895 B Attachment A Open Space Attachment A
VII. Parks/Open Space
A. {ntroduction
In 2007 the City of Yelm adopted a definition of a Sustainable Community into its
Comprehensive Plan to serve as a guiding principle for the plan. This reads:
"A sustainable community thoughtfully provides for the needs of its residents with
efficiency and stewardship for the future. Consider how today's decisrons will
affect the guality of life of a sustainable community and meet the needs of current
citizens without jeopardizing the quality of life or needs of future generations.
The goal is to establish ways of living that can be sustained indefinitely."
The population forecast for Yelm and its Urban Growth Area projects continued rapid
growth. Growth in Yelm will sustain the greatest percentage growth of any other
community in Thurston County.
In addition to population growth that will strain existing park and recreation facilities,
other challenges related to park and open space planning include:
• Increased awareness of the value of parks and recreation facilities for the overall
health and wellbeing of citizens of all ages
• Changing demographics that will include an aging population as well as a
growing school age population, placing new demands on facilities
• Need for creative public and private partnerships, efficient operation and
maintenance, and clear policy and action plans that focus efforts to achieve
identified priorities.
Vision for Yelm Park and Recreation Network
The City of Yelm park and recreation network will sustain the physical and mental
wellbeing of citizens as the area continues to grow by providing:
• Safe places for active and passive recreation for all ages
• Community gathering places for entertainment, education, art and culture
• Green spaces to share and enjoy with friends and family
• Opportunities for finding peace and serenity in shared spaces
B. Growth Management Objectives
A mandatory requirement for a Park Element was added to the required GMA
comprehensive plan elements in 2002 - provided there is state funding to support the
effort. Yelm has chosen to incfude a Parks element despite the lack of state funding
support. Under GMA the new Parks element must:
• Inctude estimates of park and recreation facilities for a ten-year period
• Evaluate facility and service needs and intergovernmental coordination
opportunities to provide regional approaches for meeting park and recreation
• Be consistent with the Capital Facilities Element as it relates to park and
recreation facilities.
The GMA goals related to parks, recreation, and open space planning are to:
"Encourage the retention of open space and devetopment of recreational
opportunities, conserve fish and wildlife habifat, increase access to natural
resource lands and water, and develop parks." RCW 36.70A.020(9)
C. County-Wide Policies
The County-Wide Planning Policies related to parks and open space include:
9.5 Maintain significant wildlife habitat and corridors;
9. 6 Preserve and promote awareness of our hisforic, cultural, and natural heritage.
9.8 Provide for parks and open space.
D. City of Yelm Policy
The Cit~ of Yelm updates and adds to the policies of the Yelm Park Plan which as
modified herein still express the needs and goals of the community.
1, Purpose
a. To identify the short and long term needs and desires of the community far
park and recreation facilities and programs.
b. To establish eligibility for Grant-in-Aid assistance from the Washington State
Recreation and Conservation Board formerly known as the Inter-Agency
Committee for Outdoor Recreation
c. To propose a program for implementing the Park and Recreation Plan
2. Recommendations
a. Seek the necessary resources of the City of Yelm, and seek support from
Yelm School District, and other jurisdictions as appropriate to accomplish the
Plan within the Urban Growth Area.
b. Continue to involve the citizens of the Yelm Community, both individually and
through organizations, to assist in providing park and recreation opportunities
for the community.
c. Secure a constant funding source for the park and recreation program in
addition to operation and maintenance funds.
d. Update the plan every five years to identify the changing needs and desires of
the community and to identify new opportunities. Review the project priority
3. Goals 8~ Policies
Goal 1: A. The City of Yelm wil{ work with public and private partners as the
area grows, to fund, develop, maintain and operate a park and
recreation network that will meet the needs of citizens of all ages,
within the Yelm community, and contribute to the regional park,
recreation, and trail network.
B. In the unincorporated Yelm Urban Growth Area the goals of the
Thurston County Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 9- Open Space and
Natural Environment, are specifically adopted.
Policy 1.1 Build a park and recreation network that will include:
(a) Safe and accessible parks with play areas and picnic areas,
community gathering areas and nature walk spaces
(b) Trail networks that link sidewalks, and on and off street
bicycle lanes and walking routes
(c) Outdoor and indoor sports and community recreation
facilities that will provide opportunities for learning new skills,
exercise and activities for aH ages - and that respond to the
interests of as many citizens as possib{e
Policy 1.2 Enhance the existing park and recreation network,
making efficient use of existing facilities while identifying additions that
will be needed as growth occurs.
Policy 1.3 Expand the park and recreation network over time
(a) Add opportunity for all neighborhoods to have a gathering or
play space within walking distance of homes, or linkages via
sidewalks and pa~hs that encourage bicycling and walking.
(b) Meet the demands of a more diverse population,
increasingly aware of the importance of exercise and activity
for the mental and physical wellbeing of young and old
(c) Continue to support youth and adult sport activity needs,
building new facilities in cooperation with schools and other
public and private partners
(d) Accommodate community needs for gathering spaces and
for events and accommodate - as much as possible -
regional and state user needs for special events in park and
recreation facilities
Goal 2: Acquire and develop additional lands dedicated to parks and recreation.
Policy 2.1 Acquire land and expand youth and adult athletic fields and
play areas.
Policy 2.2 Develop facilities that expand recreation opportunity in the
community including swimming, volleyball, aerobics etc.
Policy 2.3 Acquire land to develop and construct an indoor
community/recreation center that can accommodate facilities
such as a poo{, gym, meeting areas etc.
Policy 2.4 Encourage the development of recreational facilities and
programs on public properties near residential populations and
near - or adjacent to - schools.
Policy 2.5 Encourage facilities that consider safety and maintainability
as a prime consideration in development.
Policy 2.6 Design facilities to accommodate the physically handicapped
and the elderly.
Policy 2.7 Include parking in all park development plans
Policy 2.8 All developments should emphasize landscaping and
greenbelts which are compatible with the uses intended and
with surrounding development.
Policy 2.9 Avoid the development of recreational facilities in hazardous
areas or those that are known to be inundated by water.
Goal 3: Encourage and support cooperation and coordination of public and
private efforts to provide parks and recreation facilities, activities and
Policy 3.1 Seek to create partnerships with private organizations to raise
funds, develop park and recreation areas and successfully
manage such areas and facilities.
Policy 3.2 Pursue a partnership with the Yelm School District to pool
efforts to provide, coordinate and maintain park and recreation
areas and facilities.
Policy 3.3 Seek support from various groups, organizations and
institutions such as the: Yelm Chamber of Commerce, Yelm
Lions Club, Youth Athletic Association, etc.
Policy 3.4 Submit applications to the Washington State Recreation and
Conservation Board and other organizations to gain funding
through grants and all other means available.
Policy 3.5 Actively pursue citizen involvement to implement and follow
through with improvements and additional amenities in Yelm
Community Park, Cochrane Memorial Park and Longmire
Policy 3.6 Add neighborhood parks and a special use park that can fill
community needs
Policy 3.7 Provide mini parks that make play lots and playgrounds
available for the supervised recreation of toddlers and young
children within a neighborhood. These may also be part of a
larger neighborhood park. In master planned communities,
mini parks are called "pocket parks".
Goaf 4: Continue efforts toward developing, maintaining and improving
current park areas, facilities and programs in reference to their current master
• Cochrane Memorial Park
• Longmire Community Park
• Yelm City Park
• Yelm Sidewalk and Bikeways Program
• Thurston Regional Trails Plan
Goal: 5: Plan and develop a trail nefinrork that is accessible, expandable, and
effectively connected with sidewalks, and on and off street bicycle facilities.
Policy 5.1 Continue to work towards acquisition, design, and
development of trails as planned in the Thurston Regional
Trails Plan. The regional trails plan identifies a trail system
that traverses and connects neighborhoods, cities, and
neighboring counties.
Policy 5.2 Acquire and protect land from encroachment that would
block trail development along existing or potential corridors,
such as railroad rights-of-way and power line easements.
Policy 5.3 Foster collaboration between jurisdictions, tribes, and
~ transportation providers for the planning, financing, and
development of trail facilities.
Policy 5.4 Provide seamless connectivity between the trail network,
sidewalks, bike lanes and other transportation facilities.
Connect these to major destinations and activity centers
including parks, schools, business districts, other public
facilities or sites, and transit park and ride lots.
Goal 6: Design both active and passive park facilities to be safe and
secure spaces for visitors to them.
Policy 6.1 Design park spaces with appropriate landscaping and
amenity design that allows easy surveillance from street
edges and surrounding properties.
Policy 6.2 Design landscaping and structures in ways that allow
surveillance from adjacent areas by maintaining views into
the park that are as unobstructed as possible. This also
allows "community policing" which is the natural surveillance
that can occur with activity adjacent to park edges such as
residential or office/commercial areas
. Goal 7: Conserve a system of open space corridors to provide definition
between natura! areas and urban land uses.
Policy 7.1 Identify natural areas and open space linkages such as
along railroad corridors and planned trail routes.
Policy 7.2 Coordinate and cooperate with other public and private
landowners to set aside land and resources necessary to
provide high quality open space before the most suitable
sites are fost to development. Note: Stakeholders could
include tribes, federal agencies, state departments, county
departments, adjacent jurisdictions, private conservation
organization, local land trusts, land owners and residents.
Policy 7.3 Preserve unique environmental features or areas in future
land developments and increase public use and access
where possible and appropriate.
Policy 7.4 Integrate the critical areas, wastewater reuse/recycling
areas, and open spaces obtained through the City's open
space program into a unified open space program for public
use and enjoyment, environmental protection, and habitat
restoration/enhancement. Also see Yelm Comprehensive
Plan Chapter XII. Environment for goals and policies related
to Critical Areas Ordinance)
Goal 8: Identify and act on opportunities to fund acquisition, development
and maintenance of park and recreation facilities and open space.
Policy 8.1 Respond to opportunities as well as unanticipated
circumstances and conditions that wifl maximize resources
and help to achieve the short or long term pfans and funding
Policy 8.2 Maximize expenditures as much as possible to optimize
opportunities to:
• Maintain existing park and trail areas
• Add land to existing and identify new park and open
space land area
• Provide identified facilities within existing park areas
• Develop new park or recreation facilities
E. Levels of Service
The levels of service for park and recreation facilities sha{{ be 6.5 acres of land
per 1000 population. The level of service for regional parks and open space
programs shall be identified by the County.
F. Projected Needs and Priorities
1. Acres of Park Land - City of Yelm and Surrounding Urban Gpowth Area (UGA)
The City of Yelm and its Urban Growth Area has a 2007 population of 6035. There are
56.45 acres of park and trail land area which means there are 9.4 acres/1000
population in the area in 2007.
The following tab{e indicates parkland requirements for the present population (2007
level) and for projected populations for the City (including master planned community
area) and its Urban Growth Area. Master planned communities will be reviewed using
the City standards to identify needs and priorities for parks and open space.
Table 1. City of Yelm/UGA park land needs: 2007 - 2030.
2007 6,035 56.acres exceeds standard by 19
2010 8,400 56 acres exceeds standard by 6
2015 12,200 76
2020 16, 600 ] 04
2025 20,000 125
2030 24,100 151
Source: Thurston Regional Planning Council (TRPC) Population & Employment Forecast
Work Program, 2004-2005, 200?
The following table identifies the amount of park land to be secured for development
within the time frames indicated in Table 1, above. Acres required or developed for
each timeframe beyond 2006 assume the City has achieved its acquisition/development
objective for the previous time period using 6.25 acres/1000 population.
Table 2. City of Yelm/UGA park land acquisition requirements (park only): 2007-2030.
2007 56 38 0
2010 56 50 0
2015 56 76 20
2020 76 104 28
2025 l04 125 21
2030 125 151 26
Total Acres to be Acquired or Developed by 2030 using 6.25/1000: 95 acres
2. Facilities Need Assessment - to Accommodate City of Yelm and Surrounding Urban
Growth Area (UGA)
National Recreation and Park standards for recreation activities/facilities have been
devised as a guide and address minimum - not maximum - goals to be achieved.
Standards should be carefully interpreted according to the areas where they are applied
and to specific demands of the community.
When determining current needs for athletic facilities in urban areas, for example,
NRPA standards recommend a minimum of one Little League-sized baseball field per
5,000 residents. The same holds true for a softball field. Under current (2007)
population levels in the City of Yelm and its surrounding Urban Growth Area, this
translates into one to two baseball fields to serve area participants. However, an
assessment of the current needs of 700-800 youth baseball participants in two different
leagues competing for both game times and practices indicates that this number of
fields would definitely not be sufficient to meet the current demand. The same would
hold true far soccer fields, for which the NRPA standard of one field per 10,000
population would not be adequate to serve 600+ members spanning 4 years to 19 years
in age, over three different seasons. Demand for softball fields is different, due to a
much smaller number of participants in the Yelm area. However, one or two field(s) is
likely not sufficient, when taking into account future population projections of the City of
Yelm with the master planned community and the UGA area.
The following table identifies the number of recreation facilities and associated
approximate number of acres needed to meet the level of service for the City of Yelm,
the master planned community and surrounding UGA, based on NRPA minimum
standards. As stated above, this table should be used only as a guide in determining
demands for each type of facility, and should be considered - for most facilities listed -
the absolute minimum.
Table 3. City of Yelm, master planned community and UGA area - projecte d recreation facility
minimum needs and recommended s ace re uirements in acres .
2007 2007 2007 2070 Pop.: 2015 2020 2025 2030
Pop.: City School # of Fac Pop.: Pop.: Pop.: Pop.:
# of Fac Fac Fac and Acres # of Fac # of Fac # of Fac # of
and Req'd and and and Facilities
Acres Acres Acres Acres and
Req'd Req'd Req'd Req'd Acres
Baseball 2 3 5 2 3 4 4 5
1 er 5,000 3.5 ac 3.5 ac 5.25 ac 7 ac 7 ac 8.75 ac
Basketball 2 1 6 2 3 4 4 5
1 er 5,000 0.2 ac 0.2 ac 0.3 ac 0.4 ac 0.4 ac 0.5 ac
Football 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3
1 er 70,000 1.5 ac 1.5 ac 1.5 ac 3.~ ac 3.0 ac 4.5 ac
Picnic Shelter 3 1 0 4 6 8 10 12
1 er 2,000 0.09 ac 0.12 ac 0.18 ac 0.24 ac 0.30 ac 0.36 ac
Playground 6 1 8 8 12 16 20 24
1 er 1,000 0.66 ac 0.88 ac 1.32 ac 1.76 ac 2.2 ac 2.64 ac
Soccer 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 3
1 er 10,000 1.7 ac 1.7 ac 3.4 ac 3.4 ac 3.4 ac 5.1 ac
Softball 2 0 7 2 3 4 4 5
1 er 5 000 3.0 ac 3.0 ac 4.5 ac 6.0 ac 6.0 ac 7.5 ac
Tennis 3 0 6 4 6 S 10 12
1 er 2 000 0.51 ac 0.68 ac 1.02 ac 1.36 ac 1.7 ac 2.04 ac
Trail, Bike - 8ft 2 mi. 3 mi. 5 mi. 6 mi. 8 mi. 9 mi.
1 mile er 2,600 1.9 ac 2.8 ac 4.75 ac 5.7 ac 7.6 ac 8.5 ac
Trail, Walking - 3 mi. 4 mi. 6 mi. 8 mi. 10 mi. 12 mi.
4ft (1 mile per 1.4 ac 2.0 ac 2.9 ac 3.9 ac 2.8 ac 5.7 ac
2 000
Volleyball 2 2 3 4 4 5
1 er 5,000 0.1 ac 0.1 ac 0.15 ac 0.2 ac 0.2 ac 0.25 ac
Total Acres Req'd 14.56 16.48 25.27 32.96 34.60 45.84
3. Action Plan
The list be{ow, along with the table following, documents the existing park facilities and
plans for improvements to them. In addition, proposed new facilities and actions plans
are identified to guide further development of Ye{m's Park and Recreation programs to
meet community demand.
Parks, Recreation and Trail Facilities
As noted in the preceding sections, Yelm currently has three developed parks and
preliminary plans for a community center. Yelm also has on going involvement in the
Thurston Regional Trails Plan program. Development of the trail corridor within the City
of Yelm will be completed in 2009 using State transportation grant funds and local
funds. The park sites, and potential projects to meet demand are listed below.
Yelm C~ty Park: The following improvements have been identified as needed to
address demand. As soon as possible:
• Purchase adjacent property to expand this community park over time
• Redesign the park, modernize and expand play equipment, accommodate a
community center
• Rebuild the kitchen area, add a public address system
Cochrane Memorial Park: Add restroom facility to this completed water reclamation
facifity and passive park space.
Longmire Community Park: Add to this athletic field facility, restroom faciVity,
walking/running trails, picnic shelter and picnic tables.
Community Recreation Center: Planning and land acquisition as needed to meet
demand - then funding identified, final design, construction and maintenance plan
Neighborhood Park/s: Especially areas not served by parks. Planning and land
acquisition as needed to meet demand - then funding identified, final design,
construction and maintenance plan identified.
Expanded Athletic Fields/Courts: Planning and land acquisition as needed to
address demand - then funding identified, final design, construction and maintenance
plan identified.
Bike Trails and Walking Routes:
• Expand and improve bike trails (in accordance with adopted plan, see map).
• Complete sidewalk network to encourage walking and link to recreation facilities.
• WSDOT should include design provisions to connect the future SR 510 Yelm
Loop non-motorized facilities with the existing and proposed segments of the
Yelm to Tenino Trail.
Rails to Trails - As noted in the Thurston Regional Trails Plan 2008 regarding the
Yelm Prairie Line Trail:
• Evaluate the existing railroad bridge structure across the Nisqually River for
possible trail use. If this bridge is being considered for future rail service, an
alternative trail crossing should be evaluated in this trail's planning process. In
addition, any future reactivation of rail service along this corridor wifl require that
a fence or some type of barrier be constructed to separate the trail facility from
the operational railroad tracks. The City has not secured funding for the design
or construction phases of this proposed segment from Yelm City limits (Canal
Rd.) to the Thurston County boundary at the Nisqually River.
• Work with Thurston County and Pierce County to acquire the resources needed
to develop public trails adjacent to the rail line (in accordance with adopted
Thurston Regional Trails Plan 2008) eventually linking the Yelm Prairie Line Trail
to Pierce County and the town of Roy.
Table 4: Summary Action Plan
. .
Athletic Fields Acquire additional lands for athletic field sites to ensure that sufficient land is available as
school facility access becomes increasingly limited with the continued growth in
Neighborhood Park/s Acquire property in the Northwest quadrant of the City - or other areas as necessary to
fill park needs in the area, Complete design and deve~opment plans, acquire funding and
Longmire Community Park Add restrooms, trails, picnic shelter and picnic tables
Community Park - Yelm City Acquire additional lands, redesign Yelm City Park to include adjacent lands, add
Park identified amenities (redesigned kitchen, add PA system, and expanded play equipment};
plan and construct an indoor recreational/community center for all ages
Cochrane Memorial Park Add restroom facility
Special Use Park Plan, acquire or set aside land for identified special use park activities. Plan for funding,
development, and maintenance of special use park facilities.
Funding Establish long-term, stable, funding sources for acquisition, development, maintenance
and management of all park and recreation facilities.
Maintenance Provide for continued maintenance of all current and future facilities at a required level.
Multiple Use Designs Restructure the process of designing public facilities to ensure multiple uses of sites
whenever possible.
Open Space and Parks Require open space within the City along with fees to fund park and recreation facility
Facility Development Fee development near current and future residential developments.
Schools Work toward agreements forjoint facility use and equipment use with the Yelm Schoo~
PubliclPrivate Partnerships Investigate and form self supporting or revenue producing projects that provide a public
service and compliment any private investment.
Regional Activities Support regional activities to complete a network of trails as described in the Thurston
Regional Trails Plan program, and support additional county park expansion programs.
Trails/Sidewalks/Bicycle Provide pedestrian, bicycle and bridle trails as well as pedestrian connections via
Lanes sidewalks and bicycle lanes,
Integration of Areas Integrate critical areas, storm water areas, wastewater reuse/recycling areas and open
spaces obtained through the City's open space program into a unified open space
program for public use and enjoyment, environmental protection, habitat
4. Park Need Priorities
Parks and recreational opportunities are important for the health and well-being of the
community and an integral part of making Yelm a livable community. The Opportunities
and Action Plan to Meet Demand section identifies general needs for parks within the
planning horizon as well as an action plan for the maintenance, enhancement, and
expansion of Yelm park facilities.
. The City will implement over time the projects fisted in the Opportunities and Action
Plan. The annual budget process of the Mayor and Yelm City Council, will prioritize the
projects listed in the Opportunities and Action Plan on an annuai basis. Funding
opportunities or property availability may cause priorities to shift to take advantage of
these oppartunities.
The City should seek to identify stable funding sources to pursue acquisition and
development of facilities listed in the Opportunity and Action Plan as well as stable
funding sources for the maintenance of parks facilities.