Call to Order -Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5 pm.
2. Roll Call -Present: Russ Hendrickson, Bob Isom, Joe Baker, John Thompson and Mike
McGowan. Excused: Don Miller and Pat Fetterly.
Agenda Approval -The agenda was accepted as presented.
4. Presentations
a. Community Development Assessment Report -Grant Beck introduced Kurt Latimore,
Latimore Company, a firm specializing in permit process assessments.
Mr. Latimore's report included other jurisdiction comparisons demonstrating that Yelm's
Community Development is best-in-class for 1) residential building permit timelines; 2) use
of technology; 3) well documented procedures; and 4) the use of a site plan review
committee for integrating project disciplines.
Mr. Latimore indicated that while he often has a dozen recommendations following
assessments, he had only two recommendations for Yelm's Community Development
Department: 1) Department wide collaboration of civil plan reviews to reduce corrections
at the final stages of construction; and 2) expanding tracking software use to better
manage work in progress and provide clearer status to applicants online.
Disability Utility Rate Reduction -Agnes Bennick provided a cost estimate report for
expanding the Senior Reduced Utility Program to include disabled head of household
customers. The estimated cost of both programs is less than $20,000 per year, split
between the water, sewer and storm water utilities. Council directed staff to begin work
on an Ordinance.
Staff provided information on 2006 city-wide costs ($700) for a five cent per gallon fuel
c. Technology Advancements Presentation/Demonstrations -Staff provided demonstrations
of the new video surveillance cameras located at the trail head and skateboard park.
Grant funding from the Red Wind Casino was used to begin building the system with
plans to expand the number of cameras using future grant funds.
Council approved funding in the 2007 budget to purchase a large format scanner and the
Web Link add on for the LaserFiche Document Imaging system. A search and retrieval
demonstration was provided.
Staff reported that a Victor Payne, local Yelm student, is working four afternoons a week
scanning images into Laser Fiche repositories. He is participating in a Community Youth
Services work training program.
d. Family Investment Initiative -Council discussed the February council meeting
presentation and follow-up information concerning the program. Council requested that
staff prepare a letter to committee organizers supporting the regional approach and
suggesting a more thorough examination and presentation of deliverables, controls, and
funding mechanisms prior to funding decisions being made.
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5. Mayor/Council Initiatives -Discussion concerned work to begin in the spring on an
updated Capital Facilities Plan that will include elements addressing parks and municipal
6. New Business -None scheduled
Old Business -None scheduled
Adjourned: 8:50 pm
Ronald HardirYg, Mayor
Agn Bennick, Yelm City Clerk-Treasurer
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