09-24-08 SS Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2008 5:00 P.M. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:08 pm. Present: Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Pat Fetterly, John Thompson. Staff: Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Tanya Robacker and Stephanie Ray. Presentations: Stephanie Ray provided an update to the ongoing work on the Water System Plan. She explained the need to bring before council, a budget amendment of $92,312 to complete the Water System Plan Update. The increase is due to a revised, more detailed scope for the Plan which would include the Master Planned Communities, pipe sizes, wells, reservoirs and water rates. The new plan almost doubles the work effort for the staff. The money would come from fund 401 which currently has enough to cover most of the $92,312 in reserve. Stephanie will bring this budget amendment to the Council at their next meeting. The Six Year Budget Forecast will be brought back to council at a later date. Shelly gave a brief update on the well drillings. Tanya Robacker handed out information for the council regarding the 2008 Revenue Comparison, Budget to Actual stating that there were several factors responsible for the decrease in anticipated revenue. The three major items were Beginning Net Cash and investments are lower than anticipated, Retail Sales & Use tax is not what was anticipated and projection methods were previously based on long term historical values. In the changing economy these values have been changed to actual comparisons only. There will be a meeting with Department heads on Friday, September 26, to try and shave expenditures, including those already budgeted. Grant Beck presented a power point presentation on Thurston Highlands Draft EIS update. Grant explained the process of the Environmental Impact Statement for Thurston Highlands in detail in a way that was clear and understandable to the council. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a document that must be filed when the Federal Government takes a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. The primary purpose of an EIS is to promote informed decision making by providing detailed information concerning significant environmental impacts to both agency leaders and the public. Joe Baker asked for discussion on changing the Council meeting time to 7:00 pm instead of 7:30 pm. He felt more public might attend and the time would be better for staff. The Council consensus was that the time change would be better. Staff was directed to check into the process of making that change. Tanya asked if it would be acceptable to Council to post the voucher report online instead of printing it out. They all agreed that would save on paper and time. Mayor Harding announced he would be finishing the remodeling of the Hobson House (Museum) in the next couple o days and invited council members and staff to volunteer for yard work or other all ~ bs this Saturday. Adjourn.; 5 pm f- / on Hari , M yor City oi~rFi Attest; Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk j s/h/council/08-27-08.doc