01-12-10 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2010 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding performed the swearing-in of the re-elected and newly elected Councilmembers; Isom, McGowan, Hendrickson and Wood prior to the Call to Order. Councilmembers took their seats. Call to Order -Mayor Harding called the meeting to order of the new Council at 7:05 p.m. 2. Roll Call: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Tracey Wood, John Thompson and Russ Hendrickson. 3. Agenda Approval 10-01 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. a. Election and Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem. Mayor Harding called for nominations of Mayor Pro Tem for the 2 year term. Councilmember Thompson nominated Councilmember Isom. Councilmember Miller closed the nominations. 10-02 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON TO APPROVE THE APPOINTMENT OF BOB ISOM AS MAYOR PRO TEM FOR THE TERM OF 2010-2011. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations- Michael Cade, Director Thurston County Economic Development Council and Tiffany Scroggs, Business Resource Center Manager. Michael Cade thanked Council for their time and the opportunity to introduce Tiffany Scroggs. Tiffany reviewed the varied services that TCEDC provide to the community including (hose that are new, established or changing direction during this difficult time to start of grow a business. Many resources available include; library resource with computers, counselors and legal advisors including a small business specialist, technical assistance, and advice on how to access State and Federal contracts. Mayor Harding added that the Thurston Regional Council has accomplished remarkable achievement with their resources thanks to the diverse group of professionals. 5. Public Comment -Mayor Harding called for Public Comment. Anna Schlecht, City of Olympia is appealing to the Council and the City of Yelm for assistance in the one day census-taking of the homeless in Thurston County. Guidance and volunteers are needed on January 2, 2090 to gather data of the homeless at a "point in time" in those areas known to harbor the homeless. Receipt of available federal and state funding are dependent on this data making it critical to record "people without an address" to bring in resources to help. Mayor Harding recommended connecting with the local Nisqually Valley newspaper and the Chamber of Commerce to get word out for help needed. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes; Regular Meeting, December 8, 2009 b. Payable Checks 52564-52771, Totaling $529,335.41 10-03 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS H/council/01-12-10 Page 1 of 3 PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing- none scheduled 8. New Business a. Yelm Historic Preservation Commission Mayor Harding reported he reviewed and approves of the 2 applications for the 2 vacancies on the Commission. 10-04 MOTION BY JOE BAKER CONFIRMING APPOINTMENT OF FLOYD CUMMINGS AND LYLA EIDE TO THE YELM HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION. CARRIED. b. Water Rights Acquisition Strategy-Phase II, Amended Interlocal Agreement with Olympia, Lacey and Yelm. Shelly Badger reported on the partnership with Olympia, Lacey, and Yelm in the Nisqually Watershed and their efforts to secure new water rights approvals. The amended agreement adds $150,000 to the previously approved $80,000 of which Yelm's portion would be one third. The $50,000 would come from the Capital Improvement Fund. The amendment allows the group to continue the on-going comprehensive plan to further understand the watershed and surface water impacts, obtain consultant assistance for acquiring water rights and shared legal counsel. 10-05 MOTION BY MIKE MCGOWAN AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN THE AMENDED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF OLYMPIA, LACEY, AND YELM FOR A PHASE II WATER RIGHTS ACQUISTION STRATEGY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $230,000 OF WHICH YELM'S PORTION IS $50,000 OF THE ADDITIONAL $150,000. CARRIED. c. Resolution No. 506, Risk Management Interlocal Agreement with AWC for Property and Liability Self Insurance Pool. Janine Schnepf reviewed Yelm's annual fee for risk management and property and liability insurance including; coverage for property and vehicle damage, elected officials, land use, and employment with AWC RMSA. Continuation of coverage includes an 11 percent increase and a request to revise the governing body of the RMSA to provide members the opportunity to serve as board members. 10-06 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 506 RENEWING THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICE AGENCY TO PROVIDE PROPERTY AND LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE TO PARTICIPATING MEMBERS. d. Resolution No. 507, Thurston First Bank Loan, Guarantee Fund. Grant Beck presented the staff report prepared by Grant and Sue Davis for funding of the January 31, 2010 Killion Road LID 10 % Guarantee Fund as required in the terms of the LID construction and financing loan with Thurston First Bank. Options were presented to the Finance committee to stock the fund. They favor the recommendation of a short term inter-fund loan from Transportation Facility Charge (120) and Municipal Building Fund (302) with the remainder from the Sewer Fund. Each fund has no projects earmarked for funding or match this year. H/council/01-12-10 Page 2 of 3 10-07 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 507 PROVIDING FOR INTER-FUND LOANS TO THE KILLION ROAD LID#2 REPAYMENT FUND (202) AND PROVIDING FOR THE TERMS OF REPAYMENT. CARRIED. 9. Executive Session. Mayor Harding announced that Council would be going into Executive Session at 7:53 pm to discuss pending litigation. Council is expected to return to the meeting at 8:23 pm. 10. Old Business- Meeting resumed at 8:20 pm Palisades West Subdivision Plat Amendment Update MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO TABLE THE PALISADES WEST SUBDIVISON PLAT AMENDMENT UPDATE INDEFINATELY. CARRIED. 11. Mayor and City Council Reports Councilmember Baker attended the Intercity Transit meeting and reported that the Martin Way expansion is expected to be completed in 2010. Councilmember Isom attended Thurston Regional Planning Council January 8, 2010 presentation. Councilmember McGowan attended HOME Consortium meeting. Reported that HOME meetings are moving to the second Monday of each month. Councilmember Wood reported that he is excited to get involved as newly elected Councilmember. 12. Correspondence included TRPC Pre-agenda 01-08-10 and AWC training opportunity for Councilmembers in February. Anna Schlecht provided a handout further explaining the need for volunteers for 2010 Point in Time Homeless Census Thursday, January 28, 2010. 13. Adjourn: 8:30 p.m. Reception for out-going Position 5 member, Pat Fetterly and in-coming officials; Postion 3, 4, 5 and 7 was held in the training room following the meeting. / on Har ng, Mayor Attest Janine S nepf, City Clerk H/council/01-12-10 Page 3 of 3