06-26-07 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2007 MINUTES 1. Call to Order— Mayor Harding called the Meeting to Order at 7:30 pm. 2. Roll Call — Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Pat Fetterly, and Russ Hendrickson. Excused: John Thompson 3. Agenda Approval 07-54 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations. Mayor Harding recognized those Councilmembers Don Miller (15) and Pat Fetterly (5) for their years of service to the City of Yelm. Mayor Harding was also presented with his 5 year pin. 5. Public Comment Dawn Hobson, Yelm, proposed to Council to name a section of property adjacent to the Public Safety Building, Donaldson Square, in recognition of her parents who lived there since 1952. Steve Klein, Peissner Rd, stated that the section of Bald Hills Rd just after 5 Corners is in need of repair of potholes and upgraded to City standards. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes June 12, 2007 Regular Meeting b. Payables Checks 31545 — 31631, Totaling $495,849.93 Manual Checks 31545- 31567,Totaling $3,230.00 Claims Checks 31569 — 31631, Totaling $492,619.93 C. Payroll Preliminary June 2007 d. Financial ReportRevenue Comparison, Budget to Actual, June 2007 End of Month Financial Overview- May 2007 e. Park Use YCP, Kelley Baby Shower, Saturday, August 18, 2007, 1 pm, #20 07-55 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7 Public Hearings 8 New Business a. RESOLUTION NO. 475, Fire Impact Fee Rate Study 07-56 MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO TABLE ACTION ON FIRE IMPACT FEE UNTIL 06-27-07 STUDY SESSION. CARRIED. 9 Old Business 10. Mayor and City Council Reports city council/2007 Page 1 of 2 Councilmember Baker reported that the Senior Center's financial report has improved with more activities drawing attendance to the Center. Attended Intercity Transit and reported: 3 of the 7 candidates for the Citizen Advisory Committee are from the Yelm, Rainier, Tenino rural area; surplus van is available to an interested Community agency and he will be riding bus routes to distribute forms to passengers for their comments. Councilmember Isom reported that the Thurston Regional Planning Council celebrates their 40th Anniversary as regional authority for population and land use trends. They have been a tremendous help with GMA and share a wonderful respect for Yelm's staff. Councilmember Fetterly, Hendrickson and Miller attended the Fire District meeting. Mayor Harding announced reminder about the Prairie Days Parade and start of Prairie Days, June 26, 7pm. 11. Executive Sessions — none scheduled 12. Correspondence provided for review included Land Use Decision Making training notification in Brier July 19, 2007. 13. Adjourned: 7:52pm I;Knald ardi ayor Attest: ft 4 nine A. Schnepf, Yelm Citi,,Clerk city council/2007 Page 2 of 2