01-20-10 RetreatYELM CITY COUNCIL RETREAT PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2010 ^ City of Yelm Councilmembers: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Tracey Wood, John Thompson, Russ Hendrickson. City Administrator: Shelly Badger. Meeting Facilitator: Gene Sharratt ^ Mayor Ron Harding provided an update on issues for Council consideration and goals accomplished. ^ Council discussed the goals and recommended that additional information be brought forward for Council discussion on the following: 1. Sign code animation. 2. sidewalk maintenance and snow/ice removal guidelines adoption 3. Review Capital Facilities Plan. 4. Feasibility of a multi-use facility (library, community center, etc.) include: social services, seniors citizens, recreation interests, higher education and community education classes. 5. Water Rights issues. Council supports current administration efforts. a. pursue additional transfer opportunities b. enforce additional water conservation strategies c. complete draft of comprehensive RW Plan d. continue discussion with possible water rights owners e. continue to explore "out of the box" options f. explore downtown well and or southwest well Other Issues were discussed. ^ Economic Development -promote industrial district. Work with Economic Development Council, Chamber of Commerce and other interested partners to coordinate mutual goals ^ Budget Process return to an annual budget process (vs. 2009-2010 biennial budget). ^ Affordable housing opportunities and funding. ^ Image of Yelm promote the City of Yelm as high quality to life, work and community. ^ Management staff retreat -Mayor Harding stated his plan for a management staff retreat within the next few months wi a f ~s on communication and customer service. -f` L._~ r Ron Harding, Mayor of Yel h / Attest ~/ Janin hnepf, City Cler n~cooo~woi-zo-io