Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:10 pm.
Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, John Thompson, and Russ Hendrickson, Mike McGowan Staff: Shelly
Badger, Tim Peterson, Grant Beck, Lori Mossman, Janine Schnepf and Tanya Robacker.
Agenda Approval as presented
Presentations Jeff Morgan from Brown and Caldwell provided a Water System Plan Update outlining the
proposed goal setting, the measures to achieve the results and a timeline for completing the D.O.H. requirement
for implementing water use efficiency in the City of Yelm.
Regional Fire Protection Authority. Shelly Badger summarized the Fire District proposal to form a RFPA and
asked Tanya Robacker to explain the changes in the tax structure and how it would affect tax revenue collection
if such an Authority was formed. Tanya provided a breakdown of how the tax revenue is currently distributed.
Council directed staff to draft a Resolution to form a Planning Committee fo discuss the formation and
responsibilities of the committee as a prerequisite to considering the Authority. Staff was asked to bring the draft to
the June study session for possible approva! at the first meeting in July after review by the City attorney.
Utility Billing Deposit and Penalty Procedure Discussion. Tanya Robacker provided a status report on the
current penalty and shut off procedure for late customer utility bills. She proposed a change to make the process
more efficient and reduce the expense of maintaining the increasing number of new service accounts and shut
offs that impact the Finance, Admin. and Public Works Department. Courtesy calls prior to shut off will continue
for a period of 3 months after Ordinance approval.
Council directed staff to draft an Ordinance to eliminate the late fee on the delinquent bill, increase the re-connect
fee fo $50 and eliminate the $90 deposit requirement.
Biennial Budget Discussion. Tanya Robacker proposed a change from a yearly to a biennial budget plan
explaining the advantages and disadvantages of forecasting a 2 year Budget. Council requested quarterly
reporting from the Finance Department as well as formation of a finance committee to measure the performance
of the budget in the off year.
Council directed staff to draft an Ordinance for possible adoption of the biennial budget prior to the June 30, 2008
deadline to implement for the 2009-2010 season.
Thurston Highlands Environmental Impact Statement Update. Grant Beck updated Council on the release of
the detailed draft of the Thurston Highlands Environmental Impact Statement for the June 25~" Study Session.
Comment and response period will be in July and come back to Council late this year. Grant also updated
Council and staff on the Tahoma Terra Legal Hearings where the Judge is reviewing the records.
MayorlCouncil Initiatives. Councilmember McGowan provided copies of the HOME Five Year Strategy
statistics and inquired about the Seattle to Portland Bike event through Yelm. Other topics of concern discussed
were a piece of property that has become a junk yard, the vacant police building and the Museum remodel.
Councilman Thompson stated that all contracts be completed and available to Council before they come to the
meeting for review and signature approval. Mayor Harding reported that staff is working on updating the animal
control ordinance with the goal of getting animals back to their owners in the City.
New Business-none
Old Business-none
Adjourned: 9:05
i, Attest
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