Agendas and Minutes c o (\ v YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 16, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item! Motion No. 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 00 P m by Co-Chair Joe Huddleston Members present: Glenn Blando, Margaret Clapp, E J Curry, Joe Huddleston, Bob Isom, Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire and Ed Pitts Guest(s) Amos Lawton, City Council Liaison, Randy Palgen, John Huddleston Staff' Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Jerry Prock, Dana Spivey Members absent: Tom Gorman 1\ i Approval of Minutes The minutes from the November 18, 1996 Planmng Commission meeting were approved as read E J Curry and Roberta Longmire abstained 2. Sign Code - Temporary Event Signs - Cathie Carlson gave staff report. Jerry & Fran McCarthy (owners of "Sleepy Hollow") attended a City Council meeting In October where they expressed concern to special event signage on their property City Council sent the McCarthy's request to the Planning Commission for review and a possible solution City Staff reviewed the sign code and discussed how the sign code could be amended to allow for additional special event slgnage for properties off of the main streets, while malntaimng the Intent of the Sign Code, Section 15 24 010 Any amendment to the sign code would be applicable city wide Upon review of the code and discussion on possible solutions the staff was unable to develop an amendment for the McCarthy's situation Without allOWing for the additional signage throughout the city Staff recommends the Planning Commission take the McCarthy's request into consideration The Planning Commission can either propose an amendment or recommend to the City Council that no changes be made to the Sign Code Bob Isom asked about all the "sandwich board" type signs in front of "Stockmarket Foods" along Yelm Ave East, is "Stockmarket. " gOing to be Instructed to remove those signs, since they are not permitted at other businesses? Also, what about signs at "Gordon's"? , , =, ~I , Yelrn Planning Commission December 16, 1996 Page 1 ~~ o o o Jerry Prock, Yelm Building Dept., stated that he will take Immediate action if directed to do so by the Planning Commission "Gordons'" signs that are attached to the building(s) were "grand fathered" in There was further discussion Jerry Prock stated that "Sleepy Hollow" currently has more slgnage than any other business at that complex ("Nisqually Plaza") and more than would be allowed with the present Sign Code Joe Huddleston asked the Planning Commission if there were any additional comments? There were none Joe asked If any changes should be made to the Sign Code? There were none Joe then stated that the Planning Commission will recommend this issue back to the City Council with no amendments to the Sign Code Jerry Prock will take immediate action on the "sandwich sign - boards" along Yelm Avenue, but action Will not be taken with the McCarthy's until after the next City Council meeting, January 8, 1997 3 Zoning Code Amendments - Work session Cathie Carlson started the Work session by giving a staff report. Low Density Residential Distnct (R-4) currently allows duplex development at the allowed density of 4 units per acre As a result, preliminary plat applications in thiS district are being proposed With a mix of single family homes and duplexes In addition, this allows for the potential of sites being developed solely as a duplex development. Issues 1) By allOWing duplexes in single family areas, is the intent of the R-4 district being met? 2) The R-4 district has a maximum density but not a minimum density, as does the R-6 Distnct. Does the City need a minimum density in R-4? Staff Recommendation Low Density ReSidential - 1 Delete duplex as an allowed use in the R-4 District. 2 Consider a minimum density of 2 Units per acre and a maximum density of 4 units per acre Shelly Badger showed the areas of concern on the large zoning map E.J. Curry and Roberta Longmire both stated that thiS issue is brought to the Planning CommiSSion every year, and they both feel that duplexes should be left In before mobile homes are allowed Others on the CommiSSion agreed Yelrn Planning Commission December 16, 1996 Page 2 o o o Cathie Carlson continued with staff report. The High Density Residential District (R-10) provides for a maximum density of 10 units per gross area The staff has had discussions with local developers on the cost effectiveness of multi-family at 10 Units per acre and has analyzed the utilization of a parcel with different scenario's uSing site layout's for duplexes, tri-plexes and four-plexes Issues 1) The most likely type of development that will occur at a density of 10 Units per acre is duplex and tri-plex. Development of more compact units (four-plexes, small apartment buildings) can leave a large portion of the site unused Does this provide for an adequate inventory of housing types and cost effective projects for developers? 2) The R-10 district has a maximum density but not a minimum density, as does the R-6 District. Does the City need a minimum density in R-10? Staff Recommendation High Density ReSidential - 1 Increase maximum density from 10 units per acre to 14 units per acre 2. ConSider a minimum density of 8 units per acre and a maximum density of 14 units per acre Joe Huddleston asked if the sewer/water figures will be wrong for 14 Units per acre instead of 10 units per acre? Shelly Badger said no Joe then asked the CommiSSion members about Increasing the density from 10 Units to 14 Units per acre There was some discussion Joe asked if there were any objections to raising the 10 units per acre to 14 Units per acre? There were none The Planning CommiSSion discussed the need for minimum densities Margaret Clapp stated that maybe there should be a minimum, otherwise the higher density areas are wasted on Single family etc A majonty of the Commission members do not like "minimums" of any kind Cathie Carlson concluded her staff report. Central Business District - In the CBD, building locations and setbacks are evaluated on a case by case basis except for setbacks from the public nght of way Section 17 24 070, requires a 15' setback from all public nght-of-ways, which include alleys Most existing businesses have little or no setback from the nght-of-way or alley Issue 1) As vacant lots develop the building placement will be inconsistent with eXisting structures Also, most lots in the CBD front on a public nght-of-way and an alley This would require a 15' setback on both the front and rear yard Yelrn Planning Commission December 16, 1996 Page 3 ~j- o c (\ ~ Staff Recommendation - 1 Delete Section 17 24 070, thereby allOWing for site specific determination of bUilding placement that will be consistent with surrounding buildings There was little discussion Joe asked the Commission how they felt about omitting thiS section? It was the consensus of the Planning Commission to omit Section 17 24 070 Meeting adjourned at 5 00 pm Respectfully submitted, Joe Huddleston, Co-Chairperson Date Ye1rn Planning Commission December 16, 1996 Page 4 I -r--~ I ".- o o o ..,;,.:~,.~., .'-" ;". .J '."--~~.i~' City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458:..3244 1'- Date November 12, 1996 To Yelm Planning Commission From. Cathie carlsWCity Planner I , I I I Re Sign Code Backqround At the October 23, 1996, City Council meeting Jerry and Fran McCarthy, owners of Sleepy Hollow, spoke to the Council in regards to special event signage on their property (Council minutes attached) The City Council s~nt the McCarthy's request to the Planning Commission for review and a possible solution Conclusion ; I ! , Staff reviewed the sign code and discussed how the sign code could be amended to allow for additional special event slgnage for properties off of the main streets, while maintaining the Intent of the Sign Code, Section 15.24 010 Attache9 are copies of Section 1524010, Intent, and Section 1524 090(C), Temporary Special Event Signs Any amendment to the sign code would be applicable city Wide Upon review of the code and diSCUSSion on possible solutions the staff was unable to develop an amendment for the McCarthy's situation without allowing for the additional slgnage throughout the city Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Planning Commission take the McCarthy's request Into consideration The Planning Commission can either propose an amendment or recommend to the City Council that no changes be made to the Sign Code * , &cyckd paper , ....:.),.,. :. ,.:' ...-. c 96-168 6 96-169 c 7 (}) o Jim Weidinqer - (Fire District #2) asked if water improvements would add new hydrants and adapters. Ken . "._- Garmann "+stated that fire flow and chlorine contact-'<"'j!y~,- improvements would be included in the plan. He was unsure about the addition of adapters, but offered to check. Jerry McCarthy - questioned the need for corrosion control. Shelly Badger explained the low pH situation and action planned Mayor Wolf added that we have submitted a plan are waiting Health Department Approval Suggested Community Facilities: Performing Arts Center, and Library; Public Facilities Water Upgrades, Fire Flow Improvements, and Chlorine Contact Being no additional comment, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 7.50 pm. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING WATER UPGRADES AND IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE 1997 CDBG APPLICATION. CARRIED. Berry Valley Estates Final Plat Approval Ken Garmann reported that the conditions on the final plat checklist had been completed and recommended final plat approval with signature conditions II MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING <- THE BERRY VALLEY ESTATES FINAL PLAT WITH THE REQUIREMENT THAT THURSTON CO. ASSESSOR, COUNTY TREASURER AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR'S SIGNATURES BE OBTAINED AND THAT COUNTY ASSESSOR REVIEW BE COMPLETED. CARRIED. Public Comment - none New Business. a Jerry and Fran McCarthy, Sleepy Hollow Jerry McCarthy explained that his business was located in Nisqually Plaza and that visibility from the roadway is a problem because the buildings are set back, and it has become worse since Burger King was built The business was supplied with professionally produced banners for mattress sales but was told by the City that they could be used only for "special events" consisting of 14 day periods, four times per year Revenue tracking by the McCarthy's showed a definite increases and decreases in sales corresponding wi th times the banners were hung. A change to the sign ordinance was requested. Councilmember Rivas explained the process by the Planning Commission in evaluating and revising the Sign Ordinance. And the Commission's attempt to avoid an appearance found in areas with strip development Shelly Badger added that the Chamber of Commerce also discussed this signage. They didn't want to totally .:...;~ YELM- CITY" COUNCIL ab\cc-.96\lO-23-96.MIN .~ ....:.~ PAGE 2 "":J: ,~ lj Sections: 15 24 010 15 24 020 15 24 030 15 24 040 15 24 050 15 24 060 15 24 070 15 24 080 15 24 090 15 24 100 15 24 110 15 24 120 15 24 130 15 24 140 15 24 150 15 24 160 15 24 170 15 24 180 15 24 190 15 24 200 0 15 24 210 15 24 220 15 24 230 15 24 240 15 24 250 15 24 260 15 24 270 15 24 280 15 24 290 j( YELM ON-PREMISES/OFF-PREMISES SIGN REGULATIONS Intent Definitions and Abbreviations Permits and Fees Required Permit--Requirements Permit--Applications Fee Schedule Exemptions Prohibited Signs Temporary Signs Structural Requirements Electrical Requirements Illumination Maintenance Landscaping for Free-Standing Signs Inspection More Restrictive provision to Apply Buildings Facing on Two Parallel Streets Signing on Awnings and Marquees District Regulations Variances Legal Nonconforming Signs Termination of Signs Administrator-Appointment-Powers and Duties Generally Administrator-Inspection Authority Conflict and Severability Violation-Penalty Removal of Unlawful Signs Sign Area - Square Footage Maximums Grand Opening/Special Event Sign Area Maximums 15.24.010 Intent. The intent of this chapter is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare by regulating the number, size, design, quality of materials, construction, location, electrification and maintenance of all signs and sign structures, to preserve and improve the appearance of the City as a place in which to live and as an attraction to non-residents who come to visit or trade, to encourage sound signing practices as an aid to business and for public information but to prevent excessive and confusing signing displays (Ord 588 ~2 (part), 1980) 15.24.020 Definitions and Abbreviations. For the purpose of this chapter, definitions as defined in Chapter 16 06 and certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in this section o ~~ u c o B. G Grand Opening Displays A no-fee sign permit is required. Such temporary signs, posters, banners strings of lights, clusters of flags, balloons or other aid or gas filled figures, and searchlights are permitted on premise only and for a period of fourteen (14) days only to announce the opening of a completely new enterprise or the opening of an enterprise under new management. Square footage of allowable temporary sign area is provided in Section 15 24 290 Sandwich Board signs are permitted provided each side does not exceed 2~' x 4' All such materials shall be removed immediately upon the expiration of fourteen (14) days Search lights may be permitted by any business or enterprise provided the beam of light does not flash against any building or does not sweep an arc of more than forty five degrees (450) from vertical. Special Event Signs-for Businesses and Organizations. A no- fee sign permit is required. Such temporary signs may be placed on premise only and shall not be larger than twenty (20) square feet Sandwich Board signs are permitted provided each side does not exceed 2~' x 4' Said signs shall not be posted or attached to telephone poles, power poles or other public utility facilities Such signs may be permitted on premise only and for a period of fourteen (14) days only Special events are limited to four (4) per year The event committee for which the sign is displayed shall be responsible for its removal and subject to the penalties as provided in this Code Search lights may be permitted by any business or enterprise provided the beam of light does not flash against any building or does not sweep an arch of more than forty five degrees (450) from vertical D Real Estate Signs. No sign permit is required All exterior real estate signs must be of wood or plastic or other durable material The permitted signs, with applicable limits, are as follows City of Yelm Ordinance No. 576 1 Residential "for sale", "open house", and "sold" signs Such signs shall be limited to one sign per street frontage not to exceed five (5) square feet in sign area, placed wholly on the property for sale, and not to exceed a height of seven (7) feet. 2 Residential directional "open house" signs shall be permitted during daylight hours on weekends only and must be placed out of the way of pedestrian traffic 3 Undeveloped commercial and industrial property "for sale or rent" signs One sign per street frontage advertising undeveloped commercial and industrial property for sale or rent The sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) 9 ,----, .!...-----.- ~o o o. 105 Yelm .tfvenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm Date December 4, 1996 TQ Yelm Planning Commission From Cathie Carlson, city Planner I , I , Re Zoning Code Amendments Low Densi~y Residential District Low DenSity ReSidential Dlstrrct (R-4) currently allows duplex development at the allowed denSity of4 units per acre Asa result, prellm)nary plat applications In thiS dlstrrctare being proposed with a mix of single family homes and duplexes In addition, thiS allows for the potential of sites be.lng developed solely as a duplex development. Issue 1 By allowing duplexes In Single family areas, IS the Intent of the R-4 district being ,meet? In part, Section 17 12 010 Intent, states a Enhance the residential quality of the city by proViding a high standard of development for Single-family resldentla) areas Moderate DenSity ReSidential Dlstrrct, In part, Section 17 15 010 Intent, b Permit a greater varrety of hOUSing types than are permitted In the low- denSity reSidential dlstrrct ' c Permit a higher denSity of development as a means of achieving more economical hOUSing 2 The R-4 diStriCt has a maximum denSity but not minimum denSity, as does the R-6 Dlstrrct. Does the'Clty need a minimum denSity In R-4? Staff Recommendation Low Densltv ReSidential 1 Delete duple,x as an allowed use in the R-4 District. 2 ConSider a ,minimum denSity of 2 units per acre and a maximum denSity of 4 units per acre ,High Density Residential The High DenSity ReSidential District (R-1 0) provides for a maximum denSity of 10 iJnlts per gross area The staff has had discussions with local developers on the cost I > ') " , .. ~ * Recycled paper (~ u ~o o effectiveness of multi-family at 10 units per acre and has analyzed the utilization ofa parcel With different scenarro's uSing site layout's for duplexes, trr-plexes and four- plexes Issue , 1 The most likely type of development that Will occur at a Qenslty of 10 units per acre .IS duplex and trr-plex. Development of more compact units (four-plexs, small apartment bUildings) can leave a large portion of the ,Site unused Does thiS provl<;je for an ' adequate Inventory of housing types and cost effective prOjects for developers? 2 The R-10 dlstrrct has a maximum density but not minimum density, as does the R-6 Dlstrrct. Does the City need a minimum density In R-10? Staff Recommendation 1 Increase ma?<lmum density from 10 units per acre to 14 U~ltS per acre 2 Consider a minimum density of 8 units per acre and a maximum density of 14 units per acre Central Business District In the CBD, bUilding locations and setbacks are ev~luated on a, case by case basIs except for setbacks from the publiC rrght of way Section 17 24 070,' requires a 15' setback frqmall publiC rrght of ways, which Include alleys Most eXisting businesses have little or no setback from the rrght of way or alley Issue - , 1 As vacant lots develop the bLJlldlng placement will be InCOrlSlstent With eXisting structures Also, most lots In the CBD front on a publiC rrght of way and an alley ThiS would require a 15' setback on both the front and rear yard .J , I I Staff Recommendation 1 Delete Section 17 24 070, thereby allOWing for Slt~ specific determination Of building placement that Will be consistent With surrounding bUildings , o o c 105" Yelm Avenue Wes( P 0' Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 199~ 4.00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of lVIinutes - November 18, 1996, minutes enclosed 2 Sign Cod~, Temporary Event Signs - Staff , Tabled from November 18, meeting Staff report enclosed. 3 Zoning Code Amendments - WorksesslOn Residential permitted uses and density BUilding setbacks In the Central Business Dlstnpt. Staff report enclosed 4 Other - 5 Adjourn - Enclosure~ are available to non.,.Commlsslon members upon request. If you need speCial arrangements to attend or partiCipate In thiS meetIng, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 4 NEXT REGULAR MEETING has been RESCHEDULED from January 20,1997 to January 13,1997,4 00 PM * Recyclea paper c o c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item! Motion No. 1 The meeting was called to order at 400 P m by Chair Tom Gorman Members present: Margaret Clapp, Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Bob Isom, Ray Kent, Ed Pitts Members absent: Glenn Blando, E J Curry, Roberta Longmire Guests: Amos Lawton-City Council Liaison Staff. Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Dana Spivey Chair Tom Gorman welcomed new Planning Commission member Margaret Clapp Approval of Minutes The minutes from the October 21, 1996 Planning Commission meeting were approved as read 2. Sign Code, Temporary Event Signs - Cathie Carlson stated that the citizen who had onglnally requested this agenda item, could not make it today The Planning Commission members agreed to table this diSCUSSion to the next meeting, December 16, 1996 3 Public Hearing - Applicant. City of Yelm Proposal Yelm MUnicipal Code Amendments to comply With ESHB 1724 Cathie Carlson presented the staff report. In 1995, the Legislature passed ESHB 1724 which implements many recommendations of the Governor's Task Force on Regulatory Reform As a jurisdiction planning under the Growth Management Act, Yelm IS reqUired to comply With ESHB 1724 Local government's must pass regulations which mandate the combining of the environmental review process With the review of project permits, and proVides for no more than one open record hearing and one closed record appeal In addition, the project review process must Integrate land use and environmental Impact analYSIS Ye1rn Planning Commission November 18, 1996 Page 1 c 96-27 o V (\ o Proposal. Rather than developing a new chapter in the Yelm MUnicipal Code (YMC), staff is proposing amendments to existing chapters of the YMC The proposed text amendments were prepared by Sandy Mackie, City Attorney Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends the Planning CommiSSion approve the proposed text amendments to the YMC and forward them to the City CounCil for final approval Tom Gorman asked If most Cities will comply to the new ESHB 1724? Cathie stated yes, they will have to There was more discussion Tom Gorman asked if there were any more questions from the public? There were none Tom then closed the public hearing at 4 35 pm There were no further questions from the Planning Commission members ! I MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE YMC AND FORWARD THEM TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR FINAL APPROVAL. MOTION CARRIED. 4 Zoning Code Amendments - Work session Manufactured Housing. Dlstncts and Density: Cathie Carlson presented staff report. Mobile homes are currently allowed in most zOning districts With denSities between 4 to 10 Units per acre Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends that: 1 Manufactured homes, mobile home subdiviSions and parks be restricted to residential distncts only 2 Reduce parcel size for subdiVisions to 5-20 acres and parks to 3-15 acres (Sunnse Vista is 508 acres at 4 13 units per acre) 3 A maximum density of 6 Units per acre for mobile home development in the R-10 Distnct. ReSidential Development in Commercial Distncts. Currently, the CBD, C-1 and C-3 Districts allow for residential development as provided for in the R-10 District. Cathie stated that in the past year, she has had several Inquiries for reSidential/mobile home parks on commercial properties along Yelm Avenue Yelrn Planning Commission November 18, 1996 Page 2 (\ "----/ Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends that: 1 Continue to allow residential development in the CBO as apartments or a mixed use with commercial, increasing the allowed density from 10 Units to 16 units per acre 2. Allow residential development In the C-1, C-2 and C-3 Districts only as an element of a mixed use project. Increase allowed density to 14 units per acre , ' , : There was some diSCUSSion Cathie stated that these are not Issues that need motions, or voting at this time The zoning code amendment issues Will be brought up again at future meetings 5 Correspondence - Memorandums from Judy Wilson 6 Other - Cathie stated that November IS the time of year when new officers are selected on the Planning Commission 96-28 MOTION BY MARGARET CLAPP, SECONDED BY ED PITTS TO REINSTATE TOM GORMAN AS CHAIR, JOE HUDDLESTON AS CO- CHAIR ON THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MOTION CARRIED o Meeting adjourned at 5 05 pm Respectfully submitted, jD>lI1IO~ Dana Spive Tom Gorman, Chairperson Oate o Yelrn Planning Commission November 18, 1996 Page 3 c o o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelnt Date November 12, 1996 - To Yelm Planning Commission From Cathie carls~.ity Planner Re Sign Code Backqround. At the October 23, 1996, City Council meeting Jerry an-d Fran McCarthy, owners of Sleepy Hollow, spoke to the Council in regards to special event signage on their property (Council minutes attached) The City Council s~nt the McCarthy's request .to' the Planning Commission for review and a possible solution Conclusion Staff reviewed the sign code arid discussed how the sign code, could be amended to allow for additional ,special event slgnage for properties off of the main streets, while maintaining the Intent of the Sign Code, Section 15 24 010 Attache9 are copies of Section 1524010, Inteht, and Section 1524 090(C), Temporary Special Event Signs Any amendment to the sign coqe would be applicable city wide Upon ,reView of the code and discussion on possible solutions the staff was unable to develop an amendment for the McCarthy's situation Without .allowlng for the additional slgnage throughout the city Staff R.ecommendatlon Staff recommends the Planning- Commission take the McCarthy's reqLJestinto consideration The Planning Commission can either propose an amendment or recommend to the City Council that no changes be made to the Sign Code ... r * Recycled paper ~r o 96-168 6 96-169 o 7 o o Jim Weidinqer (Fire District #2) asked if water improvements would add new hydrants and adapters. Ken Garmann stated that fire flow and 'chlorine contact improvements would be included in the plan He was unsure about the addition of adapters, but offered to check ~!k':..~... Jerry McCarthy questioned the need for corrosion control Shelly Badger explained the low pH situation and action planned Mayor Wolf added that we have submitted a plan are waiting Health Department Approval Suggested Community Facilities' Performing Arts Center, and Library, Public Facilities Water Upgrades, Fire Flow Improvements, and Chlorine Contact Being no additional comment, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 7 50 pm MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING WATER UPGRADES AND IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE 1997 CDBG APPLICATION. CARRIED. Berry Valley Estates Final Plat Approval Ken Garmann reported that the condltions on the final plat checklist had been completed and recommended final plat approval with signature conditions MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE BERRY VALLEY ESTATES FINAL PLAT WITH THE REQUIREMENT THAT THURSTON CO. ASSESSOR, COUNTY TREASURER AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR'S SIGNATURES BE OBTAINED AND THAT COUNTY ASSESSOR REVIEW BE COMPLETED. CARRIED. Public Comment - none New Business a Jerry and Fran McCarthy, Sleepy Hollow Jerry McCarthy explained that his business was located in Nisqually Plaza and that visibility from the roadway is a problem because the buildings are set back, and it has become worse since Burger King was built The business was supplied with professionally produced banners for mattress sales but was told by the City that they could be used only for "special events" consisting of 14 day periods, four times per year Revenue tracking by the McCarthy's showed a definite increases and decreases in sales corresponding wi th times the banners were hung A change to the sign ordinance was requested Councilmember Rivas explained the process by the Planning Commission in evaluating and revising the Sign Ordinance And the Commission's attempt to avoid an appearance found in areas with strip development Shelly Badger added that the Chamber of Commerce also discussed this signage. They didn't want to totally l-:;e:-;;;.,::~::", YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc 96\10-23-96".MIN rr..-" ;-. .rl!''';,.,L1 PAGE 2 .i' ~'.""i' 11.,:,< 96-170 96-171 96-172 9 96-173 96-174 10 .:::.~...,,",',,.~:..:, eliminate~,.?anners, but felt that some limitations were . ~ec~ ~..~,~,"~ii:l';~:;"" ., -- , . "C' "'~,"'9:";;:'J::'~.:i:".'r~'> i. ~.,.. Councilmeffiber Lawton expressed that the Planning Commission had spent a considerable amount of time on the Sign Ordinance. o Mayor Wolf suggested sending the matter back to the Planning Commission for consideration of the McCarthy's request MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS L.AWTON THAT JERRY AND FRAN MCCARTHY OF SLEEPY HOLLOW BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO REVIEW THEIR SITUATION CONCERNING SPECIAL EVENTS SIGNS AND SEE IF THE PL~~ING COMMISSION CAN RECOMMEND A SOLUTION. CARRIED. b Ordinance No 586 - Tree Advisory Board MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 586 CREATING A TREE .ADVISORY BOARD. CARRIED. c Ordinance No 585 - Park Annexation MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DONfMILLER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 585 ANNEXING THE CANAL ROAD PARK PROPERTY. CARRIED. d Mayor Wolf announced a vacancy on the State Council on Aging. e TCI Holiday Videotape 1st choice was 4 15, Tuesday, November 19, 2nd choice 4 15, Thursday, November 21 o f Budget Work Sessions - As two work sessions were cancelled, additional work sessions are needed Dates selected were Tuesday, 10/29, 11/5, 11/13, 11/19 All meetings to start at 4 15 pm Old Business a. Resolution #350 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS JC.AWTON APPROVING RESOLUTION 350 AND THE PAYMENT OF VOUCHlt!:RS 20185-20285, TOTALLING $83,504.35 WHICH WERE PREPARED FOR APPROVAL AT THE OCTOBER 13, 1996 MEETING. CARRIED. b September Payroll Warrants MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING PAYMENT OF SEPTEMBER PAYROLL VOUCHElRS #9947-10031, TOTALLING $87,920.34. CARRIED. Reports a. Library - A written report was provided b Planning - Shelly Badger reported that work had been completed on the Berry Valley Estates project, and that new project updates would be available soon. c. Liaison Reports 1) City Hall - Councilmember Parsons reported on audit o J".. ;:,t~~S;:'f::R~;" YELM CITY COUNCIL;". _. ab\cc 96\10-23.:.96 MIN ;;,\~ v.....i~';.~",;".:.;J " '~'.: ',J' '1;. Ii!. ...., if ~';. ,. ~r::";.~'.,.,:.L r.;".;_ PAGE 3 '\ C Sections: 15 24 010 15 24 020 15 24 030 15 24 040 15 24 050 15 24 060 15 24 070 15 24 080 15 24 090 15 24 100 15 24 110 15 24 120 15 24 130 15 24 140 15 24 150 15 24 160 15 24 170 15 24 180 15 24 190 15 24 200 0 15 24 210 15 24 220 15 24 230 15 24 240 15 24 250 15 24 260 15 24 270 15 24 280 15 24 290 -/K .' . '.~'\ ~~-:; t^.." ,"', , '~,~'.:... ~.-: ~v.< '",," '; _, YELM ON-PREMISESjOFF-PREMISES SIGN REGULATIONS Intent Definltions and Abbreviations Permits and Fees Required Permit--Requirements Permit--Applications Fee Schedule Exemptions Prohibited Signs Temporary Signs Structural Requirements Electrical Requirements Illumination Maintenance Landscaping for Free-Standing Signs Inspection More Restrictive Provision to Apply Buildings Facing on Two Parallel Streets Signing on Awnings and Marquees District Regulations Variances Legal Nonconforming Signs Termination of Slgns Administrator-Appointment-Powers and Duties Generally Administrator-Inspection Authority Conflict and Severability Violation-Penalty Removal of Unlawful Signs Sign Area - Square Footage Maxlmums Grand Opening/Special Event Sign Area Maximums 15.24.010 Intent. The intent of this chapter is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare by regulating the number, size, design, quality of materials, construction, locatlon, electriflcation and maintenance of all signs and slgn structures, to preserve and improve the appearance of the City as a place in which to live and as an attraction to non-residents who come to visit or trade, to encourage sound slgning practices as an aid to business and for publlc information but to prevent excessive and confusing signing displays (Ord 588 ~2 (part), 1980) 15.24.020 Definitions and Abbreviations. For the purpose of thls chapter, deflnitlons as deflned In Chapter 16 06 and certain abbrevlations, terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as speclfied in this section o c B G c Grand Opening Displays A no-fee sign permit is required Such temporary signs, posters, banners strings of lights, clusters of flags, balloons or other aid or gas filled figures, and searchlights are permitted on premise only and for a period of fourteen (14) days only to announce the opening of a completely new enterprise or the opening of an enterprise under new management Square footage of allowable temporary sign area is provided in Section 15 24 290 Sandwich Board signs are permltted provided each side does not exceed 2~' x 4' All such materials shall be removed lmmediately upon the expiration of fourteen (14) days Search lights may be permitted by any business or enterprise provided the beam of light does not flash against any building or does not sweep an arc of more than forty five degrees (450) from vertical Special Event Signs-for Businesses and Organizations A no- fee sign permit is required Such temporary signs may be placed on premise only and shall not be larger than twenty (20) square feet Sandwich Board signs are permitted provided each side does not exceed 2~' x 4' Said signs shall not be posted or attached to telephone poles, power poles or other public utility facilities Such signs may be permitted on premise only and for a period of fourteen (14) days only Special events are limited to four (4) per year The event committee for whlch the sign is displayed shall be responsible for its removal and subject to the penalties as provided in this Code Search lights may be permitted by any business or enterprlse provided the beam of light does not flash against any buildlng or does not sweep an arch of more than forty flve degrees (450) from vertlcal D Real Estate Signs No sign permit is required All exterior real estate signs must be of wood or plastic or other durable material The permitted signs, with applicable limits, are as follows o City of Yelm Ordinance No. 576 1 Residential "for sale", "open house", and "sold" signs Such signs shall be llmlted to one sign per street frontage not to exceed five (5) square feet in sign area, placed wholly on the property for sale, and not to exceed a height of seven (7) feet 2 Residential directional "open house" signs shall be permitted during daylight hours on weekends only and must be placed out of the way of pedestrian traffic 3 Undeveloped commercial and industrial property "for sale or rent" signs One sign per street frontage advertising undeveloped commercial and industrial property for sale or rent The sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) 9 () ~ o o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Wa~hington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm Date November 12, 1996 To Planning Com~ls~on From Cathie carlsoR"Clty Planner Re Proposed code amendments to Implement ESHB 1724 Backqround In 1995, the Legislature passed ESHB 1724 which Implements many recommendations of the Governor's Task Force on Regulatory-Reform As a Junsdlctlon planning under the Growth Management Act, Yelm is required to comply with ESHB 1724 Local governme~nt's must pass regulations which mandate the combining of the environmental review process with the reView of project permits, and proVides for no more than one open record heanng and one <;;Iosed record appeal In addition, the project review process must integrate land use and envlronmelltallmpact analysIs Proposal - Rather than developing a new chapter In the Yelm Municipal Code (YMC), staff IS proposing amendments to eXisting chapters of the YMC Attached are the proposed text amendments as prepared by Sandy Mackie, City Attorney Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Planning CommisSion approve the proposed text amendments to the YMC and forward them to the City Council for final, approval -7 * Recycled. paper "t". ~ [/,1 i ii 1. r -- -~ '-/( .~~~-: --.=i..-..;;;~----~~~r:-~-- >-~-, 1 _ Yf'.~~Yit~ I 14 :, i t~ .., - r - I. ~~, ~ I I i- II I I L ~--~ ./ v 1 ! I I i '. t I I I 'I l ~,. i~"'I;;)~~q))d ":~~Ij'i)1!J~~ 1t(j) 'fa m ~1.mlclp51i :Cooa (Vt'Af:;) 'it!1 ,7f>;t:"'"107l\( ~~\-iB 112'4 f."i1'(1'1lpf~~,\E1 iT~J>'!: P~q'ft",I..!.' U" jl.l(~dl1iw1 .. I1BVJ$jl,{!S to ~'-'J\~ Tjtre i~I"Enrfr."'r'r:O;"lt" ..':::::Ioo::::~~"",.~,-_::, :>1<,- _.4.:. =----- -...------' -'--._~ ~-- -- - i1 ,t"\. GC"'1MGl P.'nvlsions l} ;",j \) ; ~ Reiated Ci'i1:ijJ'i!:i.~, fVT ~. l .,,~;g eteu proJE'l.,t revtt:~'\, P' lees",. H/-" '~!ilH :., ,Jwl:diJIgs & Cu.lstrLi("iI., ,~~ i,J 1:.\ 1 b.. ,~6 ',S~,)td;\li~'ioi1$u; and '-.~Jf! 17, ;~Ufd ici ~ .A #... \~ ~ 'f, "''''ir.~n l.r' ):~i- A~::- rl' .. ;~~~<'; ~')("'\~l; ~)r '\/.'.Ii ? 1 f~ '\,7j(i' Th@ Nasil!nr.p,")Q f,tfl!r~ L e81:;1<:~tur8 11U5 :n Fit..V'! J() 10. \. i (c.! mi'ind,)J:Bted that best iivaiiable science will be used in dc:veioping p()lIcle~ a lr fsSgulalio!s fOf tile ~Jrot9ct'C'" ~;' crltiC;;i1 areflS, Md shall give sp,;;Cla\ con51der$hm tc tl CClrsetW,l!nf) L ~ erl:lctrornolls fisheries I i ~ ! ~ , 'l.e\t'S'Vi'''' . , ' f,'IC Ltle 13. l}I.,it;'dq!;;. 9(:" ;:-:t",.C.'(IUi _~:;~~!:~r:~:';.~ S/l~ '11r ~.~.r~~~~ r' ~le ~~_i~.~!..:~~_~::~ ~!:r--_~ -I' '- _ ...~' t:1""jec 1 ,/:3\1':. Proct;;":,,, G;:;t^eral pr':Ni~.l'J(iS ~ .t~~91ijt 1~ i-; ::~'3t:"'e7 .3 ,:~p ~ ;'p~. ~1\olr-S~S'lt t') trL"; \tVA~~h11fn~-" ~t1.J~r J:gislatl ;fe ~"[':W13i"-'Hli~ und~r ESHR i 724 and &ubseqt)2nt .~0dific<Alnn'S Intc: (' 3rt ~S 3i~ lOA '3fi '7{ Ll Cf3 70(' W:'W .....h;::Jj.::~8f 4--3 2:(' PfO',,! S";:-l r"''''W 'S8~? 1!)G ... '\<" ................- ~ r 'S:,~~~ ~ .1 'i!'~~~~ki r l , I I 1 J6 lOA I t',~ i .-4 I I < ~.-'-1 i I ,. ;- , I I ! I __1 .i/ I I II i i [,I , ! : I II ",j ,:1 , , ~, =-~ ,-",fr l\~- - , I YMe. C~~~ I - ~- . t l. 15 "-," C 1" j .I i n ! il I II ! . I I I ! ! , i i ! i ! ! j i I ! I I ! , ! i I , ; 1 I I i I I I ! i i j I ,I il II i /-~ I ~l I II I I I I .' .' .' 'i I. Ii II 'I " I, II I. I , 1. .! ,I II ,! il 11 I: ~. , I ~ Ii ..,._~.~: ~'~""'.~~;';.:.._....,~.:.-*"-i-- _"..",...._ ~*_':"~~ ""';-....-~7 -~ -'~--:;";":~;:;'-~ P OF-Q"'H'id .1"0nfjo;jf>, ~("j vejI!rri.... WliJ\1liC1pi:>1 CO(}<;; Nr>J;r.~ 11 11) ! np!".;H .@ni i:.5Hil j I'tr'J. ! I 1 12-1 ~)t. '~IJ!0 ~ ~--~ --I r .I iI II II II II II I l l ;'Dcvdnp"18nt Agreern;.;nl" met'lns tAn agrGement bi'llV''::8n the Ci;v t'i:l a pfOP0rt:t owner setting forth the aprn(;al:l\f~ devc.;lnpment &tcr)ci;l:~,> land Oti1~H provisiuns, ii1cll.iding rnii!gat:on, Wllich vest the -jl:l\!t)~ '.:>ment, fH'ld WhiCrj aw tons1stent with tlie d(~veinpmenl regufatl')ns Elt ti10 U'n(~ th<a agreetl1fJi1t is enteicd !nlr; ArptOv~!,.,f I deveiop'nsnt agreement is obtained alter' (? PU!)"C hearing [Nol8 :f dt'ic, ~~)""J H'l'$ piocadur6 ~ou!d be lncorrorafgd Into the 110',',1 (":h[\ri<o ~q~r, j fl'nf- "p'o;, . " .()!, . '''''.i i i I \ I I I i I , i I I I i 1 1 i I I I I ! ~\L;: I I 1 -....,.,....~ --- -- --- .... -. ~,--~... -- Prf)p.-.;S~d j ~nd Revlsk;>rl or Addrt!Vii ~ ') 49 Integrated PDje~t R~Niew ProcesS' Q.2fu.lrticll~: "-1(_ ""ti( 'f'a~ ~"'''1'Dvt~~n~3 040 .....i t.,~ d '~~t (\t' ; i-lppP1~t' --:'.pq ....P] - ~: 1! t!l l~ ~ i .,:.,i H 1~ fI ~I t]" "~8 ~l j nt F.n rt'c'rnd !IF};'! ing (Vi a PfOj{~{.t ~'Qr ~:irt i n1'i:{~~tir)t' Jif~,? i1 ~bc 6ppeal is nl1 tne record \rJ..j!t~'1 no or limITed nf;Vi ~~\lidenpo i)r inf0m'etlon 8Howad to be submitted nnd only the appeal aryuml:lnt ~ I ~\lvFQ! :;:>~" !O;H~-"e. ~ f1SgU!rJiinn" fncfudes huiidlngl 70ninfJ criticAl ar- ~-p. c,~ w:J,lr e, $" j :JthBf 6\tWlfO'1iTlGPt211 and !t:.lnd lJse regulaiiori5 "-~per =-pcord ';~f3Jinf( mea,os a !~earin9 t!-i~t efea.t~'1 the ra(;of'C ~, , ll,j,~'. t~::;t!rncrlY and subrnis~.on ot !nfor'l1aUon I~n open fU m hBari(,;j hajd prior tt) U 00d:;i\)n is an "0[.\<:11 weod p,'edecis!an :1 ,. 1"'~/'?IJ~G:1 t\r' !)pef"' ff.H lrd Appeal he~~ri~g" tnev bn h8:Ct .~(~j 8.~J J_Jp~ - r I O~1~Y " r ',"E \/\.,~ pr' rr~",il0lJS CpO' reC''lrn t!8gfin~~ Of p ~;j;;:'(::S;fP ~. da~"''''g ~I' r~, if" )f MBCQrd" is tho Pf::!perty owner accor/:llng tc Ht?' f[1u stn"""; COUi~ty !\SS$SSOf ,8G'.Yds, of 1 Aubjecl: r 'ooenty ,lS of tf'is date a pfC,JC~t 8~p:jGabori is flied F)i.~v~ H i f\IJI!)i~~t h~ 8 d~:.iiprll1tqd pJHnni~t..' :iCtiDP ~rfnr'i ':d by tHJindt it.U, inr ,:vhich envtfonn iJ) 1{n: Ii lp~f'tr.; ~".avc .qj7~~~(fi tH c:idS{;U<:tV3Iy 8ddres~ed in fH1 E!S, ~ located witidti thf~ !.Jlh?!) gi\.J\-v,n ai~H:!, Is not an essBntial puhlk:. !eci!it>!. and is con. istent with the i1c"jpte~ Comprehensive P\an ~'1d development iHqulatiQ":' ?folect. pt!?rr11tl'; rneans any lend )58 l~r ~nv~ront'Y'P!l~a~ perq.--;it 0f ~C6n;;;e, If'(,,lJdmg b~\ding si~p; plans, t:uildlno r,~\;""Hs c:"!li,:;fjl f'~.~ appro'!;)!s sub&Asiof1~, inBslBl p~ailS, pta~r:ec . ' i~ Jev~ ,\' .hOi'-'iliiF.: s.'bt.;tQrli8,l ({tivchp'l)(:r!~ pen,'ds, r:;tc rn"\ ?". ~w :;.;rnr:~\.si uses. i i I .~ "..' ''''." ._....... ~~.. _~r~_ _~~_---.-._~__...~___ ....r .' - ,- ... __1_- ____ ;: " I I r~~FIR ~-~ ! I i I .., t ~,.-:. 7nrJ .. ii\1 \ '1G lOB f'(i "4( \., ~~ 1- r ~~~n 1.,F i! ...;: ~": r! n'l-'l r: "'n0 (\~n I' jl ~. ,'- '1 r 1 II II 11 ,\ II I! II ij I ! i II II II II _J e' I) I I 1:1 ;,1 " I--~"'- '--/1' Ii,' I! 10 r .I 'I I I I ! II I I! H ., II Ii /" II ~II u il I' !! if Ii :1 I; Ii ~I I 'I I, 'I II I . Ij ,i ~i ,\ i !; 11 !\ I (' -.... 'I :1 ---..-./ 'ii,t .. _ __ '_'4-L I,j i t - I 'It> 49 ! 1)50 I I i i I I I I i I I i i ! i I I - ~,.> ~J ~;j~k~~~\~ ;;1" ,~-n'~~;=;(J ~"~"~~HW.':~;.;"~ ~:: (~.(,~~; --- ~~~~._~~.=o~~-='~-."ll ~o \iI1pieIlHN"lE::~rm P'74 ___. "_ _. J! _ ~:I}.:~~a~ 'f~'i Fle....i$lo~ rjl .6..ddl1lvl J ES~~ ll,!i5_~tG,1.Ul."JI in\,::gr!!itad Pmjel;t Review Proces~ " .':\6 108 0',,;) t ,-; Ii &w.t~ tLQIi Jilld..1" t iJiP > eJ..'!tlQJ1 . Ii I ill , L , '1 I I, I 1, ! :,1 ! ' ! h I . j 01n Appiicnl:!on i! jtS f..:hcq,'tnr jesc.nbn~} h(iH U ~,: C'lty \'\:H (,ofH"uHanUv p;OGf:SS e.pp!icetlotl$, -for dHVe!'.)I~rneni subject to rev~(.~\-v under ti18 folh:YN!ng chapters 01 the Y~lrn Municipal Code .! \ .,-;.' .' ,- '" I' , t ! I f ~de ; I}. CJ ~:j ronrnenr (2) Tit!e 113 SlJbd,vls!on~ (3) Tite 17. li)fiing II 11 I! II Ii jl II It 'j II I. I: ,I :j I: ,I j; II II II II II 1 j I i 'I :\ (.,,~n 11 ;tBrpretatio!) .1hQ C;tys p8i .)11 !:)vdilJ2,!Oi" (d!'l"'ndlng llpP, !:10 )I'rl ' !f)!s ~n bc Ii<; bUiidi/1l,j !m~pec.t(lr, t:liYi, onrm-j! iiai ! fl\' Ii''- ofliGer, planning a.dmlfilstr~t(lr, Plant11ng Comrniss\on, or City Council) stw.l\ reView. pfi;;iec! 8pplk~~jti0ns as foHov-S (1) For (.onsiS1ei1cy with YA!m s CQiT\jJre.n-ans1v,.> ~)!;:n 2. devek'pi1lGnl regula.tions '\ny pr:)po~wd d >:'lnn(' i: {he Compreher:siv8 P~'3n anOjOf development ref.)uiatltx'!G connected to or arising lrom (he appHr-..a ~on i'squest, SllaH ~lB he,srd as (~ 5epari.ie scHon per '{r,,;C: 1549 15U nArn(~pdnlents fi (2) -(0 detBrmIne considnnc-y tlie io!iQwing crite:iii.'i IS k be considnred ~r :) (v) th8 typ:-~ of iarid user b) df;ns~tv/!(;vsi pf cfe:l{..lo~.!rn8iil (c) jq!r8slrLiGtu 0 anci pllb!lr. !Bc!!lties nt~tc'dpd ",nci (d) deveioprnt'lfl\ standards (3) Tt'lB permit 6ValL!~;to( may oetefi!line tNt! lhp. City'S deV8iOprnp.nt regulation OJ environmHnia! analysis rsq;.iirernents pro\J"kje adequate rnrrigation ~0r srjfYi~ or ail of the p'oje,:;;is enWc.ml'1Bntallmpi:;cts . , I (4) Project ff.;'/!eW shdl hfJ u'i;i';d ,to identify spec-riie Pi/"l;I1':~ I design <1nd cond;lion.s. rela1ing to rniliqadon (fJj Dedsions en pemllt.s Iii '<.ii! be b8S€,d upon the ('CO"! I estabHshad at fhe ptibHc, hearing if one is hAid 1 i (Gj Ttlii final appruval allthonty (City CouncH) 11'lf.tY at a I public mliletlng consIder ,HiC; modify tlv.;; ! recornrnendaioon from boiow (F)!;:;nning Cl)mrn!ssiol1 I ana/of staft) Wiihout hoidin9 an Eiddr-lI:;ns! h€$Iinq i ._--~_.-.-._..,--_._~---"- "- .-- t- , I 1 . , I , t rQ'7 ^~. , 11 !I f II II 'I r ,I ] rl , 1';,1 I i ':\;: /'p8 fJr:~\ :l egrclted PrcjtH.;t Revie'/"J Process erQ1e.~t !-1-3vie't{ J.o be.Jnteqn::1.f:Ci v,.tttLhn:~itQQ!T~iJiC!l Fif~J.l:.' v r~Hrrna t.$pp?Qvals are to be cornbHled \>'/li.{i e~''''JV!;vt!n18rHd.~ ~'lit::",i 'under ytv'IC 'flti':; i I) 21'11.1 51");;:' 8db<"t~ !n tnc t;!Pin., bf:PA prC~8S3 cl:,1Gscrlt~l)d , . ,hIt - l:)r;' r . <!.....v Chl1rtS ~t Tables , 1";; ,.....----=:- ~~--~~, --- _..- '"" ....... ~ / '- "--1 i :;.,;;:~.- ., j ~f *",. !'":"!j , ~ l' l' 1, 'fl ! ! ! I, I H 1 ;1 j " I ! T- 1qfi i ~s dQ ..., I - '- i 100 I I i i ! I I ! / ! r '-'''~ -""=";1 . ~. -- _.- -{I ! ESHP '1724 S""t....~"'\ ' t.-- 1 , ~t lr tl) ~ ~~ f ,~ i H I I 1 tf~ ' !l I !, I i t' ___._.L~._ _ __.__ --~~I I q I i~; ;(JB '"'/ )(J, i ~' i _...~. ..... -....... (:'1r:.l1YP:.~~rl ("f'H~I01~fJ,fi tt') y~gn1t MtJlt,8.-r"~V[')' ~ /~rl~ to imp!lO'!1um! f.SH8 1724 Vj\i;. PfQpo~arl T~xt R~vl5lion C>f Ad(~lHon 1 ~':1 4S! ~ntngrdted ProloG! PBV.!e\-\! ~-~rIJvnt:8 070 Q.D1\Q[ill\ t;cOf.ioli~~~i He'{iQt1 1\2 e' nr~ ;on >(~I {-'-to _~Dr ':e.o.nl ~-!.l.t""; ~-,IP '7t ~;rA .....,.1rrnit:" /si'f thil same piOject may be reviewflc~ untier a cOl1soHdaled pp,rnit ,0vhjw piOcess, and shaH ,'j(jhBfe to thG permitlSi-'PA. pr,:::,cess 13:> riescdbed In this chap!cH Also !';sa qow e11Hds n( Tal"'!(~s __.~ In order to qualii'( k,{ the cor:~o1id8tf'(j ff.{view p i)CesS ail appiic$tin'1s [F;l.::;ting ~r) r..e samn f"(OJP' t foil :;t h:::, $ubrnrrt!3d at the i'>arne time I. I: .1 'j I, t' j ~ /--.... . ~l I !: I ~ ., i: I; ! 'I !. I, I I. ii ,. l I l' i I' fl t. j. i, ! ! ~ -...-/ .~-~-------.---._",-",>~ .::--.......- ._._-,~--- li1tegmted Project FhWI€\-\ Prl.)Cf;f;S ~rQlQ.Cf C.?1\l9..miZ"WQD. Once en gppilCi:I[iOI1lS reG&tved, it siiallloH0w the Hwiey'i pi OGess as descnbed belov,i See fiotl t:;harts at T abJe~; ~,_ SS~ rnatt!x at TfJDiB ______ lhe Cily shall categorile !- rejects as ioHO\i~S 01 G~A) Ty~:'e i ,f',:iinl3tei'iai) . ::,EPi\ e"ernpt projAds th{it do not requin=j pubHt noticG Of i"laarings 1rle:i~ p(();ects are subit:ct to dear and obi{iCtiVG staqdatd:> "1pd rT12Y req!.ll[@ p cf()sslcmai tf.Chnl~i Jc!dgml::'1( o O(D) Typo II (\rjrnl:Ji;-,lj;>t'\!~) -,CPt, pr()jE'ct:-. lhf.ll do reqiJ\rf~ pU~J~h, nc~Ht'"~" but I i'\ eq:.pd::-: 2ir~ l} I .. I ~_ t~r!'" predeci5ion hiii~\[in8 T ne.s'~ projects tHE.::' l1j0c.1 to objective and ~ub!ecl~/e slandards whic.h nay rcqJlifJ OlscrBtion about nontechnical bsues and about VthiCI1 there may be lirnited public inte:csl (li O(C~) 1 Yf)C In - (C;uB;,;j,.Jl dicl0l) <:;F-.P/\ projects t;qtH Hlf~ pubhc nunc'~~ HqtJ 3f (1j,i{)f1 rf-':CUi d pl:".,dPt ;.~1:)r h'.:rJ ~nu and pt~H,h al!ovv fef H \~losed ecorc1 a..ppeai i he (; projects require substantial discretion and about WhH.:.:J thfHe may b~ Di(,)ad pub!!c interest. [11 D(D) Type IV - (~e9IS;a!iV8) PfLij,Ktf. exempt frorn Uw i 20u U(;lY tinf~ 1:110 cf U-~~ f'\~olIGn Of Fji1..~~ f)pftlf{iun, nt;; R~;V\J \..16 fOG ()90 :; h;!; prJ...lit1~t. ntittiii ii ;~ (~ ~!=:J;' ')l P .,. pohcies. ofdh1t$.nce~, and/or signrficant pt,;}JHc inpUt I and lnciuds Master Piannerj Deve!oprnen1s, essential pUblic facilhies and amendmcnt':; to the CClmprt:1,fH,sNe ~:tlen and de\'elopmant !0gwUlon... ibese Me projects leql...idl'lg Sj.:.P/\ pl\,)lic notice Br1,j ~r. opel1 record predee.sion 116iW'1g V/ilf Ii is BIll ,f'!::i' to a c!o.<;$d record ~,rpe.:.Jl Th~. lo:1o~~1~ng pr0.pPGLs are e^cr~d~;d irer:,", r~~vit~\J, jr- ~i ';,3 " the~e f!Jh:;i<r i,i)wirna'}- dflsignr,trJ'!8, b~i)lI'CLH); I i\'" (':>drc:'. '1iiC";;t ~/a.di! ,n:," \~tructlon ~te; ~ " 1d \~~h ..... ~<: t 1'~,e')tifli3;1 \jf'd(i~ . eN'; 3f) '{'111 ,~: 1 , J: II Ii Ii :1 I, II II 'I I! Ii Ii ,. " :, I. I! 1\ Ii II Ii ,I i ~ il I' II r II I II I ./ I. I ,. I. '16 r~8 1/10 II II II II II ,: I! II 11 j j' " " I " " , I' , ..ll " , I I 'I s " /r-~~ II I~~- ;. . II vI2~~ C~€1 J-_.~-- P!?-f~.~~~ T~~ P.tlvisj~~~~_~~_~i!!~~,-_. _ If 1) -'1.9 120 I i 5 4; Integrated Projer"t nBV!HW Proce;:;s II I" )rj!;;lf}Jlnlnstl.90...Qi.l-;qillpleJ.~[1.z:"di II i II I II I , I I I i ! i i ! I I I I I i I I ! I I I I ; ! i ! I ! I I I I I I ! I i i i I I I -" ;1 :1 il ! I jl I " !i \1' ~!l ., 'i :1 ! ,l I i I! !i :1 i! H ;j H d d ~ I .1 L,. ,'~ -----./ '1~'.. PfC"r/,~~OfJ ("~~n~:o~ ~.fJ V;;, ~n rtf:U~~f~'~pn~ ('(';-:"4::" ~~r'~~Cj to ! mplamtO'nt f..$I-18 172~ ""'-"~.. --~ ._--~--.....-.._._~....--. - ~....._~.,,- -~---~- ~\.it~r reC~ipt ()'! an apohcath)i"\ tt~e CH_~ ~vi!1 fnaH Hn:i a~pJiv'1nt r) Determlnation of Cc,rnpii?tf;~neSS, It cornp!ei'J if the 8.pp!!C'.~!ion is "^t ~. i-tO - t!. ....it,. .'1'" ~ d - 1.'J..1o' · I: - L" "';~-'lo"";' ; 1\.1 :...ompiP (:) ,tiS ~I~j" ~ 1ai~ "en \:1 ~t1lter $;.B..in9 t~ J8 af..'p!l~h' !: IS incori'lpietB and whr~.1 Inforrn811on is neCp.~::;fH'Y to complete tt\0 appil(.:.ation I i I I i I hf~ (dt{~nH h'l~ { f "itninti~.1 i nil ~!rptfl J jl('n !...; rt,:r...~.f{.tf I i ii till PI" UW \ntO!'n~i'ltl' ; rG(lw)~1~id 'Ii t~ L' In'~pli('''' ,II r.:" I I been sub .nftj'e'~ ft.,dditionslt inforrn:'ithji1 rpuy s i[)F;0.qUl'nHJ' ! ba subn~l~ttBd l)v the rJoPtlr;.ant and/or be requestf;d bV?t"!v ; ~ I . . { Citv bullhis does ['If) fl!fed ii's lnilir.j Dr'tpr.nl'l;stbn r~ i Cur"\p!etenes" l.Hl,Ji f ES lhe 8ddi!i0nt'J ''lfo' "'l,~rrJ"" I ,::>,J,~y:;jr=md(1!1}' ameqds (h8 project !f fhe prl1!ocr is I sLlb~l- !UaHy am9nd8d, a rew Delermlnr:tion Q1 I CCHlipletensss ~N1H bo 5tHTL 8!'"':d the process d~t~cribe~ if""t " HliS seetiot1 I;; repssteci i i I I I i 1 ; i i i I I I I . i I i I ~ i ! i I j i i \ i j r\ -{ r~ q,v (;dterin :' t,' ) firnr. l n~ ~ The iJnlnrrnlnat!on o( (::(,(nph;tane:..~ or h:;Hcr f,t-jf!ng t:l~_. ~pplicaUon is incomplete srwii be sent within 28 da)'~. _ 'i€' rc,.eipt of an appHcaLon If H~e eppH01finl1 '5 101 U7F11p!et0 ar~d ~dd!ticn$1 ntormdl1on is sent by ri,e l~j.)lk":.8nt 8S reqw~s-ted by Ihs \".ity, thH City t!u:'1 has 14 artV'> to ri;,view tiltl ~d,l!tiona! infcrrnat10n i1nd 10 n01liv jf-,<.. app\icant thai the 8Dpt\rr3 Jon Is cornp!e'c Ii ~'a C'ii'y ~ j~ no! send !he Delflrminatlnn of CompielE;?HiSS w'lriir r~( specif'lad tirr'e frarnes Ule Hpp[jC".atfon is d€Ho)j"ned lo be CCH11pioh'i 020 Not!c!r.g Me,tho(l I hfi iJetcrrnh H:ilhln (;f C~pr-'\pi~:.,i ...Pi i (F leH 'f ~ ",tIn j! t> '=ippHD.;tUUn !S ~nciJrnpinU~ ~:.i)GIl no sr!n!~ tu ihB q~ 1~~l:! ~r ~ ~fii. ~ppli('...anrS (j~~signee if r~;qiJf)~~ted) by n'1ai! returt! Y/;r: jilt rec",es(ed if Qr!y m,"or inrO<r'li:liion or c!arH.I~,.8.:i,r> i,... needed the City n1:;JY contsct the applic<,lnt ry ~r.;tt\_'~lr}t"e or in perf.:';oo, Ji"td tt1cn <'f'tnd tt.~e ~)el~rmin~tit'"'lp 01 t~onip:eter85;;. _.~ -..-..._ ___ '"' r-~'...~__'_.o___"",_ _ -""~~ - .,....~..-""""",,~ ---, ...........,----. ,'0, ., TI '\ H I .-. -. ,. - -~- -it t ~(-. '8 ..~'')ii 'I">,t · l' I .=.::::- ..~::.~.~;lJ.:., -II ! 'if; 7lJ8 O?0 ; i II I ij I Ii II " ~I .1 l 11 1\ 'f 11 'I :1 'I ~! .1 it :\ ;1 11 '1 1 I I I I ~ I il II 1 it '1 1: jl I, ii II I II I ,I I , /lr~ - II to Impl~m.;ll1t ESH8 1724 it--- ... ~---~- --...__........_-...............~....--.....---------- ~--- ~_......__.-..-".-----~-- !I Y?:f1C Crta I Pfopo~,;;d T~xt Rovlslcf'i or Addiilol1 t!,... -. --"'--~......- -----~..._-. -- ,-~._----~-------.....-.-- II ' I if, 40 \80 I 1549 intemnted Prol,cct R~v!ew PfOCF'SS I'~i. !j ~",.}:.-J '" ! I I I-J9t.If? ....Qi r,@JjcaH.QD. 11 I fi i 11 ! '! l I I i I I j ! ~" i; I ~ !! ii I' !l ;J :1 H i1 ~! jj " Ii i; n //-~ tl .......ji! !i I; l! !i h 11 ,: 11 H !I .I iI ! II I' j: !l 11 II II II Ii g H ;! ji II H .1 Ii !\ ./ ' ~ -T}..__.......;.....--:;. ___ Pro:;-os~d Cht'!flg{;8 to Y~im Munkipa! C,>Q{l (VML) 1- - ._~- .~._-- ~ ESHtJ 17211 Stl'liut"* .__ .o._~ _._-j_ ____ _.~___ -_. 135 708 110 I I ., I , i ! i I i i i j I I i I I I , t\ f~0tice of p-.ppHr-aticn i~ sent by the City and is to notl':"Y DU1~r city d(.partlYlc:nt~~ stab:) Hnd ('}r;"''-'r rp :f1CiC'~~ i~1(J t ! p~Jl)!lC of (" d :~cript'!on of ~tle propo,ssd project. !ncludlfig the dates of Hs application and [)~terrninat.h:HI of Coriipietf)neSS, (~~) the date me, p!UCG, 8.f\d type of the hetjrlng for tnB pro!ect, (8j t.l~e me hod to corprnBnlll"'j.Jon end/or 8DDea! i!1(;; PfQiect, 14) . . <. \ Idcnt1!C~,lion of olh...;.r hnown p~rm1ts rw~clecl, (S) idpn:iiir-.a"!on (.f (<xistin9 eflvlronrnen1r.ll dOCllrncnts and (S)(8) pr'.:!imin8.iy CtlV'fonmenta; (h~t~rn1In8non, if eppl!~bie or (b' a Dt~ ~nd seoping notice may be ISSl)0d conc'Jrrent!y with Notice of Application, OHJ t~ ~tt1fla 1\ ~\Jot'~"f} Qf ApphcGtF ~f k, feq~ ;n'i.J f .~,. pr:"\!8(~t'-- uf'df ~ , ~ir.f1 ~I_rjj\ l~V~e~\1''''lr\d (iH uthCf PU'j'H()S V/i1ft.d h"'i\-o t~ n~'b;: .cJnnirrH1nt p8ti:,)(~ andjor an c)pen r(:H;ord pfGdt:-...GI~~ion :earing The hOCiring on th~; pro!i1ct may combine en her iocai st.ata; and fe(h;f,~! hearinqs \ I ! i ! i , i I ! i i ! i I I I ! i i I I -_J f ! l/\} f"-!ntire of J\~rpH('8ti~Jn I i{ ~~nHr.€; of !\ppiil;nnnn IS (ii~ nhnfHd \:..;:thin ,.to' ~J 1)''' i after. the ?eicn-j)inatiUq of L.:Jl1ip!:,u~n.,'~f" ;"i id . I provides lor a comment pel!()(1 or b(m",'een 14-30 d8Y~ ! foilowing lhi:) date of the Notice of Apr,ilc$II'1f] I ~ ; i i ! i I I I i i I I i i i j I I I ! i i .1... . o. Tirne Line i oit Permit flecommendaUon/SCP,t, Decis!of! r'~0!thnr a r~oornnirjnck1tion to ~ipprove,~ denYI or ~ctJHditiun n ~r~ pruj\..ci I ilUi c; [, ;P.'1 "'> (..~! 1\:1[li\J..: f"1,;;'lY t, Issued unlil after n18 e:~pi:atJon althe puL,lw ('onjnlUii\ period shown on the ~Jot!:;A ,f Appl1c3lion I t~p DNS!f,,1DNS also requires putlik: noticB, Ii shall t)e issued (;}{ least 15 d~lYS prji~H to the open f:=:c{)rd preder.!sion hearing, if ""pplicah!€J 030 r~ctic!nq Method Dlst el)ut(ol) w,!i i)p by deli"'''\' pr n ,.ill ~(; (;~hor c::\ j(~1;"'ttn'ji, ilS and "I ~(!' nr lpu 'f -I :"'1:1 ;,( l,..~ i, I." "'1 ,- connec'3on \y'vftI11h15 prOjectl rind by ti h:~;l !u ti eo :.q.. kt!~. Hw appiicent's repreS€:ntlVfl, and pH:'Jpe .!y owners-of rCGmd withii' 3flO iSf;! of ih€ ~uh18,.t proi:,:"t'j bOt\i1c!ai'i2t; ...,.- --.."... -'="".~--"'--- --....---. -- -.....,.,,~. ----...,..--... - .- '"""""'.--- -~ ~ ... L. . Ii --"'.t ~ I " I. , I 11 'j , , i ! 1 .' j' I! II II II p i: ;j I! I' ,I ,I '1 I, ,1 II I i i i Ii .1 Ii 11 Ii 1\ Ii 'I II '1 II I' 'I II I. !l !1 '1 II II l! Ii I' II I! , : ~ II ., I. Jl ~ ,---,f -~ ~- .~. _.~.. Ptq~=$e-;'~~:'~;~~~~: ';:7n:.~-U:'~dP~1 GOO~ (~MC) II l! . tc impiemani ESHS 1'724 /! ir- - ----, ------- ------ ------...-------- -- --- ---.--- -r- --'.---. - ...~, Ii 'd\~C ~_I:~_L___.~-.!' 'opo~~~~!~1<1 ~~1s~:::, c:! !1,~o~o!,_ ~~----_.._ _l~_~_~B !.:124_Si.::~!~tf\ Jl r 1 ') 49 HCi 115 49 i )~1~~fa f:d :fojeGt R~vh7;W Process . I ~i~ :OP ({J(j jl! ii I 140 i'Jq.\!f.tLof .t1i:Hll Dt';;'!~LOD I 1'" <'M. ' /l I III! II II I /\ Notice 01 F'ini;1i D8t,!.~lcn sh~;lllnciude the ~EF'A dctsimina\V.n .f I I II applicable, ord shaH (i-'.,)i;~(n thi;; procedllre. for at; 8d1'1inistrat ':'" I ,J . i II 1:'1' "appeaL It may COf';f.;!;i;t of (n an admlni~'\/a;lv€) !8\t!~r of apprc-,I,,,;i " 1';1',' [or Type permits or (2) pi;rmit appro,,/.;;' and/(\( (if~cisl(}[l at a Ii heann~j frOt'ri Ty~.. 'e n n! and IV 'permits ihe Notice sh;;!!; also II II I ~.. . 1 Ii. I st~te that nffocted prop;;::lv ovv,.,er:; rnav ,eql lest f; cb:~l!ge in I ,I I :Jlopertv tsl, V8i 18tkm I II 1'1 ! ,II .I I . I l.,!l ~.:, 1. liil" 010 Cnieria , ;1 I T!ie NoticH 0' F!nai Oecisior< Is not issw~d !.IntI! ai! rBv':~~',/~ i i ',' I on G; 'r.)fojact cH~) Gornniete ! Ij :, r ~ jl :j I I II 'I Ii O~-, Trrne UnH 1 11 . ' 'I jl Ij. {r~) A Notice 01 Final DBcisinj1 is t,) be issuad v:ithin 120 I 11 i; i deWS eftar nQt1fvii1g tho ,3ppllC8nt that thB ap1.:!lit~8tit;' , II " I is cornp!~tP, :iubtiadc'd riC'irl tillS 12l.hiav p8:;od 13 I "J I, ?lnl(l l;,'1~:er1 (!) by the eppiic:ant to ~uhfnlt ;'3MI..i!ti('l1c: i i'l \'1 i !nforn'1p.[!on (2) ihf) City's 14 day revi(\."ii~! 1! ti-1!s 11 '- /' I! additions: infoml$UOi' (3) pi'Elparl;\tion of o;{,' E S, r 1; ill II administrative ;:mfH?a!:,; '-;0 I:~ng ~s they do nol O'eR..:'-/. I :1 SO {i~ys ro: an cpen r("cord hearmg 01 fi} daf'=- !C. "l I 'l closed fAcmu :~ppea!, (~~j Fmy ;;lgfe~d,ur:'O!1 111"18 , il eXl€H!~-;!onr, 111: ; ~ "1'( (tJj ~ h:::! L-\j day lit l~t doer-; not f~~.:f"iy !t.; .fVp~ t\.. t r j0\.." II as idenHHed ~j ld~r '{Me 15 49.it)9 010(')) a.iid II ii II lnc!ude C'omprehensivH Plan and dC\/;;I""p;nent . II f'i'i&jufs.tion ,,(r1endnlen[~.. ;uiiv.t,O(!t~llied Gz,mrr,! jtl;! >'f.! I'li Il!." II ffi8StOi' planned development'" fB$orts. nS29 It!!>l !i h~~::~~ :~~~~~il~: I a.nd ,mpiicaliolH; subston id'I'1 fCvbf- ~ II !II Ie; If the Cny canocl issuo the NoVe" of fleal n,e"i'", h :1 I the 120-08V ". f~rind, 1t sh:=di provide:; '~\lrltteq f"V_)t;~ ~ 1.J . ;. , .... :.11 Ii the Rppih-;Hfl! gtaring thti reab'-~nc: V}~y ~r ,~ ?nr-: :1 I! ot'>t!ma\cu date fN !~isuanc(-; il U ., n II !! li Ii 'I ! ~-- .../ I _L__ , [ I I ; I i [ [I I I 1 'I i 'I { --:~n f~()dting nf\q~ \!!e rYi0ni"" l rl{\ t~i1UC{A of i' h"\j:d Df'f;'r Ion i~: ~eut : )l,f t'1H~i ~ I tht i ;Jort Ican'l the CG;Jntv ta.x. d6[:~e~~5.f.)(s onj('~ ~j'::j any p~'r~i~_ i \~h'Q isqucsted noU;e Of subrnil1~Hj sl.lb",tantve cr.:;:ntn8T1t~; ! u t"lE' RppHr,aUOil l t , " " . ~"""l ; ;;.. __~.... ~.._:: ...-~' v.;-:~"-v~~_......,--~_. .~{<f__. -., - -- '-----'\ i~ ~.''''''''' . -,,' "i- ." t. ,'c'' ., · .,....~ "'~'1' '\ I r"'!Q~_::?~a ~..;BJ:;'V')~{-:;"" !O T ~~nl t~~!..USt'~P~i ~';,h-~t) ~~ ~ ~1:' ~.I,f ! to implemont tSHB 'j 124 I t :-;'. .,~ -:..:--T----.-~--~.-.-- ol ;-:'~~____:l:~~-~~-!....M -- - -"- =. ! -;;0. l..~g ';72-'~ '~i~~t:-' il_ ...:\\fi;~..~\".h~ _L_~_____.. . :OE=~~~~:~...::!v.i- ..:::.:~:...:-UJ \ :-'..'~_ _ .l.=.:~' "':..'.~: :::'<" :" -.. :; 4:II.on I 1549 \niegrat8d Pn:1jeet f\CVlew Process 110 ft"'.A,1:3G. ^~'J, 'l I ",E,O '\''''''d!"r''''''i3 ! h,-;) ;!',: I" !Ii. - - f.:i1.iJJ'e:.LL. ;..bl:.!.~ l~:,:' ... . . I .~\r'19r.d"l1Pnts ~k111r':] 0 f...g[.II.;:\; vms [,)! ihe Cnvirql"l" Gnt IT1iB Hi !1ui,cHng Hnd Con~tr\Jcti::m C hIe i 5}, Subdivisions (fh!;:; 16) and \ Zoning (Tille 17). to the md6ni these ret;1ulatloflS '3.re governed by He! 1"\' i ".. Compmhensiv8 Pbn and Oe\iciopment F\egulal.!OflS may be ,:.Jl I! ;.)t(\ces5ed as follows l' O't 0 :4,rn~;ndrr~ents to ':;on"";prehensJ'./e Plan, Hlciwding tezor.t).~ ~I i of Land use Mapl '! I (Ai Tirn8 Lint: I l~ ~ A.rnencirnt:f1t:3 to the C:Oh1prehensive Filar) fi.i1d r(;zcn{~S €~ra I 11 l i III I. Quthonzed only 0'1 a annual b..,sis {-ixe;ept for an -!;-'j~eigf." Y ! r if irdtinted bV t!'10 Crty --:)r rhu~stJn (~ot1nty (~n an'ic:'fF~H1CY t . '"i ! j; 6',;j!;,!S 11 deia/ing the 8rnEindrnunt 'Nould CaUSe Sub.,tt1nUAi I :i ! . II "'.!. p\. ~H(, l"><1'"'I) The eli'.'! gl.atf .jh3!l throu~:;hOUI till? y.'ear, ;;l(,.1...(;1'. It I !"1,, - ar'~jlca~ions IOi $\.ldl ,:;mencJi(~Gnts, but they wii; no! be Ii I' 'v:f::wed by the F'ianf1ing Commission until the 3rei QUfl.fter of I H !l I cdrh yeaf and not acled upon Dy the City CC'Hlc!l \.inW after H I I~ ! pd)i1o rH~aring is he.'i!d during t[16 4th Querie (;1 sac!1 Yi:!8f' H I ~~ I I,:',. ths requested amendments 8f0 approved, Ih61f W!!! i1~COf!l8 'i' i etfecl!v8 Jaf1W:HV 1 (ll thf) following Y68.1 J\ny <amerlljr'lerrl '-.../ i applications received alter the last v\'or!<.ing day in ,JUne will be Ii! :; \ held ImW the ~H)nuai review t:rre of the fol!vw!ng Yf~~H I. HI; Ii i r i1 I (8) Cra~r!1! i Ii ! !\rnt}!'!di :iC! IL to thi:! G\.)inp{dHjn~"V~; ! 'k.tn. /OiWi~j !vi..J!>. c~ I i! I (k eloprnant rCfjulaUons may be grAnted s() long c1s U.,6 I! II I s: Hont ~ilDWS that the f'~quGst8d arnendment IS cons/stenl i\:ji::.,: I,,:., -'Jilt. tne policies and intent o~ the CC1mprclloilS1vc Plan fi'1(;I;' Ii: l~ondit!cns hav~ ct1~nged SO d5 to v'ianant tt1t! requested . arnendrtilH1l Ad~qt1acy ana aV811abHny or puuHc =scfvir..e3 f.h"'I(~ . Hi. i i! I !nimstr\..i,~hj(e, as weil as Gornpw~nilily wrth [ldjacr:l1i ~)<.is~ing , II i and pi;;1.nned :and uses, will 1:;0 GonskiEHed in the cril:fJda. I 'I ! 1 \1 I Ii i II I II I Ii ; !l i H i it ~ u -- j.~.~ CJ~O An18ndil1ents to lJ8VQ,opfnent F\e~iLdations ,~r'" slid neilt$ to Yclm's devuioprne'lt rB~l;)lahcns (p~nrits ?n,:l plljCes;;:8~, ieiulHlfj to b!;i!cJing. en"ironni~mt - Including shqrehne inest~r p~an an1ef1dirH~il1::;t subdivi0lonsl a.nd zr.r-dnq . Ir1Ciudlng srto-speciiic. !czones) NI!I, to [he e)-lent pOE,'jibk~ be CtjnJiJ~H'6d annuaHv at the sarna t~nle ntd (;t\fnpr~J H.ln$h':t~ Plan ernencrilents art'; reviewed, and 'y~iii 'iolk)1;'J tr-s pr:;ce:;,s 8.<;. :,utlinod in Yl\1C 1549 '\00 i40 ......"-""" _...J.""~""",,,,-.. _......- ...-....-- ! I i 1 I I i --."," -- ;. / , ..../ H I j i ! I i !! " H il II 1\ 'i j, II I Ii Ii I l , I ! I I I " I i r I I II I! ii 11 .. :1 I, I' '1 Ii '1 I' II II Ii II II I: I! ,I I. , I I 'I i I r--'" I Pf('pO~ad T~K1 Ravi)$km Of Addition 1" .... .-.... ------..,.....,--.. --....-.--.:_.... -_ - -___........."'........._. -------__'0 .....- .."'" .__-_ ! ! j ! ! i i i I , I I'T.l / " F'==- "~II II ~l..r ~- - .. '-... !. il 'tilL Gr.!;) II 11 'I, (;!.11b0 !j ,. a ii l; 11 Ii Ii ..:.... - .....ou. ._ '"7"f:." ...;.. -~~..~ ':.-~- ~..J~.,~. ~~- .,-... . Ii " Ii T--- 1l' I ;:::'::l-ilOl> ~"t':;;.; :~1J<,'".''' ,II t t,-.~J ~Q .. 't...~ .~l)._.hA~;;.o: ., ~~. _,~___ _"n_~_._ ,! , Ii i, '<!l 7 ( i' ! d ! ,: i 4-'3 i> Ie 07'1 II I . ~i I ~ I i I I i I I ;1 I ii Ii ~ ~~"'--'~"---~_.........~-.-.......-~._---~_..-..._~ ~ Pi'opo.l!od Changes toV~im MUfllcipHI C(.><i,., (Vr,,~c} 10 Impl@m~lfi\ ESHS 1724 i~) 49 int~~;rat~:d p! ~ltH....t ~1ov~o'y\: f:tGi.i~s;;.f; 'i ~a 6QPi:;8.!fu21. Cr1.V:?...13::4 U:<!L..Qtl~Lsj9jJ ReV$~ilt,1[iS. t., ~{;vc Tftle 1 G ~t;ubdf\/iSir)n~H If -'.- '~~'-1--'~"'~'.c~......... '''::;':''~_._-~-.~-''--' ,...-.~_.~_."'=~~-- .--.-- ,: .~ _.~ 'jA -05 t 1604 .tt5 R~:'J.gied ChaDt~rs .. I ' i' . Fi~1 An ~nte~r3t$d pr;:):eC.l ff,"-v,~W proc..A~$ F (:}n. lttl 11 I "E'f'vh(\!)rnc'\t'. Tith.=, 15, "Eluiit.nngc; & C\1r'i'~;(ur~1 J!," at '1 i 1 q 4q ~wj Title 17 ''!oniflq i.l_ ..1. i i II '\) J.r Hi...l t J JG. dtib([3} 11 i .1 ! !/ ! II ! Ii I n i i' . Ii I .! I h . , Ii ! !; , _/ L __~.'" J _ _"_ _.~. 010 it II jl j, /, il , I I, (~::IU I; " 11 , ~" I: \., ..-/ d I I Ii .1 I' .1 r r " I' l t! 'I 11 l ~ 030 I; 'i l: ,I it f\dm!f)I~;trat:V';i l\ppeai (9 9 . "CIQS0Ci RpCt:wi ApDt:Mi Heanng"j is an Bppeal of siaffs. PHl!'!l Decision end ,r;- heard by U18 City DOlinc.) {!{J(,iudes C8t~gor! I 3t~ Ij !~dm!nL')tfl;1trm p01MltS {or l.):.,jljd;i1Cj .suOdiv;S!Ml a l( zOf!if1q cock Of;cls!orv;i, and also appeals d Deternl!natlops .)1 :'orn;k-i~'! ass ;nif)!rreiat.;)r G~ consistency oi' proiectl and categodz8.th:rtQ of pr(jlect} l\ ~~OUC~~ of A.ppedl ~han be fi~ed to!:iJfth~' 14 devs o~ NoUce of Final Decision. l\tJpRB" Hj r 'V Cut ;~)rc.. lr\~i rh., t ~CH"'I [ir:r il d;~ ~,li)~)~f.,jl;; 01 i'{l~~)UL:f}J !H afHJ J./ ijj:"i'" iI',')}; 1. ~ /.J" ..l~ Categorj ! and il di:,r,isioilS \NhiCh have b~}~~ appE~~.ied ~u thfl C~~hJ Council) Ths.SE apneais go to Sup~rlt)r r-:ourt and fo!lQW the Judjr.i~i re '1P\iV P'CC{S~ sat 101'dl in Rc.w 3G iOe ((3/ I I ! , I I ! i i I I ! i I I I I , i i ____1.._ l\ppeai of Sf:- ,:~.t'~ Threshold [)ecisfon A SEPA sh;aH be cornl)fned with an ~mpeat of tbe vndf~riv~ng 8cHont and shcJH be fi;f.-:d wHri(l 14 day -~; ~fl~H' Hlf} N(j~!ce of r'n~i jffCi~"l~On or 21 t:,~.1V~ d' comb!ped with Uie ONS C,HY:ri1f;m1 pep(Xi (1\) An ~ipppai ')1 (,1 DN~H,mNS Sh3!! be he F~ {-', the he~JHlfj ai \Nl"'jr:h a final rf!:COfrtt'1LH'H:jg~:::.,n ~.,r decIsion on ;he underiyhi1 .3ction v"ill bR ! ~adf;t A11 App~JR1 ()f f;.; [)S rf"J:1V occur before a FH.:.i [J~:\(..![) tj{~ ~T I ! '-'-'-'- ----.- --'~--<<~ ~-, I I I , f t-,l:'" uj lots 3/-:(.:1: f'I"')' ;)0 '"'~(:j"'i r:r ;r...;!-.~t.., A"! .,.~!t\e;e, q I{! !' t 1t J~ i':\ ( ~ t Ii; "'.) c: lJ{ t .1 ~.;!-l1~1/24 fl It is'~ Il '1 MC em8ndrrH_-lrj~ "r~.'!ct~ nef.1 ., ~\..; ~.~"'4, binding site plt)t) ~nd a rec()~d of sl.r-Jey rr1a3r Vl~ ~1 !s prepF.Hed in Gon~pUr-;nce \vith (~hapter 58 09 R(;V'l f'Hid \vhlch iril.::lucles a !egHI dAscr'ptlrm of o::;,c;' jr,t bG~ng (;iT-;$l~d~ ~s appro....Jed L I the de;';lz~un-tY'i;:)K ~ ~li"'<'i fH8:-j for f8cnrd ~n the r:~ul~nty aljdltQr'~ office 'r 1,\:; bf:1dH1~) SitB pial'"; ant] a~j of t3 y!;:qiJtre"'1Prfts Lt-fcl1i t? !cnai1j' en!OfCeaoie on the purch,;~ser f'f oth~"" pe.scn af'qUidl~J 0\",1"') ship ot thr !rA parcG' ('I t-c.;t ,..,...-. .:Jf/.,.. ,..,,,- - ~",,-... ~__,' __ __,_ _-......_r - """"'''. "1F!C R! (". ;;J : ( :i " ii II I! ,! .1 il ,I '1/ '/ (i I' il l! 11 'I ,i I I. t' I '. .j Ii .. .\ " II II ,I " II jl I: I I- i: ,I I II :1 :/ -r / ' ~~.~- :,.... - '-.J'I " L I; If !l Yf~(" ::i{~ i: ".-. l~-- --... I' Ii ," II ji II ~ j .' " I: II H i: t / " '-..../ ~ , - ./ "':"'>>~"""" ._...._~. "";--':;:;:~';"'~~":""'~'j._""';"-~-~." ;..- ..---.y;,;..... -..,.~ ~ .-:-- -.;.. --.;-~..~ -.- f'mp~;~{\d. Ch~ng~~ 10 V9lrn Mtmk:!pl:S! r;;;.'r.~ (YMe) in !rnpIGm~n\ ESHn 1 72'~ ~ i i !- ~'''''~'''''''''''-'''''''- ---"",:;.,...r-- ~--____.._._ """.._~~- ~ ........-_~v ,.-"._,......-__~_ ~ 1-- - .- -., ; c.;;Hn 1 ';.",; ...~""':.."'l,:,. I I '-.,........ -~ ~ ~ o't.""Oo .....:>~_t......,.....' 1: ~-'.- .~- ---...--~- .-.""-'"'.1' PropG$!'!d 1''9)1'\ Revlmion or ArJ.dition f-le'Jisio<'li:o t;.) Y;-"1G Titlt: 11, "Z,'-\,ng '~--'f;";""---"'''''''''':''.-.......&.~--~.'':''~~'--'''_''''''4>. .". ............._-_.-..-_..~:._- -.-""""'- 1 , .. 11 T 03 4''; hclf;1tOC Chantl')rs I I For an integrated pl'Orec\ revlAw proeMs, seo l. rllo14 ! , I I "Env!ronment", Th!~) is, "Buildings 8. c,onstn.lct!on ~~t I 1 b 49 and Tilla 1 G, !'SuD.JiVislof!s .....l_..___ ~_ ~.~_~___~__ p J _ __ _.. J f- /' "/\rnendmf1nls H070nes Clld Veriancos' I N~~ect.s r.\fr;cnrj'i~ei1ts to co'npl" with GMA (keep 'I';!; the \;~11cnce,> ! ! vort-tOr of Hi~f:\ '~1..;apter) -~-:;;;Ld-""";-~~~- ~~,;,:,,--...:r,-i>''::;;:-~..~..,.. ~':"_~,":~ _ ....:':..:.;;;:-~~~--?;:T"O;;;;__~-"--:.~_ ~.::;._..n..:::-~~. ~~~.d ..-......; ~.....~- _ ; ;;-;.--::::~', .. n 1...... - . ' r I I II il 11, " J. Ji I it , , , ,\ I I f '--/ _ .-.='F _.._==-.-,.'~.'e~-~11~~'\\ r-'=- =~~ - ...~-""~ ~"4-:-r-:: I "-,' I - I ".' '.,. I '" \, ~ , ,_'j"'" ~ i \ .; \t, \ \ . :> '" >" l' -, i' . i ;.._ 3' 0. q \ ~". ' \ ,', g' ~ " . ~,I' '\ . 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I 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date November 13, 1996 To Planning Commission Prom Cathie Carls&h!Clty Planner Re Zoning Code Amendments Manufactured Housing Districts and Density Mobile homes are currently allowed In most zoning districts with densities between 4 to 10 units per acre' BeloW IS a table summarizing mobile home deve'lopment allowed within the City EXISTING Use Zoning Parcel Size Density . District(s) Individual - R-4 R-6 R-10 No minimum 4 to 10 unrts per acre, , , , Manufactured Home C-1, C-3 - depending on tone Subdivision - R-4, R-6, C-1, 5 to 40 acres In 4 t06uqlts per acre, Mobile home C-'3 , residential, depending on zone Park - Mobile home R-6, R-10, C-1, 3to 20 acres In 6 unrts per acre C-3 residential -'--.. Staff Recommendation ,Staff recommends that. 1 Manufactured homes, moblleho,me subdivIsions and parks be restricted to residential. districts only 2 Reduc~ parcel size for-subdivIsions to 5 - 20 acres and parks to 3 - 15 * Recycled.paper _~_ ___ ~......:....._ ~~ ~ __...__.__~._~ _. _~~f ~ I I I , I I j I I I I~ " i ( I I I I i I i o 3 acres ( Sunnse Vista IS 5 08 Acres at 4 13 Units per acre) A maximum density of 6 units per acre for mobile home developments In the R-10 Dlstnct. PROPOSED Use Zoning Parcel Size Density District(s) Individual,. , R-4, R-6, H-1 0 no mlhlmum underlying zone except Manufactured Home R-10 at 6 units per acre Subdivision - R-4, H-6 5 to 20 acres 4 to 6 units per acre Mobile home . , Park - Mobile home, R-6, R-10 3 to 15 acres 6 units per acre Residential Development in Commercial Districts o Currently, the CBD, C-1, and C-3 DIstrIcts allow for resIgentIal development as provIde for In th~ R~10 DIstrIct Over the last YE)ar I have had several InqUIres for resIdentIal/mobile home parks on commercIal propertIes along Yelm Ave ,0 Staff Recommendation l' ContInue to allow reSIdentIal development In the CRp as apartments ora illlxecf use WIth commercIal, IncreasIng the allowed denSIty from 10 umts to 16 umts per acre 2 Allow re~IdentIal development In the C~l'~ C-2 and C.3 DIStrICtS only as an element of a mIxed use project. Incre;lse allowed denSIty to 14 umts per acre FROM THURSTON REG PLNG CNCL TO Yelm Cit8 Hall OCT 17, 1996 12 lSPM ~172 I P 02 I I I , I I o Members. City ullaccy City lJl ()Iyrnpi~ City uf THllillo Cilv of lUlTlwater City 01 Yp.lm T own of Bucoda Town of Rainier Tlllii~tlJn County Intercity Tr8n~1t PilillJ[ UIYlllpia Griiiin Schoul District ()jYllIPioi ';r:!luul Odricl QT'JlliWil!!)[ rdlOol District ) ,dlil l.ClfirT1Utllty c.;r.llnn:~ rJisqiJijlly indian .1 ribe v~J!i C,Witol \'onlll!lI.lHu Charter Member Emeritus: ! liC LVl'rqrn'l1 :;Lli~ CI)II~g~ Harold Robertson, AICP l>.PCli!lve f}',e~lor ('~f)il) 7B5-S<180 FA~ 101 'H13 o ~~ THURSTON REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL 2404 HERITAGE COURT SW liB OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98502.6031 1\1E1\10RANDUM TO. Governll1g Boards Memhers, TRPC Member JUflSdicyons Judy Wilson, Chair ftU Thurston RegIOnal tl~nning CouncIl FROM DATE' October 1 7 r 1996 SUBJECT: TRPC "ThJJlk Tank" Worksessions ThIS year Regional Council members have been evaluatmg how to make TRPC more effectIve. Many of you have particIpated by respondmg to our questlOnnaJre ill July, and attending our Saturday workshop III September. As a result, TRPC wIll he penodically uS1I1g mtormal worksessions to explore issues in a "th1l1k tank" fashIon. We would lIke to keep all of you mformcd. Your partIcIpatIOn so far in this process has been critical Your awareness of TRPC' "thmk tank" dISCUSSIons and participatIon 111 follow-up activities will continue to be important to our collectIve success So, I have asked staff to prepare a very brief recap of each worksession for all of you. We will FAX or mail these to your Jurisdiction and ask that they be distnhuted to you Attached IS our first recap, hlghllghtmg our October 4 worksesslon on "Coord111atmg Growth Management Implementation" We started with thIS because responses to our quesrionn31re ranked this topIC next to TRPC's regIonal transportation program and data SerVIces 111 lInportance I hope these recaps wIll be worthwhile for you I will apprecIate any feedback YOll may have in that regard. UJ,lb Attachment Providing Visionary Leadership on Regional Plans, Policies and Issues ,,.. RECAP o Thurston Regional Planning Council Worksession, October 4, 1996 "Coordinating Growth Management 111lplelllentatioll" Council members and staff from TRPC and member JI.lr1SChctlons addressed these questions' What should the RegIOnal CouncIl pursue in the Growth Management arena? Why and How? How will thIs make a major pOSldve impact WIth both TRPC junsdlcttons and cItizens? Based on responses from everyone, fivc tOpICS were identified. 1. Growth Management Act HReport Card" and Benclllllarks o 2 Infrastructure and Scrvlces Fmancing 3 Common Standards, Processes and BoundarIes 4. n Concurrency II 5 Long-term Regional VISIon Small groups Were formed to further explore these five tOpICS and to report on theIr discussion to the full group. Meeting time ran out before the Council members had a chance to discuss the small group reports and to decide on next steps. TRPC will contmue discussion at the next meetmg, November 1, 1996. Ol.lh o I! ~ l ~.- _ i } _! .-1 FROM THURSTON REG PLNG CNCL TO Yelm Cit~ Hall I NOU 5, 1996 9 02AM ~325 P 02 I o Members: l.i ty 0 i LacGY Cily of Olymni~ City of 1 cnilllJ City Iii TlJmwilrp.r City of Yc!:n Town of Bllcoda 1 own 01 Ha:ricr Thur~lol1 County Intercity I rans:! f'oll ~lr 01Y:II;:'.J (ifilflll ~)lhOG! Ois"lct O!YII1J.J1li Schooi Oi:r:ict O:;mW2:I;r Set-leDI Distier '{;;!Ill Cor ItliiJllity {;Ct1:Jols Nisr.;utJily diCk!:! idle _,tilt': L.i\p:lc, c.~.,rl'rr .II~~ Charter Member Emeritus: lC L v0rgrccfI Sl<lii.! C()IiF.'J~ Harold Robertson, Alt;P lxecutlve Director (3110) 785-5480 I AX 754.~~13 o @ THURSTON REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL 2404 HERITAGE COURT SW HB OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98502-6031 MEMORANDUM TO: Goveming Board Members, TRPC Member Jurisdictions Judy WIlson, ChaIr Ih) Thurston RegIonal Pl~1;ning Council FROM. DATE. Novemher 5, 1996 SUBJECT' Outcome of 1111/96 TRPC WorksesslOn on Growth Management Last month, RegIonal Council members started a new practIce of using informal worksessions to explore Issues J11 a "think tank" fashion. We also started a ncw practICe of sendmg you a recap shortly after each worksesslOn. Your awareness of our discussions and follow.up actions will make aUf collective efforts more effective Attached IS a recap of our November 1, 1996 worksesslOn. OUf goal was to decide on priOrIties and next steps III dIe area of "Coordinating Growth Management Act ImplementatIOn". Once again, staff from member jurisdictions participated in the workseSSIOn. After the workscssion, the RegIOnal Council reconvened and decided that our first pnonty will be to exanune. Financing region-wide infrastructure (includmg a cumulative look at regional and 10calll1frastfucture). Staff will develop a proposed approach for the RegIOnal Council to consider early next year If you have Ideas or questions, please make sure to convey them to your Regional Council representative. 01:lb Attachment Providing Visionary Leadorship on Regional Plans, Policies and Issues i I I -I~ o o o - - - - - -:::::J .- - - RECAP Thurston Regional Planning Council Worksession, November 1, 1996 "Coordinating Growth Management Act Implementation 11 Last month~ Council members and staff from TRPC and member JUrIsdictions had identified needs m five key growth management topic areas. Council/staff pIcked up where the last worksession had lcft off, widl each of five small groups refreshing the full group on the topic it had explored. Then, ill a preliminary "round robm tl , each participant identified lus/hcr top priority out of those five topiCS, and stated the reasons why. Financing region-wide infrastructure was considered the top priority by 14 people Next w~re: articulatmg a long-term regional vision (6); continuing to ~stabltsh common standards, processes and boundaries (5); addressmg "concurrency" mtergovernmentaJ1y (1; people noted that this really went together with standards, processes and boundarIes), and preparing a Growth Management Act "report card" (people noted that this IS already underway through TRPC's work on a Benchmarks and Indicators report) After further dIScussIon by the full group, each pcrson cast a ballot to note ills/her top priorIty The results were sImilar, with ] 5 people noting infrastructure as theIr top pnorny. HIghlights from the discussIon about mfrastructure We need a reahstlc assessment of total costs and abIlity to pay ThIs can enable us to deal With the public's frustratiOn regarding needs/costs in a more organized way. This is one of the most dIfficult elements, but paymg for infrastructure underlies our Growth Management Act work, and is tied to the other GMA elements. This relates to an overall VISIon, but it also is very practical TIllS may help us get changes at a htgher level of government, if we need them. The time IS nght~ and TRPC is the right forum. After closmg the worksesslOll, the Regional Council reconvened and directed TRPC staff to coordinate with member agenCIes' staff and return with a proposed approach early next year. 01 :lb I I: " 'I CJ City of Yelm c 0: 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1996400 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,105 YELM AVE. W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - October 21, 1996, minutes enclosed 2 Sign Code, Temporary Event Signs - Staff Staff report enclosed 3 Public Hearing - Ap'p Ii cant. City ofYelm Proposal Yelm Municipal Code Amendments to comply with ESHB 1724 Staff report enclosed 4 Zoning Code Amendments - Worksesslon Manufactured HOUSing, Dlstncts and DenSity and Residential Development In Commercial Dlstncts . Staff reportenclol;)ed 5 Correspondence - Memorancjum from Judy Wilson, dated October 17, 1996 Memorandum from .Judy Wilson, dated November 5, 1996' 6 Other - 7 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need speCial arrangements to attend or partiCipate In thiS meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall,at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, December 16,1996,400 PM .~ r 1. :' * Recycled paper o o o Agenda Item! Motion No. 96-26 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 21,1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 The meeting was called to order at 400 P m by Chair Tom Gorman Members present: Glenn Blando, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Bob Isom, Ray Kent, Ed Pitts Members absent: Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire and Lyle Sundsmo Guests Ted Foreid Staff: Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann, Dana Spivey The minutes from the September 16, 1996 planning commission meeting were approved as read 2. Berry Valley Estates Final Plat - Ken Garmann Applicant: Sue Gore Proposal Finalize plat approval Ken Garmann stated that the project has been completed In July of 96' a list was made of items that needed to be corrected, all on the list have been completed Ken also stated that the project is currently being reviewed and processed by Thurston County, all that IS needed at thiS pOint IS an approval from the Planning Commission to finalize the plat approval MOTION BY E.J. CURRY, SECONDED BY ED PITTS THE APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT ON THE BERRY VALLEY ESTATES PROJECT MOTION CARRIED. 3 1996 Project Approvals - Cathie Carlson Cathie Carlson went over the projects that have been reviewed and approved since January 1, 1996 There was some discussion, and Cathie answered various questions about different projects Tom Gorman thanked Cathie for the update, and stated that all the Information was interesting and very helpful Cathie Carlson said she Will try to do an update similar to thiS every SIX months 4 Agenda for meetings through February 1997 - Cathie Carlson stated that she plans to cover zoning code Issues In Yelrn Planning Commission October 21, 1996 Page 1 _...J.~__ o o o November and December, then Development Guideline issues in January and February 97' Cathie said that her and Perry Shea have been working on the Street System (street standards) and hope to present it at the March 97' meeting Cathie stated that both meetings for the months of January and February fall on a holiday Cathie and Planning CommiSSion members discussed dates to reschedule for Jan and Feb 97' Those meetings Will be changed to January 13th and February 10th 5 Other - Design Guidelines Cathie handed copies of the newly pnnted Design Guidelines out to Planning Commission members Meeting adjourned at 4 40pm Respectfully submitted, Tom Gorman, Chairperson Date Yelrn Planning Commission October 21 1996 Page 2 o o 0, -r. I i I City of Yelm YELM WASHINGTON' " 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 ~ (360) 458:..3244 Date: October' lb. 1996 To: Yelm Planning Commission Memb~rs, Mayor Wolf and Yelm City Cou~cil Members From: Ken Garmann, Public Works Director Re: , Staff R~commendation, Be~ry Valley Estates 'After staff review of the final pl~t 'application for Berry Valley Estates, the Public Works Department recommends that the City Council conditibnally approve the final plat, based upon a favorable recommendation from t'he Planning Commission. Review of , the plat has been completeq by Ed True & As~ociates, Professional _ ,Land Surveyor and Ken Garmann as Public Works Director/He~lth Officer. Upon sigpature by Mayor Wolf; the final plqt, plat certificate, warranty agreement and bills of sale will be recorded with the Thurston County Auditor's Offlce. As per Yelm Municipal Code Section 16.04.150, we recommend that one buildin~ permit .b e issued for the plat, until such time as the plat iSisigped by Mayor Wolf ~nd recorded:' ., . " ., $ ) , * Recycled paper o o o STAFF REPORT BERRY VALLEY ESTATES FINAL PLAT CHECKLIST ** Request final plat inspection by City of Yelm. ** punchlist items addressed either by correction or entering into "Agreement for Completion of Improvements and Repairs" with City of Yelm. Plat owner submits request to City for proposed items in agreement, along with estimated value Final plat map, along with survey closures (see Yelm Municipal Code 16 12.220-16 12.280) and plat certificate, submitted to City for review and approval City to supply addresses for plat and will forward final plat map to Thurston County Asses- sor's Office for their review (maximum 10-day review by Thurs- ton County) . ** "Warranty Agreement" to be signed by City and plat owners. ** Bills of sale (water and sewer), street dedications and as- built engineering drawings for the plat submitted to City. ** Upon City staff approval and certification of plat, it will be placed on the next available Planning Commission agenda for review and a recommendation to the City Council (YMC16. 12.300) ** Upon Planning Commission recommendation, the plat will be plac- ed on the next available City Council agenda for review and approval (YMC 16 12 310) After City Council approval, the plat will be signed by Mayor Wolf (after all other signatures) and forwarded to Thurston County Auditor's Office for recording, as per YMC 16.12 320 As per YMC 16 04 150, the City of Yelm's policy is to issue one building permit (if available) after City Council approv- al and prior to recording of said plat. ** Residential agreement to maintain stormwater facilities and to implement a pollution source control plan. ** Homeowner's Association Agreement ** ITEMS COMPLETED =S-A2 <(Sl6S L~ General Notes I. ~30,OOClQUoncon~II'I.II~OMlgrled.!atlrlCllleCl.llKteO&ma'll.aln ~ ..thtl'le'~"IWQUIlI~OlhU,S. OecNlnm.nlotTra"IQOnallOn at'dJot ASMe coo.. The lMk will M ~,talIed allOW. grO!.nd Of! cone-till. p..,. (d~1IMl by 011'I.,..\. 2. The poclllon & INIrlQrn::l of 1lw ..nut olf SlWI\d'l or Cl'cuit br..,*, anaM be .u~., ae<*S.bIe. a..ny iCenlll\ll4 & YISItlIe lrom 11'I. gainl of 11'."_.. In tne ~I Of Arv. aocdenl Of oltler~. 3. lMUlnK. CCW'I~~. .~.now~...... bacll.lIO'fl ~...v-. &. 1ll'M&~~' ~Inafb..opro.....a byltie .utnOnryn'~iurildll:tlOrI enol' IOm.taJlatlOn " Un... IpptOWCl tly ~ 11.I1hOn1y "lying IUnlJdictlon. Me.. 1,11180 lor dlapenlW19 ooet,lIO"a SI'Iallnol.~latoetnlefWJlh. 5. LOCII ot olIed c:ombultlblM . ..... II ...a. & Ionq dry Ql'a.. 11'1111 1'101 be petFTWMd wrtllin 10 I8IIIl 01 the contain_. .s. Po.lWI9 of M lmolcinq IIQn8 .. ntqu..ed by 1tlo eulhonly na1l'ir'l91U1ildk:tIon. 7 OM IPPi'O'4d portable dry dIlImical h extlrtQUlIhttr WI'" rT'I1lIITlUm cap'elry of 20 D. and. 8 C tilting .n._ b. tn.ta1'lltO I' nollKl on 0."' 5. PetWTWlW of LP.c.. llOntQlt.,. CD "elWlced .Ilt! 6' lliQh gaJ....nized Chain Mnk~ (lllga.l.wiltl galw:I'IDd Sch. 40 polta on 10'eentorS. with lwoQ8*entr'1d LeoalOescnctton That portion o1lhe southeast 0l"l&-qlJlll1e 01 the Northwest one-quarter and the Northea8t one-quartBf of the SoutW8St one-quart9r 01 Sdon 19. T ownsNp 17 Nor1tl. Range 2 East, W,M.. OQSCribedas bIIows: 6Ggir1ningat!he NQf1hwe$tcometotthB Northeast o~ ot the Nor1hw9at one-quaner 01 said Section 19: Thenae SOWh '.02' East2.310 fBet Then::e Nor1tl88-SS' East 198 teet Thence South 1.02' East 267.30 _t Thenco Nor1h SO- 54' East 4'0.80 teet'D the 1n.Je point ot begimirq; Thence East to !he EaSt8rty line ot the Southeast one-qual8f of the Northwest one- quartBr. Thence Soulh aiong said East line 99 tBet. monJ ()f leU. 'iD tM Northwesterly margin ot the Nonher Pactlc RaIlway RIghM)f-Way; Thence Soo~ akx1q said ~S1Iitrly InIlIgln fa a poW which bears South 4S- 46' East 591.4 _t from me true point of beginning:: ihance Norlh 45. 46" East 591.40 flJ'et to Itla true point ot beginning. ExC9pt!rlg lhervfrom. AtlolDn Road on the Easterly Bcxn:iary. In the Cou1ty ofThurslDn. Statll of WasingtOn. o ~ .~ (g <( II I Cl .,.... / I ~ / a N I I s- - ~ _-::: w--::: _-::: _-::: .:-:- _-::: - - - :-:I -S- - ~ - - -w- - - - 33"] - - - _-::: --.;;.,_-::: _-::: _-s- - -f-~ _ ____ Roo.......'" - - - - - - - ~ r _T7O' Edslinq BNSF Swilt11 ancl Sktng LP-Gu Sl:orAQ8 FltCliity wrtl'l two (2\ 30,000 gallon AST't. U)~-=- atld gal*! f8nl>>d pettmelN" !!olL TtvIC;lOrt t.J"~~ S_ OMad. So-203 8otltatlFih'lQ: S..SD-211 1II0llt: o-gt. 1tICI'-00n. ftulddoI'l.oo ~ of LP~ Slor.~TlIl'IkapwM.~..r~on. Scale 1" = 50' ~/ffffhW / / / ./f././././~ o 00' 100' 1~ AevSsion 1000: 6115196 o o 4ll IUl ~ UlI ~ 1 I . rnfTTl [ I CJ >- z"" i='5 UJ ~ ::.:::u.. 0: ~ <(~ :2: ~ o~z zf-o <("Of- >-~CJ ~Q)~ 11. Ol:r: Il.~UJ :=Jo<( UJW$ x (J) _ UJ<lI::a: zCf~ UJIl.UJ u~>- ~ ;;; l\ ~ ~I! ~I~~ lil li S; II~ z . a1 a1U:t :.Il~ l,I)lw J Il. a: u. ~ Q ~ Q s; fJl2. g-[~ SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 17N, RANGE 1E W.M. \ Jllrrn,', ooa., ~~ o 10 10 40 "-, "" " ", ", " , " '" , , , " " , " , " , " , " "- ~ UNDERGROUNO n.e:CTRrCAl CA9LE - UHO[RCROUHO WAJl:R ------ UNOERCROUNQ PHOh( CABLE ..-......- UNOERCROUNO HAT1JR"l. CAS UHf;: i*:>4-,t.,'d EX AsPHAlT PAVlNO ~ 0: C(),l(NT CONCRETE Fl.A1'WClRK ~ unurv POll: PROPtRT'l' CORNER FOUND ORAlN,.,G( now orAEcnQN l.El1EIiIl:. S. 40$ DRAIN SURFolCf' CAtl.Dl'Y 'A' - DRAIN ROOf SURf"Aa:. CAU..ERT '" - ToPSOIL WIRN'114CH fllltR fABRIC DETAIL OF DRAINAGE GALLERY NOl TO SCAt.E :JCNED By 8. :EREO BY T. SATtR :CI(ED BY lJ. [NCR. B. CCNNa.L y IE PlOTTEo '~\t InI:'QJI$'/D, ~Jfl st.JC. CML T1JNIIPOErtVION IEtn11tONMumu. ....ucn...... UlCII'I'._...... ......."""' "................ ~ SkilliNGs" CoNNOUy INC. ~ Col'ISulrlNq &.qu.EERS YELM VETERINARY CLINIC EXPANSION YELM WA U1.Lll )'/1/ge geO~4 H. BORDEN "7/J1"~ q(VtSlON '-y o o --------L ) I I ! t SCAIL: ,-.zo' VICINITY MAP WEHT: M .I.1lRY IJROwlt '" OR.. OOHAlO I1(tfORtO(SOl t12Q~"'t(YI. 'lO.J,I. ...~ tSS97 f'Io04C 458-1107 SIICIJJ~ - CONHCXL..,.. lNC. ~, \.AC(Y !k.\1). lACtY. WA ,~ CClHACT: ROl3ERT ctlNfotoU.y. I"t f>IoION(: 4'1-339' gft ,I.00R'(~ RO""rSvnAntoe ~CTIN1"O: TOTAl SHCAIlEA: (Xn.00ft'~ :t1.4l AC ,,,'" SF 2000 SF AREA TO BE AOOEO: F\H\JRt TOtAL. tR[Al'\.OIf ROOUs.: R!OVIRf:DP~ (mEA NOIT ROOWS X 1 '1,) .. , Sl"M%S fOR DAA..OTtt5 ,.oUn<lJotQ P'ftO\IIom 20 tA SEA ..'" N[l INCPU.$( IN It.IP(R"otlCIUS SURfACE (AAEA NO' .wrxflOH- [XISTIHC CONCRf:lt ,.".g ~Avn. P,t,RICINC ARtA): 1240 Sf' !illIES:. PROPERTY 90UHDARY INF'ORNA noN ""'0 SASlS t7 8EARJNf;S ARE mow SHOOT SUBQt'.1SlON #OJ87 BY JAr.lES A. F'ANnER. CORNERS RE-ESTI<8USHEO IN IN( nno 8Y JA"'CS PA~nER IJ4(J .4SSOQArr5. Ar n1t REOUEST or Sl<!UJNCS-C1)NNQU.y, IHe:. CONSULnNG ENGmEtRS. ON AUQJST liS. 1"3- 2. UnuTY LOCAnOH ARE BAS('I) ON UNDERGROUl'oO tOCArE $[Rw:(, N4fJ WERE: flElD NARKm BY PAAnOPAnNC UnUlIES PRIOR TO TOPOQLYHlC SUR~ n4E O'MfER'S CQNmACTOA SHAll. lolAXE HIS 0... INDa'f:NO(NT stAROi PRKlR TO CONStRucnON, ro ASStJRt PROPER lOCA nON DURtHO [XCAVAOQtot OPtRAnOHs. lOCATION ry' SEPTIC ANO ORAlknno rEA TURfS BASEO UPON AS-BUllf ORAWfCS nJRNISHEO BY THE OWNER. 'I'O.M Y(TERlkAAY HOSPIf1.L. uncmot: tLV' AHlJ NElO\.[ stPAltAl'NC OR SOlfi)MC [l[\tlCU SHAU. K ctftsmucrm INro lU( 8lJc.OtHC oow$P(lUf! lit' n< 8tADlHC CONTRACTClt SITE PLAN o SiiS <6l~~ -Je~ ~f\ '1/1/4 COR. =.rno. .".. ROO I I ~'~llJIN I~ I~ I I I ---, LOT 1 I 5S-1,nlJ I: Iii J J I I I o VICINITY MAP SCALE: NT";. ~ .:.\I!!,L,-2.1EgL- - - - - - - - - ~'?!.!. ~~ - r* - - - <:J.11J.'~f')- - --- -- !!"!PE2 .fAE., - - ~ ;; #;O~:.#\ t S-;S.oy ...: ~\i~. .. 'vERTICAL DA ruM: TCPW , : ~1 .-'cP> ~ GPS jIl". E:Ev._ 349.06 . Zt,' ~,' NGve 1929 CONTOUR INT'tRV).,L S" I i DESCRIPTION PARca a OF BOUNDARY UN€: ADJUS7'MENT iBLA-81-S6 AS RECORDCD IN VOLUME 2448. pes. 355-358. RECORDS OF THURSTON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. aEING A PORTION OF THE $W 1/4. NW1/4, ScCTTON 30. TQWNSHIP /7 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST, w..w., THURSTON fg~::llb r::s1gr~~NcORPORA TE' WAITS OF THE CITY OF YC:LM. ~ I) lOT I \lALL. AC~SS DIRECTlY TO 105m A...e. s.c. 2) ACCESS TO lOTS 2. J. AND J,. 'MLL BE BY A 'TEMPORARY ACCESS EASEMENT. FURT'HER DEVClOPMENT OF ANY LOT 'MLL REQUIRE PARn- ClPA nON IN SiRErT IMPROVE,YENTS, ANY SEWER AND WA iER SYSTEM UPGRADES e).,SfD ON CAPACJTY, LA rrCOMER AGREEMENTS, ETC. J) lOT I 'MLL SE REQUIRED ro CONNECT TO THE CITY WA rER AND SEWER IF AVA/lA8LE. RJRTHER DEVE:LOPMENT OF l.OTS 2, J. &: 4 Will REQUIRE CONNECTION ro CITY WA TF:R AND SEWER SYSTCM5. LOTS J AND " ARE APPROVED FOR 1 SINGLE F'AMtl Y RESIDENCE 4) ~O.AK 'HOODLANDS. ARE CONS/DEReD A ASH .t WlLDUFF HAS/TA r CONSERVATION AREA PER THE CITY OF YE"LM'S CRtnCAL. AREAS RESOURCE ORO. NQ.14.0B.IBO. FURTHER DEIIElOPMENT OF LOT J ~l.L REQUIRE A STUDY SY A P,'WFFSSJONAL N OC"J.!....r ( Ztul..Ja - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.J2atJ. - - - ~ --15 Lor of S;S-IUO ""00 ,~ J. -C.c,..\)' "h.':>. ;:''Y,.,.", ~ 1lJ'':'''' ,#~~~ l."r',:cf 54' IWO(' PRfVA ACC('SS Ie Unu1lES !IoSDIEHT FOR FU11JRE onflD>UENr OF LO~ J AND ... C2 ~ ..."".. .......00 1.-40.03 c. ~H"2tT.fd" ......00 L_U.stJ '" ~J2O"""'Ja'" R_7S.00 L_""9.H '" ~ H'Df'.2r "''''00 L_~tJ1 L II'E TABLE ~. BCNlIM; -- 1.1 H U'ZJ 'z.." ( LZ H s...'ZJ'OJ" ( I.J N 18'''0'.30'' ( L" N U'10'''Z'' .. 1.5 S 16'28 'Z8" .. LtJ H 0,,'5Z'04. .. L1 S ""'J.lI'.l$" ( t.414 n''''"?,, ( Ul H n'J1'3.." [ 1.10 S 2'....'.3".. [ 1.11 S &4.~.II.. ( QISTNCC 2".11 fOZ.~ <J." 2J.O' 1IM.tJ3 f.JtJ.9S ,....", 131.CU' JI 70 fOJ.a1 ....".. no. 00 N OO"JoS... E .....+ ~ 8 ~ OF SEClIOH 1" I Ifo f I"', rii "." I ~ ,i i~ I", Pi-; ?:2"JG:?JG G.? 08 8~ I" ~"l~""'---';~.r,----- 1 .;;;:;,., ;! i l...uup TANK ORAJNACC '.:h ~ !.A..SDfDiTF'ORClrrOFI I -,. · \"El.JI N'1t1104JOteJ ~.L.J. tOT 3 55-1620 N OO":SI1'..r '55.00'~~ ~ . .~ .~ .~ 8~ ~ N q 'I 6.58AC.z I HAIAI(RHCAO .., I!'E' INTERS[CnOH LOTJ I I I \ ~ N 00'30!'4r E \ ~ <<., -,.. 8 +... ~ ~ ,oo,_r PROrtcncw Zet<, +",~.. 21 21 H OO"Ja"4r E' ~+ LOT 4 5.40AC.z ~.. mf:! UH[ '\,.., G;~~;j'. '1<" ~;.. .,........." N ocr:w...r ( ''t\,O' .OT J :is ii!H~,':I A.~' i8~a.~ 5COO;' +... " o FILE NO, CITY OF '(ELM 55 - VOLUME_ PAGE_ WARNING: THE CITY OF roM HAS NO RESPONSl81UTY TO 8U1LD. IMPROVE". MAtNTAIN OR OTHER'MSE SER'v1CE THE PRIVA TF ROADS .vmilN OR PROVIDING ACCESS TO PRQprnrr DESCR1~ ON THIS PLA r A PORTION OF ~ OF SECTION J!l I'M'1ZtI. RGE ~ ORIGINAL T1'/ACT ASSESSOR'S PARCn NO(S), 227J0230000 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL I NUi'!'B1" CERTrFY TJ-iAr THIS SHORT C'CIH"O'fWS \lfTH TJo/( R[ SlJBCll'~S7C:W QROlHANCE ~rr AHI" NOlI LO~ ANO OIWENSlClN TO M[(T .,TH AHD AREA FOR BUJ1.DlNC .sHES, ~ SOUTHWEST SURVEYING, INC. Professional Land Surveyors 118 lEE ST. 5.!:, SUITr A S7I 1UM'WA 7E'R. WA 98S01 (J60) 786-0090 F't..AHNWG 0& AR J'WCN r ,.'" NW COR. SJO mo. HUS wi R.P.'S TO S[e. COR.. aURI(!J S1OH, LEG END @ rouNO REBAR wi CAP SE"T 8,. .(EYES ON PRnfOOS SUR'-O'S' (2] O1SnNG OAK 1RfE' WItH D8H so' PRtVA TE ROAD .t UTlUTY EASEMENT PER 9U 10356 SCALE:: 1-.fOO ;-~~oo R.o.s.8rJAW!S~ '.a.. 22. Pc. 207 ZONED R-4 USE: RESIDENTIAL HOME S1TF:S TOTAL PROJeCT AReA = 15,66 ACRES:J:: 1$ PRrVA,1[' ROAD . U1lJTY tA.SalENT P<R "'-' "".. NO lONGCR usm AS ACCESS TO LOT 2. ""'" UN< -~---..::;::... Ofoo 20.00 Q.SEWDIT ... -- - -- .J~ ~ /"" ....---... ..../~y;.... ~ / /< C'I '..........>~... 1(Jj I ~ 64tm5~ ~ .... ,.~~/i ~;~~ /'.- .:t.~'''~ ,ii' ~ / ~ ACCESS AND unuTY EASDEHT e I POt '-1:X.. 2"""l PAG'€ 980, _ / ~ 9~220029 , I ~ F'A=?CEL:: :1!.-4. iQJS6 A.:"#,~6aJi aaJJ ~.. SCALE - r" .... .50' ~ . _ ii Ii~ g~ . ACCESS EASEMENT DETAIL AUDITOR'S CERTlFlCA IE FlL.ED FOR RECORD THIS _ DA Y OF 19_, AT THE REQUEST OF" AUDITOR'S ~E NO. DEPUTY COUNTY AUDlrQR SURVEYOR'S CERTlF1CA IE T'HlS MAP CORRECTt Y REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE: BY ME OR UNDER WY DIRECTiON IN CONFORMANCE 'MTH THE: SURVEY RECORDING ACT A T THE: REQUEST OF J(RRY w. SROWN IN MARCH. 1996. 5i~RE A I> ~ STEVf:N a. /VEY, P.LS. 129289 f*4O\~w.oltC o _'I -, -Ul:l () Z Z'-.G)r)> ON )>r-' , 1'-.) -\ () '-. :u \n - ~ (") \11 Z \J \f\ Z < t.;j f'1 o 0 }! ,- \J) ::.J Z . XO ~OZ ~ m:tl )> --I~ \J) .---.....---- -- --..-..----------..--.-.---.------.-- ..--.-.- .------- --.------.-....- .-.--.--. S .Ee; '" I~' ^ J.I' .' _ ,,- " . "",,'''' , ,0<' 11 ~ q" ~,-;:'_ _ ",,,,' r-'> ,,,., _ " - - - " ~ - ., r to,- ~ ."..~=' --:~:,,:::i",,''''-=---- .- ."- - .- - "''''C' o '; I' /." .,.'- ,.--,'..'r...::>'~-~:~\' =~-- ","' \ II -----7' <'II ..' ,',;' .,.",.'.'-- F I ~ji""'-;~' .'--~' (\ \ I \--..---- --- \;{ " ' \ I \ ,I'" . 1-1.' p' 0" I , I \ . Z " ~ """ ,,/ " ; ,.."\ .. \'_ _ ~i';' ~ <~, ~I \ -\ ~ ~ ~ \ )> Z. \ \ _ ,.. \' . . . ',C >" I I U <c z 0 .. 'i .:e. \ ,0 .,1" \'J 1 tl.., \~ - c \J) P' ...... e, /'" T I ~ ~> . \ )> -, (") .' \ l\ .1'> 0 ' C> <> () I h. 1:: d "I-, ,,:.t, Z 0 -.1 '" ...... " ," """" \ \ \. Z _.. <0 rn \1) ~ I '\' f. ~':, \.1/\ \ - 1 :,, In ..h '- , ;1- \ PI ~ ,. T,':; '~ / .::" , ''', . ..,'" ~ ' " ,", ,~g " L' II) '6 5 I \-/,.-'-.\~-~=--\~ A ~\ f>.0'\\ \ \ \ ~ / I'- ~ 0 III Z ,I ' ,'< ' ," )> ~ \ I 1 () \"1 I "I: . / :1.1 .i. -rl PI I , \ '" ~ " '. ,," h . a " 8.""-' " tT1 ~ \ ,,' '" ,~\\ ~ ~1 <" " S ""..\ ,'" :.....33' ., " > '" \' ~ .. r="" _, ".",.-: -:--~ '\' \- \ t<1 " ' ,. : " CJ , ..' , /I ,,:" 1/ ......\ , }" ' '" u " / ~~ \.. '1. \ '\.) I' \ ' ~ - I ~ ,( . N:' ,': \ ' t" ,..' n' \2 /' ,t ..I~: \ ? , _--.....,,---":>",' \ / ,1:'- \ 'c.. 'O\~ / 2\ "\ ~ \.' In I"' / ~~(j \~~:\ \ I \ ~ Jl " %" - "" , IV t / ~ d-//~ ,,\/;: \ ,/ ; ~" _I'::. ./ /i,' '" "\ ;/ \ I \. ,/ '6 /' ::c .\.~_ ___ ,,' \ I 7, ~. \1'" \ / A ~ .~.. '" ..,/ II,' \ /~ " fj ",-y, I .'ti ,I \~ I \. ,_ I . " ._ _/w,-.....-r- ' \' ~ \" ~ OJ,' 7 11- _f--- : ~\ \ of> \,'" ./ ,/ \': " ' ','" ,.,,' " . , "., '- I ~l , \' '- '- I ' " ' ," · '\ I '-...,-,,\ I' I I ~ ---.-:--;' ------f-- , ~ __".1 ...1'=- ",,;;,::-, - ,-";-\ }-( () i\. -D .1\If'~ r r _ .N J .~ ..1 J J a N V) ,n () "i. f'" ~ '\ U' 0 II '" 0 0 C\ 0 '0-.------- -- .' .../lJ.lIUIUPi~W~".:~s;" --- rr<1 w~.,,~ 2kOC;'~ , (- t.;!'-';g ~ pi ,- ~ \ .\:u 9':' ln~"d ~l }.. lOlOO> '(I) "--l ell) ';00 II) n \ ~c c.... d CJ \........ tt1 (I) >-) o '2', t oq J y 1 E T ~ \. :r- 'C ~ \': '" \0-.1 ,. \..; \~~ \~ ... II-' \~ \\ ~~ ~~ ~~Q_~l(~ \\)J~ ($ L \.A YELM AVENUE (O~YMrIA ye;.LM f',OAD l .iJ. 4----. ~ \ \ \ Ie I "'I. ~.. ..-" 0-" "'''' o "OG.;: OF .}.1~T1NG ,.....\l~~......T.-- E)..\$TING f"'~OP: 1l~6. (5.16...."1 ~o~~iO ~O\GA,.'O.....-_____ u,:=;,:=:-~ %--1 t 2 :.J o U ...--. t \."~7:;'1~~\; ~~~ ~1:/"1QVIiD.\ . . ._--~ _._-~~:t~._.:~:_}~.._-- -....~l l----~_ '::\I~nIoJG \o\Ou~" 1 I 1'0 e.&. 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I]>. cct1MERCIAL PROJECT FOR: DONOl-lUE CONSTRUCTION KEN DCNAJ.UE (360) 438-'1.i~3 S' S~{73 ~ SCALE 2. - 1 MILE VIe INITY~M-AP ~~~I;EC;AL-DEseRIPTI()N THE NORTH 95 FEET OF THE SOUTH 165 FEU OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST OUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SEcnON 19, TOIINSHIP 17 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST, W.M., EXCEPT THE EAST 790 FEU THEREOF ANO EXCEPT THE WEST JO FEU THEREOF FOR CRYSTAL SPRINGS ROAO. SIlVA TE IN THE COUNTY OF THURSTON, STA TE OF WASHINGTON. -CI'1'-Y-OF-YELM-SHORT -PLAT-NO.--------- NE 1/4 NW 1/4 SECTION....!L TWP -..1L RANGE ~ ORIGINAL TRACT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO(S) 22719210300 -WARNING --Clty~of-Yelm- --- has .00 respoDslbllft,y to buUd. lmprove. maIntaIn or otherwise service the prlva te roads Mtbln or provid'lJg access to property described on Ihls pl. t PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT FOR RANDY LEE GAY / NW CQRNF"R '>F"CTlON 19 rHD 03/4- IRON PIPE TlCD J.JNf '994 ~ S_8~J8'12. E: ~ "06~o'T ~~~ --~--- NfI/4 NWJ/4 ~cnON 19 FHO J" SURFACE: BRASS DISK TIED .AJNE 199.. 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CORNER m:o APRIL 1996 ,!-:o;..~-;. , . 6 74.67 ~ 3 ~8 ~~ 8 709J S.r. 0.16....CRES ~ 4 7094 s.r. 0.16 ACRES 74.67 74,66 OPEN SPACE MIS S.F 0.04 ACRfS n '--./ T .J:.. 7. ~ ~ 88 ~ :'l~~;:' 8 8 '" '" 17. SCALE: 1 -50' Im.- o 25 50 I 100 E. TRUE &. ASSOC. LAND SURVEYORS P o. BOX 90B YELM, WA 9B597 (360) 45B-2B94 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AlA YOR- CITY OF' YELM DATE AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE FlIed for record tbl!f_dal of J9_ at the reque.st of Auditor tee No. Deputy County Auditor SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Thl!f mep correctly represents a surve,. milde by me or under my dlreclloll In c1~[o~f~~:Dre~~~s:h:f SN~;;;!y ~:rg~nl on Rei. Prof. LS. I~ Date n ~ 96-15PRE _.L I ~ __/-;~_-~.~rv------- \ .~ ~ ' 0- ----~ ,I \---- ~ \ \ , " ~ a. 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Ill. 17 \ , 't , , , , , , \ ., , ~ , ~ \ , I: \ 1151 \ , 1\6 \ \ \ 116 \ \ \ \ I \ 1 \1 ~~ 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ , , li: ~ 15 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I:, t:, ,., c:; ,.., '" r~ O. .< .: i;: ::: ~ DRAINAGE 11 EASEMENT 90 :.;p.p~ATn:c 21;'1:i"ltJICQ J / .J46_ II I, 1\ I ,____ 1 \ \ :.or A~' !l~" I-!O \ \ I , -------- u ~ 21 , \ \ \ \ ") 0 , , \ .. \ N 8912'4]" w 5.40.00 \ 2i;'2~4!~~OO 9JOJ"~D;O!l "", \ 'J1 1 1 1 2 2 ~/,23-// ;;; / / / / / I:! SCALE: 1 -50' ,- o 2S 50 ,,.. 3 ~ ~ ~ k 'J9 ~ ~~ " ~~ 8 4 I:! r~ 12. .....-.16.2_ _ f~~ / I ,.. 5 I ,.. I:! 1 .< 1 ~ 120 / / "',----6// ~ , " '... '... " --- J< N Bril2'fj- III' =" CF .""1:," w;";" :..;O:=-:T ?:.AT .{) :5 ~ VERTICAL DATUM MEAN SEA LEVEL (MSL) CITY OF YELM SEWER DATUM BDoICHw.RK; EAST OUARTrR stcncw 25 ltP OF .5/8" ReBAR fiEV... .36<1.<19 I I , \ 9 '\,\ , ~"'B\ , , \ \ \ \ \ , -\r... \ \ , \ \ \19 \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ 7' , , , ~, \ \ J \~ " ''tt., , , 1T:'.1:i..t~Ji!J ---"'-- \ \ , , , , , , , , 'i;, Lor !J tp.' O:.A NO. ;:19$.....1' fo#J. Ui!J":"'i"Sf NOm COHT'OURS It'IX&' Df:VJ:LOPED FOR PURPOSCS 0' PRELDlJHARY PLATTlHC ONLY. UAcr IDeAnONS OF CONTOUR WIES AND SPtrI11C EJ.ZVAnoN DATA. IN AREltS or DETAILED DE:SICNS SUCH AS ROADS, STORJir.4.TER RETDmON. nc. MUST BE DrT'ElUlIHED A.lTER A BOVNDARY...SIl1I'V!Y 1$ PERFORJiED. '\ , u VICINITY MAP SCALE ,... 1/2 ~LC , 100 T09TH A~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 OF CITY OF YEIJI SHORT PlAT NO. aJ~ RECORDED UNDO AUDJroR'S 1lU NO. ~Z?OI77. KlL '468 OF GrNERAL INDEX. PAGE "'2. RECORDS OF fHVRSTON COVNTY. rASHlNOTON. PLAT DATA A.RKA OF TOTAL StTE: ll.5 ACRES DlCWDJHG PUT RO~ ZONING: R-. NU~BER OF LDtt 3.l ARU OF OPEN SPAC~ 0 ACRES puauc ROADS: Ll:NGTH.. Z<S:JO' +/- 5JUJ.LEST tDr: a.oo SQ. n: A VERAGE LOT: rHJOO SQ. "- DENSITY: .1 i UNITS PER ACRE UTILITIES EUC1lUC~ PUGa POlIER TELEPHONJ:: Yl'Ul TELEPHONr SEItEIt CITY OF YEUI SAHrrARY SEnR r"Arm CITY OF rEUI CAS;- rASIIJNGTOH HAntRAL CAS 55 is ~ ~ 8 o WNER/DEVEWPER JCH DEVEWPMENT P o. BOX 1206 YELM. WA 98597 H ai'Z'4J" W JII.ZO '" H a912'<IJ~ w 7S4.78 E. TRUE & ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 1lJ22.5 COOK RD. SE P. o. 00% iOlJ rEUI rASHIHGroH ioIJ.5V7 3dO .5a-ZU4 --'I ~ $ ~{ JO, -~ 1 I , 101 I I , I I I I 1 rill C/JI ClI ~I ~ >-11 ~ ~1 ~ ~I ~ I.. I I I 1_.1 I.. :~ I ~i. ;1; I , 1:; I !~ :i'i a: I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I J I 10, iil 25 r-----., u JO '\ '" :l t. c o 'C , City ofYelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, -urashington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CIT~ OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 21,1996400 P M YELM c'lTY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,105 YELMAVE. W 1 Call to Order, Ron Call, Approval of Minutes. - September 16, 1996, minutes enclosed 2 Berry Valley Estates Final Plat - Ken Garmann Applicant. Sue Gore ' Proposal Finalize plat approval 3 1996 Project Approvals - Cathie Carlson Site plans enclosed 4 Agenda fo~ meetings through February/March of 1997 5 c Other - DeSign GUidelines 6 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request If you need special arrangements to attend or participate In thiS meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, November 18,1996,400 PM * Re.cycted paper c o c VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and Indicate if you wish to speak at this meeting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes MEETING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: AUGUST 19, 1996 TIME. 400 PM LOCATION: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE WEST, YELM, WA 98597 Public Hearing(s) 1 PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUATION ON FEE SCHEDULE 2 PUBLIC HEARING - SPR 8095 AMENDMENT 3 PUBLIC HEARING - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT NAMF & AnnRFSS SPEAKER MAli ING c o c Agenda Item' Motion No 96-25 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 16, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 The meeting was called to order at 400 P m by Chair Tom Gorman Members present Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Ray Kent, Roberta Lon!~mlre, Ed Pitts Members absent Glenn Blando, E J Curry, Bob Isom, Lyle Sundsmo Staff' Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann, Jerry Prock and Dana Spivey Guests Amos Lawton, City Council Liaison, Perry Shea, S Chamberlain & Assoc, John Thomsen, Yelm School District. 8QQroval of Minutes MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 19,1996 AS PRINTED CARRIED 2. Presentation on Transportation Impact Analvsis Studies- Perry Shea Perry Shea, from S Chamberlain & Assoc, opened the presentation by saYing that 1 or 2 months ago he met With Cathie Carlson to talk about puttllng together a presentation on how and why a Traffic Impact AnalYSIS (TIA.) IS done Perry stated that he hoped by explaining the process and basE~ data that IS required to be In each TIA, the Planning Commission and staff Will be able to have a common understanding of the process, which Will help to ensure consistency In project review Perr~ continued by explaining that he prepared the same TIA GUidelines for the City of Olympia four years ago The GUidelines Include four components which keeps everything more consistent and easier to proceed The first and most Critical is the Trip Generation Perry spoke of the sample Transportation Facility Charge (TFC) calculations, and explained how the different Situations are calculated Perry also explained the 10% trip discount. Yelm Flannin;j ___::mtmissi:..Jn September it 1996 Paqe 1 [~ J o o There were more questions from Planning Commission members regarding the sample TFC calculations Perry explained each answer and referred to his handouts, which Include the sample calculations #1-5 Perry also explained that dunng the peak hours, ItS not Just City of Yelm and area residents, but the commuters passing through who are making a major difference and adding to the traffic In Yelm Joe Huddleston asked Perry If there IS a projected start date for the Y-2 Study? Perry Shea stated that the work plan has been prepared, needs to be approved by City Council, then looking at some time In October for an actual start date Perry Shea then talked about the second component, Trip - Distribution, stating that any project of any size uses the traffic model to determine routes The third component, Traffic Analysis, Perry stated that once thiS IS complete, then you have to document the eXisting conditions and future conditions The fourth component, under "Findings" Includes Mitigation Measures, which Will establish a new ordinance which enables the city to collect for all tnps, not Just the tnps traveled through Five Corners Shelly Badqer stated that thiS helps keep everything consistent. Perry added that all projects Will be based on the same baSis/study, that way everything stays consistent, equal - the base model is for every project. Meeting adjourned at 5 15pm Respectfully submitted, ~ Dana Spivey Tom Gorman, Chairperson Date 'telm Fl-U1YJiIlCJ Commissiun :oe[,;'eTIiber 16 lYy6 Page 2 o o o City ofYelm 105 Yellfl Avenue West PO Box 479 Ye/lfz, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELivI PLANNING OOMMISSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1"9964.00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W 1 Call to Order, Roll Calli Approval of Minutes - August 19, 1996, DRAFt minutes enclosed 2 Presentation on Transportation Impact Analysis- Studies - Perry Shea 3, 4 Other - 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-CommiSSion members upon request. ' If you need special arrangements to attend or participate In thiS meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR.MEETING, October 21,1996,4.00 PM * Recycled paper o c o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES August 19, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS ~' 'I i",,"i . ;- 1" I ,h .Y--~ !:~ . I, ,\ /r:.'?'''''' \..-~ j ~/ Agenda Item! Motion No. 1 The meeting was called to order at 400 P m by Chair Tom Gorman Members present: Glenn Blando, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Bob Isom, Ray Kent and Roberta Longmire Members absent. Ed Pitts, Lyle Sundsmo Staff Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann and Dana Spivey Guests Amos Lawton, City Council Liaison, Craig Steepy, S Chamberlain & Associates, Manlyn Marshall Approval of Minutes 96-21 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY E.J CURRY TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 15, 1996 AS PRINTED CARRIED 2. Continuation of Public Hearinq - Development Fees. Tom Gorman opened the heanng at 402 pm, and asked Cathie Carlson to give the staff report. Cathie Carlson started by saYing that the Planning Commission held a special work session to discuss the proposed changes to the Development Fee Schedule Numerous Issues were brought up, Including the difference between Simple and complex annexattons Staff recommended on the actual application table, that "Boundary Review Board Approval" In parenthesIs be added under the Complex Annexation section Another change to the proposed table was the Appeal Fee - Staff deCISion, the current fee IS $25, the proposed was $150, at the work session the commission members agreed on $50 for thiS fee On the Commission decIsion - Appeal Fee, the current fee IS $50, the proposed was $350, at the work session the commiSSion deCided on a fee of $100 Tom Gorman asked If there were any questions from the publiC? There were none Tom asked the CommiSSion members if they had any further questions or discussion to add? There was none Tom closed the publiC heanng at 405 P m relm F13!lninq LommiR:::;i 11 August 1 '), Itli)E rDAAI-"L Page 1 o o o rDOA~l~7 tl' li~1J____ ..I j .~ .MIl 96-22 AFTER REVIEW OF EXISTING DEVELOPMENT FEES, AND COMPARISON TO FEES OF COMPARABLE COMMUNITIES, THE PLANNING COMMISSION HAS DEVELOPED A REVISED DEVELOPMENT ' FEE SCHEDULE IF THE CITY COUNCIL DESIRES THAT FEE' REVENUES COVER 30% OF THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUDGET, THE PLANNING COMMISSION MOVES THAT THE ATTACHED SCHEDULE BE CONSIDERED BY THE COUNCIL MOTION SO MOVED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO MOTION CARRIED 3 Public HearinQ - SPR-8095 Amendment. Tom Gorman opened the public hearing at 407 pm, then asked the audience If there were any objections to any of the Planning Commission members present? There were none Cathie Carlson gave the staff report. The Prairie Plaza Shopping Center received binding site plan approval In May of 1994 The approval IS for 71 ,000sf of retail space and a 4,000sf fast food pad As approved, the project IS required to construct all Infrastructure Improvements (streets, utility lines, storm water) prior to the Issuance of any bUilding permits SEPA mitigation Includes 5 Corners/Y -2 contributions not to exceed $41,100 00, the applicant shall sign an agreement waiving any right to protest the formation of a LID or Latecomer's Agreement and the completion of all mitigation as described In the Traffic Impact AnalYSIS Prairie Plaza Site Plan Amendment Includes constructing the project In three phases, replaCing the fastfood pad (4,OOOsf) With a lube and tire shop (6,300sf) and replaCing a 12,000sf retail building With a 6,800sf Post Office The Impacts Identified In the original analYSIS for the project change slightly by the proposed amendment. Storm water and traffic Impacts have been re-accessed based on the new proposal Cathie stated that staff recommends the Site Plan Amendment for Prairie Plaza be approved With attached conditions Tom Gorman asked If there were any questions from the Commission members Roberta Lonqmlre stated that she does not feel that the P M peak hours are the busiest time at the Post Office, she feels that the time period between 10.00 a.m - 1 00 P m IS a claSSIC example of a busy time at the current Post Offi ce Yellll Planning Lvrnmission AUgU3t 19, 199b Page 2 o o o ~.. D... Mr, . . "F; MIP.'-r I.. . ..")'~ I!. ' iii. .. . . . ..1 Cathie Carlson agreed that from 1000-1 00 P m IS very busy at the Post Office, and if they were gOing to be site specific then they would use those hours In the traffic study The P M peak hours (4 30-6 00 pm) are used In thiS study because that IS the city's most congested time In the whole city The traffic IS busiest on most of the main streets, side streets, as well as at the Post Office, grocery store etc at thiS time In the day Cralq Steepy, from S Chamberlain & Assoc , affirmed CathIe's statement, and added that different land uses have different "peak hours" - but the overall busiest and congested time In the whole city is dUring the P M peak hours The Post Office parking lot may be very full and congested dUring the 1000 - 1 00 P m time frame, but the rest of the street system IS working 0 K. Shelly Badqer added that the congested parking lot problem at the current Post Office site was factored Into thiS study, so thiS won't be a problem at the new site Ray Kent stated that he IS concerned about the flow of traffic and the Ingress and egress at the proposed site of the new Post Office E.J. Curry stated that It seems there Will be many cars coming down Side streets to get to the new Post Office site rather than uSing Yelm Avenue and the new Five Corners Intersection Shelly Badqer stated that there Will be road Improvements on Creek Street, Plaza Drive and Algiers Drive which Will better accommodate for added vehicles traveling to the Post Office Tom Gorman asked If there were any further questions? Roberta Lonqmlre Inquired about the street Improvements on Algiers Drive and Algiers Court. There was much diSCUSSion regarding Algiers Dr & Algiers Ct. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission members that Algiers Drive should have half street Improvements along property frontage of Phase III that IS adjacent to properties owned by other Individuals, and shall Include one - 12' driVing lane, 5' Sidewalk, 6' planter strip, street lighting and landscaping Full street Improvements should be required for Phase III where the applicant owns both sides of the road Upon full Improvement to Algiers Drive, It should be dedicated to the City as a public right of way le.Llll P.l.anniny l_ 'lnmi 3inn AUju.st 19, 139( Page 3 o o o rD..'CP)I!~:Cll tl ltf~fI:. ~ The Planning Commission members also concurred that Algiers Court should be designed ad constructed per the Yelm Development Guidelines Algiers Court should be dedicated to the City as a public rrght-of-way Tom Gorman asked If there were any comments or questions from the public? Cralq Steepy, representlnq Rocky Pralrre Development - asked about when Algiers IS dedicated will It change their frontage Improvement requirements for Algiers? Cathie Carlson - No, It would not. E.J. Curry made the comment that she IS wOrried about traffic being very congested In these areas Cathie Carlson stated that part of the transportation and traffic plan IS to have the traffic light at Five Corners and at Nlsqually Plaza be coordinated for less congestion Tom Gorman asked If there were any further questions or comments? There were none, Tom closed the publiC hearrng at 450 P m 96-23 MOTION BY E.J CURRY, SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE TO APPROVE THE SITE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR PRAIRIE PLAZA, AS PER THE APPROVAL LETTER WITH AMENDED PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONS ATTACHED MOTION CARRIED Cathie Carlson made announcements before the next agenda Item because E.J Curry had to leave meeting Cathie stated that Perry Shea Will be at the next meeting, September 16th, to give a presentation on the Transportation Impact AnalYSIS Studies 4 Public HearinQ - Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Tom Gorman opened the publiC heanng at 5 05 P m Tom asked If there was any conflict of Interest from the publiC or the Planning Commission members? There were none Cathie Carlson gave the staff report and pOinted out the four proposed revIsions to the Land Use Map, that make up the proposed Comp Plan amendment. The first Site, has been annexed Into the City, Ordinance No 577 r elI![ Flanniny Lnrnmission 'Iugust- 19, 1996 PiiCje 4 o o o rDRA~-Z The second site has been rezoned from Industrral to Moderate Density Residential The third and fourth sites are corrections to the City Zoning Map In the comprehensive plan No text or policy changes are proposed to the comprehensive plan Tom Gorman asked If there were any questions from the Planning I Commission members or from the public? There were none Tom closed! the public hearrng at 5 11 P m 96-24 MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO TO i APPROVE THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS, AS' DESCRIBED IN THE STAFF REPORT ATTACHED MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned at 5 15 P m Respectfully submitted, Tom Gorman, Chairperson Date relm P13nnin;) 1~..)HtJnission Augnsr lq, 1~J~6 Page 5 \ ..> U i' .,~(/ ~ .1J f6\~ City of Yelm $.C~--:-~~:';'-::--- \ ) 1 ".,-J a~""~.' j:. . I ' . 4 - ,. ~ . .~ 'J c o o 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washmgton 98597 (360) 458-3244 August 22, 1996 ivIT Larry Schomo Rocky Prame Development Company POBox 480 Ye!rn., WA 98597 Re Approval of Amendment to SPR-8095 Dear NIT Schomo The Yelm Planrung COI11ITI.1SSIOn has approved the amendment to the sne plan for Prame Plaza Shoppmg Center located on the north SIde ofYelm Avenue between Plaza Dnve and Creek Street. The amended sne plan IS approved Wlth the followmg condItIons Phase I, Tire and Lube Store: 1 All stormwater facilitIes shall be desIgned per the Thurston County Stormwater Manual. The applIcant shall subrmt a Storrnwater FacilitIes Mamtenance Agreement to the City for approval. The agreement, at a nurumurn., shall contam proVIsIons for Jomt ownerslup of the stormwater facilitIes and authonzatlOn for the assessment and collectIon of fees for mamtenance 2 Street Improvements shall mclude Plaza Dnve - Full frontage Improvements to mclude two - 12' outbound dnVIng lanes, one - 16' mbound lane, two 5' SIdewalks, two 6' planter smps, street lIghtmg and landscapmg. AddItlonal nght-of-way shall be dedicatIon as reqUIred to meet the above standards Plaza Dnve shall remam pnvate until full build-out of the proJect. 3 5 Comers/Y-2 MitIgatIon The proposed land use (lube and tITe store) IS a much less mtense use than the approved * &cycled paper , L L. I J use as a fast food. The reVlsed traffic study IdentIfied a sIgruficant reductIon In the number of tnps generated. dunng the pm peak hour Followmg the same analysIs process as the ongInal study the pm peak hour traffic Impact 0 to the 5-Corners IntersectIOn from Phase I (lube and tIre shop) will be four tnps. SEPA mltlgatIOn for tms projects reqUlres the applIcant contribute $300 00 per pm peak tnp through the 5-Corners IntersectIon resultmg In a contributIOn of $1,200 00 The traffic mmgatlon fee IS payable pnor to Issuance of a buildIng pemut. 4 Landscapmg LandscapIng and Imgatlon plans shall be subrrutted for approval All parlang Islands, above ground stormwater facilItIes, penmeter of the SIte, and the penmeter of buildmgs shall be landscaped. 5 Water Phase I shall connect to the eXIstmg water 11l1e on Plaza DrIve, On SIte mfrastructure for water shall be deSIgned and constructed per the Yelm Development GUIdelInes. 6 Sewer Phase I shall extend the eXIstmg STEP sewer lme located at Yelm Avenue along the Plaza Dnve frontage of Phase 1. On SIte Infrastructure for sewer shall be deSIgned and constructed per the Yelm Development GUIdelmes. 7 Future Amendments A.ny future mmor amendments to the approved SIte plan shall be processed In accordance Wlth Title 17, Chapter 17 84, Site Plan ReVIew o Phase II. US Post Office 1 All stormwater facilitIes shall be deSIgned per the Thurston County Stormwater Manual. The applIcant shall subrrut a Stormwater FacilitIes MaIntenance Agreement to the CIty for approval. The agreement, at a rrurumum, shall contam prOVISIons for JOInt oWnershIp of the stormwater facilitIes and authonzatIOn for the assessment and collectlon of fees for ffimntenance. 2 Street Improvements shall mclude AlgIers Dnve - half street Improvements along property frontage of Phase II shall mclude one - 12' dnVlng lane, 5' SIde walk, 6' planter stnp, street ltghtmg and landscapmg. Upon full Improvement of Alglers DrIve, It shall be dedIcated to the CIty as a public nght-of-way 2 o o o o .Q Creek St. - half street Improvements are reqUIred per final desIgn of the Creek Street Improvement ProJect. The sIte IS reqUIred to dedIcate an addmonal 15' to accommodate half street Improvements The property owner shall partIcIpate m the Creek Street Improvement Project. 3 5 Corners/Y -2 J\tIitlgatIon The proposed land use as a Post Office IS a more mtense use than the 12,000 sf retail buildmg that was approved for tills area. Total pm peak hour traffic generated by the Post Office will be 81 tnps DIstributIon of the pm peak hour traffic through the 5-Corners mtersectIOn will be 49 tnps SEP A mltlgatIon for Phase II (Post Office) will be $14 7000 00 J\tIitIgatIOn fees are payable pnor to Issuance of a buildmg penmt. 4 Landscapmg Landscapmg and lITIgatIon plans shall be subIIlltted for approval. All parkIng Islands, above ground stormwater facilitIes, penmeter of the sIte, and the penmeter ofbuildmgs shall be landscaped, 5 Water Phase II shall be requIred to upgrade the eXlstmg 6' water lme to a 10' water lme The upgrade shall be from the mtersectIon of AlgIers Dnve and Creek Street to the SW corner of Phase III, On sIte mfrastructure for water shall be deSIgned and constructed per the Yelm Development GUIdelInes, 6 Sewer Phase II shall extend the eXlstmg 4' STEP sewer lme from AlgIers/Creek S1. to the SW corner of Phase III. On sIte mfrastrucrure for sewer shall be deSIgned and constructed per the Yelm Development GUIdelmes 7 Future Amendments Any future mmor amendments to the approved sIte plan shall be processed m accordance WIth Title 17, Chapter 17 84, SIte Plan ReVIew Phase III. 60.000 sf of Retail Building All stormwater facilitIes shall be deSIgned per the Thurston County Stormwater Manual. The applIcant shall subIIllt a Stonnwater FacilItIes Mamtenance Agreement to the City for approval. The agreement, at a rmrumurn, shall contam proVISIons for JOint ownershIp of the stonnwater facilmes and authonzatIOn for the assessment and collectlon of fees for mamtenance. .., j .' D. 2. Street Improvements AlgIers Dnve - half street Improvements along property frontage of Phase ill that IS adjacent to propertIes owned by other mdiVIduals shall mclude one - 12' dnvmg lane, 5' sIde walk., 6' planter stnp, street lightmg and landscapmg. Full street Improvements shall be requITed for Phase ill where the applIcant owns both sIdes of the road. Upon fullllTIprovement to AlgIers Dnve, II shall be dedIcated to the CIty as a public nght-of-way o AlgIers Court - shall be desIgned and constructed per the Yelm Development GUIdelmes. AlgIers Court shall be dedIcated to the CIty as a publIc n~ht-of-way Plaza Dnve - Full frontage Improvements to mclude two - 12' outbound dnvmg lanes, one - 161 mbound lane, tvlo 5' sIdewalks, t'NO 6' planter smps, sneet l.1ghtmg and landscapmg. Addinonal nght-of-way shall be dedICatIOn as requITed to meet the above standards. Plaza Dnve shall be dedIcated to the Clty of Yelm as a publIc nght-of-way upon full build-out of the proJect. 3 5 ComerslY-2 Minganon The proposed land use, 60,000 sf of retail buildmg, IS a slIghtly less mtense use than the preVIously approved 71,000 sf. The reVIsed traffic srudy Idennfied a redUCTIon m the number of tnps generated dunng the pm peak hour F alloWIng the sa.me analYSIS process as the ongmal srudv, new pm peak hour traffic Impact to the 5-Corners mtersecuon from Phase ill will be 63 tnps SEP;. rmnganon for thIs projects reqUITes the applIcant contribute $300 00 per pm peak tnp IMougn the 5 Comers mtersec""..1on resultIng m a contribunon of$18,900 00 Traffic iTImganon fees are 0 payable pnor to Issuance of a buildmg perrmt. 4 Landscapmg Landscapmg and rrnganon plans shall be subrmrted for approval. All parkmg Islands, above ground stormwater facilines, penmeter of the sIte, and the penmeter of buildings shall be landscaDed. 5 Water Buildmg E shall connect to the City water system on Creek S t. and be desIgned and constructed per the Yelm Development GUIdelInes .AlI other buildmgs shall connect to the CIty water system on Plaza Dnve The water lme connectIng to Plaza Dnve shall be looped on SIte and desIgned and constructed per the Yelm Development Gllldelines. 6 Sewer STEP sewer collectors for Phase III shall be deterrmned at tIme of CIVIl drawmg subrrussIon. 4 o o o o ~ 7 Future Amendments Any future mmor amendments to the approved sIte plan shall be processed ill accordance Wlth tItle 17, Chapter 17 84, Site Plan ReVlew If you need addItIOnal mformatIOn or assIstance, please call me at 458-8408 O:;~U-J C~~ Cathenne Carlson CIty Planner cc CraIg Steepy Shelly Badaer , ::> Ken Gannann Jerry Prock 5 .0 U City of Yel!fl . .17 ~~~ Iltt \VI. <J 1l-5 L6~l , >(D ~ ~ " , i 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date August 14, 1996 To Planning Commission ~J From. Cathie Carlsc1A Re 1996 Comprehensive Plan Amendments The proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan consist of four revIsions to the Land Use Map Attached IS a copy of the City Land Use Map, Exhibit 1, with the proposed changes as Indicated by numbers 1 ThiS Site, tax parcel 21713430102, has been annexed into the City (Ord. 577 ) 2 This area has been rezoned from Industnal to Moderate Density Residential (R-6), consisting of tax parcels 22719210403, 22719210600, 22719210300, and 22719210400 (Ord. 569 ) o 3 . ThiS area IS a correction to the City Zoning Map In the comprehensive plan As originally adopted both the land use deSignations and the short term urban growth boundary In thiS area bisected a single parcel of land The anginal Intend of the land use deSignation and the short term urban growth area In thiS area was to follow property lines The boundary and land use deSignation lines were drawn on the map Incorrectly and have been redrawn to reflect the anginal Intent. These changes Involve tax parcels 22729132003, 22729310301, 22729310100, 22729420200 a Parcel 22729132003 was Originally spilt by commercial and residential low denSity zoning and the short term urban growth boundary The revisF3d map designates the entire site as commercial and Inside of the short term urban growth boundary b Parcel 22729310301 was Originally split by commercial and residential low density zoning and the short term urban growth boundary The reVIsed map designates the site as low denSity residential and outside of the short term urban growth boundary o .- ~.~ _. -'~~t::;. -. - . -/l6t:it:kdjxzpD-. .. -,. .. -'_# .\'~. \,' - - .:. ,~. _'..:.~.,_7' .-~-.-~' ' _=::_;~~1;~:J:\~~~~~-'1 ,:-.~,;i.~ . -," ......... .. ..0....0;, 4 This area is a correction to the city Zoning Map in the comprehensive plan.. The land use designation was incorrectly depicted on the zoning map as low-density 0 residential (R-4) Tax parcel, 21724440500, was originally intended to be zoned CommercIal, (C-1) The revised map designates the parcel as commercial This reVISion reflects the ordinal Intent of the comprehenSIve plan (- No text or policy changes are proposed to the comprehensive plan o o - -.y - -.. ---=:.-. _..- -'" - 105 Yelm Av~nue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 , (360) 458-'3244 AGENDA CITY OF YEl..M PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAy, AUGUST 19,19964:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE.W. City of Yelm '0 o 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - July 15, 1-996, minutes enclosed 2 Continuation of Public Hearing - Development Fees Applicant: City ofYelm Proposal Adjustments to cu'rrent Fee Schedule 3' Public Hearing - SPR-8095 Amendment Applicant:, Rocky Prairie D~velopmenfCompany Proposal Minor amendment to the original Prairie Plaza site plan approval in. 1994 (Site Plan a~tached) The amendment Includes the ellrTlIIlation of the fast food pad and replacing it with a 6,300 sf lube and tire store, a reduction In retail blulldlng space by 12,000 sf, and adding a 6,880 sf Post Office (staff report Inch.-!ded ) o 4 -Public Hearing - Comprehensive Plan Amendment Applicant. City of Yelm ; Proposal Amendments to four areas on Land Use Map The amendments Include change II} zoning on four parcels and change In the short term urban growth area (Staff report Inclosed) 5 Other - 6 Adjourn - Enclosures are available.to non-Commission members upon request. If you, need special arrangements to attend or participate In thiS meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, Sept. 16,,1996,4:00 PM, o * Recycled paper /--~ o ,0 o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION'J DATE PLACE PURPOSE Monday, August 19, 1996, at 4.00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave. West, Yelm, WA Public Hearing on Proposed Site Plan Amendment to Prairie Plaza The Yelm Planning Commission Will hold a public hearing ona proposed site plan amendment to Prairie Plaza commer'lcaldevelopment project. Th.e a.mendment Includes project phaSing and changes in Identified land uses on. the site Te~timony may be given at the hearing or through any written comments on the proposals received by the close of the public hearing on August 19, 1996 Such written Gqmments may be su~mitted to the City of Yelm at, the address shown above Copies of the proposed amendment to the site plan are avallable"at Yelm City Hall For more Information, contact Cathie Carlson with the City of Yelm at 458-e408 The City of Yelm provides reasonable 9ccommodatlons to person With disabilities If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458-8404 at least 72 hours before the meeting ATTEST CIty ot'Yelm .. . Agnes Bennick; City Clerk , DO NOT PUBU$H BELOW THIS UNE Published In the Nlsqually Valley News August 8,1996 Posted In PubliC Areas August 6, 1996 * Recycled paper City of Yelm o c o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date August 14, 1996 To Planmng Commission 0k/ Catlue Carlsorv, City Planner From. Re Site Plan Amendment for Prame Plaza, SPR-8095 Background Prame Plaza ShoppIng Center received bIndmg site plan approval In May of 1994 The approval IS for 71,000 sf of retail space and a 4,000 sffast food pad, As approved, the project IS reqmred to construct all mfrastructure Improvements (streets, utihty lInes, stormwater) pnor to the Issuance of any buildIng perrruts SEP A lTIltlgatlon Includes 5 Corners/Y -2 contributIOns not to exceed $41,100 00, the applIcant shall sign an agreement walVmg any nght to protest the formatlOn of a LID or Latecomer's Agreement and the completion of all rrut1gatIOn as described In the Traffic Impact AnalysIs Ongmal site plan attached Proposal Prame Plaza Site Plan Amendment mcludes constructmg the project m three phases, replacmg the fast food pad (4,000 sf) With a lube and tire shop (6,300 sf.), and replacmg a 12,000 sfretail buildIng With a 6,800 sf Post Office Amended site plan attached. Analvsis The Impacts Identified In the ongmal analYSIS for the project change shghtly by the proposed amendment. Stormwater and traffic Impacts have been re-accessed based on the new proposal, Storm water The ongInal prelImmary stormwater report, calculatIOns and conceptual layout were based on the assumptIOn that the entire site would be developed at one tIme The prehrrunary plans were to prOVide stormwater facihtIes throughout the site servmg more than one area/buildmg. With the proposed phasmg of the project It IS necessary to ensure each phase fully contams all stormwater generated by the SIte development of each phase; The applIcant has sublTIltted a * Recyckdpaper revIsed stormwater plan and report as an element of the amendment Stormwater for each phase will be desIgned and constructed to accommodate stormwater generated by that phase No C shared stormwater facilItIes are proposed wIth the phasmg plan. Traffic The ongmal traffic analysIs, prepared by S Chamberlam and Associates, IdentIfied the number of tnps generated by the proposed uses, the dIstributIOn of those tnps, and the lTIltIgatIOn necessary to reduce the Impacts of the addItIonal traffic on the road system. Based on the proposed new uses, S Chamberlam and AssocIates, reevaluated the traffic Impacts and the appropnate mItlgatIOn. Because of a sIgmficant reductIon m pm peak hour tnps generated by the proposed amendment and the planned constructIon of the 5-Corners sIgnal the revIsed traffic report finds that momtonng and future sIgnalIzatIon at the mtersectIOn of Plaza Dnve and Y elm Avenue IS not longer warranted. The remammg mItIgatIOn measures remam m place, with lTIlnor modificatIOns, and are IdentIfied below under each Phase of the project Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the SIte Plan Amendment for Prame Plaza be approved With the followmg condItIOns Phase I, Tire and Lube Store: o All stormwater facilItIes shall be deSIgned per the Thurston County Stormwater Manual The stormwater faCIlItIes shall be deSIgned and constructed for Phase I stormwater only 2 Street Improvements shall mclude Plaza Dnve - Full frontage Improvements to mclude two - 12' outbound dnvmg lanes, one - 16' mbound lane, two 5' Sidewalks, two 6' planter stnps, street lIghtmg and landscapmg. AddItIOnal fIght-of-way shall be dedIcatIOn as reqUIred to meet the above standards Plaza Dnve shall remam pnvate until full build-out of the project. .3 5 Corners/Y -2 MitIgatIOn The proposed land use (lube and tIre store) IS a much less mtense use than the approved use as a fast food The revIsed traffic study IdentIfied a sIgmficant reductIOn m the number of tnps generated dunng the pm peak hour F ollowmg the same analysIs process as the ongmal study the pm peak hour traffic Impact to the 5 -C orners mtersectIOn from Phase I (lube and tlre shop) wIll be four tnps SEP A mItIgatIOn for thIS projects requIres the applIcant contnbute $300 00 per pm peak tnp through the 5 Corners mtersectIOn resultmg m a contributIOn of $1,200 00 The traffic mItIgatIOn fee IS payable pnor to Issuance of a buildmg pemut. C c o o 4 Landscapmg Landscapmg and IrngatIOn plans shall be submItted for approval. All parkmg Islands, above ground stormwater facilItIes, penmeter of the sIte, and the penmeter ofbuildmgs shall be landscaped, 5 Water Phase I shall connect to the eXIstmg water lme on Plaza Dnve On sIte Infrastructure for water shall be desIgned and constructed per the Yelm Development GUIdelInes 6 Sewer Phase I shall extend the eXIstmg STEP sewer lme located at Yelm Avenue along the Plaza Dnve frontage of Phase 1. On sIte mfrastructure for sewer shall be deSIgned and constructed per the Yelm Development GUIdelInes Phase II. US Post Office AJI stormwater facilItIes shall be deSIgned per the Thurston County Stormwater Manual. The stormwater facilItIes shall be deSIgned and constructed for Phase II stormwater only ') Street Improvements, slIghtly modIfied from ongmal approval, shall mclude AlgIers Dnve - half street Improvements along property frontage of Phase II shall mclude one - 12' dnvmg lane,S' sIde walk, 6' planter stnp, street IIghtmg and landscapmg, The SIte IS reqUIred to dedIcate addItIOnal nght-of-way necessary to accommodate half street Improvements AlgIers Dnve shall remam a pnvate road. Creek St. - half street Improvements are reqUIred per final deSIgn of the Creek Street Improvement Project The SIte IS reqUIred to dedIcate an addItIonal IS' to accommodate half street Improvements The property owner shall partIcIpate m the Creek Street Improvement Project. 3 5 Comers/Y-2 MitIgatIOn The proposed land use, Post Office IS a more mtense use than the 12,000 sf retail buildmg that was approved for thIS area. Because the operatIon of the Yelm Post Office IS predommately mail boxes rather than route servIce, the InstItute of TransportatIon Engmeers, Tnp GeneratIon Manual. 5th EdItIon, does not proVIde accurate mformatIOn on tnp generatIon. To establIsh an accurate tnp generatIon number a pm peak count at the eXIstmg post office was done The pm peak tnps were compared to the eXIstmg number of mail boxes In the post office to establIsh a ratIO oftnps to mail boxes Total pm peak hour traffic generated by the Post Office will be 81 tnps DIstributIon of the pm peak hour traffic has not be establIshed at the tIme of staff report. Final dIstributIOn and Impact to the 5-Comers mtersectIOn from Phase II (Post Office) will be completed by the Plannmg COmmISSIOn PublIc Heanng on August 19, 1996 Staffwill o c c make a final recommendatIon on SEP A mItIgatIon for 5-Corners at the PublIc Heanng, 4 Landscapmg Landscapmg and IrngatIon plans shall be submItted for approval. All parkIng Islands, above ground stormwater facilItIes, penmeter of the site, and the penmeter ofbuildmgs shall be landscaped. 5 Water Phase II shall be required to upgrade the eXIstmg 6' water lme to a 10' water lme The upgrade shall be from the mtersectlon of Algiers Dnve and Creek Street to the SW corner of Phase III On site Infrastructure for water shall be designed and constructed per the Yelm Development GUIdelInes 6 Sewer Phase II shall extend the eXIstmg 4' STEP sewer lme from AlgIers/Creek St. to the SW corner of Phase III. On site mfrastructure for sewer shall be deSigned and constructed per the Yelm Development GUIdelInes Phase III. 60.000 sf of Retail Buildim! All stormwater facilIties shall be deSigned per the Thurston County Stormwater Manual. The stormwater facilIties shall be deSigned and constructed for Phase III stormwater only 2 Street Improvements AlgIers Dnve - half street Improvements along property frontage of Phase II shall mclude one - 12' dnvmg lane, 5' side walk, 6' planter stnp, street lIghtmg and landscapmg. The sIte IS required to dedIcate addItIOnal nght-of-way necessary to accommodate half street Improvements AlgIers Dnve shall remam a pnvate road. Algiers Court - shall be deSigned and constructed per the Yelm Development GUldelmes Algiers Court shall remam a pnvate road. Plaza Dnve - Full frontage Improvements to mclude two - 12' outbound dnvmg lanes, one - 16' mbound lane, two 5' Sidewalks, two 6' planter stnps, street lIghtmg and landscapmg AddItIOnal nght-of-way shall be dedication as requIred to meet the above standards Plaza Dnve shall remam pnvate until full build-out of the project 3 5 Corners/Y-2 NIitIgatlOn The proposed land use, 60,000 sf of retaIl buildmg, IS a slIghtly less mtense use than the prevIOusly approved 71,000 sf. The reVised traffic study IdentIfied a reductIOn m the number oftnps generated dunng the pm peak hour Followmg the same analYSIS process as the ongmal study, new pm peak hour traffic o Impact to the 5-Corners mtersectlOn from Phase III will be 63 tnps. SEP A rmtIgatIon for thIS projects reqUIres the applIcant contribute $300 00 per pm peak tnp through the 5 Corners mtersectlon resultmg m a contributlOn of $18,900 00 Traffic rmtlgatIon fees are payable pnor to Issuance of a buildIng permIt. 4 LandscapIng Landscapmg and ImgatlOn plans shall be subrmtted for approval. All parkIng Islands, above ground stormwater facIlItIes, penmeter of the SIte, and the penmeter ofbuildmgs shall be landscaped. 5 Water BUIldIng E shall connect to the water system on Creek St. and be deSIgned and constructed per the Yelm Development GUIdelInes All other bUIldIngs shall connect to the water system on Plaza Dnve The water hne connectmg to Plaza Dnve shall be looped on SIte and deSIgned and constructed per the Yelm Development GUIdelInes 6 Sewer STEP sewer collectors for Phase III shall be determIned at tIme of CIvIl drawmg submISSIon. o o A Pp(61/C-.-cI j~!tt() If 11- Il/I(<1 S/fc _~J SCN.!:"""" ~ o 1!> ~ fDO ~ lofJl'1IGAl..D4rt/1I NN"~or~ BENCHMARK: ~"'x"t4N01tHAST(;Clo'lJ<OI I SECTION 30, T17N, R2E W.M, PAAca ,. 227JOlralCJ,l 227JOlfOl(}.f 227.JlH010I LOTS 2-4 OF 5S-Ba17 OIlNER: ROCKY PRAIRlE DEY. co. P.O. EIOX 48C m.l/. WA. 911597 (206) 458-2201 U:GE:NO =- -=>> SHE AREA aU/WING AREA PARKING STALLS ZONING WATER SEKfR 12..32 AC 75,000 SF .375 STAllS COMMERCIAL CI TY OF YEJ..M CI TY OF YEJ..M + "'"""cooo '':1 ~ if!l- " t..i C<MUO """ """""'"""" ~ Av)iJ) I...~. Ii.. ... ...-- I III I III I III m<<X ......... B $.T.u~ CII' . SOVI aLAHOJT ___..,,,,,LK JD.UKH: I.H: -... .... _~ STS1DIlH: VICINITY IIff ~ S CHAMBERLAIN ._ '", & ASSOCIATES, INC c::::::....- " _.-:.;,::;.::..-.........'.-;".. '-- UCCIKUJaHc, I'1..IPQQ]C"l; A1CD lI'On1TIHC ~ .-- . - ,..- rtT7 WOODUlC JlIqO'jD LOOP III ucn. YJ.SBIHQTOM 08003-MBG (zoe..~ 108) 4t:S--a4n '.II :::::BY~ _~~. aEDC!D BY Sl:. 1 AU Y a-. ~~ ~~ ~ SC4LL ,.-.,. -- DRAI'r1NG 111lE. SITE/UTILITY PLAN JOB 11 TiE: PRAIRIE PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER YELM WASHINGTON N'PRO\U) rm ClWSTRUClKPI 8~ DAn:: err PVfIJC IKlRJ'(S OO'T. '~ o o 11\ "" . I L I~ I~ I~ I I I F ffi II -[ " JOB","""" """'" -.... ...... 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Council Chambers, City Hall, ,105 Yelm Ave. West, Yelm, WA Public Hearing on Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment "Q \ The Yelm Planning Commission Will hold a public h~arrng\ on pr~posed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map \ Testimony may be given at the hearing qr through any written comments on the proposals received by the close of the public ,hearing on August 19; 199~. Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Ye'm at the address shown above ,P. Copies of the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map are available at Yelm City Hall For more Information, contaCt Cathie Carlson With the City of Yelm at 458-~408 The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to person With disabilities If YOLJ need special acconimodatlons to attend or. participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes BennlGk, at (360) 458-8404 at least 72 hours before the mE?etlng ATTEST City of Yelm . . Agnes Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published In the Nlsqually Valley News August 8,1996 Posted In PubliC Areas August 6, 1996 * Recycled paper City ofYelm o o o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date August 14, 1996 To Planning Commission ~J From Cathie CarlscM Re 1996 Comprehensive Plan Amendments The proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan consist of four revisions to the Land Use Map Attached is a copy of the City Land Use Map, Exhibit 1, with the proposed changes as Indicated by numbers 1 ThiS Site, tax parcel 21713430102, has been annexed into the City (Ord 577) 2 ThiS area has been rezoned from Industrial to Moderate Density Residential (R-6), consisting of tax parcels 22719210403, 22719210600, 22719210300, and 22719210400 (Ord 569) 3 ThiS area IS a correction to the City Zoning Map in the comprehensive plan As onglnally adopted both the land use designations and the short term urban growth boundary in this area bisected a single parcel of land The original Intend of the land use designation and the short term urban growth area in this area was to follow property lines The boundary and land use designation lines were drawn on the map Incorrectly and have been redrawn to reflect the original intent. These changes involve tax parcels 22729132003, 22729310301, 22729310100, 22729420200 a Parcel 22729132003 was originally split by commercial and re-sldential low density zoning and the short term urban growth boundary The revis!3d map designates the entire site as commercial and Inside of the short term urban growth boundary b Parcel 22729310301 was Originally split by commercial and residential low density zoning and the short term urban growth boundary The revised map designates the site as low density residential and outside of the short term urban growth boundary c@ ~~.+ \ '~k.~Paper v':"', ~~. ,. ". ...- o o c 4 ".:,;' This area is a correction to the city Zoning Map in the comprehensive plan The land use designation was incorrectly depicted on the zoning map as low-density residential (R-4) Tax parcel, 21724440500, was originally Intended to be zoned Commercial, (C-1) The revised map designates the parcel as commercial This revIsion reflects the ordinal Intent of the comprehenSive plan No text or policy changes are proposed to the comprehensive plan ;. .~. CITY OF YELM ZONING 1 ' , ~ ~~~' -:::cJJ I EXHIBIT ->7, 'I' _/ ~ ~"-.",I r J~-= I \, " "~"" "-." " - "\. I It ", "-.'-J~ -... _ '\; ~ , , ,I' J-......., _~~~=. :;;:-\Tl ~, ' "~~, _~" J, .; !fQ"", .'" I"-.l~ '. -.--'--, I 'lli, ~ _ ;,; ,/ , -.- -' .......: '::0 - ,~z . 'T :r ~- 1 fi I "',., -< I Z // , I "~ - "z.,,' - ,"------; I I .~ ~ i@l / . \ , '-," < hl--r IT , '" rc ?: ;; '" _ ., _ / ~ J 't i II Y- '''\.~" wi 11"-!!'i1 ilf"" " :v /1 _ 1IJi I f r-.t--1 I ~~ I, . 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I I, I 'Z.lL 1 l~ i I i 1/ Y l A I, : ~ 1lAST!R P1..AJ8r<<D co......-rr r:;-:-::-I IIOOOlA TI-oDWfY Uft)UfT1AL L..:.....:..... D'lTJbCT m-e) ~ LOW-oDtltI'Y RDIDDITAA. ~ IKeTRICT <R....) I'~"''''t'.u I HtQIH)DlIftY MU)<<JfltAL ; '," .-,,,..,, oca~(ft..o101 ~ CZJf'TJU1. JIlISMEeD ~TRICT ICSO) I~~I~~ZO"(C-" IF:...-I HO'IT COta:I!RCW. ZOtCI! (c-.v ~ URGI! LOT COMII!RCtAL ZotCll. (~) ~ ICJU01'W.AI. DCSTmCT m c=l UAJAQ ~['7~"_7~'7~?j..munolUJ.. DtlTRICT ~ b1rg%LEll ,ARK.8/0P01 SPAce 6 8"""01. A WAnJI TOWER II~Y l~iI YELM ..........SHINGTON -...-. --~- o , - .....,-'-- 1 G. _.o-Or""'. ~ ....,ac-......""--.. >O.-'lOfTuns --_-=-~-;,; ',------. ..-...". """"" a:JIJOCWtt =--==--==-=-=- ~) =-~"'.,"'A"'_ ~. w ~ o o c c o ~ City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West P () Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 /360) 458;,]244 Pu blic Notice Planning Commission W or.ksession The YelnI Plalmmg COrrnp.Iss~on win be holdmg a worksessIOn to evaluate an alnendment to Ordinance 276,.1993 Yelm Development Fee Schedule The proposed am~ndment mcludes fee mcreases to 11;1ost applIcatIOn types The worksessIOn will be held at 400 pm, at Yelm CIty Hall, 105 YelIn Avenue West. The date of the worksessIOn will be Monday July 22; 1996 All mterested partles are mVIted to attend. For mformat!on or If you need speCial accommodatIons to attend or partIcIpate, call Agnes BemlIQk, (360) 458-8404 ' /} , . {/l(h~j ~/J/;IlLt~ Agnes Benmck CIty Clerk * Recycled paper o o o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JULY 15, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Iteml Motion No 1. The meeting was called to order at 4 04 P m by Commission Member E J Curry Members present Glenn Blando, E J Curry, Joe Huddleston (arrived at 4 06), Ray Kent, Roberta Longmire, Ed Pitts, Lyle Sundsmo Members absent: Tom Gorman, Bob Isom Guest(s). Howard & Ruby Fitzgerald, John Huddleston, Bob Jones, John Thomson Staff Cathie Carlson 2. Continuation of Public HearinQ - Development Fees: E.J. Curry opened the public heanng at 4 05 P m E J asked the public If they had any objections to any of the Planning Commission members There were none Cathie Carlson gave the revised staff report. Cathie spoke of the three Issues that were brought up at the June 17 meeting, and then she addressed each The three issues were 1 Compare the current fees to the proposed fees by calculating each set of fees with all projects done in 1995 2 Look into Appeal and Minor Amendment fees 3 Omit the King County Cities used on the onglnal comparison chart and use others Cathie gave her answer for each of the situations above 1 With the proposed fees applied to the projects done in 1995, It generated an additional $15,200 In revenue Cathie also included the following Information, In 1995, the Planning Dept. budget was $82,910, the fees actually collected were $11,400 Those fees represent 14% of the overall ping dept. budget. In 1996, the Ping Dept. budget was $88,818, and uSing the same projects In 95' with the proposed fees would have generated $26,600 With the new fees, It would have represented 30% of the overall ping dept. budget. Cathie then stated that she spends about 75% of her time on Yelm F lanning C_'mmissiuIl cTuly 15, 199f Page 1 o o o 2 current planning This Includes working one on one with people at the counter and on the phone besides working on applications The orrglnal survey used to do a comparrson didn't Include fees for appeals, minor amendments or final plats Cathie stated that she gathered related Info from the cities of Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater and from Thurston County Cathie worked out a com parr son with these jurisdictions on the fees for appeals, minor amendments and final plats The City of Yelm IS right about In the middle with the proposed fees compared to the other Jurrsdlctlons Cathie explained further how the different fees are applied to the different types of appeals etc The original analysis used eight jurrsdictions to compare fees, to get an Idea of high cost, low cost and where the City of Yelm fits into that range The Planning Commission asked that the King County Cities be extracted out of the orrginal companson Cathie explained about each of those Cities and spoke of how they fit In the range compared to Yelm Cathie feels that the eight Jurisdictions used in the orrglnal comparrson analysIs were comparable 3 E.J. then asked If there were any questions or comments from the public? There were none Questions from the Planning Commission? Ed PittS asked Cathie why some of the proposed fees are so much higher and how did she come to the proposed amounts? Cathie said that she estimated roughly the minimum amount of staff time It takes from beginning to end on each application type, (an application without any problems) and the proposed fees that she arrived at represent anywhere from 35-50% of the costs associated with each particular application Cathie stated that she was not trying to "break even" In any way Cathie added that the main comparison chart used at the previous meeting, Included fee Information from a citywide fee schedule from AW C (ASSOCiation of Washington Cities) The Information (from AW C ) were fees from 1994, so those fees are about two years behind There was more diSCUSSion E.J. asked If there were any more comments or questions? There were none E J closed the publiC hearrng at 4 24 p m E J asked the Planning Commission If there was a motion to forward this onto the City Council? Cathie Informed the Planning Commission members that they could have a special work session on thiS (Development Fees) if they wanted to diSCUSS Yelm Planning 1_ Anmissiun T"l', 1:, 19~6 Page .! c o o the Issue further The Commission members agreed, and set a date of Monday, July 22, 1996, 4 00 P m 3 Public Hearinq - VARIANCE-8175, Ruby Fitzqerald Joe Huddleston took over as Chair of the meeting The public heanng was opened at 4 30 P m Joe asked the Commission members If there was any conflict of Interest? There was none Joe then asked the audience If there was any conflict to any of the Planning Commission members present? There was none Cathie gave the staff report explaining the proposal Reduce the rear setback from 20 feet down to 5 feet, located In the Central Business Dlstnct at 208 Jefferson Street. Cathie said that the subject site used to be zoned residential, when the City updated the zoning code, this area was redesignated for Commercial, but the reality of thiS area being redeveloped Into Commercial In the near future is not real probable (Photos of the eXisting property and other properties around the Fitzgerald's were passed around for the Planning Commission members to review) Cathie read from Chapter 17 96, which is the amendment to the Re-zone and Vanance section In the ZOning Code Cathie also stated that the BUilding Dept. and the Public Works staff have all reviewed and approved the proposal Cathie stated that the staff recommendation IS to approve the variance and forward It to the City Council for their final approval Joe Huddleston asked the Fitzgerald's If they had anything to add to the staff report? They did not. Joe then asked if there were any comments from the audience? There were none Questions or comments from the Planning Commission? Joe asked the Fitzgerald's If they planned to use the extra space to bUild a garage? Mr, Fitzqerald affirmed that the space gained With the Variance is to be used for a new garage He stated that they already have the plans and a price quote for the new garage from a local contractor Roberta Lonqmlre asked Cathie what the allowance IS for a rear yard In the Commercial District? Cathie stated that the allowance IS 20 feet, but the Fitzgerald's are requesting It be a minimum 5 feet. y>?lm Plannin:j -:)mmission Jill} 1 c 1 ~J~ Page 3 o o o 96-18 Roberta then asked what the rear year allowance is In Residential? Cathie stated that there are differences - High Density IS 25 feet, and the Low and Moderate Density is 20 feet. Roberta then asked If the City IS setting up a situation where the Varrance IS granted, a two car garage IS bUilt and then down the road when the area goes Commercial and the fairly new garage or other type of bUilding must be demolished? Are we setting a precedent? Cathie stated that each variance is evaluated for its own ment. Cathie stated the eXisting use around the Fltzgeralds' lot are garages built to property lines Roberta stated her concerns about in the future when the area goes Commercial, and It is hard for large trucks to get down the alley's etc and the pOSSible demolition of a new garage Ray Kent stated that he feels that the Fitzgerald's undoubtedly have thought about the consequences and It IS their Investment, they are the only lot In that area Without a garage and they should be able to take advantage of a Varrance and take the rrsk If they so desire Joe Huddleston asked If there were any more comments or questions? There were none The publiC hearing was closed at 4 44 P m MOTION BY E.J. CURRY, SECONDED BY ED PITTS TO FORWARD THIS VARIANCE PROPOSAL ONTO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THEIR FINAL APPROVAL. CARRIED 4 Public Hearing - SUB-8168, Mill Circle Joe Huddleston opened the publiC hearrng at 4 45 P m Joe asked the Planning Commission members if there was any conflict of interest? There was none Joe asked the audience if there was any conflict of Interest With any of the Planning Commission members present? There was none Joe then stated for the record that he and the applicant, John Huddleston are not related Cathie Carlson passed out copies of a letter she received from the Caldwell's of Fox Hill Road, the letter states that they are concerned about groundwater, the Y-2 project and this project (SUB-8168) The Caldwell's feel that this Preliminary Plat project should be put on hold until the Y-2 r ~lm t l-:ltllliIl-j I 'lrUlli ,"ii Il 1ul l~f 11)1!!:, Page 4 o o o corndor IS established Cathie stated that under the current development regulations and zoning code, their request is not an option for consideration Cathie then gave her staff report on the project: Applicant is John Huddleston, proposal is a 29 Lot Single Family Preliminary Plat located on the West side of Mill Road, just South of Mill Pond School There will be three phases of the project, Phase 1 - including 18 reSidential lots and all Infrastructures/storm water Improvements necessary for total build-out of the project. A final recording of the plat for Phase 2 & 3 IS subject to the successful upgrade of the Sewer Treatment Plant plus other conditions Cathie explained the "Open Space" chapter and stated that Mr Huddleston has opted to pay the "fee in lieu of' to the city in the amount of $15,93207, rather than provide the required Open Space Cathie explained the water, sewer and storm water conditions Cathie recommended that project SUB- 8168 "Mill Circle" be approved With the conditions as stated In the staff report. Joe Huddleston asked if there were any questions? John Huddleston (applicant) asked about the required residential access between Mill Road and to the site John wants to verify that in the future if other property owners adjoin to the city sewer, water and/or streets which service this project (SUB-8168) that they will then be responsible for a latecomers fee? Cathie Carlson stated that It IS her understanding that a latecomers fee can be administered for utilities but not for the streets Cathie said that a condition of approval can be included, but she will find out for sure before the next city council meeting John Huddleston then asked if the "fee in lieu of' for payment Instead of the dedicated Open Space, can the total amount due be paid by phase? Cathie stated that yes thiS can be done The acreage size of each phase will be calculated and that amount will be due at the completion of each phase John H. stated that since Phase 2 & 3 are subject to the successful upgrade to the Sewer Treatment Plant, he wondered about any additional ERU's, If they are not used and are available could they be used In thiS project? Cathie stated that under current policy, all ERU's have been allocated If a change In policy occurs, the applicant can request an amendment to the plat. Iplm fl'itlllitl:j r ,rnmission Tul 1 [::Jt 11.)':)[- Page 5 o o o Bob Jones stated that rather than uSing the "subject to the successful upgrade" Bob suggested uSing the wording "subject to the availability of ERU's" and then they could be used as they become available? Cathie stated that she could call the city attorney to talk with him about thiS John H. stated that currently Washington Natural Gas (WNG) IS not In the area of the proposed project, but because of thiS proposed project and the Interest of the Fire Dept. WNG say that there will be enough to warrant them coming out now Joe Huddleston asked for some clanfication on the Right-of-Way, and asked about an area on the right hand corner of the map John H. stated that the property In question is owned by another land owner, and If they choose to develop In the future, appropriate space has been left for them to do so Ed PittS Inquired about the Open Space - "fee in lieu of' issue Cathie explained the Open Space ordinance, and what the "fee In lieu of' condition entails The fee(s) collected go directly into the Parks Dept. to be spent In an existing city park or towards the Improvement or development of another city park, (i e Cochrane Park) - the fee(s) collected must be used In the same sub-area as the proposed project. Roberta Lonqmire asked who Will have to do any improvements on Mill Road? Cathie stated that the project does not front on Mill Road and the Increased traffic does not warrant improvements to Mill Rd Joe H, asked If there were any more questions? John H. asked about the Sidewalks, and Inquired about the Fire Dept. and the Mill Pond School not completrng any improvements or sidewalks on Mill Road, wondered If It had been waived for them? Cathie stated that the Development Standards were not in place at the time of those projects (Fire Dept., M P School ) So it was not required then Joe Huddleston asked if there were any more questions? There were none Joe closed the public hearing at 5 20 P m 1 ?lm F lanning l ,mmission 1uly 1.5, ltj;Jb Page 6 o o o 96-19 MOTION BY E.J. CURRY, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR "MILL CIRCLE" SUB-8168 WITH CONDITIONS AS AMENDED TO INCLUDE 1 PARK FEE'S AND TRAFFIC MITIGATION SEPARATED TO CORRESPOND WITH PHASES OF THE PROJECT. 2. INCLUDE LATECOMERS AGREEMENT FOR NEW STREET CONNECTING THE PROJECT TO MILL ROAD. THE PLANNING COMMISSION FORWARDS THE APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THEIR FINAL APPROVAL CARRIED. 5 Public Hearing - Text Amendment Joe Huddleston opened the public heanng at 5 22 P m Joe asked the Commission members if there was any conflict of interest? There was none Joe then asked the audience if there as any conflict to any of the Planning Commission members present? There was none Cathie Carlson gave the staff report. The applicant IS the City of Yelm, the proposal IS for a text amendment to Chapter 1769 of the Yelm Municipal Code, "Home Occupation" There was a situation which triggered the city staff to look at this closer and conSider an amendment to the Chapter A citizen applied for a Home Occupation Business License, and they had a second residence on the property which had been used as a reSidential rental The applicant wanted to convert the rental into a home business The current municipal code reads that a home based business must be conducted Within the same building that the owner resides In Another issue that arose from the current language of the code was the allowed square footage area to be used as a home occupation Cathie stated that the city denied the applicant the home occupation permit, the applicant appealed to the City Council The City had the city attorney draft new language for the municipal code, as attached, and the staff recommends that the Planning Commission review and approve to forward It onto the City Council for their review and final approval Joe H. asked If there were any questions? Roberta Lonqmlre asked If the new language to the code would allow the applicant to build a new structure to have a business In? Cathie stated that she thinks it would, as long as It was Within the permitted 400 sq ft. and the new structure must meet the zoning code lelm C~rr@issiJn ,Tuly 1=, 1:1 Page 7 c o o 96-20 There were no further questions Joe closed the public hearing at 5 25 P m MOTION BY RAY KENT, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO TO FORWARD THE TEXT AMENDMENT ONTO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THEIR REVIEW AND FINAL APPROVAL. CARRIED Meeting adjourned at 5 30 P m Respectfully submitted, J2~v*~- Tom Gorman, Chairperson Date C )mrni.ssir~ n Page 8 (\ v o o 105 Yelm Avenue West p 6 Box 479 Yidm, Washington 98597 (360) 458:-32'44 City of Yelm .1 ' AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JULY 15,19964 00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 105 YELM AVE. W. 1 Cctll to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - June 17, 1996, minutes enclosed 2 Continuation of Public Hearing - Development Fees Applicant. City of Yelm ,Proposal Adjustments to current Fee Schedule 3 Public Hearing- VARIANCE..8175 Applicant. Ruby Fitzgerald , Proposal RedUce the rear yard setback from 20 feet down to 5 feet, IGcated In the Central ~uslness District, at 208 Jefferson Street. 4 Public Hearing - SUB-8168, MILL CIRCLE Applicant. John Huddleston Propo$al 30 Lot$lngle Family Preliminary Plat, located on the West side of Mill, Road, just South of Mill Pond School 5 Public Hearing - Text Amendment Applicant. City of Yelm Proposal Text amendment to Chapter 1769, Home Occupation -6 Other - 7 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon r~quest. If you need sPE3.clal arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting; please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, August '19, 1996,4 OO-PM, * Recycled paper c c o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 17, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item! Motion No. 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 00 P m by Commission Member Roberta Longmire Members present: Glenn Blando, E J Curry, Tom Gorman (arnved at 4 30), Bob Isom, Roberta Longmire, Ed Pitts Members absent. Joe Huddleston, Ray Kent, Lyle Sundsmo Guest(s): Mark Carpenter, John Huddleston, Bob Jones, Amos Lawton Staff Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann 96-17 Approval of Minutes MOTION BY E.J CURRY, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 20, 1996 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Introduction of New Commission Members, Cathie Carlson Introduced Robert "Bob" Isom and stated that Dr Ray Kent IS also a new commission member but due to a scheduled vacation was unable to attend this meeting 2. Public Hearing - Mill Circle - CANCELED, Rescheduled for the July 15th planning commission meeting 3. Public Hearing - Development Fees Roberta LonQmlre stated that she would be filling In as Chair of the meeting, because Tom Gorman will be late and Joe Huddleston is absent. Roberta then opened the publiC hearing at 4 04 pm Roberta asked If there IS any conflict of Interest from the public or planning commission members There was none Cathie Carlson gave the staff report on the proposed new development fees Cathie explained the enclosed fee comparison chart, how it was prepared and what references were used dunng the research of the fees Cathie also pOinted out some of the new Items on the chart and stated that It has been over 2 % years since fees were changed Cathie stated that the staff recommendation IS to make the proposed change and recommend to City Council the new fee schedule as outlined by staff relm ~13nning C~mmissi0n I1lne 1-;, 1996 Page 1 c o c Roberta Lonqmire asked what the current population IS? Cathie stated that there IS approximately 2,200 people in the city limits, and about 2,400 people In the urban growth area Roberta asked Shelly Badger if she had any comments to add to the staff report? Shelly supports Cathie's findings and feels that the increased staff time projection IS very accurate Roberta asked if there were any questions or comments from the publiC? John Huddleston asked about how the city TIA fee effects the applicant's responsibility to provide the city With a TIA. Cathie explained what could happen The applicant is still responsible to submit a TIA With the project application The information generated by S Chamberlain & Associates, Inc is the base information for the TIA. If the City does not generate thiS Information, the applicant's engineer will need to obtain It or generate it. To ensure all traffic impacts are evaluated equally It IS necessary to always start with the same base information Mr. Huddleston then inquired about the 100-200% increase in work, will the city add more people/additional staff? Cathie stated that she has already increased her hours per week and has had some other office help dedicated to the planning department, but application fees are not Intended to cover 100% of city cost to review an application (Tom Gorman arnved at 4 30 pm ) Mark Carpenter started out by saYing that he appreciates everything that Cathie Carlson has done Mr Carpenter inquired about the difference between fees and revieWing plat applications with the City of Yelm and other jurisdictions Roberta Lonqmire asked if there were any more comments or questions from the public There were none The public hearing was then closed at 4 40 pm Roberta then turned the meeting over to Chairman Tom Gorman Tom Gorman asked the planning commission members If they have enough Information to make a recommendation to the City Council, or If they had any further questions? l'?lrn Planning Commission TUlle 17, 1~~6 Page 2 o o o Ed Pitts asked Cathie why some cities were used on the comparison chart and not others? Cathie Carlson stated that the cities used on the chart were relatively close in population size and are experiencing similar growth pressures Ed Pitts asked Cathie If she worked out a comparison between the proposed fees and the current ones to see If there would be a significant change In revenue? Cathie stated that what she did was take each individual application and she figured the staff and time that It would take to process each, that IS how she came to the projected 100-200% increase In staff time Ed PittS asked If the Increased revenue from the raised fees will cover the costs of the 100-200% Increase In staff time? Cathie said no, It will cover about 35-50% of the total cost to process a project. Cathie stated that It IS really hard to analyze this as a whole, each application IS so Individual Roberta Lonqmire asked for an explanation about the differences in fees being raised, some are raised three to five times (300-500%) not 100-200% as the staff report says Cathie explained that there are a couple reasons for the higher fee Increases, the first one being that the fee schedule has not been revised or increased for 2% years, the 100-200% Increase IS based on her relative expenence since she has been with the city, in essence we are trYing to make up for back time, or the inflation, wages, administration and staff time - all of which have Increased significantly in 2% years Cathie stated that she will go back and look at each individual application and do some more research into the fee Increases and how the Increase pertains to each Shellv Badqer added that she helped with the Initial fee schedule years ago, and the detail analysis and specific research into each type of application was not done back then, so what IS happening now is, fee's that were not raised very much or at all to observe the growth pressures of that time- now seem much higher with these proposed fee Increases There was more discussion about the proposed fee changes Cathie and Shelly both explained more about the difference in cost and time etc Cathie stated that she feels she was very conservative with the estimates r;2Llll P13nrling Cummissir n Jllne I', lqrl!.: Page 3 o o o Ken Garmann also noted that included In the Short Plat process are costs incurred from survey, bUilding inspections, englneenng, attorney fees, utility checks etc Tom Gorman asked Cathie If she would calculate all of the fee's paid on all proJects done In 1995, and then use the same projects/applications With the new proposed fees to compare Cathie stated that this can be done for the next planning commission meeting E.J. Curry asked If there will ever be a large lot sub-division? Cathie stated in our residential zoning (R-4), we do not have a minimum requirement, we won't encourage large lot subdivIsions, but we do have to keep the fee on the schedule Bob Isom asked if other junsdlctlons have appeals and/or staff fee's? Cathie stated that she IS pretty sure some of the other Jurisdiction's have these fee's, but she will call and obtain more Information for the next meeting Tom Gorman asked if there were any more comments or questions for the staff at this time There were none At this time the planning commiSSion will direct Cathie Carlson to acquire the extra information and thiS public heanng will be continued at the next planning commission meeting, July 15, 1996 4 OTHER- * Cathie Carlson let the planning commission members know that she had Included newsletters from Intercity Transit and Thurston Regional Planning Council Also, on Wednesday June 19th, the City Council will hold a special work session on the Transportation Facility Charge Meeting adJourned at 5 05 pm Respectfully submitted, D~~ib Tom Gorman, Chairperson y,,=llu flantlitHj I ~)mmissi0n Tune l' 11.)1)(, Pi'lge 4 (~ o o o. 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING ~OMMISSION MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1996 4:00 P M YE~M,.CITY HALl:. COUNCIL CHAMBERS,105 YELM AVE W '1 Ci;tll to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - May fO, 1996, minutes enclosed Introduction - New Planning Commission Member(s) 2 Public Hearing> - lVIill Circle-CANCELLEQ Applicant. John Huqdleston , Proposal 30 Lot Single Family Preliminary Plat, located on the West side of Mill Road,' just South of Mill Pond School . '3 Public Hearing - Development Fees Applicant City of Yelm Proposal Adjustments to current Fee Schedule 4 Other- City Council work session on Transportation faCIlity charge, notice enclosed Newsletter from IT and Thurston Regional Planning, Council 5 Adjdurn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need speCial arrangements to attend 0r participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City HeW, at 45873244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING" July 15, 1996, 4:00 PM * Recycled paper -' c c 0' City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 YELM WASH'NGl"ON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amendment to Yelm Development Fee Schecule Resolution No 2'76 The City oJ Y ~Im Planning Commissi~n will hold a public hearing to receive- comments on proposed Increases to th~ Yelm Developmer.lt Fee Schedule The public hearing will be held on Monday, June 17, 1996,. at 400 pm in Yelm City Hall Council Chambers, located at 105 Yelm AveW, Yelm, WA All interested parties are invited to attend Written comments 'must be received prior to the hearing to be considered by the Planning Commission, and should be directed to the Yelm Planning Commissi9n, PO Box 479, Yelm, WA 98597, or~delivered to City Hall The Yelm City Council will hold a public heating to receive comments on proposed increases to _ the Yelm Development Fee Schedule The public hearing will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 1996, at 7 30 pm in Yelm City Hall Council Ch~mbers, located at 105 Yelm Ave W , Yelm WA 'All Interested parties 'are inyited to attend Written comments must be received prior to ,the hearing to be considered by the City Qouncil, and should be directed to the Yelni City Council, PO Box 479, Yelrrij WA 98597, or delivered to City Hall Addltlonal.information may be obtained by contacting 'Cathie Carlson, City Planrer, at Yelm City Hall, (360) 458-8408 ATTEST tip" 01AVli'rtL Agnes Bennick, City Clerk ----------------------;..------:----------------- DO NOr PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE PUblished, Nisqually Valley News Thursday, June ~ 1996. Posted in public areas June ~ 1996 * Recycled paper --~~------'------ .- --- -'--~- ~._-_._'......- "------ ~ -~-~----=--""--~, {\ ~0 o o City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Date June 10, 1996 To! Yelm Planmng Commission From Cathie Carlson, City Planner Re Development Fee Schedule UptJate Proposal The City of Yelm IS proposing to update the development fesschedule for land useappllcptlons The l:Ipdc:Jte Includes fee. Increases on approximately 70% of the City's Land Use Applications The last Item on the enclosed table, TIA DCitacmd DesIgn Review Included with Binding Site Plan/SPR, are new categories Background The Dev~lopment Fee SchedUle was last updated In January of 1993, Resolution 276 (attached) Fee schedules from other JUrisdictions were used to analyze the various fees The comparison data was obtained from a Tax and User Fee Survey conducted by the AssocIatIon of Washington Cities in 1994 The last Item on the .attached table, TIA Data, IS a new itellJ Project proposais which meet the traffic Impact threshold as identified In the ComprehensIve Transportc::ition Plan"must prepare a Traffic Impact Study and Analysis (TIA) Tq ensure all TIA's are developed uSing the same base information It IS necessary to extract eXIsting traffic' counts ancl distribution data frqm the modeling program uSE!d to develop the Transportation Plan The scope of the data for each proposed use is' speyific to' its land use Intensity and the project location within the City The actual cost incurred by the City to generate this Information range~ between $50000 - .$65000 If the City Council adopts the propo~ed design gUidelines, all site plan review applications will be required to complywlth the' design guidelines On thea.ttached table, staff has proposed fees for Site Plan Review which include the Design' Review element. This allows the fees to be on a sliding scale, which accounts for the varied review times, based on a proJects size and intensity Thecproposedfees are not intended to cover staff and administrative costs to process an application Development fees tYPically offset City <:tests In a range of 35% - 50% of the total costs to the City * Recycled paper ~'-~---'----'---- . . . ~-----~-~ - - o - o o Conclusions The last development fee increase was 2 % years ago With the new comprehensh.{e plan, zonrng code, development guidelines and other GMA implementation tools, proJect review IS more technical ahd time consuming With the adoption of the new zoning code and upcoming design gUldelmes I estimate that the time necessary to process'a site plan review Witt} design gUidelines could Increase by approximately 100% with some review Increasing by as much as 200% The current Fee ScHedule states on the bottom of the page "comblned'multlple applications submitted concurrently are discounted by 50% for all fees other than the highest Individual application fee" This is a good policy for some of the applications which the review wo.uld overlap Applications for EnVironmental ReView and Annexation requires the same amount of effort and review process regardless of any other applications which Would be considered on a particular site Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve, and forward to the City Council for approval and adoption, the. Yelm Developm-ent Fee Schedule as follows , 1 Amend the multiple application credit to read "Combined multiple applications, excluding environmental revieW and annexations, submitted concurrently are discounted by 50% for all fees other than the highest Individual application fee" 2 Modify the application fees to reflect the proposed fee schedule as Illustrated In:attached Land Us~ Application Fee AnalysIs, Table I CJUnSdictlons used for fee comparison include City Population City Population Algona Buckley Duvall Elma Enumclaw Fife Friday Harbor Gig Harbor 1,940 3,840 3,280 2,840 9,670 4,420 1,790 3,730 Leavenworth Montesano Orting Poulsbo Sequim Shelton Westport 2,020 3,520 2,245 5,415 4,135 7,440 2,055 o land Use High Fee low Fee Avg Fee Yelm Fee Proposed Application Fee Presub Conference No fee No charQe Adj Property Owners List Prepared by City (1 st 50) $50 Delete Addtl $1 per owner $1 ea Simple Annexation Petition $850 $ 50 $307 $250 $350 Complex Annexation Petition $500 0-10 $50 $379+ $1000 $1250 acres, $25 ea adl Appeal Staff Decision $25 $150 Commission Decision $50 $350 Binding Site Plan/ SPR/Design Review Mobile Home Park $625 $ 30 $350 $250 +$25 $250 + $50 +cost space unit Multi-Family $625 $ 30 $350 $100+$10 $350 + $50 Bldg/Condominium +cost unit unit Commercial Site Plan $625 $30 $350 $100 +$50 $350 + $150 +cost per 1000 per 1,000 sq sq ft. of ft. of gross Qross area area Industrial Site Plan $625 $30 $350 $100 + $350 + $150 +cost $100 per per acre acre LAND USE APPLICATION FEE ANALYSIS TABLE I C Fee Schedule Comparison Chart 5/96 Cathie.\fees2 Page 1 o o Land Use High Fee Low Fee Avg Fee Yelm Fee Proposed Application Fee Conditional/Special Use $900 +$30 $ 50 $338 $500 No change per acre Shoreline Special Use $500 +$60 $25 $255 $500 No change per hour Home Occupation $50 No chanqe Ordinance Text Amendment $750 $275 $463 $250 $500 Planned Development District $25 per $750 + $25 residential per unit unit Boundary Line Adiustment $50 $100 00 Large Lot - division of land into $250 +$10 No change parcel of 5 acres or more per lot Short Plat - division of land up $1050 + $ 75 per $381 $50 per lot $250 + $50 to 9 lots $100/acre lot per lot +cost Preliminary Full Plat - division $2250 + $450 + $5 $991 $500 + $750 + $25 of land into 10 or more lots $100/acre per lot $25 per lot per lot + cost Final Full Plat $500 $750 Minor Amendment $100 $350 Environmental Checklist $425 $ 50 $146 $ 50 $150 Environmental Impact Stmt $425 $ 50 $146 $1500 No change Vacation of Plats, R-O-W and $350 + $25 $203 $100 + No change Easements $50 ft + $250 if $60 hr apvd Variance $525 $ 50 $260 $100 $250 Zoning Map AmndmnUComp $1825 $ 50 $545 $500 $1,000 Plan Amndmnt (REZONE) or +$100 Shoreline redesignation acre TIA Data - generated by City $500 Transportation Engineer for base data necessary for TIA's o Fee Schedule Comparison Chart 5/96 Cathie:\fees2 Page 2 CITY OF YELM RESOLUTION NO, ~ 1993 YELM DEVELOPMENT FEE SCHEDULE [All applications are subject to additional professional review and consultation fees] 1 c SUBJECT -~_.--------_..__._--_.~---..._.._----..-.._.__._-_.....-.----.-----....--.---..-.----.-.-..--.-....----.----.._--.. APPLICATION FEE Presubmission Conference Adjacent Property Owners List (Optional) Prepared by the City - first 50 owners or less Additional owners @ $1 00 per record owner Annexation Notice of Intent To Initiate "Simple" Annexation Petition "Complex" Annexation Petition Appeal 2 from Staff Decision Commission Decision Binding Site Plan/Site Plan Review Mobile Home Park Multi-Family Building/Condominium Commercial Site Plan Industrial Site Plan Conditional or Special Use or Shoreline Home Occupation Ordinance Text Amendment Planned Development District Plats Boundary Line Adjustment Large Lot Short Plat Preliminary Full Plat Final Full plat Minor Amendment c State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Checklist Environmental Impact Statement Vacation of Plats, Right-of-Way & Easements Variance zoning Map Amendment (Rezone) or Shoreline redesignation No Fee $ 50 00 $ 1 00 each No Fee $ 250 00 $ 1,000 00 $ 25 00 $ 50 00 $ 250 00+ $25 DO/space $ 100 00+ $10 OO/unit $ 100 00+ $50 00/1,000 sq. ft of gross floor area $ 100 00+ $100 per acre $ 500 00 $ 50 00 $ 250 00 $ 25 DO/residential unit $ 50 00 $ 250 00+ $10 DO/lot $ 50 DO/lot $ 500 00+ $25 DO/lot $ 500 00 $ 100 00 $ 50 00 $ 1,500 00 $ 100 00+ $250 00 if approved $ 100 00 $ 500 00 Engineering services - $75/hour and Legal services - $100/hour as necessary for review or as requested by applicant Appeal fees are subject to up to a 50% refund at the discretion of the final decision-maker upon finding in favor of the appealing party Fees may be reduced or waived by the City Council upon a finding of general public benefit Combined multiple applications submitted concurrently are discounted by 50% for all fees other than the highest individual application fee o The above fees do not include construction permits, recording costs and fees of other agencies PASSED AND APPROVED JANUARY 27, 1993 PUBLISHED Nisqually Valley News, February 4, 1993 CITY Of YELM RESOLUTION 238-ATTACHMENT A AMENDED 7/8/92 Res 249, 8/12/92 Res 260, 8/12/92 Res 261 1/27/92 Proposed Res 276 c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, MAY 20, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1. The meeting was called to order at 4 00 P m by Co-Chair Joe Huddleston Members present: Glenn Blando, E J Curry, Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire, Ed Pitts, Adam Rivas and Lyle Sundsmo Staff Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson and Ken Garmann Guest(s) Amos Lawton Members absent: Tom Gorman 96-13 Approval of Minutes MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY LYLE SUNDSMO TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 6, 1996 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 2. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - DESIGN GUIDELINES c Joe Huddleston stated that this will be the fourth session of the continued public hearing on the Design Guidelines Mr Huddleston then opened the public hearing at 4 05 pm, and asked if there were any further comments, input or discussion? Cathie Carlson talked again of the 12 foot sidewalks and pointed out the areas on the large map Roberta Lonqmire asked how the street/sidewalk would be designed and what happens when it meets a 5 ft sidewalk? Cathie stated that there would still be the same width of street right-of-way and in the 12-ft area's it will be sidewalks with a few trees planted occasionally When it gets to the skipped area, the sidewalk will taper down to a 5-ft with an Il-ft planter strip Shelly Badqer stated that as the SW Yelm Annexation area develops, this area is going to be the "Hub" because it will be the area where most of the cars come and park, the goal is to get them to stop and have the people out of their cars and walk back and forth between the shops etc taking advantage of the nice sidewalk areas c Yelm Planning Commission May 20, 1996 Page 1 o Cathie showed urban arterial area consists of a 17 ft stormwater and 5 ft sidewalk area Staff would probably have to use discretion on each project Roberta stated that the Vision Committee should have used the same zoning designations from the very beginning, otherwise it is going to be very confusing Shelly agreed that it may be somewhat confusing The design guidelines provide a matrix to help applicants and staff determine which guidelines apply to each project The city has already held two Pre-Sub's and they have already let the applicants know about the new document It may take a while, but it will work Joe Huddleston asked if there were any more comments? There were none, and Mr Huddleston closed the public hearing at 4 20pm Adam Rivas stated that he would be abstaining from the voting, because of his involvement with the city council, and he will be voting on the Design Guidelines as a council member at the second council meeting in June 96-14 MOTION BY LYLE SUNDSMO, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO TO FORWARD THE DESIGN GUIDELINES TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THEIR REVIEW. E.J. CURRY AND ROBERTA LONGMIRE OPPOSED. MOTION CARRIED. c 3. OTHER- * Cathie Carlson explained the possibility of reducing the planning commission meetings from two a month, to one per month and she asked that if the commission members decided to do this that they be able to commit at least two hours to the one meeting per month There was more discussion Lyle Sundsmo stated that he supports this idea, but unfortunately from now until around September he will not be able to promise his attendance, because of his added duties at LASCO Roberta stated that she would like to see the planning commission grant Lyle some sort of "leave of absence" if he can not make a meeting Cathie Carlson stated that the "rules" say that action is not taken unless a member misses two consecutive meetings without excuse So Lyle would be fine c Yelm Planning Commission May 20 1996 Page 2 c Lyle reiterated that he would still try very hard to be at every meeting There was discussion about whether the one meeting per month would be on the first or the third Monday of the month 96-15 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY LYLE SUNDSMO TO REDUCE THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS FROM TWO PER MONTH TO ONE PER MONTH, TO BE HELD ON THE THIRD MONDAY OF EACH MONTH. MOTION CARRIED. * Cathie stated that an advertisement went in the May 16, 1996, edition of the Nisqually Valley News to fill the two vacancies on the Planning Commission Cathie has also looked through the file and pulled some letters of interest from past vacancies Cathie will also make an announcement at the next Chamber meeting, and she asked the Commission members to call her if they have other suggestions for candidates o * Cathie informed the commission that at the June 17, 1996 planning commission meeting there will be a public hearing on a residential subdivision Cathie also informed the commission that she hopes to have the fee schedule research complete and a comparison chart of the land application fees available at the next meeting 96-16 MOTION BY E.J. CURRY, SECONDED BY LYLE SUNDSMO TO ADJOURN MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 4 30 pm Respectfully submitted, DL~~vd~:J Tom Gorman, Chairperson Date c Yelm Planning Commission May 20 1996 Page 3 ~ ,( I \......../ .. o o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION '", . q MONDAY, MAY 20,19964:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERs;105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - May 6, 1996, minutes enclosed 2 Continuation of :PiJblic Hearing - Applicant. City of. Yelm Proposal Design Guidelines I Final Draft Design Guidelines and staff report included in Mi?Y 6 packet. 3 Other - Dis9ussion on possible reduction from 2 meetings to 1 meeting monthly 4 Adjourr) - Enclosures are available to non-Dommission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, June 3, 1996, 4:00 PM * Rec-,'cled. paper c c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 6, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1. The meeting was called to order at 4 05 P m by Chair Tom Gorman Members present: Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Ed Pitts, and Adam Rivas NO QUORUM Members absent: Glenn Blando, E J Curry, Roberta Longmire and Lyle Sundsmo Guests present: Margaret Clapp and Amos Lawton Staff present: Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson and Ken Garmann 96- A?proval of Minutes THE MINUTES OF MARCH 18, UNOFFICIALLY APPROVED. 1996 WERE REVIEWED AND 2. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - DESIGN GUIDELINES Tom Gorman stated that action would not be taken, due to lack of quorum Mr Gorman opened the floor for discussion or any public comments Margaret Clapp, a member of the VISION committee stated that she is very pleased and very supportive of the guidelines Cathie Carlson then pointed out on the large display map the areas that would require the pedestrian sidewalk areas The pedestrian sidewalks are proposed to be 12' in width Tom Gorman asked what is the significance of pedestrian sidewalks at the Killion Road intersection? Cathie stated that this area is designated as "mixed use" and the pedestrian sidewalks would help promote pedestrian use Mr. Gorman then asked for more comments There were none Mr Gorman stated that the Design Guidelines should be finalized at the next meeting, May 20, 1996 Marqaret Clapp stated that the VISION committee would like to see the final version of the Design Guidelines very clear on what guidelines are required in each designated area Yelm Planning Commission May 6 1996 Page 1 c c c Cathie Carlson stated that there is a matrix checklist in the front of the document The checklist will be used by both the applicant and the city to determine compliance with the design guidelines Shelly Badqer asked if a date has been set for the Design Guidelines to go to City Council? After some discussion, Cathie stated that the first city council meeting in June 1996 is an anticipated date for the guidelines to go before the City Council 3. SIGN CODE UPDATE Amos Lawton-Planning Commission Liaison for City Council, reported on Section 15 24 090, Temporary Signs He stated that compliance has been good 4. OTHER- * Cathie spoke of the letter of resignation from Tom Cundy Cathie stated that she would advertise for a new planning commission member in the Nisqually Valley News * Cathie told the commission about the U S Postal Service's selection of Margaret Clapp's property for the site of the new post office Cathie stated that she has spoke with the city attorney, Sandy Mackie, about the Postal Service being exempt from certain regulations * Cathie gave a brief update on the Transportation Plan status Thurston County is behind schedule on the new modeling program, so rather than duplicating all efforts, the Transp Plan is on hold for a few months * Cathie told the commission about the research that Dana and herself are beginning on development fee's in other cities Cathie said that she hopes to update Yelm's fee schedule and present it to the planning commission at a future meeting Yelm Planning Commission May 6 1996 Page 2 c c o * There was more discussion, about other projects that are in progress Ken Garmann spoke about the Public Works Dept and their present work on the swales along Yelm Avenue The department is re-planting the swales with more wildflower seeds 96- Meeting adjourned at 4 50 pm Respectfully submitted, D!Ao;:ee~ Tom Gorman, Chairperson Date Yelm Planning Commission May 6 1996 Page 3 ~ v . City of Yelm o c 105 Yelm Avenue West p 0 Bo.~ 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 - Date May 1, 19$6 To Planning Commis~ion From Cathie Carls~~' Re Design Guidelines The Planning Commission sub~committee met with the Chamber Vision Corpmittee.in late March The meeting was very successful. with the group reaching consensus on the following revisions 1 Sidewalks Widths - Originally the text in this section was' deleted in its entirety because it conflicted with the development standards Upon disdus~ion and refinement it was re-'added 12' sidewalk widths will be required on all pedestrian-oriented streetsPedestrian.,oriented streets are limited with the majority being locat,ed in, the central business district (CBD), A nlap or a detailed list of affected sidewalk areas will be included' in the design guidelines. (map/list should be ready by Monday's hearing ) The str~et standards in the development guidelines will need to be revised to reflect the 12' widths for those streefsdesignated pedestrian-oriented AttacHed is the current cross ' secti0n for a street in the CBD with the changes that would ,be necessary to accomplish a 12' sidewalk. The end result is that all street sections can be modified'toaccomplish a 12' sidewalk without requiring the applicant to dedicate additional public right-of-way 2 Pedestrian Amenities .:In the original draft, pedestrian amenities was a sub- section found in' Chapter II! Pedestrian Access In the attached revised Version, Guideline" .D (1) which addresses weather protection was relocated to Guideline 1 A (1), page 4, as one of ten pedestrian amenities the applicant can' those from Guideline II D (2) which a9dressed pedestrian friendly building facades was also relocated to Guideline 1 A (1) page 1 ' 3 , Pedestrian Plaza and Areas - Originally wa~ deleted because the 5ub7" committee understood these areas and plazas as. additional improvements and dedications that would be required ot an applicant. Upon discussion with the Vision Committee the intent of this section was to address properties which * Recycled paper I ~.~-~-~,~ ~--~--~~- .-'"--- c c c have "un-used areas" located on the lot between the public-right-of-way and the building Property owners would not be required to provide this area unless the placement of the building creates an "un-used" area Typically those "un- used" areas would require landscaping per the code and these pedestrian areas and plaza's can be incorporated at that time Pedestrian Activity Areas and Plazas has been re-added in its entirety 4 Side and Rear Yard Compatibility - This Section was significantly edited to comply with the current development guidelines and re-added on Page 9 of the enclosed draft. From the staffs perspective the revised design guidelines provide clear intent and guidelines for project review Administratively the implementation of design guidelines will likely add one week to the overall review of a project. Currently Site Plan Review, including an environmental determination, is taking approximately 6 weeks Considering the complexity of project review a 7 - 8 week approval time is considered a very quick turn around time by most jurisdictions and applicants The staff supports the proposed design guidelines as presented ct R/W I 10' 80' jTl > ~ /JJ r I U1 ~ 6 jTl:::! ;;: r::: .~ In'iS'1 12 6' 6' ! 12' r'l-1 z -< ...., ~ I ill ~ r ...., ...., ^ ;;j q,:E AI f"Tl > ...., 0 > ~ .,., ..., ~ r ..., ...., :E ::::J I~ > 0 C > 0 Z AI -< iT1 r Z r > > Z r Z .:x f"Tl > f"Tl Z 2' I f"Tl I fC o VARIES o J> -' o lJ o Z ...., 2%_ --0 L CEMENT CONC BARRIER CURB AND GUTTER o GENERAL NOTES 1 NO "ON STREET" PARKING PERMITTED 2 REFER TO RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON STORM DRAINAGE, STREET LIGHTING, PAVEMENT STRUCTURE, ECT DG4-3B.DWG APPROVED R/W 10 5/ I Z-' 15'15~ )~ f"Tl J> C ~ :::! ;;: r::: f"Tl -; Z -< ...., ~ i .01 f"Tl ~ r~; t ~-- ~ ~ I -6- VARIES o > ...., o I lJ Q z ...., 2%_ --0 CITY OF YELM OEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS STREETS URBAN INSIDE C.B D ARTERIAL DWG. NO DATE 4-3B PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DES. OWN S-C S-C CKD S-C DATE 11/27/94 c o o , , 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 r ' City of Yelm j Date April 23, 1996 To Real Estate Industry From Cathie, carlSO~y Planner Re N.ew Sign Code The YelmCity Council recently adopted a new sign code Which will go into effect on April 24, 1996 I would like to bring to your attention a particular section of the code that addresses Real Estate Signs In Section 1524 090 Temporary Signs, Real Estate Signs are addressed under the letter D (attached) Please read and become familiar with this section In particular, 0-2, limits the use of directional open ,house signs to daylight hours on weekends, only In the past the City has experienced difficulty with the placement and removal of signs Many times .directional signs have been placed in the public right-.of-waycreating a safety hazard fqrpedestrlans anq.autos In addition, signs are not always retrieved which creates additional safety hazards and in the long term creates unsightly areas as the signs begin to deteriorate Initially the proposed sign code did not allow any off-site directional open house signs After much discussion the City Council decided to allow off-site' directional openh.ouse signs during daylight hours and on weekends only The Council has instructed City sfaff to monitor the use of 0pen house signs for a, period of three months Following the three month trialper,iod the Council will revisit the issue of off-site directional signs I There are two things that you can do to support the continuation of off.,site open h,ouse directional signs 1 When placing a sign please consider its location in respect to pedestrian and auto safety 2 Please remove your open house sign$at the end ot' your open house, even If It IS on a Saturday and you are p'lanning another open house the following day We thank you in advance for your assistance If you haVe any questions, I can be reached at 458-8408 @' . Recycled paper c o c Only one such sign is permitted per construction project for each public street upon which the proj ect fronts The applicable limits are as follows 1 In all zones other than single-family residential zones, no construction sign shall exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in sign area (printed copy on one slde only) or ten (10) feet in height, nor be located closer than ten (10) feet from the property line or closer than thirty (30) feet from the property Ilne from the abutting owner 2 In single-family resldential zones, no construction sign shall exceed thirty-two (32) square feet (princed copy on one slde only) or ten heighc, nor be located closer than ten (10) property line of the abutting owner In slgn area (10) feet in feet from the B Grand Opening Displays A no-fee sign permlc is requlred Such temporary slgns, posters, banners strings of llghts, clusters or flags, balloons or othe~ ala cr gas filled figures, and searchllghts are permitted cn premlse cnly and for a perl cd of fourteen (14) days only to announce the cpenlng or a completely new enterprise or the openlng cf an enterprlse under new management Square foctage of allcwable temporary slgn area is provlded In Sectlon 15 24 290 Sandwich Board slgns are permltted prcvided each Sloe does not exceed 2~' x 4' All such materials shall be removed immediately upon the expiration cf fourteen (14) days Search llghts may be permltted by any business or encerprlse provlded the beam of llght dces not flash agalnst any bUlldlng cr does not sweep an arc of more than fcrty five aegrees (450) from vertical ,~ S~ecial Event Slgns-for Businesses and Organizacions A no- fee sign permlt is requlred Such temporary slgns may be placed on premlse only and shall not be larger than twenty (20) square feet Sandwlch Board signs are per~ltted provided each side does not exceed 2~' x 4' S~id signs shall not be posted or attached to telephone poles, power poles or other publlc utlllty facllities Such signs may be permitced on premise only and for a period of fourteen (14) days only Special events are limited to fcur (4) per year The event committee for which the slgn is dlsplayed shall be responslble for ics removal and subject to the penalties as provided In this Code Search lights may be permltted by any business or encerprlse provlded the beam cf Ilght does noc flash against any building or does not sweep an arcft of more than forcy flve degrees (450) from vertlcal D Real Estate Slgns All exterior No sign permit is requlreo CiTY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO 576 c real estate signs must be of wood or plastic or other durable material The permitted signs, with applicable limits, are as follows 1 Residential "for sale", "open house", and "sold" slgns Such signs shall be llmited to one slgn pe:r- street frontage not to exceed five (5) square feet in sign area, placed wholly on the property for sale, and not to exceed a helght of seven (7) feet 2 Residential directlonal "open house" signs shall be permltted during daylight hours on weekends only and must be placed out of the way of pedestrlan trafflc 3 Undeveloped comme:r-clal and industrial property "for sale or rent" signs One sign per street frontage advertlslng undeveloped commercial and industrial prope:r-ty for sale or rent The slgn shall not exceed thlrty-two (32) SQuare feet in sign area and ten (10) feet to top of slgn 4 Developed commercial and lndustrial property" for sale or rent" signs One slgn per street frontage acivertislng a commercial or lndustrlal bUllcilng for rene or sale is permitted while the building is aceually for rent or sale If one face of the buildlng is less than ten (10) feet from the property line, the sign shall be placed on the buildlng or in a wlndow The sign shall not exceed ten (10) feet to top of slgn, lf free-standing, shall be located more than fifteen (15) feet from any abucting property line and a publlc right-of-way line Said slgn shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square .L<::::-:::l.. in slgn area o 5 Unc.eveloped resldentlal property "for sale" s:Lgns One on-premise slgn per street rroncage aciverelsing undeveloped resldentlal prope:r-ty for sale lS per~iteed noc exceeding thirty-two (32) square feee In sign area Sald slgn must be placed more than thlrty (301 feet from the abutting owner's property line and may not exceed a height of ten (10) feet to top of slgn E Polltical Signs No slgn permit is required Polieical signs or posters may be placed upon pr:Lvate prope:r-ty only and shall not be larger than ten (10) square feet of sign area and shall not be posted or atcached to telephone poles, power poles or other public utlllCY facilltles Such signs may be dlsplayed no sooner than the next to the last Monday in July prlor to an election (except for special elections WhlCh may dlsplay such signs no sooner than forty-five (45) days prlor to the c CITY OF YElM ORDINANCE NO 576 o o o APRIL 2, 1996 CITY OF YELM 105 YELM AVE. WEST P O. BOX 479 YELM, WA 98597 SERVING YOU SINCE 1971 F>> [g='l@" . _.~ '.. , r:'';;:... r ,..' r;"', ~. !fi)r-._.~~Ji:;. OWl j[~ ,i~, 11 u; ;) -=..,,~.., -1111' VILLAGE RENTAL CENTERS,;! 1'\ i: AM - 4. H~ 1 II RENTALS - SALES - SERVICE lUUl.,,,.~.__-.=-___ l> IJJ!~; L-.,~. ,.._,_'-. _...,.:_".,,~,j DEAR YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE, ALTHOUGH I FORESEE A TIME IN THE NEAR FUTURE WHEN I AGAIN MAY BE ABLE TO ATTEND COMMISSION MEETINGS ON A REGULAR BASIC, MY "CRYSTAL BALL" MAY HAVE A FLAW. IT WOULD NOT BE FAIR TO THE COMMISSION, THE MEMBERS, OR TO THE CITY TO RENEGE ON A SPECIFIC DATE. THEREFORE, IT IS BEST I SUBMIT THIS RESIGNATION EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1996 I HAVE ENJOYED APPROXIMATELY EIGHT YEARS ON THE COMMISSION, BUT MOST OF ALL, I'VE ENJOYED THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS. THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE. SINCERELY, ~ THOMAS J CUNDY 4614 LACEY BLVD LACEY, WA 98503 TEL. (206) 491 9424 FAX. (206) 438-9106 ACCOUNTING 456-0223 41 2 YELM AVE E YELM, WA 98597 TEL. (206) 458-5788 FAX (206) 458-9134 (1-800-7299424) T-~_':--' c o c .._~-",.....~w~~" . -:' . . -~-- '6' .~..............:..'--..___.:.....:.~ .......:...:..... ~....:~. "-t'4,L'.J;":-"-~_i..~___,-:,__;._:-'.;__"'_. _.- '\ Denver Facilities Service Office Seattle Branch SITE SPECIFIC ANNOUNCEMENT NOTIFICATION OF U.S. POSTAL SERVICE PROJECT TO' See Attached Distribution List PROJECT NAME, YELM, WA MAIN OFFICE PROJECT # E13136 PROPONENT FEDERAL AGENCY. United States Postal Service Denver Facilities Service Office Real Estate Branch 8055 E. Tufts Avenue, Suite 400 Denver, CO 80237-2881 RESERVED FOR STATE INTERNAL COMMENT D~SCR!PT!C~-l OF .~,CT!()N(S; TVDi= fll:" I\.rTlfl~.I{Q\ . .. - -. ..-. .........-. The U S, Postal Service intends to provide a new postal facility in Yelm, WA located on the Southwest corner of West Road and 103rd Ave SE. This vacant 72,921 sq ft. site will contain a new building of 6,681 net sq. ft. which will be leased to the U S Postal Service. New Facility Postal - Owned ~ New Facility Postal - Leased Acquisition of Land/Bldgs Lease of Land/Bldg( s) Disposal of Property Use Change Lease Alternate Quarters Environmental Issue Other (Explain)' ESTIMATED PROJECT SIZE. PROJECT SCHEDULE. Building' 6,856 square feet Site: 72,921 square feet Actual Start Date. December 26, 1995 Estimated Occupancy Date. February 28, 1997 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No significant impact on the environment is anticipated; therefore, this project is declared categorically exempt under Section 775.4(b)(1) of the U S Postal Service Environmental Policy Act, published in the Federal Register, November 5, 1979, Vol. 44, No. 215, and as amended and published in the Federal Register on February 8, 1982, Vol. 47, No, 26, June 5, 1984, Vol. 49, No.1 00, and March 21, 1990, Vol. 55, No 55. NEXT SCHEDULED PUBLIC ACTION' Solicitation to construct the new postai facility with lease back to the Postal Service. RESPONSE DEADLINE TO USPS 65 days from date of this notice. March 29, 1996 Date ~ :::*1'. ~/-'-:-(,,~/~ GLEN M ACKERMAN REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST FACILITIES NORTHWEST TEAM DENVER FACILITIES SERVICE OFFICE TELEPHONE. (206) 874-7287 34301 - 9th Ave. S., 3rd Floor Federal Way, WA 98063-0500 TEL. (206) 874-7287 FAX. (206) 874-7205 c o o .. Denver Facilities Service Office Seattle Branch INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW NOTICE DISTRIBUTION LIST - SITE SPECIFIC ANNOUNCEMENT PROJECT Yelm, WA - Main Post Office STATE POINT OF CONTACT SHPO APWU MAYOR AREA VICE PRESIDENT OPERA TIONS DISTRICT MANAGER. POST OFFICE OPERATIONS MANAGER. MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 34301 - 9th Ave. S" 3rd Floor Federal Way WA 98063-0500 TEL. (206) 874-7287 FAX. (206) 874-7205 Lea Ford Washington State Dept. of Community Trade & Economic Development Ninth and Columbia Building Olympia, WA 98504-8300 " Mary Thompson State Historic Preservation Officer Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Olympia, 'lVI, 98504-3343 American Postal Workers Union 1799 Bayshore Highway, # 420 Burlingame, CA 94010-1377 / Ms Kathy Wolf, Mayor City of Yelm POBox 479 Yelm, WA 98597-0479 Craig Wade U S Postal Service 1745 Stout Street Denver, CO 80299-5000 Dale R. Zinzer Seattle District 41 51st Ave N POBox 9000 Seattle, WA 98109-9997 Jon Patten, Manager Post Office Operations, Area III 4001 S Pine Street Tacoma, WA 98413-9998 Neil C Stahfest Manager, Administrative Services 415 1st Ave N POBox 9000 Seattle, WA 98109-9997 o o o :;. Denver Facilities Service Office Seattle Branch PAGE 2 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW NOTICE DISTRIBUTION LIST - SITE SPECIFIC ANNOUNCEMENT PROJECT YELM, WA - MAIN POST OFFICE. POSTMASTER. AI Prigge 301 Yelm Avenue Yelm, WA 98597-9998 FSO REQUIREMENTS & PLANNING Guido Guidi Postal Operations Analyst 8055 E. Tufts Ave, Suite 400 Denver, CO 80237-2881 FSO DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Dave Anderson Denver Facilities Service Office Seattle Branch 34301-9th Avenue S , 3rd Floor Federal Way, WA 98063-0500 REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST Glen Ackerman Denver Facilities Service Office Seattle Branch 34301 - 9th Ave S, 3rd Floor Federal Way, WA 98063-0500 (206) 874-7287 OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS AI Di Sarro Corporate Relations Center, USPS 1745 Stout Street, 400 Denver, CO 80299-7500 34301 - 9th Ave. S.. 3rd Floor Federal Way WA 98063-0500 TEL (206) 874-7287 FAX. (206) 874-7205 r-\ '\J o o --~.-------.----.----~~ , . 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAy, MAY 6,19964:00 P.M YElM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,105 YELM AVE. W, 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - March 1'8, 1996, minutes enciosed 2 Continuation <?f Public Hearing - Applicant. City of Yelryl Proposal Design Guidelines Final Draft Design Guidelines and staff report enclosed 3 ,Sign Code Update- Amos Lawton Section 15 24 090, Temporary Signsl and Letter to the Real Estate Industry enclosed 4 Oth~r - Letter of Resign~tion from Tom Cundy Site Specific Notification from the U S Post Office 5 Adjourn.., Enclosures are aVpilable to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements tQ attend or' participate in thi$ meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MAY 20,1996,400 PM * RecyCled paper c o o ~ City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue W?st PD Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 NOTICE OF MEETING CANC'ELLATION The April 15, 1996, regular Planningl Commission meeting has been CANCELLED, due to lack of business The next rE3gular meeti'ng of the Yelm Planning Coml)1ission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , on Monday, May 6, 1996, at 4 00 pm If there are any questions concerning this change, please call the City Planner, Cathie Carlson at (360)' 458-8408 / . L ! f;/n0 &/ Jllfl fLi.~ Agn'i~s P Bennick City Clerk @ ReC)'cled paper c' o o City of Yelm 105 Y(?lm Avenue West ; POBox 479 Ydm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 ** ** PUBLIC NOTICE' ** ** The April 1, 1996. Re~ular Planninq Commission. meet~ng has been CANCELLED, due to lack of quorum The next regular meeting of the - , Yelm Plannj,ng Commission will be held in Council Chambers at Yelm Clty Hall, 105 Yelm Ave W , oh Monday, April 15, 1996 ~t 4 pm. If there are any questions ,con'cerning this change, please call the City Planner, Cathle Carlson at 3~0-458-S40~ c67 A. gnes P Bennick IthvtJ City Clerk ~--v- &n11U'( DO NOT PUBLISH B~LOW'THIS LI~E' Publlshed in the Nisqually Valley News, Thursday, -March 28, 1996. Mailed to the:i?lannirig Commisslon mctiling list, March 27! 1-996 Posted at YelmClty Hall, Court ~nd Yelm Library, Marth 27r 1996 @ Recycled paper - ~._'----.-'.-----------=------- _:.....~ - ~ c c o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1. The meeting was called to order at 4 05 P m by Co- Chairman Joe Huddleston Members present: Glenn Blando, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire, Ed Pitts, and Adam Rivas Members absent: Tom Cundy and Lyle Sundsmo Guests: Amos Lawton, and John Thomson, Yelm School District Staff: Cathie Carlson and Ken Garmann 96-11 Approval of Minutes MOTION BY E.J. CURRY, APPROVE THE MINUTES CARRIED. SECONDED BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE TO OF MARCH 4, 1996 AS PRINTED. 2. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - DESIGN GUIDELINES Cathie Carlson gave staff report Cathie met informally with the Vision group The group asked Cathie to come back to the Planning Commission and ask the sub-committee to meet with them, plus John Owens from "Makers" - at a worksession, to work out the areas of concern Cathie stated that the three main areas of concern are * Sidewalks, * Pedestrian Amenities, * Pedestrian Plaza- & Areas Adam Rivas inquired about the sub-committee Joe Huddleston stated that the sub-committee should be the original "sub-committee" (Glenn B , Roberta L and Adam R ) and any other planning commission members who want to partlcipate Cathie Carlson arranged a date for a meeting will call to confirm date and time Cathie Chair Tom Gorman arrived, 4 15pm 3. WORKSESSION - ESHB 1724 Cathie Carlson gave staff report Cathie explained that the Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1724 proposes an integration and consolidation of the project permit process Cathie went over the summary of ESHB 1724 with the commission, explaining the changes and the pre- application procedures Cathie gave her recommendations on the House Bill Yelm Planning Commission March 18, 1996 Page 1 c c o 96-12 Joe Huddleston feels that the new appeals process would help "weed out" the trivial cases All planning commission members agreed that appeals should be presented at the city council level, instead of to the planning commission There was more discussion Cathie Carlson explained the benefits of having a "Hearing Examiner" Cathie stated that she foresees another growth spurt when Phase II of the Treatment Plant is complete in 1997 Cathie said that the bulk of her time in the office is spent on the review of projects Cathie feels that once the Treatment Plant is complete, she will see more preliminary plats and residentlal projects Cathie Carlson then explained the Department of Ecology's "J A R P A " process that consolidates the application process for permitting projects that may need approval by DOE, Army Corps, Dept of Natural Resources, Shoreline Mgmt , etc Cathie would like the city to switch to the JARPA process, she thinks it is much more effective Cathie stated that she will do more research on JARPA and report back to the commission There was more discussion Cathie Carlson stated that Mayor Wolf brought a memorandum to her attention It was from the Thurston Regional Planning Council, on the formation of a task force to provide public input on the TRPC Regional Transportation Plan update Cathie explained what it entailed, Tom Gorman volunteered as the Yelm Planning Commission Rep , and John Thomson from the Yelm School Dist , was nominated to represent the Yelm Business Community 4. OTHER - Due to lack of quorum, the April 1, 1996 meeting will be cancelled MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY E.J. CURRY TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 4 50 pm submitted, Tom Gorman, Chairperson Date Yelm Planning Commission March 18 1996 Page 2 o "------./ o o 1 05 Yelm Avenue West ' PO Box 479 Yelm, Was,hington 98597 (360)458-3244 City of Yelm DATE March 12,1996 TO Planning Commission Cathie carlsof1Ll FROM Re' Worksessjon on ESHE? 1724 In 1995, the Legislature passed ESHB 1724 which implements many recommendations of the Governor'~ Task Force on Regulatory Reform As a jurisdidionplanning under thiS Growth Management Act, Yelm is required to comply with ESHB 1724 By March 31, 1996, each local government must pass regulations which m-andate the combining of the environmental review process with the review of project permits, and provides for ,no more than one open recoro hearing and one closed record appeal In addition, the project review process must integrate land use and environmental impact analysIs Attached is a summary. of ESHB 1724. ' CHAPTER 1860 - ATTACHED Chapter 18 50 - Procedures, would be a new Title of the Yelm Municipal Code By Qlassifying permits by Type (e g all Legislative decisions would be a Type IV procedUrE?) it provides a one-stop reference for the permit and appeal process Currently for each permit process (e g subdivision, site plan review, variance) an applicant would go to the applicable zoning chapter or ordinance to find the procedure for processing an application or to file an appeal When more than one zoning chapter or ordinance is involved in a project, the application review process can become confusing very quicl<ly , Chapter 18 50 organizes all permit processes into four types ministerial, administrative, quasHudicial and legislative Ea<:;h type of procedure sets forth the time frames in which t,he City must comply with varies requirement~, e g determination of complete application wIthin 14 days of receIpt of the application" with, the over911expectation of meeting the required 120 days to issue a final decision on the,-application .t.:." ~t("lw, * Recyckd paper c The attached draft of Chapter 18 50 is rough and needs additional editing, however I would appreciate your review and any comments you have Chapter 18 50 is intended to address and comply with the following mandates of ESHB 1724 c Project review process must comply with the following a Within 28 days of receiving a project permit application the City must notify the applicant in writing if the application is complete If the application is incomplete the City must identify the additional information necessary for completeness Once the applicant submits the requested information the City must notify the applicant within 14 days whether the application is now complete or if additional information is still necessary b Once an application is complete, a final decision must be issued within 120 days c Within 14 days of an application being determined complete, the City must provide a notice of application to the public and to the agencies and departments with jurisdiction The notice must contain a description of the proposed project, a list of the project permits not included in the application, identification of existing environmental documents and studies that evaluate the proposed project, the dates of the public comment period, the 11earing (if applicable), and a statement of the preliminary determination of those development regulations which will be used for project mitigation and consistency d If an open record predecision hearing is required and the City's threshold determination requires public notice, the threshold determination must be issued a least fifteen days prior to the open record predecision hearing e The City must adopt procedures for administrative interpretation of their development regulations f The City must establish a permit review process that provides for the integrated and consolidated review and decision on two or more project permits relating to a project action Appeals a b The writ of certiorari for appeal of land use decisions is replace by filling a land use petition in superior court. The petition is timely if it is filed and served on all identified persons within twenty-one days of the issuance of the land use decision The court is required to provide expedited review of land use petitions, and the matter must be set for hearing within sixty days of the date set for submitting the local jurisdiction's record Reasonable attorney's fees and costs will be awarded to the prevailing party or substantially prevailing party before the court of appeals or the supreme court. c d c 2 o c c MISCELLANEOUS MANDATES OF EsHB 1724 Issue A - Mandate a Establish a means by which cities and counties will"docket", ie, compile and maintain a list, of suggested plan or development regulation amendments and consider them during the annual amendment process b Public participation programs must be developed for proposed amendments or revisions to the comprehensive plan Proposed Procedure (Please review and comment on as necessary) 1 Develop a simple application form stating why the change is needed and what the suggested change is Typically no application fee, except for site specific rezones 2 Application forms will be received from March 1 through February 29 for comprehensive plan or development regulation amendments, for the following calendar year 3 When the City receives a completed application form, between the dates listed in #2, the application shall be introduced, as informational only, at the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission (PC) meeting 4 All applications will be maintained in a file by the Planning Department. The PC will receive a copy of all applications on file at the first regular meeting of each calendar year 5 A tentative scope of work and priority list shall be established for the applications on file, by the first regular PC meeting in February 6 By March 1 of each calendar year a final scope of work and priority list shall be presented to the PC at their first regular meeting in March 7 The PC will hold a minimum of one public hearing on all the proposed amendments by May 1, 1995 Following the public hearing(s) the PC will forward a packet recommendation addressing each proposed amendment to the City Council 8 By June 1, the City Council will consider the Planning Commissions recommendation and will forward the proposed amendments and applicable information to Thurston County 9 Thurston County will review proposed amendments and schedule for public hearings The City will either hold joint hearings with Thurston County Planning Commission and Yelm Planing Commission followed by public hearings held by the Board of Commissioners and City Councilor each jurisdiction may opt to hold meetings concurrently Issue B - Mandate Goals and policies of the City's Shoreline Master Program become an element of the comprehensive plan Proposed Procedure 3 c c c Amend City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the Shoreline Master Program as an appendix to the comprehensive plan Issue C - Mandate Special consideration must be given to measures which preserve and enhance anadromous fisheries Proposed Procedure To be determined 4 c Summary of EHSB 1724 EHSB 1724 is comprised of nine parts Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Growth Management Act State Environmental Policy Act Shoreline Management Act Local Permit Process Development Agreements State Permit Coordination Appeals Study Miscellaneous Part I - Growth Management Act . Establishes a means by which cities and counties will "docket", Le , compile and maintain a list, of suggested plan or development regulation amendments and consider them during the annual amendment process . The permitting process is not to be used as a substitute for the comprehensive planning process. o . Cities and counties must include in their development regulations a procedure for any interested person to suggest plan or development regulation amendments. . Goals and policies of a city or county's shoreline master program become an element of the comprehensive plan. · Special consideration must be given to measures which preserve and enhance anadromous fisheries. e Public participation programs must be developed for proposed amendments or revisions to the comprehensive plan .. Appeals of Hearing Board decisions may now be filed in any superior court, instead of only the Thurston County superior court. The "Growth Management Planmng and Environmental Review Fund" is established to make grants to local governments to help pay for detailed environmental impact statements which are integrated with comprehensive or subarea plans and development regulations. . c Part II - State Environmental Policy Act . This part states the underlying rationale for SEPA/GMA integration reflected in our SEPA/GMA workbook, reported in our progress report to the Legislature in December 1994, implemented by recent changes to the SEPA rules, and addressed in SIX pilot projects conducted by local government in 1994-95 Call us for any of these materials o . Proposed projects should receive environmental review which is integrated in a single project review process Part III - Shoreline Management Act . Reaffirms the cooperative program of shoreline management between local government and the state . An excellent summary of this part has been published In the Spring 1995 Issue of Coastal Currents available from the Department of Ecology Part IV - Local Permit Process . The project review process must integrate land use and environmental impact analysis. o . Project review is based on the fundamental land use planning choices made in the community comprehensive plan and development regulations . Project review should not require additional studies or mitigation where existing regulations have adequately addressed a proposed project's probable adverse environmental impacts . Consistency in the project review process is determined by considering four factors found in applicable regulations or plans The type of land use allowed; the level of development allowed, infrastructure, and the character of the proposed development. Projects consistent with adopted plans and regulations should enjoy greater certainty . By March 31, 1996, each local government must pass regulations which mandate the combining of the environmental review process with the review of project permits, and provide for no more than one open record hearing and one closed record appeal. o ',' i . !i~i1blQl!~,~DjY'-~jght"d ays}~f:ter;"rJ3,ceiVing 'fii"pH)jectipe'r.mitl~a'pplicati on, a local government planning under 36.70A.040;m'Usttprovide1fthe ;,V" applica nt{with~{iiwritteh, determinati on :;of co mpleteri~~~1jld'i7ho;:;7 completelJess)~ Once the applicant submits the additional information (if any) identified by the local government as necessary for completeness, the local government must notify the applicant within fourteen days whether the application is now complete or if additional information is still necessary c · Once an application is complete, a final decision must be issued within one hundred twenty days. · Within fourteen days. following the determination that the application is complet~,!:,t~~-.1~2_~I.gov.:.ernment must provide a notice of application to the public and to the agencies and '.departments~with jurisdiction The notice must contam a description of the proposed project, a list of the project permits included in the application, identification of other permits not included m the application, identification of existing environmental documents and studies that evaluate the proposed project, the dates of the public comment period, the heanng (if applicable), and a statement of the prellmmary determmatlon of those development regulations which will be used for project mitigation and consistency o . Except for a determination of significance, the local government may not issue its threshold determination, or issue a decision or a recommendation on a project permit until the expiration of the public comment period . If an open record predecision hearing is required and the local government's threshold determination requires public notice, the threshold determination must be issued at least fifteen days prior to the open record predecision hearing.; . All state and local agencies must cooperate to the fullest extent possible with the local government in holding a joint hearing if requested to do so . A local government is not required to provide for administrative appeals o . All local governm~nts planning under 36.70A.040 must adopt procedures for administrative interpretation of their development regulations." . All local governments planning under 36 70A 040 must establish a permit review process that provides for the integrated and consolidated review and decision on two or more project permits relating to a project action o . Local governments not planning under 36 70A 040 may incorporate some or all of the provisions relating to integrated and consolidated permit review . A local government IS not liable for damages if it fails to make a final decision within the one hundred twenty day period following notification to the applicant that the application is complete . The legislative body of the city or county may adopt a hearing examiner system as an alternative to the planning commission for the purpose of hearing and reporting on any proposal to amend a zOning ordinance, when the zoning change is not of general applicability, as well as those other issues it beheves should be reviewed and decided by a hearing examiner e Sole authority to approve final plats, and to adopt or amend platting ordinances will reside in the legislative bodies . The Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development will provide technical assistance to local communities in developing local permit processes which comply with these new regulations o Part V - Development Agreements /I A local government may enter into a development agreement with a person having ownership or control of real property within its jurisdiction. . A development agreement sets forth the development standards and other provisions that apply to and govern and vest the development, use, and mitigation of the development of the real property for the duration specified in the agreement fa During the term of the agreement, it is binding on the parties and their successors. . A development agreement may not be subject to an amendment to a zoning ordinance or development standard or regulation or a new zoning ordinance or development standard adopted after the effective date of the agreement o · There must be a public hearing before a local government can approve a development agreement. c Part VI - State Permit Coordination · The Permit Assistance Center is established within the Department of Ecology . An administrative process will be established for designating a coordinating permit agency for a project, which will ensure that the applicant has all the information needed to apply for the component permits that are incorporated in the coordinated permit process for the project, coordinate the review of those permits by the respective participating permit agencies, ensure that timely permit decisions are made by the participating permit agencies, and assist in resolving any conflict or inconsistency among the permit requirement and conditions that are to be Imposed by the participating permit agencies with regard to the project . If an applicant requests, the Permit Assistance Center will designate a coordinating permit agency. . Within twenty-one days of the date that the coordinating permit agency is designated, the permit agency will convene a meeting with the project applicant and the participating permit agencies to discuss required permits, application requirements, and timelines c . The applicant may withdraw from the coordinated permit process at any time . The applicant may request at any time that a participating permit agency withdraw from participation in the process on the basis of a reasonable belief that the issuance of the coordinated permit would be accelerated by the agency's withdrawal. Part VII -Appeals . The writ of certiorari for appeal of land use decisions is replaced by filing a land use petition in superior court. . The petition is timely if it is filed and served on all identified persons within twenty-one days of the issuance of the land use decision -\ U . The court is required to provide expedited review of land use petitions, and the matter must be set for hearing within sixty days of the date set for submitting the local jurisdiction's record · Reasonable attorneys' fees and costs will be awarded to the prevailing party or substantially prevailing party before the court of appeals or the supreme court Part VIII - Study · The Land Use Study Commission, consisting of eleven members appointed by the governor and the three directors (or director designees) of the Departments of Community, Trade and Economic Development, Transportation, and Ecology, IS created to Integrate and consolidate the state's land use laws into a single, manageable statute Part X - Miscellaneous . The sections of the act which create the Land Use Study Commission are declared necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and ItS eXisting public Institutions, and take effect June 1, 1 995 o o o 1724 Resource List o There are several excellent summaries and analyses of ESHB 1724 currently available "ESHB 1724 Integrating Growth Management Planning and Environmental Review" AWC Fact Sheet Association of Washington Cities 1076 Franklin Street S E , Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 753-4137 "Analysis of Regulatory Reform Bill (ESHB 1724)" Subir Mukerjee, Director of Planning and Community Development, City of Olympia PO. Box 1 967, Olympia, WA 98507-1967 (360) 753-8314 "House Bill Report - ESHB 1724" Staff Steve Lundin (House Committee on Government Operations) (360) 786-7127, Susan Nakagawa (House Committee on Appropriations) (360) 786-7145 "Memorandum to Mayor, City Council and Planning Commission 1995 Legislative Changes Relative to Planning Issues (EHB 1305, ESHB 1724, and ESB 5776)" Ian Munce, Director of Planning & Community Development, City of Anacortes, P.O. Box 547, Anacortes, WA 98221 (360) 293-1900 o "Memorandum to Sean Gaffney, Planning Department: Regulatory Reform (ESHB 1724) - What Pierce County must do and when we must do it " Eileen M McKain, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, Pierce County, Civil Division, 955 Tacoma Avenue South, Suite 301, Tacoma, WA 98402-2160 (206) 596-6732 "Washington Coastal Currents". SMA integrated with GMA - Spring 1995 edition - Vol XVIV No.4. o 1.9~ June 1 July 23 Nov 1 1996 Jan 1 - ESHB 1724 KEY DATES FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT o * The Land Use Study Commission IS created * All sections of ESHB 1724 take effect, except for those with their own dates, noted below * The Land Use Study Commission makes its initial report of findings, conclusions, and recommendations The Permit Assistance Center will establish an administrative process for designating a coordinating permit agency for a proposed project March 31 - Each local government planning under RCW 36 70A 040 will establish an integrated and consolidated project permit process that may be Included in its development regulations April 1 - Dec. 1 - Each local government will combine the environmental review process with the review of project permits and, with the exception of a determination of significance, provide no more than one open record hearing and one closed record appeal o Each local government planning under RCW 36.70A.040 will provide a notice of application to the public and the departments and agencies with Jurisdiction for each permit application received Each local government will issue its notice of final decision on a project permit application within 1 20 days after the application is complete. First annual report to the legislature on potential conflicts and perceived inconsistencies among existing statutes from the Permit Assistance Center o '" 1997 o Nov 1 - Dec 1- 1998 Land Use Study Commission submits to the governor and legislature its recommendations about what timelines, if any, should be imposed on the local government consolidated permit process PermIt Assistance Center submits to the legislature detailing the number of instances in which a coordinating permit agency has been requested and used, the amount of time elapsed between the initial request and the ultimate approval or disapproval of the permits, and the number of instances in which the expedited appeals process was requested June 30 - The Land Use Study Commission completes its work, and is dissolved c July 1- 1999 A local government's exemption from liability for failing to make a decision on an application within 120 days expires, as does the 120 day rule Local governments must establish in their development regulations time periods for local government actions on specific project permit applications and provide timely and predictable procedures to determine whether a completed project permit application meets the requirements of those development regulations June 30 - The Permit Assistance Center is terminated. 2000 June 30 - Sections of ESHB 1724 dealing with Part VI - State Permit Coordination, are repealed c Chapter 18 600 ~ PROCEDURES c o Sections: 18 600 010 18 600 020 18 600 030 18 600 040 18 600 050 18 600 060 18 600 070 18 600 080 18 600 090 18 600 100 18 600 110 Purpose and applicabillty Application types and classification Pre-appllcation reVlew Review for counter complete status Review for technically complete status Type I procedure - Ministerial decision Type II procedure - Administrative decision Type III procedure - Quasi-judlcial decision Type IV procedure - Legislative decision Appeal procedure Post-decision procedures 18.600.010 Purpose and appllcabilitv. This chapter describes how the city will process appllcations for development subject to review under the followlng chapters of the Yelm Municipal Code 1 Tltle 17 - (Zonlng) 2 Tltle 16 - (Land Dlvisions) 3 Chapter 15-48 - (Development Guidelines) 4 Chapter 14 08 - (Critical Areas Resource Lands 18.600.020 Application tvpesand classification. A Applications for review pursuant to Section 18 600 010 of this chapter shall be subject to a Type I, Type II, Type III or Type IV process B Unless otherwise required, where the city must approve more than one application for a glven development, all applications required for the development may be submltted for reVlew at one time Where more than one (1) application is submitted for a given development, and those applications are subject to different types of procedure, then all the applications are subject to the highest- number procedure that applies to any, of the appllcations C If this code expressly provides an application is subject to one of the four types of procedures or another procedure, then the applicatlon shall be processed accordingly If this code does not expressly provide for review using one of the four types of procedures, and another specific procedure is not required by law, the review authority for the application in questlon shall classify the applicatlon as one of the four types of procedures 1 The act of classifying an applicatlon shall be a Type I action Classification of an application shall be subject to reconsideratlon and appeal at the same time and In the same way as the merits of the application in question 2 Questions about what procedure is appropriate shall be resolved In favor of the type provldlng the greatest notice and opportunity to particlpate 1 c c o 3 The review authority shall consider the following guidellnes when classifying the procedure type for an application a A Type I process involves an application that is subject to clear, objective and nondiscretionary standards or standards that require the exercise of professional judgment about technical issues b A Type II process involves an application that lS subject to objective and subjective standards that require the exercise of llmited discretion about nontechnical issues and about which there may be a limited public interest c A Type III process involves an application for relatively few parcels and ownerships It is subject to standards that require the exercise of substantial discretion and about which there may be a broad public interest d A Type IV process involves the creation, implementation or amendment of policy or law by ordinance In contrast to the other three procedure types, the subject of a Type IV process applies to a relatively large geographic area containing many property owners, and an application subj ect to a Type IV process can be filed only by the city 18.600.030 Pre-application review. A The purposes of pre-application review are 1 To acquaint city staff with a sufficient level of detail about the proposed development to enable staff to advise the applicant accordingly, 2 To acquaint the applicant with the appllcable requirements of this code and other law However, the conference is not lntended to provide an exhaustive review of all the potential issues that a given application could raise The pre- application review does not prevent the city from applying all relevant laws to the appllcation, and 3 To provide an opportunl ty for other agency staff and the public to be acqualnted with the proposed application and applicable law Although members of the public can attend a pre- applicatlon conference, it is not a public hearing, and there is no obligation to receive public testimony or evidence B Pre-application review is required for Type II or III appllcations, unless 1 This code or the planning director expressly exempts the application(s) in question from pre-application review, or 2 The applicant submlts a completed form provided by the reVlew authorlty requesting waiver of pre-application review The form shall state that waiver of pre-application review increases the maximum time for review for technically complete status and lncreases the risk the appllcation will be rejected or processing will be delayed Pre-application review generally should be waived by the director only if an application is relatively simple, as determined by the review authority C To initiate pre-application review, an applicant shall submit a completed form provided by the review authority for that purpose, and all information required by the relevant sectlon(s) of 2 c c o this code or recommended in writing by the review authority for the pre-application in question and other relevant information The applicant shall provide five (5) copies of all information larger than eight and one-half (8~) by eleven (11) inches or smaller The review authority may limit the day of the week on which an application is deemed accepted D Information not provided on the form shall be provided on the face of the preliminary plat, in an environmental checklist or on other attachments The planning director may modify requirements for pre-application materlals and may conduct a pre- application review wlth less than all of the required information However, failure to provide all of the required information may prevent the planning director from identifying all applicable issues or providing the most effective pre-application review E The pre-application conference shall be scheduled within ten (10) working days after the review authority accepts the application for pre-application review F Within flve (5) worklng days after the date of the pre- application conference, the review authority shall mail to the applicant a written summary of the pre-application review The written summary generally shall do the followlng to the extent possible given the information provided by the applicant 1 Summarize the proposed application(s) , 2 Identify the relevant approval criteria and development standards in this code or other applicable law and exceptions, adjustments or other variations from applicable criteria or standards that may be necessary, 3 Evaluate lnformation the appllcant offered to comply with the relevant criteria and standards, and identlfy speclfic addltional information that is needed to respond to the relevant cri teria and standards or is recommended to respond to other issues, 4 Identify applicable application fees In effect at the time, with a disclaimer that fees may change, 5 Identify lnformation relevant to the application that may be in the possession of the county or other agencies of wHich the county is aware, such as a Comprehensive plan map designation and zoning on and in the vicinity of the property subject to the application, b Physical development limitations, such as steep or unstable slopes, wetlands, well head protection areas, or water bodies, that exist on and in the vicinity of the property subject to the application, c Those public facilities that will serve the property subject to the application, including fire services, roads, storm drainage, and, if residential, parks and schools, and relevant service considerations, such as minimum access and flre flow requirements or other minimum service levels and impact fees, and d Other applications that have been approved or are being considered for land in the viclnlty of the property subJect to the proposed application that may affect or be affected 3 c c o by the proposed application G pre-application review does not vest an application A new request for or walver of a preappllcation review for a given development shall be filed unless the applicant submits a counter complete application that the planning dlrector finds is substantially similar to the subject of a pre-application review wlthin one (1) calendar year after the last pre-application conference or after approval of waiver of pre-application review (Sec 31 or Ord 1995-01-26) 18.600.040 Review for counter complete status. A Before accepting an application for a Type I, Type II or Type III process for review for technically complete status, and unless otherwise expressly provided by code, the review authority shall determine the application is counter complete using a Type I process B The review authority shall decide whether an application lS counter complete when the application is accepted, typically "over the counter", provided, if the review authority establishes a given day of the week as the day on which to conduct reviews for counter complete status for a given kind or kinds of application, (e g , subdivlsions), then counter complete review of that kind of application shall be on the day selected by the review authority C An appllcatlon is counter complete if the review authorlty flnds that the application purports and appears to include the information required by Section 18 600 050 Cl through 6, provided, no effort shall be made to evaluate the substantive adequacy of the information in the application in the counter complete review process D If the review authority decides the application lS counter complete, then the application shall be accepted for reVlew for technically complete status E If the review authority decides the application is not counter complete, then the review authority shall immediately reject and return the application and identify in writing what is needed to make the application counter complete (Sec 31 of Ord 1995-01-26) 18.600.050 Review for technically com~lete status. A Before accepting an application for processlng for a Type I, II or III review, the review authority shall determine that the application is technically complete using a Type I process B The review authority shall decide whether an applicatlon lS technically complete subject to the following 1 Within flve (5) working days after the review authority determines the application is counter complete if the appllcation was subject to a pre-appllcation conference, or 2 Within ten (10) working days after the reVlew authority determines the application is counter complete if the application was not subject to a pre-application conference, provlded, 3 Notwithstanding subsections B1 and B2 of this 4 c c o sectlon, if the review authority establishes a given day of the week as the day on which to begin reVlew for technically complete status for a given kind of kinds of application, (e g , subdivisions), then the time for making a decision regarding the technically complete status of that kind of appllcation shall begin to run on that day selected by the review authority C An application is technically complete if it includes the following 1 A completed original application form signed by the owner (s) of the property subject to the application or by a representative authorized to do so by written instrument executed by the owner (s) and filed with the application, provided, an application subJect to Type IV review may be filed by the planning dlrector, the planning commission or the board of commissioners without the signature or consent of the property owner(s), 2 A legal description supplled by the Thurston County Assessors Office, a title company, surveyor licensed in the state of Washington, or other party approved by the review authority, and current Thurston County assessor map(s) showing the property(ies) subject to the application, 3 For a Type II or III process, a current Thurston County assessor map(s) showing the property(ies) within a radius of the subJect site as required in Sections 18 600 070 (Type II) or 18 600 080 (Type III) and a IlSt of the names and addresses of owners of all properties within that radlus, certlfied as accurate and complete by the Thurston County assessor, a title company, licensed surveyor, or other party approved by the review authority, 4 If the application is subject to pre-application review based on this code, unless the dlrector has waived the pre- application conference, a copy of the pre-application conference summary, and information required by the pre-appllcation conference summary, unless not timely prepared as requlred by 18 600 030E, provided that the purposes of vestlng only an application amy be submitted without a pre-application conference summary, in which event the application shall not be processed until a pre- application conference summary is submitted, 5 The applicable fee (s) adopted by the board of commissloners for the applicatlon(s) in questlon, 6 An application shall include all of the informatlon listed as application requirements in the relevant sections of this code a The review authority may waive application requirements that are clearly not necessary to show an application complies with relevant criteria and standards and may modify application requirements based on the nature of the proposed appllcation, development, site or other factors, b The decision about the technically complete status of an application, including any required engineering, traffic or other studies, shall be based on the criteria for completeness and methodology set forth in thlS code or in implementing measures timely adopted by the review authority and shall not be based on dlfferences of opinion as to quality or 5 c c c accuracy, 7 Any applicable SEPA document, typewritten or in ink and signed D If the review authority decides an application is not technically complete, then, within the time provided ln subsection B of this section, the review authority shall send the applicant a written statement rejecting the application based on a lack of information and listing what is required to make the application technically complete 1 The statement also may include recommendations for additional information that, although not necessary to make the application technically complete, is recommended to address other issues that are or may be relevant to the review E If the review authority decides an application is technically complete, then the review authorlty shall 1 Forward the application to the city staff responsible for processing it, and schedule a Type III application for a public hearing, 2 Send a written notice to the applicant acknowledglng acceptance, listing the name and telephone number of a contact person at the review authority, and describing the expected review schedule, lncludlng the date of a hearlng for a Type III process, F Except for subdi vislons and short subdivisions, applications shall be considered under the zoning and other land development codes in effect on the date a complete building permit appllcatlon, meeting the requirements of the buildlng code, is flIed Until a complete building permit application lS filed, such applications shall be reviewed subject to any zoning or other land use control ordinances that become effective prior to the date that notlce of the declslon on the building permlt is made, if the decision can be appealed, or prior to the date of the decision if no appeal is available (Sec 31 of Ord 1995-01-26) 18.600.060 Tvpe I procedure - Minlsterial declsion. A The review authority for an application subject to Type I procedure shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the appllcation within flfteen (15) working days after the date the application was accepted as technically complete, provided, 1 If an application is not categorlcally exempt under Title 14 of thlS code (SEPA), then the review authority shall issue a decision not more than fifteen (15) working days after the date of the threshold determination or after the date the application was accepted as technically complete, whichever is later Provided, if a determination of significance (DS) is issued, then the review authority shall issue a decision not more than fifteen (15) working days after a final envlronmental impact statement is issued 2 An applicant may agree in writlng to extend the time ln which the review authority shall issue a decision The review authority may consider new evidence the applicant introduces with or after such a written request B Notice of a decision regarding a Type I process shall be 6 c c c mailed to the applicant and applicant' s representative The applicant may appeal the decision pursuant to Section 18 600 100 or may apply for post-decision changes pursuant to Section 18 600 110 of this chapter (Sec 31 of Ord 1995-01-26) 18.600.070 Type II procedure - Admlnlstrative decision. A Within five (5) working days after the date an application subject to Type II review is accepted as technically complete, the review authority for the application shall lssue a publlc notice of the pending review The notice shall be mailed to The applicant and the applicant's representative, Owners of property within a radlus of three hundred the edge of the property that is the subJect of the 1 2 (300) feet of application 3 Other people the planning director believes may be affected by the proposed action or who request such notice In wrlting The planning director may also require notices to be posted in conspicuous places visible on the site or in the vicinity of a proposed actlon at least ten (10) working days before the close of the comment period B The notice of the pending review shall include the following information 1 The case file number(s), 2 The name of the applicant or applicant's representative and the name, address and telephone number of a contact person for the applicant, if any, 3 A description of the site, including current zoning and nearest road intersection, reasonably sufficient to inform the reader of its location and zoning, 4 A map showing the subject property in relation to other propertles, 5 A summary of the proposed application(s), 6 The place, days and times where information about the application may be examined and the name and telephone number of the county representative to contact about the application, and 7 A statement that the notice is intended to inform potentially interested partles about the application, that interested parties can submit written comments in a timely manner, and, that the reVlew authority will consider written comments received by the city within fifteen (15) working days from the date of the notice The comment closing date shall be listed in boldface type C The review authority shall mail to the applicant a copy of comments received in response to the notice together with a statement that the applicant may respond to the comments within ten (10) worklng days from the date the comments are malled Not more than thirty (30) working days after the date the notice of pending review was mailed, the review authorlty shall issue a written declslon regardlng the application(s), provided, 1 If the applicatlon lS not categorically exempt under Title 14 of this code (SEPA), then the review authority shall lssue 7 c c o a decision not more than thirty (30) working days after the date of the notice of pending review was mailed or fifteen (15) working days after the date of the threshold determination, whichever is later Provlded, if a determination of signiflcance (DS) is issued, then the review authority shall issue a decision not more than fifteen (15) working days after a final environmental impact statement is issued 2 An applicant may agree in writing to extend the time in which the review authority shall issue a decision The reVlew authority may consider new evidence the applicant introduces with or after such a written request D A declslon shall include 1 A statement of the applicable criteria and standards ln this code and other applicable law, 2 A statement of the facts that the review authority found showed the application does or does not comply with each applicable approval criterion and assurance of compliance with applicable standards, 3 The reasons for a conclusion to approve or deny, and 4 The decision to deny or approve the application and, if approved, conditions of approval necessary to ensure the proposed development wlll comply with applicable law 18.600.080 Type III procedure - Ouasi-judlcial decision. A A Type III reVlew process requlres at least one public hearing before the planning commission The public hearing should be held withln sixty (60) working days after the date the review authority issues the notice of technically complete status B At least ten (10) working days before the date of a hearlng for an applicatlon subJect to Type III review, the reVlew authority shall issue a public notice of the hearing, and 1 The planning director shall mail a copy of the notice to a representative, b hundred (300) feet application The applicant's applicant and the Owners of property within a radius of three of the property that is the subject of the 1 If the applicant owns property adjoining or across a right-of-way or easement from the property that is the subject of the application, then notice shall be mailed to owners of property within a three hundred (300) or five hundred (500) foot radius, as provided ln this subdlvision, of the edge of the property owned by the applicant adjoining or across a right-of-way or easement from the property that is the subject of the appllcation, c To other people the planning director believes may be affected by the proposed action or who request such notice in writing 2 The planning dlrector shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation a summary of the notice, lncludlng the date, tlme and place of the hearlng and an identificatlon of the property 8 c o o and application(s) under review 3 The city shall post the notice in a conspicuous place visible to the public in at least two (2) locations at least ten (10) days before the hearing, and the applicant shall remove and properly dlspose of the notices within five (5) working days after the hearing C The notice of the public hearing shall include the following information 1 The case file number(s), 2 The name of the applicant or applicant's representative and the name, address and telephone number of a contact person for the applicant, if any, 3 A descriptlon of the site reasonably sufficient to inform the reader of its location, 4 A map depicting the subject property in relation to other propertles, 5 A summary of the proposed application(s), 6 The place, days and times where information about the application may be examined and the name and telephone number of the county representative to contact about the application, 7 A statement that the notlce is intended to inform potentially interested parties about the hearing and to invite interested parties to appear orally or by written statement at the hearing and that persons who appear orally or in writing at the hearlng or while the record remains open after the hearing and other persons who are adversely affected or aggrieved may appeal the decision, 8 The deslgnation of the review authority, the date, time and place of the hearing D At least seven (7) working days before the date of the hearing for an application(s), the planning dlrector shall issue a wrltten staff report and recommendation regardlng the application(s), shall make available to the public a copy of the staff report for review and inspection, and shall mail a copy of the staff report and recommendation without charge to the reVlew authority and to the applicant and applicant's representative The planning director shall mail or provide a copy of the staff report at reasonable charge to other parties who request it E Publlc hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure adopted by the review authority, except to the extent waived by the review authority A public hearing shall be recorded on audio or audlovisual tape 1 At the conclusion of the hearlng on each application, the review authority shall announce one of the following actions a That the hearing is continued If the hearing is continued to a place, date and time certain, then addltional notice of the continued hearing is not required to be mailed, published or posted If the hearing is not contlnued to a place, date and time certaln, then notice of the continued hearing shall be given as though it was the initial hearing The review authority shall adopt guidelines for revlewing requests for 9 c c o continuances, b That the public record is held open to a date and time certain The review authority shall state where additlonal written evidence and testimony can be sent, and shall announce any limits on the nature of the eVldence that wlll be recei ved after the hearing The review authority may adopt guidelines for reviewing requests to hold open the record, c That the application (s) ls/are taken under advisement, and a final order will be issued as provided in subsection F of this section, or d That the application (s) is/are denied, approved or approved wlth conditions, together with a brief summary of the basis for the decision, and that a final order will be issued as provided in subsection F of thls section F Within ten (10) working days after the date of the record closes, the review authority shall issue a written decision regarding the application(s), provided, the review authority shall not issue a written decision regarding the application{s) until at least flfteen (15) working days after the threshold determination under Title 14 of this code (SEPA) is made The decision shall include 1 A statement of the applicable crlteria and standards in thls code and other applicable law, 2 The reasons for a conclusion to approve or deny, and 3 The decision to deny or approve the application and, if approved, any conditions of approval necessary to ensure the proposed development will comply with applicable crlterla and standards G Withln five (5) working days form the date of the decision, the planning director shall mail the full decision to the appllcant and applicant's representative and all parties of record The mailing shall lnclude a notice which includes the following lnformation 1 A statement that the decislon is final, but may be appealed as provided in Section 18 600 100 of this chapter to the Yelm City Council within fifteen (15) working days after the date the notice is malled The appeal closing date shall be listed in boldface type The statement shall describe how a party must. appeal the decision, including applicable fees and the elements of a petition for review The statement shall also describe SEPA appeal procedures under the provisions of Title 14 of this code 2 A statement that the complete case file is available for review The statement shall list the place, days and times where the case file is available and the name and telephone number of the county representatlve to contact for information about the case (Sec 31 of Ord 1995-01-26) 18.600.090 Type IV procedure - Leqislative decision. A A Type IV procedure requires one or more hearings before the city planning commission and one or more hearings before the Yelm Clty Council B At least ten (10) working days before the date of the 10 c c c first planning commission hearing for an application subject to Type IV review, the planning director shall 1 Prepare a notice that includes the following information a The case file number(s) , b A description and map of the area that will be affected by the application, if approved, which is reasonably sufficient to inform the reader of its location, c A summary of the proposed application(s), d The place, days and times where information about the application may be examined and the name and telephone number of the city representative to contact about the application, e A statement that the notice is intended to inform potentially interested parties about the hearing and to invite interested parties to appear orally or by written statement at the hearing, f The deslgnation of the review authority, the date, time and place of the hearing, and a statement that the hearing will be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure adopted by the review authority 2 Mall a copy of a notice prepared under subdivision B of this section to a Parties who request notice of such matters, based on a list kept by the planning director for that purpose, b To other people the planning director belleves may be affected by the proposed action, 3 Publish in a newspaper of general circulation a summary of the notice, including the date, time and place of the hearing and a summary of the subject of the Type IV process, and 4 Provide other notlce deemed appropriate and necessary by the planning director based on the subject of the Type IV process C At least seven (7) working days before the date of the first hearing for an application(s) subject to Type IV review, the planning director shall issue a written staff report and recommendation regarding the application(s), shall make available to the public a copy of the staff report for review and inspection, and shall mall a copy of the staff report and recommendation to the reVlew authority The planning director shall mail or provide a copy of the staff report at reasonable charge to other parties who request it D Public hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure adopted by the review authority, except to the extent waived by the review authority A public hearing shall be recorded on audio or audiovisual tape E At the conclusion of a planning commisslon hearing on a Type IV appllcation, the planning commission shall announce one of the followlng actlons, neither of which may be appealed 1 That the hearing is continued If the hearing is continued to a place, date and time certaln, then additional notice of the continued hearing is not required to be malled, published or posted If the hearing is not continued to a place, date and time 11 c c c certain, then notice of the continued hearing shall be given as though it was the initial hearing before the planning commission, or 2 That the planning commission recommends against or in favor of approval of the application(s) with or without certain changes, or that the planning commission will recommend neither against nor for approval of the application(s), together with a brief summary of the basis for the recommendation F At least ten (10) worklng days before the date of the first city council hearing for an application subject to Type IV review, the planning director shall 1 Prepare a notice that includes the information listed in subsection B1 of this section except the notice shall be modifled as needed a To reflect any changes made in the application(s) during the planning commission review, b To reflect that the city council will conduct the hearing and the place, date and time of the city council hearing 2 Mail a copy of that notice to the parties identified in subsection B2 of this section and to parties who request it in writlng, 3 Publish in a newspaper of general circulation a summary of the notice, including the date, time and place of the hearing and a summary of the subject of the Type IV process, and 4 Provide other notice deemed appropriate and necessary by the planning director based on the subject of the Type IV process G At the conclusion of its initial hearing regarding a Type IV application, the city council may continue the hearing or may adopt, modify or give no further consideration to the application If the hearing is continued to a place, date and time certain, then additlonal notice of the continued hearing is not required to be provided If the hearing is not continued to a place, date and time certain, then notice of the continued hearing shall be given as though it was the initial hearing before the board of commissioners (Sec 31 of Ord 1995-01-26) 18.600.100 Appeal procedure. A A decision regarding an application subject to a Type I, II or III procedure may be appealed by an lnterested party only if, wi-thin fifteen (15) working days after written notice of the decision is mailed, a written appeal is filed with the planning director for appeal of a Type I or II decision and with the board of commissioners for a Type III decision B The appeal shall contain the following information 1 The case number deslgnated by the city and the name of the applicant, 2 The name and signature of each petitioner and a statement showlng that each petitioner is entitled to file the appeal under subsection A of thls sectlon If multiple partles file a slngle petition for review, the petition shall designate one 12 c o c wi th the director wi th this party as the contact representative for all contact planning director All contact with the planning regarding the petitlon, including notice, shall be contact representative, 3 The specific aspects(s) of the declsion being appealed, the reasons why each aspect is in error as a matter of fact or law, and the evidence relied, on to prove the error If the appeal concerns a Type III decision, and the petitioner wants to introduce new evidence in support of the appeal, the written appeal also must explain why such evidence should be considered, based on the criteria in subdivision D3 of this section, and 4 The appeal fee adopted by the city council, provided, the fee shall be refunded if the appellant files with the planning dlrector at least fifteen (15) worklng days before the appeal hearing a wrltten statement withdrawing the appeal C The planning commission shall hear appeals of Type I and II decisions in a de novo hearing Notice of an appeal hearing shall be mailed to partles entitled to notice of the decislon, but shall not be posted or published A staff report shall be prepared, a hearing shall be conducted, and a decision shall be made and noticed and can be appealed as for a Type III process D The city council shall hear appeals of Type III decisions on the record, including all materials received in evidence at any previous stage of the review, an audio or audio/visual tape of the prior hearing (s) or transcript of the hearing (s) certif ied as accurate and complete, the final order being appealed, and argument by the parties 1 City Councils' consideration of an appeal shall be scheduled as provided for in Chapter 2 51 of thls code the board may either decide the appeal at the designated meeting or continue the matter to a limited hearing for receipt of oral argument If so continued, the council shall a Designate the parties or their representatives to present argument, and the permissible length thereof, in a manner calculated to afford a fair hearing of the issues specified by the board, and b At least ten (10) working days before such hearing, provide mailed notice thereof to parties entitled to notice of the decislon being appealed under Sectlon 18 600 080G, which notice shall indicate that only legal argument from designated parties will be heard 2 The City Council shall not consider evidence outside the record of the planning commission, provided, that offers of new evidence may be considered by the council as a basis for remand to the planning commission if a The new evidence is necessary to fully and properly evaluate a significant issue relevant to the decision being appealed, and b The requesting party did not improperly or unreasonably fail to present the eVldence to be offered where the requesting party could have made that eVldence avallable before the 13 c o o public record closed If the requesting party lS the applicant and the evidence to be offered is required by this code to be included in the application, then the evidence shall not be considered 3 At the conclusion of its public meeting or limited hearing for receipt of oral legal argument, the city council may affirm, reverse, modify or remand an appealed decision a A decision to remand a matter is not appealable Appeal from a decision on remand shall be treated as any other declsion b If the councll affirms an appealed decision, then the board shall adopt a final order that contains the conclusions the board reached regarding the specific grounds for appeal and the reasons for those conclusions The board may adopt the decision of the lower review authorlty as its decision to the extent that declsion addresses the merits of the appeal or may alter that decision C If the board reverses or modlfies an appealed decislon, then the board shall adopt a final order that contains i A statement of the applicable criteria and standards in this code and other applicable law relevant to the appeal, ii A statement of the facts that the board finds show the appealed decision does not comply with applicable approval criteria or development standards, ili The reasons for a concluslon to modlfy or reverse the decision, and iv The decision to declSlon and, if approved, any condltions ensure the proposed development will criteria and standards 4 The city councils' office shall mail notice of the deC1Slon on the merits of an appeal to parties entitled to notice under Sectlon 18 600 080G of this chapter and other parties who appeared orally or in writing before the board regarding the appeal The notice shall consist of the board decision or of a statement identifying the case by number and applicant's name and summarlzing the council's decision The notice shall include a statement that the decision can be appealed to superior court withln thirty (30) calendar days and, where applicable, shall comply with the official notice provisions of RCW 43 21C 075 (Sec 31 of Ord 1995-01-26) modi fy or reverse the of approval necessary to comply with applicable 18.600.110 post-decision procedures. A Generally 1 Except for final plats, post -decision procedures may change decisions without necessarily subjecting the change to the same procedure as the original decision Such changes may be warranted by ambiguities or conflicts in a decision and by new or more detalled information, permits or laws 2 At any tlme, a party to a decision made under thlS chapter or their successor in lnterest may file with the plannlng 14 c o c director an application for post-decision review of a Type I, II or III decision, describing the nature of the proposed change to the decision and the basis for that change, including the applicable facts and law, together with the fee prescribed for that application by the city council 3 An application for post-decision review is not subj ect to pre-application review It is subj ect to counter complete and technically complete review, provided, the review author1ty shall not require an application for post-decision review to conta1n informat1on that is not relevant and necessary to address the requested change or the facts and law on which it is based 4 As part of techn1cally complete review of an application for post-decision review of a Type II or III decision, the planning director shall classify the application as a Type I, II or III process and advise the applicant in writing of that classif1cation The decision classifY1ng the application shall be subject to appeal as part of the decision on the merits of the post-decision review 5 Post-decision review cannot substantially change the nature of development proposed pursuant to a glven decision As part of technically complete review of an application for post- dec1sion review of a Type II or III decision, the planning director may issue a decis10n that the proposed change in a dec1sion should not be subJect to post-decis1on review, it should be subject to a new application ont he merits of the request That decision may be appealed to the planning commission 6 An application for post-decision review does not extend the deadline for filing an appeal of the decision being reviewed and does not stay appeal proceedings 7 Post-dec1sion review can be conducted only regard1ng a decision that approves or conditionally approves an applicat10n An application that is denied 1S not eligible for post-decision review B Classification of Post-Decision Review 1 An application for post-dec1sion review of a Type I decision shall be subject to a Type I review process 2 An application for post-decision review of a Type II decision shall be subject to a Type I review process if the reV1ew authority finds the requested change in the decis10n a Does not increase the potential adverse impact of the development authorized by the decision, and b Is cons1stent with the applicable law or variations permitted by law, including a permit to which the development is subject, and c Does not involve an issue of broad public interest, based on the record of the decision 3 An application for post-decision reV1ew of a Type II decision shall be subject to a Type II review process 1f it is not subject to Type I reV1ew 4 An appl1cat1on for post-decision review of a Type III decision shall be subJect to a Type I review process if the 15 c o o revlew authority finds the requested change in the decislon a Reduces the potential adverse impact of the development authorized by the decision, and b Is consistent with the applicable law or variations permitted by law, includlng a permit to which the development is subject, and c Does not involve an issue of public interest, based on the record of the decision 5 An application for post-decision review of Type III decision shall be subject to a Type II review process if the review authority finds the requested change in the decision a Does not increase the potential adverse impact of the development authorized by the declsion, and b Is needed to address a minor change in the facts or the law, including a permit to which the development is subject, and c Does not involve an issue of broad public interest, based on the record of the decision 6 An application for post-decision review of a Type III declsion shall be subject to a Type III review process if it lS not subject to Type I or II review 7 When a post-decision request for a change involves a condltion of approval that was imposed in the orlginal decision to address a specific potential impact of the proposed development, then that condition of approval can be changed only using the same type process as the original decision C Modlfication of a decision other than by a tlmely appeal or post-decision reVlew shall be by new applicatlon provided, a new application cannot be filed within one calendar year after the date of decision denying a substantially similar application, unless such earlier decislon provlded otherwise (Sec 31 of Ord 1995-01- 26 ) 16 ~ c Members: City of Lacey City of Olympia City of Tenino City of T umwater City of Yelm T own of Bucoda Town of Rainier Thurston County Intercity Transit Port of Olympia Griffin School District Olympia School District C Tumwater School District Yelm Community Schools State Capitol Committee Charter Member Emeritus: The Evergreen State COllege Harold Robertson. AICP Executive Director (360) 786-5480 FAX 754-4413 C @ AGENDA ITEM #1 THURSTON REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL 2404 HERITAGE COURT SW #B OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98502-6031 MEMORANDUM TO Thurston RegIOnal Planrung CouncIl TransportatIon PolIcy Board ~ Kathy McCormIck, TRPC (~ Stefan FabIan-Marks, IT FROM DATE March 6, 1996 SUBJECT TRPC/IT Jomt Process, Draft PublIc Involvement Plan, Update on Stakeholder IntervIews PURPOSE ~ The Purpose of thIS memo IS to mform you of the evolvmg Ideas for Jomt TRPC/IT efforts that WIll result m a TransIt System Plan and an updated RegIOnal TransportatIon Plan We wIll reVIew the attachments wIth you at your March 13th meetmg BACKGROUND The Enclosures mclude 1 A schematIc explammg how the two processes wIll mteract WIth one another (revIewed and approved m February) 2 The Draft ~ransportatIon Task Forc~ PartIcIpants You may recall that you approved the use of a "transportatIon task force" who wIll reVIew mformatIon throughout the process and gIve feedback to polIcy makers and to staff Those noted wIll be mVIted to commIt to a senes of 6 meetmgs over the next year 3 The Draft PublIc Involvement Plan Providing Visionary Leadership on Regional Plans, Policies and Issues MEMORANDUM Page 2 March 6, 1996 Update on Stakeholder IntervIews, Surveys and Focus Group SessIons Stakeholder mtervIews wIll have been completed by your March 13th meetmg IntercIty TransIt's publIc mvolvement consultants, PacIfic Rnn, WIll be revIewmg mtervIews for both TRPC and IT They wIll be compIlmg mformatIon m a report ThIs report wIll be sent to you as soon as possible PublIc mvolvement Ideas and ways to get and keep mdIVIduals and groups mvolved m the process wIll contmue to be noted and the Ideas mc1uded m publIc mvolvement plans Ideas that have emerged m completed focus groups and mtervIews have been mc1uded m the draft publIc mvolvement plan and wIll help shape the workshop process and mformatIon provIded REQUESTED ACTION For your dISCUSSIon. No actIon IS requested 19'1b Attachments cc IT RegIOnal PolIcy CommIttee ~ o 8 :J o Regional Transportation Qn Update/Transit System Plan Integrated Schedule o 1996 1997 (j) c Q \ \ \ \ \ (j) 0 Reassess Current Q) Population & 0 Plan Goals & Model Impact of Develop Draft RTP 06 Employment Policies Each Scenario Update (j) Forecasts Adopt RTP ::.:. Financing Options Develop Cost Funding Strategy (j) Baseline Model \ ro Define Estimates EIS r- Run u Assumptions ---~--_. ____1_ 0.. - ~---- > 0::: __1___ ~ r- l-3 l-3 Define Develop Analyze Define > Prepare, Review & n Current Alternative Performance Preferred == Conditions Scenarios & Costs Future Adopt Plans ~ tr1 Z (j) l-3 c ,Q Adopt System Plan io-& (j) .0 Transit Service Estimate Ridership Develop Funding Q) Rider Survey 0 Standards for Each Scenario Strategy 06 On-Off Counts Transit Financing Estimate Cost for Prepare (j) Community Survey ::.:. Options Each Scenario Implementation Plan (j) I ro I I & Six Year Program r- r- I +-' C Q) E Q) > o (j) > Q) cE - > U~ = u .g<x: 0.. Stakeholder Interviews (draft) Task Force Meetings Public Workshops Newsletters TCI/lnternet -- c .0 -, -, c o o ATTACHMENT 2 TASKFORCE PARTICIPANTS IJpt/7 ~I.{~ - I\!ccme,s As- A P I ORGANIZATIONS I REPRESENTED BY I Planning Commission Representatives Lacey Planning CommissIOn OlympIa Planning Commission Tumwater Planning Commission Thurston County Planning Commission Bucoda Plannmg Commission Temno Planmng CommISSIon Rainier Plannmg CommIssIon Yelm Planning CommIssIon Business/Institutional Organizations Lacey Larry Johnson (also TPB member) OlympIa Jeff Trimn Tumwater Thurston County/Rochester Area Jesse Banick Yelm Raimer Tenmo Capitol Mall Manager South Sound Mall OlympIa/Thurston County Chamber of Commerce Pam Folsom (or desIgnee) Lacey /Thurston County Chamber of Commerce Priscilla Terry South County Chamber of Commerce Tumwater Chamber of Commerce Dan Evans Thurston County Economic Development Council Dennis Matson (or board member) Freight/Trucking Industry Dan O'NeIll FrelghtraIl User Masterbuilders Doug DeForest Large Scale Developer Rob Rice 1 ... ORGANIZATIONS REPRESENTED BY St. Peter HOspItal State General AdmmIstration Joan Cullen (also TPB member) State Employee Unions Washington Federation of State Employees Washington Pubhc Employees Association InternatIOnal FederatIOn of Professional and TechnIcal Engineers Evergreen State College South Puget Sound Commumty College Banker AAA Pam MIller Accessible ServIce Advisory CommIttee Berl Colley Community Leaders/Civic Organizations Capital Area CoalitIOn Gil Carbone League of Women Voters Carol Richmond Energy Outreach Center Paul Horton CapItol Bike Club SPEECH Kevin PhIlhps Panorama City Area Agency on Aging DennIS Mahar Thurston Environmental Action League Peter Moulton Mornmgside Jim Larsen Umted CitIzen Betterment OrganizatIon Cindy Cecil Association of Rail Passengers Lloyd Flem Sustainable Community Roundtable Land Use Attorney Sandy Mackie Tribes Squaxm Island Tribe Nisqually IndIan Tribe Chehahs Busmess CouncIl Dale Clark 2 -! o o o ATTACHMENT 3 1\ o DRAFT PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PLAN Overall Goal of Public Involvement Events: 1. To Build Public Understanding of Transportation Problems and Solutions 2. To Get Informed Feedback Throughout the Process Public Involvement Structure The proposed process has 2 aspects of dIrect reVIew 1 TransportatIon Task Force Workshops 2 General Commuruty Workshops In addItIon a vanety of outreach tools will be used to keep those who don't attend workshops mformed of the process and able to gIve feedback along the way These mclude newsletters, newspaper artIcles, presentatIons, vIdeo, hot Ime, TCTV /RadIo forums Draft Public Involvement Schedule c April 24 TransportatIon Task Force KIckoff meetmg (where we've been, where we are, where we're gomg - role and expectatIons of task force) The goal of tlns meetmg would be to mform task force members of: · The "what" and "why" of the TranSIt System Plan and the updated RegIOnal TransportatIon Plan · The plan schedules · Role and expectatIOns of task force members · What we've heard so far from people (focus groups, stakeholder mtervIews, commuruty surveys) · Background mformatIon - "DId you know "mfo we'd like task force members and the commuruty to keep m mmd as they conSIder what the transportatIon network should be and how It should be funded May 22 TransportatIon Task Force Workshop on what tranSIt servIces to conSIder and where Background mformatIon on R TP scenanos mcludmg base network problem statement, and fmance problem statement. c June 11,12,13 General PublIc Workshops (north county and south county) to reVIew IT's serVIce scenanos General mformatIon and reVIew of R TP scenanos (baselme and 1993 R TP) o June - September One TransportatIon Task Force and General Commuruty Workshops on R TP alternatIve scenanos September InformatIOnal presentatIOns to servIce clubs and other groups Some feedback tool wIll be used to capture the Ideas of groups and mdIvIduals hearmg the presentatIons Late September TransportatIon Task Force Workshop on IT alternatIves, costs and consequences October General PublIc Workshops (north county and south county) to reVIew IT alternatIves, costs and consequences October - February ExtensIve PublIc Outreach to get feedback on scenanos InformatIOnal presentatIons WIth a feedback tool Feb 1997 TransportatIon Task Force Workshop on TransIt System Plan - reVIew conclusIOns of plan ,0 ReVIew RTP Scenano cost and consequences General Commuruty Workshops of TransIt System Plan and R TP scenano cost and consequences Spring 1997 TransportatIOn Task Force Workshop on RTP Preferred Scenano General Commuruty reVIew on R TP Preferred Scenano Media Materials and Outreach Tools To Be Used . Prepare and use a Jomt logo on all matenals sent out related to the project (draft design completed) . Prepare Media and Newsletter KIt (March) . Meet WIth Olympian EdItonal Board (Beginning of process and before key public involvement efforts) o .. y ~ v o o . PolIcy makers and Task Force members prepare Op-Ed artIcles at strategIc pomts m the process (Beginning of process and at key decision making points) . EstablIsh a "hot lme" where publIc questIons and comments can be answered and recorded (Beginning of process) . Produce vIdeo on the Issues (June 1996 and Spring 1997) . Prepare Speakers KIt (April 1996, add/revise information as needed throughout the process) . Prepare and dIstribute IT's newsletter Media Materials and Outreach Tools To Be Used If Partnerships, Time and Funds Permit . Prepare tablOId pIeces WIth the newspaper for prmtmg and dIstributIon at key pomts m the process . Produce Jomt Olympmn/TCTV /RadIo call-m forum . Produce vIdeo on Preferred Future (Winter/Spring 1997) · Use the Internet . Prepare poster to publIcIZe and draw attentIon to the project (-~ \...J .~ v (--\ o TASKFORCE PARTICIPANTS I ORGANIZATIONS I REPRESENTED BY I Planning Commission Representatives Lacey Planning CommissIOn Olympia Plannmg Commission Tumwater Plannmg CommIssIOn Thurston County Planning CommIssIon Bucoda Plannmg CommissIOn Tenino Plannmg CommIssIon Rainier Plannmg CommIssIon Yelm Planning CommIssion Business/Institutional Organizations Lacey Larry Johnson (also TPB member) Olympia Jeff Trinm Tumwater Thurston County/Rochester Area/So County Jesse Bamck Chamber Yelm RaImer Tenino Capitol Mall Manager South Sound Mall Olympia/Thurston County Chamber of Commerce Pam Folsom (or desIgnee) Lacey /Thurston County Chamber of Commerce Priscilla Terry Tumwater Chamber of Commerce Dan Evans Thurston County Economic Development Council DennIs Matson FreIght/Truckmg Industry Dan O'NeIll FreIghtrail User MasterbUllders Doug DeForest Large Scale Developer Rob Rice 1 ORGANIZATIONS REPRESENTED BY St Peter HOspItal Bob Gillette (also TPB member) I State General AdmmIstratIOn Joan Cullen (also TPB member) State Employee Vmons Washmgton Federation of State Employees Washmgton PublIc Employees AssocIation InternatIOnal FederatIOn of Professional and Technical Engineers Evergreen State College South Puget Sound Commumty College John Hurley Banker AAA Pam Miller Accessible Service AdvIsory Committee Berl Colley Community Leaders/Civic Organizations CapItal Area CoalItion Gil Carbone League of Women Voters Carol RIchmond Energy Outreach Center Paul Horton ) CapItol BIke Club SPEECH Kevm PhIllIps Panorama City Area Agency on Agmg DennIS Mahar Thurston Environmental Action League Peter Moulton MornmgsIde Jim Larsen Vmted Citizen Betterment Organization Cindy Cecil AssociatIOn of RaIl Passengers Lloyd Flem Sustainable Community Roundtable Land V se Attorney Sandy MackIe Tribes Squaxm Island Tribe N Isqually Indian Tnbe ChehalIs Busmess CouncIl Dale Clark 2 o o o ~ G o c~ City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yilm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1996400 PM. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERs,105 YELM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - February 4, 1996, minutes enclosed 2 Continuation of Public Hearing - Applicant. City of Yelm Proposal Design Guidelines 3 Worksessi.on - ESHB 1724 - Integration and Consolidation of the Project Permit Process Staff report, summary of ESHB 1724, and draft procedures enclbsed 4 Other- 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. ' If you, need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelrn City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 1, 1-996, 4 00 PM * Recycled paper c c o YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1. The meeting was called to order at 4 02 P m by Chair Tom Gorman Members present: Glenn Blando, E J Curry, Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire, and Adam Rivas Members absent: Tom Cundy, Ed Pitts, and Lyle Sundsmo Guests: Frances Andrews, Kristin Blalack, Margaret Clapp, Steve Craig, Jocelyn Eastland, Bob Jones, Amos Lawton, Kristina Lord, Kathi O'Neil, Renee Sheets, Gerald Suzawith, John Thompson and Karen Whitehouse Staff: Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann and Jerry Prock 96-07 Approval of Minutes MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 8, 1996 AND FEBRUARY 20, 1996 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 2. A. PUBLIC HEARING - DESIGN GUIDELINES Tom Gorman opened the public hearing at 4 04pm There wasn't any conflict of interest from planning commission members or guests present Cathie Carlson gave the staff report and an overview of how and why the Design Guidelines came to be Cathie touched on the different chapters and some changes, and she showed the commission and the audience the affected areas in the city on the large map Tom Gorman then opened the floor for public comment Frances Andrews and John Thompson introduced members of the Vision Process Steering Committee Ms Andrews spoke about the positive aspects of "pedestrian Friendly" development and stated she was concerned about the pedestrian amenities that are proposed to be deleted from the draft Jocelvn Eastland a member of the Vision Steering Committee, said that she works on "how human behavior is affected by architecture" and she spoke of pedestrian safety and how the pedestrian amenities of the draft that is proposed has posi ti ve psychological effects on people Yelm Planning Commission March 4 1996 Page 1 Kristin Blalack emphasized that she likes to walk, and is discouraged at how today's society is towards the automobile more and more Ms like to see the Design Guidelines make safer for the pedestrians in Yelm be ing pushed Blalack would it easier and c Margaret Clapp stated that she has participated in the Vision Process from the beginning and she thanked the sub-committee for all their work Ms Clapp also stated that she will help in any way possible if the committee's decide to proceed with more meetings Steve Craiq spoke for himself and on behalf of John Huddleston, in support of making the City of Yelm a quality place to live and do business Mr Craig stated that Mr Huddleston and himself are concerned over the Pedestrian section of the Guidelines Tom Gorman asked if there were any more comments Being none, he then asked the audience if there were any specific areas to be dlscussed o Steve Craiq talked about sidewalk widths, and the idea of having trees along sidewalks Frances Andrews stated that 12' sidewalks may sound exceSSlve, but feels the larger sidewalks are inviting and attract tourists, and more business Steve Craiq asked why the Pedestrian Amenities were deleted Jocel yn Eastland inquired about what "makes something pedestrian oriented?" Ms Eastland also asked about other pedestrian safety issues Steve Craiq questioned the "swales" issue in the downtown area Joe Huddleston suggested the sub-committee meet again with representatives from the vision committee to go over the issues Tom Gorman stated that he will get together with Cathie Carlson and the sub-committee to go over the main areas of concern and he asked Cathie to explain a few of the changes and/or deletions now Cathie Carlson stated that the 12' sidewalks as proposed are inconsistent with the Yelm Development Guidelines Typical sidewalk widths under current guidelines are 5' She illustrated on the white board an example of typical street section that consist of driving lanes, planter strips and sidewalks The sub-committee is concerned that by requiring 12' sidewalks the right-of-way dedication required for property owner to develop a site would be excessive o Yelm Planning Commission March 4, 1996 Page 2 o o o Steve Craiq asked about weather protectors, awnings and canopies Cathie Carlson addressed this by saYlng that the subcommittee felt that requiring awnings may be to excessive Cathie stated that awnings are addressed in the sign code Steve Craiq would like awnings at a minimum left in the design guidelines as encouraged Jocelyn Eastland asked about "giving guidelines or options rather than regulations" Cathie Carlson stated that much of the "option" language was retained in the design guidelines Shelly Badqer emphasized that she liked the idea of "options," and at the various sub-committee meetings she encouraged the "opt ions" language to be kept in If possible, from a staff or administrative perspective, she would like to see more "choices" allowed in the guidelines It would be a mandate with choices Roberta Lonqmire feels that choices are both effective and beneficial, especially to contractors She also stated that she thought the drawings were very helpful in the design guidelines, because they offer different ideas Tom Gorman asked Cathie to address how the sub- commi t tee's addressed pedestrian plaza and areas Cathie Carlson stated that the subcommittee was concerned about requiring a applicant to provide for public spaces She suggested that the plaza's or activity centers may be an appropriate function of the Yelm Parks Department There is some funding received from part of the city's open space ordinance that could possibly be utilized to fund those purchases and improvements There was more dlScussion Steve Craiq stated that he feels the sidewalks and business fronts should be more pedestrian friendly Joe Huddleston expressed a concern for the "flip-side" of that matter Joe stated that there are many buslness that do not want pedestrians loitering in front of their business Jocelyn Eastland had questions about ingress and egress access Tom Gorman stated that the Planning Commission will consider making a recommendation to the City Council which states the Planning Commission's recommendations with possible variations for those issues that the Vision Committee and the Planning Commission do not reach a consensus on Yelm Planning Commission March 4 1996 Page 3 o u o o 96-08 96-09 Cathie Carlson stated that the Planning Commission has the option to continue the hearing, have another work session and then reconvene the hearing, or close the hearing and make a recommendation to the City Council There was some discussion Tom Gorman asked John Thompson and Frances Andrews to coordinate with the sub- committee, and the hearing will reconvene when the information needed is obtained MOTION BY JOE HUDDLESTON, SECONDED BY GLENN BLANDO, TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DESIGN GUIDELINES. CARRIED. 2. B. PUBLIC HEARING - SIGN ORDINANCE Tom Gorman opened the public hearing at 5 05pm There wasn't any conflict of interest from planning commission members or guests present Cathie Carlson gave the staff report three areas of concern Cathie talked of * Non-conforming signs * Monument signs vs Free standing slgns * No more off premise signs Tom Gorman asked about the sign height restriction Tom then asked if there were any other comments from the staff Belng none, Tom asked if there were any comments from the public Marqaret Clapp stated that she is pleased with the work that has been done and supports the sign code Roberta Lonqmire asked about sandwich signs Cathie Carlson addressed this issue, stating that besides special events and grand opening's, sandwich signs are not allowed E.J. Curry wondered if this will be able to be enforced E J suggested issuing a sign code when new businesses apply for a business license or when building permits are issued Shelly Badger and Jerry Prock both felt this was a good idea Tom Gorman asked if there were any other comments from the audience Tom stated he appreciates all of the Planning Commission's work on this Tom then closed the public hearing at 5 16pm MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY E . J. CURRY, RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF THE SIGN Yelm Planning Commission March 4 1996 Page 4 CODE ORDINANCE. CARRIED. c 3. A. OTHER - WATER REUSE PROJECT UPDATE, SHELLY BADGER Shelly Badqer gave a brief update on the state legislative hearings The city is now looking at phasing the proj ect I completing the water reuse plant first Shelly stated that the city intends on working towards acquiring other monies for the project B. OTHER - FIVE CORNERS IMPROVEMENT UPDATE, KEN GARMANN Ken Garmann gave a brief update on the Creek Street/Five Corners improvement project C. OTHER - MAY MEETING TRAINING TOPIC, CATHIE CARLSON Cathie Carlson asked the commission members for topic ideas for a training session which would take the place of a regularly planned meeting in May Joe Huddleston stated that he would like to go on a field trip to see some good low-income housing There was more discussion I and the commission decided on "transportation" for an in- house training session in May o Tom Gorman asked if there were any more comments Steve Craiq inquired about the article he read in the local newspaper about moving the city public works utility yard Shelly Badqer stated that this 1S a future project that the city is thinking about 96-10 MOTION BY E.J. CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO ADJOURN MEETING. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 5 35 pm Respectfully submittedl D~~b Tom Gorman I Chairperson Date o Yelm Planning Commission March 4 1996 Page 5 VISITOR SIGN IN SHEET Please sign in and indicate if you wish to speak at this m~~eting or to be added to the mailing list to receive future agendas and minutes. ~) MEETING YELM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE MARCH 41 1996 TIME LOCATION CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 105 YELM AVENUE WEST1 YELM1 WA 98597 4 00 PM Public Hearing(s) 1 PUBLIC HEARING - DESIGN GUIDELINES 2" " - SIGN CODE 3 ADDRRS.C:; ./ {9tUel I J-itL, J I ~ +fI'I_ '56~ 0< .. Ie 0 l--"\- l..;b~ f', \/~ Ad C; ,J 'Li J ~t::: ..0 ,~ "I r01J ~"'t"'t11\ fi:-~\' ;; ~ If''.,,o..A. if...t;<!",(\ U~ I ~i h t'e...r r/ v v' 1/ I f o MATT,TNn I SPRAKRR I q f S-9Y 9~5:'1t.,1 98("''' "11 I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I c City of Yelm o o 105 Yelm Avenue West P 0' Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING , MONPAY, MARCH 4, 1996, 4:00 PM YELM CITY HALL COuNGIL CHAMBERS, ios YELM AVE. W. 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - February 20 and January 8 mlputes 2 Public Hearing - A Draft Design Guidelines B Draft Sign Ordinance 3 Oth~r - A Water Reuse ProJect update - Shelly Badger B 5 Corners Improvement upQ.ate - Ken Garmann C May meeting 1~ainln~ topic ~ tathie 4 Adjourn - Enc:Losuresare available to non-Commission members upon request If you need special arrangements to attend or particlpate ln this meetlng, please contact Yelm Clty Hall, 458-3244 .. NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 18, 1996, 4:00 PM * Recycled paper -0 0' o 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yf;lm, Washington 98597 (360) 458:.3244 City of Yelm NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YElM PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: Monday, March 4, 1996, at 4:00 p.rn PLACE: \ Council Chambers, City Hall, 105 Yelm Aye. West, Yelm" WA 'PURPOSE: Public Hearing ,on Proposed Sign Code and Design Guidelines The Yelm Planning Commission will hold a public-hearing on proposed Sign Code and Design Guidelines Testimony may be given at the hearing or thro:ugfi any written comments on the proposals received by the close of the public hearing on March 4, -1996. Such written comments may be submitted to the City of Yelm at the addresses shown above. After the public hearing the Yelm Planning Commission may hold one or more worksessions,at which the proposed Sign Code and Design Guidelines',_ and testimony received will be reviewed and discussed or they' may take a9tion and r:efer their recommendation to the City Council Copies of the proposed Sign Code and Design Guidelines are available at Yelm City Hall For more information', contact Gath,ie Carlson with the City of Yelm at 458-~408 ' The City of Yelm provides reasonable accommodations to person with disabilities If you need special accommodations to attend or participate, call the City Clerk, Agnes Bennick, at (360) 458-8404 at least 72 hours before the meeting ATTEST City of Yelm UiJ1"'#JJMttJ Agn~ Bennick, City Clerk DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Published in the Nisqually Valley News February 22,1996 Posted in Public Areas February 20, 1996 * Recycled paper c c o Agenda Item/ Motion No 96-04 96-05 YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. The meeting was called to order at 4 04 P m by Chair Tom Gorman Members present Glenn Blando, Tom Gorman, Joe Huddleston, Roberta Longmire, Ed Pitts and Adam Rivas Members absent Tom Cundy, EJ Curry, and Lyle Sundsmo Guests John Huddleston, Amos Lawton, Perry Shea and Bob Jones from S Chamberlain, and Jay Tribett Staff Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, and Ken Garmann Approval of Minutes MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY ED PITTS TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 5, 1996 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 2. PUBLIC HEARING - ANNEXATION 8165, TRIBETT. Tom Gorman opened the public hearing at 4 05pm There wasn't any conflict of interest from planning commission members or guests present Cathie Carlson gave staff report on proposed annexation Cathie stated that Mr & Mrs Tribett approached the planning department approximately 6-8 months ago The original annexation was larger, but was reduced The Tribett's then submitted a 10% petitlon to the city council, which was approved Cathie stated that she has made the Tribett's aware that by annexing them in, the city does not guarantee certain public services (water, sewer etc ) immediately Cathie feels that the Tribett's annexation is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and the planning dept recommends that the planning commission recommend approval from the city council to approve and proceed with the annexation Tom Gorman asked if Mr Tribett had anything to say Jay Tribett stated that he would like to see the annexation approved Being no additional comments/questions from the audience and planning commission, Tom closed the public hearing at 4 08pm MOTION BY TOM GORMAN, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION 8165. CARRIED. Yelm Planning Commission February 20 1996 Page 1 ---r 3 . COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE c Cathie Carlson started out by saying that this year the City is scheduled to update the transportation plan, i~ is an addendum to the City's Comprehensive Plan Perry Shea from S Chamberlain & Associates gave update on work that has been done up until now Mr Shea summarized the scope of work outline that he prepared, showing the work that is planned for the 3-12 months The three focus points of the plan update include * Transportation Improvement Program * Implementation Program & Priority Array and * Funding Strategy & Financial Analysis Mr Shea also explained a new section of the plan update, "Development of Transportation Facility Charges (TFC's ) Tom Gorman asked Mr Shea about the timeline for approval of this project Mr Shea stated that the outline and same procedures as Thurston County should be followed and done so fairly quickly Mr Shea stated that February/March (the next two months) will be used for a work effort on this proj ect and he plans to be back before the planning commission during this time c Tom Gorman stated that he thought it was very interesting how S Chamberlain & Associates conducted the traffic count for the initial plan, Tom asked Mr Shea if this same procedure would be repeated? Perrv Shea stated that a new trafflc model will be used, and they will not have to do all the same work as done before Perrv Shea stated that another goal is to take a hard look at the funding, and a closer look at what the city can afford Tom Gorman asked about the TFC's (Transportation Facility Charges) Mr Shea talked a little more about TFC's, and explained that a TFC is not like a TIF, (Trafflc Impact Fee) Cathie Carlson stated that the TFC uses the same principal as the "Five Corners Mitigation Fee " Adam Rivas inquired about the funding explained the grant money process Perry Shea Cathie Carlson stated that she will be scheduling a c Yelm Planning Commission February 20, 1996 Page 2 c c c 96-06 Planning Commission public work seSSlon sometlme ln April, because there aren't public hearings on this until August and the commission needs to hear public input Cathie also stated that the hearings in August will not likely be joint hearings with Thurston County 4. OTHER Tom Gorman asked if there was any other business Shelly Badqer asked everyone to mark their calendars for March 23rd, for Gene Borges' retirement party Cathie Carlson reminded everyone of the next planning commission meeting, on March 4th, it is a public hearing for the Design Guidelines and Sign Ordinance MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO ADJOURN MEETING. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 4 40 pm Respectfully submitted, -1oM ~. Dana Spivey ~ Tom Gorman, Chairperson Date Yelm Planning Commission February 20, 1996 Page 3 c o o BackQround YELM PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT ANX-8165 DATE OF STAFF REPORT February 13, 1996 DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING February 20, 1996 On January 10, 1996, the City Council received a notice of intent to annex from the applicants The City Council authorized the Tribett's to proceed with annexation The Tribett's submitted a completed Petition to Annex to the Planning Department on January 25, 1996 Basic Facts Applicant: Proposal Public Notice Location Existing Land Use Zoning Zoning Upon Annexation Area Land Use Critical Areas Soils and Geology Wastewater' Water Supply Jay and Janet Tribett To annex their property, 469 acres, to the City of Yelm Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Nisqually Valley News on Thursday, February 8, 1996 Property owners within 300 feet of the annexation site were mailed notice of the public hearing on February 6, 1996 The subject site is located at 9244 Mt. View Road S E attached vicinity map Please refer to Single family residential Residential, one unit per five acres (Thurston County) Moderate Density Residential (R-6) - six units per acre, Yelm Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 17 15 Residential and vacant land. Sensitive Aquifer Spanaway Gravelly loam The site is not within the City's sewer service area and the annexation would not automatically include the site in the service area Upon annexation, the property owners would need to request inclusion in the sewer service area boundary when capacity becomes available The site is not within the City's water service area and the annexation would not automatically include the site in the service area. Upon annexation, the property c c c owners would need to request inclusion in the water service area boundary when capacity becomes available Fire Protection Thurston County Fire District #2 Police Protection City of Yelm upon annexation APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND POLICIES Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan designation for the site is Moderate Density Residential District (R-6) Yelm Municipal Code Moderate Density Residential District (R-6) Yelm Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 17 48 STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the annexation of the subject site be approved as proposed. Submitted by I ~47f'-- Catherine Carlson Date City Planner 2-/3-90 ---,-' . I / f l' f\ I \00 c...~ I 31-0101 I I 31-0301 I 31-02 ~ I I 31-01 J 42 C:---- I 34 J} 43-0106 43-0107 - - 41-01 -4-"'_0.__ ~_L_ , - - @) ,- @ 43-0108 ~Ol" C:;Z '-1::"':.0 i --______1 \~ ~----- ~-.. ~IIU.J @ 0 .u;-__ 4.3-0104 43-03 - - ~-0105 l 3-4- ! (}) H1(ft~;J: 01) 0106 C~~ 34-01 @ 43-0102 61fe- Pr@ CD .34-0501 0 ~-0404 ~-0504 ~ .34-0502 43~O2 ';:I I 43-01'03 ~-_.---.-. ~ ~. .---- - ---.- \ ~('dc() Cjle p~-c.=-- . t\.~ .' 7 0;; AJ l ~S--r-te · , .' .. c::;- , f) i-r:.75:..A-?' l A t.C-. - ~ X $[I U'::J ) '~ r ~/2:LAC-- ( {Vc/\ f~/~U'-l . ~iee:rr. .. ~ \ \ ..' .{)/J'; ;:,.\ ~ NiJ1!~ I j(k!J. i ])k~ {.~~-b~) F' ? r~ ~ jC?<6/{ \ \ V ;:J. . W i1 ,'if~'77' /~~ / . \ G- c ~ Gustin, Gloria Trustee 2188 Wasatch Dr. Salt Lake City, UT 84109 ~~k & Linda Carpenter P,__J. Box 77 McKenna, WA 98558 Eva Fourre 9107 Mountain View Rd SE Yelm, WA 98597 Nadja Goddard P.O. Box 477 Rainier, WA 98576 William Steele 9209 Mountain View Rd SE Yelm, WA 98597 Floyd Gray 9~~9 Mountain View Rd SE / \ \......Jm, WA 98597 Karl Kaluhiokalani P.O. Box 994 Yelm, WA 98597 Karen Sartain 9121 Killion Rd Se Yelm, WA 98597 Mr. & Mrs. Tribitt 9244 Mountain View Rd SE Yelm, WA 98597 Richard Renlinger 9329 Cullens Rd SE Yelm, WA 98597 U James Brigham 9227 Killion Rd SE Yelm, WA 98597 Robert Fankhouser P.O. Box 5310 Yelm, WA 98597 Willis Canfield 9040 NW Mountain View Dr. Yelm, WA 98597 Barba~rrdwick P.O. Bo 481 Yelm, A 98597 Jon Hutchinson 9410 Mountain View Rd Yelm, WA 98597 c o o s. Chamberlain & Associates, Inc CITY OF YELM COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE February 1996 Purpose The 1992 Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan will be updated to account for changes in land-use and traffic demands that have occurred over the past 3-year period. 'This work effort will focus on updating spedfic sections of the current plan, including the roadway improvement program, finandal analysis and funding strategies and implementation program of the prioritized improvements. Scope of Work Outline The following work elements will be the focus points of the plan update: 1. Transportation Improvement Program 1 1 Develop 20-year improvement program 1.2 Prepare project list for 6-year capital fadlities plan 1 3 Amend report text based on new improvement program 2. Implementation Program & Priority Array 2.1 Develop new implementation program 2.2 Prepare priority array for three 6-year intervals 3 Funding Strategy & Financial Analysis 3 1 Develop strategies to fund the recommended improvement program 3.2 Identify potential funding resources New Section of the Plan Update 4 Development of Transportation Facility Charges (TFC's) 4 1 Develop a 1FC program to assist in funding the transportation improvements 4.2 Identify the list of projects that would be funded by the 1FC program Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update February 1996 Scope of Work Outline .l;f:10-anu---.ueyonn : Month I County~nly I Joint Pian I Quasi~Judicia1 I ! Amendments Amendments Amendments I January . Staff De'ieiopment of . swr Work e January 15: Brief Propasa1(s) (B~ re:sc:trt:.'1. wor!c Proposal Due C (Bacl::ground re:se:uch. ?lork with constituCl1t grot1ln. develop e City/Town Council with con:sti= ~. develop options. coortin:1te with Recommendation option:s) citic::sltown::s ) Whether to Consider (Joint Pl:m amends) . BCC Approval to Consider February . StIff Deveiopment of . Staff Deyeiopment of e. Complete Application , Proposal (5) Proposa1(s) DeYeioped by Appuc:mt , ! (Same :u ailove) (Same:u ailove) ! (iIlcluciing 52 ~ dOC'.mlcnIS l Marcil . Staff Deyeiopmem of . Staff DeYeiopment of e Complete Appuotion Proposal(s) Proposal(s) DeYeioped (Same:u wove) (Same :u above) (Same as abovel . April o Staff Deyeiopment of · Staif De'ieiopmem of (Allrill: Unoublici=erllast Proposal(5) Proposal(s) date (or a~pii=C$ to submit (Same :u above) (Same :u above) minor :unenriments. proTIde ~ TowaiCauncl rel:.. and get Bee JpproTai :0 considerj ; e Cumpiete Application Developed (Same as abovel , V1ay . Review Dr.lit . Review Dr.u1 · ?Y:fay 1. ..~ppliotion Pre?ared Prepared DOC'.mJems Due for (1~.l:l.gc. .:t:lDS. 52 "'- Staff Review ! doc-.:mcntl (~e. =atlS. SE?A (Tm= is prOVlcied for 0 do=:mem) StI\'Plemcnt3. :: ;m'orm:uion is iocomoteu:l June : . Inte..--nai Review June 1: I.l.st date (or . Internai Renew (C.JUIlry d~~. 3C:: C:ties.rT0WU510 submit (county dl=m:ncms. 3C: briefing, .f n=sarn :unendments for Caunty briefing, if :---:;;a1"1' :1 :"eYiew C.:xm:1in:ue:i 7ith C:tYITcwn if . Inte..'"I1ai Review J joint plan aI::c::dm~.!) (Coordinated !:letw= I Cry/Town and G.'UI:tj', C=ry I ~cnt3. 3CC 'Jnc~ .f ~l l July . TD>C Briefing t · TCl'C Brieiin1: e TaC Briefing · Set H~ · Set He:u-in~ e Set He:1rin15 ; (Coumy', :o..uy l~ netic: (c..--umy', 2O-day Ic;ai .:otic: (County's :.o-.uy le~ r.otic: I :-cquiIc c:xtr.l time ;:rior to rcqu= e:a:ra amc ;mer to r::quirc =n time pnor :0 , public b.e:uio~) public :=nnlO public b.eann~ August . TaC Public . TCl'C Public e. TC:PC ?ublie He:uin.gs H~ He:uiIll?S . TD>C WorksessioDS . TCl'C Worksessions . TCl'C W orksessions · TCl'C Action . TCPC Action o TCl'C Action . Se'fltember i . BCe Briefins; \ · BCe Brieiins; I . BCC Briefing \ . . Scl1edule He::uillg(s) . Schedule HeariD.g(s) · Schedule He:u-ingts) October , . BCe Public . Bee Public . Bee Public I i Hearing(s) He:1I'imJ(s} Hearing(s) November i · BCe Worksession(s) . BCe Worksession(5} · BCe Worksession\s) 0 I . BCe Adoption . BCC Adoption · BCe Adoption (Extn time i3 provided if (E:w::1 time is provided if (Em:1 time ~ provIded if : December \ n=1cd to coortiimLc with ocedcd to <:oott1in2u: with oceded to coorliin:uc wnn city I town councils l ciry/town c:cunc:ili l citY/town c:unc:ils I 1J11nlIStCdJJ I c o c 1,05 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 City of Yelm YELM. WASHINGTON AGENDA CITY OF YELM .PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY FEBRUARY 20,19964:00 P.M. , YELIVI CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERs,105 YELM AVE. W. 1 Call to 'Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - ...- . February. JP1996 minutes enclosed, January '8, 1996 tninutesnot available at time of mailing , 2 Public Hearing - ANX-8165 Applicant. Jay and Janet Tribett Proposal Annex 4 69 acres to the City Location 9244 Mt. View Road S E 3 Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update Perry Sheaj SCh~mberlain and Associates - Scope of Work Cathie Carlson - Process an~ Timing 4 Other- 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 4, 1996, 4:00 PM * . Recycled paper o o c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1. The meeting was called to order at 4 05 P m by Chair Tom Gorman Members present Tom Gorman, Adam Rivas, E J Curry, Roberta Longmire and Lyle Sundsmo Members absent Ed Pitts Guests Staff Glenn Blando, Tom Cundy, Joe Huddleston, Amos Lawton and Rich Arnold Cathie Carlson, Shelly Badger and Jerry Prock 96-03 Approval of Minutes MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 22, 1996. CARRIED. 2. Sign Code Worksession Cathie Carlson reported on updates made following the last meeting Jerry Prock found that the City of Tumwater has dropped their fee violation program because of difficulties administering the program Tom Gorman asked if the whole section on violations would have to be deleted More discussion ensued between commisslon members Tom Gorman stated that A and B of Section 15 24 260 should be left in, but do not include a schedule of fines To establish penalties, add language regarding state statute on misdemeanors Other changes included, on Page 16, A-#6, under continued use of special event signs - the wording shall be changed to include "special event signs such as banners, which were purchased prior to the adoption date of this code may be continued until such time the sign is replaced Proof of purchase date is the responsibility of the applicant " Rich Arnold provided Cathie with some information from WSDOT (WA State Dept of Transportation,) which includes their criteria for hanging banners across the state highway right-of-way 20' clearance to the ground, no obstruction to traffic control signals and a statement of when, where and how long the banner would be up Yelm Planning Commission February 5, 1996 Page 1 c o c The statement would have to be submitted to WSDOT and obtain an approval from them Cathie Carlson stated that she also called the City of Olympia and talked to Greg Walker about banners In the past the applicant would have utility companies (puget Power, Cable Co ,etc ) hang the banners, however they no longer provide this service because of expense Currently, tree services, sign services or other people actually licensed in the City of Olympia with the proper equipment are authorized to hang banners Cathie also mentioned how the City of Olympia does have the banners hung, there are only a couple places, one spot has special poles approved by WSDOT, another is on a two story building with hook-and-eye hooks Cathie stated that the City of Yelm does not have adequate facilities to hang banners from Power poles would not be an option because of clearance requirements Tom Gorman stated that the commission doesn't feel that the City should be taking the initiative or be responsible for banners It would be different and easier if there was a dedicated area just for banners Tom encouraged other interested groups/organizations to take the initiative to propose a detailed plan and budget Rich Arnold volunteered to develop a proposal for administerlng and funding a program for hanging banners Cathie Carlson then directed the commission to the last page, the Grand-Opening, Speclal Event Sign Area Chart - Tom Gorman asked about the number of buildings that are 35,000 sq ft or more There was little discussion about this matter, and Cathie Carlson stated that this is something that the commission can re-visit at a later date if needed No changes were made to the chart at this time Roberta Lonqmire asked about the difference in the amount of time that signs can be up for "special events" (37- days) compared to a "grand opening" (14 days) Pg 9 Cathie Carlson stated that the number of days were the original numbers proposed There was more discusslon Adam Rivas asked about the need to limit the length of time that the temporary signs are up Tom Gorman stated that by using the time limit, this prohibits the business Yelm Planning Commission February 5 1996 Page 2 c owner from keeping a temporary type sign as a permanent sign There was more discussion about the time limit on actual events and when signs should come down Cathie Carlson stated that by using the same language from #B in #C on Pg 9, it eliminates the problem E.J. Curry stated that a definition of the length of an event is needed Roberta Lonqmire inqulred about the fact that "special events" can be held four (4) times a year and a "garage sale" are only allowed two (2) times a year Cathie Carlson stated that the garage sale-two a year is by city ordinance Lyle Sundsmo stated that if people are going to be in the professional garage sale business, or want to have more than two sales a year, they should get a city business license etc There was more discussion about the difference between garage sales and special events It was agreed by commission members that special event signs would be limited to a duration of fourteen (14) days and to four (4) events per year c Tom Gorman asked if there was anything else, Cathie Carlson re-affirmed the two changes that she will make to the sign-code Tom stated that he thinks the commission has done a good job on this, and commended Cathie Carlson for a job well done 3. Design Guidelines Worksession Cathie Carlson stated that the two main principles that guided the sub-committee's editing were 1) Consistency with zoning code/development guidelines, and, 2) How much more of an impact is it on the property owner/developer? Tom Gorman suggested that the edited version of Design Guidelines be distributed to the public for comment before the Commission does any additional revisions Concern was expressed by Commission members, that a 4 OOpm public hearing prevented people from attending Tom Gorman asked Cathie to check with members of the community on the preferred time for a public hearing on the Design Guidelines and to schedule it accordlngly c Yelm Planning Commission February 5 1996 Page 3 4. Other c Tom Gorman showed Cathie a book he received titled "Profiles of Communities" - Cathie said that she will try to get more copies for the commission 5. Being no addltional business, the meeting was adjourned at 5 OOpm Respectfully submitted, IfJafla~ Dana Spive Tom Gorman, Chairperson Date o c Yelm Planning Commission February 5 1996 Page 4 1'1 \.J o o City of Yelm 105Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA , CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5,19964:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERs,105 YELM AVE. W. 1 Call to Order~ Roll Call, Approval of Minutes - . January 22, 1996 minutes enclosed, January 8, 1996 minutes not available at time of mailing 2 Sign Code Worksession - DJaft Sign Code enclosed 3 Design Guidelines Worksession- Draft Design Guidelines enclosed 4 Other- 5 Adjourn - Enclosures are available to non-Commissi0n members upon request. If you need special arrangements to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUA,RY 20, 1996, 4:00 PM * Recycled paper o c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1996 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item/ Motion No 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 04 P m by Chair Tom Gorman Members present Adam Rivas, E J Sundsmo Joe Huddleston, Ed Pitts, Tom Gorman, Curry, Roberta Longmire and Lyle Members Guests Staff absent Glenn Blandot;oiVl UA41. tA! Amos Lawton and Rich Arnold Cathie Carlson and Jerry Prock 96-02 Approval of Minutes MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE, SECONDED BY ED PITTS TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 4, 1995 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. OPPOSED: E.J. CURRY. 2 Sign Code Worksession Cathie Carlson reported on updates made following the last meeting Garage Sales, Pg 11, #6, was changed to comply with the existing garage sale ordinance which limits the number of sales to two per year Addition of a scale Special Events, Pg 21 at by using a formula permanent signs for signs for Grand Opening or Total footage allowed was arrived reducing the footage allowed for Members discussed adequacy of area permitted and clarification of permitted use for this type of sign Jerry Prock added that this type of sign is for temporary events only and may be used up to four times per year for a one month period, or a total of four months per year Rich Arnold questioned signage permitted for the Nisqually Regional Arts Center and theater Cathie Carlson indicated that we would have to deal with multiple tenant situations Ed pitts questioned use of school levy ads Cathie Carlson advised that off premise signs are not permitted Yelm Planning Commission January 22 1996 Page 1 o c c Discussion indicated that for two separate, individually licensed businesses, each business would be permitted to use the four times per year special event option. It was acknowledged that temporary signs are generally not as desirable or aesthetically pleasing as permanent signs. Members suggested the code allow adoption of some type of scale to allow grandfathering to permit businesses that already have signs to continue using them. Enforcement lssues were addressed, with Jerry Prock indicating that he relies on public works, the police department, etc. to report on conformance areas. The City has no record of existing signs. Joe Huddleston suggested that signs be made to conform when they are replaced. E.J. Curry questioned if the city could distribute sign ordinance copies along with business license applications. Staff agreed that this is possible. Cathie Carlson indicated that she will investigate grandfathering language and will add verbiage on page 16 addressing temporary special events signs. Tom Gorman added that page 11, F's reference to off site cloth banners across streets was eliminated due to the liability issues. Rich Arnold spoke and said that he had been in touch with Olympia on these issues and that they addressed banners for nonprofit groups in their ordinance, he requested the same of Yelm's. He added that banners are permitted in two or three locations only and that display time had to be scheduled. He volunteered to oversee scheduling. Members discussed the number of nonprofit groups in the city that would display banners; if people would continue to notice banners if they were displayed all the time; responsibility for painting and making banners attractive; and the number of requests received by the city to display banners; Adam Rivas and E. J. Curry questioned the legality of placing banners across a state highway. Joe Huddleston questioned acceptability of an alternate location if banners are not permitted across state highways. Rich Arnold indicated that the first choice would be the main thoroughfare, but that other locations would be Yelm Planning Commission January 22, 1996 Page 2 c c o acceptable and indicated that Greg Walker of Olympia could supply additional information. Members discussed problems with installing banners, who would put the up and take them down; difficulty due to wind at certain times of the year; and the need to resort to specially anchored poles at Ft. Lewis Cathie Carlson reported that she had rewritten Pg. 14, a, b, c, to allow 1 monument or free standing sign. Members discussed murals and creating a historic district. Cathie Carlson reported that she had gathered some information and that the easiest way to create a historic district would be as an overlay to the existing Central Business District. This could be accomplished by local ordinance. She also suggested that the Historic Preservation Commission be approached concerning this matter. Joe Huddleston and Roberta Longmire agreed to represent the Commission at the next YHP meeting. Joe Huddleston questioned the link between murals and a historic district. He believes that murals are considered art unless they include signagejverbiage. Jerry Prock reported that off premise real estate signs are allowed during daylight hours only in both Lacey and Olympia and that Tumwater and Thurston County don't allow them at all, although the county doesn't enforce this policy. Members discussed incentives to remove signs, possibly deposits, and manpower to monitor and enforce requirements. Cathie Carlson will put together language to address this situation. 3. As the February 19th meeting falls on a holiday members agreed to meet on Tuesday February 20th. 4. Being no additional business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Agnes Bennick Tom Gorman, Chairperson Date Yelrn Planning Commission January 22, 1996 Page 3 c j ~ D R AFT YELM ON-PREMISES/OFF-PREMISES SIGN REGULATIONS 1 Generally 15.24.240 Administrator-Inspection Auth 15.24.250 Conflict and Severability 15.24.260 Violation-Penalty 15.24.270 Removal of Unlawful Signs 15.24.280 Nonconforming Oign3 Abatcmcnt 15.24.290 Visual Quality I J 15.24.280 Sign Area - Square Footage Ma4imums 15.24.010 Intent. The intent of this chapter is to~rotide minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property and p~bli welfare by regulating frft6-controlling the number, size, des~gn, quality of materials, construction, location, electrification pnd;maintenance of all signs and sign structures; to preserve apd improve the appearance of the City as a place in which to ~ive and as an attraction to non-residents who come to visit or~ trade; to encourage sound signing practices as an aid to h sinFss and for public information but to prevent excessive and c . fU9ing signing displays. (Ord. 588 ~2 (part), 1980) , Sections: c 15.24.010 15.24.020 15.24.030 15.24.040 15.24.050 15.24.060 15.24.070 15.24.080 15.24.090 15.24.100 15.24.110 15.24.120 15.24.130 15.24.140 15.24.150 15.24.160 15.24.170 15.24.180 15.24.190 15.24.200 15.24.210 15.24.220 15.24.230 o Intent I Definitions and Abbreviations Permits and Fees Required Permit--Requirements Permit--Applications .. Fee Schedule Exemptions Prohibited Signs Temporary Signs Structural Requirements Electrical Requirements Illumination Maintenance Landscaping for Free-Standing Signs Inspection More Restrictive provision to Apply Buildings Facing on Two Parallel Streets Signing on Awnings and Marquees District Regulations 1 Variances 1 Legal Nonconforming Signs I Termination of Signs Administrator-Appointment-Pow rs :1 & Duties rity .~ YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PA 1 , f J " 1 I :~ ~ " c 15.24.020 Definitions and Abbreviations. For the purpose of t chapter, definitions as defined in Chapter 16. $6 and cert in abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and their deri'iatives shall.. e construed as specified in this section. ' . A. B. C. c c "Abandoned sign" means any sign which is located on property~ which becomes vacant and unoccupied for a per"od of six (6) months or more, or any sign which relates to 'y occupant or business unrelated to the present occupant or heir business, or any sign which pertains to a time, event 0 purpose which no longer applies. , ~\J~i i1r{~ !' ~., 1..,) , t "Advertising vehicles" means any vehicle OIl trailer on, a public right-of-way which has attached thereto, or locat,ed thereon, any sign or advertising device for the basic purpqse of providing advertisement of products or directing people ;to a business or activity located on the same or nearby property, or any other premises. This provision is not to be construed as prohibiting the identification of a firm or its principal products on a vehicle operating during normal course of business. Franchised buses or taxis are exempt from this chapter. "Animated sign" means any sign which includes action or mot.ton or the optical illusion of action or motion, qr color changes of all or any part of the sign facing, requiring electrical energy, or set in motion by movement of the atmosphere. Excluded from the definition are public service signs, changing message center signs, searchlights and flags. D. "Awning" is a shelter supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building. i 1 "Bulletin board (reader board)" means a sign $0 designed that the message may be changed by removal or addit~on of specially designed letters that attach to the face of the sign. "Changing message center signs" means an el.ect1o. nically r electrically controlled sign where different automa c changing messages are shown on the same lamp ban~. . "Construction sign" means any sign used tt... igentify architects, engineers, contractors or other .... inqi viduals firms involved with the construction of building announce the character of the building or he purpose which the building is intended. ~ E. F. G. H. "Flashing sign" means any sign which contains an intermitt " t ",; or flashing light source or which includes the illusion of intermittent or flashing light by means of animation or,pn externally mounted intermittent light source.. Excluded f om YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAG 2 I c c o J. K. M. the definition are public serVlce and changing message center signs. 1. "Free-standing sign" means any sign which is supported by one or more uprights, poles or braces in or upon the ground. "Garage sale signs" (i. e., yard sales, moving sales) means temporary signs used to announce a items. u sales, patio~, sale of usedl 1,1 :~! "Mansard roof" means a sloped roof or roof-like fac e i architecturally able to be treated as a building wall. ' "Marquee" is a permanent roofed structure attached to d ll~ supported by the building and projecting over public proper :. ~ "Grade" means the elevation or level of the street closest the sign to which reference is made, as measured at street's centerline, or the relative ground level in immediate vicinity of the sign. L. "Grand opening displays" means temporary signs, poste banners, strings of lights, clusters of flags, balloons searchlights used to announce the opening of a completely enterprise or the opening of an enterprise under management. "Height or height of sign" means the vertical distance f the "grade" to the highest point 0+ a sign <j>r any verti projection thereof, including its supporting columns. N. "Landscaping" means any material used as a decorative featu such as shrubbery or planting materials, planter box concrete bases, brick work, decorative framing or pole cove used in conjunction with a sign which expresses the theme the sign and related structure but does not cont advertising copy. o. "Legal nonconforming sign" means a sign which (a) on effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter lawfully maintained and had been lawfully erected accordance with the provisions of any prior sign ordinance code but which sign does not conform to the applica limitations established by this chapter; or (b) on or af the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chap was lawfully maintained and erected in accqrdance with provisions of this chapter but which sign, by reason amendment of the ordinance codified in this chapter after effective date thereof, does not conform to the applica limitations established by the amendment of this chapter. P. Q. YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 p ",:I~ ~12 Ii ~ ~ Ii I. I l " l ! !51 t! ~ :~ t ;,' 1 1 i "~ '\{) f ';J i , 3 '4' c c o R. "Marquee Sign" means any sign attached to or supported by a marquee. S. "Monument sign" is a ground mounted sign which is higher than 3 feet above the average ground elevation and which is attached to the ground by means of a wide base of solid appearance. T . "Multiple building complex" means a group of structures housing at least one retail business, office, commercial venture or independent or separate part of a business which shares the Baffle lot access and/or parking facilities. u. "Multiple occupancy building" means a single structure housing more than one retail business, office or commercial venture. v. "Political sign" means a sign advertising a candidate or candidates for public elective office, or a political par or signs urging a particular vote on a public issue decided~y ballot. w. "Portable (mobile) sign" means a sign made of any materi 1, which by is design, is readily movable and is equipped w. h wheels, casters or rollers or which is not permanently affi ed to the ground, structure or building. (Also inclu es n sidewalks or sandwich board signs, and signs mounted upon he 'M tops of vehicles.) , x. "Projecting sign" means a sign other than a flat wall Sl which is attached to and projects from a building wall other structure not specifically designed to support the si Y. "Public service signs" means an electronically or electrica~lY controlled public service sign or portion of a larger s gn which conveys only information such as time, da e, temperature, atmospheric condition or general news informat:i;on where different alternating copy changes are shown on the s4me lamp bank matrix. ~ I z. "Real estate or property for sale, rental, or lease sign" means any sign pertaining to the sale, lease or rental of laPd or buildings. AA. "Roof sign" means any sign erected upon, against above a roof or on top of or above the parapet of BB. "Searchlight" means an apparatus containing an electric li and reflector on a swivel for projecting a far-reaching b in any desired direction. CC. "Shopplng Center" - see "T" above. YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 4 " Ii ~ ~, ~1" ,~ I l' , Ji , I~ ~. <:~~ ",1 -:t ,:.i f ~ ~ c 1 DD. "Sign" means any commercial communication device, structure or fixture that is extended to aid an establishment in identification and to advertise and/or promote a business, service, activity or interest. For the purpose of this chapter, a sign shall not be considered to be building or structural design, but shall be restricted solely to graphics, symbols or written copy that is meant to be used in the aforementioned way. ~, ; n EE. "Sign area" means the entire area of a sign on which copy is' to be placed. Only one side of a double-faced sign shall be included. The area of painted signs, individual letter signs, and other indirectly illuminated signs, shall be calculated on the basis of the smallest rectangle, circle or spherical figure that will enclose the entire copy area of the sign. Any such calculation shall include the areas between letters and lines, as well as the areas of any devices, illuminated or non-illuminated, which are intended to attract attention. FF. GG. c HH. 11. o "Special event signs" means temporary signs used to announce a circus, a carnival, festivals, business activities or other similar events. "Temporary sign" means any sign, banner, pennant, valance, flags (not intended to include flags of any nation, state, city, or other governmental agency, or nonprofit organization), searchlights, balloons or other air or gas filled figures or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard or other light materials, with or without frame, intended to be displayed for a limited period of time only. Different types of temporary signs included in this category are construction, grand opening displays, real estate, special event, political and garage sale. "Wall" means any member or group of members, which defines ih,' ~ J exterior boundaries of a building and which as a slope of 60 degrees or greater with the horizontal plane. The height of a wall shall be measured as the two-dimensional height f~om the average finish grade of the particular architectunal ~, building elevation adjacent to the wall to the finish rdof ! plane. ~ 1 "Wall sign" means any sign attached to or painted directly on the wall or erected against the wall of a building being parallel or approximately parallel to said wall; and does I',' t exceed a distance of fifteen (15) inches from said wa. . (Ord. 588 S2 (part), 1980, Ord. 817 S2(part), 1987, and O,~. 942 S 1 ( part), 1992.) , 1 1 YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 5 1 '1 { /. ,i j~ ~~. \, "'.: ., l, ,I Ii ~ i :1 ~\ ~ , , , I \ c I I 15.24.030 Permits and Fees Required. No sign permit shall lbe issued unless the sign installer has a valid Washington stc=tte contractors license; provided, however, ~ an applicant It}ay obtain a permit to install a sign on their own property withou~ a state license. (Ord. 588 S2 (part), 1980 and Ord. 942 S1 (parti), 1992.) 15.24.040 Permit--Requirements. No slgn governed by the provisions of this Code of more than four (4) 3quare feet in 3ign area shall be erected, structurally altered or relocated by any person, firm or corporation after the date of adoption of this Code without a permit issued by the City (with the exceptions as noted.) No new permit is required for signs which have permits and which conform with the requirements of this Code on the date of its adopt~on unless and until the sign is structurally altered or relocated. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) c 15.24.050 Permit--Applications. Applications for permits shall contain the name and address of the owner and user of the sign, the name and address of the owner of the property on which the sign is to be located, the location of the sign structure, drawings or photographs showing the design and dimensions of the sign and details of its proposed placement and such other pertinent information as the Administrator of this Code may require, to insure compliance with this Code and other applicable ordinanc~s. Permit applications shall be available for inspection by the pub~ic upon request. Upon completion of a permit application, ijhe application shall be acted on within two (2) weeks unless therefois a requirement for further time under SEPA. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) 15.24.060 Fee Schedule. Fees for sign permits shall be established by the Building Official as determined by the Uniform Building Cqde (adopted edition.) (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 666 SJ7' 1982.) 15.24.070 Exemptions. The following signs do not require ~ s"gn permit (unless noted,) nor shall the area and number of such si~ns be included in the area and number of signs permitted for any s~te or use. This shall not be construed as relieving the owner of ~he sign from the responsibility of its erection and maintenance and its compliance with the provisions of this chapter or any other law or ordinance: A. The flag, emblem or insignia of a nation or other government, 1 unit or nonprofit organization subject to the guideli' s concerning their use set forth by the government . ,r organization which they represent. Flag poles require a sign permit for structural review. ' - c YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 6 ~ ~II' I! ;~ I ,I, ~ ~ , I I ~ if ~ --1 c c ,~ u B. Memorial signs or tablets, names of building, stained glass windows and dates of erection when cut into the surface or the facade of the building or when projecting not more than two (2) inches. Traffic or other municipal signs, signs required by law or emergency, railroad crossing signs, legal notices; and any temporary, or non-advertising signs as may be authorized Iby the City Council. D. Signs of public utility companies indicating danger or whjch serve as an aid to public safety or which show the 10cationJof underground facilities or of public telephones. C. E. Flush-mounted wall signs, used to identify the name and address of the occupant for each dwelling provided the sign does not exceed two (2) square feet in sign area. F. Signs located in the interior of any building or within an enclosed lobby or court of any building or group of buildings, which signs are designed and located to be viewed exclusively by patrons of such use or uses. G. One bulletin board not over fifty (50) square feet in sign area for each public, charitable or religious institution where the same are located on the premises of said institution. (A sign permit is required.) H. Decorations: Such signs in the nature of decoration, clearly incidental and customary and commonly associated with any national, local or religious holiday. I. Painting, repainting or cleaning of an advertising structure or the changing of the advertising copy of message thereon shall not be considered an erection or alternation which requires a sign permit unless a structural change is made. J. Sculptures, fountains, mosaics and design features which do not incorporate advertising or identification. K. "No trespassing," "no dumping," "no parking," "private," signs identifying essential public needs (i. e., restrooms, entrance, exit, telephone, etc.) and other informational warning signs, which shall not exceed three (3) two (2) square feet in surface area. L. Directional signs erected by the City on public arterial streets directing the public to emergency, public, civic or nonprofit facilities. Such sign IDBY-have an arrow and the YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 7 :; I l ~t '1 'i ! 1 ~ ~ ~"",,' , , , i 1 I ( t (\ v c c type of service available. Such sign shall not exceed tiwo square feet. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 942 Sl(part), 1992. ) 15.24.080 Prohibited Signs. Prohibited slgns are subject to removal (except legal nonconforming signs as defined by this chapter) by the City at the owner's or user's expense. The following slgns or displays are prohibited: A. Roof slgns. B. Animated slgns. C. Flashing signs. D. Portable slgns, except as provided under temporary slgns. E. Advertising vehlcles. F. Signs which purport to be, or are, an imitation of, or resemble an official traffic sign or signal, or which bear the words "stop," "caution," "danger," "warning," or similar words. G. Signs which, by reason of their size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination may be confused with or construed as a traffic control sign, signal or device, or the light of an emergency or radio equipment vehicle; or which obstruct the visibility of traffic or street signror signal device. H. Signs which are located upon projecting over public streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way, except as provided for awni igs and marquees in Section 15.24.280. I. Signs attached to utility poles. J. Off-premises slgns. Ordinance. K. Strings of banners, pennants, and other graffiti-like material. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980, Ord. 817 S2(part), 1987, and Ord. 942 Sl(part), 1992.) 15.24.090 Temporary Signs. The following signs are classified as temporary (non-permanent.) Temporary signs are permitted subject to the applicable limitations: A. Construction Signs. A sign permit is required. Such signs may be displayed only after a building permit is obtained and during the period of construction on the construction site. YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 8 , f \ J .,~ I~ ~ " ~ J ~ } c B. c c 1. I I I \ nor , ']he I I I In all zones other than single-family residential zon~s, no construction sign shall exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in sign area (printed copy on one side only) or ten (10) feet in height, nor be located closer than ten (10) feet from the property line or closer than thirty (30) feet from the property line from the abutting owner. Only one such sign is permitted per construction project each public street upon which the project fronts. applicable limits are as follows: 2. In single-family residential zones, no construction sign shall exceed thirty-two (32) square feet (printed copy on one side only) or ten height, nor be located closer than ten (10) property line of the abutting owner. in sign area (10) feet in feet from the Grand Opening Displays. A no-fee sign permit lS required. Such temporary signs, posters, banners (not to exceed 20 square feet,) strings of lights, clusters of flags, balloons or other aid or gas filled figures, and searchlights are permitted on premise only and for a period of fourteen ili) Beven (7) days only to announce the opening of a completely new enterprise or the opening of an enterprise under ri.ew management. Allowable square footage of temporary sign area is provided in Section 15.24.290. Sandwich Board signs are permitted provided each side does not exceed ~K-~ All such materials shall be removed immediately upon the expiration of fourteen (14) Beven (7) days. Ouch di3playo are permitted only in districts ..Jhere the enterprise so ad.v"ertised ~allmJed under diotrict zoning regulation3. Search lights may be permitted by any business or enterprise provided the beam of light does not flash against any building or does not sweep an arc of more than forty five percent degrees (450) from vertical. C. Special Event Signs-for Businesses and Organizations. A no- fee sign permit is required. Such temporary signs may be placed upon private property on premise only and shall not be larger than four t4+ t\Jenty ~ square feet. Allowable square footage of temporary sign area is provided in Section 15.24.290. Sandwich Board signs are permitted provided each side does not exceed 2~' x 4'. Said signs shall not be posted or attached to telephone poles, power poles or other public utility facilities. Such signs may be displayed thirty (30) days prior to an event and must be removed within seven (7) days after the event's conclusion. Special events are limited to four (4) per year. The event committee for which the sign is displayed shall be responsible for its removal and subj~ct to the penalties as provided in this Code. Search lights m.ay be permitted by any business or enterprise provided the b~am , 'f YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 l PAG~ 9 -- fr I !; J , , ~ c of light does not flash against any building or does not sw,'ep an arch of more than forty five percent degrees (450) from vertic l. Real Estate Signs. No sign permit is required. All exter~or real estate signs must be of wood or plastic or other dura91e material. The permitted signs, with applicable limits, arelas follows: D. 1. Residential "for sale", "open house", and "sold" signs: Such signs shall be limited to one sign per street frontage not to exceed five (5) square feet in sign area, placed wholly on the property for sale, and not to exceed a height of seven (7) feet. 2. I Residential directional "open house" signs are not permitted. Ouch oign3 ohull be limited to one oign per street frontage eft-~premise3 ~3ale frftd-three t3+ off premi3eo oigns. IIm.ever, if a realtor has more than one hOUBe open for inopection in a single development or 3ubdiviBion, he/ohe i3 limited to four (4) off premioes "open houoe" sign3 for the entire development or subdivi3ion. Ouch 3igns are permitted only during daylight hours and '..hen the real tor or oeller or an agent i3 in attendance at the property for 3ale. No 3uch sign shull exceed five (5) 3quare feet in sigh area. the 3ign may be placed along the periphery of a public right of way- \.ithin one -t+t- mile tH- ~ 3ubjcct reoidential de'v'elopment. c 3 . undeveloped commercial and industrial property "for sqle or rent" signs: One sign per street frontage advertis~p.g undeveloped commerclal and industrial property for sale or rent. The sign shall not exceed thirty-two ( 3;2 ) s9uare feet in sign area and ten (10) feet to top _of slgn. 4 . Developed commercial and industrial property "for sale-1pr rent" signs: One sign per street frontage advertisin~-a commercial or industrial building for rent or sale .,is permitted while the building is actually for rent lor sale. If one face of the building is less than ten (to) feet from the property building line, the sign shall~e placed on the building or in a window. The sign shall not exceed ten (10) feet to top of sign, if frde~ standing, shall be located more than fifteen (15) feet from any abutting property line and a public right-of-way line. Said sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) squ~re feet in sign area. - 5. Undeveloped residential property "for sale" signs: One on-premise sign per street frontage advertising o YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 10 I i ~ 1 I I ,~ ~ j A c E. F. c c undeveloped residential property for sale is permittied not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in sign ar~a. Said sign must be placed more than thirty (30) feet from the abutting owner's property line and may not exceed a height of ten (10) feet to top of sign. 1 Polltical Signs. No sign permit is required. Political slgns or posters may be placed upon private property only and shall not be larger than ten (10) square feet of sign area and shall not be posted or attached to telephone poles, power poles or other public utility facilities. Such signs may be displayed no sooner than the next to the last Monday in July prior to an election (except for special elections which may display s~ch signs no sooner than forty-five (45) 3ixty (60) days priorlto the election) and must be removed seven (7) days after ~he election in which the candidate or issue advertised on a s~gn has been determined. For a successful candidate in a primary election the sign ~ay. remain until the final election, . ~ut shall be removed wlthln seven (7) days after the elect19n. The candidate or committee for which the sign is displa~ed shall be responsible for its removal and subject to 1he penalties as provided in this Code. " Off Oite Dannero or Cloth Cigno. Ouch oigno may be permittied . '!. fflr- COHlffiunl ty Event3 only, aft€l-fltaj"- extend acroos a- PUbl\lC Btreet ey-permi33ion e-f-ffie-City Uanager er-their appoint.ed repre3entative. Ouch 3igns may only be placed at City designated locations and erected by City personnel, or their appointed repre3entative. G. Garage Sale (Yard Sales, Moving Sales, Patio Sales.) No sign permit is required. Such sign shall be limited to one (1) sign on the premises, and t.vv'O (2) off premiseB Bigno. No such sign shall exceed four (4) square feet in the sign area. The sign or signs may be displayed only during the sale and must be removed the day the sale ends. The person or persons for which the sign or signs are displayed shall be responsible for its removal and subject to the penalties as provided in t~is Code. No individual shall be permitted to have more than two (2) garage sales per calendar year and shall not exceed flve consecutive days. (Ord. 284 S9, 1983, Ord. 255 S4, 1981, orid. ,~ 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 942 S1(part), 1992.) 15.24.100 Structural Requirements. The structure and erection of signs or flag poles within the City shall be governed by the Uniform Building Code, 1994 Edition (or any superseding edit~on adopted by the City.) Compliance \lith ffie-Uniform Duilding ~ ohall ee-a-prerequi3ite ~ioouance e-f-a-oign permit under ~ Code. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) I f 15.24.110 Electrical Requirements. Electrical requirements for ! I YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 I j PAGE'! 11 ,! I c c o signs within the City shall be regulated by the Department of Labor and Industries. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) governed by the National Electrical Code. Compliance with the National Electrical Code shall be required by every 3ign utilizing electrical energy ao a prerequisite to issuance of a 3ign permit under this Code. f 15.24.120 Illumination. Illumination from or upon any sign shqll be shaded, shielded, directed or reduced so as to avoid undue brightness, glare or reflection of light on private or pub~ic property in the surrounding area, and so as to avoid unreasonable distracting pedestrians or motorists. "Undue brightness" is illumination in excess of that which is reasonable necessary to make the sign reasonable visible to the average person on an adjacent street. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) 15.24.130 Maintenance. All signs, including signs heretofore installed shall be constantly maintained in a state of security, safety, appearance and repair. If any sign is found not to be so malntained or is insecurely fastened or otherwise dangerous, it shall be the duty of the owner and/or occupant of the premises on which the sign is erected fastened to repair or remove the sign within fifteen (15) five (5) days after receiving notice from the Building Official. The premises surrounding a free-standing sign shall be free and clear of rubbish and the landscaping area maintained in a tidy manner. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 942 S 1 ( part), 1992.) 15.24.140 Landscaping for Free-standing and Monument Signs. All free standing and monument signs shall include as part of their design landscaping about their base so as to prevent ~ehicle3 from hitting ffie- oign ftfttl to improve the overall appearance of the installation. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 942 Sl(part), 1992.) Landscaping areas shall consist of the following: 50% of the sign area of which 50% Shrubs (Minimum 50% flowering decorative shrubs,) 50% Ground Cover, or Cultivated flower beds - (Grass not allowed.) 15.24.150 Inspection. All sign users shall permit the periodic inspection of their sign by the City upon City request. (Ord. 588 S 2 ( part), 1980.) I I 15.24.160 More Restrictive provision to Apply. Whenever two (2) provisions of this Code overlap or conflict with regard to the size or placement of a sign, the more restrictive provision shall apply. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1992.) For those buildings on the Yelm Historic Register, the historic name painted or affixed to the building shall not be included in the sign calculations. 15.24.170 Buildings Facinq on Two Parallel Streets/or Corner. YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 1 , PAGE 12 c c o Single or multiple occupancy buildings whose premises extend through a block to face onto parallel streets with customer entrances on each street are permitted signs as per Section 16.75.180(1) per street frontage as per Section 16.75.180(1). Provided, however, that each sign is located on different street frontages and are separated more than one hundred (100) feet measured in a straight line between the signs. Signage for buildings located on corner streets shall be permitted 150% of the allowed sign area, ~Section 15.24.280, with a maximum 100% of area on one (1) street frontage. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 942 S 1 ( part), 1992.) 15.24.180 Signage on Awnings and Marquees. Signage will be allowed on awnings and marquees in commercial and industrial zones of the City. Such signage shall be limited to thirty percent (30%) coverage of the face of the marquee or one (1) square foot for each lineal foot of the front of the marquee, whichever is less or the exp03ed ourface of the awning. The signage area shall be calculated on the basis of the smallest rectangle, circle, or spherical figure that will enclose the entire copy area of t;he sign. Any such calculations shall include the areas betw~en letters and lines as well as the areas of any devices which 9re intended to attract attention. (Ord. 817 S4, 1987.) Signage a~ea shall be included in the overall calculation of total allowable ~or the building. 1 { i i , r 15.24.190 District Regulations. A. General. This section shall apply to all zones designated in Title 17, of the Yelm Municipal Code (Zoning Code.) B. Size and Type. 1. Home Occupations. Home occupation signs relate to home occupation as defined in the Zoning Ordinance. The sign shall be flushwall-mounted and shall not exceed 3ix (.6) four iil square feet in area, and cannot be interna~~y illuminated, but may be indirectly illuminated. - 2. Single-family Subdivisions. Two (2) signs identifying a subdivision may be permitted per entrance from an access street, provided said signs do not exceed eighteen (18) square feet in sign area each and five (5) feet in height. Such signs can be ~profile monument, free standing or fence mounted. and can be plaeed any\;hereon ~property along acceoo 3treeto, ~nece33arily cre entrance3. 3 . Multifamily Complex. Each permitted two (2) slgns per multifamily complex is entrance from an access YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 13 I __L c c o street identifying the complex, provided said signs do not exceed eighteen (18) square feet in sign area each and five (5) feet in height. and can be placed anY\lhcre on the property along acceS3 3treet3 not nece33arily at -nt-rnn -r, 4. Commercial, Industrial and Open Space/Institutional Districts. I a. Each single occupancy building not in a multiple building complex is permitted one monument or free standing sign, per Section 15.24.280 and one (1) of illlY- of the following signs: awning, marquee, or wall, per Section 15.24.280. b. Each multiple occupancy building is permitted one monument or free standing sign ~building, p]us on wall sign for primary exterior entrances las provided in Section 15.24.280. ~ c. Each multiple building complex is permitted one monument or free standing sign ~building, plus one wall sign for primary exterior entrances as provided in Section 15.24.280. d. A regional ohopping center (100,000 3quare feet in gr033 floor are-ef-buildings) TS-permitted eft-{+t directory type oign not exceeding twenty (20) feet in height and two hundred (200) 3quare feet in 3ign area. Ouch sign muot ee-located ~lea3t fifteen (15) feet from ~DroDert~ lineo aftcl-r;nhrn -f way--. 5. Commercial Subdivisions and Business Park District. Each commercial subdivision or business park is permitt;ed monument_two ill-signe_~entrance, one ill-wall sLgn per tenant, per Section 15.24.280. T r f C. Location. Free standing signs may be permitted anywhere ion the premises except ~required side yare except for witijin the sight triangle established by the Yelm Building Offici~~. Monument and Iml profile monument signs can be locatied adjacent to property lines but not within the sight triangle established by the Yelm Building Official. Directory-t~pe signs not to exceed six (6) square feet in height are permitted only within multiple building complexes such as business parks and governmental centers as an aide in client orientation. B. Free Ctanding Oign3. Free 3tanding 3ign3 are permitted o~ly "'lhere ~ eaH- ee- demonotrated that monument oigns are- fl't7t:- effecti~e due to topography, landscaping and/or natural vegetation, building location3/3etbacks, adjacent land U3e3, or other phY3ical re3traints not created by acto of the rlr-n-rt-u m Tn -r -fft- 3uch caocs, 3uch 3ian 3hall fi6't:- r-u~--rl 1 YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 14 c c c fiftccn (15) feet in height, shall not excccd thc 3ize standard3 of Chapter 16.75.180 (1), shall be subject to design approval by the City. It 3hall bc incuHlbent upon the owner/operator of 3uch facility to e3tabli3h thc need for 3uch 3ign ba3ed upon the abovc criteria. I i BD. Wall signs. The surface area of any building-mounted sign or canopy-mounted sign shall not exceed the figures derived from the follo~ing ochedule: Section 15.24.280. ~E. Illumination. Illumination, if used, shall be what is known as a white or yellow bulb and shall not be blinking, fluctuating or moving. Light rays shall shine only upon the sign or upon the property within the premises and shall not spillover the property lines, in any direction, except by indirect reflection. l SF. Honument Corner Signs. Corner signs shall be permitt~d, subject to the following criteria: If corner parcel with two street frontages and entrances on both streets and multi-building complex, a monument sign placed at the corner of the property can be a 2 or 3 faced sign; or, II. and entrances{on regular monum~nt 1 LmJ rrofile Uonumcnt Oign3. LmJ profile monument 3igns 3hJll be permitted, subject to the following criteria: If corner parcel with 2 street frontages both streets and multi-building complex, signs are permitted at each entrance. Low profilc monument 3igns shall not exceed five (5) feet in height a3 measured from the average ground elevation e:l:-efte-base e-f-efte-3ign, provided therc 4:e-fte-sight obstruction. Gign area shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet. Low profile monumcnt 3igns may bc placed on both 3ide3.of entrance3 to bU3ines8cs, with a maximum of four (4) sign3 total. Honument 31gn diagram 16.75.180. 15.24.200 Variances. Variances from provisions of this chapter may be granted by the City Council on recommendation of t he Planning Commission in accordance with Chapter 17.96, of the Yelm Municipal Code. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) 15.24.210 Legal Nonconforminq Signs. YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 15 A. Continuance. existing code be maintained codified in nonconforming Any sign which lS ln conformance with the exi3ting may be continued to be in operation and after the effective date of the ordina:qce this chapter and shall become a legal slgn provided: I o B. 1. No such sign shall be changed in any manner that increases the noncompliance of such sign with the provision of ordinance codified in this chapter established for slgns in the District in which the s~,',gn lS located. I 2. rrohibited 31gna, as-identified ~this chapter, 3hqll have ninety (90) daya after ~effective date ~~ chapter or after annexation of property into the City~f ":elm 't::e- ee- brought ifito conformity 'v;i th thi3 chapt;:cr except roof signs, \';hich shall e.e-allo'i"i'ed legal nonconforming status as provided herein. ~2. The burden of establishing a slgn to be legally nonconforming under this section rests upon the person or persons, firm or corporation claiming legal status for a slgn. 43. II Structural Alteration II means any action that changes the height, size, or shape of the sign or any action that affects the base or support (s) of the slgn. When a slgn is structurally altered, it ceases to be a legal nonconforming slgn and must conform with the provisions of this chapter. 54. When a business or activity containing a legal nonconforming sign lS enlarged or remodeled to a valueiof fifty (50) sixty (60) percent or more of existing va~ue of real property improvements, then such sign must!be brought in conformity with this chapter. i ~5. When a business or activity containing a legal nonconforming sign changes the type or name of uhe business, then such sign must be brought into conformaqce with this chapter. L .! By Violation of the Chapter. Any violation of thi~ ch~p~er shall terminate immediately the right to malntaln I a nonconforming sign. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 Ord. 942 ~ 1 ( part), 1992.) c 15.24.220 Termination of Signs. A. By Abandonment. No persons shall maintain or permit to be maintained on any premises owned or controlled by him/her ~ny sign which has been abandoned. . B. By Destruction, Damage, Obsolescence or Danger. The right to maintain any legal non-conforming sign shall terminate and shall cease to exist whenever the sign is: o YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 16 1. Damaged or destroyed beyond fifty percent (50%). The determination whether a sign is damaged or destro:y,ed beyond 50 percent (50%) shall rest with the Build.i;ng official and shall be based upon the actual cast ,of replacing said sign; and/or c 2. Structurally substandard under any applicable ordinance of the City to the extent that the sign becomes a hazard or danger. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) 15.24.230 Administrator-Appointment-Powers and Duties Generally. The Building Official shall be appointed and removed by the City Administrator. The Administrator is authorized and directed to enforce and carry out all provisions of this Code, both in letter and spirit, with vigilance and with all due speed. To that end, the Administrator is authorized to formulate procedures consistent with the purpose of this Code. The Administrator is further empowered to delegate the duties and powers granted to and imposed upon him under this Code. As used in the code, "Administrator of this Code" or Administrator shall include their authorized representative. (Ord. 588 S2 (part), 1980.) o 15.24.240 Administrator-Inspection Authority. The Administrator_is empowered to enter or inspect any building, structure of premises in the City, upon which or in connection with which, a sign, as defined by this Code, is located, for the purpose of inspection of the sing, its structural and electrical connections and to ins4re compliance with the provisions of this Code. Such inspectiqns shall be carried out during business hours unless an emergency exists. (Ord. 588 S2 (part), 1980.) J 15.24.250 Conflict and Severability. If any provision of this Cqde is found to be in conflict with any other provision of any zoni~g, building, fire, safety or health ordinance or code of the City, ~he provision which establishes the higher standard shall prevai). (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) 15.24.260 Violation - Penalty. A. Violation of the provisions of this Code or failure to comply with any of its requirements shall constitute a misdemeanor, and such violation shall be punished as proved by the statues of the State of Washington for the commission of a misdemeanor. Each day such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense. B. The erector, owner or user of an unlawful sign or the owner of the property on which an unlawful sign is located and maintains such violation may each be found guilty of a c YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 1 7 c c o separate offense and suffer the penalties herein provided. (Ord. 588 S2 (part), 1980.) 15.24.270 Removal of Unlawful Signs. A. Any unlawful permanent type sign which has not been removed within thirty (30) days after conviction of violation or imposition of civil penalty, may be removed by the city and the costs charged to the violator. If removal costs have not been paid and the sign reclaimed within thirty (30) days of it removal by the city, the City may sell or otherwise dispose of the sign and apply the proceeds toward costs of removal. Any proceeds ln excess of costs of removal shall be paid to the owner of the sign. B. Signs which the Administrator find upon public streets, sidewalks, rights-of-way or other public property or which wheresoever located present an immediate and serious danger ,to the public because of their unsafe condition may Ibe immediately removed by the Administrator without prior notiqe. C. Any unlawful temporary or portable type sign located on private property which has not been removed after twenty four (24) hours from notification may be removed by the City. The sign may be reclaimed by the owner after a civic penalty of one hundred (100) dollars has been paid. If the sign has not been reclaimed within thirty (30) days of its removal by the City, the City may sell or otherwise dispose of the sign and apply the proceeds toward costs of the removal. Any proceeds in excess of costs of the removal shall be paid to the owner of the sign. Neither the City nor any of its agents shall be liable for any damage to the sign when removed under this section. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 942 Sl(part), 1992.) Nonconforming Oign3 Abatement. A. Any sign ~hich is nonconforming in that it does not conform to ~regulations ~thi3 chapter ohall either ee-remo~ed er brought into cOffipliance \Ji th the chapter requirement3 \Ji thin the time period prescribed herein. 1. Any sign exi3ting \dthin the City on Oepteffi:ber 11, 1980. the date of adoption of Ordinance No. 589 which created ~previou3 Oign Ordinance, that does ~comply ~ this chapter mU3t be remo~ed or brought into compliance fiy-- IImJC"Jer, -i-f- such oign complie3 \;ith 4::fte 3tandard3 contained in Ordinancc No. 589, thcn it must be removed or brought into compliance by December 31, 2010. ~~ YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 18 ~ ~'t,V~:!}~2~~~:::=:~,::. ~. ?~~----~~..~~ :t'; i;':;;;~~:~:=I:~~;; ~6' . . . , ~ ~ ~ ~r,eI' al- kry/{Oee- ~ .,t y leu- fBJ"~e .6r,t"a--lo'r ~ ~~~'l~l~~~9~~~~~~~)' 1992'.~" .' .' c O '{ELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 \ \ 1 ~ \ \ \ PAGE 19 \-- - c c c Section 15 24 280 Sign Area - Sguare Footage Maximums . . Blda. /Gross Sian Heiaht Sian Area (Per Prooertv Floor Area Side) line I~ Setback 5,000 sq ft or FS - 8 ft FS --r6- 20 sq ft 5 ft , less MS - 5 ft MS - 40 sq ft 5,001 - 10,000 FS - 8 ft FS - rs- .lQ sq ft 5 ft ~ sq ft MS - 5 ft MS - 4& 50 sq ft 'I 10,001 - FS - .a- 10 ft FS - rs- 35 sq ft 10 ft 35,000 sq ft MS - 5- 6 ft MS - 50 sq ft 35,001 - FS - 10 ft FS - 40 sq ft 10 ft 60,000 sq ft MS - 6 ft MS - 72 sq ft 60,001 - FS - 15 ft FS - 75 sq ft 10 ft 75,000 sq ft MS - 6 ft MS - 90 sq ft 75,001 - FS - 15 ft FS - 100 sq ft 15 ft 100,000 sq ft MS - 6 ft MS - 120 sq ft 100,000 + sq FS - 20 ft FS - 150 sq ft 15 ft ft MS - 6 ft MS - 120 sq ft I ~ .,."-,,,,: i ~ ~ ! FS - Free standing sign MS - Monument sign ........ 1 GIGN rLUG AWNING ........ NO ROOF GIGNG Flush mounted wall signs - One (1) square foot for each lineal foot of store (occupant) frontage (main point of entry.) One identifier sign for businesses with a separate delivery access will be allowed, not to exceed two (2) square feet. Marquess Sign - Dame formula a~ above One (1) square foot for each lineal foot of the front of the marquee or thirty percent (30%) coverage of the face of the marquee, whichever is 'less. ' Awning - One (1) square foot for each lineal foot of the front of the marquee or thirty percent (30%) coverage of the face of the marquee, whichever is less. I f I t YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGEj,20 L\' c c c Section 15.24.290 Grand Opening/Special Event Sign Area. Blda. /Gross Prooertv Floor Area Sian Area line Setback 5,000 sq ft or 16 sq ft 5 ft less 5,001 - 10,000 20 sq ft 5 ft sq ft 10,001 - 25 sq ft 10 ft 35,000 sq ft 35,001 - 30 sq ft 10 ft 60,000 sq ft 60,001 - 40 sq ft 10 ft 75,000 sq ft 75,001 - 50 sq ft 15 ft 100,000 sq ft 100,000 + sq 60 sq ft 15 ft ft YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 21 1\ \ ~ ~,li. I' ll~ 1 t ~ I ~ f". '---" c o ----.------------;.~ _._,__ _ ____ ~ _ __~To.__,__._..._.-~---.- ~ ~ . City of Yelm 105 YelmAvenue West POBox 479, Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 AGENDA CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1996 4.00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL <';OUNCIL CHAMBERS,105 YELM AVE. W. 1 Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes December 4, 1995 mlllutes 2 Sign Code WorksesslOn Draft SIgn Code enclosed 3 Other - 4 Adjourn Enclosures are availab'le to non-CommIsSIon If you nee<i specIal' arrangements to attend contact ,Yelm CIty Hall, at 458-3244 menibers upon request. or cpartiClpate III this meeting, NEXT REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1996, 4.00 PM * Rec)'cled paper please, c City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-J244 -DATE January 16, 1995 TO Planning Cammissian FROM Cathie Carlsan RE Planning Department Update , 1995 was a busy andpraductive year far the Planning Department. I came an baard in March and have had the appartunity bmeet and wark with many fine pea pie Fallawing is a summary af the proj~ctsand activities which accurred during 1995 o Current' Planninq '1 Sho.rt Subdivisians (divisian af land into. four ar fewer parcels, as af July a shart subdivisian is nine or fewer parcels) The Planning Department finalized six shart subdivisian for a lotalaf thirteen residential lats_ and three cammercial lats 2 Baundary Line Adjustments The Planning Department processed six baundary line adjustments thraughaut the year 3 Preliminary Plats Nisqually Estates I & II - 120 lat single family subdlvisian O'Rearlndustrial Park - 12 ane acre industriallats 4 Final Plats Waadfield - 26 lat single family subdivisian o Kingsview Divisian II - 1310.t singlefamiiy subdivisian * Recycled paper (\ v c o 5 Site Plan Approval Tim's Pharmacy - 5,000 square foot addition to the existing use Prairie Lumber and Hardware - new construction of a 8,500 square foot lumber and building supply store The project is located on Creek Street, south of the Creek Street apartments Arnold's Mini-Mall - new construction of a 10,000 square foot building which will house 10 retail, specialty shops The project is located adjacent to Arnold's Country Inn Slopak Addition - site plan approval for the addition of approximately 1,300 square feet to the existing complex located on 1 st Street South Jennie's Bar & Grill - site plan approval for a 1,250 square foot remodel/addition Fairway Motors - used car/truck lot located on Yelm Avenue W next to Dirty Dave's Gallagher Remodel - site plan approval to remodel an existing commercial use located at 205 N First Street. Pam Paiz & William Magno - site plan approval in the CBD to convert the use from residential to commercial and remodel The building is located at 204 Yelm Ave SE next to the Mossman Bldg Yelm Retail Center - application for a multi-use retail center The proposed project is for approximately 60,000 square feet of space The application is in the review process and is pending until further information is provided by the applicant. 6 Rezone/Comprehensive Plan Amendment Rezone, from industrial to residential (6 units per acre) and Comprehensive Plan amendment to approximately 8 acres located on the east side of Crystal Springs Road and north of the UCBO 7 Variance/Amendments to Approved Project UCBO - sideyard setback reduction for the construction of a covered play shed Yelm Builders Supply - amendment to the approved site plan The amendment included a reduction in landscaped area and a reduction of two parking stalls (for traffic safety ) Yelm Retail Center West - application to revise the approved site plan for retail center located on Y elm Avenue West, northwest of Killion Road The application 2 (\ v c c is in the review process and is pending until further information is provided by the applicant. 8 Similar Use Classification CBD - addition of Health/Exercise Club as an allowed use Commercial Zone (C-1) - addition of minor automobile sales as an allowed use LonQ RanQe PlanninQ The Yelm Comprehensive Plan was adopted early 1995 The new zoning code and development guidelines were adopted in July, which implements the comprehensive plan Further revisions to the off-street parking code and stormwater manual occurred in September and October The Planning Commission has been working on a new sign code and design guidelines for commercial development and expects to recommend these two documents to the City Council in early 1996 Other long range planning activities included interjurisdictional committee work on varies issues, preparing to comply with ESB 1724, and transportation planning 1996 1996, brings to Yelm many exciting projects and activities Some of the projects which the Planning Department will be involved with include the new Post Office, planning for the new Library, working with Thurston Highlands on their final master plan approval, compliance with ESB 1724 and an update of the Transportation Plan 3 ,..- ( c c c YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1996, 4 00 P M YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda Item! Motion No 1 The meeting was called to order at 4 04 p m by chair Tom Gorman Members present Glenn Blando, Roberta Longmire, Adam Rivas, Tom Gorman, Ed Pitts, Joe Huddleston and Tom Cundy Members not In attendance Lyle Sundsmo, E J Curry Guests Amos Lawton, City Council liaison Staff Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson and Jerry Prock Approval of the minutes 96-01 MOTION BY ROBERTA LONGMIRE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 5, 1995 SECONDED BY JOE HUDDLESTON, MOTION CARRIED 2 Sign Code Worksession Cathy Carlson gave the staff report and explanation of the sign committee's suggested changes, etc Cathy explained the types of signs that are allowed for bUildings depending the on square footage, Ie, free standing, mounted wall sign, monument, marque, awning The new code eliminated off-Site signs such as garage sale signs, directional signs for real estate open houses, etc Cathy suggested that the planning commission go through It page by page to confirm the changes Joe Huddleston asked If murals on historic buildings were included in the code Cathy Carlson stated that If the signs-murals reflected advertiSing of any kind it could then be conSidered advertising and would fall under the codes, If It were art, It would be conSidered free speech Shelly Badger added that she was sure If they had to be on the hlstonc register Cathy will check on the cntena for thiS topic Tom Cundy arrived at 4 14 p m Yelm Planning Commission January 8, 1996 1 rC The planning commission then went through the draft On- Premises/Off-Premises Sign Regulations dated 11/95 and made comments as follows Page 5 FF - Special event signs Added to Include business activities [Note Error In lettenng this section, FF following GG should be HH, and second GG should be II ] Page 6 1 5 24 040 Permit fee - The city probably will not collect a permit fee, but the city would like to be able to keep tabs on what's happening and be aware of what signs are being Installed Page 7 K reduced the sign size to 2 sq ft Instead of 3 sq ft Page 8 D Portable signs - added "except as provided under temporary signing" which would Include grand openings, sandwich signs, etc C J Off-premises signs - deleted reference to Off Premises Sign Ordinance Page 11, F also refers to off-site banners and cloth signs Cathy advised that the only sign that would qualify for this use would be "Pratrle Days" Any applicant would have to prove that It was a community venture and not a business venture The committee then held discussion on the definition of "political" [See definition on page 4, V ] Paqe 9 B Grand Opening Displays - Changed temporary signs size from 4 sq ft to 20 sq ft Changed the language on sandwich board signs not to exceed 25ft x 4 ft Jerry Prock explained the need to change the wording In the last sentence of part B to read" an arc of more than forty-five percent (45%) from vertical" C Special Event Signs - Cathy went on to explain that events would be limited to four per year and that signs can be displayed for a period of 14 days and must be removed immediately upon expiration of the 14 day period Paqe 10 D 1 Jerry Prock explained the problems and complaints from the real estate agents, with signing and the agent's ability to advertise home houses One of the problems IS that some of the agent's are not removing their Signs at the end of the sale or open C Yelm Planning Commission January 8. 1996 2 (c c c house and the city crew then has to remove the sign Roberta Longmire commented that open houses are conducted for the seller that historIcally, houses are not sold at open houses but seller's want the real estate agent's to have them Tom Gorman made a suggestion of possibly charging a $50 00 deposit in order to put a sign up, they get the deposit returned when they take the sign down [Real Estate] Resldentral Directional Signs - Are not permitted All previous wording has been deleted Page 11 E Changed tIme perIod allowed to dIsplay sign from 60 days to 45 days F Off-Site Banners only permitted for Community Events only G Garage Sale Signs Delete wording allowing 2 off premises signs 15 24 100 Structural Requirements - deleted wording regarding Uniform Building Code 15 24 110 Electrical Requirements - added " regulated by Dept of Labor & Industries Deleted sectIon regarding National ElectrIcal Code Page 12 15 24 130 Maintenance - changed "fastened" to "erected" and changed time limit from 5 days to 15 days after notice to repair or remove hazardous signs 15 24 140 Landscaping - new language comes from the "Design GUidelines" Pages 13 and 14 15 24 190 District Regulations 1 Change flush-mounted to wall-mounted, not to exceed 4 ft (a change from 6 ft ) 2 Single family sub-diVIsIons - One sign per entrance, deleting wording allowing monument to be placed anywhere on property 3 Multifamily Complex - limiting signs at entrances only, deleting wording allowing signs anywhere on property Yelm Planning Commission January 8, 1996 3 ( 'C C C o Free Standing Signs - Section "0" has been eliminated Remaining sections E, F, and G have been renumbered 0, E and F Paqes 15 and 16 Took out section H (Low Profile Monument Signs) 15 24 210 (Legal Nonconforming Signs) Deleted Section 2 (prohibited signs) Renumbered remainder of section Section 5 (new section 4 ) changed from 50% to 60% Paqe 18-19 Nonconforming Signs Abatement - A This section was eliminated entirely 3 Other No other business 4 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5 40 p m The next planning commiSSion meeting will be held of Monday, January 22, 1996 at 4 00 p m Respectfully submitted, Krrs Taylor Secretary Tom Gorman, Chairperson Planning Commission Date Yelm Planning Commission January 8, 1996 4 c c o DA.TE January 3 1996 TO Planning Commission FROM Cathie carlSo& RE Draft Sign Code City of feint 105 Yelm Avenue West PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 (360) 458-3244 Attached is;the draft s!gn code as revised by the planning commission subcommittee The underlined text is!anguage added by the subcomm!ttee and the strike through text IS language whIch was deleted by the subcornmlttee While the draft sIgn code IS very similar to thEl existing code there are a few significant differences , , Monument Signs in the new code are the preferred signage As an Incentive to encourage monument signs over free standing signs the code allows more sign area on monument Signs Please refer to the table in Section 14 25 280, for maximum sign area allowed The new code eliminates off-premise signs except for directlona,l signs as defined on page 7 and off-site banners or cloth signs as defined on page 11 Another issue which was djscussed extensively by the subcommittee wastheneed to regulate nwra!s Murals yvhlch include no advertlsmg would be defined as art Art on private property IS considered free speech and !~ protected by the constitutlor"l if the mural contains sarna form of advertls;ng then it would be classified as a sign and governed by the sign code as far as Size but not content One method of regulatmg murals (art) would be through the designation of "an Historic District Once a History District Was established cnteria and a method for review of murals would need to be established The subcommittee felt the issue of regulating murals should be a discussion that occurred between the entire planning Gommlttee before any direction was taken by the subcommittee * Recycled paper ~ \ o ,~ v c 0""'. '....""""... ~r. .^ . - .,.. D R AFT YELM ON-PREMISES/OFF-PREMISES SIGN REGULATIONS """"' ~''\. }~~ . ~ /<. 1 . ,~ r __' '.-'" f," '.,.)' , .. tY'" Sections: 15.24.010 15.24.020 15.24.030 15.24.040 15.24.050 15.24.060 15.24.070 15.24.080 15.24.090 15.24.100 15.24.110 15.24.120 15.24.130 15.24.140 15.24.150 15.24.160 15.24.170 15.24.180 15.24.190 15.24 200 15.24.210 15.24.220 15 . 2 4,. 2 3 0 Intent Definltions and Abbreviatlons Permits and Fees Required Permlt--Requlrements Permit--Applications Fee Schedule Exemptlons Prohibited Signs Temporary Signs Structural Requirements Electrical Requirements Illumination Maintenance Landscaping for Free-Standing Signs Inspection More Restrlctlve provlsion to Apply Buildings Facing on Two Parallel Streets Signing on Awnings and Marquees District Regulatlons Variances Legal Nonconforming Signs Termination of Signs Adminlstrator-Appointment-Powers Generally Adminlstrator-Inspectlon Authorlty Conflict and Severabllity Violation-Penalty Removal of Unlawful Signs Nonconfonl11ng Oign:J Abatcment 'Ji;:mal Quality Sign Area - Square Footage Maxlmums & Duties , 15.24.240 15.24.250 15.24.260 15.24.270 15.24.200 15.24.290 15.24.280 15.24.010 Intent. The intent of this chapter is to provide minlmum standards to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare by regulating ftftd-controlling the number, size, design, quality of materlals, construction, location, electrificatlon and maintenance of all signs and sign structures; to preserve and improve the appearance of the Clty as a place in which to llve and as an attraction to non-residents who come to visit or trade; to encourage sound slgning practices as an ald to business and for public information but to prevent excessive and confusing slgn~ng displays. (Ord. 588 S2 (part), 1980) :; YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAG~ 1 i I I I (\ G i I 15.24.020 Definitions and Abbreviations. For the purpose of this chapter, definitions as defined in Chapter 16.06 and certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in this section. A. "Abandoned sign" means any sign WhlCh is located on property which becomes vacant and unoccupied for a period of six (6) months or more, or any sign WhlCh relates to any occupant or business unrelated to the present occupant or his business, or any sign which pertains to a time, event or purpose which no longer applies. B. "Advertising vehicles" means any vehicle or traller on a public right-of-way which has attached thereto, or located thereon, any sign or advertising device for the basic purpose of providing advertisement of products or directing people to a business or actlvlty located on the same or nearby property I or any other premlses. This provlslon is not to be construed as prohibiting the identification of a firm or ltS principal products on a vehicle operating during normal course of business Franchised buses or taxis are exempt from this chapter. c. "Animated slgn" means any slgn WhlCh includes action or motion or the optlcal illusion of action or motion, or color changes of all or any part of the sign facing, requiring electrical energy, or set in motion by movement of the atmosphere. Excluded from the deflnltion are public service signs, changing message center slgns, searchlights and flags. c D. "Awning" lS a temporary shelter supported entirely from the exterior wall of a bUllding. E. "Bulletin board (reader board)" means a sign so designed that the message may be changed by removal or addition of speclally designed letters that attach to the face of the sign. F. "Changing message center slgns" means an electronically or electrically controlled sign where different automatic changing messages are shown on the same lamp bank. G. "Construction sign" means any slgn used to identify the archltects, engineers, contractors or other indivlduals or firms involved with the construction of a building and announce the character of the building or the purpose for which the building is intended. H. "Flashlng sign" means any sign which contains an intermittent or flashing light source or which includes the illusion of lntermittent or flashing light by means of animatlon or an externally mounted intermittent light source. Excluded from c YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 2 (\ v the definition are public serve and changing message center signs. 1. "Free-standing sign" means any sign which is supported by one or more uprights, poles or braces in or upon the ground. J. "Garage sale signs" (i. e., yard sales, moving sales, patlo sales) means temporary signs used to announce a sale of used items. K. "Grade" means the elevation or level of the street closest to the slgn to which reference is made, as measured at the street's centerline, or the relative ground level in the immedlate vicinity of the sign. L. "Grand openlng displays" means temporary signs, posters, banners, strings of lights, clusters of flags, balloons and searchlights used to announce the opening of a completely new enterprlse or the opening of an enterprise under new management. M. "Height or height of sign" means the vertical distance from the "grade" to the highest point of a sign or any vertical projection thereof, including its supporting columns. N. "Landscaplng" means any material used as a decorative feature, such as shrubbery or planting materials, planter boxes, concrete bases, brick work, decorative framing or pole covers, used in conjunctlon with a sign which expresses the theme of the sign and related structure but does not contain advertising copy. c o. "Legal nonconforming sign" means a sign which (a) on the effectlve date of the ordinance codifled ln this chapter was lawfully maintained and had been lawfully erected in accordance with the provisions of any prior sign ordinance or code but which sign does not conform to the applicable limitatlons established by this chapter; or (b) on or after the effectlve date of the ordinance codifled in this chap~er was lawfully maintained and erected in accordance with the provlslons of this chapter but WhlCh slgn, by reason of amendment of the ordinance codified in this chapter after the effective date thereof, does not conform to the applicable Ilmltations establlshed by the amendment of thlS chapter P. "Mansard roof" means a sloped roof or roof-like facade architecturally able to be treated as a bUllding wall. Q. "Marquee" is a permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by the building and projecting over public property. (\ V YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 3 o c (\ ~ '''.; ;, ~''''';: R. "Marquee Sign" means any slgn attached to or supported by a marquee. S. "Monument sign" is a ground mounted slgn WhlCh 3 feet above the average ground elevation attached to the ground by means of a wide appearance. lS hlgher than and which lS base of solid T. "Multiple building complex" means a group of structures housing at least one retall business, office, commercial venture or independent or separate part of a bUSlness which shares the o~me lot access and/or parking facllities. U "Multlple occupancy bUlldlng" means a single structure hous~ng more than one retall buslness, offlce or commercial venture. v. "Polltical sign" means a sign advertising a candidate or candidates for public elective office, or a political party, or slgns urging a particular vote on a public lssue declded by ballot W. "Portable (moblle) sign" means a sign made of any material, which by is design, is readily movable and lS equipped wlth wheels, casters or rollers or which lS not permanently afflxed to the ground, structure or bUllding. (Also lncludes sldewalks or sandwlch board signs, and slgns mounted upon the tops of vehlcles.) x. "Projecting sign" means a slgn other than a flat wall slgn, whlch is attached to and projects from a buildlng wall or other structure not specifically designed to support the sign. Y "Public service signs" means an electronlcally or electrically controlled public serVlce sign or portlon of a larger sign which conveys only information such as time, date, temperature, atmospheric conditlon or general news lnformatlon where dlfferent alternating copy changes are shown on the same lamp bank matrlX. Z "Real estate or property for sale, rental, or lease sign" means any sign pertaining to the sale, lease or rental of land or bUlldings. AA. "Roof sign" means any sign erected upon, agalnst or dlrectly above a roof or on top of or above the parapet of a bUlldlng BB. "Searchlight" means an apparatus contalning an electrlc Ilght and reflector on a swivel for projecting a far-reaching beam in any desired direction. CC. "Shopplng Center" - see "T" above. YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 4 c (\ G c ;..l,:'_:......._'"'!~!'","'-. ~"..~;-;:''':.~.,''"Y.,.... B- ~~ ,~-, ~ DD. "Sign" means any commercial communication device, structure ,or fixture that is extended to aid an establishment in identification and to advertise and/or promote a buslness, service, activlty or interest. For the purpose of this chapter, a sign shall not be considered to be bUlldlng or structural design, but shall be restricted solely to graphics, symbols or written copy that is meant to be used in the aforementioned way. EE. "Sign area" means the entire area of a sign on WhlCh copy lS to be placed. Only one side of a double-faced sign shall be lncluded. The area of painted slgns, lndividual letter signs, and other indirectly illuminated signs, shall be calculated ion the basis of the smallest rectangle, circle or spherical figure that wlll enclose the entire copy area of the slgn. Any such calculation shall include the areas between letters and Ilnes, as well as the areas of any devices, illumlnated or non-illuminated, WhlCh are intended to attract attentlon. FF. "Special event signs" means temporary signs used to announce a circus, a carnlval, festlvals, bUSlness actlvltles or other similar events. GG. "Temporary sign" means any sign, banner, pennant, valance, flags (not intended to lnclude flags of any natlon, state, clty, or other governmental agency, or nonprofit organlzation), searchlights, balloons or other air or gas filled flgures or advertislng display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard or other light materials, with or without frame, lntended to be displayed for a limited perlod of time only. Different types of temporary slgns included in this category are construction, grand opening displays, real estate, special event, political and garage sale FF. "Wall" means any member or group of members, which defines the exterior boundaries of a building and which as a slope of 60 degrees or greater with the horizontal plane. The height of a wall shall be measured as the two-dimensional height from the average finish grade of the particular architectural bUlldlng elevatlon adjacent to the wall to the finish roof plane. GG. "Wall slgn" means any sign attached to or palnted directly on the wall or erected against the wall of a building being parallel or approximately parallel to said wall; and does not exceed a dlstance of fifteen (15) lnches from said wall. (Ord. 588 S2 (part), 1980, Ord. 817 S2(part), 1987, and Ord 942 S 1 (part), 1992.) YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 P.Z\..GE 5 c , /1 --7'- ..;~:J~ _ ' I ' i -'Ii I i 15.24.030 Permits and Fees Required. No sign permit shall lbe issued unless the sign installer has a valid Washington State contractors license; provided, however, ~ an applicant n;tay obtain a permit to install a sign on his own property without a state license. (Ord. 588 S2 (part), 1980 and Ord. 942 S1 (part), 1992. ) ~~-".-... 15.24.040 Permit--Requirements. No slgn governed by the provlslqns of this Code of more than four (4) ~quure feet l~ slgn area shqll be erected, structurally altered or relocated by any person, f~rm or corporatlon after the date of adoption of thls Code wlthout a permit issued by the City (with the exceptlons as noted.) No new permit is required for slgns which have permits and which conform with the requirements of this Code on the date of its adoption unless and until the sign is structurally altered or relocated. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) (\ V 15.24.050 Permit--Applications. Appllcatlons for permlts shall contain the name and address of the owner and user of the sign, the name and address of the owner of the property on which the sign is to be located, the locatlon of the slgn structure, drawings or photographs showing the design and dimensions of the sign and details of its proposed placement and such other pertlnent informatlon as the Administrator of this Code may require, to lnsure compliance with this Code and other applicable ordinances. Permit appllcations shall be avallable for lnspectlon by the public upon request. Upon completion of a permit application, the application shall be acted on wlthln two (2) weeks unless there is a requirement for further time under 8EPA. (Ord. 588 82(part), 1980. ) 15.24.060 Fee Schedule. Fees for sign permits shall be established by the BUllding Official as determined by the Unlform Building Code (adopted edltion.) (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 666837, 1982.) 15.24.070 Exemptions. The following signs do not require a s{gn permit (unless noted,) nor shall the area and number of such signs be lncluded ln the area and number of slgns permitted for any site or use. This shall not be construed as relievlng the owner of the sign from the responsibllity of its erection and maintenance and its compliance with the provislons of this chapter or any other law or ordinance. A. The flag, emblem or insignia of a natlon or other governmental uni t or nonprofit organizatlon subj ect to the gUldellnes concerning thelr use set forth by the government or organlzation which they represent. Flag poles reaUlre a sian permit for structural reVlew. (\ L; YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 6 c (\ ~ c L .Z~ i.-, I ,-J B. Memorial signs or tablets, names of building, wlndows and dates of erection when cut into the facade of the building or when projecting not (2) inches. stained glass surface or the more than two C. Traffic or other municipal slgns, signs required by law ior emergency, rallroad crossing slgns, legal notices; and any . I temporary, or non-advertlslng slgns as may be authorlzed iby the City Council. D. Signs of public utility companies indlcating danger or which serve as an aid to public safety or which show the location of underground facilities or of public telephones. E. Flush-mounted wall signs, used to identify the name and address of the occupant' for each dwelling provided the slgn does not exceed tow (2) square feet ln sign area. F. Signs located in the interior of any bUllding or wlthin an enclosed lobby or court of any bUllding or group of bUlldlngs, which signs are designed and located to be viewed excluslvely by patrons of such use or uses. G. One bulletln board not over fifty (50) square feet in sign area for each publlC, charitable or religious institution where the same are located on the premises of sald lnstltutlon. (A sign permlt lS required.) H. Decorations' Such signs in the nature of decoration, clearly incidental and customary and commonly assoclated wlth any natlonal, local or religious hollday. I. Painting, repainting or cleaning of an advertising structure or the changlng of the advertislng copy of message thereon shall not be considered an erection or alternation which requires a slgn permit unless a structural change is made. J. Sculptures, fountains, mosaics and design features which do not incorporate advertising or identification. K. "No trespasslng," "no dumping," "no parking," "private," signs identifying es sential public needs (i. e , restrooms, entrance, exit, telephone, etc.) and other lnformational warning signs, which shall not exceed three (3) two (2) square feet in surface area. L. Dlrectlonal slgns erected by the City on publlC .J.rte::iu.~. streets dlrecting the public to emergency, public, C1V1C or nonproflt facilities. Such siqn !I@Lhave an arrow and the YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGj:: "/ , , ""'~'~C'"0;;;;:~:S"~~~~ '::}::;::2':.'~"~":;:;'~;;~:"~?{~:~:::3f.:'~:i~~~~~~~J.{~fi/!i'~~:,~~~i~~~yg:;~4fE~~~~"I~!:'f:.~4~i;~2?i?Ji:#~~:,;;,~iE"!'t7~~f;::b:f~~;~:~b,~B;I7~JI~~~::'~~~ 'd"'",,- . r" /f ').. "~~ ,~ J/ I I ..c type of service available. Such sign shall not exceed ~wo I' C square feet. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 942 Sl(par~), I 1992.) , I 15.24.080 Prohibited Signs. Prohibited signs are subject to removal (except legal nonconforming signs as defined by thls chapter) by the City at the owner's or user's expense. The followlng slgns or displays are prohibited: A Roof slgns B. Animated slgns. C Flashing slgns D Portable signs, except as provided under temoorary slgns. E. Advertising vehicles. F. Signs WhlCh purport to be, or are, an imitatlon of, or resemble an official traffic sign or signal, or which bear the words "stop," "cautlon," "danger," "warnlng," or similar words. G. Signs which, by reason of their size, location, movement, content, colorlng or manner of lllumlnatlon may be confused with or construed as a trafflc control slgn, signal or device, or the light of an emergency or radio equipment vehlcle; or WhlCh obstruct the visibillty of traffic or street slgn or slgnal deVlce. {\ V H. Signs which are located upon proJecting over publlc streets, sidewalks, or rlghts-of-way, except as provlded for awnlngs and marquees in Sectlon 15.24 280 I. Signs attached to utillty poles J. Off-premises slgns. ~J referred to In Of= rreffilJeJ Sign Ordinance. K. Strings of banners, pennants, and other graffltl-like materlal. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980, Ord. 817 S2(part), 1987, and Ord. 942 S1(part), 1992.) 15.24.090 Temporary Signs. The followlng signs are classlfled as temporary (non-permanent.) Temporary signs are permitted subject to the applicable limitations: A. Constructlon Signs. A slgn permit is required. Such signs may be displayed only after a building permit is obtained and during the perlod of construction on the construction site c YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PP..GE 8 c ~ u c ," ;- '.. Only one such slgn is permitted per construction project for each public street upon which the project fronts. The applicable limits are as follows: 1. In all zones other than slngle-family residential zones, no construction sign shall exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in sign area (printed copy on one side only) or ~en (10) feet in height, nor be located closer than ten (10) feet from the property line or closer than thirty (30) feet from the property llne from the abutting owner. 2. In single-family residential zones, no construct1on sign shall exceed thirty-two (32) square feet (printed copy on one side only) or ten he1ght, nor be located closer than ten (10) property line of the abutting owner. in sign area ( 10 ) feet 1n feet from the B. Grand Opening Displays A no-fee slgn permit 1S required. Such temporary signs, posters, banners (not to exceed 20 square feet,) strings of Ilghts, clusters of flags, balloons or other a1d or gas filled f1gures, and searchl1ghts are permitted on premise only and for a period of fourteen Lli) ~c~cn (7) days only to announce the opening of a completely new enterpr1se or the opening of an enterprise under new management. Sandwich Board slgns are permitted provided each side does not exceed ~K-~ All such materials shall be removed immediately upon the expiratlon of fourteen (14) se~cn t-1-t days. Such display;] .J.rc pcrmitted only in diotrict3 'vJhere thc cntcrpri;]c ;]0 adverti;]cd lO allo'vJed under di;]trict zoning rcgulut1ons. Search lights may be permitted by any business or enterprise provided the beam of light does not flash against any building or does not sweep an arch of forty five percent (45%) from vertical. C. Special Event Signs-for Businesses and Organizations. A no- fee sign perm1t 1S required. Such temporary signs may be placed upon pri~atc property on prem1se only and shall not be larger than four (4) twenty (20) square feet. Sandw1ch Board signs are permitted provided each side does not exceed 2~' x ~ Sald signs shall not be posted or attached to telephone poles, power poles or other public utility facilities. Such signs may be displayed thirty (30) days prior to an event and must be removed wi thin seven (7) days after the event' s conclus1on. Spec1al events are lirn1ted to four (4) per year. The event committee for which the sign is displayed shall be responsible for its removal and subject to the penalties as provided in this Code. Search lights may be permitted by any business or enterprise prov1ded the beam of light does not flash against any build1ng or does not sweep an arch of forty flve percent (45%) from vert1cal. YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 9 ... ..~~ D. Real Estate Signs. No sign permit is required. All exterior real estate signs must be of wood or plastic or other durable material. The permitted signs, with applicable limits, are as follows: c 1. Residential "for sale", "open house", and "sold" slgns: Such signs shall be limited to one sign per street frontage not to exceed f1ve (5) square feet in slgn area, placed wholly on the property for sale, and not to exceed a height of seven (7) feet. 2. Res1dential directional "open house" slgns are not permitted. Such ~ign~ ~hall bc limltcd to onc ~lgn per ~trcet frontage eft-~prcffii3e~ fer-~alc ttftcl-thrce t3t off prcmises ~lgn~. IIm;cv.cr, 1f a realtor ha~ more than onc hou~c opcn for in~pcction in a ~inglc dc~clopffient or ~ubdi~i~ion, hc/~he i~ limitcd to four (4) off premi3c~ "opcn hou~c" ~lgn3 for thc cntirc dCv'clopment or 3ubdivi3ion. Such 31gn3 arc pe~mittcd only during daylight hour3 and ~hen the realtor or 3eller or an agent lS in attcndancc at thc property for 3ale. No such 3ign 3hall excccd fivc (5) 3quarc feet in 3igh arca. the 3ign may bc placed along thc pcriphery of a public right of - wa-y- 'vJi thln onc t+T- m1lc e-f- ffie- 3ubJ cct rC3identio.l dCJclopment. c 3 Undeveloped commerc1al and 1ndustrial property "for sale or rent" signs: One sign per street frontage advertising undeveloped commercial and industrial property for sale or rent. The sign shall not exceed thlrty-two (32) square feet in sign area and ten (10) feet to top of slgn. 4. Developed commerc1al and industr1al property" for sale or rent" signs: One sign per street frontage advert1sing a commercial or industrial building for rent or sale is permitted while the bU1lding 1S actually for rent or sale. If one face of the building is less than ten (10) feet from the property bU1lding line, the sign shall be placed on the bU1lding or in a window. The slgn shall not exceed ten ( 10) feet to top of slgn, if free- standing, shall be located more than fifteen (15) feet from any abutting property line and a publ1C right-of-way llne Said sign shall not exceed thlrty-two (32) square feet in sign area. 5 Undeveloped residential property "for sale" signs: One on-prem1se sign per street frontage advertising undeveloped residential property for sale 1S perm1tted not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet 1n slgn area. Said sign must be placed more than thirty (30) feet from c YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 10 --"0 '-C'=;"'~#';C"';'-~~'''''':;'1~;:'7A"~7t'-7'~ the abutting owner's property line and may not exceed a height of ten (10) feet to top of sign. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~__,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,_",,,,"_.,,. .",,;'^,,'.~' ""=<=O'=,-=-='''''''''_-,~,''''-',",..,._-..-_~. '~ -., ...... c E. Political Signs. No sign permit is required. Political signs or posters may be placed upon private property only and shall not be larger than ten (10) square feet of sign area and shall not be posted or attached to telephone poles, power poles or other public utility facilities. Such signs may be displayed no sooner than the next to the last Monday 1n July pr10r to an election (except for spec1al elect10ns which may display such signs no sooner than forty-five (45) oixty (60) days prior to the elect1on) and must be removed seven (7) days after the election 1n Wh1Ch the candidate or issue advertised on a sign has been determined. For a successful candidate in a primary election the sign may rema1n until the final election, but shall be removed within seven (7) days after the election. The candidate or committee for which the sign is displayed shall be responsible for its removal and subj ect to the penalties as provided 1n this Code. F. Off-Site Banners or Cloth Signs. Such signs may be perm1tted for Community Events only I and may extend across a public street by permission of the City Manager or his/her appo1nted representative. Such signs may only be placed at City des1gnated 10cat1ons and erected by C1ty personnel, or h1s/her ap?olnted re?resentatlve. c G. Garage Sale (Yard Sales, Moving Sales, Patio Sales.) No sign permit is requ1red Such slgn shall be limited to one (1) sign on the premises, ~nd two (2) off prcmioeo oigno. No such sign shall exceed four (4) square feet in the slgn area. The sign or signs may be displayed only during the sale and must be removed the day the sale ends. The person or persons for whlch the sign or signs are dlsplayed shall be respons1ble for which the sign or signs are displayed shall be responsible for its removal and subject to the penalties as provided in this Code. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 942 S1(part), 1992.) 15.24.100 Structural Requirements. The structure and erection of signs or flag poles within the City shall be governed by the Uniform BU1lding Code, 1994 Edition (or any superseding ed1 tion adopted by the City.) COffipli~nce ',ath the-Uni~orm BUllding eeee oh~ll fle-e-prcrcqu101tc ~ioouance ~e-oign permit under ~ Code. (Ord 588 S2(part), 1980.) 15.24.110 Electrical Requirements. Electrical requlrements for signs with1n the City shall be reaulated by the Department of Labor and Industr1es. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) gO'v'crncd by thc N~tion~l Elcctrical Codc. Campli~nce with the N~t10n~1 Elcctr1cal Code ohall be rcquircd by c~cry 3lgn utiliz1ng clcctrical cnergy ~o ~ prcrequloite to ioou~ncc of ~ olgn permit undcr th10 Codc. o YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 11 o I .... .__.-, "'~"~-"",:~'if7'h""'~~~:~;~~~~Fr';; 15.24.120 Illumination. Illumination from or upon any slgn shall be shaded, shielded, directed or reduced so as to avoid undue brightness, glare or reflection of light on private or publlc property in the surrounding area, and so as to avoid unreasonable distracting pedestrians or motorists. "Undue brightness" is illumination in excess of that which is reasonable necessary to make the sign reasonable v1sible to the average person on an adjacent street. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) -1- 15.24.130 Maintenance. All signs, 1ncludlng slgns heretofore installed shall be constantly maintalned in a state of securlty, safety, appearance and repair. If any sign is found not to be so maintained or is insecurely fastened or otherwise dangerous, it shall be the duty of the owner and/or occupant of the premlses on which the sign is erected f~3~cncd to repair or remove the sign within f1fteen (15) flve (5) days after receiving notice from the Building Off1c1al. The prernlses surrounding a free-standlng sign shall be free and clear of rubbish and the landscaping area maintained in a tidy manner. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 942 S 1 ( part), 1992.) o 15.24.140 Landscaping for Free-standing and Monument Signs. All free standing and monument signs shall include as part of the1r design landscaping about their base so as to prcvcnt vchiclc3 =rom hltting ffie- 3lgn Ufi€l: to 1mprove the overall appearance of the installat1on. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 942 S1(part), 1992.) Landscaping areas shall consist of the following: 50% of the sign area of which 50% Shrubs (Minimum 50% flowerinG decorative shrubs,) 50% Ground Cover, or Cultivated flower beds - (Grass not allowed.) 15.24.150 Inspection. All sign users shall permit the periodic inspection of their sign by the C1ty upon Clty request. (Ord. 588 S 2 ( part), 19 80 . ) 15.24.160 More Restrictive provision to Apply. Whenever two (2) provisions of th1S Code overlap or confllct with regard to the size or placement of a sign, the more restrictive provision shall apply. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1992.) For those buildings on the Yelm Histor1c Register, the historic name painted or aff1xed to the building shall not be 1ncluded in the sign calculations. 15.24.170 Buildings Facing on Two Parallel Streets lor Corner. Single or rnult1ple occupancy buildings whose premlses extend through a block to face onto parallel streets with customer entrances on each street are permltted slgns as per Section 16.75.180(1) per street frontage as per Sect10n 16.75.180(1). Provided, however, that each sign is located on different street frontages and are separated more than one hundred (100) feet o YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DR~FT* 11/95 P.~GE 12 c c c ,< '-;i:~' ...,.::'':,C.-......._':. .- . ~-- - .""_"""'_"....' ~o:".,~.'"..k'-; ~'"--':"'~' >->~.~ ~'_6'_.... _.p........ -,..,~... .-'-'~ t . ~---c.." -~. ..~_::-:.-:~""' ' '. - . , i;::,c;;"~::<::::~i!s':V1r'.."'f' ~"'7i'O" ..~':i"':,<:;~::ij?,'" L ,!\ J._ttt ~ ,'-, " ,,~, -11 "" I , - ~ ",I ,ij ~ .' I '1 I ! measured 1n a straight line between the signs. Signage for buildings located on corner streets shall be permitted 150% of the allowed sign area, ~Section 15.24.280, with a maximum 100% of area on one (1) street frontaqe. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 942 S 1 ( part), 1992.) 15.24.180 Signage on Awnings and Marquees. Slgnage wlll be allowed on awnings and marquees in commercial and 1ndustr1al zones of the City. Such slgnage shall be limited to thirty percent (30%) coverage of the face of the marquee or one (1) square foot for each lineal foot of the front of the marquee or the expo3ed 3urf~ee of the a;Jning. The signage area shall be calculated on the baS1S of the smallest rectangle, circle, or spherical figure that will enclose the entire copy area of the sign. Any such calculations shall include the areas between letters and lines as well as the areas of any devices which are intended to attract attention. (Ord. 817 S4, 1987.) Slgnage area shall be 1ncluded in the overall calculation of total allowable for the building. 15.24.190 District Regulations. A. General This section shall apply to all zones designated in Title 17, of the Yelm Mun1cipal Code (Zoning Code) B. Size and Type 1 Home Occupations. Home occupation signs relate to home occupation as def1ned in the Zoning Ordinance. The sign shall be flu3hwall-mounted and shall not exceed 3l:{ (6) four iil square feet in area, and cannot be internally illuminated, but may be indirectly illuminated. 2. Single-family Subdivisions. Two (2) slgns identifying a subdivision may be permitted per entrance from an access street, provided said slgns do not exceed eighteen (18) square feet in sign area each and five (5) feet in height. Such slgns can be ~profllc monument, free stand1ng or fence mounted. und c~n be pLJ.ccd ~n:ir,Jhere on ~prcperty along QCCC33 3treet3, ~necc33~r1ly ~ entro.nce3. 3 Multifamily Complex Each multifamily complex 18 permitted two (2) signs per entrance from an access street identifying the complex, provlded said slgns do not exceed eighteen (18) square feet in sign area each and f1ve (5) feet in height. and can be placed anyr,.;hcre on the property along ~cce33 3treet3, not nece33ar1ly Q~ entrance3. 4. Commercial, Industr1al and Open Space/lnst1tutional YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 13 Districts. a. Each single occupancy building not in a mul t1ple bU1ld1ng complex 1S permitted monument one (1) wall signft ae-de~cribed ~~ection 16.75.180 H-~~ eede and one ilLQLQllLQ.L the following signs: monument, awnlng, marquee, or free standing, per Section 15.24.280. Each multiple occupancy building is permitted monument one (1) slgnft a~ de~cr1bed 1n ~ect1on 16.75.100 H-e-f-this eede ~building, plus one wall sign for pr1mary exterior entrances as prov1ded in Section 15.24.280 and one (1) wall sig~ per tenant, per Section 15.24.280 Each multiple building complex is permitted monument one ilLsignft_and one ilLwall slgn per tenant, per Section 15.24.280. A region~l ~hopping center (100,000 ~quare feet in gro~~ floor ere-e-f-building~) Tft-permltted frft-~ dlrectory type ~ign not exceeding twenty (20) feet in height ~nd t~o hundred (200) oqu~re feet in ~ign area. Cuch ~lgn must be-located ftt-le~~t f1fteen (15) feet from a:-H:-propert~i line~ ~ rl --r1-1t-"l nf '1ffl:Tj'o c b. ,,-, "-.,...-,~,,..,:,-"'- "----,. -"- -. ., ,.'...........0.......- ._-r'~";" ~~. .~. ,.'--".~.,.r<-.-7"- -, .. - .... -"::'1"' ...:.~"- '" A """"7 ' , it i,t-, . ,c_ I ,I \! 'I' :~: c. e. Commerc1al Subd1v1s1ons and BUSlness Park D1str1ct Each commerc1al subdivision or business park is permitted monument_two ill-signft_~entrance, one ilLwall sian per tenant, per Section 15.24.280 5 c C Location Free standing signs may be permitted anywhere on the prem1ses except 1n requ1red ~lde yard or with1n the slght tr1angle established by the Yelm Building Official Monument ~-3:-ew- profile monument slgns can be located adjacent to property llnes but not within the sight tr1angle establ1shed by the Yelm BUlld1ng Offic1al. Directory-type slgns not to exceed SlX (6) square feet in height are permitted only within multiple bU1ld1ng complexes such as business parks and governmental centers as an a1de 1n cllent orientation. D. Free Ct~nd1ng Cign~. Free ~tanding Jign~ ~re permitted only ',Jhere ~ eatr- be- demonotrated that monument 31gn3 ere- ~ effective due to topography, l~nd~cap1ng ~nd/or n~tural vegetation, building loc~tion3/3etback~, ~dj~cent land u~e3/ or other phY31C~1 re3tralnt3 not created by act~ of the property mmer. +rr-- such ca~e~, ~uch ~lgn ~hall ~ exceed fifteen (15) feet in height, ~hall not exceed the ~ize ot~ndard8 of Chapte~ 16.75.100 (I), ~hall be subJect to deoign ~pprov~l by the City. It 3hall be lncumbent upon the owner/operator of ~uch facility to e~tablish the need for ~uch :'11rTD n:").,rrl lln:jn r1-11' "hl'.~;1' rrl+-I'rl", c YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 14 c c c :;:.......... {4l';;,'it~~7'" -- .......,1 ~ ..../ ~I;/ i ED. Wall signs. The surface area of any building-mounted sign or canopy-mounted sign shall not exceed the figures derived from the follo~ing ~chedule: Sect10n 15.24.280. FE. Illumination. Illumination, if used, shall be what 1S known as a wh1te or yellow bulb and shall not be bl1nking, fluctuating or moving. Light rays shall shine only upon the sign or upon the property within the premises and shall not spillover the property lines, 1n any direct1on, except by 1ndirect reflection GF. Honument Corner Signs. Corner slgns shall be perm1tted, subject to the follow1ng criteria: If corner parcel with two street frontages and entrances on both streets and mult1-building complex, a monument sign placed at the corner of the property can be a 2 or 3 faced sign; or, If corner parcel with 2 street frontages and entrances on both streets and rnul ti -building complex, regular monument slgns are permitted at each entrance. II. Lo',; Profile {fonument Slgns. Lmv' profile monument olgn3 3hall be pcrm1tted, 3ubjcct to thc follow1ng crlteria: Low profile monument ~ign3 ~hall not exceed five (5) feet 1n height a~ mea~ured from the average ground elevation ek:-ffie- ba~e e-f-ffie- ::ngn, provided there -rs-fte- ~lght. ob~tructlon. Cign .J.re.J. 3hall not c:;:cccd thirty (30) ~quare feet. Lo~ prof1lc monument ~lgn~ may be placed on both ~idco of entrance;] to bU3ineJJcJ, ~lth Q maximum of four (4) Jigns total. Honument Jlgn dlagram 16.75.100. 15.24.200 Variances. Var1ances from provis1ons of this chapter may be granted by the C1ty Council on recommendat1on of t he Planning Comm1ssion 1n accordance w1th Chapter 17.96, of the Yelm Mun1c1pal Code. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) 15.24.210 Legal Nonconforming Signs. A. Continuance. Any sign existing may be continued to be 1n operation and be rna1ntalned after the effective date of the ordlnance codified in this chapter and shall become a legal nonconforming sign provided: YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 15 <. /'t ,~ " ,,{. :1,;', ;'1 ~, '7,'-- -~_ l .ii.Ji"l , "'I ~' . \ ~..I !! "# . " ..J c 1. No such slgn shall be changed in any manner that increases the noncompliance of such sign with the provision of ordinance codif1ed in this chapter established for signs in the District in which the sign is located. 2. rrohib1ted 3ign~, ~ldent1fied ~thi~ ch~pter, sh~ll ha~e n1nety (90) day~ after ~effect1ve d~te ~~ ch~pter or ~fter annex~tion of property into the City of '[elm 4::-e-ee-brought into conform1ty ,,'ith thi~ ch~pter except roof 3ign~, ,,'hlch ~h~ll he--~llm,'ed lcg~l nonconforming ~t~tuo ~~ provided herein. ~2. The burden of establishing a sign to be legally nonconforming under this sect10n rests upon the person or persons, firm or corporation claiming legal status for a slgn. 43. II Structural Alteration II means any act10n that changes the height, size, or shape of the slgn or any act10n that affects the base or support (s) of the sign When a sign 1S structurally altered, 1t ceases to be a legal nonconform1ng sign and must conform with the provisions of this chapter. 54. When a bus1ness or activity conta1n1ng a legal nonconform1ng sign is enlarged or remodeled to a value of fifty (50) sixty (60) percent or more of exist1ng value of real property 1mprovements, then such sign must be brought 1n conformlty with th1S chapter. ~5. When a business or act1v1ty contain1ng a legal nonconforming sign changes the type or name of the business, then such sign must be brought into conformance with this chapter. c B. By Violation of the Chapter. Any violation of th1s chapter shall terminate immediately the r1ght to mainta1n a nonconforming sign. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 Ord. 942 S 1 ( part), 1992.) 15.24.220 Termination of Signs. A. By Abandonment. No persons shall maintain or permit to be maintained on any premises owned or controlled by him/her any sign Wh1Ch has been abandoned B. By Destruction, Damage, Obsolescence or Danger. maintain any legal non-conforming sign shall shall cease to exist whenever the sign 1S: The right to terminate and 1. Damaged or destroyed beyond fifty percent (50%). The determinat10n whether a sign is damaged or destroyed beyond 50 percent (50%) shall rest with the Building official and shall be based upon the actual cast of replacing said slgn; and/or o YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PJl.GE 16 c c (\ "'---/ .~.~ w _, ;"~)r..':] 2 . Structurally substandard under any applicable ordinance of the City to the extent that the sign becomes a hazard or danger. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) 15.24.230 Administrator-Appointment-Powers and Duties Generally. The Building Official shall be appointed and removed by the City Administrator. The Admin1strator 1S authorized and directed to enforce and carry out all provisions of this Code, both in letter and sp1rit, with vigilance and with all due speed. To that end, the Administrator 1S author1zed to formulate procedures consistent with the purpose of this Code. The Administrator is further empowered to delegate the duties and powers granted to and imposed upon him under th1S Code. As used in the code, "Administrator of th1S Code" or Administrator shall include his/her authorized representative. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980. ) 15.24.240 Administrator-Inspection Authority. The Administrator is empowered to enter or inspect any building, structure of prem1ses in the City, upon which or in connection w1th whlch, a sign, as defined by th1s Code, is located, for the purpose of inspection of the sing, 1ts structural and electrical connections and to insure compliance W1 th the provisions of th1S Code. Such 1nspect1ons shall be carried out during business hours unless an emergency exists. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) 15.24.250 Conflict and Severability. If any provision of this Code is found to be in conflict with any other prov1sion of any zonlng, bU1lding, fire, safety or health ordinance or code of the C1ty, the provision which establishes the higher standard shall prevail. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980.) 15.24.260 Violation Penalty. A. Violation of the provisions of this Code or fallure to comply with any of its requirements shall constitute a misdemeanor, and such violation shall be punished as proved by the statues of the State of Washington for the commission of a misdemeanor. Each day such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense. B. The erector, owner or user of an unlawful sign or the owner of the property on which an unlawful sign is located and maintains such violation may each be found gUll ty of a separate offense and suffer the penalties herein provided. ( Ord . 588 S 2 ( part), 1980 ) 15.24.270 Removal of Unlawful Signs. A. Any unlawful permanent type sign which has not been removed YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 Pll.GE 17 c c /\ o il"" ..:'...." L · -~~~J~ 7' ... within thirty (30) days after conviction of violation or imposition of civil penalty, may be removed by the city and the costs charged to the violator. If removal costs have not been paid and the sign reclaimed within thirty (30) days of it removal by the city, the City may sell or otherwise dispose of the sign and apply the proceeds toward costs of removal. Any proceeds in excess of costs of removal shall be paid to the owner of the sign. B. Slgns which the Administrator find upon public streets, sidewalks, rights-of-way or other public property or which wheresoever located present an immediate and ser10US danger to the public because of their unsafe condition may be immediately removed by the Administrator without prlor notice. C Any unlawful temporary or portable type slgn located on pr1vate property whlch has not been removed after twenty four (24) hours from notif1cation may be removed by the City. The sign may be reclaimed by the owner after a civic penalty of one hundred (100) dollars has been paid. If the sign has not been reclaimed withln thirty (30) days of its removal by the City, the City may sell or otherwise dispose of the sign and apply the proceeds toward costs of the removal. Any proceeds 1n excess of costs of the removal shall be pa1d to the owner of the sign. Neither the City nor any of its agents shall be liable for any damage to the slgn when removed under this section. (Ord. 588 S2(part), 1980 and Ord. 942 Sl(part), 1992.) Nonconforming Sign;) Abatement. A. Any 31gn whleh iJ nonconformlng in that It doeJ not conform to ~regul~tionJ ~thiJ chapter shall either ee-removed er brought lnto compliance ',;i th the chapter requirementJ ',;1 thin the t1ffle period pre3cribed herein. 1. Any 3ign exiJting ,;ithin the City on September 11, 1900. the date of adoption of Ordin~nce No. 509 which created ~previous Clgn Ordinance, that doeo ~comply ~ thl3 chapter mUJt be removed or brought into compliance by- IIm;e'.Jer I H- Juch 3ign cOHlpliCJ 1,;1 th '\:;fie 3tand~rd3 contained in Ordinance No. 509, thcn it muot be removed or brought into compll~nce by December 31, 2010. 2. Any 3lgn erccted or in3talled ',;lthln -::he Ceptember 11, 1900, H1UJt be removed or compliance by December 31, 2010. City after brought 1n 3. Any nonconforming J1gn ~ftfi-area Jub3equently annexed into the City of yelm 3hall be until December 31, 2002, YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 18 c c ~ l.~ :.t.:...~::'-;."-- '1# /\1 ""'1' .r-,' 1, ill~ ..ad it / ' i ~ or ten (10) year~ after the effecti~e d~te of the annexation, whichever period i3 longer, to be remo~ed or brought into compliance .,lith thi3 chapter. D. To encour~ge the removal/abatement of nonconforming 3lgn~, the Clty e~tobl1::!he~ an incent1ve program to a~::!i~t the O~lner~ of ~uch ~ign~. The City w1ll WOlve aign permit fee::! for new ~lgn perffilt~ to replace nonconforilling Jlgn~. (Ord. 942 Sl(part), 1992.) ~l~ual Quality. The Admini3trator 13 empo~lered to prepare graphic ffiaterial~ 3uch a~ photograph~ and drawing~ of 3ign type~ and JtyleJ acceptable to the City, and to di::!allow propo3ed 3ign~ that do not compl:-i .,Ii th ffie- general types 'frftfr- 3t:ile::! represented ~ the3e ~~e=~ce ~atc~i~l::!. Appeal::! of ouch Adminiotr~to~ decioicno 3hall be to the 'Jelm I'lannlng cOHlffiiJJlon ~J Jpecified in 'Jelm l1unic1p~1 Code Ch~pter ___ (Ord. 942 Sl(part), 1992.) YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 PAGE 19 o -c , --~ 0:'- I ~J I I i rfj)" i · ,/ ,. "CJJ" '.-/,' ~"ll,r'''~ ! I ~') ,_.' J, . '<1 iJ..:r-:',' Section 15.24.280 Sign Area - Square Footage Maximums Blda. /Gross Sian Heiaht Sian Area (Per Property 1 Floor Area Side) line I Setback 5,000 sq ft or FS - 8 ft FS -+& ZQ sq ft 5 ft I less MS - 5 ft MS - 40 sq ft ! 1 5,001 - 10,000 FS - 8 ft FS -~ l.Q sq ft 5 ft ! sq ft MS - 5 ft MS -~ 50 sq ft 10,001 - FS - .a- lQ ft FS -~ J2 sq ft 10 ft 35,000 sq ft MS - 5- 6 ft MS - 50 sq ft i , 35,001 - FS - 10 ft FS - 40 sq ft 10 ft I 60,000 sq ft MS - 6 ft MS - 72 sq ft 60,001 - FS - 15 ft FS - 75 sq ft 10 ft 75,000 sq ft MS - 6 ft MS - 90 sq ft 75,001 - FS - 15 ft FS - 100 sq ft 15 ft 100,000 sq ft MS - 6 ft MS - 120 sq ft 100,000 + sq FS - 20 ft FS - 150 sq ft 15 ft ft MS - 6 ft MS - 120 sq ft FS - Free standing Slqn MS - Monument sign ...... 1 01GN ['LUC AWN::NG ...... NO ROOF SIGNS Flush mounted wall signs - One (1) square foot for each lineal foot of store (occupant) frontage (main point of entry.) One 1dentifier sign for businesses with a separate delivery access will be allowed, not to exceed two (2) square feet. Marquess Sign - Same formula a3 above One (1) square foot for each lineal foot of the front of the marquee or th1rty percent (30%) coverage of the face of the marquee, whichever is less. . Awning - One (1) square foot for each llneal foot of the front of the marquee or thirty percent (30%) coverage of the face 21-the marquee, whichever is less. YELM ON/OFF PREMISES- SIGN REGULATIONS - *DRAFT* 11/95 ! PAGEl 20 , I l 1 :I'f , , 'I e, o c 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479' Ye.lm, Washington 98597 (3~0) 458-3244 City of Yelm 'YELM WASHINGTON AGENDA CITY OF YElM PLANNiNG COMMISSION MONDAY, JANUARY 8~ 1$96400 P M YElM CITY HAll ,COUNCil CHAMBERS,105 YElM AVE W 1 Call to Order, Roil CaU, Approval of Minutes - September 5, 1995 minutes 2 Sign Code Worksession - Draft Sign Code enclosed 3 Other- 4 Adjourn - Enclosures are avaiiable to non-Commission members upon request If you ,need special arrangements to attend or participate !n this meeting, please contact Yelm City Hall, at 458-3244 NEXT REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY'22, 1996, 4 00 PM @ Rec)'ck1 paper , -----~~