10 22 2019 Agenda PacketCITY OF YELM Washington CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 10/22/2019 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a) Student of the Month 4. PUBLIC COMMENT *Complete a blue speakers card 5. CONSENT AGENDA a) October 8, 2019 Minutes b) Council Financial Report and Voucher Approval for September 2019 $1,076,849.41 G. NEW BUSINESS a) 2019 Sidewalk Replacement Contract Award Approve the award of the 2019 Sidewalk Replacement contract in the amount of $117,142. b) Resolution No. 601 supporting SE Thurston Fire Authority Resolution No. 601 supporting SE Thurston Fire Authority's Remodel/Reopening of Station 22. c) Resolution Number 602 establishing a budget development schedule. A resolution formalizing the budget schedule for future biennial budgets. 7. OLD BUSINESS a) None Scheduled S. UPDATES a) Departments — Michael Grayum, City Administrator b) Councilmembers c) Mayor JW Foster 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) None Scheduled 10. ADJOURN 106 2111 ST SE • Yelm, WA 98597 • 360.458.3244 • www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings may be viewed at.www.velmwa.F-vov or a copy maybe purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate at a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. COMMITTEE AND LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS Mayor JW Foster Yelm Emergency Operations Board Vice -Chair of Thurston Regional Planning Council Board of Director for Risk Management Service Agency Member of Community Investment Partnership Board member South Sound Military and Community Partnership Councilmember EJ Curry Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm Finance Committee Member of Solid Waste Advisory Committee Liaison to Yelm Senior Center Liaison to South East Thurston Fire Authority Councilmember Molly Carmody Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm Finance Committee Board of Director for Intercity Transit Authority Liaison to Nisqually River Council Councilmember Cody Colt Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm General Government Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Thurston County Emergency Services Councilmember Tad Stillwell Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm General Government Committee Board of Directors of Economic Development Council Yelm Emergency Operations Board Member of Law and Justice Council Councilmember Tracey Wood Yelm General Government Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Transportation Policy Board Administrative Board of Director for TCOMM 911 Councilmember Joe DePinto Yelm Finance Committee Yelm Public Safety Committee Member of South Thurston Economic Development Initiative Councilmember Terry Kaminski Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Thurston Thrives Page 2 of 2 YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2019 MINUTES CITY HALL BUILDING 106 SECOND STREET SE YELM, WA Mayor Pro -Tem Tracey Wood called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. 2. Agenda Approval 19-069 MOTION BY TAD STILLWELL TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Special Presentations - none schedule 4. Public Comment - Diane D'Acuti, Yelm property owner shared her health concerns about using Round -Up weed killer for weed management. Richard Fife, Yelm property owner shared his frustrations about a water leak that was discovered at his rental. 5. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: September 24, 2019 & October 1, 2019 Study Session Minutes 19-070 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business - none scheduled 7. Old Business a. Professional Services Agreement - FCS Group 19-071 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO POSTPONE THE FCS AGREEMENT INDEFINITELY UNTIL A FINAL COST FOR CONSTRUCTION CAN BE ESTABLISHED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 8. UPDATES - City Administrator Michael Grayum - • Chat with the Chief tomorrow at Mr. Doug's Restaurant at 1:00 pm. • Eleven citizens have signed up for the Police Citizens Academy. • A Resolution describing the process of the budget was handed out to Councilmembers. This Resolution will come before Council at a future meeting. • Michael Grayum updated Council on the history and health of the Wastewater Treatment Facility with a power point presentation. Each upgrading Phase was explained along with an estimated timeframe for completion. • Chief Todd Stancil shared with Council the Organizational Structure of the Police Department and explained the created position of Assistant Police Chief for succession planning. 10-08-19 Councilmember Curry attended the Support for Yelm School event on Saturday evening. Councilmember Carmody stated the Homelessness Task Force meeting might need to be rescheduled. Councilmember Colt attended the Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee meeting and the EMS Council meeting. Councilmember Stillwell attended the Board of Directors of Economic Development Council meeting. Councilmember Stillwell sold his house in August and is frustrated with the Utility billing refund process and the phone tree that you get when you call City Hall. Councilmember DePinto asked if the City chip -sealed the Willow Glen neighborhood, it is jagged and looks unfinished. Homelessness Task Force meeting may need to be rescheduled. There will be a normal Task Force meeting next Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 6:30 pm. Councilmember Kaminski Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee meeting, the Chamber Luncheon today and the last performance of Mama Mia at the Triad Theater. Mayor Pro -Tem Wood attended the Administrative Board of Director for TCOMM 911 meeting. 9. Executive Session - none scheduled 19-072 MOTION BY JOE DEPINTO TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 6-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Attest: Tracey Wood, Mayor Pro -Tem Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. 10-08-19 y EST. 1924 y WASHINGTON "Proudly Serving Our Community" TO: Yelm City Council FROM: Heidi MacDonald, Interim Finance Director SUBJECT: Monthly Financial Report DATE: September 18, 2019 Included in the Financial Report for the October 22nd Meeting: • Year to Date Budget to Actual for Revenues and Expense by Fund for January through September • The Voucher Approval for September payments issued • Overtime for September 2019 as reflected on the October 5th payroll I am happy to report the auditors finished their in house review of 2018 on Friday, October 11th. Our audit exit interview is scheduled for the morning of Friday, November 1St. Look for a meeting invite in your Outlook inbox. Our next focus will on comparing 2019 year to date revenue and expenditures to the budget and preparing any budget amendments needed. Please stay tuned as we continue to move forward in providing transparent and comprehensive financial data to the council on a regular bases. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or preferences as we navigate this process. 2019 BUDGET POSITION TOTALS City Of Yelm Months: 01 To: 09 Time: 07:43:20 Date: 10/18/2019 MCAG 9: Page: 1 Fund Revenue Budgeted Received Expense Budgeted Spent 001 General Fund 6,456,876.82 4,940,455.20 76.5% 6,409,311.00 5,433,247.10 85% 101 Municipal Street Fund 423,132.00 397,041.20 93.8% 498,912.00 453,929.69 91% 102 Arterial Streets Fund 93,356.00 42,705.72 45.7% 180,500.00 133,660.93 74% 104 Cumulative Reserve 38,500.00 38,500.22 100.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 105 Park Reserve 3.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 107 Tourism Promotion 20,000.00 20,424.28 102.1% 80,000.00 6,000.00 8% 109 YPD School Resource 67,000.00 67,129.39 100.2% 29,255.00 0.00 0% 119 Deposts & Retainage 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 120 Transportation Facility Charge 122,000.00 83,862.79 68.7% 131,820.00 118,097.00 90% 200 LTGO Bond Redemption 206,960.00 217,235.33 105.0% 330,460.00 53,442.50 16% 202 Killion Road LID 439,499.00 251,431.87 57.2% 382,977.00 382,718.74 100% 203 Sewer Revenue Bonds 173,201.00 173,127.27 100.0% 173,026.00 86,513.00 50% 204 Sewer Revenue Bond Reserve 1,000.00 488.51 48.9% 0.00 0.00 0% 302 Municipal Building Fund 623,764.00 485,217.85 77.8% 878,130.00 1,328,603.76 151% 316 Road & Street Construction 1,182,778.00 1,014,415.32 85.8% 1,265,006.00 678,520.00 54% 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 314,200.00 281,706.77 89.7% 311,261.00 189,592.91 61% 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 3,496,083.00 2,956,709.57 84.6% 2,850,549.00 2,103,467.36 74% 402 Utility Consumer Deposits 5,000.00 1,780.00 35.6% 5,000.00 1,872.79 37% 404 Water Capital Improvements 1,792,676.00 1,714,906.30 95.7% 1,720,000.00 362,547.58 21% 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemption 918,358.00 915,213.75 99.7% 923,049.00 321,075.73 35% 406 Water Capital Inprovements 0.00 117.22 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 412 Sewer Utility Fund 2,796,500.00 2,299,174.60 82.2% 3,046,034.00 2,445,767.86 80% 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 1,152,326.00 418,830.05 36.3% 3,054,200.00 276,103.36 9% 415 Sewer Bond Refi & Reserve 97,276.00 97,101.00 99.8% 97,101.00 22,621.97 23% 430 Shortline Railroad 0.00 32.76 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 431 Water Construction Fund 0.00 313.36 0.0% 1,385,176.00 1,385,176.00 100% 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 640,334.00 660,742.00 103.2% 550,348.00 297,557.91 54% 502 Equipment Rental & Repair 639,023.00 327,644.23 51.3% 618,459.00 149,131.97 24% 21,699,845.82 17,406,306.56 80.2% 24,920,574.00 16,229,648.16 65.1% VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, October 22nd council meeting: September Total Expense A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts Excise Tax - August paid in September TOTAL Timberland Bank Checks Issued 9/1/2019 through 9/30/2019: Check number 3962 through check number 4092. Mayor Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member CITY CLERK: ATTEST: The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by _at a regular council meeting held this 22 day of Octoberber 2019. 511,180.40 536,352.49 29,316.52 1,076,849.41 VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, October 22nd council meeting: Payroll September Total Expense A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts Excise Tax- August Paid in September TOTAL Timberland Bank Checks Issued 9/1/2019 through 9/30/2019: Check number 3962 through check number 4092. �.� V Counc7lber Counci s tuber CITY CLERK:, 9 R/J ATTEST: The above checks apprayed and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by� kftN at a regular council meeting held this 22 day of Octoberlr 2019. 511,180.40 536,352.49 29,316.52 1,076"A1 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 06:48:13 Date: 10/18/2019 MCAG 9: 09/01/2019 To: 09/30/2019 Page: 1 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 8314 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,538.94 August Hours 8315 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,290.66 August Hours 8316 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,244.98 August Hours 8317 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 5,609.04 August Hours 8318 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,373.34 August Hours 8319 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,723.06 August Hours 8320 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,728.54 August Hours 8321 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,076.83 August Hours 8322 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 5,384.60 August Hours 8323 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 669.78 August Hours 8324 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,875.21 August Hours 8325 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,606.77 August Hours 8326 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,985.86 August Hours 8327 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 736.78 August Hours 8328 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 723.48 August Hours 8329 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,815.46 August Hours 8330 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 736.78 August Hours 8331 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 5,169.62 August Hours 8332 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,450.72 August Hours 8333 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,686.29 August Hours 8334 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,103.63 August Hours 8335 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6,920.30 August Hours 8336 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,178.58 August Hours 8337 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,941.07 August Hours 8338 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,438.55 August Hours 8340 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,345.37 August Hours 8341 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,689.48 August Hours 8342 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,483.78 August Hours 8344 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 5,296.47 August Hours 8345 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,426.11 August Hours 8346 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,406.56 August Hours 8347 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,336.74 August Hours 8348 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 688.48 August Hours 8349 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,452.38 August Hours 8350 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,989.60 August Hours 8351 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,957.43 August Hours 8352 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,846.56 August Hours 8353 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,004.50 August Hours 8354 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,534.43 August Hours 8355 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,193.76 August Hours 8356 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,371.06 August Hours 8357 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,268.82 August Hours 8358 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,173.96 August Hours 8360 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,530.50 August Hours 8361 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,558.06 August Hours 8362 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,073.81 August Hours 8363 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,921.10 August Hours 8364 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,698.89 August Hours 8365 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,033.09 August Hours 8366 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,434.96 August Hours 8367 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6,211.39 August Hours 8368 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,591.52 August Hours 8369 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,299.63 August Hours 8370 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,102.53 August Hours 8371 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,160.39 August Hours 8372 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 7,326.07 August Hours 8373 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,430.47 August Hours 8374 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 688.48 August Hours 8375 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,967.64 August Hours 8376 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,117.74 August Hours City Of Yelm 09/12/2019 MCAG 9: 8491 Trans Date Type 8377 09/05/2019 Payroll 8378 09/05/2019 Payroll 8379 09/05/2019 Payroll 8380 09/05/2019 Payroll 8381 09/05/2019 Payroll 8383 09/05/2019 Payroll 8384 09/05/2019 Payroll 8385 09/05/2019 Payroll 8386 09/05/2019 Payroll 8387 09/04/2019 Payroll 8388 09/04/2019 Payroll 8490 09/12/2019 Claims 8491 09/12/2019 Claims 8492 09/12/2019 Claims 8501 09/12/2019 Claims 8502 09/12/2019 Claims 8521 09/12/2019 Claims 8524 09/12/2019 Claims 8525 09/12/2019 Claims 8534 09/12/2019 Claims 8537 09/12/2019 Claims Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 09/01/2019 To: 09/30/2019 Chk # Claimant EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT 0 AFLAC 0 AWC 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE EFT TEAMSTERS EFT YELM POLICE OFFICER'S GUILD EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST EFT IC REALTIME, LLC (EFT) EFT THURSTONTALK INC (EFT) 0 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUN (D) 0 OFFICE DEPOT (D) 37564515 (ADM) 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 0 RAINIER CONNECT (D) 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 8545 09/12/2019 Claims 1 0 XPRESS UT PMT (D) 8553 09/12/2019 Claims 1 EFT TRANSACTION CREATED TO OFFSET THE REPRODUCTION OF INVOICE TH Time: 06:48:13 Date: 10/18/2019 Page: 2 Amount Memo 3,064.73 August Hours 5,349.07 August Hours 4,889.28 August Hours 5,483.85 August Hours 723.48 August Hours 722.93 Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To 09/05/2019 - Aflac Pre Tax; Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To 09/05/2019 - Aflac Post Tax 77,953.82 Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To 09/05/2019 - Medical Benefits 72,793.64 Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To 09/05/2019 - PERS 1; Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To 09/05/2019 - PERS 2; Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To 09/05/2019 - PERS 3; Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To 09/05/2019 - LEOFF 2; Pay Cyc 91,439.12 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 - 09/05/2019 1,056.00 Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To 09/05/2019 - Teamsters PW 279.50 Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To 09/05/2019 - Police Guild Dues 520.19 INVOICE - INV2008547, INV 1970587 186.89 REISSUE PAYMENT ON INVOICE INV67327 800.00 INVOICE - 14764; 233.09 INVOICE - 4028686908;; INVOICE - 4029256114;; INVOICE - 4029742543; 2,281.47 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS INVOICES 2019 0901 303.25 INVOICE - 371711269001 28,537.10 INVOICE - 2019 08 (5990); PSE INVOICES 2019 09 10.00 INVOICE - 2019 0901; 107.55 INVOICE -510066939 6,309.16 TIMBERLAND VISA - GRAYUM - CLOSING 2019 0715; TIMBERLAND VISA - LUCAS - CLOSING 2019 0715; TIMBERLAND VISA - STANCIL - CLOSING 2019 0715; TIMBERLAND VISA - BECK - CLOSING 2019 0715 1,186.45 INVOICE - 42431 -611.12 TRANSACTION CREATED TO OFFSET THE REPRODUCTION OF INVOICE THAT WAS ASSUMED AS A DRAFT, BUT DUE TO BEING A ONE TIME PROJECT HAD TO HAVE A CHECK ISSUED. PSE ACCT 2019 09 (5990) CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 06:48:13 Date: 10/18/2019 MCAG 9: 09/01/2019 To: 09/30/2019 Page: 3 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 8573 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT WA STATE TREASURER - 3,878.70 September Draw 8574 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT REMITTANCES 923.50 September Draw 8575 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 1,258.77 September Draw 8576 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,639.67 September Draw 8577 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 92.35 September Draw 8578 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 527.40 September Draw 8579 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 460.95 September Draw 8580 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT AWC 1,023.40 September Draw 8581 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,481.32 September Draw 8582 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT NATIONAL FRATERNAL 851.56 September Draw 8584 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT ORDER OF POLICE 1,172.96 September Draw 8585 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT WA STATE COUNCIL OF 1,253.31 September Draw 8586 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT COUNTY & CITY EMPL 872.70 September Draw 8587 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,031.43 September Draw 8588 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 696.86 September Draw 8589 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,108.20 September Draw 8590 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 669.86 September Draw 8591 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,280.45 September Draw 8592 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 460.95 September Draw 8593 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,394.94 September Draw 8594 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,321.44 September Draw 8595 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,232.31 September Draw 8859 09/26/2019 Claims 1 0 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 322.67 INVOICE - 4028686836;; INVOICE - 4029256072;; INVOICE - 4029742406;; INVOICE - 4030269983;; INVOICE - 4030270063;; CINTAS INVOICE - 4030746806;; INVOICE - 4030746876; 8860 09/26/2019 Claims 1 EFT LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 670.88 GARBAGE BILL INVOICES 8861 09/26/2019 Claims 1 0 LEMAY MOB SHRED (D) 4 1. 10 INVOICE - 462643 8862 09/26/2019 Claims 1 0 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL (D) 731.76 INVOICE - 3309583914 (4586); INVOICE - 3309558369 8863 09/26/2019 Claims 1 EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 381.30 TIMBERLAND VISA - RAMIREZ - CLOSING 2019 0715 8864 09/26/2019 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 400.99 INVOICE - INV2018442 8865 09/26/2019 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 15.98 INVOICE - INV2022497 8866 09/26/2019 Claims 1 EFT HAVIRCO, DANIEL JR 2,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 0922; 9571 09/03/2019 Claims 1 EFT PAYMENTECH 2,062.43 9572 09/03/2019 Claims 1 EFT ETS 23.36 9573 09/05/2019 Claims 1 EFT AWC -2,073.62 Coded To Suspense To Recon Crossed Period Payments 9574 09/20/2019 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 6,231.43 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 09/20/2019 - 09/20/2019 9576 09/30/2019 Claims 1 EFT WA STATE TREASURER - 29,316.52 August 2019 Excise Tax REMITTANCES 9577 09/03/2019 Claims 1 EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 4,701.69 Coded To Suspense To Recon Crossed Period Payment 8339 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 3962 5,671.34 August Hours 8343 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 3963 1,004.15 August Hours 8359 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 3964 2,451.29 August Hours 8382 09/05/2019 Claims 1 3965 AWC 294.30 AWC PAYMENT - SUPP LIFE -201909 8404 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 3966 NATIONAL FRATERNAL 955.50 Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To ORDER OF POLICE 09/05/2019 - FOP Police 8405 09/05/2019 Payroll 1 3967 WA STATE COUNCIL OF 834.00 Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To COUNTY & CITY EMPL 09/05/2019 - AFSCME City Of Yelm 09/06/2019 MCAG 9: 1 Trans Date Type 8406 09/05/2019 Payroll 8407 09/05/2019 Payroll 8408 09/05/2019 Payroll CHECK REGISTER 09/01/2019 To: 09/30/2019 Acct # Chk # Claimant 1 3968 WACOPS 1 3969 WESTERN STATES POLICE MEDICAL TRUST 1 3970 YELM, CITY OF 8426 09/06/2019 Claims 1 3971 CHAD A BEDLINGTON 8427 09/06/2019 Claims 1 3972 MICHAEL EKLUND-GRAYUM 8429 09/06/2019 Claims 1 3973 CHAD A BEDLINGTON 8477 09/11/2019 Claims 1 3974 RUSSELL HENDRICKSON 8493 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3975 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY SOLUTIONS IN 8494 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3976 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 8495 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3977 ANCHOR QEA, LLC 8496 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3978 ERIC APODACA 8497 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3979 AUTOZONE 8498 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3980 B&H PHOTO -VIDEO 8499 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3981 BRINCKEN SAFE & LOCK 8500 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3982 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 8503 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3985 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO 8504 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3986 CUMMINS INC 8505 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3987 DATABAR 8506 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3988 DELL MARKETING LP 8507 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3989 DILLE LAW, PLLC 8508 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3990 EH WACHS 8509 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3991 FASTENAL 8510 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3992 FAY FULLER CONDO ASSOC 8511 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3993 GALLS LLC 8512 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3994 HALF MOON SANITATION 8513 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3995 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 8514 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3996 BEV & EDWARD LARKINS 8515 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3997 MICHAEL A MALEK 8516 09/12/2019 Claims 1 3998 MCI Time: 06:48:13 Date: 10/18/2019 Page: 4 Amount Memo 140.00 Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To 09/05/2019 - WACOPS 894.60 Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To 09/05/2019 - Western States Police Trust 281.01 Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To 09/05/2019 - Police Car Use; Pay Cycle(s) 09/05/2019 To 09/05/2019 - SS Deduction Repayment Need to remove mileage. He is taking a City vehicle. 504.40 MICHAEL GRAYUM PER DIEM FOR PW EXPO - 2019 0906 342.00 CHAD PER DIEM - PW EXPO - 2019 0906 1,106.07 03-0300.0 - 101 VIEW DR NW 32.73 INVOICE - 1185733 3,052.79 INVOICE - lYTP-LWLI-7HMP; INVOICE - 17XH-GVWY-DQ7M; INVOICE - IH63-LGHG-YD71; INVOICE - 1KNP-6KYH-C1J1; AMAZON INVOICES; AMAZON INVOICES; AMAZON - 1P6F-6LTD-GGMQ; INVOICE - 1N4K-GPW7-3QFW; AMAZON -1N 9,775.00 INVOICE - 63994 49.96 02-4517.0 - 9021 THEA ROSE DR SE 133.08 INVOICE - 3731127083 1,909.65 INVOICES - 161497552, 161528503 1,152.49 INVOICE - 015413 21.38 INVOICES - 20102682 8,870.24 INVOICE - S009332578.001;; INVOICES - S009308926.001, S9279424.002;; 2,914.37 INVOICE - 04-5357; INVOICE - 04-5102; 2,804.94 INVOICE - 242372; INVOICE - 242468 1,378.51 INVOICE - 10337636403 3,697.00 INVOICES - 2764, 2765, 2766;;; 1,223.80 INVOICE INVI64433 & CMI 1193 255.81 INVOICE - WAOLY75659 3,479.37 INVOICES - 0000368 -IN & 0000370 -IN 340.50 INVOICES - 013549489, 013565944,013565945 600.00 INVOICES - 49447, 49448; INVOICE - 41548 152.50 INVOICES - 505535, 505833, 506447; INVOICE - 508315 61.04 05-8010.0 - 15315 107TH LP SE 156.50 INVOICE - 2019 0910 72.23 INVOICE - 2019 0901 (4268) City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 8517 09/12/2019 Claims 8518 09/12/2019 Claims 8519 09/12/2019 Claims Acct # 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 09/01/2019 To: 09/30/2019 Chk # Claimant 3999 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 4000 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT INC 4001 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 8520 09/12/2019 Claims 1 4002 HILARY & JAMES OATFIELD 8522 09/12/2019 Claims 1 4004 PACWEST MACHINERY LLC 8523 09/12/2019 Claims 1 4005 PCI PEST CONTROL LLC 8526 09/12/2019 Claims 1 4008 RAM ELECTRIC LLC 8527 09/12/2019 Claims 8528 09/12/2019 Claims 8529 09/12/2019 Claims 8530 09/12/2019 Claims 8531 09/12/2019 Claims 8532 09/12/2019 Claims 8533 09/12/2019 Claims 8535 09/12/2019 Claims 8536 09/12/2019 Claims 8538 09/12/2019 Claims 8539 09/12/2019 Claims 8540 09/12/2019 Claims 8541 09/12/2019 Claims 8542 09/12/2019 Claims 8543 09/12/2019 Claims 8544 09/12/2019 Claims 8546 09/12/2019 Claims 8547 09/12/2019 Claims 8548 09/12/2019 Claims 8583 09/20/2019 Payroll 8867 09/26/2019 Claims 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4009 RH2 ENGINEERING 4010 SE THURSTON FIRE AUTHORITY 4011 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 4012 EVERGREEN COMM. CLEAN SOUTHSTAR FINANCIAL 4013 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CTR 4014 TAB PRODUCTS CO LLC 4015 TAGS AWARDS & SPECIALTIES 4017 THURSTON CO ECONOMIC DEV COUNCIL 4018 THURSTON CO PUBLIC HEALTH 4020 TRAILERSPLUS OLYMPIA 4021 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND 4022 VERIZON WIRELESS 4023 VERIZON WIRELESS 4024 WA STATE DEPT OF Time: 06:48:13 Date: 10/18/2019 Page: 5 Amount Memo 504.76 INVOICE - 1908-14708, 1908-15003,1908-150025; MOUNTAIN LUMBER INVOICES; INVOICE - 1908-151987; INVOICE - 1909-155322; MOUNTAIN LUMBER INVOICES 29,065.17 INVOICE - 45665 688.50 INVOICE - 3742-310537,3742-317824, 3742-323268; INVOICE - 3742-327201; O'REILLYS INVOICES 135.73 10-8970.0 - 14429 98TH WAY SE 990.59 INVOICE - 20332921 564.44 INVOICES FOR PCI PEST CONTROL 1,688.65 INVOICE - 3918,3919; INVOICE - 3928; INVOICE - 3931 4,350.08 INVOICE - 74148 2,808.72 AUGUST 2019 - IMPACT FEES 4,780.81 INVOICE - B10431787; INVOICE - B10458280 1,211.00 INVOICE - 902 7.18 INVOICE - 105767 346.78 INVOICE - 2442700 22.95 INVOICE - 202826 2,665.00 INVOICE - 15056 290.00 INVOICE - 2019 0809 4,250.28 INVOICE - 109456 69.66 INVOICE - 9080251; 1,726.00 INVOICE - 9836514501;; INVOICE - 98365145000;; INVOICE - 9837180168; 122.20 INVOICE - INVI705020 24.00 INVOICE - 73191334 228.16 INVOICE - 5006973768; 161.42 INVOICE - 7084186-00 35.05 05-8018.0 - 15442 107TH LP SE 8,250.00 AUGUST 2019 - IMPAACT FEES 20,208.65 YELM, CITY OF -WATER BILL 2019 0901 708.00 September Draw 783.36 INVOICE - 1189138; INVOICE -1189812 ENTERPRISE SVCS 4025 WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING 4026 WESTERN EQUIPTMENT 4028 PAMELA YAMAGUCHI 4029 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 4030 YELM, CITY OF 4031 4032 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY SOLUTIONS IN Time: 06:48:13 Date: 10/18/2019 Page: 5 Amount Memo 504.76 INVOICE - 1908-14708, 1908-15003,1908-150025; MOUNTAIN LUMBER INVOICES; INVOICE - 1908-151987; INVOICE - 1909-155322; MOUNTAIN LUMBER INVOICES 29,065.17 INVOICE - 45665 688.50 INVOICE - 3742-310537,3742-317824, 3742-323268; INVOICE - 3742-327201; O'REILLYS INVOICES 135.73 10-8970.0 - 14429 98TH WAY SE 990.59 INVOICE - 20332921 564.44 INVOICES FOR PCI PEST CONTROL 1,688.65 INVOICE - 3918,3919; INVOICE - 3928; INVOICE - 3931 4,350.08 INVOICE - 74148 2,808.72 AUGUST 2019 - IMPACT FEES 4,780.81 INVOICE - B10431787; INVOICE - B10458280 1,211.00 INVOICE - 902 7.18 INVOICE - 105767 346.78 INVOICE - 2442700 22.95 INVOICE - 202826 2,665.00 INVOICE - 15056 290.00 INVOICE - 2019 0809 4,250.28 INVOICE - 109456 69.66 INVOICE - 9080251; 1,726.00 INVOICE - 9836514501;; INVOICE - 98365145000;; INVOICE - 9837180168; 122.20 INVOICE - INVI705020 24.00 INVOICE - 73191334 228.16 INVOICE - 5006973768; 161.42 INVOICE - 7084186-00 35.05 05-8018.0 - 15442 107TH LP SE 8,250.00 AUGUST 2019 - IMPAACT FEES 20,208.65 YELM, CITY OF -WATER BILL 2019 0901 708.00 September Draw 783.36 INVOICE - 1189138; INVOICE -1189812 City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 8868 09/26/2019 Claims CHECK REGISTER 09/01/2019 To: 09/30/2019 Acct # Chk # Claimant 1 4033 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC Time: 06:48:13 Date: 10/18/2019 Page: 6 Amount Memo 1,644.94 INVOICE - 1KDJ-1L9G-9PKI; INVOICE - 1P37-X1Y7-4RL3; INVOICE - 1 WDW-LRRJ-FN94; INVOICES - 1L6M-7NWX-VN7D, 1 L6M-7NWX-VN6GA; INVOICE - 1VQJ-IMJK-HKNN; COMM. DEVEL. AMAZON INVOICES 8869 09/26/2019 Claims 1 4034 AUTOZONE 27.28 INVOICE - 3731141566 8870 09/26/2019 Claims 1 4035 AV CAPTURE ALL INC 271.66 INVOICE - 1955 8871 09/26/2019 Claims 1 4036 BRADLEY AIR COMPANY 900.08 INVOICE - 1474 8872 09/26/2019 Claims 1 4037 CANON FINANCIAL 892.76 CANON INVOICES - PW - 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8887 09/26/2019 Claims 1 SERVICES INC 2019 09; INVOICE - 20550073; Claims 1 8889 09/26/2019 Claims 1 INVOICE - 20550074 8873 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8874 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8875 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8876 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8877 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8878 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8879 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8880 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8881 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8882 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8883 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8884 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8885 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8886 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8887 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8888 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8889 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8890 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8891 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8892 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8893 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8894 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8895 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8896 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8897 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8898 09/26/2019 Claims 1 4038 CASCADE COLUMBIA DISTRIBUTION CO 4039 CASCADE COMPUTER MAINT 4040 COLUMBIA FORD 4041 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO 4042 CORRECT EQUIPMENT 4043 CRYSTAL SPRINGS 4044 DAILY JOURNAL OF 4052 COMMERCE 4045 DOOLITTLE 4054 CONSTRUCTION, LLC. 4046 FASTENAL 4047 FLOHAWKS PLUMBING & SEPTIC 4048 FLOHAWKS PLUMBING & SEPTIC 4049 HD FOWLER COMPANY 4050 IDEXX 4051 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 4052 JERRYS COLOR CENTER 4053 KENYON DISEND 4054 LAFROMBOISE COMMUNICATIONS INC 4055 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 4056 MOUNTAIN MIST 4057 NAPA (ACCT # 1170 1) 4058 NATIONAL SAFETY INC 4059 NISQUALLY POLICE DEPT 4060 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT INC 4061 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 4062 ORNAMENTAL STONE INC 4063 PACIFIC LAMP & SUPPLY CO. 4,485.95 INVOICE - 758300;; INVOICE - 759232; 39.80 INVOICE - 9209644 28,062.59 INVOICE - 3-KI317 G490 74,771.88 INVOICE - S009332578.003;; CREDIT MEMO FOR RETURN - S009443935.002 1,025.54 INVOICE - 16686 27.19 INVOICE - 141 17037 091119 579.60 INVOICE - 3351584 5,757.15 INVOICE - 2019 0825 216.04 INVOICE - WAOLY75906 27,393.87 2019 08 FLOHAWKS STATEMENT 43,455.37 INVOICE - 2019 08 (6344), 2019 08 (6370), 2019 08 (6374) 185.72 INVOICE - I5267979 1,900.11 INVOICE - 3053386937 3,916.11 JCI INVOICES 266.83 INVOICE - 00061996 71.00 INVOICE - 189246 634.40 INVOICE - 111610 537.23 INVOICE - 1908-152544; INVOICE - 1909-158301; INVOICES FOR MOUNTAIN LUMBER - 2019 09; INIVOICE -1909-160490 97.25 INVOICE - 2019 08 (023279) 77.44 INVOICE - 5000053711442964 308.76 INVOICE - 0555274 -IN 15,093.79 INVOICE - 18901;; INVOICE - 18887; 4,859.59 INVOICE - 45726 18.45 INVOICE - 3742-317766; INVOICE - 3742-326053 2,513.66 INVOICE - 19290 687.02 INVOICE - 800568 City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type Acct # 8899 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8900 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8901 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8902 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8903 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8904 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8905 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8906 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8907 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8908 09/26/2019 Claims I 8909 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8910 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8911 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8912 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8913 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8914 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8915 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8916 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8917 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8918 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8919 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8920 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8921 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8922 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8923 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8924 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8925 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8926 09/26/2019 Claims 1 8927 09/26/2019 Claims 1 CHECK REGISTER 09/01/2019 To: 09/30/2019 Chk # Claimant 4064 PACWEST MACHINERY LLC 4065 POLYDYNE INC. 4066 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 4067 RAINIER LIGHTING & 4084 VALLEY WATER 4085 VERIZON WIRELESS 4086 VERIZON WIRELESS 4087 WA STATE AUDITOR 4088 WA STATE DEPT OF ECOLOGY 4089 WA STATE DEPT OF HEALTH 4090 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 4091 WESTERN EQUIPTMENT 4092 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 001 General Fund 101 Municipal Street Fund 302 Municipal Building Fund 316 Road & Street Construction 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 404 Water Capital Improvements 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemption 412 Sewer Utility Fund 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 502 Equipment Rental & Repair Time: 06:48:13 Date: 10/18/2019 Page: 7 Amount Memo 533.38 INVOICE - 20333654 1,372.02 INVOICE - 1383486; INVOICE -1387506 611.12 PAYMENT FOR ACCOUNT 400002355990 - PRINT CHECK! 360.03 INVOICE - 519599-1 1,013.34 INVOICES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 4068 RAM ELECTRIC LLC 4069 SCJ ALLIANCE 4070 SKILLINGS-CONNOLLY INC 4071 SNEVA LAW OFFICE, PLLC 4072 SOLENIS 4073 SOUND LANDSCAPE PROFESSIONALS INC 4074 SOUTH PUGET SOUND SALMON ENHANCEMENT GRO 4075 SQUAD ROOM EMBLEMS 4076 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CTR 4077 THURSTON 911 COMMUNICATIONS 4078 THURSTON CO PUBLIC HEALTH 4079 THURSTON CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE 4080 TIERRA RIGHT OF WAY SERVICES, LTD 4081 TMG SERVICES INC 4082 TRUGREEN COMMERCIAL 4083 USA BLUEBOOK 4084 VALLEY WATER 4085 VERIZON WIRELESS 4086 VERIZON WIRELESS 4087 WA STATE AUDITOR 4088 WA STATE DEPT OF ECOLOGY 4089 WA STATE DEPT OF HEALTH 4090 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 4091 WESTERN EQUIPTMENT 4092 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 001 General Fund 101 Municipal Street Fund 302 Municipal Building Fund 316 Road & Street Construction 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 404 Water Capital Improvements 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemption 412 Sewer Utility Fund 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 502 Equipment Rental & Repair Time: 06:48:13 Date: 10/18/2019 Page: 7 Amount Memo 533.38 INVOICE - 20333654 1,372.02 INVOICE - 1383486; INVOICE -1387506 611.12 PAYMENT FOR ACCOUNT 400002355990 - PRINT CHECK! 360.03 INVOICE - 519599-1 1,013.34 INVOICES - 3921, 3920 2,436.25 INVOICE - 57877 19,129.61 INVOICE - 12010 2,250.00 INVOICE - 2019 0901 785.52 INVOICE - 131501215 269.75 INVOICE - 06137 16.12 INVOICE - YELM013120 626.41 INVOICE - 2019 0909 261.80 INVOICE - 105797; INVOICE - 105798 288.00 INVOICE - 2019-Q4-7013 290.00 INVOICE - 2019 0903; 2722 INVOICE - 10635 437.01 INVOICE - 19-0787 559.66 INVOICE - 0044200 -IN 133.03 INVOICE - 2019 09(8852) 1,051.71 INVOICE - 994581; INVOICE - 005614; INVOICE - 007063; INVOICE - 0 1143 8 21.88 INVOICE - 000273/2 1,722.32 INVOICE - 9837363430; INVOICE - 9837213927 122.20 INVOICE - INVI7669547 5,905.90 INVOICE - L132616 29,597.06 INVOICE - 2019 09 (FY 2020); LOAN PAYMENT - L0300026 9,318.86 INVOICE - 1205 19,841.65 INVOICE - 178300;; INVOICE - 17841 L; PAST DUE INVOICES FOR WATER MANAGEMENT 2018/2019;;;; INVOICE - 1,346.81 INVOICE - 8054648-00 6,485.88 INVOICE - 1900002933 435,515.14 21,755.37 29,065.17 579.60 17,222.02 115,312.00 98,220.33 35,247.16 229,269.32 19,129.61 12,680.50 33,536.67 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG 9: 09/01/2019 To: 09/30/2019 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant * Transaction Has Mixed Revenue And Expense Accounts Time: 06:48:13 Date: 10/18/2019 Page: 8 Amount Memo Claims: 536,352.49 1,047,532.89 Payroll: 511,180.40 City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Community Devel Pay Item Totals 10/04/2019 To: 10/04/2019 Date: 10/18/2019 Page: 1 Date Emp # Name Eaming Item Hours Rate Salary 10/04/2019 1577 GREEN, AARON M OT Time and a hal 1.00 46.6800 46.68 10/04/2019 1516 HARDY, JASON C OT Time and a hal 5.00 56.9700 284.85 10/04/2019 1525 MERRIMAN , TAMI R OT Time and a hal 1.75 61.6700 107.92 OT Time and a half 3 7.75 439.45 Community Devel 3 7.75 439.45 Executive Date Emp # Name Earning Item Hours Rate I Salary 10/04/2019 1920 KOLLAR, ANDREW P OT Time and a hal 7.50 44.8800 336.60 10/04/2019 1539 SPIVEY , DANA L OT Time and a hal 2.00 50.6100 101.22 OT Time and a half 2 9.50 437.82 Executive 2 9.50 437.82 Finance Date Emp # Name Eaming Item I Hours Rate I Salary 10/04/2019 1559 FRIBERG , GRACE E OT Time and a hal 1.50 39.1100 58.67 10/04/2019 1627 MALEK , MICHAEL A OT Time and a hal 1 18.00 42.9678 773.42 OT Time and a half 2 19.50 832.09 Finance 2 19.50 832.09 Police Date Emp # Name Earning Item Hours Rate Salary 10/04/2019 1504 BARD, BRIAN M OT Time and a hal 5.00 52.4600 262.30 10/04/2019 1511 DEVORE , BILL G OT Time and a hal 0.50 62.9000 31.45 10/04/2019 1510 FIELD, STACY D OT Time and a hal 13.25 60.4700 801.23 10/04/2019 1514 GERAY , JARED C OT Time and a hal 14.50 59.3300 860.29 10/04/2019 2377 HENKEN, BRYAN OT Time and a hal 1.00 50.9300 50.93 10/04/2019 1536 ROMPA , MATTHEW A OT Time and a hal 14.00 59.9000 838.60 10/04/2019 1538 ROZIER II, DANIEL L OT Time and a hal 1.00 57.9600 57.96 10/04/2019 1507 TAYLOR, DEVON D OT Time and a hal 1.00 58.4600 58.46 OT Time and a half 8 50.25 2,961.22 Police 8 50.25 2,961.22 Public Works Date Emp # Name Earning Item Hours Rate I Salary 10/04/2019 1521 HARPER, TYLER W OT Time and a hal 12.00 37.8200 453.84 10/04/2019 1572 KOLB , ERIC J OT Time and a hal 16.00 35.6300 570.08 OT Time and a half 2 28.00 1,023.92 Public Works 2 28.00 1,023.92 Waste Water Date Emp # Name Earning Item Hours Rate I Salary 10/04/2019 1560 SWANSON , JARED A OT Time and a hal 5.25 44.9100 235.78 10/04/2019 1548 VANBUSKIRK , WILLIAM J OT Time and a hal 7.00 64.0400 448.28 OT Time and a half 2 12.25 684.06 Waste Water 2 12.25 684.06 Pay Item Totals City Of Yelm Date: 10/18/2019 MCAG 9: 10/04/2019 To: 10/04/2019 Page: 2 Total Earnings 19 127.25 6,378.56 To: Mayor J.W. Foster Yelm City Council EST. 1924 WASHINGTON "Proudly Serving Our Community" From: Derek M. McCoy, P.E., Civil Review Engineer/Project Engineer Patrick T. Hughes, P.E., Public Works Projects/ Programs Manager Date: October 9, 2019 (for October 22, 2019 City Council Meeting) Subj: 2019 Sidewalk Replacements - Request for Authorization to Award Bid and to Enter into Construction Contract Recommendation Authorize Mayor J.W. Foster to award the project to and sign the construction contract with NPM Construction Company of Maple Valley, WA in the not to exceed amount of $117,142.00. This amount is inclusive of sales tax. Background This Contract provides for the safety improvements throughout the City of Yelm by replacing sections of sidewalk that present tripping hazards and or limited protection from adjacent traffic. Several locations have been identified for replacement in kind of sections of sidewalk and ADA ramps. In addition, three other locations will replace existing sidewalks with wider sidewalks that include the addition of curb. Work includes traffic control, erosion control, demo and removal of existing, subgrade prep for concrete work, concrete sidewalks, concrete barrier curb, and curb and gutter, ADA ramps, and other work, all in accordance with the attached project walk-through presentation, these Contract Provisions, and the Standard Specifications. Current Situation The project was advertised in the Nisqually Valley News on September 5th and 12th, in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce on September 5th and 12th, and with the Builders Exchange of Washington on September 5th and bids were opened on October 1St, 2019. Seven (7) sealed bids were received. Bids received are tabulated, listed in increasing order of base bid price, as follows: Bidder's Nerve Total Base Bid Amount Rodarte Construction, Inc $88,325.00* NPM Construction Company $117,142.00 NW Cascade, Inc $122,122.00 Asphalt Patch System, Inc $167,500.00 Reed Trucking & Excavating, Inc $186,561.00 Global Contractors, LLC $199,107.50 WS Contractors, LLC $259,032.10 *Bidder disqualified due to substantial error in bid. The engineer's opinion of probable construction cost range was $100,000.00 to $125,000.00. The lowest responsive bids were within the acceptable limits based on industry expectations for a project of this size. NPM Construction Co. was selected as the lowest responsive bidder based on the base bid amount. Page 2 of 2 PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT FOR 2019 Sidewalk Replacement (RFB# 19-002) THIS PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ("Contract') is dated effective this day of , 2019 and is made by and between the City of Yelm, a Washington municipal corporation ("City or Owner'), and NPM Construction Co, a ("Contractor'). A. The City desires to retain an independent contractor to furnish all labor and materials necessary to perform work necessary to provide for safety improvements throughout the City of Yelm by replacing identified sections of sidewalk that present tripping hazards and or limited protection from adjacent traffic; and B. The Contractor has the requisite skill and experience to perform such work. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties ("Parties') agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. SERVICES BY CONTRACTOR 1.1 Description of Work. Contractor shall perform all work and furnish all tools, materials, supplies, equipment, labor and other items incidental thereto necessary for the construction and completion of the work, more particularly described as the 2019 Sidewalk Replacement project, including without limitation: Several locations have been identified for replacement in kind of sections of sidewalk and ADA ramps. In addition, three other locations will replace existing sidewalks with wider sidewalks that include the addition of curb. Work includes traffic control, erosion control, demo and removal of existing, subgrade prep for concrete work, concrete sidewalks, concrete barrier curb, and curb and gutter, ADA ramps, and other work, in accordance with and as described in the Contract Documents, which include without limitation, this Contract, Request for Bids, Bidder's Checklist, Instructions to Bidders, General Contractual Terms and Conditions, Bid Form, Bid Signature Page, Bid Bond, Combined Affidavit and Certification Form, Contractor's Compliance Statement, Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract attached as Exhibit A, Contract Change Order Agreement attached as Exhibit B, Contractor's Retainage Agreement attached as Exhibit C, Retainage Bond to City of Yelm attached as Exhibit D, Notice to Labor Unions or Other Employment Organizations Nondiscrimination in Employment attached as Exhibit E, Certificate(s) of Insurance Form attached hereto as Exhibit F, Performance / Payment Bond attached hereto as Exhibit G, and most current WSDOT / APWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction ("Standard Specifications") and all other Appendices attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, (collectively the "Contract Documents'), which Work shall be completed to the City's satisfaction, within the time period prescribed by the City and pursuant to the direction of the Mayor or his or her designee. 1.2 Completion Date. The Work shall be commenced within five (5) days of receipt by the Contractor of the City's Notice to Proceed. The Work shall be completed on or before December 31st, 2019. In the event the Work is not substantially completed within the time specified, Contractor agrees to pay to the City liquidated damages in the amount set forth in the formula included in Section 1.3 of this Contract. The Work shall not be deemed completed until the City has accepted the Work and delivered a written Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 1.3 Liquidated Damages. Time is of the essence of the Contract. Delays inconvenience the public and cost taxpayers undue sums of money, adding time needed for administration, inspection, and supervision. It is impractical for the City to calculate the actual cost of delays. Accordingly, the Contractor agrees to pay liquidated damages calculated on the following formula for its failure to complete this Contract on time: (1) To pay (according to the following formula) liquidated damages for each working day beyond the number of working days established for completion, and (2) To authorize the City to deduct these liquidated damages from any money due or coming due to the Contractor. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FORMULA LD = 0.15C T Where: LD = Liquidated damages per working day (rounded to the nearest dollar). C = Original Contract amount. T = Original time for completion. When the Work is completed to the extent that the City has full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities, both from an operational and safety standpoint, the City may determine the Work is complete. Liquidated damages will not be assessed for any days for which an extension of time is granted. No deduction or payment of liquidated damages will, in any degree, release the Contractor from further obligations and liabilities to complete this entire Contract. 1.4 Performance Standard. Contractor shall perform the Work in a manner consistent with accepted practices for other properly licensed contractors. 1.5 Compliance with Laws. Contractor shall perform the Work in accordance with all applicable federal, state and City laws, including but not limited to all City ordinances, resolutions, standards or policies, as now existing or hereafter adopted or amended, and obtain all necessary permits and pay all permit, inspection or other fees, at its sole cost and expense. 1.6 Chanae Orders. The City may, at any time, without notice to sureties, order changes within the scope of the Work. Contractor agrees to fully perform any such alterations or additions to the Work. All such change orders shall be in the form of the Contract Change Order Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "B", which shall be signed by both the Contractor and the City, shall specifically state the change of the Work, the completion date for such changed Work, and any increase or decrease in the compensation to be paid to Contractor as a result of such change in the Work. Oral change orders shall not be binding upon the City unless confirmed in writing by the City. If any change hereunder causes an increases or decrease in the Contractor's cost of, or time required for, the performance or any part of the Work under this Contract, an equitable adjustment will be made and the Contract modified in writing accordingly. If the Contractor intends to assert a claim for an equitable adjustment hereunder, it shall, within five (5) days after receipt of a written change order from the City or after giving the written notice required above, as the case may be, submit to the City a written statement setting forth 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 2 RFB # 19-002 the general nature and monetary extent of such claim; provided the City, in its sole discretion, may extend such five (5) day submittal period upon request by the Contractor. The Contractor shall supply such supporting documents and analysis for the claims as the City may require to determine if the claims and costs have merit. No claim will be allowed for any costs incurred more than five (5) days before the Contractor gives written notice as required. No claim by the Contractor for an equitable adjustment hereunder will be allowed if asserted after final payment under this Contract. 1.7 Work and Materials Omitted. The Contractor shall, when directed in writing by the City, omit work, services and materials to be furnished under the Contract and the value of the omitted work and materials will be deducted from the Total Compensation and the delivery schedule will be reviewed if appropriate. The value of the omitted work, services and materials will be a lump sum or unit price, as mutually agreed upon in writing by the Contractor and the City. If the parties cannot agree on an appropriate deduction, the City reserves the right to issue a unilateral change order adjusting the price and the delivery schedule. 1.8 Utility Location. Contractor is responsible for locating any underground utilities affected by the Work and is deemed to be an excavator for purposes of Chapter 19.122 RCW, as amended. Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with Chapter 19.122 RCW, including utilization of the "one call" locator system before commencing any excavation activities. 1.9 Air Environment. Contractor shall fully cover any and all loads of loose construction materials including without limitation, sand, dirt, gravel, asphalt, excavated materials, construction debris, etc., to protect said materials from air exposure and to minimize emission of airborne particles to the ambient air environment within the City of Yelm Way. 2. TERM This Contract shall commence on the effective date of this Contract and continue until the completion of the Work, which shall be no later than December 31st, 2019 to complete, and the expiration of all warranties contained in the Contract Documents ("Term'). 3. WARRANTY 3.1 Requisite Skill. The Contractor warrants that it has the requisite skill to complete the Work, and is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities, including but not limited to being registered to do business in the City of Yelm Way by obtaining a City of Yelm Way business registration. Contractor represents that it has visited the site and is familiar with all of the plans and specifications in connection with the completion of the Work. 3.2 Defective Work. The Contractor shall, at its sole cost and expense, correct all Work which the City deems to have defects in workmanship and material discovered within one (1) year after the City's final acceptance of the Work as more fully set forth in the General Conditions of the Contract; provided, however, that this warranty may extend beyond this time period pursuant to the warranties attached hereto as Appendix C and incorporated by this reference. This warranty shall survive termination of this Contract. Conducting of tests and inspections, review of specifications or plans, payment for goods or services, or acceptance by the City does not constitute waiver, modification or exclusion of any express or implied warranty or any right under this Contract or law. 4. COMPENSATION 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 3 RFB # 19-002 4.1 Total Compensation. In consideration of the Contractor performing the Work, the City agrees to pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed One hundred twenty-two thousand, one hundred twenty-two and 00/100 Dollars ($ 122,122.00), which amount shall constitute full and complete payment by the City ("Total Compensation'). 4.2 Contractor Responsible for Taxes. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of any taxes imposed by any lawful jurisdiction as a result of the performance and payment of this Contract. 4.3 Nonpayment. The City shall have the right to withhold payment to the Contractor for any of the Work not completed in a satisfactory manner, in the City's sole discretion, which shall be withheld until such time as Contractor modifies or repairs the Work so that the Work is acceptable to the City. 4.4 Method of Payment. The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of work performed according to the contract and as specified for payment. Payments will be made for work and labor performed and materials furnished under the contract according to the price in the proposal unless otherwise provided. Partial payments will be made once each month, based on partial estimates prepared by the Engineer and signed by the Contractor. Failure to perform any obligation under this Contract may be adequate reason for the City to withhold payments until the obligation is performed. Upon completion of all work and after final inspection, the amount due the Contractor under the contract will be paid based upon the final estimate made by the Engineer and signed by the Contractor. Payment to the Contractor for partial estimates, final estimates, and retained percentages shall be subject to controlling laws. 4.5 Retainaae. Pursuant to Chapter 60.28 RCW, five percent (5%) of the Total Compensation shall be retained by the City to assure payment of Contractor's state sales tax as well as payment of subcontractors, suppliers and laborers. Upon execution of this Contract, Contractor shall complete, execute and deliver to the City the Contractor Retainage Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "C" or execute the Retainage Bond attached hereto as Exhibit "D". No payments shall be made by the City from the retained percentage fund (`Fund') nor shall the City release any retained percentage escrow account to any person, until the City has received from the Department of Revenue a certificate that all taxes, increases, and penalties due from the Contractor and all taxes due and to become due with respect to the Contract have been paid in full or that they are, in the Department's opinion, readily collectible without recourse to the State's lien on the retained percentage. Upon non-payment by the general contractor, any supplier or subcontractor may file a lien against the retainage funds, pursuant to Chapter 60.28 RCW. Subcontractors or suppliers are required to give notice of any lien within forty-five (45) days of the completion of the Work and in the manner provided in RCW 39.08.030. Within sixty (60) days after completion of all Work on this Contract, the City shall release and pay in full the money held in the Fund, unless the City becomes aware of outstanding claims made against this Fund. 5. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER In all Contractor services, programs or activities, and all Contractor hiring and employment made possible by or resulting from this Contract, there shall be no discrimination by Contractor or by Contractor's employees, agents, subcontractors or representatives against any person because of sex, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), race, color, creed, national 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 4 RFB # 19-002 origin, marital status or the presence of any disability, including sensory, mental or physical handicaps, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Contractor comply with and shall not violate any of the terms of Chapter 49.60 RCW, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans With Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 49 CFR Part 26, or any other applicable federal, state, or local law or regulation regarding non-discrimination. Any material violation of this provision shall be grounds for termination of this Contract by the City and, in the case of the Contractor's breach, may result in ineligibility for further City agreements. If this project involves federal funds including USDOT funds administered by WSDOT, the contractor agrees to the clauses contained in Exhibit H. 6. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR/CONFLICT OF INTEREST 6.1 It is the intention and understanding of the Parties that the Contractor shall be an independent contractor and that the City shall be neither liable nor obligated to pay Contractor sick leave, vacation pay or any other benefit of employment, nor to pay any social security or other tax which may arise as an incident of employment. The Contractor shall pay all income and other taxes due. Industrial or any other insurance that is purchased for the benefit of the City, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to the Contractor, shall not be deemed to convert this Agreement to an employment contract. It is recognized that Contractor may or will be performing professional services during the Term for other parties; provided, however, that such performance of other services shall not conflict with or interfere with Contractor's ability to perform the Services. Contractor agrees to resolve any such conflicts of interest in favor of the City. 6.2 If the Contractor is a sole proprietorship or if this is a contract with an individual, the contractor agrees to notify the City and complete any required form if the Contractor retired under a State of Washington retirement system and agrees to indemnify any losses the City may sustain through the Contractor's failure to do so. 7. CITY'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT 7.1 Termination Without Cause. Prior to the expiration of the Term, this Contract maybe terminated without cause upon oral or written notice delivered to Contractor from the City. Upon termination, all supplies, materials, labor and/or equipment furnished prior to such date shall, at the City's option, become its property. In the event Contractor is not in breach of any of the provisions of this Contract, Contractor will be paid for any portion of the Work which has been completed to the City's satisfaction, calculated by the percentage amount that portion of the Work completed and accepted by the City bears to the Total Compensation. 7.2 Termination For Cause. The City may immediately terminate this Contract, take possession of the Property and all materials thereon and finish the Work by whatever methods it may deem expedient, upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events: (1) If the Contractor should be adjudged a bankrupt. (2) If the Contractor should make a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors. (3) If a receiver should be appointed on the account of insolvency of Contractor. 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 5 RFB # 19-002 (4) If Contractor should persistently or repeatedly refuse or fail to supply a sufficient number of properly skilled workmen or proper materials for completion of the Work. (5) If the Contractor should fail to complete the Work within the time specified in this Contract. (6) If the Contractor should fail to complete the Work in compliance with the plans and specifications, to the City's satisfaction. (7) If the Contractor should fail to make prompt payment to subcontractors or for material labor. (8) If Contractor should persistently disregard laws, ordinances or regulations of federal, state, or municipal agencies or subdivisions thereof. (9) If Contractor should persistently disregard instructions of the Mayor or his or her representative. (10) If Contractor shall be in breach or violation of any term or provision of this Contract, or (11) If the Work is not being performed pursuant to RCW 49.28.050 or 49.28.060. 7.3 Result of Termination. In the event that this Contract is terminated for cause by the City, the City may do any or all of the following: (1) Stop payments. The City shall cease any further payments to Contractor and Contractor shall be obligated to repay any payments it received under this contract. (2) Complete Work. The City may, but in no event is the City obligated to, complete the Work, which Work may be completed by the City's agents, employees or representatives or the City may retain independent persons or entities to complete the Work. Upon demand, Contractor agrees to pay to the City all of its costs and expenses in completing such Work. (3) Take Possession. The City may take possession of the Property and any equipment and materials on the Property and may sale the same, the proceeds of which shall be paid to the City for its damages. (4) Remedies Not Exclusive. No remedy or election under this Contract shall be deemed an election by the City but shall be cumulative and in addition to all other remedies available to the City at law, in equity or by statute. 8. INDEMNIFICATION 8.1 Contractor Indemnification. The Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and all attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Contract to the extent caused 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 6 RFB # 19-002 by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor, its partners, shareholders, agents, employees, or by the Contractor's breach of this Contract. Contractor waives any immunity that may be granted to it under the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 RCW. Contractor's indemnification shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or programs. 8.2 City Indemnification. The City agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the Contractor, its officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, and agents harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licenses, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Contract to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the City, its employees or agents. 8.3 Survival. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination. 9. INSURANCE 9.1 Minimum Limits. The Contractor agrees to carry as a minimum, the following insurance, in such forms and with such carriers who have a rating which is satisfactory to the City: (1) Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance in amounts sufficient pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington; (2) Commercial general liability insurance with combined single limits of liability not less than $2,000,000 for bodily injury, including personal injury or death, products liability and property damage. (3) Automobile liability insurance with combined single limits of liability not less than $2,000,000 for bodily injury, including personal injury or death and property damage. 9.2 Endorsements. Each insurance policy shall contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (1) The City, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers and agents shall each be named as additional insured. (2) Coverage may not be terminated or reduced in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the City. (3) Coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officials, employees or volunteers shall be in excess of Contractor's insurance. (4) Coverage shall apply to each insured separately against whom claim is made or suit is brought. 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 7 RFB # 19-002 (5) Coverage shall be written on an "occurrence" form as opposed to a "claims made" or "claims paid" form. 9.3 Verification. Contractor shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance evidencing the coverage required by the Section, in compliance with the Certificate(s) of Insurance Form attached hereto as Exhibit "F", which certificate must be executed by a person authorized by the insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The City reserves the right to require complete certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. 9.4 Subcontractors. Contractors shall include all subcontractors as additional insured under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates for each subcontractor. All coverage for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. 9.5 Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be disclosed by Contractor and approved in writing by the City. At the option of the City, Contractor shall either reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions or procure a bond guaranteeing payment for any amounts not covered by the insurance by reason of such deductibles or self-insured retentions. 9.6 Asbestos Abatement or Hazardous Materials. If asbestos abatement or hazardous materials work is performed, Contractor shall review coverage with the City's Risk Manager and provide scope and limits of coverage that are appropriate for the scope of Work and are satisfactory to the City. Contractor shall not commence any Work until its coverage has been approved by the Risk Manager. 9.7 Termination. The Contractor's failure to provide the insurance coverage required by this Section shall be deemed to constitute non-acceptance of this Contract by the Contractor and the City may then award this Contract to the next lower bidder. 10. PERFORMANCE/ PAYMENT BOND Pursuant to RCW 39.08.010, Contractor shall post a Performance/Payment Bond in favor of the City, in the form attached to this Contract as Exhibit "G" and incorporated by this reference, in a dollar amount satisfactory to the City; to guarantee Contractor's performance of the Work to the City's satisfaction; to insure Contractor's performance of all of the provisions of this Contract; and to guarantee Contractor's payment of all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material persons. Contractor's obligations under this Contract shall not be limited to the dollar amount of the bond. 11. SAFETY Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of employees on the work site and shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and municipal safety and health laws and codes, including without limitation, all OSHA/WISHA requirements, Safety and Health Standards for Construction Work (Chapter 296-155 WAC), General Safety and Health Standards (Chapter 296-24 WAC), and General Occupational Health Standards (Chapter 296-62 WAC). Contractor shall erect and properly maintain, at all times, all necessary guards, barricades, signals and other safeguards at all unsafe places at or near the Work for the protection of its employees and the public, safe passageways at all road crossings, crosswalks, street intersections, post danger signs warning against any known or unusual hazards and do all other things necessary to prevent accident or loss of any kind. Contractor shall protect from danger all water, sewer, gas, steam or other pipes or conduits, and all hydrants and all other property that 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 8 RFB # 19-002 is likely to become displaced or damaged by the execution of the Work. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, secure and maintain a safe storage place for its materials and equipment and is solely responsible for the same. 12. PREVAILING WAGES 12.1 Wages of Employees. This contract is subject to the minimum wage requirements of Chapter 39.12 RCW and Chapter 49.28 RCW (as amended or supplemented). On Federal -aid projects, Federal wage laws and rules also apply. The Hourly minimum rates for wages and fringe benefits are listed in Appendix B. When Federal wage and fringe benefit rates are listed, the rates match those identified by the U.S. Department of Labor's "Decision Number" shown in Appendix B. The Contractor, any subcontractor, and all individuals or firms required by Chapter 39.12 RCW, Chapter 296-127 WAC, or the Federal Davis -Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA) to pay minimum prevailing wages, shall not pay any worker less than the minimum hourly wage rates and fringe benefits required by Chapter 39.12 RCW or the DBRA. Higher wages and benefits may be paid. When the project is subject to both State and Federal hourly minimum rates for wages and fringe benefits and when the two rates differ for similar kinds of labor, the Contractor shall not pay less than the higher rate unless the state rates are specifically preempted by Federal law. The Contractor shall ensure that any firm (Supplier, Manufacturer, or Fabricator) that falls under the provisions of Chapter 39.12 RCW because of the definition "Contractor" in Chapter 296- 127-010 WAC, complies with all the requirements of Chapter 39.12 RCW. 12.2 Exemptions to Prevailing Wage. The prevailing wage requirements of Chapter 39.12 RCW, and as required in this Contract do not apply to: (1) Sole owners and their spouses; (2) Any partner who owns at least 30% of a partnership; (3) The President, Vice President and Treasurer of a corporation if each one owns at least 30% of the corporation. 12.3 Reporting Requirements. On forms provided by the Industrial Statistician of State L&I, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the following for itself and for each firm covered under Chapter 39.12 RCW that provided work and materials of the contract: (1) A copy of an approved "Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages" State L&I form number F700-029-000. The City will make no payment under this contract for the work performed until this statement has been approved by State L&I and a certified copy of the approved form has been submitted to the City. (2) A copy of an approved "Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid," State L&I form number F700-007-000. The City will not release to the contractor any funds retained under Chapter 60.28.011 RCW until all of the "Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid" forms have been approved by State L&I and a certified copy of all the approved forms have been submitted to the City. 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 9 RFB # 19-002 The Contractor shall be responsible for requesting these forms from the State L&I and for paying any approval fees required by State L&I. Certified payrolls are required to be submitted by the Contractor to the City, for the Contractor and all subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors. 12.4 Disputes. In the event any dispute arises as to what are the prevailing rates of wages for work of a similar nature and such dispute cannot be resolved by the City and the Contractor, the matter shall be referred for arbitration to the Director of the Department of Labor and Industries of the State of Washington and the decision therein shall be final and conclusive and binding on all parties involved in the dispute. 13. FAILURE TO PAY SUBCONTRACTORS In the event the Contractor shall fail to pay any subcontractors or laborers, fail to pay for any materials, or fail to pay any insurance premiums, the City may terminate this Contract and/or the City may withhold from the money which may be due the Contractor an amount necessary for the payment of such subcontractors, laborers, materials or premiums. 14. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All originals and copies of work product, including plans, sketches, layouts, designs, design specifications, records, files, computer disks, magnetic media, all finished or unfinished documents or material which may be produced or modified by Contractor while performing the Work shall become the property of the City and shall be delivered to the City at its request. 15. CONFIDENTIALITY Any records, reports, information, data or other documents or materials given to or prepared or assembled by the Contractor under this Contract will be kept as confidential and shall not be made available to any individual or organization by the Contractor without prior written approval of the City. 16. BOOKS AND RECORDS The Contractor agrees to maintain books, records, and documents which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs related to the performance of this Contract and such accounting procedures and practices as may be deemed necessary by the City to assure proper accounting of all funds paid pursuant to this Contract. These records shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review or audit by the City, its authorized representative, the State Auditor, or other governmental officials authorized by law to monitor this Contract. 17. CLEAN UP At any time ordered by the City and immediately after completion of the Work, the Contractor shall, at its own expense, clean up and remove all refuse and unused materials of any kind resulting from the Work. In the event the Contractor fails to perform the necessary clean up, the City may, but in no event is it obligated to, perform the necessary clean up and the costs thereof shall be immediately paid by the Contractor to the City and/or the City may deduct its costs from any remaining payments due to the Contractor. 18. CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY: 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 10 RFB # 19-002 18.1 Contractor Verification. The Contractor verifies that it has a certificate of registration with the State of Washington; has a current state unified business identifier number; is not disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.065 (3); has industrial insurance as required by Title 51 RCW, if applicable; has an employment security department number as required in Title 50 RCW, if applicable; has a state excise tax registration number as required in Title 82 RCW, if applicable; possesses a valid electrical contractor license as required by chapter 19.28 RCW, if applicable; and possesses an elevator contractor license as required by chapter 70.87 RCW, if applicable. 18.2 Subcontractor Contracts. The Contractor shall include the language of this section in each of its first tier subcontracts, and shall require each of its subcontractors to include the same language of this section in each of their subcontracts, adjusting only as necessary the terms used for the contracting parties. Upon request of the Owner, the Contractor shall promptly provide documentation to the Owner demonstrating that the subcontractor meets the subcontractor responsibility criteria below. The requirements of this section apply to all subcontractors regardless of tier. 18.3 Subcontractor Verification. At the time of subcontract execution, the Contractor shall verify that each of its first tier subcontractors meets the following bidder responsibility criteria: Have a current certificate of registration in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW, which must have been in effect at the time of subcontract bid submittal; Have a current Washington Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number; Not be disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.065 (3); Have Industrial Insurance (workers' compensation) coverage for the subcontractor's employees working in Washington, as required in Title 51 RCW, if applicable; A Washington Employment Security Department number, as required in Title 50 RCW, if applicable; A Washington Department of Revenue state excise tax registration number, as required in Title 82 RCW, if applicable; An electrical contractor license, if required by Chapter 19.28 RCW, if applicable; An elevator contractor license, if required by Chapter 70.87 RCW. 19. GENERAL PROVISIONS 19.1 Entire Contract. The Contract Documents contain all of the agreements of the Parties with respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Contract and no prior agreements or understandings pertaining to any such matters shall be effective for any purpose. 19.2 Modification. No provisions of this Contract, including this provision, may be amended or added to except by agreement in writing signed by the Parties or their respective successors in interest. 19.3 Full Force and Effect. Any provision of this Contract, which is declared invalid, void or illegal, shall in no way affect, impair, or invalidate any other provision hereof and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 19.4 Assignment. The Contractor shall not transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the City. In the event the City consents to any such assignment or transfer, such consent shall in no way release the Contractor from any of its obligations or liabilities under this Contract. 19.5 Successors In Interest. Subject to the preceding Subsection, this Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties' successors in interest, heirs and assigns. 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 11 RFB # 19-002 19.6 Attorney Fees. In the event the City or the Contractor defaults on the performance of any terms in this Contract, and the Contractor or City places the enforcement of the Contract or any part thereof, or the collection of any monies due, or to become due hereunder, or recovery of possession of any belongings, in the hands of an attorney, or file suit upon the same, each Party shall pay all its own attorneys' fees, costs and expenses. The venue for any dispute related to this Contract shall be King County, Washington. 19.7 No Waiver. Failure of the City to declare any breach or default immediately upon occurrence thereof, or delay in taking any action in connection with, shall not waive such breach or default. Failure of the City to declare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of the City's right to declare another breach or default. 19.8 Governina Law. This Contract shall be made in and shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 19.9 Authori . Each individual executing this Contract on behalf of the City and Contractor represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Contract on behalf of the Contractor or City. 19.10 Notices. Any notices required to be given by the City to Contractor or by the Contractor to the City shall be delivered to the Parties at the addresses set forth below. Any notices may be delivered personally to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth herein. Any notice so posted in the United States mail shall be deemed received three (3) days after the date of mailing. 19.11 Captions. The respective captions of the Sections of this Contract are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modify or otherwise affect in any respect any of the provisions of this Contract. 19.12 Performance. Time is of the essence of this Contract and each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor. Adherence to completion dates is essential to the Contractor's performance of this Contract. 19.13 Compliance with Ethics Code. If a violation of the City's Ethics Resolution No. 91- 54, as amended, occurs as a result of the formation and/or performance of this Contract, this Contract may be rendered null and void, at the City's option. 19.14 Conflictina Provisions. In the event of a conflict between the terms and provisions of any of the Contract Documents, the Mayor or his or her designee shall issue an interpretation of the controlling document, which interpretation shall be final and binding. DATED the day and year set forth above. CITY OF YELM 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 12 RFB # 19-002 By: ATTEST: Lori Mossman, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: <on fl/e> City Attorney, Brent Dille JW Foster, Mayor City of Yelm, 106 Second St SE, Yelm WA 98597 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 13 RFB # 19-002 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF NPM CONSTRUCTION CO By: (Signature) (Name) (Address) (Phone) ss. On this day personally appeared before me , to me known to be the of NPM Construction Co. that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. GIVEN my hand and official seal this day of 2019. (typed/printed name of notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 14 RFB # 19-002 EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ❑ Original ❑ Revised # NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT Date: Contractor's URI Number: Name & Mailing Address of Public Agency Departcnenl tlse Only Assigned to: Date Assigned: UBI Number: Nntire i.s herehv riven relative to the rnnrnletion afrantrart or nrnirrt drecrihnd helaw Project Name Contract Nnmhcr lob Order Contraciink ❑ Ycs ❑ No Description of Work Done/Include Jobsite Address(es) I-ederalh funded transportation project? ❑ Yes ❑ No (if yes, provide Contract Bond Statement below) Contractor's Name E-mail Address Affidavit ID* Contractor Address Telephone 4 If 140AinU-,V is nut %N ithheld. please uWIVO 0 t• of the fullutvin^-, ;Ind I,ial SIP I -CI '• NA 111C & Bund Number. ❑ Rclaina,c Holid ❑ Con tract:Pa\'nlcnt hand l)al hl I: I r I.t IU•:,I I% 1111 It l Cil I I, I I IS I It i I l: I[ hill pruiectti) Name! I liond Numhor: Date Contract Awarded Date Work Commenced Date Work Compleied Date Work Accepted Were Subcontracters Ilse([ on this project? If so. please complete Addendum A. ❑Yes ❑ No AI'll.i:n i'. 11) 'w I.&I _LIaI,� n „. •,I :I: cci �I:: I i I:Ill.ilir.r. �. h : I:': I'J• d_ ContractAmount Additions ( + ) Reductions (- ) Sub -Total Sales Tax Rate % (Ifvarinus rates apply, please send a breakdown) Sales Tax Amount TOTAL S S 0100 1 U 1 N: I hese hiw M/aLs: in rest he Liquidalcd fauna cs $ A1110u11 Ilishultir l S Amount Rt^lain(-d 5 TOTAL $ 0.00 titin: Illi 1 [ II Ir rtt u'[ •t Ihtl I[ I.hi i ttl 1 •il It li Ittl I Ili ItJ t II[il I 1pwi',x o1 U w a I,:k di l I I 1 tItlkli l' [Ili, 1,01111 JI:[. No 11A 111 \ I till \I I 131 \11131 1 ltrt\l R1 141\1 Il I l \10S uIlIII I thi of III Subinitlin;� F iron 4 lio v1 ir, ii 11'w k "I J)lo1 •d i 1 I,% kri 1;1 1 lo ;i I I II ikat',Jk u Contarl Name: Email Address: Depertrnent of Re"nue waa. .:.��. Public Warks Section tali,.- & IfYciu SttiL`5 (360) 704 6650 Contract Release PWC@dor.wa.gov (855) 545-8183. option # 4 ContractRelease@LNI WA-GQV R FV 31 0020e (I Oe2811 5) 1-'215-038-00010-2014 Titic: Phone Number: Employment Security t7Bparitn8ni Registration, Inquiry, Standards & Coordination Unit (360) 902.9450 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 15 RFB # 19-002 Addendum A. Please List all Subcontractors and Sub -tiers Below 'Mis addendum call W submitted in other li�rmals. Provide known affidavits at this time. ;o 1.41 release rill be granted until all affidai its are listed.. Subcontractor's Name: 1.131 Number: (Required) lAffidavit file For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, please call 1-800-647-7706. Teletype (TTY) users may use the WashinLRon Relay Service hv callinL, 711. IRE.V 31 0020e Addendum i 10 28 I51 F215-038-000 10-2014 1 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 16 RFB # 19-002 EXHIBIT B CITY OF YELM CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT PROJECT CHANGE ORDER NUMBER NUMBER PROJECT TITLE SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES: EFFECTIVE DATE CONTRACTOR The time provided for completion in the Contract is ❑ Unchanged ❑ Increased ❑ Decreased by Calendar Days. This Document shall become an Amendment to the Contract and all provisions of the Contract not amended herein will apply to this Change Order. Will this change affect expiration or extent of Insurance coverage? ❑ Yes ❑ No If "Yes" Will the Policies Be Extended? ❑ Yes ❑ No PRICE CHANGE LUMP SUM: INCREASE $ UNIT PRICE: DECREASE $ THE ITEMS ARE APPROXIMATE OR ESTIMATED QUANTITIES INVOLVED IN THIS CHANGE ITEM NO. ITEM TOTAL NET CONTRACT: QUANTITY UNIT PRICE INCREASE $ ADD OR DELETE DECREASE $ STATEMENT: Payment for the above work will be in accordance with applicable ,portions of the standard sneciticatlons, and with the understanding that all materia/s, workmanship and measurements shall be in accordance with the provislons of the standard sneciticatlons, the contract plans, and the special provislons governing the types of construction. CONTRACTOR'S DEPT. DIRECTOR/MANAGER DATE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 17 RFB # 19-002 DEPARTMENT RECAP TO DATE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS THIS CHANGE ORDER *ADJUSTMENTS NEW CONTRACT AMOUNT ADJUSTMENTS CHANGE ORDER ESTIMATE IS HEREBY PAY THIS ADJUSTED AMOUNT *Adjustments: Li INCREASED $ Li DECREASED $ DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR'S SIGNATURE 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 18 RFB # 19-002 EXHIBIT C CONTRACTOR'S RETAINAGE AGREEMENT City of Yelm Bid/Contract Number 106 Second St SE, Yelm WA 98597 360.458.8499 IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Title Contractor Representative Bid No. Date Administering Department City Representative Funding Source Project Authority RETAINAGE FORMULA In accordance with applicable State Statutes, the following provisions will be made for the disposition of the retainage held for investment: All investments selected below are subject to City approval. 2. Retainage under this agreement will be held in escrow by the (referred to herein as the Bank), the terms of which are specified by separate escrow agreement. The cost of the investment program and the risk thereof is to be borne entirely by the contractor. 3. The final disposition of the contract retainage will be made in accordance with applicable statutes. CONTRACTOR'S INSTRUCTIONS Pursuant to RCW 60.28.010 I hereby notify the City of Yelm of my instructions a to invest a not to invest the retainage withheld under the terms of this contract. If the investment option is selected, please provide the following information: Name of Bank, Mutual Fund, or Savings & Loan Association: Address: Account #: Contractor: By: Address: Fed ID #: CITY APPROVAL Approval of Investment Program and Retainage Agreement CERTIFICATION FOR RELEASE OF CONTRACT RETAINAGE Contract No. Project Title: Contact Person: Date: Title: Phone: Est. Completion Date: Finance Director Date I hereby certify, as Contract Administrator for this Contract representing the City of Yelm, that all work required by the above cited contract was completed on and final acceptance by the City was granted on I also certify that no liens have been received within 30 days from the above date from any person, persons, mechanics, subcontractors or materialman who has performed any work or provided any material of subject contract. Contract Administrator Director of Administering Department Also, please find attached certifications by the applicable state agencies of the receipt of: 1) Washington State Business Taxes (Washington State Dept. of Revenue); 2) Industrial Insurance Premiums (State Dept. of Labor & Industries); and 3) Employment Security, Unemployment Insurance Premiums (State of Washington Employment Security Dept.) 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 19 RFB # 19-002 EXHIBIT D RETAINAGE BOND TO CITY OF YELM 2019 Sidewalk Replacement (RFB #19-002) KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned, as principal ("Principal"), and a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of as a surety Corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety upon bonds of Contractors with Municipal Corporations, as surety ('Surety"), are jointly and severally held and firmly bonded to the City of Yelm ('City") in the penal sum of: ($ ) for the payment of which sum we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be. A. This obligation is entered into in pursuant to the statutes of the State of Washington and the ordinances, regulations, standards and policies of the City, as now existing or hereafter amended or adopted. B. Pursuant to proper authorization, the Mayor is authorized to enter into a certain contract with the Principal, providing for the Project, which contract is incorporated herein by this reference ('Contract"), and C. Pursuant to State law, Chapter 60.28 RCW, the City is required to reserve from the monies earned by the Principal pursuant to the contract, a sum not to exceed five percent (5%), said sum to be retained by the City as a trust fund for the protection and payment of any person or persons, mechanic, subcontractor or materialmen who shall perform any labor upon such contract or the doing of such work, and all persons who shall supply such person or persons or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work, and the State with the respect to taxes imposed pursuant to Title 82 RCW which may be due from said Principal. Every person performing labor or furnishing supplies towards completion of said improvement or work shall have a lien on said monies so reserved, provided that such notice of the lien of such claimant shall be given in the manner and within the time provided in RCW 39.08.030 as now existing and in accordance with any amendments that may hereafter be provided thereto; and D. State law further provides that with the consent of the City, the Principal may submit a bond for all or any portion of the amount of funds retained by the public body in a form acceptable to the public body conditioned upon such bond any proceeds therefrom being made subject to all claims and liens and in the same manner and priority as set forth retained percentages pursuant to Chapter 60.28 RCW; and E. The Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the Contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth, for the amount of $ ; and F. The City is prepared to release any required retainage money previously paid by the Principal prior to acceptance and successful operation and fulfillment of all other terms of said contract upon being indemnified by these presents, NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall perform all the provisions of the Contract in the manner and within the time period prescribed by the City, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under the Contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men or women, and all persons who shall supply the Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and if the Principal shall pay to the State all taxes imposed pursuant to Title 82 RCW which may be due from such Principal as a result of this contract then and in the event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. And the Surety, for value received, hereby further stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any change, extension of time, alterations or additions to the terms of the Contract or to the Work. The Surety hereby agrees that modifications and changes may be made in the terms and provisions of the Contract without notice to Surety, and any such modifications or changes increasing the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on this Retainage Bond in a like amount, such increase, however, not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the original amount of this bond without consent of the Surety. 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 20 RFB # 19-002 Within forty-five (45) days of receiving notice that the Principal has defaulted on all or part of the terms of the Contract, the Surety shall make written commitment to the City that it will either: (a) cure the default itself within a reasonable time period, or (b) tender to the City, the amount necessary for the City to remedy the default, including legal fees incurred by the City, or (c) in the event that Surety's evaluation of the dispute is not complete or in the event the Surety disputes the City's claim of default, the Surety shall notify the City of its finding and its intent, if any, to interplead. The Surety shall then fulfill its obligations under this bond, according to the option it has elected. Should Surety elect option (a) to cure the default, the penal sum of the Bond shall be reduced in an amount equal to the costs actually incurred by the Surety in curing the default. If the Surety elects option (b), then upon completion of the necessary work, the City shall notify the Surety of its actual costs. The City shall return, without interest, any overpayment made by the Surety and the Surety shall pay to the City any actual costs which exceed the City estimate, limited to the bond amount. Should the Surety elect option (c), the Parties shall first complete participation in mediation, described in the below paragraph, prior to any interplead action. In the event a dispute should arise between the Parties to this Bond with respect to the City's declaration of default by the Principal, the Parties agree to participate in at least four hours of mediation in accordance with the mediation procedures of United States Arbitration and Mediation ('USA&M"). The Parties shall proportionately share in the cost of the mediation. The mediation shall be administered by the Seattle USA&M office, 4300 Two Union Square, 601 Union Street, Seattle, Washington 98101-2327. The Surety shall not interplead prior to completion of the mediation. The parties have executed this instrument under their separate seals this day of , 20, the name and corporate seal of each corporate party hereto affixed, and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representatives pursuant to authority of its governing body. CORPORATE SEAL: *61VEel :L1I=;F_19 PRINCIPAL By: Title: Address: SURETY By: Attorney -in -Fact (Attach Power of Attorney) Title: Address: 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 21 RFB # 19-002 CERTIFICATES AS TO CORPORATE SEAL I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within bond; that , who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal, was of said Corporation; that I know his or her signature thereto is genuine, and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. Secretary of Assistant Secretary I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Surety in the within bond; that , who signed the said bond on behalf of the Surety, was of the said Corporation; that I know his or her signature thereto is genuine, and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. Secretary of Assistant Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brent Dille, City Attorney 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 22 RFB # 19-002 EXHIBIT E NOTICE TO LABOR UNIONS OR OTHER EMPLOYMENT ORGANIZATIONS NONDISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT TO: ALL EMPLOYEES AND TO: (Name of Union or Organization) The undersigned currently holds contract(s) with involving funds or credit of the City of Yelm, Washington, or (a) subcontract(s) with a prime contractor holding such contract(s). You are advised that, under the provisions of the above contract(s) or subcontract(s) and in accordance with Section 202 of Executive Order 11246 dated September 24, 1965, the undersigned is obliged not to discriminate against any employee or applicant of employment because of race, color, creed or national origin. This obligation not to discriminate in employment includes, but is not limited to, the following: EMPLOYMENT, UPGRADING, TRANSFER OR DEMOTION RECRUITMENT AND ADVERTISING RATES OF PAY OR OTHER FORMS OF COMPENSATION SELECTION FOR TRAINING INCLUDING APPRENTICESHIP, LAYOFF OR TERMINATION This notice is furnished to you pursuant to the provisions of the above contract(s) or subcontractor(s) and Executive Order 11246. Copies of this Notice will be posted by the undersigned in conspicuous places available to employees or applicants for employment. Complaints may be submitted to: City of Yelm, 106 Second St SE, Yelm WA 98597 (Contractor or subcontractor) Date 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 23 RFB # 19-002 EXHIBIT F CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 24 RFB # 19-002 EXHIBIT G CITY OF YELM PERFORMANCE/ PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS: We, the undersigned , ("Principal") and the undersigned corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and legally doing business in the State of Washington as a surety ("Surety"), are held and firmly bonded unto the City of Yelm, a Washington municipal corporation ("City') in the penal sum of Dollars and no/100 ($ for the payment of which we firmly bind ourselves and our legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. This obligation is entered into an Agreement with the City dated , 20 for NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall perform all the provisions of the Agreement in the manner and within the time period prescribed by the City, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under the Agreement, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men or women, and all persons who shall supply the Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and shall hold the City, their officials, agents, employees and volunteers harmless from any loss or damage occasioned to any person or property by reason of any carelessness or negligence on the part of the Principal, or any subcontractor in the performance of said work, and shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in the Agreement within a period of one (1) year after its final acceptance thereof by the City, then and in the event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. And the Surety, for value received, hereby further stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any change, extension of time, alterations or additions to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work. The Surety hereby agrees that modifications and changes may be made in terms and provisions of the Agreement without notice to Surety, and any such modifications or changes increasing the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on this Performance Bond in a like amount, such increase, however, not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the original amount of this bond without the consent of the Surety. Within forty-five (45) days of receiving notice that the Principal has defaulted on all or part of the terms of the Agreement, the Surety shall make a written commitment to the City that it will either: (a) cure the default itself within a reasonable time period, or (b) tender to the city, the amount necessary for the City to remedy the default, including legal fees incurred by the City, or (c) in the event that Surety's evaluation of the dispute is not complete or in the event the Surety disputes the City's claim of default, the Surety shall notify the City of its finding and its intent, if any, to interplead. The Surety shall then fulfill its obligations under this bond, according to the option it has elected. Should Surety elect option (a) to cure the default, the penal sum of the Bond shall be reduced in an amount equal to the costs actually incurred by the Surety in curing the default. If the Surety elects option (b), then upon completion of the necessary work, the City shall notify the Surety of its actual costs. The City shall return, without interest, any overpayment made by the Surety and the Surety shall pay to the City any actual costs which exceed the City estimate, limited to the bond amount. Should the Surety elect option (c), the Parties shall first complete participation in mediation, described in the below paragraph, prior to any interplead action. 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 25 RFB # 19-002 In the event a dispute should arise between the Parties to this Bond with respect to the City's declaration of default by the Principal, the Parties agree to participate in at least four hours of mediation in accordance with the mediation procedures of United States Arbitration and Mediation ("USA&M'). The Parties shall proportionately share in the cost of the mediation. The mediation shall be administered Washington Arbitration & Mediation Service (WAMS) —3600 Port of Tacoma Road, Suite 304 Tacoma, WA 98424 The Surety shall not interplead prior to completion of the mediation. DATED this _ day of , 20_. CORPORATE SEAL OF PRINCIPAL: PRINCIPAL By: (Name of Person Executing Bond) Its: (Title) (Address) (Phone) 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 26 RFB # 19-002 CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE SEAL I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within bond; that , who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal, was of the said Corporation; that I know his or her signature thereto is genuine, and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. Secretary of Assistant Secretary CORPORATE SEAL OF SURETY: By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: <on file> Brent Dille, City Attorney SURETY Attorney -in -Fact (Attach Power of Attorney) (Name of Person Executing Bond) (Address) (Phone) 2019 Sidewalk Replacements Page 27 RFB # 19-002 CITY OF YELM RESOLUTION #601 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING S.E. THURSTON FIRE AUTHORITY'S REMODELING / REOPENING OF STATION 22 WHEREAS, The City of Yelm is a partner with S.E. Thurston Fire Authority, and WHEREAS, S.E. Thurston Fire Authority is pursuing grant funding for the remodel and reopening of Lake Lawrence Fire Station 922 at 17213 153rd Ave; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City of Yelm has pledged its support for S.E. Thurston Fire Authority's remodeling / reopening of Lake Lawrence Fire Station 922. ADOPTED at the meeting of the Yelm City Council on this 22nd day of October, 2019 by a majority of the members. CITY OF YELM By By Councilmember By By Councilmember By By Councilmember By Councilmember By Mayor Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember CITY OF YELM RESOLUTION NUMBER 602 WHEREAS, in 2018 the Mayor and City of Yelm staff proposed and the City Council supported transitioning from an annual budget to a biennial budget in order to increase predictability and promote longer term planning; and WHEREAS, the City of Yelm now follows a biennial budget with the majority of the budgeting process taking place in even years; and WHEREAS, the Yelm Finance Committee developed a proposed budget calendar to continue providing predictability and planning for future budgets, with an additional emphasis on establishing City Council retreats to establish priorities and surveys to solicit feedback from the community to inform Council decision making on the budget process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Yelm City Council that the following budget process be adopted. The budget will be routinely monitored using year to date actual revenue and expenditures in March, July, and November of every year. Projections through year end will be reviewed by Council and amendments prepared accordingly. The following budget process and schedule have been adapted for the City of Yelm based on MRSC Budget Preparations Guidance and Washington State Budget Law for biennial budgets, which can be found in RCW 35.34.120. State law requires that the first year of a biennial budget be an odd numbered year. Therefore, the development of the future budget occurs in even years. The following are key steps the City of Yelm takes to prepare and update the biennial budget. January - even year 1. The City Council convenes a strategic planning retreat to: a. Determine the policy priorities and initiatives Council will develop and work on; based on existing community goals. b. Establish focus areas for a community survey to be conducted every other year to provide input about citizen priorities and insight on significant community issues to be used in developing budget priorities. March/April - even year 2. The Finance Committee meets to review budget and financial policies. June - even year 3. The City Council convenes a Study Session or Council Retreat to review citizen feedback from the completed community survey. Based on this information the Council makes a recommendation to the Mayor on budget priorities focused toward community goals. July - even year 4. The designated budget officer for the City of Yelm is the Finance Director. The budget officer makes the "Official Budget Call" in a letter to all department directors requesting "Basic Budget" revenue and expenditure estimates for upcoming biennium maintaining the current service level. The statutory deadline for the Official Budget Call is on or before the first Monday in September. 5. Basic Budget estimates are due from department directors within 14 days. 6. The Finance Director begins preparing the budget document and develops general purpose revenue estimates consisting of tax, state shared revenue, intergovernmental service revenue, and other miscellaneous revenue sources. 7. The Finance Director receives, reviews and incorporates department estimates into the budget document. August - even year 8. The Finance Director presents the Preliminary Basic Budget document to the Mayor and City Administrator providing an opportunity to make modifications, revisions, or additions. 9. The Finance Director and City Administrator then meet with each department to review their basic budget. The statutory deadline is on or before the first business day of October. September - even year 10. Department directors submit additional funding requests or "Service Packages" for new positions, equipment, and projects which are over and above their basic budgets. The Finance Director updates the budget document to show the impact of Service Package requests and outcomes of recent union contract negations. In years when funding is limited, departments may be asked to submit proposed expenditure reductions. 11. Dates for the Public Hearing on Revenue and Ad Valorem (Property) Tax, the Preliminary Budget Hearing, and the Final Budget Hearing are set. Publication notices are prepared and publication dates on are scheduled. 12. The Mayor and City Administrator meet with each department to review the Preliminary Budget. 13. A series of budget study sessions are planned for the Council to review and make recommendations to the Mayor's Proposed Budget. 14. The Mayor, City Administrator, and Finance Director then brief the Finance Committee on the Preliminary Budget proposed. Page 2 of 4 15. The Mayor and City Administrator present the first draft of the Preliminary Budget to the Council. Feedback from the Council is received and any revisions are made. The statutory deadline is the first Monday in October. October - even year 16. The revised budget document is officially filed with the Finance Director and is now considered to be the "Recommended Final Budget." The statutory deadline is at least 60 days before the beginning of the next fiscal year. 17. The Finance Department publishes the Recommended Final Budget, making it available to the public. 18. The Mayor and City Administrator present and officially file the Recommended Final Budget and Mayor's Budget Message with the Council. The statutory deadline is at least 60 days before the beginning of the next fiscal year 19. The City holds the first of three public hearings to gather citizen input on proposed revenue sources for the coming biennium, including any possible increases in property taxes. November - even year 20. The City holds the second of three public hearings, the Preliminary Hearing, to gather citizen input on the Recommended Final Budget and Mayor's Budget Message. 21. The Ad Valorem Tax Ordnance is adopted for the upcoming year and filed with the county assessor no later November 301h per statutory requirements. If filed after the deadline the levy must remain at the prior year's level and may not be increased. 22. The City holds the third and Final Budget Hearing to gather citizen input on the Recommended Final Budget and Mayor's Budget Message as well as review any changes made by the City Council during budget deliberations. December - even year 23. The City Council adopts the Recommended Final Budget and Mayor's Budget Message for the upcoming biennium by ordinance via a simple majority of the members present. Appropriations are approved by the City Council at the individual fund level. 24. Immediately following the adoption of the budget the Finance Director submits a copy MRSC and the State Auditor's Office. The statutory deadline is December 31s. 25. The Finance Department publishes the Adopted City of Yelm Biennial Budget and distributes the document to the City Council, department managers, and makes copies available to the public. Page 3 of 4 January - odd year 1. The City Council convenes a strategic planning retreat to iIdentify and establish performance metrics on budgeted goals and key projects the Council would like updates on throughout the upcoming year during routine budget reviews, i.e. were project deadlines met? Did projects remain within budget? Did projects meet or exceed City needs, in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan or other adopted long-range guiding documents? In odd years the following key steps are taken by the City of Yelm to ensure year two of the biennial budget remains viable. September - odd year 2. Dates for the Public Hearing on Ad Valorem (Property) Tax and Mid -Biennium Budget Adjustment are set. Publication notices are prepared and publication dates on are scheduled. 3. Change requests for new "Service Package" funding for the second year of the biennium are submitted by department directors in writing to the Finance Director and City Administrator. October - odd year 4. If approved, requests are consolidated in an ordinance and presented to the City Council at the regular meeting. November - odd year 5. The City Council considers for approval the proposed adjustments to a fund's total appropriation for the biennium. A simple majority of the Council members present is required for approval. 6. Approved adjustments are incorporated into the existing biennial budget resulting in a revised appropriation for the current biennium. 7. The Ad Valorem Tax Ordnance is adopted for the upcoming year and filed to be certified by the county assessor no later the November 301h per statutory requirements. If filed after the deadline the levy must remain at the prior year's level and may not be increased. Approved this 22nd day of October, 2019 JW Foster, Mayor Attest: Lori Lucas, City Clerk/HR Manager Page 4 of 4 YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2019 MINUTES CITY HALL BUILDING 106 SECOND STREET SE YELM, WA Mayor JW Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. 2. Agenda Approval 19-073 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Special Presentations - September 2019 Student of the Month - Colter Wevodau 4. Public Comment - Cameron Jayne reminded Council to read the fine print when applying for grant money. Matthew McLellan shared concerns regarding the Homelessness Task Force. Brenda Surprus shared concerns regarding the Homelessness Task Force. Bob Cori shared concerns regarding the Homelessness Task Force. Jenne Jaredi shared concerns regarding the Homelessness Task Force. 5. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: October 8, 2019 Minutes b. Council Financial Reports and Voucher Approval for September 2019 $1,076,849.41. 19-074 MOTION BY TO TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business - a. 2019 Sidewalk Replacement Contract Award 19-075 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AWARD OF THE 2019 SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT CONTRACT TO NPM CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $117,142.00. SECONDED BY CODY COLT. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. b. Resolution No. 601 Supporting SE Thurston Fire Authority 19-076 MOTION BY JOE DEPINTO APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 601 SUPPORTING SE THURSTON FIRE AUTHORITY'S REMODEL/ REOPENING OF STATION 22. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. c. Resolution No. 602 Establishing a Budget Development Schedule 19-077 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 602 FORMALIZING THE BUDGET SCHEDULE FOR FUTURE BIENNIAL BUDGETS. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. Old Business - none scheduled October 22, 2019 Page 1 1 8. UPDATES— City Administrator Michael Grayum — • Vacant positions on the Arts Commission, Historic Preservation Commission and the Tree Advisory Board. Please apply at www velmwa.aov. • Boys and Girls Club Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 5:00 pm at 105 Yelm Avenue West. • Eleven citizens enrolled in Yelm Police Citizens Academy. • Working with Richard Fife on his recent water leak. • Utility refund issue has been resolved and will be done in a timely manner in the future. • Public Works will receive a credit card processing machine soon so they can take payments for animal control. • SWAT Addendum, 2019-2020 Budget Amendments, Jury Trial Contract and Presentation from Habitat for Humanity are upcoming items for Council consideration. Councilmember Curry attended the Homelessness Task Force meetings, Chat with the Chief. The Yelm Senior Center will be holding their annual Christmas Bazaar October 25-26, 2019. Councilmember Carmody explained the next steps for the Homelessness Task Force. Councilmember Carmody attended the Board of Director for Intercity Transit Authority meeting and announced that December 5 at 6:30 at the Yelm Community Center will be Yelm's first "Yelm University". Councllmember Colt attended the I' Yelm Pub Crawl and watched the Homelessness Task Force meeting on YouTube. Councilmember Stillwell attended the Yelm Public Safety Committee meeting, Yelm Emergency Operations Board meeting and watched the Homelessness Task Force meeting on YouTube. Councilmember Stillwell encouraged citizens to sign up for the RAVE notification system. Councilmember Wood attended the Homelessness Task Force meeting. Councilmember DePinto attended the South Thurston Economic Development Initiative meeting, Yelm Public Safety meeting and the Homelessness Task Force meeting and reminded everyone of the Haunted House In "Boocoda" (Bucoda) during the month of October. Councilmember DePinto thanked IT Administrator Jason Hardy and Communication Specialist Andrew Kollar for recording the Homelessness Task Force meetings. Councilmember DePinto is working on the proposal for secure mailboxes and will be bringing it to Council soon. Councilmember Kaminski attended the Thurston Thrives Task Force meeting. Mayor Foster attended the Thurston Thrives Task Force meeting, Leadership Thurston County tour of Yelm, Thurston Regional Planning Council meeting, Association of Government Risk Pool (AGRP) conference in Cleveland, Ohio, South Sound Community Investment Partnership meeting, the Association of Washington October 22, 2019 Page 1 2 Cities Expo Conference and the Risk Management Services Agency (RMSA) Board meeting and the Senior Services of South Sound meeting. Mayor Foster stated that the Homelessness Task Force has spent $2700 of the $2500 allocated. Executive Session - none scheduled 19-078 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 7:19 p.m. ciyt JW Foster, Mayor Attest: v v �OKCR4� Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. October 22, 2019 Page 1 3