10-02-07 BWS Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORK SESSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2007 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 4:20 p.m. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Pat Fetterly, John Thompson and. Mike McGowan. Staff: Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Tanya Robacker. Mayor stated that this year's 2008 Budget review will be presented differently but will remain a hold the line budget. Tonight's agenda will include only the Operation and Maintenance within the General Fund. Major revenue sources and expenditures were reviewed including: Local Sales/Use Tax estimates, Real/ Personal Property Tax, Business/Occupation Tax and Building Permits/ Inspections using conservative calculations and historic data. Shelly Badger responded to the question about future water availability. In addition to continuing water rights acquisition, consumption is down from 2006 by 16% related to conservation, use of hydrant locks and adequate rainfall. 2.2 Chief Todd Stancil reviewed the Police Department Operation and Maintenance changes from 2007 including equipment for the Police Department's new officer. 2. Tanya Robacker provided an overview report with explanation of those funds not scheduled for individual review. Park Reserve (105), Emergency/Disaster(106),Tourism Promotion (107), Contingency Fund (108), Deposits/Bond s/Retai nag e (119), CDBG (197),Sewer Revenue Bond & State Loan (203), Consumer Deposits(402), Garbage/Recycling(403), Water Revenue Debt Redemption Fund(405), Water Revenue Debt Reserve (406), Local Improvement District #1 (407), SRL:L030031/Sewer Loan Refinance &Reserve (415), Local Improvement District Reserve(416), Debt(200 and 202) are unchanged, Public Safety and Public Works Building. There was discussion on the Tourism Promotion (107) distribution to the Museum and Parks to include adding the Chamber of Commerce to this fund rather than the General fund. Emergency/Disaster(106) down from previous year's purchase of generators. Contingency fund (108) in place to cover salary commitments. Discussion continued regarding park use and the possibility of requiring a fee for use. 3. City Dept. Schedule of Long Term Debt was provided for review. Tanya Robacker noted that Bond Debt is funded with the required ten percent reserve and with the intent to build the fund for future debt finance. Adjourn: 7:00 pm Ronald Hardi ayor Attest: pan Schnep&f, C it rk Page 1 of 1 H/council/2007/BWS10-02-07