04-14-04 MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 2004 Call to Order 1. . Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call 2. . Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. Excused: Bob Isom. 3. Agenda Approval. 04 - 31 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH AGENDA ITEM 9. e. MOVED FORWARD TO POSITION 9a. CARRIED. Special Presentations - 4. Captain Dan Kimball, Thurston County Sheriff’s Office, provided information about the $460,000 Violence Against Women Act Grant received by the Thurston County Prosecutor’s Office. Funding from the two-year grant will be used to hire an additional prosecuting attorney and to plan and develop a program providing benefits throughout Thurston County. Goals identified include addressing judicial issues, dealing with confidential information, providing training to fill gaps in services, team (police) training with backfill available to cover personnel replacement during training, victim advocacy, and Safe Place funding. Public Comment 5. . Chris Wickam, Court Commissioner, introduced himself and announced his candidacy for Superior Court Judge. Mayor Rivas and Council thanked Mr. Wickam for his appearance. Bette Johnson, senior citizen and longtime Thurston Co. Resident, questioned why a public hearing process had not been conducted for NASCAR or Wal-Mart and information about which chain stores will locating in Yelm and when. Mayor Rivas and Grant Beck responded to Ms. Johnson’s questions by explaining that business planning to locate in an appropriately zoned area do not require a public hearing process. However, business wishing to locate in an area requiring a rezone, special use permit or similar activity trigger a public hearing process. At this time there nothing has been submitted to the City from either business, so no public process would occur. Yelm City Council Minutes Page 1 of 5 ab/city council/2004/04-14-04 Jan Maine, Thurston Co. resident since 1998, loves the community the way it is now and doesn’t want to see changes. She requested information about the intended growth of the community. Mayor Rivas responded that the Washington State Growth Management required identification of an Urban Growth Area that would help control growth by limiting it to specific areas. Although the City can’t legally stop business or residential development if they meet the land use requirements, but that the City can and has put requirements in place for items like sidewalks. 6. Consent Agenda. a. Council Minutes: 1) March 24, 2004 Regular Meeting 2) March 25, 2004 Study Session b. Payables: Checks 22326 - 22499, totaling $213,667.07 1) Manual Checks 22326 - 22403, totaling $14,621.35 2) Claims Checks 22404 - 22499, totaling $199,045.72 c. Final March 2004 Payroll: Checks 7975-8034 totaling $181,544.90 d. Park Use Requests: YCP, Yelm Head Start/ECEAP/YMCA End of Year Celebration, 6/2/04, 4-8 p.m., 100 attending. e. Financial Reports: 1) March 2004 End of Month Report 2) January 1 – March 31, 2004 End of Quarter Report 04 – 32 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing(s 7. ) – None Scheduled New Business – 8. None Scheduled 9. Old Business Yelm Fire District Funding Request a. – Shelly Badger reported that at (From 9e) the March 25, 2004 Study Session Fire Chiefs Hutcheson and King of the Yelm Fire District provided funding information and outlined 2004 staffing priorities and efforts to balance response time in the service area. The City and Fire District currently have a contract calculated on a per capita fee. Funding the combined priorities presented to the city for the remainder of 2004 would require an additional $88,849. Priority 1 converts three temporary firefighter positions to full time/career status for the remainder of 2004 at a cost of $24,787.00. Priority 2 would include hiring three additional probationary firefighters for the remainder of 2004 at a cost of $64,062. If funded, it would take some time to fill the positions. Yelm City Council Minutes Page 2 of 5 ab/city council/2004/04-14-04 City staff’s report provided seven options that included funding impacts along with the associated percentage reduction impacts on the City’s reserves. Discussion topics included: which option was most important to the Fire District, Initiative 864 and potential impacts on both agencies, effects of increasing staffing levels based upon a funding that might not be sustainable, and contract changes occurring without benefit of negotiations. 04 – 33 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF A BUDGET AMENDMENT ORDINANCE BASED UPON PRIORITY ONE WITH CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS TO BEGIN IMMEDIATELY. CARRIED. Ordinance No. 802, Stevens Street Funding Budget Amendment b. - Staff reported that a presentation on the status of the Stevens Street project and the need for additional TIB and City funding was presented at the 3/25/04 study session. At that time staff presented two funding alternatives and consensus supported a budget amendment with funding coming from four sources: 120, Transportation Facilities Charge, 401 Municipal Water, 404 Water Capital Improvements, and 412 Sewer Operations. The funding does not include costs for installation of a reclaimed water line. Ordinance 802 reflects Council’s direction from that meeting. 04 – 34 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY ADOPTING BUDGET AMENDMENT ORDINANCE 802 INCREASING STEVENS STREET FUNDING. CARRIED. Public Works Reorganization Proposal c. – Tim Peterson reported that the proposed reorganization that was proposed at the 3/25/04 study session would create a field supervisor position with a salary range of $3,400-$4,059. Under the plan proposed the staffing levels would remain at 14. Changes would be from internal changes and funding would come st from savings from 1) a position that remained vacant for the 1 quarter of 2004 and 2) savings from an internal promotion filling an existing vacancy that in turn created a lower salary step vacancy to be filled. 04 – 35 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY DON MILLER AUTHORIZING MAINTAINING 14 POSITIONS IN THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WITH ONEPOSITION UPGRADED TO PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR AT A SALARY RANGE OF $3,400 - $4,059. CARRIED. City Hall Remodel Status Report d. – Grant Beck reported on progress and the budget to date. The $250,000 project included $187,078 budgeted for construction and a $60,141 contingency reserve of which $58,000 has been spent for change orders, correcting structural problems and ancillary or soft costs including moving expenses, upgrading instead of reusing 20 year old light fixtures, replacing interior doors so sizes are consistent, Yelm City Council Minutes Page 3 of 5 ab/city council/2004/04-14-04 restroom updating, built in work stations/bookcases in some areas instead of purchasing freestanding items, insulating the former library area and two changes to address unseen structural problems. Gary Carlson was recognized for his efforts in guiding the project and controlling costs. The original budget included repainting and re-carpeting council chambers. Staff proposed updating to keep the room more in style with changes in the rest of the building. Changes proposed for consideration include repositioning and enlarging the council bench to accommodate seven members (mandated at 5,000 population), HVAC system improvements, insulating and covering exterior walls, a drop ceiling, improved lighting and wiring, adding phone/data lines, a built-in speaker’s podium and recording equipment storage cabinet, and built-in microphones. Costs for all changes would be $37,000 of which $12,000 could come from the budgeted capital building, grounds and maintenance appropriation and $25,000 from the capital reserve. Benefits of covering existing brick were considered. 04-36 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER AUTHORIZING ORDINANCE PREPARATION TO TRANSFER A $12,000 APPROPRIATION FROM THE CURRENT FUND CAPITAL BUILDING, GROUNDS TO THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING FUND (302). CARRIED. 04-37 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER AUTHORIZING ORDINANCE PREPARATION TO TRANSFER $25,000 FROM THE CURRENT FUND CAPITAL RESERVE TO THE MUNICIPAL BUILIDNG FUND (302). CARRIED. Opposed: Pat Fetterly Thurston Justice Center Inter-Governmental Agreement Review e. – Shelly Badger reported that council originally adopted the agreement in January. Since that time changes to clarify the role of the Executive Directory and responsibility for day-to-day operations. Changes were reviewed. 04-38 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY ROH HARDING RE-AFFIRMING AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN THE INTER-GOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR THE THURSTON JUSTICE CENTER. CARRIED. 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business. Councilmember Miller attended the Watershed Plan Adoption meeting. Councilmember Baker attended a SWAC meeting Councilmember Harding attended an Intercity Transit meeting, a TRPC Yelm City Council Minutes Page 4 of 5 ab/city council/2004/04-14-04 Transportation Policy Board meeting and Prairie Days Float planning meeting. Councilmember Fetterly attended the Watershed Planning meeting, Cuffs and Truck basketball game, Chamber of Commerce Home and Garden show and Nisqually River Council Retreat. Mayor Rivas encouraged attendance at Adam Smith’s meeting on 4/17 at the Yelm Senior Center and announced the groundbreaking scheduled for rd 1:00 on 4/17 at the new Senior Center site on 103 Street. 11. Executive Session – none Correspondence 12. reviewed included information about the AWC Conference. A thank you note from a staff member was circulated. Adjourn 13. : 9:35 p.m. _______________________________________ Ron Harding, Mayor Pro-Tem Attest: _______________________________________ Janine Schnepf, Deputy City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes Page 5 of 5 ab/city council/2004/04-14-04