning classification for the area outside of the Urban Growth Area, southeast of Yelm, particularly the Four Corners area, at the corner of Bald Hills and Vail Roads. When reviewing Thurston County's rural policies and criteria, it appears that this area may meet the requirements for a 1 unit/lor 2 acres zone. During the Joint Planning process with Thurston County in 1988-1990 (prior to the Growth Manage....nent Act), the area was shown as a 1-2 units/l acre County zone. This came after months of joint meetings between City and County and much input from property owners in this area. o We recognize that Growth Management has changed the way rural zones are assessed and detennined and that the 1-2 unit/1 acre zone is too high of density for the rural area outside of the Urban Growth Area, but ask that you consider either a 1 unit/1 acre or 1 unit/2 acre zone for this area. I have included a copy of a map from the draft Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan, which 'Was very near adoption when it was put on hold due to the Growth Management Act. * &cyckd paper q- . . ..' "-~ o In closing, we would like to take this opportunity to again thank Thurston County for the re-scheduling that was done to process the Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County (adopted February 27, 1995) and for proposing the rezone of lands to be consistent with joint plan policies in the Urban Growth Area. Please contact me at 458-8408 if you or staff have any questions. Sincerely: r '1 1/1 \' . 7 ' II i ~ Y ~'-L LL-r I~i l DCL a~fGA Shelly A.i)Badger J Chief Administrative Officer, City of Yelm cc: Mayor Kathy Wolf Yelm Planning Commission members o o <> YllM JOINT PlAN AREA n ~rnrn[prn~aill oornill[(JUW ~illmm~rn .11_1 SCALE: 1- / .s' a u 1,500 I o 1,500 3,000 feet ~._._,..: RR 1/5 t + .. NORTH ;J7'~~'"'' : :1: HZ D . · o. " · :: = 3: ~ ~lIin1 :~~9.~: IIIJ ,Uli .c V RR 1/2 ~~.. ... ...- ~ . 93rd Ave .z.\:, II, ,. =," /: ~":i AC =/0 ~IIIIIIIIIIIII'I"~"~ ! . SR - - . -OJ Berra Vallev I 'I~"I ' '.\ "''''\ t'J 1'- I I r RR 1/5 I SR 1091h Ave 11111 e RR 1/? 111111111.1..,.TI.II..a.1 T ! I . . 1,111'': '\ I . ,," . "'~ : .I....II.I......~ . . . . a . . . . . . . . 1230 Ave -L I" R R 1/2 :~ I J~ I" I /, I ' 1_11_11 .. JOINT PLANNING AREA ZONING BOUNDARY YELM CITY LIMITS NEIGHBORHOOD CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL L1: LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AC: ARTERIAL COMMERCIAL RR: RURAL RESIDENTIAL (UNITSI ACRE) SR: SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL (4 UNI TSI ACRE) MDR: MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (UNITSI ACRE) HZ: HOLDING ZONE .._II_II_n_lI. ~..........I....I :~..........Hn'...D.............OIlIIllIIIIMIIWIlJl vf.e,r 1Y1 In cu-s-fun ~ft-j J)rcCfrrGc I v1-r -P/CU1 6-~-qO o o o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, MAY 15, 1995,4:00 PM YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item! Motion No 1 The meeting was called to order at 4'03 p.m. by Vice-Chair Joe Huddleston. Members present: Joe Huddleston, E.J Curry, Tom Cundy, Roberta Longmire and Buffie Clark Members not in attendance: George Knight, Ed PItts, Glenn Blando, Adam Rivas, and Tom Gorman. Guests. Dean Detlefsen, Bob Turner, and Richard Reeder Staff: Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann, Shelly Badger NOTE Due to lack of quorum the public hearing for today was heard but votmg will be delayed. Planning commission members absent at today's meetmg will have to review the minutes and the audio tape before a vote can be taken. THE MINUTES FOR APRIL 3, 1995 AND MAY 1, 1995 WERE WITH CORRECTIONS. VOTING ON APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES WILL BE TABLED UNTIL ABSENT COMMISSION MEMBERS HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW. Shelly Badger advised that there were a couple of items to add to the agenda. 1) Correspondence from Richard Reeder, and 2) report from city council regarding county planning commIssion zoning Issue. Vice-chair Joe Huddleston closed the regular session and opened the hearing at 4 09 p.m. 2. Public Hearing: Prairie Lumber & Hardware (SPR-8137) Cathie Carlson gave the staff report. The City received a proposal for construction of an 8,500 sq ft. retail buildling supply store. The proposal also includes approximately 2 acres behind the building for lumber and buildmg material storage. It will be located on 6 acres, located on the east side of Creek Street, between 103rd Ave. S.E. and Yelm Avenue. Comprehensive Plan designtion for the site is Commercial DistrICt. Adjacent land use to the north is multi-family residential, to the south, single family residential, to the east it is bordered by Yelm Creek and smgle family residential, and commercial and mdustrial uses are to the west. The site plan shows 51 parking stalls which exceeds the minimum requirement of 43 Yelm Planning Commission May IS, 1995 1 o stalls. The SIte plan proposes ingress/egress on the southwest comer of the property and egress only on the northwest comer A preliminary Drainage and Erosion Control Plan has been submItted to the CIty A Mitigated Determmation of Nonsignificance was issued on May 15, 1995 The comment period on the determination expires on June 1, 1995 This project shall conform to the City's Municipal Code and Development Standards. The proposed SIte plan meets the City of Yelm site plan requirements. The staffs recommends approval on the application with the conditions regardmg 1) contributmg financIally to the Five-Comers intersection improvement, 2) a 100 foot buffer from the location of the creek bank shall be shown on the site plan and all future drawings (the 100 foot buffer shall not be dIsturbed), 3) the plan shall be submitted with construction drawings, 4) the need to observe the comment period on the Mitigated Determination of Non-significance, 5) that they be required to put frontage improvements to Creek Street per the development standards, and 6) the drainage plan shall meet the requirements of the CIty'S Dramage and Erosion Control Manual. Roberta Longmire questioned whether the figures used in determining the charges for the Five-Comers assessment were accurate. Cathie Carlson explained the "peak hours" used m the calculations. Shellv Badger added that formula in calculating these fees can be revisted since its been two years since counts have been taken. o Comments from the Proponent: Bob Turner reported that they will be preserving the character of the property They are requesting a variance on the elevation of the drainage pond (infiltration). They propose that it be one foot above the high water . (young man nearest door) from Sound DeSIgn, reported that when they submmItted the plans, they submitted a preliminary drainage report and m order to make the SIte work they are requestmg a variance from the storm water manual requirements for the bottom of an infiltration facility to be 3 feet above the seasonal high groundwater table. The propose to make it 1-1/2 feet and instead of putting 3 feet of native material to provide 1-1/2 feet of ASTM C33 sand to treat the stormwater They received a response from Cosmopohtan Engineers saying they didn't want to go along with the proposal so they submitted a second preliminary drainage plan last week. They have not received a response as of today Ken Garmann added that they will be required (to run a perk test, it will require monitoring for potential discharge into the Yelm Creek from that site and a couple of other conditions will be attached to the variance. Bob Turner added that he is reluctant to go through the time and expense of doing complete detailed plans, only to find out that there IS a problem with the proposal. It was explained that a vote could not be taken today due to lack of quorum. The public hearing was closed at 4.36 p.m. c Yelm Planning Commission May 15, 1995 2 c c c VOTE TABLED UNTIL JUNE 5, 1995 MEETING DUE TO LACK OF - QUORUM. 3 Development Regulations and Zoning - Scheduling of final sub-committee meeting. Shelly Badger passed out the most recent draft of the zoning ordinance from the revision done by the sub-committee. There will be one more sub-committee meeting before the plannmg commission takes action. Sub-committee members agreed to meet on May 23, 1995 at 8 00 a.m. The goal is to adopt the zoning ordmance at the June 12th meeting. 4 Vice-chair Joe Huddleston reminded everyone of the Vision Plan Town Meeting on May 18, 1995 at 7'00 p.m. at Yelm High School Little Theater and the Short Course in Planning being offered on May 31, 1995 at 7'00 p.m. at St. Martin's College. 5 Correspondence - Cathie Carlson gave a report on the Thurston County Comprehensive Plan Update. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reeder. 1412 Crystal Springs Rd., Yelm, WA appeared at the planning commiSSIOn meeting to request a reconsideration of zoning to allow them to put a manufactured manufactured home on a single lot they own on Crystal Springs Rd. They were advised they should attend the meeting during the public hearing process on the zoning ordinance. Shelly will send them a notice when the public hearmg is going to be held so they can appear at the hearring regarding their request. 6 Other - Cathie Carlson provided a copy of the "Planning Department Update" which will be a short update of current happenings in the planning department, i.e., current projects, site plan reViews, etc. She will be making this report available at the 2nd planning commission meeting each month. Respectfully submitted, Kris Taylor Secretary Joe Huddleston, Vice-chairperson Date Planmng Commission Yelm Planning Commission May 15, 1995 3 t3 C Backaround YELM PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT PRAIRIE LUMBER & HARDWARE (SPR-S137) DATE OF STAFF REPORT: MAY 15, 1995 DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING: May 15, 1995 The City received an application for SITE PLAN REVIEW on March 30, 1995. Since that time, the City has been working with the proponent on the application. Basic Facts Proponent. Proposal: CUbllC Notice. Location: Comprehensive Plan: Zoning: Area Land Use: Shoreline: Dean Detlefsen 7127 Martin Way SE Olympia, WA 98516 Site plan proposal for the construction square foot retail building supply store. includes approximately 2 acres behind the lumber and bUllding material storage. of an 8, 5 0 0 The proposal building for Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on May 4, 1995, posted in public areas on May 5, 1995, and mailed to adjacent property owners on May 10, 1995. Notice was malled to the Planning Commission malling list and the applicant on May 10, 19~5. The east side of Creek Street, between i03rd Ave. SE & Yelm Ave. The Comprehenslve Plan deslgnatlon for the slte is Commercial District. C-l, Commercial Zone. Yelm Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 17.28. Adjacent land use to the north of the site lS multl- family residentlal. To the south of the site the current use is single family residentlal. The eastern proper~y line is bordered by Yelm Creek and Single family residential. Commercial and Industrial uses are to the west of the site. Yelm Creek. .. C:ritical Areas: Sensitive Aquifer, Flood Plain and Yelm Creek. " 'i:> Resource Lands: Not applicable. o Historic Structures: Soils and Geology: Topography: Air Quality. Parking: Traffic. Solld Waste. Wastewater: Water Supply: Stormwater: Landscaping: Power and Energy. Noise: None. Spanaway gravelly sandy loam. Approximate slope of the slte lS 5%. The proposed project should not substantially affect the air quality. The site plan shows 51 parking stalls which exceeds the minlmum requirement (43 stalls) of the Yelm Development Regulations. The Site Plan proposes an lngress/egress on the southwest corner of the property and an egress only on the northwest corner of the property. The southwest ingress/egress area proposes two egress lanes, one for left turns only and one for right turns only A Traffic Generation and Trlp Distribution Report was prepared by Edward Stevens & Assoclates. Total PM peak 0 traffic generated by the proposed use would be 28 vehicle trips. Of those 28 trips It is estimated that 9 trips corne from or go to the Flve Corners Intersection. LeMay Garbage Servlce. Ci ty of Yelm STEP system In place for the eXlstlng buildlng. City of Yelm. A Preliminary Drainage and Erosion Control Plan has been submitted to the City. A conceptual Landscape Plan has been included in the submitted drawings. The YMC, 17 18 090 minimum requirements for landscaping have been met in the conceptual plans. Detailed Landscaplng Plans are submltted with construction drawings. puget Power and Washington Natural Gas. " Durlng daytime hours noise lS expected to be average for a commercial area. During nighttime hours noise is expected to be low. r ~ ..... .Ii ~Disaster Risks: Low. Fire Protection: Thurston County Fire District #2. Police Protection: City of Yelm. APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND POLICIES State Law: State Environmental policy Act (SEPA): Comprehensive Plan. Yelm Munlcipal Code. ~evelopment and Deslgn Standards' The proposal has conformed to all appllcable State laws. A Mitlgated Determination of Nonsignificance was issued on May 15, 1995. The comment period on the determination expires on June 1, 1995. The Comprehenslve Plan designation for the slte is Commerclal. This proposal conforms with the C-1, Commercial District Zone intent/requirements and the proposed use is permltted outright. This ProJect shall conform to the City's Municlpal Code and Development Standards. The proposed slte plan meets the City of Yelm site plan requirements. Detalled construction drawings will be required prior to construction approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City of Yelm Planning Department recommends approval of the site plan application for the prairie Lumber and Hardware Retall Store wlth the following conditions. 1. 2 . c The applicant shall contribute financlally to the Five-Corners intersection improvement and/or the Y-2 Alternate Route as specified in the 1992 Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Contribution is based on the number of automobile trips generated by this site during the PM peak hour. Total PM Peak hour trips proposed to travel through the Five-Corners intersection are nine trips at $300.00 per trip = $2,700.00. The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement Distrlct (LID or Latecomer's Agreement.) The elevation of the Yelm Creek is approximately 96.05' and adJacent to the site on its east~ly property llne. The Site Plan and all future drawings shall be required to show the Yelm Creek bank at its approximately location. A 100' buffer from the approximate location of the creek bank shall be shown on the site ,,~ '. to. plan and all future drawings. disturbed. The 100' buffer shall not be 0 3. A detailed Landscaped Plan, in accordance wlth YMC 17.38.( shall be submitted for approval by the City. The plan shall be submitted with construction drawings. 4. The MDNS comment period expire. 5. Frontage improvements to Creek Street are required as per City Development Standards. The applicant may request a deferral of improvements and enter into an agreement waiving any r1.ght to protest the formation of a LID or Latecomer's. 6. The Drainage Plan shall met the requirements of the City's Drainage and Erosion Control Manual. The plans shall be submitted to the Publ1.c Works Department and approved by the City Submi tted by I ,.., ~' /' C' J~ ,I " ., /.--- d.JiM_ \( ,v"-,, 'i'./. J Y Catherine Carlson City Planner Date: ~ "', / / / I. ( , '; I ...; ~ ~I : -r ....... ( / ~ ---- o .. o ~ c). City ofYelm - 105 Yelm Avenue West P-O Box 479 Yelm, ,Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 DATE: May 15, 1995 ( TO: Yelm Planning commission FROM: Cathie Carlson RE: ~-lanning Department Update Short Course in fllanning Workshop - May 31, 7:'00 PM at St. Martin's College~ Worthington Center, Lacey, WA. c' Olympic Air Pollutton Control Authority -held a public hearing today on AMTEC's proposed interior remodel/expansion. Because AMTEC's proposal for an interio~ remodeling includes an increase in the plant's polystyrene emissions, they are required to obtain approval and perm'ittihgthrough the Olympia Air Pollution COIlt;:rol Authority. The only City requirement for the proposed project is for SEPA review. As lead agency the City ~ssued a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance on April 6, 1995 (attached.)' If AMTEC :(eceives approval from Olympia Air :pollution Contro1 Authority the City will be responsible for issuing b~ilding permits. ' Current ProjectB Short Subdivisions (division of land into Four or fewer parcels) The Plannihg Department is currently processing five sho~t plats. Three ih the Single Family Zone, one in the MUlti-family Zone and one ~n the Commercial Zone. Boundary Line Adjustments Th~ School DistriGt has applied fora Boundary Line Adjustment for their property located on Mill Road. The Boundary Line Adjustment is the first step in preparatlon for the eventual construction ofa new school on the site. c Preliminary 2Iats The Planning Department is currently reviewing a Preliminary Plat application for an Industrial Park. The proposed plat is for 12 - one acre sites. The Planning Cominission will be holding a Public Hearing on the proposal by the end of June. A recommendation from the Planning C9mmissiop will likely come before the CouIlcil in July. * Recycled paper c o c Site Plan Reviews prairie Lumber and Hardware - New Construction of an 8,500 square foot building supply store. The Planning Commission will be holding a Public Hearing on the proposal May 15, 1995, at 4:00 PM. Arnold's Mlni-Mall - The Planning Department is working with the application on a proposal for the new construction of a 10,000 square foot building which will house 10 retail, specialty shops. Planning Commission will be holding a Public Hearing on the proposal in June. Slopak Addition - The Planning Department has received an application for the addition of approximately 2,200 square feet to the existing complex located on 1st Street South. Planning Commission will be holding a Public Hearing on the proposal at a later date. The Planning Department continues to receive numerous calls each week from Real tors, Appraisers and the general public. There appears to be a continued interest by new businesses to locate in Yelm. o o c CTIY COUNCIL JON w HALVORSON Mayor EARL YSE A. SWIFT Deputy Mayor ANN BURGMAN' WILLIAM A. BUSH HERB JONES NAL"J'CY J PETERSON JAMES J. WEBER Slwpmg our commlmitu toget/rer ~ CITY T lie ,rll:TV" POST OFFICE BOX "B" / 420 COLLEGE ST SE OF ~ '.D.Jf.. LACEY, WASHINGTON 98503-0507 CTIY MANAGER GREG J CUOIO THE CITY OF LACEY INVITES YOU TO "A SHORT COURSE ON LOCAL PLA1~lNGfI Every few years one of the commumnes m Thurston County sponsors "A Shon: Course on Local Planmng /I whIch IS put on by the Planmng ASSOCIatIOn of Washmgton and the WashIngton State Depamnent of Commumty, Trade and EconomIc Development ThIS year the CIty of Lacey IS happy to be the host of thIS 3-hour seSSIOn designed to keep elected OffiCIalS, planmng commISSIOn members and others mterested m communIty planmng updated on plannmg related Issues We are mvmng elected offiCIals, appOImed offiCIals, sraff and cltlzens from other JunsdICtlons and agenCIes In the county Three guest speakers WIll be presemmg and dISCUSSIng a vanery of Issues thar offiCIals and staff most often have questIons about. The speakers WIll also update the audIence on the most recem changes and trends pertaImng to local planmng and the preparatIon and Implementanon of comprehenSIve plans Some of the topICS presented WIll Include conduct of publIc meetIngs, appearance of farrness, updatmg local comprehenSIve plans to meet the reqUIremems of the Growth Managemem Act, Involvmg cltlzen partICIpatIOn In the planmng process, wols used for unplememmg the comprehenSive plan once It IS adopted, and developmg effectlve workmg relatIonshIps between cuy councIl/coumy COIIlffilSSIOners planmng commISSIon and staff TIus everung course WIll be held at the Worthmgwn Center at Samt Martm's College 5500 PaCific Avenue m Lacey, from 700 - 10 00 p m on Wednesday, May 31, 1995 There WIll be no charge for admiSSion and refreshmems Will be served Weare lookmg forward to lIvely dialogue WIth queStIons and answers between the audIence and guest speakers A final agenda WIll be sem Out approxunately one week pnor to the course If you have any questIons, call me at 491-5642 " -5elJ?i6 Robert L PatrIck Commuruty Development Director _~_'TTln'Dal~"._~~I.o.C..........."";l_C~L__\I____~__-=. _ _____~.-:!. _.__ c c c d) c o o ~ ~ U\ '- \ A' o .: ~ "i~ t ~~t ~ :~ ~~ i<:::.J I L ~ i ~ ~ "- ~ , ~, .... ~ ~. "'I ~ ... ~ Iq ~ ~ o ~ I'\$- ~ ,,~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ R c : L., (r-- Is l\ \ 1/ '1 'I ~~~."~:.S..;:~~!_,-,.. \' ;'t "/: MAY _ 9 1995 \ ~ \j . .).L_ ~ ! It I i \ Ii \', STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY, TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 906 Columbia St. SW · PO Box 48300 · Olympia, Washington 98504-8300 . (206) 753-2200 May 2, 1995 The Honorable Kathy Wolf Mayor, City of Yelm Post Office Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 Dear Mayor Wolf Thank you for sending us your adopted comprehensive plan for the city of Yelm We received the plan on March 8, 1995, and would like to provide our comments and those of the state Department of Ecology o Most significantly, we think you have accomplished some good work on your first comprehensive plan under the Growth Management Act You have looked at how your community will be growing in the next 20 years and have made important decisions on how that growth can be managed in keeping with your vision for the future Especially commendable are (1) joint planning work with Thurston County, (2) optional elements on historic preservation, economic development, the environment, and parks/open space, and (3) supporting documents and ordinances In response to our comments on your draft comprehensive plan, we appreciated the response Yelm provided on each of the points made on the City's plan by CTED, the departments of Ecology and Fish and Wildlife, the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, and the Puget Sound Water Quality Authority These comments expedited review of Y elm's adopted plan We also appreciate that you have made changes to the final plan For example, (1) stormwater provisions have been strengthened, (2) information was added to the land use map to clearly indicate that the densities do not apply until a sewer system is in place, (3) policies of the Nisqually River Management Plan will be considered in adopting Yelm's development regulations, and (4) Yelm will consider DFW comments on its interim critical areas ordinance when development regulations are prepared These additIons have strengthened your plan c ~~.. _ ~.~__ 0__ Y!J~,' The Honorable Kathy Wolf May 2, 1995 Page Two o We encourage you to continue your growth management work When you prepare any first-year amendments for the plan, we recommend that some parts of your plan be revised Here are our specific recommendations · Yelm plans to grow from a community of about 2,000 to 12,000 or more This means growing from a small town to a medium-size city We do not think that Yelm's vision statement and land USe element adequately desciibe this phenomenal growth Nor do we think that the plan policies are well developed enough to deal with growth of this magnitude We continue to have concerns regarding coordinated service delivery and adequately, timely sewer service capacity Strong policies to phase development in an efficient manner need to be included in the comprehensive plan . We continue to think that Yelm's unincorporated urban growth area is much larger than necessary to accommodate 20 years of population growth, even though Yelm has taken another look at it We do not agree that subtracting 1036 1 acres of land inside the city limits from UGA calculations while adding 2,551 acres of unincorporated land is appropriate in sizing a UGA Please work with Thurston County to scale back the size of the unincorporated UGA o · A process for identifying and siting essential public facilities is needed If you have questions or concerns about our comments, please call me or Rita R Robison at (360) 753-2222 We extend our continued support to you in achieving the goals of growth management and look forward to seeing your draft development regulations Congratulations to your community for the work they have done Sin.c.erely, ~'1 /i,NL: Steve Wells Assistant Director Growth Management Services SW/co Enclosures cc Alexander Mackie Shelly Badger, City Administrator Department of Ecology o . "i/?>~;.;.~;~~~q;~~':"'>7::7~';;. 'i~ , ~' - -". -? ';':.;,( ,: r ...,.". \ ,..~' ".,;,~-,,". :~~;:.,..f.M:r?J-~ :~;;:, it. ;,:;;... '-~.._'.u' -~, ~'l~"':1,5'~r " I - ~; ffiGHLIGHTS OF ,:.~:f:;;r .i,)/f , ,...1995 THURSTON COUNTY COMPREHENSIVEPLAN-@l:1l9)A~,~,~j ,~~>~~~;:t:(f, ~ ,';(;;?\.;;~l~:F ;1" <':\~NlfASSOCIATED >REGULATIONS~l'I~' g'~ U'\!AL~.};~~~;~?t~~:l;t 0, ,': i:5<~~ W AdO~~d AP~ 17, 1;~;1;1\(\' "MAY. 2 ~' [I f~ ; \ t " " I J,.. I 1 U \,.;- i , , On April 17, 1995, the Thurston County Board of Commissioners adopted-amendments,."to the:'; Thurston County Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning Map, and established a new Concurrency Management System for road facilities. These amendmelzts bring the County into compliance with the Washington State Growth Management Act and the Thurston County-Wide Planning Policies. The following summarizes the key amendments for each mojor subject heading in the Comprehensive Plan. o o. . ' . . ~ .', .... ::.. ,', ,', .~, Land Use e CIa...-rlies t.ltat the adopted J omt Plans will govern land use decisions Wlthm t..lte umncorporated Urban Growth Areas around the citIes and towns. Adds an analYSIS showing that the Urban Growth Areas collectIvely will accommodate the County's 20-year populatIon forecast. Estabhshes a Final Urban Growth Area for the umncorporated commumty of Grand Mound. Recogmzes that the remauung Rochester-Grand Mound area needs further study to deternune specific land uses, zoning densitIes, and urban growth boundary. Recogmzes that most of the County's Sub-Area Plans created in the 1970's and early 1980's are no longer up-to-date and, therefore, changes theIr status to that of background mformatIon only. However, the Nisqually and Rochester Sub-Area Plans remam policy documents. Includes minor changes to Future Land Use Map and land use descnptions, conSIstent with 1993 rural zoning decisions Amends Offictal Zomng Map to' adopt "final" rural zomng (Rural ResidentIalfResource--l Unitl5 Acres) for that portion of the OlympIa Westslde outside of the urban growth boundary; rezone several parcels to industrial zomng WItlun Tenmo urban growth boundary, conSIstent with adopted Tenmo Joint Plan; rezone several parcels that were removed from the urban growth boundary by the adopted Tumwater Jomt Plan to t.he appropnate nJr.:Jl zone; and rezone several state-owned parcels to the Public Preserves zone. . . . . . . Housin~ . Adds informatIon about housing affordabihty, housmg preservation and rehabilitatIon, SpeCIal needs housmg and the regionally developed Fair Share Affordable Housing targets, and adds new pohcies to address these tOpICS. Transportation . . Adopts new Concurrency Management Ordmance to ensure that road improvements needed to serve new development are provided at the tune of development or that the financmg IS m place to make the unprovements within SlX years. Updates level of service standards for County roadways. Updates pohcles and maps, consistent WIth the Thurston Regional Transportatlon Plan. , ..J ,.. ~".."l;. .~ ,~. ~'~ ; ;:~, - :, Capit~ Faciliti.es .'. . ';'J;;: tf::"';:\"'""!F' . . . '!:~;)~:ih::-rll;:t~~:~f;'~:"l; ~f~: ~!L~t,'., ) rl~'" fi;;l~::d'~'~\'i<'~ :""~t:"'~f": r: . }t- :f"'f .~-tt(]r ~ :. t.i:,f~::!:~'~;l' uPdates' the 1994~1999"Capital Facilines Plan to'ad((iilfonnation for:" the ye<p";' .~. (~~;~:;~:':to~ ru;; ;=J:h:;~~ ~ih:':%~~= as par~. W:~~:~~iormwater~"{) facilities and roads), a forecast of future needs, a sIX-year financing plan, and strategIes for'~ .,""addressmg. fundmg shortfalls, Identifies lands needed to accommodate public facilines. Incorporates the regionally developed process for SIting essential pubhc facilines into both the ComprehensIve Plan and Zonmg Ordinance. Essential public facilines mclude correcnonal facilities, landfills, state colleges, and aIrports, . . ~ :., .. . . Private Utilities · Adds mventory of existmg and proposed locanon of pnvate utilities (electrIcal, telecommumcanon, and natural gas hnes). · Adds pohcIes to ensure coordinanon between the County and utility providers, to encourage Jomt use of utility comdors, and to mmmuze potentIal adverse impacts on surrounding propertIes, ? Economic Development · Updates background informanon and pohcies to reflect current condItions and to ensure better conSIstency With the econorruc development pohcIes of CInes and towns throughout the County. Natural Environment o · Updates background mformation and policies, conSIStent with adopted water qualIty plans and programs and the adopted Cnncal Areas Ordmance. . Adds regIOnally developed poliCIes on wellhead protecnon, · Adds new map identIfymg important greenspaces located WIt1un and between urban growth areas, and adds strategies to preserve these greenspaces. Plan Amendments · Clarifies process and schedule for future ComprehensIve Plan amendments, mcludmg those that mvolve a Joint plan amendment. Please Note: Copies of the updated Thurston County Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Official Zoning Map and Concurrency Management Ordinance can be purchased at the Permit Assistance Center in the Thurston County Courthouse, Building #1, 2000 Lakeridge Drive Sw:, Olympia. Reference copies are also available at local libraries throughout Thurston County. For more information, call Thurston County Advance Planning at 786-5222, or 1-800-624-1234, extension 5222. 46:rb o t:~';' .~\:... .,'". ,'oj}_' ." I:':;T;I/;,',": c SIGN IN SHEET FOR SPEAKERS MEETING: Yelm Planning Commission Meeting LOCATION: City Hall Council Chambers DATE: May 15, 1995 AGENDA ITEM(S) Public Hearing SPR 8137 - Prairie Lumber please sign ln if you wish to speak at the meeting. c PLEASE PRINT I ( r!.h)' rl c( fecO t::.- t2- iii) ~f{!S.+A/ ~fUt111 RI Addres~tfi/~ 3S/'/SI fel1t~5h Mailing 7Y tJ~?-- Name Address Name Address Mailing Address Name Address Mailing Address Name Address Mailing Address Name C Address Mailing Address G '"""'~ , 0 o c City of Yelm """""" 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458,.3244 AGENDA CiTY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION M9NDAY, MAY 15, 1995 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, ~oll Call, Approval of Minutes May 1, 1995 minutes and Revised April 3, 1995 minutes as approved on May 1, 1995. 2. Public Hearing -- rrairie Lumber & Hardware (SPR-S131) Staff report not available at time of mailing. 3 . Development Regulations and Zoning Schedule final sub-committee meeting. 4. Upcoming meetings - Vision Plan - Town Meeting, May 18, 7:00 pm at Yelm High School Little Theater Short Course in Planning - May 31, 7:00 pm at St. Martin's College, Worthington Center, Lacey, WA 5. Correspondence- Thurston County Compreh~nsive Plan Update. CTED's final review.and comments on yelm's Compr~hensive Plan. ' 6. Other- 7. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall,at 458-3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 5., 1995, 4: 00 ,PM * Recycled JXIper o c c Agenda Item! Motion No. 95-12 2. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, MAY 1, 1995, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The meeting was called to order at 4'03 p.m. by Vice-Chair Tom Gorman. Members present: Glenn Blando, Roberta Longmire, E.J Curry, Adam RIvas, Joe Huddleston, Buffie Clark, Lyle Sundsmo and Tom Cundy Members not in attendance: George Knight, Ed Pitts and Tom Gorman. Guests. Tom Skillings, Julie Gallagher Staff: Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann, Shelly Badger Approval of the Minutes. THE MINUTES FOR MARCH 20, 1995, WERE APPROVED WITHOUT CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES. THE MINUTES FOR THE APRIL 3, 1995 MEETING WERE APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS. Public Hearmg: Gallagher Remodel (SPR-8141) The hearmg was opened at 4'07 p.m. Staff report given by Cathie Carlson. Cathie reported that the sub-site plan proposal for the remodel of existing 3,160 square feet of retail space. The space will be divided into four separate areas, ranging from 620 sq ft. to 960 sq ft. The adjacent land uses to the north and south of the site are commercial. To the east is Jay Hawks parking lot and to the west is the raIlroad track. The sIte currently has gravel area for parking which can accommodate 13 stalls. There is also on-street parking available and there is an informal agreement with Jay Hawks for additional parking. The staff recommends approval as proposed, without any conditions. Tom Cundv arrived at 4 10 p.m. Applicant: Julie Gallagher complimented the staff of the planning department for their helpfulness. Public Comments. No comments The public hearing was closed at 4 15 p.m. Yelm Planning Commission May 1, 1995 1 c o c 95-13 95-14 MOTION BY E.J. CURREY THAT THE CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION FOR GALLAGHER REMODEL (SPR-8141). GLEN BLANDO SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. 3 Correspondence - Notice of Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance for AMTEC Corporation. (No action required, informational only). Cathie Carlson gave a brief report on the internal remodel being done by AMTEC An environmental determination was done because they are working with the Air Pollution Control Authority m OlympIa. This IS mformatIonal only and no action will be required by the planning commission. 4 Other: Similar Use - Applicant Julie Gallagher Staff Report: CathIe Carlson reported that after the Gallaghers had submitted their site-plan review application they were approached by an interested party for a exercise/health club Staff has checked the code is see if an exercise/health club would be an allowed use and if not what procedures were available to explore that use. SectIOn 17.26030 (PermItted Uses) says "SImilar uses as determined by the town council." The determination needs to be made if this use is allowed. MOTION BY LYLE SUNDSMO TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE USE BE APPROVED. E.J. CURRY SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. Public Workshop - Vision Plan Shellv Badger reported that the last publIc workshop will be held on May 18, 1995 (evening). It will be the last public workshop on the vision plan and draft design guidelines before it comes to the planning commission. Personal inVItations will be sent to each planning commission member with the date and time of the meeting. Planning Seminar - Cathie Carlson announced that there was gomg to be another planning seminar available on May 31, 1995, 7.00pm - 10.00pm at St. Martms College. The City of Lacey will be providing flyers, which will be included in the next packet to the planning commIssion members. If anyone is interested m attending please let Cathie know Development Regulations - Cathie Carlson advised that they are at Sandy MackIe's office bemg edIted and revised. The final will hopefully be available for the planning commission review in time to take it to the CIty council on June 5th. Yelm Planning Commission May 1, 1995 2 o c c Comprehensive Plan - Shelly Badger advised that the sixty (60) day appeal period ends tomorrow (May 6th). 5 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4.30 p.m. The next planning commission meeting will be held of Monday, May 15, 1995 at 4'00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, K~~ Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairperson Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission May 1, 1995 3 c c c SIGN IN SHEET FOR SPEAKERS MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM( S) LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: 5 / 1 / 9 5 Please slgn ln if you wish to speak at the meeting. PLEASE PRINT Name fU It I / 11 <e R -ee (( H ~ Rid If J( j J? iff) Eli-- Address / t-( / '1 Mailin~ress Name ~ Address J 6-/ () Mailing Address Name (b tZ Y J fA-) SIP fZ /J~ r P (/ J ~~ e 1l v~ ~~ ~I-/ ~ S ~ J F-7J ~~ 9P50.:3 Address Mailing Address Name Address Mailing Address Name Address Mailing Address o YELM PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Gallagher Remodel (SPR-8141) DATE OF STAFF REPORT: April 24, 1995 DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING: May 1, 1995 Background The City received an application for SITE PLAN REVIEW on April 14, 1995. Since that time, the City has been working with the proponent on the application. Basic Facts Proponent: Doyal & Julie Gallagher 1510 College St. SE F-7 Lacey, WA 98503 Proposal: Site plan proposal for the remodel of existing 3,160 square feet of retail space. The retail space will be divided into four separate areas, ranging in gross floor area, from 620 square feet to 960 square feet. Access will be provided through the existing ingress/egress location on the southeast corner of the site. o Public Notice: Notice of the Public Hearing was publlshed In the Nisqually Valley News on April 20, 1995, posted in public areas on April 21, 1995, and mailed to adjacent property owners 'on April 20, 1995. Notice was mailed to the Planning Commission malling list and the applicant on April 26, 1995. Location: 205 N. 1st Street, between puget Power and L & W Safe Storage. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive plan designation for the site is Central Business District. Zoning: CBD, Central Business District. Yelm Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 17.26. Area Land Use: Adjacent land uses to the north and south of the site are commercial. To the east of the site is Jay Hawks parking lot and to the west of the site is the railroad track. Shoreline: Not applicable. OCritical Areas: Sensitive Aquifer. Resource Lands: Not applicable. o Historic Structures: Soils and Geology: Topography: Air Quality: Parking & Traffic: Solid Waste: Wastewater: Water Supply: Stormwater: Landscaping: None. Spanaway gravelly sandy loam. Approximate slope of the site is 3%. The proposed project should not substantially affect the air quality. The site currently has a gravel area for parking which can acconunodate a minimum of thirteen parking stalls. Additional public parking is available along the property frontage and across the street. Minimum on-site parking requirements of the Yelm Municipal Code (YMC) , Chapter 17.38, are sixteen parking stalls, calculated at 1 stall per every 200 square feet of floor space. Staff has worked with the applicant to obtain as many stalls as possible in the limited space and feels that the number proposed is sufficient. YMC 17.38.010 states "consideration from the Planning conunission should be glven as to the requirements/standards for off-street parking as they pertain to the Central Business District." The existing and proposed lngress/egress is located on the southeast corner of the site. No improvements are proposed to the current parking area. o LeMay Garbage Service. City of Yelm STEP system In place for the existing building. City of Yelm. Stormwater on the site is not pretreated or contained on site. The site plan does not propose any changes to the existing topography of the site or the addition of any impervious surfaces. YMC does not require the applicant to make improvements to the existing stormwater runoff. Currently there is a small landscaped area between the sidewalk and the fence on the eastern property llne. No improvements or changes to the existing parking area are proposed, therefore no additional landscaping would be require pursuant to YMC, 17.18.090. o O Power and Energy: Noise: puget Power and washington Natural Gas. During daytime hours noise is expected to be average for a commercial area. During nighttime hours noise is expected to be low. Disaster Risks: Low. Fire Protection: Thurston County Fire District #2. Police Protectlon: City of Yelm. APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND POLICIES State Law: The proposal has conformed to all applicable State laws. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA): The proposal is exempt from SEPA review. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designation for the site is Central Business District. This proposal conforms with the CBD, Central Business District Zone requirements/intent and the proposed use is permitted outright. o Yelm Municipal Code: This Project shall conform to the City's Municipal Code and Development Standards. Development and Design Standards: The proposed site plan meets the City of Yelm site plan requirements. Detailed construction drawings will be required prior to construction approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City of Yelm Planning Department recommends approval of the site plan application as proposed for the Gallagher Remodel of 3,161 square feet of retail space. Submitted by, ~U~ C~~ Catherine Carlson City Planner Date: '1/2.& / q -s- I I c (' S,',o ?faN 'R t1<. T.,.a.<:.l....~ 'rJ e. $, ....... 1;"/7'...;:" ..bo'-'~ r G-,,(/,,<?4e/~ .../j/3-I<?7'">- .?O'S'" tV 1 "7S- -/_1-/_9r;:-' ( o _:,~~''>:''';--'''' ~; ~:- ;:. r I ~-' 1 l' I I J... ! ;, 0 t 2 -, i""tl q('T" ,7,.)<<>- - ;'/I..'-{ '.0 ! ~-r~"~ ~ I I I i i I i E ff = 1 :, " ~ ~ ~ ~~' -'> l' 3" ,y -, l' ~ r O';';,<e J::- ~'~"-ii' b ! ! IQI _I, , , ..J.:J I -, ~~J ., I I I i Ir.-. , '''I - " i I~ 4 I I I" I i ~ I -;-., )\ : '-' :... ( ,- . II I"" i 9jc !~ -- r--- ...-'.--rI;~' -._-",- ~';.:;t ~ U:.. :..,,' ,J, 1 . (,;rO Sj';'-' I r Idh;::~- :.~.I t \ -! ~ ~ .- # ~ 5,'/'<<.;.11<"'::;' .l,. >:< ..... '- E tP:;'~:.5::- cr.gc Sp r-:- :-o:J~;~-! .: 'V"r:: - . ~.od'.-' ---~ ---:; ._--;,...:- wf..<.., ~~Q;'" ..0....4' ""?f~T'.c..,._ i..~",~...ci...o\ .3~lt<.(.....'-f ~/:;.-j' S',?OT o~u:,.- ~ ;:'.T"'I E'''S1'" --A! ;; ..:.-- TQ.Y/",;z~"'S ?..1..rl'('"7 !.."",.- ..-..- .s fa IlL '-0,;10. /1<. --::;> -"r o ____.....-~~..._..............._.__.. .....-- ~ .~_..:....__. _ _,._n_~._ o City of Yelm J 05 Yeim A venue West POBox 479 Yeim, Washington 98597 NOTICE OF (206) 458-3244 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE AMTEC Corporation proposes to convert an existing chemical storage area (400 sq. ft.) to a paint booth and to convert an existing area (1,500 sq. ft.) occupled by Rainier Processing to a grindlng room. The conversions will requlre the installation of two new smoke stacks. The City of Yelm as lead agency for this action has determined that when subjected to the mitigation condition set forth below this proposal does not have a probable signiflcant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, an envlronmental impact statement (EIS) wlll not be requ.1.red under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Thls decision 'Nas made after review of a completed environmem:al checklist and other information on f.1.le with the lead agency. This informatlon is available to the publlc on request. o The cond.1.tion imposed pursuant to WAC 197-11-340, -350 lS: A.1'1TEC Corporation must secure approval and all appllcable per:nits from the Olympic ll.ir Pollution Control Aut:.horlty. All conditlons of approval set forth by Olymplc Air Pollutlon Control Authorlt:.y shall be met by P.~'1TEC Corporation This Mitigated Determination of Slgnlficance is issued pursuant to Washington Administrat:.lve Code 197-l1-340 (2) The City of Yelm will not act on thlS proposal pr.1.or to 5:00 p.m., Thursday, Aprll 21, 1995. Comments must be submitted to Catherine Carlson, City Planner, at the address below by 5 00 p.m., Aprll 21, 1995. You may appeal this determination to the Yelm City Council at Yelm City Hall, P.O. Box 479, Yelm, WA 98597 by subm.1.tting a writt:.en appeal no later than 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 26, 1995. You should be prepared to make speciflc factual obJections. Cont:.act p..gnes Colombo, City Clerk, to learn more about the procedures for SE?A appeals. This MDNS lS not a permit and does not by ltself constitute proJect:. approval. MDNS Issued By, MDNS Issued: April 6, 1995. c Kathy Wolf ...,// ~J ,. i . n r ~ fir r: Mayor /, ~,...-C "-J /:/ ~,:-cl-' -----___________J:____~__________________________________ DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Nisqually Valley News, April 13, 1995 Dept of Ecology wjchecklist Olympic Air Pollutlon Authorlty wjchecklist All Agencies on ~A mailing list Publish: Copies to: ,,.,.~ ._~.-~.,-....,._~,~ -~, v~" G "'- City of Yelm ......... 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box,479 Yelm, Washington 98597' (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, MAY 1, 1995 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AYE. W. 1. C<;lll to Order, Roll Call, App]:'oval of Minutes March 20., 199.5 and April, 3, 1995 minutes. 2. Public Hearing - Gallagher Remodel (SPR-8141) Staff report enclosed. c 3. -Correspondence- Notic~ of Mitigated Determination of Nopsigniftcance for AMTEC Corporation - nb action required, information oI;lly. 4 . caD Similar Use Determination Cathie Carlson 5 . Vision Workshop, May 18, 1995- Shelly Badger 6. Other- 7. Adjourn- Enclosures are availci:bl.e to non-Commission members upon request. If you heed special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeti.ng, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MAY 15, 1995,4:00 PM c * Recycled paper c (' V c City of Yelm 105 Yelm A venue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 NOTICE OF MEETING CANCELLATION CITY OF YELM PLANNING COl~ISSION MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1995, 4:00 PM ***NOTICE*** The regular meeting of the Yelm Planning Commission scheduled for Monday, April 17, ~995 has be cancelled due to lack of business. Please contact Cathie Carlson 458-8408 if you have any questions or would like to discuss a future agenda item. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------.-------- NEXT REGULAR MEETING DATE: MONDAY, MAY 1, 1995~ 4:00 PM YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------,------- * Recycled paper o c c Agenda Item! Motion No. 95-10 2 95-11 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 20 p m by Chair Tom Gorman Members present Glenn Blando, Roberta Longmire, E J Curry, Ed Pitts, Tom Gorman and Adam Rivas Members not in attendance Buffie Clark, George Knight, Joe Huddleston, and Tom Cundy Guests Dave Prutzman, Windemere Real Estate and Robinson Homes, City Liaison Amos Lawton Staff Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann and Dana Spivey Approval of the Minutes THE MINUTES FOR JANUARY 17, 1995, WERE APPROVED WITHOUT CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES. THE MINUTES FOR THE MARCH 6,1995 MEETING ARE STILL BEING WORKED ON. Public Hearing' Kingsview Ct., Division 2 Final Plat (SUB-8110) Staff report given by Ken Garmann Ken reported that the sub- division is fully constructed and is essentially complete The final plat certificate is currently prepared but we don't have a copy of it yet The Public Works Department is requesting that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the city council Dave Prutzman representing Windemere Real Estate and Robinson Homes, Inc commented that some areas need to be reseeded and the planting strips in the berm will be filled with hydroseeding They are waiting for the homes to be completed before hydroseeding Included in the packet is the Homeowner's Association and the maintenance agreement for the common area IT WAS MOVED BY E.J. CURREY THAT THE CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE KINGSVIEW CT., DIVISION 2 FINAL PLAT (SUB-8110) TO CITY COUNCIL. GLEN BLANDO SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. 3 Proposed Development Regulations and Zoning Code - Subcommittee update on progress and time line r\ o Roberta Longmire gave an update on the sub-committee work sessions concerning the zoning ordinance She reported that the sub- committee has been using the Lacey ordinance and revise it for the City's of Yelm's use In the R-4 and R-6 zones, it is recommended that "agriculture uses" be taken out of it In the R-6 "mother-in-law home," it was decided to have it not exceed 50% of the coverage of the lot In the CBC section there was a lot of discussion about outdoor sales (i e , sidewalk) Adam Rivas added that he though the sub-committee had agreed that some outside sales would be allowed for flea market, etc in certain locations throughout the year All uses would be allowed in R-6 and R-1 0 Supply stores, fabric stores, auto supply stores, hotels, motels, minor service stations, hardware stores, flea markets would be allowed outside sales four times a year per location and only three days at a time Photo, electronic and video stores and the car wash weren't in a commercial zone so we are requesting that those be added C-2 was changed to C-1 to include pet hospitals and nurseries c Cathie Carlson reported that Sandy Mackie will be giving the city an u p d ate 0 nth e mob i I e horn e issue to m 0 r row Tom Gorman thanked the sub-committee's effort in going through the voluminous material Tom also asked if some kind of draft would be drawn up for review Cathv Carlson advised that the original documents (Lacey's ordinance) that was used will have strike- throughs on everything that is being taken out and then underline everything that will be included in the Yelm ordinance 4 Correspondence Cathie Carlson reported that the minutes from the City of Yelm/Thurston County Joint Public Hearing held on December 7, 1994 were approved No action is needed by the Yelm Planning Commission 5 Other E.J. Currv brought up discussion regarding a lack of quorum at the planning commission meetings Cathie Carlson said that members can be called in the morning just to make sure there will be a quorum and notify members so appropriate action can be taken It was asked that if members cannot be present at the meetings, they should contact Cathie at 458-8408 c Yelm Planning Commission April 3, 1995 2 (\ ~ c c 7 Other - No additional business There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4 40 P m The next planning commission meeting will be held of Monday, April 17, 1995 at 4.00 p m Respectfully submitted, K~!~4v Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairperson Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission April 3, 1995 3 (" '''---/ c c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 4:00P.M. YELM CITY HAIJ~ COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - March 20, 1995 minutes (March 6, 1995 minutes not a~aila~le at time of malling. March 6, 1995 minutes will be schedul~d for April 17, 1995.) 2. Kingsview Ct., Division 2 Final Plat (SUB-S110) ~ Staff report not available at time of maillng. 3. Proposed Development Regulations and zoning Code Subcommittee Update on progress and timeline - Roberta Longmire 4. Correspondence- Approved minutes from City of Yelm and Thurston Count:y Joj.nt Public Hearing, Deceruber 7, 1994 (enclosed.) 5. Other- 6. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-CoTI@ission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in thjs meetingr please contact Yelm City Hal], at 458-3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 17, 1995, 4:00 PM * Recyckd paper c c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1995, 4'00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item! Motion No 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 03 p m by Chair Tom Gorman Members present: E J Curry, Ed Pitts, Tom Gorman, George Knight, Roberta Longmire, Joe Huddleston, Adam Rivas, Glenn Blando, and Tom Cundy Members not in attendance Tom Cundy and Buffie Clark Guests Dennis Su, Tom Skillings, Jack Reugh, Mike Adams, Steve Lamborn and Nancy Weidinger Staff Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann and Kathy Carlson Approval of the minutes March 6, 1995 minutes unavailable at the time of meeting} Audio tape was to be copied for commission members to review before tonight's meeting 2 Continuation of Public Hearing from March 6, 1995 - Development Regulations and Zoning Ordinance and map consistent with the recently adopted (February 22, 1995 by Yelm City Council and February 27, 1995 by the Thurston County Board of Commissioners) Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County Shellv Badger gave a synopsis of what transpired at the meeting on March 6, 1995 The purpose of the meeting today is to take public testimony One topic the planning commission is considering today is the Development Guidelines for the City of Yelm, which the commission has been working on for the past six months In response to the Comprehensive Plan adoption, there is a new draft zoning ordinance out for public review and testimony A sub- committee has been appointed to go through the zoning ordinance page by page to make comparisons with the existing versus the new codes Tonight's hearing is a continuation of public testimony and inquiry concerning these items c c c A recommendation by the planning commission to the city council will be made and there will be an opportunity for additional public comments on the draft of the ordinance at the city council level The final topic for public hearing testimony is the map designating land use Further public hearing is being taken at this time concerning those designated land uses The next planning commission sub-committee work session is scheduled on March 21, 1995 at 1 00 p m at the Yelm City Hall Public Comments Nancv Weidinoer, Yelm provided copies of the Microwave News, the World Health Organization and packets of information for each commissioners Ms Weidinger voiced her interest is seeing zoning that would limit where microwave towers could be erected She would like to see the towers erected at least 2000 feet from any school and that towers never be erected in residential areas Tom Gorman noted that letters had been received from KCM (Thurston Highlands), Windemere Real Estate, Intercity Transit, and Washington Natural Gas Shellv Badoer said the staff requests additional time for the sub- committee to go through the remaining documents It would then come to the full planning commission for recommendation on the proposed changes to the zoning ordinance. The hearing was closed at 4 20 p m 3 Public Hearing - (SPR 8133) Tim's Pharmacv Expansion - Proposed Site-Plan for 5000 So. Ft. Expansion Proiect The hearing was opened at 4 22 P m Staff Report. The staff report was given by Shellv Badger The proposal is to expand the existing pharmacy store by 5000 sq ft going east toward \the telephone company There are also plans to revise the parking layout and adding to it and plans to demolish the fire station The fire station is currently listed on the Yelm inventory of historic places but not listed on the Yelm Register A listing on the inventory does not prevent demolition of the building The proposal shows 54 stalls With the removal of the fire station, it will allow Yelm Planning Commission March 20, 1995 2 c c c right in and right out access to the site off of Yelm Avenue The site- plan also proposes a one-way alley traveling west towards 1 st Street. The parking areas will be paved Final drainage report and construction drawings for the parking areas will be prepared after site plan approval and prior to construction approval The planning department staff recommends approval of the site-plan with two conditions 1) The completion of SEPA, together with the required comment period, 2) the applicant shall contribute financially to the Five-Corners intersection improvement which has been calculated to be $2,100 00 The staff also requests that the planning commission authorize the planning department to work with the applicant if they chose to phase this project and not demolish the fire station initially The applicant may decide to remodel the fire station and lease the facility Tom Cundy, planning commission member arrived at 4 26 p m Applicant. Tim Larsen, Tim's Pharmacy has received comments from people saying they want him to leave the fire station for its as historical value He stated he would probably not demolish the fire station right away, but will use it for storage Tom Gorman asked if the full proposal was being considered tonight Tim Larsen, advised that this proposal is the full extent of what improvements would take place in the future Public Comments Mike Adams, from Mikey's Pub voiced concern about the width of the alley area located behind his business and the location of the telephone pole located in the alley Bob Howard responded that the pole would be in the planter area, in a area protected by a curb Ken Garmann advised that the Department of Transportation did not have any concerns about the turn-in, turn-out of the parking lot. The State Department of Transportation is picking up the costs of striping, etc on Yelm Avenue Mike Adams also asked how much of the parking was going to be designated as reserved parking Tim Larsen, advised all of it Mr Adams then wondered what the time frame was for the paving project Tim Larsen, estimates within the next two to three months Mr Adams asked if there were going to be tow-away signs installed Yelm Planning Commission March 20, 1995 3 c c c 95-09 Steve Lamborn, asked if there was any danger to the building next door to the fire station during demolition Bob Howard advised that each building has an independent wall The engineer who looked at it has said it shouldn't be a problem Shellv Badoer added that an additional letter had been received from Jenny Overton regarding any parking restrictions behind the businesses Shelly contacted the chief of police who said there were no plans to limit parking behind the businesses Roberta Lonomire, was concerned that there might not be enough required stalls if Tim's Pharmacy "gives away" a number of its designated parking stalls The public hearing was closed at 4 50 p m MOTION BY E.J. CURRY TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE SITE- PLAN APPLICATION WITH THE ADDITION OF THE STAFF'S RECOMMENDATIONS. MOTION SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS. MOTION CARRIED. 4 land Use Short Course - Shellv Badger advised that if anyone wanted to attend the seminar "Land Use Short Course," they should contact either the City of DuPont or the City of North Bend to register Ed Pitts and Tom Gorman said they would both like to attend 5 Continuation of Discussion on Size/Number of Planning Commission Members - Kathv Carlson, reported on a survey she made of cities of like size (Morton, Eatonville, Elma and McCleary) E.J. Currv suggested that the number of members on the commission be reduced to 9 members Tom Gorman recommended that the number of members be reduced by attrition 6 Discussion on future Planning Commission meeting dates and time - Kathv Coleman wondered the planning commission members have a preference for evening or day meetings 7 Other - No additional business Yelm Planning Commission March 20, 1995 4 c c o There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5 02 p m The next planning commission meeting will be held of Monday, April 3, 1995 at 4 00 p m Respectfully submitted, Kr~~r Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairperson Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission March 20, 1995 5 I I ' - -- - - - 1- ----- - ---- -- -- --- - - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- - - -- - - --- - - -+ - -- ---- , ~.+ S R. 507 YELM AVE. /+ , I I , I , I I I , I I I , I , I , I I I , I , I , I , I , I , I , I I I , I , I , I , I , I - -- - .- - --.r -.- - - - - - - - , I , I I ~ I f /" I !f+# , if I f;- I It I 0 ~..t:r::'~"/ 0 ::=r:~~:;:: ~ " E-. tj ~ o [.., t] ~ I #. , + I (\. o l{) ~ o .,'U I .... f1.1VIo _ J,U' _____ ~_ :,.,~~r",..1 ,-CQOOC.NY.SJ.',:IJ_o ,Otl:JoolC._.NJH/' ~ o --1 I TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY FOR TIM'S I I _""~~ITHCf""'" l1,oImV't<'(lH( --- ~_~~'t:;t~'_~_~~~~ - . - ~ ~ = . ,,' Jo I I + I .,'.' 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OAT< fE"9, 199' LEGENO ~ STRUT CCNftRtlNC IoIOfIUMf.Nr TRAFnC 90lLARD nR'C HYDRANT WA1[R W[T["R M WArnr VAll.{' w Os SAMTARr SCWfR MAN'"'L"tE 0 SAMT,IoRr scwp~ CIEAf/ OUT CO 00 STORM DR,IoIN 24. 01.10 (ArCHBASlN '" CA rCH BASIN 1 POle ,IoNCHOR -<>p POWfR POt.C 0. P'OM.lf '\lAULT co CAS MC TrR 'li' GAS VAL\-{" In TElCPHONE 900n.. .,,'" lARGE 5tGN 0 rR,IlFnc SIGNAL PatE 0 DECIDUOUS me f rfNCC PO.T - t; - .. CIlJlM ~fl _ POI nEv.<lrtCW + - '1'5_ _ nl"","", ~A,{ lM O~."{AC LfGAL OlSCRIPnON LOTS 1,1.8,9.10 ,IoND ",N 8LOOo:' .5 OF v,/((,OJ/I/ II~:'T ,IoOOlnQN TO Yt'lV AS RCCOPDfD IN VTXU.I.U 8 1),1 , ... '''. PAGE 1", RlCORDS Of" mURSTQN CO/)NTY 1'\',11',1".11;'1"/ ~'Q~~. ~...J~/~, '~CI '''w , ,~ 1i: d.'1 \\;'.:;;,if":,. ..t ~/" /2!P 7_', 19~5 E. mUE_& ASSOC. P.O 80X 90" }'[LM. 1+A 9/j.591 ".58-2.!l94 .91[[T , or I DRAWNi'; fJlJIoIBLf/f 9A..IHoP o PUBLIC HEARING (SPR 8133) Tim's Pharmacy Expansion PROPOSED SITE-PLAN FOR 5000 SQ. FT. EXPANSION PROJECT o The City of Yelm Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing to receive comment on a site-plan proposal to demolish the old fire station and revise parking to serve 5,000 sq. ft. expansion to existing Tim's Pharmacy, at the Southeast corner of First Street and Yelm Avenue. The public hearing will be held on Monday, March 20, 1995, at 4:00 pm in Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, located at 105 Yelm Ave W., Yelm, WA. All interested parties are invited to attend. Written comments must be received prior to the hearing and can be mailed to Yelm Planning Commission, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597, or delivered to City Hall. If anyone has more questions regarding this proposal, please contact Shelly Badger, City Administrator, at 458-8405 or at Yelm City Hall. ATTEST: {J\?U 0 {!Ju.-b Agnes colomb~, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published; Nisqually Valley News March 9, 1995. Mailed to adjacent property owners March 7, 1995. Posted in public areas March 7, 1995. o o _.. _......_..._...__-_-..,;...,;;.,- -oJ- -...-......-..;..~.- - ~.;.ww-..~~.. -~-..-...-.-_.;J ._~_ _,..;-..";,,..,.;;..,_ -..... .-,-...-........,;,..,J_ A WORK SESSION FOR C.QUNCILS AND PLANNING COMMISSIONS Mr. John Wallace, senior partner of Ogden Murphy & Wallace, will cover various land use tOpiCS including: Open Public Meetings Act Necessity of findings and conclusions How to conduct a public hearing Appearance of Fairness Doctrine The "takings" issue April 5, 1995 - City of DuPont 7:00 p.m. City Hall Confirm your attendance with Dennis Clarke, City Planner, by March 31 (360) 964-8121 C Date Change from Previous FAX April 13, 1995 - City of North Bend 7:00 p.m. City Hall ... . Confirm your attendance with Donna Datsko, Community Development Director, by April 11 t (360) 888-1211 These sessions are hosted by A WC RMSA members throughout the state. Thank you to all the city staff who take the time and effort to make these seSSIOns a reality Questions? Contact Jerry Spears or Tracey Chnstianson at the Awe RMSA office (360) 753-4137. c ..-,.....,~~..- ,.. . ~ .. ,.' """':~-..,_.. ... ~ . "1\ '.,. .=... '. . .. ...... .' . ~ ~. ~ r:J'J. ~~. 00 =r ~. ...,.. ~ . .~ = = .~ r.I). (t>. , '..~,c.~". OJ-l4-95 10 l8PM POI rl u c n LJ . ,. :--'.:..:...._:'.,~_._-...'-..~............'..-:.;.. .~ ~,...- ......~_....,._~...~__.,~ i,., VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET fJv..i>//c-- IffaI/llt{ DA~E: /YjafLh ZiJ /q15' , De.JltITIY1 nd ~V;5 +- MEETING: P'af'~~ ~'l;';}/"7 LOCATION: _f:/L1 __~ _It/_ AGENDA ITEM ( S) . 6y!h fl,J.tLh(J? OF Po NIL- 4,tlJU\-VJ froW) IYJa(fJt L" / 11 <;: ~111/71 ~ . Pi /1 L fir. '1 ()fl '11/11 's fJhl/rrtlt1ul ,~,ft' PlAy! ' Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting QI if you would like to receive-future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) I~I~I=- Cfk I 0{ I X I X 1 I I I I. I I .. I I I I I !J)ItAJe.f OJ iAi~f'~ Address PO. l3r?c/ Name MailinC' Address Name Address MailinC' Address Name \ Address I MailinC' Address I Name I Address I MailinC' Address Name - Address I Mailino Address Name Address Mailino Address wpSl\forms\signin () u c (; G "_,'",,_,,,,_,'~U;.Nr~~"';'.:';_.....,........v,_:.,..;~ VISITOR SIGN IN" SHEET MEETING: '?\~~ ~ ~[~OV'- LOCATION: C DATE: AGENDA ITEM ( S ) Please sign in if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive-future mailings. PLEASE PRINT SELECTION(S) I JG:N::A I WillJ:N}:31 strn<ER Name OQ~ T ~ T Address to) II ~~- ~ ' . I I Mailina Address ~G I)JA- ']81DII t-W. 4, I Name ~~ 3l~~_ I I I Address SOIl" Lwc.el (3(,d s::e: ~ 1111 I I I Mailino Address . I I ~... ~ ./ Name 1\ \ 1)~ S "^ \\ce-( , S PIA (S Address ~ \Of Y~Lfv\,.!>-Nt E Ytt.. "^' ~ Mailino Address ~~.~ Dft ~~~ I Name Address I Mailing Address wp51\forms\signin c ~ --- - ----~ ----~-- --~-~--- - ~ -~r--- -- ----- - City of Yelm 105 Yelm A venue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1995, 4:00 PM YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - March 6, 1995 minutes, (unavailable at time of mailing.) 2. Continuation of Public Hearing from March 6, 1995 Development Regulations and zoning Ordinance and map consistent with the recently adopted (Feb. 22nd by Yelm City Council and Feb. 27th by the Thurston County Board of Commissioners) Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County. 3. Public Hearing on Tim's Pharmacy Site Plan (SPR 8133) - to demolish the old fire station and revise parking to serve 5,000 sq. ft. expansion to existing Tim's Pharmacy located on the Southeast corner of First St. and Yelm Ave. (Staff Report unavailable at time of mailing, it will be distributed prior to meeting.) C 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8 . f" \----./ Land Use Short Course (flyer enclosed) - Shelly Badger Continuation of Discussion on Size/Number of Planning Commission Members - Group Discussion. Discussion on future Planning Commission meeting dates and time - Group Discussion. Other - Adjourn - Enclosures are available tq non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, 458-3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 3, 1995, 4:00 PM * R~cycled pap~r YELM, WASHINGTON 98597 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Thurston Fiona Reeves , being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she/he is the 9 e n era 1 man age r of the Nisqually Valley News, a weekly newspaper That said newspa- per is a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publications hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Thurston County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper consecutive weeks, commencing on the ? day NOTICEOF-SPECIAI. MEETING i A Special Meeting has been call- \ ed by the Yelm Planning Commis- sion for 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 9, 1995 at the Yelm Police Department, 118 Mosman 'Avenue SE, Yelm, Wash- ington. This workshop has been\ scheduled to review the Draft Yelm Zoning Ordinance and other related development regulations. Attest: Agnes Colombo, City Clerk Published in Nisqually Valley News, Thursday,March 2, 1995. That the annexed is a true copy of Spl Meet-Plan Comm o it was published in regular issues (and not in supplement form) of said newspaper once a week for a period of 1 of March ,1~ 95 , and ending on the 2 day of Mar c h ,19 q '1 both dates inclusive and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ 9 . 00 which amount has been paid in full. ~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~ day ofrYltlA . March 19 95 o ;;. _.-,~~.)'~ -d' Y I Wash' '..!, " .... ;i.::; .K, ,.j ."',, .:;r9Sl mg at em, mgton. 'i~lk:'i"'t~~~~W~ffif;'~~~1~~-~;;!!,t:'~'}~~~~?;'~~:~'\i~~$tt,~1.:~.t~~~~~:~~;1Jrft~~j~~~~?,t:~~\" ~~';. ?1;;;I..;;:j~:' '~:'::'i,.' " ~ \~'r l~~i'~;~W~~'; 1( " ~jj'i,:'(i""".:'...:ii}~: ...., '. - '~''i'''''~ '~,",."'. n;w.,,'.' J,..'.'i,',:' ."', .. ~~,": ::;\{i~,~;,i,'~'iThls form offiClallysanctloned'by the i:'i:>.,q.0"!l!,:,' . '<'i><N-,"'d;, "'~~i~\~~~~f~ ~. "61~ers"~~~~i,;~~{;;1'fif:;i,i: "i'-. .1. . ....-- ---_....._---~-------~.. ._-_._~=~..:::.;.=~-====:::::==::..:-~.. .- ~\ ,_." .~.-:... ..:'~ o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING' YELM PLANNING COM:.MISSION" ON PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND ZONING CODE DATE: PLACE: PURPOSE: Monday, March 6, 1995 at 4:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Avenue West, Yelm, WA Public Hearing on Proposed Development Regulations and Zlning Code The Yelm Planmng COmmISSIOn will hold a pubhc heanng on proposed Development Regulanons and Zonmg Code, conslStent Wlth the Draft Comprehensrve Plan and Joint Plan wlth Thurston County Development regulanons will mclude the formanon of and/or amendments to the: ( a) Zomng Map, (b) Zomng Ordinance, ( c) Critical.Areas Ordinance, (d) SEP A Ordinance, and (e) Development Standards Testimony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the Plan received by the close of the public hearing on March 6, 1995. Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the addresses shown below. After the public heanng, the Yelm Planmng COmmlSSlOn may hold one or more worksessIOns, at whIch the proposed Development Regulanons, and tesnmony receIved will be reVIewed and drsct1.ssed. Acnon on the Development Regulanons by the Plannmg ComrmssIOn 1.5 scheduled for March 20, 1995, after whIch the matter will be referred to the C~ elm City Council. i'he prop~sed regulations under conslderanon for reVISIOns mclude Yelm's Zomng Code m Title 17, SubdiVISIOn Code m Tine 16. EnVIronment Code m Title 14, Yelm's Intenm Resource Lands and Cnncal Areas Ordmance (as ye! uncodified), as well as other DroVlSlons from the Yelm}s Mumcmal Code. wmch need to be made conslSten! wuh the ~ . ' Comprehensrve Plan and. form Plan wrrh TIzuTSron Counrv, currently under cOTI.SIderanon by the Yelm Cuy Council and the Thurston County Board of COrnIDlSSSlOners. Final acnon \Vi.il be ta..1{:en on the ComprehensIve Plan pnor to final acnon on the Developmem Regulanons. CopIes of the proposed Developmem Regulations are available at Yelm City Hall and at Timberland Reg:J.onal Ubrary, Yelm branch, located at 105 Yelm Avenue West, Yelm, Washmgton. For more mformation, contact Shelly Badger \VIm the City of Yelm at 458- 8405. ATTEST CIty of Yelm ~ // ' I {I (~1" ,)/ 0'" h Agne Colombo, CIty Oerk U-"'f! aty of Yelm provide: re/lSonable accomnuxiations to ~01U WIth disabi1iJie:r. If you need special tommodations to attend or participate, call the aty Qerlc, Agnes Columbo, at (206)458-84fU at least 72 hours before the meeting. ========================================================= DO NOT PUBUSH BELOW TEIS LINE Published in the N"zsquajly Val1ev_N~.r._Eeb't:!1';"'::<L1_';_",.---:l_"'_'_(,\"''''' c c o MINmES CITY OF YEIM PI.ANNJN; <XMUSSION MEETItC Monday. March 6. 1995. 4: 00 1M Yelm City Hall Council Chanbers Agenda Item #1: The meeting was called to order at 4:10 PM by Chairman Tom Gorman. Members present: Tom Gorman, Glenn Blando, Roberta Longmire, E. J. Curry , Joe Huddleston. Members not in attendance: Tom Cundy, Buffie Clark, Ed Pitts, George Knight and Adam Rivas. Guests: Ed Moore, Jamie Haveri, Intercity Transit Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann and Sandy Mackie, Owens Davies Mackie Agenda Item #2: Due to a lack of quorum, Mr. Mackie advised the Cornnission members that they should open the Public Hearing on the development regulations and the zoning code, take public testimony from those in attendance and continue the Hearing to the March 20, 1995 meeting, keeping the record open till the 20th. Planning Commission members not in attendance this afternoon need to review the written testimony and the March 6, 1995 minutes prior to taking action on the development regulations. with that, Chair Tom Gorman opened the Hearing on the proposed development regulations and zoning code, consistent with the Draft Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurs ton County, at 4: 15 PM. He referred to Sandy Mackie, Owens Davies Mackie for the staff report. Mr. Mackie explained that the development regulations include the formation of and/or amendments to the: (a) Zoning Map, (b) Zoning Ordinance, (c), Critical Areas Ordinance, (d) SEPA Ordinance, and (e) Development Standards. He stated that the revisions to Yelm's Official Zoning Map to be considered include those land use designations in the Draft Comprehensive Plan (for those areas inside the Yelm city limits) and any others the Planning Commission feel may be necessary based on public input. Also, an entirely new zoning ordinance is necessary to carry out the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. PUBLIC TESTIMONY: Ed Moore: Asked the Planning Commission if the new regulations would allow the siting of mobile/manufactured homes on single lots (outside of a ITDbile/m:lnufactured home park or subdivision) in the city limits? He requested that the Planning Commission consider this in the new zoning code, as the current zoning ordinance disallows siting on single lots. WRITTEN TESTIMONY: (Copies of letters attached) *Letter from Jamie Haveri, Intercity Transit, dated March 6, 1995 with specific comments on the Yelm draft development guidelines. *Letter from Dennis Su, Thurston Highlands Associates, dated March 6, 1995, ~ with corrments on the Yelm draft developrrent guidelines. V *Letter from Dave Prutzman, Windermere South, dated March 6, 1995, with COITments related to street trees in the draft development guidelines. *Letter from Tom Yates and Gretchen Hanna, Washington Natural Gas, dated March 6, 1995, with specific COIm'ents on the Yelm draft developrrent guidelines. With no further public testimony, the Hearing was continued to the March 20, 1995 Planning Commission rreeting. Agenda Item #3: A letter from Pat Fetterly dated February 23, 1995, resigning from the Yelm Planning Corrrnission, due to time constraints, was presented. A thank you letter will be sent to Pat thanking her for her service. Discussion followed regarding a replacerrent for Pat's position. Commission members in attendance agreed that the size of the Planning Commission (11) was too big, as it is difficult to obtain a regular quorum. They asked that staff provide information on the size of comparable cities I Planning Corrmissions for the next rreeting. Agenda Item #4: o An updated "Recent Growth and Developrrent" in Yelm surrmary dated February 8, 1995 was distributed to the Corrrnission members. With no further business, the rreeting was adjourned at 5:35 PM. AT'IEST: :Jf/~[( A ~Q rtcu/ Shelly Badger, c;P I-" 0 Tom Gorman, Chairman, Yelm Planning Commission Date o VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET c , MEETING: YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. 4:00PM LOCATION:YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: MONDAY. MARCH 6, 1995 AGENDA IT&~(S)#2 Public Hearinq-Development Requlations & Zoning Ord. Please sign In if you wish to be a speaker at the meeting or if you would like to receive-future mailings. PLEASE PRINT Name Ed \"\00,"-lL Address q /l{ 0 \S "("' , ~ EJ-L R ~_ Y-d "'" c Mailina Addres s :SlA'IY\~ Name c ~()'\ ~ t -\\c~\JeA " ~ ..... ---- ~~ C),~\ \XC\rys:\ \- uda.l...ess r;-) ~ ~ ~ n')~ \"'" L/Vf', \Ii q~'"'::I... -~ Mailina Address O~~fi\('h~ ',Q)\...JI-tiQ~ I Name .u.ddres s Mailina Address Name Address Mailina Address Name .l\ddres s Mailina Address Name Address o Mailina Address wp51\forms\signin SELEcTION(S) I~I~I I ~I I I I~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I ~ ~\ . ) "~ c ~ \ -.-//; \ ( City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Was~ingtoh 98597 (360) 458-3244 YELM WASHINGTON AGENDA Vlll ,CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION, MEETING /f(~ J:.rltESDAY; MARCH 6, 1995, 4:00 PM YELM c:i~y HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,lQ5YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes- FebrQa~y 6th ~ 21st 1995 ~inutes. , , 2. Pub;L;icHearing - Development Regulations ahdZohihg Ordlnance and map consistent with the recently adQP~ed (Feb. 22nd by Yelm c~ty Council and Feb. 27th by the Thurston County Board of Commissioners) Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston Cbunty.. 3. Pat Fetterly - Planning Commission resignation. Recommendation fro:f[l Planning Commission on a ,possible replacement. 4. Recent growth and planning in Yelm - .5 . Other- 6 . Ad j'ourn Enclosures are availc3.b'le to noq.-cornm1.ssion members upon request. If you need specia'l arrangements to attend or particip,ate in this m~eting~ please contact Y~lm city Hall, 458~3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MARCH .2ci, 1995, 4: 00 PM ( * Recycled paper o c c Agenda Item! Motion No. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1995, 4.00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 01 p m by Co-Chair Joe Huddleston 2 3 Members present. Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire, E J Curry, Tom Cundy, Buffie Clark, Ed Pitts and Adam Rivas Members not in attendance Pat Fetterly, Tom Gorman, George Knight and Glenn Blando Staff' Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann Approval of the minutes Approval of the minutes from the planning commission meeting held on February 6, 1995 was tabled until March 6, 1995 due to a lack of quorum Yelm Comprehensive Plan & Joint Plan with Thurston County update: Report given by Shellv Badqer There was a meeting with the Thurston County Commissioners last week to go over the recommendation for changes to the plan The main changes were city zoning designation changes The area between Cullen and Killion was added to commercial and the county commissioners had no problem with any of the changes They reworked all land-use density and population numbers The numbers came within 3 units between the county numbers and the city's numbers The numbers are valid, the map has been revised (a computer generated map) The city council is expected to adopt the comprehensive plan Wednesday, January 22, 1995, the county commission is expected to approve on February 27th and then we open up the 60-day appeal period A notice will be published Development Regulation - discussion & scheduling: Shellv Badger gave the report to the_planning commission. The hope is to update the development regulations and adopt them during the months of March and April, 1995 March would be the planning c commission review and approval of the regulations, in April, if would go to the city council Included in the package for the planning commission's consideration is an updated draft of the Development Regulations Shelly recommended that the commissioners review the sections regarding zoning, sub-division, general and public works considerations, and transportation Flow charts have been added There will be a public hearing on the Proposed Development Regulations and Zoning Code on Monday, March 6, 1995 at 4 00 pm Buffie Clark asked if there was nothing referring to landscaping Shellv Badqer responded by saYing that landscaping would be addressed later Roberta Longmire noted that Chapter 4, paragraph 3 doesn't make sense Shellv responded that it needed some fine tuning Shellv stated that another requirement In March would be to amend the zoning ordinance to comply With the map The City of Yelm will be using the City of Lacey's zoning ordinance as a pattern in forming the Yelm zoning ordinance c Shellv Badqer asked if the planning commission would like to schedule a work session E.J. Currv suggested a sub-committee meet and make recommendations to the planning commission Roberta Longmire asked if a work session be held after the March 6th public hearing It was decided that a planning commission sub-committee will meet on Thursday, March 9, 1995 at 9 00 a m (meeting place was undecided) 4 Future Planning projects Shellv Badger reported that near the end of March Tim's Pharmacy expansion site plan will be brought before the planning commission at the meeting on March 20, 1995 5 Planning position update c Shellv Badger reported that the City has hired Kathy Carlson for the half-time planner position Kathy will start on March 13 Kathy has c c c previous experience in both the public and private sector, coming from Landmark Planning in Bellevue She also worked as an intern for the City of Lacey Kathy will be attending the March 20 planning commission meeting The position will be for five years 6 Other - No other business 7 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4 50 p m The next planning commission meeting will be held of Monday, March 6, 1995 at 4 00 p m Respectfully submitted, ~~~~ Kris tayrOr f Secretary Date Joe Huddleston, Co-Chairperson Planning Commission Yelm Planning Commission February 21, 1995 3 c City of Yelm .w-- c Ie 1. 2. ' 3 . 4. 5. 105 Yelln Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm; Washington 98597 AGENDA (360) 458-3244 CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1995, 4:00 PM YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. , \ Call to ,Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes- February 6, 1995 minutes, *unavailable at time of mailing. YEdm Comprehensive Plan & Joint Plan with Thurston County update: Development Regulation - discussion & scheduling: Please see Public Hearing not,ice enclosed, hearing has been scheduled for Mdndi3.Y, March 6, 1995 at 4:00 PM. Future Planning projects Planner position update - 6. Other - 7'. Adjourn Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City l{all, 458~3244. J < NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 6, 1995, 4:00 PM 'G) ReC).cled paper ---- -.' --_._._.._---~'- ~- -'--_.._~~ ~~-- - -'--~~_-..!~-'-.- --'---- ~ c c c Agenda Iteml Motion No. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1995, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 00 p m by chair Tom Gorman 95-06 Members present: Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire, Glenn Blando, George Knight, Ed Pitts Adam Rivas and Joe Huddleston Members not in attendance E J Curry, Tom Cundy, Buffie Clark and Pat Fetterly Guests Eileen Ramsey, Dave Putzman, Ben Williams, Dale Ripnow, Roger McGowan, Steve Hatton, Staff Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann Approval of tile minutes THE MINUTES FOR JANUARY 17, 1995, WERE APPROVED WITHOUT CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES. Chair Tom Gorman closed the regular session and opened the hearing at 4 01 p m 2 Public Hearing. Rezone of Propertv Located South of Railwav Rd., East of First Street and West of Middle Rd. From R-A to R-1 and Concurrent Sinqle Familv Residential Preliminarv Plat Wood Field (26 LOTS) (ZON 8130 Staff Report: Shelly Badger reported that the City received an application for Rezone and Preliminary Plat from Proponent David Putzman & Robinson Home, Inc , Auburn, W A Owner Robin Wood, et al and Karola Grinder This proposal meets the Comprehensive Plan designation for this area Adjacent area to the east is zoned R-1, to the west R-A, to the north Thurston County Residential 1-5 and to the south R-1 Critical areas are the sensitive aquifer, Yelm Creek just south of southerly boundary of the plat This proposal has conformed to all applicable state laws and shall conform to the City's Municipal Code and draft Development guidelines c c c The City of Yelm Planning Department recommends approval with the following conditions 1 All applicable latecomers and planning fees to be paid prior to final plat approval, 2 SEPA comment period ending February 10, 1995, 3 As stated in the Mitigation of Non-significance, the applicant shall contribute financially to the Five-Corners intersection improvement and/or Y-2 alternate route as specified in the 1992 Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID) or Latercomer's Agreement, 4 Sewer system hydraulic analysis and water system fire flow verification, 5 Railway Rd right-of-way dedication is required 'as shown on the site plan for frontage improvements Frontage improvements and internal roadway and sidewalk construction will be required prior to final plat approval, 6 Mitigation agreement with Yelm Community Schools prior to final plat approval, and, 7 The street name Woodfield Court needs to be changed as it already exists in Thurston County Public Comments' Eileen Ramsev requested that a fence be erected between her property and felt that she was not consulted about this proposal with enough time to respond David Putzman responded by saying that the development company is willing to put up a chain link fence between her property and the open area adjoining the properties The public hearing was closed at 4 25 p m Joe Huddleston asked for an explanation about the open space located adjacent to the property Ben Williams, Engineer responded, stating that the open space is provided for pedestrian traffic from within the development. Yelm Planning Commission February 6, 1995 2 c Roberta Longmire voice concern over possible flooding in the area and how that would be taken care of Ben Williams responded that saying that they would be doing the initial drainage Shellv Badaer reported that a traffic study was done, showing 7% of peak hour traffic, 27% west on Yelm Ave toward Five-Corners, and, 44% north to Olympia Ben Williams went on to explain the study 95-07 IT WAS MOVED BY ED PITTS THAT THE CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVE REZONE OF PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF RAILWAY RD., EAST OF FIRST STREET AND WEST OF MIDDLE RD. FROM R-A TO R-1 AND CONCURRENT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PRELIMINARY PLAT WOOD FIELD (26 LOTS) (ZON 8130, WITH RECOMMENDATIONS MADE BY THE CITY OF YELM PLANNING DEPARTMENT, AND WITH THE CONDITION THE FENCING ISSUE BE RESOLVED WITH REGARD TO EILEEN RAMSEY'S ADJACENT PROPERTY. MOTION SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE. MOTION CARRIED. Chair Tom Gorman opened the public hearing at 4 34 p m 3 P.ublic Meeting Yelm Mini-Storage Site Plan (SPR 8129) - Site Plan for 63.300 Sa. Ft. of Mini-Storaae Buildinas. c Staff Report Shelly Badger gave the following staff report. The City received an application for Site Plan Approval from proponent Rick Maken, Country Storage, Centralia, W A The proposal is to construct 8 mini-storage buildings of various sizes totaling 63,300 sq ft at the northwest corner of the intersection of Grave Road and SR 507 (across Grove Road from Yelm Builders Supply) This proposal meets the Comprehensive Plan designation for this area. Wastewater will be handled through an on-site septic system to conform with Thurston County Health Department requirements and City of Yelm sewer specifications for possible future connection to Yelm's sewer system when available for this area This proposal has conformed to all applicable state laws A Mitigated Determination of Non- Significance was issued on January 26, 1995 pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Comment period ends February 10, 1995 Comprehensive Plan designation is C-3, low traffic commercial and the proposal conforms with the C-3 zoning requirements and the proposed use is permitted outright Detailed construction drawings (both on-site and building) will be required prior to construction approval c Yelm Planning Commission February 6, 1995 3 c c c The City of Yelm Planning Department recommends approval with the following conditions 1 The watermain extension must be constructed and completed prior to occupancy to meet fire flow requirements, 2 SEPA comment period ending February 10, 1995; 3 As stated in the Mitigation of Non-significance, the applicant shall contribute financially to the Five-Corners intersection improvement and/or Y-2 alternate route as specified in the 1992 Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan The applicant shall agree to submit an agreement waiving any right the applicant might have to protest the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID) or Latercomer's Agreement, 4. Grove Rd and SR 507 right-of-way dedication as required; 5 Frontage improvements to Grove Rd and SR 507 are required 6 Landscape/buffer requirements shall be met and plan provided with construction drawings, 7 Construction drawings must address the comments in the letter dated December 21, 1994 from Cosmopolitan Engineering Group, 8 The future commercial area (at the corner of Grove and SR 507 will need to be reviewed separately for site development guideline compliance when the actual commercial use has been determined Public Comments Dale (Bill) Ripnow, owner reported that a six-foot cyclone fence will enclose the entire facility. There will be a manager living on the site He also added that the wastewater drainage meets the requirements of the Thurston County Drainage Manual, and there is a wet pond located on the property Roger McCowan, is concerned about the traffic flow at the intersection of Grove Rd and SR 507 Ken Garmann responded that the street is at a 450 angle Shellv Badger added that large trucks are able to negotiate the corner Steve Hatton also added that there is a right-of-way dedication with a 35 ft. return and that a power pole is Yelm Planning Commission February 6, 1995 4 c c c on the right-of-way George Kniaht and Glenn Blando voiced concern about the power pole and asked if Puget Power had been contacted Tom Gorman said he believed that if the power pole needs to be relocated, it would be at the expense of Puget Power The public hearing was closed at 4 58 p m 95-08 IT WAS MOVED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE THAT THE CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVE THE SITE-PLAN PROPOSAL FOR THE YELM MINI-STORAGE SITE PLAN (SPR 8129) INCLUDING STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS AS SET FORTH ABOVE. MOTION SECONDED BY GEORGE KNIGHT. MOTION CARRIED. 4 Report on January 30 City Council/County Commissioner Public Hearing on Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County Report was given by Shelly Badger (Sandie Mackie was unable to attend) 5 Schedule for development regulation/zoning adoption to comply with Comprehensive Plan - (Sandie Mackie was unable to attend) Brief update was given by Shelly Badger There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5 20 p m The next planning commission meeting will be held of Tuesday, February 21, 1995 at 4 00 p m Respectfully submitted, 4j~~~~J Kris Taylor Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairperson Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission February 6, 1995 5 ~ 'L/ City of Yelm Or c ID5 Yelm Avenue West PD Box 479 Ye!m, Washington 98597 " (360) 458-3244 AGENpA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1995, 4:00 PM YELM CI~' HALL COUNCIL C~ERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. YELM WASHINGTON 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes- January 17, 1995 minutes~ 2. Public Hearing on WOODFIELD - Proposed Rezone of property and concurrent Single Family Residential 26 Lot preliminary Plat, _ (ZON S130)- From R-A to R-l, Located South of Railway Road, East of First Street and West of Middle Road. (Staff report enclosed.) 3. Public Hearing on YELM ~IN;r-STORAGE S~tePl~n - (SPR S129).... to cohstruct eight buildings totaling 63, 300Eiq. ft., l'ocated at the Northwest corherof the intersectiQn of Grove Road and Highw~y 507. (Staff r~port enclosed.) 4. Report- on January 30 City Council/County Commissioner Public Hearing on Yelm Comprehensive Plan & Joint plan with Thurston County (State cTED comment letter on plan enclosed), 'Sandy~ Mackie & Shelly .B~dger I 5. Schedule for development regulation/zoning adoption to, comply with Comprehensive Plan - Sandy Mack~e 6. Other.,... 7. Adjourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this m~eting, please contact Yelm ctty Hall, 458-3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, TUESDA~, FEBRUARY 21, 1995, 4:00. PM &} Recycled paper ("\ u c o Agenda Item! Motion No 95-03 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1995, 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 00 p m by chair Tom Gorman I I Members present Tom Gorman, Joe HlfJddleston, Roberta Longmire, A E J Curry, Tom Cundy, Buffie Clark, Ed Pitts, George Knight, and Adam Rivas Members not in attendance Pat Fetterly and Glenn Blando Guests Diane Thompson, John Thomson, and John Huddleston Staff Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann Approval of the minutes THE MINUTES FOR JANUARY 3, 1995, WERE APPROVED WITH CORRECTION. Chair Tom Gorman closed the regular session and opened the hearing at 4 02 p m 2 Public Hearing Miller Annexation Along SR 510, Northeast of Burnett Road. Staff Report The staff report was given by Shelly Badger Shelly explained that the property is a 1 43 acre piece located at the northwest corner of Burnett Road and SR 510 The request is consistent with the comprehensive plan The applicant requested zOning of Commercial (C-1), however the Planning Department recommends approval of the annexation with zoning consistent with the Yelm Comprehensive Plan Joint Plan With Thurston County scheduled for adoption in late February John Huddleston spoke with Gene Borges regarding the issue of storm water The piece of property in question has a natural swale depression in it and when developing the property across the street it Will allow the use of this property for storm water versus using the property across the street which is level When the repavement of SR 507 occurs, the state Will be looking for areas to use for storm water because there will be new storm water to deal with when they start c c c 95-04 3 the resurfacing there So there is an opportunity to combine storm water use That is the reason for the annexation request Public Comments Diane Thompson, owner of the property at issue, has lived on Burnett Road for thirty years and before that her uncle had it I trust John Huddleston not to put something across from her property that would not be acceptable to her She wanted to let the planning commission know that she is agreeable to the proposal Buffie Clark asked if it had been determined if there has to be a certain amount of treatment regarding the swales? John Huddleston responded that until it goes to the engineer to design we won't know that There are large trees on the perimeter which makes a nice break It won't be just an ugly hole in the ground The transit system already uses the property as their last stop in the City and we might be able to enhance that area as that corner develops more, providing additional space there, maybe even a parking area, etc but until engineers take a look at it it's hard to say what they will recommend there Joe Huddleston asked if there is any intention of building on the property John Huddleston responded no, not at the moment There are 10 5 acres across the street and as that property develops its going to take a rather large area for storm water to deal with that 10 5 acres, plus some other improvement, ie, highway The public hearing was closed at 4 13 P m MOTION BY E.J. CURRY TO FORWARD THE MILLER ANNEXATION TO THE YELM CITY COUNCIL WITH THE RECOMMENDATION THAT IT BE APPROVED AND FORWARDED ON TO THE THURSTON COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD WITH THE ZONING DESIGNATION CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE YELM AND JOINT THURSTON COUNTY PLAN SCHEDULED FOR ADOPTION LATE FEBRUARY. SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON AND BUFFIE CLARK MOTION CARRIED E J Curry excused herself from the remainder of the meeting Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston Countv -- Work session/Action (Recommend Approval to Yelm Citv Council) Update by Shelly Badger Since the last report, the Yelm Planning Commission and the staff have met and very minor revisions to the Comprehensive Plan have been made The Thurston County Planning c o o Commission's clarifications/revisions were put together on January 5, 1995 (copy provided to planning commission members) Most of it is merely clarification language and not substance change to the plan Changes make it more readable Exhibit "G" takes all the' policies in the draft of the Comprehensive Plan and basically separates out those that are applicable to the unincorporated area because this document combines both policies for the entire Urban Growth Boundary Some of them are only applicable to the City and some are applicable to both Exhibit "G" was put together mostly for county staff clarification when projects come up in the unincorporated area They can look to Exhibit "G" and see which policy applies There are some additional changes on January 5, 1995 Text changes deletion of pages 111-5 through 111-13, and addition of new pages 111-5, 111-6, and 111-7 Map changes (1) The approximately 30 acre portion of the Environmentally Sensitive Area/Agriculture land use designation in the South Sub-area, which is adjacent to the large ESA/AG area in the Southwest Sub-area, is a mapping error The Future Land Use map and Sub-Area maps are being corrected to show the intended future land use designation as R-4 of this 30-acre area (2) The approximately 1 8-acre area shown as R-6 within the Southwest Sub- Area and bisected by a proposed Boulevard, is intended to have a Commercial land use designation The Future Land Use map and Sub- Area maps are being corrected to show the intended future land use designation as Commercial of this 18-acre area The Thurston County Planning Commission have accepted these changes Their motion was approved on January 11, 1995 The plan with the revisions is available to the public starting January 19, 1995 The comment period would be January 19, 1995 through January 30, 1995 January 30, 1995 is the City Council and Board of Commissioner's hearing date The council and the board will go into work sessions to make recommendations on any proposed changes and ultimately by the end of February The plan is scheduled for adoption Yelm Planning Commission January 1 7, 1 995 3 c c c 95-05 IT WAS MOVED BY JOE HUDDLESTON THAT THE CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF THE CITY OF YELM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND JOINT PLAN WITH THURSTON COUNTY, DATED NOVEMBER 16, 1994 WITH THE CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE DOCUMENT ENTITLED "THURSTON COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CLARIFICATION," WHICH INCLUDES A NEW EXHIBIT G, SUBSTITUTION TEST PAGES, AND A LIST OF REVISIONS, ALL AS APPROVED BY THE THURSTON COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION ON JANUARY 11, 1995 COMPILED BY THE THURSTON COUNTY ADVANCE PLANNING STAFF AND CITY OF YELM ATTORNEYS. GEORGE KNIGHT SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED 4 Staff Update - Future Agenda Items a) Site Plan application for a Mini-Storage at Grove Road and SR 507 (west side of Grove Road) -5/OfCLI<... b) Proposed addition to the Sic Pak Building in the Central Business District There are plans enlarge the building by 25% c) Rezone and plat. 5 There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4 30 pm Respectfully submitted, Kris Taylor Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairperson Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission January 17, 1995 4 rII11111111111111111// / / / / / / o Intercity T ran sit 526 Pattison Sf PO Box 659 Olympia, WA 98507-0659 (206) 786-8585 FAX (206) 357-6184 December 1,1994 Agnes Colombo City of Yelm PO Box 479 Yelm, W A 98597 Dear Agnes. Thank you for placmg the High CapacIty Transit (HCT) presentatIon on the Yelm City Council and Yelm Planning CommIssion agendas. Stefan FabIan-Marks, our Long f\ Range Planning Manager, wIll dISCUSS the HCT Feasiblhty Study on the following dates. \J Yelm CIty Council - January 11 at 7.30 PM. Yelm Planning CommisslOn - January 17 at 4 PM Enclosed is a summary of the study Please distribute copIes of this to counCIl and commISSIon members. Feel free to make as many additIonal copIes as you need. Thanks again for your assistance, Agnes. If you have any questions I can be reached at 786-8585 Sincerely, ~l~'J~ EHane Chandler Development Secretary cc: Shelly Badger h \hct Veasibility \prsntcfm.doc nee 5 1994 o / ~._.'-~..,-""-~=-=""..,..-"...~~~ ..-/ '\ L i ....-J o o o o _.~-'--_._.~_~;.... _....._.~._.__.....h_ _.-.__~J.', .__..._._.._....-'..,.. ...,~:;..._~~.__.c._.-'U--........~,__,~.__.'___..h~~.._.. --.-. ...._~---......'-..;..~.....:..-"...._-_..._............._---_.~ .. m Intercity Transit High Capacity Transit Feasibility Study What is High Capacity Transit? High Capacity Transit (HCT) means any transit system that operates at high speeds, high frequency, and with the capacity to move large numbers of people. There are a variety of technologies that can be used to provide HCT Light rail and commuter rail are popular forms of HCT, but it is also possible to develop premium bus servIces that match the speed, convenience, and comfort of rail service. In any case, HCT services achieve their speed by operating in exclusive rights-of-way and stopping only at major stations, rather than every two blocks like conventional bus service. HCT lines would form the backbone of a regional transit system, providing fast service for long trips, with connections to local feeder bus services as well as park and ride opportunities. What's this study all about? The Intercity Transit Authority is Thurston County's Regional Policy Committee for HCT Under state law, this committee is charged with looking at how to implement HCT solutions for Thurston County The Regional Policy Committee also includes Gary Dernich, Washington State Department of Transportation's Olympic Region Adnunistrator The Regional Policy Committee has commissioned this study as a starting point to find out whether and when HCT services might be feasible within Thurston County and between Thurston County and other counties. The study will also identify critical issues that would affect how HCT services could be implemented, including community goals, travel behavior, existing and projected land uses, parkmg policies, facility needs, costs and financing options. The Regional Policy Committee hopes the study will proVIde long-range direction for Intercity Transit and other local jurisdictions over the next 20 years on how Thurston County can prepare for a high-capacity transportation system. The study will. . Assess current and projected transportation and land-use conditions in Thurston County . Identify high-volume travel corridors and define HCT services justifiable for each. . Develop transit ridership and cost estimates. . Identify and evaluate opportunities and barriers to HCT services. . Result in a set of prioritized recommendations and a final report. Who is involved in the study? The Regional Policy Committee will oversee the HCT Feasibility Study, which IT's Long-Range Planrung staff is coordinating with assistance from Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates. Intercity Transit has also formed a Technical Advisory Team to work through the land use and transportation modeling aspects of the study Staff members from the cities of c c c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1995, 4:00 PM YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes- January 3, 1995 minutes. 2. Public Hearing on Miller Annexation (ANX 8128)-Corner of Hwy 510 and Burnett Road. 3. "Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County"- Worksession/Action-(Recommend Approval to Yelm City Council) *PC members-see enclosure for info. on changes to plan. 4 . Other- 6 . Adj ourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, 458-3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1995, 4:00 PM &} Recycled paper c c c Agenda Item! Motion No 95-01 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1995, 4.00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 00 p m by chair Tom Gorman 2 Members present Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Roberta LongmIre, E J Curry, Glenn Blando, Tom Cundy, Buffie Clark, and Ed Pitts Members not in attendance George Knight, Pat Fetterly and Adam Rivas Guests Mark Carpenter and Martha Parsons Staff Shelly Badger Approval of the minutes THE MINUTES FOR NOVEMBER 21, 1994, WITH CORRECTIONS WAS APPROVED. Public Hearing Rezone Propertv Located in Residential Agriculture to Single Familv Residential (R-1) Staff report was given by Shelly Badger The rezone request is for the Carpenter property which is adjacent to the Stedman piece It was approved through the boundary review board It was annexed as residential/agricultural just like the remainder of the property has been The draft comprehensive plan shows it as single-family residential for future plans designation The planning department recommends approval of the rezone Roberta Longmire asked if this was the same piece of property that was addressed in the MacNaughton letter to the planning commission Shelly advised that yes, her letter IS regarding this piece of property Shelly went on to advise that she had talked to Ms MacNaughton today and she is concerned about buffering for her property Her prop~rty is immediately to the left She was not able to be present at the meeting, and Shelly wanted to make sure her concerns were in the record, even though this is not a development proposal to the commission at this time, she wanted to make sure her concerns were in the record early on c c c Roberta LonQmire asked if at the time of the development request, the question of a buffer would be addressed Shelly replied that it would be addressed at that time Mark Carpenter, the applicant, then addressed the commission to advise that there is wetland on the property that will require a buffer there anyway It fits In with everything else that is planned in that area, according to the master plan Joe Huddleston asked if there IS wetland on the applicant's property or IS it only on the MacNaughton's property and it is the intent to buffer this area Mr Carpenter advised that there is a small piece on his property as well as the MacNaughton property Tom Gorman asked if it was Mr Carpenter's intent to buffer because of the wetland requirements Mr Carpenter advised that that was the reason for buffering There being no comments from the public, the public hearing was closed at 4 07 p m 95-02 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY E.J. CURRY THAT THE REQUEST BE APPROVED FOR RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED IN RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1). MOTION CARRIED. 3 Yelm Comprehensive Plan work session to discuss any outstanding Issues - Update by Shelly Badger At the December 12, 1994 work session all the comments were discussed on the issues that were presented at the December 2, 1994 public hearing Those members that were present put together the recommendations to the county staff sub- committee and they were going to meet to see if they agreed, conferred or if there were any additional issues to address There were no additional issues January 11, 1995 the County Planning Commission will vote and then January 17, 1995 the Yelm Planning Commission will meet There have been no proposed changes by the county Yelm Planning Commission January 3, 1995 2 c .C o There were a couple of very minor changes in wording, Puget Power had requested some wording changes that the commission agreed with The UCBO had a slight revision on housing There were no substantial land-use changes Shelly passed out copies of the final Environmental Impact Statement which IS issued today and incorporates all the letters that the commission received during the comment period to the commissioners Once recommendations have been received from both the city and county planning commissions, work will be started with the Yelm City Council and the Board of Commissioners and then there will be a joint public hearing scheduled between those two bodies for ; I January 30, 1995 There may be additional public testimony and. additional responses at that time The county planning commission will adopt the recommendatIons by resolution 4 Staff Update - Future Agenda Items a) Site Plan application for the central business district will be coming before the commission because city ordinance requires that expansions of businesses and major remodel projects come before the planning commission There will be plans for a mini-storage along the CP zone at the corning of Grove Road and SR 507 b) There will be a plat submitted for the two properties together if the rezone proposal that was submitted tonight is approved c) The development standards will be addressed again Staff will be working to fine tune the notebook and scheduling of a public hearing on the standards to get the public comment d) The sign ordinance needs to be addressed and a draft will be coming to the commission to review prior to public hearing e) Vision work through the Chamber will be addressed They will be developing design guidelines All these items will probably be addressed by the planning commission within the next two to three months Shelly also advised that there is a short course in local planning which is being offered across the State of Washington Sandy Mackie has Yelm Planning Commission January 3, 1995 3 o o o presented these training sessions, as well as Ted Gage from the Department of Community Development Shelly thought it would probably be a good idea to schedule one in Yelm for the planning commission to attend Shelly advised that the council approved the 1995 budget and there is money appropriated to hire a half-time planner 5 The meeting was adjourned at 4 23 p m Respectfully submitted, ~~ Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairperson Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission January 3, 1995 4 (~ '"'-----' c' c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 City of Yelm YELM WASHINGTON AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1995, 4:00 PM YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes- November 21, 1994 minutes. 2. Public Hearing on Carpenter Rezone (ZON 8105)- 3. Yelm Comp. Plan worksession to discuss any outstanding issues- 4. Staff Update- Future Agenda Items. 5 . Other- 6 . Adj ourn- Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Halli 458-3244. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1995, 4:00 PM * Recycled paper o c c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 PUBLIC HEARINGS REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED IN RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) The City of Yelm Planning Commission and City Council will be holding public hearings to receive comment on a rezone of property along Highway 507, just South of the Southwest Yelm Annexation Boundary, from Residential Agriculture to Single Family Residential (R-l). The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on January 3, 1995, at 4:00 p.m. in Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, located at 105 Yelm Ave. W., Yelm, WA. All interested parties are lnvited to attend. Written comments must be received prior to the hearing and can be mailed to the Yelm Planning Commission, PO Box 479, Yelm, WA 98597, or delivered to City Hall. The City Council will hold a public hearing on January 11, 1~995: at 7:30 p.m. in Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, located at 105 Yelm Ave. W., Yelm, WA. All interested parties are invited to attend. Written comment must be received prior to the hearing and can be mailed to the City Council, PO Box 479, Yelm, WA 98597, or delivered to City Hall. If anyone has more questions regarding this proposed rezone in the ~ity or would like to see a map, please contact City Hall, at 458-B816. Published in the Nisqually Valley News, Thursday, December 22, 1994. DO NOT PUBLISH BE Published; Nisqually Valley News Mailed to adjacent propert owners Posted in public areas * Recycled paper r ~ c c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (206) 458-3244 PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Yelm Planning Commission meeting scheduled for January 2, 1995, will be cancelled and rescheduled for Tuesday, January 3, 1995, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. This reschedule is due to the observance of New Year's Day. The regularly scheduled meeting for January 16, 1995 will also be cancelled and rescheduled for January 17, 1995, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. This reschedule is becal}Se of the January 16, 1995, Martin Luther King Holiday. If there are any questions concerning these changes, please call Yelm City Hall, (206) 458-8816. Thank you. Published in the Nisqually Valley News, Thursday December 22; December 29, 1994. DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW T&IS LINE Published; Nisqually v~y News ~~aiaq, lOAH posted--l~la8r~tre.as) ~-'~;;{ j 1t/)C7lj-' I . Mailed . C1 . . * Recycled paper