887 Budget Amend 2007CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 887 AN ORDINANCE amending the 2007 City of Yelm Budget as adopted by Ordinance No. 864 in December 2006, by increasing/decreasing appropriations in excess of original estimates and making required end of year adjustments. The City Council of the City of Yelm, Washington ordains as follows: Section 1. That the 2007 Budget of the City is hereby amended by adopting the proposed 2007 modifications set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated as part of this ordinance. Section 2. That the proper officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to accept donations included in Exhibit "A," for deposit into and appropriation from, the funds designated in said exhibit; that the moneys herein granted to the City are designated to be used for a specific and limited purpose; and that the 2007 City of Yelm Budget is hereby amended to provide for the appropriation and expenditure of said funds. The budget for the year 2007 as amended by the changes in Section 1 shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk who is hereby directed to transmit this supplemental budget to the Auditor of the State of Washington, Division of Municipal Corporations. Section 3. Ratify and Confirmation Clause -Any action taken pursuant to this ordinance but prior to the effective date is hereby ratified and confirmed. PASSED and signed in autl~tication on this 11th day of December 2007. Ronald V1x Harding, Mayor v ~' s ~ thenticated: Janine A. Schnepf, City Clerk PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News, h\ord\07\ord 887 EXHIBIT A CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE 887 - 2007 YEAR END AMENDMENT. FUND NAME FUND # 2007 BUDGET ADDITIONAL BUDGET FINAL AMENDED 2007 BUDGET TOTAL COMMENTS Current/General Fund Cit Street Fund Arterial Street Fund Cumulative RsvlEcon Develo ment Park Reserve Emer enc /Disaster Tourism Promotion Contin enc Fund YPD School Resource Officer Pro ram SR 507!510 Loo Pro'ect Tree Cit Fund 001 101 102 104 105 106 107 108 109 114 116 7,013,fi58.00 402,845.00 233,866.00 576,500.00 8,410.00 18,980.00 69,750.00 250,000.00 82,516.00 30,789.00 22,855.00 152,000.00 - - - - - - - - - 14,000.00 7,165,658.00 402,845.00 233,866.00 576,500.00 8,470.00 18,980.00 69,750.00 250,000.00 82,516.00 30,789.00 36,855.00 CDD prof svc, Prisoner Care Transfers Out, Contributions m Tree removal, Transfer from General Fund Park Fee-In-Lieu Of 118 66,885.00 - 66,885.00 De osits/Suret /Retaina a 119 - - Trans ortation Facilities Char a 120 639,610.00 - 639,610.00 Communit Develo ment Block Grant 197 66,600.00 - 66,600.00 LTGO Bond Redem tion Fund 200 405,999.00 - 405,999.00 Killion Rd. LID #2 Re a ment 202 191,954.00 - 191,954.00 Sewer Revenue Bonds/Loans 203 266,754.00 - 266,754.00 Sewer Bond/Loan Reserves 204 266,281.00 - 266,281.00 Munici al Buildin Fund 302 4,730,867.00 - 4,730,867.00 Killion Road Im rovements 310 7,877,066.00 - 7,877,066.00 Yelm Creek Pro~ect 312 20,742.00 - 20,742.00 Lon mire Communit Park Construction 314 303,300.00 27,900.00 331,200.00 23,400 Grant, 4,500 WalMart Contribution RoadlStreet Construction 316 1,755,200.00 - 1,755,200.00 Stormwater Utilit 400 100,209.00 - 100,209.00 Munici al Water Fund 401 2,074,200.00 - 2,074,200.00 Garba a/Rec clin 403 9,156.00 - 9,156.00 Water Ca ital lm rovement 404 1,308,000.00 fi8,000.00 1,376,000.00 Water Revenue Debt Redem tion 405 262,112.00 - 262,112.00 Water Revenue Debt Reserve Sewer LID #1 Bond Redem tion 406 407 236,154.00 135,000.00 - 165,000.00 236,154.00 300,000.00 LID 1 a off Sewer/Reuse O eratins/Maintenance 412 2,982,000.00 - 2,982,000.00 Sewer/Reuse Ca ital Im rovement 413 1,540,600.00 - 1,540,600.00 SRL0300031 '94 Swr Bond Refi P mt/Rsv Sewer LID #1 Revenue Bond Reserve 415 416 194,201.00 130,700.00 - 100,000.00 194,207.00 230,700.00 Transfer for LID 1 a off Water Construction Fund 431 674,015.00 - 674,015.00 TOTALS 35,120,818.00 526,900.00 35,647,718.00 City of Yelm 2007 Year End Amendment Ord. 887, Exhibit A Ordinance No. 887 Page 1 of 1