08-12-08 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2008 1. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call: Present; Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Pat Fetterly, John Thompson and Russ Hendrickson 3. Agenda Approval 8-80 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations -none scheduled 5. Public Comment -There was no response to the Mayor's call for comment. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes July 22, 2008 Regular Meeting, July 23, 2008 Study Session Minutes b. Payables Checks 34988-35150, Totaling $781,665.31 c. Payroll; August Payroll, Checks; 13902-14029, Totaling $348,382.45 d. Financial Report -none e. Park Use Requests YCP, Trunk O 'Treat Event, Crossroads Community Covenant Church Friday, October 31, 2008, 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm, Open to the Public 8-81 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED 7. Public Hearings -none scheduled 8. New Business a. Law Enforcement Records Management System Interlocal Agreement Todd Stancil reported that this contract is a continuation of a long standing agreement for records management with New World Systems. The interlocal agreement with Olympia, Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater and Yelm provides shared information for officers to function with an efficient records system. Cost is shared based on each City's population. 8-82 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. CARRIED b. Coates Ave NW Roadway Improvement Project, Wood and Son Earthwork an Contractor LLC Contract for $900,021.17 Stephanie Ray reported that Wood & Son Earthwork and Utility Contractor LLC was the lowest responsive bidder of the 9 bids received for the Coates Ave Roadway Improvement Project. This project is partially funded through a Washington State Transportation Improvement Grant and costs remain within the budgeted amount for all engineering, construction, right of way acquisition, and water and sewer improvements. h/council minutes 08/12/08.doc 8-83 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH WOOD 8~ SON EARTHWORK AND UTILITY CONTRACTOR LLC IN THE AMOUNT OF $900,021.17 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE COATES AVE NW ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. CARRIED c. Coates Ave NW Roadway Improvement Project, Gray ~ Osborne Inc. Contract for Construction Management in the amount of $115,977. Stephanie Ray continued that this federally funded project requires very specific regulations to satisfy the terms of the grant. Staff recommended that Gray and Osborne continue with the construction management as they were the design engineers for the project. All property acquisitions have been obtained. 8-84 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $115,977 WITH GRAY 8~ OSBORNE INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT OF THE COATES AVE NW ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. CARRIED. d. Interlocal Agreement between Olympia, Lacey and Yelm for Water Rights Acquisition Strategy-Phase II: Phase II Deschutes Water Rights Acquisition Strategy, WestWater Research. Shelly Badger detailed the on-going water rights work being done cooperatively by the cities of Olympia, Lacey and Yelm to pool resources and mitigate efforts to support management and acquisition for water rights approval from the Department of Ecology. Phase II is a cooperative effort between the three cities and WestWater Research to continue to form a strategy to obtain water rights identified in the Deschutes Watershed as part of Phase I. 8-85 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OLYMPIA, LACEY AND YELM FOR A PHASE II WATER RIGHTS ACQUISITION STRATEGY IN THE DESCHUTES BASIN IN THE AMOUNT OF $80,000; AND THE ACCOMPANYING WESTWATER RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSAL TO ASSIST IN CARRYING OUT THE WORK IDENTIFIED IN THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. CARRIED. 9. Old Business 10. Council and Mayor Councilmember Miller attended the Water System Open House. Councilmember Baker attended Intercity Transit Board meeting reporting that increased demand on the transit system may see rate increases across the country. Local ridership is up 13% and Dial a Lift up 3% but is short when compared nationwide. Councilmember McGowan attended HOME Consortium meeting and South County sub committee meetings. Thurston County has made a staff adjustment for a half time staff person to dedicate time to the south County. The sub- committee has voted to add an additional meeting to two per month. Councilmember Fetterly announced that the Rainier Round-up celebration will include a reception for Diane Oberquell. h/council minutes 08/12/08.doc 2 11. Executive Session -none scheduled 12 Correspondence received was available including: Comcast; Channel Line-up, Medic One; Steve Romines Thank you note of July 28, 2008, UULC; Call for Nominees Letter from Donald Evans, July 27, 2008, Yelm Community Schools; School Board Updates of August 8, 2008, Thurston County Solid Waste; WasteMobile and Collection Events schedule and AWC; Retro Refund 2004 and the annual Risk Assessment Review report card. 13. Adjourn: 8:10 p.m. .-'7 onalcl H ing, ayor ~ f Yelm Attest: ' ~ nine Schnepf, City rk h/council minutes 08/12/08.doc 3