TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2020 6:00 P.M.
1. Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
2. Present: Councilmembers: James Blair, Molly Carmody, EJ Curry, Tad Stillwell, Tracey
Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski.
Staff present: Community Development Director Grant Beck, City Administrator Michael
Grayum and City Clerk A HR Manager Lori Lucas.
3. a. Yelm Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual Updates
City Administrator Michael Grayum started the discussion stating the Mayor and City Council
Protocol Manual was adopted in 2002 by Resolution No. 432 and revised in 2005 by
Resolution No. 453. The proposed changes have been vetted through the General
Government Committee and done through track changes in red. Discussion and suggestions
were made by Council throughout the document. The Mayor and City Council Protocol
Manual document will be updated from the discussion tonight and will be brought to the
Council in an upcoming meeting by Resolution for the Council to vote on.
4. Mayors Report —
Mayor Foster has been dedicating his time to Budget proposals, CARES ACT Funding,
negotiation with two unions and working with customers and staff on high utility bills. Mayor
Foster thanked the Public Works Department and Customer Service staff for their hard work
on the utility bills. Mayor Foster participated and successfully completed a course put on by
the Olympia Visitor and Convention Bureau and is now Yelm's first Certified Tourism
Ambassador. Communication Specialist Brianna Feller is also participating in the program.
Bloodwork's NW had a very successful Blood Drive at the Yelm Community Center. There
were 65 donors and 58 samples collected.
S. Council Initiatives —
Counciimember Blair will be attending the SWAC meeting tomorrow and would like to
hear from Council on the Draft Flow Control Ordinance emailed to them earlier.
Councilmember Blair received an email from a citizen whose neighbor has garbage in their
Counclimember Carmody will attended the Intercity Transit meeting tomorrow and the
Public Works Committee meeting later in the week. Councilmember Carmody has obtained
the Certificate of Municipal Leadership through the Association of Washington Cities
program. Councilmember Carmody has been contacted by a couple of people inquiring
about the requirements for accessory dwelling units.
Councllmember DePinto stated the Council Retreat has been cancelled due to lack of
attendance. Councilmember DePinto is disappointed with the process of bringing a proposal
of allowing a drive-through pharmacy window for Tim's Pharmacy.
Councilmember Kaminski thanked Councilmember DePinto for his efforts to organize a
Council Retreat. Councilmember Kaminski has received an email from a citizen asking to
add a link to the City website.
Attest: vg z'A CA4,1
JW tLori Lucas, City Clerk
These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are
available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov.