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This park plan consists of two types of project goals: `4`~ ~~I
• To further develop, upgrade or add amenities to
existing park facilities and plans,
• To develop new facilities.
Though both these goals are equally important, they are ° ~°X, °
very different. The list below, along with the table following, Yelm City Park
documents the existing park facilities and plans for
improvements to them. In addition, proposed new facilities and actions plans are identified to guide
further development of Yelm's Park and Recreation programs to meet community demand.
Parks, Recreation and Trail Facilities
As noted in the preceding sections, Yelm currently has three developed parks and preliminary plans for a
community center. Yelm also has on going involvement in the Thurston Regional Trails Plan program.
Development of the trail corridor within the City of Yelm will be completed in 2009 using State
transportation grant funds and local funds. The park sites, and potential projects to meet demand are
listed below.
Yelm City Park: The following improvements have been identified as needed to address demand. As
soon as possible:
• Purchase adjacent property to expand this community park over time
• Redesign the park, modernize and expand play equipment, accommodate a community center
• Rebuild the kitchen area, add a public address system
Cochrane Park: Add restroom facility to this completed water reclamation facility and passive park
Longmire Community Park: Add to this athletic field facility, restroom facility, walking/running trails,
picnic shelter, and picnic tables.
Neighborhood Park/s: Especially areas not served by parks such as the Northwest quadrant. Planning
and land acquisition as needed to meet demand - then funding identified, final design, construction and
maintenance plan identified.
Community Recreation Center: Planning and land acquisition as needed to meet demand - then
funding identified, final design, construction and maintenance plan identified.
Draft Yelm Parks & Recreation Plan - May 2008 58
Expanded Athletic FieldslCourts: Planning and land acquisition as needed to address demand - then
funding identified, final design, construction and maintenance plan identified.
Bike Trails and Walking Routes:
• Expand and improve bike trails (in accordance with adopted plans, see map).
• Complete sidewalk network to encourage walking and link to recreation facilities.
• Recommend to the WSDOT that the future SR 510 Yelm Loop non-motorized facilities be
designed to connect with existing and proposed segments of the Yelm to Tenino Trail.
Rails to Trails: As noted in the Thurston Regional Trails Plan 2008 regarding the Yelm Prairie Line Trail:
• Evaluate the existing railroad bridge structure across the Nisqually River for possible trail
use. If this bridge is being considered for future rail service, an alternative trail crossing should
be evaluated in this trail's planning process. In addition, any future reactivation of rail service
along this corridor will require that a fence or some type of barrier be constructed to separate the
trail facility from the operational railroad tracks. The City has not secured funding for the design
or construction phases of this proposed segment from Yelm City limits (Canal Rd.) to the
Thurston County boundary at the Nisqually River.
• Work with Thurston County and Pierce County to acquire the resources needed to develop
public trails adjacent to the rail line (in accordance with adopted cooperative Thurston
Regional Trails Plan 2008) eventually linking the Yelm Prairie Line Trail to Pierce County and the
town of Roy.
General Actions
Table 16. Summary Action Plan
Athletic Fields Acquire additional lands for athletic field sites to ensure that sufficient land
is available as school facility access becomes increasingly limited with the
continued growth in population.
Neighborhood Park Acquire property in areas not served by parks, such as the Northwest
quadrant of the City or in other areas as necessary to fill park needs.
Complete design and development plans, acquire funding and develop.
Longmire Community Add restrooms, trails, picnic shelter and picnic tables
Community Park - Yelm Acquire additional lands, redesign Yelm City Park to include adjacent
City Park lands, add identified amenities (redesigned kitchen, add PA system, and
expanded play equipment); plan and construct an indoor
Draft Yelm Parks & Recreation Plan - May 2008 59
recreational/commurnty center for all ages
Cochrane Memorial Add restroom facility
Special Use Park Plan, acquire or set aside land for identified special use park activities.
Plan for funding, development, and maintenance of special use park
Funding Establish long-term, stable, funding sources for acquisition, development,
maintenance and management of all park and recreation facilities.
Maintenance Provide for continued maintenance of all current and future facilities at a
required level. ~
Multiple Use Designs Restructure the process of designing public facilities to ensure multiple
uses of sites whenever possible.
Open Space and Parks Require open space within the City along with fees to fund park and
Facility Development recreation facility development in or near current and future residential
Fee Ordinances developments.
Schools Work toward agreements for joint facility use and equipment use with the
Yelm School District.
PubliclPrivate Investigate and form self supporting or revenue producing projects that
Partnerships provide a public service and compliment any private investment.
Regional Activities Support regional activities to complete a network of trails as described in
the Thurston Regional Trails Plan program, and support additional county
park expansion programs.
Trails/SidewalkslBicycle Provide pedestrian, bicycle and bridle trails as well as pedestrian
Lanes connections via sidewalks and bicycle lanes,
Integration of Areas Integrate critical areas, storm water areas, wastewater reuse/recycling
areas and open spaces obtained through the City's open space program
into a unified open space program for public use and enjoyment,
environmental protection, habitat restoration/enhancement.
Draft Yelm Parks & Recreation Plan - May 2008 60
Park Need Priorities
Parks and recreational opportunities are important for the health and well-being of the community and an
integral part of making Yelm a livable community. The Opportunities and Action Plan to Meet Demand
section identifies general needs for parks within the planning horizon as well as an action plan for the
maintenance, enhancement, and expansion of Yelm park facilities.
The City will implement over time the projects listed in the Opportunities and Action Plan. The annual
budget process of the Mayor and Yelm City Council, will prioritize the projects listed in the Opportunities
and Action Plan on an annual basis. Funding opportunities or property availability may cause priorities to
shift to take advantage of these opportunities.
The City should seek to identify stable funding sources to pursue acquisition and development of facilities
listed in the Opportunity and Action Plan as well as stable funding sources for the maintenance of parks
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Draft Yelm Parks & Recreation Plan - May 2008 61
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