02-24-10 Study SessionYELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2010 5:00 P.M. Mayor Ron Harding called the meeting to order at 5.00 pm. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, John Thompson, and Russ Hendrickson. Mike McGowan arrived at 5:20 pm, Tracey Wood arrived at 5:25. Staff: Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Tim Peterson, Sue Davis. 4a. Presentation - Tom Carlson, Sales Tax Audit. Sue Davis, Finance Director introduced Tom Carlson who gave a presentation on his service to audit our state sales tax distribution. Benefits the City by analyzing the current and historic data received from the State for trends and accuracy of the Department of Licensing reporting. CONCENSUS to move forward with Sales Tax Revenue Audit Service with Tom Carlson including Department of Licensing and Department of Revenue data. 4b. 2009 -2010 Budget Update. Sue Davis provided the financial review for General Fund revenue, expenditures and forecast in the General Fund, Water Fund and Sewer Fund as compared to the budget benchmarks. Reported that the steps taken in 2009 to recover have kept the expenditures in line with the revenue estimates. Continue to follow conservative spending using 2009 budget figures. 4c. Water Update Presentation- Stephanie Ray provided an update on the Water System Plan including; irrigation useage characteristics, demand, conservation, source capacity deficiencies and annual rate and fee increase. Options were discussed to reduce demand and increase source and water rights capacity to improve the ERUs available. CONCENSUS TO SUPPORT RATES AS PROPOSED IN WATER SYSTEM PLAN AND MOVE FORWARD TO REVISE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN WITH OPTION 2. 5. Mayor /Council Initiatives Mayor Harding reported on his recent meetings with various groups and individuals: State of the City address at the Chamber lunch, Regional Mayor's Forum, Military Appreciation Night, Fire District Meeting and Regional Fire Authority education, Longmire Park League stakeholders group, Nisqually Tribe, Scout Troop #219, Thurston County meetings in December and January; including presentation by Yelm City Administrator, Shelly Badger, and meeting with Comcast and an assortment of community members. Also reported on other projects including: street banner for Home and Garden Show, demolition of vacant home on Yelm Ave., damage to downtown water tower, Tacoma Rail partnership, Yelm Loop update and expansion of historic displays discussed at Yelm Historic Museum. Mayor Harding met with the Library Board to update the Board on the City's position on library placement. Mayor Harding asked Council to revisit the Intercity Transit presentation regarding support for Intercity Transit placing a tax increase on the voter's ballot. CONCENSUS TO SUPPORT PLACEMENT OF TAX INCREASE ITEM ON THE BALLOT WITH THE PERCENTAGE TO BE DETERMINED BY INTERCITY TRANSIT. 6. Council Initiatives - Neighborhood Stabilization Plan- Shelly Badger provided an updated list of those foreclosed properties in the 98597 zipcode as administered by the Housing Authority. Adjo 9:23 p. Attest on Hardi g, Mayor of Y Jan a Schn*City c h /counci102 /24/10