04-23-08 SS Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2008 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. 2. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Pat Fetterly John Thompson, and Russ Hendrickson, Mike McGowan arrived at 5:20 pm Staff: Shelly Badger, Stephanie Ray, Tim Peterson, Janine Schnepf 3. Agenda Approval as presented 4. Presentations a. Topic; Comprehensive Water System Plan and Water Use Efficiency Rule Overview. Jeff Morgan from Brown and Caldwell was introduced. Stephanie Ray reviewed the Comprehensive Water System Plan and Water Use Efficiency Rule Overview provided by Brown and Caldwell. The overview will help to provide a planning guide to reach the goals as outlined: Water Use Efficiency Requirements, Improvement and financial programs, Public Involvement, Review and adoption Process, Evaluate initial findings and what will be the next steps. Stephanie asked Council for their ideas on setting new goals. Requirements: ¦ Washington State Department of Health (DOH) requires that the City update its Water System Plan every six years. DOH has specific guidelines about information and documentation that must be included in this plan. A new requirement to establish water use efficiency goals was added and must be complied with. Stephanie reviewed the water consumption history and what steps the City of Yelm has already taken to conserve water resources including: Reclaimed Water System, Rate structure to encourage conservation, use of hydrant locks and repair or replacement of city owned leaking pipes. Council discussed possible new goals to achieve compliance within these plans. Timeline: Both planning projects start in April, involve the public with Open House, June 18 and provide information at City Hall and in their water utility bill, establish goals by July 2008 and submit to agency by July 2009 for approval and guide management for a six year period. 5. Mayor/Councillnitiatives. Councilmember Baker stated he would like to keep the topic of the old water tower on the agenda. Councilmember McGowan promised to provide statistics from the HOME Consortium meeting. 6. New Business -none 7. Old Business- none 8. Adjour :4 s R ald Hard ,Mayor Attest Janin chnepf, City Clerk lam/cc/2008 Page 1 of 1