08 27 2019 Agenda PackerCITY OF YELM Washington CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 8/27/2019 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a) None Scheduled 4. PUBLIC COMMENT *Complete a blue speakers card 5. CONSENT AGENDA a) August 13, 2019 Council Meeting Minutes b) Monthly Financial Report for July 2019 -Vouchers #3659 - #3826 totaling $988,704.66 G. NEW BUSINESS a) Request to Circulate a Petition for Annexation - Debra Fermon A request to circulate a petition for annexation for 5 lots on Grove Road southwest of the intersection of Grove and 103rd Avenue. b) Interlocal Agreement for Mutual Aid/SWAT Authorize Mayor Foster to sign the current proposed Mutual Aid/SWAT Interlocal Agreement. 7. OLD BUSINESS a) None Scheduled 8. UPDATES a) Departments — Michael Grayum, City Administrator b) Councilmembers c) Mayor JW Foster 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) None Scheduled 10. ADJOURN 106 2111 ST SE • Yelm, WA 98597 • 360.458.3244 • www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings may be viewed at.www.velmwa.F-vov or a copy maybe purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate at a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. COMMITTEE AND LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS Mayor JW Foster Yelm Emergency Operations Board Vice -Chair of Thurston Regional Planning Council Board of Director for Risk Management Service Agency Member of Community Investment Partnership Board member South Sound Military and Community Partnership Councilmember EJ Curry Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm Finance Committee Member of Solid Waste Advisory Committee Liaison to Yelm Senior Center Liaison to South East Thurston Fire Authority Councilmember Molly Carmody Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm Finance Committee Board of Director for Intercity Transit Authority Liaison to Nisqually River Council Councilmember Cody Colt Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm General Government Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Thurston County Emergency Services Councilmember Tad Stillwell Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm General Government Committee Board of Directors of Economic Development Council Yelm Emergency Operations Board Member of Law and Justice Council Councilmember Tracey Wood Yelm General Government Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Transportation Policy Board Administrative Board of Director for TCOMM 911 Councilmember Joe DePinto Yelm Finance Committee Yelm Public Safety Committee Member of South Thurston Economic Development Initiative Councilmember Terry Kaminski Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Thurston Thrives Page 2 of 2 YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 2019 MINUTES PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA 1. Mayor JW Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry via phone, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto, Terry Kaminski and Mayor JW Foster. 2. Agenda Approval 19-055 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Special Presentations - none scheduled 4. Public Comment - none 5. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: 06-04-2019 Study Session, 06-11-2019, 07-02-2019 Study Session, 07-09-2019, and 08-06-2019 Study Session b. Council Voucher Approval for June 2019 $1,290,674.01 19-056 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business a. Professional Services Agreement - WHPacific Inc. - Mill Road Sidewalk Project. Authorize Mayor JW Foster to sign a Professional Services Agreement with WHPacific, Inc., not to exceed the amount of $89,937 for environmental and engineering design services for the Mill Road Sidewalk Project. 19-057 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO AUTHORIZE MAYOR FOSTER TO SIGN A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH WHPACIFIC, INC., NOT TO EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF $89,937 FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE MILL ROAD SIDEWALK PROJECT. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 7. Old Business - none scheduled 8. UPDATES - City Administrator Michael Grayum (presented by Mayor Foster) - • The Boys and Girls Club is scheduled to be opening in 23 days. Andrew Chase has been named Manager. • Splash Park is open and the Public Works Team has done a wonderful job getting a balance to maintain safety during high usage. Hours of operation are 10:00 a.m. thru 7:00 p.m., 7 days a week thru Labor Day. • Key crosswalks and stop bars on the streets in front of stop signs have been painted. We prioritized the ones near all schools and others that were significantly faded. • We are ready to start accepting applications for the Arts Commission members, which community volunteer Steve Craig will be coordinating. 8-13-19 City Council will not be joining the School Board in a joint meeting on September 12, 2019 and Council will be holding their regular scheduled Council meeting, September 10, 2019, in the new City Hall Council Chambers. Councilmember Curry Yelm Senior Center is scheduled to have one of their three air conditioning units replaced on August 19, 2019. The next two other units will be replaced over the next three years. Attended the Fire Commission meeting and the Fire Commission will be at the next COY Study Session in September to talk about applying for a grant plus running a bond for a new fire station at Lake Lawrence. Councilmember Carmody Will be attending Nisqually River Council Annual Retreat on Anderson Island on August 16, 2019. Attended InterCity Transit meeting with discussions on Zero Fair System. Would like to know when the Council will be seeing a Budget Amendment on over -runs on Splash Park and Playground Equipment. Councilmember Colt attended Chamber Lunch today, August 13th and will be attending Medic One meeting on August 21St Councilmember Wood attended National Night Out. Councilmember DePinto attended Public Safety meeting and recapped local events that impact the Police, such as, STP and the 4th of July holiday. Attended National Night Out. Homelessness Task Force meeting coming up next week. In the future, Council member Joe DePinto will be presenting proposals to council and sub -committees: 1) B&O tax restructuring for small businesses 2) Working on adjusting when fireworks usage is permitted and creating a City sponsored Fireworks Show 3) Writing up a proposal for secured lockbox program for mailboxes. Councilmember Kaminski attended EDC meeting today with discussions on Affordable Housing, density, tiny homes and storage containers. Also, attended today, meeting with Thurston County Housing Authority and COY Planner, Tami Merriman. Attended two nights of Jazz In The Park. And also, attended Chamber lunch. Mayor Foster attended Chamber lunch and stated attendees were very appreciative of all the community events that have been offered. Attended the Community Development sub -committee meeting discussing possibilities of affordable housing in our community. There will be more talk about the opportunity for tax deferral possibilities. Once every five years the Nisqually River Council gives out a Stewardship Award. Jim Wilcox has been awarded the Stewardship Award. The Award Ceremony will be at Wilcox Farm on September 4th at 5:30 p.m. Great to have one of our community members honored in such a way. Attended the Change of Command Ceremony at JBLM. New JBLM Commander is Colonel Skye Duncan taking over for Colonel Lucas. Then, today, JBLM welcomed Command Sergeant Major Shane E. Pospisil to I Corps. Stated, "thank you for taking care of our troops, we will take care of their families." Reminder to Council: If you have sensitive information of a business shared with you by anybody, it should not be shared in public as it is a betrayal of the trust of the position that you hold. 8-13-19 9. Executive Session - none scheduled 19-058 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 6:26 p.m. Attest: JW Foster, Mayor Karen Bennett, HR Specialist These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. 8-13-19 y EST. 1924 y WASHINGTON "Proudly Serving Our Community" TO: Yelm City Council FROM: Michael Grayum, City Administrator SUBJECT: Monthly Financial Report DATE: August 22, 2019 As previously proposed to the Finance Committee and shared with you all in my last two updates, at the last meeting in August we will start including additional financial information in your City Council packets that our new software is able to produce. Included in the Financial Report for the August 27th Meeting: • Year to Date Budget to Actual for Revenues and Expense by Fund for January through July (pg 1) • Yelm's one page summary from the Washington State Auditor's FIT, Financial Intelligence Tool, for 2017 (pgs 2 & 3) • Overtime for July 2019 as reflected on the August 5th payroll (pgs 4 & 5) • The Voucher Approval for July payments issued (pgs 6 to 13) This information will help inform us about what info you'd like to see for the quarterly budget reviews, updates and amendments we will get on your calendar. I've asked Heidi, our Interim Finance Director, to create and provide these reports for you once a month, in addition to framing up options for the formal budget update process. Right now our main focus is the audit. Please stay tuned as we continue to move forward in providing transparent and comprehensive financial data to the council on a regular bases. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or preferences as we navigate this process. 2019 BUDGET POSITION TOTALS City Of Yelm Months: 01 To: 07 Time: 15:09:18 Date: 08/22/2019 MCAG 9: Page: 1 Fund Revenue Budgeted Received Expense Budgeted Spent 001 General Fund 6,392,457.32 4,129,857.16 35.4% 6,409,311.50 3,965,013.26 38% 101 Municipal Street Fund 423,132.00 369,732.53 12.6% 486,112.00 339,434.77 30% 102 Arterial Streets Fund 93,357.00 31,303.75 66.5% 180,500.00 133,660.93 26% 104 Cumulative Reserve 38,500.00 57.63 99.9% 0.00 0.00 100% 105 Park Reserve 3.00 3.85 0.0% 0.00 0.00 100% 107 Tourism Promotion 20,000.00 12,997.99 35.0% 80,000.00 6,000.00 93% 109 YPD School Resource 67,000.00 48.64 99.9% 29,255.00 0.00 100% 119 Deposts & Retainage 0.00 0.00 100.0% 0.00 0.00 100% 120 Transportation Facility Charge 122,000.00 74,024.98 39.3% 131,820.00 0.00 100% 200 LTGO Bond Redemption 206,960.00 214,753.30 0.0% 330,460.00 53,442.50 84% 202 Killion Road LID 439,498.00 196,028.17 55.4% 382,977.00 1,479.46 100% 203 Sewer Revenue Bonds 173,201.00 173,064.07 0.1% 173,026.00 0.00 100% 204 Sewer Revenue Bond Reserve 1,000.00 1,748.51 0.0% 0.00 0.00 100% 302 Municipal Building Fund 623,764.00 394,656.88 36.7% 878,130.00 949,852.99 0% 316 Road & Street Construction 1,182,778.00 231,097.42 80.5% 1,265,006.00 577,098.46 54% 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 314,200.00 205,397.85 34.6% 311,261.00 134,619.04 57% 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 3,496,083.00 2,001,000.55 42.8% 3,425,549.00 1,650,944.62 52% 402 Utility Consumer Deposits 5,000.00 1,780.00 64.4% 5,000.00 1,872.79 63% 404 Water Capital Improvements 937,000.00 873,858.01 6.7% 2,394,000.00 257,635.01 89% 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemptior 918,358.00 226,643.63 75.3% 923,049.00 237,278.30 74% 406 Water Capital Inprovements 1,500.00 3,991.97 0.0% 0.00 0.00 100% 412 Sewer Utility Fund 2,467,917.00 1,660,686.68 32.7% 2,897,207.00 1,666,442.22 42% 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 2,717,326.00 299,036.52 89.0% 3,018,000.00 187,467.37 94% 415 Sewer Bond Refi & Reserve 97,276.00 97,637.33 0.0% 97,101.00 22,621.97 77% 430 Shortline Railroad 0.00 13.36 0.0% 0.00 0.00 100% 431 Water Construction Fund 9,500.00 6,114.44 35.6% 0.00 0.00 100% 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 640,334.00 0.00 100.0% 550,348.00 127,122.04 77% 502 Equipment Rental & Repair 639,023.00 160.23 100.0% 618,459.00 121,923.77 80% 22,027,167.32 11,205,695.45 49.1% 24,586,571.50 10,433,909.50 57.6% 8/22/2019 F9'4'T GOVERNMENT PROFILE: City of Yelm Financial Intelliqence Tool Financial Inteligence Office of the Washington State Auditor TOOT (DPatMcCarthy Report prepared: August 22, 2019, 3:10 PM For detailed, interactive analysis visit: https://portal.sao.wa.gov/FIT/?mcag=0762 Legal name: City of Yelm Address: 106 Second Street, Yelm, WA 98597 Website: www.ci.yelm.wa.us Government Type: City/Town Basis of Accounting: BARS Cash Basis Fiscal year end: 12/31 Population: 8,665 (as of data published: 2017) Status: Active Filing Status: Filed on time Most recent data filed on May 24, 2018 Revenues (FY 2017) Expenditures (FY 2017) Financial Health Indicators Filed on time 8 years running! North Yelm "elm F Four Cei $13,986,844 $8,495,342 Having a particular Outlook does not necessarily indicate financial stability or stress. We designed the indicators to alert viewers to potential financial health concerns by comparing the ratios to our recommended thresholds. In many cases, further inquiry is recommended and is it important to point out governments may have measures different than our guidelines. Outlook: GOOD Outlook: )NCERNING All indicators have a good outlook or are One or more indicators has an outlook indeterminate that is concerning Outlook: C I Outlook: CAUTIONARY All indicators have a good outlook or are One or more indicators has an outlook indeterminate that is cautionary vernmental bervi es Outlook: GOOD All indicators have a good outlook or are indeterminate https://portal.sao.wa.gov/FIT/?printMcag=0762&snapshotld=2 1/2 AN"IN11 R1 Financial Intelligence Tool Transportation 11% Other Culture & 16% Recreation 10% Other 3% Taxes 70% Public Safety 38% Governmental Revenues (FY 2017): $7,574,980 I)-8- $4M $3M $1 M $0 UTILITY CONSUMER DEPOSITS $2,730,582 $66 $3,5 SEWER/REUSE UTILITY SHORTLINE RAILROAD 0 0 Revenues Expenditures Governmental Expenditures (FY 20170: $5,3322,033 ' 1 1 • 1• STORMWATER UTILITY $3,575,202 WATER UTILITY Enterprise Revenues $6,411,864 vs. Enterprise Expenditures $3,173,309 (FY 2017) Report prepared: August 22, 2019, 3:10 PM I For detailed, interactive analysis visit: https://portal.sao.wa.gov/FIT/?mcag=0762 https://portal.sao.wa.gov/FIT/?printMcag=0762&snapshotld=2 2/2 EMPLOYEE EARNING ITEMS City Of Yelm MCAG 9: 08/05/2019 To: Community Devel Time 15:20:38 08/05/2019 Date: Page: 08/22/2019 1 I HARDY, JASON C OT Time and a h 08/05/2019 4.50 Employee Pay Item Date Hours Pay GREEN, AARON M OT Time and a h 08/05/2019 2.00 93.36 GREEN, AARONM; 0810512019 2.00 93.36 HARDY, JASON C; 0810512019 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVEL Executive 4.50 6.50 256.37 349.73 Employee I I I I HARDY, JASON C OT Time and a h 08/05/2019 4.50 256.37 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay HARDY, JASON C OT Time and a h 08/05/2019 4.50 256.37 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay CHRISTIN , MICHELLE R OT Time and a h 08/05/2019 6.00 248.94 CHRISTIN, MICHELLE R; 0810512019 TOTAL EXECUTIVE Finance 6.00 248.94 6.00 248.94 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay MALEK , MICHAEL A JOTTimeandahl 08/05/2019 1 11.751 463.42 MALEK, MICHAEL A; 0810512019 TOTAL FINANCE Police 11.75 463.42 11.75 463.42 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay DAVIS, CHRISTOPHER R JOTTimeandahl 08/05/2019 1 0.501 28.98 DAVIS, CHRISTOPHER R; 0810512019 0.50 28.98 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay GERAY , JARED C OT Time and a hl 08/05/2019 1 23.501 1,394.26 GERAY, JARED C; 0810512019 23.50 1,394.26 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay MOODY, DONALD L I OT Time and a hl 08/05/2019 1 8.001 458.56 MOODY, DONALD L; 0810512019 8.00 458.56 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay ROMPA , MATTHEW A I OT Time and a hl 08/05/2019 1 13.001 778.70 ROMPA , MATTHEW A; 0810512019 Jl SPARKUHL , ANTHONY- 0810512019 TOTAL POLICE Public Works 13.00 778.70 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay SPARKUHL ,ANTHONY OT Time and a h 08/05/2019 1 20.001 1,031.40 20.00 1,031.40 65.00 3,691.90 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay HARPER, TYLER W JOTTimeandahl 08/05/2019 1 20.001 756.40 HARPER, TYLER W, 0810512019 20.00 756.40 EMPLOYEE EARNING ITEMS City Of Yelm Time 15:20:38 Date: 08/22/2019 MCAG 9: 08/05/2019 To: 08/05/2019 Page: 2 Public Works Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay IRVIN , MICHAEL L OT Time and a hl 08/05/2019 1 2.001 71.26 IRVIN, MICHAEL L; 0810512019 I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay KOLB , ERIC J OT Time and a h 08/05/2019 10.00 356.30 KOLB , ERIC J,• 0810512019 PFLUGMACHER, DILLONJ, 0810512019 Jl RAWLS, WESLEYR; 0810512019 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS Waste Water 2.00 71.26 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay KOLB , ERIC J OT Time and a h 08/05/2019 10.00 356.30 10.00 356.30 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay PFLUGMACHER, DILLON J OT Time and a h 08/05/2019 1 29.001 696.00 29.00 696.00 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay RAWLS, WESLEY R OT Time and a h 08/05/2019 1 3.001 81.00 3.00 81.00 64.00 1,960.96 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay JOHNSON, TED A OT Time and a h 08/05/2019 22.00 894.08 JOHNSON, TED A; 0810512019 22.00 894.08 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay SWANSON , JARED A OT Time and a h 08/05/2019 28.50 1,158.24 SWANSON, JARED A; 0810512019 28.50 1,158.24 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay VANBUSKIRK , WILLIAM J OT Time and a h 08/05/2019 14.00 896.56 VANBUSKIRK, WILLIAMJ,• 0810512019 TOTAL WASTE WATER REPORT TOTAL 14.00 896.56 64.50 2,948.88 217.75 9,663.83 VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, August 27th council meeting: Mayor Payroll June Total Expense $ 544,172.56 A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts $ 424,452.93 Excise Tax -June paid in July $ 20,079.17 TOTAL $ 988,704.66 Timberland Bank Checks Issued 7/1/2019 through 7/31/2019: Check number 3659 through check number 3826. Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member CITY CLERK: ATTEST: The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by at a regular council meeting held this 27th day of August 2019. VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM a list of payments approved at Tuesday, August 27th council meeting: Payroll June Total Expense $ 544,172.56 A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts S 424,452.93 Excise Tax - June paid in July $ 20,079.17 TOTAL $ 986,704.66 Timberland Bank Checks Issued 7/1/2019 through 7/31/2019: Check number 36591 through check number 3826. f \ Mayor Council member Cou ember Council memtkr Council member Coll member Council m ber �� /'J Council nber CITY CLERK: (AV ✓x�t-A/J� ATTEST: The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion byGJD® at a regular council meeting held this 27th day of August 2019. City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 5954 07/03/2019 Claims 5955 07/03/2019 Claims 5956 07/05/2019 Payroll 5957 07/05/2019 Payroll 5958 07/05/2019 Payroll 5959 07/05/2019 Payroll 5960 07/05/2019 Payroll 5961 07/05/2019 Payroll 5962 07/05/2019 Payroll 5963 07/05/2019 Payroll 5964 07/05/2019 Payroll 5965 07/05/2019 Payroll 5966 07/05/2019 Payroll 5967 07/05/2019 Payroll 5968 07/05/2019 Payroll 5969 07/05/2019 Payroll 5970 07/05/2019 Payroll 5971 07/05/2019 Payroll 5972 07/05/2019 Payroll 5973 07/05/2019 Payroll 5974 07/05/2019 Payroll 5975 07/05/2019 Payroll 5976 07/05/2019 Payroll 5977 07/05/2019 Payroll 5978 07/05/2019 Payroll 5979 07/05/2019 Payroll 5980 07/05/2019 Payroll 5982 07/05/2019 Payroll 5983 07/05/2019 Payroll 5984 07/05/2019 Payroll 5985 07/05/2019 Payroll 5986 07/05/2019 Payroll 5987 07/05/2019 Payroll 5988 07/05/2019 Payroll 5989 07/05/2019 Payroll 5990 07/05/2019 Payroll 5991 07/05/2019 Payroll 5992 07/05/2019 Payroll 5993 07/05/2019 Payroll 5994 07/05/2019 Payroll 5995 07/05/2019 Payroll 5996 07/05/2019 Payroll 5997 07/05/2019 Payroll 5998 07/05/2019 Payroll 5999 07/05/2019 Payroll 6001 07/05/2019 Payroll 6002 07/05/2019 Payroll 6003 07/05/2019 Payroll 6004 07/05/2019 Payroll 6005 07/05/2019 Payroll 6006 07/05/2019 Payroll 6007 07/05/2019 Payroll 6008 07/05/2019 Payroll 6009 07/05/2019 Payroll 6010 07/05/2019 Payroll 6011 07/05/2019 Payroll 6012 07/05/2019 Payroll 6013 07/05/2019 Payroll 6014 07/05/2019 Payroll 6015 07/05/2019 Payroll CHECK REGISTER 07/01/2019 To: 07/31/2019 Acct # Chk # Claimant EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST EFT PUBLIC FINANCE INC (E) EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT Time: 15:03:10 Date: 08/22/2019 Page: 1 Amount Memo 251.34 INVOICE - INVI976775 462.81 INVOICE - 0002181; 4,598.17 June Hours 4,195.83 June Hours 3,270.45 June Hours 5,656.61 June Hours 4,396.51 June Hours 3,749.60 June Hours 2,749.80 June Hours 3,180.64 June Hours 5,483.75 June Hours 1,509.05 June Hours 4,051.23 June Hours 2,651.34 June Hours 1,986.25 June Hours 1,611.05 June Hours EFT 1,537.95 lune Hours EFT 3,001.30 June Hours EFT 1,614.45 June Hours EFT 5,291.68 June Hours EFT 3,350.07 June Hours EFT 3,569.08 June Hours EFT 2,122.64 June Hours EFT 6,983.99 June Hours EFT 3,160.75 June Hours EFT 1,941.07 June Hours EFT 2,494.96 June Hours EFT 4,287.00 June Hours EFT 4,474.46 June Hours EFT 2,931.90 June Hours EFT 5,299.75 June Hours EFT 1,382.34 June Hours EFT 3,433.80 June Hours EFT 2,238.68 June Hours EFT 1,495.95 June Hours EFT 3,479.06 June Hours EFT 2,004.92 June Hours EFT 4,999.61 June Hours EFT 5,134.35 June Hours EFT 2,157.28 June Hours EFT 2,556.98 June Hours EFT 4,227.26 June Hours EFT 4,423.89 June Hours EFT 2,167.14 June Hours EFT 4,210.14 June Hours EFT 4,571.30 June Hours EFT 2,240.92 June Hours EFT 4,114.65 June Hours EFT 2,374.08 June Hours EFT 3,725.16 June Hours EFT 3,034.53 June Hours EFT 2,424.25 June Hours EFT 4,406.34 June Hours EFT 3,039.54 June Hours EFT 4,697.59 June Hours EFT 4,860.49 June Hours EFT 1,731.75 June Hours EFT 7,304.73 June Hours EFT 2,458.88 June Hours EFT 1,495.95 June Hours City Of Yelm MCAG 9: CHECK REGISTER 07/01/2019 To: 07/31/2019 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant 6016 07/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6017 07/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6018 07/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6019 07/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6020 07/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6021 07/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6022 07/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6023 07/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6024 07/05/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 6025 07/03/2019 Payroll 1 0 AFLAC 6026 07/03/2019 Payroll 6027 07/03/2019 Payroll 6028 07/03/2019 Payroll 6029 07/03/2019 Payroll 6030 07/03/2019 Payroll 6369 07/19/2019 Payroll 6370 07/19/2019 Payroll 6371 07/19/2019 Payroll 6372 07/19/2019 Payroll 6373 07/19/2019 Payroll 6374 07/19/2019 Payroll 6375 07/19/2019 Payroll 6376 07/19/2019 Payroll 6377 07/19/2019 Payroll 6378 07/19/2019 Payroll 6380 07/19/2019 Payroll 6381 07/19/2019 Payroll 6382 07/19/2019 Payroll 6383 07/19/2019 Payroll 6384 07/19/2019 Payroll 6385 07/19/2019 Payroll 6386 07/19/2019 Payroll 6387 07/19/2019 Payroll 6388 07/19/2019 Payroll 6389 07/19/2019 Payroll 6390 07/19/2019 Payroll 6391 07/19/2019 Payroll 6396 07/18/2019 Claims 6397 07/18/2019 Claims 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 AWC 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE EFT TEAMSTERS EFT YELM POLICE OFFICER'S GUILD EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST EFT DREAMTIME VISUAL COMM INC Time: 15:03:10 Date: 08/22/2019 Page: 2 Amount Memo 1,992.73 June Hours 3,267.64 June Hours 2,997.15 June Hours 5,308.27 June Hours 4,891.23 June Hours 5,384.14 June Hours 7,849.77 June Hours 12,898.60 June Hours 1,537.95 June Hours 803.40 Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - Aflac Pre Tax; Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - Aflac Post Tax 77,888.02 Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - Medical Benefits; Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - Supplemental Life 73,318.14 Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - PERS 1; Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - PERS 2; Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - PERS 3; Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - LEOFF 2; Pay Cyc 109,520.98 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 06/12/2019 - 06/12/2019; 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 06/01/2019 - 06/30/2019; 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 - 07/05/2019 1,056.00 Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - Teamsters PW 279.50 Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - Police Guild Dues 3,878.70 923.50 1,258.77 1,639.67 92.35 527.40 460.95 1,023.40 1,481.32 851.56 1,172.96 1,253.31 872.70 1,031.43 696.86 1,108.20 669.86 1,280.45 460.95 1,394.94 1,321.44 1,232.31 343.66 INVOICE - INVI986264 1,569.73 INVOICE - 1824; INVOICE - 1827; INVOICE - 1849 City Of Yelm 07/18/2019 MCAG 9: 1 Trans Date Type 6398 07/18/2019 Claims 6399 07/18/2019 Claims 6482 07/18/2019 Claims CHECK REGISTER 07/01/2019 To: 07/31/2019 Acct # Chk # Claimant 1 EFT HAVIRCO, DANIEL JR 1 EFT THURSTONTALK INC (EFT) 1 0 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 6483 07/18/2019 Claims 1 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 6484 07/18/2019 Claims 1 0 LEMAY MOB SHRED (D) 6485 07/18/2019 Claims 1 0 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL (D) 6486 07/18/2019 Claims 6487 07/18/2019 Claims 6488 07/18/2019 Claims 8048 07/03/2019 Claims 8051 07/09/2019 Payroll 8069 07/16/2019 Claims 8016 07/17/2019 Claims 5918 07/03/2019 Claims 5937 07/03/2019 Claims 5940 07/03/2019 Claims 5941 07/03/2019 Claims 5945 07/03/2019 Claims 5942 07/03/2019 Claims 5936 07/03/2019 Claims 5939 07/03/2019 Claims 5981 07/05/2019 Payroll 6000 07/05/2019 Payroll 6031 07/03/2019 Payroll 6032 07/03/2019 Payroll 6033 07/03/2019 Payroll 6034 07/03/2019 Payroll 6035 07/03/2019 Payroll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 RAINIER CONNECT (D) 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 0 XPRESS UT PMT (D) EFT PAYMENTECH EFT AWC EFT ETS 2488 WA STATE DEPT OF REVENUE 3659 JENNIFER L BEAUCHAMP 3660 RI -12 ENGINEERING 3661 SOUTH PUGET SOUND SALMON ENHANCEMENT GRO 3662 STEWART BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION 3663 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 3664 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 3665 QUILL CORPORATION 3666 JEFFREY & MARIANA SMITH 3667 3668 3669 MICHAEL G MALAIER, TRUSTEE 3670 NATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE 3671 WA STATE COUNCIL OF COUNTY & CITY EMPL 3672 WACOPS 3673 WESTERN STATES POLICE MEDICAL TRUST 6036 07/03/2019 Payroll 1 3674 YELM, CITY OF Time: 15:03:10 Date: 08/22/2019 Page: 3 Amount Memo 2,773.19 INVOICE - 2019 0628; INVOICE - 2019 0715 400.00 INVOICE - 14575 377.11 INVOICE - 4024437109; INVOICE - 4024898918; INVOICE - 4024899002; CINTAS INVOICES - 4025361282,40258445575; CINTAS INVOICES - 4025361362,4025845660 503.09 INVOICES - 11494239, 11494799,11494854 41.10 INVOICE - 4618867 1,437.79 INIVOICE - 1013343003, 1013343004; INVOICE - 2019 07 (6086) 10.00 INVOICE - 2019 0701 1,809.04 THE HOME DEPOT PRO INVOICES - CLEANING SUPPLIES AND LOCKS 4,282.25 INVOICES - 40029, 39444, 40616 41203 1,851.25 PAYMENTECH FEES FOR JULY 2019 4.96 DIFFERENCE OF BENEFITS 7/9/2019 300.00 ETS FEES - 2019 07 20,079.17 WA STATE DOR EXCISE TAX -20190717 320.59 REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRAVEL - 2019 0613 954.48 INVOICE - 73531 17,325.13 INVOICE - 033120YELM 7,573.30 INVOICE - 1014 26,800.00 INVOICE - 2019 0701 (IMPACT FEES) 5,695.30 INVOICE - 90356920, 90372216,90473037 689.33 QUILL INVOICES FOR MAY - COURT 132.35 06-6003.0 - 10009 GREENBRIER CT SE 4,254.97 June Hours 2,451.29 June Hours 2,550.00 Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - Gamishments 955.50 Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - FOP Police 834.00 Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - AFSCME 140.00 Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - WACOPS 958.50 Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - Western States Police Trust 145.90 Pay Cycle(s) 07/05/2019 To 07/05/2019 - Police Car Use City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 6379 07/19/2019 Payroll 6405 07/18/2019 Claims 6406 07/18/2019 Claims 6407 07/18/2019 Claims 6408 07/18/2019 Claims 6409 07/18/2019 Claims 6410 07/18/2019 Claims 6411 07/18/2019 Claims 6412 07/18/2019 Claims 6413 07/18/2019 Claims 6414 07/18/2019 Claims 6415 07/18/2019 Claims 6416 07/18/2019 Claims 6417 07/18/2019 Claims 6418 07/18/2019 Claims 6419 07/18/2019 Claims 6420 07/18/2019 Claims 6421 07/18/2019 Claims 6422 07/18/2019 Claims 6423 07/18/2019 Claims 6424 07/18/2019 Claims 6425 07/18/2019 Claims 6426 07/18/2019 Claims 6427 07/18/2019 Claims 6428 07/18/2019 Claims 6429 07/18/2019 Claims 6430 07/18/2019 Claims 6431 07/18/2019 Claims 6432 07/18/2019 Claims 6433 07/18/2019 Claims 6434 07/18/2019 Claims 6435 07/18/2019 Claims 6436 07/18/2019 Claims Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 07/01/2019 To: 07/31/2019 Chk # Claimant 3675 3681 3676 2M COMPANY INC 3677 503 FIRST ST SO LLC 3678 ALARM CENTER INC 3679 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 3680 AMERICAN FENCE RENTAL LLC 3681 AMERICAN RAMP COMPANY 3682 ANCHOR QEA, LLC 3683 AUTOZONE 3684 AV CAPTURE ALL INC 3685 EDWARD AND STEVI BARRIO 3686 CHAD A BEDLINGTON 3687 MARIA/ANTONIO BESSONART 3688 BIAS SOFTWARE 3689 BRADLEY AIR COMPANY 3690 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 3691 CASCADE COLUMBIA DISTRIBUTION CO 3692 CENTER ELECTRIC INC 3693 COUNTRY GREEN 3694 CRYSTAL SPRINGS 3695 DATABAR 3696 DILLE LAW, PLLC 3697 EH WACHS 3698 EPIC LAND SOLUTIONS INC 3699 ESRI 3700 FASTENAL 3701 FLOHAWKS PLUMBING & SEPTIC 3702 GILLIARDI LOGGING & CONSTRUCTION INC 3703 GOLDSTREET DESIGN AGENCY, INC. 3704 GREEN PRO SOLUTIONS 3705 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 3706 JOHN'S PLUMBING & PUMPS INC 3707 JOHNSON BROTHERS LANDSCAPING Time: 15:03:10 Date: 08/22/2019 Page: 4 Amount Memo 708.00 58.43 INVOICE - 20067247-00 386.69 05-1340.0 - 503 FIRST ST S 767.87 INVOICE - 1177190 1,372.40 INVOICE - 19PN-TJQN-MLG6; PUBLIC WORKS AMAZON INVOICES; INVOICE - 116P-QJHF-ILWP; INVOICE - 1KPM-GVIC-Y9TX; INVOICE - I IWL-TDFD-73TT; INVOICE - 14C6-PWCJ-X9MT; INVOICE - 1T3N-1T9G-M6C4; INVOICE - 1R1F 830.64 INVOICE - 15880 5,000.00 INVOICE - 25449 5,425.00 INVOICE - 63067 163.72 INVOICE - 3731079681; INVOICES - 3731072957, 3731082496; INVOICE - 3731085311 542.32 INVOICES - 1910, 1749 19.16 02-3040.0 - 15730 WOODLAND CT SE 82.04 REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRAVEL/MEAL 2019 07/16 76.69 10-8815.0 - 14434 99TH WAY SE 460.91 INVOICE - 10844 546.59 INVOICE - 1435 147.09 INVOICE - 20214842 3,982.20 INVOICE - 753634; 3,152.46 INVOICE - 74317-000 10,183.08 INVOICES - 406517, 406518, 06983 - CREDIT R931 32.91 INVOICE - 18400177 062119 2,198.96 INVOICES - 241609, 241634 3,369.00 INVOICES - 2426, 2425 70,552.59 INVOICE - INVI65200 2,412.56 INVOICE - 0619-0733 1,418.30 INVOICE - 93663174 380.40 INVOICE - WAOLY74678 683.19 INVOICES - 66062718-2, 66062876-2 6,341.44 INVOICE - 19-0915; INVOICE - 19-1065,19-1082 710.60 INVOICE - 1884 1,446.80 INVOICE - 12502 108.42 INVOICE - 497650 3,591.56 INVOICE - 13507; INVOICE - 13683; INVOICE - 13713 19,063.50 INVOICE - 1453 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 07/18/2019 Claims 6454 07/18/2019 MCAG 9: 6455 07/18/2019 07/01/2019 To: 07/31/2019 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant 6437 07/18/2019 Claims 1 3708 JW FOSTER 6438 07/18/2019 Claims 1 3709 K & L SUPPLY INC 6439 07/18/2019 Claims 1 3710 KENYON DISEND 6440 07/18/2019 Claims 1 3711 LAFROMBOISE COMMUNICATIONS INC 6441 07/18/2019 Claims 1 3712 LES SCHWAB WAREHOUSE CENTER 6442 07/18/2019 Claims 1 3713 MCCLELLAND, ARISTOTLE F 6443 07/18/2019 Claims 1 3714 MCI 6444 07/18/2019 Claims 1 3715 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 6445 07/18/2019 Claims 1 3716 MOUNTAIN MIST 6446 07/18/2019 Claims 1 3717 NISQUALLY POLICE DEPT 6447 07/18/2019 Claims 1 3718 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 6448 07/18/2019 Claims 6449 07/18/2019 Claims 6450 07/18/2019 Claims 6451 07/18/2019 Claims 6452 07/18/2019 Claims 6453 07/18/2019 Claims 6454 07/18/2019 Claims 6455 07/18/2019 Claims 6456 07/18/2019 Claims 6457 07/18/2019 Claims 6458 07/18/2019 Claims 6459 07/18/2019 Claims 6460 07/18/2019 Claims 6461 07/18/2019 Claims 6462 07/18/2019 Claims 6463 07/18/2019 Claims 6464 07/18/2019 Claims 1 3719 PARKSON CORPORATION 1 3720 PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING 1 3721 QUILL CORPORATION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3722 RAM ELECTRIC LLC 3723 ROGERS MACHINERY CO INC 3724 S&J FENCING LLC 3725 SHINE SPECIALTIES & PROMOTIONS 3726 SKILLINGS-CONNOLLY INC 3727 SNEVA LAW OFFICE, PLLC 3728 SOUND LANDSCAPE PROFESSIONALS INC 3729 SOUTH SOUND INTERPRETING & SERVICES 3730 EVERGREEN COMM. CLEAN SOUTHSTAR FINANCIAL 3731 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 3732 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CTR 3733 TAGS AWARDS & SPECIALTIES 3734 DEVON D TAYLOR 3735 THE TRIAD THEATER 6465 07/18/2019 Claims 1 3736 THURSTON CO AUDITOR Time: 15:03:10 Date: 08/22/2019 Page: 5 Amount Memo 448.43 REIMBURSEMENTS FOR PURCHASES 841.34 INVOICE - 42784 71.00 INVOICE - 188994 449.40 INVOICE - 110405; INVOICE - 598485; PUBLIC HEARING ANNOUNCEMENT - 110638 361.98 INVOICE - 423003494406 188.74 INVOICE - 2019 0715 148.89 INVOICE - 2019 0625 (4268) 767.68 INVOICE - 1906-123784; INVOICE - 1906-126724, 1907-128870,1906-127990; INVOICE - 1907-129652; INVOICE - 1907-133579; INVOICES FOR PW - MOUNTAIN LUMBER 426.93 INVOICE - 2019 0601 - 023279; INVOICE - 2019 0701 (023279) 12,360.00 INVOICE - 18142; 86.42 INVOICE - 3742-311493; INVOICE - 3742-307254; INVOICE - 3742-308892 5,195.48 INVOICE - ARl/51025492; INVOICES - ARl/51025568, ARl/51025569 25,213.37 INVOICES - WA27556KE, WA46524KE, WA62026KE 1,210.70 CREDIT MEMO - 621053; QUILL EXECUTIVE INVOICES - 2019 07; INVOICES - 8265306, 8368063 5,774.12 INVOICES - 3876,3877; INVOICE - 3879 1,124.28 INVOICES - 1177798 & 1177797 16,120.21 INVOICE - 352; INVOICE - 357,358 134.74 INVOICES -2015819,2015864 11,137.20 INVOICE - 11932 2,250.00 INVOICE - 2019 0701 269.75 INVOICE - 06065 80.88 INVOICE - 30900 4,823.30 INVOICE - 06272019; INVOICE - 06282019 1,805.09 INVOICE - 91071424-0001; INVOICE - 91459326-0001 14.70 INVOICE - 105711 50.19 INVOICE - 201861 20.01 REIMBURSEMENT FOR FUEL -20190716 6,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 0625 - LTAC PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENT 725.00 EAGLEWEB SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL - 2019 0717 - ATTN: SPENCER RYAN City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 6466 07/18/2019 Claims 6467 07/18/2019 Claims 6468 07/18/2019 Claims 6469 07/18/2019 Claims 6470 07/18/2019 Claims 6471 07/18/2019 Claims 6472 07/18/2019 Claims 6473 07/18/2019 Claims 6474 07/18/2019 Claims 6475 07/18/2019 Claims 6476 07/18/2019 Claims 6477 07/18/2019 Claims 6478 07/18/2019 Claims 6479 07/18/2019 Claims 6480 07/18/2019 Claims 6481 07/18/2019 Claims 6497 07/19/2019 Claims 5915 07/03/2019 Claims 5916 07/03/2019 Claims 5917 07/03/2019 Claims 5919 07/03/2019 Claims 5920 07/03/2019 Claims 5921 07/03/2019 Claims 5922 07/03/2019 Claims 5923 07/03/2019 Claims 5924 07/03/2019 Claims 5925 07/03/2019 Claims 5926 07/03/2019 Claims CHECK REGISTER 07/01/2019 To: 07/31/2019 Acct # Chk # Claimant 1 3737 THURSTON CO PUBLIC 1 3745 WASHINGTON CRANE & HEALTH 1 3738 THURSTON CO SHERIFF'S E3807 INC OFFICE 1 3739 TIERRA RIGHT OF WAY MAINT SERVICES, LTD 1 3740 TRUGREEN COMMERCIAL 1 3741 USA BLUEBOOK 1 3742 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND 1 3743 VERIZON WIRELESS 1 3744 WALT'S TIRE FACTORY 1 3745 WASHINGTON CRANE & 3806 HOIST CO INC 1 3746 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB E3807 INC 1 E3747 WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING 1 3748 WESTERN EQUIPTMENT 1 3749 YELM ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5927 07/03/2019 Claims 1 3750 YELM CAR CARE CENTER 3751 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 3752 YELM, CITY OF 3753 WA STATE DEPT OF 3806 ECOLOGY 3802 AMAZON CAPITAL E3807 SERVICES INC 3803 AMERICAN FENCE RENTAL LLC 3804 AUTOZONE 3805 BENCHMARK SOFTWARE 3806 BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF WASH INC E3807 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 3808 CASCADE COMPUTER MAINT 3809 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO 3810 DATABAR 3811 FASTENAL 3812 GALLS LLC 3813 GILLIARDI LOGGING & CONSTRUCTION INC Time: 15:03:10 Date: 08/22/2019 Page: 6 Amount Memo 580.00 INVOICE - 2019 0604; INVOICE - 2019 0704 (JUNE) 82.80 INVOICE - 10566 1,757.94 INVOICE - 19-0567 133.03 INVOICE - 104244288 1,176.45 INVOICE - 934617; INVOICES - 761322, 901697 AND CREDIT MEMO 727858; INVOICE - 947178; INVOICE - 952783 8127 INVOICE - 9060250 4,712.26 INVOICE - 9832542552; INVOICE - 9832542551; INVOICE - 9833228198; INVOICE - 9833194063; 963.66 INVOICES - 84511, 84592; INVOICE - 84508 1,041.91 INVOICE - 0039874 -IN 1,725.80 INVOICES - 176752, 176819, 176917; INVOICE - 177112, 177113,177127;; 228.16 INVOICE - 5006481238; 960.36 INVOICE - 7075036-00 3,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 0601; INVOICE - 2018 1201 - CONTRACT; 2019 0701; 623.00 INVOICE - 2019 0630; INVOICE - 2019 0701 6,828.63 INVOICE - 1800002911 - FUEL JUNE 2019 15,002.97 YELM, CITY OF - WATER BILL 2019 0701 50.00 INVOICE - 2019 0719 683.55 INVOICE - 1T1T-6MVD-WTTG; INVOICES - 1KPM-GVIC-L1XQ, 1ND3-QFYV-V9JF 516.33 INVOICE - 15769 15.25 INVOICE - 3731036485 1,183.74 INVOICE - 1050 45.00 INVOICE - 1062655 244.88 INVOICES - 202148440 & 20214841 39.80 INVOICE - 9208696 21,625.27 INVOICE - S9279424.001; 719.18 INVOICE - 241442 271.77 INVOICE - WAOLY74322 437.26 INVOICES - 01008539, 013008540 3,382.10 INVOICE - 19-0972 City Of Yelm Chk # MCAG 9: 3814 Trans Date Type 5928 07/03/2019 Claims 5929 07/03/2019 Claims 5930 07/03/2019 Claims 5931 07/03/2019 Claims 5932 07/03/2019 Claims 5933 07/03/2019 Claims 5934 07/03/2019 Claims 5935 07/03/2019 Claims 5938 07/03/2019 Claims 5943 07/03/2019 Claims 5944 07/03/2019 Claims 5946 07/03/2019 Claims Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5947 07/03/2019 Claims 1 001 General Fund 101 Municipal Street Fund 107 Tourism Promotion 202 Killion Road LID 302 Municipal Building Fund 316 Road & Street Construction 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 404 Water Capital Improvements 412 Sewer Utility Fund 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 502 Equipment Rental & Repair CHECK REGISTER 07/01/2019 To: 07/31/2019 Chk # Claimant 3814 HALF MOON SANITATION 3815 HD FOWLER COMPANY 3816 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 3817 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 3818 MUELLER CO., LLC 3819 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 3820 PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING 3821 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING 3822 SE THURSTON FIRE AUTHORITY 3823 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 3824 WASHINGTON TRACTOR 3825 YELM FARM & PET / DJB LIBERTY INC 3826 YELM PUMP & SUPPLY * Transaction Has Mixed Revenue And Expense Accounts Time: 15:03:10 Date: 08/22/2019 Page: 7 Amount Memo 376.00 INVOICES - 49041, 49042 2,077.79 HD FOWLER - PW INVOICES 431.45 INVOICE - 490947; INVOICE - 496001; INVOICE - 494769 678.95 INVOICES - 1906-120400, 1906-120841,1906-120993, 1906-121149; INVOICES - 1906-121301, 1906-121631, 1906-121666,1906-121859; INVOICES - 1906-123826, 1906-124056,1906-124396, 1906-125815; INVOICES -; 2,060.00 INVOICE - 4053679 117.78 INVOICE - 3742-307185, 3742-307296; INVOICES/CREDIT MEMOS - 3742-310689, 3742-310690 24,246.32 INVOICES - WA21932KE, WA43546KE, WA74565KE, WA79302KE 220.00 INIVOICE - 2019-0508 6,368.04 INVOICE - 2019 0701 34.19 INVOICE - RE-313-ATB90617158 108.19 INVOICE - 1868760 13.97 INVOICE - 3198 97.69 INVOICE - 000255/2 497,415.94 17,011.77 6,000.00 462.81 14,641.82 27,660.12 16,783.27 108,559.56 49,197.82 145,806.22 12,484.17 8,641.99 84,039.17 Claims: 444,532.10 988,704.66 Payroll: 544,172.56 k EST. 1924 i1V11v.-:A,WASHINGTON "Proudly Serving Our Community" To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Grant Beck, Community Development Director Date: August 16, 2019 Subj: Request to Circulate a Petition for Annexation ISSUE Debra Fermon has requested approval from the Yelm City Council to circulate a petition for annexation for property west of Grove Road and south of 103rd Avenue. W Requested Annexation Area J N 143RD AVE SE Water Water Water Water 8r Water Sewer Water Water Water Wat Water er Water l Water & Water Sewer Water �4i� Water water & a Sys Sewer Water a c Water � a ,r Water W W Water U Water Water Water Water Water Requested Annexat on Area C-ty Limas Urban Granth Area I iza D! NE BACKGROUND The request to circulate an annexation petition is for lots 19 through 23 of the Yelm Views Subdivision, originally recorded in 1970. All of the lots within Yelm Views are currently City of Yelm water customers and 3 of the lots, including one in the proposed annexation area, are sewer customers as well. The subdivision, along with two lots of record west of the subdivision along 103rd Avenue, form a peninsula of unincorporated property surrounded on the west, south, and east by the Yelm City Limits. The property is within Yelm's Urban Growth Area and is pre -zoned as Moderate Density Residential (R-6). The 2010 Water System Plan at Section 1.9.4 establishes the following policy relating to annexation. Until adequate water rights are secured, annexation of properties in the retail service area will not be allowed with the exception of parcels within an existing (as of the adoption date of this WSP) sewer LID area; or unless the owner/developer of those properties and the City complete a water rights agreement that outlines the terms of a water rights transfer to the City that provides at least enough water rights to the City to allow service of the property seeking annexation. The Comprehensive Plan does not contain any goal or policy that would lead to the conclusion that the property should not be annexed into the City of Yelm. There would be no impacts to City services, including public areas, transportation needs, utilities, sidewalks, recreational services, or human services attributable to the proposed annexation as the properties are already developed and the resident's part of the Yelm Community. RECOMMENDATION The clear policy expressed by the City Council in the water system plan would lead to a recommendation that the Council not authorize the circulation of the annexation petition, as the water system policy does not except properties already served by the City's water system from the ban on annexations. However, all the properties within the proposed annexation area and the entire `peninsula' of unincorporated land are developed and current water customers. Page 2 of 3 If the Council determines that the proposed annexation meets the annexation policy of the Water System Plan, it should consider amending the annexation boundaries to include the entire peninsula south of 103rd Avenue and west of Grove Road. This would make a much more logical boundary and incorporate the portion of 103rd Avenue that is currently a County Road (with City infrastructure located within the County Road). Akemate Anrexatw Area City Limits Urb- Growth Area rza Dr NE Page 3 of 3 W 0 Alternate Annexation Area 27 a U) - _ - - - - - 143RD AVE SE c Water Water & water water water Sewer Water Water Water water water Water water $r Py water Sewer W N Water water water & ¢ rys Sewer W `n water Water a Water W W Water Water Water Water Water Water Akemate Anrexatw Area City Limits Urb- Growth Area rza Dr NE Page 3 of 3 3 s -r. 1924 WASHINGTON "Proudly Serving Our Community" NOTICE OF INTENTION TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS The undersigned are owners of not less than ten percent in acreage of the property as described below who request to circulate a petition to annex into the City of Yelm, Washington The attached map shows the property, described as lots 19 through 23 inclusive of the Subdivision of Yelm Views as recorded in volume 17 of plats, page 7 under Auditor's File Number 830872. The undersigned requests the Yelm City Council determine if it will authorize a petition for annexation as proposed or modified by the Council. Signatu t „ Date Debra Fermon 10321 Grove Road SE Yelm, WA 98597 The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider 1r.: From Date Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council Todd Stancil, Yelm Police Chief City of Yelm STAFF REPORT July 31, 2019 (For August 27, 2019 Council Meeting) Subj: Interlocal Cooperation and Agreement for Law Enforcement Mutual Aid and/or SWAT Deployment between Thurston county Law Enforcement Agencies Recommendation Authorize Mayor JW Foster to sign the Interlocal Cooperation and Agreement for Law Enforcement Mutual Aid and/or SWAT Deployment between Thurston County Law Enforcement Agencies Background This agreement replaces the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Law Enforcement Mutual Aid between Thurston County Law Enforcement Agencies entered into by the parties in 2009. This agreement was signed by signatory agencies in 2011. The City of Yelm Mayor signed the agreement on 10/11/2011. The agreement does not have a set duration and remains in place unless updates are needed. Current The agreement has been under review for the better part of a year by legal representatives of every signatory jurisdiction. Yelm City Attorney, Brent Dille, has represented the interest of Yelm in these discussions and approves of the agreement as presented this evening. The agreement was shared and discussed with the Public Safety Committee at the March 26th and August 27th regular meetings. The primary changes to the new agreement center around Liability for employees serving in a mutual aid or SWAT capacity, minimum liability coverage for each signatory agency and referencing the SWAT team deployment in addition to Mutual Aid. Signatory agencies for this agreement are Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater and Yelm. Page 1 of 1 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT MUTUAL AID AND/OR SWAT DEPLOYMENT BETWEEN THURSTON COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES This AGREEMENT is entered into by THURSTON COUNTY, a subdivision of the State of Washington and its Sheriff, and the cities of Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, and Yelm, all municipal corporations in the State of Washington, for the purpose of setting forth their plan for mutual law enforcement aid as provided herein. WHEREAS, law enforcement agencies have the responsibility of protecting lives and property and keeping the peace; and WHEREAS, in Thurston County or other jurisdiction as directed by the Thurston County Sheriff, a major disorder or law enforcement operation may affect more than one law enforcement agency necessitating joint cooperation in order that persons and property may be protected, and the peace maintained; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable that a cooperative agreement be executed for the purposes of effectuating mutual aid; and WHEREAS, RCW Chapter 10.93, the Washington Mutual Aid Peace Officers Powers Act authorizes the parties to enter into an agreement for mutual aid pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act (Chapter 39.34 RCW); NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: This Agreement replaces the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Between Thurston County Law Enforcement Agencies entered into by the parties in 2009. DEFINITIONS The following items shall have the following meanings, unless the context indicates otherwise: a. "Assisting Agency" Any or all other police agencies contacted for mutual aid by the primarily responsible agency. "Major Disorder" A large scale breach of peace, public disturbance, or natural disaster. Some examples include but are not limited to: earthquake; large scale flooding; pre -planned or spontaneous rallies, demonstrations, marches or acts of civil disobedience that result in disorderly conduct, riot or violence. c. "Mobilization" To organize or put into readiness for active law enforcement services. d. "Mutual Aid" Aid or assistance in which two or more agencies agree to perform in common. Page 1 Mutual Aid/SWAT ILA Updated 07/23/2019 e. "Other Law Enforcement Event" A rapidly unfolding event that requires the law enforcement services of more than one agency but is not viewed by law enforcement agencies as a Major Disorder. Some examples include but are not limited to; active shooter, apprehension of a violent offender, a series of simultaneous priority calls for service that overburden an agency's resources. f. "Primary Jurisdiction" The geographical area of jurisdiction of the primarily responsible agency. "Primarily Responsible Agency" The law enforcement agency within whose local geographical jurisdiction a major disorder or other law enforcement event first occurs. h. "Signatory Agency" Law enforcement agencies participating in this mutual aid agreement whose governing body has authorized and signed this agreement. h. "SWAT Manual" The "Thurston County SWAT Procedures/Guidelines Manual, adopted October 27, 2017, or the version thereafter amended with prior notice to each party that has signed this Agreement. 2. In the event of a major disorder, or other law enforcement event, the first law enforcement resources to be used shall be those of the primarily responsible agency. In the event that such resources are inadequate to control the situation by the primarily responsible agency, or there is a need for a specialized unit, a request for mutual aid under this plan shall be made directly to an assisting agency (requests for specific individual units) or through the office of the Sheriff who is designated as the mutual aid coordinator for the county in accordance with the Washington State Law Enforcement Mobilization Plan. Such requests for assistance shall, if possible, specify the number of police officers and types of equipment requested, and shall further specify where and to whom such officers are to report and where and to whom the equipment should be delivered. Assisting agencies shall inform the requesting agency at the earliest possible time whether resources are available and to what extent. In the event of mobilization under this Agreement, the primarily responsible agency shall take charge of the operation unless the primarily responsible agency specifically requests that a different law enforcement agency fulfill this responsibility or unless the scope of the problem is multi -jurisdictional, in which case the provisions of the Washington State Law Enforcement Mobilization Plan and/or Intrastate Mutual Aid Plan pursuant to RCW's 43.43 and/or 38.56. become operative. This shall include directing the assignment of all personnel and equipment. The assignment of duties to officers of assisting agencies shall be made by the supervising officer of the primarily responsible agency unless that responsibility is delegated to a different law enforcement agency as indicated above. Page 2 Mutual Aid/SWAT ILA Updated 07/23/2019 3.1 In the event that the situation, by its nature, requires tactical intervention whereby the primarily responsible agency requests a tactical response by the Thurston County Sheriff's Special Weapons and Tactical Team (SWAT), responsibility for command and control of such tactical team and its operation shall reside with the Sheriff and/or his designee(s). Mobilization of the Sheriff's Special Weapons and Tactical Team will be in accordance with the provisions of TCSO Policy 2.G.3 of the Thurston County Sheriff's Office and the SWAT Manual, attached as Exhibits A & B. Any change to TCSO Policy or to the SWAT Manual shall be provided to each party to this Agreement thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of such change. 4. The signatory agencies shall provide the names, addresses, and phone numbers of its staff who have the authority to commit personnel and/or equipment to any mobilization effort. 5. Any signatory agencies participating in mutual aid or SWAT under the terms of this Agreement shall make all press releases through the primarily responsible agency, orjointly, if agencies have concurrent jurisdiction and have agreed to make joint press releases. 6. The primarily responsible agency shall establish a command post in such a manner as to provide an area suitable for the staging and direction of resources and shall notify all assisting agencies at the earliest possible time of its location. 7. Arrest policies shall be determined by mutual agreement of the signatory agencies at the outset of any mutual aid incident. 8. Transportation of prisoners to the Thurston County Jail shall be coordinated by the supervising officer in charge of the incident. 9. The primarily responsible agency shall be responsible for supplying and/or replacing supplies needed and/or used by officers from assisting jurisdictions acting under the conditions of this Agreement. These supplies shall include food, fuel for police vehicles, chemical agent gas, or any other supplies that are reasonably needed to sustain the officers in enforcing the law and maintaining order as determined by the primarily responsible agency. Each agency shall be responsible for any repairs and/or damages done to their own vehicles or equipment as a result of participating in mutual aid. Should the request for mutual aid from the primarily responsible agency be for materials or equipment only, then the primarily responsible agency shall be responsible for any repairs and/or replacement of damaged items. 10. The primarily responsible agency shall not be responsible for salaries, benefits, or overtime pay for officers from assisting agencies. 11. Each signatory agency shall carry for the duration of this agreement general liability including coverage for police professional liability and auto liability with the following minimums: General Liability $10,000,000.00 Auto $10,000,000.00 It is understood that each of the parties hereto may fulfill the requirements set forth in this section through either self-insurance or the duly authorized insurance pool. Page 3 Mutual Aid/SWAT ILA Updated 07/23/2019 12. LIABILITY: Each signatory agency shall be responsible for the wrongful or negligent actions of its employees while assigned to the SWAT Team or other mutual aid response team as their respective liability shall appear under the laws of the State of Washington and/or Federal Law and this Agreement is not intended to diminish or expand such liability. 12.1. To that end, each party agrees to hold harmless and release all the other participating parties from any loss, claim or liability arising from or out of the negligent tortious actions or inactions of its own employees, officers and officials. Such liability shall be apportioned among the parties or other at fault persons or entities in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 12.2. Nothing herein shall be interpreted to. 12.2. Waive any defense arising out of RCW Title 51. However, to the extent allowed by law each jurisdiction shall indemnify the other jurisdictions for legal actions brought by its own employees against another party to this Agreement, where such legal actions are related to police actions conducted under this Agreement, notwithstanding the immunity provided by the Worker's Compensation Act, RCW Title 51. 12.2.2. Limit the ability of a participant to exercise any right, defense, or remedy which a party may have with respect to third parties orthe officer(s) whose action or inaction give rise to loss, claim or liability including but not limited to an assertion that the officer(s) was acting beyond the scope of his or her employment. 12.2.3. Cover or require indemnification or payment of any judgment against any individual or party for intentionally wrongful conduct outside the scope of employment of any individual or for any judgment for punitive damages against any individual or party. Payment of punitive damage awards, fines or sanctions shall be the sole responsibility of the individual against whom said judgment is rendered and/or his or her employer, should that employer elect to make said payment voluntarily. This agreement does not require indemnification of any punitive damage awards or for any order imposing fines or sanctions. 13. Whenever any commissioned officer of a signatory agency, acting pursuant to this Agreement is injured and thus unable to perform his/her duties by reason of engaging in mutual aid but isn't at the time acting under the immediate direction of his/her employer, the officer or his/her dependents shall be accorded by his/her employer the same benefits which he/she or they would have received had that officer been acting under the immediate direction of his/her employer in his/her own jurisdiction. Page 4 Mutual Aid/SWAT ILA Updated 07/23/2019 14. Full-time, paid commissioned officers who are responding to any call for mutual aid shall be automatically commissioned by virtue of this Agreement, through the commissioning authority of the primarily responsible agency, and, therefore, shall be empowered to exercise the same police authority during the time of mutual aid as though they were full-time commissioned officers of the primarily responsible agency. 15. Each signatory agency shall develop and maintain a current plan for mobilization of its personnel and other resources to effectively provide mutual aid to the other signatory agencies pursuant to the relevant provisions of the SWAT Manual and the Organizational Flow Chart contained therein. 16. Any signatory agency may withdraw from this Agreement when a period of twenty (20) days has elapsed after notification is made by registered letter to the other signatory agencies' normal business address. Withdrawal or non -execution of this agreement by any one agency shall not affect the continued efficacy of the Agreement regarding other signatory agencies. 17. Venue: This Agreement has been and shall be construed as having been made and delivered in the State of Washington, and it is mutually understood and agreed by each party hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington, both as to interpretation and performance. Any action in a lawsuit in equity or judicial proceedings for the enforcement of this Agreement or any provisions thereof shall be instituted and maintained only in courts of competent jurisdiction in state court in Thurston County, Washington or in the federal court for the western district of Washington. 18. Modification: No changes or modification to this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon parties to this Agreement unless such changes or modifications are in writing and executed by all parties. 19. Severability: It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that if any part of this Agreement is declared invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed as if the agreement did not contain the invalid part. If it should appear that any provision herein conflicts with any statutory provision of the State of Washington, said provision shall be deemed inoperative and null and void insofar as it may be in conflict therewith and shall be modified to conform to such statutory provisions. 20. Extent of Agreement: This Agreement contains terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. The parties agree that there are no other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this agreement between the parties hereto. 21. Relation of Agreement to Statewide Mutual Aid Plan: All the provisions of this Agreement are designed to be in accordance with the provisions of the Washington State Law Enforcement Mobilization Plan and/or Intrastate Mutual Aid Plan pursuant to RCW chapters 43.43 and/or 38.56.. While this document serves to clarify and define the working relationship for law enforcement mutual aid, nothing herein precludes the adoption of specific mutual aid agreements between the signatory agencies of this county and those of other counties which comprise respectively the district and regional configurations mentioned in the mutual aid plan. Page 5 Mutual Aid/SWAT ILA Updated 07/23/2019 22. Notices: Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be deemed sufficient if given in writing and sent by registered or certified mail to the signatory agencies. CITY OF OLYMPIA ATTN: Police Chief Mailing: PO Box 1967 Olympia, WA 98507-1967 THURSTON COUNTY Undersheriff Timothy P. Braniff 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW Olympia, WA 98502 branift@co.thurston.wa.us Office: 360/786-5502 Cell: 360/561-2799 CITY OF LACEY ATTN: Police Chief 420 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503 CITY OF TUMWATER Police Chief City of Tumwater 555 Israel Rd. SW Tumwater, WA 98501 CITY OF YELM ATTN: Police Chief 206 McKenzie Ave SE Yelm, WA 98597 23. Plan Review: Each of the signatory agencies shall meet bi-annually to review and recommend any necessary changes to the plan set forth in this Agreement. 24. Joint Board: This Agreement creates no joint board and no separate legal entity. 25. Duration of Agreement: This Agreement shall be effective on the date of the last signature affixed hereto and shall terminate only upon mutual agreement of the parties. 26. Recording or Posting: The Thurston County Sheriff's office shall file this Agreement with the Thurston County Auditor's Office and each agency shall post it upon a website as provided by RCW 39.34.040. Page 6 Mutual Aid/SWAT ILA Updated 07/23/2019 THURSTON COUNTY: By: Chair, Board of County Commissioners THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF: By: John D. Snaza Approved as to form: By: Deputy Prosecuting Attorney CITY OF LACEY: By: City Manager Approved as to form: By: _._ City Attorney CITY OF OLYMPIA: By: City Manager Approved a to form: By: Deputy City Attorney Date Date Date Date Page 7 Mutual Aid/SWAT ILA Updated 07/23/2019 CITY OF TUMWATER: By: Mayor Approved as to form: By: City Attorney CITY OF YELM: By: - Mayor Approved as to form; By City Attorney Date Date Page 8 Mutual Aid/SWAT ILA Updated 07/23/2019 INCI 9010 KKO TIFF'S (7 SON o"IT s IFRIFF . lliil#I�, EST. 1852 WA U THURSTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE - POLICY MANUAL EXHIBIT P.--& 2.G.3 Special Weapons and Tactics Team (S.W.A.T.) a) The SWAT Team is the responsibility of the Chief Deputy of Field Operations. The Sheriff's Office will have a system for,control and governing the use of the SWAT Team. These guidelines will be outlined in detail within the SWAT Team's Procedures Manual. b) SWAT Utilization Policy It shall be the policy of this Office that a tactical team may be mobilized in the following situations: 1) Hostage incidents. 2) Barricaded suspect incidents. 3) Sniper incidents. 4) Riots or situations requiring chemical agents 5) High risk arrest situations, or as directed by the Sheriff or designee. c) Guidelines for Utilization Some basic guidelines for determining if the tactical team may be utilized are. 1) The suspect has committed a criminal act or is in a dangerous mental condition 2) The suspect is believed to be armed. 3) The suspect has refused to submit to arrest. 4) By the nature of the situation, an unacceptable risk is presented to deputies or the public by using any other accepted means. 5) Any other situation deemed appropriate by the Sheriff or designee. Chapter 2 - Organization and Administration - Rev: July 2017 Page 2 - 27 EXHIBIT B Thurston County 5?f C *.11111,111 ��GftS SWAT Procedures / Guidelines Approved by: .--•� 1� Date: 10/27/2017 Revised October 2017 Page 1 Index Title Page Purpose 3 Mission Statement 4 Organizational Flow Chart 5 Team Structure and Role Responsibilities 6-11 Selection Process: TCSO 12-13 Probationary Period 14 Mutual Aid 15-17 Training Standards 18-19 Equipment Standards 20 Care of Equipment 21 SWAT Vehicle Policy 22 Attendance 23 Noise/Flash Diversion Devices 24-26 Chemical Munitions 27-29 Explosive Entry 30-36 Less Lethal Munitions 37-39 Firearms 40-43 Specialty Equipment / Tools 44-45 Documentation of Activations 46 After Action Critique 46 Code of Conduct 47-52 Disciplinary Procedures 53 Annual Review 53 Revised October 2017 Page 2 The purpose of this manual is to establish policy / procedures and guidelines for the selection, training, equipping, consistent activation, deployment and use of the Thurston County SWAT Team. This office recognizes that no SWAT operation is ever alike and SWAT missions are fluid. With that said, the procedures in this manual are guidelines for the different operations that the SWAT Team will face. The main purpose of any SWAT operation is to allow flexibility, for the people making decisions, to resolve an issue in the most peaceful manner possible. Revised October 2017 Page 3 Mission Statement Recognizing that the presence of a highly trained, highly skilled police tactical unit has been shown to substantially reduce the risk of injury or loss of life to citizens, police officers and suspects; and recognizing that a well-managed "team" response to critical incidents usually results in successful resolution of critical incidents, it is the intent of the Thurston County SWAT Team to provide a highly trained and skilled tactical team as a resource for the Thurston County Member Agencies in the handling of critical incidents. MISSION: The mission of the Thurston County SWAT Team is to support the Member Agencies and any other requesting law enforcement agency with a tactical response to critical incidents. Critical incidents are defined as follows: 1. Hostage Situations: The holding of any person(s) against their will by an armed or potentially armed suspect. 2. Barricade Situations: The standoff created by an armed or potentially armed suspect in any location, whether fortified or not, who is refusing to comply with police demands for surrender. 3. Sniper Situations: The firing upon citizens and/or police by an armed suspect, whether stationary or mobile. 4. Apprehension: The arrest or apprehension of armed or potentially armed suspect(s) where there is the likelihood of armed resistance. 5. Warrant Service: The service of search or arrest warrants where there is a likelihood of armed or potentially armed suspect(s) and there is the potential of armed resistance. 6. Personal Protection: The security of special persons, such as VIP's, witnesses, or suspects, based on threat or potential threat to the well- being of those persons. 7. Crowd Control / Riot: The arrest, apprehension and / or dispersion of persons involved in unlawful assembly and / or civil disobedience. 8. Special Assignments: Any assignment, approved by the Sheriff, Undersheriff, Operations Chief, Incident Commander or SWAT Commander, based upon the level of threat or the need for special expertise. Revised October 2017 Page 4 ORGANIZATION FLOWCHART *If incident occurs outside TCSO jurisdiction, will act as joint incident commander. Revised October 2017 Page COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE: The Thurston County SWAT Team is a multi -jurisdictional team comprised of members from the Thurston County Sheriff's Office, Olympia Police Department, Tumwater Police Department, Lacey Police Department, Yelm Police Department and Medic One. Current SWAT Team Members Agency Commitment: SWAT Team Number of Members Thurston County Sheriff's Office 10 Olympia Police Department 4 Lacey Police Department 4 Tumwater Police Department 4 Yelm Police Department 2 Medic One — Paramedic 1 Medic One — ER Doctor 1 Total 26 The above listed numbers reflect the current structure of the Thurston County SWAT Team. Negotiators (CNT) are available as resource to the SWAT Team (the structure of their team can be found in their policy manual). The number of members may vary depending upon the commitment by all participating members. It also allows for the expansion of the team if other agencies chose to participate with the Thurston County SWAT Team in the future. COMMAND AND CONTROL STRUCTURE: The Thurston County SWAT Team is commanded by a member of the Thurston County Sheriff's Office and must have tactical experience. When activated for an operation, the SWAT Team Commander, or the Assistant SWAT Commander when the Commander is absent, reports directly to the Incident Commander. The SWAT Team Commander is responsible for deployment of the SWAT Team, tactical decision-making and tactical resolution of the incident. This may involve delegation of these tasks to leadership elements within the SWAT Team. The SWAT Commander, when feasible, will approve the tactical plans designed by the leadership elements within the team. The SWAT Team Commander may act as the Incident Commander if so designated by Command staff. No other person, who is not in an active position within the SWAT Team, will attempt to direct, supervise, or control any element or member of the SWAT Team. Revised October 2017 Page 6 Positions and Responsibilities SHERIFF OR DESIGNEE: The Sheriff is the Command Officer for the Thurston County SWAT Team. The Sheriff may delegate this authority to Command Staff as needed. The Sheriff is ultimately responsible for all activations and acts of the SWAT Team INCIDENT COMMANDER: This is a command level officer (Captain or above) within the Thurston County Sheriff's Office. They are responsible for notifying the SWAT Team Commander upon activation. The Incident Commander is in charge of all aspects of the operation during a call -out and assumes responsibility for all decisions made. The Incident Commander will coordinate all actions of personnel and arrange for all necessary logistical needs during a call - out. The Incident Commander is the only person that the SWAT Team Commander will take orders / commands from. All SWAT team activations will be approved by the on -duty Incident Commander. If the SWAT activation occurs in another jurisdiction, that agency may provide an incident commander. The requesting agency incident commander will work with the TCSO incident commander in a joint command structure to ensure that the hosting agency has input into the decision process. The Thurston County Sheriff's Office Incident Commander will have final decision making authority on all deployments of the Thurston County SWAT Team. This authority can only be super ceded by a Thurston County Sheriff's Office command officer of higher rank. ADMINISTRATIVE SWAT LIAISON: This is a Captain within the Field Operations Bureau of the Thurston County Sheriff's Office. They are responsible for direct administrative oversight of the Thurston County SWAT Team and the SWAT Team Commander. This person will assist in review of reports, equipment acquisition, budget issues, etc. Revised October 2017 Page 7 SWAT TEAM COMMANDER: A member of the SWAT Team from within the Thurston County Sheriff's Office. The Commander has overall command of the SWAT call -out until relieved by the Incident Commander. Duties and responsibilities are as follows: Ensures the team is mission capable at all times. • Initiates SWAT Team call -out once approved / authorized by the Incident Commander. • Makes or Approves tactical plans as to the use of the SWAT Team. • Coordinates all tactical units on the scene. • Makes or approves decisions that affect tactical deployment during the SWAT call. • Coordinates the deployment of team through team leaders throughout the tactical option phase. • Approves all training for the SWAT Team. • Maintains all records and files of the SWAT Team. • Approves, schedules and ensures that all the training meets the SWAT Team's needs. • Maintains strict accountability (inventory) of all equipment. • Sets up and manages the TOC (tactical operations center / command post) for the SWAT call -out unless relieved by the Incident Commander. ASSISTANT SWAT TEAM COMMANDER: The Assistant SWAT Team Commander is selected by the SWAT Commander. The role of the ASTC is: • ASTC assumes the role of Tactical Command during SWAT missions. Support the SWAT Commander in all duties. • The ASTC will act as the SWAT Commander when required to do so by either an absence or by designation of the Team Commander. m The ASTC may also be given responsibility for any portion of the team as needed. Revised October 2017 Page 8 TEAM LEADER: A senior member of the team selected by the SWAT Commander and approved by the administration of the Sheriff's Office. This position is responsible for deployment and tactical coordination (with the SWAT Commander) for the operation. Duties and responsibilities are as follows: Prepares and briefs the tactical plan on a SWAT call -out. ■ Coordinates all SWAT Team members operating in a Support role based on the tactical plan. Plans team training and submit training briefs and schedules to the Commander for approval. ■ Ensures that all team equipment is accounted for and maintained properly by appropriate team members. Acts as the Team Commander in the absence of the Commander and/or Assistant SWAT Team Commander. ® Coordinates the tactical planning process. ■ Ensures deployment is complete when operators are assigned. as perimeter / immediate action team on scene. Ensures that all team members are properly equipped for the specific mission. ■ Ensures that all team equipment is properly cared for and accounted for by holding regular inspections. Submits training needs to the Team Commander for consideration and inclusion in the training plan/schedule. A Ensures mission readiness of team members at all times. Assistant Team Leader The Assistant Team Leader is selected by the SWAT Team Commander. There may be more than one Assistant Team Leader designated by the Commander. The role of the ATL is: Support the Team Leader in all duties. The ATL will act as the Team Leader when required to do so by either an absence or by designation of the Team Commander. The ATL may also be given responsibility for any portion of the team as needed. Revised October 2017 Page 9 MARKSMAN / OBSERVER Lead Marksman on the team trained as a Marksman / Observer. The Marksman Leader is a person who is selected by the Team Commander and Team Leader. He / she will ensure that all members of this squad are equally capable of long and short-range target interdiction. Duties and responsibilities are as follows: ■ Engages selected targets when ordered to do so by the Team Commander or Team Leader. May engage targets without command authorization if the situation is in Immediate Defense of Life. All types of such engagements shall be in accordance with Federal and State use of force guidelines. • Deploys his/her squad in accordance with mission directives. ■ Provides timely information of on -scene activity. Assists in scouting assignments as directed by the Team Commander or Team Leader. • If necessary, acts as marksman control in the TOC. ® Ensures all necessary equipment is accounted for and in good condition. ® Submits training needs to Team Leader for consideration and inclusion in the training plan/schedule. ■ Ensures mission readiness of team members at all times. MARKSMAN MISSION STA TEMENT It is the mission of this unit to assist in bringing about the safe and peaceful resolution of critical incidents through stealth, tactics and skills, by providing real-time information and protective overwatch for all on -scene personnel, both law enforcement and civilian. Revised October 2017 Page 10 TEAM ASSIGNMENTS AND PURPOSES: These assignments are need driven depending on the nature of the mission being performed. Any team member can be assigned to any of these duties as determined by the Team Commander or Team Leader. Perimeter Team: Primary purpose is to be prepared for any sudden or unanticipated action by the suspect. This includes not allowing the suspect to escape the inner perimeter unit's positions. The perimeter team will deny access both into and out of the inner perimeter by any unauthorized person. Secondary purpose is to support the Entry Team if the immediate action plan is implemented, and to provide information gathering and reporting from their containment positions. Supporting the Entry Team may include break and rake cover, secondary entry, deployment of noise/flash distraction devices or Chemical Agents, Less Lethal munitions, or cover for deployment of surveillance equipment, and / or other tasks deemed necessary by the SWAT Team Commander or Team Leader. Entry / Immediate Action Team: Primary purpose is to perform a deliberate crisis entry, conduct exigent crisis entry if forced to do so and deal with the suspect upon surrender. This includes assisting in the planning and development of the operation plan, providing tactical expertise, planning any contingencies, and troubleshooting the plan. Secondary purpose is to support the Perimeter Teams if immediate action by them is suddenly necessary. Revised October 2017 Page 11 SELECTION PROCESS When a vacancy occurs on the Thurston County SWAT Team the following process will be used to fill the vacancy: SWAT VACANCY An announcement of the -vacancy will be put out detailing the vacancy and criteria used for selecting new members. Criteria • Minimum of one (1) year as a commissioned law enforcement officer with their agency (unless approved by the administration). • Must be off probation (unless approved by the administration). • Must submit a letter of interest to the Team Commander or Administrative Liaison via their chain of command. • Must be available for call -outs at all times. • Refrain from excessive alcohol use while on the team. • Must be proficient with handgun and maintain a MASTER (90% or above on scored course) status. • Must be proficient with a rifle and maintain a MASTER (90% or above on scored course) status. TEST A. Must pass a Physical Test (WSTOA Standards): 1. Run 1-Y2 miles within 12 minutes and 30 seconds. 2. 35 push-ups no time limit. 3. 35 sit-ups in 1 minute. 4. 6 pull-ups no time limit. B. Must pass an Oral Board. The oral board will be overseen by the Team Commander and the Team Leadership. An administrative member from the candidate's agency will be invited to sit in on the oral board as well. 2. The questions will be of such to determine who the person is, what type of background they have, level of experience, how they rationalize situations, ability to think clearly while stressed and situational questions given to see what kind of tactical ability they possess. Revised October 2017 Page 12 C. Handgun Qualification: Upon successful completion of the physical and oral board test the participants will be tested and must pass with a MASTER level score (90% or above on scored course) with their handgun. If the candidate fails to demonstrate a Master's Level proficiency, an evaluation of their basic skills will be conducted. The SWAT Lead Marksman or Range Master will determine if the candidate can be trained to that level. D. Rifle Proficiency: Upon successful completion of the handgun qualification they will demonstrate their proficiency with a rifle. If the candidate fails to perform at a master's level of proficiency, the same evaluation process will be done as described for the handgun qualification. Selection A. Upon successful completion of the above tests, candidates will be ranked one (1) through the number applied. One (1) will be the highest number. The list is then forwarded to the Thurston County Sheriff's Office Operations Chief for final approval. B. Appointment: Once all above criteria are met and the person is approved by the Thurston County Sheriff's Office Operations Chief the person will be appointed to a probationary position on the SWAT Team for one (1) year. Revised October 2017 Page 13 Probationary Period Once all the above criteria are met and the person is appointed to the SWAT Team, they must successfully pass a probationary period of one (1) year. During this period the member may be removed for any reason deemed necessary by the SWAT Team Commander. Failure to meet the minimum acceptable standards will result in the team member being placed in a temporary, non -deployable status, for one (1) month. Failure to meet the minimum acceptable standard within the designated period of time will result in immediate removal from the team. A probationary team member may be removed from the team, without cause, when deemed necessary for the good of the team by a consensus of the leadership elements of the team. This decision will be reviewed and must be approved by a board consisting Team Commander, and Team Leaders. The Administrative Liaison/ Chief of Operations with the Thurston County Sheriff's Office may overturn the decision if sufficient grounds for dismissal were not established for the team member's removal. Revised October 2017 Page 14 Mutual Aid Other Agency Request Other law enforcement agencies may request assistance from the department's SWAT Team. When this occurs, the on -duty supervisor shall inform their representatives of our policies and the following operational guidelines: A. Mutual aid requests require approval of the Sheriff or his designee. Written mutual aid agreements ideally should be in place and signed by the Sheriff and the Chief / Sheriff of the requesting agency. B. The request for aid is from the agency's Sheriff / Chief of Police or his designee. 1. Primary Assistance: Primary assistance denotes that the SWAT Team shall assume the entire responsibility involved in resolving a situation. The personnel utilized in the inner perimeter should be limited to members of the SWAT Team or other officers the SWAT Team Commander feels are appropriate. The Team Commander shall respond to the scene and take charge of personnel. This does not preclude consultation between the Team Commander and the representative of the outside agency. The requesting agency must agree to this criteria or the tactical team will decline primary assistance. The SWAT Team Commander will always maintain consultation with the Incident Scene Commander and come under his/her ultimate authority. 2. Secondary Assistance: Secondary assistance denotes that the SWAT Team will assume a support role to the requesting agency's tactical team. The requesting agency will retain complete operational responsibility and control of the incident. The SWAT Team Commander will respond to the scene and will accept mission assignments from the Incident Commander (Thurston County) who is working with the, Incident Commander of the requesting agency. The integrity of the SWAT Team will remain intact and under the direct supervision of the SWAT Team Commander. Revised October 2017 Page 15 C. Responsibility of requesting agency: 1. The on -duty supervisor from the requesting agency will establish: a. Inner perimeter b. Outer perimeter c. Command post d. Staging area including press contact, assigned press area e. Begin to develop intelligence information relative to the situation f. Begin necessary evacuation 2. The requesting agency will assign a supervisor or command level officer to the command post during the length of the situation. Request by our SWAT TEAM In the event that the Thurston County SWAT Team needs additional personnel to complete the assigned task the SWAT Team Commander will advise the Incident Commander. The Incident Commander will contact the appropriate agency and request assistance from their Tactical Team. Types of Requests: 1. Additional Personnel a. The request for additional personnel will be made when the incident that TCSO SWAT has responded to calls for additional tactical response or a larger SWAT Team. Types of incident: 1. Active Shooter 2, Large Scale Operations 3. Riot Control 4. Hostage Rescue 5. All other situation deemed necessary b. The request is for personnel due to a shortage of members responding to the call out. This could be due to illness, vacations, or other circumstances. The tactical team members who respond need to be familiar with our tactics and have trained with our SWAT Team. Revised October 2017 Page 16 2. Relief Team a. This request is due to the event occurring over an extended period of time. In this occurrence the SWAT Team Commander will make a request of the Incident Commander to contact the requested SWAT Team and have them respond. b. Injury or death to a participating agency and / or department member. Thurston County SWAT Team has a member that is injured or killed by the suspect(s) involved in the incident. Order of Preference: Relief Teams Washington State Patrol SWAT team Additional Personnel Request Any other as requested by the SWAT Team Commander Revised October 2017 Page 17 Traininq Standard The Thurston County SWAT Team will train 18 days per year, for ten (10) hours or whatever the current employee contract allows for hours in a day. This training will be a mandatory training for all members of the team and they will be required to attend unless the Team Commander excuses the absence in advance. The members will only be allowed to have a total of three (3) excused absences from training a year and no unexcused absences. Excused absences are those that are beyond the control of the SWAT Team Operator. An example would be their own agency's chain of command overriding SWAT training or missions, or some other event that occurs unexpectedly to cause the members absence. If more than three excused absences occur in a one calendar year period, the Team Commander or Team Leader will speak with the Operator and possibly their chain of command to resolve the issue. If the Operator has an unexcused absence, they will be called upon to explain themselves to the Team Commander. These types of absences will be evaluated on a case by case basis. The Team Commander may order a suspension of the SWAT Operator if necessary. The suspension will be in effect until the leadership of the team (Team Commander, Team Leader, Operations Chief, and Administrative Liaison) can meet to discuss what further action / discipline should occur. All new members will be assigned a training officer who is a senior member of the SWAT Team. The trainer will complete the SWAT training program in a timely manner. This training will be conducted outside the normal monthly training that is required of SWAT Team members. Training will be coordinated and approved by the Team Commander and/or the Team Leader each month. Training will be designed around the needs of the team and requirements that need to be met such as firearms qualifications. If members want or need a specific training they will convey their needs to the Team Leader so the appropriate time can be arranged for the training. The team members are encouraged to attend outside SWAT related training when they can. All requests for training will be paid by individual member agencies however the member will notify the Team Commander of all training they are applying for or approved to attend. This is done so the Team Commander can ensure that the member is attending training that is right for the individual and the team. Also the member is representing the Thurston County SWAT Team so we want to ensure that the individual is qualified for the training they are attending and it is job specific. Revised October 2017 Page 18 Team Leadership: Must attend a basic 40 hour team leader course to be considered for the position of Assistant Team Leader. Operator should seek additional training to continue advancing in leadership on the team. Marksman: Must attend a basic 40 hour marksman course to be considered for the position of Marksman. Marksman will also seek advanced training during the duration of this assignment. Marksmen are required to train at least 20 hours per year in addition to the 18 days required team training. Explosive Breacher: Must attend a basic 40 hour approved certification course and pass the Washington State Licensing Exam to be considered for the position of. Explosive Breacher. Must pass Annual Physical Test (must be completed within 16 minutes or less): 1. 800 meter run 2. 5 rounds of the following: ® 3 pull-ups 6 push-ups B 9 sit-ups ® 12 box jumps 3. 800 meter run If a member fails the annual PT test they can retake the test in 30 days. If a member fails the annual PT test a second time it will be up to the SWAT Team Leadership and Operations Chief to determine eligibility for the team. Revised October 2017 Page 19 EQUIPMENT STANDARDS The Thurston Sheriff's County Office and member agencies will supply their respective members the necessary equipment needed to perform the tasks as a SWAT Team member. Team members will be provided the following safety equipment: 1. Ballistic Helmet 2. Safety glasses and goggles 3. Ballistic entry vest Level IIIA with Threat Level III rifle plate 4. APR / Gas mask 5. Radio / Headset 6. Handgun — Glock .40 caliber 7. Ammunition 8. Rifle — AR -15 style weapon with suppressor 9. Nylon gear, holster, ammunition pouches etc. 10. Uniforms 11. Boots 12. Specialized Weapon — if necessary 13. Rain Gear SWAT Team members will utilize appropriate utility type uniforms of an approved color / pattern, and footwear. Uniforms will utilize clearly visible and identifiable placards, patches, badges, or lettering that identifies the wearer of the uniform as a law enforcement officer. The SWAT Team Commander must approve all other items of personal wear or equipment. SWAT Team members to whom any item of equipment is issued, are responsible for the care and maintenance of the equipment. Failure to appropriately care for or maintain the equipment in full mission readiness will be grounds for removal from the team. Security of Weapons and Equipment All assigned weapon and equipment will be stored in a secure location and out of sight from the public's view. If the equipment is stored in the team members issued police vehicle it will be stored in a locking trunk or in the cab compartment if the vehicle is armed with an alarm system. A secondary locking system (gun rack, trigger lock, cable lock or storage cabinet) will also be used to secure the weapon. If the vehicle is parked for a prolonged period of time (vacation) the weapons will be removed and stored in the team member's home or in the SWAT locker at the TCSO FOB. If stored at the member's residence, the weapon will be stored in a gun safe or location where it is not accessible to family members. A secondary locking system will be used to ensure the weapons security. Revised October 2017 Page 20 Care of Equipment Members of the team will be issued equipment and firearms upon acceptance to the SWAT Team. It will be their responsibility to clean and care for the equipment while in their possession. All equipment will be maintained in operational ready status. The team leadership will inspect the equipment once a year as an annual audit. This will ensure that all the equipment assigned is accounted for and in proper working order. Along with the annual audit the Team Commander and/or the Team Leader may inspect any equipment at any time. Upon request the member will present the equipment requested for inspection. All equipment that is missing or lost will be reported to the SWAT Team Commander immediately. Excessive abuse, loss or missing equipment could result in disciplinary action due to negligence. Replacement of lost or damaged (due to abuse) equipment will be the responsibility of the member's home agency regardless of which agency owns the equipment. Failure to maintain or account for issued equipment will result in disciplinary action. Continued violations will result in immediate suspension from the team and discipline will be determined by a consensus of the team leadership (Team Commander, Team Leader, Operations Chief, and Administrative Liaison). Revised October 2017 Page 21 Use of Special Vehicles A. The Thurston County SWAT Team has the following special use vehicles'. 1. Tactical Response Vehicle — 6 wheel armored truck. It is a military surplus vehicle. 2. Chevrolet Panel Van - Used for transportation of team members and other support functions. B. Members of the Thurston County SWAT Team that are assigned the task of driving the 6 wheel armored truck will: 1. Have a general knowledge of the vehicle and its operation. 2. Complete a training session that is approved by TCSO command. 3. Obey all safety regulations placed on that vehicle. 4. The vehicle should be operated by two personnel when deployed for training or missions. Exceptions may be granted by a SWAT supervisor if the vehicle can be operated safely in a limited manner for the purpose of moving it short distances. The vehicle may be operated with just a driver if it is escorted by another police vehicle. 5. Under non -emergent conditions, all personnel riding within shall wear safety helmets and be secured by proper seat belt restraints. 6. A walk around check prior to operating the vehicle will be performed to ensure that the area is clear of obstructions. 7. At the end of use, the vehicle will be re -fueled and made ready for the next usage. 8. The vehicle shall only be used in an official capacity. C. Members of the Thurston County SWAT Team that are assigned the task of driving the Chevrolet Panel Van will: 1. Have a general knowledge of the vehicle and its operation. 2. Have a training session with a member that is familiar with the vehicle. 3. Obey all safety regulations on that vehicle. 4. Ensure that all passengers are secured. 5. Unless operational necessity dictates otherwise, the doors will be closed when the vehicle is moving. 6. After use, the vehicle will be re -fueled and made ready for the next usage. 7. The vehicle shall only be used in an official capacity. Revised October 2017 Page 22 Attendance The Thurston County SWAT Team is a limited resource team with a minimum amount of team members available. With that said, members will be required to attend all training and call -outs while assigned to the SWAT Team unless they have made notification to the Team Commander in advance of their absence. If members demonstrate a lack of commitment to the SWAT Team by not showing up for training and/or call -outs they will be removed from the team. Unexcused absence from a call -out will subject the member to review by the Team Commander. This review may involve further disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal from the team. Excused absence is one where the member calls the Team Commander in advance to let him know that they are unavailable due to prior commitments such as out of county, vacation, training, etc. Members missing more than three excused absences from training a year will be brought in for a review by the Team Commander. Revised October 2017 Page 23 Noise / Flash Diversionary Devices Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide SWAT Team members with guidelines in the safe and proper use of the NFDD (Noise Flash Diversionary Device). The NFDD is an explosive device that, when properly deployed, produces six (6) to eight (8) seconds of physiological involuntary distraction which prohibits organized resistance. Policy NFDD's are among the most useful tools to law enforcement today. Their continued use and availability is only possible through proper training, justification and deployment. Only team members authorized to deploy devices shall do so. No indiscriminate detonation of a noise/flash device will be permitted. All team members shall be trained, tested and certified in the safe use of noise/flash devices on an annual basis. Procedures A. Special care should be exercised when detonation is likely to be completed in a structure where children, elderly persons or individuals with known medical issues (pregnancy, disabilities, etc.). B. Due to the potential fire hazard, officers shall, whenever possible, visually inspect the area of their throw prior to detonation. 1. Avoid clothing, paper, upholstery, etc. a. Although the NFDD has no separating sub munitions and fragmentation is near zero, flying objects are always a possibility. Officers should deploy the NFDD while avoiding areas that have loose objects present when possible. Revised October 2017 Page 24 b. When handling a NFDD, all personnel should use safety equipment. Safety equipment would include, but is not limited to: i. Eye protection ii. Ear protection iii. Helmet iv, Body Armor v. Gloves vi. Ballistic or non -ballistic shield. c. Thurston County SWAT Commander shall consult with the Incident Commander on the deployment of NFDD. 1. Upon detonation of the NFDD, smoke is produced. At the earliest convenience, officers should ventilate the area of deployment for the benefit of officers, suspects and civilians. 2. With the production of a loud noise, accompanied by a brilliant flash of light, exposure to the NFDD may produce sensory overload. After deployment, officers should check those exposed for any injury when any threat has been mediated. Failure to Detonate A. Officer should always have a back-up device ready to deploy. B. If a device fails to detonate, a second device should be immediately deployed whenever possible. C. After securing the area, it will be necessary to remove the un -detonated device: 1: Avoid handling; use a shovel or other object to move. 2. Before moving the NFDD, check for proper separation of pin and lever. 3. Immediately submerge the NFDD in a bucket of water and wait for at least 24 hours. Revised October 2017 Page 25 SafetV Zone If in the event a member determines not to throw the NFDD after the pin is pulled, there will be a designated Safe Zone to throw the NFDD to allow for safe deployment outside the structure. This is due to hazards faced when trying to re - pin a NFDD under stressful situations. The member will yell NO BANG to let other members know the NFDD will be deployed into the safe zone. The Zone will be located near the deployment area of operation. The site will have been checked by the Operator designated to deploy the NFDD prior to approaching the residence to ensure that there are no hazards located in the safe zones such as but not limited to; propane tanks, children, barbeque grills, etc. Justification A. SWAT Team members may deploy a noise / flash device whenever a low-level lethality diversion is necessary to enable an entry to be made or an arrest to be affected. 1. Barricaded suspect or hostage situation 2. High risk warrant service 3. Distracting a subject to allow apprehension or detention 4. Any situation that has the potential of being a life threatening or violent confrontation. Storage: When NFDD's are not being deployed on a call out they will be stored in a locked metal container consistent with and in accordance to the Federal BATF and Washington State standards. -Revised October 2017 Page 26 Chemical / OC Munitions Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide Thurston County SWAT Team members with guidelines for the proper use of chemical munitions. Policy The use of chemical munitions is an effective less lethal tool in subduing armed and dangerous persons, forcing a barricaded subject from a stronghold or dispersing a riotous crowd. It shall be the policy of Thurston County SWAT, that team members will only deploy chemical munitions with the authorization of designated SWAT Command Personnel and in accordance with the proper escalation of force. Officers responsible for the deployment of such munitions shall be trained and tested by certified chemical agent instructors on an annual basis. Procedures Thurston County SWAT Commander will have full control of all chemical agents and their use. Thurston County SWAT Commander shall consult with the Incident Commander on the deployment of chemical munitions. ® Evacuation procedures should be followed if innocent people are at risk of being contaminated. All officers involved in the deployment of chemical munitions should be equipped with gas masks and gloves. 0 Medical personnel should be staged and prepared to render first aid to contaminated suspects, officers and / or civilians. CS, OC and smoke are the only authorized agents utilized by Thurston County SWAT. Chemical / OC munitions use within a structure: Only non -burning type expulsion devices and projectiles should be used within a structure, unless the suspect's threat to human life is such that lethal force would be justified and the device used is designed to minimize a potential fire hazard, and is contained in an accepted manner. Revised October 2017 Page 27 ® Deployment of all chemical munitions shall be accomplished in the safest manner possible. Thurston County SWAT Team Leader, in conjunction with the Chemical Munitions Officer (grenadier), shall determine what type and amount of chemical munitions to be deployed. This plan shall be approved by the SWAT Team commander prior to implementation. The Chemical Munitions Officer (grenadier) shall keep accurate records in regard to the chemical munitions issued, used and recovered. Chemical / OC munitions in outdoor use: Thurston County SWAT Commander or the Incident Commander shall designate what formations are to be used by team members on the strike or riot line. ® Burning projectiles are acceptable for use in an outdoor environment. ® Thurston County SWAT Command Personnel, in conjunction with the Chemical Munitions Officer, shall determine what type and amount of chemical munitions to be deployed. Chemical Munitions canisters are to be thrown on the ground or launched behind the strikers or rioters. Projectiles are to be fired behind the strikers or rioters. Wood or foam rubber "knee knockers" are to be fired at the ground and ricocheted towards the strikers or rioters. In the event the suspect(s) presents a serious risk of death or injury to himself or any person(s), specialty impact weapons (less lethal munitions) may be direct fired at a suspect. - Any person struck with less lethal munitions by a Thurston County SWAT Team member should be, when possible, evaluated by medics. Revised October 2017 Page 28 Decontamination Procedures: 1. At the completion of the incident, the Chemical/OC Munitions Officer shall be responsible for initiating decontamination procedures as appropriate. a. Policing area for expended munitions b. Preparing area for ventilation c. Provide decontamination information 2. The Chemical/OC Munitions Officer and SWAT Team Commander shall evaluate each incident where agents were deployed and critique what areas of training and procedure that may need to be improved. The documentation of Chemical Agent use will be provided in an after -action report. Chemical / OC Agent Deployment The chemical / OC agents may be used in situations listed below but not limited to: • Riot Control • Barricaded Suspect • Suspect Control • Animal Control • Any other situation deemed necessary by the SWAT Team Commander. When the SWAT Team uses chemical agents the Team Commander will approve their use prior to deployment. Chemical / OC Munitions will only be deployed by trained personnel. Type of Delivery Systems The Thurston County SWAT Team uses a variety of deployment methods for different types of incidents. The following are the types of deployment methods: 1. 40 mm single launcher system 2. 12 gauge launcher 3. Hand thrown 4. Aerosol delivery system 5. Pepperball system 6. Any other system Revised October 2017 Page 29 Explosive Breaching Purpose During the course of operations, team members may be faced with the responsibility of creating a communication portal and safe surrender area by using an appropriate level of a shaped explosive charge to affect a breach. This tactic may be used in barricaded or fortified locations in which the subject inside the structure is to be arrested and has been repeatedly hailed by law enforcement personnel without compliance. This use of an initial explosive breach is not recommended for suicidal subjects. In those types of incidents, an explosive breach may be designed for a different purpose. Alternative means of forced entry in these situations (i.e., door rams) are less effective and may create an extreme hazard for entry personnel. The explosive breach by shaped charge may be used in other applications in which the team leadership has determined it is the safest and most effective means to gain entry into a structure. In these instances, the tactical use of shape charges will provide a surgical breech that will provide an immediate access for entry personnel. Explosive entry also provides a distraction through shock and surprise that may inhibit organized resistance toward entry personnel. In addition, explosive breaching of entry points creates surrender areas and open a communication portal for persons. The use of explosives by SWAT may be used in varied applications. Examples of explosive entry as a tool may be applied in the following circumstances: a. In the case of a non-compliant suspect who has been contacted by officers in an effort to gain their surrender. In such situations, all factors shall be taken into consideration, such as mental state of the suspect, hazards posed by the structure and overall safety. The use of a breaching charge has proven effective in gaining compliance in these circumstances by creating a communication portal and a safe surrender area. b. Emergency entries in which SWAT must act immediately and gain control of a crisis to save lives. Situations such as a threatened hostage are an example of this type of entry. c. Breaching of barricaded areas in which the only safe method of gaining entry is by use of an explosive charge. d. Any other situation in which an explosive charge is deemed necessary by team command. Revised October 2017 Page 30 Policy Explosive entry is a tool that we use to gain entry into a location. It is accomplished by using a small amount of explosive with a blasting cap to force open a door or port a wall. This type of entry will need approval from the Team Commander and the Incident Commander prior to use. Members who have attended an approved breaching school will be the only persons to perform the rigging of this type of charge. "Breathers," as they will be referred to, will document the rigging of all charges they set up both in training and live operations. The log will show what type of charge was set up, date, time and who assisted. The Breacher will maintain this log as a personal record of his charges rigged and detonated. Along with the above duties the Breachers will be responsible for inventory control of the explosives and blasting caps that are stored. The inventory will be conducted no less than once a month by one of the breachers. The log sheets for the inventory will be stored in a location near the explosives so it can be reviewed. Handling, purchasing, training, and tactical use of breaching charges will be authorized and supervised by a Certified Explosive Breaching Officer, under the direction of Thurston County SWAT Team Commander. Selected Thurston County SWAT Team members will be required to submit to on-going training relative to the use of breaching charges. Revised October 2017 Page 31 A. Equipment Equipment needs for explosive entry are based upon specific breaching charges and firing devices. 1. Non -el Blasting Caps a. Blasting caps are explosive devices necessary in the initiation of breaching charges. b. Non -el blasting caps are not susceptible to radio frequency hazards or static electricity. 2. Detonating Cord a. Detonating cord, commonly referred to as Det Cord, and also known as Prima Cord, Primex, Detacord, and detonating fuse contains a core of primary explosive known as PETN. b. Det Cord is a flexible rope -like substance that can be cut and shaped for specific charges. 3. Non -el Firing Device a. A firing device is necessary in the initiation and detonation of any explosive charge. b. When initiated, the Non -el firing device transmits a low energy signal or spark, reliably through sharp bends or kinks to the blasting cap, which will detonate the explosive charge. 4. Types of Charges a. Blasting caps, Det Cord, and firing devices are used to create folding linear charges, sliding hinge charges, water charges, frame charges, etc. Collectively, these charges are referred to as "shape charges." b. Shape charges are so designated due to the flexibility of Det Cord, and the ability to cut it to specific lengths, and then additionally, shape it to meet the needs of entry personnel. Revised October 2017 Page 32 B. Training & Certification 1. Explosive Breaching Officer a. An Explosive Breaching Off icer can be any team member of Thurston County SWAT that has undergone extensive training regarding the safe handling of explosives, explosive entry breaching, and has been licensed by Washington State to purchase, handle, prepare and detonate breaching charges. b. Thurston County SWAT Team Commander must approve the certifying organization for the Explosive Breaching Officer. 2. Thurston County SWAT Personnel a. Selected Thurston County SWAT Team members will be required to submit to ongoing training regarding the use of explosive breaching. b. Any member not successfully completing the training will not be permitted to participate, at any level, in the use of explosive breaching. C. Handling & Purchasing Handling, purchasing, and assembly of equipment relative to breaching charges will only be authorized by the SWAT Team Commander or designated Explosive Breaching Officer. 2. A designated team member will be assigned to work as an assistant with the Explosive Breaching Officer. This position will be voluntary and is provided to assist the Explosive Breaching Officer in breaching charge assembly. 3. At no time is there to be unauthorized civilians or team members in the proximity of the assembly area for a breaching charge. 4. Thurston County SWAT medics or EMS personnel should be available during the assembly and / or use of a breaching charge. Revised October 2017 Page 33 5. Only trained, tested and certified Thurston County SWAT Team members will have the authority to complete breaching charge placement and detonation during team activations. 6. Transportation a. No additional fuel will be transported with breaching charges. b. Fire extinguishers will be carried in vehicles that transport breaching charges. c. At all times, breaching charges are to be secured to prevent them from loss or theft. d. Smoking is not permitted within twenty (20) yards of a breaching charge. e. Pre -assembled shape charges will be stored in an air / water tight container. Containers are only to be opened by authorized personnel for purposes of training or actual use. 1. Containers will be secured within the transporting Thurston County SWAT vehicles and not subject to jostling or movement. Blasting caps must be carried in a metal container, stored separately from breaching charges. 7. When handling breaching charges, all personnel should use safety equipment. Safety equipment would include, but is not limited to: a. Eye protection b. Ear protection c. Helmet d. Body Armor e. Gloves f. Ballistic or non -ballistic shield. uRevised October 2017 Page 34 D. Procedure 1. Justification for use a. Emergency entry is required by law enforcement personnel and the use of explosives is the safest alternative for gaining entry into a structure. b. Limited Breaching to gain suspect compliance and create a communication portal and safe arrest area. 2. Explosive Breaching Personnel a. Cover Man 1. Responsible to cover the breacher as he approaches the location of charge placement. b. Explosive Breacher 1. Responsible for carrying the charge and firing device. 2. Placing / Rigging the charge. 2. Responsible for firing the device. d. Shield Man 1. Responsible for carrying the shield and protecting breacher and entry personnel from blast at time of detonation. 3. Explosive breaching positions can be completed through a five (5) or six (6) person team. This can vary depending on the circLinistances surrounding the incident. The number of members needed will be determined by the SWAT Team Commander E. Documentation In the case of a planned operation or crisis incident where a breaching charge is utilized, an Explosive Breaching Report will be completed. The breaching report will include all facts surrounding the detonation of the selected charge. This report will be turned over to the SWAT Team Commander and placed in the after action report. Revised October 2017 Page 35 F. Failure to Detonate 1. If a failed detonation occurs, the following procedures will be addressed. a. Failed Non -el Firing Device 1. Repeat firing procedure 2. Replace Non -el firing device primer 3. Repeat firing procedure b. Failed Non -el Lead and / or Blasting Cap 1. Team leader extracts breaching team personnel from staging to a safe location. (Based on possibility of compromise.) 2. The Explosive Breacher will return to command staging with a cover -man for supplemental Non -el firing device, Non -el lead and Non -el blasting cap. 3. The Explosive Breacher will then approach the objective where the firer will replace failed components. 4. Breacher will then detonate device. Revised October 2017 Page 36 Less Lethal Deployment Purpose: This policy provides guidance for the purchase, storage, transportation, handling and deployment of less lethal impact projectiles and establishes reporting procedures for their use. All SWAT Team members are responsible for understanding and complying with this policy. Definition: For the purposes of this policy, less lethal impact projectiles are defined as those munitions that can be fired, launched or otherwise propelled for the purpose of encouraging compliance, overcoming resistance or preventing serious injury without posing a significant potential of causing death. Examples of less lethal impact projectiles include beanbags, launch able wooden, foam or rubber batons, rubber pellets and other like items. Persons Authorized to Use Less Lethal Impact Projectiles: Only personnel who have successfully completed a SWAT Team approved annual training course in the proper use and deployment of less lethal impact projectiles shall be authorized to use them during actual operations. Justification for Use: The employment and use of these devices are decisive actions that can assist in achieving the goal of protection of life and property and/or the restoration of order. They should be considered whenever the use of less lethal options would assist in enabling an arrest, restoring order and/or reducing the risk of more serious injury. Circumstances justifying the use of these munitions include, but are not limited to: Restoration or maintenance of order during jail or civil disturbances.. Safely controlling violent persons Subduing vicious animals Situations wherein the authorizing person deems their use necessary to safely resolve the incident Revised October 2017 Page 37 Reporting: The use of less lethal impact munitions constitutes a use of force and, as such, must be reported in accordance with standard departmental force reporting procedures. Storage, Transportation & Handling: Storage of less lethal munitions should conform to manufacturer's recommendations. Generally, they should be stored in their original container in a cool, dry place. Munitions which have been removed from their original container shall be clearly and conspicuously identified as "less lethal" to prevent confusion with lethal munitions. Under no circumstances shall less lethal impact projectiles be kept in a manner, which might lead to confusing them with lethal munitions. Generally, they should be stored in a separate container or cabinet or on a separate shelf, which is clearly marked. Except as previously noted, less lethal impact projectiles should be transported in accordance with the department's customary policy or practice for small arms munitions. Under no circumstances shall any person be authorized to tamper with or alter in any manner, any less lethal impact projectiles. Misfires and duds shall be recovered, rendered safe and removed from service. Appropriate notifications shall be made and munitions, which have malfunctioned or are damaged, shall be handled according to departmental policy governing other types of ammunition. Upon receiving any munitions, the person actually employing them is ultimately responsible for ensuring that these munitions are "less lethal" and used in accordance with departmental policy. Procurement & Inventory Control: These munitions shall be procured in accordance with normal departmental purchasing procedures. Inventory, serviceability, and tracking shall be the responsibility of the Team Commander or other designee responsible for handling other types of munitions. Procedures The use of less lethal munitions is an effective tool in subduing armed and dangerous persons who are non-compliant or demonstrate violence towards law enforcement or other persons. It shall be the policy of Thurston County SWAT Team that officers will only deploy less lethal munitions with the authorization of SWAT Commander or in situations where authorization is not able to be garnered due to the expedient nature of the incident. All less lethal munitions will Revised October 2017 Page 38 be deployed in accordance with the proper escalation of force. Officers responsible for the deployment of such munitions shall be trained, tested and certified. Thurston County SWAT Commander will have full control of all less lethal agents and their use. Thurston County SWAT Commander shall consult with the Incident Commander on the deployment of less lethal munitions. a Evacuation procedures should be followed if innocent people may be at risk of being struck by less lethal munitions. M Medical personnel should be staged and prepared to render first aid to suspects, officers and / or civilians who may be struck by less lethal projectiles. Only authorized less lethal munitions or devise will be utilized by Thurston County SWAT. The Thurston County SWAT Team uses less lethal munitions in situations where the suspect or suspects are combative, non-compliant, and / or a threat to public safety. The main reason for the use of less lethal is to resolve the situation as peacefully as possible both to the suspect and other bystanders. The SWAT Team has a large variety of less lethal munitions and they can be used in any situation that the SWAT Team Commander approves. Type of Delivery Systems The Thurston County SWAT Team uses a variety of deployment methods for different types of incidents. The following are the types of deployment methods used but not limited to: 1. 40mm single launcher system 2. 12 gauge launcher 3. Hand thrown 4. Pepperball system 5. Taser Technology 6. Any other system Revised October 2017 Page 39 Firearms Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide Thurston County SWAT Team members with guidelines for the proper use, care and storage of their assigned firearms. Policy The use of SWAT Team member's assigned firearms will be in accordance with their agency policy, SWAT policies, Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission standards and Washington State Law. It shall be the policy of Thurston County SWAT that officers will deploy with their assigned weapons on every call out unless directed otherwise by the SWAT Team Commander or designee. Only weapons and ammunition that have been approved by the SWAT Team Commander or designee will be authorized for deployment. Procedures HANDGUN Currently the standard weapon for the Thurston County SWAT Team is the GLOCK .40 caliber weapon. The only approved models are the Glock 22 and Glock 35. A. Qualification 1. All members will qualify with their assigned weapons prior to responding to any SWAT deployment. 2. The qualification will occur once a year. 3. Members must demonstrate a master proficiency with assigned weapons. Failure to comply with a Master proficiency may result in removal from the SWAT Team. Revised October 2017 Page 40 B. Training In addition to annual qualification members will receive at least two (2) additional days of training. This training will consist of firearms handling, transition drills, malfunction drills, reload drills, movement drills, partner shooting, target identification, shoot house training and any other training deemed necessary to improve the SWAT members tactical shooting skills. LONG RIFLE / ASSAULT RIFLE The only authorized weapon currently assigned to the Thurston County SWAT Team is an AR -15 platform type weapon. The only caliber authorized is .556 A. Qualification 1. All members will qualify with their assigned weapons prior to responding to any SWAT deployment. 2. The qualification will occur once a year. 3. Members must demonstrate a master proficiency with assigned weapons. Failure to comply with a Master proficiency may result in removal from the SWAT Team. B. Training In addition to annual qualifications member will receive ongoing firearms training. This training will consist of firearms handling, transition drills, malfunction drills, reload drills, movement drills, partner shooting, target identification, shoot house training and any other training deemed necessary to improve the SWAT members tactical shooting skills. Revised October 2017 Page 41 MARKSMEN RIFLE The Thurston County SWAT Team will only use assigned and issued marksmen rifles. These are high quality rifles specifically designed for precision shooting. The only caliber authorized is .308. A. Qualification 1. All members will qualify with their assigned weapons prior to responding to any SWAT deployment. 2. The qualification will occur at least four (4) times a year. 3. Members must demonstrate a master proficiency with assigned weapons. Failure to comply with a Master proficiency may result in removal from the SWAT team. B. Training 1. In addition to quarterly qualification members will receive at least 20 additional hours of training. This training will consist of marksmen drills necessary to improve the SWAT member's tactical shooting skills. CARE / MAINTENANCE The weapons are assigned to the SWAT Team member and it is their responsibility to maintain the weapon for cleanliness and ensure that it is in proper mission ready condition. The weapons will be free from dirt, rust and corrosion. All lighting systems will be clean and in proper working order at all times. m It is the responsibility of the individual member to replace necessary batteries when they fail. ® If a member is in need of batteries or parts they will contact the Team Commander immediately and obtain what is needed. NO Unauthorized work on issued weapons is authorized. All work must be approved by the Team Commander and will be done by approved armor. Revised October 2017 Page 42 STORAGE ® Weapons will be stored in a safe manner at all times. SWAT weapons will only be authorized to be stored and carried in police vehicles. ® The weapons must be stored in a locking trunk out of public sight or in a gun lock in the passenger compartment of police vehicle. Handguns will be assigned to SWAT members and can be stored with assigned gear. It is preferred that members store the weapon in a secure manner when not in use. All SWAT weapons will be secured and not accessible to children, public or other family members. AMMUNITION ONLY AUTHORIZED AMMUNITION APPROVED BY THE TEAM COMMANDER IS AUTHORIZED. Ammunition will be replaced as directed by the Team Commander. Revised October 2017 Page 43 SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT 1 TOOLS SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Recognizing that the missions of the Thurston County SWAT Team are performed in a hazardous environment, and recognizing that the safety of innocent citizens, officers, and suspects is often jeopardized by the hazardous conditions, it shall be the intent of the Thurston County SWAT Team to utilize special equipment, as listed below (but not limited too), in an attempt to lessen the risk of injury or death to all involved during the performance of a SWAT operation. The Thurston County SWAT Team recognizes, however, that the use of the special equipment in no way implies or guarantees that injury or death will not occur during a SWAT operation. 1. Primary Entry Weapons: Example: handguns, entry shotguns, assault rifles and submachine guns; a short -barreled weapon which enables the team member to acquire rapid target acquisition, enhances high levels of accuracy, and provides maneuverability, reliability, stopping power, and sustained fire capability. 2. High caliber rifles: Commonly referred to as counter -sniper rifles. These weapons allow the team member to place highly accurate rounds where needed to help resolve life threatening incidents. 3. Less Lethal Weapons or Ammunition: Weapons or ammunition, which propel a round or device that is not normally lethal in nature. Designed to offer an alternative to the use of deadly force when appropriate. 4. Noise/Flash Diversionary Devices: Designed to save lives and reduce the potential for shooting situations by providing for a diversion for the entry of SWAT Team members into a hazardous area. Utilizes a bright flash of light followed immediately by a loud noise. 5. Breaching Tools and Ammunition: Items such as rams, pry bars, hydraulic or electronic machines, special frangible shotgun rounds, etc. which are designed to force entry into barricaded or secured areas. 6. Explosives: Tactical explosives used to force entry into barricaded or secured areas, or to create an entry point for tactical teams where appropriate speed and surprise can only be accomplished through the use of the explosive. Also used to create large exterior distractions. Revised October 2017 Page 44 The SWAT Commander will ensure that only those Team members properly trained and certified in the use of the special equipment will utilize the equipment. The SWAT Team Commander will be responsible for establishing the certification standards and criteria for the team. The use of specialty tools, vehicles and equipment is authorized to resolve an incident as peacefully as possible. It is recognized that the use of any tool is done to increase the safety for the SWAT officer, the public and the suspect(s). SWAT may use any tool that the SWAT Team Commander believes is needed for the specific incident. There are no restrictions. The types of equipment / vehicles /tool available to the SWAT Team are but not limited to: Armored Truck Boats Patrol cars / SUV's / Trucks/Van Cameras = Phones, cell phones, throw phones Ladders Ropes Breaching tools — rams, hooligans, bolt cutters, wire cutters, cutting torches, impact tools, SHOK-Lock (TKO) rounds, glass cutter, lock picks, quickie saw, etc. Rappelling equipment Night Vision / Thermal = Robots PA systems, bull horns Ballistic blankets, shields Lights, portable lighting, lasers Any other piece of equipment that might give us a tactical advantage over the suspect involved in an incident. This is not an all-inclusive list and we are not bound by only what is listed. The SWAT Team may use any piece of equipment they believe will assist them in the peaceful resolution of the call. Revised October 2017 Page 45 DOCUMENTATION OF ACTIVATION The SWAT Team Commander will author an after action report within two weeks of activation which will detail the activation and use of the team. It will consist of any / all actions taken by the SWAT Team, decisions made and by whom, list of munitions used, damage to the location or surrounding properties that was caused by the SWAT Team, and injury to officers / SWAT Team members / suspect / or victim(s) / innocent person(s). Upon completion of the report it will be forwarded to the Incident Commander for review and approval. It will then be forwarded to the Chief of Operations for final approval. The approval process is in place for accuracy of the report as well as assurance that department policies, SWAT procedures and SWAT common practices are followed. The after action reports are kept in a location designated by the SWAT Team Commander and approved by the Administrative Liaison. AFTER ACTION CRITIQUE At the completion of all operations and significant training events the SWAT Team Commander will conduct an after action review. The purpose of this review will be to create a forum for team members to offer information for the improvement of the team. The after action review will be formatted to develop the following information: a. Positive factors b. Negative factors c. Solutions for the negative factors All points discussed in this review / critique will be incorporated in the after action report. All parties (SWAT members, Negotiator, Incident Commanders and any other person who was involved in the incident) will attend the after action critique if available. The after action critique will occur if possible as soon after the event as possible. It is recognized that this may not be possible due to unforeseen circumstance however at the very least the SWAT Team members will critique the incident at the earliest possible time. Revised October 2017 Page 46 Code of Conduct RULE 1: VIOLATION OF RULES Members of Thurston County SWAT shall not commit any acts or omit any acts, which constitute a violation of any of the rules, regulations, directives or orders of Thurston County SWAT whether stated in this rule or elsewhere. RULE 2: UNBECOMING CONDUCT Members of Thurston County SWAT shall conduct themselves, at all times, both on or off duty, in such a manner as to reflect most favorably on the team. Unbecoming conduct shall include that which brings Thurston County SWAT into disrepute or reflects discredit upon any individual as a member of Thurston County SWAT, or that, which impairs the operation, or efficiency of the team or the individual, or insolent conduct to any other member. Thurston County SWAT members will, at all times, respond with honesty and truthfulness during any proceeding. RULE 3: REPORTING FOR DUTY Members of Thurston County SWAT shall report for duty at the time and place required by assignment or orders and shall be properly equipped and cognizant of information required for the proper performance of duty. Members shall adhere to the absenteeism policy of Thurston County SWAT and shall make immediate notification (as is possible) to the command staff of any anticipated or unforeseen absence. RULE 4: FICTITIOUS ILLNESS OR INJURY REPORTS Members of Thurston County SWAT shall not fake an illness or injury, falsely report themselves ill or injured, or otherwise deceive or attempt to deceive any official of Thurston County SWAT as to the condition of their health. -$ RULE 5: POSSESSION OF DRUGS — USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS Members of Thurston County SWAT shall not possess or use any controlled substances, narcotic or hallucinogen, which could affect or impair their ability to function in their job, except when prescribed in the treatment of the member by a physician or dentist. When any controlled substances are prescribed, members shall notify Thurston County SWAT Commander. Members shall only use tobacco products at such time during activations and / or training when inactive (on break), and in a manner that the use of such does not offend or disturb others. Revised October 2017 Page 47 RULE 6: UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE Members shall maintain sufficient competency to properly perform their duties and assume the responsibility of their positions. Members shall perform their duties in a manner that will maintain the highest standards of efficiency in carrying out the function and objectives of Thurston County SWAT. Unsatisfactory performance may be demonstrated by failure to follow policies and procedures of Thurston County SWAT, failure to produce timely documentation as required by Command Personnel, team leaders or other designated Thurston County SWAT personnel, failure to pass any required qualification, or in any way fail to conform to the work standards established by Thurston County SWAT. In addition to other indicators of unsatisfactory performance, the following will be considered prima facia evidence of unsatisfactory performance: repeated infractions of the rules, regulations, directives or orders of Thurston County SWAT. RULE 7: USE OF ALCOHOL ON DUTY OR IN UNIFORM Members of Thurston County SWAT shall not consume intoxicating beverages while in uniform or on duty. Members of Thurston County SWAT shall not appear for duty or be on duty while under the influence of intoxicants to any degree whatsoever, or with an odor of intoxicants on their breath. Members of Thurston County SWAT, while off duty, shall refrain from consuming intoxicating beverages to the extent that it results in impairment, intoxication or obnoxious or offensive behavior which discredits them or Thurston County SWAT, or creates excessive absenteeism in responding to team activations. RULE 8: INSUBORDINATION Members of Thurston County SWAT shall promptly obey any lawful orders, requests, instructions or directives relative to the day-to-day operations, given by the Commander, Team Leaders or Team Instructors. This will include orders or instructions relayed from the Commander or Team Leader by an officer of the same or lesser rank. Revised October 2017 Page 48 RULE 9: ABUSE OF POSITION A. Use of official position or identification Members of Thurston County SWAT shall not use their official position for: 1. Personal or financial gain. 2. Obtaining privileges not otherwise available to them except in the performance of duty. 3. Avoiding consequences of illegal acts. Members shall not lend to another person their identification cards or uniform, or permit them to be photographed or reproduced without the approval of Thurston County SWAT Commander. B. Use of name, photograph or title Members of Thurston County SWAT shall not authorize the use of their names, photographs or official titles that identify them as Thurston County SWAT members in connection with testimonials or advertisements or any commodity or commercial enterprise without the approval of Thurston County SWAT Commander. RULE 10: COURTESY Members of Thurston County SWAT shall be courteous to the public and to fellow members. Members shall be tactful in the performance of their duties, and shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion and shall not engage in argumentative discussions, even in the face of extreme provocation. In the performance of their duties, members shall not use course, profane or insolent language or gestures and shall not express any prejudices concerning race, sex, religion, politics, national origin, lifestyles or similar personal characteristics. RULE 11: PUBLIC STATEMENTS AND APPEARANCES Members of Thurston County SWAT shall not publicly criticize or ridicule Thurston County SWAT, its policies or other members, by speech, writing or other expression where such speech, writing or other expression is defamatory, obscene, unlawful, undermines the effectiveness of Thurston County SWAT, interferes with the maintenance of discipline or is made with reckless disregard for truth or falsity. Members of Thurston County SWAT shall not address public gatherings, appear on radio or television, prepare any Revised October 2017 Page 49 articles for publication, act as correspondent to a newspaper or periodical, or release or divulge investigative information or any other matters of Thurston County SWAT while holding themselves out as representing Thurston County SWAT in such manner without proper authority. RULE 12: PERSONAL APPEARANCE Members of Thurston County SWAT shall wear uniforms in accordance with the rules and regulations, except when acting under proper and specific orders from the Commander. Members on duty shall maintain a neat, well-groomed appearance. RULE 13: TELEPHONE/CHANGE OF ADDRESS Members of Thurston County SWAT shall have telephones in their residences and shall immediately report any change of telephone numbers or addresses to their Commander and to such other persons as may be appropriate. RULE 14: ABUSE OF PROCESS Members shall not intentionally make false accusations of a criminal charge. RULE 15: USE OF ISSUED EQUIPMENT Members of Thurston County SWAT shall use Thurston County SWAT equipment for its intended purpose and in accordance with established Thurston County SWAT procedures, and shall not abuse, damage or lose Thurston County SWAT equipment. All Thurston Cdunty SWAT equipment issued to members shall be maintained in proper order. Equipment will be returned to Thurston County SWAT Commander upon request, replacement or termination of service. Thurston County SWAT members shall take great care in the transportation and storage of Thurston County SWAT issued equipment. Equipment carried and or stored in a law enforcement vehicle shall be secured out of sight and shall be secured behind lock and key in either the trunk or vehicle interior. Thurston County SWAT equipment stored at the member's residence shall be secured behind lock and key and never accessible to unauthorized persons or children. Revised October 2017 Page 50 RULE 16: TREATMENT OF PERSONS IN CUSTODY Members of Thurston County SWAT shall not mistreat persons who are in their custody. Members shall handle such persons in accordance with the law and Thurston County SWAT procedures. RULE 17: USE OF FORCE Members shall not use more force in any situation than is reasonably necessary under the circumstances. Members shall use force in accordance with the law and Thurston County SWAT procedures. RULE 18: USE OF WEAPONS Members shall not use or handle weapons in a careless or imprudent manner. Members shall use weapons in accordance with the law and Thurston County SWAT procedures. RULE 19: ARREST, SEARCH AND SEIZURE Members shall not make any arrest, search or seizure, which they know or should have known, is not in accordance with the law and Thurston County SWAT procedure. RULE 20: INJURY/ILLNESS INCURRED IN TRAINING OR CALLOUTS Members of Thurston County SWAT shall immediately report any injury or illness incurred as a result of Thurston County SWAT training or callouts to Thurston County SWAT Commander. RULE 21: FALSIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS Members of Thurston County SWAT shall complete all documentation with the highest degree of honesty and integrity. Members shall not falsify any document including required testing forms as well as member activation reports. Revised October 2017 Page 51 RULE 22: PAGING OF PERSONNEL Any member of Thurston County SWAT needing to send a group (All -Call, Tactical, Marksmen, Negotiators, Command, and Medics) page will contact the Thurston County Dispatch Center (360-704-2740) with the appropriate information to be paged out. This includes, but not limited to, training, call -outs and general information pages. It will be the responsibility of the Thurston County Dispatch Center dispatcher to document the information requested and send the page out at an approved time. This Rule and Regulation does not apply to pages sent from individual computers or numeric pages when sent from member to member. RULE 23: ATTENDANCE OF TRAINING AND CALL -OUTS Thurston County SWAT team members are required to attend all training and call -outs. The members will only be allowed to have a total of three (3) excused absences from training a year and one unexcused absence. If the member has a total of more than three (3) excused absences, they will be called in to explain this to the Team Commander. Any unexcused absence will be subject to review by the Team Commander. If the absences do not fall under the guidelines established under the training section of this manual, then they may be suspended from the team. This will be by direction of the Team Commander. The suspension will be in effect until the leadership of the team (Team Commander, Team Leader, Operations Chief, and Administrative Liaison) can meet to discuss what further action/discipline should occur. Revised October 2017 Page 52 Discinlinary Procedures A. Upon the violation of any Thurston County SWAT rule or regulation, the SWAT Commander may suspend the member immediately. The Team Commander will document the incident and make notification to the member's Chief and the Sheriff's Office Administrative Liaison. The SWAT Team Administrative board will convene and a recommendation for disciplinary action will occur. Upon review of the violation the use of the following disciplinary actions are authorized: 1. Written reprimand with verbal counseling. 2. Limited suspension from all SWAT Team activities. 3. Expulsion from the SWAT Team. B. Any action taken by the SWAT Team Administrative Board is final and will be communicated immediately to the member involved and his/her respective Chief. C. Any disciplinary action taken may be in addition to, or in correlation with, any departmental disciplinary action. D. Any written documentation will be placed into the member's Thurston County SWAT personnel file for a period of three (3) years. After that period of time, the member may submit a written request to have the documentation removed. The Thurston County SWAT Commander, as well as the Team Administrative Board will make the final decision on all requests. SWAT Team Administrative Board The SWAT Team Administrative Board will consist of the SWAT Team Commander, Team Leader, Thurston County Sheriff's Office Operations Chief, and Administrative Liaison and a representative from the members agency appointed by the agencies Chief (if available). Review of Procedure The SWAT Team Policy and Procedure manual will be reviewed annually to ensure that changes that need to be made are corrected in a timely manner. If items become outdated or new technology needs to be added the annual review can address these item and make the corrections. SWAT Team members will be given any correction to the manual so they can comply. Revised October 2017 Page 53 YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 2019 MINUTES PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA 1. Mayor JW Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto, Terry Kaminski and Mayor JW Foster. 2. Agenda Approval 19-059 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Special Presentations - none scheduled Public Comment - David Burnside would like to see the bicycle lanes on Yelm Avenue be cleaned on a regular basis. Cliff Montierth does not support any funding of any kind for the homeless from the City. 5. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: August 13, 2019 b. Council Voucher Approval for July 2019 Check #3659 - #3826 totaling $988,704.66. 19-060 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business a. Request to Circulate Petition for Annexation - Debra Fermon for 5 lots on Grove Road southwest of the intersection of Grove and 103rd Avenue. 19-061 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO APPROVE THE REQUEST TO CIRCULATE A PETITION FOR THE FIVE PROPERTIES ALONG GROVE ROAD BUT COULD ALSO INCLUDE THE PROPERTIES THAT SURROUND TRANQUILITY LANE. SECONDED BY JOE DEPINTO. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. b. Interlocal Agreement for Mutual Aid/SWAT 19-062 MOTION BY JOE DEPINTO AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO SIGN THE CURRENT PROPOSED MUTUAL AID/SWAT INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. Old Business - none scheduled 8. UPDATES - City Administrator Michael Grayum (presented by Mayor Foster) - • The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) will be meeting for an after action review. • The Legislative Agenda for Council needs to be updated. • City staff are working on a Water Rights Pilot Project that will be submitted to the Department of Ecology soon. 8-27-19 • Court Administrator Sonia Ramirez has submitted a grant application to the Office of Public Defense. • Several different topics are being discussed amongst Council that will be brought forward to the whole Council soon. Councilmember Curry attended the Public Safety Committee meeting. Councilmember Carmody attended the Board of Directors meeting for Intercity Transit Authority. Councilmember Colt reminded everyone that school starts next week so watch out for kids and school buses. Councilmember Stillwell attended the Yelm Public Safety Committee meeting. Councilmember DePinto attended Yelm Public Safety Committee meeting and the Homelessness Task Force meeting last week. The next Homelessness Task Force meeting will be September 17, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm at the Yelm Community Center. Council will be presented with recommendations from the Homelessness Task Force in November. Councilmember DePinto will be bringing three different possible ordinances to General Government Committee and then to Council for their review and decision. Councllmember Kaminski met with members of the Thurston County Housing Authority, attended the Yelm Chamber Luncheon and "Drive by 507" and the Farmer's Market on Saturday. Mayor Foster attended the "First Groups Back to School Kids Day" at JBLM today, reminded Council to attend their Committee meetings or find someone to attend in their absence, attended the Thurston County Chamber meeting, South Thurston Economic Development meeting, Thurston County Commissioners are holding their Board meeting tonight at the Yelm Middle School, thanked the "Moms Group" for the donation to help purchase a special swing for infants that have been installed at two of our parks. The Yelm Midday Lions held their first "Annual Cornhole Tournament" at Mr. Doug's Restaurant. Mayor Foster met with the Supreme Commander of the Moose Lodge who donated $500 to the Boys and Girls Club, also attended the "Incoming Commander Ceremony" at JBLM and will attend the AWC RMSA Public Records Act meeting tomorrow at the Yelm Community Center, please register to attend. The Splash Pad hours will be extended with the anticipated nice weather, it will be posted on our social media page. The upcoming Study Session will be held at the New City Hall building instead of the Public Safety Building. 9. Executive Session - none scheduled 19-063 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. C / Adjourned at aatt.6:57 p.m. X4.9Z),Z Attest: JW roster, Meryor Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. B-27-19