02-23-10 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2010 MINUTES Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Tracey Wood, John Thompson,. and Russ Hendrickson. 3. Agenda Approval 10-12 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations- Intercity Transit Strategic Plan and Potential 2010 Sales Tax Election. Michael Harbour, TC Intercity Transit addressed Council with the Strategic Plan to continue to provide award-winning service to the region. Intercity is faced with challenges during the economic downturn with increasing expenses and reductions in revenue that have lasting effects on the current and future growth of Intercity Transit service. The plan includes a proposal to take a tax increase to the voters for Intercity Transit's financial future to meet the future service improvements and capital needs. He reviewed their accomplishments in connecting the community, increased ridership, increased vanpool use, donation of surplus van to communities, including donation to Yelm Multipurpose Senior Center and successful grant funding for projects like improved Park and Ride facility. The downturn in the economy continues to challenge the budget, as did the loss of the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax in 2001. He reviewed the financial outlook with no new taxes and .01 - .03 percent increases. Intercity Transit depends on the sales tax revenues for 75% of its current service and manages the growing needs of the population. Rider fares account for 12% of the revenue. CONCENSUS SY COUNCIL TC3 REVJEtN THE C/tLL FOR SUPPQRT AT THE STUDY SESS/f3N OF i72-24-10. 5. Public Comment -There was no response to the Mayor's call for public comment. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes; Regular Meeting, February 9, 2010, Council Retreat, January 20, 2010 b. Payable Checks 52956-53038, Totaling $204,814.95 10-13 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing- none scheduled 8. New Business a. Longmire Park Restroom and Concession Building Project. Stephanie Ray reviewed her staff report with the final items to complete the Longmire Park Enhancement Project. KPG Engineering completed the approved design and the project was ready for construction bids in January. Nine bids were returned from the thirty-three plan sets sent out. Jody Miller Construction was the H/council/02/09110 Page 1 of 2 responsive low bidder; however, all nine bids were above the original engineered estimate. KPG verified the bids and reduced their own original scope of work by $5,000 with that amount of time being donated to the project for engineering construction as is required for this state sponsored project. Finance options were considered for additional funding needed to complete the construction of the concession area and appliances. 10-14 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN CONTRACT WITH JODY MILLER CONSTRUCTION FOR $349,587 FROM STATE CAPITAL BUDGET APPROPRIATION AND $14,858.70 TO KPG ENGINEERING BY TRANSFERRING $45,000 FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND TO THE LONGMIRE ENHANCEMENT FUND. CARRIED. 8b. ORDINANCE NO. 917 Budget Amendment Longmire Park Building Project. Sue Davis informed Council that Ordinance No. 917 would allow for the expenditure of the transferred funds. 10-15 MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 917 ALLOWING THE SPENDING OF THE APPROPRIATED FUNDS. CARRIED. 9. Old Business Palisades West Subdivision Plat Amendment. Brent Dille, City of Yelm Attorney asked Council to act on the previously tabled Palisade West Plat Amendment in Carol Morris's absence after they had the opportunity to review legal briefs from both attorneys. 10-16 MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO DENY THE PALISADES WEST PLAT AMENDMENT AND DIRECTING STAFF TO ISSUE A FINDINGS, FACTS AND CONCLUSION FOR THE MATTER IN ANTICIPATION OF ANY FUTURE ISSUE THAT MAY ARISE. CARRIED. Councilmember Isom added that his decision was based on compliance with the state laws and regard for the interests of the city's requirements. 10. Mayor and City Council Reports 11. Executive Session -none scheduled 12. Correspondence included a service update from Comcast and invitation for Councilmembers from the Nisqually Land Trust for dinner and auction, March 13, 2010. 13. Adjourn: 7:38 p.m. on H r ir~g, Mayor Attest Janine Schnepf ity Clerk H/council/02/09/10 Page 2 of 2