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11 26 2019 Agenda Packet
CITY OF YELM Washington CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 11/26/2019 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a) Intercity Transit Presentation on Service Upgrades 4. PUBLIC COMMENT *Complete a blue speakers card 5. CONSENT AGENDA a) November 12, 2019 Minutes b) October Finance Staff Report 2019 Year End Projections October YTD Actuals by Fund Council Voucher Approval for October 2019 - $1,217,950.87 October OT Report 6. NEW BUSINESS a) 2019-2020 Mid -Biennial Amendment Continue public hearing on purposed 2019-2020 Mid -Biennial Amendment Ordinance No. 1050 until December 10th. b) 2020 Property Tax Ad Valorem Authorized Mayor Foster to sign Ordinance No. 1049, setting Ad Valorem property tax for 2020 7. OLD BUSINESS a) None Scheduled S. UPDATES a) Departments — Michael Grayum, City Administrator b) Councilmembers c) Mayor JW Foster 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION 106 2nd ST SE • Yelm, WA 98597 • 360.458.3244 • www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider a) None Scheduled 10. ADJOURN Page 2 of 3 MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings may be viewed at www.yelmwa.F-fov or a copy may be purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate at a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. COMMITTEE AND LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS Mayor JW Foster Yelm Emergency Operations Board Vice -Chair of Thurston Regional Planning Council Board of Director for Risk Management Service Agency Member of Community Investment Partnership Board member South Sound Military and Community Partnership Councilmember FJ Curry Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm Finance Committee Member of Solid Waste Advisory Committee Liaison to Yelm Senior Center Liaison to South East Thurston Fire Authority Councilmember Molly Carmody Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm Finance Committee Board of Director for Intercity Transit Authority Liaison to Nisqually River Council Councilmember Cody Colt Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm General Government Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Thurston County Emergency Services Councilmember Tad Stillwell Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm General Government Committee Board of Directors of Economic Development Council Yelm Emergency Operations Board Member of Law and Justice Council Councilmember Tracey Wood Yelm General Government Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Transportation Policy Board Administrative Board of Director for TCOMM 911 Councilmember Joe DePinto Yelm Finance Committee Yelm Public Safety Committee Member of South Thurston Economic Development Initiative Councilmember Terry Kaminski Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Thurston Thrives Page 3 of 3 YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2019 MINUTES CITY HALL BUILDING 106 SECOND STREET SE YELM, WA 1. Mayor JW Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. 2. Agenda Approval 19-079 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Special Presentations - October 2019 Student of the Month - Sophie Hall Habitat for Humanity Presentation - 4. Public Comment - Cameron Jayne thanked everyone for their support during her campaign for City Council and she congratulated the Councilmembers who were newly elected or re- elected. 5. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: October 22, 2019 Minutes b. City Park Request - Annual Christmas in the Park Event, Dec. 6/7, 2019 19-080 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY TERRY KAMINSKI. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business - a. Interlocal Agreement with Thurston County District Court for Jury Trials, Mental Health & Veterans Court Program 19-081 MOTION BY JOE DEPINTO AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO ENTER INTO THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THURSTON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT FOR JURY TRIAL FEES, MENTAL HEALTH AND VETERAN'S COURT PROGRAMS. SECONDED BY CODY COLT. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. b. Budget Process Update - Interim Finance Director Heidi MacDonald gave a presentation and explained the next steps in the Budget Amendment process. 7. Old Business - none scheduled 8. UPDATES - Acting City Administrator Grant Beck - • The Planning Commission held an open house last week to discuss updates to the Unified Development Code. • The Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator position has been filled and the new employee starts December 2. November 12, 2019 Page 1 1 • The IT Department has been working very hard on preparing the Court room in the Public Safety Building for the Video Arraignments that will be coming soon. Councilmember Curry attended the McKenna Elementary School to assist with the 4t" Grade mock City Council meeting project along with Mayor Foster and Councilmember Stillwell. Councilmember Curry also attended the Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting, the South East Thurston Fire Authority meeting and the Veteran's Day Ceremony at the Yelm Cemetery. Councilmember Carmody attended the Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee meeting and the Intercity Transit Authority meeting. Councilmember Colt attended the Yelm General Government Committee meeting. Councilmember Stillwell attended the McKenna Elementary School's mock City Council meeting and was very impressed with the 4t" graders. Councilmember Stillwell also attended the Planning Commission Open House, and represented the City of Yelm at the Strophy Foundation nonprofit organization Therapeutic Court. Councilmember Wood attended the Yelm General Government Committee meeting. Councilmember DePinto attended the Veteran's Day Ceremony at the Yelm Cemetery and helped at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church last Tuesday since the Yelm Study Session was cancelled. Councilmember DePinto attended the Naturalization Ceremony at Joint Base Lewis McChord, and attended the Yelm Football Game. Councilmember DePinto asked about the contract with Prothman for the Interim Public Works Director. Councilmember Kaminski attended the Chamber "After Hours" at the Casino, Chambers "After Hours" 507 Taproom and Filling Station, Grand Opening of the Boys and Girls Club, Nisqually Valley Gala and the Chamber Luncheon today. Councilmember Kaminski would like to get together with city staff and talk about affordable housing options. Mayor Foster attended the mock City Council meeting at McKenna Elementary with the 4t" graders and stated it was a wonderful experience. Mayor Foster met with Attorney General Bob Ferguson, the Best of Nisqually Gala where the City received an award for the Prairie Days Event and Yelm City Park, the Memorial Service for Sergeant Griffin at the 507 Taproom and Filling Station on Veteran's Day and also the VFW Event held on Sunday at the Yelm Community Center and the Capitol Rotunda Ceremony and met with Sheriff Snaza. Christmas in the Park will be December 7t" and "Homes for our troops" will hold the key ceremony for the Boyle Family on December 7t" also. November 12, 2019 Page 1 2 9. Executive Session - none scheduled 19-082 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 7:19 p.m. Attest: JW Foster, Mayor Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. November 12, 2019 Page 1 3 EST. 1924 WASHINGTON "Proudly Serving Our Community" STAFF REPORT - FINANCE To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Heidi MacDonald, Interim Finance Director Date: November 13th, 2019 (for November 26th City Council Meeting) Subj: Monthly Financial Report for October Monthly Financial Report • Projections for 2019 year end, comparing the adopted budget to year end projections, highlighting significant variances from the adopted budget, which will be addressed in the budget amendment. • Year to Date Budget to Actual Revenues and Expenditures by Fund for January through October. • Voucher Approval for October Payments Issued. • Overtime Report for October 2019 as reflected in the November 5t" payroll. 2019 Year End Protections Compared to Budget All City Funds Revenue for all City funds combined are projected to end 2019 at 47% of the total revenue in the Adopted 2019-2020 Biennial Budget. Revenue was budgeted to collect 47% in 2019 and 53% in 2020. Biennial budget expenditures are split evenly between 2019 and 2020. The City overall is under budget for expenditures and expected to end 2019 using just 41% of the full budget. The Cite of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider General Fund (001) The General Fund beginning fund balance was $395,416 more than anticipated when the budget was developed. Revenue for the General Fund is projected to end 2019 at 51% of the full budget. Property Tax and Sales & Use Tax are the General Fund's largest sources of revenue. Property Tax is budgeted at $1,446,101 for 2019 and expected to come in at budget. Sale & Use Tax is budgeted at $1,896,740 but estimated to come in at $2,100,000. Fund / Department Beginning Fund Balances Revenue Expenditures Budgeted Actual 2019-2020 YE Projection %Total 2019-2020 YE Projection Total For All City Funds Budgeted Actual Total Budget Budget 18,786,111 19,834,714 46,030,770 21,477,035 47% 50,555,625 20,684,939 41% 13,128,448 6,364,010 48% General Fund (001) The General Fund beginning fund balance was $395,416 more than anticipated when the budget was developed. Revenue for the General Fund is projected to end 2019 at 51% of the full budget. Property Tax and Sales & Use Tax are the General Fund's largest sources of revenue. Property Tax is budgeted at $1,446,101 for 2019 and expected to come in at budget. Sale & Use Tax is budgeted at $1,896,740 but estimated to come in at $2,100,000. Fund / Department Beginning Fund Balances Revenue Expenditures 2019-2020 2019-2020 Budgeted Actual YE Projection % Total Budget YE Projection Total Budget General Fund (001) 874,221 1,269,637 13,434,946 6,899,882 51% 13,128,448 6,364,010 48% 511 - Legislative 254,678 119,462 47% 512 -Judicial 514,281 247,378 48% 513 - Executive 1,150,878 524,188 46% 514 - Finance & Administration 592,425 241,437 41% 515 - Legal 390,000 99,356 25% 518 - Central Services 1,481,322 390,811 26% 521 - Law Enforcement 4,776,627 2,333,602 49% 523 - Care & Custody of Prisoners 266,400 117,134 44% 537 - Garbage & Recycling 4,760 - 0% 539 - Animal Control 138,755 19,556 14% 558 - Planning and Community Dev 1,224,110 580,807 47% 5XX - Contributions and Support 56,046 28,768 51% 572 - Library Services 55,693 47,083 85% 573 - Historic Preservation 3,000 340 11% 575 - Culture Recreation 36,369 8,846 24% 576 - Parks 713,625 631,754 89% 580 - Non Expenditures - 390,486 591 - Debt Service 66,605 33,322 50% 594 - Capital Expenses 187,769 26,722 14% 597 - Transfers Out 1,215,105 522,960 43% The following are areas that are being highlighted because they have differences to the expected norm. 1 Law Enforcement Services revenue of $67,000 for the school resource officer was budgeted in General Fund (001) as well as the YPD School Resource Fund (109). This revenue should only be included in Fund 109 and will be corrected in the budget amendment. 2 The Central Services budget included duplicate expenditures for IT that were included in the budget for the IT Equipment Rental & Repair Fund (501). A reduction in expenditures to reflect this correction is included in the budget amendment. Page 2 of 5 3Animal Control was budgeted with the intent to outsource services. This is no longer being considered. 4 Park expenditures are expected to end 2019 using 89% of its full biennial budget. This is due to Salaries & Benefits being under budgeted for the year by $245,000 in anticipation of a staffing reorganization that did not occur. This is addressed in the budget amendment. 5 Non -Expenditures are temporary custodial accounts in which money comes into but then paid out again. One example is school district impact fees. As a BARS Cash reporting entity these transactions are reflected in our annual report as Other Increases and Decreases in Fund Resources and need to be included in the budget. The City's 2019-2020 Biennial Budget included $101,000 for expected income, but did not include a provision for the outgoing expenditures. This will be addressed in the budget amendment. Other City Funds Fund Beginning Fund Balances Revenue Expenditures Budgeted Actual 2019-2020 YE Projection % 2019-2020 YE Projection Total Budget Total Budget City Street Fund (101) 130,019 14,716 922,275 410,288 44% 1,047,398 521,620 50% Arterial Street Fund (102) 120,947 85,820 177,656 64,692 36% 295,500 133,661 45% Cumulative Reserve (104) 284,001 284,043 53,500 38,500 72% - - Tourism Promotion (107) 192,800 277,824 40,000 24,169 60% 160,000 8,285 5% YPD School Resource (109) 10,328 11,597 134,000 67,143 50% 60,350 29,255 48% Transportation Facilities Chrgs (12 34,032 114,017 264,000 96,633 37% 297,632 118,097 40% LTGO Bond Redemption Fund (200 153,732 61,988 538,855 217,538 40% 661,605 319,475 48% Killion Rd LID #2 Repayments (202 963,543 844,308 828,381 375,940 45% 2,057,872 - o% Sewer Revenue Bond/Loans (203) 601 1,261 346,402 173,138 50% 346,052 173,026 50% Sewer Bond/Loan Reserves (204) 426,609 427,599 2,000 542 27% - - Municipal Building Fund (302) 257,087 491,708 950,264 625,703 66% 1,078,130 1,441,820 134% Road/Street Construction (316) 314,523 467,012 3,397,583 1,337,600 39% 3,503,297 878,759 25% Stormwater Utility (400) 2,003 133,873 721,956 354,962 49% 703,480 250,090 36% Municipal Water (401) 5,074,165 4,490,416 7,166,777 3,746,113 52% 5,718,531 2,626,885 46% Utility Consumer Deposits (402) 96,807 90,737 10,000 1,973 20% 10,000 2,136 21% Water Capital Improvement (404) 1,737,601 2,093,075 2,247,676 1,773,517 79% 3,623,626 573,127 16% Water Revenue Debt Rdmptnn (40 103,986 122,213 1,836,559 916,524 50% 1,848,458 923,049 50% Sewer/Reuse Operation/Maint (41 1,956,025 2,022,602 5,837,445 2,890,732 5o% 6,077,666 2,961,203 49% Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve (413) 3,125,180 2,970,226 4,554,985 441,120 1o% 6,962,395 716,359 10% Sewer Bond Refi & Reserve (415) 144,800 120,046 194,552 97,101 50% 194,202 97,100 50% Water Construction Fund (431) 1,385,176 1,365,711 - - 1,385,176 1,385,176 100% IT Equipment Rental & Repair (501 302,719 440,725 1,322,065 350,862 27% 1,123,921 387,788 35% Equipment Rental & Repair (502) 147,514 677,230 1,045,168 570,936 55% 1,031,823 343,502 33% *Dormant funds and funds with little activity have been excluded from this table. Once the beginning balances are amended to actuals in the City Street Fund (101) and LTGO Bond Redemption Fund (200) the budgeted expenditures will exceed the fund balances and revenue causing the funds' ending balances to be negative. This will be addressed in the budget amendment. All 2019 expenditures for the Spray Park and Playground have been consolidated in the Municipal Building Fund (302) and are addressed in the budget amendment. Page 3 of 5 Year to Date Budget to Actual Revenues and Expenditures by Fund N N N i N • N N N N N N nF N + a6 ' r~ oa 0e - "r' r� rn r- (niy r., 03 G? Q� ""r 'U +ce�T} .P a�o}}� rr� r4 m .!°„ fes- p 3r ~ r-rq i N 0 C* 1 00 k OM N u�i 'rw rr. r`1 �i�caoo©ooci000000rnFoo©o oaoo�ab r� '.i er1 vti a psi --' rry m rn rn c7R �+ rr r� rn -t r» rr1 O� y 'G M - - et r� m -r � m op 6 as .tea �p ori rrY m r•i • , Cti o vi vi r- vi 2 r^1 C r7 ccpp p. 1 . CA " cn '!r �p r-- ry, r, r•' 00 VN h ri -r ec rri � i -r r ad ' vti a ao N M 47 N N N r+y 4 4r 00 M N N OQ �! M VJ N �f Y� Oe DP I'� DO fr 4ryM'1 -+ n r-. d d! .v+ V N 4 � r� -Y m r.•y v5 .p oa rn G rn K u� rn N rn ph N N 8 4 ry en d b M m G C r� r -F 07 N � b17 VJ ryr� M r4 ti O N v 0q4 oa W O N rr a F4� N N N i N • N N N N N N nF N + a6 ' r~ oa 0e - "r' r� rn r- (niy r., 03 G? Q� ""r 'U +ce�T} .P a�o}}� rr� r4 m .!°„ fes- p 3r ~ r-rq i N 0 C* 1 00 k OM N u�i 'rw rr. r`1 �i�caoo©ooci000000rnFoo©o oaoo�ab r� '.i er1 vti a psi --' rry m rn rn c7R �+ rr r� rn -t r» rr1 O� y 'G M - - et r� m -r � m op 6 as .tea �p ori rrY m r•i • , Cti o vi vi r- vi 2 r^1 C r7 ccpp p. 1 . CA " cn '!r �p r-- ry, r, r•' 00 VN h ri -r ec rri � i -r r ad ' vti a ao N M 47 N N N r+y 4 4r 00 M N N OQ �! M VJ N �f Y� Oe DP I'� DO fr 4ryM'1 -+ n r-. v1 N 4 � r� -Y m r.•y v5 .p oa rn G rn K u� rn N rn r- 4 ry en ti b M m G C r� r -F 07 N VJ ryr� M r4 ti O N Cy oL 4 8 1-,! 8 O 11 4- G d rq ;; - 4 Q rn Q p O C7 D9' C= C7 D'i Q V'Y C7 = r- r- 4 N C3 n C9 C] rr, C c7 c5 C7 C] c> vmi n in rQn o0 it r�i 17 1m n cjv 'C', m 'ri rrj r.ti rN.•i 8 O N r CD vY r e^i t' -Y tf �O n I m- O+ T rn M r, a n N a Q r.. o 2 %0 N a8 N O N m NI rn N rI m -, m :S oo rn rn rY ..-+ t . r-. N r+ in r� C] r- r 0 1- - G o0 OR rn rr-i K iw 71 C� rn 4 M +1 r.1 Ori 00 T v} .Mn r•- ae '� N h •G .r}ti •+d N f'f -T� -Y di i.1 w'r rr �vQ N y w Gm Z p 9 4�JA PC rY; cc R: PC . V { Y PG C 7 . P: PG i) a• N N N N M K �'r' !T K �T +'t +# +T +M'r +T ^G Page 4 of 5 Attached: Voucher Approval for October Payments Issued Overtime Report for October 2019 as reflected in the November 5th payroll Page 5 of 5 VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, November 26th council meeting. Payroll September Total Expense A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts Excise Tax- September paid in October TOTAL Timberland Bank Checks Issued 10/1/2019 through 10/31/2019: Check number 4093 through check number 4294. ay0r Cad ci member Coundinnember Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member CITY CLERK: ATTEST: The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the velm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by CODy /eta- at a regular council meeting held this 26th day of November 2019. 626,007.53 564,620.37 27,322.97 1,217,950.87 VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, November 26th council meeting: Mayor Payroll September Total Expense A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts Excise Tax - September paid in October TOTAL Timberland Bank Checks Issued 10/1/2019 through 10/31/2019: Check number 4093 through check number 4294. Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member CITY CLERK: ATTEST: The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by at a regular council meeting held this 26th day of November 2019. 626,007.53 564,620.37 27,322.97 1,217,950.87 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT MCAG 9: 10/21/2019 Claims 10/01/2019 To: 10/31/2019 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant 9250 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4101 253 HOMES 9251 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4102 253 HOMES 9252 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4103 4TH DIMENSION 1 EFT 9689 10/21/2019 Payroll CONSTRUCTION 9011 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4107 AUTOZONE 9961 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4263 ADAM & ERIN PROFFIT 9057 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 0 AFLAC 9266 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4117 ALICIA DEBEAU 9325 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4176 ALICIA RUIZ 9254 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4105 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 9915 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4217 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 9021 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9790 10/21/2019 Claims 1 4214 ANDREW P KOLLAR 9003 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9672 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9041 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9026 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9046 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9689 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9256 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4107 AUTOZONE 9917 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4219 AUTOZONE 9918 10/25/2019 Claims 1089710/02/2019 Payroll 9058 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 4220 AV CAPTURE ALL INC 1 0 AWC 1 0 AWC 9919 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4221 B -N -H TOWING 9920 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4222 BECKWITH & KUFFEL 9926 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4228 BETHANY CARTER 9289 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4140 BEV & EDWARD LARKINS 9002 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9671 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 8995 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9931 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4233 BRAD CHATWOOD 9921 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4223 BRADLEY AIR COMPANY Time: 12:19:00 Date: 11/18/2019 Page: I Amount Memo 157.49 01-2514.0 - 15431 COLES CT SE 15.26 01-2409.0 - 15411 COLES CT SE 6,060.60 INVOICE - 2019 0925 - WORK ON LIBRARY 4,201.72 September Hours 278.95 09-1675.0 - 15113 CARTER LP SE 722.93 Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - Aflac Pre Tax; Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - Aflac Post Tax 194.60 01-2521.0 - 15404 94TH AVE SE 96.40 06-0425.0 - 201 THIRD ST NE 1,067.27 INVOICE - 1T9H-9T4H-FHJM; INVOICE - 1MKM-HCKT-FKMK; INVOICE - 1D43-31LJ-CQTL INVOICE - 1JYN-LT49-TMCY; INVOICE - 1T4X-4NMW-4W6Y; AMAZON INVOICES; 16LK-467N-YYDK; INVOICE - 17NJ-4VQ3-MDRL 1,437.91 CDD AMAZON INVOICES; AMAZON INVOICES - PD; EXECUTIVE INVOICES FOR AMAZON; INVOICE - 1 WT6-1 WC4-K19J 2,232.99 September Hours 141.50 PER DIEM REQUEST - IACC CONFERENCE 3,323.25 September Hours 527.40 October Draw 4,351.93 September Hours 4,203.72 September Hours 1,970.48 September Hours 1,321.44 October Draw 58.89 INVOICE - 3731148950 52.52 INVOICE - 3731154772; INVOICES - 3731147962 & 3731147254 271.66 INVOICE - 1973 10.96 MICHAEL AND ARIS PREVIOUS REMAINING BALANCE PAID & EAP 79,887.22 Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - Medical Benefits; Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - Supplemental Life 550.29 INVOICE - 34492 2,544.14 INVOICE - BI -0334204 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2019 1014 126.32 05-8010.0 - 15315 107TH LP SE 4,780.05 September Hours 92.35 October Draw 3,877.88 September Hours 188.74 CHATWOOD, BRAD - REIMBURSEMENT 10,715.80 INVOICES - 1496, 1497,1498 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type Acct # 10/01/2019 To: 10/31/2019 Chk # Claimant Time: 12:19:00 Date: 11/18/2019 Page: 2 Amount Memo 8986 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,649.61 September Hours 9259 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4110 BRUCE & SYNTHIA 280.63 03-5163.0 - 15434 91ST AVE 9014 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,574.27 September Hours 9679 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 2,173.55 October Draw 9277 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4128 BRYANT HALL 333.77 10-8580.0-14441 100TH AVE SE 9922 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4224 BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF 45.00 INVOICE - 1063762 WASH INC 9924 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4226 CANON FINANCIAL 745.67 INVOICE - 20663282; SERVICES INC INVOICES 20663279, 20663280 9927 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4229 CASCADE COLUMBIA 4,932.70 INVOICE - 761577; DISTRIBUTION CO 9930 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4232 CENTER ELECTRIC INC 4,376.48 INVOICE - 72468-000 8989 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,377.44 September Hours 9667 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,370.77 October Draw 10274 10/25/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 11,762.38 Bedlington Final 9050 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,889.95 September Hours 9000 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 3,002.54 September Hours 9670 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1,639.67 October Draw 9231 10/11/2019 Claims 1 0 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 218.04 INVOICE - 4031281426;; INIVOICE - 4031281545;; INVOICE - 4031822564;; INVOICE - 4031822571; 9910 10/25/2019 Claims 1 0 CINTAS CORP #461 (D) 204.06 INVOICE - 4032367872;; INVOICE - 4032367914;; INVOICE - 4032919417; 9323 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4174 CLIFTON ROBERTS 43.42 03-3005.0 - 16507 92ND AVE SE 8998 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 736.78 September Hours 9321 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4172 COLTON & RACHEL REEVES 140.07 10-4207.0 - 9953 DRAGT ST SE 9232 10/11/2019 Claims 1 EFT CONSOLIDATED COMMUN 2,283.71 CONSOLIDATED (D) COMMUNICATIONS INVOICES - 2019 10 9239 10/11/2019 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 98.48 INVOICE - INV2022496 9240 10/11/2019 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 148.86 INVOICE - INV2025534 9904 10/25/2019 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 426.46 INVOICE - INV2036960 9905 10/25/2019 Claims 1 EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 329.54 INVOICE - INV2039192 9932 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4234 CRYSTAL SPRINGS 36.55 INVOICE - 14117037 100919 9349 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4200 CURTIS & ANNEMARIE 77.75 03-5071.0 - 15227 KAYLA ST VINSON SE 9269 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4120 DALE & SHARON 32.50 10-0057.0 - 14852 99TH AVE FARNSWORTH SE 9042 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,143.04 September Hours 9039 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,755.58 September Hours 9966 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4268 DANIEL L ROZIER II 71.97 REIMBURSEMENT - 2019 1009 9264 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4115 DATABAR 907.68 INVOICE - 242654; INVOICE - 242859 9933 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4235 DATABAR 2,040.06 INVOICE - 243004 9059 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS Deferred Comp crossed periods 10880 10/07/2019 Payroll 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 66,112.42 Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - PERS 1; Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - PERS 2; Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - PERS 3; Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - LEOFF 2 10881 10/07/2019 Payroll 1 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 6,692.79 Pay Cycle(s)10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - Deferred Comp City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 1056910/25/2019 Payroll 9265 10/11/2019 Claims 9027 10/04/2019 Payroll 9048 10/04/2019 Payroll 9690 10/21/2019 Payroll 9267 10/11/2019 Claims 9032 10/04/2019 Payroll 9031 10/04/2019 Payroll 9025 10/04/2019 Payroll 9685 10/21/2019 Payroll 8991 10/04/2019 Payroll 9923 10/25/2019 Claims 9934 10/25/2019 Claims 9906 10/25/2019 Claims 9907 10/25/2019 Claims 9936 10/25/2019 Claims 8999 10/04/2019 Payroll 9341 10/11/2019 Claims 9279 10/11/2019 Claims 9328 10/11/2019 Claims 9636 10/15/2019 Payroll Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 10/01/2019 To: 10/31/2019 Chk # Claimant 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 4116 DEREK DAVIS EFT 9322 10/11/2019 EFT 1 EFT 9937 10/25/2019 4118 DILLE LAW, PLLC EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT 4225 DONNIELLE BURNHAM 4236 DOOLITTLE CONSTRUCTION, LLC. EFT DREAMTIME VISUAL COMM INC EFT DREAMTIME VISUAL COMM INC 4238 DUSTIN & VICKI FARNSWORTH EFT 4192 EMILY & JOHN STEVENS 4130 EMILY HOLZNAGEL 4179 EMILY SILVA 0 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY - PFMLA 9020 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 1089610/02/2019 Claims 1 EFT ETS 9322 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4173 EZRA & KUMSUK RICE 9937 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4239 FASTENAL 9270 10/11/2019 Claims 9938 10/25/2019 Claims 9939 10/25/2019 Claims 9280 10/11/2019 Claims 9941 10/25/2019 Claims 9942 10/25/2019 Claims 9009 10/04/2019 Payroll 9676 10/21/2019 Payroll 9257 10/11/2019 Claims 8988 10/04/2019 Payroll 9276 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4121 FAY FULLER CONDO ASSOC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4240 FAY FULLER CONDO ASSOC 4241 FLOHAWKS PLUMBING & SEPTIC 4131 GARY & JENNIFER HOWARD 4243 GILLIARDI LOGGING & CONSTRUCTION INC 4244 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOC. EFT EFT 4108 GRANT & KAYLA BEAMAN EFT 4127 HALF MOON SANITATION Time: 12:19:00 Date: 11/18/2019 Page: 3 Amount Memo 4,112.92 Pay Cycle(s) 11/05/2019 To 11/05/2019 - Deferred Comp 66.51 03-5176.0 - 15420 CALLIE AVE SE 4,607.54 September Hours 3,240.67 September Hours 1,232.31 October Draw 471.50 INVOICE - 2934; 1,775.45 September Hours 4,510.81 September Hours 2,531.88 September Hours 669.86 October Draw 2,729.52 September Hours 29.68 REIMBURSEMENT - 2019 1023 103,628.70 NET PAYMENT FROM DIFFERENCE OF 147.43 INVOICE - 1942 369.30 INVOICE - 1945 113.46 03-5184.0 - 15437 CHAD DR 723.48 September Hours 194.06 01-5009.0 - 14921 MTN VIEW CT SE 52.29 01-1925.0 - 612 TRUMP AVE NW 11.15 04-1775.0 - 9975 GREENLEAF LP SE 220.97 Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - WA PFMLA; Pay Cycle(s) 10/15/2019 To 10/15/2019 - WA PFMLA 3,503.05 September Hours 23.36 ETS CREDIT CARD PROCESSING FEES - 10 2019 52.16 10-8375.0 - 9889 DOTSON ST SE 835.61 INVOICES - WAOLY76583, WAOLY76584; INVOICE - WAOLY76420 3,284.13 INVOICES - 0000372 -IN & 0000372 -IN - OCTOBER DUES AND UTILITIES 3,261.23 Invoice - 0000376 -IN, 0000378 -IN 57,172.50 SEPTEMBER INVOICES FOR ACCOUNTS 6370 AND 6344 11.38 03-5167.0 - 15423 91ST AVE 1,111.38 INVOICE - 19-1629 (LONGMIRE); INVOICE - 19-1628 (PUBLIC WORKS) 170.00 INVOICE - 2019 1031 2,478.62 September Hours 851.56 October Draw 104.36 10-8275.0 - 9980 JENSEN DR SE 5,606.27 September Hours 376.00 INVOICES - 49631, 49632 City Of Yelm 10/25/2019 MCAG 9: 9282 Trans Date Type 9908 10/25/2019 Claims 9278 10/11/2019 Claims 9943 10/25/2019 Claims 9023 10/04/2019 Payroll 9060 10/04/2019 Payroll 1088810/04/2019 Payroll 1026910/21/2019 Payroll 9944 10/25/2019 Claims 9282 10/11/2019 Claims 9945 10/25/2019 Claims 9008 10/04/2019 Payroll 9940 10/25/2019 Claims 9262 10/11/2019 Claims 9925 10/25/2019 Claims 9324 10/11/2019 Claims 9350 10/11/2019 Claims 9047 10/04/2019 Payroll 9010 10/04/2019 Payroll 9677 10/21/2019 Payroll 9012 10/04/2019 Payroll 9284 10/11/2019 Claims 9946 10/25/2019 Claims 8987 10/04/2019 Payroll 8992 10/04/2019 Payroll 9285 10/11/2019 Claims 9947 10/25/2019 Claims 9302 10/11/2019 Claims 9291 10/11/2019 Claims 9049 10/04/2019 Payroll 9001 10/04/2019 Payroll 9017 10/04/2019 Payroll 9681 10/21/2019 Payroll 9281 10/11/2019 Claims 9004 10/04/2019 Payroll 9673 10/21/2019 Payroll 9036 10/04/2019 Payroll 9037 10/04/2019 Payroll 9271 10/11/2019 Claims 9916 10/25/2019 Claims 9295 10/11/2019 Claims 8990 10/04/2019 Payroll CHECK REGISTER 10/01/2019 To: 10/31/2019 Acct # Chk # Claimant 1 EFT HAVIRCO, DANIEL JR 1 4129 HD FOWLER COMPANY 1 4245 HD FOWLER COMPANY 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 1 4246 1NTOXIMETERS 1 4133 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 1 4247 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 1 EFT 1 4242 J W FOSTER 1 4113 JAC CLAUSEN 1 4227 JACOB DREW CAREY 1 4175 JACOB ROSE 1 4201 JAMIE AND ALEX VIRDEN 1 EFT 1 4094 1 4213 1 EFT 1 4135 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 1 4248 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 4136 JERRYS COLOR CENTER 1 4249 JERRYS COLOR CENTER 1 4153 JESSE & BRIELLE MONAGHAN MURPHY 1 4142 JESSE LUPATA 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 4132 JOHN HRUSKA 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 EFT 1 4122 JUAN FRANCO 1 4218 JULIA ANDREWS 1 4146 KAITLIN MCCULLAH 1 EFT Time: 12:19:00 Date: 11/18/2019 Page: 4 Amount Memo 817.36 REIMBURSEMENT FOR PUBLIC DEFENDER 2,296.48 INVOICE - I5291710 4,091.65 INVOICE - I5303275 4,848.31 September Hours 95,852.70 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 09/20/2019 - 09/20/2019; 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 - 10/04/2019 89,621.27 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 - 10/04/2019 6,507.39 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) 10/21/2019 - 10/21/2019 201.02 INVOICE - 640241 317.54 INVOICE - 510768 833.19 INVOICE - 512443; INVOICE - 513974 1,941.07 September Hours 590.42 FOSTER, JW - REIMBURSEMENT 48.21 08-0600.0 - 14938 PRAIRIE VISTA LP SE 134.43 03-5034.0 - 15544 CHAD DR 66.18 04-8815.0 - 16615 GREENLEAF AVE SE 192.50 10-8415.0 - 9943 DOTSON ST SE 3,905.91 September Hours 4,555.24 September Hours 708.00 October Draw 4,624.06 September Hours 3,134.62 INVOICE AND CREDIT MEMO - 802665, 802725 1,127.13 INVOICE - 803673 3,247.46 September Hours 3,456.24 September Hours 210.24 CREDIT INCLUDED IN MISPAYMENT SENT 352.71 INVOICE - 00062337; INVOICE - 00062450 139.94 09-0960.0 - 10412 BRIGHTON ST SE 171.25 03-5085.0 - 15316 92ND AVE SE 5,338.14 September Hours 736.78 September Hours 3,413.85 September Hours 872.70 October Draw 142.56 01-5004.0 - 14951 MTN VIEW CT SE 3,683.31 September Hours 460.95 October Draw 3,217.09 September Hours 2,349.64 September Hours 129.74 06-6016.0 - 10017 COCHRANE AVE SE 219.13 04-8635.0 - 16586 GREENLEAF AVE SE 92.07 03-0460.0 - 128 MTN VIEW DR NW 3,723.21 September Hours City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 9472 10/15/2019 Claims 9299 10/11/2019 Claims 9294 10/11/2019 Claims 9928 10/25/2019 Claims 9286 10/11/2019 Claims 9959 10/25/2019 Claims 9287 10/11/2019 Claims 9949 10/25/2019 Claims 9950 10/25/2019 Claims 9288 10/11/2019 Claims 9911 10/25/2019 Claims 9912 10/25/2019 Claims 9982 10/25/2019 Claims 9253 10/11/2019 Claims 9022 10/04/2019 Payroll 9683 10/21/2019 Payroll 9473 10/15/2019 Claims 9290 10/11/2019 Claims 9311 10/11/2019 Claims Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 10/01/2019 To: 10/31/2019 Chk # Claimant 4211 KAREN T BENNETT 4150 KATHY MEAD 4145 KENDRA MARROQUIN 4230 KEVIN & MELINDA CECIL 4137 KEY CODE MEDIA, INC. 4261 KONOPASEK, AMAN 10/21/2019 PARKER, B.C. 4138 LAFROMBOISE COMMUNICATIONS INC 4251 LAFROMBOISE 1 COMMUNICATIONS INC 4252 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC 4139 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 0 LEMAY MOB SHRED (D) 4284 LINDA TREVINO/MARROQU 4104 LINDSEY ALDRIDGE EFT 9024 EFT Payroll 4212 LORI A LUCAS 4141 LOVING AND LEARNING 10/21/2019 EARLY ED. CENTER 4162 LUCERO OSEGUERA 9297 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4148 MARICRIS MCLANE 9038 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9687 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9296 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4147 MCI 9261 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4112 MICHAEL & MICHELLE BROWN 9024 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9684 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9292 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4143 MICHAEL A MALEK 9006 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9268 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4119 MICHAEL EKLUND-GRAYUM 9935 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4237 MICHAEL EKLUND-GRAYUM 1027610/28/2019 Payroll 1 4294 9275 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4126 MICHAEL GREENBERG 9016 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9680 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9300 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4151 MICHAEL MEEKS 8996 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT Time: 12:19:00 Date: 11/18/2019 Page: 5 Amount Memo 374.86 PER DIEM REQUEST FOR KAREN - AWC CONFERENCE 33.20 09-1475.0 - 15123 CARTER LP SE 23.77 05-5220.0 - 15721 YELM TERRA WAY SE 191.32 10-4097.0 - 10043 TERRA CT SE 5,187.15 INVOICE - 077317 243.44 04-8820.0 - 16609 GREENLEAF AVE SE 68.40 INVOICE - 112113 40.00 INVOICE - 112136 906.36 INVOICE - 103431 - STREETS 70.79 INVOICE - 4659394 2,149.77 LEMAY INVOICES - 2019 10; INVOICE - 11792617 42.10 INVOICE - 4630526 190.68 10-8610.0 - 14471 100TH AVE SE 65.54 10-8905.0 - 14408 99TH AVE SE 4,958.02 September Hours 696.86 October Draw 118.50 PER DIEM REQUEST FOR LORI - AWC CONFERENCE 55.92 01-1030.0 - 203 SOLBERG ST SW 117.11 08-9037.0 - 14849 91ST AVE SE; 08-9037.0 - 14849 91ST AVE SE 187.66 10-8370.0 - 9883 DOTSON ST SE 5,003.84 September Hours 460.95 October Draw 79.27 INVOICE - 08638704268 (2019 10) 135.42 01-0582.0 - 1502 YELM AVE W 1 2,855.87 September Hours 1,108.20 October Draw 209.90 PER DIEM REQUEST - 2019 1009 6,921.47 September Hours 189.11 REIMBURSEMENT FOR WFOA CONFERENCE. - 2019 0916; REIMBURSEMENT - 2019 0917; REIMBURSEMENT FOR GAS 321.60 INVOICE - 2019 1008 2,420.18 Grayum Deff Comp. 225.00 04-8770.0 - 16663 GREENLEAF AVE SE 1,433.91 September Hours 1,253.31 October Draw 59.45 10-8050.0 - 14514 98TH WAY SE 2,603.56 September Hours City Of Yelm 10/11/2019 Claims 1 MCAG 9: 10/11/2019 Claims 1 Trans Date Type Acct # 9668 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 8994 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 9303 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9952 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9953 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9304 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9305 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9948 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9063 10/02/2019 Payroll 1 9306 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9263 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9307 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9954 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9308 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9309 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9955 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9310 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9956 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9233 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9957 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9958 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9312 10/11/2019 Claims 1 8997 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 9669 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 9015 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 9283 10/11/2019 Claims 1 10895 10/03/2019 Claims 1 1001710/03/2019 Claims 1 9234 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9313 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9960 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9315 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9317 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9241 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9318 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9235 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9913 10/25/2019 Claims 1 CHECK REGISTER 10/01/2019 To: 10/31/2019 Chk # Claimant EFT EFT 4154 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 4254 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 4255 MOUNTAIN MIST 4155 MOUNTAIN TERRACE 9,290.00 INVOICE - BUILDERS 4156 NAPA (ACCT # 1170 1) 4250 NATALIYA, JUSTIN EFT KOPYLTSOVA & OVERLY 4096 NATIONAL FRATERNAL EFT ORDER OF POLICE 4157 NATIONAL SAFETY INC 4114 NELLI CRUMPACKER 4158 NISQUALLY POLICE DEPT 4256 NISQUALLY POLICE DEPT 4159 NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES/NCL OF WISCON 4160 NORTHSTAR CHEMICAL INC 4257 NORTHWEST CASCADE INC 4161 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 4258 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 0 OFFICE DEPOT (D) 37564515 27813 PAYMENTECH 0 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL (D) 0 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL (D) 4164 POLYDYNE INC. 4262 (ADM) 4259 OFFICE OF MINORITY & 9,290.00 INVOICE - WOMENS BUS. 4260 ORNAMENTAL STONE INC 4163 PARAMETRIX INC EFT PUBLIC FINANCE INC (E) EFT PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING EFT PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 4134 PAUL & BRENDA JAEGER 27813 PAYMENTECH 0 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL (D) 0 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL (D) 4164 POLYDYNE INC. 4262 POLYDYNE INC. 4166 PR DIAMOND PRODUCTS 9,290.00 INVOICE - INC 4168 PROVIDENCE ST PETER 569.68 INVOICE - HOSPITAL EFT PUBLIC FINANCE INC (E) 4169 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 0 PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) Time: 12:19:00 Date: 11/18/2019 Page: 6 Amount Memo 923.50 October Draw 669.78 September Hours 241.43 INIVOICE - 1910-166003 AND 1910-166443; MOUNTAIN LUMBER; INVOICES FOR MOUNTAIN LUMBER; INVOICE - 1910-166932 467.66 MOUNTAIN LUMBER; MOUNTAIN LUMBER INVOICES 117.00 INVOICE - 2019 10 (023279) 8,568.71 INVOICE - 4880 51.77 INVOICE - 5000053711466894 309.68 10-8185.0 - 10035 JENSEN DR SE 1,029.00 Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - FOP Police 752.79 INVOICE - 0555401 -IN 350.72 02-4536.0 - 9252 CARYS ST SE 9,290.00 INVOICE - 18544; 11,460.00 INVOICE - 19310; 569.68 INVOICE - 429329 23,397.41 INVOICE - 153922 8,374.10 INVOICE - 2019 1018 85.31 INVOICES - 3742-333500, 3742-333174; FINANCE CHARGES FOR LATE PAYMENTS (NON APPROVED INVOICES) 299.93 INVOICE - 3742-334826; INVOICE - 3742-335496; INVOICE - 3742-336352 8922 INVOICE - 380278120001 100.00 INVOICE - 30313613 903.35 INVOICE - 19305 17,742.53 INVOICES - 13256, 13257 1,987.56 September Hours 1,258.77 October Draw 5,311.24 September Hours 21.46 10-8490.0 - 14475 LOCKWOOD LN SE 1,972.72 3 Xpress Credit Card Processing Fees 1,005.00 INVOICE - 2019 10 (6086) 503.50 INVOICE - 2019 10 (0970) 1,372.02 INVOICE - 1391388; INVOICE -1393756 686.01 INVOICE - 1397510 186.00 INVOICE - 0053944 -IN 30.00 Invoice - 2019 0830 620.75 INVOICE - 0002200; 226.00 INVOICE - 2019 0747 16.89 INVOICE - 2019 09 (2753) 18,679.55 INVOICES FOR 201910; INVOICE - 2019 10 (4915) City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type Acct # 9319 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9962 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9236 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9963 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9320 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9964 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9326 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9273 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9965 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9272 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9314 10/11/2019 Claims 1 8993 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 9887 10/24/2019 Claims 1 9929 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9344 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9005 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 9674 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 9316 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9339 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9951 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9327 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9967 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9274 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9298 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9968 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9969 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9970 10/25/2019 Claims 1 9033 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 9686 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 9260 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9329 10/11/2019 Claims 1 9330 10/11/2019 Claims 9331 10/11/2019 Claims 9332 10/11/2019 Claims 9333 10/11/2019 Claims 9334 10/11/2019 Claims 9335 10/11/2019 Claims 9336 10/11/2019 Claims 9337 10/11/2019 Claims 9971 10/25/2019 Claims 9972 10/25/2019 Claims 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 10/01/2019 To: 10/31/2019 Chk # Claimant 4170 QUILL CORPORATION 4264 RADIA INC. PS 0 RAINIER CONNECT (D) 4265 RAINIER LIGHTING & 4231 ELECTRIC SUPPLY 4171 RAM ELECTRIC LLC 4266 RAM ELECTRIC LLC 4177 REAGAN SAWYER 4124 RENZO GONZALALES 4267 RI -12 ENGINEERING 4123 RHONDA GOLDWORM 4165 ROBERT & SARA POWERS EFT SKILLINGS-CONNOLLY INC 4216 ROBERT BENUM OR EFT ROBERT COYNE 4231 ROBERT CECIL 4195 RONEE & PEDEN TAMANG EFT SOUND LANDSCAPE EFT PROFESSIONALS INC 4167 RYAN PRINCE 4190 SALLY STANDISH 4253 SAMUEL & ANIKA MEARS 4178 SCJ ALLIANCE 4269 SE THURSTON FIRE AUTHORITY 4125 SHANNON GOTO 4149 SHAWBREY MCNEAL 4270 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 4271 SKILLINGS-CONNOLLY INC 4272 SNEVA LAW OFFICE, PLLC EFT 10011 COCHRANE EFT 11-0005.0 4111 SOREN BROOME 4180 SOUND LANDSCAPE 12,521.65 INVOICE - PROFESSIONALS INC 4188 SOUNDBUILT HOMES LLC 4181 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4182 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4183 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4184 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4185 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4186 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4187 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4273 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4274 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 9973 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4275 SOUNDBUILT HOMES Time: 12:19:00 Date: 11/18/2019 Page: 7 Amount Memo 452.27 INVOICE - 1163780; QUILL PURCHASES 2019 09 97.20 INVOICE - 2019 1009 10.00 INVOICE - 2019 1001; 529.62 INVOICES - 519612-1, 520001-1 AND 520450-1 3,632.68 INVOICE - 3965; INVOICE - 3968 11-0001.0 1,029.53 INVOICE - 3974 164.28 06-6017.0 - 10011 COCHRANE AVE SE 11-0005.0 53.63 03-5102.0 - 15411 92ND AVE SE - 9983 JACKSON ST 12,521.65 INVOICE - 74540; INVOICE - 74539 88.22 141.74 03-5045.0 - 15445 KAYLA ST SE SE 58.00 03-5016.0 - 15330 CHAD DR 5,379.92 September Hours 58,677.00 LATECOMER PAYMENT RETURN 14398 99TH WAY SE 191.07 02-0751.0 - 805 CRYSTAL SPR RD NW 46.30 03-5147.0 - 15309 91ST AVE 2,096.95 September Hours 1,023.40 October Draw 66.51 09-1615.0 - 10430 CARTER ST SE 44.90 03-3005.0 - 16507 92ND AVE SE 246.92 04-2230.0 - 16408 OAKRIDGE CT SE 11376.25 INVOICE - 58090 1,028.16 IMPACT FEES - 2019 09 79.46 06-6009.0 - 16412 GREENBRIER ST SE 92.75 10-8240.0 - 10042 JENSEN DR SE 2,775.13 INVOICE - B10687441 15,381.98 INVOICE - 12053 2,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 09 4,074.46 September Hours 1,280.45 October Draw 263.95 01-2513.0 - 15424 94TH AVE SE 269.75 INVOICE - 06180 212.78 11-0004.0 - 9971 JACKSON ST 174.08 11-0001.0 - 9945 JACKSON ST 271.16 11-0003.0 - 9977 JACKSON ST 181.18 11-0005.0 - 9951 JACKSON ST 338.43 11-0007.0 - 9983 JACKSON ST 265.66 11-0008.0 - 9987 JACKSON ST 88.22 10-9000.0 - 14380 99TH WAY SE 63.37 10-8751.0 - 9984 DAIN ST SE 65.51 10-9018 - 14398 99TH WAY SE 235.56 10-9003.0 - 14362 99TH WAY SE 221.79 10-9002 - 14368 99TH WAY SE City Of Yelm MCAG 9: Trans Date Type 9974 10/25/2019 Claims 9338 10/11/2019 Claims 9258 10/11/2019 Claims 9007 10/04/2019 Payroll 9675 10/21/2019 Payroll 9340 10/11/2019 Claims 9293 10/11/2019 Claims 9040 10/04/2019 Payroll 9242 10/11/2019 Claims 9909 10/25/2019 Claims 9343 10/11/2019 Claims 9976 10/25/2019 Claims 9045 10/04/2019 Payroll 9342 10/11/2019 Claims 9029 10/04/2019 Payroll 9061 10/02/2019 Payroll 9018 10/04/2019 Payroll 9682 10/21/2019 Payroll 9019 10/04/2019 Payroll 9237 10/11/2019 Claims 9914 10/25/2019 Claims 1079910/25/2019 Claims 9030 10/04/2019 Payroll 9977 10/25/2019 Claims 9978 10/25/2019 Claims 9979 10/25/2019 Claims 9980 10/25/2019 Claims 8961 10/01/2019 Claims Acct # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 10/01/2019 To: 10/31/2019 Chk # Claimant 4276 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4189 SOUTH PUGET SOUND DEV COUNCIL SALMON ENHANCEMENT THURSTON CO PUBLIC GRO 4109 STACIA BLOOM EFT EFT 4282 4191 STANLEY CONVERGENT OFFICE SECURITY SOLUTIONS IN 4144 STEPHEN & SARAH EFT 1 EFT SUMMIT LAW GROUP PLLC EFT SUMMIT LAW GROUP PLLC 4194 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CTR 4278 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CTR EFT 8.70 INVOICE - 2019 1021 4193 TAD STILLWELL EFT EFT TEAMSTERS EFT EFT EFT EFT THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) EFT THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 4095 1 4279 THURSTON CO ECONOMIC 800.00 INVOICE - 14935; DEV COUNCIL 4280 THURSTON CO PUBLIC 1 HEALTH 4281 THURSTON CO PW - ROAD/TRANSPORTATION 4282 THURSTON CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE 4093 THURSTON REGIONAL 10/04/2019 PLANNING COUNCIL Time: 12:19:00 Date: 11/18/2019 Page: 8 Amount Memo 168.59 10-9004.0 - 14356 99TH WAY SE 151.77 INVOICE - 2019-60 273.81 01-0353.0 - 301 SOLBERG ST NW 3,471.67 September Hours 1,481.32 October Draw 32.73 INVOICE - 1190488 60.53 03-5126.0 - 15493 CHAD DR 3,305.27 September Hours 82.50 INVOICE - 107375 55.00 INVOICE - 108182 56.46 INVOICE - 105811; INVOICE - 105808 103.18 INVOICES - 105827, 105830, 105831; INVOICE - 105841 688.48 September Hours 267.47 02-1840.0 - 15624 92ND WAY SE 4,240.40 September Hours 1,006.00 Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - Teamsters PW 2,345.42 September Hours 1,031.43 October Draw 688.48 September Hours 796.10 INVOICE - 513580167; INVOICE - 515433506 3,155.78 INVOICES FOR SUPPLYWORKS (THE HOME DEPOT PRO) 2019 10; INVOICES - 516383999 & 517314852 20.00 DIFFERENCE OF INVOICE #515898476 2,451.29 September Hours 5,497.50 INVOICE - 15067 290.00 INVOICE 2019 1003; 9,236.09 INVOICES - 19-1190-0039 & 19-1190-0038 54.44 INVOICE - 10649 50.00 NOTICE OF INTENTION - THURSTON COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD - APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION/MERGER 9243 10/11/2019 Claims 1 EFT THURSTONTALK INC (EFT) 800.00 INVOICE - 14935; 9301 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4152 TIFFANY & DEREK MILLER 252.11 04-8825.0 - 16603 GREENLEAF AVE SE 8985 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 4,568.47 September Hours 9981 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4283 TIM'S PHARMACY & GIFT 8.70 INVOICE - 2019 1021 SHOP LTD CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG 9: 10/01/2019 To: 10/31/2019 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant 10018 10/03/2019 Claims 1 EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 10894 10/18/2019 Claims 1 EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 10893 10/21/2019 Claims 1 EFT TIMBERLAND (D) 10916 10/03/2019 Claims 1 27814 TIMBERLAND (D) 9028 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 10/11/2019 9044 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9986 9688 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 EFT VERIZON WIRELESS 9043 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9035 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9052 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9345 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4196 TRUGREEN COMMERCIAL 9013 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9678 10/21/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9983 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4285 UNIFIRST CORP. 9984 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4286 UPPER NISQUALLY SPORTSMENS CLUB 9346 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4197 USA BLUEBOOK 9985 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4287 USA BLUEBOOK 9347 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4198 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND 9348 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4199 VERIZON WIRELESS 9986 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4288 VERIZON WIRELESS 9975 10/25/2019 Claims 9987 10/25/2019 Claims 9064 10/02/2019 Payroll 9988 10/25/2019 Claims 9743 10/21/2019 Claims 9065 10/02/2019 Payroll 9351 10/11/2019 Claims 9352 10/11/2019 Claims 9989 10/25/2019 Claims 9353 10/11/2019 Claims 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4277 VIVIAN & ANGEL SPENCE/ ZARATE 4289 WA STATE AUDITOR 4097 WA STATE COUNCIL OF COUNTY & CITY EMPL 4290 WA STATE DEPT OF ENTERPRISE SVCS EFT WA STATE DEPT OF REVENUE 4098 WACOPS 4202 WASHINGTON TRACTOR 4203 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 4291 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 4204 WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING Time: 12:19:00 Date: 11/18/2019 Page: 9 Amount Memo 8,549.41 2019 0913 - TIMBERLAND VISA - RAMIREZ; 2019 0913 - TIMBERLAND VISA - MACDONALD; 2019 0913 - TIMBERLAND VISA - LUCAS; 2019 0913 - TIMBERLAND VISA - BEDLINGTON; 2019 0913 - TIMBERLAND VISA - 471.76 PayrolUAP Check Purchase 101.02 Deposit Slips From The Bank -100.00 CREDIT TO ACCOUNT BECK FOR DEPOSIT ON VRBO - CDD 1,339.61 September Hours 2,435.19 September Hours 1,394.94 October Draw 7,331.98 September Hours 3,697.66 September Hours 723.48 September Hours 133.03 INVOICE - 7001648852 2,541.92 September Hours 1,172.96 October Draw 383.99 INIVOICE - 330 1570208; INVOICE - 330 1570208; INVOICE - 330 1572305; INVOICE - 330 1572305 1,700.00 INVOICE - 2019 1018 - FIREARMS TRAINING MEMBERSHIPS 3,879.32 INVOICE - 014771; INVOICE 031804 10/04/2019 269.83 INVOICE - 035882 7224 INVOICE - 9090251; 1,635.04 INVOICE - 9838523687;; INVOICE - 9838523686; 1,556.93 INVOICE - 9839382730 (3503) & 9839231633 (2673); INVOICE - 9839197503; 204.81 06-0130.0 - 108 SECOND ST NE 16,609.07 INVOICE - L133045 834.00 Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - AFSCME 48.00 INVOICE - 73192399 27,322.97 2019-09 USE/EXCISE TAX 150.00 Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - WACOPS 2,026.82 INVOICES - 1941445, 1941440 954.15 INVOICES - 179296 AND 179307;;; INVOICE - 179129; INVOICE - 179674; 1,203.95 INVOICE - 179876; INVOICE - 17819; 211.38 INVOICE - 5007378512; CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG 9: 10/01/2019 To: 10/31/2019 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant 9255 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4106 WESLEY & JESSICA ANDREWS 9034 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT YELM, CITY OF 9066 10/02/2019 Payroll 1 4099 WESTERN STATES POLICE 9991 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4293 MEDICAL TRUST 9051 10/04/2019 Payroll 1 EFT 9238 10/11/2019 Claims 1 0 XPRESS UT PMT (D) 9354 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4205 YELM ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER 9355 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4206 YELM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 9356 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4207 YELM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 9357 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4208 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 9358 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4209 YELM FARM & PET / DJB LIBERTY INC 9062 10/02/2019 Payroll 1 EFT YELM POLICE OFFICER'S GUILD 9067 10/02/2019 Payroll 1 4100 YELM, CITY OF 9359 10/11/2019 Claims 1 4210 YELM, CITY OF 9990 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4292 YELM, CITY OF 9991 10/25/2019 Claims 1 4293 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES INC 001 General Fund 101 Municipal Street Fund 107 Tourism Promotion 202 Killion Road LID 302 Municipal Building Fund 316 Road & Street Construction 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 404 Water Capital Improvements 412 Sewer Utility Fund 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 502 Equipment Rental & Repair * Transaction Has Mixed Revenue And Expense Accounts Time: 12:19:00 Date: 11/18/2019 Page: 10 Amount Memo 76.98 01-0920.0 - 206 MCKENZIE CT SW 2,441.85 September Hours 958.50 Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - Western States Police Trust 5,153.55 September Hours 1,090.55 INVOICE - 43033; 1,000.00 INVOICE - 2019 0906; 1,473.47 BBQ RALLY LTAC REIMBURSEMENT 4,250.00 INVOICE - 15015 61.57 30-1520.0 - 14848 BERRY VALLEY RD SE 13.52 INVOICE - 3477 301.00 Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - Police Guild Dues 258.12 Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - Police Car Use; Pay Cycle(s) 10/04/2019 To 10/04/2019 - SS Deduction Repayment 15,545.99 YELM, CITY OF - WATER BILL - 2019 10 350.44 WATER BILL FOR THURSTON CO TRAILHEAD 209.09 INVOICE - 30145 512,525.06 31,348.05 1,473.47 620.75 325.52 8,374.10 23,050.35 254,122.88 21,242.13 275,615.50 29,173.26 31,787.58 969.25 Claims: 1,190,627.90 Payroll: 564,620.37 626,007.53 EMPLOYEE EARNING ITEMS City Of Yelm Time 13:17:30 Date: 11/18/2019 MCAG 9: 11/05/2019 To: 11/05/2019 Page: 1 Community Devel Employee Pay Item Date Hours Pay HARDY, JASON C OT Time and a h 11/05/2019 8.00 455.76 HARDY, JASON C; 11/05/2019 8.00 455.76 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVEL 8.00 455.76 Executive Employee I I I I SPIVEY , DANA L JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 2.501 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay SPIVEY , DANA L JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 2.501 126.53 SPIVEY, DANA L; 11/05/2019 TOTAL EXECUTIVE Finance 2.50 126.53 2.50 126.53 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay FRIBERG , GRACE E JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 0.9ol 35.20 FRIBERG , GRACE E; 11/05/2019 0.90 35.20 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay MALEK , MICHAEL A JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 28.001 1,208.76 MALEK , MICHAEL A; 1110512019 TOTAL FINANCE Police 28.00 1,208.76 28.90 1,243.96 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay BARD, BRIAN M JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 3.001 157.38 BARD, BRIAN M; 1110512019 3.00 157.38 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay DAVIS, CHRISTOPHER R JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 24.001 1,391.04 DAVIS, CHRISTOPHER R; 11/05/2019 24.00 1,391.04 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay DEVORE , BILL G JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 11.501 723.35 DEVORE, BILL G; 11/05/2019 11.50 723.35 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay FIELD, STACY D JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 18.501 1,118.70 FIELD, STACYD; 11/05/2019 18.50 1,118.70 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay GERAY , JARED C JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 7.001 415.31 GERAY, JARED C; 11/05/2019 7.00 415.31 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay HENKEN, BRYAN JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 2.001 101.86 N HENKEN, BRYA,• 11/05/2019 2.00 101.86 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay MOODY , DONALD L JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 18.001 1,031.76 MOODY, DONALD L; 11/05/2019 18.00 1,031.76 EMPLOYEE EARNING ITEMS City Of Yelm Time 13:17:30 Date: 11/18/2019 MCAG 9: 11/05/2019 To: 11/05/2019 Page: 2 Police Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay ROZIER II, DANIEL L JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 1.001 57.96 ROZIER A DANIEL L; 1110512019 TOTAL POLICE Public Works 1.00 57.96 85.00 4,997.36 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay HARPER, TYLER W JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 8.001 302.56 HARPER, TYLER W; 1110512019 8.00 302.56 KOLB , ERIC J,• 1110512019 11.00 391.93 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 19.00 694.49 Waste Water Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay JOTTimeandahl KOLB , ERIC J JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 11.001 391.93 KOLB , ERIC J,• 1110512019 11.00 391.93 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 19.00 694.49 Waste Water RICHARDS, JOSEPHD; 1110512019 0.50 17.52 Employee Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay JOTTimeandahl RICHARDS, JOSEPH D JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 0.501 17.52 RICHARDS, JOSEPHD; 1110512019 0.50 17.52 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay SWANSON , JARED A JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 4.001 179.64 SWANSON, JARED A; 1110512019 4.00 179.64 Employee I Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay VANBUSKIRK , WILLIAM J JOTTimeandahl 11/05/2019 1 21.001 1,344.84 VANBUSKIRK, WILLIAMJ,• 1110512019 21.00 1,344.84 TOTAL WASTE WATER 25.50 1,542.00 REPORT TOTAL 168.90 9,060.10 EST. 1924 WASHINGTON "Proudly Serving Our Community" STAFF REPORT - FINANCE To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Heidi MacDonald, Interim Finance Director Date: November 13th, 2019 (for November 26th City Council Meeting) Subj: 2019-2020 Mid -Biennial Budget Amendment - Ordinance No. 1050 Background On June 12th, 2018 the City of Yelm established a two-year biennial budget cycle which began January 1, 2019. The biennial budget facilitates the City in focusing on overall strategic planning and more efficient tracking of project revenues and expenditures. In accordance with RCW Section 35A. Row 34.130 a mid -biennial review and modification of the biennial budget is required. This review and modification shall occur no sooner than eight months after the start, and not later than conclusion of the first year of the fiscal biennium. Current Situation Appropriation changes include updating beginning fund balances to actuals, carryovers from 2018 for Capital Projects, and other adjustments. This budget adjustment allows for appropriation changes where it is anticipated that total expenditures may differ from the adopted 2019-2020 budget. Total budget adjustments as described in this memo and summarized by fund in Exhibit A attached to Ordinance 1050 reflect the following categories: 1. Amending Beginning Fund Balances across all funds to actuals 2. Carryovers from 2018 for Capital Projects 3. Other Budget Adjustments The Cite of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider Recommendation Review the projections for 2019 year end, comparing year end projections to the adopted budget. Consider the recommended budget adjustments as presented in the 2019-2020 Mid -Biennial Budget Amendment - Ordinance No. 1050. Discussion can continue at the December 3rd Study Session. Once feedback from these meetings is received it will be incorporated into the ordinance and presented for adoption at the December 10th Council Meeting. Service Packages for 2020, year two of the biennial budget, will be addressed after the start of the 2020. Budget Amendment Details Beginning Fund Balances Beginning Fund (cash) Balances were estimated as part of the 2019-2020 Biennial Budget process. Cash balances have been reconciled and confirmed with the 2018 Audit by the Office of the State Auditor which concluded on November 1St 2018 ending cash on hand was $1,048,602 more than anticipated. The adjustments shown in the table on the following page update the estimated beginning balances with actual cash balances at year end 2018. Once the beginning balances are amended to actuals in the City Street Fund (101) and LTGO Bond Redemption Fund (200) the budgeted expenditures will exceed the funds' total resources (beginning fund balances and revenue) causing the funds' ending balances to be negative. This will be addressed in the budget amendment. When the budget was developed the Revenue Summary's Biennial Total duplicated the beginning fund balances at a total of $34,421,095, whereas the corrected beginning balances including all adjustments are $19,834,714. The original Revenue Summary is included as Appendix A for reference. Page 2 of 13 A similar error occurred in development of the Expenditure Summary. In this case, the ending fund balances were duplicated. In addition, some Reserve Purpose amounts also were included, but already accounted for in ending cash balances. The original Expenditure Summary calculated ending fund balances at $30,977,047, whereas the corrected ending balances including all adjustments will be $15,426,492. The original Expenditure Summary is included as Appendix B for reference. Page 3 of 13 Beginning Fund Balances Adjustment Needed to Back Adjustment Needed to Fully Amended Fund Original Budget Out Duplicated Beginning Bring 2019 to Actuals Fund Balances Balances General Fund (001) 1,882,962 (1,008,741) 395,416 1,269,637 City Street Fund (101) 165,344 (35,325) (115,303) 14,716 Arterial Street Fund (102) 154,750 (33,803) (35,127) 85,820 Cumulative Reserve (104) 606,502 (322,501) 42 284,043 Park Reserve (105) 2,353 (1,178) (282) 893 Tourism Promotion (107) 325,600 (132,800) 85,024 277,824 YPD School Resource (109) 58,401 (48,073) 1,269 11,597 Deposits/Surety/Retainage (119) - 8,070 8,070 Transportation Facilities Chrgs (120) 58,244 (24,212) 79,985 114,017 LTGO Bond Redemption Fund (200) 183,964 (30,232) (91,744) 61,988 Killion Rd LID #2 Repayments (202) 1,983,607 (1,020,064) (119,235) 844,308 Sewer Revenue Bond/Loans (203) 1,377 (776) 660 1,261 Sewer Bond/Loan Reserves (204) 854,218 (427,609) 990 427,599 Municipal Building Fund (302) 259,808 (2,721) 234,621 491,708 Road/Street Construction (316) 546,818 (232,295) 152,489 467,012 Stormwater Utility (400) 6,945 (4,942) 131,870 133,873 Municipal Water (401) 10,793,864 (5,719,699) (583,749) 4,490,416 Utility Consumer Deposits (402) 193,614 (96,807) (6,070) 90,737 Water Capital Improvement (404) 3,547,878 (1,810,277) 355,474 2,093,075 Water Revenue Debt Rdmpt (405) 203,281 (99,295) 18,227 122,213 Water Revenue Debt Reserve (406) 1,885,622 (943,561) (10,462) 931,599 Sewer/Reuse Operation/Maint (412) 3,662,516 (1,706,491) 66,577 2,022,602 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve (413) 4,348,486 (1,223,306) (154,954) 2,970,226 Sewer Bond Refi & Reserve (415) 289,775 (144,975) (24,754) 120,046 Shortline Railroad (430) 8,974 (4,517) 231 4,688 Water Construction Fund (431) 1,385,176 (19,465) 1,365,711 IT Equipment Rental & Repair (501) 695,424 (392,705) 138,006 440,725 Equipment Rental & Repair (502) 315,592 (168,078) 529,716 677,230 Project Assurance Trust (601) - 11,079 11,079 Grand Totalsl 34,421,095 (15,634,983) 1,048,602 19,834,714 A similar error occurred in development of the Expenditure Summary. In this case, the ending fund balances were duplicated. In addition, some Reserve Purpose amounts also were included, but already accounted for in ending cash balances. The original Expenditure Summary calculated ending fund balances at $30,977,047, whereas the corrected ending balances including all adjustments will be $15,426,492. The original Expenditure Summary is included as Appendix B for reference. Page 3 of 13 Capital Projects - Carryovers from 2018 and Requested Transfers Carryovers relate to uncompleted projects, contracts, or purchases that were authorized but not spent in the prior budget period. In order to complete these items, both the funding and the expenditure authority need to be "carried over" from the 2018 Budget to the 2019-2020 Budget. Accordingly, the 2019-2020 Adopted Budget needs to be amended. Funding for carryovers primarily comes from recognizing cash that was obligated but not spent in the prior biennium (i.e. Resources Forward) and from external sources such as grants. Page 4 of 13 Ending Fund Balances Fund Adjustment Needed to Back Net Change From Fully Amended Original Budget Out Duplicated Ending Ending Fund Adjustments Balances Balances General Fund (001) 2,059,398 (1,008,741) 212,703 1,263,360 City Street Fund (101) 40,221 (35,325) (2,303) 2,593 Arterial Street Fund (102) 36,906 (33,803) (2,417) 686 Cumulative Reserve (104) 660,002 (322,501) 42 337,543 Park Reserve (105) - 893 893 Tourism Promotion (107) 205,600 (132,800) 85,024 157,824 YPD School Resource (109) 132,051 (48,073) 1,269 85,247 Deposits/Surety/Retainage (119) - 8,070 8,070 Transportation Facilities Chrgs (120) 24,612 (24,212) 102,194 102,594 LTGO Bond Redemption Fund (200) 61,215 (30,232) (26,744) 4,239 Killion Rd LID #2 Repayments (202) 2,057,872 (1,020,064) (119,234) 918,574 Sewer Revenue Bond/Loans (203) 1,726 (776) 660 1,610 Sewer Bond/Loan Reserves (204) 1,525,927 (761,963) (334,364) 429,600 Municipal Building Fund (302) 131,942 (2,721) (45,705) 83,516 Road/Street Construction (316) 441,103 (232,295) 417,212 626,020 Stormwater Utility (400) 25,421 (4,942) 131,870 152,349 Municipal Water (401) 12,242,110 (5,719,699) (583,748) 5,938,663 Utility Consumer Deposits (402) 193,614 (96,807) (6,070) 90,737 Water Capital Improvement (404) 2,171,928 (1,810,277) 234,009 595,660 Water Revenue Debt Rdmpt (405) 191,682 (99,355) 18,228 110,555 Water Revenue Debt Reserve (406) 1,888,622 (943,561) (10,462) 934,599 Sewer/Reuse Operation/Maint (412) 3,422,295 (1,706,491) 66,578 1,782,381 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve (413) 1,941,076 (1,223,306) (190,954) 526,816 Sewer Bond Refi & Reserve (415) 290,125 (144,975) (24,754) 120,396 Shortline Railroad (430) 9,094 (4,517) 231 4,808 Water Construction Fund (431) - - - IT Equipment Rental & Repair (501) 893,568 (392,705) (55,358) 445,505 Equipment Rental & Repair (502) 328,937 (168,078) 529,716 690,575 Project Assurance Trust (601) - 11,079 11,079 Grand Totalsl 30,977,047 (15,968,219) 417,664 15,426,492 Capital Projects - Carryovers from 2018 and Requested Transfers Carryovers relate to uncompleted projects, contracts, or purchases that were authorized but not spent in the prior budget period. In order to complete these items, both the funding and the expenditure authority need to be "carried over" from the 2018 Budget to the 2019-2020 Budget. Accordingly, the 2019-2020 Adopted Budget needs to be amended. Funding for carryovers primarily comes from recognizing cash that was obligated but not spent in the prior biennium (i.e. Resources Forward) and from external sources such as grants. Page 4 of 13 Fund2019-2020 Revenues Expenditures 2019-2020 Total Revenue Amended Total Adjustment& Amended Revenue Budget Adjustments Revenues Transfers & Expenditure Expenditures Total Arterial Street Fund Adjustment $ 32,710 Total Arterial Street Fund Adjustment Expenditure Adjustments Municipal Building Fund (302) Arterial Street Fund (102) 177,656 32,710 210,366 295,500 - 295,500 Municipal Building Fund (302) 950,264 720,395 1,670,659 1,078,130 1,000,721 2,078,851 Road/Street Construction (316) 3,397,583 633,195 4,030,778 3,503,297 368,472 3,871,769 Water Capital Improvement (404) 2,247,676 (19,465) 2,228,211 3,623,626 102,000 3,725,626 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve (413) 4,554,985 4,554,985 6,962,395 36,000 6,998,395 The following table provides details on adjustments to the 2019-2020 Biennial Budget only. It is not intended to be a full accounting on funds or of specific projects. REVENUE &OTHER RESOURCE ADJUSTMENTS EXPENDITURE& OTHER USE ADJUSTMENTS Arterial Street Fund (102) Arterial Street Fund (102) Carryover- STP Grant SR 507 & 1st Street $ 32,710 $ Total Arterial Street Fund Adjustment $ 32,710 Total Arterial Street Fund Adjustment $ Municipal Building Fund (302) Municipal Building Fund (302) Spray Park Spray Park Carryover- USHUD CDBG Spray Park Grant 192,573 2019 Spray Park Disbursements 517,414 Transfer from F316 - Cost of Sidewalks 43,550 Transfer from F413- Cost of wastewater collection system 36,000 Transfer from F404- Cost pump recirculating pump station 102,000 Spray Park Total $ 374,123 Spray Park Total $ 517,414 Playground Playground Carryover- Dept of Commerce Playground Grant 326,822 2019 Playground Disbursements 449,211 Transfer from F316- Cost of Sidewalks 45,450 Playground Total $ 372,272 Playground Total $ 449,211 Other Other Dept of Commerce State Energy Grant- not awarded (50,000) Cochrane Park Dock- on hold until 2021 (25,000) City Hall Building - 2018 expenditures 25,000 Carryover- 2018 Budget for Longmire Shed 24,000 Longmire Park Shed Expansion 34,096 Other Total $ (26,000) Other Total $ 34,096 Total Municipal Building Fund Adjustment $ 720,395 Total Municipal Building Fund Adjustment $ 1,000,721 Road & Street Construction Fund (316) Road & Street Construction Fund (316) Carryover - TAP Grant Fort Stevens 267,136 Fort Stevens Elementary Project 279,472 Carryover- STP Grant SR 507 & 1st Street 366,059 Add Transfer to F302 for Spray Park Sidewalk 43,550 Add Transfer to F302 for Playground Sidewalk 45,450 Total Road & Street Construction Fund Adjustment $ 633,195 Total Road & Street Construction Fund Adjustment $ 368,472 Water Capital Improvement Fund (404) Water Capital Improvement Fund (404) Transfer from F431 closing fund was over estimated (beg balance) (19,465) Add Transfer to F302 for Spray Park recirculating pump station 102,000 Total Water Capital Improvement Fund Adjustment $ (19,465) Total Water Capital Improvement Fund Adjustment $ 102,000 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve Fund (413) Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve Fund (413) - Add Transfer to F302 for Spray Park wastewater collection cyst. 36,000 Total Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve Fund Adjustment $ - Total Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve Fund Adjustment $ 36,000 GRAND TOTAL - REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS $ 1,366,835 I GRAND TOTAL - EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS $ 1,507,193 Page 5 of 13 Other Budget Adjustments Other Budget Adjustments include corrections, housekeeping items, and operating carryovers necessary to have sufficient resources and expenditure authority to carry out the City's business. Fund Revenues Expenditures 2019-2020 Total General Fund (001) 2019-2020 Total General Fund (001) Revenue Budget Revenue Adjustments Amended Revenues Expenditure Budget Expenditure Adjustments Amended Expenditures General Fund (001) 13,304,884 233,000 13,537,884 13,128,448 415,713 13,544,161 City Street Fund (101) 922,275 113,000 1,035,275 1,047,398 - 1,047,398 LTGO Bond Redemption Fund (200) 538,855 65,000 603,855 661,605 - 661,605 Water Capital Improvement (404) 2,247,676 (19,465) 2,228,211 3,623,626 102,000 3,725,626 Water Construction Fund (431) - - - 1,385,176 (19,465) 1,365,711 IT Equipment Rental & Repair (501) 1,322,065 (246,703) 1,075,362 1,123,921 (53,339) 1,070,582 The following table provides details on adjustments to the 2019-2020 Biennial Budget only. It is not intended to be a full accounting on funds. REVENUE& OTHER RESOURCE ADJUSTMENTS EXPENDITURE& OTHER USE ADJUSTMENTS General Fund (001) General Fund (001) Decrease Law Enforcement Services for SRO (budgeted in Fund 109) (67,000) Decrease Central Svcs for duplicated IT exp. Budgeted in Fund 501 (361,791) Increase Non -Revenue collections 300,000 Decrease Animal Services as services are not being outsourced (45,000) Increase Parks Salaries/Benefits due to reorganization not occurring 244,504 Add Non -Expenditure for payments 400,000 Transfer to LTGO Bond to cover shortage from beg balance estimate 65,000 Transfer to Street Fund for maintenance of Shortline Railway Trail 49,000 Transfer to Street Fund to cover shortage from beg balance estimate 64,000 Total General Fund Adjustment $ 233,000 Total General Fund Adjustment $ 415,713 Street Fund (101) Street Fund (101) Transferfrom GF formaintenance of Shortline RailwayTrail 49,000 Transfer from GF to cover shortage from beg balance estimate 64,000 Total Street Fund Adjustment $ 113,000 Total Street Fund Adjustment $ LTGO Bond Redemption Fund (200) Street Fund (101) Transfer from GF to cover shortage from beg balance estimate 65,000 Total Street Fund Adjustment $ 65,000 Total Street Fund Adjustment $ Water Construction Fund (431) Water Construction Fund (431) Beg balance overestimated, transfer closing this fund needs reduced (19,465) Total Street Fund Adjustment $ - Total Street Fund Adjustment $ (19,465) Information Technology Fund (501) Information Technology Fund (501) Correct budgeted revenue (289,472) Correct budgeted expenditures (136,108) Move video arraignment system budget to Fund 501 42,769 Move video arraignment system budget to Fund 501 42,769 Carryover- Bias Financial System 40,000 Total Information Technology Fund Adjustment $ (246,703) Total Information Technology Fund Adjustment $ (53,339) GRAND TOTAL - REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS $ 164,297 GRAND TOTAL - EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS $ 342,909 Page 6 of 13 Next Steps The next steps in the Mid -Biennial budget process are: December 3 — Council study session on Mid -Bi Budget Amendment December 10 — Mid -Biennial Budget Amendment Adoption Page 7 of 13 Appendix A Page 8 of 13 lD c lD N M O c t Ql n Ql 00 N c c O:t w N N c I, 't lD Ql O w �n t N O O Ul O O :t c 00 I, n O O:t c VlM N lD n N Ql I, 00 tD 00 tD O M lD N0 Dl r� N C c lD w Vl 00 tD Ql M C r- Il Ql N I, n N O N VI N N N N I, lD O -:t 00 O M VI Ql 00 Ql M:t Ql VI n O �--� F 00 00 M lD lD Ql N N N:t VI N t N lD O m M w m O w 00 cy tD cy O M lD M N M I, 00 M 00 N c n c N n O 00 c:t M O M N M m Ln N N N M I, V1 N N Ql 00 N N O N N 00 C aJ m to to to to yn y/} l/T l/T l/T v). .:t Ql M N 00 O M N I, lD n Ql N O 00 M I, n Ln N lD Ln N I, lD M Ql Ll m lD O O n O n c N I, O N O m m O I, m lD M lD VI I, M N rl lz c -I Lr N 00 C N c -I Ql Dl lD N c -I lD M 00 N lzj C lzj Dl N Lr lz N N n Q Dl t w I, N N VI lD N 00 M 00 m I, N O ti Vl n Vl n Vl N lD O lD M N M Ln N lD lD O I, N N N m O w �--� t N n n I, Ln N M N N N M N M:z M c N O m r, w N C U1 n F n N N Ql N N :t N Ql O M N O N to to to to to to to to to v1 v1 O O I, O N M m a 0 0 Ln O O a 0 I, a w cV O r, c r, Ln M C cy M Lr c -I 00 M C Q: C 00 tD 00 M N N 00 N M Lr Lr Lr C Lr cy C Lr LD Q w M:t N N N I, lD O M M I, O n w O O N M N I, N VI M lD F O N Ln N N N I, VI lD O n N w m N I, O M N VI n 00 :t 00 VI N M N N M: N w z M Lr c Lr O Ql n N N M Ql n I, Lr F n N N 00 M N t: N O Qt � c -i O N to to to to to to to y/} y/} y/} y/} l/T l/T l/T y/} y/} y/} l/T l/T l/T v). 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WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed adjustments to the Biennial Budget for 2019-2020 reflect revenues and expenditures that are intended to ensure the provision of vital municipal services at acceptable levels. Section 1. The November 2019 adjustments to the Biennial Budget of the City of Yelm for 2019-2020 are hereby adopted. Section 2. In summary form, modifications to the totals of estimated revenues and appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate totals for all such funds combined are as follows. Adjustments by fund and type, as set out in Exhibit "A" are attached and incorporated, by this reference as though fully set forth, are adopted as the City of Yelm 2019-2020 Mid -Biennial Budget Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Yelm, Washington ordains as follows: Fund Original Budget Adjustments Revised Budget General Fund (001) 15,187,846 (380,326) 14,807,521 City Street Fund (101) 1,087,621 (37,630) 1,049,991 Arterial Street Fund (102) 332,406 (36,220) 296,186 Cumulative Reserve (104) 660,002 (322,459) 337,543 Park Reserve (105) 2,353 (1,460) 893 Tourism Promotion (107) 365,600 (47,776) 317,824 YPD School Resource (109) 192,401 (46,804) 145,597 Deposits/Surety/Retainage(119) - 8,070 8,070 Transportation Facilities Chrgs (120) 322,244 55,773 378,017 LTGO Bond Redemption Fund (200) 722,819 (56,975) 665,844 Killion Rd LID #2 Repayments (202) 2,811,987 (1,139,298) 1,672,689 Sewer Revenue Bond/Loans (203) 347,779 (117) 347,662 Sewer Bond/Loan Reserves (204) 856,218 (426,618) 429,600 Municipal Building Fund (302) 1,210,072 952,295 2,162,367 Road/Street Construction (316) 3,944,401 553,388 4,497,789 Stormwater Utility (400) 728,901 126,928 855,829 Municipal Water (401) 17,960,640 (6,303,446) 11,657,194 Utility Consumer Deposits (402) 203,614 (102,877) 100,737 Water Capital Improvement (404) 5,795,554 (1,474,268) 4,321,286 Water Revenue Debt Rdmpt (405) 2,039,840 (81,068) 1,958,772 Water Revenue Debt Reserve (406) 1,888,899 (954,023) 934,599 Sewer/Reuse Operation/Maint (412) 9,499,961 (1,639,913) 7,860,048 Sewer/Reuse Capita I Reserve (413) 8,903,471 (1,378,260) 7,525,211 Sewer Bond Refi & Reserve (415) 484,327 (169,729) 314,598 Shortline Railroad (430) 9,094 (4,286) 4,808 Water Construction Fund (431) 1,385,176 (19,465) 1,365,711 IT Equipment Rental & Repair (501) 2,017,489 (501,402) 1,516,087 Equipment Rental & Repair (502) 1,360,760 361,638 1,722,398 Project Assurance Trust ( 601) - 11,079 11,079 Grand Totals 80,321,477 (13,055,250) 67,265,949 Page 10 of 13 Section 3. The 2019-2020 Biennial Budget as amended by the changes in Section 1 shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk who is hereby directed to transmit this supplemental budget to the Auditor of the State of Washington, Division of Municipal Corporations. Section 4. Ratify and Confirmation Clause —Any action taken pursuant to this ordinance but prior to the effective date is hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 5 This ordinance shall take effect five days following publication. PASSED and signed in authentication on this 10th day of December, 2019. Signed: JW Foster, Mayor Authenticated: Lori Lucas, City Clerk PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News: December Public Hearing Published November 14th & 21St, 2019. Page 11 of 13 Exhibit A Page 12 of 13 W a m z¢ MM o " a a " , , , , , , , , , , , — — as a a N o� IW 16 1 WM v 88 _ _ Ili _ _ Oci Ili _ ry _ _ Cli _ ti _ li ryG _ _ m N z a m n .. a E y — — w v cl� 16 � p V v m s a � m O N " - W m m h .y " o m V E — - W N C "6 6 ww z ry b9 Sl Q _ — O .y .i i0 " m .y "W N vl .y N " W i0 m � " Im V O H Page 12 of 13 CITY OF YELM PUBLIC HEARING 2019-2020 MID BIENNIUM BUDGET UPDATE AND AMENDMENT The City of Yelm has scheduled a Public Hearing to consider budget amendments to the 2019-2020 expenditures as part of the Tuesday, November 26 and December 10, 2019 City Council meetings. The meetings will be held at the Yelm City Hall, 106 2nd St SE. For additional information, please contact Lori Lucas, (360) 458-8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact the City Clerk at (360) 458-8402 at least 5 working days prior to the scheduled event. Lori Lucas, City Clerk Published: Nisqually Valley News, November 14th & 21St, 2019 PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Distribution: City Council Packets: Mayor:JW Foster Councilmembers: EJ Curry Molly Carmody Cody Colt Tad Stillwell Tracey Wood Joe DePinto Terry Kaminski Page 13 of 13 mm V.coi L t EST. 1924 WASHINGTON "Proudly Serving Our Community" STAFF REPORT - FINANCE To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Heidi MacDonald, Interim Finance Director Date: November 20 (for November 26th Meeting) Subj: Setting Ad Valorem Property Tax for 2020 Recommendation Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1049 setting the amount fixed as Ad Valorem for the regular levy of property tax necessary to raise revenues for essential expenditures for the City of Yelm for the fiscal year 2020. Background Pursuant to RCW 35.33.135, Council must approve an ordinance to fix and authorize the Thurston County Assessor's Office to levy ad valorem taxes necessary to fund the City of Yelm's 2019-2020 Biennial Budget (Year 2, 2020). This ordinance will set the rate for fiscal year 2020. Current Situation The Assessor's Office has increased Assessed Values for the City of Yelm to $992,824,762, an increase of $87.6 million over tax year 2019 values. Based on this value, the Finance Department currently estimates real and personal property tax levy to be collected in 2020 at $1.52 million, which includes $30,682 in property tax revenue from new construction. Cities with a population of less than 10,000 can increase their levy amount by one percent without a vote. Using last year's highest lawful levy of $1,472,568.16 and adding the 1% of allowable increase we The Cite of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider come to $1,487,293.84. Then the estimated value of new construction, $30,682.83 for 2019, is added to get the highest lawful levy amount of $1,517,975.67, plus the refund amount of $1,774.37 (per RCW 84.55.070) for a total of $1,519,750.04 in estimated property collections for 2020. The resulting amount allowable per Ordinance is $1,519,750.04 or $1.53 per $1,000 of assessed value. Page 2 of 4 I:MV&SIMAIM1 ORDINANCE NO. 1049 (RCW 84.55.120) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF YELM setting the amount fixed as Ad Valorem for the regular levy of property tax necessary to raise revenues for essential expenditures for the City of Yelm for the fiscal year 2020. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Yelm met and considered its budget for the 2019-2020 Budget; and WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing to consider the 2020 regular property tax levy was held as part of the regular city council meeting on Tuesday, November 26, 2019; WHEREAS, the population of this is district is less than 10,000; NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Yelm does ordain as follows: Section 1. The Yelm City Council has determined that the City of Yelm, in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the city, requires a regular levy in the amount of $1,517,975.67 and an additional levy for the administrative refund of $1,774.37 as certified by the Thurston County Treasurer's Office. This amount is derived using the state -assessed property values, amounts resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property as authorized by law. Section 2. As required by RCW 84.55.120 to report, the City of Yelm actual levy amount from the previous year was $1,494.201. The dollar amount of the increase over the actual levy amount from the previous year shall be $0, which is a percentage increase of 0%. This is exclusive of additional revenue resulting from new construction, improvements to property, any increase in the value of state assessed property and any annexations that have occurred. Section 3. A Levy Certification is filed with the County Legislative Authority, separate from this ordinance. As required by RCW 84.52.020, that filing certifies the total amount to be levied by the regular property tax levy on the Department of Revenue provided form for this purpose, REV 64 0100, "Levy Certification". Certification is made in a manner prescribed by the County Legislative Authority. Section 4. Effective Date: This ordinance shall become effective five days following passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Page 3 of 4 Section 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance. ADOPTED this 26th day of November 2019. JW Foster, Mayor EJ Curry, Councilmember Molly Carmody, Councilmember Cody Colt, Councilmember Tad Stillwell, Councilmember Tracey Wood, Councilmember Joe DePinto, Councilmember Terry Kaminski, Councilmember Page 4 of 4 YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2019 MINUTES CITY HALL BUILDING 106 SECOND STREET SE YELM, WA 1. Mayor JW Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood and Joe DePinto. EJ Curry present via phone. Absent: Molly Carmody and Terry Kaminski. 19-083 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO EXCUSE COUNCILMEMBERS MOLLY CARMODY AND TERRY KAMINSKI. SECONDED BY CODY COLT.5-0, MOTION CARRIED. 2. Agenda Approval 19-084 MOTION BY TAD STILLWELL TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY CODY COLT. 5-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Special Presentations - Intercity Transit Presentation on Service Upgrades- Intercity Transit General Manager Ann Freeman-Manzanares. 4. Public Comment - Tom Gow, Rainier resident, expressed his concerns about the traffic backup due to the 1-5 closure that happened on Monday, November 18th. 5. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: November 12, 2019 Minutes b. October Financials, Vouchers totaling $1,217,950.87. 19-085 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. 5-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business - a. 2019-2020 Mid -Biennial Budget Amendment Mayor Foster opened the public hearing at 6:40 pm. No comments from the public. The public hearing will be continued to the December 10, 2019 meeting. b. 2020 Property Tax Ad Valorem Mayor Foster opened the public hearing at 7:03 pm. Heidi MacDonald, Interim Finance Director gave a presentation on the Property Tax Ad Valorem. Mayor Foster closed the public hearing at 7:15. 19-086 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1056, SETTING THE AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAX FOR 2020. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 4- 1 (DEPINTO - NO). MOTION CARRIED. 7. Old Business - none scheduled 8. UPDATES - City Administrator Michael Grayum - November 26, 2019 Page I 1 • The last Council meeting will be December 10, 2019. The 2019-2020 Mid - Biennial Budget Amendment will come before Council for a vote. • The Council Retreat is planned for some time in January of 2020. • The Killion Road LID deadline is approaching. This will be an Item for discussion in the first quarter of 2020. • Thurston County Regional Planning has requested to be on the Council Agenda in January or February to discuss Yelm's transportation needs In the coming years. • Christmas in the Park is December 7, 2019. Councilmember Curry attended the Yelm Finance Committee meeting. Councilmember Stillwell attended the Yelm Emergency Operations Board meeting, and the Yelm Public Safety Committee meeting. Executive Seminar will be held on December 9, 2019. Councilmember Wood attended the Transportation Policy Board meeting. Councilmember DePinto attended the Yelm Tornado game in Kennewick, Yelm Public Safety Committee meeting and the Yelm Finance Committee meeting. Councilmember DePinto will be attending the Economic Forecast Innovation Expo next Thursday, December 5 put on by South Thurston Economic Development Initiative at the Great Wolf Lodge. Councilmember DePinto attended a charitable event last Saturday where a truckload of food was donated to our community. Councilmember DePinto congratulated the Yelm Police Department for a job well done during the high-speed chase on Sunday. Mayor Foster visited Reserve Officer Joe Rivera In the hospital after his accident during a high-speed chase. Reserve Officer Rivera is doing fine and was released from the hospital on Monday after spending the night. Mayor Foster congratulated Councilmembers Molly Carmody and Joe DePinto for their re-election to Council. Mayor Foster also congratulated Councilmember elect James Blair who will be sworn in and take his seat at the first meeting in January 2020 and thanked Councilmember EJ Curry for continuing to fulfill the duties of Councilmember through the end of the year. Roger Malar, Washington State Department of Transportation Executive released the list of state projects that will be put on hold due to the I-976 passing and the Yelm 510 Bypass is not on the list. Mayor Foster attended the South Sound Military and Community Partnership meeting, the South Thurston Economic Development Initiative meeting, the Association of Washington Cities Risk Management Service Agency Board Directors meeting, and as Chair of the Yelm Community Schools Advisory Committee in Career Technical Education (CTE) attended the South Sound Council on CTE. Mayor Foster gave a special thanks to Teri Pablo for her work In the CTE program. Mayor Foster and the Finance Department met with First Security Bank and discussed bringing their Financial Literacy Program to Yelm at no charge. Shop small businesses locally on November 30, and "Christmas in the Park" and the key ceremony for Sargent Aaron Boyle's family on Bald Hills Road are both on December 7t6.. The Yelm Chamber Business Awards will be held on December 10th at the Yelm Community Center and the Olympia Chamber Orchestra Concert will be held at 2:00 pm on December 8th at the Yelm Community Center. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. November 26, 2019 Page 1 2 9. Executive Session - none scheduled 19-087 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. 5-0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 7:35 p.m. a� Attest: t/ K JVV Foster, Mayor Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. November 26, 2019 Page 1 3