11 12 2019 Agenda PacketCITY OF YELM Washington CIN COUNCIL AGENDA 11/12/2019 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a) October Student of the Month - b) Habitat for Humanity presentation 4. PUBLIC COMMENT *Complete a blue speakers card 5. CONSENT AGENDA a) October 22, 2019 Minutes b) City Park Use Request - Annual Christmas in the Park Event, Dec. 6/7, 2019 6. NEW BUSINESS a) Interlocal Agreement with Thurston County District Court for Jury Trials, Mental Health & Veterans Court Progam Sign and enter into the Interlocal Agreement with Thurston County District Court for Jury Trial fees, Mental Health and Veteran's Court programs. b) Budget Process Update 7. OLD BUSINESS a) None Scheduled S. UPDATES a) Departments — Michael Grayum, City Administrator b) Councilmembers c) Mayor JW Foster 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) None Scheduled 10. ADJOURN 106 2nd ST SE • Yelm, WA 98597 • 360.458.3244 • www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings may be viewed at www.yelmwa.F-fov or a copy may be purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate at a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. COMMITTEE AND LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS Mayor JW Foster Yelm Emergency Operations Board Vice -Chair of Thurston Regional Planning Council Board of Director for Risk Management Service Agency Member of Community Investment Partnership Board member South Sound Military and Community Partnership Councilmember FJ Curry Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm Finance Committee Member of Solid Waste Advisory Committee Liaison to Yelm Senior Center Liaison to South East Thurston Fire Authority Councilmember Molly Carmody Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm Finance Committee Board of Director for Intercity Transit Authority Liaison to Nisqually River Council Councilmember Cody Colt Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm General Government Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Thurston County Emergency Services Councilmember Tad Stillwell Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm General Government Committee Board of Directors of Economic Development Council Yelm Emergency Operations Board Member of Law and Justice Council Councilmember Tracey Wood Yelm General Government Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Transportation Policy Board Administrative Board of Director for TCOMM 911 Councilmember Joe DePinto Yelm Finance Committee Yelm Public Safety Committee Member of South Thurston Economic Development Initiative Councilmember Terry Kaminski Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Thurston Thrives Page 2 of 2 YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2019 MINUTES CITY HALL BUILDING 106 SECOND STREET SE YELM, WA 1. Mayor JW Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. 2. Agenda Approval 19-073 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Special Presentations - September 2019 Student of the Month - Colter Wevodau 4. Public Comment - Cameron Jayne reminded Council to read the fine print when applying for grant money. Matthew McLellan shared concerns regarding the Homelessness Task Force. Brenda Surprus shared concerns regarding the Homelessness Task Force. Bob Corl shared concerns regarding the Homelessness Task Force. Jenne Jaredi shared concerns regarding the Homelessness Task Force. 5. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: October 8, 2019 Minutes b. Council Financial Reports and Voucher Approval for September 2019 $1,076,849.41. 19-074 MOTION BY TO TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business - a. 2019 Sidewalk Replacement Contract Award 19-075 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AWARD OF THE 2019 SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT CONTRACT TO NPM CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $117,142.00. SECONDED BY CODY COLT. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. b. Resolution No. 601 Supporting SE Thurston Fire Authority 19-076 MOTION BY JOE DEPINTO APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 601 SUPPORTING SE THURSTON FIRE AUTHORITY'S REMODEL/REOPENING OF STATION 22. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. c. Resolution No. 602 Establishing a Budget Development Schedule 19-077 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 602 FORMALIZING THE BUDGET SCHEDULE FOR FUTURE BIENNIAL BUDGETS. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 7. Old Business - none scheduled October 22, 2019 Page 1 1 8. UPDATES— City Administrator Michael Grayum — • Vacant positions on the Arts Commission, Historic Preservation Commission and the Tree Advisory Board. Please apply at www.yelmwa.aov. • Boys and Girls Club Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 5:00 pm at 105 Yelm Avenue West. • Eleven citizens enrolled in Yelm Police Citizens Academy. • Working with Richard Fife on his recent water leak. • Utility refund issue has been resolved and will be done in a timely manner in the future. • Public Works will receive a credit card processing machine soon so they can take payments for animal control. • SWAT Addendum, 2019-2020 Budget Amendments, Jury Trial Contract and Presentation from Habitat for Humanity are upcoming items for Council consideration. Councilmember Curry attended the Homelessness Task Force meetings, Chat with the Chief. The Yelm Senior Center will be holding their annual Christmas Bazaar October 25-26, 2019. Councilmember Carmody explained the next steps for the Homelessness Task Force. Councilmember Carmody attended the Board of Director for Intercity Transit Authority meeting and announced that December 5 at 6:30 at the Yelm Community Center will be Yelm's first "Yelm University". Councilmember Colt attended the 1st Yelm Pub Crawl and watched the Homelessness Task Force meeting on YouTube. Councilmember Stillwell attended the Yelm Public Safety Committee meeting, Yelm Emergency Operations Board meeting and watched the Homelessness Task Force meeting on YouTube. Councilmember Stillwell encouraged citizens to sign up for the RAVE notification system. Councilmember Wood attended the Homelessness Task Force meeting. Councilmember DePinto attended the South Thurston Economic Development Initiative meeting, Yelm Public Safety meeting and the Homelessness Task Force meeting and reminded everyone of the Haunted House in "Boocoda" (Bucoda) during the month of October. Councilmember DePinto thanked IT Administrator Jason Hardy and Communication Specialist Andrew Kollar for recording the Homelessness Task Force meetings. Councilmember DePinto is working on the proposal for secure mailboxes and will be bringing it to Council soon. Councilmember Kaminski attended the Thurston Thrives Task Force meeting. Mayor Foster attended the Thurston Thrives Task Force meeting, Leadership Thurston County tour of Yelm, Thurston Regional Planning Council meeting, Association of Government Risk Pool (AGRP) conference in Cleveland, Ohio, South Sound Community Investment Partnership meeting, the Association of Washington October 22, 2019 Page 1 2 Cities Expo Conference and the Risk Management Services Agency (RMSA) Board meeting and the Senior Services of South Sound meeting. Mayor Foster stated that the Homelessness Task Force has spent $2700 of the $2500 allocated. 9. Executive Session - none scheduled 19-078 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 7:19 p.m. Attest: JW Foster, Mayor Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. October 22, 2019 Page 1 3 CITY OF YELM Yelm City Hall 106 2nd Street SE Yelm WA 98597 360-458-3244 RECEIVED NOV 0 4 Date Received 11— —f 1 By To YPAC: City Council: —cj dk I 1� j 0 Park Use Request Form for Yelm City Park (Located at First Street (SR 507) and Mosman Avenue) Completion of this form is required to `reserve' the Pavilion area at Yelm City Park, and/or for one of the events listed below*. As per the Yelm Municipal Code (YMC) Title 9, Chapter 9.68 - The Yelm City Park is open to the public, and for all events not requiring the approval of the City Council, is available on a "first come first served basis." The following events require City Council approval: -�- w_Qirus, carnival and traveling exhibition, *any religious or political meeting, an *an community -wide -- EVENT DA GROUP/PERSON MAKING REQUEST .: ..- l�1►Ilril'�i�rtI ■'�'#�s�:�*;rs'r:���,�� ■lir; CONTACT PERSON(S) MAILING ADDRESS et or PO Sox PHONE GROUP SIZE L C� Of Yelm City Park "Restro Ms Grass/Field Stage Booths Play- * Pavilion Facilities: (All are at end area ground (Center covered area with picnic available on "first eo first served basis" — except * Pavilion). of Yelm Community Center bl�/ ` J tables). I hereby agree on my part and for the organization I represent to abide by the City of Yelm Parks rules and policies (as per the Yelm Municipal Code) related to the use of park facilities which includes the following section on "applicant's responsibility." • Applicant is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits, including appropriate health permit as needed. • Any applicant using park amunds and facilities accepts financial responsibility for any damage done to said grounds. Applicatior: `or use of a park facility will constitute acceptance by the applicant of the responsibili[y stated above and wdr ,:-igness to comply with all rules and regulations regardina the use of park. facilities as prescribed by the City Council of the City of Yelm. in the event of darrage applicant will accept the City Council's estimate of the amount of same. • The applicant must exercise the utmost care in the use of Yelm's Parks and agrees to protect, indemnify and save the City of Yelm harmless from use of requested facilities. *Groups/organlzatevn�onsoo ow sol events must provide the city with proof of self-insurance. V • Adult leaders of organizations using park facilities will remain with their groups during all activities and will be responsible for the observance of all rules. • All organizations and groups will, in all cases, clean and put in order the park grounds used by them before leaving. • Consumption of any intoxicating liquor on park premises without first obtaining lawful authority, is considered an act constituting disorderly conduct. • Smoking tobacco products by use of cigarette: cigar, pipe or any other smoking device inside the boundaries of any park, without first obtaining lawful authority, is unlawful. • Remaining after closing time prohibited. Hours of park accessibility at ail parks is as follows - Winter hours: 6 am to 8 pm, (October 1 to March 31) and Summer hours: 6 am to 11 pm (April 1 to September 30.) • Currently there is not a fee charged for use of the Parks, but donations are gladly accepted. • The City of Yelm is not responsible for lost and/or stolen items on city park property. • Yelm City Park is a public park, and is available on a "first come first served basis." Please be aware that when you reserve the pavilion facility, this does not restrict other activities in other areas of the park. • Please initial that you have read and understand all of the above rules and policies: 1�2 --Zl of person nri quest Date Cify of elm Staff Qate C:\DS\MYDOCUMENTS\PARKS\CITYPARK\YELMCITYPARKREQUESTFORM DOC e 1K R I S K MANAGEMENT SERVICE AGENCY Certificate holder: City of Yelm 106 2nd St SE Yelm, WA 98597 Certificate of coverage Policy number: Term of certificate: Annual re -issue: RE: Christmas in the Park — Yelm City Park and Yelm Community Center None 01/01/19-01/01/2020 Yes Please be advised that the City of Yelm is a member of the Association of Washington Cities Risk Management Service Agency (AWC RMSA) and participates in the self-insured and loss -pooling programs checked below, which are administered by the AWC RMSA for its members. of Coverage Limits Deductible ® All risk property coverage $250 million per occurrence $0 ® Liability coverage $ 15 million per occurrence $0 ® Employee fidelity blanket coverage $ 1 million per occurrence $0 ® Comprehensive auto liability $ 15 million per occurrence $0 ® Cyber liability $ 3 million per occurrence $0 ® Pollution liability $ 2 million per occurrence $0 Under the AWC RMSA Coverage Agreement issued to the member referenced above, and within the limits and provisions of the above program, AWC RMSA has agreed to provide, to the certificate holder named above, defense, payment, and loss or indemnification funding in accordance with the terms of the Coverage Agreement, with the exception that no defense or indemnity is available for claims arising from the sole negligence of the certificate holder with respect to the referenced operations or activities. AWC RMSA is not an insurance company and therefore cannot name an additional insured or loss payee. Cancellation: Should the above described coverage be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the AWC RMSA will provide notice to its members in accordance with its Coverage Agreement. Failure to provide such notice to the certificate holder shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the AWC RMSA. This certificate is issued for information only and gives no rights to the certificate holder. This certificate does not amend, extend or alter the coverage provided by the AWC RMSA. Carol Wilmes Director of Member Pooling Programs cc: City of Yelm City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Sonia Ramirez, Court Administrator Date: November 1, 2019 (for November 12, 2019 City Council meeting) Subj: Interlocal Agreement with Thurston County District Court and the City of Yelm Municipal Court for Jury Trial Fees, Mental Health and Veterans' Court programs (January 1, 2020 — December 31, 2022). Recommendation Authorize Mayor JW Foster to sign and enter into the Interlocal Agreement with Thurston County District Court for fees to be paid by the City of Yelm related to jury trial costs for the period January 1, 2020 — December 31, 2019. Background Historically, the City of Yelm Municipal Court has had an Interlocal Agreement with Thurston County District Court for costs associated with conducting jury trials on Yelm cases. These fees include the Confirmed Jury Selection Fee and the Jury Trial Daily Fee. The current agreement expires December 31, 2019. The Yelm Municipal Court and Thurston County seek to continue the relationship by providing Mental Health Court and Veteran's Court to Yelm court cases. As the Mental Health and Veterans Court program is fully funded by Treatment Sales Tax, there are no additional fees associated with the acceptance of a Yelm Court defendant into either program. Current Situation The fees set for the duration of the Agreement are $170.00 at the time a Jury Trial is confirmed and $413.00 per day at the actual commencement of a Jury Trial, until or unless the fees are adjusted for inflation. Fees shall be increased effectively each January 1 st for inflation based on June to June Seattle CPI -W Index. However, the annual increase shall not be greater than 5%. JURY TRIAL STATS: 2015-2 2016-0 2017-0 2018-0 20-19 ----O-to-date Attachments: "Proposed Interlocal Agreement INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING DISTRICT COURT FILING AND JURY TRIAL FEES FOR THE CITY OF YELM THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the COUNTY OF THURSTON, hereinafter referred to as COUNTY, and the CITY OF YELM, hereinafter referred to as CITY; WHEREAS, filing fees for jury trials are to be determined pursuant to an agreement between the CITY and the COUNTY as provided for in RCW 3.62.070 and Chapter 39.34 RCW, the Interlocal Cooperation Act; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the CITY are desirous of establishing filing fees at a mutually acceptable rate; and WHEREAS the CITY and the COUNTY desire to enhance the relationship established through the Agreement by providing Mental Health and Veterans' Court services to the CITY; and WHEREAS, the Treatment Sales Tax which funds the Thurston County District Court Mental Health and Veterans' Court programs is collected throughout Thurston County, including the incorporated area of the City of Yelm; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, covenants, and performance, contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1, GENERAL 1.1E Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to establish filing fees to be paid by the CITY in criminal or traffic infractions filed in Thurston County District Court for CITY ordinance violations. 1.2 Administration The administration of the terms of this Agreement shall be done in the same manner and by the same agency and agents as now administer filing fees in Thurston County District Court. 1.3 Property This Agreement does not provide for the acquisition, holding or disposal of real or personal property. Interlocal Agreement City of Yelm Page 1 of 6 1.4 Financing There shall be no financing or any joint or cooperative undertaking pursuant to this Agreement. There shall be no budget maintained for any joint or cooperative undertaking pursuant to this Agreement. 2. FILING FEES 2.1 JUEy Trial Fees A fee shall be paid by the CITY to the COUNTY to cover the cost of summoning a jury. This fee is called the Jury Trial Confirmation Selection Fee and shall be applicable to each case wherein a jury trial is confirmed by the CITY at the confirmation hearing. This fee shall be $170.00 in 2020. An additional fee called the Jury Trial Daily Fee shall be paid by the CITY to the COUNTY for each case which is terminated or otherwise concluded after the actual commencement of a jury trial. This fee shall be $413.00 per day or partial day of trial in 2020. For the purposes of this Agreement, a jury trial is deemed commenced when the jury is impaneled. For the purposes of this Agreement, "case" shall include a charge filed against a named individual or multiple charges filed against an individual, which are consolidated for the purposes of trial. 2.2 Adjustments forinflation The fees set forth above are for the duration of this Agreement, until or unless the fees are adjusted for inflation as set forth herein. Pursuant to Section 3.2 herein, these shall be increased effectively each January 1st for inflation based on the previous year's June to June Seattle CPI -W index. However, the annual increase shall not be greater than five percent (5%). (For example, a rate increase effective January 1, 2020 will be based on June 2018 to June 2019 Seattle CPI -W index) 2.3 Other Costs Related to Jury Trials The fees set forth in Section 2.1 of this Agreement shall include all COUNTY services for District Court proceedings except for the following additional costs to be paid by the CITY: Interlocal Agreement City of Yelm Page 2 of 6 a. Attorney costs for indigent representation which costs shall be paid directly by the CITY through a contract for such services; b. Witness costs and juror costs, including meals as required, together with the applicable mileage allowance, shall be paid by the CITY; c. Mental health evaluation costs and the cost of interpreter service, which costs shall be paid directly by the CITY; and d. Prosecution costs including prosecution costs associated with any appeal in CITY cases, which shall be paid directly by the CITY. 3. MENTAL HEALTH AND VETERANS' COURT CASES 3.1 Program Placement At its discretion, the CITY may request an evaluation of a Yelm Municipal Court defendant for placement in the COUNTY's Mental Health or Veterans' Court program. The CITY and COUNTY will follow procedures defined by the County's Mental Health/Veterans' Court program to refer the defendant and, if accepted, enter the defendant into the Mental Health or Veterans' Court program. 3.2 Fees for Mental Health and Veterans Court As the Mental Health and Veterans Court program is fully funded by Treatment Sales Tax, there are no fees as set forth in Section 2.1 of this Agreement associated with the acceptance of a Yelm Municipal Court defendant into either Mental Health Court or Veterans' Court, except that the CITY is responsible for any costs not covered by Treatment Sales Tax funds, including but not limited to the costs listed in Section 2.3(a) -(d) of this Agreement to the extent such costs are not covered by Treatment Sales Tax funds. For defendants sanctioned to jail during the course of the program, the CITY is responsible for the transport of defendants between the courtroom and the City's jail facility. Interlocal Agreement City of Yelm Page 3of6 4. TERM AND EXTENSION 4.1 Term This Agreement shall be in effect upon the later of the approval by the governing body of each party, and the posting upon the websites of the parties as provided by RCW 39.34.040. The term of the Agreement shall be from January 1, 2020 to and including December 31, 2022. 4.2 Extension The CITY may determine to extend the contractual relationship with the COUNTY after expiration of the term by giving notice to the COUNTY of such intent no later than October 1, 2022. After the delivery of such notice, both parties shall negotiate in good faith regarding the terms of a new agreement. If the parties are unable to agree to the terms of a new agreement, either party may submit the matter to arbitration pursuant to RCW 3.62.070. In the event the issue of filing fees is submitted to arbitration, the arbitrator or arbitrators shall only consider those additional costs borne by the COUNTY in providing District Court services to the CITY as provided for by RCW 3.62.070. However, nothing contained herein shall prohibit the parties from mutually agreeing to extend the period of good faith negotiations or to submit the matter to mediation for resolution of the outstanding issues. 5. CHANGES Either party may request changes to the scope of services and performance to be provided hereunder, however, no change or addition shall be made unless in writing and signed by both parties. Such amendments shall be attached to and made part of this Agreement. 6. NOTICE Notice provided for in this Agreement shall be sent by U.S. mail to the addresses designated for the parties as set forth below. Notice will be deemed received on the third business day following the date of the notice. 7. JURISDICTION AND VENUE This Agreement has been and shall be construed as having been made and delivered within the State of Washington and it is agreed by each party Interlocal Agreement City of Yelm Page 4 of 6 hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington, both as to interpretation and performance. Any action of law, suit in equity, or judicial proceeding for the enforcement of this Agreement or any provisions thereof, shall be instituted and maintained only in any of the courts of competent jurisdiction in Thurston County, Washington. 8. SEVERABILITY If, for any reason, any part, term or provision of his Agreement is held by a court of the United States be illegal, void or unenforceable, the validity of the remaining provisions shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular provision held to be invalid. 9. ENTIRE AGREEMENT The parties agree that this Agreement is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representations or understandings not incorporated herein. Further, any modification of this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by both parties. Failure to comply with any of the provisions stated herein shall constitute material breach of contract and cause for termination. Both parties recognize time is of the essence in the performance of the provisions of this Agreement. It is also agreed by the parties that the forgiveness of the non-performance of any provision of this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of the provisions of this Agreement. Interlocal Agreement City of Yelm Page 5 of 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed this day of 2019. CITY OF YELM By: Michael Grayum, City Administrator ATTEST: Lori Lucas, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BRENT DILLE, CITY ATTORNEY By: Brent Dille, City Attorney Interlocal Agreement City of Yelm Page 6 of 6 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Thurston County, Washington Bv• Ramiro Chavez, County Manager ATTEST: LaBonita Bowmar, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM JON TUNHEIM, PROSECUTING ATTORNEY By: Elizabeth Petrich, Chief Civil Deputy MID-BIENNIUM UPDATE &AMENDMENT To officially authorize budget changes the Council approved over the course of the year. To course correct as necessary to address changes to revenue or expenditures. SCHEDULE - NOVEMBER Finance Committee Review -Nov. 14 Public Hearing (Budget Amendment) -Nov. 26 Public Hearing (Property Taxes) -Nov. 26 Adoption of Property Tax (Ad Valorem) -Nov. 26 SCHEDULE - DECEMBER Council Study Session (Budget Amendment) —Dec. 3 Continued Public Hearing &Adoption (Budget) — Dec. 10 QUESTIONS? YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2019 MINUTES CITY HALL BUILDING 106 SECOND STREET SE YELM, WA Mayor JW Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. 2. Agenda Approval 19-079 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Special Presentations - October 2019 Student of the Month - Sophie Hall Habitat for Humanity Presentation - 4. Public Comment - Cameron Jayne thanked everyone for their support during her campaign for City Council and she congratulated the Councilmembers who were newly elected or re- elected. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: October 22, 2019 Minutes b. City Park Request - Annual Christmas in the Park Event, Dec. 6/7, 2019 19-080 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY TERRY KAMINSKI. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business - a. Interlocal Agreement with Thurston County District Court for Jury Trials, Mental Health & Veterans Court Program 19-081 MOTION BY JOE DEPINTO AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO ENTER INTO THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THURSTON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT FOR JURY TRIAL FEES, MENTAL HEALTH AND VETERAN'S COURT PROGRAMS. SECONDED BY CODY COLT. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. b. Budget Process Update - Interim Finance Director Heidi MacDonald gave a presentation and explained the next steps in the Budget Amendment process. Old Business - none scheduled 8. UPDATES - Acting City Administrator Grant Beck - • The Planning Commission held an open house last week to discuss updates to the Unified Development Code. • The Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator position has been filled and the new employee starts December 2. November 12, 2019 Pagel 1 • The IT Department has been working very hard on preparing the Court room in the Public Safety Building for the Video Arraignments that will be coming soon. Councilmember Curry attended the McKenna Elementary School to assist with the 4'h Grade mock City Council meeting project along with Mayor Foster and Councilmember Stillwell. Councilmember Curry also attended the Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting, the South East Thurston Fire Authority meeting and the Veteran's Day Ceremony at the Yelm Cemetery. Councilmember Carmody attended the Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee meeting and the Intercity Transit Authority meeting. Councilmember Colt attended the Yelm General Government Committee meeting. Councilmember Stillwell attended the McKenna Elementary School's mock City Council meeting and was very impressed with the 4'h graders. Councilmember Stillwell also attended the Planning Commission Open House, and represented the City of Yelm at the Strophy Foundation nonprofit organization Therapeutic Court. Councilmember Wood attended the Yelm General Government Committee meeting. Councilmember DePinto attended the Veteran's Day Ceremony at the Yelm Cemetery and helped at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church last Tuesday since the Yelm Study Session was cancelled. Councilmember DePinto attended the Naturalization Ceremony at Joint Base Lewis McChord, and attended the Yelm Football Game. Councllmember DePinto asked about the contract with Prothman for the Interim Public Works Director. Councilmember Kaminski attended the Chamber "After Hours" at the Casino, Chambers "After Hours" 507 Taproom and Filling Station, Grand Opening of the Boys and Girls Club, Nisqually Valley Gala and the Chamber Luncheon today. Councilmember Kaminski would like to get together with city staff and talk about affordable housing options. Mayor Foster attended the mock City Council meeting at McKenna Elementary with the 4'h graders and stated it was a wonderful experience. Mayor Foster met with Attorney General Bob Ferguson, the Best of Nisqually Gala where the City received an award for the Prairie Days Event and Yelm City Park, the Memorial Service for Sergeant Griffin at the 507 Taproom and Filling Station on Veteran's Day and also the VFW Event held on Sunday at the Yelm Community Center and the Capitol Rotunda Ceremony and met with Sheriff Snaza. Christmas in the Park will be December 7" and "Homes for our troops" will hold the key ceremony for the Boyle Family on December 7'h also. November 12, 2019 Page 1 2 Executive Session - none scheduled 19-082 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 7:19 p.m. ]W Oster, Mayor Attest: �A1idJ Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. November 12, 2019 Page 1 3