City Council Study Session 09.03.19 - JCI Yelm Post Commerce Grants PresentationEnergy Performance Contracting Program Johnson ))) Controls Reclaimed Water Facility Project & Contract Updat-or ■ Solar Grant Applications were unsuccessful ■ The core purpose of retaining JCI was for energy and solar savings expertise, and solar was the primary project component on the WRF ■ Energy Savings efforts for a reclaimed water facility will always be considered ■ Without Solar grant & on-going study requirements with DOE, continued expense associated with an ESCO on the WRF capital projects was no longer equitable so steps are being taking to discontinue the contract with JCI for the WRF Upgrades Energy Savings Review ■ Determines Financial and Energy Savings Viability of our building retrofits ■ Completes review of the potential savings outcomes and priorities ■ Eliminates non-viable projects that do not recognize a rate of return within a reasonable (typically 13 year) life cycle horizon ■ Determined three (3) City Facilities were equitably viable for Lighting and HVAC retrofits EEM 2 - Lighting Scope EEM 2 Lighting - Johnson Controls proposes to retrofit the existing interior lighting systems with newer technology energy efficiency LED lighting system. This scope will provide a superior quality of light and will result in immediate energy reductions. The longer life expectancies of the LED products will lead to O&M savings. Site/Facility Audit Quantity Proposed Quantity Public Works 71 71 Public Safety 230 230 New City Hall 146 146 EEM Benefits � Reduce electrical consumption of lighting fixtures. Improve lumen maintenance (lamps maintain their light level better over the life of the lamp) � Exceptional reliability over older ballasted fluorescent systems Base Project— HVAC & HVAC controls Public Works Ta Serves Proposed Equipment U-1 F(}-1, FC -2 New 0utdoorl_Inits (2) FC -1 Offices + Conference Room New Unit, Variable Speed Blower. Multistage Furnace FC -2 U stains Storage + Office New Unit, Variable Speed Blower. NIultista e Furnace CU -2 Lunch Room New I-Init, Max Efficient FC -3 Lunch Room New Unit, Variable Speed Blower, I'..1a Efficient New Citv Hall Ta serves Pro osecl E ui inent 6-1 hIorth Perimeter Naw _Dutdoor Unit. Eecip Coil FC -1 hIorth Perimeter hIe-u Unit, Best Efficiency "U 2 hIorth Perimeter New _utdcar Unit. E -gip Coil FV -2 hIorh Perimeter le -ti' Unit, Best Efficiency uU-3 hIorth Perimeter hd eN Cutdoor Unit 77 hIorth Perimeter Ne:N Unit ';'ariable Speed 6kymr. Multistage Fumace CU-4.c South Perin)eterNeNOm itdoorUnit FC -4.S South Perimeter. wo offices. tho tilco�'es trao corner cionfererce,,hcrk tifeas NFkS Unit %.'ariade S eed 6boNer. M�ultista a FLIMCe FiTJ-1 Vpen C-Iifice Atrium 4Je-a' min le-Zone';'ariable'°;'dunia C,cs Ptiick:,,ie Unit. Public Safety — New stand-alone DDC system for public safety building to control the existing rooftop HVAC units Johnson Controls Project Financial Highlights IA - Option 2 Comm Solar Pubic Safety FIM -1.2C Add DDC Controls to existing Yes HVAC Pubic. Works FIM - 1.2 Replace HVAC Yes New City Hall FIM -1.2 Replace HVAC Yes Pubic Works FIM - 2 Interior/Exterior Lighting Retrofit Yes Pubic Safety FIM - 2 Interior/Exterior Lighting Retrofit Yes New City Hall FIM - 2 Interior/Exterior Lighting Retrofit Yes $ 675k (including $20k owner contingency) ; $420k down; 3.25% 20 yr loan Johnson 011k Controls Mleaured Saws UtitwS.rfw T'o'tal Irk n44easured (Agreed uvn) Sa~vV 00vabond Rebate Not Sa" Gwrantaed} Total Total Sar" Loan Pair rem ' ` Mam9evrent rps Carry-forwrard eak rxe Const Ucun Years Year 0 S 2,$75 6 2.575 $ S $ $ 2,575 S - $ S (2,575) S Year 1 S 9,37E S 9,37E S 4,120 S 11,905 $ 16,025 S 25,403 S 26,102 f 1,976 $ 2.S7S $ Yew 2 S 9A26 S 9,626 S 4,244 $ S 4,244 S 131870 S 11,882 S 1,988 S S Year 3 $ 91882 6 9,882 S 4,371 $ S 4,371 S 1*,253 $ 12,147 S 2,106 S - $ Year 4 S 10,144 S 10,144 S 4,502 $ - $ 4,502 6 14,646 S 14,646 S $ S Year 5 $ 10,414 S 10,414 S 4,637 S 6 4,637 S 151052 S 15,052 S • S S Year 6 S 10,692 S 10,692 S 4,776 $ $ 4,776 6 15,468 S 15,46E $ $ - $ Year 7 S 10,97E $ 10,978 S 4,919 S 6 4,919 $ 14,897 5 1SA97 $ S S Year 8 S 11,271 S 11,271 S 5,067 S $ $1067 S 16,338 S 16,.338 S - S S Year 9 S 11,573 S 11,573 S 5,219 6 $ 5,219 $ 16,792 S 16,792 S $ S Prrfermvioe Years Year 10 S 11,884 $ :1,884 S 5,376 $ S 51376 $ 17,259 S 171289 $ $ f Year ii S 12,203 S .2,203 S 5,537 $ $ 5,537 $ 17,740 S 17,740 S • S S Year 12 $ 12,531 5 12,531 $ 5,703 $ 6 5,703 $ 19,234 S 18,234 S Year 13 S 12„069 S 12'AN S 5,874 6 • 6 5,874 $ 13,743 $ 181730 $ S S 14 Year 14 S 13,216 S 13,216 $ 6,050 $ - S 6,050 $ 19,267 $ 18,730 S S i $37 Year is $ 13,573 6 131573 $ 61232 $ - 6 61232 $ 19,80s 6 18,730 $ S - 6 1,076 Year 16 $ 13,9;1 6 13,911 S 6,419 S $ 6,419 S 20,359 $ 13,730 S • S • $ 1,630 Year 17 $ 14,31E S 14,31E S 6,611 S - $ 6,611 S 20,930 $ 18,730 $ S - S 2,200 Year 10 S 14,707 S 14,707 $ 6,310 6 $ 61310 $ 21,517 S 131730 $ # S 2,787 Year 19 S 15,107 6 15,107 S 7,014 $ 6 7,014 S 22.121 S 10,730 : • S t 3,' ` wear 20 S :5.513 $ 15.518 $ 7,224 S $ 7.224 S 22,742 S 1.9.730 S S S ToW S 246`401 S 246.401 S 110.706 S 11.905 S 122.611 S 369.012 S 347.394 S 5.970 S S 15.648 Johnson 011k Controls