227 Annexation ~ ~ OR~II~TAT~CE i'T0. 22'7 AN ORDIN~IT~CE 7~roviding ~'or the annexation of certain contiguous ~ropert,y to the Tav~n of Yelm, Ulashington. Wheras, heretofore on or about Oct~ber 11, 1~78, there was filed with the To`,~n Council and the PJlayar_ of the Town of Yelm, a Notice of Intent to ~ommence Annexation Proceedings to effect annexation by the To~~rn of the real property more particulary descr.ibed. nereinbelow pur- suant to the petition method provided_ b,y Chapter. 35.13 0~' the Revised Code of Washin~;ton (RCUJ} , which Tlotice was signed by the owners of more than 10/ in valtze, according to the asse~sed valuation ~'or general tax- '^'i ation purposes, of saic~ real prope~ty: ~r~' W~IEREAS, pursuant to such T~otic~ of Intent to Commen.ce Annexa- tion Proceedi.ngs the Mayor_ and Tourn Council of t~e To~,vn of Yelm held a meeting tiaith representatives of the parties signatorzr to said Notice for the purpose of consid.ering and determining the matter.s set forth in RCW 35.13.125, and at such meeting the Town Cauncil determined that tne propert5r to be annexed should be subjected to the exirting inaebtedness of the Town, and that sucl~ property, not being covered by the existing Comprehensive Plan of the Tov,.m, be zoned R-1 Family Residential Zone; and Wi,RL1iS, a petition bearing the signatures of parties reputed to be collec~ively the owners of not le~s than 75i~ in value according to assessed valuation for general -ta~~tion purpo~es of the pro~erty des- cribed hereinbelow, wa~ filed. with the Town Council of the Town o~ Yelrn and at a regular meeting, the Tot~tn Council determined that said Petition cornplied ~vith the provisions of RC~r~ 35.13.130, and derected the Tov~rn Clerk to give notice ir~ the form and manner required b,y law F'ixing the 14th day of February, 1~7y, ~,t 8:00 p.m. at the Yelm City Hall in Yelm, Washin~ton, as the time and place for a~ublic hearin~; on said Petition for Annexation; and I~IHERE~S, the Thurston County Boundar}~ Review Board was duly notified af the proposed annexatian ~.nd said Boundary Revietiv }3oard declined to invoke jvri.~diction pursuant to the provisions of RG~~J 36,~3.110; and W~ILREPS, notice of a hearing on. the saic~ Petition for Annexation ^ u~hich invited all interested parties to a~pear an.d voice their app- roval or disapproval of the ~arne, wa~ publi:~h~d and posted in the form an~ manner required by law and a hearin~ was regulary held at thP time and place fixed ir said r_otice ar~d a11 interested partie.~ ~vere given proper opportunit~r to be heard tNith respect to the proposed annexatian, NOW, THEREFOR~', I3L IT ORDAIi~1LD BY THE TOti~JN COUNCIL OT THE TOWN OF YEI,P~i, THURSTON C~UNTY, VJASHITdGTOT1, as folloti~rs: Section l. lhat the real property situated in Thurston County, State of y~Jashington, z~rhich~is more particularly described in Lxhibit ~i anne~ed hereto and by this reference thereto incorporated 'nerein a~ tizough fully set fortn. 'r~erein, beirig contiguous to ±'r~e Ta~vn of Yelm, Washington, and not being a p~.rt of any incorporated city or to~f~n of ~he State of tidas~lington, be, and the same is hereby annexed to t'rie Town of Yelm. Section 2. That the s~.id real pr.ope_rt,y shall be and become a part of the Toti,rm of Yelm effective ~apon the adoption, approval and publication of this Ordinan.ce and that said area shall thereafter be subject to the indebtedness of the ToU,~n o:~ Yelm~, shall be assess- ed. ~.nd taxed at the saMe rate and on the same ba~is as other property ~~vitl~in ti.~e corporate limit~ of the Tov,m of Yelm is a~ses~ed ~.nd_ ta<Led, ard shall be .~labject to all la~.as and orc.inanceC of the Town ~ of Yelr.~. then and thereafter in force. ~ ~ectian 3. That the said described re~.l propert,y be, and the ~ame is hereby zaned R-1 Fami1_y Residential Zoned pur~uant ~;o CYiapter 17.20 of tne Yelrn ~Iunicipal Code. Section 4. Th~.t the Clerx of the Town of Y~lm be, and he is hereby directed to c~,use a co~y of this Ordinance to ~e recorded in the office of the ~luditor of Thurston Count,y, Washir_gton, and to file a certified cop~Z hereof ~~aith the ~3oard of! County Commissioners of Thur~ton County, ~yasningtor, pursuant to the provisions of RCj~1 35.13.~50. i~~ ~ ~ I~ r~. B. o<tes, PZa,yor , ~ ~ ~ « At t e t : ~ _ ..-ti- - ~ Roge~ Eid'e, TaS~rn Clerk F~.ssed : ~'ebru~,ry 14, 1~78 ; ~ ~lpproved.: February lq-, 19?8 Pu~alished; T~s~.rch 8, 1978 ~ ORDINANCE N0. 228 I , AN dRDINANCE providing for the annexation of certain contiguous property to the Town of Yelm, Washington. WHEREAS, heietafore on or about January 10~ 1979, a"Notice of Intent to Commence Annexation Proceedings" was filed with the Town Council and Mayor of the Town of Yel.m to effect anriexation by the Town of the real property which is more particularly described in Exhibit A annexed hereto, pursuant to the petition methods provided by Chapter 35•13 of the Revised Code of Washington (RL'W), said Notice having been signed by the owners of a certain portion of the real property sought to be annexed which had a value of more than 10~ of the value of the total property sought to be annexed, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation purposes; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to said Notice of Intent to Commence ~nnexation Proceedings, the Mayor and Town Council Qf the Town of Yelm held a meeting with representatives a~ the parties signatory thereto for the purpose of considering and determining the matters set farth in RCW 35•~3.~.25, and at such meeting the Town Council determined that the property to be annexed should be subjected to the existing in- deb~edness of the Town and that such property, not being covered by the e3d.sting comprehensive plan of the ~own, be zoned as provi,ded in ar~y petition for annexation filed in connection therewith; and, i WHEREAS, on or about March 11~, 1979, a'~Petition for Anne~tion" bearing the signatures of parties repe~ted to be collectively the owners of not less than ?5~ in value, according to assessed valuation for general taxation purposes~ of the pro- perty described in Exhibit A annexed hereto, was filed with the Town Council of the Town of Yelm and at its regu3~ar meeting held March 11~, 1979, the Town Council deter- mined that said Petition complied with the provisions of RCW 3~.13.130 and directed the Town Glerk to give notice of a pub~ic hearir.g thereon in the form and manner re- quired by law; and, WHEREAS, the Thurston County Boundary Review Board was duly notified .of the proposed annexation and said I3oundary Review Board declined to invoke its ~zzrisdictian pursuant to the provisions of RC6~1 36.93.110; and, WfiII~EAS, notice of a hearing on the said Petition for Annexation, which invited all interested parties to appear and voice their approval or disagproval of the same, was published and posted in the form and manner required by law and a hearing was duly and regularly held at the time and place fixid in said nvtice and all interested parties were given proper opportunity to be heard with respect to the proposed annexation, N(?W, THEREFflRE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWPJ COUNCIL OF THE TGWN OF YEGM,THURSTON CUUNTY, W~SHINGTC}N, as follows: SECTIGN That the real property situated in TYiurston ~ounty, State of t""' Washington, Which is more particularly described in Exhibit A annexed hereto and, by ~ this reference thereto, incorporated herein as though fuliy set forth herein, being contiguous to the Town of Yelm, Washington, and not being a part of any incorporated city or town of the State of Washington~ be~ and the same is, hereby annexed to the Town of Yelm. SECTION 2. That the said described real property shall be and become a part of the Town of Ye-lm effective upon the adoption, approval and publication of this Ordinance and that said area shall thereafter be subject to the indebtedness of the Town of Yelm, shal.l be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as other property within the corporate limits of the Town of Yelm and shall be sub~ect to all laws and ordinances of the Town of Yelm then and thereafter in force and effect. SECTIQN 3. 7`hat the said flescribed real property be, and the sa~te is, hereby zoned as shown on the official Yelm Zoning Map and as follows: . 4 . ~ t%A ~ ~d~°.S ~ . ` . _ . „ ~ L. ~'~`r~l`,.r7' rC? .yo~ / - r`7,/~ 3 ? . ~ EXf~IBIT A Descripti..ora o~ Real Pr.nperty to be Annexed ~ to t~he Town o£ Yelm The following clescribed real groperty situated in `l ~ Thurston County, State of Washington, to-wit: +fi ~ That part of the Southwest ; of the Northeast 4, Section 24, ~ Township 17 North, Range 1 East, W.M., Iying Southerly of Ye2m- ; Olympia Highway 5-Z EXCEPTING therefrom a tract conveyed to ~ C.A. Iverson by de~~ recorded uixder Auditor`s FiZe #5422I3; ~ a tract conveyed to C.W. Gray, by deed recorded under Auditor's ~ File #88026; a tract conveyed ~to A. Mercier, by deed recorded under Auditor's File #380408; a tract conveyed to G.K. Richard- ~ san, by deed recorded under Auditor's File #909257; a tract ~ conveyed to Judge Wm. N. Gordwin, et al, by deed recorded under Auditor's File~#882139; a tract conveyed to F.A. Noble, by deed recorded under Auditor's File #720750; a tract conveyed to N.J. : 1 Dira, by deed recorded under Auditor's File ~776949; a tract conveyed ta E~m. Trul l p by deed x~~carded un~3er Aur~.i_tor' s File #1047373 ALS(J that por-~ion o~ ~he Southeast 4 af the Nartheast ~ of said Section, Townsh9.p and Range lying Southerly of a tract conveyed to N.J. Dira, by cleed recorded under Auditor`s File '`x~ #776949; and Northerly of t.he Sc~utherly ].ine extended E~sterly of a tract conveyed ta T.E, Longmire, by deed recorde3 under Auditor's File #709412 ALSO that part of the ~3ortheast ; of ~ the Southeast ~ Section 24, Township 17, Range I East, P~.i~i. ;;y , described as ~ollowso ~3ec~inning at the Northwest corner o~ said subdivision; thence South al.on_q the West Iine thereof 24 ~ feet mare or less to the South line of Berry Valley Road and true point of beginning; thence East of South line of said Road 52 feet more or less to a point; thence continuing along Southwesterly line of said road 177.23 feet to the Northwest ~ Corner of a tract conveyed to C.H. Ardary, by deed recorded June I3, 1928 under Auditor's File #1949I9; thence South 37° ' 56' West along said Ardary traet 300 feet more or less to the West line of said subdivision; thence North along said West line 350 feet more or less to the true point of beginning. ALSO a partion of th~ Nor.th a of. the Southeast ~ of ~ection 24, Township 17 North, Range 1 East, ~V.M. described as follows: Beqinninq.at a point which is the intersection o~ Southerly Iine of Yelm Ave. and the Northwest boundary of Solberg's Ist addition to Yelm; thence NorthwESt along the Southerly line of 1 Yelm Ave. extended 875 feet; thence South 37° 56' West 543.5 feet to the paint of beginning; thence continuing South 37° 56' West 76.5 feet; thence North 53° 30' 30" Wes~ 50 feet; thence South 37° 56' West 415 teet; thence South 53° 30' 3Q" East 45~ feet; thence North 37° 56` East 492.5 feet; thence North 53° 30' 30" U~est 400 feet to the point of beginning. Solberg's lst addition to YeZm; EXCEPTING THEREFROM any portion of above-described property lying Northeasterly of a line which is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the West line of the Southwest ; of the I~ortheast ~ of Section 24, i: f}, Township 17 North, Range 1 East, W.M. with a line described as ~ para11e1 with and 570.18 feet distant Southwesterly frorn the a Southwesterly.line of Olympia-Yelm Highway; thence Southeasterly para11e1 with and 570.18 feet distant Sauthwesterly from said , 5outhwesterly Iine af highway to the extended centerline of County road known as Berry Valley Road, and terr:iinus of.said line; LESS any portion of Iast parcel lying within present Yelm City limits.