07-22-08 Minutes MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 22, 2008, 7:30 P.M. 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm 2. Roll Call -Present; Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Pat Fetterly, John Thompson, Russ Hendrickson. 3. Agenda Approval 8-73 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED 4. Special Presentations - no presentations 5. Public Comment -There was no public comment. 6. Consent Agenda Minutes July 8, 2008 Regular Meeting Payables, Checks; 34904-34987 totaling $193,917.35 Payroll -June Final Payroll, Checks: 13750-13901, Totaling $360,611.93 Financial Report - no report 8-74 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearings -none 8. New Business a. Yelm Prairie Line Trail, Soto and Sons Construction Phase I Stephanie Ray reviewed the available funds to complete Phase 1 of the Yelm Prairie Line Trail construction, including the awarded federal Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act- A Legacy for Users grant (SAFETEA-LU) in the amount of $803,600. Additional funds include; $32,000 held in reserve from the initial purchase of the rail; $50,000 budgeted for the project and $70,000 for the design, also received from a surface transportation grant. WSDOT estimated regional costs at 1 million per mile. Soto and Sons was the low response bidder for construction leaving an amount of $56,000 short to complete the project as designed. Stephanie proposed two options: one increasing the City's contribution from Fund 104 Capital Reserve to cover the cost overage and complete the project in full. 8-75 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN THE CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $803,680 WITH SOTO AND SONS CONSTRUCTION, LLC FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE 1 OF THE YELM PRAIRIE LINE TRAIL SUBSEQUENT TO APPROVAL FROM WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. CARRIED. b. Yelm Prairie Line Trail, KPG Construction Management Services Phase I Contract for $101,048.21 Stephanie Ray continued with the Management Services contract for the Phase 1 construction, stating that KPG Engineering was the design engineer at the start of the project and is recommended to be awarded the management and inspection phase during the construction. She added that federally funded projects require a more intensive and costly environmental review process as well as a more intensive construction management process. 8-76 MOTION BY BOB ISOMAUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $101,048.21 WITH KPG ENGINEERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF PHASE 1 OF THE YELM PRAIRIE LINE TRAIL. CARRIED c. Coates Avenue Reconstruction, Expedition of Contract. In an effort to expedite the contracts needed to begin and complete the Coates Avenue Reconstruction project before inclement Fall weather, Stephanie Ray presented an option to Council to authorize staff to begin the documentation process after the bid opening and before the next Council meeting. She assured Council that the focus was on the start of construction but Council was not obligated to approve the bid prior to the contract being brought to the next council meeting. Councilmember Isom complemented Stephanie on her ability to acquire grant funding and forward thinking to upcoming project completion. 8-77 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING STAFF TO SEND THE CONTACT DOCUMENTS TO THE LOW RESPONSIVE BIDDER FOR THE COATES AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT, FROM THE JULY 25T" BID OPENING, CONDITIONED ON THE BID BEING AT OR BELOW THE ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE, IN ORDER TO EXPEDITE THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. d. Evidence Room Services, Interlocal Agreement with City of Yelm and Rainier. Chief Todd Stancil reviewed the Interlocal Agreement establishing the conditions to help out the City of Rainier to properly dispose of and return evidence accumulated and held from 1997 to 2004. The City of Rainier Police Department was disbanded in 2004. Since that time the State has mandated that the evidence be addressed. The City of Yelm would provide two trained evidence officers to work on their off time; including overtime and weekends to address the evidence for a period of six months being fully compensated for that time. 8-78 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RAINIER AND THE YELM POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE ROOM SERVICES AS STATED IN THE AGREEMENT. 9. Old Business Longmire Park Reclaimed Water Line Contract with A&A Excavation for $311,696 with Budget Amendment to Increase Project Budget. Tim Peterson reported on the Reclaimed Water Line proposed for Longmire Park. Council approved a project budget for 2008 for $368,000. The low response bidder from the 10 bids returned was A & A Excavation in the amount of $311,696.30. An update of the total project cost including design, construction, management and contingency requires a budget amendment of an additional $40,800 proposed to be from the Capital Reserve in the Sewer/Reuse Capital Improvement Fund. Construction could begin as soon as the purple pipe is available with completion estimates of 40 days. 8-79 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH A & A EXCAVATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LONGMIRE PARK RECLAIMED WATER LINE IN THE AMOUNT OF $311,696.30 AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PREPARE A BUDGET AMENDMENT TO INCREASE THE PROJECT BUDGET FROM $368,000 TO $408,800. CARRIED. 10. Council and Mayor Councilmember Miller attended the Fire District Commissions meeting reporting that the Commissions signed the interlocal agreement to form a planning committee to investigate the possible formation of a Fire District Authority. Councilmember Baker reported from the Intercity Transit meeting. Transit was unable to add another morning route but has exchanged a 40 seat bus for the 35 seat bus and has revised the route to pickup up at an added stop at 1St and McKenzie to utilize the previous Police Department parking lot for park and riders. Councilmember Isom hosted a Thurston County Regional Council meeting at the new Public Safety Building. Councilmember Fetterly reported attending an interesting presentation on the estuary by the Tribe at the Nisqually River Council meeting. Councilmember Thompson attended the Yelm Transportation Committee meeting stated that Skilling Connelly engineers are currently managing the Yelm Ave project with the departure of the City's engineer. Mayor Harding attended the Yelm Transportation meeting. 11. Executive Session -none scheduled 12 Correspondence. Comcast provided a fact sheet to Council on the frequently asked questions about the analog to digital TV signal change that will occur in February 2009. Other correspondence included Port of Olympia's news release regarding Air Service between Olympia and Portland and the Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Agenda of July 14, 2008. 13. Adjourn 8:15 pm d a ng, Mayor Attest: Ja ine Schnepf, City Cle