228 Annexation 1~~
~ ~
T~ ra oates, I~2a,yor
At t e t : -
Roge~ Eide, Tot~~n Clerk
Pas:~ed : I'ebrua.ry 1¢, 197~
Approved.: February 1~, 1973
Published: P~larch 8, 1978
~ i ORDINANCE N0. 228
AN ORDINANCE providing for the annexation of certain
contiguous proper~y to the Town of Yelm, Washington.
WHEREAS, heietofore on or about January 10, 1979, a"Notice of Intent
to Commence Annexation Proceedings" was filed with the Town Councii and Mayor of
the Town of Yelm to effect annexation by the Town of the real property which is
more particularly described in E~chibit A annexed hereto, pursuant to the petition
methods provided by Chapter 35.13 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), said
Notice having been signed by the owners of a certain portion of the real property ;
sought to be annexed which had a value of more than 10~ of the value of the total
property sought to be annexed, according to the assessed valuation for general
taacation purposes; and,
WHEREAS, pursuant to said Notice of Tntent to Commence Annexation
Proceedings, the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Ye1m held a meeting with
representatives af the parties signatory thereto for the purpose of considering and
determining the matters set forth in RCW 35•13.125, and at such meeting the Town Council
determined that the property to be annexed should be subjected to the existing in-
debtedness of the Town and that such property, not being covered by the exi.sting
comprehensive plan of the Town, be Zoned as prov3:ded in any petition for annexation
filed in connection therewith; and,
WHEREEIS, on or about March 1~, I979, a'tPetition for Annexation'~ bearing
the signatures of parties rep~ted to be collectively the owners of not less than 75~
in value, according to assessed va2uation for generai taxation purposes, of the pro-
perty described in Exhibit A annexed hereto, was filed with the Town Council of the
Town of
Yelm and at its regu3~ar meeting held March 1?~, 1979, the ~own Council deter-
mined that said Petition complied with the provisions of RCW 35•13.130 and directed
the Tawn Clerk to give notice of a pub~.ic heari~g thereon in the form and manner re-
quired by law; and,
WHEREAS, the Thurston County Boundary Review Board was duly notified of
the proposed annexation and said Soundary Review Board declined to invoke its ~urisdiction
pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.93.110; and,
WH~tEAS, notice of a hearing on the said Petition for Annexation, which
invited all interested parties to appear and voice their appraval or disapproval of the
same, was published and posted in the form and manner required by law and a hearing was
duly and regularly held at the time and place fixid in said notice and a11 interested
paxties were given proper opportunity to be heard with respect to the proposed annexation,
W~.SHI23~TQN, as follows;
SECTIGN That the real property situated in Thurston ~%ounty, State of
a"" Washington, Which is more particularly described in Fxhibit A annexed hereto and, by
~ this reference thereto, incorporated herein as though fully set forth herein, being
; contiguous to the Town of Yelm, Washington, and not being a part of any incorporated city
or town of the State of Washington, be, and the same is, hereby annexed to the Town of Yelm.
SECTTON 2. fihat the said described real property shall be and became a
part of the Town
of Ye-lm effective upon the adoption, approval and publication of this
Ordinance and that said axea shall thereafter be subject to the indebtedness o£ the 2own
of Yelm, shall be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as other
property within the corporate li.mits of the Town of Yelm and shall be sub~ect to all
laWS and ordinances of the Town of Yelm then and thereafter in force and effect.
SECTIQN 3. '~'hat the said described real property be, and the s~me is,
hereby zoned as shown on the official Yelm Zoning Map and as follows:
(a) R-1 Family Residenta.al Zone. That certain real property
described in Exhibit B annexed hereto, which is by this reference
thereto incorporated herein as though fully set forth herein.
(b) R-2 Multiple Family Residential Zone. That certain real
property described in Exhibit C annexed l~ereto, which is by this
reference thereto incorporated herein as though fully set forth
(c) C-1 ~ommercial Service Zone. That cetain real property
described in Exhibit D annexed hereto, which is by this reference thereto ~
incorporated herein as though fully set forth herein.
SECTION That the Clerk of the Town of Yelm be, and he is, hereby !
directed to cause a copy of this Ordinance to be recorded in the Office of the Auditor
of Thurston County, Washington, and to file a certified copy hereof with the Board of
County Commissioners of Thurston ~ounty, ~iashington, pursuant to the provisions of
xcw 35.i3.15o.
f ~ ~
~~J C..,.C '_.Ga..~
Lor B. Coates, Mayor
Passedr July 11, 1979
Approved: July 11, 1979
Published: August 30, 1979 Attests
ger; ~ide, '~`own Clerk
~~~'b i~ . . . ~ . . . . .
The follawing described real properfiy situated in Thurstr~n
County, State of Washington, to-wit:
That part of the Sauthwest one-quarter of the Northeast
ane-quarter of Section 24, Township 17 North, Range 1
East, W,M lying northeast~rly of a tract conueyed to
T. E. Longmire by deed recorded under Auditor's File
~ No. ~094I2; EXCEPTING THEREFROM that part of the trac~
" lying between a tract conveyed to the Church of Christ
by deed recorded under Auditor's File No . 882139 and a
tract conveyed to D. Richardson by deed recorded
under Auditor`s File No. 909257; AND,
~ That part of the Northeast one-quarter of the Soutneast
one-quarter of Section 24, Township 17 North, Range 1
East, W, M., conveyed to N. J. Dira by deed recarded
under AUditor's File No . 776949 and that part of the
° Berry Valley Raad in said Northeast one-quarter of the
; ! Southeast one-quarter; AND , : :
That part of the Southeast one-quarter of the Nartheast
one--quarter of Section 24, Township 17 Narth. Range
1 East, W. M., lying northwesterly of the Yelm city
limits as the same presently exist; AND,
That part of the Southwest one-quarter of the Northwest
one-quarter of Section 19, Township 17 ~Jarth, Rar~:ge 2
East, W. M., lying northwesterly of the Yelm city limits
as the same presently exist and southwesterly of the
southerly line af county road known as Coates Road;
That part of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast
one-quarter of Section 24, Township 17 North, Range
East, W. M., lying southerly of a tract conveyed to J.
Hutchinson by deed recorded under Auditor's File Na ,
$86186; EXCEPTING THEREFROM county road on the
East known as Killion Road; AND ,
That part of the Southeast one-quarter of the Southwesi on~-
quarter of Section I3, Tawnship 17 Narth, Range 1 East, ~F.~•-„
. described as follows: beginning at the Southeast corner of
said subdivision; thence West along the South line of s~d
1~ ~ subdivision 20 feet more or less to a po3nt on the East
line of a tract conveyed to J, F. Spxague by deed recor~ed
Il under Auditar's File No. 839799; thence North along the
East line of said tract to the Northeast corner thereof;
thence West along the North line of said tract to the
Southwest corner of a tract conveyed to K. Kalukiokalani
by deed recorded in Volume 37, Page 965, of the records
of Thurston County, Washington; thence ~3orth along
. oN aT~3 s,.zo~tpn~ aapun papao~a.z paap ~q ~at.z~stQ
Ta~u~S ~Ta~, au~. o~ pa~a~uo~ uaaq buznPu M,~sE3
j abuP~ ' I,I~..TOj~ Lj dTI~SiIMOy ~~z uo~~~as ~o .za~..zenb-auo
~.sa<Mu~.zo~ au~ }o .za~.z~nb-auo ~sannu~.zoN a~~ ~o ~.z~d ~~uy
' QTd~I :~oa.zaq~
.zau.zo~ ~s~au~noS au~ o~ uotstn~pqns pt~s ~o autj u~no~ au~
b~toTe ~s~e3 a~uau~ :uo~sznFpqns pt~es ~o auF~ u~,nos a~~
uo ~tz~od ~ o~ .za~xPnb-auo ~.san~u~.zoN au~. ~o .za~.z~nb-aua
~.seau~.zoN pms ;o auzj ~saM au~ buoTe u~.nos a~uau~. :$6£OSL
• oN aT~3 s,.zo~Fpn~ .zapun pap.zo~a.z paap ~q .znouunnoQ
• d• j o~ pa~anuo~ ~.~e.z~ ~;o .zau.zo~ ~.sannu~..zoN au~ o~ au~j
u~zoN ptes Buoje ~.saM a~uau~ :TgLOS6 ' oN att3 s,.zo~~pn~
~apun pap.zoaa.z paap ~q x~ng g o~ paAanuo~ ~~a~ p
;o auzT u~..zoN aq~ uo ~uiod e o~ ssej .zo a.zouz ~aa; Og u;noS
a~uau~ :6~0 T60i ' oN a~z3 s,.zo~ipn~ .zapun papao~a.z paap
~iq sr~~ox • I • 3 0~ Aa~anuoa ~~~.a} ~ ~o .zau.zo~ ~sannu~nos ~
au~ uzo.x~ u~.nog papua~xa au~T ~ u~.znn uo~as.za~u~ s~t o~
uozsznzpqns p~es ~o aut~ u~zoN au~ buoTe ~,saM a~uau~ '.za~.xenb
-auo ~sannu~.zoN au~ ~o .xa~.zenb-auo ~s~au~.zoN pies ~o autl
~~o~; au~ uo }u~od e o~ papua~xa autj ~sE3 pms pu~ ~.a~.z~
p~s ;o au~t ~se3 au~ buoje ~~.zoN a~uau~ :IE£ZOOI ' oI~I
alj3 S~~o~FPn~ .zapun pap.zo~aa paap ~q uza.zo~.g ' O'~ o~.
pa~anuo~ ~~~a~ ~}o auTj ~s~3 au~ uo ~utod e o~, ssaT .zo
a~our ~aa~ pZ ~saM a~uau~ :98I988 ' oN aTt3 s,~o~tpn~ .zapun
pap.zo~a.z paap ~q uosu~u~~nH • j o~. pa~ianuo~ ~~P.z~ ~~o ~saM
papua~xa auij u~.nog au~ u~inn uoz~aas.xa;ut s~t o~ uots~nTpqns
pzes ~o auzj ~sE3 au~, buoje u~.zo~ a~uau~ :uozsintpqns prns
~o .zau.zo~ ~sPau~.noS au~ bu~uu~6aq :snnoTto~ s~ paqza~sap
y',~' FY~ '~se3 Z abue2i ~u~~oi~I LI dtt~surnoZ '~Z uo~.~ag ~o .aa~aPnb
-auo ~sann~~..zo~ au~ ~o .za~..zpnb-auo ~s~au~xo~ au~ ~o ~.zed ~.eqZ
'ii ~or~.~as ~o .za~.zenb-auo ~sannu~nos au~;o .za~.z~nb-auo
;s~a~~naS P~s 3o auiT ~I~noS au~ o~ u~nos a~uau~ ~IS ~~nnubtH
Ptduz~jp-wja~, au~ ~o u~ba~uz ~I.zac{~.zou aq~. uo ~uzod
e o~ ~.~e.z~ pFes ~o auxT ~saM au~. buo~e ~tj.za;sannu~nos a~uau~
'~oa.zau~. xau.zo~ ~sannu~..zol~I au~ o~ ~p tl P~s ~o au~T u~zON au~
buo~ ~saM aauau~. :~oa.zau~. ~au.zo~ ~sEau~.zoN au~ o~. ~a~.z~,
pies ~o au7i ~se3 a~~ 6uoYe u~..zoN aauau~ :6~OT~OZ '~I~ ~T?3
s,.zo~.tpn~ .zapun papaa~a.z paap ~q s~j~Tox • Z• 3 0~. pa~anuo~
~ea~ ~;o auij ~.se3 au~ uo ~uzod P o~ ~a~x~. p~es 3o autj ,
u~nos au~ buoje ~saM a~uau~ :00~868 ' oN ajt3 s,ao~zpn~
xapun pap.zo~a.z paap r~c{ ~e.z~ • 3 0~. pafanuo~ ~P.x~. P
~o autt ~~nos au~. uo Zu~od ~ o~ ~e.z~ pms ;o au~i ~SaM aul
_ . ; . - . . . _ y-,~y,~
. . . . .iv . . . ~R~',~ .~,~~L~V.'Nk;
The following descri~ed real ~raperty situated in
Thurston Gounty, State of Washington, to-wit:
That part of Section 24, Township i7 North, Range
1 East, W.M., described as follows.
That part of the Southwest one--quarter
of the Northeast one-quarter of said
5ection 24, lying Northeasterly of a
tract conveyed to T.E. Longmire, by
deed recorded under Auditor's File No.
709412; EXCEPTING THEREFROM that part
af the tract lyinc~ b~tween a tract
conveyed to the Church of Christ by
deed recorded under Auditor's File
No. 882139 and a tract conveyed to
D. Richardson by dee3 recorded under
Auditor's File No. 909257; that part
of a tract lying Northerly of the
Olympia-Yelm Hicthway conveyed to Lee
~ and Ruby Edwards by deed recorded
~ under Auditor's File No. 97641.9 lying
in said Southwest ane-quarter of the
Northeast ane-quarter of Section 24;
and that tract Iying Northerly of the
- Olympia-Yelm Highway conveyed to
August J, Tokarczyk by deed recorded
under Auditor's File No. 79875I lying
in the Southwest one-quarter of the
Northeast ane-quarter of said Sectian
AND, That part of the Southeast one-
quarter of the Nartheast one-quarter
of said Section 24, lying Northwest-
erly o£ the`Ye1m city limits as the
same existed on March 14, 1979; EX-
CEPTING THEREFROM that part of a
tract conveyed to N.J. Dira by deed
recorded under Auditor's File No.
776349 Iying in said Southeast one-
quarter of the Northeast one-quarter;
AND, That part of the Northeast one-
quarter of'the Northwest one-quarter
of said Section 24, described as foI-
I ows : Beginning at the Southeast
corner of 'said Subdivision, thence
.Narth along the East Iine of said
Subdivision to its intersection with
z - g ~TqTuX~
uoisTnzpqns p~~s ~o auit u~nog au~
buol~ ~sa~ a~uau~ 'uoisznipqns pz~s ,
~a zau~a~ ~seau~nv5 ay~ buiuuzbag
:sMO~To3 s~ paqtx~sap ••W.~ '~s~~ j abu~g '~~xo~
dTuSUMOy 'EI uoT~aag ~o ~a~~~nb-auo ~sa~u~nog
au~ 30 ~a~~Pnb-auo ~s~au~noS au~ ~o ~s~d ~pus 'QN~
•p~og sa~~o~ ~o
auzj ~~~au~noS au~ ~o ~j~a~saMu~noS Pu~ 6L6t '~Z
u~~~W uo pa~s~xa am~s au~ s~ S~T~Tj ~~z~ wlaR au~
~o ~Ixa~saMu~zoN buz~j ..~.M '~s~~ Z a6u~g 'u~~oN
~j d~usu~os uoi~~ag ~o ~a~z~nb-auo ~saM~~~oN
au~ ~o aa~z~nb-auo ~saMu~no5 au~,~o ~~~d ~su~ `QN~
:uozsinipqns paqT~~sap pz~s au~ utu~iM
saij u~iuM ~L~8L6 °o~ ajz3 s,xo~tpn~
~apun pap~oaa~ paa~ ~q ~~i~~szQ Zoou~S
~I~~ ~u~ o~ pa~anuo~ ~~pz~ au~ ~o
uoz~~od au~ buz~q •.w.M ,~s~~ I a6u~g
'q~zON LT ~TuSUMO~ '~Z uaz~~aS pzES ~o
za~~~nb-auo ~saMu~xo~ ~u~ ~o xa~~~n~
-auo ~saMq~~~N ~u~ 30 ~~~d ~~us 'QN~
°5uiuuzbaq ~o ~u~od au~ pu~ ~oaaau~
~auza~ ~s~au~nos au~ o~ uo~sznzpqns
pi~s ~o auz~[ u~naS au~ 5uoj~ ~s~~ a~uau~
:uazsznzpqns pt~s 3o auij u~nos au~ uo k
~u~od ~ o~ xa~~~nb-auo ~saMu~zoN au~ 30 ;
za~a~n6-auo ~SP~~~~O~ pT~S ~o auTT ~saM
aq~ buoZE q~noS a~uau~ =86£08L 'oN
ajz3 s~~o~zpn~ ~apun pap~o~az paap
~q ~naquMOQ '~'P o~ pa~anuo~
~ ~o zau~o~ ~sa~q~aoN au~ o~ auzZ
u~zoN p~~s buoj~ ~saN~ a~uau~ -I9L056
•oN ajz3 s~zo~rpn~ aapun papso~aa
paap ~q x~ng •~•g o~ pa~anuo~
~~o aui~ u~~oN au~ uo ~uiod ~ o~
ssaj zo azo~ ~aa~ 00'0~ u~nos a~uau~
=6~OZ~OT 'o~ aZT3 s~~o~zpn~ xapun
papzoaa~ paap ~q sijijox •Y•3 0~
pa~anuo~ ~a~~~ ~ 3o zauzo~ ~sa~u~nog
au~ ~ox~ u~nog papua~xa auij ~ u~TM
uaz~~asza~uz s~z o~ uoisznzpqns pz~s
~o auij u~~aN au~ buaj~ ~saM a~uau~
:~a~~~nb-aua ~saMu~~aN au~ ~o ~~~~~nb
-auo ~s~~u~zoN pz~s auiZ u~~o~ au~
uo ~uiad ~ o~ papua~ya au~j ~s~~ p~~s
pu~ ~a~~~ p~~s ~o auzt ~s~~ au~ buoZ~
u~~oN a~uau~ =I££ZOOI 'oN ajz3 s~~o~
-zpn~ aapun papao~a~ paap Rq wa~o~s
•p•~ v~ paRanuo~ ~ ~o auzl ~
~s~g au~ uo ~.uzod ~ o~ ssat .zo a.zou~ p
~aa~ 00'OZ ~saly a~uau~ = 98Z988 'oI~
atz3 s,.zo~ipn~ aapun pap.zo~a.z paap
~q uosuzu~~ng •r o~ pa~anuo~ ~.~e~~
p 3c~ ~S~N~ P~Pua~xa aut I u~n~S au~
EXHi:BZT r ~
~ ~
The following described rea~. property situated in Thur- `,t
ston Cannty, State of Washington, ta-wit:
That part of the Northwest one-quarter of the
Northeast one-quarter of Section 24, Tawnship
17 North, Range 1 East, W.M., described as fol-
lows: The East &93.00 feet of Lot 2 of Short
St~bdivision No. 0387, records of Thurston Caunty,
Washington, EXCEPTING THEREFR~M the South 415.00
feet of the West 263.Q0 feet and County Road
known as Killion Roac~ on the East.
. . . . . ~ . . 4.~:,
. , ~
. ~ . . . ~
. . ~ ~ ~
~ r~
. !
~ ~ l:
! ' ''t~
a .
s,.zo~tpn~ zapun pap~aaa~ pu~ 596I 'L ~aqa~~p
pa~~p paap ~q 'asooW ~o ~ap~p j~~oZ `506I 'ot~
a6poZ AaZZ~n ~LZt~nbst~ r~~ pa~anuo~ A~Mqbtg ~u~a~
-~~rduu~t0 au~ 30 ~I~~aq~.nas 6uiAj pu~t ~o ~~~a~.
' a~t~ buzaq ..~.M .~s~~ Z a6u~g 'u~zO~t ~T dzus
-uMOs '~,Z ua~~~as ~o xa~a~n6-auo ~s~au~~oH au~,
~a xa~.z~nb-auo ~saMu~zON au~ 30 ~~~d ~~u~ 'QN~I
~6~69LL o~ aj-r3 s'.zO~Tpt1~ :aapun pap.zo~a~ pu~
896T `8Z ~~~n~q~3 Pa~~'P Pa~~ Xq ~c'a3TM szu '~atQ
• y u~tan~ pu~ ~.z-rQ • r~{~TN o~ pa~Canuo~ ~.~~.z~ aq~
6uzaq '•~.M ~~s~~ ~ abu~e~ 'q~zotl L~ CITLjSLiMQ,Z '~Z
uo-r~~as 30 ~a~a~nb-auo ~s~a~{~.zoN au~ ~o .za~a~nb
-auo ~s~au~noS au~ pu~ ~a~~~nb-auo ~.s~au~no5 aq~
~v .xa~z~nb-auo ~s~au~aoN au~ ~o ~.z~d ~~~5 'QH~
au~ uo p~og uoi ~ j-r}~ sp uMOU~{ p~o~ ~~uno~ y~p~3
-~2i~H~ ~NISd~~X~ `uo~butusQM '~~uno~ uo~s.znuy 3~
~ sp.zo~ax `L8~0 'o~ uozstn-rpqnS ~xouS 3o Z
" ~aa~ 00'~9Z ~SaM au~ 30 ~aa~ 00°SI~ ~I~~?oS au~
' pu~ Z~07 :st~,ojlo3 s~ paqzz~sap ,.~.M .~s~~ t
' abu~~ 'u~..zo~ LI d-rusuMOs '{~Z uoz~aag ~o xa~.z~nb
~ -auo ~s~au~zo~ aq~ 30 .za~.z~n6-auo ~sa~ic{~noS
au~. 30 ~.z~d ~~u~ Pu~ .za~.a~nb-auo ~s~au~.zoN a~~
; ~o ~a~zer~~-auo ~sarnu~..zoN eu~ ~o ~~~d ~~us 'Q~~1
•oK a~z,~ s,.zo~tpn~ xapun papzo~ax pu~ 696I
'SZ u~.z~W P~~~P FaaP ~q `a~iM siu 's~~z~.z~exos
~u~Tz~ pu~ ~{~z~zgxoy •r ~sn6n~ o~ pada~uo~
s [~LMLjfJTH u~ja~-~zdu~~j0 aq~. ~o ~~.zau~.~oN buzAZ
~~~.z~. ac~~ butac{ W•M •~s~~ ~ afiu~g ' u~.zoN L i
CITt~SLIMO~j, ' ~ uor~~aS ~o .za~xr~nb-auo ~s~aq~~o~
au~ ~o .za~.zpnb-auo ~saMu~noS au~ ,~o ~.z~d ~~c~y
:~trn-o~ 'uo~.buzus~~y ~o a~~~.5 '~~uno~ uo~s
-~nus u-~ pa~~n~is I~~xadaxd T~a.z paqt~~sap F~JtITMO'(j03 aus
,r ~~oz ~aznx~s ~~z~~~rawo~ I-~ ,
_ _ . ,
Q~NOZ ~g os AS2i~dO~Id
' G~ ~I,IgII3X~
' ~ o
. . , ~s
~ . . . _ _ - , ~ . , ,
. . . . . F ~ J:~'
2Q.00 feet more or less to a point
on the East line of a tract conveyed
to J,F. Sprague by deed record~d under
` Auditor's File No. 839799; thence ~torth ~
; 4 along the East line of said tract ta ~f
the Northeast corner thereof; thence
West along the North line of said tract
to the Southwest corner r~f ~ tract con-
veyed to K. Kaluhiokalani by deed re-
corded in Valume 5I7, Page 327, records
of Thurston County, Washingtan; thence
North along the West l~ne af said tract
to a point on the Sauth line of a tract
canveyed ta P". Gray b_y deed recorded under
Auditor's rile N~. 898400; thence West
along the South line of said t~act to a
point on the ~ast line o~ a tract con-
veyed to F.L. Kol.ilis by deec~ recorded
under Auditor's File No. 104],049r thence
North along the East line of said tract
to the No.rtheast corner thereof; th~nce
West along the North line af said tract
to t~e Northwest corner thereof; thence
Southwesterly along the West line of
said tract to a poznt an the Northerly
margin of the Yelm-OZympia Hic~hw~y;
thence South to the South line af said
Southeast one-quarter of the Southwest
one-quarter af Spction 13.
~ ~ ~ ~ y~
' i?J
. ~ ,
Exhibit B - 3