10/13/2004 Agenda AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13,2004,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 . Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations - 5. Public Comment - Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Comment time is limited to 5 minutes per speaker. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes - September 22, 2004, Study Session - September 23, 2004. b. Payables: Checks 23562-23698 totaling $215,969.05 1) Manual Checks: 23562-23601 totaling $10,975.29 2) Claims Checks 23602-23698 totaling $204,993.76 c. Payroll Final, September 2004, Check #8505-8601 totaling $192,614.96 d. Park Use Requests: YCP, Mid day Lions, Patriot Day Event community event, Saturday, 09-10-2005 all day (set up 09-09-05) e. Financial Report 7 Public Hearings - None Scheduled 8 New Business a. Reclaimed Water Project- Bid Award for Water Line ACTION 10 min Presenter: Stephanie Ray (Attachments) b. Reclaimed Water Project - Bid Award for Water Tower ACTION 10 min Presenter: Stephanie Ray (Attachments) c. Ordinance 817- Increasing the 2004 Operating Transfer from the ACTION Current (001) to the Five Corners Debt Repayment Fund (112) by $8,350. 5 min Presenter: Janine Schnepf (Attachments) 9. Old Business ab/cc/agenda/2004/1 0-13 -04 10. 11. 12. ~ ~ ~ v v 13. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business Executive Session Correspondence (,( Items are included, other items available upon request.) Thurston County Department of Communications, Operation Board Meeting Minutes, Monday, September 20, 2004 Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights, Agenda, October 11, 2004. AWC, Improving Tribal and Local Government Communication Workshops, November and December, 2004, Lacey Groundwater Reflections, Vol. No V, Issue 3, Fall 2004 State of Washington Dept of Community Trade and Economic Development, Governor's Economic Development Forum, Reflecting on the Past Building for the Future, December 1, 2004, Tacoma. Letter to Final Faze Tanning Salon, Sign Code Letter to Robert Dyrseth , Sign Code Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Budget Work Session: 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 19, 2004, Yelm City Hall Budget Work Session: 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 26,2004, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting: 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 27,2004, Yelm City Hall Study Session: 5:00 p.m., Thursday, October 28,2004, Yelm City Hall ab/cc/agenda/2004/10-13-04