09-23-08 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 1. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call: Present; Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Pat Fetterly and John Thompson. Excused: Russ Hendrickson 3. Agenda Approval 8-91 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations -none scheduled 5. Public Comment. There was no comment from the audience in attendance. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes- September 9, 2008 Regular Meeting b. Payables Checks 35366-35475, Totaling $381,382.14 c. Financial Report; none d. Park Use Requests YCP, Stotler Birthday Party, October 12, 2008, Noon to 4 pm, small group YCP, Christmas In The Park, December 5, 2008 set up, December 6, 2008, 3:00 pm, #500, Open to the Public 8-92 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearings Update to the City of Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Parks and Recreation Plan Update for the City of Yelm Mayor Harding opened the Public Hearing at 7:33 pm to discuss the update to the Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Parks and Recreation Plan. Grant Beck reviewed the Parks Plan as a stand alone document within the Comprehensive Plan. Lead staff; Tami Merriman, Assistant Planner along with assistance from Kathy McCormick, TC Senior Planner worked with the Parks Advisory Board and the Yelm Planning Commission to create a plan document using their mission statement for sustainability of communities as their guideline. Public participation included a well received survey, study session review with Council and the final draft presented tonight. This document was also reviewed by state agencies which confirmed that the elements required for future application for funding where fulfilled. Grant added that he was pleased with the quality and content of work of staff, the Board and Commission members as well as the healthy number of citizens who responded to the survey. Mayor Harding closed the Public Hearing at 7:39 pm. 8. New Business. There is no new business. 9. Old Business. H/council minutes 09-08-08.doc 1 Ordinance No. 895, Comprehensive Plan and Parks and Recreation Plan Update for the City of Yelm. MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINANCE 895 AMENDING THE PARKS CHAPTER OF THE YELM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ADOPTING AN UPDATED PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN. 10. Council and Mayor Councilmember Miller attended the Fire District meeting. Councilmember Baker attended the Intercity Transit meeting that included the Citizen Advisory Committee elections. Councilmember Fetterly attended Emergency Management Board meeting where they discussed the 5 year plan that will be brought to Council. Councilmember Thompson attended Yelm Transportation Board meeting and the Fire District meeting. He asked that the Agenda template be corrected to show TRPC be listed under the Mayor committee representation. Mayor Harding reported a good attendance at the Day of Caring spent pulling weeds and improving the landscape at the Yelm Senior Center. 11. Executive Session. Mayor Harding cleared the Council Chambers to open the executive session at 7:47 pm to discuss collective bargaining negotiations. At 8:20 pm the executive session was continued for another 30 minutes. Mayor Harding closed the executive session at 8:53 pm. 12 Correspondence included: Notification from Waste Connections Inc. regarding their acquisition of LeMay and continuation of current agreement for City garbage pickup service. LeMay (Pacific Disposal) notice of new Recycling Programs for businesses. Thurston Regional Planning Committee Agenda for October 3, 2008 and Cindy Anderson's response letter (9/22/08) to the Mayor's Column printed 09/19/08. 13. Adjourn: 8:53 p.m. f,f R na " H r ng, ayor City of Y Attest: ~/iG%2 J ne Schnepf, City CI k H/council minutes 09-08-08.doc 2