119 Planning Commission 8 ~
~?1~.L`I~`TA?'1^F N0. 1.19
AP~ ORDINAIVCF creatin; a Tci~;n Planni.nn Commit.tee for. th~ Tawn of Yel.m, ~rovidin~;
for the appointment of inemners, prescrib~.n~; a_ts duties, authori.t~T and procedure;
and re~~alin~ ordinances in conflict herewith.
T'r 1~"•1D IT IS Fi~;RFBY 0.'~11TP1:+~P, 13Y TiI:1' C~?r;~1CTT~ ~~F T?Ir T04~1 ~F Y~?~~7, tidASfil;?rC'sT')~T:
Section l. PI~~"T1`tTI'11 C;0?~'%iTSST(;Ad ~l?TTH~?RTZr~L'
(A) Pursuant to the authority confer.red by Cha.pter of t'rie Session T~aws of
1935 and the am~ndments thereto of the Stt~te o.f ~dashin?ton, as well as the authority ~
conferred by the con,titlztior~ cf the ;tate of ~~,Ja,,hir, ;±on ~.nd particularly 1~rticle ~
11~ 5ection 11 ther. eof, there is hereb~r created a Town Plann~.n~; Co;nmission consist- --T
in~; of f~.v~ members ~1he shall be appcinted by the ?~?ayor of the Town of Ye1m
subject to ccnfi.rmation b,y the Council. One of the members to be a.npc~inted shall
be a member c~' the Ta~m Cor,ncil, whose term shall coinci.~e with h;_s term of office
on the Co!~nc~.l.. `!'1~A +.,erm of off:i_c~ ~f the otl~c~r four me~i~ers to be s~_x ( 6) ;Tears,
except that for the o.r~ ninal appointmen+ tti-ro shall be apx~ointed ~'or terms enclin~;
on the firs~ ;-7onday in :~~ebruary, I970.
(3) tiTacanci~s on the Pl~,nnin~-; ~,or,v-n~_sr~ or ;,n~,ll be filled by appointmPn~ of the
T2~.~Tor subject to confl,rmat;.on by the Ccunci_l _for th~ urie~irec~ terms. Ptember~ m[~y
be r~moved ~.fter ~~ublic hear. ing~ b~r the ~~"a~Tc,r, wi_th the approval o~ the (;~unr.il for
ineffi.cienc~r, ne~lect of c'uty, cr malfeasance in offi.ce. "~embers shall be selected
w~.thc~t respect to polit,i..cal affiliati.ons and s~:all serve without ccmpensation..
Sec+ic;n OR.I~PIT7.A"'T('~r
The P]_anni.n~; ~cmrni.ssion shall ad.opt r~iles of i 3"OC',F?f~112"P., c~nsi_ster~t with state
1a~r to r7u.ide its acti.~r~ties and sr.all d~signatA onP of. 'tts r!memk~ers to s~rve as Cr.a~_r-
man for a term to be specif~_ed i.ri the rules of preced.ure. The Co:~:~ission may desi~na.te
one of i,ts member. s to act as secretary, w-i_tr~o~~_t salary.
(t~~ A:najorit~ ef the members c;f trle Plantli.nn Com,s~iissior, sha11 consti+ute a
quorum ~:or the transaction cf b~a.siness. "~n~r act~_on taken by a major~_ty ef thcse
~resent, then those present, ronsti.tute a quoruri at ~:.ny re?ular or special_ m~eting
of the :'lannin~; Cornmission, srall be de~?r,ec? anc? taker. as the ac+icrz of the nlannin~
~omm,_ssZ~n. Pro~~i.ded, however, that i.f a zoning ord~.nance sha7_1 t~e ~nopted b~ the
Town of yelm ~ussuant tc a~tiomprehe?~:~ive plan in t~ie manner pr~vided by !;hapter 35•63
of the Revise~ Code ef '~Ja.sh~_n~Tton, then an;~r recomrnendat~.on to tYi~ ('olzncil fc~r. a
varianc~ from the rec~i~irement, of s~~~h. zoning ordi_nance or fcr any rezone sh~.~l re-
a~.zi.re the affix~r,iative vote of a rnajcrity of all af the :~riembers of the cornmission.
s~ct1 3. Dc~r~~s ~~,m nTrmT~s
~ (A ) T}?e Planninu ;o~~missi on shall have a7_1 c~ the p~~ti~Ter~ ~.nc' shall p~rfor^n ~11.
of the duties specified by the laws cf the ~tate of :~,1a~hin;tcn ~.n~l~,~c'~.rz{;, k~~,z~ not.
. . .
ll,:n~. , - ~
±e:r t~ .^_ha~,t~r ~'.61 c;f tr n~VZ ~ed ~'ode n:F' t.}-, ~ vu~ . ~,r:a a1~ ~ n::~ F n.. .
, : , 1. ~ :
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~;i ~ Z'~"!G: _~~.ZY'_~ 12~? ~Or.'1~.._a:~ ~C?'°: 1'1?~I ~,}Y' y).7? 8. C(??'1~I't-?~1r?Tl$ s_tJ~ C`~. i'C;r ~~'1!': 1~'
~i12!~. "~,',rlE?f' ~°Yle.ral_1.~ =!!~'T3'Ii"3c?POUS r'r'T .,_i'.nI0L31fi C~' +1.E? ~'OinrCl~
~r J~' 07' a.;1~' B.YI~ 31~_ Si.l!~'~"1 ~111T'"y)C'•S2S ~[2<~ `~'OTrJYl ';O11T1C1Z ~ an ?"eCCiZt~xllr?12C~8.f' pTl 7_tS
Gcymmissi.on rna~ ~??.~~r;_c?.~ t~e m?,ni~~.~a~ i.t,y cr an~r port~ on t'~Preof into distrir,ts, of s!zc,h
s-LZe, sha~~e ~?nd a.rea, nr ~nay est~:ii~~ish s1~rh ~ffi_ci ma~+s or. dezrelo~~n:~.nt plans f'ox° tr~~
wl~ole~ ~r an~' Pe;^tior o~' the rc~an~.c~.~ali tJ ,a;~ maJT h~ deerne~! b~st su~ted to carr~ out
p:~r~os~s of' t?~~~s o.re?;.nance and t~r_t~in s,~.^h ~?,'_<~+,r~=.~ts may re~;ula';p and re~trict the
erec+.,ion, const~r~zct.~_on, rec_nnstruct~ on, altera+.,ion, re~~a~.r or 2ise of b~_i~.7_~?in~;s,
s+~r~ac-~~zres or land.
(P. ~ tix~ end~.tures c_f t't~e r~c~:^~-i_sc~ on, ~XC~..t1SlV~ of ,,ift~, ~h~il1. b~ {
limi_te~ to anpro~~rzat-i c~ns ~<~dn to ±}ie Plann;-nF, `,o,~unission by the Towr~ ro»nci~1 ._for ~
th~ pl.annin,:; funct;_on o_f tr:e TcT.~„~, , _
Ct~.~~ `i~"14-~ ~iOl1YlCli MS;J' I'E,'f2T' ~'i,C ~}7,F1' ~I.v.pil~ ~~i~ r',Q;1,"?-LS`.i~..0]'1 f'~Y' 7_{'iS Y'E,'COrQT11E'.I1Cl,i1~'.~_Ol"l. ,3,T1(~
report o_f ordiiZanc~s, reso7~ution ar other j~i~c,~,osal relat_i_n~r to any or the rr,att~r;:,
3.?1C_a SU~~c.~,CtS u.i1f ~h~.,^~.Z°Q' F)~r ;~t.1fE; ~ ctid. `1'}"iP r;Q?"1.'rl1_S~'._C)Tl ~rlcl~ i?I'OIC1y]tly ro1~nl't t0 tr1B
' vOL1r1C,'y~. a.~.1. Of' S11C~']. Mc3tt.°.r~ ;nofP2'Y'F~(~' 't0 t't1Pfi~ r1~.~n:lllzj S11C~'1 T'f'CO:"Liic?(l~r:~q{:'1_0125 .7-.S lt i71~1.~1'
C~P.P,27t ~Y'O~n,4?7'.
, ~ :
f, r ,
(F) A~1 x~I.~tr ' ~ ~~n: o.. z.~ir.,< €r y T,,,_
,r ~ _an..7 0 ~t, ` ~t'~i.n t.l~ c~?n oT'
rr:~~,,.:+:>,d a'~ t:o.,~ ,,,e7..1 a.s ~'ed~~.:~t c~nn of streets a~1d a.1_lc~~s, off~red ta
the `T'~;ti~rn Council for ~~ar,cept~~,nce, sh~~_1. f;lrst n~ s~,E~rn_i. t±ed t,~~ the Pl.anni.r~n
Commiss~ or for it~ r~^~nmenrlafi.;.or~ anc3 r~?~ort, ~.'~_i ~h re~~ert ~,hall Y~;~; m~.~e
to t?~~Es ;ol~~c.il th;_rtur (3Q; da,~s :~f~er s~:~m~ s4;io*:, or 4 t^az^h earl_;.er da '
as +he Gouncil .sY~al.l ~a;.r~ct.
, ~
Cx `?'h~; Plannin~ Co ;tii cn, at or be i orn ;_ts fir;-k rer,ular meet~. nr~ in
~'earuary of e~~.ch ~rt~,c.~I°, sha11 make f~.ill r~port in c?ri+~~?n to +he ;.'o~an ';o~zncil
of i.ts ~tra~isa^tion, at~d e~~enditur~s, ~..f any, for the nreceding ye:;~r~ w-i_th s~zch
`~8i1~T'3~ 1^F'CC':~1:?1t°_~l(~ci'v7_OI1S c~.,S t.0 M~.~:'~.°.Y'8 COZTnY'~3C~ ~3J 1tS ~'Y'^SCT'7_~°~r1 C~?1il,nc~ ;3.T1C~
authcrity as ma~ to it saem p.ropex.
~ecti.on_ 1T. ~?~'~'F~~I~Tp~~~ pu~VTTST;'?~T
(tl} ~?rd.a..rxance ido. 5a arici an~T o±,h~r crd=inance of' t~~e `Coz~ of Yelrn :;.n con-
flict herew-ith ar~ here,yr .re~ ealed.
Sect~~n s. ~F i'~;;;TI~~ PATN~
~A~ `I'~'liS OT°C~~1iia.I1G~ 1S 11PCP3Ssi.S',j,T t.Q T~~"C??riiln fOT' f~he 11'L'~lPC~1c'~~",t? t~Y'F'SnY'V73~i1Q11
o~ public peace, pro,r~~rt~T, health anca safe d, ~ f the peop7_e of the Tz~wn of Ye~~
Washington, and said ordirlar.ce shall be in f?a11 force and effect i~mec~iatelv
upon its ~as~a;e, ~,~;~roval and ~ublicat.io~n. ~
.9D0?TrD by the r;o,.tinc~ 1 of ±,~~lv Tcwn of Ye]_m t}~~ lOth day of Decemher 1969.
~~~t ~2 • e '
, 4- '`-~G i.~~-
rlerk-Tr~as,zrer o , , .own of Yelm
Ai~prov~d ~ '
Mayor ef the `I'own of ~'e1m
Publ2 shef.~ ;