11-12-08 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2008 1. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call: Present; Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Pat Fetterly, and Russ Hendrickson. Absent; John Thompson 3. Agenda Approval 8-100 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations -none scheduled 5. Public Comment. None 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes- October 22, 2008 Study Session, October 28, 2008 Regular Meeting, October 28, 2008 Budget Work b. Payables, Checks 14429-14504, Totaling $372,748.89 8-101 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearings - none scheduled 8. New Business. a. Resolution No. 489 Amending the Mayor and Councilmember's Protocol Manual Changing the Regular Meeting Start Time. The City Clerk provided the Resolution to update the Protocol Manual changing the start time of the Regular City Council meetings to 7:00 pm as discussed by Council. 8-101 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 489 AMENDING THE START TIME OF THE REGULAR MEETING TO 7:00 BY APPROVING CHANGES TO THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBER'S PROTOCOL MANUAL. CARRIED 8b. Resolution No. 490 Amending Animal Control License Fees Cindy Teixeira provided a staff report to explain the review of the animal control section of the Yelm Municipal Cade. Because 2009 dog license tags are being issued now, this proposal to eliminate City of Yelm licensing fees for dogs is before Council tonight. The elimination of the license fee would encourage owners to license their dogs and hopefully reunite the animals with their owners more efficiently. Owners would obtain a life time license tag upon registration of their dog. The effects on the Budget were discussed. 8-102 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 490 ELIMINATING LICENSE FEE FOR DOGS IN THE CITY OF YELM. H/council minutes 11-L2-08.doc j 9. Old Business- none 10. Council and Mayor Councilmember Isom attended the Thurston Regional Planning Commission meeting reporting that the 5.9 percent increase to the annual fee is related to the population increase. He also noted that he voiced opposition to the Commission adding water issues to their agenda without a clear goal and the inclusion of the Department of Ecology and Department of Health. Councilmember Fetterly reported that the Home Visitation Advisory Board has dissolved as of September 10, 2008. Councilmember Hendrickson provided a `Waste Free Holidays" brochure from Thurston County and reported from Solid Waste Management discussion on the removal of the blue box recycle center. Mayor Harding has also received citizen calls regarding the removal of the recycle bins at the Public Works facility. He attended the ground breaking ceremony for the Nisqually Community Center and Veteran's Day ceremony at Fort Lewis. Banner poles have been installed across Yelm Ave. He responded to Councilmember Baker's inquiry about service agency signage at the three entrance points to the City. He has been working with Cindy Teixeira to coordinate the many service agencies for appropriate signage. 11. Executive Session. -none scheduled 12 Correspondence included 13. Adjourn: 7:50 pm ~ Ronald Ha ing, May ~ of Yelm Attest: l~ J ine Schnepf, City Cle H/council minutes I 1-12-08.doc 2