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City of Yelm
Presentation by
Railroad Industries Incorporated
July 27 , 2001
Railroad Industries Incorporated
Providing cost effective consulting to
Transportation Companies for over 17 years.
• Team of Associates each have between 18 and 50
years of experience
• Areas of Specialization:
- Operations
- Track & Structures
- Financial Analysis & Planning
- Marketing
- .Equipment
How can Railroad Industries Assist
the City of Yelm with the purchase
and operation of the line from Yelm to
Branch Line Review & Analysis
Rail Operation Analysis
Equipment Requirements
Market & Customer Development
Develop Business Plan
Negotiations with the BNSF
Branch Line Review & Analysis
• Branch Line Overview
- Look at physical branch condition
- Look at traffic potential
- Develop preliminary operations
- Develop preliminary financials
Rail Operation Analysis
• Switching Requirements
• Employee Training (engineer/conductor)
• Track Maintenance Plan
Equipment Requirements
• Rail cars
• Locomotives
- Fleet size
- HP Requirements
- Acquisition Options
Market & Customer Development
• Develop new market opportunities
- Look for new opportunities with existing or
potential customers
• Work with Customers
- Service Requirements
- Equipment needs
- Contract Development
- Rate Review
- Provide general rail knowledge
• Work with BNSF on new opportunities
Develop Business Plan
• Complete business plan will include:
- Executive Summary
- Acquisition Plan
- Operating Plan
Train Operations
Track Maintenance
- Marketing Plan
Revenue and Traffic
- Financials
BNSF Negotiations/Contact
• Long term Relationship with BNSF
• Good relationship with key BNSF personnel
• Help and assist with best acquisition options
- Purchase
- Lease
Benefits to City of Yelm
• Railroad Industries' Experience
• Contacts with BNSF
• Can work quickly to complete work
• Worked on many marginal or distress lines with
success in the past
Project Time Schedule
Railroad Industries is prepared to start assisting
City of Yelm now:
• Branch Line Review 30-40 hours
• Operation Analysis 1 -2 hours excluding
training time
• Equipment Needs 1 -2 hours
• Market/Customers 10-20 hours
• Business Plan 30-40 hours
• BNSF Negotiations 30-40 hours
Cost for Services
Initial Services: Hourly Rate: $85/hr plus
Next Steps
• City of Yelm to review proposal presented by
Railroad Industries
• Develop contract for work to be performed
• Develop time frame for completion of project
City of Yelm
Presentation by
Railroad Industries Incorporated
July 27 , 2001
Railroad Industries Incorporated
Providing cost effective consulting to
Transportation Companies for over 17 years.
• Team of Associates each have between 18 and 50
years of experience
• Areas of Specialization:
- Operations
- Track & Structures
- Financial Analysis & Planning
- Marketing
- Equipment
How can Railroad Industries Assist ,
the City of Yelm with the purchase
and operation of the line from Yelm to
Branch Line Review & Analysis
Rail Operation Analysis
Equipment Requirements
Market & Customer Development
Develop Business Plan
Negotiations with the BNSF
Branch Line Review & Analysis
• Branch Line Overview
- Look at physical branch condition
- Look at traffic potential
- Develop preliminary operations
- Develop preliminary financials
Rail Operation Analysis
• Switching Requirements
• Employee Training (engineer/conductor)
• Track Maintenance Plan
Equipment Requirements
• Rail cars
• Locomotives .
- Fleet size
- HP Requirements
- Acquisition Options
Market & Customer Development
• Develop new market opportunities
- Look for new opportunities with existing or
potential customers
• Work with Customers
- Service Requirements
- Equipment needs
- Contract Development
- Rate Review
- Provide general rail knowledge
• Work with BNSF on new opportunities
Develop Business Plan
• Complete business plan will include:
- Executive Summary
- Acquisition Plan
- Operating Plan
Train Operations
Track Maintenance
- Marketing Plan
Revenue and Traffic
- Financials
BNSF Negotiations/Contact
• Long term Relationship with BNSF
• Good relationship with key BNSF personnel
• Help and assist with best acquisition options
- Purchase
- Lease
Benefits to City of Yelm
• Railroad Industries' Experience
• Contacts with BNSF
• Can work quickly to complete work
• Worked on many marginal or distress lines with
success in the past
Project Time Schedule
Railroad Industries is prepared to start assisting
City of Yelm now:
• Branch Line Review 30-40 hours
• Operation Analysis 1 -2 hours excluding
training time
• Equipment- Needs 1 -2 hours
• Market/Customers 10-20 hours
• Business Plan 30-40 hours
0 BNSF Negotiations 30-40 hours
Cost for Services
Initial Services: Hourly Rate: $85/hr plus
Next Steps
• City of Yelm to review proposal, presented by
Railroad- Industries
• Develop contract for work to be performed
• Develop time frame for completion of project
City of Yelm
Presentation by
Railroad Industries Incorporated
July 27, 2001
Railroad Industries Incorporated
Providing - cost effective consulting to
Transportation .Companies for over 17 years.
• Team of Associates each have between 18 and 50
years of experience
• Areas of Specialization:
- Operations
- Track & Structures
- Financial Analysis & Planning
- Marketing
- Equipment
How can Railroad Industries Assist
the City of Yelm with the purchase
and operation of the line from Yelm to
Branch Line Review & Analysis
Rail Operation Analysis
Equipment Requirements
Market & Customer Development
Develop Business Plan
Negotiations with the BNSF
Branch Line review & Analysis
• Branch Line Overview
- Look at physical branch condition
- Look at traffic potential
- Develop preliminary operations
- Develop preliminary financials
Rail Operation Analysis
• Switching Requirements
• Employee Training (engineer/conductor-)
• Track Maintenance Plan
Equipment Requirements
• Rail cars
• Locomotives
- Fleet size
- HP Requirements
- Acquisition Options
Market & Customer Development
• Develop new market opportunities
- Look for new opportunities with existing or
potential customers
• Work with Customers
- Service Requirements
- Equipment needs
- Contract Development
- Rate Review
- Provide general rail knowledge
• Work with BNSF on new opportunities
Develop Business Plan
• Complete business plan will include:
- Executive Summary
- Acquisition Plan
- Operating Plan
Train Operations
Track Maintenance
- Marketing Plan
Revenue and Traffic
- Financials
BNSF Negotiations/Contact
• Long term Relationship with BNSF
• Good relationship with key BNSF personnel
• Help and assist with best acquisition options
- Purchase
- Lease
Benefits to City of Yelm
• Railroad Industries' Experience
• Contacts with BNSF
• Can work quickly to complete work
• Worked on many marginal or distress lines with
success in the past
Project Time - Schedule
Railroad Industries is prepared to start assisting
City of Yelm now:
• - Branch Line Review 30-40 hours
• Operation Analysis 1 -2 hours excluding
training time
• Equipment Needs 1 -2 hours
• Market/Customers 10-20 hours
• Business Plan 30-40 hours
• BNSF Negotiations 30-40 hours
Cost for Services
Initial Services: Hourly Rate: $85/hr plus
Next Steps
• City of Yelm to review proposal presented by
Railroad Industries
• Develop contract for work to be performed
• Develop time frame for completion of project
y J_ tr
/ / /' effective consulting / the TransportationIndustryNorth / South / Mexico
and Canada/ / forover 16years.
Railroad Industries' experience and knowledge in the railroad industry allows the firm to work in all areas of the
transportation industry:
Strategic Planning
Equipment Planning
Equipment Leasing and Acquisition
Railroad Industries current client base includes:
Short Line and Terminal Railroads
Port Authorities
Industrial Firms
Transportation Companies
Investment Groups
Individual Investors
i { .
Railroad Industries has a staff of financial analysts experienced in the transportation industry
Specific projects completed include:
Analyzing and assisting in acquisitions and divestitures of branch lines, operating companies, and rail assets
Preparing proforma financial statements for proposed acquisition and divestitures
Developing risk assessment on acquisitions
Preparing documents necessary to acquire both loans and grants for Short Line Railroads, Industries and Port Authorities
Preparing and calculating Net Liquidation Value and Going Concern Value for branch lines and Short Lines
Preparing cost analyses (rail,truck,barge, intermodal) for use in rate negotiations
Reviewing and recommending improvements to Company Revenue, Operating and Capital Expenses
Railroad Industries develops marketing plans that include all facets of marketing: pricing, costing, modal competition, service,
and long-term strategies. We are knowledgeable in the transport of all commodities (aggregates, coal, lumber, paper, food,
cement, grain, steel/scrap,.autos, ores, consumer goods, and intermodal)
Specific projects completed Include:
Preparing marketing plans for Short Line and Regional Railroads, Ports and Shippers
Developing new programs for increasing on-line rail traffic
Preparing, analyzing, and formulating marketing plans based on customer surveys and interviews
Developing or reviewing existing rate, cost, and pricing structures for Railroads and Shippers
Preparing comprehensive marketing studies for railroad and Industrial Shippers
Developing physical distribution and logistic plans for Industrial Shippers
Developing and negotiating switching contracts for Short Line Railroads
Training and developing Marketing/Sales representatives for Short Line Railroads and Industries
Overseeing day to day marketing responsibilities for Short Line Railroads
Extensive rate/contract negotiations
Railroad Industries' "hands on" approach to operations, combined with our marketing expertise, allows us to develop
operating plans that wi&meet the needs of the shippers and minimize costs to the transportation company.
Specific projects completed include:
Preparing Operating Plans for contract switching and short line railroads
Evaluating existing operations to improve service to customers and minimize transportation costs
Developing detailed Maintenance of Way plans for short line railroads and industrial shippers
Extensive training of operating personnel and providing rules, safety classes and conductor/engineer certification
Providing detail analysis and evaluations of existing short line track,bridges and structures.
Developing timetable and operating book of rules for railroad start-ups.
Preparing operating, interchange and trackage rights agreements.
Management of rail operations for short line railroads
Railroad Industries is adept at developing long-range business, financial and organizational plans for companies
planning for the future.
• 1
Specific projects completed include:
Negotiating with Class I Railroads to assist customers in acquiring branch lines in several countries.
Developing business plans for short line and regional railroads.
Developing and setting up of railroads throughout the United States.
Completing information for State Rail Plans in Nevada and New Mexico.
Developing an organization,job descriptions and salary levels for existing railroads.
Working on several rail merger studies.
Preparing, evaluating, and marketing companies for sale
x�.r .
(Utilization, acquisition,leasing and inspection)
Railroad Industries' associates experience in asset location, inspection,valuation, acquisition, and leasing has resulted in
successfully increasing Companies equipment fleet utilization and decreasing equipment costs for both railcars and
Specific projects completed include:
Analyzing equipment and maintenance leases
Locating and Inspecting railcars and locomotives to meet customers' carload needs
Analyzing equipment requirements for short line operations and shippers to determine optimal fleet size
Maximizing equipment utilization through the development of unit trains and multi-car shipments
Negotiating cost effective rates for short line railroads and shippers owning or acquiring rail equipment
Leasing railcars and locomotives to or for customers as needed
Gary V. Hunter Chairman Operations, Facilities, Marketing 775-825-6570
Finance, Equipment,Administration 775-825-6578 fax
Marietta T. Hunter President Administration 775-825-6570
775-825-6578 fax
Suzy Truax Admin. Assistant Administration 775-329-4855
775-786-5548 fax
Leslie D. H. Riehl Vice President Finance/Marketing 415-381-8764
415-381-8764 fax
Vicki S. Henry Senior Associate Marketing/Equipment
Harold Meeker Senior Associate Track& Structures
r Mike R. Whitlock Associate Marketing/Equipment
Charles V. Weart Associate Operations/Training/Safety
1. Dave Root, President 9. Greg Wathen,Executive Director 17. Dave Puzan, Plant Manager
Willamette Valley Railway Perry County Development Corp.. Lone Star Cement
503-474-1892 812-547-8377 765-653-9766
2. Ken Pippen, President 10. Wayne Parrish 18. Bill Kirkland, GM/Tranp.
Carolina Southern Railroad Apalachicola Northern Railroad Boise Cascade
843-248-8008 850-229-7411 208-384-7246
3. John Levine, Vice President 11. Richard Neumann, Vice President 19. Paul McCarthy, VP
Pinsly Railroad Company Hoosier Southern Railroad Rarus Railroad
413-568-6426 812-547-3586 406-563-7121
4. Michael J. Van Wagnenen 12. Larry LeMond, Vice President 20. Al Mueller, Vice President
Vice President Eastern Shore Railroad Pacific Coast Building
A&K Railroad Materials, Inc.. 757-331-1094 510-792-1577
5. Bill Anderson, Vice President 13. Mike McCoy, Manager 21. Ralph Mazzeo, Sr. Asocciate
Freight Service Incorporated Levin-Richmond Terminal Thomas K. Dyer
541-484-2303 510-232-4422 781-862-2075
6. Rick Webb, President 14. John Heffner, Attorney 22. Roger Nelson, President
WATCO Rea, Cross &Auchincloss North America RailNet
316-231-2230 202-785-3700 817-571-2356
7. John Ashley, Director of Marketing 15. Mike Root, President 23. Frank Bescher, Dir./Trans
NI Industries, Inc.. Albany&Eastern Railway Waterloo Industries
209-869-7227 541-259-6410 319-833-1569
8. Chuck Laggen, General Manager 16. Mike Hart, President
Arkansas Midland Railroad Sierra Railroad
501-844-4444 209-845-8283
6423 Meadow Country Drive -Reno, NV 89509
Railroad Industries Incorporated
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer-Reno,Nevada 1997-Present
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer- Hot Springs, Arkansas 1993-1997
President-Reno,Nevada 1989-1993
Railroad Industries is a nationwide management consulting firm which specializes in transportation and
physical distribution. The firm, a privately held corporation established in 1983, is owned and
controlled by Gary Hunter and Marietta Hunter. Work has included branch line analysis, equipment
utilization and analysis, development of operating plans, market development, transportation costing,
intermodal analysis, merger studies, developing shortline railroads, and financial analysis.
Arkansas Midland Railroad, General Manager 1993-1994
Jones Mill, Arkansas
Responsible for the overall operations of a$5 million shortline railroad which includes 131 miles of
track, 37 employees, and 21,000 annual carloads. Reporting to me are maintenance of way,
maintenance of equipment, operations, marketing, and all agency functions. Responsible for all
purchasing activities and real estate transactions.
Transportation Marketing Services, Inc., Consultant 1987-1989
Pleasant Hill, California
Responsible for achieving revenue and profit objectives of the firm as directed by the President.
Duties included market development, strategic planning, equipment analysis, physical distribution
analysis,branch line acquisition analysis, competitive analysis, market research, contract rate
negotiations, sales development, operations analysis, and development of business plans. Prepared
testimony,traffic and revenue projections diversion estimates, and traffic flow analyses for the.
Anschutz Corporation and Rio Grande Industries in their acquisition of the Southern Pacific
Transportation Company. Clients included the government, shippers, transportation companies, and
port authorities.
Southern Pacific Transportation Company, Marketing Services Department 198671987
San Francisco, California
Responsible for achieving revenue and profit objectives of the corporation as directed by the Assistant
Vice President-Marketing Services. Duties included developing agreements with other railroads,
developing a network of short-haul TOFC trains, and evaluating the competitive environment and
implications for the corporation. Involved with branch line sales and agreements, working with both
investors and financiers to develop short line railroads_ Handled Southern Pacific's application for
trackage rights in the Union Pacific-Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad merger which included a traffic
flow analysis, diversion estimates, and revenue projections. Supervised three managers and other
Southern Pack Transportation Company, Intermodal Department 1985-1986
San Francisco, California
Responsible for special studies on all aspects of domestic and international TOFC and container traffic
as directed by Assistant Vice President-Intermodal. Duties included contract development and
negotiations, developing and analyzing costs, developing and analyzing various markets, and pricing.
The Intermodal group represented approximately$500 million in annual revenue.
Southern Pacific Transportation Company, Market Planning Department 1981-1985
San Francisco, California
Responsible for the market development and pricing of the aggregate and cement commodities
representing approximately$80 million in annual review. Originally hired as Assistant Manager,
Market Development -Bulk Services(May 1981-July 1982), and promoted to Product Manger,
Marketing& Sales-Aggregates and Cement(July 1982-1985). Duties included forecasting and
analyzing of product market with objective of expanding Southern Pacific's market share, reducing
operating costs, and increasing profit margin. Additional responsibilities included negotiation of
contracts with customers, developing and analyzing costs, and making commercial decisions involving
equipment allocation and acquisition. In response to the Staggers(4R)Act, directed marketing efforts
in aggregates/cement from traditional single car rate to unit train contracts which generated a 20%
increase in Southern Pacific's share in the western railroad market. Over a three-year period, this
represented a net contribution turnaround from an$8 million loss to a$5 million profit.
Western Pacific Railroad, Transportation Department 1976-1981
San Francisco and Bay Area
Employment included both staff and direct line supervision of railroad operations. Staff position
reported to Director-Operating Administration. Responsibilities included projecting and monitoring of
annual system operating budget of$70 million;in-depth analysis of operating expenses;working with
line managers to determine and coordinate individual terminal and district costs with overall system
forecast;presentation of budget variances to Vice President-Operations;and providing guidelines and
requirements for the programming of departmental reports.
Line position reported to Division Superintendent. Was responsible for directing rail operations in the
district between Oakland and Stockton-the fastest growing region on the railroad, which generated
$15 million in gross revenue with an operating budget of$2.2 million. Territory comprised a variety
of rail operations; main and branch line, industry and road switching, interchange, and joint facilities.
Coordinated schedules, assignments, and train performance to customer requirements together with
other departments of the railroad (i.e. Sales, Car Distribution, Train Operations/Dispatching,
Roadway, and Mechanical). Was responsible for supervision of train and engine operating employees
within the district in addition to 20 station employees.
Master of Business Administration, San Francisco State University 1976-1979
Selected as Master of Business Administration "Alumnus of the Year" 1980
Bachelor of Art, Business Administration, San Francisco State University 1972-1976
Majors:Business, Transportation, and Real Estate
Selected to receive the 1998-1999 Who's Who in Executives and Professionals. This award
recognizes outstanding professionals.
Selected by Citation's to receive the award of Who's Who Among Rising Young Americans for 1992
and 1993. This award recognizes achievements in American Society and Business.
Selected by American Biographical Institute to receive the award of 2,000 Notable American Men for
1992 and 1993. This award recognizes past achievements and outstanding service to community, state
and nation.
Other Activities
Trustee, Philip E. Kalthoff Estate 2000-Present
Chairman of the Board and Chief Operating Officer,Reno Pacific Rail Corporation 1998-Present
Company set up to acquire rail assets.
Instructor, San Francisco State University 1983-1993
"California Railroads" seminar in rail transportation developments, past, present, and future.
Lecturer, San Francisco State University 1985-1992
"Private Carrier Management" seminar in transportation management.
"Traffic Management" seminar in traffic management.
"Physical Distribution and Logistics" seminar in physical distribution.
Career Mentor, San Francisco State University 1984-1992
Work with students in career and education development.
Teaching Assistant, San Francisco State University 1974-1979
"Railroad Excursions." Assisted professor in conducting tours and leading discussions.
Invited as guest speaker at San Francisco State University, local groups, and associations. Currently
pursuing research on railroad management, equipment, innovations, history, and future projections, as
well as transportation policies, and laws of the United States. Involved with business, management,
and transportation consulting.
Vice President and Senior Associate-Railroad Industries Incorporated - Muir Beach, CA
• Over four years management consulting in marketing, business planning, and finance.
• Extensive experience in financial management and in applying financial theory to produce
better management planning and action.
• Successful record of harmonious and productive interactions across all levels of
• Excellent oral and written communication skills. Have made well-received presentations
to top management, large audiences of senior managers, and members of the financing
• Background and experience in financial planning, mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures,
leveraged buyouts, risk analysis, data processing, computer modeling, and market and
business planning in a wide range of industries.
• Worked with railroad and port facilities throughout the United Stated and abroad.
MBA Finance- California State University,Hayward 1980
Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, Finance. Graduated first in class.
BA Mathematics-University of California, Santa Cruz 1978
Walthamstow Hall, Sevenoaks, England 1972-74
Studied Mathematics and Physics.
Vice President and Senior Associate(1998-Present)
Senior Associate(1996-98)
• Responsible for providing financial analysis, competitive analysis, marketing and cost for
various projects. Projects include acquisitions/sales of railroads, market development,
port development/evaluation and distribution and logistics work.
LESLIE D. H. RIEHL,INC. -Muir Beach, CA 1988-94
Provide management consulting services to the transportation industry. Major projects:
• Detailed market and competitive analyses for a major railroad.
• Determined optimal location for terminals/distribution facilities.
• Developed databases of grain commodity shippers and transportation suppliers
• Developed financial analysis for Port development.
Lesile D.H. Riehl Page Two
CHARLES SCHWAB &COMPANY, INC. - San Francisco, CA 1985-88
Assistant to President(11/86-4/88)
Reported directly to President. Developed financial model used to determine the value of
the company during buyback from Bank of America. Directed the development of annual
operating and capital budgets. Responsible for numerous special projects related to profitability
and productivity levels of the company.
Director of Branch Per Analysis(5/85-11/86)
Created and installed an automated measurement system designed to measure individual branch
and branch network performance in the areas of profitability, customer service levels,
productivity, and risk management. Designed and implemented branch managers' and branch
employees'annual bonus plan based upon performance. Responsible for development of branch
network budgets.
Assistant to Chief Financial Officer(12/84-4/85)
Responsible for financial planning at Southern Pacific Transportation Company. Reported to
CFO. Accomplishments:
• Designed and installed a new leasing policy covering all departments and subsidiaries to
maximize asset utilization and minimize lease payments.
Manager of Capital Budgets(10/83-12/84)
Responsible for the financial review of capital projects, operating budgets, and long-term leases.
Treasury Department. Accomplishments:
• Finance officer on special team assigned to develop a nationwide fiber optic company.
Development and implementation of a financial model resulted in the formation of
FIBERTRAK, an 8000 mile fiber optic joint venture.
• Prepared risk analysis for real estate company which resulted in the decision against a
$300 million investment that would have been unprofitable.
• Developed and installed new policies and procedures for the review of capital projects to
insure sufficient cash reserves,audit trails, and department accountability.
Assistant Manager of Capital Budgets(6/83-10/83)
Responsible for the financial review of all merger or acquisition candidates. Treasury
Department. Accomplishments:
• Analyzed numerous merger and acquisition candidates which resulted in the merger with
Santa Fe Industries,the acquisition of a trucking company, and the closure of a$100
million subsidiary.
• Developed and installed capital expenditure program that consolidated investment projects
from all subsidiaries. Provided management with a method to maximize distribution of
cash to subsidiaries for capital projects.
Leslie D.H. Riehl Page Three
Special Analyst(1/82-6/83)
Responsible for the design and development of financial policies for allocation of cash to
investment projects. Worked exclusively with communications, land, and pipeline companies in
the handling of all request to Board of Directors_ Executive Department. Accomplishments:
• Financial analysis of communications company led to the sale of SP Communications
(Sprint) and SP Satellite to GTE in 1982.
• Developed financial model used to evaluate alternatives available to the transportation
• Prepared financial policies used for risk analysis, pricing methodology, hurdle rates, and
equipment acquisitions.
Financial Analyst(10/81-1/82) - Treasury Department
Economic Analyst(10/80-10/81) -Marketing Department
Associate-Railroad Industries Incorporated - San Lorenzo, CA
Commodity Manager(1993-95)
Purchasing. Initiate, negotiate and implement multi-year contracts to consolidate the supplier
base and reduce life cycle costs for SP Lines' $150 million track and signal material expenditures.
Manage a buyer and clerk and set strategies for field office buyers.
Managing Director(1991-93)
Insulated and Refrigerated Boxcars, Fleet Management. Manage a staff of five persons,
responsible for daily car distribution activities and both short- and long-term equipment planning
activities. Direct and coordinate staff training to expand their scope and level of responsibility.
.Implement action programs to contain and reduce equipment rent costs using the quality process.
Responsible for$18 million annual equipment rents expense budget.
Director Planning(1990-91)
Plain Boxcars and Flatcars, Fleet Management. Direct all phases of Boxcar and Flatcar
equipment decisions for acquisition, lease, sale, disposal and modification and repair. Prepare and
present economic justification to top management. Developed annual and five year equipment
plans and strategies to improve equipment ROI. Coordinate and implement cross-functionally
plans between SP departments and railcar suppliers.
Manager Special Projects(1989)
Information Services. Coordinator for developing a single on-line data base for use in an
interactive computer environment serving marketing, sales, accounting and rate publishing
Manager Forest Products(1989)
Intermodal. Liaison between Forest Products Business Group and Intermodal Marketing. Create
bi-modal (truck-rail-truck) rate packages for customers to grow SP's market share while
maintaining the existing carload revenue base.
General Manager(1986-89)
Panel Products, Forest Products. Oversee and grow a$105 million wood products carload rail
transportation market. Make pricing decisions to maintain corridor equipment balance while
increasing net revenues. Coordinate and train field staff to improve market knowledge and meet
company goals. Provide in-house coordination between Fleet Management, Tariffs and Divisions,
Law, Sales and Customer Service Departments.
Product Manager(1984-86)
Consumer Products Business Group. Design and implement programs to secure rail shipments of
consumer products. Establish Boxcar and Intermodal pricing guidelines. Coordinate market
research studies for specific market segments to shift truck traffic to rail.
Assistant Product Manager-Boxcars(1980-84)
Fleet Management_ Assist in preparing long-and short-range boxcar fleet planning guidelines.
Implement programs to meet fleet size requirement,programs to reload foreign boxcars
terminating on SP Lines and monitor SP repair programs. Provide analytical support for SP Lines
Boxcar Deregulation position strategies.
Establish, monitor and control car supply for both on-line and off-line freight cars. Provide
computer programming support and analysis of data to identify low profit market segments.
Complete customer profitability studies outlining the traffic mix,traffic corridors by commodity
and the related profitability. Prepare IRR and NPV information for any proposed equipment
repairs or purchases.
Science and Social Studies, 7th through 12th grade. Extensive research and writing of classroom
materials to accommodate the wide range of student abilities in a dynamic and challenging
Special Training/Skills:
Computer: Mainframe-Mark IV&NOMAD programming;familiar with various methods
and systems for data retrieval.
PC-Lotus 123;Harvard Graphics; Word Perfect;Microsoft, The Office
Karass Negotiating Skills Seminar
Brian Long, Win-Win Negotiations and Purchasing Skills Seminars
Zenger Miller Quality Training
SP Quality Training-Leadership, Team Leader, Process Improvement
Master of Business Administration, St. Mary's College of California 1983
Ryan Single Subject Teaching Credential-Life Scie
6423 Meadow Country Drive - Reno, Nevada 89509
Railroad Industries Incorporated
President -Reno,NV 1997 Present
President- Hot Springs, AR 1993-1997
Vice President-Reno,NV 1989-1993
Railroad Industries is a management consulting firm which specializes in transportation and physical
distribution. The firm, a privately held corporation established in 1983, is owned and controlled by Gary
Hunter and Marietta Hunter. Work has included branch line analysis, equipment utilization, development
of operating plans, market development, transportation costing, and intermodal analysis.
Full of Beans Cafe, Manager-Owner 1989-1993
San Rafael, CA
Handles all aspects of the restaurant operations which includes food preparation, ordering, bookkeeping,
personnel, advertising and purchasing. Since taking over restaurant, sales have increased 30%. Annual
revenue exceeds $200,000 annually.
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Banking Service Officer 1985-1989
Piedmont, CA
Opened new accounts such as checking, savings, custom certificates, business, and market rate accounts
in accordance with bank procedures and new accounts policy guide. Explained commonly used services
and answer questions regarding different products. Sold new products including different types of loans
(personal, auto,real estate). Prepared all necessary loan documents for the Service Center for
processing. Participated and supported all bank campaigns involving all consumer products. Responsible
for processing daily all new accounts documents. Handled customers' problems and follow-up to ensure
that the problem is truly resolved to the customers' satisfaction. Handled stock and bond transactions.
Have completed seven courses toward becoming consumer credit certified and have become the first
member of the Branch to receive a Business Development Skills Certificate.
Wells Fargo Bank, Collection and Exchange Department 1980-1985
Oakland, CA
Handled all incoming and outgoing collections. In*charge of selling and redemption of Series EE Bonds
to include payments to Federal Reserve Bank. Exchanged foreign currency and foreign checks to U.S.
including processing international money orders, foreign drafts, and cashiers checks. Performed other
domestic banking functions such as check cashing, withdrawals, light bookkeeping, sales promotion and
customer relations. In charge of wire transfers domestic and international. Supervised two other
collection clerks including training on proper bank collection procedures.
Contra Costa College, Richmond, California Business Major 1979-80, 1984
Lahaina High School, Maui, Hawaii General Studies Graduated, 1976nces, Grades K-121976
California State University, Hayward
Bachelor of Science, Biological Science, California State University, Hayward 1975
Associate- Railroad Industries Incorporated - San Carlos, CA
Work Experience
Associate-Railroad Industries Incorporated- San Carlos, CA 1992-Present
Pickering Lackawana Company(Transportation Consultants) 1985-92
Self Employed
Consultant to Little Lake Development Corporation,Willits, CA. Assisted local group attempting
to buy California Western Railroad.
Consultant to Indiana Railroad Company. Assisted in formation of company. Conducted most of
the preliminary analyses and prepared the prospectuses for the bankers. Prepared initial
engineering planning and verified budgets. Inspected track prior to beginning of operations.
Consultant to Triumph Marketing and the ports of San Francisco and Redwood City. Analyzed
all of the railroad alternatives relating to the Ports' containers facilities, as well as to both ports'
total transportation facilities. Recommended a Belt Railroad to handle all railroad service into and
out of the cities. Analyzed the Union Pacific's abandonment as it affects the Port of San
Union Pacific Railroad-Western Pacific Railroad 1966-85
Twenty years starting as Assistant to President and having titles of Assistant Chief Mechanical
Officer, Assistant General Manager,District Superintendent,Manager Cost Accounting and
Budgets, and Director Cost Analysis.
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 1956-66
Ten years starting as Assistant on Engineering Corps, going to Assistant Division Engineer,
Assistant Trainmaster, Trainmaster, Assistant Director of Industrial Engineering.
Golden Gate University 1977-81
Instructor of Business Administration. Taught night courses while working at Western Pacific.
Retired on March 31, 1985 after thirty years were accumulated in lieu of being transferred to Omaha,
Harold E. Meeker Page Two
Masters in Business Administration, Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA 1974
Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY 1954
Miscellaneous courses in business, real estate and agriculture, Indiana University, Michigan State
University, and College of San Mateo, San Mateo, CA. Currently taking tax courses with H&R
California Real Estate Broker
Studying to become Certified California Tax Practitioner
Military Experience
Instructor of Military Roads and Railroads
The Engineer School,Fort Belvoir, VA 1956
Associate—Railroad Industries Incorporated
Railroad Industries Incorporated
Associate 2000-Present
C.W. Rail Consulting Service, Inc
Principal 1997-2000
Consulting services to the railroad industry including:
• Filling any part or parts from the 49 CFR parts 200 to the federal and state regulator.
• Operating locomotives for host railroad.
• Training locomotive engineers, conductors, and train dispatchers.
• Sales and marketing for host railroad.
• Interface with federal and state regulators to correct deficiencies.
• rate negotiations.
• Liaison to the movie and commercial industry.
• Haz-mat training.
• Operating and safety rules classes.
• Construction of operating timetables.
• Interfacing with Federal Railroad Administration concerning violations of 49 CFR regulations
and corrections to bring railroad into compliance.
Railroad Signal,Inc.—Tulsa,OK
Southwestern Regional Sales Manager 1996-1997
• Called on prospective customers in an eight-state area to discuss signaling needs.
• Sales of crossing signals, hotbox detectors, dragging equipment detectors, CTC installations,
• Interfaced with State agencies and the FRA regarding signal installation regulations.
Central Railroad Co.—Lawrenceburg, IN
General Manager 1995-1996
• Certifying and qualifying supervisor of locomotive engineers.
• Responsible for all operations of railroad operating and mechanical departments.
• Hired new train and engine service employees.
• Shared responsibility for car accounting functions, marketing and rate strategies, and
maintenance of way forces.
• Designed and implemented operating budget.
• Responsible for all FRA reporting and all ongoing training required by FRA.
• Interfacing with CSX, Conrail and NS on interchange and trackage rights agreements.
• Responsible for company fleet vehicles.
Arizona and California Railroad—Parker,AZ
Superintendent/Director of Marketing and Operating Practices 1991-1995
• Certifying and qualifying supervisor of locomotive engineers.
• Responsible for train operations and locomotive repair facility.
• Filed start up reports with FRA and various state agencies.
• Interfaced with Santa Fe Railway operating department on Arizona& California Railroad
• Assisted writing Haz-Mat emergency response guides.
• Sales and marketing.
• Maintained the Operating Department Book of Rules and Operating Practices.
• Assisted with assessment of new line segments.
• Interfaced with FRA, ACC and CPUC on all compliance issues and operating practices for
Arizona and California and California Northern railroads.
• Interfaced with Southern Pacific Transportation Co. on California Northern Railroad business.
• Trained new(off the street) engineers, conductors, clerks, and train dispatchers.
C.W. Railcar Leasing Corporation—Arvada, CO
Owner 1990-1991
• Consultant to several shortline rail groups in the startup of rail segments in South Carolina and
• Filed all startup reports to various federal and state agencies.
• Hired train and engine crews.
• Assisted in setting office procedures.
• Provided recommendations on locomotives.
• Interfaced with Class I operating departments.
• Set up train operations and locomotive servicing procedures.
• Interfaced with FRA on startup procedures.
Wyoming and Colorado Railroad—Laramie,WY
General Manager 1988-1990
Responsible for management and operation of 118 miles of heavy mountain grade railroad.
• Accountable for all facets of the operation.
• Contract negotiation for off-site track work.
• Implementation of Book of Rules, General Orders;Bulletins, Train Dispatcher Records as
required by 49 CFR.
• Community Public Relations.
• Initial startup of the Wyoming and Colorado, Arizona Central Railroad and Oregon Eastern
Great Western Railway —Loveland, CO
Vice President 1982-1988
Assisted in management and operations of 57 miles of railroad.
a Heavy emphasis in marketing and sales.
a Purchase, repairs, leasing and sales of locomotives and rolling stock.
Negotiated contracts for off-site track work and locomotive repairs.
a Established operating procedures for on-site shippers and private operators.
a Conducted safety seminars for on-site shippers.
a Certified Designated Supervisor of locomotive engineers.
• Familiar with personal computers and use of Windows 95, MS Word, MS Office, MS
Outlook, Lotus 1-2-3, and Word Perfect as well as PC-based software packages used in
railroad environment. Familiar with RMI car accounting program as well as Union Pacific,
Santa Fe, Southern Pacific on-line service computer.
a Certified Presenter for Operation Lifesaver.
Associate —Railroad Industries Incorporated
Lafayette, CA
Railroad Industries Incorporated 2000-Present
The Greenbrier Companies 1991-2000
Director—Market Development
Company is a$550 million manufacturer of railcars, intermodal equipment, and freight car
repair/rehabilitation sery ices. Accomplishments include:
• Responsible for sales and leasing of new and used railcars to the 500+U.S. shortline and
regional railroads.
• Developed all market research, coordinated the manufacturing of prototypes and directed
the sales and marketing of two new railcar product introductions.
• Directed operation of a$300 million joint venture for six years at the$3.5 billion railroad
client's headquarters.
• Managed all aspects of the sale,rehabilitation and lease of 17,000 railcars at multiple
facilities for the railroad industry's largest joint venture.
Macdonald & Company 1989-1991
Vice President
Privately held company specializing in a full range of lease, financing and advisory services to the
railroad and equipment financing industry. Accomplishments include:
• Exclusive agent representing five Class I railroads to negotiate,structure and close fixed
price purchase option agreements with both financial and operating lessors for lease
portfolios in excess of$2.5 billion.
• Developed the appropriate transaction structure including puts, calls and zero coupon
notes insuring financial accounting compliance and terms acceptable to both the lessor and
• Successfully arranged lease financing on a variety of new and used equipment acquisitions
for clients and third parties.
Continental Information Systems 1987-1989
Director of Rail Marketing
Syracuse headquartered company was the second largest computer lessor in the U.S., behind
Comdisco. Managed the rail division for the San Francisco based transportation group, which
also originated commercial aircraft and marine leases in C.I.S. public income funds.
Accomplishments include:
• Responsible for all railroad and intermodal lease originations,terminations and
remarketing function.
• Managed$25 million of assets in corporate-managed public limited partnerships.
• Assisted in a variety of due diligence activities and supported the broker/dealer network
involved in marketing C.I.S. income funds.
Southern Pacific Transportation Company 1981-1987
Director of Asset Management
Company was a$3.5 billion railroad operating in 15 western states until acquired by Union Pacific
Railroad in 1996.
• Supervised a staff of five involved in managing an asset base of$300 million.
• Directly accountable for maximizing return on investment by achieving the highest fleet
utilization at the lowest possible cost without compromising service to the customer.
• Structured, negotiated and closed transactions as both a lessor and lessee in addition to
providing the market and financial justification for new asset purchases in excess of$50
McGraw-Edison Company 1979-1981
Marketing.Product Manager
Responsible for a$60 million line of both OEM and aftermarket automotive brake and lighting
products for the Wagner division. Successfiilly introduced several new product lines including
halogen lighting products to the aftermarket.
Ford Motor Company 1978-1979
Zone Sales Manager
Managed all aspects of corporate sales and administration for the parts and service division to
over 20 franchised dealerships in three states. Subsequently promoted to Ford's Motorcraft
division and responsible for sales of over$10 million in aftermarket products to independent
warehouse distributors.
MBA-Marketing Major-Georgia State University,Atlanta, GA 1978
BS in Business-Finance Major-University of Tennessee,Knoxville, TN 1975
a +l
f y7
3 -
3 '
Providing cost effective consulting to the Transportation Industry in North.America, .,uth.Amet�ica,=Mexico
and Canada for over 16 years: _
_ 4
a §
Railroad Industries' experience and knowledge in the railroad industry allows the firm to work in all areas of the
transportation industry:
Strategic Planning
Equipment Planning
Equipment Leasing and Acquisition
Railroad Industries current client base includes:
Short Line and Terminal Railroads
Port Authorities
Industrial Firms
Transportation Companies
Investment Groups
Individual Investors
Railroad Industries has a staff of financial analysts experienced in the transportation industry
Specific projects completed include:
Analyzing and assisting in acquisitions and divestitures of branch lines, operating companies, and rail assets
Preparing proforma financial statements for proposed acquisition and divestitures
Developing risk assessment on acquisitions
Preparing documents necessary to acquire both loans and grants for Short Line Railroads, Industries and Port Authorities
Preparing and calculating Net Liquidation Value and Going Concern Value for branch lines and Short Lines
Preparing cost analyses (rail,truck, barge, intermodal) for use in rate negotiations
Reviewing and recommending improvements to Company Revenue, Operating and Capital Expenses
Railroad Industries develops marketing plans that include all facets of marketing: pricing, costing, modal competition, service,
and long-term strategies. We are knowledgeable in the transport of all commodities (aggregates, coal, lumber, paper, food,
cement, grain, steel/scrap, autos, ores, consumer goods, and 'intermodal)
Specific projects completed include:
Preparing marketing plans for Short Line and Regional Railroads, Ports and Shippers
Developing new programs for increasing on-line rail traffic
Preparing,analyzing; and formulating marketing plans based on customer surveys and interviews
Developing or reviewing existing rate, cost, and pricing structures for Railroads and Shippers
Preparing comprehensive marketing studies for railroad and Industrial Shippers
Developing physical distribution and logistic plans for Industrial Shippers
Developing and negotiating switching contracts for Short Line Railroads
Training and developing Marketing/Sales representatives for Short Line Railroads and Industries
Overseeing day to day marketing responsibilities for Short Line Railroads
Extensive rate/contract negotiations
Railroad Industries' "hands on" approach to operations, combined with our marketing expertise, allows us to develop
operating plans that will meet the needs of the shippers and minimize costs to the transportation company.
Specific projects completed include:
Preparing Operating Plans for contract switching and short line railroads
Evaluating existing operations to improve service to customers and minimize transportation costs
Developing detailed Maintenance of Way plans for short line railroads and industrial shippers
Extensive training of operating personnel and providing rules, safety classes and conductor/engineer certification
Providing detail analysis and evaluations of existing short line track, bridges and structures.
Developing timetable and operating book of rules for railroad start-ups.
Preparing operating, interchange and trackage rights agreements.
Management of rail operations for short line railroads
Railroad Industries is adept at developing long-range business, financial and organizational plans for companies
planning for the future.
,Specific projects completed include:
Negotiating with Class I Railroads to assist customers in acquiring,branch lines in several countries.
Developing business plans for short line and regional railroads.
Developing and setting up of railroads throughout the United States.
Completing information for State Rail Plans hi Nevada and New Mexico.
Developing an organization,job descriptions and salary levels for existing railroads.
Working on several rail merger studies.
Preparing, evaluating, and marketing companies for sale
.. .y-. ......fir. - :. ...... ....`. •r .� V ... - __ .i t-t
(Utilization, acquisition,leasing and inspection)
Railroad Industries' associates experience in asset location, inspection, valuation, acquisition, and leasing has resulted in
successfully increasing Companies equipment fleet utilization and decreasing equipment costs for both railcars and
Specific projects completed include:
Analyzing equipment and maintenance leases
Locating and Inspecting railcars and locomotives to meet customers' carload needs
Analyzing equipment requirements for short line operations and shippers to determine optimal fleet size
Maximising equipment utilization through the development of unit trains and multi-car shipments
Negotiating cost effective rates for short line railroads and shippers owning or acquiring rail equipment
Leasing railcars and locomotives to or for customers as needed
Gary V. Hunter _Chairman-_ _ 'l Operations, Facilities, Marketing' 775-825-6570
Finance,Equipment, Administration 775-=825-6578-fax
Marietta T. Hunter President Administration . 775-825-6570
` fax
Suzy Truax Admin. Assistant Administration 775-329-4855
775-786-5548 fax `-
Leslie D. H.:Riehl Vice President Finance/Mark
eting_E 415-381-8764
415-381-8764 fax
Vicki S. Henry ':Senior-Associate Marketing/Equipment .,
Harold Meeker - Senior Associate - Track& Structures
Mike R. Whitlock Associate Marketing/Equipment
Charles V. Weart Associate Operations/Training/Safety
1. Dave Root, President 9. Greg Wathen,Executive Director 17. Dave Puzan, Plant Manager
Willamette Valley Railway Perry County Development Corp.. Lone Star Cement
503-474-1892 812-547-8377 765-653-9766
2. Ken Pippen, President - 1.0.-. -Wayne Wayne Parrish 18. Bill Kirkland, GM/Tranp.
Carolina SouthernRailroad :` Apalachicola Northern Railroad Boise Cascade
843-248-8008, . :'=- = -' 850-229-7411 _208-3844246
3. John Levine, Vice President', _ 11. ._j Richard`Neumarin,"Vice President 19. Paul McCarthy,VP
Pinsly-Railroad Company - . Hoosier Southern Railroad Rarus Railroad:-
413-568-6426 812-547-3586 406-563-7121
4. Michael J Van Wagnenen 12. Larry"LeMond, Vice President 20. Al Mueller',V1ce President
Vice President Eastern,Shore Railroad Pacific,.CoastBuilding
A&K Railroad Materials, Inc.. 757-331=1094 510-792 1577
5. Bill Anderson, Vice President 13. Mike McCoy, Manager; 21. '-,,%Ralph-Mazzeo, Sr. Asocciate
Freight Service Incorporated „ Levin-Richmond Terminal : '`; Thomas,K. Dyer
541-484-2303 510-232-4422 781 ,$62=2075 _-
6." Rick Webb, President 14. John Heffner, Attorney` 22. Roger Nelson; President
WATCO Rea, Cross&Auchincloss North America RailNet
316-231-2230 202-785-3700: 817-571-2356
7. John Ashley, Director of Marketing 15. Mike Root;President 23'. Frank Bescher,'Dir./Trans
NI Industries, Inc.. Albany&Eastern Railway Waterloo Industries
209-869-7227 541-259-6410 319-833-1569
8. Chuck Laggen, General Manager 16. Mike Hart, President
ArkansasMidland Railroad Sierra Railroad
501-844-4444 209-845-8283
of '
6423 Meadow Country Drive -Reno, NV 89509
Railroad Industries Incorporated
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer-Reno,Nevada 1997-Present
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer-Hot Springs, Arkansas 1993-1997
President-Reno,Nevada 1989-1993
Railroad Industries is a nationwide management consulting firm which specializes in transportation and
physical distribution. The firm, a privately held corporation established in 1983, is owned and
controlled by Cary Hunter and Marietta Hunter. Work has included branch line analysis, equipment
utilization and analysis, development of operating plans, market development, transportation costing,
intermodal analysis, merger studies, developing shortline railroads, and financial analysis.
Arkansas Midland Railroad, General Manager 1993-1994
Jones Mill, Arkansas
Responsible for the overall operations of a$5 million shortline railroad which includes 131 miles of
track, 37 employees, and 21,000 annual carloads. Reporting to me are maintenance of way,
maintenance of equipment, operations, marketing, and all agency functions. Responsible for all
purchasing activities and real estate transactions.
Transportation Marketing Services, Inc., Consultant 1987-1989
Pleasant Hill, California
Responsible for achieving revenue and profit objectives of the firm as directed by the President.
Duties included market development, strategic planning, equipment analysis, physical distribution
analysis, branch line acquisition analysis, competitive analysis, market research, contract rate
negotiations, sales development, operations analysis, and development of business plans. Prepared
testimony, traffic and revenue projections diversion estimates, and traffic flow analyses for the
Anschutz Corporation and Rio Grande Industries in their acquisition of the Southern Pacific
Transportation Company. Clients included the government, shippers, transportation companies, and
port authorities.
Southern Pacific Transportation Company, Marketing Services Department 1986-1987
San Francisco, California
Responsible for achieving revenue and profit objectives of the corporation as directed by the Assistant
Vice President-Marketing Services. Duties included developing agreements with other railroads,
developing a network of short-haul TOFC trains, and evaluating the competitive environment and
implications for the corporation. Involved with branch line sales and agreements, working with both
investors and financiers to develop short line railroads. Handled Southern Pacific's application for
trackage rights in the Union Pacific-Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad merger which included a traffic
flow analysis, diversion estimates, and revenue projections. Supervised three managers and other
Southern Pacific Transportation Company, Intermodal Department 1985=1986
- San Francisco, California
Responsible for special studies on all aspects of domestic and international TOFC and container traffic
as directed by Assistant Vice President-Intermodal. Duties included contract development and
negotiations,developing and analyzing costs, developing and analyzing various markets,and pricing.
The Intermodal group represented approximately$500 million in annual revenue.
Southern Pacific Transportation Company, Market Planning Department 1981-1985
San Francisco, California
Responsible for the market development and pricing of the aggregate and cement commodities
representing approximately$80 million in annual review. Originally hired as Assistant Manager,
Market Development-Bulk Services(May 1981-July 1982), and promoted to Product Manger,
Marketing& Sales-Aggregates and Cement(July 1982-1985). Duties included forecasting and
analyzing of product market with objective of expanding Southern Pacific's market share, reducing
operating costs, and increasing profit margin. Additional responsibilities included negotiation of
contracts with customers, developing and analyzing costs, and making commercial decisions involving
equipment allocation and acquisition. In response to the Staggers(4R) Act, directed marketing efforts
in aggregatestcement from traditional single car rate to unit train contracts which generated a 20%
increase in Southern Pacific's share in the western railroad market. Over a three-year period, this
represented a net contribution turnaround from an$8 million loss to a$5 million profit.
Western Pacific Railroad, Transportation Department 1976-1981
San Francisco and Bay Area
Employment included both staff and direct line supervision of railroad operations. Stag position
reported to Director-Operating Administration. Responsibilities included projecting and monitoring of
annual system operating budget of$70 million;in-depth analysis of operating expenses;working with
line managers to determine and coordinate individual terminal and district costs with overall system
forecast; presentation of budget variances to Vice President-Operations; and providing guidelines and
requirements for the programming of departmental reports.
Line position reported to Division Superintendent. Was responsible for directing rail operations in the
district between Oakland and Stockton-the fastest growing region on the railroad, which generated
$15 million in gross revenue with an operating budget of$2.2 million. Territory comprised a variety
of rail operations; main and branch line, industry and road switching, interchange, and joint facilities.
Coordinated schedules, assignments, and train performance to customer requirements together with
other departments of the railroad(i.e. Sales, Car Distribution, Train Operations/Dispatching,
Roadway, and Mechanical). Was responsible for supervision of train and engine operating employees
within the district in addition to 20 station employees.
Master of Business Administration, San Francisco State.University 1976-1919
Selected as Master of Business Administration"Alumnus of the Year" 1980
Bachelor of Art, Business Administration, San Francisco State University 1972-1976
Majors: Business, Transportation, and Real Estate
Selected to receive the 1998-1999 Who's Who in Executives and Professionals. This award
recognizes outstanding professionals.
Selected by Citation's to receive the award of Who's Who Among Rising Young Americans for 1992
and 1993. This award recognizes achievements in American Society and Business.
Selected by American Biographical Institute to receive the award of 2,000 Notable American Men for
1992 and 1993. This award recognizes past achievements and outstanding service to community, state
and nation.
Other Activities
Trustee, Philip E. Kalthoff Estate 2000-Present
Chairman of the Board and Chief Operating Officer,Reno Pacific Rail Corporation 1998-Present
Company set up to acquire rail assets.
Instructor, San Francisco State University 1983-1993
"California Railroads" seminar in rail transportation developments,past, present,and future.
Lecturer, San Francisco State University 1985-1992
"Private Carrier Management" seminar in transportation management.
"Traffic Management" seminar in traffic management.
"Physical Distribution and Logistics" seminar in physical distribution.
Career Mentor, San Francisco State University 1984-1992
Work with students in career and education development.
Teaching Assistant, San Francisco State University 1974-1979
"Railroad Excursions." Assisted professor in conducting tours and leading discussions.
Invited as guest speaker at San Francisco State University, local groups, and associations. Currently
pursuing research on railroad management, equipment, innovations, history, and future projections, as
well as transportation policies, and laws of the United States. Involved with business, management,
and transportation consulting.
Vice President and Senior Associate-Railroad Industries Incorporated - Muir Beach, CA
• Over four years management consulting in marketing,business planning, and finance.
• Extensive experience in financial management and in applying financial theory to produce
better management planning and action.
Successful record of harmonious and productive interactions across all levels of
• Excellent oral and written communication skills. Have made well-received presentations
to top management, large audiences of senior managers, and members of the financing
• Background and experience in financial planning, mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures,
leveraged buyouts, risk analysis, data processing, computer modeling, and market and
business planning in a wide range of industries.
• Worked with railroad and port facilities throughout the United Stated and abroad.
MBA Finance- California State University,Hayward 1980
Outstanding Academic Achievement Award,Finance. Graduated first in class.
BA Mathematics-University of California, Santa Cruz 1978.
Walthamstow Hall, Sevenoaks, England 1972-74
Studied Mathematics and Physics.
rice President and Senior Associate(1998-Present)
Senior Associate(1996-98)
• Responsible for providing financial analysis, competitive analysis, marketing and cost for
various projects. Projects include acquisitions/sales of railroads, market development,
port development/evaluation and distribution and logistics work.
LESLIE D. H. RIEHL, INC. -Muir Beach, CA 1988-94
Provide management consulting services to the transportation industry. Major projects:
• Detailed market and competitive analyses for a major railroad.
• Determined optimal location for terminals/distribution facilities.
• Developed databases of grain commodity shippers and transportation suppliers
• Developed financial analysis for Port development.
Lesile D.H. Riehl Page Two
CHARLES SCHWAB&COMPANY, INC. - San Francisco, CA 1985-88
Assistant to President(11/86-4/88)
Reported directly to President. Developed financial model used to determine the value of
the company during buyback from Bank of America. Directed the development of annual
operating and capital budgets. Responsible for numerous special projects related to profitability
and productivity levels of the company.
Director of Branch Performance Analysis(5/85-11/86)
Created and installed an automated measurement system designed to measure individual branch
and branch network performance in the areas of profitability, customer service levels,
productivity, and risk management. Designed and implemented branch managers' and branch
employees'annual bonus plan based upon performance. Responsible for development of branch
network budgets.
Assistant to Chief Financial Officer(12/84-4/85)
Responsible for financial planning at Southern Pacific Transportation Company. Reported to
CFO. Accomplishments:
• Designed and installed a new leasing policy covering all departments and subsidiaries to
maximize asset utilization and minimize lease payments.
Manager of Capital Budgets(10/83-12/84)
Responsible for the financial review of capital projects, operating budgets, and long-term leases.
Treasury Department. Accomplishments:
• Finance officer on special team assigned to develop a nationwide fiber optic company.
Development and implementation of a financial model resulted in the formation of
FIBERTRA.K, an 8000 mile fiber optic joint venture.
• Prepared risk analysis for real estate company which resulted in the decision against a
$300 million investment that would have been unprofitable.
• Developed and installed new policies and procedures for the review of capital projects to
insure sufficient cash reserves, audit trails, and department accountability.
Assistant Manager of Capital Budgets(6/83-10/83)
Responsible for the financial review of all merger or acquisition candidates. Treasury
Department. Accomplishments:
• Analyzed numerous merger and acquisition candidates which resulted in the merger with
Santa Fe Industries,the acquisition of a trucking company, and the closure of a $100
million subsidiary.
• Developed and installed capital expenditure program that consolidated investment projects
from all subsidiaries. Provided management with a method to maximize distribution of
cash to subsidiaries for capital projects.
Leslie D.H. Riehl Page Three
Special Analyst(1/82-6/83)
Responsible for the design and development of financial policies for allocation of cash to
investment projects. Worked exclusively with communications, land, and pipeline companies in
the handling of all request to Board of Directors. Executive Department. Accomplishments:
Financial analysis of communications company led to the sale of SP Communications
(Sprint) and SP Satellite to GTE in 1982.
Developed financial model used to evaluate alternatives available to the transportation
Prepared financial policies used for risk analysis, pricing methodology, hurdle rates,and
equipment acquisitions.
Financial Analyst(10/81-1/82)- Treasury Department
Economic Analyst(10/80-10/81) -Marketing Department
Associate-Railroad Industries Incorporated - San Lorenzo, CA
Commodity Manager(1993-95)
Purchasing. Initiate, negotiate and implement multi-year contracts to consolidate the supplier
base and reduce life cycle costs for SP Lines' $150 million track and signal material expenditures.
Manage a buyer and clerk and set strategies for field office buyers.
Managing Director(1991-93)
Insulated and Refrigerated Boxcars, Fleet Management. Manage a staff of five persons,
responsible for daily car distribution activities and both short- and long-term equipment planning
activities. Direct and coordinate staff training to expand their scope and level of responsibility.
Implement action programs to contain and reduce equipment rent costs using the quality process.
Responsible for$18 mullion annual equipment rents expense budget.
Director Planning(1990-91)
Plain Boxcars and Flatcars, Fleet Management. Direct all phases of Boxcar and Flatcar
equipment decisions for acquisition, lease, sale, disposal and modification and repair. Prepare and
present economic justification to top management. Developed annual and five year equipment
plans and strategies to improve equipment ROI. Coordinate and implement cross-functionally
plans between SP departments and railcar suppliers.
Manager Special Projects(1989)
Information Services. Coordinator,for developing a single on-line data base for use in an
interactive computer environment serving marketing, sales, accounting and rate publishing
Manager Forest Products(1989)
Intermodal. Liaison between Forest Products Business Group and Intermodal Marketing. Create
bi-modal(truck-rail-truck) rate packages for customers to grow SP's market share while
maintaining the existing carload revenue base.
General Manager(1986-89)
Panel Products, Forest Products. Oversee and grow a$105 million wood products carload rail
transportation market. Make pricing decisions to maintain corridor equipment balance while
increasing net revenues. Coordinate and train.field staff to improve market knowledge and meet
company goals. Provide in-house coordination between Fleet Management, Tariffs and Divisions,
Law, Sales and Customer Service Departments.
Product Manager(1984-86)
Consumer Products Business Group. Design and implement programs to secure rail shipments of
consumer products. Establish Boxcar and Intermodal pricing guidelines. Coordinate market
research studies for specific market segments to shift truck traffic to rail.
Assistant Product Manager-Boxcars(1980-84)
Fleet Management. Assist in preparing long-and short-range boxcar fleet planning guidelines.
Implement programs to meet fleet size requirement,programs to reload foreign boxcars
terminating on SP Lines and monitor SP repair programs. Provide analytical supportfor SP Lines
Boxcar Deregulation position strategies.
Establish, monitor and control car supply for both on-line and off-line freight cars. Provide
computer programming support and analysis of data to identify low profit market segments_
Complete customer profitability studies outlining the traffic,mix,traffic corridors by commodity
and the related profitability. Prepare IRR and NPV information for any proposed equipment
repairs or purchases.
Science and Social Studies, 7th through 12th grade. Extensive research and writing of classroom
materials to accommodate the wide range of student abilities in a dynamic and challenging
Special Training/Skills:
Computer: Mainframe-Mark IV&NOMAD programming; familiar with various methods
and systems for data retrieval.
PC-Lotus 123;Harvard Graphics; Word Perfect;Microsoft, The Office
Karass Negotiating Skills Seminar
Brian Long, Win-Win Negotiations and Purchasing Skills Seminars
Zenger Miller Quality Training
SP Quality Training-Leadership, Team Leader, Process Improvement
Master of Business Administration, St. Mary's College of California 1983
Ryan Single Subject Teaching Credential-Life Scie
6423 Meadow Country Drive - Reno,Nevada 89509
Railroad Industries Incorporated
President-Reno,NV 1997 Present
President- Hot Springs,.AR 1993-1997
Vice President-Reno,NV 1989-1993
Railroad Industries is a management consulting firm which specializes in transportation and physical
distribution. The firm, a privately held corporation established in 1983, is owned and controlled by Gary
Hunter and Marietta Hunter. Work has included branch line analysis, equipment utilization, development
of operating plans, market development, transportation costing, and intermodal analysis.
Full of Beans Cafe, Manager-Owner 1989-1993
San Rafael, CA
Handles all aspects of the restaurant operations which includes food preparation, ordering,bookkeeping,
personnel, advertising and purchasing. Since taking over restaurant, sales have increased 30%. Annual
revenue exceeds$200,000 annually.
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Banking Service Officer 1985-1989
Piedmont, CA
Opened new accounts such as checking, savings, custom certificates, business, and market rate accounts
in accordance with bank procedures and new accounts policy guide. Explained commonly used services
and answer questions regarding difflferent products. Sold new products including different types of loans
(personal, auto, real estate). Prepared all necessary loan documents for the Service Center for
processing. Participated and supported all bank campaigns involving all consumer products. Responsible
for processing daily all new accounts documents. Handled customers' problems and follow-up to ensure
that the problem is truly resolved to the customers' satisfaction. Handled stock and bond transactions.
Have completed seven courses toward becoming consumer credit certified and have become the first
member of the Branch to receive a Business Development Skills Certificate.
Wells Fargo Bank, Collection and Exchange,Department 1980-1985
Oakland, CA
Handled all incoming and outgoing collections. In`charge of selling and redemption of Series EE Bonds
to include payments to Federal Reserve Bank. Exchanged foreign currency and foreign checks to U.S.
including processing international money orders, foreign drafts, and cashiers checks. Performed other
domestic banking functions such as check cashing, withdrawals, light bookkeeping, sales promotion and
customer relations. In charge of wire transfers domestic and international. Supervised two other
collection clerks including training on proper bank collection procedures.
Contra Costa College, Richmond, California Business Major 1979-80, 1984
Lahaina High School, Maui,Hawaii General Studies Graduated, 1976nces, Grades K-121976
California State University, Hayward
Bachelor of Science, Biological Science, California State University,Hayward 1975
Associate-Railroad Industries Incorporated - San Carlos, CA
Work Experience
Associate-Railroad Industries Incorporated- San Carlos, CA 1992-Present
Pickering Lackawana Company(Transportation Consultants) 1985-92
Self Employed
Consultant to Little Lake Development Corporation, Willits, CA. Assisted local group attempting
to buy California Western Railroad.
Consultant to Indiana Railroad Company. Assisted in formation of company. Conducted most of
the preliminary analyses and prepared the prospectuses for the bankers. Prepared initial
engineering planning and verified budgets. Inspected track prior to beginning of operations.
Consultant to Triumph Marketing and the ports of San Francisco and Redwood City. Analyzed
all of the railroad alternatives relating to the Ports'containers facilities, as well as to both ports'
total transportation facilities. Recommended a Belt Railroad to handle all railroad service into and
out of the cities. Analyzed the Union Pacific's abandonment as it affects the Port of San
Union Pacific Railroad-Western Pac j5c Railroad 1966-85
Twenty years starting as Assistant to President and having titles of Assistant Chief Mechanical
Officer, Assistant General Manager, District Superintendent, Manager Cost Accounting and
Budgets, and Director Cost Analysis.
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 1956-66
Ten years starting as Assistant on Engineering Corps, going to Assistant Division Engineer,
Assistant Trainmaster, Trainmaster, Assistant Director of Industrial Engineering.
Golden Gate University 1977-81
Instructor of Business Administration. Taught night courses while working at Western Pacific.
Retired on March 31, 1985 after thirty years were accumulated in lieu of being transferred to Omaha,
Harold E. Meeker Page Two
Masters in Business Administration, Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA 1974
Bachelor of Civil Engineering,Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY 1954
Miscellaneous courses in business, real estate and agriculture, Indiana University,Michigan State
University, and College of San Mateo, San Mateo, CA. Currently taking tax courses with H&R
California Real Estate Broker
Studying to become Certified California Tax Practitioner'
Military Experience
Instructor of Military Roads and Railroads
The Engineer School,Fort Belvoir, VA 1956
Associate—Railroad Industries Incorporated
Railroad Industries Incorporated
Associate 2000-Present
C.W. Rail Consulting Service,Inc
.Principal 1997-2000
Consulting services to the railroad industry including: _
• Filling any part or parts from the 49 CFR parts 200 to the federal and state regulator.
• Operating locomotives for host railroad.
• Training locomotive engineers, conductors, and train dispatchers.
• Sales and marketing for host railroad.
• Interface with federal and state regulators to correct deficiencies.
• rate negotiations.
• Liaison to the movie and commercial industry.
• Haz-mat training.
• Operating and safety rules classes.
• Construction of operating timetables.
• Interfacing with Federal Railroad Administration concerning violations of 49 CFR regulations
and corrections to bring railroad into compliance.
Railroad Signal,Inc.—Tulsa, OK
Southwestern Regional Sales Manager 1996-1997
• Called on prospective customers in an eight-state area to discuss signaling needs.
• Sales of crossing signals, hotbox detectors, dragging equipment detectors, CTC installations,
• Interfaced with State agencies and the FRA regarding signal installation regulations.
Central Railroad Co.—Lawrenceburg, IN
General Manager 1995-1996
• Certifying and qualifying supervisor of locomotive engineers.
• Responsible for all operations of railroad operating and mechanical departments.
• Hired new train and engine service employees.
• Shared responsibility for car accounting functions, marketing and rate strategies, and
maintenance of way forces.
• Designed and implemented operating budget.
• Responsible for all FRA reporting and all ongoing training required by FRA.
• Interfacing with CSX, Conrail and NS on interchange and trackage rights agreements.
• Responsible for company fleet vehicles.
Arizona and California Railroad—Parker,AZ
Superintendent/Director of Marketing and Operating Practices 1991-1995
• Certifying and qualifying supervisor of locomotive engineers.
• Responsible for train operations and locomotive repair facility.
• Filed start up reports with FRA and various state agencies.
• Interfaced with Santa Fe Railway operating department on Arizona& California Railroad
• Assisted writing Haz-Mat emergency response guides.
• Sales and marketing.
• Maintained the Operating Department Book of Rules and Operating Practices.
• Assisted with assessment of new line segments.
• Interfaced with FRA, ACC and CPUC on all compliance issues and operating practices for
Arizona and California and California Northern railroads.
• Interfaced with Southern Pacific Transportation Co. on California Northern Railroad business.
• Trained new(off the street) engineers, conductors, clerks, and train dispatchers.
C.W.Railcar Leasing Corporation—Arvada, CO
O►vner 1990-1991
• Consultant to several shortline rail groups in the startup of rail segments in South Carolina and
Michigan. '
• Filed all startup reports to various federal and state agencies.
• Hired train and engine crews.
• Assisted in setting office procedures.
• Provided recommendations on locomotives.
• Interfaced with Class I operating departments.
• Set up train operations and locomotive servicing procedures.
• Interfaced with FRA on startup procedures.
Wyoming and Colorado Railroad ' Laramie,WY
General Manager 1988-1990
Responsible for management and operation of 118 miles of heavy mountain grade railroad.
• Accountable for all facets of the operation.
• Contract negotiation for offsite track work.
• Implementation of Book of Rules, General Orders, Bulletins, Train Dispatcher Records as
required by 49 CFR.
• Community Public Relations.
• Initial startup of the Wyoming and Colorado, Arizona Central Railroad and Oregon Eastern
Great Western Railway —Loveland, CO
Dace President 1982-1988
Assisted in management and operations of 57 miles of railroad.
• Heavy emphasis in marketing and sales.
• Purchase, repairs, leasing and sales of locomotives and rolling stock.
• Negotiated contracts for off-site track work and locomotive repairs.
• Established operating procedures for on-site shippers and private operators.
• Conducted safety seminars for on-site shippers. _
• Certified Designated Supervisor of locomotive engineers.
• Familiar with personal computers and use of Windows 95, MS Word, MS Office, MS
Outlook, Lotus 1-2-3, and Word Perfect as well as PC-based software packages used in
railroad environment. Familiar with RAG car accounting program as well as Union Pacific,
Santa Fe, Southern Pacific on-line service computer.
• Certified Presenter for Operation Lifesaver.
Associate —Railroad Industries Incorporated
Lafayette, CA
Railroad Industries Incorporated 2000-Present,
The Greenbrier Companies 1991-2000
Director—Market Development
Company is a$550 million manufacturer of railcars,intermodal equipment, and freight car
repair/rehabilitation sere ices. Accomplishments include:
• Responsible for sales and leasing of new and used railcars to the 500+U.S. shortline and
regional railroads.
• Developed all market research, coordinated the manufacturing of prototypes and directed
the sales and marketing of two new railcar product introductions.
• Directed operation of a$300 million joint venture for six years at the$3.5 billion railroad
client's headquarters.
• Managed all aspects of the sale,rehabilitation and lease of 17,000 railcars at multiple
facilities for the railroad industry's largest joint venture.
Macdonald & Company 1989-1991
Vice President
Privately held company specializing in a full range of lease, financing and advisory services to the
railroad and equipment financing industry. Accomplishments include:
• Exclusive agent representing five Class I railroads to negotiate, structure and close fixed
price purchase option agreements with both financial and operating lessors for lease
portfolios in excess of$2.5 billion.
• Developed the appropriate transaction structure including puts,calls and zero coupon
notes insuring financial accounting compliance and terms acceptable to both the lessor and
• Successfully arranged lease financing on a variety of new and used equipment acquisitions
for clients and third parties.
Continental Information Systems 1987-1989
Director of Rail Marketing
Syracuse headquartered company was the second largest computer lessor in the U.S.,behind
Comdisco. Managed the rail division for the San Francisco based transportation group, which
also originated commercial aircraft and marine leases in C.I.S.public income funds.
Accomplishments include:
• Responsible for all railroad and intermodal lease originations,terminations and
remarketing function.
• Managed$25 million of assets in corporate-managed public limited partnerships.
• Assisted in a variety of due diligence activities and supported the broker/dealer network
involved in marketing C.I.S. income funds.
Southern Pacific Transportation Company 1981-1987
Director of Asset Management
Company was a$3.5 billion railroad operating in 15 western states until acquired by Union Pacific
Railroad in 1996.
• Supervised a staff of five involved in managing an asset base of$300 million.
• Directly accountable for maximizing return on investment by achieving the highest fleet
utilization at the lowest possible cost without compromising service to the customer.
• Structured, negotiated and closed transactions as both a lessor and lessee in addition to
providing the market and financial justification for new asset purchases in excess of$50
McGraw-Edison Company 1979-1981
Marketing.Product Manager
Responsible for a$60 million line of both OEM and aftermarket automotive brake and lighting
products for the Wagner division. Successfully introduced several new product lines including
halogen lighting products to the aftermarket.
Ford Motor Company 1978-1979
Zone Sales Manager
Managed all aspects of corporate sales and administration for the parts and service division to
over 20 franchised dealerships in three states. Subsequently promoted to Ford's Motorcraft
division and responsible for sales of over$10 million in aftermarket products to independent,
warehouse distributors.
MBA-Marketing Major- Georgia State University,Atlanta, GA 1978
BS in Business-Finance Major-University of Tennessee,Knoxville, TN 1975
6423 Meadow Country Drive
Reno, Nevada 89509 ----
775-825-6578 (FAX) MAY 10 2001
May 7, 2001
Ms. Shelly Badger
City of Yelm
PO Box 479
Yelm, WA 98597
Dear Shelly:
I enjoyed speaking with you the other day concerning the City of Yelm owned railroad. I am
enclosing material on Railroad Industries for your review. Railroad Industries has worked and
helped many railroads in your situation and we have been successful. Given what I know about
your railroad, I believe we could help work with you and the City of Yelm on developing this 5
miles of railroad.
Please review the enclosed materials and lets plan to talk next week.
Sincerely, f
J.;/ ary