04 28 2020 Yelm City Council Agenda Packet46a lk,„V '", i (ism "rte !k VEIt EST, 1924 WASHINGTON "Pride of the Prairie" CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4/28/2020 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. AGENDAAPPROVAL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a) March Student of the Month - George Packard b) May Bicycle Commuter Month Proclamation 4. PUBLICCOMMENT *Complete a blue speaker's card 5. CONSENT AGENDA a) March 24, 2020 & April 7, 2020 Minutes b) Monthly Financial Report for March Council Voucher Approval for March $931,610.85 6. NEW BUSINESS a) Capital Projects Status Update - Patrick Hughes, P.E. Capital Projects Status Update - Patrick Hughes, P.E. b) Infrastructure Assistance Coordinating Council (IACC) Update 7. OLD BUSINESS a) None Scheduled 8. UPDATES a) Departments — Michael Grayum, City Administrator b) Councilmembers c) Mayor JW Foster 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) 30 Minute - RCW 42.30.110 (g) Evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for Public Employment. 106 21d ST SE • Yelm, WA 98597 • 360.458.3244 • www.yelmwa.gov The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider 10. ADJOURN Page 2 of 3 MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are recorded. Meetings maybe viewed atwww.yelmwa.gav or a copy maybe purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate ata City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to meeting. Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement is available at www.yelmwa.gov/human-resources. *The public comment portion of the agenda is an opportunity for the public to address the Council for items that are not on the published agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and five speakers. Comment on matters listed on the published agenda are welcomed as part of the normal agenda. COMMITTEE AND LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS Mayor JW Foster Councilmember Tad Stillwell Yelm Emergency Operations Board Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Chair of Thurston Regional Planning Council Yelm Public Safety Committee Community Investment Partnership(CIP) Yelm General Government Committee Health and Human Services Council South Sound Military and Community Partnership Board of Directors for Risk Management Services Agency Councilmember James Blair Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm Finance Committee Solid Waste Advisory Committee Liaison to Yelm Senior Center Councilmember Molly Carmody Yelm Public Works Committee Yelm Finance Committee Intercity Transit Authority Yelm Homelessness Task Force Councilmember Cody Colt Yelm General Government Committee Yelm Public Works Committee Member of Thurston County Emergency Services Transportation Policy Board of the TRPC South East Thurston Fire Authority Medic One EMS Council, South County Yelm Emergency Operations Board Thurston County Law and Justice Council South Thurston Economic Development Initiative Councilmember Tracey Wood Yelm Public Safety Committee Yelm General Government Committee Administrative Board of Director for TCOMM 911 Councilmember Joe DePinto Yelm Public Works Committee Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Board of Directors of Economic Development Council Yelm Homelessness Task Force Councilmember Terry Kaminski Yelm Finance Committee Nisqually River Council Yelm Planning & Economic Development Committee Thurston Thrives Coordinating Council Page 3 of 3 CITY OF YELM Proclamation WHEREAS, transportation accounts for about a third of the energy use in Washington State, and about half of our carbon dioxide emissions; and WHEREAS, bicycling is one of the most energy-efficient forms of transportation ever invented, and is a mode of transportation well suited to community environments where trips are short in length and overly congested roads are difficult and costly to expand; and WHEREAS, bicycle commuting reduces energy consumption, pollution, and congestion; and WHEREAS, bicycle commuting makes people healthier and more productive through exercise; and WHEREAS, the national non-profit bicycling safety and education association, the League of American Bicyclists, has declared the month of May to be National Bike Month for each of the last sixty three (63) years, and has done so again in 2020, and WHEREAS, The City of Yelm has completed two commercial collector roadway projects that include bike lanes a third roadway project that includes bike lanes that connect to Yelm Middle School; and WHEREAS, The City of Yelm encourages and supports both walking and bike traffic through our development standards; and WHEREAS, Intercity Transit, with sponsors including the Capital Bicycling Club and many area businesses is hosting the 331d Annual Bicycle Commuter Challenge during the month of May, 2020. Now, THEREFORE, I, JW Foster, Mayor of the City of Yelm, on behalf of the Yelm City Council, proclaim May 2020, as Bicycle Commuter Month in the City of Yelm, and strongly encourage all citizens to put forth their best effort to reduce single -occupant motor vehicle trips to reduce air pollution, energy consumption and improve the general health and well-being of the community. YELM CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2020 MINUTES CITY HALL BUILDING 106 SECOND STREET SE YELM, WA 1. Mayor JW Foster called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Roll Call Present: James Blair, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. 2. Agenda Approval 20-029 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY JAMES BLAIR. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 3. Special Presentations - none scheduled 4. Public Comment - no comments 5. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: March 3, 2020 & March 10, 2020 b. February 2020 Financials $1,087,825.58. 20-030 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business - a. Professional Services Agreement with Parametrix for the Water Reclamation Facility Phase 2 20-031 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO APPROVE THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PARAMETRIX FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN OF THE WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY. SECONDED BY JAMES BLAIR. 5-2 (NO - COLT, DEPINTO), MOTION CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 1060, Authoring Water Utility Contracts during declared emergencies 20-032 MOTION BY CODY COLT APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 1060 AUTHORIZING WATER UTILITY CONTRACTS WITH THE ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE OF "SHALL ISSUE" TO BE ADDED. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. C. Ordinance No. 1061, Authorizing Sewer Utility Contracts during declared emergencies 20-033 MOTION BY CODY COLT APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 1061 AUTHORIZING SEWER UTILITY CONTRACTS WITH THE ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE OF "SHALL ISSUE" TO BE ADDED. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 7-0, MOTION CARRIED. 7. Old Business - None scheduled 8. UPDATES - City Administrator - Michael Grayum - no report March 24, 2020 Page 1 1 Councilmember Carmody stated the Intercity Transit Authority has suspended all nightline bus routes during the COVID 19 Pandemic and all riders must enter the bus through the back door. Councilmember Colt reminded everyone to get all information regarding the COVID 19 Outbreak through official websites only. Councilmember Stillwell attended the Emergency Management meeting. Councilmember DePinto asked if Olympia Master Builders would be essential. Councilmember DePinto spoke with the Thurston County Health Department and confirmed there are no confirmed COVID 19 cases in Yelm at this time. Councilmember Kaminski asked if pre -submission conferences could be done by teleconference. Mayor Foster is trying to obey Governor Inslee's Stay at Home Order. All staff has been sent home and essential staff will be working remotely. Only essential services will be available. Please visit www.yelmwa.gov for more information and to access online services. Mayor Foster will be getting an update from Congressman Denny Heck tomorrow. 9. Executive Session - none scheduled 20-034 MOTION BY CODY COLT TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. 7- 0, MOTION CARRIED. 10. Adjourned at 7:12 p.m. JW Foster, Mayor Attest: Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. March 24, 2020 Page 1 2 YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2020 6:00 P.M. VIRTUAL MEETING 106 SECOND STREET SE YELM, WA 1. Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Present: Councilmembers: James Blair, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. Staff present: City Administrator Michael Grayum, Finance Director Heidi MacDonald, Interim Public Works Director Steve Clark, Public Works Project and Program Manager Pat Hughes, IT and Community Development Director Grant Beck and City Clerk & HR Manager Lori Lucas. 3. a. Water Rights Update Community Development Director Grant Beck gave a presentation on the options that were studied to meet the requirements to avoid impacts, minimize impacts and mitigate impacts of the Pilot Project. A final mitigation plan is currently in final review for submission to the Washington State Department of Ecology for their review and decision. 3. b. Rail abandonment Agreement Community Development Director Grant Beck gave a presentation on the Prairie Line Trail status. This effort started in 1999 through a purchase and donation by BNSF. This section of the trail is a multi -use trail connecting Thurston and Pierce County. In 2017, the Council supported staff to seek grant funds to convert the section to trail use only. Regional partners are so involved in this effort. A contract will be brought before Council for their review soon. 3. c. Discussion on temporarily reducing water and sewer rates City Administrator Michael Grayum gave a presentation on the Economic and Financial impacts of the COVIC-19 Pandemic for April 2020. Short term and long term impacts were discussed. The City of Yelm staff continues to telework from home. Discussion followed on different options if the water and sewer rates were reduced during this emergency and the impacts to the City. Staff will prepare multiple scenarios on rate reductions for Council to review. 4. Mayors Report — Mayor Foster reported that city operations are going strong thanks to our IT Department (System Administrator Jason Hardy and Computer Specialist Aaron Green and IT Director Grant Beck). We appreciate our employees during this COVID-19 Pandemic. Congress passed the CARES Act to help businesses during this emergency. More information available at www.yelmwa.govCoronavirus information and resources. Mayor Foster has created a grant program along with America's Credit Union and TOGETHER to help community members in need during these uncertain times. Stay tuned for more information. S. Council Initiatives Councilmember Blair is not in support of reducing the water and sewer rates nor enforcement of Governor Inslee's "Stay at Home" Order. 04-7-2020 Councilmember Carmody reported that the Intercity Transit will temporarily suspended regular bus routes and transition to providing essential trips for the public using an advanced reservation system. Councilmember Wood stated that KeyBank has been very helpful to business owners and applying for the financial assistance provided by CARES Act. Councilmember Stillwell appreciates the fact that Councilmembers can have difficult conversations and be respectful of each other. Councilmember DePinto reminded everyone to wear a mask for your safety if you have to leave your house. Adjourn: 7:43 p.m. Attest: JW Foster, Mayor Lori Lucas, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. 04-7-2020 EST. 1924 WASHINGTON "Proudly Serving Our Community" STAFF REPORT - FINANCE To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Heidi MacDonald, Finance Director Date: April 22"d, 2020 (for April 28th Meeting) Subj: Monthly Financial Report for March Monthly Financial Report • 2020 Budget Position for March 2020 Year to Date. • Voucher Approval for March Payments Issued • Overtime Report for March 2020 as reflected in the April 5th payroll The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity employer and provider 2020 BUDGET POSITION TOTALS City Of Yelm Months: 01 To: 03 Time: 22:09:06 Date: 04/22/2020 MCAG #: Page: 1 Fund Revenue Budgeted Received Expense Budgeted Spent 001 General Fund 6,859,439.00 1,189,559.81 17.3% 6,975,804.00 2,556,168.13 37% 101 Municipal Street Fund 478,746.00 357,872.43 74.8% 344,092.00 143,135.56 42% 102 Arterial Streets Fund 139,219.00 83,078.40 59.7% 161,592.00 100,000.00 62% 104 Cumulative Reserve 15,000.00 15,225.50 101.5% 0.00 0.00 0% 105 Park Reserve 0.00 0.63 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 107 Tourism Promotion 14,241.00 5,383.18 37.8% 152,527.00 9,000.00 6% 109 YPD School Resource 87,000.00 34.01 0.0% 50,789.00 0.00 0% 119 Deposts & Retainage 0.00 5.64 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 120 Transportation Facility Charge 122,000.00 8,182.69 6.7% 68,486.00 60,000.00 88% 200 LTGO Bond Redemption 333,395.00 331,145.00 99.3% 298,915.00 0.00 0% 202 Killion Road LID 459,397.00 22,076.70 4.8% 374,700.00 385.65 0% 203 Sewer Revenue Bonds 173,275.00 173,062.10 99.9% 259,539.00 0.00 0% 204 Sewer Revenue Bond Reserve 1,511.00 299.03 19.8% 0.00 0.00 0% 302 Municipal Building Fund 987,254.00 191,092.84 19.4% 930,851.00 187,690.01 20% 316 Road & Street Construction 2,627,388.00 484,074.03 18.4% 1,937,522.00 179,454.53 9% 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 419,230.00 105,687.98 25.2% 536,934.00 119,629.94 22% 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 3,477,721.00 831,920.77 23.9% 3,065,328.00 1,494,964.46 49% 402 Utility Consumer Deposits 5,000.00 62.84 1.3% 5,000.00 1,690.00 34% 404 Water Capital Improvements 523,477.00 37,058.49 7.1% 2,835,126.00 175,741.14 6% 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemptior 913,681.00 913,737.92 100.0% 876,512.00 48,550.27 6% 406 Water Capital Inprovements 1,383.00 651.48 47.1% 0.00 0.00 0% 412 Sewer Utility Fund 2,977,937.00 780,102.59 26.2% 3,586,311.00 877,567.12 24% 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 4,109,999.00 34,563.24 0.8% 2,969,742.00 87,258.69 3% 415 Sewer Bond Refi & Reserve 97,451.00 97,237.21 99.8% 171,580.00 0.00 0% 430 Shortline Railroad 60.00 3.28 5.5% 0.00 0.00 0% 431 Water Construction Fund 0.00 0.50 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0% 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 350,869.00 258,897.00 73.8% 597,774.66 137,760.10 23% 502 Equipment Rental & Repair 576,102.00 275,332.02 47.8% 813,643.00 69,071.53 8% 630 Project Performance Assurance T 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 11,079.38 0% 25,750,775.00 6,196,347.31 24.1% 27,012,767.66 6,259,146.51 23.2% VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday, April 28th Council meeting: Payroll March Total Expense $ 504,610.57 A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts $ 405,056.68 Excise Tax - February paid in March $ 21,943.60 TOTAL $ 931,610.85 Timberland Bank Checks Issued 03/01/2020 through 03/31/2020: Check number 4912 through check number 5036. Mayor Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member CITY CLERK: ATTEST: Council member Council member The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by at a regular council meeting held this 28th day of April 2020. VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of payments approved at Tuesday,April 28th Council meeting: Payroll March Total Expense $ 504,610.57 A/P Checks,EFTs,&Drafts $ 405,056.68 Excise Tax-February paid in March $ 21,943.60 TOTAL $ 931,610.85 Timberland Bank Checks Issued 03/01/2020 through 03/31/2020: Check number 4912 through check number 5036. / / Mayor Council member Council me op Co6Cmc / . � , 1 member Council member � Council member I1�' dr-<er Council member CITY CLERK: L! ATTEST: The above checks approved and signed.by a majority of the Yelm City Council,are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by 7ft O S'T1 U-S 1Lt.L at a regular council meeting held this 28th day of April 2020. CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm Time: 21:55:40 Date: 04/22/2020 MCAG #: 03/01/2020 To: 03/31/2020 Page: 1 Trans Date Type Acct # Chk # Claimant Amount Memo 2439 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 4,455.94 February Hours 2687 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4996 ABBY AND TRISTON 176.40 04-0570.0 - 10343 BARTLETT TRANQUILITY LN SE 2479 03/03/2020 Payroll 1 0 AFLAC 893.62 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - Aflac Pre Tax; Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - Aflac Post Tax 2524 03/04/2020 Claims 1 4926 ALLISON LAWSON 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2020 0229 2517 03/04/2020 Claims 1 4919 AMAZON CAPITAL 325.34 INVOICE - SERVICES INC 1NHN-DQRY-7MVK: INVOICE - 1TGM-PV14-3RNJ: INVOICE - 167X-JRYF-PJ61: INVOICE - 13MJ-JXKN-76RT: INVOICE - 1 RMD-4NMP-JPHP: INVOICE 2591 03/06/2020 Claims 1 4941 AMAZON CAPITAL 207.51 INVOICE - SERVICES INC 1KHG-MGLG-7PPV:IN-VOICE - 1CC1-NMTV-11NYK 2686 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4997 AMAZON CAPITAL 875.97 INVOICE - 1H6V-H6K1-M11D: SERVICES INC INVOICE - 1 KKK-LQRK-Y66R: INVOICE - 1FXT-LYQC-G961, INVOICE - 1DDN-93K7-X9F4: INVOICE - 177C-T3G3-MDID: INVOICE - 16J4-RM9W-4LWY: INVOICE - IIDN-V7DY-C6D7: INVOICE - 1R3Y-FCV 2838 03/23/2020 Claims 1 4999 AMAZON CAPITAL 51.40 AMAZON- 13QV-FRJR-G7YQ SERVICES INC 2848 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5009 ANTHONY HOLTZER 750.00 YCC REFUND - 2020 0328 2431 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 3,362.96 February Hours 2797 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 527.40 March 2020 Draw 2466 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 4,639.06 February Hours 2452 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 4,146.81 February Hours 2471 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2,031.65 February Hours 2814 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 1,321.44 March 2020 Draw 2839 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5000 AV CAPTURE ALL INC 271.66 INVOICE - 2071 2480 03/03/2020 Payroll 1 0 AWC 75,669.25 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - Medical Benefits 2481 03/03/2020 Payroll 1 0 AWC 280.50 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - Supplemental Life 2557 03/04/2020 Payroll 1 EFT AWC 4.96 EAP/Employee Assistance Addidfional Charges. Difference Of Funds Withheld In Payroll Cycle.2020 0305 2872 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5033 BEAU WOOD 250.00 YCC REFUND - 2020 0411 2688 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4995 BETTER BUILT BARNS 5,109.26 INVOICE - 30695132 2430 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 4,963.66 February Hours 2796 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 92.35 March 2020 Draw 2423 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 4,198.31 February Hours 2414 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 4,904.06 February Hours 2442 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2,300.28 February Hours 2804 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 1,905.42 March 2020 Draw 2702 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4971 BRYAN HENKEN 26.22 REIMBURSEMENT - 2020 0226 2689 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4994 CANON FINANCIAL 892.76 INVOICE - 21118572: SERVICES, INC. INVOICE - 21118573: INVOICE - 21118574: 2690 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4993 CASCADE COLUMBIA 3,228.40 INVOICE - 772578 DISTRIBUTION CO City Of Yelm MCAG #: Trans Date Type 2696 03/13/2020 Claims 2474 03/05/2020 Payroll 2846 03/23/2020 Claims 2428 03/05/2020 Payroll 2795 03/20/2020 Payroll 2691 03/13/2020 Claims 2876 03/23/2020 Claims 2518 03/04/2020 Claims 2426 03/05/2020 Payroll 2511 03/04/2020 Claims 2512 03/04/2020 Claims 2513 03/04/2020 Claims 2514 03/04/2020 Claims 2515 03/04/2020 Claims 2877 03/23/2020 Claims 2878 03/23/2020 Claims 2879 03/23/2020 Claims 2880 03/23/2020 Claims 2881 03/23/2020 Claims 2516 03/04/2020 Claims 2729 03/13/2020 Claims 2885 03/23/2020 Claims 2692 03/13/2020 Claims 2586 03/06/2020 Claims 2845 03/23/2020 Claims 2467 03/05/2020 Payroll 2464 03/05/2020 Payroll 2519 03/04/2020 Claims 2693 03/13/2020 Claims 2694 03/13/2020 Claims 2502 03/04/2020 Payroll 2503 03/04/2020 Payroll 2504 03/04/2020 Payroll 2505 03/04/2020 Payroll 2506 03/04/2020 Payroll 2507 03/04/2020 Payroll Acct # Chk # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHECK REGISTER 03/01/2020 To: 03/31/2020 Claimant 4965 CHRIS & JESSICA FARRINGER EFT 5007 CHRISTINA GOSSETT EFT EFT 4992 CITY OF YELM- OLD CITY HALL 0 CNA SURETY (D) 4920 CODE PUBLISHING CO EFT 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS (D) 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS (D) 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS (D) 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS (D) 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS (D) 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS (D) 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS (D) 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS (D) 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS (D) 0 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS (D) EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST EFT COPIERS NORTHWEST 4991 COURTESY AUTO SERVICE & TIRE 0 CRYSTAL SPRINGS (D) 5006 DALIA&CIPRIANO GARZA EFT EFT 4921 DATABAR 4990 DATABAR 4989 DELL MARKETING LP 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 0 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SVCS 2453 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2472 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2815 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT Time: 21:55:40 Date: 04/22/2020 Page: 2 Amount Memo 45.74 10-8770.0 - 9959 DAIN ST SE 5,141.31 February Hours 500.00 YCC REFUND - 2020 0404 3,451.81 February Hours 1,639.67 March 2020 Draw 408.11 01-0011.0 - 105 YELM AVE W 60.00 INVOICE - 2020 0415 823.02 INVOICE - 65947 753.35 February Hours 1,775.89 INVOICE - 2020 0215 (6792) 357.49 INVOICE - 2020 0215 (2603) 36.93 INVOICE - 2020 0215 (2646) 36.93 INVOICE - 2020 0215 (2638) 73.86 INVOICE - 2020 0215 (2611) 1,769.89 INVOICE - 2020 0315 (6792) 357.49 INVOICE - 2020 0315 (2603) 36.93 INVOICE - 2020 0315 (2646) 36.93 INVOICE - 2020 0315 (2638) 73.86 INVOICE - 2020 0315 (2611) 376.53 INVOICE - INV2103292 114.54 INVOICE - INV2105198: INVOICE - INV2104671 350.81 INVOICE - INV2107606: 853.25 INVOICE - 251918 80.79 INVOICE - 14117037 012920 116.90 03-5067.0 - 15251 KAYLA ST SE 4,238.36 February Hours 4,814.60 February Hours 1,956.17 INVOICE - 244839 2,612.16 INVOICE - 245301:INVOICE - 245167 244.13 INVOICE - 10372854191 6,787.40 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - Deferred Comp 16,230.75 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - LEOFF 2 9,897.40 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - PERS 3 39,102.62 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - PERS 2 903.21 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - PERS 1 4.05 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - PERS Additional Deduction 4,830.79 February Hours 3,311.85 February Hours 1,232.31 March 2020 Draw CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG #: Trans Date Type Acct # 03/01/2020 To: 03/31/2020 Chk # Claimant Time: 21:55:40 Date: 04/22/2020 Page: 3 Amount Memo 2721 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4962 DEVON D TAYLOR 146.49 REIMBURSEMENT - 2020 0227 2520 03/04/2020 Claims 1 4922 DILLE LAW, PLLC 2,173.00 INVOICE - 3585:INVOICE - 3584 2841 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5002 DILLE LAW, PLLC 4,824.50 INVOICE - 3735:INVOICE - 3734 2457 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 3,268.01 February Hours 2592 03/06/2020 Claims 1 4942 DMCMA TREASURER 150.00 INVOICE - 2020 0303 2456 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 4,626.10 February Hours 2451 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2,607.05 February Hours 2809 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 669.86 March 2020 Draw 2419 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2,891.91 February Hours 2585 03/06/2020 Claims 1 EFT DREAMTIME VISUAL 654.60 INVOICE - 2017 COMMUNICATIONS INC 2447 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 3,296.73 February Hours 2566 03/05/2020 Claims 1 EFT ETS 48.36 2020 03 - ETS Credit Card Fees 2843 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5004 FAIRPOINT 336.00 07-1750.0 - 10812 BALD HILLS RD SE 2697 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4986 FAY FULLER CONDO ASSOC 3,951.66 INVOICE - 0000394 -IN: INVOICE - 0000392 -IN 2593 03/06/2020 Claims 1 4943 FLOHAWKS PLUMBING & 43,218.04 INVOICE - 2020 01 SEPTIC 2844 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5005 FLOHAWKS PLUMBING & 28,240.37 INVOICE - 2020 02 SEPTIC 2521 03/04/2020 Claims 1 4923 FOSTER GARVEY PC 14,856.00 INVOICE - 2742263 2698 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4985 GALLS, LLC 760.56 INVOICE - 015116185: INVOICE - 015158670 2859 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5020 GIANNI & CHELSIE 68.15 02-3620.0 - 15922 QUAIL PENWELL MEADOWS CT SE 2699 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4984 GILLIARDI LOGGING & 1,309.20 INVOICE - 20-0076 CONSTRUCTION INC 2437 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2,841.18 February Hours 2801 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 851.56 March 2020 Draw 2416 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 5,768.06 February Hours 2847 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5008 HALF MOON SANITATION 615.00 INVOICE - 50453:INVOICE - 50454:IN-VOICE - 50455: INVOICE - 50456 2701 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4982 HD FOWLER COMPANY 7,762.78 INVOICE - I5395050: INVOICE - I5387125 2449 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 4,967.82 February Hours 2849 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5010 IDEXX 2,007.25 INVOICE - 3061443513 2703 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4980 IML SECURITY SUPPLY 3,691.26 INVOICE - 2503566 2482 03/03/2020 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 91,434.47 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 03/05/2020 - 03/05/2020 3067 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 0 INTERNAL REVENUE 6,304.75 941 Deposit for Pay Cycle(s) SERVICE 03/20/2020 - 03/20/2020 2523 03/04/2020 Claims 1 4925 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT 87.26 INVOICE - 526169 2436 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 1,950.63 February Hours 2418 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 753.35 February Hours 2438 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 4912 4,531.11 February Hours 2802 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 4998 708.00 March 2020 Draw 2440 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 4,817.10 February Hours 2850 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5011 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 2,582.92 INVOICE - 814728: CREDIT MEMO - 814764 2415 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 3,780.10 February Hours 2420 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 4,184.23 February Hours 2704 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4979 JERRYS COLOR CENTER 416.82 INVOICE - 00063239 2473 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 5,693.40 February Hours 2429 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 753.35 February Hours 2444 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 3,844.96 February Hours CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG #: Trans Date Type Acct # 03/01/2020 To: 03/31/2020 Chk # Claimant Time: 21:55:40 Date: 04/22/2020 Page: 4 Amount Memo 2805 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 872.70 March 2020 Draw 2432 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 3,615.89 February Hours 2798 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 460.95 March 2020 Draw 2461 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 4,050.18 February Hours 2462 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 3,236.44 February Hours 2842 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5003 JOSHUA FAIRCHILD 84.58 04-8885.0 - 9985 GREENLEAF LP SE 2851 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5012 K & L SUPPLY INC 1,143.36 INVOICE - 43323 2862 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5023 KAREN SANTOYO 1,100.00 YCC REFUND - 2020 0418 2417 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 3,947.00 February Hours 2852 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5013 KENYON DISEND, LLC 749.94 INVOICE - 189844 2458 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2,106.47 February Hours 2810 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 1,588.53 March 2020 Draw 2705 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4978 LAFROMBOISE 73.25 INVOICE - 113738 COMMUNICATIONS INC 2853 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5014 LAFROMBOISE 365.10 INVOICE - 113451:IN-VOICE - COMMUNICATIONS INC 113573: INVOICE - 114056 2587 03/06/2020 Claims 1 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 142.55 INVOICE - 12394329 2588 03/06/2020 Claims 1 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 142.55 INVOICE - 12394380 2589 03/06/2020 Claims 1 0 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISP (D) 203.16 INVOICE - 12393822 2590 03/06/2020 Claims 1 0 LEMAY MOB SHRED (D) 148.05 INVOICE - 4650001 2731 03/13/2020 Claims 1 0 LEMAY MOB SHRED (D) 98.70 INVOICE - 4651691 2706 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4977 LES SCHWAB WAREHOUSE 2,014.98 INVOICE - 42300364538; CENTER INVOICE - 42300365128; INVOICE - 42300381098 2448 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 5,110.72 February Hours 2807 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 696.86 March 2020 Draw 2463 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 5,654.06 February Hours 2812 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 460.95 March 2020 Draw 2707 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4976 MAUL FOSTER & ALONGI, 253.75 INVOICE - 37945 INC. 2708 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4975 MCI 69.58 INVOICE - 2020 0225 (4268) 2450 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2,718.02 February Hours 2808 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 1,302.71 March 2020 Draw 2434 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 7,085.05 February Hours 2700 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4983 MICHAEL HARGUESS 180.95 07-0650.0 - 16226 PRAIRIE HTS ST SE 2424 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2,544.43 February Hours 2793 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 908.92 March 2020 Draw 2422 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 686.35 February Hours 2525 03/04/2020 Claims 1 4927 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 126.84 INVOICE - 2002-208523; INVOICE - 2001-204706: INVOICE - 2001-197694 2594 03/06/2020 Claims 1 4944 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 175.52 INVOICE - 2002-211022; INVOICE - 2003-216361: INVOICE - 2003-216616: INVOICE - 2002-121749: INVOICE - 2002-206966: CREDIT MEMO - 2002-21317 1: INVOICE - 2002-213252: INVOICE - 2002-214260: INVOICE - 20 2709 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4974 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 57.97 INVOICE - 2003-217928 2855 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5016 MOUNTAIN LUMBER 15.25 INVOICE - 2003-218124 2526 03/04/2020 Claims 1 4928 MOUNTAIN MIST 67.05 INVOICE - 2020 0131 (023279) 2856 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5017 MOUNTAIN MIST 68.05 INVOICE - 2020 0229 2527 03/04/2020 Claims 1 4929 MPH INDUSTRIES 1,742.33 INVOICE - 6010585 2485 03/03/2020 Payroll 1 4914 NATIONAL FRATERNAL 955.50 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To ORDER OF POLICE 03/05/2020 - FOP Police City Of Yelm MCAG #: Trans Date Type CHECK REGISTER 03/01/2020 To: 03/31/2020 Acct Chk9 Claimant 2595 03/06/2020 Claims 1 2528 03/04/2020 Claims 1 2529 03/04/2020 Claims 1 2710 03/13/2020 Claims 1 2530 03/04/2020 Claims 1 2596 03/06/2020 Claims 1 4945 NISQUALLY POLICE DEPT 4930 NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES/NCL OF WISCON 4931 NORTHSTAR CHEMICAL INC 4973 NORTHSTAR CHEMICAL INC 4932 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 4946 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 2711 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4972 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 2857 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5018 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 2425 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT Claims 1 2794 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2443 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2565 03/05/2020 Claims 1 EFT PAYMENTECH 2712 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4971 PCI PEST CONTROL LLC 2858 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5019 PCI PEST CONTROL LLC 2732 03/13/2020 Claims 1 0 PITNEY BOWES INC. (D) 2713 03/13/2020 Claims 1 2714 03/13/2020 Claims 1 2715 03/13/2020 Claims 1 2860 03/23/2020 Claims 1 3081 03/24/2020 Claims 1 3082 03/24/2020 Claims 1 3083 03/24/2020 Claims 1 2882 03/23/2020 Claims 1 2861 03/23/2020 Claims 1 2597 03/06/2020 Claims 1 2854 03/23/2020 Claims 1 2421 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 2695 03/13/2020 Claims 1 2433 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 2799 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 2427 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 2716 03/13/2020 Claims 1 2863 03/23/2020 Claims 1 2717 03/13/2020 Claims 1 2598 03/06/2020 Claims 1 2864 03/23/2020 Claims 1 2459 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 2811 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 2865 03/23/2020 Claims 1 2866 03/23/2020 Claims 1 2867 03/23/2020 Claims 1 2718 03/13/2020 Claims 1 2868 03/23/2020 Claims 1 2435 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 4970 POLYDYNE INC. 4969 PR DIAMOND PRODUCTS INC 4968 PROTHMAN COMPANY 5021 PROTHMAN COMPANY EFT PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) EFT PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) EFT PUGET SOUND ENERGY (D) 0 RAINIER CONNECT (D) 5022 RAINIER LIGHTING & ELECTRIC SUPPLY 4947 R112 ENGINEERING, INC. 5015 ROBERT & BRENNA MARTIN EFT 4988 RONALD FAHLENKEMP EFT EFT EFT 4967 SCJ ALLIANCE 5024 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 4966 SKILLINGS, INC. 4948 SNEVA LAW OFFICE, PLLC 5025 SNEVA LAW OFFICE, PLLC EFT EFT 5026 SOUND LANDSCAPE PROFESSIONALS INC 5027 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 5028 SOUNDBUILT HOMES 4965 SOUTH SOUND INTERPRETING & SERVICES 5029 SOUTHSTAR CAPITAL EFT Time: 21:55:40 Date: 04/22/2020 Page: 5 Amount Memo 25,560.00 INVOICE - 20542:INVOICE - 21060 550.31 INVOICE - 434979 19,869.80 INVOICE - 163335 855.34 INVOICE - 165154 3.81 INVOICE - 3742-356736 7.27 INVOICE - 3742-359800: INVOICE - 3742-359689: CREDIT MEMO - 3742-354763 20.40 INVOICE - 3742-362553 16.89 INVOICE - 3742-359746 2,040.43 February Hours 1,258.77 March 2020 Draw 5,209.86 February Hours 2,039.68 2020 03 - Paymentech Credit Card Processing Fees 145.67 INVOICE - 38588 494.59 INVOICE- 38864: INVOICE - 38865: INVOICE - 38866 1,299.99 INVOICE - 3310733038 (9323); INVOICE - 33 10 75 0192 (4586); INVOICE - 2020 0303 (0970) 686.01 INVOICE - 1438662 366.00 INVOICE - 0055009 -IN 7,170.35 INVOICE - 2020-6983 7,685.86 INVOICE - 2020-6995 9,404.84 INVOICE - 2020 0309 (5276) 20,136.39 INVOICE - 2020 0312 (4915) 1,001.82 INVOICE - 2020 0310 (9590) 10.00 INVOICE - 2020 0301 178.38 INVOICE - 526064-1 15,362.16 INVOICE - 75349:INVOICE - 75601 248.88 04-0070.0 - 16708 103RD AVE SE 5,872.86 February Hours 238.60 03-0230.0 - 103 CIRCLE VIEW DR NW 2,144.35 February Hours 1,023.40 March 2020 Draw 164.34 February Hours 3,813.96 INVOICE - 59445 1,168.04 INVOICE - B11424626: INVOICE - B11411812; CREDIT MEMO - CR -518198 4,652.61 INVOICE - 12274 3,000.00 INVOICE - 2020 0205 4,000.00 INVOICE - 2020 0306 4,207.50 February Hours 1,280.45 March 2020 Draw 270.00 INVOICE - 06363 136.96 11-0009.0 - 9938 JACKSON ST 204.40 11-0013.0 - 9944 JACKSON ST 100.88 INVOICE - 30906 2,209.27 INVOICE - 206242020 3,628.79 February Hours CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG #: 03/01/2020 To: 03/31/2020 Trans Date Type Acct Chk9 Claimant 2800 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2869 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5030 STANLEY CONVERGENT 703.22 February Hours 30.00 INVOICE - 206240 SECURITY SOLUTIONS IN 2719 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4964 STAR RENTALS INC 2465 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2730 03/13/2020 Claims 1 EFT SUMMIT LAW GROUP, PLLC 2870 03/23/2020 Claims 1 5031 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 2470 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2720 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4963 TAGS AWARDS & SPECIALTIES 2531 03/04/2020 Claims 1 4933 TAHOMA TERRA HOLDING, LLC 2454 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2483 03/03/2020 Payroll 1 EFT TEAMSTERS 2445 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2806 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2446 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2733 03/13/2020 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 2883 03/23/2020 Claims 1 0 THE HOME DEPOT PRO (D) 2455 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 4913 2599 03/06/2020 Claims 1 4949 THURSTON CO PUBLIC HEALTH & SOCIAL SER 2722 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4961 THURSTON CO PUBLIC HEALTH 2600 03/06/2020 Claims 1 4950 THURSTON CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE 2601 03/06/2020 Claims 1 4951 THURSTON EMERGENCY GROUP 2886 03/23/2020 Claims 1 EFT THURSTONTALK INC (EFT) 2723 03/13/2020 Claims 1 4960 TICOTECH, INC 2413 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 3323 03/05/2020 Claims 1 0 TIMBERLAND (D) 3324 03/05/2020 Claims 1 0 TIMBERLAND (D) 3325 03/05/2020 Claims 1 0 TIMBERLAND (D) 3326 03/05/2020 Claims 1 0 TIMBERLAND (D) 3327 03/05/2020 Claims 1 0 TIMBERLAND (D) 2469 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2813 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2468 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2460 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2476 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2522 03/04/2020 Claims 1 4924 TRAVIS & SARAH GALLEGOS 2441 03/05/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2803 03/20/2020 Payroll 1 EFT 2532 03/04/2020 Claims 1 4934 UNIFIRST CORP. 2602 03/06/2020 Claims 1 4952 UNIFIRST CORP. 2533 03/04/2020 Claims 1 4935 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND 2603 03/06/2020 Claims 1 4953 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND Time: 21:55:40 Date: 04/22/2020 Page: 6 Amount Memo 1,481.32 March 2020 Draw 163.65 INVOICE - 17092828 (4788) 300.03 INVOICE - 461372-37: INVOICE - 461191-37 3,779.71 February Hours 1,260.00 INVOICE - 111033 1,488.32 INVOICE - 98873187-0001: INVOICE - 98514423-001 703.22 February Hours 30.00 INVOICE - 206240 11,079.38 CUSTODIAL DISBURSEMENT - 2020 0212 4,276.42 February Hours 914.00 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - Teamsters PW 2,478.58 February Hours 1,031.43 March 2020 Draw 703.22 February Hours 1,081.89 INVOICE - 537634784: INVOICE - 537634776: INVOICE - 537401507 53.78 INVOICE - 539918037 2,452.55 February Hours 1,500.00 INVOICE - 283317 330.00 INVOICE - 2020 0302 -0102 MISS: INVOICE - 2020 0302 108.88 INVOICE - 10740:INVOICE - 10786 796.00 INVOICE - 27X64340923 400.00 INVOICE - 15419 2,712.00 INVOICE - 14876 5,178.58 February Hours 323.10 2020 0213 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - GRAYUM 150.27 2020 0213 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - BECK 514.06 2020 0213 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - LUCAS 854.27 2020 0213 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - MACDONALD 1,246.99 2020 0213 - TIMBERLAND VISA CLOSE - STANCIL 2,629.59 February Hours 1,394.94 March 2020 Draw 7,525.65 February Hours 3,768.87 February Hours 739.05 February Hours 214.18 03-5157.0 - 15 35 0 91 ST AVE 2,895.21 February Hours 1,172.96 March 2020 Draw 327.79 INVOICE - 2020 0127 WWTP -8845 587.06 INVOICE - 2020 0127 PW/W -1875 36.12 INVOICE - 0010245 61.92 INVOICE - 0020245 City Of Yelm MCAG #: Trans Date Type 2724 03/13/2020 Claims 2871 03/23/2020 Claims 2840 03/23/2020 Claims 2486 03/03/2020 Payroll 2725 03/13/2020 Claims 2534 03/04/2020 Claims 2567 03/05/2020 Claims 2487 03/03/2020 Payroll 2535 03/04/2020 Claims 2726 03/13/2020 Claims 2727 03/13/2020 Claims 2488 03/03/2020 Payroll 2475 03/05/2020 Payroll 2884 03/23/2020 Claims 2873 03/23/2020 Claims 2874 03/23/2020 Claims 2875 03/23/2020 Claims 2536 03/04/2020 Claims 2537 03/04/2020 Claims 2538 03/04/2020 Claims 2604 03/06/2020 Claims 2484 03/03/2020 Payroll 2489 03/03/2020 Payroll 2728 03/13/2020 Claims CHECK REGISTER 03/01/2020 To: 03/31/2020 Acct Chk9 Claimant 1 4959 VERIZON WIRELESS 1 5032 VERIZON WIRELESS 1 5001 VIANN & KEITH BAILEY 1 4915 WA STATE COUNCIL OF COUNTY & CITY EMPL 1 4958 WA STATE DEPT OF ECOLOGY 1 4936 WA STATE DEPT OF ENTERPRISE SVCS 1 EFT WA STATE DEPT OF REVENUE 1 4916 WACOPS 1 4937 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 1 4957 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC 1 4956 WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING 1 4917 WESTERN STATES POLICE MEDICAL TRUST 1 EFT 1 0 XPRESS UT PMT (D) 1 5034 YELM ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER 1 5035 YELM CAPITAL ENTERPRISE 1 5036 YELM CAPITAL ENTERPRISE 1 4938 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 1 4939 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 1 4940 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 1 4954 YELM FARM & PET / DJB LIBERTY INC 1 EFT YELM POLICE OFFICER'S GUILD 1 4918 YELM, CITY OF 1 4955 YELM, CITY OF 000 001 General Fund 101 Municipal Street Fund 302 Municipal Building Fund 400 Stormwater Utility Fund 401 Municipal Water Utility Fund 404 Water Capital Improvements 405 Water Revenue Debt Redemption Time: 21:55:40 Date: 04/22/2020 Page: 7 Amount Memo 1,333.37 INVOICE - 9849559923 (2673) 1,528.45 INVOICE - 9849524295 (2618); INVOICE - 9849715639 (3503) 162.00 03-5023.0 - 15450 CHAD DR 863.25 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - AFSCME 48,550.27 LOAN PAYMENT -L0300031 20200301 24.00 INVOICE - 73196061 21,943.60 2020-02 USE/EXCISE TAX*** DRAFT 2020 0305 150.00 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - WACOPS 233.00 INVOICE - 182962 7,212.00 INVOICE - 182231:IN-VOICE - 182451:INVOICE - 182823: INVOICE - 183567: INVOICE - 183568: INVOICE - 183570: INVOICE - 183569 228.16 INVOICE - 5009341291: 958.50 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - Western States Police Trust 5,562.54 February Hours 1,185.10 INVOICE - 46091 1,000.00 INVOICE - 2020 0302 235.95 05-1131.0 - 717 YELM AVE E 1 86.60 05-1132.0 - 717 YELM AVE E 1 5,700.27 INVOICE - 1900002978: 5,436.29 INVOICE - 1900002996 16,550.00 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES - JANUARY 2020 91.86 INVOICE - 3862/1 279.50 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - Police Guild Dues 258.12 Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - Police Car Use; Pay Cycle(s) 03/05/2020 To 03/05/2020 - SS Deduction Repayment 4,533.51 YELM, CITY OF - WATER BILL 2020 03 78.03 415,055.85 42,418.49 5,109.26 18,046.39 132,818.12 15,362.16 48,550.27 CHECK REGISTER City Of Yelm MCAG #: 03/01/2020 To: 03/31/2020 Trans Date Type Acct Chk9 Claimant 412 Sewer Utility Fund 413 Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 501 IT Equipment Rental & Repair 502 Equipment Rental & Repair 630 Project Performance Assurance Trust * Transaction Has Mixed Revenue And Expense Accounts Time: 21:55:40 Date: 04/22/2020 Page: 8 Amount Memo 208,002.60 4,652.61 30,373.69 64.00 11,079.38 Claims: 931,610.85 Payroll: 427,000.28 504,610.57 EARNING ITEM SUMMARY City Of Yelm Time2l:35:02 Date: 04/22/2020 MCAG #: 04/03/2020 To: 04/07/2020 Page: 1 Devel Group Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay Community Devel OT Time and a hl 04/06/2020 1 3.751 179.40 1.00 OT Time and a hl 1 7.001 421.05 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVEL Executive 10.75 600.45 Group Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay Executive OT Time and a hl 04/06/2020 1 4.001 207.56 TOTAL EXECUTIVE Finance 4.00 207.56 Group Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay Finance OT Time and a hl 04/06/2020 1 1.501 68.31 TOTAL FINANCE Police 1.50 68.31 Group Pay Item Date Hours Pay Police OT Time and a h 04/06/2020 5.00 280.15 OT Time and a h 1.50 90.89 OT Time and a h 1.00 61.98 OT Time and a h 9.00 547.29 OT Time and a h 6.50 399.10 OT Time and a hl 9.001 528.84 OT Time and a hi 9.001 653.67 TOTAL POLICE Public Works 41.00 2,56192 Group Pay Item I Date I Hours I Pay Public Works OT Time and a hl 04/06/2020 1 8.001 300.24 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL 8.00 300.24 65.25 3,738.48 rl m m ;,q Q 3 v EE Eq 2`w a° 3a e E" EaCi, wS° a E E T E [ 33a nW g E EE 3 aE 'E a3 M EE 8E e _ q E E EEE a 3 En p Holo & a m 8 a � 3e ae e3 y� C F.. 3 3aF 3 3w ya"' a° 33y N j.S a E z v °p ➢ aA` m„ EE: �T `Q:.E Vs mo �m a� Eo ELH T E E 3 3 t E '" r�P E nE a_ma£ E s ¢. 3 E E N i � t r /////e / iiiib /, a ff- /EEEE / � �����i 7- dm - E a j 2L a a3 a gd gvS z3� z sE:: a� R mY 3 E E E 0 n sEe E ?v a F� s E os ETA Q�a mE u `sa Ea a3 a E 3 iia m� 11 E a= 3 Ee EYE 39 3k 3 m R: EEE v3 my i w w z g z z z a z m 3a