222 Annexation ~ ~ t~ a~~yr~T~~rc~ t;~. ~22 r'~n1 ~'.~i•T.~n~vT~'."~ ~JT'OV].(~:.;:~ f'C?:+ ~F?-ln 3[~T1P_~r3~'iIQT1 (~f' c~:r•~ain cc~r:~i~uou~ ~rQ~t:r*y t,~~ th~ :owr: c,f velm, ~iaC:~in~ta:~,~ '~a~:s~~~AS, l,~r~tc~a.fo:°~ ~.r. c~r at~::~:t, ~'e~~~:ar;~ 1977a t~~ere was fi~..ee~ w 4th tsz~ 3.'oran ~ciun~il anc3 ~:~E :iayc~r o~ t'ra~ ;~~w~ of Ye~..nx, a?drtz.cc o~ :~:,er.t to Co;nrlence Anz~cxatic~n °roceec:i.ngs to eff~ct annexat~cr. ~y the ~c;wn of tka~ r~t~l. gr~perty more ~art- k"" ac~xlaxly d.e~crit~ed hErein~~elow ~;ursuant tv th~:,~ petition meth~d procided ~y Chapter 3~.~3 ~ of the ~evised Cod~ of '~las:nin;tcr (FC~n'}, wh~.cti ~3at~ce was signed by tr~~ owners of moxe t~3Fii1 l.t~. V$lli~~ ~3CCC!"G1Ild '~.~i t.~:8 ~3.S~v'E.ic~Ci 'v'3~.u~~ll}Il iL~:' ~E.'Tkf-?T'c3~. t;Fi7{cit.lC~YI ~?;a7'f)(±:°sG~' Qi ~a~:.c real ~rcF~rt~r; ~,nd '~J~3~F:~AS, ~ursuant to su.ch :ycticc~ cf ~ntEnt, tu C~~rr?encp ~n~7~;xaticn ~'r~cee~i.i~s the :aaylr and :c~~; ~cau^ci.? cf t~~~; ~.~~wr; cf `~'~1.m. hel~ ~ m~etin~; with represent:~t:~ves af the ~ar~ie:~ ~ibr~atory ~:c sai<a 1ct.~ ce fer tr.e ~urpose cf' cc~nsi.r~rir.; anc~ ~et~:r°mini:.t; the ma±,t~rs set forth ir~ R;;~i 3~.13~12~, anc at such. m~etir:~ t~-ie Tc.~wri G~uricil dEt~r:nir:ec? that t.he proper*.y to be annexed src:uld t~~ s~:tajecteci to ~h~ Ax~_stin~ indebtedrac:~,s af the Towr:, an~' that suci~~ ~r~c~erty~ nc~ being c~~erL~ ~~r tr.~ exzs4in~ Co.^~pre'r.ensic~ Pl.an cf th~ `ic~wr~, be zc~n~u C--1. ;~-:tm~rci~,~ :iervice ZcYne; and ~~i.~,i~.,~~iS, on. c~r at;out Au~;•a.~#; 1.;; f~, a re±,iti€~n ;~earin; tY:e signatur~s of p~rtie~ re~utec tU be collectively t:~e owners ~f .aut l.ess than 7~' in vrz3ue acr,ordin~; tc~ a~5essed val~.:~,tion .''cr .5ereral taxati.an p~rrc.se~ cf tr~~ property descri~ea t~:ereinr~elaw, was filed wzth the Towt: v,aurci? o~ the Tc,wn nf `telm ane3 a± ?.ts regular ar.eetin~ :~el.d Au~;ust 9~ 7.~78: tr~e :own Ccuncil ~3et~~:~;in•r:d tha# ~a:~3 Peuition cc~mpli~ci witti tr.~ ~rc~isic:zs of RCW ~,.13.130, anc; czirec~rc? t:~e '~own Clei°k ~c~ ~;ive n:,tic;e in trae fox^n ant~ ma.nnFr rec~uireci b~~ law fixing th~ ]..?th day ~f Uept~:r.r~~:r, ];?u, t~;: Es'~J n.~r.. at th~ Yel:r. C:ity Hal.i irz Yel;ri, i~uashi.n~tnn, as th~: time and plae~ ~'or a Fub~.ic hearino c:n saic~ ?'~+~i.tie~a ~'or Annex~+i.on; an~ wi-:E1=t~S, th~ Thur~~cr County ~3cun.d~ry :Zeview 3oard was c~.uly notified of the ~rcapnsed annexation and saic~ :3oundary Review ~;oard elected to waiv~ j~.xr~.sdic'.ion pursuant ta i~~se ~:rovisions caf ~.CT~ ~6.;'3~11_Q; ar~d ~ ; rd'r.~; ~;.~AS, notice of' a hearin~ on the sas_~ :~Etition for Annexation which in.vitea a1Z int~rF:st~ed part~.es to aE:p~ar and voice ttieir apprc-val or s3isargr.c,va]_ cf the s~.me, was pub~is.".~~ ana pc:st,~r? in tt~e forr; ~nd ~~~.nt~er required by law and a h~arino wa~ re~ularly helu a~t, tt°~~: tim~ ~nc: pl.~.ce £ix~a ir s~id notice a*=.d ~.11 int~rested parties were give~ri preper a~~ortunity tc t~~ Y~.~ard wit'r. res~ect tc tne Frci;o~~c: an:~exation, `1Jv~, T;" ~i~v~'OR.~~,, F lu i. ~ n ~ ,t TT.:A *Tn n t3 IT " '_;~,T_ ~3X ' `~0 C(.`Tq;"TL T ~ T 4v;ti ~c ~~~L: , ;T^N COu_d~Y, i~t S?-f~ L i.J ~Y . V. l. ll 1_J 1a., 11 I1`~~I'O:tiT, aS ft3).,lOWS : SECT,~JFd 1., That t°rzr: f~1.2c~wi.r.~; de;,cri~ec r~~l progert~ situat;ed ia~ ;hurst.on County, 5tate cf hashir.gto~, tc wit: That gort~c~n c:,~ t:~e ~lorth~ast Quarter of "ection 2~, '~'ownsA.~zp I7 ~Torth, ~;an~e 1,East, v~.~f„ situate in ~'hur~t•~n vCJliTlti~~ Z~~.shingtan, more ful.ly d~scribed a;; fol.~czws : 3e~;innirq at the intei°vect;_an c£ the scuthwesterly ri~ht-of-way line of Yelr~ Avenue (5R ~1~) ~nc s~utheaster].y right-cf way l.in~ of CY:amb~rs Street said puin# b~:r.f; t::~mest nr.,rtherly corner of "West ~nd Ad~iitzon" as r~cordsd ir zlolum~ l.~a, ?'age~ 11 of F't~~s, rec~,rdea Thurstvr. County Auc~its~r; t'r~ence nc?r*k~eastF;rly a3ora~ ~tk:~ s~tztheast.ex'ly right-o~'-wa;~ a.~r.fy of Chamb~rs za ;re~±, to intersect th~ scutY.wG~terly i ri. -r.t-af_w~5, l:ine of Jefferson Stre ~t; thpnce scuth- ' 4:.asterly along said ri~~st-of»way linp t:,~ :in~~rs~ct the exzst~rg boundary lin~~ c;f the .ow:7 c.~' Y~L~z, 'wasY.i~;~ton ec~rp~ratic.n; t,::ence sc.;.t>~:wester7y a?c~~; ~aid bc;unciary line to intersect th~ scuthwest~~rrly right-o.f-way 7.in~ of afare:nention~d °el:~! ~~~Wn~e (SR ~10;; thence north- westerly alont; said right~-cf-xay line tc~ tre true ~oint Gf J~~1.T1;!:iT2b'9 being contiguous tc the Tcwn cf vPlr~, '~nashin~;~c~:~, ari:i nct t~e~ng a part of any inr.orporated town or c~.ty Q~' tk7~ ,~ta~e of ~'asY;in ;t~n, oe, anc the s~rne is here~y anr~exed to thP Town af Yc~l~i. ~ ~ ~ S~CT~ „~a 2„ ','::u{ u:,E: sai~ real p:~ptrty ~.k:al.l be ar~~i o~c.ome ~~;,~:t ~f T~wn af eflec~ivr> u~.~Ea +~7~; ~dc~~ti~:n, apF~rov~? ~.r~i cui~lic~~tior. c~ ti.is Gr~iraz3ce :~.n~ t~~:::3!; s~~c: ~raa s:.~~~~_ ~her~a,~Er subj~:~t tc? t.i.~ ~x; ~Wt;n~ irdr'ebte~n~_s c~~' the `T nt z't ~.1 ^~:i^a~G ~3Xlli ~'r3.XiE.G 3, v r= s d n r r ~ o i lOWTI G~ .Sa"lst. .7t, a i~ ~-~1... %'c`3C.,£~ 2'2~.~. 3ili: G,a t~ri6` ..~82T1.. (?c3S_..8 s1S othex• prraperty ~~:.i~~:~~ tr~c~ ccrF~crate lzmzts c~' :-.;wr: af Y~Im iv ass~:,.e,^; r~nd t~xed, ~,nu sh~.l~ ti~e su~~ ~c~ tc ~11 l~ws an~ ord~.r~~nc~s c~ t!:~,~ icwr. cf Yp1;;. t~":en ~nr tt~~er~a.ft~-,~ i.rl ~ ~'1"C;€; . .;L;:'Ti.')'~d Tha.t tn~ a3wc' ~a~ .~~~^i ke~ real p: o^~t'+~.T t~~,s :~r~:i th~ t;~ :te:'e~y zonPd C-1. Co:~.mercial ~ervice 2ar,~ Fur,;:~r;t t~ C?~~,,r,~.r;-r 17.?2 r,.f the Yelm '.~~unic~_pal C~~?~. 3~CTI0"i !y. ~laa+., tn€: ~ler'~ ~f T•~~t~ c;£ Yel.m be, anci he is he~e~y dire~t~d ~c caLSe ~~cpy t;l:~ s~rc.~nar.cv tc, .~e recurd~~~ i:; tr:e of~ice; nf the ~~:ditc;r of ~'riur~t^n ~csnty, ;.r~;;izi-~~~un, .~n~= ~'il, a~`rtia~~w~ci ccPY hereof witrx the 3oard c~' ~ i vCtillt~ .!'.C'rL'R1S5~ CTl~T'S ~t' ir1::T atC)Tl ~~f:P,~,~' p~hic3Sii~.X~&~',C1 :y t7f1Y':~U~TIt ~'.Cj f,.fl@ i^,7'OV1u:.~Sl~ O~ '~~~~"1 ~.l.c',:4f, . , s ~ 1 ~ ~ J,~„J Lora UoGt~S, ~~'~~ycr Attest: ~QanT' CI~' rCLJ:1 ~~..~2'K "s~.vs~a ; ~~:~~~n:c~r• 1~ , 19?8 n~rT'JL°F~ ..;~~uF::iiJf:T' ~.i i a.17U ?'uhl.i :ci~c: : ~~p ~:~rr~'~er 27. , i ~