10-12-04 BUDGET WS
Budget Work Session
Yelm City Council Chambers
October 12, 2004
Present: Mayor Rivas, Councilmembers: Ron Harding, Pat Fetterly, Joe Baker, Bob Isom
Staff: Grant Beck, Todd Stancil, Tim Peterson, Janine Schnepf Maryam Olson left meeting 5:00 p.m.
Work Session to review the Current IGeneral Fund 2004 Budget projections.
1) 001 514 Administrative and Financial Services
001 515 Legal/Professional Services
001 521 Police Department
001 522 Fire Suppression
001 523 Prison Support
001 531 Pollution Control
001 539 Animal Control
001 551 WelfareNCS and YSC Monthly Contract
001 552 OMWBE Operating Cost State Mandate *
001 558 Planning/Community Development
001 566 Mental/Physical Health County Mandate *
001-572 Library Contract
001 573 Historic Preservation
001 576 Park Department Operating
001 596 Capital Reserve
001 597 Transfers/ Other Financing
Topics from Week 3 were moved forward
109 DARE
116 Tree Fund
118 Park Fee-In-Lieu Of
312 Yelm Creek
314 Longmire Community Park
Janine Schnepf
Maryam Olson
Todd Stancil
Pat Fetterly
Maryam Olson
Janine Schnepf
Tim Peterson
Janine Schnepf
Janine Schnepf
Grant Beck
Janine Schnepf
Janine Schnepf
Janine Schnepf
Tim Peterson
Janine Schnepf
Todd Stancil
Grant Beck
Grant Beck
Grant Beck
Grant Beck
Changes/notes/follow-up requested:
Fund 521 review Salary 2004-2005.
Todd Stancil follow-up with school district regarding other revenue sources for DARE. Is the school receiving
funds from the State?
Council requested further explanation of Tree Fund increase.
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js/BWS 10-14-03.doc