01-22-08 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2008 MINUTES 1. Call to Order -Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. 2. Roll Call -Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Pat Fetterly, John Thompson and Russ Hendrickson. 3. Agenda Approval 8-010 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED. a. 8-011 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY APPOINTING BOB ISOM MAYOR PRO- TEMPORE FOR 200812009. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Special Presentation -None scheduled. 5. Public Comment- Mayor Harding called for public comment. No public comment. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: January 8, 2007 Regular Meeting b. Payables -Checks 33345-33384 & 33387-33499 Totaling $669,341.47 c. Payroll - d. Financial Report - 8-012 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Closed Record Hearing -Mayor Harding opened the closed record hearing at 7:33 pm and read the ground rules for the upcoming oral arguments. Keith Moxon, GordonDerr, Attorney for JZ Knight will have 20 minutes to present oral argument on the issues raised in JZ Knight's appeals and the responses of the other parties. Curtis Smelser, Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, P.C, representing Tahoma Terra Phase II, will share 20 minutes with Alison Moss, Dearborn and Moss, representing Windshadow I and Berry Valley and Richard Settle, Foster Pepper and Kathleen Callison, PS representing the City of Yelm. a. Appeal of Five Development in Yelm Keith Moxon, GordonDerr LLP explained that the fundamental core problem with the Hearing Examiners decision is that the cities current and projected water demand exceeds the cities legal water rights. There is not sufficient evidence of future water rights for future development including these five developments projects. JZ Knight encourages the City Council to take the responsible action to ensure that projects will not be granted final subdivision approval unless there is clear and well documented evidence of water availability at that time. Attachment (copy of letter from Department of Ecology dated August 20, 2007). Curtis Smelser, Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, representing Tahoma Terra Development stated that he absolutely disagrees with the Appellant, JZ Knight. Mr. Smelser focused on two issues. Water concurrency and the availability of lam/city councill2008 Page 1 of 3 water at final plat and/or the issuance of the building permit. Read Yelm Municipal Code 15.40.010, 15.40.020 and 16.12.170 section D and explained them as they pertained to the issue. Tahoma Terra has conveyed 455 acre feet of water rights to the city for their development project. Allison Moss, Dearborn and Moss, representing Windshadow I and Berry Valley I explained that throughout the whole process Ms. Knight has not presented proof of how approving these five developments would have an adverse effect on her. Ms. Moss asks that the Council deny the Knight appeals, strike the attachments presented by Mr. Moxon's reply brief and strike the section of his reply brief that adds facts that are not in the record. Two attachments (YMC 2.26.150 and table 2 Yelm water supply and demand). Dick Settle, Foster Pepper, representing the City of Yelm stated that the real reason for the Knight appeal is not known. Mr. Settle stated the City is a leader in conservation and reclamation of water throughout the state. Reminded the Council that their role is to decide if the Hearings Examiner went outside of the broad circle of discretion or applied the wrong law or if there was not evidence or facts to support his decision. Mr. Settle stated an appropriate provision has been made so that there will be sufficient water available when development eventually occurs. The Examiner heard and reviewed all the evidence regarding the appropriate provisions for water and made a written finding that an appropriate provision was made for water supplies and that is all that the law requires. Recommended to the Council that the Examiners decision be upheld. Kathy Callison, PS, Water Rights Attorney for the City of Yelm gave a brief overview of the reasonable planning process and that the City has made diligent efforts and continues to have a proactive and aggressive water plan to ensure that water will be available for growth in the future. The Mayor asked the council for questions. McGowan asked for clarification on a condition of approval. The Mayor closed the closed public hearing at 8:40 pm and asked council for direction. 8-013 MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO TABLE THIS ISSUE UNTIL THE FEBRUARY 12 MEETING FOR ADDITIONAL REVIEW BUT AT THE SAME TIME ASK THE STAFF TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION DOCUMENTING THE COUNCILS DECISION TO UPHOLD THE HEARING EXAMINERS ACTIONS FOR THE COUNCILS CONSIDERATION AT THE NEXT MEETING. HEARING NO SECOND, THE MOTION DIES. 8-014 MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO UPHOLD THE EXAMINERS DECISION. MOTION CARRIED. Further discussion amongst the council followed. Mayor Harding called for the question. Motion unanimously carried. 8. New Business -none scheduled 9. Old Business -none scheduled Council took a 7 minute recess at 8:47 pm. lamlcity council/2008 Page 2 of 3 Reconvened at 8:53 pm. 10. Mayor and City Council Reports Councilmember Miller attended the Yelm Fire District meeting. Issues were discussed and an award was presented to a new Fireman. Councilmember Baker was unable to attend the Yelm Adult Community Center meeting. Baker attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting and reported that the ridership for 2007 had increased by 12.7%. 20 employees were hired. 18 new and 2 former employees that were promoted. In February there will be increased service in Yelm including routes to Wal-mart. The Yelm Transportation Committee meeting had been canceled. Councilmember Isom attended the Thurston Regional Planning Council meeting last Friday where the 2008 operating budget and $4971.00 was approved for the planning council. Park and Ride was also discussed. Councilmember McGowan attended the Thurston County HOME Consortium meeting and the sub group where $800,000 for affordable housing proposal was approved for Thurston County. Next meeting they will be voting on hiring staff to study the needs for acquiring affordable housing in the South County/Yelm area. Councilmember Fetterly stated her committee meetings had been canceled. Councilmember Thompson did not report. Councilmember Hendrickson did not report. Mayor Harding stated his assigned meetings had been canceled. 11. Executive Session -none scheduled 12. Correspondence -Provided for review included; Thurston County Commissioners, Community Conservation, Public Meeting, January 29, 2008, 6:30 pm Tenino High School. AWC, City Legislative Action Conference, Red Lion Hotel in Olympia, January 30-31, 2008. 13. Adjourned: 9:00 pm r Ronald H din ,Mayor Attest: ` ~Z~~~~2~z--1 Lori ossman, Deputy City Clerk lam/city council/2008 Page 3 of 3