Untitled (6) Page 1 of 1 Shelly Badger From: Shelly Badger Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:35 AM To: 'travis_lumpkin@murray.senate.gov' Subject: FY08 Transportation Approprations request for Senator Murray Attachments: MurrayFY08Appropsformgeneral.doc, rail handout.pdf Travis, thank you for allowing the City to submit an appropriations request for our rail connection project. This form and some of the terms are new to me, so if anything needs to be changed or enhanced, please let me know. We have referred to the attached rail handout to answer both the Program Description and Economic Benefit sections. Again, thank you and we are available at your convenience to discuss this project in further detail if Senator Murray is interested. Shelly Shelly Badger, Yelm City Administrator City of Yelm www.d.yelm.wa.us P.O. Box 479 Yelm,WA 98597 360-458-8405 360-458-4348 fax shellyb@d.yelm.wa.us 3/29/2007 FY2008 Appropriations Request Form Office of Senator Patty Murray The following form must be completed and turned in by March 2,2007 along with any additional information. If the request is a STAG or EDI request an additional appropriate form for STAG or EDI projects will also need to be filled out (you will find those on the document attached). If you are making a Defense request you do not need to fill out the general form, rather there is a separate Defense Appropriations form that you will need to fill out. If you have questions please feel free to contact Senator Murray's office at 202.224.2621. Date of Funding Request: March 2007 Appropriations Subcommittee of Jurisdiction: Not known Name of Project: (brief title) Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection Project Sponsor or Recipient: (City, County, Organization) City of Yelm Location of Project: (address & city, and COUNTY) The Yelm Prairie Line is located less than a quarter mile from the Tacoma Rail Mountain Division Line,just west of Roy WA, in Pierce County. WA State County(ies) Benefited: Thurston and Pierce WA Point of Contact(name, address, business and cell phone, e-mail): Shelly Badger, City of Yelm, PO Box 479, Yelm WA 98597, 360-458-8405 office, 360-701-5219 cell, shellybkci.yelm.wa.us. DC Point of Contact (name, address, business and cell phone, e-mail): N/A Federal Agency your request is for: US Department of Transportation Directorate, Program or Account: Not known Program Description/Justification for Support and Activities to be Funded: (Use up to 250 words to describe the need for the project and products and services to be provided. Use layman's terms. Define all acronyms.) See attached rail.handout.pdf to serve as response to Program Description and Economic Benefit sections. Economic Impact: Briefly describe the economic impact of this effort in terms of the total number of jobs (new and maintained), and where those jobs are located: See attached rail.handout.pdf to serve as response to Program Description and Economic Benefit sections. Partners working on the project/program: City of Yelm, Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail, Thurston Regional.Planning Council, Thurston County Economic Development Council, Burlington-Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Current Status of Project: Acquired 4.5 miles of rail line in 2000. Seeking funding for right-of way acquisition, design, construction of connection and refurbishment. 1 Current phase this funding is for: Right-of-way acquisition, design, construction of connection and refurbishment. Expected Completion Date: December 2008 Total estimated cost of the project: $3.5 million Does the funding requested complete the project(Y/N): Yes If No,what are the expected future appropriation request(s)? FY2008 Request: $3.5 million FY2008 President's Budget Amount: 0 Other Funding Sources and Amounts (state, private, etc.): The City has requested $3.5 million in state funding from the 2007 legislative session. It is unknown at this time what portion of this request will be approved. In addition, the City has submitted an appropriations request to Congressman Adam Smith in the amount of$2.8 million. Is the project authorized? (Y/N) No If authorized, state the authorization bill and section: FY2007 Appropriations Request (if applicable): N/A FY2007 Appropriated Amount (if applicable): N/A • House passed report level: • Senate passed report level: • FY07 CR/Conference Report funding level: Prior Year(s) Funding History (fiscal year and amount): N/A Language Request: (State requested language for bill, report, or bill and report.) Construction of Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection and Refurbishment of Yelm Roy Prairie Line. Other members of Congress receiving this request: Congressman Adam Smith Additional Information or comments: Attachments (if any): rail.handout.pdf NOTE.Return this form by close of business, Friday, March 2, to: The appropriate Legislative Assistant in Senator Murray's Office AND email appropriation s(&m urra v.sen ate.Po v NOTE.PLEASE PUT THE SUBCOMMITTEE YOUR REQUEST IS FOR IN THE EMAIL SUBJECT(For Example: FY08 LABORHHS APPROPRIATIONS REQUEST FOR SENATOR MURRAY)AS THIS WILL HELP US SORT REQUESTS 2 ***IF YOUARE RETURNING A HARD COPY OF YOUR REQUEST, YOU MUST ALSO EMAIL A COPY TO THE APPROPRIATE LA AS WELL. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT WHO TO TALK TO IN SENATOR MURRAY'S OFFICE,PLEASE CALL SENATOR MURRAY'S OFFICE AT 202.224.2621. 3 STAG SPECIAL PROJECTS INFORMATION ***ONLY FILL OUT IF YOU ARE MAKING A STAG ACCOUNT REQUEST MEMBER: MURRAY STATE: WA PROJECT NAME: REQUESTED AMOUNT: YES/NO/Information IA. Is the proposed project eligible for a loan from its state Clean Water or Drinking Water State Revolving Fund? 1 B. Have the potential grant recipients applied for an SRF loan? 1 C. What priority ranking did the state assign to this project as the result of that application? (This is the ranking from the Water Quality Program (Water Quality Grants and Loans) from the Washington State Department of Ecology. No other ranking is applicable.) 1 D. If the community did apply for a loan, how large an SRF loan did the state determine potential grant recipients could afford to repay? 2. How will the requested funds benefit low or moderate-income communities? 3A. Will the requested funds be used for construction, not debt relief? 313. Will this be a one-year request that will move a project into construction? 4. What is the purpose of this project? Wastewater treatment or drinking water? 5. What is the estimated average annual user fee as a percent of the estimated median annual income of households that will be served by the project if the community constructs the proposed project without the requested grant funds? With an SRF loan? With municipal funding at market rates? 6. What are the community's plans for providing the expected 45% match? 7. Does the project serve a broad public purpose or it is intended for a more limited(or private) purpose that could more appropriately be funded by a private party or local financing? 8. Does the project address an immediate need or it is predicated on future growth/development? 9. Please provide a contact name, address, phone number and e-mail address. 4 EDI SPECIAL PROJECTS INFORMATION ***ONLY FILL OUT IF YOUARE MAKING AN EDI ACCOUNT REQUEST MEMBER: MURRAY STATE: WA PROJECT NAME: REQUESTED AMOUNT: Questions Answers and Responses 1. Does the project create jobs or meet a compelling human need? Please explain. 2. Does the project benefit low or moderate-income neighborhoods? Please explain how it would directly affect or benefit these neighborhoods. 3. Does the project eliminate physical or economic distress? Please explain. 4. Is this a one-year request that will complete a project? Please provide details, including what this funding would actually be used for. 5. Does this request have a funding match from a non- federal source? Please explain and provide details about the matching funds. 6. Has this project receive federal funding in the past? Please explain. 7. Please provide name and address of potential grantee. Please also include information for the main contact person for the project, including phone number. The following activities are not eligible for EDI funds: (1)reimbursement of expenses (including debt service or retirements); (2) transportation/road projects; (3) expenses for program operations; (4) no "first responder"projects; and (5) no healthcare facilities. In addition, colleges and universities will not receive EDI funding except for special circumstances. 5 Additional Instructions for the FY08 Appropriations Form for Senator Patty Murray Name of Project: This is the name of your project as it will appear in the appropriations language. Please be descriptive. WA Point of Contact: This is the complete name, street address, phone number and e-mail address for your organization's contact located in Washington State. This is typically your business development director, CEO or president. DC Point of Contact: This is the complete name, street address, phone number and e-mail address for your organization's contact located in Washington, DC. This is typically your lobbyist. Program Description: Please provide an accurate, simply worded narrative of 250 words or less that describes the need for the project and the capability your products or services will provide. Use layman's terms and define all acronyms. Avoid the use of technical jargon. Labor, HHS Program description: Please note that construction funding is authorized only for health-related facilities. Do not request construction or renovation funding for any other type of facility. If the request is for health-related construction, please identify the programmatic activity that will be carried out in the facility. Energy and Water: • If continuing authorities project, provide the section number with the Authorization (i.e. 107, 205, 1135, 14, 206, etc.) • If you need language for Army Corps or Reclamation projects, please attach a copy of the language and specify which (Bill or Report), include your name and contact information on the same sheet. • If you are requesting a modification to a Department of Energy program, please attach a separate sheet providing a full description of the modification, including a discussion of the required cost-share, as authorized. 6 Yelm Prairi --o Rail Lin , Making ons Connecti R R The Project In 1999, with local and Federal funds, the City of Yelm made an investment of over $300,000 when it acquired a 4.5 mile section of soon-to-be-abandoned rail line running between Yelm and Roy from Burlington Northern Santa Fe. Yelm, always focused on the future, desired to preserve the track between Yelm and Roy not only for a pedestrian trail, but also to serve Yelm's industrial area and to provide future transportation op- tions. Having a short-line railroad serve Yelm is just a quarter mile from reality, as the end of the Yelm Prairie Line is just a crossing away from the Tacoma Rail Mountain Division Line. Tacoma Rail has been in the short line railroad business for years, and currently provides regional connections between the Ports of Tacoma and Olympia, Fredrickson, Centralia, Eatonville, and Morton. A connection between the Yelm Prairie Line and the Mountain Division Line would allow access to Yelm's industrial area as well as critical redundancy to the mainline system, providing access to business along the Point Defiance Bypass (Sound Transit) and Fort Lewis in case the usual rail cor- ridor is unavailable. The connection would allow rail users like Wilcox Farms better connections through a true short line railroad. The connection also provides an opportunity to connect with the Sound Transit system in Lakewood in the future. The Need The Roy end of the Yelm Prairie Line is located less than a quarter mile from the Tacoma Rail Moun- tain Division Line. The Benefits The growing community of Yelm is on the cusp of becoming a sustainable community that provides local housing, shopping, and jobs. The development of Yelm's industrial area is key to achieving this vision as outlined in the Growth Management Act in order to achieve a local economy capable of supporting Yelm's burgeoning residential growth. lm The Yelm Prairie Line will create a regional connection that will Pride of the �Prairie become a strong part of the South Sound economy, extending P.O. the short line railroad connections by Tacoma Rail to another Yelm, WA 98597 (360) 458-3244 node in The Request the re- Mayor $3,500,000 Bion. • . # (360) 458-8401 $600,000 right-of-way acquisition $1 ,500,000 construction Administrator BadgerShelly $1 ,400,000 refurbishment of existing line (360) 458-8406 shellyb@ci.yelm.wa.us r f � f f Shelton -= It "—Tacoma j `,z S -- �- f K Ol ym p is WLa c ev r Fart Lewis Roy. J Mmuiater Yelm Rainier Tenino South Sound Rail Ea tonvil le �Tacoma Pail �YelmlRoy Pravie Line -Long Haul Rail;UP,BNSF� ~� K 7 ucoda Ccmmutx Rail;Sound Transit"� Srte, ' L� � Other Short Line Rail .aC Fort LewisCadmilia C � Chehalis Roy F. t til PLANNED CONNECTION � J, i �• J +rTrN 10 SRsto ,� =s t'' AoC l r w ` ;0 ))I f i Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Program Guidelines The Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board is issuing a call for projects to maintain a six-year list of active projects. The legislature has approved staggered funding for most of the existing list of FMSIB projects. The Board recognizes that due to the dynamic nature of freight movement there are emergent infrastructure needs driven by market forces that should be evaluated to determine if they should be added to the list of chokepoints within our freight corridors. Since FMSIB funds are committed for the next few biennia the question of funding additional projects is on a case by case basis and remains at the discretion of the Governor and legislature. The legislature is currently studying options that could provide additional funding for freight projects that would be considered during the 2008 session. The Board wants to be sure if there are new funds approved that the FMSIB projects are positioned to be recipients. FMSIB advocates for project funding each year based upon an individual project's ability to proceed to construction. The call will begin on June 4, 2007 with applications due by close of business August 30, 2007. Applications can be submitted by WSDOT,and Washington Cities, Counties and Ports. Applications will be available on-line at www.fmsib.wa.gov Eligible projects must be on a strategic freight corridor and be listed as part of a state or local transportation plan. Projects should improve the movement of freight and/or mitigate the movement of freight through local communities. Studies will not be considered at this time due to the large backlog of unmet freight construction needs. Projects on the current list of FMSIB,projects do not need to apply again. These projects will retain their position on the list. The projects that are prioritized from this call will be added to this list. The following guidelines identify the requirements necessary to apply for funding through this program. Please complete the Application Form found on our website www.fmsib.wa.i!ov All materials must be submitted on letter size pages (8-1/2 x 11"), single sided, in black and white only. This includes any maps, drawings,photos, and text. For text entries, use a minimum type font size of 12-pitch type. The application package is to be no more than a total of fifteen pages in length (excluding the vicinity map). All applications are due August 30, 2007, by S:OOp.m. at the FMSIB office. (Faxes are acceptable.) Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board PO Box 40965 Olympia, WA 98504-0965 Fax: (360) 586-9700 Strategic Freight Corridors For a project to be eligible for consideration in this program it must be located on a strategic freight corridor as designated by the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board. However,new alignments to, realignments of,and new links to strategic freight corridors that enhance the freight movement may qualify,even though no tonnage data exists. Proiect Summary Project Title: Provide the title of the project. If this project is a separate stage of a larger project please indicate which stage. Applicant Organization: Name of the lead agency and their agency number requesting funding for the project. Include a contact person,their title, address, email address,phone and fax numbers. Project Location: Identify the city,county and legislative districts in which the project is located. Guidelines Proiect Summary Identify Strategic Freight Corridor: Identify the strategic freight corridor on which this project is located. (Attaching a detailed vicinity map of the proposed project is required.) Use city/county names,political boundaries, street names, highway route numbers, physical features, mileposts or"direction and distance from"to indicate the location and extent of the project or work sites. Also include the beginning and ending points of the project on the corridor. Project Addressed in any Regional and/or State Transportation Plans: Identify if the proposed project is in a regional and/or state transportation plan and the date of its inclusion. (0-5 point scale) Attachments: A vicinity map is required. Make sure that the vicinity map(8 %i x 11) clearly identifies the strategic freight corridor and location of the project and is an appropriate scale to show the extent of the project. Cost Summary: The total cost of all phases of the project as described. The dollar amount of the funds being requested from the freight mobility strategic investment program. The Board policy is 35%minimum match, however, in extreme situations the Board may consider as low as 20%as minimum match. Statutorily the Board is directed to maximize the match to FMSIB funds and recently selected projects have demonstrated a much higher percentage match. Keep in mind that this program operates on an invoice basis and funding in advance is not available. Matching Funds Summary: Indicate the total match you have committed and/or anticipate and the percentage of match in relation to the total project cost. Also, identify how much of the match is from the public sector and the private sector, and the percentage of each type of match in relation to the total project cost. Funding Detail Partnerships (Section 1): In this section, please list all the types of matching fund sources from both the public and private sector partners. Then check whether the funds are anticipated or have already been committed to the project. Also, identify the dollars that each fund source is contributing. Finally,total the dollars from all the partners. (Public sector match includes: city, county, state,port(if the funds are applied to a project on port property)and federal funds. Private sector match includes: railroad,port(if funds are for a project not on port property),private funds raised through specific project collection measures(i.e., LID, impact fees, etc.)and private industry funds. Funding Detail (Section 2): Again list all the types of matching fund sources and their totals from Section 1. In the PE,RW &CN columns list how the money is split in these phases, including where the project intends to use the FMSIB funds. In the need column: total those funds that are anticipated. In the total column: the total for each phase of work and finally the total project cost. In the Tentative timeframe column: identify the month and year each phase will be completed, including advertisement and construction start date. Guidelines Funding Detail Cash Flow Needs (Section 3): In this section identify the biennium and phase in which you anticipate dollars being expended, separating out the freight mobility funds. In the total column they should equal those previously identified in Section 2. Finally,total all the columns and show the percentages per the Total Project Cost. These numbers should be the same as those shown on the cover page. Applicants can receive up to a maximum of 20 points in this section. The points can be achieved through a combination of public and private sector participation and the amount of funds being provided for the project. This program requires a 35% minimum match. The Board policy is 35%minimum match,however, in extreme situations the Board may consider as low as 20%as minimum match. (0-20 point scale) Once the project has 20%match,points will be given as follows:: • 1 point for every 4%public sector match above 20% • 1 point for every 2%private sector match above 20% Proiect Narrative Question 1: This question is for the applicant to describe the scope of work of the project and to explain how this project meets the intent of the freight mobility program. Freight Mobility for the Project Area(35 points): This section has two parts. Question 2 &3: These two questions are directed at the reduction of truck, train or rail car delays. In Question 2, a formula is provided to determine the reduction in truck delay (hours/day)that will result from the freight project. In Question 3,please provide the savings per train,the number of trains and the average train length and how this was determined. (0-25 point scale) Volume to Capacity (10 points) Question 4&5: These two questions focus on the improvement in the volume to capacity (v/c)for truck or train movements during peak periods. In Question 4, a formula is provided for truck movements to determine the volume to capacity(V/C)ratio. Whereas, Question 5,asks for you to describe and provide the information on current capacity and the amount of improvement anticipated for train movement during peak periods. (0-10 point scale) 1 Freight Mobility for the Region,State,& Nation (35 points): This section has four parts. Question 6: Describe the significance of this project to the regional economy. Focus on how this project will impact the regional freight transportation system and the regional economy. For example: nature of the improvement and principal freight moved; improved intra-regional and inter-regional freight movement in terms of products, industries and direct employment; improved freight movement and access to domestic and international markers in terms of freight, industries and direct employment; benefits to other regional industries; and access and links to intermodal connections and facilities. (0-10 point scale) Guidelines Proiect Narrative State Economy(10 points) Question 7: Describe significance of this project to the state economy. The focus will be on the project's impact on the state freight transportation system and the state economy(outside the region). For example: improved intrastate freight movement in terms of products, industries and direct employment; improved freight movement to domestic and international markets in terms of freight, industries and direct employment; and benefits to other state industries. (0-10 point scale) Port Access/Border Crossing(10 points) Question 8: Describe how the project improves freight movement for direct port access or across an international border. Direct access is defined as a project that leads directly to a port as its major destination and is generally within 2 miles of that port. An international border crossing project is one that actually speeds the movement of freight across that border and would nearly always be within 1 mile of a current or planned crossing. (0-10 point scale) Regional Corridor(S points) Question 9: Describe how this project is part of a regional corridor solution or major system improvement, including whether the project has the support of the local MPO/RTPO. (0-5 point scale) General Mobility(25 points): This section has four parts. Question 10: Calculate the reduced vehicular traffic delay(hours/day)of all vehicles with the formula provided. (0-10 point scale) Queing(7 points) Question 11: Calculate the reduced queuing and backups (vehicles/lane) as result of this project with the formula provided. (0-7 point scale) Unobstructed Crossing(S points) Question 12: Determine the travel time(in minutes)to an unobstructed crossing when the particular crossing you are improving is blocked. (0-5 point scale) Urban Arterial: (3 points) Question 13: Designate whether the project is located on an urban principal arterial. (0-3 point scale) Safety: (20 points): This section has four parts. Question 14: Identify whether there has been any railroad crossing accidents (0-5 point scale) and/or non-railroad crossing accidents(0-5 point scale)that this project will help reduce. Summarize the 5-year accident history and explain how the project will reduce these accidents. Emergency Vehicle Access: (5 points) Question 15: Describe if the project is located on an essential emergency vehicle access route and include the closest alternative emergency access. (0-5 point scale) Railroad Crossing Closure: (5 points) Question 16: Identify how many and where related railroad crossing closures will take place as a result of this project. (0-5 point scale) Freight and Economic Value(15 points): This section has three parts. Question 17: Describe how this project will benefit mainline rail operations (i.e., increases train speed, improves train access to terminals,etc.) (0-5 point scale) Guidelines Proiect Narrative Key Employment Areas: (5 points) Question 18: Describe how this project will improve access to key employment areas, include the number of employees,the business,etc. affected by the access. (0-5 point scale) Train Speed. (5 points) Question 19: Describe the applicant's level of support for train speed increases if the improvement is funded. (0-5 point scale) Environment(10 points): This section has two parts. Question 20: Identify whether the project is located in a non-attainment area. (0-5 point scale) Receptor Sites: (5 points) Question 21: Identify how many sensitive receptor sites are affected by the reduction in train whistle noise in the vicinity of the grade separation. Vicinity is identified as a quarter of a mile up and down the track and 600 feet each side of centerline. Sensitive Receptor sites include residences, schools,churches,hospitals,hotels and motels,each counted as individual facilities. (0-5 point scale) Partnerships(25 points): This section has two parts. See Funding Detail section for first section. (0-25 point scale) Critical Timing(0-5 points) Question 22: Describe the critical timing of the partnership investments and why it is important to get this project underway within the next year. For example: available partner funding,project impacts, or other critical timing issues. Environmental Impacts(5 points) Question 23: Explain if there are any environmental impacts that may affect the project's implementation. For example: water quality, displaced businesses,wildlife refuge, etc. (0- 5 point scale) Cost(10 points): This section has two parts. Question 24: Calculate the cost-effectiveness of the project using the formula provided. (0-7 point scale) Least Cost Alternatives:(3 points) Question 25: Describe the degree to which least-cost alternatives were analyzed and considered for the project and what other potential solutions were considered. (i.e., value engineering study, etc.) (0-3 point scale) Special Issues: (8 points): Question 26: Describe special or unique circumstances of the project that have not been previously addressed in the application. This may include non-traditional type freight mobility projects, such as the use of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)technology, public support and coordination,etc. (0-8 point scale) BONUS Question (5 points): Diesel Emissions Question 27: Freight projects have the potential to not only improve the movement of commerce but also improve local air quality Explain how this project provides an overall health and environmental benefit. (e.g.,reduction of particulate emissions, contribution to attainment standards in non-attainment area,etc.) How was the information and evaluation arrived at to support the benefit statement? (e.g.,traffic model, air emissions model, etc.) (0-5 point scale) 1U WE SEE MLARGEMEW RW - ( r>s 1 > _ an cz� ci� ( ,�,i , 13 �. Ot � ss --� __— 17 CID 70 "lob U 13 Legend -=� is' =`. 17;0z A — T-1 � Freight Mobility Strat !r=�f f� WASHINGTON ST FREIGHT MOBILITY STRATEGIC IN 0 W 20 m Q MILES 0 b 20 90 40 60 •0KILOMETERS Adopted 21 2007 FMSIB Call for Projects • Call for projects authorized June 1 • Call for projects issued June 5 • Applications due August 30 • Initial Scoring completed September 21 • Preliminary Review October 2 • Project Interviews October 30 • Board Selection November 16 Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Program Criteria Summary of Evaluation Criteria: Weight Freight Mobility for the Project Area 35 Maximum Freight Mobility for the Region, State, &Nation 35 Maximum General Mobility 25 Maximum Safety 20 Maximum Freight&Economic Value 15 Maximum Environment 10 Maximum Partnership 25 Maximum Consistency with Regional&State Plans 5 Maximum Cost 10 Maximum Special Issues 8 Maximum 188 points Freight Mobility for the Project Area 35 Maximum Reduce truck,train or rail car delays 0-25 Increase capacity for peak hour truck or train movement 0-10 Freight Mobility for the Region,State,&Nation 35 Maximum Importance to the regional freight system&regional economy 0-10 Importance to state freight system&state economy 0-10 Direct access to ports or international border 0-10 Provide a corridor/system solution 0-5 General Mobility 25 Maximum Reduce vehicular traffic delay 0-10 Reduce queuing&backups 0-7 Reduce delay from use of alternative railroad crossing 0-5 Address urban principal arterials • Urban principal arterial 3 • Otherwise 0 Safety 20 Maximum Reduce railroad crossing accidents 0-5 Reduce non-railroad crossing accidents 0-5 Provide emergency vehicle access • Essential access route 5 • Otherwise 0 Close additional related railroad crossings • 2 or more additional crossing closures 5 • 1 additional crossing closure 3 • No crossing closures 0 FMSIB 1 2005 Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Program Criteria Freight&Economic Value 15 Maximum Benefit mainline rail operations • High 5 • Moderate 3 • Minimal 1 • Negligible 0 Access to key employment areas 0-5 Support faster train movements 0-5 Environment 10 Maximum Reduce vehicle emissions 0-5 • 1.0 x delay in attainment area • 1.5 x delay in non-attainment area Reduce train whistle noise in crossing vicinity(number of sensitive receptor sites) 0-5 Partnership 25 Maximum Matching Funds(35%match is required) 20 maximum • Public sector participation (1 point for every 4%of match after initial 20%) • Private sector participation (1 point for every 2%of match after initial 20%) Critical timing of partner investments 0-5 Consistency with Regional&State Plans 5 Maximum • Regional transportation plan 3 • State level transportation plan 2 • Not in regional or state transportation plan 0 Cost 10 Maximum Cost effectiveness(reduced delay time/project cost) 0-7 Degree to which least-cost alternatives are considered 0-3 Special Issues 8 Maximum Address special or unique circumstances not otherwise addressed 0-8 FMSIB 2 2005 K FMSIB# FMSIB Staff Use Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Program Application Form Proiect Summary PROJECT TITLE APPLICANT ORGANIZATION Agency Number: Lead Agency: Contact Person: Title: Address: Telephone: Email: FAX: PROJECT LOCATION City: County: Legislative District (s): IDENTIFY STRATEGIC FREIGHT CORRIDOR on which this project is located. (Attached a detailed vicinity map of the proposed project.) PROJECT ADDRESSED IN ANY REGIONAL and/or STATE TRANSPORTATION PLANS ❑ Regional Plan Name of Plan Date State Plan Name of Plan Date ATTACHMENTS ❑ Vicinity Map(required) COST SUMMARY MATCHING FUNDS SUMMARY (must be Total Project Cost: $ available at time of obligation) Total Match: $ Freight Mobility Funds Requested: $ Public Sector: $ - % Private Sector: $ % Total Match Percentage: % FMSIB 1 2007 r FMSIB# FMSIB Staff Use Funding Detail Partnerships: Public Sector Match Anticipated Committedl Dollars Lead Agency Funds Private Sector Match Partnership Total Total PE RW CN FMSIB Request Public Sector Match Lead Agency Funds Private Sector Match Need Total Tentative Ad Date Completed Completed Completed CN Start timeframe Cash Flow Needs: Dollars (in thousands) Before 7/01 7/01 -6/03 7103 -6/05 7/05 -6/07 7107 -6/09 TOTAL P.E. Phase Total Freight Mobility R.W. Phase Total Freight Mobility CN. Phase Total Freight Mobility Freight Mobility TOTAL $ Partnership TOTAL $ % TOTAL Project Cost,$ % FMSIB 2 -100- FMSIB # FMSIB Staff Use Project Narrative 1. Please describe the scope of the freight mobility project and how the project will: (a)reduce barriers to or increase capacity for improved freight movement; and/or(b) mitigate the impacts on local communities of increasing freight movement, including rail and road conflicts. (Reducing barriers or increasing capacity includes: truck climbing lanes, re-alignment and re- routing project to avoid excessive truck climbing grades or general congestion; alternate truck routes; dedicated truck lanes; access into and/or out of ports, inter-modal freight facilities and freight terminals; truck turning lanes; changes in roadway or intersection geometry to better accommodate trucks; increasing weight limits; and the use of Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS). Mitigation includes grade separations, mitigating impacts of increasing truck and/or railroad traffic to a community and can be the use of ITS.) FMSIB 3 2007 FMSIB# FMSIB Staff Use Proiect Narrative 2. What is the reduced truck delay that will result from the freight project? Step 1: Calculate the current truck delay(without the proposed project): Current Average Daily Traffic ADT (A) Vehicles/day Current delay per vehicle Minutes/60= (B) Hours Current percentage of trucks(%T) %/100 (C) Current truck delay in hours=(D)=(A)x(B)x(C) (D) Hours Step 2: Calculate the projected truck delay with proposed improvement): Projected Average Daily Traffic(ADT) (E) Vehicles/day Projected delay per vehicle: Minutes/60 (F) Hours Projected percentage of trucks(%T) %/100 (G) Projected truck delay in hours= (H)=(E)x(F)x(G) (H) Hours Step 3: Calculate the reduction in truck delay as a result of the proposed improvement Reduced truck delay=(I)=(D)—(H)or zero if calculated value is less than zero. (I) Hours 3. If this project reduces train delay,please show the savings per train,the number of trains,and the average train length? 4. What is the improvement in the volume to capacity ratio(v/c)for truck movements? For determination of truck volume to intersection capacity ratio for intersection improvements,go directly to Step 4,skipping Steps 1 through 3. Step 1: Calculate the current peak hour truck volume: Current peak volume: (A) Vehicles/Hour Current percentage of trucks(%T) %/ 100 (B) Current peak hour truck volume= (C)=(A)x(B) (C) Truck/Peak Hour FMSIB 4 2007 FMSIB# FMSIB Staff Use Project Narrative 4. What is the improvement in the volume to capacity ratio(v/c)for truck movements? (continued) Step 2: Convert the peak hour truck volume to Passenger Car Equivalents: Factor for converting trucks to Passenger Car Equivalents(PCE) (D) Use a factor of 1.5 except for the following conditions: • For upgrades use the value from Table 3-4 of the Highway Capacity Manual using the specific site conditions. • For downgrades use the value from Table 3-6 of the Highway Capacity Manual using the specific site conditions: Passenger Car Equivalents= (E)_(C)x(D): (E) PCE's/Peak Hour Step 3: Determine the current facility capacity(without the proposed project): Highway capacity value from the Highway Capacity Manual: (F) PCPHPL • For multilane highways,use the value from Figure 7-1 for the posted speed and LOS D. • For basic freeway sections on four-lane freeways,use Figure 11.3-1 for the posted speed and LOS D. • For basic freeway sections on six or more lane freeways use the value from Figure 7-1 for the posted speed and LOS D. Number of current lanes in the direction of peak hour flow: (G) Lanes Current Capacity=(H)_(F)x(G): (H) PCPH Step 4: Determine the current truck volume to capacity ratio: For Intersections: This value(I)is typically computed using computer software. Developed for this purpose,or can be hand calculated using the procedure established in the Highway Capacity Manual. (Chapter 9 for signalized intersections, or Chapter 10 for un-signalized intersections). (1) Intersection truck v/c: (J)_(1)x(B) (J) OR For Highways: Highway truck v/c (J)_(E)/(H) (J) Step 5: Determine the projected truck volume to capacity ratio using the methods presented in the above Steps 1 through 4, only using the conditions and factors with the proposed improvements in place. (K) Step 6: Improvement to v/c for trucks =(L)_(J)—(K)or zero, if the calculated value is less than zero. (L) FMSIB 5 2007 FMSIB # FMSIB Staff Use Project Narrative 5. If this project increases the capacity of train movements during peak periods, please describe and give information on current capacity and the amount of improvement. 6. What is the significance of this project to the regional economy? Describe the project's impact on the regional freight transportation system and the regional economy(i.e., nature of the improvement and principal freight moved; improved intra-regional and inter-regional freight movement in terms of products,industries and direct employment; improved freight movement and access to domestic and international markets in terms of freight,industries and direct employment; benefits to other regional industries; and access and links to intermodal connections and facilities.) 7. What is the significance of this project to the state economy? Describe the project's impact on the state(outside the region)freight transportation system and the state(outside the region) economy. (i.e.,improved intrastate freight movement in terms of products,industries and direct employment; improved freight movement to domestic and international markets in terms of freight, industries and direct employment; and benefits to other state industries.) _ FMSIB 6 2007 FMSIB # FMSIB Staff Use Proiect Narrative 8. Does the project improve the freight movement for direct port access or across an international border? F]No F]Yes Explain. 9. Is this project part of a regional corridor solution or major system improvement? Is your regional planning council supportive of the project? Describe. 10. What is the reduced vehicular traffic delay of all vehicles? Step 1: Calculate the current delay(without the proposed project): Current Average Daily Traffic(ADT) (A) Vehicles/day Current delay per vehicle Minutes/60= (B) Hours Current vehicle delay in hours= (C)=(A)x(B) (C) Hours Step 2: Calculate the projected delay(with the proposed improvement: Projected Average Daily Traffic(ADT) (D) Vehicles/day Projected delay per vehicle Minutes/60= (E) Hours Projected vehicle delay in hours= (F)=(D)x(E) (F) Hours Step 3: Calculate the reduction in vehicle delay as a result of proposed improvement. Reduced vehicle delay=(G)=(C)—(F)or zero if calculated value is less than zero. (G) Hours FMSIB 7 2007 FMSIB# FMSIB Staff Use Proiect Narrative 11. What is the reduced queuing and backups as a result of this project? Step 1: Calculate the current queuing(without the proposed project). Using the Watson Equation: Q=V x R Q=Average queue length(in number of vehicles per lane) V=volume expressed in ADT divided by number of lanes in one direction R=Percentage of time per day either the crossing is closed or vehicles are stopped at a crossing. Current Average Daily Traffic(ADT) (A) Vehicles/day Number of lanes in one direction (B) Lanes Volume=(C)=(A)/(B) (C) Vehicles/lane Current closure or stoppage time either measured or calculated (D) % Average queue length (E)=(C)x(D) (E) Vehicles/lane Step 2: Calculate the projected queuing with the proposed improvement: Projected Average Daily Traffic(ADT) (F) Vehicles/day Number of lanes in one direction with proposed improvements (G) Lanes Volume=(H)=(F)/(G) (H) Vehicles/lane Projected closure or stoppage time either measured or calculated (I) % Average queue length (J)=(H)x(I) (J) Vehicles/lane Step 3: Reduction in queuing=(K)=(E)—(J)or zero, if calculated value is less than zero. (K) Vehicles/lane 12. What is the time to travel to an unobstructed crossing(in minutes)? 13. Is the project on a designated urban principal arterial? ❑No ❑Yes 14. Have there been any accidents at the project location that this freight project will help reduce? No ❑ Yes, summarize the 5-year accident history(separating railroad crossing acci tints and non-railroad crossing accidents)and explain how the project will reduce each type of accidents. FMSIB 8 2007 FMSIB # FMSIB Staff Use Proiect Narrative 15. Is the project located on an essential emergency vehicle access route? ❑ No 1:1 Yes Describe. (i.e.,fire,police,ambulance,school bus route and include closest alternative emergency access) 16. Does this project result in additional road/rail closures? How many and where. ❑ No ❑ Yes 17. How does the project benefit mainline rail operations(i.e.,increases train speed, improves train access to terminals,etc.)? Describe. 18. Does the project improve access to key employment areas? ❑ No ❑ Yes Describe and include the number of employees affected by the access. 19. If,as a result of this impro ent,tr speed limits are planned to be increased,will the applicant be supportive? �No Yes Describe level of support. FMSIB 9 2007 FMSIB# FMSIB Staff Use Proiect Narrative 20. Is the project located in a non-attainment area for air pollution control? ❑ No F-1 Yes 21. How many sensitive receptor sites are affected by the reduction in train whistle noise in the vicinity of the grade separation? (Vicinity is identified as a quarter of a mile up and down the track and 600 feet each side of centerline. Sensitive receptor sites include residences,schools, churches,hospitals,hotels and motels,each counted as individual facilities.) 22. Why is it important to get this project underway within the next year(i.e.,available funding, project impacts or other critical timing issues.)? 23. Are there environmental impacts of the project,which may affect implementation (i.e. displaced businesses or residences,wildlife refuge,water quality,etc.)? F1 No Yes Explain. FMSIB 10 2007 FMSIB# FMSIB Staff Use Proiect Narrative 24. What is the cost-effectiveness of the project? Calculate the cost effectiveness of this project,using the equation: Cost Effectiveness=Reduced Delay/Cost Step 1: Reduced Truck Delay(A)=(I)from Question 2 (A) Hours Step 2: If available,from Question 3,train delay(B)is equal to the average delay per train car times the average number of train cars per day. (B) Hours Step 3: Cost(C) = Total cost for proposed improvement, including engineering/design,right of way,construction and contingencies. (C) Millions Cost Effectiveness (D) = ((A)+(B))/(C) (D) Hours/$M 25. Describe the degree to which least-cost alternatives were analyzed and considered for this project. 26. Describe the uniqueness of this project based on factors not addressed by previously asked questions. FMSIB 11 2007 FMSIB # FMSIB Staff Use 27. Freight projects have the potential to not only improve the movement of commerce, but also improve local air quality Explain how this project provides an overall health and environmental benefit. (e.g., reduction of particular emissions, contribution to attainment standards in non-attainment area, etc.) How was the information and evaluation arrived at to support the benefit statement? (e.g., traffic model, air emissions model,etc.) (0-5 point scale) Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Program Application Form Certification Applicant Organization (To be signed by the Mayor, Chair or Executive Director of the Sponsoring Agency) I certify that supports the proposed Enhancement (sponsoring agency) project, has the legal authority to pledge matching funds, and has the legal authority to apply for Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board funds. I further certify that matching funds are available or will be available for the proposed project. I understand that this is a request for reimbursement through the state system, and that all state rules for contracting, auditing, and payment will apply to this project. Signature Date Printed Name Title Project Title FMSIB 12 2007 .ma, R000reinodations(Continued) Global gateways Washington State • Replace the Interstate 5 Columbia River B ,ridge. • Department of Transportation January 2007 • Create fuel pipeline capacity and distribution alternatives to meet long-term demand by analyzing constraints,and removing t obstruclemactiossothetthemerketmeyrespondtoincreasing Washington Transportation Plan demand. • Replace the Alaskan Way Viaduct. Freight Report: Executive Summary • Complete the major north-south freight corridor system by adding links from Highway 167 to Interstate 5,from Hghway 509 to Interstate 5,and by completing Flghway 18 to Interstate Port of Tacoma The Washington Transportation Plan Overview 90, Made In Washln ton (wrP)update ras a b,Uepdnt for The three components of Washington State's freight system. 9 timsportatim programs and facdOes It In t{Y Covers state.coury.tland* y transportation meds andsystems. • Global Gateways-International and National Trade Flows Through Washington The three components of Washington's freight system are integrated and Kirk at the Washington-taro a Made in Washington-Regional Economies Rely on the Freight System support our state's economy: Transponanon Comtmsson and • DeliveringGoods to You-The Retail and Wholesale Distribution System WSDOT was organized around rano y • International goods enter Washington State gateways and become ^ `^ part of Washington's manufactured output,or are distributed in our underpin our national and state economies,support national defense,directly sustain hundreds retail system.Washington's global gateways also carry national and Washington Transportation Plan of thousands of jobs,and distribute the necessities of life to every resident of the state everyday, international goods to and from the larger U.S.market. system Preservation • Washington manufacturers and farmers ship products directly to sooty First,Washington is a gateway state,connecting Asian trade flows to the U.S.economy,Alaska tem Emciendes to the Lower 48,and Canada to the U.S.West Coast About 70 percent of intemetionel goods customers and to wholesalers in national and international markets. sys These industries support hundreds of thousands of jobs and Transportation Access entering Washington gateways continue on to the larger U.S.market. Thirty percent become contribute billions of dollars to the gross state product. wasnin tort Wheal Ccmmissirn part of Washington's manufactured output or are distributed in our retail system. • Washington wholesalers and retailers supply consumers with goods n Bottlenecks and Chokeptiris from all over the U.S.and the world.They sustain our modern Delivering Goods to You Movies Frelskt Second,our own state's manufacturers and farmers rely on the freight system to ship economy. Health and Envkorment Washington-made products to local customers,to the big U.S.markets in California and on the Contributing to a strong Economy East Coast,and Worldwide. Washington's producers generate wealth and jobs in every region in Freight related issues such as security,safety and the environment are and Good Jobs the state. being considered in other parts of the update of the Washington Building Futuna\Asians Transportation Ran. Finally,Washington's distribution system is a fundamental local utility,since without it our citizens me wrP updm is data-amean wolf Would have nothing to eat,nothing to wear,nothing to read,no spare parts,no fuel for their cars What Ideas did vvo miss? Information Rom all over the state and and no heat for their homes. In other wads,the economy of the region would no longer function. We want the conversation about freight strategy to involve all parties.We Ru'm users of every transportation mode Representatives of cities The value and volume of goods moving In these freight stems is huge and growing. need your help to make good investment choices that will address the 1 counties,Regional Tnnsportalon 9 9 9 9 9 needs of freight movement on our state's transportation systems and Pamrng OrgamstionA,and transit Washington State Value of Freight Shipments facilities.Especially when there isn't nearly enough money to do powders have worked KIM WSDOT rs (2003: a111lons of Dollars everything that clearly needs to be done. united Parcel servce of America,me (ups) `ny t tionir,ro�gnorps Made In Washington andinrlvtduaiatizens have sbro Regional economies rely on the contributed Aten-year view ofprogram $160 freightsystem ectlons,and nmsomernpdonties Delivering Goods to You Washington State Wand mods emerged from this process $140 WO Department of Transportation -awaonfortheplanthatissupportedWashington's retail end wholesale $120 Global Gateways disinbution system m the statutory moucoon provided to Intarnational and national trade the hwnvodbRon Commission for this $100 Rows through Washingtpn For More Information: For a full copy of the Freight Report: wcva(RCw47o6040) $ag For=it on the WTP Update: $60 Freight Systems Division hUp,//www.wsclotmqovlfreightfimages/WTP FreightUpdate Ddf www mdot we goolamano* $40 Aircraft PO Box 47322,Olympia,WA 98504-73223 WTP-movies Fright $20 Phone. 360-705-7932 Barbara Ivanov so Fax 360-705.6835 vanovb(gw•da—gov U&MI'llnpore UJIL"IEporn wrr.rgon we.-d- W.N.V., wrNrrpnon Web: htto//wfvwwsdotwaaovlfrelaht Elizabeth Robbins wtw drr•rn.vvu or•.rr. protlu arta wno•.yy rme aerei T, .Waenn robbins@mdot.*m.gov M YX.etivra 8-1c. Washington State Department at Revenue and Washington State Department of Cmnurity,Trade and Economic Development Y Page 1 of 1 Shelly Badger From: Chandler, Shana [Shana.Chandler@mail.house.gov] Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 5:04 PM Subject: Rep. Smith FY 08 Appropriations Information Dear Friend, You are receiving this email because you have submitted an appropriations request to Congressman Adam Smith in previous fiscal years or you have recently requested this information. Attached is Congressman Smith's Fiscal Year 2008 Appropriations Request Form. All requests must be submitted to wa09.aanropriations*mail.house.gov by March 1,2007. Also attached is a list with the name and email address of the staffer that will be handling each bill so please feel free to contact them directly if you have any questions. If you have multiple project applications, they MUST be sent in separate emails as they are filed according to the appropriate subcommittee. Your requests will be returned if you have more than one application attached to a single email. We are looking forward to working with you this year. Please don't hesitate to contact our office with any questions. Thanks! Shana Chandler Deputy Chief of Staff Rep.Adam Smith 2402 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 202-225-8901 2/21/2007 i FY 2008 APPROPRIATIONS REQUEST FORM • The questionnaire must be completed to be considered for funding. • Send an electronic form to wa09.appropriations(&mail.house.gov by MARCH 1, 2007. 1. Name of submitting institution: 2. Project title: 3. Physical location of the project and the organization (if different): 4. Bill and/or Account you are requesting funds (required): 5. Please provide a brief justification as to why federal funding is necessary or justified (four sentences or less). You may attach an additional one pager below to further explain the importance of your project. 6. FY 2008 request amount: 7. Total project cost: 8. Please note that Congress, in general, provides only one year of funding at a time. If your request involves more than one year, please indicate the amount that will be used in FY 2008. 9. Please include a breakdown of the requested funding. (For example, salary $40,000, computers $3,000, construction $2,000,000, etc.) 10. Has this project or activity received any federal funding in previous years? If so, please list the fiscal years for which funding was appropriated and the amount of funding appropriated. 11. Please note that Congress often requires that some portion of the project or activity be funded through non-federal sources. Are any non-federal funding sources contributing to this project or activity? If so,what are the sources of funding and what amount is each of these funding sources contributing? 12. Has a request for funding for this project been submitted to any other Members of the House or Senate for FY2008? If so, please list the other Members to whom requests were made? 13. If this is a transportation request, is it supported by the Washington State Department of Transportation and/or regional transportation boards? Please submit supporting documents (letters of support, ect). i Page 2 14. If there is more than one request from the organization,what priority is this project (1st-5th): 15. Contact information for point person on project: Point person: Phone Number: Email: Page 1 of 1 Dana Spivey From: Dana Spivey Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 4A1 PM To: 'wa09.appropriations@mai1.house.gov' Cc: 'Chandler, Shana'; 'Orvella, Chelsea', Ron Harding; Shelly Badger Subject: FY08 Appropriations Request- City of Yelm Please see attached application packet. Thank you. DS (Dana Spivey Administrative Assistant Wayor d CityAdministrator's Offices City of Teem O Box,.479 `YeCm W,4 98597 360-458-8816, phone 360-458-4348,fa,� danas@ci.yeCm.wa.us 2/28/2007 FY 2008 APPROPRIATIONS REQUEST FORM • The questionnaire must be completed to be considered for funding. • Send an electronic form to wa09.appropriations( mail.house.gov by MARCH 1,2007. 1. Name of submitting institution: City of Yelm, Washington 2. Project title: Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection 3. Physical location of the project and the organization (if different): The Yelm Prairie Line is located less than a quarter mile from the Tacoma Rail Mountain Division Line,just west of Roy WA, in Pierce County. 4. Bill and/or Account you are requesting funds (required): US Department of Transportation Budget 5. Please provide a brief justification as to why federal funding is necessary or justified (four sentences or less). You may attach an additional one pager below to further explain the importance of your project. The project will construct anew railroad connection between the City of Yelm's Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) and the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line; the connection is approximately 3,000 feet long and includes two turnouts, and a grade crossing of SR-507 with signals and gates. Also, please see attached document titled "rail handout.pdf'—thank you. 6. FY 2008 request amount: $3,500,000 ($3.5 million) 7. Total project cost: $3,500,000 ($3.5 million) 8. Please note that Congress, in general, provides only one year of funding at a time. If your request involves more than one year, please indicate the amount that will be used in FY 2008. $3,500,000 ($3.5 million) 9. Please include a breakdown of the requested funding. (For example, salary $40,000, computers $3,000, construction $2,000,000, etc.) * $600,000 right-of-way acquisition * $1,500,000 construction * $1,400,000 refurbishment of existing line 10. Has this project or activity received any federal funding in previous years? If so, please list the fiscal years for which funding was appropriated and the amount of funding appropriated. No. Page 2 11. Please note that Congress often requires that some portion of the project or activity be funded through non-federal sources. Are any non-federal funding sources contributing to this project or activity? If so,what are the sources of funding and what amount is each of these funding sources contributing? The City has requested $3.5 million in state funding from the 2007 legislative session. It is unknown at this time what portion of this request will be approved. 12. Has a request for funding for this project been submitted to any other Members of the House or Senate for FY2008? If so, please list the other Members to whom requests were made? No. 13. If this is a transportation request, is it supported by the Washington State Department of Transportation and/or regional transportation boards? Please submit supporting documents (letters of support, etc). This connection is supported by Thurston Regional Planning Council (the MPO for Thurston County), Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF). 14. If there is more than one request from the organization,what priority is this project (1st-5th): ls` 15. Contact information for point person on project: Point person: Shelly Badger, City Administrator—City of Yelm Phone Number: 360-458-8405 Email: shellyA`yelm.wa.us Fax: 360-458-4348 Yelm Prairie Rail Line R R Making Connections The Project In 1999, with local and Federal funds, the City of Yelm made an investment of over $300,000 when it acquired a 4.5 mile section of soon-to-be-abandoned rail line running between Yelm and Roy from Burlington Northern Santa Fe. Yelm, always focused on the future, desired to preserve the track between Yelm and Roy not only for a pedestrian trail, but also to serve Yelm's industrial area and to provide future transportation op- tions. Having a short-line railroad serve Yelm is just a quarter mile from reality, as the end of the Yelm Prairie Line is just a crossing away from the Tacoma Rail Mountain Division Line. Tacoma Rail has been in the short line railroad business for years, and currently provides regional connections between the Ports of Tacoma and Olympia, Fredrickson, Centralia, Eatonville, and Morton. A connection between the Yelm Prairie Line and the Mountain Division Line would allow access to Yelm's industrial area as well as critical redundancy to the mainline system, providing access to business along the Point Defiance Bypass (Sound Transit) and Fort Lewis in case the usual rail cor- ridor is unavailable. The connection would allow rail users like Wilcox Farms better connections through a true short line railroad. The connection also provides an opportunity to connect with the Sound Transit system in Lakewood in the future. The Need The Roy end of the Yelm Prairie Line is located less than a quarter mile from the Tacoma Rail Moun- tain Division Line. The Benefits The growing community of Yelm is on the cusp of becoming a sustainable community that provides local housing, shopping, and jobs. The development of Yelm's industrial area is key to achieving this vision as outlined in the Growth Management Act in order to achieve a local economy capable of supporting Yelm's burgeoning residential growth. City YelmI The Yelm Prairie Line will create a regional connection that will Pride of of become a strong part of the South Sound economy, extending F. Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597 the short line railroad connections by Tacoma Rail to another . 1 node in T (3458-3244 The Request the re- Mayor $3,500,000 Bion. Harding . 1 : • 1 r rnayor@ci.yeIrn.wa.us $600,000 right-of-way acquisition Administrator $1 ,500,000 construction Shelly Badger $1 ,400,000 refurbishment of existing line ' ' 458-8406 sheIIyb@ci.yeIrn.wa.us ��-`� �., � ' i ;.,� ` FY 2008 APPROPRIATIONS REQUEST FORM • The questionnaire must be completed to be considered for funding. • Send an electronic form to wa09.appropriations(&mail.house.gov by MARCH 1, 2007. 1. Name of submitting institution: City of Yelm, Washington 2. Project title: Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection 3. Physical location of the project and the organization (if different): The-Ro�he Yelm Prairie Line is located rrless than a quarter mile from the /Tacoma Rail Mountain Division Line.) J tt f�LVe5 t-or /&�,I , L, 4 , tv 6&CCS C 71 4. Bill and/or Account you are requesting funds (required): US Department of Transportation Budget 5. Please provide a brief justification as to why federal funding is necessary or justified (four sentences or less). You may attach an additional one pager below to further explain the importance of your project. The project will construct a new railroad connection between the City of Yelm's Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) and the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line; the connection is approximately 3,000 feet long and includes two turnouts, and a grade crossing of SR-507 with signals and gates. Also, please see attached document titled "rail handout.pdf'—thank you. 6. FY 2008 request amount: $3,00,000 ($3.3 million) p� � 7. Total project cost: $3,500,000 ($3.5 million) 8. Please note that Congress, in general, provides only one year of funding at a time. If your request involves more than one year, please indicate the amount that will be used in FY 2008. ? 5100 M S�mI���Cr> 9. Please include a breakdown of the requested funding. (For example, salary $40,000, computers $3,000, construction $2,000,000, etc.) * $600,000 right-of-way acquisition * $1,500,000 construction * $1,400,000 refurbishment of existing line 10. Has this project or activity received any federal funding in previous years? If so, please list the fiscal years for which funding was appropriated and the amount of funding appropriated. No. Page 2 11. Please note that Congress often requires that some portion of the project or activity be funded through non-federal sources. Are any non-federal funding sources contributing to this project or activity? If so,what are the sources of funding and what amount is each of these funding sources contributing? * Local $ 50,000 �_)U 'tu S I-�eej vk �L_�Ive * Pri}cate $ 15 00 0 � * F6deral 00,000 4�- 11-v>' 12. Has a request for funding for this project been submitted to any other MembersU lV� f of the House or Senate for FY2008? If so, please list the other Members to whom requests were made? No. 13. If this is a transportation request, is it supported by the Washington State Department of Transportation and/or regional transportation boards? Please submit supporting documents (letters of support, etc). This connection is supported by Thurston Regional Planning Council (the MPO for Thurston County), Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF). 14. If there is more than one request from the organization,what priority is this project (1st-5th): 151 15. Contact information for oint person on project: Point person: Mayor Ron H ing— Shelly Badger- ? Phone Number: 360-458- Email: m.wa.us Fax: 360-458-4348 "' I Dana Spivey Full Name: Chelsea Orvella Last Name: Orvella First Name: Chelsea Job Title: Sr Field Representative Company: Office of Congressman Adam Smith Business Address: 3600 Port of Tacoma Rd, Ste. 106 Tacoma WA 98424 Business: (253) 896-3784 Business Fax: (253) 896-3789 E-mail: Chelsea.Orvella@mail.house.gov E-mail Display As: Chelsea Orvella (Chelsea.Orvella@mail.house.gov) Toll free 1-888-SMITH09 i r Page 1 of 2 Dana Spivey From: Shelly Badger Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 2:27 PM To: Dana Spivey Subject: FW: Rep. Smith FY 08 Appropriations Information Dana, could you compare last year's federal RR submittal to see if all the questions are the same as this form? I would like to reapply for our RR connection project but with a due date of March 1St, it needs to be a pretty easy project. Could you take the form you did last year and copy the answers on to this form that fit using our updated cost estimates. I will send you next the RR flyer with updated info that we are using as we lobby at the state level. Thanks, Shelly Shelly Badger, Yelm City Administrator City of Yelm www.ci.yelm.wa.us P.O. Box 479 Yelm,WA 98597 360-458-8405 360-458-4348 fax shellyb@d.yelmma.us From: Chandler, Shana [mailto:Shana.Chandler@mail.house.gov] Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 5:04 PM Subject: Rep. Smith FY 08 Appropriations Information Dear Friend, You are receiving this email because you have submitted an appropriations request to Congressman Adam Smith in previous fiscal years or you have recently requested this information. Attached is Congressman Smith's Fiscal Year 2008 Appropriations Request Form. All requests must be submitted to wa09.ap_propriations(d.mail.horuse.gov by March 1, 2007. Also attached is a list with the name and email address of the staffer that will be handling each bill so please feel free to contact them directly if you have any questions. If you have multiple project applications, they MUST be sent in separate emails as they are filed according to the appropriate subcommittee. Y ur requests will be returned if you have more than one application attached to a single email. We are looking forward to working with you thi year. Please don't hesitate to contact our office with any questions. y� Thanks! Shana Chandler V �� Deputy Chief of Staff Rep.Adam Smith C� 2402 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 2/22/2007 C FY 2008 APPROPRIATIONS REQUEST FORM • The questionnaire must be completed to be considered for funding. • Send an electronic form to wa09.appropriations(&mail.house.aov by -N MARCH 1,2007. ✓1• Name of submitting institution: C� a Project title: I �� Q�r�Q e ��1 (Zed WArfo Physical loc4tion of the roject and the organization (if different): `n1e le_4 � ill and/or Account you are requesting funds (required):t T . Please provide a brief justification as to why federal funding is necessr justified (four sentences or less). You may attach an additional one pager below to further explain the importance of your project. X1'1 (est fff yj lbif' V6. FY 2008 request amoun -Ikt5l�� 3� jQ OeqD ,Jl. Total project cost:fj/ 6-00/ D&D 8. Please note that Congress, in general, provides only one year of funding at a time. If your request involves more than one year,please indicate the amount that will be used in FY 2008. ' ,(/� ( IJI . Please include a breakdown of the requested funding. (For example, salary, $40,000,computers $3,000, construction $2,000,000, etc.) „-4 tl•�” 'pD L* Has this project or activity received an federal funding in previous ears? If (�' so, please list the fiscal years for which funding was appropriated and the amount of i �► funding appropriated. I . Please note that Congress often requires that some portion of the project or activity be funded through non-federal sources. Are any non-federal funding sources contributing to this project or activity? If so,what are the sources of funding and what amount is each of these funding sources contributing? 5 VqJ-e1� 2. Has a request for funding for this project been submitted to any other Members �� l of the House or Senate for FY2008? If so, please list the other Members to whom requests were made? (3 If this is a transportation request, is it supported by the Washington State Department of Transportation and/or regional transportation boards? Please submit supporting documepts (letters of support,ect). 18 f5 Page 2 If there is more than one request from the organization,what priority is this project(1st-5th): I �j L5. Contact information for point person on project: Point person: ( 6-r b Ad d Phone Number: KO (� _ b Email: n A// (^,..) n^ Yelm Prairie 'Rail Line R R Making Connections The Project In 1999, with local and Federal funds, the City of Yelm made an investment of over $300,000 when it acquired a 4.5 mile section of soon-to-be-abandoned rail line running between Yelm and Roy from Burlington Northern Santa Fe. Yelm, always focused on the future, desired to preserve the track between Yelm and Roy not only for a pedestrian trail, but also to serve Yelm's industrial area and to provide future transportation op- tions. Having a short-line railroad serve Yelm is just a quarter mile from reality, as the end of the Yelm Prairie Line is just a crossing away from the Tacoma Rail Mountain Division Line. Tacoma Rail has been in the short line railroad business for years, and currently provides regional connections between the Ports of Tacoma and Olympia, Fredrickson, Centralia, Eatonville, and Morton. A connection between the Yelm Prairie Line and the Mountain Division Line would allow access to Yelm's industrial area as well as critical redundancy to the mainline system, providing access to business along the Point Defiance Bypass (Sound Transit) and Fort Lewis in case the usual rail cor- ridor is unavailable. The connection would allow rail users like Wilcox Farms better connections through a true short line railroad. The connection also provides an opportunity to connect with the Sound Transit system in Lakewood in the future. The Need The Roy end of the Yelm Prairie Line is located less than a quarter mile from the Tacoma Rail Moun- tain Division Line. The Benefits The growing community of Yelm is on the cusp of becoming a sustainable community that provides local housing, shopping, and jobs. The development of Yelm's industrial area is key to achieving this vision as outlined in the Growth Management Act in order to achieve a local economy capable of supporting Yelm's burgeoning residential growth. The Yelm Prairie Line will create a regional connection that will City of Yelm Pride of become a strong part of the South Sound economy, extending P.O. Box 479 the short line railroad connections by Tacoma Rail to another Yelm, WA 98597 .0 node in (3 458-3244 The Request the re- Mayor .j $3,500,000 Bion. 458-8401 rnayor@ci.yeIrn.wa.us $600,000 right-of-way acquisition Administrator $1 ,500,000 construction Shelly Badger $1 ,400,000 refurbishment of existing line ' ' 458-8406 shellyb@ci.yelm.wa.us 1 / DATE RECD: (OFFICE USE ONLY) OFFICE OF US REPRESENTATIVE ADAM SMITH FISCAL YEAR 2007 APPROPRIATION FORM Date Submitted: March 3. 2006 Name of Submitting Institution: City of Yelm, Washington Address of Submitting Institution: 105 Yelm Avenue West (no PO Boxes please) City : Yelm Zip: 98597 County: Thurston Project Title: Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection Project Description (1-2 sentences specifically on how the money will be spent): The project will construct a new railroad connection between the City of Yelm's Yelm Roy Prairie Line(YRPL)and the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line; the connection is approximately 3,000 feet long and includes two turnouts, and a grade crossing of SR-507 with signals and gates. Request amount: $1,300,000 ($1.3 million) What is the total cost? $1,500,000 ($1.5 million) Appropriations subcommittee: Transportation Program or Account: (Leave blank if you don't know) Priority of request(1st-5th): 1St Please include the name, phone number,fax number, and e-mail address for all of the following people: Highest Level Person at the Institution (Who may the Member Contact?): Name: Mayor Ron Harding Phone: 360-458-8401 Fax: 360-458-4348 E-mail: mayor@ci.yelm.wa.us Staff(Lobbyist/Government Affairs Contact at the Institution (staff contact): Name: Shelly Badger, City Administrator Phone: 360-458-8405 Fax: 360-458-4348 E-mail: shellyb@ci.yelm.wa.us Is the project within the 9'' Congressional District (yes or no)? If no,which district is it located? YES Are there any other House Members that represent you? If yes,who? (Please also include the name of the staffer you have been working with, if any.) NO Which House/Senate members are also making this request? (Please include name of Representative, name of lead staffer, and phone number for each office) Please list ALL anticipated sources of funding for the project, and the amount you expect to receive from each source. (e.g. State, Local, Private) Local $ 50,000 Private $ 150,000 Federal $1,300,000 Please list the amount that you have raised to date and the amount of work you have completed. $50,000 has been prioritized and set aside by the City of Yelm. The private property on which the connection will be built has agreed to dedicate the necessary right-of-way valued at$150,000. If requesting a project within the Transportation Appropriations bill, please list if your project is supported by the Washington State Department of Transportation or any other local or regional transportation organizations. Please also include cities and/or counties that support the project. This connection is supported by Thurston Regional Planning Council (the MPO for Thurston County), Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF). If you have previously received federal funding,please list the amount of money this roiect has received over the past four appropriations cycles. Please also include which Member of Congress (House Member and/or Senator) secured this funding. FY06: FY05: Member: Member: FY04: FY03: Member: Member: ********PLEASE NOTE******** Please attach a summary of your project (no longer than one page). If this is a Defense or Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs request please send your request packet to Mark de la Iglesia at Mark.delalalesia(a,mail.house.gov or call 202-225-8901. Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, Judiciary, and DC FY07 Funding Request Form Each request requires a completed form. Please follow the numerical steps and enter applicable information relating to your project request. An "*" indicates a required field. Step 1: Member Information * Member Name: Congressman Adam Smith * Staff point of contact Shana Chandler and direct phone number: 202-225-8901 Other co-signing Members: Step 2: Request Information *Agency: City of Yelm *Request XXX Project Request - $1,300,000 for the railroad connection of Type: the Yelm Roy Prairie Line to the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line. *Account: U.S. Department of Transportation Budget *Project $1,300,000 Request Amount: *Actual City of Yelm Recipient Name: *Locality& Yelm Washington State: *Project The project will construct a new railroad connection between the City Description: of Yelm's Yelm Roy Prairie Line(YRPL) and the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line; the connection is approximately 3,000 feet long and includes two turnouts, and a grade crossing of SR-507 with signals and gates. Local Share: $200,000 Prior Year None Funding: Appropriation Request— FY2007 Summary Page — Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection The City of Yelm is requesting $1.3 million in funding for the connection of the Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) to the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line. . e Ifel- • In November 2000, the City of Yelm acquired a then-to-be-abandoned section of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Prairie Line from Yelm to Roy. This far sighted decision preserved a section of ever dwindling Class III rail for immediate freight and future passenger use. At Roy, the YRPL passes near Tacoma Rail's Mountain Line running from Tacoma to Chehalis. The City of Yelm needs common carrier rail service to enhance the value of its investment in the Yelm Roy Prairie Line. Making the connection between the YRPL and nearby Tacoma Rail benefits southern Puget Sound: ■ Economic Vitality— Rapid residential growth in southeast Thurston and Pierce Counties contributes to industrial and commercial development opportunities within the urban growth areas of Yelm and Roy. ■ Freight Mobility— Fostering freight rail provides shipping options and eases traffic impacts to freight and automobile travel. ■ Safety & Security—The connection provides rail redundancy in the event of problems along the Mainline and Point Defiance By-Pass routes. ■ Commuter Rail — Preserving the YRPL, and its strategic connection to neighboring Sound Transit's Lakewood Station, allows for future commuter rail service to southeast Thurston and Pierce counties. Specifically the 3,000 track connection provides service to Miles Sand and Gravel, diverting upwards of 22,000 truckloads of gravel per year from State Route 507 to freight rail. W 0311 X91 Wurl■ 0 - This rail connection has the support of our regional partners including: Thurston Regional Planning Council, Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail and BNSF. There is a mutually agreed upon common understanding that this regionally significant project would strengthen our area's economic vitality and improve freight mobility. This project also expands and strengthens developing ties between east Thurston County and southeast Pierce County, an area of burgeoning population as well as extensive commercial and industrial growth. 3/3/2006 City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue W PO Box 479 Yelm WA 98597 REP. ADAM SMITH FY 2008 APPROPRIATIONS STAFF LIS+T Please feel free to email or call th appropriate staff member if you have a question,202-225-890 SUBCOMMITTEE STAFFER E-mail Agriculture John Loy John.Loy(&,mail.house.gc Commerce Justice Science Hun Quach Hun. uach mail.house Defense Shana Chandler Shanakhandler(dmail.h Energy and Water John Loy John.Lo mail.house. Financial Services Hun Quach Hun. uach mail.house Homeland Security Hun Quach Hun. uach mail.house Interior John Loy John.Loy(a,mail.house.6d Labor Health and Human John Loy- Education John.Loy(&,,mail.house.to Services Andrea Tull - Healthcare Andrea.Tull a,mail.house Legislative Branch John Loy John.Lo mail.house.,go .-Military Construction, VA Mark de la I lesia Mark.delaI lesia mail.h State, Foreign Operations Andrea Tull And rea.Tull mail.house Transportation, HUD Hun Quach Hun. uach mail.house. FY 2008 APPROPRIATIONS REQUEST FORM • The questionnaire must be completed to be considered for funding. • Send an electronic form to wa09.apnronriations(i�mail.house.i!ov by MARCH 1,2007. 1. Name of submitting institution: City of Yelm, Washington 2. Project title: Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection 3. Physical location of the project and the organization (if different): The Yelm Prairie Line is located less than a quarter mile from the Tacoma Rail Mountain Division Line,just west of Roy WA, in Pierce County. 4. Bill and/or Account you are requesting funds (required): US Department of Transportation Budget 5. Please provide a brief justification as to why federal funding is necessary or justified (four sentences or less). You may attach an additional one pager below to further explain the importance of your project. The project will construct anew railroad connection between the City of Yelm's Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) and the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line; the connection is approximately 3,000 feet long and includes two turnouts, and a grade crossing of SR-507 with signals and gates. Also, please see attached document titled "rail handout.pdf'—thank you. 6. FY 2008 request amount: $3,500,000 ($3.5 million) 7. Total project cost: $3,500,000 ($3.5 million) 8. Please note that Congress, in general, provides only one year of funding at a time. If your request involves more than one year, please indicate the amount that will be used in FY 2008. $3,500,000 ($3.5 million) 9. Please include a breakdown of the requested funding. (For example, salary $40,000, computers $3,000, construction $2,000,000, etc.) * $600,000 right-of-way acquisition * $1,500,000 construction * $1,400,000 refurbishment of existing line 10. Has this project or activity received any federal funding in previous years? If so, please list the fiscal years for which funding was appropriated and the amount of funding appropriated. No. Page 2 11. Please note that Congress often requires that some portion of the project or activity be funded through non-federal sources. Are any non-federal funding sources contributing to this project or activity? If so,what are the sources of funding and what amount is each of these funding sources contributing? The City has requested $3.5 million in state funding from the 2007 legislative session. It is unknown at this time what portion of this request will be approved. 12. Has a request for funding for this project been submitted to any other Members of the House or Senate for FY2008? If so, please list the other Members to whom requests were made? No. 13. If this is a transportation request, is it supported by the Washington State Department of Transportation and/or regional transportation boards? Please submit supporting documents (letters of support, etc). This connection is supported by Thurston Regional Planning Council (the MPO for Thurston County), Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF). 14. If there is more than one request from the organization,what priority is this project (1st-5th): Is' 15. Contact information for point person on project: Point person: Shelly Badger, City Administrator—City of Yelm Phone Number: 360-458-8405 Email: shellybAci.yelm.wa.us Fax: 360-458-4348 Y --olm Praire -1p Rail Lin 1 R A Making Connections The Project In 1999, with local and Federal funds, the City of Yelm made an investment of over $300,000 when it acquired a 4.5 mile section of soon-to-be-abandoned rail line running between Yelm and Roy from Burlington Northern Santa Fe. Yelm, always focused on the future, desired to preserve the track between Yelm and Roy not only for a pedestrian trail, but also to serve Yelm's industrial area and to provide future transportation op- tions. Having a short-line railroad serve Yelm is just a quarter mile from reality, as the end of the Yelm Prairie Line is just a crossing away from the Tacoma Rail Mountain Division Line. Tacoma Rail has been in the short line railroad business for years, and currently provides regional connections between the Ports of Tacoma and Olympia, Fredrickson, Centralia, Eatonville, and Morton. A connection between the Yelm Prairie Line and the Mountain Division Line would allow access to Yelm's industrial area as well as critical redundancy to the mainline system, providing access to business along the Point Defiance Bypass (Sound Transit) and Fort Lewis in case the usual rail cor- ridor is unavailable. The connection would allow rail users like Wilcox Farms better connections through a true short line railroad. The connection also provides an opportunity to connect with the Sound Transit system in Lakewood in the future. The Need The Roy end of the Yelm Prairie Line is located less than a quarter mile from the Tacoma Rail Moun- tain Division Line. The Benefits The growing community of Yelm is on the cusp of becoming a sustainable community that provides local housing, shopping, and jobs. The development of Yelm's industrial area is key to achieving this vision as outlined in the Growth Management Act in order to achieve a local economy capable of supporting Yelm's burgeoning residential growth. L City of Yellim The Yelm Prairie Line will create a regional connection that will MPride • become a strong part of the South Sound economy, extending t rr P.O. Box 479 WA the short line railroad connections by Tacoma Rail to another ' 597(360) 458-3244 node in The Request the re- Mayor 5 $3,500,000 Bion. (360) 458-8401 - . rnay . @ $600,000 right-of-way acquisition Administrator $1 ,500,000 constructionShelly Badger $1 ,400,000 refurbishment of existing line ' ' ` ` ' ' ' shellyb@ci.yelm.wa-us _Iyp 77 Shelton -,Tacoma I �` r •-r- 'Y *. OI•vrrzpiaV.. 3_r Fart Lewis ❑qp z 4v UrR R6). nmum ter Yelm .. Rainier Tenino South Sound Rail `" Ea tonvil le Tacoma Pail -''elmIRoyPrarieLine n H�Gicrt Lang HaulRail;UPHNSF) Cammutor Rail;Sound Transit) f'S trodr` Y v — Other Short Line Rail ' q�J > 1 J r m Fort Lewis Gent nnl to Chehalis (� a Roy r� v PLANNED CONNECTION \ ` qC� • oT 4Q y SRS10 -� f a - Y � r _ FY 2008 APPROPRIATIONS REQUEST FORM • The questionnaire must be completed to be considered for funding. • Send an electronic form to wa09.appro priations(&mail.house.gov by MARCH 1, 2007. 1. Name of submitting institution: City of Yelm, Washington 2. Project title: Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection 3. Physical location of the project and the organization (if different): The Yelm Prairie Line is located less than a quarter mile from the Tacoma Rail Mountain Division Line,just west of Roy WA, in Pierce County. 4. Bill and/or Account you are requesting funds (required): US Department of Transportation Budget 5. Please provide a brief justification as to why federal funding is necessary or justified (four sentences or less). You may attach an additional one pager below to further explain the importance of your project. The project will construct a new railroad connection between the City of Yelm's Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) and the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line; the connection is approximately 3,000 feet long and includes two turnouts, and a grade crossing of SR-507 with signals and gates. Also, please see attached document titled "rail handout.pdf'—thank you. 6. FY 2008 request amount: $3,500,000 ($3.5 million) 7. Total project cost: $3,500,000 ($3.5 million) 8. Please note that Congress, in general, provides only one year of funding at a time. If your request involves more than one year, please indicate the amount that will be used in FY 2008. $3,500,000 ($3.5 million) 9. Please include a breakdown of the requested funding. (For example, salary $40,000, computers $3,000, construction $2,000,000, etc.) * $600,000 right-of-way acquisition * $1,500,000 construction * $1,400,000 refurbishment of existing line 10. Has this project or activity received any federal funding in previous years? If so, please list the fiscal years for which funding was appropriated and the amount of funding appropriated. No. Page 2 11. Please note that Congress often requires that some portion of the project or activity be funded through non-federal sources. Are any non-federal funding sources contributing to this project or activity? If so,what are the sources of funding and what amount is each of these funding sources contributing? The City has requested $3.5 million in state funding from the 2007 legislative session. It is unknown at this time what portion of this request will be approved. 12. Has a request for funding for this project been submitted to any other Members of the House or Senate for FY2008? If so, please list the other Members to whom requests were made? No. 13. If this is a transportation request, is it supported by the Washington State Department of Transportation and/or regional transportation boards? Please submit supporting documents (letters of support, etc). This connection is supported by Thurston Regional Planning Council (the MPO for Thurston County), Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF). 14. If there is more than one request from the organization,what priority is this project (1st-5th): I" 15. Contact information for point person on project: Point person: Shelly Badger, City Administrator—City of Yelm Phone Number: 360-458-8405 Email: shellybnci.yelm.wa.us Fax: 360-458-4348 �1 'elm Prairi 1 Rail Lin R R Making Connections The Project In 1999, with local and Federal funds, the City of Yelm made an investment of over $300,000 when it acquired a 4.5 mile section of soon-to-be-abandoned rail line running between Yelm and Roy from Burlington Northern Santa Fe. Yelm, always focused on the future, desired to preserve the track between Yelm and Roy not only for a pedestrian trail, but also to serve Yelm's industrial area and to provide future transportation op- tions. Having a short-line railroad serve Yelm is just a quarter mile from reality, as the end of the Yelm Prairie Line is just a crossing away from the Tacoma Rail Mountain Division Line. Tacoma Rail has been in the short line railroad business for years, and currently provides regional connections between the Ports of Tacoma and Olympia, Fredrickson, Centralia, Eatonville, and Morton. A connection between the Yelm Prairie Line and the Mountain Division Line would allow access to Yelm's industrial area as well as critical redundancy to the mainline system, providing access to business along the Point Defiance Bypass (Sound Transit) and Fort Lewis in case the usual rail cor- ridor is unavailable. The connection would allow rail users like Wilcox Farms better connections through a true short line railroad. The connection also provides an opportunity to connect with the Sound Transit system in Lakewood in the future. The Need The Roy end of the Yelm Prairie Line is located less than a quarter mile from the Tacoma Rail Moun- tain Division Line. The Benefits The growing community of Yelm is on the cusp of becoming a sustainable community that provides local housing, shopping, and jobs. The development of Yelm's industrial area is key to achieving this vision as outlined in the Growth Management Act in order to achieve a local economy capable of supporting Yelm's burgeoning residential growth. The Yelm Prairie Line will create a regional connection that will City of Yelm Pride of the Prairie become a strong part of the South Sound economy, extending P.O. Box 479 the short line railroad connections by Tacoma Rail to another Yelm, WA 98597 (360) 458-3244 node in The Request the re- Mayor gion. Ron $3,500,000 : : a $600,000 right-of-way acquisition : $1 ,500,000 construction AdministratorShelly Badger ; $1 ,400,000 refurbishment of existing line ' ' 8406 shel lyb@ci.yelm.wa.us r� z (Tacoma s � a P _ `rJ I Olvmpia tacev l bs Fcwt Lewis Roy Lj Tumuater J ` Yel m —Rainier Tenino South Sound Rail Ea tonville Tacoma Rail �YelmIRoy Prairie Line ktlbl�yO R � Lang Haul Rail;UP.BNSFj -J'r SCarnrnu9x Rail:Sound TransRj uCoda Cr T Other Shat Line Rail r � Fort Lewis m coa ml is C I Chehalis F m Roy a� V PLANNED CONNECTION r �` &, y 00 die— r FY 2008 APPROPRIATIONS REQUEST FORM • The questionnaire must be completed to be considered for funding. • Send an electronic form to wa09.appropriations(a-)mail.house.gov by MARCH 1,2007. 1. Name of submitting institution: City of Yelm, Washington 2. Project title: Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection 3. Physical location of the project and the organization (if different): The Yelm Prairie Line is located less than a quarter mile from the Tacoma Rail Mountain Division Line,just west of Roy WA, in Pierce County. 4. Bill and/or Account you are requesting funds (required): US Department of Transportation Budget 5. Please provide a brief justification as to why federal funding is necessary or justified (four sentences or less). You may attach an additional one pager below to further explain the importance of your project. The project will construct anew railroad connection between the City of Yelm's Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) and the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line; the connection is approximately 3,000 feet long and includes two turnouts, and a grade crossing of SR-507 with signals and gates. Also, please see attached document titled "rail handout.pdf' —thank you. 6. FY 2008 request amount: $3,500,000 ($3.5 million) 7. Total project cost: $3,500,000 ($3.5 million) 8. Please note that Congress, in general, provides only one year of funding at a time. If your request involves more than one year, please indicate the amount that will be used in FY 2008. $3,500,000 ($3.5 million) 9. Please include a breakdown of the requested funding. (For example, salary $40,000, computers $3,000, construction $2,000,000, etc.) * $600,000 right-of-way acquisition * $1,500,000 construction * $1,400,000 refurbishment of existing line 10. Has this project or activity received any federal funding in previous years? If so, please list the fiscal years for which funding was appropriated and the amount of funding appropriated. No. Page 2 11. Please note that Congress often requires that some portion of the project or activity be funded through non-federal sources. Are any non-federal funding sources contributing to this project or activity? If so,what are the sources of funding and what amount is each of these funding sources contributing? The City has requested $3.5 million in state funding from the 2007 legislative session. It is unknown at this time what portion of this request will be approved. 12. Has a request for funding for this project been submitted to any other Members of the House or Senate for FY2008? If so, please list the other Members to whom requests were made? No. 13. If this is a transportation request, is it supported by the Washington State Department of Transportation and/or regional transportation boards? Please submit supporting documents (letters of support, etc). This connection is supported by Thurston Regional Planning Council (the MPO for Thurston County), Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF). 14. If there is more than one request from the organization,what priority is this project (1st-5th): 1" 15. Contact information for point person on project: Point person: Shelly Badger, City Administrator—City of Yelm Phone Number: 360-458-8405 Email: she]lybkci.yelm.wa.us Fax: 360-458-4348 'elm Prairi Rail Lin 1 R R Mahing Connections The Project In 1999, with local and Federal funds, the City of Yelm made an investment of over $300,000 when it acquired a 4.5 mile section of soon-to-be-abandoned rail line running between Yelm and Roy from Burlington Northern Santa Fe. Yelm, always focused on the future, desired to preserve the track between Yelm and Roy not only for a pedestrian trail, but also to serve Yelm's industrial area and to provide future transportation op- tions. Having a short-line railroad serve Yelm is just a quarter mile from reality, as the end of the Yelm Prairie Line is just a crossing away from the Tacoma Rail Mountain Division Line. Tacoma Rail has been in the short line railroad business for years, and currently provides regional connections between the Ports of Tacoma and Olympia, Fredrickson, Centralia, Eatonville, and Morton. A connection between the Yelm Prairie Line and the Mountain Division Line would allow access to Yelm's industrial area as well as critical redundancy to the mainline system, providing access to business along the Point Defiance Bypass (Sound Transit) and Fort Lewis in case the usual rail cor- ridor is unavailable. The connection would allow rail users like Wilcox Farms better connections through a true short line railroad. The connection also provides an opportunity to connect with the Sound Transit system in Lakewood in the future. The Need The Roy end of the Yelm Prairie Line is located less than a quarter mile from the Tacoma Rail Moun- tain Division Line. The Benefits The growing community of Yelm is on the cusp of becoming a sustainable community that provides local housing, shopping, and jobs. The development of Yelm's industrial area is key to achieving this vision as outlined in the Growth Management Act in order to achieve a local economy capable of supporting Yelm's burgeoning residential growth. City of Yellm The Yelm Prairie Line will create a regional connection that will Pride of the Prairie become a strong part of the South Sound economy, extending P.O. Box 479 the short line railroad connections by Tacoma Rail to another Yelm, WA 98597 .0 node in (3458-3244 The Request the reMayor - ___- - . $3,500,000 Bln Harding ion. 311i -It (360) 458-8401 . . $600,000 right-of-way acquisition , AdminiStrato $1 ,500,000 construction `= Shelly Badger $1 ,400,000 refurbishment of existing line - ' ' 458-8406 shellyb@ci.yelm.wa.us Shelton Tacoma j1J ' r Olvimpia Lacev I� Fact Lewis nq q Roy Tu m r,a ter Yelm�~ Rainier Tenino South Sound Rail _ Flato to -Tacoma Pail �1 elmIRoy Prarie Line g� � yNCKR �Long Haul Rail(UP.BNSF) ucoda :ommutor Rail(Sound Transit)� B Other Shut Line Rail �4 d b t`n r �tJ s Fool Lewis { G caatmiia Q. Cheh a!is _ Roy AoiL PLANNED T j CONNECTION °40OvvC , SR510 r ��a Re: Business and Trade E-Newsletter Pagel of 4 Shelly Badger From: Eagan, Sean [Sean.Eagan@mail.house.gov] Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 12:30 PM To: Shelly Badger Subject: Re: Business and Trade E-Newsletter Doh! It looks like my co-workers simply cut and pasted the summary I used in my small business issues update from a month ago(in which I forgot to mention the project)without making the correction.Anyway,Adam did request funding,but when the bill came out of committee to the House floor this week,the committee decided to not fund the peroject. We have unfortunately had a tough time with all of our earmarks this year. We,along with most of the state delegation,have only gotten about 20 percent of the number of earmarks we get.Of those the dollar amount is about half. I'm sorry I don't have better news.Calling cities who had requested funds was on my to-do list for tomorrow. Sent remotely by.... -Sean Eagan Deputy District Director Congressman Adam Smith 3600 Port of Tacoma Road, Suite 106 Tacoma,WA 98424 PH: (253)896-3775 PH: (888)SMITH09 FX: (253)896-3789 www.house.gov/adamsmith -----Original Message----- From: Shelly Badger<shellyb@ci.yelm.wa.us> To: Eagan, Sean<Sean.Eagan@mail.house.gov> Sent: Thu Jun 15 15:09:49 2006 Subject: FW: Business and Trade E-Newsletter Hi Sean,in looking at this recent addition of the E-Newsletter,I noticed that the Yelm Roy Prairie Line connection to Tacoma Rail was not listed as a project requested by Congressman Smith. Could you let me know the status of our earmark request? Thank you,Shelly Shelly Badger,Yelm City Administrator City of Yelm www.ci.yelm.wa.us P.O. Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597 6/16/2006 Page 1 of 5 Shelly Badger From: Michael Cade [MCade@thurstonedc.com] Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 12:00 PM To: Shelly Badger Subject: FW: Business and Trade E-Newsletter Shelly, FYI, Michael Michael Cade I Executive Director I EDC of Thurston County Serving Thurston County for 25 Years! Economic Development Council of Thurston County 665 Woodland Square Loop, SE Ste 201-Lacey. WA 98503 360-754-6320-mcade Dthurstonedc.com From: Congressman Adam Smith [mailto:linda.danforth@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 8:31 AM To: Michael Cade Subject: Business and Trade E-Newsletter F, Congressman Ada ni S ni it 4W A Visit Website Unsubscribe I Forward to a Friend Web Version Smith Requests Funding For Freight Related Infrastructure Projects In a letter to the House Appropriations Committee, Adam Receive requested that the Committee consider Fiscal Year 2007 Personalized funding for a number of infrastructure projects, including those Updates enhancing the movement of goods in the South Sound region. From Specifically, he requested funds for the following freight-related Congressman projects: Smith 6/15/2006 Page 2 of 5 Shaw Road Extension: Supported by the FAST Corridor Partnership, this project would extend Shaw Road in Puyallup northbound from the base of South Hill to Main Street, over the BNSF rail line. It would improve mobility from the industrial park at Frederickson to the Ports of Tacoma and Seattle. . Regional Freight Rail Infrastructure Expansion: Funding regional intermodal rail infrastructure capacity in Tacoma, this project would meet growing agricultural export demand for these services and make capital improvements within the Tacoma Municipal Beltline and Port of Tacoma. . Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation: The grade separation would improve the rail connection between the north and south sides of Lincoln Avenue, which serves as a vital arterial for both heavy trucks and train traffic in the Tacoma tide flats. . SR-167 Completion: Funding would be used to purchase right of way in the corridor needed to extend SR-167 from its current terminus in Puyallup to I-5 and SR-509 in the Port of Tacoma. . The "Triangle" Project: The project would reconstruct I-5 at the SR-18 interchange in Federal Way to alleviate safety and congestions issues. Funding would go towards construction. . Navigation Improvements to the Port of Olympia: Funding would allow maintenance dredging to return the entrance of the federal navigation channel and turning basin to the authorized depth of 30 feet. The last channel dredging was performed in 1973. Smith Urges High Standards In South Korea Free Trade Agreement Adam joined Ways and Means Democrats in sending a letter to the President in support of the negotiation of a "comprehensive, high-standards agreement" with South Korea and to "use a fresh approach in a number of areas" in order to create new opportunities for U.S. exporters currently stifled by Korea's many non-tariff barriers. In February, U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman announced the Administration's intent to negotiate a free trade agreement (FTA) with the Republic of Korea with the goal of removing tariffs and non-tariff barriers and 6/15/2006 Page 3 of 5 expanding trade between the countries. The negotiations began this week. "This is a commercially significant free trade negotiation for the U.S. and the Northwest economy, and we must pursue a comprehensive agreement," said Adam. Korea is the world's 10th largest economy with an annual GDP rapidly approaching $1 trillion and our 7th largest export market. Removing trade and investment barriers between the two nations through an FTA will increase market access boosting trade in goods and services. Smith Pushes U.S. Sugar Policy Reform Adam signed a letter to the House Agriculture Committee urging "significant, market-oriented reforms" of the U.S. sugar price support program in the 2007 debate over reauthorization of the Farm Bill. The U.S. sugar program, which relies on quotas and other supply controls in order to keep sugar prices artificially high, has distorted domestic and international sugar markets, with consequences not only for American sugar consumers and workers in the U.S. sugar-user industry, but also for American exporters of all goods and services as well as sugar- producing developing countries. As with other U.S. agriculture subsidies, Adam has been particularly concerned that sugar protectionism has limited our ability to achieve comprehensive, ambitious outcomes in negotiations with our trading partners. West Coast Delegations Support Funding For Port Security Research Program Earlier this month, Adam joined Congressional colleagues from Washington, Oregon and California in requesting that appropriators include $12 million in the Fiscal Year 2007 Homeland Security Appropriations bill for a university-centered research program on port and coastal security. Congress called for state-of-the-art research on port and coastal security with the creation of a university-centered research program in the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) re-authorization bill of the 108th Congress. It authorized a national research program for multiple centers funded at $35 million a year through FY 2009. Unfortunately, although the program has been authorized, the funding has yet to be appropriated. 6/15/2006 Page 4 of 5 Despite the growing attention to maritime security preparedness, there are currently no federally funded, university-based research centers addressing vital issues such as the vulnerability of the Nation's Maritime Transportation System (MTS) to terrorist actions, nor the economic impact of terrorist events and/or natural hazards on the operations of major U.S. ports. In funding such a program the ultimate goal is the enhancement of multi-hazard risk reduction for vital maritime infrastructure. Protecting Intellectual Property To learn how your company can protect its trademarks, patents and copyrights overseas, or to file an intellectual property-related trade complaint, visit Commerce's one-stop-shop for information on registering and enforcing intellectual property rights. Call 1-866-999-HALT or visit this website. Participate In Federal Rulemaking To find, review, and submit comments on Federal documents that are open for comment and published in the Federal Register--the U.S. Government's legal newspaper--visit the website for the one-stop shop on Federal government regulations. Standards Notifications Sign-up here for the latest in regional or industry-related WTO standards notifications - e- mailed to you directly! I am proud to serve you in Congress and truly look forward to continuing to work with you. Sincerely, .l Adam Smith 6/15/2006 Page 5 of 5 Sign up for my E-Newsletter Click here to send this email to your friends! The Honorable Adam Smith The Honorable Adam Smith 227 Cannon House Office Building 3600 Port of Tacoma Road, Suite 106 Washington, DC 20515 Tacoma, WA 98424 Phone: (202) 225-8901 Phone:(253) 896-3775 1-888-SMITH-09 Click Here to be removed from this list 6/15/2006 ��OF THE Q �^ FAX TRANSMISSION CITY OF YELM PO BOX 479 - 105 YELM AVE W YELM YELM WA 98597 WASHING TON 360-458-3244 FAx: 360-458-4348 To: Ta Date— Fax #:. Pages: � including this cover sheet. From: ��� Subject: k. COMMENTS: If you do not receive all copies or any copy is not legible, please call (360)458-3244 as soon as possible. dQc 4>flicc\1omi%\laa DATE RECD: (OFFICE USE ONLY) OFFICE OF US REPRESENTATIVE ADAM SMITH FISCAL YEAR 2007 APPROPRIATION FORM Date Submitted: March 3, 2006 Name of Submitting Institution: City of Yelm, Washington Address of Submitting Institution: 105 Yelm Avenue West (no PO Boxes please) City : Yelm Zip: 98597 County: Thurston Project Title: Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection Project Description (1-2 sentences specifically on how the money will be spent): The project will construct a new railroad connection between the City of Yelm's Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) and the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line; the connection is approximately 3,000 feet long and includes two turnouts, and a grade crossing of SR-507 with signals and gates. Request amount: $1,300,000 ($1.3 million) What is the total cost? $1,500,000 ($1.5 million) Appropriations subcommittee: Transportation Program or Account: (Leave blank if you don't know) Priority of request (1st-5th): 1St Please include the name, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address for all of the following people: Highest Level Person at the Institution (Who may the Member Contact?): Name: Mayor Ron Harding Phone: 360-458-8401 Fax: 360-458-4348 E-mail: mayor@ci.yelm.wa.us Staff/Lobbyist/Government Affairs Contact at the Institution (staff contact): Name: Shelly Badger, City Administrator Phone: 360-458-8405 Fax: 360-458-4348 E-mail: shellyb@ci.yelm.wa.us Is the project within the 91h Congressional District (yes or no)? If no,which district is it located? YES Are there any other House Members that represent you? If yes,who? (Please also include the name of the staffer you have been working with, if any.) NO Which House/Senate members are also making this request? (Please include name of Representative, name of lead staffer, and phone number for each office) Please list ALL anticipated sources of funding for the project, and the amount you expect to receive from each source. (e.g. State, Local, Private) Local $ 50,000 Private $ 150,000 Federal $1,300,000 Please list the amount that you have raised to date and the amount of work you have completed. $50,000 has been prioritized and set aside by the City of Yelm. The private property on which the connection will be built has agreed to dedicate the necessary right-of-way valued at $150,000. If requesting a project within the Transportation Appropriations bill, please list if your project is supported by the Washington State Department of Transportation or any other local or regional transportation organizations. Please also include cities and/or counties that support the project. This connection is supported by Thurston Regional Planning Council (the MPO for Thurston County), Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF). If you have previously received federal funding, please list the amount of money this pro lect has received over the past four appropriations cycles. Please also include which Member of Congress (House Member and/or Senator) secured this funding. FY06: FY05: Member: Member: FY04: FY03: Member: Member: ********PLEASE NOTE******** Please attach a summary of your project (no longer than one page). If this is a Defense or Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs request please send your request packet to Mark de la Iglesia at Mark.delalglesiac&,mail.house.gov or call 202-225-8901. Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, Judiciary, and DC FY07 Funding Request Form Each request requires a completed form. Please follow the numerical steps and enter applicable information relating to your project request. An "*" indicates a required field. Step 1: Member Information * Member Name: Congressman Adam Smith * Staff point of contact Shana Chandler and direct phone number: 202-225-8901 Other co-signing Members: Step 2: Request Information *Agency: City of Yelm *Request XXX Project Request - $1,300,000 for the railroad connection of Type: the Yelm Roy Prairie Line to the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line. *Account: U.S. Department of Transportation Budget *Project $1,300,000 Request Amount: *Actual City of Yelm Recipient Name: *Locality & Yelm Washington State: *Project The project will construct a new railroad connection between the City Description: of Yelm's Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) and the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line; the connection is approximately 3,000 feet long and includes two turnouts, and a grade crossing of SR-507 with signals and gates. Local Share: $200,000 Prior Year None Funding: Appropriation Request— FY2007 Summary Page — Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection . . . . � . . M IN The City of Yelm is requesting $1.3 million in funding for the connection of the Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) to the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line. In November 2000, the City of Yelm acquired a then-to-be-abandoned section of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Prairie Line from Yelm to Roy. This far sighted decision preserved a section of ever dwindling Class III rail for immediate freight and future passenger use. At Roy, the YRPL passes near Tacoma Rail's Mountain Line running from Tacoma to Chehalis. . . � The City of Yelm needs common carrier rail service to enhance the value of its investment in the Yelm Roy Prairie Line. Making the connection between the YRPL and nearby Tacoma Rail benefits southern Puget Sound: ■ Economic Vitality — Rapid residential growth in southeast Thurston and Pierce Counties contributes to industrial and commercial development opportunities within the urban growth areas of Yelm and Roy. ■ Freight Mobility — Fostering freight rail provides shipping options and eases traffic impacts to freight and automobile travel. • Safety & Security — The connection provides rail redundancy in the event of problems along the Mainline and Point Defiance By-Pass routes. ■ Commuter Rail — Preserving the YRPL, and its strategic connection to neighboring Sound Transit's Lakewood Station, allows for future commuter rail service to southeast Thurston and Pierce counties. Specifically the 3,000 track connection provides service to Miles Sand and Gravel, diverting upwards of 22,000 truckloads of gravel per year from State Route 507 to freight rail. INDIT611940 . . � . This rail connection has the support of our regional partners including: Thurston Regional Planning Council, Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail and BNSF. There is a mutually agreed upon common understanding that this regionally significant project would strengthen our area's economic vitality and improve freight mobility. This project also expands and strengthens developing ties between east Thurston County and southeast Pierce County, an area of burgeoning population as well as extensive commercial and industrial growth. 3/3/2006 City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue W PO Box 479 Yelm WA 98597 TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME 05/18/2006 09:13 DATE DIME 05/18 09:11 FAX NO./NAME 2539229088 DURATION 00:01:30 PACE{S} 06 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM Pagel of 3 Shelly Badger From: Eagan, Sean [Sean.Eagan@mail.house.gov] Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 9.01 AM To: Shelly Badger Subject: RE: Small Business Issues Update Oopsl My mistake. We made the ask, but I forgot to include it in the update. Sorry! -sma o5aq4o Deputy District Director Congressman Adam Smith 3600 Port of Tacoma Road, Suite 106 Tacoma, WA 98424 PH: (253) 896-3775 FX: (253) 896-3789 www.house.gov/adamsmith From: Shelly Badger [mai Ito:shellyb@ci.yelm.wa.us] Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 6:24 PM To: Eagan, Sean Subject: RE: Small Business Issues Update Hi Sean, does this mean that the Yelm-Roy Prairie Line connection to Tacoma Rail did not make the earmark request list from Congressman Smith? Or is it still a possibility as the connection is physically located in Pierce County. Thanks, Shelly Shelly Badger, Yelm City Administrator City of Yelm www.d.yelm.wa.us P.O.Box 479 Yelm,WA 98597 360-458-8405 360-458-4348 fax shellyb&i.yelm.wa.us From: Congressman Adam Smith [mai Ito:sean.eagan@mail.house.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 10:55 AM To: Shelly Badger Subject: Small Business Issues Update Adam ry District - 1 Washington State 91h < 5/8/2006 Page 2 of 3 Small Business Issues Update STAY IN TOUCH Smith Requests Transportation Funding For Thurston To receive updateson important issues, County Projects Click Here! In a letter to the House Appropriations Committee, Congressman Adam Smith requested that the Committee consider funding three specific infrastructure projects in Thurston County as it begins work on spending bills for Fiscal Year 2007. Specifically, Adam requested funding for: • Intercity Transit Bus Replacement • I-5/Marvin Road Urban Interchange in Lacey- A Washington State Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration Revision Report for the I-5/Marvin Road interchange recommended a series of improvements to the interchange, the first phase of which were completed in 2000. That same report, however, projected that if only the Phase 1 improvements were made, the interchange would reach capacity by 2008. The funds requested by Adam would begin work on the second phase of the proposed improvements. This project would also improve access to the recently expanded commercial center at Hawks Prairie, resulting in $300 million in new retail sales in five years, $19.5 million in annual state sales taxes and $3 million in local sales taxes. • Navigation Improvements to the Port of Olympia- This project would consist of maintenance dredging to return the entrance to the Port of Olympia and turning basin to the authorized depth of 30 feet. The last channel dredging was performed in 1973. Appropriation subcommittees are expected to begin work on their individual spending bills in May, with final passage hopefully completed by mid-autumn. Upcoming Town Hall Meetings Throughout the course of the year, Adam hosts a series of town hall meetings to discuss the latest happenings in Congress with constituents of the 9th District. Upcoming town hall 5/8/2006 Page 3 of 3 meetings include: • Saturday, May 13, 10:00-11:30 AM, Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Avenue West, Yelm; • Monday, June 5, 7:00-8:30 PM, Des Moines City Hall, 21630 11th Avenue South, Des Moines These are a great opportunity to speak directly with Adam on a wide range of issues. To RSVP, please call (253) 896-3775. Constituents Invited To Fifth Annual Ninth District Day In Washington, D.C. Adam is inviting constituents to attend his annual "Ninth District Day" conference in Washington, D.C. on May 18, 2006. Ninth District Day is a forum that brings together Washington state constituents, as well as policy, media, and political leaders in Washington D.C. Confirmed speakers to date include: House Majority Leader John Boehner; former US Trade and newly appointed director of the Office and Management Budget Rep Rob Portman; Charlie Cook of The Cook Political Report; USDA Secretary Mike Johanns; Thomas Mann, Senior Fellow, the Brookings Institute; Chuck Todd, Hotline editor-in-chief; Peter Bergen, CNN's Terrorism Analyst and author of"Holy War, Inc.: Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden" and Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray. For more information, including a listing of additional speakers, or to register, please visit Adam's Web site at www.house.gov/adamsmith. The Honorable Adam Smith The Honorable Adam Smith 227 Cannon House Office Building 3600 Port of Tacoma Road, Suite 106 Washington, DC 20515 Tacoma, WA 98424 Phone: (202) 225-8901 Phone:(253) 896-3775 1-888-SMITH-09 This email was sent to shellyb@ci.yelm.wa.us. Use this link to unsubscribe. 5/8/2006 Shelly Badger From: Conley Booth [ConleyS@PortOlympia.com] Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 11:14 AM To: Shelly Badger Subject: RE: Port of Olympia - Economic Development Strategies Shelly, Sorry about that. Here they are: Michael Kendall, Field Representative Office of Congressman Brian Baird 120 Union Ave, SE, Suite 105 Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 352-9768 mike.kendall@mail.house.gov Robert Thoms, Director Senator Maria Cantwell's Office 950 Pacific Ave., Suite 615 Tacoma, WA 98402 (253) 572-2281 Robert_Thoms@cantwell.senate.gov Conley Booth Port of Olympia 915 Washington Street NE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 528-8007 -----Original Message----- From: Shelly Badger [mailto:shellyb@ci.yelm.wa.us] Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 11:02 AM To: Conley Booth Subject: RE: Port of Olympia - Economic Development Strategies Hi Conley, thank you for the confirmation. However, when I click on the attachments I still get a blank screen with no contact information? Shelly Shelly Badger, Yelm City Administrator i ADAM SMITH COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES 9TH DISTRICT,WASHINGTON SUBCOMMITTEES: 227 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING TACTICAL AIR AND LAND FORCES WASHINGTON,DC 20515 TERRORISM,UNCONVENTIONAL THREATS (202)225-8901 Congrezz of the Uniteb 6tateg AND CAPABILITIES DISTRICT OFFICE: COMMITTEE ON 3600 PORT OF TACOMA ROAD Jqotta of Reprezentatibeg INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SUITE 106 SUBCOMMITTEES: TACOMA,WA 98424 ASIA AND THE PACIFIC (253)896-3775 Ulnbington, MC 20515-4709 TOLL FREE 1-888-SMITH09 EUROPE AND EMERGING THREATS e-mail:http://www.house.gov/writerep/ NEW DEMOCRAT COALITION http://wvAv.house.gov/adamsmith/ March 17, 2006 Ms. Shelly A. Badger City Administrator MAR 2 0 2006 City of Yelm PO Box 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 Dear Shelly, Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to facilitate my meeting with both Mayor Harding and Councilman McGowan. I enjoyed our conversations and the chance to learn about the latest happenings in Yelm and how the Congressman and I can be helpful. Thank you also for the update on the Yelm loop project. I know that Adam has been very happy to play a small role in the effort to build the road. I also appreciate the briefing on the Yelm Prairie Line spur. Adam and his staff in Washington, DC, have received the earmark request for the project, and are in the process of trying to identify how to fit it into his larger earmark request strategy. I will make sure to keep you informed of any progress we have in this area. I would also once again encourage you to contact Senator Cantwell and Senator Murray about the project. Once again, it was a pleasure to seeing you. It is always productive for Adam to hear from locally elected officials as Congress considers issues that will have an impact on our community. Please call me if either Adam or I can ever be of service. Sincerely, P. Eagan Deputy District Director PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Commissioners ((� Port of Olympia Steve Pottle Paul Telford Bob Van Schoorl March 10, 2006 Ron Harding Mayor, City of Yelm P.O. Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597 Re: Support of Yelm Roy Prairie Line rail connection to Tacoma Rail (TMBL) Mountain Line Dear Mayor Harding: The Port of Olympia writes this letter in support of the City of Yelm's attempts to seek funding to connect service of the Yelm Roy Prairie Line to the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line. The Port of Olympia supported the City's original acquisition of this rail line and has been working with Yelm on marketing strategies for developing Yelm's Industrial area. Maintaining the rail link is an important component of Yelm's economic development strategy for this industrial area. This additional track connection would provide valuable link to the Miles Sand and Gravel operation and work to attract additional businesses to the greater Yelm area. The possibilities of future commuter connections also offer great opportunities from these connections. We encourage your continued leadership and broad community support for this important economic development initiative for the City of Yelm. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, E. B. Galligan Executive Director 915 Washington Street NE,Olympia,WA 98501 Tel(360)528-8000 Fax(360)528-8090 www.portolympia.com Executive Director,Ed Galligan DATE RECD: (OFFICE USE ONLY) OFFICE OF US REPRESENTATIVE ADAM SMITH FISCAL YEAR 2007 APPROPRIATION FORM Date Submitted: March 3, 2006 Name of Submitting Institution: City of Yelm, Washington Address of Submitting Institution: 105 Yelm Avenue West (no PO Boxes please) City : Yelm Zip: 98597 County: Thurston Project Title: Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection Project Description (1-2 sentences specifically on how the money will be spent): The project will construct a new railroad connection between the City of Yelm's Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) and the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line; the connection is approximately 3,000 feet long and includes two turnouts, and a grade crossing of SR-507 with signals and gates. Request amount: $1,300,000 ($1.3 million) What is the total cost? $1,500,000 ($1.5 million) Appropriations subcommittee: Transportation Program or Account: (Leave blank if you don't know) Priority of request(1st-5th): I" Please include the name, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address for all of the following people: Highest Level Person at the Institution (Who may the Member Contact?): Name: Mayor Ron Harding Phone: 360-458-8401 Fax: 360-458-4348 E-mail: mayor@ci.yelm.wa.us Staff(Lobbyist/Government Affairs Contact at the Institution (staff contact): Name: Shelly Badger, City Administrator Phone: 360-458-8405 Fax: 360-458-4348 E-mail: shellyb@ci.yelm.wa.us Is the project within the 91h Congressional District (yes or no)? If no,which district is it located? YES Are there any other House Members that represent you? If yes,who? (Please also include the name of the staffer you have been working with, if any.) NO Which House/Senate members are also making this request? (Please include name of Representative, name of lead staffer, and phone number for each office) Please list ALL anticipated sources of funding for the project, and the amount you expect to receive from each source. (e.g. State, Local, Private) Local $ 50,000 Private $ 150,000 Federal $1,300,000 Please list the amount that you have raised to date and the amount of work you have completed. $50,000 has been prioritized and set aside by the City of Yelm. The private property on which the connection will be built has agreed to dedicate the necessary right-of-way valued at $150,000. If requesting a project within the Transportation Appropriations bill, please list if your project is supported by the Washington State Department of Transportation or any other local or regional transportation organizations. Please also include cities and/or counties that support the project. This connection is supported by Thurston Regional Planning Council (the MPO for Thurston County), Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF). If you have previously received federal funding, please list the amount of money this rp oiect has received over the past four appropriations cycles. Please also include which Member of Congress (House Member and/or Senator) secured this funding. FY06: FY05: Member: Member: FY04: FY03: Member: Member: ********PLEASE NOTE******** Please attach a summary of your project (no longer than one page). If this is a Defense or Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs request please send your request packet to Mark de la Iglesia at Mark.delali!lesia(a,mail.house.aov or call 202-225-8901. Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, Judiciary, and DC FY07 Funding Request Form Each request requires a completed form. Please follow the numerical steps and enter applicable information relating to your project request. An "*" indicates a required field. Step 1: Member Information * Member Name: Congressman Adam Smith * Staff point of contact Shana Chandler and direct phone number: 202-225-8901 Other co-signing Members: Step 2: Request Information *Agency: City of Yelm *Request XXX Project Request - $1,300,000 for the railroad connection of Type: the Yelm Roy Prairie Line to the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line. *Account: U.S. Department of Transportation Budget *Project $1,300,000 Request Amount: *Actual City of Yelm Recipient Name: *Locality & Yelm Washington State: *Project The project will construct a new railroad connection between the City Description: of Yelm's Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) and the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line; the connection is approximately 3,000 feet long and includes two turnouts, and a grade crossing of SR-507 with signals and gates. Local Share: $200,000 Prior Year None Funding: Appropriation Request — FY2007 Summary Page — Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection The City of Yelm is requesting $1.3 million in funding for the connection of the Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) to the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line. In November 2000, the City of Yelm acquired a then-to-be-abandoned section of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Prairie Line from Yelm to Roy. This far sighted decision preserved a section of ever dwindling Class III rail for immediate freight and future passenger use. At Roy, the YRPL passes near Tacoma Rail's Mountain Line running from Tacoma to Chehalis. The City of Yelm needs common carrier rail service to enhance the value of Its investment in the Yelm Roy Prairie Line. Making the connection between the YRPL and nearby Tacoma Rail benefits southern Puget Sound: ■ Economic Vitality - Rapid residential growth in southeast Thurston and Pierce Counties contributes to industrial and commercial development opportunities within the urban growth areas of Yelm and Roy. ■ Freight Mobility - Fostering freight rail provides shipping options and eases traffic impacts to freight and automobile travel. ■ Safety & Security -The connection provides rail redundancy in the event of problems along the Mainline and Point Defiance By-Pass routes. ■ Commuter Rail - Preserving the YRPL, and its strategic connection to neighboring Sound Transit's Lakewood Station, allows for future commuter rail service to southeast Thurston and Pierce counties. Specifically the 3,000 track connection provides service to Miles Sand and Gravel, diverting upwards of 22,000 truckloads of gravel per year from State Route 507 to freight rail. M . .� - This rail connection has the support of our regional partners including: Thurston Regional Planning Council, Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail and BNSF. There is a mutually agreed upon common understanding that this regionally significant project would strengthen our area's economic vitality and improve freight mobility. This project also expands and strengthens developing ties between east Thurston County and southeast Pierce County, an area of burgeoning population as well as extensive commercial and industrial growth. 3/3/2006 City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue W PO Box 479 Yelm WA 98597 Proposed RoyConnection DRAFT p This map is a world ng drag. Thurston Regional Planning 2004 Aerial Photo LU Roy Council is in the process of verifying its contents. All data is — subject to change. Rail line ownerslip and status have not IW been verified. fail line locations have been adjusted to match 2002 aerial ' •�. ,�� photos inside Thurston County. Data outside Thurston County Proposed Roy Connection Zoned Industrial ; ��� was received from each county's GIS department and the Washington State Department of Transportation. ----- Highways City Limits • For a copy of themost current map,please contact Rail Road Owner Urban Growth Areas(UGAs) Thurston Regional Planning Council at(360)786-5480. Burlington Northern Santa Fe County Boundary 4 _ uuul�i City of Tacoma ! Homo City of Yelm(inactive) N mill W E ' S Ihi.map nrorgcncralpbnning Purp.nc.only •7 lAun�m Regional PAvnng('nu nul mkcs n< !Yi o� m(nr. ma,fn,r.n< Miles er r rK r ,�o�r�r a p.n�w a puepose 0 0.25 0.5 .aer� P:\TransporlationVai11RW1_PbnWlaps_IneWsldala_requ sts\Roy_Connection_Proposed\RDyConne bwPhoto_&5x11.mxd Y_ PROp0SWEI SECTION Pierce County z `` Thurston County r, �'y � Iles A }'�t r'" �',F .,�°t •r! f•�T to y. ) 1 A, I 0,24F 3 01. 1 y' f 41 DATE RECD: (OFFICE USE ONLY) OFFICE OF US REPRESENTATIVE ADAM SMITH FISCAL YEAR 2007 APPROPRIATION FORM Date Submitted: March 3, 2006 Name of Submitting Institution: City of Yelm, Washington Address of Submitting Institution: 105 Yelm Avenue West (no PO Boxes please) City : Yelm Zip: 98597 County: Thurston Project Title: Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection Project Description (1-2 sentences specifically on how the money will be spent): The project will construct a new railroad connection between the City of Yelm's Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) and the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line; the connection is approximately 3,000 feet long and includes two turnouts, and a grade crossing of SR-507 with signals and gates. Request amount: $1,300,000 ($1.3 million) What is the total cost? $1,500,000 ($1.5 million) Appropriations subcommittee: Transportation Program or Account: (Leave blank if you don't know) Priority of request (1st-5th): I" Please include the name, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address for all of the following people: Highest Level Person at the Institution (Who may the Member Contact?): Name: Mayor Ron Harding Phone: 360-458-8401 Fax: 360-458-4348 E-mail: mayor@ci.yelm.wa.us StafVLobbyist/Government Affairs Contact at the Institution (staff contact): Name: Shelly Badger, City Administrator Phone: 360-458-8405 Fax: 360-458-4348 E-mail: shellyb@ci.yelm.wa.us Is the project within the 91h Congressional District(yes or no)? If no, which district is it located? YES Are there any other House Members that represent you? If yes,who? (Please also include the name of the staffer you have been working with, if any.) NO Which House/Senate members are also making this request? (Please include name of Representative, name of lead staffer, and phone number for each office) Please list ALL anticipated sources of funding for the project, and the amount you expect to receive from each source. (e.g. State, Local, Private) Local $ 50,000 Private $ 150,000 Federal $1,300,000 Please list the amount that you have raised to date and the amount of work you have completed. $50,000 has been prioritized and set aside by the City of Yelm. The private property on which the connection will be built has agreed to dedicate the necessary right-of-way valued at $150,000. If requesting a project within the Transportation Appropriations bill, please list if your project is supported by the Washington State Department of Transportation or any other local or regional transportation organizations. Please also include cities and/or counties that support the project. This connection is supported by Thurston Regional Planning Council (the MPO for Thurston County), Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF). If you have previously received federal funding, please list the amount of money this pro iect has received over the past four appropriations cycles. Please also include which Member of Congress (House Member and/or Senator) secured this funding. FY06: FY05: Member: Member: FY04: FY03: Member: Member: ********PLEASE NOTE******** Please attach a summary of your project (no longer than one page). If this is a Defense or Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs request please send your request packet to Mark de la Iglesia at Mark.delaIalesia(il�,mail.house.izov or call 202-225-8901. Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, Judiciary, and DC FY07 Funding Request Form Each request requires a completed form. Please follow the numerical steps and enter applicable information relating to your project request. An "*" indicates a required field. Step 1: Member Information * Member Name: Congressman Adam Smith * Staff point of contact Shana Chandler and direct phone number: 202-225-8901 Other co-signing Members: Step 2: Request Information *Agency: City of Yelm *Request XXX Project Request - $1,300,000 for the railroad connection of Type: the Yelm Roy Prairie Line to the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line. *Account: U.S. Department of Transportation Budget *Project $1,300,000 Request Amount: *Actual City of Yelm Recipient Name: *Locality & Yelm Washington State: *Project The project will construct a new railroad connection between the City Description: of Yelm's Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) and the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line; the connection is approximately 3,000 feet long and includes two turnouts, and a grade crossing of SR-507 with signals and gates. Local Share: $200,000 Prior Year None Funding: Appropriation Request— FY2007 Summary Page — Yelm Roy Prairie Line/Tacoma Rail Connection The City of Yelm is requesting $1.3 million in funding for the connection of the Yelm Roy Prairie Line (YRPL) to the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line. . • "T1101 . • In November 2000, the City of Yelm acquired a then-to-be-abandoned section of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Prairie Line from Yelm to Roy. This far sighted decision preserved a section of ever dwindling Class III rail for immediate freight and future passenger use. At Roy, the YRPL passes near Tacoma Rail's Mountain Line running from Tacoma to Chehalis. El-.1031 - The City of Yelm needs common carrier rail service to enhance the value of Its investment in the Yelm Roy Prairie Line. Making the connection between the YRPL and nearby Tacoma Rail benefits southern Puget Sound: ■ Economic Vitality — Rapid residential growth in southeast Thurston and Pierce Counties contributes to industrial and commercial development opportunities within the urban growth areas of Yelm and Roy. ■ Freight Mobility — Fostering freight rail provides shipping options and eases traffic impacts to freight and automobile travel. ■ Safety & Security —The connection provides rail redundancy in the event of problems along the Mainline and Point Defiance By-Pass routes. ■ Commuter Rail — Preserving the YRPL, and its strategic connection to neighboring Sound Transit's Lakewood Station, allows for future commuter rail service to southeast Thurston and Pierce counties. Specifically the 3,000 track connection provides service to Miles Sand and Gravel, diverting upwards of 22,000 truckloads of gravel per year from State Route 507 to freight rail. This rail connection has the support of our regional partners including: Thurston Regional Planning Council, Port of Olympia, Tacoma Rail and BNSF. There is a mutually agreed upon common understanding that this regionally significant project would strengthen our area's economic vitality and improve freight mobility. This project also expands and strengthens developing ties between east Thurston County and southeast Pierce County, an area of burgeoning population as well as extensive commercial and industrial growth. 3/3/2006 City of Yelm 105 Yelm Avenue W PO Box 479 Yelm WA 98597 DRAFT Proposed Roy Connection This map is aworld ng draft. Thurston Regional Planning • Council is in the process of verifying its contents. All data is 2004 Aerial Photo cc W Roy h'r�- subject to change. Rail line ownership and status have not jo been ve nfietl. Rail line locations have been adjusted to match 2002 aerial a photos inside Thurston County. Data outside Thurston County Proposed Roy Connection Zoned Industrial was re ce ived from each county's GIS department and the r Washington State Department of Transportation. Highways City Limits r1 For a copy of the most current map,pleasecontact Rail Road Owner Urban Gwwth Amas(UGAs) Thurston Regional Planning Council at(360)786-5480. Burlington Northern Santa Fe County Boundary ( 111111111 City of Tacoma r` r1q. Nuwo City of Yelm(inactive) N W E IMSCI.NNp.R'. S ��,J J Thi.map h for general phoning pure oacs only. 'k Thuraon Rcgiorel Ph,ming Counul mkc.m, Miles to the xc orftncs ufthe hfnimalinn h,r apaniarhr purpose. 0 0.25 0.5 vng , t y �1, PATransportation\raiiTtail_PlanVaps Images\data_requesiskRoy_Connecton_Proposed\RoyConnectionPhoto_8-5xll.myd -' PROPOSES ECTION O rn Thu►ston County ~: 5 ar '; �W*'Miles A nd 6r' r 4 ravel, ai f' .�� ►7 t • .AWayw�. rF 50�k a l h I r r aV7 t, t' _ ;' �; r4,R. " k.. .aur `'* . •, 510 Yelm � k Commissioners (� Port of Olympia Steve Pottle Paul Telford Bob Van Schoorl March 10, 2006 Ron Harding Mayor, City of Yelm P.O. Box 479 Yelm, WA 98597 Re: Support of Yelm Roy Prairie Line rail connection to Tacoma Rail (TMBL) Mountain Line Dear Mayor Harding: The Port of Olympia writes this letter in support of the City of Yelm's attempts to seek funding to connect service of the Yelm Roy Prairie Line to the Tacoma Rail Mountain Line. The Port of Olympia supported the City's original acquisition of this rail line and has been working with Yelm on marketing strategies for developing Yelm's Industrial area. Maintaining the rail link is an important component of Yelm's economic development strategy for this industrial area. This additional track connection would provide valuable link to the Miles Sand and Gravel operation and work to attract additional businesses to the greater Yelm area. The possibilities of future commuter connections also offer great opportunities from these cc.,:,-ctions. We encourage your continued leadership and broad community support for this important economic development initiative for the City of Yelm. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Ed Galligan Executive Director M:MARKETING\5 PORT GENERAL\RAIL\2006\03 08 06 Yelm Rail Support Letter.doc 915 Washington Street NE,Olympia,WA 98501 Tel (360)528-8000 Fax(360) 528-8090 www.portolympia.com