76 Annexation „ . . . . . . , , . . / 5e~ction 2. FILTIJG FEE. ~`ACh d~claration a.nd aff idavit of cAndidr~cy shall be accompa.nied by a filing fee equAl to 1 per cont oP th• annual s~.l~ry of the office being filed for; Provided, how- ~v~r, that no filing f~e . is rsquired in the event th~t the o~`fic~ sought is without comp~ns~tion. Section 3. WITF~~AWAL OF CANDIDACY. Any p~rson sh~.ll hAV• th• right to declin~ s candidacy ~t least twenty (20) dAys prior to th• Town ~enerrcl ~lection by notifying in ~rriting the officer who issue?B the e~rtificate of csindidacy. 3ection 4. DL?TIES OF THE TOWN CLERK. It sh~ll b. th• dutg of the Town Clerk to prov e p ces or o ing the municipal general ~ sl•etion,: to appoint t he pr~einct ~l~etion offic•ra; to pro~~.de for their compensation; to provide ballbt boxes ~nd b~llot or voting machines, poll books s~ d tally sheets, a~.d d~liv~r them to th~ precinet ~lection officers ~.t ths polling~pl~.ces; and to publish sind po~t notic•s of exlling~ Town gansral slections in th~ mAnner . provid~d by Stction 7, Chapter 101, Laws of 1951 of th• etate of WAShington. . Th~ Town Q7.e~rk, whensv~r requ~sted bp the achool district , officers ahall conduct the achool district ~l~etions in con~unction with th~ town municipAl g~ner~l election, Provided,the results oP eYch achool district •1•ction ahall b• canvas~s~c ~y ths achool di atri~t off ice~rs, ~nd ths~t s chool fi~strict offic~rs, and th~t school districts sh~ll b• h~ld liabl~ f or thsir proportionat• share of th~ coats of auch slection. S•ction 51 PERSONS PRECLUDID FROM FILING A DECLARATION OF ~ CANDIDACY FOR MC}RE THAN CNE OFFI CE. No ps rson may f il~ s~ d!c ls~r- ation of ~~.ndid~cy formor~ than on~ office, and no p~r~on m~y hold mora thAn one eleetive offi_c• at Ang on~ tim~. SACtion 6. PARTIAL INVALIDITY. If ~ny portion of thi~ ordina.ne• aY~ali be s~d~udg~d nvslid, such invalic~ity sh~ll not ~ffect th~ por~ion~: which are not ad,judged inva.lid. r-, ~ Section CONFLICTII~TG ORDIr1,~r?CES REPE~LID. Any und ~.11 orclinar~.ces or ps~rts of ordinancs5 in conflict with, or in d~rogs~tian of, this ordinunce or any part of tihis ordinanc~, be :nd the ~~m• ar~ h~r~b;~ repeal~d insofAr as th• s~ms are in eonflict with,, or in d~rogation of s this ordin~.nc e, or a.ny part lh•reof. P S~SE~ by ths Town Council of th~ Town of Yelm, this~~ d~.y of . , z955. , ~ r~voR At ~$t: ` ~ mwn ~r Alpproved ~s to farm; _ e TOWN "~ORNEY 'I ORDINANCE N0. 76 ~N O~INANCE provid3ng for ths aruzex~.tion to the Town of ~ Y~lm of Y~1m of eerta.in unplatt~d are~~ ~.d~~c~nt to the prea~nt b~undAri~s of th• ~ Town of Y.lm, and providin~ for the . eff~ctiv~ dAte of such annsx~tion. WHEREAS,, ~ petition was hsretofor~ fi1~d which was sf~ned by the own~r~ cl' not l~ss than seventy-five per c~nt (75f) in v~.lue ~ccording to th• ~asess~d v~luation of tha prop~rty in ~aid p~tition dsscribed r~questin~; th• ann~x~tion to th• Town of Yelm of ths real Froperty thercin and h~reafter descrlb~d, a.nd tiJHEREAS, pursuant ther~to on ordear of th~ Council ~ hearing on s~id p~tition waQ r~gul~rly h~ld ~.fter ths postin~ r~nd publishing of notico th~reof in ~.ccord~nc~a with 7..stw, NQlyd, TH~REFORF~, BE IT ORD~1IrtED BY '1'F?E CO~UNCIL aF THE T04~iN OF YELM that the following ds~cribod r~al property, be, a.nd thea sAms is hereeby annexed to the Tows~ c~f Yclm, to-wit: - • Ths~t purt of Tract 2, Block 37 of the McKdnna Irrigatsd TZ'ACtS~ ~cccrd~_n~; to th~+ plat thereof r~cordsd in Velums 9 of Plat~ a,t page l+.~, describ~d as follows: Starting ~t th~ noz~trernmost corncr and ~xt~anding ~ Sc~uth 65ADsg. QS,~ ~ 55t1` ~~gt 3~33. 82' feet; thenc~ South _ t~l~. ~3sg.5}~~"'~. 32" Es~st 17.38 feet; thencs South 24 D~g. 5l~~ 5} W~at 118.73 feet; thencs l~Torth Ds . 5~ 55n &sst 125"f~~t; th~~~~ North 2l~. I)~g. 51.{.~ 5"' ~st 25 fs~t; th~nc• North 65 D~g. 5 t 5'" l~~at, 1~0 P~~t;, th~nc• South 2~. D~g. 51~~ 5~` W~at 25 Ps~t; th~ne• North 65D~g. 5~ 55p W~st~ 104 f~~t; th~na~ •Nor~h OD~g. 8~ 38'~ W~et f~~t t~sor• or l~as; th~nc• ,~~rth' 38D~g. 29' . 32~ f~~at 48 t'~st ~or• or l~aa ta th• true point ot' b~ginning. s p~lat oP which said anne~ed area is on Pile in t~ie oPfic.e oP the Clerk of tha Town of Yelm, effective as of' the lst day May, i955. PASSID by the Town Council of the Town oP Yelm, this 19th day of t~pril, 1955• ° , . 0 TOWN CLE ~ . ORDINANCE 1~ 0. , j AN ORDINANCE regulating and restricting the use of land and the use and location of buildings . and structu~es; determining the area oY yards, cout?ts and other places surrounding them; dividing the Town oP Yelm into dis- tricts Por such purposes; adopting a map oF the Town showing boundaries snd the c].as si P3cation of such di s tr icts; and prescribing penalt3.es for the violation of its provisions. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF YELM,.AS Pollows: Section 1. SHORT TITLE. 1~,. This ordi n~nce shall be known as ~'the Zoning Ordinance oP the To~rn of Yelm~ B. Th3s ordinance ~shall conaist oP the text hereoF nnd e.s well as that certain map identiPied by the approvin~ eignntures oP the Mayor and Town Cierk .on the title ps~ge and marked and ~ designated as "The Map of the Zoni~.~ Ordinanae o2' the Town of Yelm, which map ia now on f ile in the office oP the Town Clerk oP this toxn. This ordinence, a~nd eaah and all of 3ts terms, is to be read and interpreted in light of the aantents of the said mnp. IP ~ny conflict between the map and the text of this ordinance is deemed to arise, the teat of the ordinance shall prevail. :~ection 2. IIEFINITI~NS: For the purpose of this ord3nance certdin worda and terms are detined as follo~g: Words used in the present tense include the Puture; Words in the singular number include the plural a~nd wopds in the plural number include the aingu- la~r. Words not dePined herein shall be construed in nceordan~e wi-th -